CHN Lec Finals

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● Development of policies and planning in

public health
LESSON 1: PUBLIC HEALTH ○ Include advancement and
implementations of public health
A science and art of preventing disease,
prolonging life, promoting health and efficiency ○ Ex: DOH categorized who will be
through organized community efforts for the the first one to receive COVID-19
sanitation of the environment, control of vaccination (Category A, B, C, and
communicable disease, education of individuals, D)
personal hygiene, organization of the medical and ● Strategic management of health systems
nursing service and the development of the social and services for population health gain
machinery, which will ensure to every individual in ○ Helps the organization achieve
the community a standard of living adequate for sustainable outcomes
the maintenance of health”.(.E. Winslow, 1920)
● Regulation and enforcement to protect
public health
Refers to the health status of the members of the
● Health promotion, social participation and
community, to the problems affecting their health
and to the totality of health are provided for the
○ By informing the public of the
community (WHO)
benefits of the vaccination. Even
Core Business of Public Health indigenous groups participated in
the vaccination program.
1. Disease control ● Ensuring the quality of personal and
a. vaccines , reducing and managing population based health services
the number of infections, ○ Health services provide health
noncommunicable diseases care facilities either free or at a low
(hypertension, DM, etc) and
cost so that even the poor can
mental health
2. Injury prevention benefit.
a. National Highway Speed Limit (40- ● Research, development and
60 mph) implementation of innovative public health
b. CyCycle Helmet Law solutions
c. Child Passenger Restraint Law ○ Better equipment has allowed
(bawal sa front ang bata) doctors to provide more
d. Smoke detectors comprehensive care.
e. Violence Penetrating Injury
Program (e.g. Child Abuse, Rape,
Violence against women and ch) Community Health
3. Health Protection
a. Child immunization, EPI WHO defines community health as:
4. Healthy public policy environmental, social, and economic resources to
a. No smoking in public places (2nd sustain emotional and physical well being among
hand smoking can cause risks to people in ways that advance their aspirations and
health) satisfy their needs in their unique environment.
5. Promotion of health and equitable health
gain ● Concern with the health of local
community (eg:
● Render preventive, clinical care

Essential Public Health Functions:

Public Health
● Health situation monitoring and analysis
● Epidemiological surveillance/disease Focuses on the scientific process of preventing
prevention and control infectious disease;

Community health - focuses more on the overall ● "The utilization of the nursing process in
contributors to a population’s physical and mental the different levels of clientele-individuals,
health families, population groups and
communities, concerned with the
Public Health Nursing promotion of health, prevention of disease
and disability and rehabilitation.”
The American Public Health Association defines ( Maglaya, et al)
public health nursing as, “the practice of
promoting and protecting the health of Goal:
populations using knowledge from nursing, social,
"To raise the level of citizenry by helping
and public health science”.
communities and families to cope with the
discontinuities in and threats to health in such a
way as to maximize their potential for high-level
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING wellness" (Nisce, et al)

Mission of CHN
● Health Promotion
● Derived from a latin word "comunicas" ○ Members of the community are
which means a group of people. functionally related to each other.
● a social group determined by geographical All the parts are connected with
boundaries and/or common values and teach other and they make an
interests (WHO)
integrated whole.
● local area over which people are using the
same language, conforming to the same ● Health Protection
feelings, more or less the same ○ Ex. Community as the producer of
sentiments and acting upon the same rice
attitudes. (Sutherland) can be viewed ○ Regular testing of the soil
○ Ensuring that food will not carry
3 Ways: diseases
➔ geographical location ○ Prevent people from eating
◆ Gives something in common not contaminated food
shared outside the community ● Health Balance
◆ Ex. using language based on the ○ Happiness is important
location ○ Focus on our minds
➔ social system ● Disease prevention
◆ Members of the community are ○ Regular examination catered by
functionally related to each other. CHN or hospitals
All the parts are connected with ● Social Justice
teach other and they make an ○ Includes fairness in healthcare,
integrated whole. employment, housing, and more
➔ collection of people ○ Apply all aspects in community
◆ Group of families including race and gender

Philosophy of CHN
● A service rendered by professional nurse "The philosophy of CHN is based on the worth
with the community, groups, families, and and dignity on the worth and dignity of man."(Dr.
individuals at home, in health center, in M. Shetland)
clinics, in schools, and in places of work
for the promotion of health, prevention of Basic Principles of CHN
illness, care of the sick at home and 1. The community is the patient in CHN, the
rehabilitation (Ruth B. Freeman). family is the unit of care and there are four

levels of clientele: individual, family,

education to promote health, prevent
population group (those who share and Health disease, and ensure a safe
common characteristics, developmental promotion environment for populations
stages and common exposure to health
problems - e.g. children, elderly), and the ● Consultation Provides consultations to
community. c=various community
groups and officials to
2. In CHN, the client is considered as an
facilitate the implementation
ACTIVE partner NOT PASSIVE recipient of programs and services.
of care
3. CHN practice is affected by developments ● Regulatory Identifies, interprets, and
in health technology, in particular, activities implements public health
changes in society, in general laws, regulations, and
4. The goal of CHN is achieved through
multi-sectoral efforts STANDARD 6 The PHN evaluates the
5. CHN is a part of the health care system Evaluation health status of the
and the larger human services system. population

STANDARD 7 The PHN systematically

Quality of Practice enhances the quality and
Standards of Care STANDARD 8 The PHN attains knowledge
Education and competency that
STANDARD 1 The public health nurse
reflects current nursing and
Assessment collects comprehensive
public health practice
data pertinent to the health
status of the population STANDARD 9 The PHN evaluates one’s
Professional own nursing practice in
STANDARD 2 The PHN analyzes the
Practice Evaluation relation to professional
Population assessment data to
practice standards and
Diagnosis and determine the population
guidelines relevant statutes,
Priorities diagnosis and priorities
rules and regulations.
STANDARD 3 The PHN identifies the
STANDARD 10 The PHN establishes
Outcome expected outcome for a
Collegiality and collegial partnerships while
Identification plan that is based on
Professional interacting with
population diagnosis and
Relationships representatives of the
population, organization ,
STANDARD 4 The PHN develops a plan and health and human
Planning that reflects best practices services, professionals and
by identifying strategies, contributes to the
action plans, and alternative professional development of
to attain expected outcome peers, students, colleagues,
and others.
STANDARD 5 The PHN implements the
Implementation identified plan by partnering STANDARD 11 The PHN collaborates with
with others Collaboration the representatives of the
population, organizations,
● Coordination Coordinated programs, and health and human
services, and other services professionals in
activities to complement the providing for and promoting
identified plan the health of the population

● Health Employs multiple strategies STANDARD 12 The PHN integrates ethical


● Supervision and care of women during

Ethics provisions in all areas of
practice pregnancy, labor and puerperium
● Performance of internal examination and
STANDARD 13 The PHN integrates delivery of babies
Research research findings in practice ● Suturing lacerations in the absence of a
STANDARD 14 The PHN considers factors
Resource Utilization related to safety, ● Provision of first aid measures and
Population effectiveness, cost, and emergency care
impact on practice and in ● Recommending herbal and symptomatic
planning and delivery of meds, etc.
nursing and public health In the care of the families:
programs, policies, and ● Provision of primary health care services
○ Something for use
STANDARD 15 The PHN provides ○ Services like prenatal,
Leadership leadership in nursing and immunization
public health ● Developmental/Utilization of family nursing
care plan in the provision of care
○ With the use of Family Nursing
Care Plan
In the care of the communities:
Roles and Responsibilities of a Community
● Community organizing mobilization,
Health Nurse
community development and people
ROLES: ○ Promote welllness
● Clinician ● Case finding and epidemiological
● Health educator investigation
○ Illness prevention through ● Program planning, implementation and
dissemination of correct evaluation Influencing executive and
information legislative individuals or bodies
○ Educating people concerning health and development
○ Giving health teachings
● Facilitator Responsibilities of CHN
○ Establishes multi linkages ● Be a part in developing an overall health
● Supervisor plan, its implementation and evaluation for
○ Monitors and supervises the communities
performance of midwife (under of a ● Provide quality nursing services to the
nurse) three levels of clientele
● Health Advocator ● Maintain coordination/linkages with other
○ Speaks or act on behalf of the health team members, NGO/government
client agencies in the provision of public health
● Collaboration services
○ Working with other health team ● Conduct researches relevant to CHN
member services to improve provision of health
○ Ex. collaboration with the care
Department of Health (DOH) ● Provide opportunities for professional
○ growth and continuing education for staff
Other Specific Responsibilities of a Nurse development
Spelled by the implementing rules and regulations
of RA 7164 (Philippine Nursing Act of 1991)

The Health Care Delivery System

● there were 8 goals that all 189 UN
Health System Member States have agreed to try to
● consist of all organizations, people, and achieve by the year 2015.
actions whose primary intent is to ● The United Nations Millennium
promote, restore, or maintain health. Declaration, signed in September 2000,
It has 6 building blocks : committed world leaders to combat
1. Service delivery poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy,
- How to deliver our service environmental degradation, and
2. Health workforce discrimination against women.
- Health Workers such as Doctors, ● The MDGs were derived from this
Nurses, and more Declaration, and had specific targets and
3. Information indicators.
- Provide information to the ● A common vision of poverty reduction and
community sustainable development in
4. Medical products (vaccines and ● response to the global and country health
technologies) trends.
- Maintenance medications Imperatives:
5. Financing ○ shifts in demographic and
- Budget epidemiological trends in disease
6. Leadership and governance stewardship ○ new technologies for healthcare,
communication and information
Health Care Delivery System ○ existing and emerging
Health care delivery system is the totality of all environmental hazards
policies, infrastructures, facilities, equipment, ○ Health norms
product, human resources, and services that
address the health needs, problems and Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)
concerns of the people.
Composed of 2 sectors: 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
a. Public 2. Achieve universal primary education
- Largely finance 3. Promote gender equality and empower
- Generally given free women.
- Less price but needed to be 4. Reduce child mortality
scheduled first 5. Improve maternal health
b.Private 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria & other
- Expensive but readily accessible diseases
- Largely market-oriented and where 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
healthcare is paid through… 8. Develop a global partnership for
- Not free development

A. World Health Organization B. Develop a global Partnership for

● WHO- a specialized agency of the United development
Nations that provides global leadership on
● The WHO constitution; states that its are the blueprint to achieve a better and more
objective is the attainment of all people’s sustainable future for all.
highest possible level of health . ● They address the global challenges we
● It came into force on April 7,1948. face, including those related

● to poverty, inequality, climate change, - To make cities and human

environmental degradation, settlements inclusive, safe,
● peace and justice. resilient and sustainable.
● The 17 Goals are all interconnected, and 12. Responsible Consumption and production
in order to leave no one behind, it is - To ensure sustainable
important that we achieve them all by consumption and production
2030 patterns
13. Climate Action
- To take urgent action to combat
17 SDG's
climate change
14. Life Below Water
1. No Poverty - Conserve and sustainably use the
- Remains one of the greatest … ocean, seas, and marine
facing humanity. resources for sustainable
2. Zero Hunger development.
3. Good health and well being 15. Life on Land
- To ensure healthy lives and -
promote well-being to all ages. 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
4. Quality education - To promote peaceful…. provide
- Ensure inclusive and equitable access and justice to all
education and promote life-long 17. Partnership to achieve the goal
learning for all - This to strengthen the means of
- Ex: scholarship implementation and revitalized the
5. Gender equality global partnership for sustainable
- Achieve gender equality development.
- Empower all women Note: It has 15 years lifespan; 2016 marks the 1st
6. Clean water and sanitation years of its implementation
- To ensure availability and
sustainable management of water SUMMARY:
and sanitation for all ● The Global Challenge for Government
7. Affordable and clean energy Transparency; The Sustainable
- To ensure access to affordable, Development Goals (SDG) 2030 Agenda
reliable, sustainable, and modern ● In 2015, nations agreed with the United
energy for all. Nation that they can change the world for
- Ex: solar bulbs/light the better
8. Decent work and economic growth ● This will be accomplished by bringing
- To promote sustained, inclusive, together their respective governments,
and sustainable economic growth, businesses, media, institutions of higher
full and productive employment education, and local NGOs to improve the
and decent work for all. lives of the people in their country by the
9. Industry, Innovation and infrastructure year 2030.
- Build resilient infrastructure,
promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialization, and foster
10. Reduced Inequality
- To reduce inequality within and
Standards of Care
among ….
11. Sustainable cities and communities
● STANDARD 1: Assessment

- The public health nurse collects - Needs channeling

comprehensive data pertinent to - Need to inform different groups in
the health status of the population the community
- he/she knows the health status of d. Regulatory activities - Identifies, interprets,
the community, who are those and implements public health laws,
vaccinated or not, regulations, and policies
- Contribute major health….
● STANDARD 2: Population Diagnosis and
Priorities ● STANDARD 6: Evaluation
- The PHN analyzes the - The PHN evaluates the health
assessment data to determine the status of the population
population diagnosis and priorities
- he/she has the record of the ● STANDARD 7: Quality of Practice
families that need attention. - The PHN systematically enhances
the quality and effectiveness of
● STANDARD 3: Outcome Identification nursing practice
- The PHN identifies the expected - he/she must assess whether the
outcome for a plan that is based quality of care is still effective
on population diagnoses and
priorities ● STANDARD 8: Education
- he/she already knows what will be - The PHN attains knowledge and
the outcome of the plan based on competency that reflects current
the goals and objectives nursing and public health practice

● STANDARD 4: Planning ● STANDARD 9: Professional Practice

- The PHN develops a plan that Evaluation
reflects best practices by - The PHN evaluates one's own
identifying strategies ., action nursing practice in relation to
plans, and alternative to attain professional practice standards
expected outcomes Planning and guidelines, relevant statutes,
- Plan A,B,C… rules, and regulations

● STANDARD 5: Implementation ● STANDARD 10: Collegiality and

- The PHN implements the identified professional relationships
plan by partnering with others - The PHN establishes collegial
a. Coordination - Coordinates programs, partnerships while interacting with
services, and other activities to implement representatives of the population,
the identified plan organization, and health and
- Implement the plan of action human services professionals and
b. Health education and health promotion - contributes to the professional
Employs multiple strategies to promote development of peers, students,
health , prevent disease, and ensure a colleagues, and others
safe environment for populations.
- Together with the action, they will ● STANDARD 11: Collaboration
also employ different strategies - The PHN collaborates with the
and guarantee…. representatives of the population ,
c. Consultation - Provides consultation to organizations, and health and
various community groups and officials to human services professionals in
facilitate the implementation of programs providing for and promoting the
and services health of the population

- We will not limit our collaboration ● national government's biggest health care
with the doctor, but also the people provider
from the different organization and ● exercises regulatory powers of health
the whole population facilities and product
● takes the lead in the formulation of
● STANDARD 12: Ethics policies and standards related to health
- The PHN integrates ethical facilities, health products and health
provisions in all areas of practice human resource
Major Role of DOH
● STANDARD 13: Research 1. Leader in health
- The PHN integrates research 2. Enabler and capacity builder
findings in practice 3. Administrator of specific services
- It can provide important Vision
information about diseases and The DOH is the leader, staunch advocate and
risk factors model in promoting HEALTH FOR ALL in the
- Provide complimentary insights Philippines
● STANDARD 14: Resource Utilization Overriding goal of the DOH is the Health Sector
population Reform Agenda.
- The PHN considers factors related Mission
to safety , effectiveness, cost, and Guarantee equitable, sustainable, and quality health for
impact on practice and in planning all Filipinos, especially the poor and shall lead the
and delivery of nursing and public quest for excellence in health. ✓ by making services
health programs, policies, and available
services ● By arousing community awareness
● By mobilizing resources
● STANDARD 15: Leadership ● By promoting the means to better health
- The PHN provides leadership in
nursing and public health Health Sector Reform Agenda
- Combination of clinical background
information provides a sound basis The five major reforms contained in the HRSA:
of public health …… 1. Provide fiscal autonomy to government
2. Secure funding for priority public health
3. Promote the development of local health
systems and ensure its effective
4. Strengthen the capacities of health
regulatory agencies
LESSON 3: 5. Expand the coverage of the National
Health Insurance Program

PHILIPPINE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Framework for Implementation for of HRSA:

FOURmula ONE for Health - it is the strategy
DOH - Is the national agency mandated to lead for implementing health reforms
the health sectors toward assuring quality health ● Spells out the program imperatives of the
care for Filipinos health sector
● Intends to implement critical interventions
as a single package backed by effective

management infrastructure and financing area under the jurisdictions of more than one
arrangements following a sectoral local government (DOH, CY 2006)
Composition of an ILHZ
Goals of FOURmula ONE for Health ● Primary Health Care Providers (Barangay
● Better health outcomes Health Station, Rural Health Unit, health
● More responsive health systems centers, community hosp., private
● Equitable health care financing practitioners, traditional/alternative
● National Objectives for Health providers, caregivers, household
○ provides the road map for ● Core referral hospital(s): District Hospital
stakeholders in health and health- or Provincial Hospital
related sectors to intensify and ● End referral hospital(s): Higher level
harmonize their efforts to attain its hospitals
vision and mission Guiding Principles for ILHZs
Principles 1. Voluntary actions for mutual benefits
● Universal access to basic health services 2. Flexible forms of organization
must be ensured. 3. Results -oriented
● The health and nutrition of vulnerable 4. Sustained and evolutionary
groups must be prioritized. 5. Purposive and developmental
● The epidemiologic shift from infectious to 6. Universal and non-partisan
degenerative diseases must be managed.
● The performance of the health sector must Devolution of Health Services
be enhanced RA 7160 a.k.a. Local Government Code

Goals and Objectives ● One of the significant laws that radically

● Improve the general health status of the changed the landscape of health care
population. delivery
● Reduce morbidity and mortality from ● Aims to transform local government units
certain diseases into self-reliant communities and active
● Eliminate certain diseases as public health partners in the attainment of national
problems goals through more responsive and
● Promote healthy lifestyle and environment accountable local government structure
health instituted through a system of
● Protect vulnerable groups with special decentralization
health and nutrition needs 1993 - Health services were devolved or
transferred from the DOH to the LGU-all
LOCAL HEALTH SYSTEM provincial, district and municipal hospitals to the
provincial governments and the rural health units
LHS - A health system at the sub-national level (RHUS) and barangay health stations (BHSs) to
(Dorotan, et al) The core element of local or the municipal governments
district health system is the integrated primary
health care and the first referral hospital serving a
well-defined population (Segall, 2003).
Inter -Local Health Zone
Any form of organized arrangement for
coordinating the operations of an array and
hierarchy of health providers and facilities serving PRIMARY HEALTH CARE
a common population within a local geographic ● Health services offered at this level are to
individuals in fair health and to patients

with diseases in the early symptomatic 2. Specialized Hospital - offers services for a
stage specific disease or condition or type of
● Primary care is devolved to the cities and patient.
the municipalities.
● It is the health care provided by center Classification of other Health Facilities:
physicians, public health nurses, rural 1. Category A Primary Health Care Facility -
health midwives, BHWs, traditional a first contact health care facility that
healers. offers basic services including emergency
services and provisions to normal
● Service offered to patients with a. Without in patient beds like health
symptomatic stages of disease which centers, clinics, and dental
require moderately specialized knowledge facilities
and technical resources for adequate b. With in patients beds- a short stay
treatment facility where the patients on the
● is given by physicians with basic health average one or two days before
training. discharge. ex. Lying-in, birthing
● This is usually given in health facilities homes
either owned or government operated 2. Category B Custodial Care Facility -
such as infirmaries, municipal, and health facility that provides long term care
● district hospitals, OPD of provincial including the basic services like food,
hospitals. shelter, to patients with chronic conditions.
● Capable of performing minor surgeries ex. Custodial psychiatric facilities,
and perform some simple laboratory substance/ drug abuse treatment and
examinations. rehabilitation. sanitaria/ leprosaria,
nursing homes
TERTIARY LEVEL OF CARE 3. Category C. Diagnostic/ Therapeutic
● Are the highly technological and Facility - a facility for the examination of
sophisticated services offered by medical the human body, specimens from human
centers and large hospitals. These are body for the diagnosis, sometimes
specialized national hospitals. treatment of disease, or water drinking
● Services are for clients afflicted with analysis.
diseases which seriously threaten their
health & which require highly technical Further Classification:
and specialized knowledge, facilities and Laboratory Facility such as, but not limited to the
personnel to treat effectively. ff.
● Note: Advances in health sciences and a) Clinical Laboratory
services have brought about the b) HIV Testing Center
development of different types of health c) Blood Service Facility
facilities. DOH Administrative Order 2012- d) Drug Testing Laboratory
0012 Rules and Regulation Governing the e) Newborn Screening Laboratory
new Classification of Hospital and other f) Laboratory for drinking water analysis
Health Facilities in the Philippines) g) Radiologic Facility such as X-ray, CT
scan, Mammography, MRI,
Classification of Hospitals ultrasonography
1. General Hospital - provides services for all h) Nuclear Medicine facility - a facility
kinds of illnesses and injuries, or regulated by the Philippine Nuclear
deformities. Research Institute utilizing radioactive
materials in diagnosis, treatment, or
medical research.

community by means acceptable to them

4. Category D Specialized Outpatient Facility through their full participation and at a cost
- a facility that performs highly specialized that the community and country and afford
procedures on an outpatient basis. ex at every stage of development in the spirit
dialysis, cancer radiation facility, of self-reliance and self-determination.
rehabilitation centers (WHO)

● Universal goal of PHC = " HEALTH FOR
PRIMARY HEALTH CARE ALL" by the year 2000
○ To have an acceptable level of
health for all people of the world
through community and individual
● Sept. 6-12, 1978 - health workers from
self reliance.
around 200 countries attended the
● The policy agenda of health for all by the
year 2000" technically was a global
strategy employed for achieving 3 main
● INITIATED by WHO and United Nations
○ Promotion of healthy lifestyles
Children's Fund
○ Prevention of diseases
● Altogether the participants expressed the
○ Therapy for existing conditions
need for concerted efforts by all
● President Ferdinand Marcos signed the
government and health and development
LOI 949 with the theme "Health in the
workers for the protection and promotion
Hands of the People by 2020"
of health of all the people
● The Alma Ata declaration on Primary
Health Care emerged from the said
Education for Health
● This is one of the potent methodologies
1. Health is a basic fundamental right
for information dissemination. It promotes
2. There exist global burden of health
the partnership of both the family
inequalities among populations
members and health workers in the
3. Economic and social development is of
promotion of health as well as prevention
basic importance for the attainment of
of illness
health for all
4. Government have a responsibility for the
Locally Endemic Disease Control
health of their people
● The control of endemic disease focuses
on the prevention of its occurrence to
reduce morbidity rate. (Example: Malaria
● PHC was adopted in the Philippines by
control and Schistosomiasis control)
virtue of Letter of Instruction (LOI) 949 of
Expanded Program on Immunization
● Philippines the 1st country in Asia to meet
● This program exists to control the
the challenge of PHC
occurrence of preventable illnesses
especially of children below 6 years old.
Immunizations on poliomyelitis, measles,
● Primary Health Care is an essential
tetanus, diptheria and other preventable
health care made universally acceptable
disease are given for free by the
to individuals and families in the

government and ongoing program of the

DOH Supply of Essential Drugs
● This focuses on the information campaign
Maternal and Child Health and Family on the utilization and acquisition of drugs.
Planning In response to this campaign, the
● The mother and child are the most GENERIC ACT of the Philippines is
delicate members of the community. So enacted. It includes the following drugs:
the protection of the mother and child to Cotrimoxazole, Paracetamol, Amoxycillin,
illness and other risks would ensure good Oresol, Nifedipine, Rifampicin, INH
health for the community. (isoniazid) and Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol,
● The goal of Family Planning includes Streptomycin, Albendazole, Quinine
spacing of children and responsible
Environmental Sanitation and Promotion of
Safe Water Supply
● Environmental Sanitation is defined as the 1. ACCESSIBILITY, AFFORDABILITY,
study of all factors in the man's ACCEPTABILITY, AND AVAILABILITY
environment, which exercise or may (botika ng bayan, Ligtas tigdas Pilipinas)
exercise deleterious effect on his well- 2. SUPPORT MECHANISM (Resources for
being and survival. Water is a basic need essential services comes from 3 entities:
for life and one factor in man's People, Government, and Private sectors)
environment. Water is necessary for the 3. MULTISECTORAL APPROACH
maintenance of healthy lifestyle. Safe (exemplified through intersectoral and
Water and Sanitation is necessary for intersectoral linkages)
basic promotion of health. 4. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION
(Individuals, families, and communities are
Nutrition and Promotion of Adequate Food not recipients of care but active
Supply participants in achieving their health
● One basic need of the family is food. And goals)
if food is properly prepared then one may 5. EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF
be assured healthy family. There are RESOURCES (PHC advocates for care
many food resources found in the that is community based and preventive in
communities but because of faulty orientation)
preparation and lack of knowledge 6. APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY
regarding proper food planning,
Malnutrition is one of the problems that we 4 A'S
have in the country. Accessibility
➢ Refers to the physical distance of a health
Treatment of Communicable Diseases and facility or the travel time required for
Common Illness people to get needed or desired services.
● The diseases spread through direct This requires the existence of a facility
contact pose a great risk to those who can within reasonable distance from the
be infected. Tuberculosis is one of the catchment population or the people they
communicable diseases continuously serve
occupies the top ten causes of death. ➢ WHO health facilities should be accessible
Most communicable diseases are also within 30 mins from the communities.
preventable. The Government focuses on ➢ Barangay Health Stations (BHS) are
the prevention, control and treatment of facilities intended to provide accessible
these illnesses. health services in a community level

● Refers to communication, cooperation and

Affordability collaboration within the health sector:
➢ Not only for consideration of the individual among members of the health team and
or family’s capacity to pay for basic health among health agencies
services. It is also the matter of whether ● Team approach is utilized by the
the community or government can afford personnel of a health center in dealing
these services. with health conditions and problems.
➢ WHO - to determine the affordability of ● Two-way referral system - necessary for
health care is the out-of-pocket expenses clients to get the needed and desired care
for health care. This is the actual cost of ● "the population is sick because they are
the family for health care services. poor” – This statement implies that illness
➢ Philippines health insurances is covered or health is a result of economic gains or
by PhilHealth the lack thereof. Health is a multisectoral
concern. Health programs should not be
Acceptability taken in isolation from the overall
➢ Health care offered is in consonance with development agenda of society.
the prevailing culture and traditions of the ● Encompass the communication,
population cooperation and collaboration between the
health sector and other sectors of society
Availability like education, public works, agriculture
➢ Is a question of whether the basic health and local govt officials.
services required by the people are
offered in the health care facilities or is COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION
provided in a regular and organized ● Is an educational empowering process in
manner. which people, in partnership with those
who are able to assist them, identify the
SUPPORT MECHANISM problems and the needs and increasingly
● Resources for essential health services assume responsibilities themselves to
come from three major entities: plan, manage, control and assess the
○ The People, Government and the collective actions that are proved
Private sectors (NGO, socio-civic necessary.
and faith groups)
● Health programs and projects provide True/ Active participation
better outputs when these three entities ● people should be knowledgeable about
are involved their own health problems
● Multisectoral approach is necessary to ● should identify the needs for their solution
efficiently utilize the resources from the or reduction and
three major entities ● draw out plans of actions according to the
priority and the resources available;
MULTISECTORAL APPROACH organize and implement the programs and
● Diseases are outcomes of multiple monitor and control their progress and
interrelated factors, PHC requires periodically evaluate for getting the
Communication, Cooperation, and feedback and do reprogramming
Collaboration within and among various
● This is exemplified through intersectoral RESOURCES
and intrasectoral linkages. ● PHC advocates for care that is community
based and preventive in orientation.
Intrasectoral Linkages ● Philippines has oversupply of medicine
and nursing graduates

● Govt health care employees (29% = Dr; peoples' natural settings like the home,
26% = RN) school, workplace, and community,
● Impression: graduates of health-related supplies must be constantly available ex.
college programs wants to work abroad DSSM
7. Ecological Effects - effects on ecology
Two Programs of DOH to ensure distribution are RA 8423 Traditional and Alternative
of manpower to the rural areas: Medicine Act of 1997 - created the
Philippine Institute of Traditional and
● Doctor to the Barrios (DTTB) Program - Alternative Health Care
DTTB volunteers are fielded to manage
the RHU of 5th o 6th class municipalities MAJOR STRATEGIES
for 2 years and have the option to be 1. Elevating health to a comprehensive and
absorbed with competitive compensation sustained national effort
by the DOH and LGU 2. Promoting and supporting community
● Registered Nurses Health managed health care
Enhancement and Local Service (RN 3. Increasing efficiency in health sector
HEALS ) - deployment of nurses for 1 4. Advancing essential national health
year to address the inadequate nursing research
workforce in rural communities
refers to the technology that is based suitable to NATIONAL EFFORT
the community that will use it. To better capture ● Attaining health for all Filipinos will require
its essence, the terms " people's technology" and expanding participation in health and
indigenous technology" are also used in health-related I programs whether as
reference to appropriate technology. service provider or beneficiary.
Empowerment to parents, families and
CRITERIA FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY communities to make decisions of their
1. Safety - technology results in minimal health is the desired outcome.
risks to the users and that the intended ● Advocacy must be directed to national and
positive outcome far outweighs its local policy making to elicit support and
unintended negative effects. commitment to major health concerns
2. Effectiveness - technology should through legislations, budgetary and
accomplish what is meant to accomplish logistical considerations
ex. medicinal plants
3. Affordability - measures for health 2. PROMOTING AND SUPPORTING
promotion and disease prevention are COMMUNITY MANAGED HEALTH CARE
cost effective in comparison to treatment ● The health in the hands of the people
of diseases brings the government closest to the
4. Simplicity - technology that requires people. It necessitates a process of
readily available simple materials that capacity building of communities and
involves a simple process. Example ORS organization to plan, implement and
5. Acceptability- technology is effective only evaluate health programs at their levels.
when it is used by those who need it
(culture is an important consideration in 3. INCREASING EFFICIENCY IN HEALTH
determining appropriateness of SECTOR
technology, education is essential for ● Using appropriate technology will make
adoption. services and resources required for their
6. Feasibility and Reliability- technology delivery, effective, affordable, accessible
must be easy to apply considering the and culturally acceptable.

● The development of human resources

must correspond to the actual needs of HEALTH NURSING IN THE PHILIPPINES
the nation and the policies it upholds such
as PHC.
● The Department of Health (DOH) continue
to support and assist both public and
private institutions particularly in faculty Pre-Spanish Era - no records
development, enhancement of relevant
curricula and development of standard Spanish Regime (1591-1898)
teaching materials.
Brother Juan Clemente (1577) started Public
Health Services through a dispensary in Intramuros
HEALTH RESEARCH Started water sanitation, introduced small pox
● Essential National Health Research vaccine ,creation of position of district, provincial,
(ENHR) is an integrated strategy for national health officers
organizing and managing research using
intersectoral, multidisciplinary and
scientific approach to health programming American Regime ( 1898-1942)
and delivery.
1898 creation of Board of the Health for
THREE LEVELS OF PREVENTION 1899 appointment of the 1st commissioner of
Primary Prevention - relates to activities directed 1906 abolition of the Board of Health , creation
at preventing a problem before it occurs by of the Bureau of Health
altering susceptibility or reducing exposure for
susceptible individuals. 1912 PHN started in Cebu with 4 graduate
● General health promotion - good nutrition, nurses who dealt primarily in MCH services
adequate shelter, regular exercise
1915 PHN began in Manila with 2 nurses who
● Specific protection - eliminate risk factors offered follow up care of OB patients and
and includes such measure immunization, environmental sanitation services
water purification

Secondary Prevention - refers to the early

Japanese Regime ( 1942-1945)
detection and prompt intervention during the
period of early disease and pathogenesis. It is PHN services were interrupted
implemented after a problem has begun but
before signs and symptoms appear and targets
those population who have risk factors.

Tertiary Prevention - targets the population that

experienced disease or injury and focuses on
limitation of disability and rehabilitation.Aims are
to reduce the effects of disease and injury and to
restore individuals to their optimal level of

Era of the Republic of the Philippines (1946- LESSON 5.B:


1947 DOH was divided into 3 bureaus

(Hospital,Quarantine, Health) PUBLIC HEALTH LAWS

May 18, 1954 RA 1082(RHU Act) was passed, Magna Carta for the Public Health Worker
implemented in July of the same year, provided for Republic Act 7305
the employment of health personnel, including
nurses, who would man the RHUs and help raise the Declaration of the Policy. The State shall instill
health conditions of the rural health population health consciousness among our people to
effectively carry out the health programs and
June 1957-RA 1891 an act strengthening projects to the government essential for the
health and dental services in the rural areas and growth and health of the nation.
providing funds thereof was approved ; created
eight categories of RHU’S corresponding to 8 This Act aims:
population groups to be served
● to promote and improve the social and
Era of the Republic of the Philippines (1946- economic well-being of the health
present ) workers, their living and working
conditions and terms of employment;
1947 DOH was divided into 3 bureaus ● to develop their skills and capabilities in
(Hospital,Quarantine, Health) order that they will be more responsive
and better equipped to deliver health
May 18, 1954 RA 1082(RHU Act) was passed, projects and programs; and
implemented in July of the same year, provided for ● to encourage those with proper
the employment of health personnel, including qualifications and excellent abilities to join
nurses, who would man the RHUs and help raise the and remain in government service.
health conditions of the rural health population
Duties and Obligations. The public health
June 1957-RA 1891 an act strengthening workers :
health and dental services in the rural areas and
providing funds thereof was approved ; created ● discharge his/her duty humanely wit
eight categories of RHU’S corresponding to 8 conscience and dignity;
population groups to be served ● perform his/her duty with utmost respect
for life; and race, gender, religion,
nationality, party policies, social standing
or capacity to pay.

Normal Hours of Work. The normal work of any

public health worker shall not exceed eight (8)
hours a day or forty (40) hours a week. Hours
worked shall include:

● all the time during which a public health

worker is required to be on active duty or
to be at a prescribed workplace; and
● all the time during which a public health
worker is suffered or permitted to work.
Provided, That the time when the public
health worker is place on "On Call" status
shall not be considered as hours worked
but shall entitled the public health worker
to an "On Call" pay equivalent to fifty
percent (50%) of his/her regular wage.

○ "On Call" status refers to a D. Upgrade the standards of medical

condition when public health practice, the quality of health services and
workers are called upon to programs to assure the people of better
respond to urgent or immediate health services;
need for health/medical assistance E. Assist local health agencies in developing
or relief work during emergencies public health programs including medical
such that he/she cannot devote the care, and promote medical and public
time for his/her own use. health research;
● Overtime Work. Where the exigencies of F. Issue permits to establish and operate
the service so require, any public health government and private hospitals, clinics,
worker may be required to render, service dispensaries, schools of nursing,
beyond the normal eight (8) hours a day. midwifery, and other para-medical course,
In such a case, the workers shall be paid puericulture centers, clinical laboratories
an additional compensation in accordance and blood banks;
with existing laws and prevailing practices. G. Prescribe standard rates of fees for
health, medical, laboratory, and other
https;// public health services; and
H. Performs such other functions as may be
A. Sanitation Code provided by law B. Clean Air Act

Philippine Clean Air Act (RA 8749)
Presidential Decree No. 856/Code on
Sanitation of the Philippines ● provides for a comprehensive air pollution
control policy, as it outlines the
● The health of the people, being of government’s measures to reduce air
paramount importance, all efforts of public pollution by including environmental
services should be directed towards the protection activities into its development
protection and promotion of health; and plans.
● With the advance in the field of sanitation ● It has adopted the “polluters pay principle”
in recent years, there arises the need for and other market-based instruments to
updating and codifying our scattered promote self-regulation among the
sanitary laws to ensure that they are in population.
keeping with modern standards of ● Emission standards are set for all motor
sanitation and provide a handy reference vehicles and had issued pollutant
and guide for their enforcement; limitations among industries.
● The Department of Environment and
Functions of the Department of Health The Natural Resources through its
Department shall have the following powers and Environmental Management Bureau
functions: (DENR-EMB) is leading the strict
implementation of the Clean Air Act.
A. Undertake the promotion and preservation
of the health of the people and raise the CLEAN AIR: ESSENTIAL TO HEALTHY
health standards of individuals and LIVING AND SUSTAINABLE Published:
communities throughout the Philippines; 22 January 2020
B. Extend maximum health services to the ENVIRONMENT
people in rural areas and provide medical ex.php/news-events/press-releases/1311-
care to those who cannot afford it by cean-air-essential-to-healthy-living-
reason of poverty; andsustainable-environment
C. Develop, administer and coordinate
various health activities and services C. Generic Act
which shall include public health,
preventive, curative and rehabilitative Generics Act of 1988. Republic Act No. 6675
programs, medical care, health and
medical education services; ● An Act to promote, require and ensure the
production of an Adequate supply,

distribution, use and acceptance of drugs levels.

and medicines identified by their Generic _us/ra7875.pdf
This Act shall adopt the following guiding
Statement of Policy : principles:

● To promote, encourage and require the A. Allocation of National Resources for

use of generic terminology in the Health – The Program shall underscore
importation, manufacture, distribution, the importance for government to give
marketing, advertising and promotion, priority to health as a strategy for bringing
prescription and dispensing of drugs; about faster economic development and
● To ensure the adequate supply of drugs improving quality of life;
with generic names at the lowest possible B. Universality – The Program shall provide
cost and endeavor to make them available all citizens with the mechanism to gain
for free to indigent patients; financial access to health services, in
● To encourage the extensive use of drugs combination with other government health
with generic names through a rational programs. The National Health Insurance
system of procurement and distribution; Program shall give the highest priority to
● To emphasize the scientific basis for the achieving coverage of the entire
use of drugs, in order that health population with at least a basic minimum
professionals may become more aware package of health insurance benefits;
and cognizant of their therapeutic C. Equity – The Program shall provide for
effectiveness; and uniform basic benefits. Access to care
● To promote drug safety by minimizing must be a function of a person’s health
duplication in medications and/or use of needs rather than his ability to pay;
drugs with potentially adverse drug D. Responsiveness – The Program shall
interactions. adequately meet the needs for personal health services at various stages of a
ra_6675_1988.html member’s life;
E. Social Solidarity – The Program shall be
D. National Health Insurance Act guided by community spirit. It must
(PHILHEALTH ) enhance risk sharing among income
groups, age groups, and persons of
[REPUBLIC ACT No. 7875] An act instituting a differing health status, and residing in
National Health Insurance Program for all different geographic areas;
Filipinos and establishing the Philippine Health F. Effectiveness – The Program shall
Insurance Corporation balance economical use of resources with
quality of care;
Short Title – This Act shall be known as the G. Innovation – The Program shall adapt to
“National Health Insurance Act of 1995” , General changes in medical technology, health
Objectives. – This Act seeks to: service organizations, health care provider
payment systems, scopes of professional
A. provide all citizens of the Philippines with practice, and other trends in the health
the mechanism to gain financial access to sector. It must be cognizant of the
health services; appropriate roles and respective strengths
B. create the National Health Insurance of the public and private sectors in health
Program, hereinafter referred to as the care, including people’s organizations and
Program, to serve as the means to help community-based health care
the people pay for health care services; organizations;
C. prioritize and accelerate the provision of H. Devolution – The Program shall be
health services to all Filipinos, especially implemented in consultation with local
that segment of the population who cannot government units (LGUs), subject to the
afford such services; and overall policy directions set by the
D. establish the Philippine Health Insurance National Government;
Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the I. Fiduciary Responsibility – The Program
Corporation, that will administer the shall provide effective stewardship, funds
Program at central and local

management, and maintenance of beneficiaries, shall be a determinant of the

reserves; quality of service delivery;
J. Informed Choice – The Program shall Q. Cost Containment – The Program shall
encourage members to choose from incorporate features of cost containment
among accredited health care providers. in its design and operations and provide a
The Corporation’s local offices shall viable means of helping the people pay for
objectively appraise its members of the full health care services; and
range of providers involved in the Program R. Care for the Indigent – The Government
and of the services and privileges to which shall be responsible for providing a basic
they are entitled as members. This package of needed personal health
explanation, which the members may use services to indigents through premium
as a guide in selecting the appropriate and subsidy, or through direct service
most suitable provider, shall be given in provision until such time that the Program
clear and simple Filipino and in the local is fully implemented.
languages that is comprehensible to the
member; E. National Blood Services Act
K. Maximum Community Participation – The
Program shall build on existing community National Blood Services Act of 1994
initiatives for its organization and human
resource requirements; ● Republic Act No. 7719 promotes
L. Compulsory Coverage – All citizens of the voluntary blood donation to provide
Philippines shall be required to enroll in sufficient supply of safe blood and to
the National Health Insurance Program in regulate blood banks.
order to avoid adverse selection and ● This act aims to inculcate public
social inequity; awareness that blood donation is a
M. Cost Sharing – The Program shall humanitarian act.
continuously evaluate its cost sharing
schedule to ensure that costs borne by the Declaration of Policy
members are fair and equitable and that
the charges by health care providers are ● to promote and encourage voluntary blood
reasonable; donation by the citizenry and to instill
N. Professional Responsibility of Health Care public consciousness of the principle that
Providers – The Program shall assure that blood donation is a humanitarian act;
all participating health care providers are ● to lay down the legal principle that the
responsible and accountable in all their provision of blood for transfusion is a
dealings with the Corporation and its professional medical service and not a
members; sale of a commodity;
O. Public Health Services – The Government ● to provide for adequate, safe, affordable
shall be responsible for providing public and equitable distribution of supply of
health services for all groups such as blood and blood products;
women, children, indigenous people, ● to inform the public of the need for
displaced communities and communities voluntary blood donation to curb the
in environmentally endangered areas, hazards caused by the commercial sale of
while the Program shall focus on the blood;
provision of personal health services. ● to teach the benefits and rationale of
Preventive and promotive public health voluntary in the existing health subjects of
services are essential for reducing the the formal education system in all public
need and spending for personal health and private schools in the elementary,
services; high school and college level as well as
P. Quality of Services – The Program shall non formal education system
promote the improvement in the quality of
health services provided through the F. Laws of Notifiable Disease
institutionalization of programs of quality
assurance at all levels of the health Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and
service delivery system. The satisfaction Health Events of Public Health Concern Act
of the community, as well as individual
● REPUBLIC ACT No. 11332

● An Act Providing Policies and Prescribing 1. To continuously develop and upgrade the
Procedures on Surveillance and list of nationally notifiable diseases and
Response to Notifiable Diseases, health events of public health concern with
Epidemics, and Health Events of Public their corresponding case definitions and
Health Concern, and Appropriating Funds laboratory confirmation;
Therefore, Repealing for the Purpose Act 2. To ensure the establishment and
No. 3573, Otherwise Known as the "Law maintenance of relevant, efficient and
on Reporting of Communicable Diseases" effective disease surveillance and
● aims to protect people from public health response system at the national and local
threats through the efficient and effective levels;
disease surveillance of diseases of public 3. To expand collaborations beyond
health concern. traditional public health partners to include
● recognizes the disease surveillance and others who may be involved in the disease
response systems of the DOH and its surveillance and response, such as
local counterparts as the first line of agricultural agencies, veterinarians,
defense against epidemics or any events environmental agencies, law enforcement
that may pose a health threats to the entities, and transportation and
public. communication agencies, among others;
4. To provide accurate and timely health
Declaration of Policy. information about notifiable diseases, and
health-related events and conditions to
● It is hereby declared the policy of the citizens and health providers as an
State to protect and promote the right to integral part of response to public health
health of the people and instill health emergencies;
consciousness among them. 5. To establish effective mechanisms for
● It shall endeavor to protect the people strong collaboration with national and local
from public health threats through the government health agencies to ensure
efficient and effective disease surveillance proper procedures are in place to promptly
of notifiable diseases including emerging respond to reports of notifiable diseases
and re-emerging infectious diseases, and health events of public health
diseases for elimination and eradication, concern, including case investigations,
epidemics, and health events including treatment, and control and containment,
chemical, radio-nuclear and environmental including follow-up activities;
agents of public health concern and 6. To ensure that public health authorities
provide an effective response system in have the statutory and regulatory authority
compliance with the 2005 International to ensure the following:
Health Regulations (IHR) of the World a. Mandatory reporting of reportable
Health Organization (WHO). diseases and health events of
● The State recognizes epidemics and other public health concern;
public health emergencies as threats to b. Epidemic/outbreaks and/or
public health and national security, which epidemiologic investigation, case
can undermine the social, economic, and investigations, patient interviews,
political functions of the State. review of medical records, contact
● The State also recognizes disease tracing, specimen collection and
surveillance and response systems of the testing, risk assessments,
Department of Health (DOH) and its local laboratory investigation, population
counterparts, as the first line of defense to surveys, and environmental
epidemics and health events of public investigation;
health concern that pose risk to public c. Quarantine and isolation;
health and security d. Rapid containment and
implementation of measures for
Notifiable disease - refers to a disease that, by disease prevention and control;
legal requirements, must be reported to the public 7. To provide sufficient funding to support
health authorities; operations needed to establish and
maintain epidemiology and surveillance
Objectives: units at the DOH, health facilities and local
government units (LGUs); efficiently and

effectively investigate outbreaks and government agencies, and NGOs are required to
health events of public health concern; accurately and immediately report notifiable
validate, collect, analyze and disseminate diseases and health events of public health
disease surveillance information to concern as issued by the DOH;
relevant agencies or organizations; and
implement appropriate response; (d) Data collection, analysis, and the
8. To require public and private physicians, dissemination of information from official disease
allied medical personnel, professional surveillance and response systems can only be
societies, hospitals, clinics, health done by authorized personnel from the DOH and
facilities, laboratories, pharmaceutical its local counterparts and may only be used for
companies, private companies and public health concern purposes only; thus, should
institutions, workplaces, schools, prisons, be exempted in the provision of Data Privacy Act
ports, airports, establishments, on accessibility of data;
communities, other government agencies,
and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) (e) To perform their disease surveillance and
to actively participate in disease response functions, authorized health personnel
surveillance and response; and from the DOH and its local counterparts have the
9. To respect to the fullest extent possible, statutory and regulatory authority to enforce the
the rights of people to liberty, bodily following:
integrity, and privacy while maintaining
and preserving public health and security. ● Establishment of public health information
system disease surveillance and response
Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public systems in private and public facilities
Health Concern. deemed necessary to protect the health of
the population in coordination with the
● The Epidemiology Bureau under the DOH DOHEpidemiology Bureau;
shall regularly update and issue a list of ● Mandatory reporting of notifiable diseases
nationally notifiable diseases and health and health events of public health
events of public health concern with their concern;
corresponding case definitions. ● Conduct of epidemic/outbreak and
● The selection and the deletion of diseases epidemiologic investigations, case
and health events of public health concern investigations, patient interviews, review
shall be based on criteria established by of medical records, contact tracing,
the DOH.(Section 5). collection, storage, transport and testing of
samples and specimen, risk assessments,
Under this Act: laboratory investigation, population
surveys, and environmental investigation;
(a) The DOH and its local counterparts are ● Rapid containment, quarantine and
mandated to implement the mandatory reporting isolation, disease prevention and control
of notifiable diseases and health events of public measures, and product recall;
health concern; ● Response activities for events of public
health concern;
(b) The DOH and its local counterparts shall ● The DOH and its local counterparts shall
establish and maintain functional disease ensure that all surveillance and response
surveillance and response systems, which include officers have adequate capacity for
coordination mechanisms, implementation mandatory reporting of notifiable diseases,
protocols for reporting and response, measures risk assessment, epidemiology, disease
for data security and confidentiality, and surveillance, and response to epidemics
procedures and provision to ensure safety of and health events of public health
personnel conducting disease surveillance and concern. It shall also ensure that the
response activities; safety and protection of all personnel
directly involved in surveillance and
(c) All public and private physicians, allied response activities are upheld; and
medical personnel, professional societies, ● All personnel of the DOH and its local
hospitals, clinics, health facilities, laboratories, counterparts, and all other individuals or
institutions, workplaces, schools, prisons, ports, entities involved in conducting disease
airports, establishments, communities, other surveillance and response activities shall

respect, to the fullest extent possible, the Republic Act No. 6425, otherwise known
rights of people to liberty, bodily integrity, as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972
and privacy while maintaining and
preserving public health and security. Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known
and cited as the "Comprehensive Dangerous
G. Senior Citizen Laws Drugs Act of 2002".

National Commission of Senior Citizens Act". Section 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is the policy
REPUBLIC ACT No. 11350 An Act Creating the of the State to safeguard the integrity of its
National Commission of Senior Citizens, territory and the well-being of its citizenry
Providing for its Functions, Abolishing the particularly the youth, from the harmful effects of
National Coordinating Council and Monitoring dangerous drugs on their physical and mental
Board, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act well-being, and to defend the same against acts
No. 7432, as Amended, and Appropriating Funds or omissions detrimental to their development and
preservation. In view of the foregoing, the State
Declaration of Policy. needs to enhance further the efficacy of the law
against dangerous drugs, it being one of today's
● It is the policy of the State to adopt more serious social ills.
measures whereby our senior citizens are
assisted and appreciated by the Toward this end, the government shall pursue an
community as a whole, provide services intensive and unrelenting campaign against the
and activities beneficial to senior citizens, trafficking and use of dangerous drugs and other
their families and the communities they similar substances through an integrated system
serve, and establish community-based of planning, implementation and enforcement of
health and rehabilitation, educational, and anti-drug abuse policies, programs, and projects.
socioeconomic programs for all senior The government shall however aim to achieve a
citizens. balance in the national drug control program so
● Consistent with this policy, the State shall that people with legitimate medical needs are not
promote the advocacy of and collaboration prevented from being treated with adequate
between different stakeholders and senior amounts of appropriate medications, which
citizens to ensure the effective include the use of dangerous drugs.
implementation of various programs and
services, particularly on the development It is further declared the policy of the State to
of senior citizens and advancing their provide effective mechanisms or measures to re-
health, and well-being, and ensuring a integrate into society individuals who have fallen
supportive and enabling environment for victims to drug abuse or dangerous drug
the elderly. dependence through sustainable programs of
treatment and rehabilitation.
Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010
● Republic Act No. 9994 ra_9165_2002.html
● An act granting additional benefits and
privileges to senior citizens,further I. Act on Cheaper Medicine
amending RA no. 7432, as
amended,otherwise known as "AN ACT Republic Act No. 9502 || An Act Providing for
TO MAXIMIZE THE CONTRIBUTION OF Cheaper and Quality Medicines, Amending for the
SENIOR CITIZENS TO NATION Purpose Republic Act No. 8293 or The
BUILDING, GRANT BENEFITS AND Intellectual Property Code, Republic Act No. 6675
SPECIAL PRIVILEGES AND FOR or the The Generics Act of 1988, and Republic
OTHER PURPOSES Act No. 5921 or The Pharmacy Law and for Other
H. Revised Dangerous Drugs Law
Section 1. Short Title - This Act shall be known
● REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165 ( June 7, as the 'Universally Accessible Cheaper and
2002) Quality Medicines Act of 2008"
● An act instituting the Comprehensive
Dangerous Drug Act 2002, repealing Section 2. Declaration of Policy - It is the policy
of the State to protect public health and , when

the public interest or circumstances of extreme their personal safety and security. Towards this
urgency so require, it shall adopt appropriate end, the State shall exert efforts to address
measures to promote and ensure access to violence committed against women and children
affordable quality drugs and medicines for all. in keeping with the fundamental freedoms
guaranteed under the Constitution and the
Pursuant to the attainment of this general policy, Provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human
an effective competition in the supply and Rights, the convention on the Elimination of all
demand of quality affordable drugs and medicines forms of discrimination Against Women,
is recognized by the State as a primary Convention on the Rights of the Child and other
instrument. In the event that full competition is not international human rights instruments of which
effective, the State recognizes as a reserve the Philippines is a party
instrument the regulation of prices of drugs and
medicines, with clear accountability by the
implementing authority as mandated in this Act,
as one of the means to also promote and ensure
access to quality affordable medicines.
Violence Against Women is any act of gender-
J. Save the Children based violence that results or is likely to result in
physical, sexual or psychological harm or
Save the Children Philippines is a non-stock, non- suffering to women including threats or such
profit organization that is part of Save the acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty
Children International, the world’s leading whether occurring in public or private life.
independent organization for children with a
vision of a world where every child attains the ● Gender-based violence is any violence
right to survival, development, protection and inflicted on women because of their sex.
participation. Its mission is to inspire ● VAW in the family or domestic violence is
breakthroughs in the way the world treats children “violence that occurs within the private
and to achieve immediate and lasting change in sphere, generally between individuals
their lives. who are related through intimacy, blood or
Save the Children Philippines advocated the
passage of Republic Act 10821 or the Forms of violence
Children's Emergency Relief and Protection
Act that directs national and local government 1. physical violence (hitting with the fist,
agencies to implement and sustain slapping, kicking different parts of the
comprehensive emergency program to protect body, stabbing with a knife, etc)
children from disasters and emergencies. 2. psychological and emotional violence
(intimidation, harassment, stalking,
The law prioritizes the protection of children, damage to property, public ridicule or
pregnant and lactating mothers during disaster humiliation, repeated verbal abuse, marital
and emergency situations. It also prevents the infidelity, etc.)
prolonged use of schools as evacuation centers 3. sexual violence (rape, sexual
to allow children to resume classes. harassment, acts of lasciviousness,
treating a woman or child as a sex object,
K. Violence Against Women making demeaning and sexually
suggestive remarks, physically attacking
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9262 the sexual parts of the victim’s body,
forcing him/her to watch obscene
Short Title.- This Act shall be known as the "Anti- publications and indecent shows or forcing
Violence Against Women and Their Children Act the woman or her child to do indecent acts
of 2004." . and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife
and mistress/lover to live in the conjugal
Declaration of Policy.- It is hereby declared that home or sleep together in the same room
the State values the dignity of women and with the abuser, etc)
children and guarantees full respect for human 4. economic abuse (withdrawal of financial
rights. The State also recognizes the need to support or preventing the victim from
protect the family and its members particularly engaging in any legitimate profession,
women and children, from violence and threats to

occupation, business or activity, ● Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery,

deprivation or threat of deprivation of which correspond to the structure of the
financial resources and the right to use National Disaster Risk Reduction and
and enjoyment of the conjugal, community Management Council (NDRRMC).
or property owned in common, destroying ● Office of Civil Defense- by law formulates
household property; and controlling the and implements the NDRRMP and
victim’s own money or properties or solely ensures that the physical framework,
controlling the conjugal money or social, economic and environmental plans
properties. of communities, cities, municipalities and
provinces are consistent with such plan.
VAW in the community often takes one or more
of the following forms: The NDRRMP is consistent with the National
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
1. physical violence such as physical Framework (NDRRMF), which serves as “the
chastisement, trafficking for both the sex principal guide to disaster risk reduction and
industry and the service industry forced management (DRRM) efforts to the country….”
prostitution, battering by employers and
murder; The Framework envisions a country of “safer,
2. sexual violence such as rape, sexual adaptive and disaster resilient Filipino
harassment and sexual intimidation, communities toward sustainable development.” It
3. psychological violence such as conveys a paradigm shift from reactive to
intimidation, sanction or isolation by proactive DRRM wherein men and women have
community/cultural norms based on increased their awareness and understanding of
attitudes of gender discrimination. DRRM, with the end in view of increasing
people’s resilience and decreasing their
State Violence Against Women vulnerabilities.

1. political violence such as tolerance of

gender-based violence, trafficking, 41/NDRRM_Plan_2011- 2028.pdf
domestic violence, sexual abuse, forced
pregnancy and forced sterilization,
2. custodial violence such as military and
police rape, torture, and suppression of M. Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992
the political acts of the women’s (MILKCODE)
movement, abuse of women in refugee
and relocation camps and in prisons Republic Act 7600 An act which provides
3. institutional violence such as incentives to all government and private health
enforcement of discriminatory laws and institutions with rooming-in and breastfeeding
regulations, policies and programs such practices and for other purposes.
as abortion policies, reproduction policies
and matrilineal laws. SECTION 1. Title. — This Act shall be known as
"The Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992".

L. Disaster Risk Reduction Management SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. — The State

adopts rooming-in as a national policy to
The National Disaster Risk Reduction and encourage, protect and support the practice of
Management Plan (NDRRMP) fulfills the breast-feeding. It shall create an environment
requirement of RA No. 10121 of 2010, which where basic physical, emotional, and
provides the legal basis for policies, plans and psychological needs of mothers and infants are
programs to deal with disasters. fulfilled through the practice of rooming-in and
The NDRRMP covers four thematic areas,
namely, Breast-feeding has distinct advantages which
benefit the infant and the mother, including the
● Disaster Prevention and Mitigation; hospital and the country that adopt its practice. It
● Disaster Preparedness; is the first preventive health measure that can be
● Disaster Response; and given to the child at birth. It also enhances

mother-infant relationship. Furthermore, the harmony of nature. The State also recognizes
practice of breast-feeding could save the country and guarantees the promotion and equal
valuable foreign exchange that may otherwise be protection of the welfare and rights of children,
used for milk importation. the youth, and the unborn.

Breastmilk is the best food since it contains Moreover, the State recognizes and guarantees
essential nutrients completely suitable for the the promotion of gender equality, gender equity,
infant's needs. It is also nature's first women empowerment and dignity as a health and
immunization, enabling the infant to fight potential human rights concern and as a social
serious infection. It contains growth factors that responsibility. The advancement and protection of
enhance the maturation of an infant's organ women’s human rights shall be central to the
systems. efforts of the State to address reproductive health
The State recognizes marriage as an inviolable
social institution and the foundation of the family
which in turn is the foundation of the nation.
N. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Pursuant thereto, the State shall defend:
Health Law 2012
A. The right of spouses to found a family in
Republic Act 10354 An act providing for a accordance with their religious convictions
National Policy on Responsible Parenthood and and the demands of responsible
Reproductive Health parenthood;
B. The right of children to assistance,
SECTION 1. Title. – This Act shall be known as including proper care and nutrition, and
“The Responsible Parenthood and special protection from all forms of
Reproductive Health Act of 2012″. neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and
other conditions prejudicial to their
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. – The State development;
recognizes and guarantees the human rights of C. The right of the family to a family living
all persons including their right to equality and wage and income; and
nondiscrimination of these rights, the right to D. The right of families or family associations
sustainable human development, the right to to participate in the planning and
health which includes reproductive health, the implementation of policies and programs
right to education and information, and the right to
choose and make decisions for themselves in The State likewise guarantees universal access
accordance with their religious convictions, ethics, to medically-safe, non-abortifacient, effective,
cultural beliefs, and the demands of responsible legal, affordable, and quality reproductive health
parenthood. care services, methods, devices, supplies which
do not prevent the implantation of a fertilized
Pursuant to the declaration of State policies under ovum as determined by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and relevant information
Section 12, Article II of the 1987 Philippine and education thereon according to the priority
Constitution, it is the duty of the State to protect needs of women, children and other
and strengthen the family as a basic underprivileged sectors, giving preferential
autonomous social institution and equally access to those identified through the National
protect the life of the mother and the life of the Household Targeting System for Poverty
unborn from conception. Reduction (NHTS-PR) and other government
measures of identifying marginalization, who shall
The State shall protect and promote the right be voluntary beneficiaries of reproductive health
to health of women especially mothers in care, services and supplies for free.
particular and of the people in general and
instill health consciousness among them. The The State shall eradicate discriminatory practices,
family is the natural and fundamental unit of laws and policies that infringe on a person’s
society. The State shall likewise protect and exercise of reproductive health rights.
advance the right of families in particular and the
people in general to a balanced and healthful
environment in accord with the rhythm and

The State shall also promote openness to life; (f) The State shall promote programs that:
Provided, That parents bring forth to the world
only those children whom they can raise in a truly (1) enable individuals and couples to have
humane way. the number of children they desire with
due consideration to the health,
SEC. 3. Guiding Principles for Implementation. – particularly of women, and the resources
This Act declares the following as guiding available and affordable to them and in
principles: accordance with existing laws, public
morals and their religious convictions:
(a) The right to make free and informed decisions, Provided, That no one shall be deprived,
which is central to the exercise of any right, shall for economic reasons, of the rights to
not be subjected to any form of coercion and have children;
must be fully guaranteed by the State, like the
right itself; (2) achieve equitable allocation and
utilization of resources;
(b) Respect for protection and fulfillment of
reproductive health and rights which seek to (3) ensure effective partnership among
promote the rights and welfare of every person national government, local government
particularly couples, adult individuals, women and units (LGUs) and the private sector in the
adolescents; design, implementation, coordination,
integration, monitoring and evaluation of
(c) Since human resource is among the principal people-centered programs to enhance the
assets of the country, effective and quality quality of life and environmental
reproductive health care services must be given protection;
primacy to ensure maternal and child health, the
health of the unborn, safe delivery and birth of (4) conduct studies to analyze
healthy children, and sound replacement rate, in demographic trends including
line with the State’s duty to promote the right to demographic dividends from sound
health, responsible parenthood, social justice and population policies towards sustainable
full human development; human development in keeping with the
principles of gender equality, protection of
(d) The provision of ethical and medically safe, mothers and children, born and unborn
legal, accessible, affordable, nonabortifacient, and the promotion and protection of
effective and quality reproductive health care women’s reproductive rights and health;
services and supplies is essential in the and
promotion of people’s right to health, especially
those of women, the poor, and the marginalized, (5) conduct scientific studies to determine
and shall be incorporated as a component of the safety and efficacy of alternative
basic health care; medicines and methods for reproductive
health care development;
(e) The State shall promote and provide
information and access, without bias, to all (g) The provision of reproductive health care,
methods of family planning, including effective information and supplies giving priority to poor
natural and modern methods which have been beneficiaries as identified through the NHTS-PR
proven medically safe, legal, non-abortifacient, and other government measures of identifying
and effective in accordance with scientific and marginalization must be the primary responsibility
evidence-based medical research standards such of the national government consistent with its
as those registered and approved by the FDA for obligation to respect, protect and promote the
the poor and marginalized as identified through right to health and the right to life;
the NHTS-PR and other government measures of
identifying marginalization: Provided, That the (h) The State shall respect individuals’
State shall also provide funding support to preferences and choice of family planning
promote modern natural methods of family methods that are in accordance with their
planning, especially the Billings Ovulation religious convictions and cultural beliefs, taking
Method, consistent with the needs of acceptors into consideration the State’s obligations under
and their religious convictions; various human rights instruments;

(i) Active participation by nongovernment O. Mandatory Infants and Children Health

organizations (NGOs), women’s and people’s Immunization Act of 2011
organizations, civil society, faith-based
organizations, the religious sector and Republic Act No. 10152 has been signed. It is
communities is crucial to ensure that reproductive otherwise known as the “Mandatory Infants and
health and population and development policies, Children Health Immunization Act of 2011,
plans, and programs will address the priority which requires that all children under five years
needs of women, the poor, and the marginalized; old be given basic immunization against vaccine-
preventable diseases. Specifically, this bill
(j) While this Act recognizes that abortion is illegal provides for all infants to be given the birth dose
and punishable by law, the government shall of the Hepatitis-B vaccine within 24 hours of birth.
ensure that all women needing care for post-
abortive complications and all other complications
arising from pregnancy, labor and delivery and onimmunization#:~:
related issues shall be treated and counseled in a
humane, nonjudgmental and compassionate P. Children Safety on Motorcycles Act 2015
manner in accordance with law and medical
ethics; Republic Act 10666, or the the Children’s
Safety On Motorcycles Act of 2015
(k) Each family shall have the right to determine
its ideal family size: Provided, however, That the The Children's Safety On Motorcycles Act of 2015
State shall equip each parent with the necessary 10-Point Guidelines RA 1066 or the Children’s
information on all aspects of family life, including Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015
reproductive health and responsible parenthood,
in order to make that determination; ● prohibits any person from driving a
motorcycle on public roads with a child
(l) There shall be no demographic or population on board.
targets and the mitigation, promotion and/or ● The law will take effect on May 19, 2017
stabilization of the population growth rate is (Friday).
incidental to the advancement of reproductive ● The law covers all public roads
health; nationwide such as but not limited to
national highways, provincial roads, and
(m) Gender equality and women empowerment municipal and barangay streets. This also
are central elements of reproductive health and includes roads where there is a heavy
population and development; volume of vehicles, there is a high
density of fast moving vehicles, or where
(n) The resources of the country must be made to a speed limit of more than 60 kph is
serve the entire population, especially the poor, imposed.
and allocations thereof must be adequate and ● This covers any two-wheeled motor
effective: Provided, That the life of the unborn is vehicles having one or two riding saddles.
protected; ● A child refers to any person below 18
years old. However, a child may be
(o) Development is a multi-faceted process that allowed to board a motorcycle on public
calls for the harmonization and integration of roads if: the child passenger can
policies, plans, programs and projects that seek comfortably reach his/her feet on the
to uplift the quality of life of the people, more standard foot peg of the motorcycle; the
particularly the poor, the needy and the child’s arms can reach around and grasp
marginalized; and the waist of the motorcycle rider; and the
child is wearing a standard protective
(p) That a comprehensive reproductive health helmet or gear.
program addresses the needs of people ● Sitting in front of the rider is not allowed.
throughout their life cycle. ● The law does not apply to cases where
the child to be transported requires immediate medical attention.
● the penalties for violators:
○ First Offense – P3,000 fine
○ Second Offense – P5,000 fine

○ Third Offense – P10,000 fine and a utmost support and assistance necessary
one-month suspension of driver's for their immediate recovery and
license protection.
● Violation beyond the third time –
Automatic revocation of driver's
license professional/policies/v.php?id= 49170#:
● The DOTr - Land Transportation Office
(LTO) is the lead implementing agency of
the Act. The LTO also has the authority to
deputize members of the PNP, MMDA, R. Child and Youth Welfare Code of the
and LGUs to carry out enforcement Philippines ( Presidential Decree No. 603)
functions and duties.
● Why is this law important? This is a Declaration of Policy. - The Child is one of the
proactive and preventive approach to most important assets of the nation. Every effort
secure the safety of child passengers. It is should be exerted to promote his welfare and
the policy of the State to protect children. enhance his opportunities for a useful and happy
childrens-safety-onmotorcycles-act-of- The Code shall be known as the "Child and
2015-10-things-you-need-to-know-and- Youth Welfare Code". It shall apply to persons
more/ below twenty-one years of age except those
emancipated in accordance with law. "Child" or
Q. Children’s Emergency Relief and "minor" or "youth" as used in this Code, shall refer
Protection Act of 2016 to such persons.

Republic Act No. 10821 of the Government of Rights of the Child. - All children shall be
the Philippines entitled to the rights herein set forth without
distinction as to legitimacy or illegitimacy, sex,
● mandates the provision of emergency social status, religion, political antecedents, and
relief and protection for children before, other factors.
during, and after disaster and other
emergency situations. It refers to 1. Every child is endowed with the dignity
situations when children are gravely and worth of a human being from the
threatened or endangerd by moment of his conception, as generally
circumstances that affect their survival accepted in medical parlance, and has,
and normal development. therefore, the right to be born well.
● The Act is guided by the principles of 2. Every child has the right to a wholesome
survival and development, child family life that will provide him with love,
participation, and consistency with the care and understanding, guidance and
United Nations Convention on the Rights counseling, and moral and material
of the Child, as well as the Children's security. The dependent or abandoned
Charter for Disaster Risk Reduction, and child shall be provided with the nearest
the minimum standards for children in substitute for a home.
humanitarian action. 3. Every child has the right to a well-rounded
● This Act sets the State of the Philippines development of his personality to the end
responsible to establish and implement a that he may become a happy, useful and
comprehensive strategic program of active member of society. The gifted child
action to provide children, pregnant and shall be given opportunity and
lactating mothers affected by disaster and encouragement to develop his special
other emergency situations with the talents. The emotionally disturbed or
utmost support socially maladjusted child shall be treated
● This Act sets the State of the Philippines with sympathy and understanding, and
responsible to establish and implement a shall be entitled to treatment and
comprehensive strategic program of competent care. The physically or
action to provide children, pregnant and mentally handicapped child shall be given
lactating mothers affected by disaster and the treatment, education and care
other emergency situations with the required by his particular condition.

4. Every child has the right to a balanced

diet, adequate clothing, sufficient shelter, policies_and_laws/RA09211.pdf
proper medical attention, and all the basic
physical requirements of a healthy and
vigorous life.
5. Every child has the right to be brought up
in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude
for the enrichment and the strengthening
of his character.
6. Every child has the right to an education
commensurate with his abilities and to the Universal Health Care (UHC), referred to as
development of his skills for the Kalusugan Pangkalahatan (KP), is the “provision
improvement of his capacity for service to to every Filipino of the highest possible quality of
himself and to his fellowmen. health care that is accessible, efficient, equitably
7. Every child has the right to full distributed, adequately funded, fairly financed,
opportunities for safe and wholesome and appropriately used by an informed and
recreation and activities, individual as well empowered public”.
as social, for the wholesome use of his
leisure hours. 1. Legal Basis
8. Every child has the right to protection
against exploitation, improper influences, RA 11223 Universal Health Care Act - an act
hazards, and other conditions or instituting universal health care for all Filipinos ,
circumstances prejudicial to his physical, prescribing reforms in the health care system,
mental, emotional, social and moral and appropriating funds there for .This gives
development. citizens access to the full continuum of health
9. Every child has the right to live in a services they need, while protecting them from
community and a society that can offer enduring financial hardship as a result.
him an environment free from pernicious
influences and conducive to the promotion
of his health and the cultivation of his 2019/02feb/20190220-RA-11223- RRD.pdf
desirable traits and attributes.
10. Every child has the right to the care, 2. Background and Rationale
assistance, and protection of the State,
particularly when his parents or guardians Health-related public policies and laws have
fail or are unable to provide him with his provided the impetus for comprehensive reform
fundamental needs for growth, strategies identified in the Health Sector Reform
development, and improvement. Agenda (HSRA) launched in 1999 and its
11. Every child has the right to an efficient and implementation framework, the FOURmula One
honest government that will deepen his (F1) for Health in 2005. Since then, substantial
faith in democracy and inspire him with gains in health sector improvements have been
the morality of the constituted authorities achieved in the areas of social health insurance
both in their public and private lives. coverage and benefits, execution of Department
12. Every child has the right to grow up as a of Health (DOH) budgets and its use to leverage
free individual, in an atmosphere of peace, local govemment unit (LGU) performance, LGU
understanding, tolerance, and universal spending in health, systematic health investment
brotherhood, and with the determination to planning through the Province-wide Investment
contribute his Plan for Health (PIPHy Citywide Investment Plan
for Health (CIPHy Annual Operational Plan (AOP) process, capacities of government health
decree-no-603#:~:text= facilities, and the implementation and monitoring
of public health programs. However, poor Filipino
S. Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 (RA9211) families have yet to experience equity and access
also known as the Tobacco Regulation Act of to critical health services, despite all of these
2003, is an omnibus law regulating smoking in achievements. DOH and PhilHealth recently
public places, tobacco advertising, promotion and conducted a joint Benefit Delivery Review
sponsorship, and sales restrictions, among other highlighting the need to increase enrollment
requirements coverage, improve availment of benefits and

increase support value for claims in order for the essential services. This Order provides the
National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) to objectives, strategic thrusts, and implementation
provide Filipinos substantial financial risk framework to implement the Universal Health
protection. More importantly, benefit delivery for Care
the sponsored program (poorest quintile) was (UHC)
found to be lowest among our people. To date, asic-page/aquino-healthagenda-universal-health-
only 53 percent of the entire population is covered care.pdf
by the program, with 42 percent availment rate,
and 34 percent support value or a total benefit 1. Objectives and Thrusts
delivery ratio of 8 percent. Public hospitals and
health facilities have also suffered neglect due to ● It is a government mandate aiming to
the inadequacy of health budgets in terms of ensure that every Filipino shall receive
support for upgrading to expand capacity and affordable and quality health benefits.This
improve quality of services. As of October 2010, involves providing adequate resources –
eight hundred ninety two (892) rural health units health human resources, health facilities,
(RHUs) and ninety nine (99) government and health financing.
hospitals have yet to qualify for accreditation by
PhilHealth. Data have also shown that the UHC’s Three Thrusts
poorest of the population are the main users of
government health facilities. This means that the To attain UHC, three strategic thrusts are to be
deterioration and poor quality of many pursued, namely:
government health facilities is particularly
disadvantageous to the poor who needs the 1. Financial risk protection through
services the most. Moreover, weaknesses in expansion in enrollment and benefit
management and compensation of human delivery of the National Health Insurance
resources for health have not been adequately Program (NHIP);
addressed and inadequacies in health information 2. Improved access to quality hospitals and
systems to guide planning and implementation of health care facilities; and
health programs also need urgent attention. 3. Attainment of health-related Millennium
Lastly, while the Philippines is on target for most Development Goals (MDGs).
of its Millennium Development Goals (MDG), it is
lagging behind in reducing maternal and infant
mortality. These two indicators are still at 162 per LESSON 5.D: DOH FUNCTIONS
100,000 live births and 25 per 1,000 live births
respectively (2005 FPS and 2008 NDHS), with
2015 MDG targets at 52 and 19, respectively. (refer to file on quipper)
There is also wide difference in outcomes and
program performance in these priority public
health programs across geographic areas and
income groups that particularly affect the poor. To
address these challenges, the Aquino Health
Agenda (AHA) is being launched to improve,
streamline and scale up reform interventions
espoused in the HSRA and implemented under
Fl. This deliberate focus on the poor will ensure
that as the implementation of health reforms
moves forward, nobody are left behind. To
successfully implement the Aquino Health
Agenda, the Philippine health system will require
the following components: enlightened leadership
and good governance practices; accurate and
timely information and feedback on performance;
financing that lessens the impact of expenditures
especially among the poorest and the
marginalized sector; competent workforce;
accessible and effective medical products and
technologies; and appropriately delivered

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