Collisions How To Avoid Them
Collisions How To Avoid Them
Collisions How To Avoid Them
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ISBN 978-0-9558257-9-8
Between 2001 and 2004 North issued a poster series on COLREGs which was followed up
by a loss prevention guide. The authors of this new guide acknowledge the work that has
gone before and especially that of Captain Roger Syms. What follows is largely based on the
foundations laid down by him.
North acknowledges the generosity of the UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch in permitting
many of the case studies that appear in this book to be based upon its Safety Digests.
The purpose of this guide is to provide a source of information which is additional to that
available to the maritime industry from regulatory, advisory and consultative organisations. Whilst
care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, no warranty of accuracy is given and
users of that information are expected to satisfy themselves that the information is relevant
and suitable for the purposes to which it is applied. In no circumstances whatsoever shall the
contributors or North of England P&I Association be liable to any person whatsoever for any loss
or damage whensoever or howsoever arising out of or in connection with the supply (including
negligent supply) or use of this information.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
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Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Page Page
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
When cases arising out of collisions between ships reach the Admiralty Court it is apparent that deck officers
are provided with considerable radar and other electronic assistance to enable them to avoid collisions with
other ships. See for example Samco Europe v MSC Prestige [2011] 2 Lloyd’s Law Reports 579, a collision
which occurred in good visibility in the Gulf of Aden between a very large crude carrier and a container ship
despite the fact that both vessels were equipped with automatic radar plotting aids, automatic identification
systems and electronic chart display and information systems, and observed each other by radar at a distance
of about 15 nautical miles.
The question which arises is why, despite all the impressive electronic assistance designed to enable deck
officers to avoid collisions, collisions still occur. The answer is, and always has been since radar was first
introduced, that the rules of navigation set out in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea 1972 must still be applied by deck officers. Thus, in Samco Europe v MSC Prestige the officer of the
watch on board MSC Prestige failed to take early and substantial action to keep out of the way of Samco
Europe in breach of Rules 15 and 16 of the COLREGs and the officer of the watch on board Samco Europe
altered course to port in breach of Rule 17 of the COLREGs.
This short and compact guide to COLREGs therefore has a vital and necessary role. It reminds mariners
of the basics of the COLREGs and that they must be kept well in mind and obeyed notwithstanding the
profusion of equipment on the modern bridge. That equipment does not avoid collision. It is merely an aid to
collision avoidance. What avoids collisions is compliance with the COLREGs.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Collisions are among the most high profile of all maritime accidents. The number of collisions and their
cost, in personal and financial terms, has increased in recent years and ‘human error’ seems to be the
only common factor.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 2
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 2: Responsibility
(a) Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner, master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to comply with these Rules or of the
neglect of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the case.
(b) In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances, including the
limitations of the vessels involved, which may make a departure from these Rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.
• Rule 2 (a) requires you to follow both the rules and ‘the ordinary practice
of seamen’. This means that you must always use common sense.
• Rule 2 (b) is often misunderstood so read it carefully. It only allows you to
depart from the rules if that is the only way to avoid an immediate danger.
But, in almost every situation, it is the proper application of the rules that
will keep you out of that danger. Rule 2(b) is never a justification for not
following the rules properly.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 5
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 5: Look-out
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions
so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.
Between them, Rule 2 on responsibility and Rule 5 are the most important of • Using a radio – you must listen to what is going on around you but you
all the COLREGs. must always think carefully before calling other ships on VHF. It always
Rule 5 is short but it has two vital elements: takes more time than you think and it may cause delay and confusion.
• Monitoring sound signals – ensure you can hear what is going on outside
• You must pay attention to everything – not just looking ahead out of the wheelhouse. Be aware of the effect of keeping a closed wheelhouse
the bridge windows but looking all around the vessel, using all your senses and of distracting noises inside it.
and all personnel and equipment available to you. There must always • Using a depth indicator – frequently and systematically monitor the
be someone looking-out. If weather or the situation around you causes depth of water beneath your keel. The seabed is often the nearest point
concern, then more look-outs may be needed and you must call them of danger.
without hesitation. • Avoid distractions such as wheelhouse and deck lights, other people,
• You must use all of that information continuously to assess the situation navigational records and routine paperwork, including chart corrections.
your vessel is in and the risk of collision. • Always remember that you are on bridge watch to keep the ship safe, as
set out in Rule 2 on responsibility.
The requirement to ‘maintain a proper look-out’ includes:
To assess the risk of collision you must continuously ask yourself:
• Looking and listening – maintain a continuous watch by sight and by
hearing, both inside and outside the wheelhouse. • Is a collision possible, because of the action (or inaction) of any vessel in
• Looking means looking out of the windows, all the time. the vicinity – including your own vessel?
• Using ECDIS – the prime function of ECDIS is to help you be sure that • Is a collision probable? If so, the risk of collision is already here and you
your ship is not moving into danger. Its other functions are useful but you need to act urgently. See also Rule 7 on risk of collision.
must not get distracted by them.
• Using ARPA – you must be aware of the effects of clutter, of small targets SUMMARY
and the range and limitations of the set. Always keep a proper look-out by sight and hearing.
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Rule 6
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Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 7
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Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 8
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Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 10
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
NO RIGHTS IN TRAFFIC SEPARATION SCHEMES Tips for navigating in traffic separation schemes are:
Rule 10 is one of the longest rules and one of the hardest to understand.
Always remember the following. • Always follow all the other rules.
• Keep in your lane.
• There is no right of way – a traffic separation lane does not give you right • Try to avoid overtaking – especially towards the end of the scheme.
of way over any other vessels (except a vessel that is fishing inside a • Avoid VHF calls to other ships – it will only distract them.
traffic separation lane). • Beware of fishing vessels – they are allowed to fish in traffic separation lanes.
• All of the other rules continue to apply within a traffic separation scheme. • Look out for crossing vessels – they should cross the scheme at right
• The actions of vessels navigating in and near a traffic separation scheme angles but they may navigate parallel to the scheme for a while to find an
can be unpredictable. opportunity to cross.
• Look out for high-speed craft – especially wide on your beam.
Traffic separation schemes are established in busy areas of difficult • If you are not happy, slow down or stop.
navigation. You can expect above-average density of traffic, crossing vessels, • Be wary at all times.
fishing vessels and high-speed craft. Study the passage plan before your watch,
be prepared and, if you need assistance, ask for it well in advance. SUMMARY
You have no additional rights of way in a traffic separation scheme.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 13
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
• Always presume the other ship does not know you are there.
• Avoid crossing ahead – it is always safer to cross astern.
• Do not pass close – overtaking always takes time, so make sure both ships
have plenty of room to manoeuvre. Never assume that the other ship will
maintain its course and speed.
• Beware of interaction – if you are forced to pass close, be very careful of
interaction between the two vessels.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 14
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 15
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
• Give way early – if you are the give-way vessel, then take early action so
the other vessel knows your intentions.
• Avoid crossing ahead – if possible, always go to starboard and go astern
of the other vessel.
• Be considerate – if the other vessel is hampered in any way, then your early
action will reassure it.
• Be positive – especially if you are in any doubt.
• Do not forget your engine – you always have the option of using your
engine as well as your helm. Slowing down will give both ships more
time and more space.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 16
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Following Rule 16 makes life easier for all vessels. If the other vessel
is happy with your alteration there is less chance of it doing something
unexpected. Treat other vessels as you would like to be treated yourself. Good
seamanship includes courtesy and common sense.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 17
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
• Rule 17 (a) (i): when you are the ‘stand-on vessel’, you must keep your
course and speed. You must not do anything unexpected.
• Rule 17 (a) (ii): ‘as soon as it becomes apparent’ that the give-way vessel is
not taking appropriate action, then you may take your own action to avoid
a collision.
• Rule 17 (b): when a collision cannot be avoided by the give-way vessel
alone, then you must take the best action you can to avoid colliding. Your
action under Rule 17(b) must still be in time to avoid a collision so you
must not leave it too late
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Rule 19
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
• avoid altering to port for a vessel forward of the beam, except for a vessel
you are overtaking (Rule 19 (d) (i))
• avoid altering towards any ship abeam or abaft the beam (Rule 19 (d)
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Case Studies
The following six case studies are based on real collisions that have occurred in recent years. Fortunately
nobody died as a result of any of these collisions but damage to the ships and cargoes involved cost owners
and insurers well over US$100 million.
Each case study is set out as simply as possible, with the minimum information necessary to describe the
developing situation. In five of the case studies you are the watchkeeper on one of the vessels.
Each case study also asks a number of questions – but the answers are not provided. The intention is to
discuss the questions with members of the bridge team so that you will be able to agree on the answers to
each question. In coming to your answers we suggest you identify the relevant rules and discuss exactly how
they apply to the case study.
At the end of the guide are simple plotting sheets which you can use to plot and help understand situations.
Additional case studies will be published from time to time in North’s loss prevention publication Signals.
The case studies and the questions they ask are intended to be the starting point for wide-ranging
discussions on all aspects of collision avoidance.
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Case Study 1
Your vessel is rounding a headland and approaching
1 ship
a waypoint for an alteration to port. A cargo ship
is approaching the headland from the other
direction. The ships are now in position 1.
The cargo ship sees your port aspect and
alters course to starboard as the ‘give-way’ vessel. 2
You are unaware of its alteration and so you alter
course to port to follow your passage plan. You
want to keep to your passage plan. The ships are
now in position 2.
1. What action should you have taken at
position 1?
2. What action should you take now, at
position 2? WP
1 ship
Not to scale
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Case Study 2
You are the watchkeeper on a bulk carrier heading 10:10
north-east at 8 knots. On your port bow at 5 10:15
nautical miles is a container ship making a speed 10:20
of 18.5 knots on a course to pass 0.3 nautical Container
miles ahead. You believe this closest point of ship
approach (CPA) is too close
At 3 nautical miles apart you call the
container ship on VHF to ask its intentions. The
watchkeeper says he will pass ahead but you ask 10:24
him to alter course to starboard to pass astern.
Two minutes later you call again and insist
the container ship alters course to starboard. The
watchkeeper on the container ship changes his
mind and begins to alter course to starboard. Two
minutes later the ships collide.
1. What caused the collision?
2. What was a safe CPA? 10:15
3. Did the VHF conversations improve the
Not to scale
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Case Study 3
In open waters a bulk carrier and a container
ship were closing at full sea speed. The bulk 1
carrier was steering north-west at 16 knots and
the container ship was steering south-east at Container
ship 2
24 knots. The closest point of approach (CPA)
was 0.45 nautical miles, green to green. This is
position 1. 3
At 4.5 nautical miles apart the container ship
altered 6° to starboard. Shortly afterwards the
bulk carrier altered 5° to port. This is position 2.
At 2.3 nautical miles the container ship 4
altered 5° to starboard and the bulk carrier
altered 10° to port. This is position 3.
Just before collision the container ship altered
18° to starboard and the bulk carrier altered 55° 4
to port. This is position 4. 3
1. What were the faults of each ship? 2
2. What should each ship have done?
3. By what percentage was each ship responsible
for the collision? Bulk
carrier 1
Not to scale
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Case Study 4
You are the watchkeeper on a general cargo ship,
steering west at 12 knots. Your radar display
is offset to show 9 nautical miles ahead and
3 nautical miles astern and you are keeping a
close watch on a group of fishing vessels on your Fishing vessels
starboard side.
You never see a reefer vessel overtaking from
your port quarter with a closest point of approach
(CPA) of 0.5 nautical miles on your port side. Reefer ship
You alter course to port to increase your CPA
from the fishing vessels. The reefer ship does
not notice your alteration until too late and the
vessels collide.
Your ship
1. Which is the stand-on vessel?
2. What should the stand-on vessel have done?
3. What should the other vessel have done?
4. Would your answers be different if the
incident occurred within a traffic separation
Not to scale
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Case Study 5
You are the watchkeeper on a coastal tanker
navigating the north-east lane of a traffic
separation scheme. You need to alter course to
port to cross the traffic separation scheme.
A ‘trial manoeuvre’ on ARPA indicates you
will pass 1 nautical mile ahead of a container ship
navigating in the south-west lane at 23 knots.
Because of the adverse tide you make the
alteration a bit later than expected. You do not
re-check the approaching container ship and a
few moments later you are surprised to see it
close on your starboard side.
Container ship
1. Did anyone do anything wrong?
2. What do you do now?
3. What should the container ship do now?
Your ship
Not to scale
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Case Study 6
You are the watchkeeper on a cargo ship following
the busy south-west lane of a traffic separation
On your port bow, some miles ahead, a fishing
vessel is crossing the traffic separation scheme
on a 90° track. It is proceeding very slowly and
showing the shapes and the lights of a trawler.
1 Is the fishing vessel complying with
Your ship
2 Who has right of way?
3 What should you do? Fishing vessel
4 What should the fishing vessel do?
Not to scale
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Plotting Sheet 1
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Plotting Sheet 2
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Plotting Sheet 3
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
Authorised User (see Terms and Conditions): Member of North of England P&I Association
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (COLREGs) are the foundations North is a leading marine mutual
upon which safe navigation and conduct of vessels are built. liability insurer based in Newcastle
upon Tyne, UK, with regional
North’s loss prevention guide on the COLREGs is intended to provide practical advice to all offices in Greece, Hong Kong,
watchkeepers, from cadets to masters and inspecting officers, on the key collision avoidance rules. Japan and Singapore. The Club has
It is also intended to serve as a focus for discussion in bridge team meetings, at on-board training developed a worldwide reputation
sessions, during a quiet watch or in the mess room. for the quality and diversity of its
loss prevention initiatives.
The 12 rules discussed in the guide are those that are most often misinterpreted and appear to have
been breached time and again when collisions occur. This guide demonstrates how these rules fit
together and how the interpretation and application of each of them can be influenced, sometimes
wrongly, by the vast mass of information now available from electronic aids to navigation.
At the end of this guide is a series of collision case studies and simple plotting sheets, which readers
can use to illustrate developing situations while on watch.
The case studies and the questions they ask are designed to be the starting point for wide-ranging £30
discussions on all aspects of collision avoidance. ISBN: 978-0-9558257-9-8