Ufs Undergraduate Prospectus 2023 - Edition 2
Ufs Undergraduate Prospectus 2023 - Edition 2
Ufs Undergraduate Prospectus 2023 - Edition 2
2 | UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE | Prospectus 2023
4 Disclaimer
6 Message: Rector and Vice-Chancellor -Prof Francis Petersen
9 Bloemfontein, the heart of the Free State
11 Bloemfontein Campus
11 Qwaqwa Campus
12 South Campus
12 Why is the University of the Free State your best choice?
15 Faculty-specific admission requirements:
18 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
19 Faculty of Education
22 Faculty of Health Sciences
24 Faculty of Law
24 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
33 Faculty of the Humanities
35 Faculty of Theology and Religion
The UFS makes every effort to ensure that the information provided in this prospectus is accurate and up to date at the
time of going to press. However, it may be necessary for the UFS to make some changes to the information presented
in the prospectus following publication – for example, where it is necessary to reflect changes in policy, practice, or
theory, or if an accrediting body necessitates requirements to be amended. Furthermore, certain programmes may
only be offered if there is a sufficient number of applicants.
The UFS undertakes to implement all reasonable steps to provide the services (including, but not limited to, the
presentation of the programmes) described in the prospectus. It does not, however, guarantee the provision of such
services or the presentation of any or all programmes described herein. Should circumstances beyond the control of
the UFS interfere with its ability to provide the services or presentation of any programme described herein, the UFS
undertakes to use all reasonable steps to minimise any disruption to the services.
Furthermore, the UFS reserves its right to make amendments to admission requirements if and when necessary. It
reserves the right to withdraw, wholly or in part, the delivery of programmes. Applicants for, and students in affected
programmes will be informed in advance of the commencement of their studies for the academic year concerned.
At the University of the Free State (UFS), we inspire excellence
and transform lives through quality, impact, and care. This is
what we stand for, and what we believe in.
My visie is … om ’n universiteit te bou wat diversiteit, Pono ya ka ke … ho bopa Yunivesithi e ananelang ho se tshwane
inklusiwiteit en akademiese uitnemendheid aangryp. Ek wil ha rona, e kenyelletsang bohle le e ipabolang thutong. Ke batla o
hê dat jy welkom en veilig sal voel wanneer jy ons leer- en ikutlwe o amohelehile hape o bolokehile ha o kena sebakeng sa
leefruimte betree – ’n plek waar jy jou sosiale en akademiese rona sa thuto le sa ho phela – sebaka seo ho sona o ka kgonang
drome kan verwesenlik. Ons bied aan jou ’n ervaring wat ’n ho fihlella ditabatabelo tsa hao tsa bophelo le tsa thuto. Re o fa
gebalanseerde grondslag verskaf vir wat die toekoms ook al van boiphihlelo bo fanang ka motheo o tsitsitseng/lekaneng bakeng
jou vereis – van akademie tot sport, kuns, kultuurbedrywighede sa ntho efe kapa efe e hlokahalang bakeng sa bokamoso, ho
en ’n verskeidenheid studenteverenigings om van te kies. tloha ho tsa thuto, ho ya ho tsa dipapadi, bonono, mesebetsi ya
setso, le mekgatlo e itseng ya baithuti eo o ka kgethang ho yona.
Ons het gegroei … tot ’n erkende universiteit sedert 1904,
met navorsers wat plaaslike en internasionale groei beïnvloed. Re hodile … ho ba Yunivesithi e tsebahalang ho tloha ka 1904,
Ons alumni blink uit in die sakewêreld, sport, die kunste, kultuur ka baithuti ba nang le kgahlamelo kgolong ya tsa selehae le
en op baie ander gebiede. Jy kan ook groei en jou potensiaal lefatsheng ka bophara. Baithuti ba rona ba mehleng ba tswa
ontwikkel binne ons sewe fakulteite wat die hele spektrum pele ho tsa kgwebo, dipapadi, bonono, setso, le dikarolong tse
dek – van voorgraadse kwalifikasies en diplomas tot nagraadse ding tse ngata. Le wena, o ka hodisa le ho eketsa bokgoni ba hao
kwalifikasies. ka hara difakhalthi tsa rona tse supileng, tse akaretsang dikarolo
kaofela ho tloha ho dikri tsa baithuti ba so kang ba fumana dikri
Ontmoet en leer … van sommige van die beste akademiese ya pele le diploma, ho ya ho dikri tsa bongaka le tse tlang ka
intellektuele, terwyl jy jou vaardighede met behulp van ons mora tsa bongaka.
Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer verbeter – wat studieklasse
en akademiese skryfdienste insluit. Talle ander dienste Kopanang mme le ithute … ho tswa ho ba bang ba bahlalefi ba
wat deur ons Studentesake aangebied word, byvoorbeeld baholo dithutong, ka yona nako eo le ntse le ntlafatsa tsebo
studenteleierskap-ontwikkelingsprogramme, loopbaandienste, ya lona ka thuso ya Lefapha la rona la ho Ruta le ho Ithuta
studentegesondheid- en welstandprogramme, asook (Centre for Teaching and Learning) - ho kenyelletswa dithuto
studentevoorligting, sal jou tyd saam met ons onvergeetlik tse kenelletseng le ditshebeletso tsa thuto ya ho ngola. Ho na le
maak. ditshebeletso tse ding tse ngata tse tswang karolong ya Ditaba
tsa baithuti (Student Affairs), jwalo ka ya tsa ntshetsopele ya
Ons navorsers … floreer met ons ondersteuning. Ons diprogreme/diprograma tsa ketapele ya baithuti, ditshebeletso
navorsers met graderings van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting tsa kgetho ya mosebetsi, diprogreme/diprograma tsa baithuti
(NNS) het oor die afgelope paar jaar bykans verdubbel, en ons tsa Bophelo bo botle le ho itlhokomela (health and wellness),
Visekanselier se Prestige-program vir Jong Navorsers (PSP) help le boeletsi ba baithuti; di tla etsa hore nako ya lona le rona e
uitgesoekte navorsers op hulle pad na professorskap – jy kan hopolehe.
een van hulle word.
Baithuti ba rona … ba atleha ka tshehetso ya rona. Palo ya
Eerstejaarstudente … word verwelkom deur ons Gateway- bafuputsi ba rona ka dipalopalo tse tswang ho National Research
oriënteringsprogram vir Eerstejaars. Ons sal jou help om jou Foundation (NRF) e batlile e menahana habedi, mme progreme/
weg op die kampus te vind, seker te maak dat jy geregistreer is, programa ya tlhompho ya motlatsa-mokanseliri (Vice-
en jou na akademiese advisering, beroepsvoorligting en ander Chancellor’s Prestige Scholars Programme (PSP) e thusa baithuti
steundienste op die kampus verwys. ba kgethilweng leetong la bona la thuto ho ba diprofesara – o ka
ba e mong wa bona.
Kom geniet … ’n ondersteunende, vriendelike, aangename
en intellektueel verfrissende omgewing waar akademiese Baithuti ba selemo sa pele … ba amohelwa ka progreme/
uitnemendheid en die aanvaarding van mense die kern vorm programa ya rona ya thuto ya Gateway ya baithuti ba selemo
van wat ons doen. Ons het uitnemende doelwitte en oogmerke sa pele. Re tla le thusa ho fumana tsela ya lona khempaseng, re
vir jou sukses as ’n toekomstige gegradueerde, baanbreker en etse bonnete ba hore le ngodisitswe, re le ise ho ba tsa keletso ya
leier in die wêreld. tsa dithuto, boeletsi ba tsa kgetho ya mesebetsi, le ditshebeletso
tse ding tsa tshehetso khempaseng.
Kies ’n blink toekoms saam met ons.
Prof Francis Petersen Tlohong le tlo natefelwa … ke tikoloho e nang le tshehetso, ho
Rektor en Visekanselier, Universiteit van die Vrystaat kgathallwa, ho natefelwa, le ho matlafatswa, moo boipabolo
thutong le kamohelo ya batho e leng karolo ya bohlokwa ho seo
re se etsang. Re na le ditoro tse kgolo le maikemisetso bakeng
sa katleho ya hao jwalo ka serutehi sa hosane, mmulakgoro, le
moetapele lefatsheng.
At the University of the Free State (UFS),
we inspire excellence and transform lives.
This is what we stand for, and what we believe in.
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f o n t e in
B loem
The University of the Free State is situated in Bloemfontein
– the centre of South Africa. Bloemfontein is part of the
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Free State, and
serves as the capital of the province, as well as the Judicial
Capital of South Africa.
faculties 34 822
Established in
6 403
2 581
total 1 888
permanent distance-learning where academic
staff students, 41 675 staff have been
South Campus total students appointed
8 606
graduates per
1 156
locations of international
teaching annum students
The Bloemfontein Campus dates back to 1904, making our university one of the oldest higher-education institutions in the country.
The Main Building, and other buildings of historic and architectural importance, portrays the calm though vibrant atmosphere
appropriate to an academic institution of more than 117 years old.
It is a vast campus where staff and students are encouraged to walk while enjoying the beautiful buildings, parks, lawns, artwork,
and other facilities. Every effort has been made to make the campus user- and experience-friendly, including braille-guided areas
for blind students, and additional ramps and elevators for students with disabilities.
When on the campus, stop and rest under one of the shady trees. You will find that many of the benches represent artwork by
Azwifarwi Ragimana, a famous South African artist. Walk through the Thakaneng Bridge and the Student Centre where you will find
a range of takeaway shops, KovsieFM – the campus radio station, stationery and bookshops. The swanky KovsieGear shop offers
visitors and students exciting Kovsie merchandise.
Our Bloemfontein, South, and Qwaqwa Campuses are immaculately maintained and provide a safe and secure environment.
Through an active programme of sports, cultural, and social events, our students are also given the opportunity to develop into
competent and compassionate future leaders.
Student accommodation is very popular, and our residences are within walking distance of all facilities. Our Bloemfontein Campus
is regarded as one of the most integrated campuses in South Africa, with a very diverse group of students.
The campus is situated in one of the main roads passing through Bloemfontein, Nelson Mandela Drive, and is within walking distance
of shopping centres, schools, and other places of interest.
Visit our Qwaqwa Campus:
Kestell Road | Phuthaditjhaba | www.ufs.ac.za | T: +27 58 718 5000
Situated in the scenic sandstone mountains of Phuthaditjhaba in the Eastern Free State, our Qwaqwa Campus attracts students
from across the continent, with the majority from the Eastern Free State and western KwaZulu-Natal.
This campus offers programmes in the Faculties of the Humanities, Education, Economic and Management Sciences, as well as
Natural and Agricultural Sciences, with postgraduate teaching in various centres of excellence. Our main consideration is that
the learning programmes, research, academic interventions, and community service-learning opportunities are socially and
educationally responsive to the region. The on-campus research hubs produce valuable knowledge, much of which has a local
With the influx of postgraduate students from around the globe, the Qwaqwa Campus is probably the fastest-growing rural
campus in South Africa. To address the recent growth spurt, existing buildings were renovated, the infrastructure updated, and
new buildings added. The huge investment in infrastructure makes it one of the best-equipped rural campuses, with a spacious
layout, modern lecture theatres, and comfortable residences.
Various male, female, and day residences accommodate students’ living, learning, and social needs, with floodlit stadia, athletic
tracks, and netball and basketball courts catering for sports talent and aspirations.
Nestled in the hills overlooking the vibrant city of Bloemfontein, lies the South Campus of the University of the Free State (UFS).
The facilities can accommodate up to 4 000 students and include lecture rooms, an auditorium, a library, and an impressive
administration building.
Originally established in the 1980s as a satellite campus for Vista University, it was incorporated into the UFS in 2004. Ever since
its incorporation, the UFS tailored the South Campus to play a significant role in the economy of the region, the enhancement of its
people, as well as being the hub for distance-learning programmes offered by the institution.
One of the main roles of the campus is to draw new students from lower levels of education who would previously not have been
able to obtain higher education. The South Campus offers programmes for students to gain access to Further Education and Training
(FET) and Higher Education (HE) levels. These programmes enable learners to ultimately enter the mainstream curriculum after
completing preparation courses. By offering this opportunity, the UFS ensures that students – who might otherwise have fallen by
the wayside – get to develop to their full potential and realise their dreams.
In addition, the South Campus also serves as the pivotal centre to more than 6 000 long-distance learners. These students are not
able to study on campus due to a variety of factors, such as their geographical location, financial constraints, or having to complete
their degrees on a part-time basis because of job commitments. The influx of long-distance learners account for the South Campus
being the fastest growing of the UFS campuses.
On-campus students receive intensive small-group instruction, which has been proven to be a highly successful method of tuition.
Distance education is accomplished through online technology and broadcasting mediums.
We are INVESTED in SUCCESS and that is why our graduates are HIGHLY SOUGHT-AFTER and
AFFORDABLE PRICE, but you can expect to study at a medium-sized university where ACADEMIC
At the UFS we ACTIVELY EMBRACE transformation, diversity, and inclusivity. PEOPLE ARE THE
HEARTBEAT of the institution; therefore, social justice and human-rights projects will always be a
The UFS is LOCATED IN CENTRAL South Africa and therefore easily accessible from anywhere in the
Faculties and buildings are not scattered across town. All academic and social activities are confined
Our teaching and social environments create a space where everyone feels a SENSE OF BELONGING,
whether it is on our Bloemfontein Campus, our South Campus in the southern parts of Bloemfontein,
or our Qwaqwa Campus in the picturesque Phuthaditjhaba. The three campuses offer different spaces
where you can fit in with ease. It is a VIBRANT, SAFE, and RELAXED environment.
Are you still unsure
what to study?
Scan the QR code
and check out the
different careers.
14 | UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE | Prospectus 2023
Because you are
to be a graduate, a thinker, a
problem-solver, and a leader,
We have seven different faculties, each with its own specific admission requirements for undergraduate programmes. Within the
faculties, different undergraduate programmes may also have additional and/or different admission requirements – especially the
selection courses. Make sure that you are aware of the requirements for the programme that you want to study.
and Natural and
Religion Agricultural
are Health
Economic and
Sciences The
Pay attention to the following important information:
• All admission requirements apply to first-year students in
From this point forward, we will use these 2023. Admission requirements are applicable ONLY to first-year
abbreviations instead of the full terms: undergraduate studies in 2023.
NSC: National Senior Certificate • Consult the faculty booklet available at www.ufs.ac.za/prospective
or the faculty manager for all the compulsory and elective modules
AP: Admission Point (where applicable) for the programme you are interested in.
BC: Bloemfontein Campus • If you are a senior student, consult the following for admission
QC: Qwaqwa Campus requirements: head of department | lecturer | faculty rulebooks.
SC: South Campus in Bloemfontein • All admission requirements are subject to change without prior
HC: Higher Certificate
• Unless stated otherwise, a level 4 (50%) is required for English Home
AL: Academic Literacy Test (NBT) Language or English First Additional Language.
QL: Quantitative Literacy Test (NBT) • Refer to Important Closing Dates for selection courses. Applications
for all other non-selection programmes close on 30 September 2022.
MT: Mathematics Test (NBT)
Important: To be considered for placement The ECP is designed to equip students, who do not meet the minimum
admission requirements, with the necessary competencies to be
in the ECP, prospective students must apply successful in their studies. Academic support and skills development are
for the mainstream programmes. integrated with regular academic work.
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about our programmes.
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Against the background of our mission to be a dynamic, innovative, and quality-driven faculty, the Faculty of Economic and
Management Sciences covers a diverse academic spectrum – from public and private sector management to specialised training
for accountants on undergraduate level – aiming to provide relevant, market-driven capacity and competence through, inter alia,
You can obtain first-degree qualifications in one of three teaching programmes: Private Sector Management, Public Sector
Management, and Accountancy. These qualifications aim to develop your intellectual skills through scientific teaching and learning
so that you will be thoroughly prepared for various careers in the broad field of Economics and Management. Furthermore, the
faculty offers successful international programmes for both staff and students.
Note: The admission requirements as indicated below are guidelines. Meeting the minimum admission requirements for your chosen/intended
programme of study does not guarantee admission, as limited space is available in each programme. Final selection and admission are subject to
the availability of space, academic results, and other admission requirements where applicable.
Academic Compulsory
Programme AP English Mathematics Campus
Plan Code NBT
Programme AP English Compulsory NBT Campus
Plan Code
BAdmin BC634040 28 4 (50%) AL, QL BC
Training of Accountants: Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) and BCom (Accounting) (BCom (Acc))
Programme AP English Mathematics Compulsory NBT Campus
Plan Code
BAcc BC636060 34 4 (50%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
The BAcc degree is aimed at those aspiring to be chartered accountants (SA).
Students must pass the EFIN1614 module in order to continue with the EFIN1624 module and the BAcc programme in the second semester. If a
student fails to do so, he/she will be converted to the BCom (Accounting) programme in the second semester.
Programme AP English Mathematics Compulsory NBT Campus
Plan Code
BCom with specialisation in General Management QC630001 28 4 (50%) 4 (50%) AL, QL, MT QC
The Faculty of Education educates teachers in several disciplines. Our primary focus is to prepare you as pre-service teachers for your work in
schools, ensuring that you have a strong disciplinary base for your professional work. In our undergraduate Bachelor of Education degree (offered
in Pre-school/Foundation, Intermediate, and FET phases), you are prepared to be teachers in primary and secondary schools. The key teaching and
learning principle of the programme is reflection, with an emphasis on instructing prospective teachers about teaching as opposed to teaching
them only how to teach. Against this background, the faculty offers creative teaching and learning practices, illuminating broader citizenship and
professional values. Our students are mentored to value scholarship, professional competence, and ethical practice.
Note: The admission requirements as indicated below are guidelines. Meeting the minimum admission requirements for your chosen/intended
programme of study does not guarantee admission, as limited space is available in each programme. Final selection and admission are subject to
the availability of space, academic results, and other admission requirements where applicable.
Bachelor of Education (BEd): four years
Academic Compulsory
Programme AP English Campus
Plan Code NBT
BC735152 BC
BEd (Foundation Phase Teaching) 30 4 (50%) AL, QL
QC735152 QC
BEd (Intermediate Phase Teaching) with specialisation in Life Skills and Social BC735758 BC
30 4 (50%) AL, QL
Science Teaching QC735758 QC
BEd (Intermediate Phase Teaching) with specialisation in Mathematics, Natural BC735759 BC
30 4 (50%) AL, QL
Sciences, and Technology Teaching QC735759 QC
BEd (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Phase Teaching) (FET BC736364 BC
30 4 (50%) AL, QL
subject combination) QC736364 QC
Programme Description Minimum Admission Requirements
Academic Physical Life Compulsory
Programme AP English Mathematics Graphics and Campus
Plan Code Sciences Sciences NBT
Academic Physical Life Compulsory
Programme AP English Mathematics Graphics and Campus
Plan Code Sciences Sciences NBT
Bachelor’s Degree in Intermediate Phase
Intermediate Phase
Teaching with specialisation
in Mathematics, Natural BC735791 30 4 (50%) 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A AL, QL BC
Sciences, Technology, and
Afrikaans Home Language
Intermediate Phase
Teaching with specialisation
in Mathematics, Natural
BC735785 30 4 (50%) 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A AL, QL BC
Sciences and Technology,
and Afrikaans First
Additional Language
Intermediate Phase
Teaching with specialisation
in Life Skills, Social BC7357581 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A 5 (60%) AL, QL BC
Sciences, and Afrikaans
First Additional Language
Intermediate Phase
Teaching with specialisation
in Mathematics, Natural BC735786 BC
30 4(50%) 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A AL, QL
Sciences and Technology, QC735786 QC
and Sesotho Home
Intermediate Phase
Teaching with specialisation
in Life Skills and Social QC735758 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A 5 (60%) AL, QL QC
Sciences Teaching, and
IsiZulu Home Language
Intermediate Phase
Teaching with specialisation
BC735782 BC
in Life Skills, Social 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A 5 (60%) AL, QL
QC735782 QC
Sciences, and Sesotho
Home Language
Intermediate Phase
Teaching with specialisation
in Mathematics, Natural
QC735759 30 4 (50%) 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A AL, QL QC
Sciences and Technology
Teaching, and IsiZulu Home
Academic Physical Life Compulsory
Programme AP English Mathematics Graphics and Campus
Plan Code Sciences Sciences NBT
Bachelor’s Degree in Senior and FET Phase
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training
BC736101 BC
Teaching with specialisation 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A AL, QL
QC736101 QC
in Accounting and Business
Studies (EMS)
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training
BC736364 BC
Teaching with specialisation 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A AL, QL
QC736364 QC
in Business Management and
Accounting (EMS)
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training
Teaching with specialisation in BC736301 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A 4 (50%) N/A AL, QL BC
Technology and Engineering
Graphics and Design
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training BC736305 BC
30 4 (50%) 4 (50%) N/A N/A 5 (60%) AL, QL
Teaching with specialisation in QC736305 QC
Life Sciences and Mathematics
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training
BC736306 BC
Teaching with specialisation 30 4(50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) N/A 5 (60%) AL, QL
QC736306 QC
in Life Sciences and Physical
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training
Teaching with specialisation
QC736402 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A AL, QL QC
in Sesotho Home Language
and English First Additional
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training
Teaching with specialisation
QC736403 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A AL, QL QC
in IsiZulu Home Language
and English First Additional
Language **
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training
Teaching with specialisation QC736313 30 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) N/A N/A AL, QL QC
in Mathematics and Physical
Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training
QC736520 30 4 (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A AL, QL QC
Teaching with specialisation in
History and Life Orientation
• Language areas of specialisation: English AND Afrikaans (Home or First Additional Language) OR Sesotho (Home or First Additional
Language) OR isiZulu (Home or First Additional Language).
• **isiZulu is only offered on the Qwaqwa Campus.
• Additional admission requirements apply to the following disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Information
Systems, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Music, and Sesotho. Contact the relevant faculty.
The School of Clinical Medicine, School of Pathology, School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Nursing, and the School of Health
and Rehabilitation Sciences are proud to offer you opportunities to obtain excellent qualifications in healthcare. Students in the
Faculty of Health Sciences are highly motivated, compassionate individuals whose academic knowledge and clinical expertise are
developed through innovative teaching and learning modes that include simulated as well as clinical-skills development. Graduates
of our faculty are in high demand at healthcare institutions and have a positive impact on the provision of quality healthcare
Note: The admission requirements as indicated below are guidelines. Meeting the minimum admission requirements for your chosen/intended
programme of study does not guarantee admission, as limited space is available in each programme. Final selection and admission are subject to
the availability of space, academic results, and other admission requirements where applicable.
• Closing date for applications to study any programme in the School of Clinical Medicine is 31 May 2022.
• If you are a senior applicant (already studying at a tertiary institution, or a graduate), there are important additional requirements
that you must meet. It is important to contact the faculty for more information.
Bachelor of Optometry
BC841300 33 5 (60%) 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) Yes AL, QL, MT
Bachelor of Biokinetics*
BC844000 33 5 (60%) 4 (50%) 4 (50%) 4 (50%) Yes AL, QL, MT
School of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing BC849000 30 4 (50%) 3 (40%) 6 (70%) 5 (60%) 4 (50%) Yes AL, QL, MT
The Faculty of Law is among the best in the country. Its location in the judicial capital, Bloemfontein, exposes students to the
practice of law in both the lower and higher divisions of the courts. Close ties with the profession allow the faculty to share the
expertise of judges and legal practitioners with students. The faculty is proud of its high academic standards and its commitment
to the constant improvement of its programmes.
The Faculty of Law is committed to excellence in teaching and to delivering eminent jurists. Legal education will open doors to a
wide variety of career opportunities, including the advocates’ profession, attorneys’ profession, legal advising, labour consulting,
prosecuting, magistrates’ profession, academia, as well as positions in the insurance and banking industries.
The faculty is recognised for outstanding research and is also involved with community projects in which the UFS Law Clinic and
specialised centres in the faculty play a major role.
The faculty enjoys close ties with several international law schools and law faculties, especially in Australia, Britain, Europe, and the
USA. The faculty offers the LLB programme through residential learning.
Note: The admission requirements as indicated below are guidelines. Meeting the minimum admission requirements for your chosen/intended
programme of study does not guarantee admission, as limited space is available in each programme. Final selection and admission are subject to
the availability of space, academic results, and other admission requirements where applicable.
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) – four years BC340000 33 6 (70%) 4 (50%) 6 (70%) AL, QL
The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences is a vibrant faculty attracting both national and international students due to
its stimulating curriculum and exciting research agenda. We are an engaged faculty whose interactions with its community are
integrated with research and teaching.
The faculty offers exciting and relevant programmes in the following broad areas of training and research:
• Natural Sciences
• Agricultural Sciences
• Building Sciences
The faculty offers both Bachelor’s and Bachelor of Science degrees. Furthermore, the faculty offers programmes on all three of the
UFS campuses, i.e., the Bloemfontein Campus, South Campus in Bloemfontein, and the Qwaqwa Campus in the Eastern Free State.
In addition to the standard admission requirements for degree study, as a first-year student, you are expected to:
For more information, visit www.ufs.ac.za/natagri and click on ‘Rulebook (or visit: https://www.ufs.ac.za/natagri/faculty-of-
natural-and-agricultural-sciences-home/academic-information/yearbooks )’ or contact any of the staff members indicated at
the respective programmes.
Here, we constantly shift the frontiers of knowledge through fundamental research, innovation, and new technology development
in support of our efforts to stay in step with the challenges of an ever-changing world. Our expertise in the Natural Sciences
includes Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Actuarial Science, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering Sciences, Geography, Geology,
Biological Sciences, Computer Science and Informatics, and Consumer Science.
BSc majoring in Botany and Entomology BC432027 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Botany and Genetics BC432031 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Botany and Microbiology BC432039 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Botany and Plant Breeding BC432041 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Botany and Plant Pathology BC432042 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Botany and Zoology BC432049 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Plant Health Ecology BC432082 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Entomology and Genetics BC432731 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Entomology and
BC432739 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Entomology and Zoology BC432749 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Programme Description Minimum Admission Requirements
BSc majoring in Microbiology and Statistics BC433946 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Microbiology and Zoology BC433949 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Forensic Sciences* BC433031 34 4 (50%) 6 (70%) 6 (70%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
*Admission to BSc majoring in Forensic Sciences is subject to selection. A minimum AP of 34 is required, with a cumulative AP score of at least 17
for Mathematics, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences. NBT results will be used for selection and admission purposes. No person with a criminal
record will be admitted to this programme.
Programme Director: Prof Johan Venter: +27 51 401 3336 | venterja@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za/chemistry |
BSc majoring in Chemistry and Biochemistry BC432119 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Chemistry and Microbiology BC432139 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Chemistry and Physics BC432140 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) N/A 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Chemistry and Botany BC432120 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Physics and Agrometeorology BC434012 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Physics and Astrophysics BC434017 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) N/A 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Physics and Engineering Subjects BC434026 30 4 (50%) 6 (70%) N/A 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Note: If you want to register for Chemistry as a major, remember that we only admit a limited number of students based on
academic excellence in the second year.
Enquiries: Programme Director: Dr Ismari van der Merwe: +27 51 401 2598 | ivdmerwe@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za/sfsd
Enquiries: Programme Director: Eldalize Kruger: +27 51 401 2185 | krugere@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za/geography
Enquiries: Programme Director: Justine Magson: +27 51 401 2373 | markramj1@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za/geology
BSc majoring in Geology and Chemistry BC433521 30 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) Yes AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Environmental Geology BC433528 30 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) Yes AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Geochemistry BC433532 30 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) Yes AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Geology and Geography BC433533 30 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) Yes AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Geology BC433535 30 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) Yes AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Geology and Physics BC433540 30 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) Yes AL, QL, MT BC
Programme Description Minimum Admission Requirements
BSc (Information Technology) majoring in Data Science BC432295 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc (Information Technology) majoring in Computer
BC432255 32 4 (50%) 4 (50%) 4 (50%) AL, QL, MT BC
Science and Business Management*
* If you enrol for Mathematics as part of the BSc (IT) majoring in Computer Science and Business Management programme, Mathematics on Level 5
(60%) is required.
Enquiries: Programme Director: Jaco Marais: +27 51 401 2929/2754 | maraisj@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za/csi
Mathematical Sciences
Programme Directors:
Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Science: Dr Christiaan Venter: +27 51 401 2320 | venterc@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za /mam
Mathematical Statistics, Actuarial Sciences, Applied Statistics: Dr Michael von Maltitz: +27 51 401 2609 | vmaltitzmj@ufs.ac.za
www.ufs.ac.za /msas
Academic Physical
Programme AP English Mathematics Compulsory NBT Campus
Plan Code Sciences
BSc majoring in Mathematics and Applied
BC433816 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) 4 (50%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Mathematics and Chemistry BC433821 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) 4 (50%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Mathematics and Mathematical
BC433837 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) 4 (50%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Mathematics and Physics BC433840 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) 4 (50%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Actuarial Science BC431000 34 4 (50%) 6 (70%) N/A AL, QL, MT BC
Admission to BSc Actuarial Science is subject to selection. The selection process is based on academic performance. If you are unsuccessful in your
application for Actuarial Science, you may be offered a place in the BSc majoring in Econometrics. A space will be made available to you in the second
year of Actuarial Science if you excel in your Econometrics first year. Closing date for applications is 30 September 2022.
BSc majoring in Climate Sciences BC433712 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) 4 (50%) AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Econometrics BC433758 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) N/A AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Mathematical Statistics and
BC433786 32 4 (50%) 6 (70%) N/A AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Statistics and Economics BC434658 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) N/A AL, QL, MT BC
BSc majoring in Statistics and Psychology BC434686 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) N/A AL, QL, MT BC
We offer opportunities
for you through leading
In terms of Agriculture, the faculty offers a wide variety of specialised programmes that will give you access to careers in agricultural management,
agricultural economics, animal sciences, agrometeorology, agronomy, soil sciences, grassland sciences, wildlife production, plant breeding, plant
pathology, crop production, mixed farming, and irrigation management.
All Agricultural programmes:
Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences: Dr Elmarie van der Watt: +27 51 401 2713 | vdwatte@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za /scc
Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences: Dr Mike Fair: +27 51 401 9056 | fairmd@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za /animal
Agricultural Economics: Elrich Jacobs: +27 51 401 3726 | jacobses@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za /agricecon
Sustainable Food Systems and Development: Dr Ismari van der Merwe: +27 51 401 2598 | ivdmerwe@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za/sfsd
Academic Compulsory
Programme AP English Mathematics Campus
Plan Code NBT
Note: * Mathematical Literacy on Level 7 (80%) will also be accepted IF the AP is 31 or above (excluding BAgric majoring in
Agricultural Economics).
Programme AP English Mathematics Compulsory NBT Campus
Plan Code
BSc majoring in Agricultural Economics BC431100 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Very important: TWO of either Life Sciences / Agricultural Sciences / Physical Sciences WITH Mathematics are required for all BSc
Agriculture programmes, excluding only BSc Agricultural Economics.
BScAgric majoring in
BC540015 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Animal Science
BScAgric majoring in
BC540036 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Grassland Science
BScAgric majoring in
BC540089 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Wildlife Science
BScAgric majoring in
BC540012 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Programme Description Minimum Admission Requirements
BScAgric majoring in
BC540013 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
BScAgric majoring in
BC540044 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Soil Science
BScAgric majoring in
BC540041 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Plant Breeding
BScAgric majoring in
BC540042 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) 5 (60%) AL, QL, MT BC
Plant Pathology
Very important: TWO of either Life Sciences / Agricultural Sciences / Physical Sciences WITH Mathematics are required for all BSc
Agricultural programmes, excluding only BSc majoring in Agricultural Economics.
Enquiries: Programme Director: Kobus du Preez: +27 51 401 2332 | dpreezjl@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za /architecture
The Department of Architecture is underpinned by a critical enquiry into meaningful place-making. The department focuses on the
caring design of the built environment in the following ways:
• You must pass a selection process. Visit www.ufs.ac.za/arch-selection, print the selection form, and submit completed form to
NoReplyArchiSelect@ufs.ac.za before/on 31 July 2022.
• We will notify you of the selection outcome no later than 30 November 2022.
Academic Compulsory
Programme AP English Mathematics Selection Campus
Plan Code NBT
Bachelor of Architecture
BC430114 30 4 (50%) 4 (50%) Yes AL, QL, MT BC
Note: Closing date for application and the submission of your selection form is 31 July 2022.
Quantity Surveying and Construction Management:
Full-time: Cameron Ferreira: +27 51 401 2607 | greylingc2@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za/qscm
Compact Learning: Fredrick Simpeh: +27 51 401 2958 | simpehf@ufs.ac.za | www.ufs.ac.za/qscm
The Department of Quantity Surveying and Construction Management aims to develop, by means of dynamic scientific education,
independent and critical-thinking graduates who will become leaders in their field. Over the past few years, the department has
made significant contributions to the various professions and to the construction industry as a whole. The department maintains
statutory accreditation by the South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession (SACQSP), the South African Council
for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP), and the South African Council for the Property Valuers
Profession (SACPVP).
Academic Compulsory
Programme AP English Mathematics Selection Campus
Plan Code NBT
BSc (Construction Economics and Management)
BC432443 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) Yes AL, QL, MT BC
VERY IMPORTANT: The full-time option to study a BSc (Construction Economics and Management) programme is applicable to prospective students
who are currently in Grade 12.
Academic Compulsory
Programme AP English Mathematics Selection Campus
Plan Code NBT
BSc (Construction Management) (Compact
BC432401 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) Yes N/A BC
BSc (Quantity Surveying) (Compact Learning) BC434301 32 4 (50%) 5 (60%) Yes N/A BC
VERY IMPORTANT: If you are considering applying for the Compact Learning study options, the following additional admission requirements must
be met:
• Applicants must be at least 23 years of age;
• Applicants must submit /supply proof of full-time employment in the construction industry.
Biological Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
The primary purpose of a Humanities education is to give you access to critical thinking skills, appreciation of literature,
understanding of cultures, the use of power, the mysteries of the mind, the organisation of societies, the complexities of leadership,
the art of communication, and the challenge of change. All of these skills will support you in your future career. A qualification in
the Humanities is therefore well respected all over the world. People with this type of qualification form the backbone of society.
The Faculty of the Humanities offers a great variety of academic options that vary in disciplines, including Languages, the Arts,
Human Sciences, Social Sciences, and Cultural Sciences. This makes it possible for you to compile a degree programme suitable for
your career choice, interests, and aptitudes.
Certain programmes were developed to train you for a specific career, while others equip you with skills needed for various
positions. Today’s ever-changing career world requires various skills that this faculty can equip you with, including language
proficiency, communication skills, creativity, interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, computer literacy, and critical thinking.
Juanita Hlongwane: +27 51 401 3269 | Katlego Mabulana: +27 51 401 2495 | Neo Ravhuhali: +27 51 401 3519
Email: humanities@ufs.ac.za
General: Although the Academic and Quantitative Literacy tests (NBT) are written, only the results of the Academic Literacy test
are used during the registration process.
Note: The admission requirements as indicated below are guidelines. Meeting the minimum admission requirements for your chosen/intended
programme of study does not guarantee admission, as limited space is available in each programme. Final selection and admission are subject to
the availability of space, academic results, and other admission requirements where applicable.
Diploma in Music**
BC120044 25 4 (50%) N/A BC
Dip (Music) – Subject to selection
**Unisa Grade 5 in principal instrument or voice or equivalent skills; Unisa Grade 3 in Music Theory is advised; A compulsory audition and theory
proficiency test before 30 September 2022. Contact the Odeion School of Music for an appointment at +27 51 401 2810 or osm@ufs.ac.za
Programme AP English Compulsory NBT Campus
Plan Code
Programme Description Minimum Admission Requirements
Programme AP English Compulsory NBT Campus
Plan Code
BA General (see the majors offered below) BC137000 30 4 (50%) AL, QL BC
The Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) makes provision for the following majors:
Major #1 Major #2
• Ancient Near Eastern Studies • Ancient Near Eastern Studies • Political Science
• Philosophy • Philosophy • Criminology
• History • History • Psychology
• Classical Studies • Classical Studies • English
• Art History and Image Studies • Classical Languages • Hebrew
• Linguistics • Art History and Image Studies • Arabic
• Geography* • Sesotho (home language) • French (French for beginners)
• IsiZulu home language • German (beginners or intermediate)
• Afrikaans and Dutch (AFN) • Linguistics
• South African Sign Language • Anthropology
• Sociology
* Students wishing to major in Geography must have passed Mathematics Grade 12 on achievement Level 4 (50%).
Assistant Dean: Dr JR McDonald: +27 58 718 5436 | mcdonaldjr@ufs.ac.za
Faculty Officer: Mrs Lungile Mohale: +27 58 718 5405 | mohalelp@ufs.ac.za
Bachelor’s Degrees: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Enquiries: Grey Magaiza: +27 58 718 5419 | magaizag@ufs.ac.za
Academic Compulsory
Programme AP English Campus
Plan Code NBT
Bachelor of Community Development (BCommDev) – Subject to selection* QC140400 30 5 (60%) AL, QL QC
* An AP of 30 OR a Diploma in Vocational Skills with a minimum pass rate of Level 4 in English is required. Admission is subject to a selection
The faculty is the only institution in central South Africa that offers fully-fledged, all-inclusive theological education to train
students for a professional career in ministry. It offers training in all theological disciplines, starting at undergraduate level. The
faculty embraces values that encourage cultural, gender, and ethnic inclusivity, promote academic and intellectual excellence,
innovation, support, as well as spiritual and ethical integrity. It also strives to establish a sense of community and hospitality within
all the spheres of faculty activities. The Faculty of Theology and Religion delivers a unique national and international contribution to
the development of the church, society, and the academic environment. This is achieved through quality theological education and
specialist research based on dedicated theological teaching and a solid research framework.
Note: The admission requirements as indicated below are guidelines. Meeting the minimum admission requirements for your chosen/intended
programme of study does not guarantee admission, as limited space is available in each programme. Final selection and admission are subject to
the availability of space, academic results, and other admission requirements where applicable.
Programme AP English Compulsory NBT Campus
Plan Code
Higher Certificate in Theology
BC911000 20 4 (50%) N/A BC
HCert (Theology)
Bachelor of Divinity*
BC940300 28 4 (50%) AL, QL** BC
A Diploma (360 credits, NQF Exit Level 6) in any
Advanced Diploma in Theology BC21500 BC
field of study.
ALTERNATIVE Do you have an AP of at least 18? In that case, you can get
access to Higher Certificate study programmes if you meet the
ACCESS TO minimum requirements of the Access Programmes (AP). Higher
Certificate studies include a Higher Certificate in Economic and
Management Sciences and a Higher Certificate in Humanities.
HIGHER- This gateway to education provides you with an opportunity to
access studies in mainstream programmes after the successful
completion of your Higher Certificate.
EDUCATION What are the Access Programmes?
STUDIES We have introduced this programme to assist many deserving
students who do not meet our admission requirements. There
are various study options:
Application dates
Development Modules:
For the Commerce route study option:
• Skills and Competencies for Lifelong Learning
• General English Literacy Course
• Mathematical Literacy • Skills and Competencies for Lifelong Learning
• Mathematical Literacy
• General English Literacy Course
For the Administration route study option: • Basic Computer Literacy
• Skills and Competencies for Lifelong Learning
• General Language course in English
• Mathematical Literacy
The Programme Director: Ms Tshego Setilo | University Access Programme | South Campus | PO Box 339 | Bloemfontein | 9300.
Email: accessinfo@ufs.ac.za
Ms Nkotseng Mokhosi: T: +27 51 505 1490
Ms Lydia Moilwa T: +27 51 505 1201
Ms Lerato Mosiah: T: +27 51 505 1508
Ms Elsa van Staden: T: +27 51 505 1200
If you have an AP score of 35 and above, you are a Top Achiever and qualify for a conditional admission offer linked to a merit
bursary of a corresponding value to your AP score. This conditional offer excludes admission to selection programmes.
The Red Box Society is an exclusive society to which just 60 top achievers in the country are invited to belong. The school marketers
issue a Rector’s voucher to the value of R10 000 to encourage a deserving and top-achieving Grade 12 learner with an AP of at least
40, to study at the UFS.
We are looking for bright-eyed learners with the potential to contribute to the generation of new knowledge, achieving the graduate
attributes, and to be ambassadors for the new UFS citizenship. Be on the lookout for our school marketing team.
What is in it for members of the Red Box Society and their schools
Apart from the academic merit award/sports bursary for which you automatically qualify, you receive an additional
Rector’s bursary of R10 000.
You receive a Red Box with exciting and swanky UFS merchandise.
If your school has a member of the Red Box Society in its midst, it receives an additional R2 500 sponsorship per Red
Box Society member towards its prize-giving ceremony.
A staff member is dedicated to providing you with premium customised service by assisting with any need or solving
any problem on your behalf, including personal service during registration to ensure a smooth experience.
Applications will be open from 1 April 2022 to 31 August 2022. Please get your application form from your school, one of the
UFS marketers or phone +27 51 401 3000 or email info@ufs.ac.za | ufsmarketing@ufs.ac.za
The Star of Stars winner will be announced during a prestigious gala evening in February 2023.
Enter the prestigious
Matriculant of
the Year Competition
Application to
study in 2023
and ultimate final
admission to the
programme you
qualify for
Pay the
prescribed first
payment five
working days prior
to registration
Register for
studies in the
programme you
were admitted to
In just seven steps you can fulfil your dream of studying at an institution where we transform lives and
inspire excellence through quality, impact, and care:
Your application is submitted. You will receive a student number and acknowledgement of your
application. If you have not submitted the required documents, you will be requested to do so in order
STEP 2 to finalise your application.
Your application is evaluated by the university. Should your evaluation be positive, you will receive a
conditional offer to study – SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF SPACE. Selection programmes are excluded.
STEP 3 If you have indicated in your application that you require on-campus residence, you will also receive
correspondence from Housing and Residence Affairs. Note that qualifying for your programme of
choice, does not guarantee admission.
STEP 4 You need to source and secure financial support for your studies.
When the final Grade 12 results are released in January 2022, all applications will be re-evaluated;
STEP 5 should your evaluation be positive, you will receive a final offer. Take note that meeting the minimum
admission requirements for your programme of choice does not guarantee admission.
You have to complete the acceptance process for the offer online within the stipulated timeframe. If you
STEP 6 fail to complete the acceptance process for the offer before the deadline, the offer will be withdrawn,
and you will lose your space. Note that limited spaces are available.
Pay the prescribed first payment before registration. You can move into the residence on campus where
STEP 7 you have been placed, or into off-campus accommodation, and then start your academic activities,
including orientation, academic advice, and registration.
Get a taste of
Kovsie life
42 | UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE | Prospectus 2023
Date Programmes for which applications open
1 April 2022 Applications to study any undergraduate programme offered on the Bloemfontein and Qwaqwa Campuses in 2023
1 July 2022 Applications to study any Access Programme (AP) offered on the South Campus and the sub-regions in 2023
Proceed through all the steps and submit your electronic application. Make sure that
you complete the application form properly, e.g., if you need on-campus residence
accommodation or financial aid, indicate this in the relevant section.
Upload copies of the following in PDF or JPEG format when you apply for undergraduate Start your online
studies: application immediately
by scanning the below QR
• Your ID if you are a South African citizen code or clicking on the
• Your passport if you are an international student button.
• Your parent’s ID or passport if you are younger than 18
• Your final Grade 11 results with the school’s stamp
• National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Grade 12 IEB certificate if you have already matriculated
• Your academic record, only if you are/were a student at another institution of higher
• USAf accreditation from the examination board for South African universities. Apply
to mb.usaf.ac.za for conditional exemption, foreign conditional exemption, or mature
age conditional exemption. A Universities South Africa (USAf) Certificate of Exemption is
required if you do not have an Endorsed South African Senior Certificate. If you are eligible
for the certificate, but have not yet applied for it, we will assist you with the process.
Therefore, you can apply before receiving the required certificate. Contact the Office for
International Affairs at +27 51 401 3219 | niemannaja@ufs.ac.za or +27 51 401 9032 | REACH OUT. GET CONNECTED.
The online application is quick and easy – no hassle, no fuss! It has an easy and modern design and is mobile-
and tablet-friendly. You can apply using any device. You can expect a quicker response time if you apply online.
44 | UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE | Prospectus 2023
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If your application is received after the following closing dates, it will not be considered.
Academic excellence is what the UFS is about – the higher your AP score, the better your chances of being chosen and finally admitted to study.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements for your chosen/intended programme of study does not guarantee selection and admission, as all
programmes have a limited number of spaces available. Applicants with the highest AP scores are chosen first, and the admission continues until
all spaces have been filled. If you do not meet the minimum admission requirements for your intended/chosen programme of study, you will not
be selected. Consult the faculty-specific admission requirements for all the programmes you qualify for and apply for the two programmes that
best fit your personality, purpose, and passion.
You complete the This will be followed
application. The online by an email with your
application is the preferred student number and
method of application. login details. Do not
lose your password.
Your student number is
STEP 2 your username. This is
important in tracking STEP 4
your application.
You will receive an Within 30 days of submitting
acknowledgement of your your application, you will
application via email within receive communication from
five working days. That is the university with the status
why your contact details of your application, based on
must be correct. the submitted results that have
been evaluated.
You will be CONDITIONALLY ADMITTED based on your Grade 11 or equivalent results, subject to you meeting all the minimum
requirements for the intended programme of study. Please note that conditional admission is not applicable to all the selection
programmes in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Your FINAL ADMISSION to the programme of your choice will depend on your final Grade 12 results. You will be notified of the
university’s admission decision immediately after your final Grade 12 results have been released by the Department of Education.
Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that your contact details on your application form are correct.
The UFS further confirms that your personal information will only be used for purposes relating to your
potential relationship with the UFS as a student, including but not limited to the processing of your
application to study at the UFS, effecting registration at the UFS, and for any communication purposes
related to your application and/or registration to study at the UFS.
nn You must have a VALID study visa endorsed for study at the UFS, and not at any other institution in South
Africa, before you enter South Africa for studies at the UFS.
nn You must be a member of a medical aid registered in terms of the South African Medical Schemes Act,
as required by the South African Immigration Act. Your medical aid MUST be valid for the duration of the
academic year (until 31 December), renewable each year. No travel insurance, hospital plans, or foreign
medical aids will be accepted.
nn A non-refundable annual administrative levy is charged on all international student accounts. This fee is
added to the annual registration fee payable by all students at the UFS.
nn Students from outside the Southern African Development Community (SADC) pay international fees,
which are 50% more per module per year compared to the fees paid by South African students.
nn The UFS cannot offer financial support (bursaries, loans) to international students. It is therefore important
to ensure that you have sufficient financial resources for the planned duration of your studies.
nn A first payment is required before you can register as a UFS student. The Department of Student Finance
will communicate the amount and payment deadline to you.
nn Should you fail to pay your tuition fees in total by 30 June, your registration will be suspended.
nn If you have a scholarship, inform your sponsor of the UFS regulations on registration fees and tuition-fee
payments before you register.
nn A Universities South Africa (USAf) Certificate of Exemption is required if you do not have an Endorsed South
African Senior Certificate. For applicants who are currently in Grade 12, the UFS may make conditional
offers based on the final Grade 11 results. If any other results are available, kindly submit them as well with
your application.
nn If you do not have matriculation exemption, the Office for International Affairs (OIA) will apply for the USAf
certificate of exemption. You will have to pay the prescribed fee before the Office for International Affairs
will attend to the USAf exemption application. You must pay and submit the relevant documentation as
soon as you receive the final Grade 12 results.
nn English is the principal medium of instruction; therefore, you must have an adequate command of the
English language.
Submit your online application to the UFS at https://apply.ufs. Apply for a police clearance certificate, which must cover
ac.za. Ensure that you include your Universities South Africa either the past 12 months or the entire period since you turned
(USAf) Certificate of Exemption, if available. Please make sure 18, whichever is longer. You need a police clearance certificate
that you capture subjects exactly as stated on your school- from every country where you resided in this period.
leaving report – not percentages.
You need to upload copies of the following documents: Following receipt of the conditional offer to study, you will
receive a visa (undertaking) letter from the UFS OIA. Please
• Your passport or South African identity document contact niemannaja@ufs.ac.za or tshabalalal@ufs.ac.za to
• Your final Grade 11 results with the school’s stamp assist you with this letter.
• If available, your final Grade 12 results with the school’s
stamp STEP 7
• If available, certified copy of your school-leaving certificate
Contact the OIA for individual advice on study visa applications
• If applicable, study record (academic transcript) with a and mandatory South African medical aid. Please contact
certificate of conduct and/or qualification certificate if you niemannaja@ufs.ac.za or tshabalalal@ufs.ac.za for assistance.
have obtained your degree
Obtain mandatory South African medical aid – the OIA (contact
Your application is submitted. You will receive a student details above) can assist you. This is required for you to be able
number and acknowledgement of your application. If you have to obtain a study visa.
not submitted the required documents, you will be requested
to do so to finalise your application. STEP 9
STEP 3 Apply for your study visa. Detailed instructions are included on
p. 51. The OIA will assist you.
Your application and eligibility for a USAf certificate of
conditional exemption, if applicable, are evaluated by the STEP 10
university. Should your evaluation be positive, you will receive a
conditional offer to study – SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF SPACE. You need to source and secure financial support for your
Selection programmes are excluded. If you have indicated in studies.
your application that you require on-campus residence, you
will also receive correspondence from Housing and Residence STEP 11
Affairs. Note that qualifying for your programme of choice does When your final statement of results is available, it must
not guarantee admission. be submitted to the UFS. Your conditional offer will be re-
evaluated, and you will receive a final admission offer.
Take note that meeting the minimum admission requirements
If you do not yet have a Universities South Africa (USAf) for your programme of choice does not guarantee admission.
Certificate of Conditional Exemption, or are in the process of
applying for one, the UFS OIA will assist you. The office can STEP 12
apply to USAf on your behalf. Once a conditional offer has
been made to you, please liaise with niemannaja@ufs.ac.za You have to complete the acceptance process for the offer
or internationalenquiries@ufs.ac.za for assistance. You will be online within the stipulated timeframe. If you fail to complete
responsible for the payment of the USAf fee. Please note that the acceptance process for the offer before the deadline, the
assistance from the OIA is only available if you apply to the UFS. offer will be withdrawn, and you will lose your space. Note that
Certified copies of the following documents are required: limited space is available.
The UFS Office for International Affairs (OIA) can assist with the certification of copies of supporting documents.
Please note that documents certified by the South African Police Service are not accepted by USAf.
Formula HIGCSE (HL)
Sym % Sym % Lvl % Lvl % Sym % Sym Sym Lvl Lvl Lvl %
10 A 7
9 B 6
8 A 80 7 90 1 80 C 5 13-15 90 - 100
7 B 70 7 80 2 70 A D 7 4 11-12 80 - 89
6 C 60 A 80 6 70 3 60 A 80 B E 6 3 8-10 70 - 79
5 D 50 B 70 5 60 B 70 C 5 2 7-8 60 - 69
4 E 40 C 60 4 50 *4 50 C 60 D 4 1 5-6 50 - 59
3 F 33 D 50 3 40 E 3 4 40 - 49
2 FF 20 E 40 2 30 2
1 F 33 1
* Already confirmed by the Matriculation Board and approved by the Access Committee:
HIGCSE “4” = IGCSE “C” = 60%
Matriculation exemption
Matriculation exemption is a legal requirement for first-degree study at a South African university. Students who did not pass the
South African Senior Certificate with endorsement are required by law to apply for matriculation exemption from the Matriculation
Board. Prospective international students will receive advice on the necessary type of matriculation exemption; the UFS Office for
International Affairs is available to apply on behalf of prospective international students for certificates of conditional exemption.
Apply to mb.usaf.ac.za for conditional exemption.
The application will only be finalised by the Matriculation Board on receipt of the final matric certificates.
Registered UFS students on the South Campus who have completed the Higher Certificate and wish to continue with bachelor’s
degree studies, must also follow these steps to apply for a conditional exemption certificate. Students will need to submit final
school-leaving results to receive conditional or full exemption.
To avoid unnecessary complications, please make the necessary financial arrangements with the medical-aid provider prior to your
entry into South Africa. Should you rely on a sponsorship, please make sure that you advise your sponsor of this requirement as
soon as you get a sponsorship or acceptance. The required medical-aid cover fee must be paid directly to the medical-aid company,
separate from the tuition fees. Students will not be allowed to register unless they can show a membership certificate as proof
of a valid and comprehensive medical-aid cover for the duration of the academic year (until 31 December); without a clearance
certificate, students cannot register at the institution. Students who are members or dependents of a South African-based parent/
guardian/spousal/work medical aid, are required to present a recent membership certificate for the annual registration. The
membership certificate must reflect active membership for the current year.
Study Visas
If you are a foreign student and wish to study in South Africa,
you can apply for a study visa by completing South African
Home Affairs Form BI-1738. Study visas must be applied for
at VFS Global Centres (https://www.vfsglobal.com/dha/
southafrica/) at various locations in South Africa or at the
nearest South African embassy, mission, or consulate abroad;
prospective students are responsible for the payment of the Office for International Affairs
relevant fees. Study visas for studies at a learning institution
must be valid for the duration of the study.
The Office for International Affairs (OIA) serves as
The following documents must be submitted with the BI-1738 the first port of call for all international students
application (visa application) form: at the UFS, providing assistance and specialised
administrative support. The principal purpose of
• a passport valid for no less than 30 days after intended the OIA is to enable internationalisation at the UFS.
studies It renders strategic advice on internationalisation
• payment of the prescribed administrative fee and supports the international activities of
internal UFS stakeholders. It supports international
• confirmation and proof of payment for a South African partnerships, research internationalisation,
medical aid through a medical scheme registered with the internationalisation-at-home activities, and
SA Council for Medical Schemes; the cover must remain valid student exchanges.
for the duration of the calendar year
The services include, but are not limited to
• letter of offer from the university, stating the duration of the
degree • specialised services for international students,
• letter of undertaking from the university – this letter is and ensuring their compliance with relevant
issued by the Office for International Affairs legislation;
• medical and radiological reports (less than six months old) • facilitation of international partnerships and
advice to internal stakeholders on partnership
• yellow fever vaccination certificate, if relevant processes;
• relevant certificates if married, widowed, divorced, or • providing practical and emotional support for
separated international students;
• details regarding arranged accommodation while in South • structuring co-curricular internationalisation-
Africa at-home activities, such as cultural diversity
• proof of sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and maintenance celebrations;
• a police clearance certificate for the past 12 months or longer • supporting co-curricular internationalisation-
since the age of 18. at-home activities and the social integration of
international students; and
You are advised to submit the documentation as soon as
possible. DO NOT send the documentation to the university. • liaison with various external stakeholders, i.e.,
You should keep a copy of your submission and all receipts government, embassies in South Africa, science
safe. Please note that it can take longer than one month to councils, and funding agencies.
obtain a study visa.
Please note that the holder of a study visa may conduct part-
time work for a period not exceeding 20 hours per week.
Umoja Buddy Programme
As a first-entering international student, you are invited to join the Umoja Buddy Programme (UBP), coordinated by the OIA. The
UBP is designed to help with the adjustment process by pairing newly admitted international students with current senior students
at the UFS. Students requesting an Umoja ambassador have the chance to start their time here at the UFS with a friend they can
hang out with, and who can help them adjust to campus life. The UBP is a fun and easy way to learn about South African culture,
and it is a great way to share about your own country and culture. The UBP provides both international and local students at the
University of the Free State the opportunity for an enriching cultural exchange and allows both participants to gain a broadened
perspective on the world.
Our offices are located on the second floor of the Theology Building on the Bloemfontein Campus, and on the second floor of the
Administration Building on the Qwaqwa Campus.
These awards are automatically awarded to new students based on their performance in the final matriculation examination. The
award offer is subject to you meeting the minimum admission requirements in your programme of study and being registered at
the UFS as a first-year student in 2023.
What does this mean? If you transfer to the UFS from another university, you cannot get an academic merit award based on your final Grade 12
results during your first year of study at the UFS.
Interruption of studies
To qualify for an academic merit award, a student must register at the University of the Free State as a student again. If there is an
interruption of more than five (5) years between the last examination (matric or university) and the year in which the award must
be awarded, the student does not qualify for an award.
What does this mean? If you interrupt your studies for more than five (5) years, you will lose the academic merit award.
Discontinuation of study
If a student discontinues his/her course during the year, the award will be recovered pro rata.
What does this mean? If you have an award and stop studying, any credit balance on your UFS class-fee account (up to an amount equal to that
of the award) will be taken away after you have discontinued your studies.
What does this mean? You will not get cash; the money will be paid into your student account at the UFS.
The student undertakes to complete his/her degree studies at this university. If he/she does not complete the course, Council
reserves the right to claim back the entire awarded amount or the part thereof that may already have been paid out. However,
each case will be treated on merit.
An award may be withdrawn at any time if the behaviour, diligence, or progress of the student is found to be unsatisfactory. If the
examination results of a merit-award recipient are such that he/she will have to repeat the studies of a full year/semester, the
award will be regarded as a study loan, and it will have to be paid back.
What does this mean? If you get an academic merit award from the UFS, you can only complete your studies at the UFS. If you don’t complete the
qualification, you may have to pay back all the money, or some of it. It depends on your specific situation. If you do not perform well academically,
or behave badly, you may lose the award.
Students who register for occasional studies do not qualify for merit awards based on their academic achievement of the previous
year or academic achievements during their occasional studies.
In addition to the above-mentioned accomplishments, bursaries can also be awarded based on other cultural, art, and leadership
The university has various bursaries available for general or specific fields of study or in specific departments and faculties. Follow
the link: https://www.ufs.ac.za.kovsielife/unlisted-pages/bursaries/financial-aid for further information, application forms, and
closing dates.
• https://www.zabursaries.co.za
• https://www.studentroom.co.za>category>bursaries
• https://allbursaries.co.za
• https://the bursaries.com
• https://bursaries-southafrica.co.za
• https://www.careersportal.co.za
• https://www.bursariesportal.co.za
• http://www.sabursaries.com
• http://www.saapplicationforms.com
• http://www.gostudy.mobi
• http://sastudy.co.za
• http://www.tshwaneline.co.za
• http://youtheconomy.co.za/category/students/bursaries/
• http://www.careerhelp.org.za/page/financing-studies/bursary/626576-Bursaries
Important notice: NSFAS does not fund the Access Programmes (AP), as it is a bridging programme. You must fund your own studies
and apply for mainstream studies the following year if you have successfully passed your AP year. NSFAS funding is ONLY applicable
to the Higher Certificates presented via the UFS South Campus.
Enquiries for NSFAS: +27 51 401 7731 | 9894 | 7175 | 7125 | 3955 | 2218
Limited data...
No time to wait...
RPL is a flexible learning pathway that refers to the principles
and processes through which the prior knowledge and skills of
a person are made visible, mediated, and rigorously assessed
and moderated. This is for the purposes of alternative access
and admission, recognition and certification, or further learning Inguire/
and development. Apply
As part of the RPL process at the UFS, you may apply for RPL
if you have obtained sufficient prior learning through work,
experience, formal learning, or other appropriate learning
experiences. The RPL office advises and supports candidates
and faculty/departments throughout the process.
Interested in RPL?
RPL for undergraduate studies is only offered on the Qwaqwa for RPL
If succesful-
“ Advising is a way to connect students
to the campus and help them feel that
someone is looking out for them.
- George Kuh
Journey to success
To complete your registration process, you are required to consult with an academic
adviser. The faculties, in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning
(CTL), have dedicated academic advisers to help you better understand how your
academic aspirations connect with your dream job. To help you along your way, we
offer you three main types of advisers who can support and guide your journey to
Registration academic success:
Faculty/Curriculum Advisers:
• Who are they? Faculty managers, faculty academic advisers, and programme
• How can they help me? They provide curriculum-specific advice and help you
select and define your curriculum and majors (select modules)
Central Advisers:
• Who are they? Advisers at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Orientation • How can they help me? They provide advice to students who have not yet decided
on their final choice of study and help navigate your academic career in relation
to your career dreams. They assist you to decide, commit to, and connect to the
institution in order to get where you want to be.
Peer Advisers:
• Who are they? Student Life peer mentors, Gateway buddies, tutors, etc.
• How can they help me? They help you connect to the campus and understand
how to excel academically and socially.
These academic advisers help you make the right decision in selecting the curriculum
that best fits your path towards earning your degree. This advice is your academic
Progression support and success lifeline while studying at the UFS and will keep you on track all
the way to graduation!
What are the NBTs?
Universities South Africa (USAf) initiated the NBTs, and several South African universities use the test(s) as part of their student
placement processes. The first test is the Academic and Quantitative Literacy Test (AQL), and the second is the Mathematics Test
(MAT). Each test takes three hours to complete and both tests are written on the same day.
• We use it as part of the selection process for the Faculty of Health Sciences.
• If you apply to any of our other faculties, we use NBT results during the registration process.
• To place students in appropriate academic literacy development modules, where necessary.
Generally, as stated above, we use NBT performance levels to place first-year students into appropriate programmes or modules. If
you did not pass the NBT Academic Literacy Test and want to study in English, you must register for one of the following academic
literacy development modules in English: EALH/EALE/EALN/EALL 1508. The same applies if you want to study in Afrikaans (if
offered in the relevant faculty) but did not pass the Academic Literacy Tests – in which case you must register for one of the
academic literacy development courses in Afrikaans: AGAH/AGAM/ AGAL/AGAN/AGAE 1508.
These academic literacy development courses are not language courses. They teach you to read academic text efficiently and
critically, while extracting the main ideas and key details. This skill will help you to adequately demonstrate your knowledge in tests
and exams. It will also teach you to write academic essays and assignments. Overall, it will give you the confidence to perform at
your best academically.
NB: If you have not written the NBTs yet, please register to write as soon as possible.
The University of the Free State encourages students to write the National Benchmark Tests (NBT) if they are able to do so. However,
the UFS will not disadvantage any student who is unable to write the NBT due to the impact of COVID-19. The UFS will be putting into
place alternative measures for those students who are unable to write the NBTs.
your financial partner on your journey to graduation.
If you need financial assistance, apply For detailed financial information, visit
for funding to help pay your fees early www.ufs.ac.za and follow the links:
so that you are not stressed, and can Students – Student Finance.
secure your financial assistance ahead
STEP 4 of registration. Funding takes the form Your student/ID number must always be mentioned
of bursaries, scholarships, and loans. in all correspondence with the university.
Please contact Financial Aid for more
details regarding the various options
Contact details:
Student Finance:
• Undergraduate/Postgraduate Certificates and
Diplomas/Honours students:
T: +27 51 401 3003 | +27 51 401 2806
Please remember to take note of the F: +27 51 401 3579
payment dates to ensure that your E: tuitionfees@ufs.ac.za
STEP 5 account remains in good standing. • Master’s and Doctoral students:
There are different dates for South T: +27 51 401 9090 | F: +27 51 401 3579
African students and international tuitionfees@ufs.ac.za
• Housing and Residence Affairs:
+27 51 401 3455 | +27 51 401 3562
rendered by the university are disrupted by circumstances beyond
the university’s control, such as strikes, student boycotts, public
unrest, or any other disruption on campus.
• 5% when all fees for the whole year are paid before
28 February
Estimated Programme Costs
• 2½% when all first-semester fees are paid before
28 February • The cost per programme is the average cost per year.
• Tuition fees are charged per module.
Discounts are not given automatically. You must apply for
discounts in writing. Discounts are only given on module and • Programme prices vary according to the modules registered for.
accommodation fees. If you receive any form of financial aid • Prices quoted are for SA and SADC students.
from the UFS for tuition and/or accommodation fees, you do • International non-SADC students pay the actual module price
not qualify to claim this discount. + 50%.
Refer to the rulebook of your chosen faculty, which is
For the estimated costs, visit www.ufs.ac.za
and follow the links:
Students – Student Finance – Student Finance Yearbook, or get
an online quotation at Students – Student Finance – Quotation.
available on the faculty’s website, and then populate the
information from the modules in the rulebook:
Click to view Yearbook
The system will generate a quotation.
The below degree programme/tuition-fee estimates are only guidelines to enable you to plan the cost of study for your first
Estimates year. These estimates EXCLUDE other expenses, e.g., food, uniforms, textbooks, study material, stationery, accommodation,
travelling, etc. Also note that these programme prices are 2021 prices and are subject to change.
Notes and study material
Economic and Management Sciences
Study material/notes are automatically prepared
BAcc R51 137 when you register and is charged accordingly. It is
BAdmin (3 years) R38 545 your responsibility to collect the study material. If
BAdmin (4 years) R32 350 you cancel/discontinue any of the modules, you will
BCom (3 years) R44 260 not be refunded for the notes.
BCom (4 years) R32 320
BCom Accounting R43 430
BCom Economics R41 265
BCom Human Resource Management R40 163 Money for books may be paid into your tuition-
fee account by using the deposit identifier
BCom Investment Management and Banking R42 395
102studentnumber (see paragraph on Where to Pay
BCom Law R45 785
on p. 60). The amount paid will be transferred to your
BCom Marketing R40 320 personal bank account within two to three working
Education days after receipt in the UFS bank account.
BEd R35 095
BEd Extended Curriculum R29 040
Student card
PGDip R20 005
Health Sciences
You will receive a student card when you produce
proof of your registration. Your student card is
B Biokinetics R49 375 your key to all kinds of services and events at the
B Optometry R50 590 UFS. It is your official university identification, and
B Sport Coaching and Development R40 990 as a student or employee, you must carry it with
BSc Dietetics R46 520 you whenever you are on campus. Your electronic
BSc Occupational Therapy R42 250 student card is for your use only; nobody else may
BSc Physiotherapy R44 740
use it. Your personal details are associated with your
card and are unique to your card. Your first card will
BMedSc Radiation Sciences R52 060
be issued free of charge. A fee is payable to replace a
BSocSc Nursing R36 945 lost, stolen, or damaged card.
MB ChB R56 275
LLB R38 745
Parking disc
Natural and Agricultural Sciences To park in designated parking spaces allocated to
students, you must buy a parking permit/disc from
BArch Stud R44 005
Traffic Services by the end of February. It must be
BAgric R50 825 displayed on the windshield of your vehicle.
BSc Agric R50 935
BSc Biochemistry and Microbiology R47 945
BSc Chemistry and Physics R43 267 Residence and accommodation fees
B Consumer Science R49 215 You or your parent/guardian or both are
BSc Extended Curriculum R41 605 responsible for the full accommodation fee for the
BSc Forensic Science R50 020 accommodation period.
BSc Geology R45 627
BSc Geology and Environmental Sciences R52 625
Tariffs for accommodation in the different
residences and living units are available on request.
BSc Information Technology R47 750
BSc Quantity Surveying R24 875 Contact Housing and Residence Affairs on +27 51 401
The Humanities 3455/3562 or visit www.ufs.ac.za and follow the
BA (3 years) R38 530
links Students – Residences. Enquiries may also be
directed to resapplications@ufs.ac.za
BA (4 years) R31 075
BA Drama and Theatre Arts R36 980
BA Integrated Organisational Communication R38 635
BA Journalism R39 325
BA Language Practice R40 910 NB: Residential students must familiarise themselves
BA Political Transformation R42 060 with all policies regarding accommodation.
B Community Development R36 865
B Music R35 860
B Social Work R38 115
BSocSc (3 years) R38 535
BSocSc (4 years) R30 090
Theology and Religion
BTh/BDiv R36 365
BTh/BDiv Extended Curriculum R30 830
Need an answer…
student cancels his/her residency in terms of Paragraph 6 of
the Terms and Conditions, such a student will only be liable
for the payment of any and all accommodation fees that are
outstanding up to the cancellation date.
Non-FTEN: In the event that a student who is not a FTEN
student cancels his/her residency in terms of this Paragraph
6 of the Terms and Conditions, such a student will be liable
for the payment of any and all accommodation fees that are
outstanding up to the cancellation date.
Qwaqwa Campus:
• Student Dining Hall
South Campus:
• Student Dining Hall
Your funder may deposit money for meals into your tuition
account by using the deposit identifier 101studentnumber (see
paragraph on Where to Pay on page 60). The amount paid will
be transferred to your personal bank account within two to
three days after receipt in the UFS bank account. There is no
fixed amount payable; it depends on your budget.
64 | UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE | Prospectus 2023
It is important and a privilege for the UFS to welcome you as a new first-year student in 2023. We understand that post-school life
can be daunting and exciting at the same time.
Our welcome programme has been created in such a way that it will direct you to all the necessary resources needed to help you
with your transition to higher education. To this end, we have identified specific areas of support that we will focus on before
your arrival (pre-registration), during registration, and after you have registered as a student. The following figure illustrates the
different areas of support that we will prioritise to support you in the best way possible:
To access the support we offer, please look out for the following:
nn We have created a specific webpage on the UFS website that provides crucial information to new students.
This webpage is available one month before registration commences. Registration preparation is your
nn We have a chatbot that can assist you with crucial information. Please visit the above-mentioned
webpage to find the link to our chatbot or send a WhatsApp message to 087 240 6370.
nn It is important to continue supporting you directly after your registration on your academic and social
journey. To this end, we want to encourage you to participate in the following:
Join the Gateway First-Year Orientation organisation on Blackboard: You will have access to
Blackboard (our learning management system) immediately after being registered as a student. This
access will enable you to join the Blackboard First-Year Orientation organisation. With this online
organisation, you will find crucial information on important support structures that will help you
during your transition to higher education.
Participate in your peer mentor group: We will automatically allocate you to a peer mentor group
immediately after registration. A peer mentor group is a small group of first-year students who meet
frequently to support one another under the guidance of a peer mentor. A peer mentor is a senior
student who has been trained to support you socially and emotionally during your first academic
Attend orientation events on campus: We have also created exciting orientation events for first-year
students on all three UFS campuses. It is important that you attend these events to become part of
the university community. Please look out for the orientation programme on the UFS website one
month before registration opens for first-year students.
The Department of Student Life and Communities purposefully fosters close collaboration with faculties and academic units to
create a seamless integration between the social life and academic performance contexts of our students. A balance between
academic responsibilities and vibrant student life is achieved through strong student communities and co-curricular programmes
such as leadership development. As a Kovsie student, you will get the opportunity to be exposed to learning experiences outside
the classroom that are intentionally designed to develop you as a well-rounded graduate.
The Centre for Universal Access and Disability Support (CUADS) aims to ensure that the University of the Free State increasingly
becomes a universally accessible higher education institution that embraces and is welcoming to all students, including students
with disabilities. CUADS assists students in gaining access to support regarding communication, for example Sign Language
interpreting services; accessible study material, for example Braille; alternative assessment arrangements, such as concessions;
and individual academic support through assistive devices.
We know that leaving home and moving to a new city to study is very challenging, and all our students are doing the best they
can. To help you on your way and support you throughout your Kovsie journey, Student Counselling and Development is a key
partner. It is important to know that you are not alone and that we, as the UFS, really care about your well-being. Therefore, we
provide individual and group counselling to registered UFS students who are experiencing personal, psychological, and behavioural
difficulties or require career guidance. We furthermore aid and support students on their journey of personal development, in order
to function to their full potential and effectively meet their educational and life goals. We enhance and support the healthy growth
and development of students through advocacy and consultations with the UFS community.
The mental, physical, and emotional well-being of our students is very important, and we take every measure to ensure that you
enjoy your student years and develop holistically.
The fourth piece that completes the Student Affairs picture is Student Governance. We strongly believe in governance excellence,
capacity building of our students through the promotion of professional student governance, and a complete humanising
experience. The Student Representative Council or SRC, responsible for facilitating activities such as SRC elections, developmental
training, and strategic planning, plays a key role on all three campuses. The office also embarks on hosting other activities, which
include public conversations and seminars. These activities promote the active participation of student leadership in institutional
governance. Student governance, among others, drives the following:
• student participation and a sense of belonging and inclusivity through co-curriculum programmes and governance activities
• a strong governance culture that acts as a fundamental for the advancement of transformation policies
• institutional and campus SRC and student parliaments,
• structured student governance training programmes, student organisations and associations, student governance structures,
namely class representatives through which the faculty councils are constituted; first-year committees, residence subcommittees,
and residence committees.
At the University of the Free State, we believe that every voice counts; therefore, our student leaders are actively participating in
university and faculty governance and management structures.
Student Affairs on all three campuses echoes the spirit of the University of the Free State. Here you will find a home away from
home and experience the care, protection, and support you deserve.
Enquiries: Martie Miranda: +27 51 401 3713 | cuads@ufs.ac.za • Communication Access Programme for the provision of
Sign Language interpreting and lip-speaking services for
As the CUADS team, we will be delighted to welcome you as academic support needs and other communication needs of
a student with a disability, because at CUADS we believe in students with hearing impairments. In addition, it coordinates
your potential and creating opportunities where challenges are the classroom interpreter schedule in cooperation with the
experienced. UFS Interpreting Services.
The centre, which was established in 2001, has since grown and • Student Academic Support Programme – besides academic
expanded significantly and today forms part of Student Affairs support from individual lecturers, CUADS also provides
as an independent entity, with offices on the Bloemfontein, individual tutoring to students in collaboration with the
South, and Qwaqwa Campuses. Supplementary to the academic A-Step Programme, coordinates assistance with support at
support offered to students with disabilities, the centre aims the WriteSite in the Centre for Teaching and Learning, and
to ensure that the UFS increasingly becomes a universally assists with purchasing applicable assistive devices.
accessible higher education institution that embraces and is
welcoming to all students, including students with disabilities. CUADS provides a support service to the following
We encourage you to contact us to enable you to achieve your categories of students with disabilities:
academic goals. We are proud of each and every graduate with • specific learning difficulties (e.g., dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
a disability at the UFS. hyperactivity)
• mobility impairments (e.g., wheelchair users, amputees,
Programmes and services cerebral palsy, muscle dystrophy, spina bifida, multiple
As a registered UFS student, you can access the following sclerosis)
programmes that will enrich your Kovsie experience and
• visual impairments (e.g., blind, partially sighted, eye
support you on your journey to success.
• Disability Support Programme, which entails a specialist and • hearing impairments (Deaf, hard of hearing, and deafened)
holistic coordinated approach to student support in order
to create an environment that empowers students with • debilitating mental health, psychological and other chronic
disabilities to participate equally. conditions (e.g., schizophrenia, epilepsy, panic disorder)
• Accessible Transport Programme, which includes the • temporary impairments (e.g., a broken hand).
provision of accessible transport to students with disabilities
between the Bloemfontein and South Campuses.
• Liaison, Awareness and Advocacy Programme for awareness
and advocacy around matters of disability, universal access,
and universal design towards the integration and inclusion of
persons with disabilities across all three campuses.
• Accessibility Programme to ensure access to all buildings and
facilities for all users according to the principles of universal
access and universal design, in collaboration with University
CUADS increasingly plays a vital role
Estates. in the development of awareness and
• Accessible Study Material Production Programme for the advocacy for persons with disabilities
provision of academic support through the production
of study material in different formats, i.e., braille, e-text, across all three campuses of the UFS,
enlargements, and audio.
firmly believing in our motto ‘nothing
• Alternative Assessment Programme for the provision of an
alternative test and examination venue that is accessible to about us without us’.
accommodate students with disabilities for their assessment
needs, together with alternative formats of test and exam – Martie Miranda
papers. Special arrangements include the provision of
amanuensis (scribe and reader) during tests/exams, and
application for extra time during tests/exams according to
the student’s specific impairment. (This is done via a formal
process of testing and interviewing by a panel from Student
Counselling and Development.)
For more information on our services and support, visit the centre on each campus or contact the following numbers:
Bloemfontein Campus: In the SASOL Library on Level 2 | T: +27 51 401 3713 | E: cuads@ufs.ac.za
Qwaqwa Campus: Intsika Buidling, Room 2013 | T: +27 58 718 5189 | E: cuads@ufs.ac.za
South Campus: Nevil Alexander Library, Room D125 | T: +27 51 505 1355 | E: cuads@ufs.ac.za
Do you want to experience the best of Kovsie life? Experience Visual and Performing Arts Communities
the joy, fun, and wholesomeness of being a Kovsie student! By creating various arts-based communities such as
poetry, drama, music, and visual arts, we seek to enhance
The goal of student-life programmes is to provide you with engagement within the student community. What makes
out-of-class experiences through various programmes and these communities different from other initiatives is that they
activities that can help you develop critical graduate attributes.
The following student-life programmes are facilitated through • seek to create an informal, yet safe space for robust
Student Affairs: engagement;
• Arts and Culture • fuse subject matter with creative expression;
• Career Services • document all engagement as research data for analysis in
• Student Leadership Development order to track progress;
• Social and Civic Responsibility • create platforms for participants to give feedback in order to
• Student Counselling and Development encourage further engagement; and
• Gateway First-year Orientation Programme • use venues in and around the university space to make it
• Peer-Mentor Programme more inclusive.
• Student Dialogues Programme
UFS Choir
• Student Media
The UFS Choir forms an integral part of our institutional culture
as well as our national and global identity. Through the UFS
Choir, we create platforms for engagement with our local
ARTS AND CULTURE community as well as other institutions.
Arts, Culture, and Dialogue Through our campus-wide dialogue programme, we aspire
towards creating a socially cohesive student body, student life,
The Arts, Culture, and Dialogue office within the Department of and UFS community. The ideal is that the UFS community use
Student Life and Communities serves as a channel for students its power and privileged positionalities to ensure humanising
to express themselves through visual, literary, and performing lived experiences for those who are less privileged (i.e., socially,
arts and dialogue. Students and members of the university economically, politically, religiously, sexually, culturally, as
and the greater Mangaung Metro community engage with a well as with regard to disability, class, gender, origin, and
specific focus on social justice, social cohesion, and critical language, etc.)
diversity. Through dialogue, we inspire audiences towards
developing engaged citizenship and cohesive communities.
Community Engagement
Through our community engagement, we create a platform
for students and communities to exchange ideas on how to
address social issues through shared knowledge and the arts.
Work-readiness programmes
Our work-readiness programmes will teach you valuable
skills, including communication and negotiation, networking,
job hunting, designing a new-age CV, establishing your
personal brand, setting up a detailed professional LinkedIn
account, mindset skills for the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
and ultimately, we guide you to get the job you want. Topics
include CV writing, interview skills, future of work and the
career development process, networking and job-hunting
skills, digital world: personal branding for success, and LinkedIn
(online platform designed for networking and job searching).
Company Relations
Explore careers and connect with potential employers to guide
you on the requirements you lack, so that you can learn these
while studying. We also encourage students to get part-time
or vacation work to gain valuable skills needed to enter the
job market. We regularly advertise bursaries, vacation work,
internships, and graduate programmes on our Blackboard
page, Facebook page, website, and email. Various companies
visit our campuses to engage with potential employees and to
present their offerings to students.
Special Projects
Career Services form part of the UFS Diamond League
offering, where selected students will get personalised online
workshops, coaching in the virtual or traditional career fair, and
dual-track coaching (from Career Services, CTL, and industry
representatives or functional area-specific coaching).
Volunteer Opportunities
We offer volunteer opportunities to registered students in order
to gain valuable work skills, and in return, you will receive a
reference letter from Career Services specifying the specific
skills you have obtained. Volunteers get the opportunity to
present workshops, conduct mock interviews with a student
to prepare for a job interview, assist students in updating their
CVs, and learn valuable transferrable skills in the process.
Most of our offerings are also available online and you can
complete workshops in your own time.
Kovsie ACT is a learning opportunity for students who want to UBUNTU Community Street Store
learn about sustainable environmental development through This beacon of hope inspires the community, as well as the
fun community-building activities. It is an opportunity for you students participating in the experience, and is more than just
to learn new skills and build valuable relationships. a ‘free clothes store’ for the underprivileged in our community.
As a Kovsie student, you can develop significantly while Big Give Foodbank
learning to solve problems in the company of others and
develop the ability to listen to different perspectives while This joint venture between Kovsie ACT and the Food Security
working together. Through different programmes and Office on campus sets out to collect money and non-perishable
activities, Kovsie ACT strives to create this kind of collaborative food for distribution to students in need.
learning. In the process of working and learning together,
students foster quality relationships that last throughout their Community Gardens and Food Initiative
study period and beyond. Kovsie ACT, in collaboration with the Centre for Sustainable
Agriculture and the Food Environment task team, aims to
Kovsie ACT programmes develop specific attributes such as contribute to food security on campus. The aim is to ensure
communication, listening, time management, and interpersonal that food-insecure students with strong academic records
relationship skills that will help students to position themselves are adequately nourished, thus increasing their chances of
optimally in the labour market after graduation. Kovsie ACT academic completion and success.
also makes students aware of transnational problems affecting
the human condition, such as food insecurity, environmental With the participation of residences and off-campus
sustainability, and the socio-economic challenges in a global communities, 40 vegetable gardens have been established,
and local context. In this regard, our programmes encourage with the possibility to feed hundreds of students on a weekly
students to become active global citizens. basis.
Casual Day
As a first-year student, you can participate in the
As the NCPD’s flagship awareness and fundraising project,
following programmes and projects: Casual Day has grown into the most prominent and successful
KOVSIE ACT Music Festival social advocacy campaign in South African history, having
raised R370 000 000 since 1995 (including the record R31
A community and student celebration where some of million raised in 2018). Casual Day is a widely celebrated
the country’s top musicians grace the stage, providing national campaign that occurs annually. Kovsie ACT, in
entertainment for a diverse group of spectators. This event partnership with the Centre for Universal Access and Disability
aims to bring the campus and broader Mangaung community Support (CUADS) on campus, proudly supports this campaign.
Tekkie Tax
ECO-Vehicle Skills Programme and Creative Pitstop
Project Several national non-profit organisations have joined hands
to enable a singularly focused national fundraising campaign.
The eco-vehicle project is all about …
Tekkie Tax is a dynamic project owned by welfare organisations
Electric vehicles with solar charging stations, built by and managed by welfare organisations to the benefit of welfare
different Student-Life teams. organisations. Together, they represent more than 1 000 NPOs
across the country.
Each team applying integrated skills and knowledge
in five Engineering fields, developed through five skills The Tekkie Tax International Fundraising Campaign supports
programmes, and then competing in a sustainable five sectors:
energy race event.
A = Animals B = Bring Hope C = Children
The aim is to create an interdisciplinary experience D = Disability E = Education
where students work together to build an eco-vehicle
and creative pit stop from waste material. Our student’s Volunteer Programme
ingenuity and endurance are showcased to the public The Kovsie ACT office is responsible for providing guidance and
and tested on track day. structure to the Active Civic Teaching activities of the UFS.
This programme develops students in order to equip them to
function efficiently and effectively in the ever-changing 21st
Social Cohesion events at RAG Farm century, Fourth Industrial Revolution arena to become global
The Kovsie ACT office, in collaboration with residences, arranges citizens. Our programmes and activities have a number of
social-cohesion events with various themes and artists for strengths that can help to develop graduate attributes through
students in a safe and secure environment. Before classes start co-curricular, high-impact practices.
each year, we go out of our way to introduce our students to
one another. If you arrive on campus with no friends – you will
have plenty by the time our social-cohesion events end.
Students who would like to become part of
Buddy Project Kovsie ACT, please contact us in one of the
Through the Buddy project, Kovsie ACT aims to promote social following ways:
responsibility among students and the broader community. Office: Benedictus Kok Building, Ground Floor
This campaign emphasises the need for responsible alcohol use T: +27 051 401 2718 | E: act@ufs.ac.za
and advances the principles of the broader national Arrive Alive
campaign. A buddy is a designated driver who refrains from
drinking, thus ensuring the safety of family and friends after
any social outing or event.
The Food Environment Programme is designed to address the many dimensions of the food environment; assisting students who
suffer from food insecurity and hunger is part of the overall programme. The University of the Free State has previously identified
student food insecurity and hunger as a significant problem. Food insecurity adds stress to the students’ lives, and this has a
negative impact on their studies. We promote a healthy food environment, with students and staff who are well informed and
empowered to take appropriate action regarding their food and nutrition situation, which will promote student well-being and
student success.
For more information, visit or contact the Food Environment Office at:
Office: Steve Biko Building, Ground Floor and Kovsie Lane opposite Kovsie Health | E: Visagiea@ufs.ac.za
The Office for Student Leadership Development (SLD) provides a formal and institutionally integrated co-curriculum for leadership
development, as well as research on graduate leadership development. The office, in partnership with faculties and other departments,
design programmes that are delivered through student-life colleges and communities via on-site training, engagements, and
events, and also online via Blackboard for specific programmes on the Bloemfontein, South, and Qwaqwa campuses.
We strive to meet the capacity-building needs of student leaders and to develop their full potential, aiming to produce graduates
who are holistically developed and well-rounded. The office provides channels for student pathways and signature development,
while creating opportunities to enter into leadership positions and to pursue career development. As a result, the SLD programmes
enhance the academic performance and social integration of students.
The SLD Team warmly invites you to visit our offices and our webpage to obtain more information on our programmes and how to
get involved. We look forward to meeting you and accompanying you on your leadership pathway!
The leadership development programmes are open to all undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students and can be
categorised under two overarching themes, namely Leadership Development programmes and Leadership Training programmes,
each consisting of two pillars.
At SCD, we strive to promote, enable, and optimise students’ self-actualisation and sense of community. SCD fulfils the following
essential roles:
• Providing individual and group counselling to registered UFS students who are experiencing personal, psychological, and
behavioural difficulties or require vocational guidance.
• Aiding and supporting students on their journey of personal development in order to function at their optimal potential and
effectively meet their educational and life goals.
• Enhancing and supporting the healthy growth and development of students through advocacy and consultations with the UFS
You are not alone! SCD provides services free of charge directly to all registered UFS students. Close working interactions are
maintained between SCD and other UFS departments. We foster professional relations with medical and mental-health services
for resources that are not readily available on UFS campuses. In everything we do, we keep our students’ well-being in mind.
¢¢ Collaborating with academic and ¢¢ Assisting students in managing their ¢¢ Providing mental health workshops
support staff in the early identification acute mental health challenges and programmes for students on
of mental health challenges of
various topics.
students. ¢¢ Crisis-management
¢¢ Psycho-educational interventions
¢¢ Providing counselling and workshops
before student problems become
¢¢ Developing career adaptability
SCD Tips for Self-Development:
#Tip Know how to effectively deal with your own and other people’s emotions
#Tip Learn how to say no and stand up for yourself while respecting yourself and others
#Tip Make use of the various support structures and resources on campus and online
#Tip Seek out healthy relationships with others with your support system
8 Share your thoughts, experiences, and opinions
9 Explore difficult emotions such as anger and frustration and how to manage them effectively
SCD advocates for greater sensitivity with regard to multiculturalism and social justice concerns, is welcoming and accessible to
individuals of diverse backgrounds, and is non-discriminatory.
We provide a high and professional quality of psychological support. Students who make use of this service, experience improved
psychological well-being, adjustment to university life, and an enhanced ability to cope with the demands of their respective
Faculty organisations
Each faculty at the UFS has a faculty-specific organisation for students. The goal of faculty organisations is to create a student
community that can support the learning, development, and success of students.
Media is a fast-paced and dynamic industry. At Student Media, we provide you with the opportunity to join one (or all!) of our
exciting teams that help shape tomorrow’s landscape, not only in South Africa, but globally. Student Media has expanded into an
authentic media house, offering digital, as well as traditional media to all three campuses. If you want to be an influencer, then
Student Media is the place to be.
If you are interested in becoming a world-class journalist, why not join the IRAWA student newspaper? The newspaper was founded
in 1944 and delivers fresh news to students on the Bloemfontein and South campuses every month. If you are a Qwaqwa student,
join our NEW ERA team. This newly established newspaper is quickly gaining ground in the industry and is the number one source
for infotainment on the campus.
If you are an aspiring broadcaster, then we have great news for you. KovsieFM was founded in 1978 and is the second oldest campus
radio station in the country. With its studio on the Bloemfontein Campus, KovsieFM broadcasts on FM to the wider Bloemfontein
community. The station plays only the latest hits and brings you news and information you need to know to make your Kovsie
experience an unforgettable one! KovsieCAST is podcasts designed by KovsieFM and is recorded and sent to all students. The
podcasts are aimed at helping Kovsie students achieve academically.
On the Qwaqwa Campus, meet Q-Lit, radio on q! With state-of-the-art broadcasting equipment, this internet-based (and soon on
FM) radio station is the heartbeat of the Qwaqwa Campus.
If you love to be in front of the camera, or even behind it, then you will love KovsieTV. This channel is available on YouTube
and IGTV and produces fantastic content. If you are creative, adventurous, and tech-savvy, then KovsieTV is the place to be.
News/sport presenting
Radio (KovsieFM and Q-Lit) Producing
Marketing and events
Video (KovsieTV)
We encourage you to become a member of these cohesive groups through on-campus residences or day residences. Together,
these groups form the strong building blocks of larger communities called Student Life Colleges.
Student Life Colleges are created by clustering on-campus residences and day residences, which then collaborate with other
stakeholders such as faculties, support services, and different organisations. The college communities form the social spaces where
you can engage in all student-life programmes, e.g., cultural events, sports events, community-service events, dialogues, etc.
In a community, we create an opportunity for engagement and communication. We have different student development
programmes, such as
• leadership, where you can be a residence committee member and lead your residence on different university platforms;
• mentorship, where a support structure is created for first-years’ transition to the university;
• arts and culture programmes, which are platforms for students to showcase their different talents;
• sport activities: as a Kovsie student, you will continue to enhance your sports talent and if you are committed enough, you can
represent Kovsies on national and international level.
Kovsie student
Small cohesive groups
(e.g. on-campus residences, day
residences, student associations,
and faculty organisations)
Bloemfontein Campus
KAGISO Residence Head:
AKASIA Residence Head:
Residence Head: Mr Lee Goliath
Gerben van Niekerk T: +27 51 401 2533
Ms Louzanne Coetzee C: +27 51 401 3206
T: +27 51 401 2468 E: GoliathLK@ufs.ac.za
E: VanNiekerkGA@ufs.ac.za
E: CoetzeeL2@ufs.ac.za
Residence email: Housekaree74@
@KagisoUFS gmail.com
House Akasia-Ufs @kagisocityresidence
house_akasia_ufs house_karee74
SOETDORING Residence Head:
Residence Head: Mrs B Kaars
Ms Onelerona Molora T: +27 51 401 2201
T: +27 51 505 1274 E: wagnbkh@ufs.ac.za
E: MoloraO@ufs.ac.za
House Wag-’n-Bietjie UFS
UFS SOETDORING RESIDENCE house_wagnbietjie_ufs
@SOETSTES house_wagnbietjie_hra_ufs
Residence Head: Mr Thatelo Mahlatsi Residence Head:
Mrs Elizabeth Mokgosi T: +27 51 401 3774 Mrs Evaline van Wyk
T: +27 51 505 1202 E: MahlatsiTL@ufs.ac.za T: +27 51 401 2485
E: MaleboEG@ufs.ac.za E: VwykES@ufs.ac.za
Residence email:
House Madelief UFS tswelopeleresidenceufs@gmail.com UFS Vergeet-my-nie
@ufshousemadelief house Tswelopele - ufs housevergeetmynie_ufs
tswelos_ufs VMN_UFS
@Tswelos_UFS /
House Tswelopele_UFS
VERITAS Residence Head:
Residence Head: Ms Juvinia Sekoe
Mr Paul Antohnie T: +27 51 401 2516
T: +27 51 401 9971 E: SekoeJG@ufs.ac.za
E: AntohnieP@ufs.ac.za
Residence email:
Residence email: Welwitschiahouse@gmail.com
houseveritasufs@gmail.com House Welwitschia
House Veritas @housewelwitschia
huis_veritas @HWelwitschia
Residence Head: Ms Kamo Dipico Residence Head:
Mr Nhlamulo Hlongwane T: +27 51 401 2147 Mrs Gugu Tiroyabone
T: +27 51 401 9557 E: dipicokk@ufs.ac.za T: +27 51 401 3798
E: HlongwaneNL@ufs.ac.za E: TiroyaboneGW@ufs.ac.za
Residence email:
Residence email: Emilyhobhouse79@gmail.com E: housemarjolein@gmail.com
armentumresidence@gmail.com emilyhobhousealumni@gmail.com House Marjolein UFS
@armentum_UFS Emily Hobhouse UFS @housemarjolein, @
miss_armentum_ufs Emily Hobhouse Alumni marjoleinfirstyears
Mrs Ninette Aucamp Residence email: Residence Head:
T: +27 51 401 9191 housebeyersnaudeufs@gmail.com Mr Pumzile Malambile
E: AucampJJ@ufs.ac.za T: +27 51 401 2483
@housenaudebeyersufs E: MalambilePP@ufs.ac.za
Arista UFS @housebeyersnaude_ufs
@AristaUFS House Beyers Naude housekhayalami_ufs
LEGATUM Residence Head:
Residence Head: ROOSMARYN Ms Janine Pretorius
Mr Molemo Mohapi Residence Head: T: +27 51 401 2558
T: +27 51 401 7245 Ms Faith Bhoodoo E: PretoriusJ1@ufs.ac.za
E: Molemo@ufs.ac.za T: +27 51 401 7085
E: BhoodooFC@ufs.ac.z
LEGATUM UFS Huis Sonnedou–Draers van Drome
@LEGTUM_UFS House Roosmaryn house_sonnedou_ufs
@LEGATUM_UFS Houseroosmaryn
OUTENIQUA Residence Head:
Residence Head: Ms Chantal Kader
Dr Marguerite Muller T: +27 51 401 7774
T: +27 51 401 7660 E: KaderCB@ufs.ac.za
E: MullerM@ufs.ac.za Residence email:
Residence email: househarmony@ufs.ac.za
House Outeniqua Harmony_UFS
houseouteniqua_ufs househarmony_ufs
Qwaqwa Campus
South Campus
LIBERTY Residence Head: Residence Head:
Residence Head: Mrs Lerato Masapo-Changwara Mr Malefatsane Motsoeneng
Mr Griffin Colby T: +27 51 505 1205 T: +27 51 505 1476
T: +27 51 505 1281 E: MasapoLC@ufs.ac.za E: MotsoenengMF@ufs.ac.za
E: ColbyGD@ufs.ac.za
House Legae Toka_ufs
house_liberty Legae_ufs toka_ufs
Your residence at the UFS will become your second home; life in a student residence at the UFS can be a very exciting and rewarding
experience. As a Kovsie student, you will benefit from a whole new world of friendships that can last a lifetime. There are many
people from different language, racial, and cultural backgrounds on campus. Living and learning in this diverse environment can
give you a definite advantage over many other job seekers once you graduate, which will help you later in life.
You should indicate on the application form for studies in 2023 whether you want to apply for residence accommodation in one of
the on-campus residences.
The leadership in residence communities consists of a residence head, prime, residence committee, and peer mentors. This
leadership team creates a residence environment where every student feels welcome and inspired. All residence communities are
driven by a set of shared values, which mediates a culture of mutual accountability.
First-year students are supported in their transition to higher education by means of a peer-mentor system in residences. Each
first-year student is allocated a peer mentor who facilitates individual conversation as well as conversations in small-group format
with students.
Co-ed residences are residence communities consisting of male and female students. Although male and female students both
form part of co-ed residences, they live in separate corridors with separate bathroom facilities. There is controlled access to blocks/
pods and corridors.
A day residence is a residence consisting of students who live Day residences offer students who are living off campus
off campus in private homes, student houses, townhouses,
flats, rooms, etc. Students who are members of day residences the following:
must arrange their own accommodation off campus. • mentorship and academic support
If you do not live on campus, a day residence gives you the • learning and social spaces on campus where you can study
opportunity to participate in organised student activities. It is and hang out with your friends
very important to us that you have the opportunity to develop • access to UFS programmes and resources
as a complete person by participating in academic and non- • opportunities to develop holistically
academic activities on campus. With day residences, you can • sharing innovative ideas
participate in all activities offered in campus residences.
• growth
If you live off campus, you are free to join one of the day • a vibrant social life to build relationships
residence communities. Each day residence has a gazellie • fun, and fun, and more fun
(or a large lounge with a kitchen and bathroom) on the
campus, where the day residence communities host residence
meetings, study, or just hang out and socialise.
A residence head and a residence committee oversee each The day residences on the
day residence. This leadership is responsible for managing day Bloemfontein Campus are:
residences and seeing to it that all activities offered are in line
• North College: Veritas
with the vision, mission, and values of the university.
• South College: Marjolein
• East College: Sonnedou, Arista, and Legatum
• West College: Imperium
• Central College: Kagiso
82 | UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE | Prospectus 2023
With 15 sporting codes to choose from, the UFS is an important incubator for participants in team and individual sports. We have
produced more than 92 national athletes, of which 15 were world champions and/or participated in the Olympic and Paralympic
Games. More than 100 Springbok and Sevens rugby players studied with us, and UFS netball delivered three national captains during
the past 15 years. We were also the national tennis champions for 10 years running. On the hockey field, 22 Kovsies represented
the national team.
KovsieSport invites first-year students to become part of the proud tradition of sport at Kovsies.
Recreational opportunities
Sports amenities
• Pellies Park, the heart of the UFS athletics club, offers a modern club and all amenities for the athlete
• Three cross-country courses, one of which is a permanent course
• XEROX Shimla Park, the UFS rugby mecca, with a fully equipped clubhouse as well as four other rugby fields
• The cricket oval, with an excellent clubhouse and four outfields
• Main soccer field, clubhouse, and three other fields
• A tennis complex with 18 nets, four of which have lights
• Netball facilities with six courts and a clubhouse
• An Olympic-standard heated swimming pool
• Five squash courts
• Two astro hockey fields with a clubhouse and an Olympic-standard Fives hockey field
• Two basketball courts
• Two volleyball courts
• Sport Science Centre, mainly used as a rehabilitation centre
• High-Performance Centre where athletes and sport teams train
• KovsieFit Gym
Our motto is
Creating legends through legacy
by delivering quality sport to all.
Contact the staff of KovsieSport at:
Head: Athletics:
DB Prinsloo Athletics, cross-country, and road +27 51 401 2859 +27 83 287 8810 prinsldb@ufs.ac.za
+27 51 401 2891
Emmariè Prinsloo Head Coach: Athletics +27 72 690 6049 FoucheEC@ufs.ac.za
+27 51 401 9209 (f)
Kesa Molotsane Athletics Memberships, Athletics +27 51 401 7384 +27 79 175 0023 molotsanekc@ufs.ac.za
Rocky le Roux Head: Cricket +27 51 401 3630 +27 82 940 8597 lerouxjg@ufs.ac.za
KovsieFit Gym
Welcome to KovsieFit! You know what they say about a healthy body … it feels fantastic, looks great, and is healthy. Located in
the Callie Human Centre on the Bloemfontein Campus, we firstly welcome students and staff, and then the public. Shape the body
you’ve always wanted with our various training classes, supported by a large range of apparatus.
Why choose us? Because we are conveniently situated on campus, and we have an entire team of experts to support your fitness
and health! The Sport Science Centre, another exercise facility on campus, provides specialised services by qualified biokineticists
and sport scientists. The Sport Science Centre is situated in the Mabaleng Exercise and Sport Science Building.
KovsieFit Gym and the Sport Science Centre cater for all age groups and offer spinning, pilates, aerobic, and various other group
classes. Aerobic apparatus such as treadmills, rowers, and bicycles are available at these facilities. A gymnasium circuit, two
Olympic platforms, and different types of weights and machines are also available. KovsieFit Gym is open weekdays from 05:30 to
19:30 and on Saturdays from 07:00 to 11:00.
As the university only insures its own risks, it cannot be held liable for accidents that happen to students. It is therefore recommended
that students take out personal accident insurance.
The university cannot be held liable for loss or damage to students’ personal possessions. Residence students also leave their
possessions at their own risk in the residences during the holidays. It is therefore recommended that students insure their
possessions. Protect yourself and the property of the university. Any damage and/or theft must be reported to the Protection
Services Division. Distinguish between fun and crime and respect other people’s property.
Vehicles on campus
It is recommended that students keeping vehicles on campus should take out SASRIA (riot insurance). All students and members of
the public who wish to use the roads on campus should purchase an access disk issued by the Protection Services Division of the
university. The disc must be displayed on the windscreen.
If you do not have an access permit, you could receive a traffic fine. People using the roads on the university campus or parking on
the campus do so at their own risk and the university does not accept responsibility for any accident, loss or damage. Any damage
or theft must be reported to the Security Services Division.
The Chancellor is the ceremonial head of the university and is generally a prominent figure in society. Our Chancellor is Prof Bonang
University Council:
The University Council is the highest decision-making body of the university. The Council consists of representatives of the
university, the Student Representative Council (SRC), church and community representatives, prominent business people, and
individuals appointed by the government.
The students, lecturers, researchers, and management of a group of departments (in a broad sense) working in the same field of
study, form a faculty. The head of a faculty is called a Dean, who resides on the Bloemfontein Campus.
The students, lecturers, research, and management activities in a specific field of study form a department. At the head of a
department, we find the departmental head or departmental chairperson. For undergraduate courses, you will be required to
attend classes in various departments, while postgraduate studies are generally undertaken in a single department.
A person who has distinguished himself/herself as an expert in a specific field of study.
The name assigned to a person who presents classes to students. Each department has a number of lecturers who are experts in
specific fields of study and who are attached full-time to the university. Lecturing staff are addressed in terms of their titles.
The historical word ‘Kovsie’ is the nickname given to students at the UFS. This is also the general name used for referring to the UFS.
An academic achievement that provides evidence that you are academically competent in a specific field of study, so that you may
embark upon a career or careers related to this field. Undergraduate refers to students who are studying for the first degree, while
the term postgraduate refers to students engaged in a study field where they have already obtained a degree. For example, the
term degree could denote a BA degree (Baccalaureus Artium/Bachelor of Arts), a BCom degree (Baccalaureus Commercii/Bachelor
of Commerce), or a BSc degree (Baccalaureus Scientiae/Bachelor of Science). The minimum period of study for an undergraduate
bachelor’s degree is generally three or four years. This is followed by an honours degree (generally one or two years) or a master’s
degree (one or more years), and finally a doctorate (generally two years or longer). Some degrees lead directly into certain
professions, while other degrees provide general preparation for a variety of careers. A general BCom degree will equip you with the
necessary economic and management knowledge so that, for example, you may apply for a position as a manager in a company.
A module refers to specific fields of study within a discipline. For example, Financial Management is one of several modules in the
field of study known as Business Management.
Any question,
Any time,
Any place...
for undergraduate
open 1 April studIEs
Application is