26 Key Pros & Cons of Multiculturalism - E&C

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26 Key Pros & Cons Of Multiculturalism

“The concept of multiculturalism is

di3cult to make 5t with a
democratic society.”

Helmut Schmidt, Statesman

Advantages &
Disadvantages of

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Multiculturalism (sometimes also

referred to as ethnic pluralism) is a
term that describes the presence
and acceptance of many di;erent
minority cultures besides the main
culture in a speci<c region.

Multiculturalism is present in many

big cities and has many important

Yet, there are still some problems

related to this concept.

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In this article, the pros and cons of

multiculturalism are discussed in

Multiculturalism in th…

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Advantages and Disa…

Contents 

Advantages of

1. Higher level of tolerance

towards minorities

2. Multiculturalism can lead to a

more peaceful society
3. We can learn from di9erent
4. Life becomes more interesting
with multiculturalism
5. We can make connections
with people from many di9erent
6. Multiculturalism is an
important part of a modern
tolerant society
7. Can help to lower prejudices
towards certain cultures
8. Multiculturalism may help to
lower tensions in school
9. Can give us a broader picture
of reality
10. Multiculturalism can provide
us with a variety of di9erent
11. You can learn a new
language in multicultural
12. Can improve con@dence
levels of minorities
13. Multiculturalism can also be
bene@cial for companies
14. May foster technological
15. Can improve the overall
chances in the lives of many

Higher level of tolerance

towards minorities

One important advantage of

multiculturalism is that it has the
potential to increase the overall
level of tolerance towards
minorities in our society.

This is extremely important since

minorities have been discriminated
throughout history for a quite long
time and we urgently have to solve
this problem in order to
signi<cantly increase the quality of
life of people who belong to those
minority groups.

Through the promotion of

multiculturalism, every one of us
can make his or her contribution
towards a more tolerant and open
society, which is welcoming to all
groups of minorities.

In turn, also the image of a region

may greatly improve throughout
the world since people from
foreign countries will know that
they are welcome.

In turn, it also becomes more likely

that foreign companies will open
branches in those regions.

Hence, multiculturalism can not

only improve the level of tolerance
towards minorities in our society,
but it can also help in an economic

Multiculturalism can lead to a

more peaceful society

If people become more tolerant

towards minorities, chances are
that the overall level of peace in
society will increase as well.

It is quite sad but there are still

many regions all over the world
where minorities are still
discriminated and many of them
are even attacked in a verbal or
even in a physical manner by the
local population who doesn’t
accept those minorities and their
di;erent ways of life.

Consequently, it is crucial to accept

ethnic pluralism in our society in
order to improve the living
conditions of minorities and also to
increase the overall level of peace
in many regions all over the world.

We can learn from di;erent


People also often underestimate

how much they could really learn
from people with di;erent cultural

We are often quite proud of our

cultural values and social norms
and think that they are superior to
all other ways of life.

However, if you travel the world

and talk to many di;erent people,
you will soon realize that many
people in our society just have a
one-sided attitude towards life and
don’t realize that their cultural
values are just one among many
ways of life.

Yet, it is crucial that we understand

that our culture is not superior at
all compared to other cultures and
that we should try to learn from
other cultures in order to really
broaden our horizons on how the
world really works.

Therefore, having a mix of people

with many di;erent cultural
backgrounds can be quite
bene<cial for society since people
can get to know other cultural
values and social norms and can
grow in character.

Life becomes more interesting

with multiculturalism

Another bene<t of multiculturalism

is that life will become much more

Many people in our society just

have their standardized program
from Monday to Friday, meaning
that they wake up in the morning,
make breakfast, go to work, come
home late in the evening, eat,
sleep and repeat.

However, this has nothing to do

with what life really has to o;er us.

This routine is just a robot-like way

to spend your life.

With multiculturalism, you may be

better able to realize all of this
since people from di;erent
cultures will often not join this sort
of lifestyle and may rather live
their lives on their own terms.

Hence, multiculturalism can also

help us to experience new

Moreover, in regions with a high

level of ethnic pluralism, chances
are that you will also be able to
experience new hobbies.

There are sports out there which

you will likely never have heard of.
Yet, you may be surprised how
interesting some of them really

Therefore, in general,
multiculturalism can make our
lives much more interesting and
can also help us to overcome
narrow social conditioning.

We can make connections

with people from many
di;erent cultures

Ethnic pluralism can also help us to

make connections with many
people with di;erent cultural and
ethnic backgrounds.

This can be quite interesting since

you can experience completely
new ways of life.

For instance, if you visit a friend

with a di;erent ethnical
background, chances are that the
family life at his home will look
di;erent compared to what you
are used to.

Experiencing those di;erent ways

of life is extremely bene<cial since
only if you see many di;erent
things, you will realize that what
you have been told your whole life
is just a one-sided picture of reality
and that there is so much more
out there to experience and to

Moreover, if you are good friends

will people from di;erent ethnical
backgrounds, you may even go on
vacation with them to their home

This can also be a quite unique

experience since you will have the
chance to closely connect to
foreign cultures, not only in your
home country but also in other
countries and will have the chance
to really get to know how locals in
other countries live their lives.

Multiculturalism is an
important part of a modern
tolerant society

In general, multiculturalism is just

part of a modern and tolerant

Politicians often claim that they are

so tolerant and want to accept
everyone in our society,
independent of his or her gender,
race and so on.

However, the truth is that

minorities are still discriminated
against in many di;erent countries
all over the world and that their
chances in life are much lower.

Therefore, if a country really wants

to promote the equality of all
people, it also
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