DLP Science 1-16-2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 4

January 16, 2023

I. Objectives:

a. Identify and examine the parts of a seed.

b. Distinguish monocot and dicot seeds as to its structures.; and
c. Illustrate understanding on the functions of each part.
Intellectual honesty, cooperation, patience

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The Seed and its Parts
b. Reference: K to 12 Grade 4 Curriculum, Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 143-
149, Learner’s Material pages pp. 126-130, Balatbat F.P., delos Reyes R.L.,
Apolinarion N.R. Science Links, 2010, Rex Bookstore, Manila Socrates A., DLP
Science Modules, 2014, BEE DepED
c. Materials: laptop, tarp papel, beans, pencil, notebook

III. Procedure

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Call a pupil who will lead the Pupils will pray

2. Greetings
Good morning/afternoon class. Good morning/afternoon sir!
How are you today? We’re fine sir!

3. Energizer
Pupils will dance.
Okay class, we will dance the o
Operation challenge

None sir!
4. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today?
Sit properly, behave and raise your hand
if you want to answer.
5. Settings of the Classroom
What will you do before the
class starts?
Pupils will pass their assignments.
6. Passing of assignment
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Department of Education

7. Review
Show pictures of aquatic and
terrestrial plants and let pupils
identify the habitat of those
On the space below the
drawing put a check ( v ) ii the
plant is aquatic and cross ( x ) if
the plant is terrestrial.
Pupils will answer.

8. Unlocking of Difficulties Pupils will answer.

a. What specialized structures do the
plants have?
b. Can you name some particular plants
that grow in your school
surroundings? in your barangay?

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation


Have you hear the fairytale story of Jack

and the Beanstalk?

Once upon a time, there was a son of a

farmer named JACK. It was
one fateful afternoon that Jack and his
family decided to sell their family cow
in the market in order to buy food at

On his way to the market he stumbled

upon an old beggar saying that
he was very hungry and if he wanted to
trade Jack’s cow for the magic beans.
The old beggar was able to convince
Jack for a trade. Then the farmers’ son
went home with the magic beans.

The mother of Jack learned about it and

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Department of Education

was so mad. In her

rage she took the magic beans and
throws it outside the window into
their backyard. Jack’s parents were
disappointed and he felt sorry about it.

Later that evening around midnight when

everyone was asleep, Jack was
awaken by tremors in their backyard. He
stood up to confirm the noise
and was shocked to see that the seeds
grew up to gigantic sprouts of
BEANSTALK reaching towards the
clouds of the night sky.

Jack recalled the old beggar, telling him

that those seeds are magical.
To his excitement and curiosity, he
quickly climbed the beanstalk as he
reaches higher and higher passing above
the clouds.

Jack was able to reach the top of the

humongous sprout and was
surprised to see a mystical castle above
the clouds. The castle was filled with
gold and hidden treasures of the world.
He got curious and took two things
from the mystical castle, the magical
golden harp and the magical hen that
lays golden eggs.

On his way out Jack was followed by an

angry giant. Jack knew the
giant is the guardian of the castle, so he
hurriedly ran back to the beanstalk
nd secure his return to the ground. The
giant attempted to go down the
beanstalk as well, but it was too late for
him. Because Jack axed the body of
the beanstalk and the wind drifted the
cloud carrying the castle where the giant

From that day forward, due to the magical

things he took. Jacks’
family lived bountiful, never grew hungry
again and lived happily ever after.

a. What's the magical thing that Jack

traded for their family cow?
b. In real life have you seen beans?
c. Did you know that beans are also
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

called seeds?

2. Presentation
Our topic for today is all about the seed
and its parts.

Parts of a seed

Seed Coat— outer covering of the seed.

It protects the
seed from injuries and from drying up.
* Cotyledon —-__ the off white and the
biggest part of the seed.

It provides the young plant or the seed

food it needs for growth.

« Embryo — the young plant or immature The pupils will do the activity.
plant found
inside the seed. It will soon develop into a

3. Activity

a. Get bean seeds.

b. Remove the skin of the seeds. The seed has parts.
c. Using the nail cutter, split the
seeds open. The seed has three basic parts found
d. CAUTION: Exercise caution in
handling sharp instruments
e. In your notebook, draw and color The basic parts of the seed are the
the parts of a seed. embryo, seed coat, and
f. Look inside the bean using a hand cotyledon.
lens and observe. Yes, the seed has several parts.
g. Draw the appearance of a There are three basic parts of a seed.
monocot and dicot seed. The seed has a seed coat (Testa), a
h. Count the parts of a seed. cotyledon and an
When you looked inside the bean, Embryo
what have you Yes, we've noticed and it's called seed
observed? coat or Testa.
How many parts of the plants are Seed coat protects the seed from injuries
found inside the seed? and prevents it
from drying up.
Can you name the three basic parts
Yes, we have noticed, it’s called the
of a plant seed?
Have you observed that a seed has It is important because it provides food for
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Department of Education

several parts? the growth of

How many basic parts are there in the young plant.
seeds? Yes, we have observed it. It's called
If that is the case, can you name what Dicot.
those parts are?
Yes we have noticed it. It’s called
Did you notice the outer covering of the
seed? Monocot.
How important is the seed coat to young The seed may be classified as monocot
plant life? or dicot
Did you observe the off white and the depending on the number of the
biggest part of the seed? cotyledons.
Can you tell me what is it called?
How important is a cotyledon?
Have you observed that some of our
sample seedlings have two That part is called the Embryo.
cotyledons? These seeds or seedlings
are called what?
Did you notice that some of our sample
seedlings have one
cotyledon? What do you call these
When do you say that it is a monocot or
dicot seed?

Seeds with one cotyledon are called

Seeds with two cotyledons are called

We have one more remaining part of the

seed, what is that?

The Embryo is also known as the new

plant or an immature (or
undeveloped) plant. It is the baby plant.

4. Generalization
Seeds with one cotyledon are called
Give the parts of a seed and describe Monocot.
each. Seeds with two cotyledons are called
Seed Coat - outer covering of the seed, Dicot.
It protects the seed from injuries and from
drying up.

Cotyledon - the off white and the biggest

part of the seed.
It provides the young plant or the seed
the food it needs for

Embryo - the young plant or immature

plant found inside the seed
It will soon develop into a plant.
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Department of Education

When do we say that a seed or seedling

is a monocot or dicot?

5. Application

Let students draw and label the parts of

the Monocot and Dicot
Focus on the EMBRYO, count how many
parts an embryo has.
Show the students sample illustrations of
monocot and dicot plants.

Awesome! What a great job!

6. Valuing

Guide pupils in constructing the main

idea or concept learned.
Ask them to state the parts of the embryo
and state its function.

Plumule ~ it is considered to be the part

that develops as the first leaves of
the new plant.

Hypocotyl — It is the off white part of the

embryo where the young root
stem of the seed begins.

Radicle — it is the part of the seed that

becomes the primary root.

IV. Evaluation

1. Draw and label the parts of the seed. State the appearance and
of each part.
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Department of Education

2. Give the characteristics of each part.

a. Seed Coat
b. Embryo
c. Cotyledon

V. Assignment:

Make a journal of what you have learned for today. You may begin with the

Now I know that

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Teacher-I Concurrent School head

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