Adjust WGS84Coor

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Network Adjustment Report

Basic Information

Name Value
Project Datum Magna_Colombia_Bogota
Project Name GACHALA
Distance Units Meter
Height Units Meter

1 Adjustment Settings
Basic Parameters

Name Value
Ellipsoid Name GRS80
Major Axis(m) 6378137.0000
Flattening Reciprocal(1/f) 298.2572221

Projection Parameters

Name Value
Projection Method Transverse Mercator Projection
Scale Factor 1
Projection Height 0.0000
Original Latitude 04°35′46.32150″N
Central Meridian(L0) 074°04′39.02850″W
North Additive Constant(m) 1000000.0000
East Additive Constant(m) 1000000.0000

2 Adjustment Statistics
Statistical Summary

Name Value
Network Reference Factor 30.5654111535998
Chi Square Test Pass
Chi Square Value 16.96722
Range of Chi Square Test 6.15634~27.77809
Ratio of Unit Weight Standard Error 1.06355
Precision Confidence Level 2 sigma
3 Control Point
Number Of Points 04
Control Point Sum 03

Control Points

ABPW gachala


4 WGS843D Constraint Adjustment

4.1 Baselines Input in WGS84
Observation I Std.DX(m Std.DY(m Std.DZ(m
Baseline ID DX(m) DY(m) DZ(m)
D m) m) m)
ABCC->gacha 64500.90 19916.75
B01 1.4 1.8 3645.2373 0.9
la 97 21
ABPD->gacha 60955.65 20995.80 23979.587
B04 1.8 1.7 0.7
la 31 78 2
ABCC->ABP 3545.275 -1079.104 -20334.35
B05 0.3 0.5 0.2
D 1 1 33
ABPW->gach 50431.69 15903.34
B07 2.3 3.0 499.7306 1.3
ala 31 85
ABCC->ABP 14069.25 4013.321
B08 0.4 0.6 3145.5149 0.2
W 27 6
ABPD->ABP 10523.97 5092.444 23479.866
B10 0.3 0.5 0.2
W 50 3 7

4.2 Adjusted Baselines in WGS84

Observatio Baseline I Horizontal Precision( 3D Precision(R
Observation Residual
n ID D Ratio) atio)
ABCC->gac 86°48′51.342 0°0′45.24
B01 Azimuth 1:2053417 1:1332138
hala 83″ 103″
ΔEllipsoid He
-856.5205 0.0167
Ellipsoid Dist
67604.2349 0.0033
ABPD->gac 69°24′51.164 0°0′58.00
B04 Azimuth 1:2090645 1:1355413
hala 67″ 122″
ΔEllipsoid He
-1238.7043 -0.0128
Ellipsoid Dist
68785.4352 -0.0007
ABCC->AB 171°19′51.62 0°1′6.814
B05 Azimuth 1:999999 1:999999
PD 668″ 44″
ΔEllipsoid He
382.1838 -0.0217
Ellipsoid Dist
20669.2865 0.0009
ABPW->gac 89°20′15.875 0°1′27.08
B07 Azimuth 1:1606816 1:1042040
hala 74″ 493″
ΔEllipsoid He
-1117.4149 -0.0108
Ellipsoid Dist
52882.1484 -0.0026
ABCC->AB 77°54′5.2588 0°2′6.071
B08 Azimuth 1:999999 1:999999
PW 5″ 01″
ΔEllipsoid He
260.8943 -0.0616
Ellipsoid Dist
14964.7820 -0.0062
ABPD->AB 26°2′41.5270 0°4′50.66
B10 Azimuth 1:999999 1:999999
PW 1″ 281″
ΔEllipsoid He
-121.2895 -0.0213
Ellipsoid Dist
26229.5836 -0.0023

Style Two:
V. V. V.
Std Std Std dV dV dV
Obs D D D D D
Base .D .D D .D D D D
erva X( X( Y( Y( Z(
line X( Y( Z( Z( X( Y( Z(
tion m m m m m
ID m m m) m m m m
ID ) m ) m m
m) m) m) m) m) m)
) ) )
64 19
ABC 36
50 91 -1
C->g 8. 31. 36. 45. -2 15. 6. 18.
B01 0. 6. 5. 0.8
achal 3 9 1 23 .5 9 1 5
91 73 3
a 48
80 69
60 20 23
95 99 97
D->g -6 31. 11 36. 3. 15. 1.
B04 5. 5. 9.5 6.9 2.2
achal .3 9 .8 1 7 9 8
64 81 90
68 97 8
35 -1 -2
45 07 03
C-> -3 21 -2 4. 25.
B05 .2 0.0 9. 0.0 34. 0.0 3.0
ABP .9 .3 .8 3 5
71 08 35
2 28 60

ABP 50 15 49
W-> 43 -5 31. 90 9. 36. 9.7 -7 15. 14 30.
B07 gach 1. .5 9 3. 1 1 23 .1 9 .5 1 1.8
ala 68 35 5
76 76
14 40
ABC 31
06 -2 13
C-> 57 45. -3 20 48.
B08 9. 2. 0.0 .3 0.0 0.0 2.7
ABP .6 51 .6 .6 6
23 2 79
W 13
05 3
10 50 23
52 -1 92 47
D-> 17 0. 16 23.
B10 3. 5. 0.0 .4 0.0 9.8 0.0 0.3
ABP .8 6 .3 2
95 8 62 67
92 0 3

4.3 Adjusted Geodetic Coordinates in WGS84

Point I Latitude Err.( Longitude Err.( Ellipsoid Height( H. Err.(m
Latitude Longitude
D s) s) m) )
04°41′41.75697″ 073°31′07.62446″
gachala 0.000545 0.000916 1719.6624 0.0389
04°39′40.44860″ 074°07′36.92020″
ABCC 0.000000 0.000000 2576.1829 0.0000
04°28′35.64451″ 074°05′55.92530″
ABPD 0.000000 0.000000 2958.3667 0.0000
04°41′22.45482″ 073°59′42.41269″
ABPW 0.000000 0.000000 2837.0772 0.0000

4.4 Adjusted ECEF Coordinates in WGS84

Point ID X(m) X Err.(m) Y(m) Y Err.(m) Z(m) Z Err.(m) 3D Err.(m)
gachala 1803938.8912 0.0319 -6097335.6649 0.0361 518710.3798 0.0159 0.0507
ABCC 1739437.9732 0.0000 -6117252.4018 0.0000 515065.1450 0.0000 0.0000
ABPD 1742983.2444 0.0000 -6118331.4846 0.0000 494730.7890 0.0000 0.0000
ABPW 1753507.2036 0.0000 -6113239.0226 0.0000 518210.6563 0.0000 0.0000

4.5 Adjusted Grid Coordinates and Height in Local System

Point ID North(m) North Err.(m) East(m) East Err.(m) Elev.(m) Elev. Err.(m)
gachala 1010942.6869 0.0167 1061990.4708 0.0282 1702.6428 0.0389
ABCC 1007191.8943 0.0000 994517.2900 0.0000 2555.0074 0.0000
ABPD 986770.9266 0.0000 997629.3965 0.0000 2937.1480 0.0000
ABPW 1010325.5774 0.0000 1009141.4804 0.0000 2815.1658 0.0000

4.6 Lat-Lon-Height(Local)
Point I Latitude Err.( Longitude Err.( Ellipsoid Height( H. Err.(m
Latitude Longitude
D s) s) m) )
04°41′41.75697″ 073°31′07.62446″
gachala 0.000545 0.000916 1719.6624 0.0389
04°39′40.44860″ 074°07′36.92020″
ABCC 0.000000 0.000000 2576.1829 0.0000
04°28′35.64451″ 074°05′55.92530″
ABPD 0.000000 0.000000 2958.3667 0.0000
04°41′22.45482″ 073°59′42.41269″
ABPW 0.000000 0.000000 2837.0772 0.0000

4.7 Coordinate Change

Point ID(m) ΔNorth(m) ΔEast(m) ΔEllipsoid Height(m)
gachala -0.0062 -0.0027 -0.0109
ABCC 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
ABPD 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
ABPW 0.0024 -0.0103 -0.0213

4.8 Worst baseline and station statistics

Std. Std. D Std. Dista Mean
Worst bas Baseli DX( DY( Relativ
DX( DY( Z( DZ( nce( Error(
eline ne ID m) m) e error
mm) mm) m) mm) m) m)
B07(ABP ABPW 504 159 5288
9.7 1/10420
W->gachala ->gacha 31.6 31.9 03.3 36.1 15.9 2.148 0.0507
23 40.0000
) la 876 576 4

Worst local sta North Err. East Err.( Elev.(m Elev. Err.( Standard Deviat
North(m) East(m)
tion (m) m) ) m) ion
1010942.6 1061990.4 1702.64
gachala 0.0167 0.0282 0.0389 0.0509
869 708 28

4.9 Error Ellipse

Point ID Major Axis(m) Short Axis(m) Azimuth
gachala 0.0293 0.0148 107°50′10.15427″
ABCC 0.0000 0.0000 0°0′0.00000″
ABPD 0.0000 0.0000 0°0′0.00000″
ABPW 0.0000 0.0000 0°0′0.00000″

Error Ellipse
gachala ABCC

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