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Malunggay is classified as a tropical plant that can reach a height of 9

meters. This tree is found growing in the Philippines, India and Africa.
The most prized part of this tropical tree are the Malunggay pods, which
contain essential oils, vitamins and nutrients. The Malunggay pods are
very long, have a green to brown outer skin and contain small seeds that
are winged and angled. Also known as Horseradish drumsticks,
Malunggay pods have a flavor that is similar to the Green bean and all
parts of the pod and even the tree are edible.
Malunggay pods can be found growing year-round in tropical regions of
the world.
Current Facts
The Malunggay, botanically known as Moringa oleifera is commonly
referred to as the Miracle tree. The name "Miracle" is derived from the
vast multi-use and multi-purpose nature of it's parts.
Malunggay pods have been used for thousands of years as a medicinal
herb and for its rich nutritional value. Malunggay pods have been shown
to have numerous anti-cancer properties, which prevent cancer forming
tumor cells. Other studies have shown the anti-inflammatory properties
of the Malunggay pods can help to treat symptoms of arthritis, joint pain
and rheumatism. Additionally, Malunggay pods have a very high content
of vitamin C, A and vitamin B as well as calcium.
Malunggay pods are often used in traditional curry and vegetable dishes.
These pods can be pureed and made into a soup or used to make a
novel version of pesto sauce. The Malunggay pods can also be used in
baking applications, where it is kneaded into bread, pasta dough or
dessert recipes. A very popular vegetable in Asian cuisine, Malunggay
pods can be added to rice dishes, noodle dishes and can be used either
fresh or dried.
The Malunggay tree is native to a range near the Himalayan mountains
and is found growing wild in the Middle East as well as Africa. The
Malunggay tree prefers tropical, sub-tropical or semi-arid environments
to thrive. Currently, the Malunggay tree is widely cultivated in Central
and South America as well as the Philippines. The Malunggay tree has a
history dating back more than 5,000 years in traditional Indian medicine.
Once, referred to as the "poor man's" vegetable, Malunggay is now
prized for its potent nutritional and medicinal value.
Known locally as the malunggay,  this rather humble low-maintenance tree is a
native of the tropics so it is usually not a problem to grow this in the Philippines. 
However, a typical tree can easily grow more than 20 feet tall.  So if you live in an
apartment, townhouse or condo with limited grounds or open space, having a
fully-grown tree may not be your most  ideal set up.  Fortunately,  this plant can be
“trained” to grow in a pot or container.
Long before it was recognized as the “super food”,  the moringa oleifera had
always been a mainstay in  most Filipinos’  cuisine. Not only for its being a cheap
source of vitamins and minerals, but also because this tree is easy to propagate in
any backyard garden here in this region.

How to Start a Malunggay Seedling

The malunggay can be propagated either from seeds or cuttings.  Sow the seeds in
a seed tray or seedling pot,  filled with soil or potting mix.  Place the seed tray in an
area that has natural light but is not exposed to direct sun. Water regularly to
ensure that the soil is consistently  moist.  You can transfer the seedlings to a
bigger pot after 2-3 weeks or when the seedlings are at least 6 inches tall.   
Gradually expose the newly transplanted seedlings to direct sunlight.
The malunggay can also be started from cuttings if you have access to a fully grown
tree. Cut a healthy woody branch that is at least 1 inch thick.  The cutting should be
at least 3 feet in length.  Trim all the side branches and leaves of the cutting. Bury
the thicker part of the cutting into the soil up to about 1/3 of the branch. Water

Growing Moringa  Oleifera in a Container

A fully grown tree can typically provide your family’s nutritional needs with a daily
harvest of  malunggay leaves.  When potted however,  expect your malunggay
to provide a limited harvest, probably down to once/ twice a week, depending on
the size of the pot.  According to some online sources, the ideal pot should be at
least a 7-gallon container, although bigger is better.
If grown from seed, cut off the top part by at least 1/2 of its original size when the
plant is at least 3 feet tall.  If grown from a cutting, prune the new main branch/es
by half, as they reach 2 – 3 feet in length.     Make sure to leave a few healthy
branches at the bottom. This encourages new branch growths in the sides.  With
regular pruning,  the plant will be forced to grow more branches and leaves, rather
than grow taller.  One web article even suggests cutting the main tap root to
encourage the growth of shallow roots to make the plant suitable for container
gardening (Source:
Provide good soil drainage, and water when the top soil feels dry. Expose the plant
to a minimum of 6-hours of direct sunlight per day. To encourage more leaves, 
apply a nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer every 2- 3 months. A regular dose of
magnesium  from epsom salts every 2 months helps maintain the dark green lush
in the leaves

The Health Benefits of Malunggay

The versatility of the plant and the benefits of malunggay leaves are well
known. Malunggay or moringa is a staple in many Filipino dishes. Usually
added to soups like tinola or tossed in salads, malunggay is popular as a
cooking aid and colorful garnish to home-cooked meals.
But there’s more to this plant than just a leafy green to add to your food. It is
packed with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it is known globally
as a type of superfood. From fighting off diseases to improving hair and skin
quality, here are the many benefits of malunggay.

What is Malunggay / Moringa?

The malunggay plant, also known as moringa oleifera, is a type of plant that
can be found in many tropical and sub-tropical areas in the world. It is known
as a multi-purpose plant because most of its parts – from the leaves, to the
pods, fruits, flowers, and even the roots and bark – can be used for various

In the Philippines, malunggay has been used as an herbal remedy in many

cultures over hundreds of years, because the plant is packed with vitamins,
minerals, and essential nutrients. It effectively combats malnutrition, especially
for infants and nursing mothers.
In other parts of the world, it is known as a “Miracle Tree” due to the
malunggay’s health benefits and many uses. Colloquially, in North India,
where it is known to be native, the moringa tree is also referred to as the
drumstick, horseradish, or ben oil tree. With nearly every part of the plant
serving some purpose, either as food or ingredient for herbal medicine, its
usefulness is truly undeniable, hence its popularity.

What are the health benefits of malunggay /

To say that malunggay is a superfood would be accurate, as it contains more
than 90 nutrients and 46 types of antioxidants. At the same time, it can be
consumed by everyone, so small children and adults alike can enjoy the many
benefits of malunggay.

Here are just some of its many health benefits:

1. Prevents diabetes by helping normalize blood sugar

levels. Studies show that insulin-like proteins are found in
moringa leaves. These can help lower blood sugar by helping the
body process sugar better and improve how the body naturally
releases insulin.
2. Fights cancer. Malunggay has anti-cancer compounds
(phytochemicals) that stop the growth of cancer cells. These can
be found mostly in moringa’s leaves, bark, and roots.
3. Improves sleep. If you’re stressed out or have trouble sleeping,
malunggay can help you relax and sleep better because of its
high magnesium content.
4. Good for lactating mothers. Because malunggay has four times
the calcium in milk, lactating mothers are encouraged to add
malunggay leaves to their diet, so they can produce milk for their
babies. The leaves can be added in soup or can be boiled and
taken as tea.
5. Treats inflammations. Particularly, conditions linked to arthritis,
rheumatism, and joint pains. Malunggay has been found to have
anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent and treat
certain inflammations.
6. Boosts the immune system. Moringa contains minerals that aid
digestion, ensuring that the body totally absorbs the nutrients in
what you eat.
7. Helps repair and restore the hair and skin. Because of its very
high Vitamins A (four times than that of carrot) and C (seven times
than that of oranges) content, moringa improves skin elasticity,
keeping it supple, and also helps lighten the skin.
8. Improves memory. Some medical experts believe that the
antioxidants and other substances found in moringa can help treat
stress and inflammation in the brain, which may promote memory.
Try the many benefits of Malunggay for you and your loved ones
with Moringa-O² hair and skin care! Each product packs the moisturizing and
nourishing effects of Moringa and combines it with Olive Oil and Omega (from
Sunflower Oil).
So, what do you exactly get from moringa?
A cup of fresh moringa leaves weighing around 21 grams provides the
following vitamins and minerals:

Source of Amount

Protein 2 grams

Vitamin B6 19% of the recommended

dietary allowance (RDA)

Vitamin C 12% (of the RDA)

Iron 11% (of the RDA)

Source of Amount

B2 (or 11% (of the RDA)


Vitamin A 9% (of the RDA)

Magnesium 8% (of the RDA)

Moringa is also packaged as dietary supplements in either powder or capsule

form, so apart from using it in your food as a cooking ingredient, or in your
self-care routine as a shampoo or lotion, there are many ways to take
advantage of the benefits that it offers. However, it must be noted that the
most excellent source of its nutrients and vitamins can be found in the
malunggay’s leaves.
Apart from what has been listed above, the health benefits of malunggay
leaves also include quercetin, an antioxidant that helps in decreasing and
stabilizing blood pressure, and chlorogenic acid, which aids the regulation of
blood sugar after eating.
A study shows that ingesting around 7 grams of powdered malunggay leaves
on a daily basis for 90 days can impact the level of blood antioxidants in the
body. Taking a similar amount at the same frequency also reduces blood
sugar levels by an average of nearly 14% – an effect of isothiocyanates, a
plant compound that provides anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory

And lastly, practical uses of malunggay extracts include food preservation. It

helps prolong the shelf life of meat by reducing oxidation. While this is not a
health benefit to your body, malunggay can still play a role in ensuring that
you get to consume your food before it expires.

Moringa-O2’s Malunggay Products: The Herbal

Hair Care and Skin Care Solution

Provided that you now know of malunggay’s health benefits, feel free to
browse our products to enjoy the advantages that a natural hair and skin care
system has to offer:

Product Type Unique Features

Anti-hairfall Hair Care -reduces hair fall

Shampoo -strengthens hair
and scalp
-promotes hair

Anti-hairfall Hair Care -reduces hair fall

Conditioner -strengthens hair
and scalp
Product Type Unique Features

-promotes hair

Hair Relaxing Hair Care -instant shine and

Serum softness
-lightweight and

2-in-1 Anti- Hair Care -soothes scalp

Dandruff irritation
Shampoo and -stabilizes sebum
Conditioner production
irritation, itching,
and flaking

Anti-Frizz Hair Care -reduces frizz and

Shampoo smoothens hair
-revitalizes the
hair from root to
-offers protection
against UV sun

Anti-Frizz Hair Care - reduces frizz

Conditioner and smoothens
-revitalizes the
Product Type Unique Features

hair from root to

-offers protection
against UV sun

Herbal Hair and -promotes hair

Therapy Oil Skin Care growth
-reduces hair fall
-reduces dandruff
and itching in the

Herbal Facial Skin Care -gentle cleansing

Toner action
-minimizes pores
-controls oil

Herbal Skin Care -enriched with

Moisturizing herbal actives
Lotion -natural way to
lighten skin
tested to address
dry and sensitive

Herbal Skin Care -multiple

Moisturizing antioxidant
Soap properties
-gentle cleansing
Product Type Unique Features

tested to address
dry and sensitive

Herbal Insect Skin Care -specifically

Repellent formulated to
mosquitoes and
ingredients that
make it chemical-

To maximize the health benefits of malunggay, try making the switch from
conventional and synthetic hair or skin care products to natural and herbal
products that contain moringa. Our herbal shampoos, conditioners, and other
products aim to help you live a better and healthier life through organic
compounds and nutrients that offer clinically-proven benefits.

If you have any questions or inquiries on the efficacy of moringa, don’t

hesitate to contact us today.

Four Ways To Treat Dry Scalp At Home
Many Filipinos experience having dry and flaky scalp for several reasons. For
more serious conditions, it’s best to visit your dermatologist and see if there
Skincare 101: Are You Using Your Face Oils Correctly?
Essential oils, moisturizing oils, and more – facial oils are a must have in any
thorough skincare routine. But are you using them correctly? When
The Four Hair Benefits From Moringa
Malunggay or moringa, often called “the miracle tree,” is packed with vitamins,
minerals and essential nutrients. Find out how your skin and hair, particularly,
can reap the benefits of moringa.
Distinguish Two Common Hair Problems: Treatment For Dandruff And Dry Scalp
Bungang araw or prickly heat can be unpleasant & irritating. Learn what causes
bungang araw and how to treat it with Moringa-O2.
How To Treat Bungang Araw
Bungang araw or prickly heat can be unpleasant & irritating. Learn what causes
bungang araw and how to treat it with Moringa-O2.
What Makes Moringa An Effective Shampoo For Hair Loss?
Having the best shampoo for hair fall allows you to have thick, luscious hair —
locks that completely cover the head, from the hairline, to
Recommended Products

Herbal Anti-Acne Moisturizing Soap

Moringa Herbal Therapy Oil for Hair, Scalp and Skin
Herbal Anti-Hairfall Shampoo with Argan Oil
Herbal Anti-Hairfall Conditioner with Argan Oil

Herbal Anti-Acne Moisturizing Soap

Moringa Herbal Therapy Oil for Hair, Scalp and Skin
Herbal Anti-Hairfall Shampoo with Argan Oil
Herbal Anti-Hairfall Conditioner with Argan Oil

Herbal Anti-Acne Moisturizing Soap


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