Extraordinary Expeditions Far Touched 2

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Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

reetings and well met adventurer! Are you
prepared to embark on a fantastic journey? This Credits:
short adventure was written for Crit Academy’s Writing: Justin Handlin
5e Kickstarter Extraordinary Expeditions—a Cartography: Raymond J. Hicks, Ross McConnell
collection of short 5e adventures written by the best-
Cover Artist: Dean Spencer
selling authors at Crit Academy and Arjade Productions.
The book is designed to work with not only official Interior Artists: Dean Spencer, William McAusland,
monsters, but also features monsters from Kobold Press’s Mystic Times, Luigi Castellani
Tome of Beasts and Crit Academy’s Memorable Monsters. Layout: Alan Tucker
Don’t worry, if you don’t have the books, you’ll still be
Editing: Ken Carcas
able to run the adventures. The statblocks will be included
right inside the adventures.
Role-playing games are designed to transport us
to a world of fantasy and adventure. Through shared
storytelling and world-building, players and their
characters set out to explore exotic locations, fascinating
people, and solve complex puzzles. Contents:
Extraordinary Expeditions is a collection of Expedition Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
adventures that will do just that. Scour the Desolate Act 1: Redhold Outpost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Wastelands for the lost library of Zenith Athenaeum. Far-Touched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Save, escort, and protect villagers to a safe haven while Act 2: A Muddy March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
two towering titans do battle. Venture into a village Savage Far-Touched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
completely overrun by monstrous creatures from the Act 3: The Breach of Redhold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Far Realm. Act 4: Entering the Breach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
These modular adventures are designed on a flexible Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
framework to be easily tossed into any fantasy setting.
Broken down into a more free-form design allows you
to run them with little prep or easily toss in your own
personal homebrew touches to make it your own.
Do you hear that?
It’s the call of adventure! Back it NOW and answer
the call!

Justin Handlin
Social Media: @CritAcademy

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

Expedition Background
he small village of Redhold is under siege by
monsters. Loralei Swiftthistle (f, halfling, city
watch captain, ToB), a leader of the Heaven’s
Light guild, has put out an urgent call to any
and all adventurer’s in the nearby region to come to the
Redhold outpost east of the village. The scouts previously
stationed there sent out a distress signal calling for help.
The area was unexpectedly swallowed up by a hoard of
grotesque monstrosities. They need heroes to slay the
creatures and make their way to the city to protect any
who may still be alive. Heaven’s Light is also looking to
discover where the creatures came from so they can put a
stop to their senseless rampage.
Loralei Swiftthistle

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

The mountain valley village of Redhold isn’t particularly and begin experiencing madness and mutations.
large. The entire population, not including visitors, is Act 3: The Breach of Redhold. The characters arrive in
approximately 500 people, most of which are humans with the village, likely a little concerned with the mutations
a small mix of elves, halflings, and half-orcs. The small and hallucinations they are undoubtedly experiencing.
village is divided by a river that runs through the center of They must search the town for survivors and learn the
town. A few bridges allow daily traffic across. The northern truth behind the transformation; a breach to the Far
side of the river is where the residential hovels reside. The Realm. The characters must enter the breach and bargain
south side is where the trade merchants, smiths, and other with the breach’s creator, an aboleth named Plokloom.
businesses ply their trades. This creates a nice division Act 4: Entering the Breach. Once the breach is closed,
between work and pleasure for the locals. whether it is forced closed by the characters, or if they
The town’s most well-known for its cherries. The bakery, come to an agreement with Plokloom, the inevitable
Kansif Cherry Crisp, brings in travelers from every corner damage has already been done. Over 80% of Redhold’s
of the kingdom and is run by Kansif Strongarm (f, half-orc, population has been mutated into unholy creatures.
berserker). Her family built this town several generations As GM, if you are continuing with existing characters,
ago as it had the most delectable cherry apple trees to be you can elect to start a new quest for the characters to
found anywhere within the kingdom. Now, terror has attempt to cleanse the creatures and the rest of the area
struck the region and the area is infested with horrifying from their far-touched deformities.
creatures. A breach to the Far Realm has opened up in the Likewise, the characters may just decide it’s not worth
village. Its deranged emanations have twisted and deformed it and have the area abandoned as the corruption by the
the villagers, structures, and most everything else in the Far Realm is well beyond repair.
area, creating those known as far-touched. The far-touched Lastly, they could also choose to slay all the
are twisted unrecognizable horror versions of the original monstrosities in the area, so those few villagers choosing
form. Tentacles, boils, and other vile features grow from to continue to live in the area can continue to do so,
every part of the original form. knowing their loved ones won’t roam the area as hideous
monsters. This inturn may open another dilemma: that
Overview where the townsfolk are divided over killing their mutated
Introduction. This adventure is designed to provide loved ones vs leaving them alive and as a constant
the players and their characters with a thrilling, and reminder of what they had to endure up to this point.
yet horrifying experience. Be warned that some of From this point on, your choices as a GM are endless and
the dangers of entering the Far Realm could lead to open to many possibilities going forward.
permanent changes to a character’s personality, bonds,
or flaws. As GM, you are highly encouraged to make Expanding the Expedition
sure this is ok with your players. You can always adapt This expedition assumes that when the characters
the adventure to fit the needs and personalities of those pass into the Far Realm, they immediately encounter
at your table. Plokloom. You can easily expand this aspect to be a
Act 1: Redhold Outpost. The characters head to a mind-bending exploration pillar to find the aboleth
Redhold outpost to meet with Loralei Swiftthistle, the responsible. This is a great opportunity to explore this
local guild leader looking to deal with a sudden infestation strange and often unused realm and its alien origins. The
of horrifying and deformed creatures. She wishes to characters can encounter entirely new, never-before-seen
dispatch adventurers out from the outpost to clear the beings, including an expedition into their characters’
monsters, with the eventual hope that they reach the small thoughts, dreams, and secrets.
village and rescue any that may still be alive.
Act 2: A Muddy March. The characters must hack,
slash, and sneak their way through the waves of
grotesque far-touched creatures to reach the village. As
they wade through the monstrosities and get closer to
the village, they slowly feel the touch of the Far Realm

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

Despite being in the middle of the day, dim light is
Act 1: Redhold Outpost a prominent feature during this time of year. This is
commonly known to the locals as “The Sodden”. It
Setup usually consists of three straight weeks of rain.
Terrain. The ground is a mix of muddy soil and hay.
Encounter Introduction and Setup. When the players Sounds. The dull thump of shouts, constantly masked
are ready to begin, read or paraphrase the following: by endless rain and horses whinnying.
The call from Redhold Output came Smells. A heavy, musky, earthy smell, mixed with
urgent via spell messengers. Loralei smoke from the various campfires.
Swiftthistle, a local guild leader, has Notable Feature. A towering three-story circular
called any and all to the small village’s building with a scout posted at its peak. The entire
outpost. Word has spread that violent and building is surrounded by a 10-foot high wooden fence.
disgusting monstrosities have invaded the There is a lone wooden gate allowing access and egress.
village out of nowhere. Your adventuring
party answered the call, despite the Tactics
downpour and high winds. This expedition assumes the characters don’t engage
in combat (in any form) here at the outpost. Should
Upon entering the outposts’ wooden
you want to make their arrival a little more engaging,
barricades, it’s easy to see that you aren’t
then place the outpost under siege by dozens of the
the only adventurers to heed the call.
far-touched. Treat this as mass combat. Assume the
Adventuring tents fill most of the free
other adventuring parties are fighting as well. Have 1d4
space in this small outpost. There must
far-touched for each player character. Once the party
be at least a dozen different adventuring
has dealt with their threat, assume that the rest of the
parties here to protect… and collect their
adventurers are cleaning up any stragglers.
fair share of the bounty.

Redhold Outpost
Features of the Area
Illumination. The weather is harsh; a savage downpour
with thick black and gray clouds with scattered storms.

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

Far-Touched Far-Touched
Medium humanoid (aberration), chaotic evil
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5)
Speed 30 ft,. swim 30 ft.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (–1)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Deep Speech
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Alien Resilience (1/Day). If an attack would reduce
the far-touched’s hit points to 0, it collapses into a
pool of alien ooze and its hit points are reduced to
1 instead. The far-touched can move at its normal
speed in this form, including moving through spaces
occupied by other creatures. As a bonus action at
the beginning of the far-touched’s next turn, it can
reform, still with 1 hit point. When the characters arrive, they are met by a scout. The
scout informs them that a briefing will take place in the
Amphibious. The far-touched can breathe air or water.
main hall of the tower in a few hours with Commander
Swamp Camouflage. The far-touched has advantage Loralei. They are free to set up camp, mingle with other
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in adventurers, or just sit and wait for the briefing.
swampy terrain. The characters may or may not take interest in any of
Savage Move. If the far-touched surprises a these activities. Should they choose to mingle with other
creature, it gets a bonus action it can use on its first adventurers or scouts from the area, they can befriend
turn of combat for a claw attack, a bite attack, or a several adventuring bands, including the Crimson Exiles,
Bog Spew attack. Nightstalkers, Hunting Pack, and others. The Nightstalkers
Actions appear to be the only adventures of any note. Use these
Multiattack. The far-touched makes two attacks, to emphasize the severity of the threat and the aid that is
one of which must be a claw attack. requested. We’ve added details for Nightstalkers below.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one The Nightstalkers
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
The Nightstalkers have come to Redhold for more than
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
just rivalry and treasure. One of its members, Ranik
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Battleaxe, an orc war chief and current leader, once called
Bog Spew (Recharge 5-6). The far-touched spews a Redhold home. He has come to ensure the threat is dealt
noxious stream of bog filth, mixed with stomach acid, with and that his friends and family are safe. His party
at a target up to 20 feet away. Target must succeed consists of the following:
on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be blinded • Valida Strongheart, a graying copper-haired female
for 1d4 rounds.
dwarf cleric (priest). Valida can find common
ground between the fiercest enemies, empathizing
with them, while constantly working toward a
peaceful solution.
• Alston Boondiggles, a male gnome rogue (spy)
with a particularly petite frame and curly hair.

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

While loosening bolts into a foe from afar, Alston them, Ranik approaches them to form a larger party.
tosses jokes at every opportunity, especially on • The characters are given a small map noting their
occasions where humor is inappropriate. approach vector from the south.
• Elean Nigma, a seasoned female of nature (druid) • Each adventurer will be gifted an uncommon
with raven hair streaked with silver. Her staff is magic item of their choice (from those present in
topped with a triangular gem with an eye at its the DMG or offered by the GM) upon completion
core. She leaves an impression of great erudition compliments of the Heaven’s Light guild.
with the use of polysyllabic words.
Once the characters have finished the mission briefing,
If the characters take interest in the Nightstalkers then the Commander has everyone get their gear, and begin
the party might serve as mentors, rivals, or close friends, their march to Redhold.
making their potential deaths all the more poignant.

The Briefing Act 2: A Muddy March

Once the players are finished with what roleplay they
wish to impart on the adventure, you can move on
to briefing with Commander Loralei. Her stoic and Redhold village lies amid a wilderness of pine forests and
fierce determination makes it clear that she will do all rocky hills. While three main roads enter the mountain
in her power to destroy these creatures and save the village, the characters will be attempting to approach from
civilians in the village. The characters learn the following the southwest off the well-traveled road. With the heavy
information from the briefing report: rain and muddy march, the travel will likely take the
• The village of Redhold is, on a good day, a 4-hour characters 8 hours. During this time they will be assaulted
hike west from the outpost. Today, the soggy march by several groups of dangerous Far-touched creatures.
will likely double the travel time. Wagons and horses While this module only contains three encounters, as
can’t make it through without getting stuck and GM you can run as many or as little as you wish. This
swarmed by dozens of the monstrous creatures. expedition assumes you run at least two of the encounters.
As the characters complete each encounter and move
• The monstrous creatures besieged the small village
closer to the village. The influence of the Far Realm
just two days ago. Only a handful of survivors have
becomes ever stronger, not only altering creatures but
escaped and made it to the outpost, most of which
objects. The closer they are to the breach, the stronger
were out of the town hunting, patrolling, or doing
the effect. This becomes more and more apparent during
some other task when it happened.
each encounter. In addition, each character begins to feel
• According to the reports from survivors, just the alien nature touch their minds and bodies.
before the monsters showed up, a loud single After every encounter and as they get closer, the
booming crack of thunder could be heard, but no characters must roll to ward off alien madness and
lightning was seen. mutations. Each character must succeed a DC 8
• Rumors from the few survivors say that some Intelligence saving throw; failure results in a Long-Term
of the creatures cause their victims to go mad Madness (see DMG, Madness) to determine the effect.
screaming, laughing, or even weeping. In addition, the target must roll a DC 8 Constitution
saving throw; failure allows you to choose a mutation or
• The adventuring parties are going to break up
roll on the Far-Touched Mutation Table below. Both DCs
into small teams and approach from different
increase by 5 after each encounter as they get closer to the
directions. The hope is that this will sow confusion
Far Realm breach. Any creature that is far-touched has
in the monsters and their leadership, in addition to
disadvantage on Charisma checks.
locating the best escape route from the citizens.
In any encounter that the characters have an allied
• The characters learn they will be grouped with the adventuring party, roll a d20. On a 10 or lower, one
Nightstalkers, or if they’ve already encountered of the allied party members dies. As GM, this can be

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

from combat or the effects of the Far Realm. This is a ‘popping’ of boots being pulled from the mud.
powerful way to show the effects of the breach should Smells. A heavy musky earthy smell mixes pine
the characters succeed on all their saving throws. needles from the nearby trees.
Far-Touched Mutation Table Notable Feature. The breach to the Far Realm is
continually shaping the world around it, not just
d6 Mutation creatures. Slimy alien tendrils growing out of trees,
1 The creature grows tiny finger-like bushes, and plants made up of a purple and gray-skin-
tentacles on random parts of its body like material. Local critters with melted flesh revealing
2 The creature grows boils and pustules all bones and the occasional trailing innards. Make it clear
over its body. the strange alterations become more prevalent as the
3 Several semi-retractable eyestalks grow characters get closer to Redhold.
from random parts of its body.
4 One side of the creature’s body mutates
significantly larger than the other, resulting
Travel Encounter 1: The Fleshless Stag
in an unattractive lack of symmetry. As the characters trudge through the muck and rain,
5 The creature’s body begins to slowly decay, a herd of 3d4 deer are spotted bounding through
giving off a wretched stench. the forest’s wooden pillars coming to a small pond
6 The creature’s hair, fingernails, and teeth to drink. With them is a massive stag (use elephant
fall out. MM, but add the undead fortitude feature (see zombie,
MM)). A character that succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom
When the characters begin their trek, read or (Perception) check observes that large parts of the
paraphrase the following: stag are disfigured and parts of its flesh appear to be
melting off, hanging from its bones. A successful DC 10
Your boots make sickening ‘pop’ noises Wisdom (Animal Handling) check confirms it doesn’t
as your feet are pulled from the mud. seem bothered by this dislodged flesh hanging from
Every stride a labored breath and boots its bones. From a distance, the stag is wary but doesn’t
weighed down with heavy filth. The muddy attack. If the characters get within 30 feet, the stag and
ground and heavy rain will certainly make deer (add the undead fortitude feature) attack. If the
continued movement and any combat characters can get close enough to the stag and make a
engagement much more challenging. successful DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check confirm
the disfiguration and dissolving of the flesh as not
Features of the Area natural. Visual inspection of the deer reveals that they
are affected by a similar condition. A successful DC 24
Illumination. The weather is harsh; a savage downpour Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals it to be the result of
with thick black and gray clouds. Despite being in the metamorphic energies of the Far Realm.
middle of the day, dim light is a prominent feature
during the Sodden. Tactics
Terrain. The ground here is soft and caked with mud. The stag uses its trampling charge as a core to its
Boots, wheels, and most everything else sinks into it, combat. It doesn’t care about provoking opportunity
making it difficult to move. The area is therefore difficult attacks. It will take the attack if it means charging a
terrain. During travel, every hour of travel and/or the target to hit it with gore and knocking it prone. This
start of an encounter requires a Constitution saving allows the deer to have advantage on prone targets. As
throw with a DC equal to 10 + the number of hours such, all deer will focus on prone targets. If the massive
traveled. On a failed save, a character loses 1 Hit Die as stag falls to 0 hit points, all other deer flee the characters.
rough travel saps their stamina. If the character has no
hit die remaining they suffer a level of exhaustion. This
captures the difficult nature of the march.
Sounds. There are sounds of crashing rain and the

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

A Muddy March map

ambushed by 2d4+4 sentient mutated plants (see

Travel Encounter 2: Fatal Flowers above). After the combat, with a successful DC 19
The forest’s thick canopy provides a bit of cover from the Intelligence (Nature) check with an herbalism kit or
rain. This is little great relief to any travelers. While a bit poisoner’s tools, a character can harvest 1 vial of the
gloomy, the forest is full of beautifully colored flowers, poison (DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain the
trees, and a variety of other foliage. A character who poisoned condition for 1 hour). On a failed check, they
succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) check begins mishandle the foliage and suffer the effects of the poison.
to notice odd changes in the dirt, plants, and trees. The Visual inspection of the strange, mutated vegetation
dirt and stones are strangely dull purple and blue in reveals that they are affected by a similar condition as the
colors. Some of the flowers have eyes, tentacles, beaks, deer. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check
and other hideous mutations. A character who interacts reveals it to be the result of metamorphic energies of
with any mysterious foliage discovers that it’s a collection the Far Realm. Additionally, if the result succeeds by 5
of 1d4+1 sentient mutated plants (use awakened shrub, or more, the character knows that the Far Realm rarely
MM). This foliage attacks once the characters approach touches the material world to this extreme and that
with 10 feet. In addition, all creatures hit by its bite suffer something must be terribly ‘world-wrenching’ wrong for
the effects of the oil of taggit (see DMG, Poisons). it to be in this state. It’s terrible and insane influences are
While investigating or resting, the characters are things of nightmares and alien creatures.

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

The battle with the mutated plants should be pretty
Savage Far-Touched
Large humanoid (aberration), chaotic evil
straightforward. Since their touch harms creatures, the
best tactic these plants have is to swarm the characters Armor Class 15
enmass and knock them out one at a time. This can create Hit Points 42 (6d6 + 3)
a frightening experience for even the most seasoned of Speed 30 ft,. swim 30 ft.
characters. With the plant’s movement being only 20 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
feet, it’s very simple for the characters to run away if they 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 8 (–1)
find themselves in too much trouble. The plants have no Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3
interest in pursuing the characters. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Deep Speech
Travel Encounter 3: Swarm of the Far- Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Touched Amphibious. The savage far-touched can breathe air

or water.
As the characters approach the clearing just outside the Swamp Camouflage. The savage far-touched has
village, they find themselves being attacked by a passing advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to
patrol of hideously deformed monstrosities. Unless the hide in swampy terrain.
party approaches with caution, they are attacked by 1d4 Actions
far-touched (see above) and 2 savage far-touched.
Multiattack. The savage far-touched makes two claw
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
target. Hit: +5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
Mind Melt. The savage far-touched uses its
Savage Far-Touched connection to the Far Realm to assault the mind of its
target. The savage far-touched targets one creature
it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must
succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw against
this magic or take 10 (3d6) psychic damage.
Strange Insight. The savage far-touched flings a
psychic attack from the Far Realm at one creature it
can see within 60 feet of it. The target must contest
its Charisma (Deception) check against the savage
far-touched Wisdom (Insight) check. If the savage
far-touched wins, it magically learns one fact or
secret about the target. The target automatically
wins if it is immune to being charmed.


Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

After the battle starts, 1d4 rounds later, a small unaffected by the breach. They should quickly learn
collection of alien tentacles burst from a small black and that all the monsters they’ve been fighting are villagers
purple breach in the ground. Conjured to the area by that have been altered. The town is still full of these
Plokloom to defend his newly acquired city, the small monstrosities. If they can agree with the aboleth and
plot area of tentacles fills two different 5-foot square convince it to close its breach, those affected will remain
areas. On initiative 10 each round, the tentacles take a mutated. The mutation can be removed with the greater
turn. Each set of tentacles has AC 13, 25 hit points, a restoration spell, but only within a week of the mutation.
speed of 0, and the following attack: This is likely a difficult and expensive task for the
Alien Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, characters. But with enough favors called in and some
reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning support from powerful noble houses or temples, it could
damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled be doable, at a cost.
(escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the target
is restrained and the alien tentacles can’t use their Features of the Area
tentacles on another target. Illumination. The downpour has lightened up, but the thick
Tactics black and gray clouds remain. Late into the day, the sun has
The savage far-touched creatures use their mind melt begun to set, casting the clouds with an eerie red glow.
as their primary attack and bog spew. Through the Terrain. The ground in the city is packed well and
power of their bond with the aboleth, Plokoom, they can filled with cobblestone.
all use the strange insight. While most attack, there is at Sounds. The crackling energy of the breach snaps
least one that begins sharing deep secrets of one of the and pops can be heard echoing throughout the village.
characters with the party. The sound of rain lightly hitting thatched roofs and
Treasure Smells. The air is faintly earth smelling from the recent
The characters can potentially harvest a vial of oil of rain but is predominantly filled with a rancid stench from
taggit from the mutated plants (see above). the popped boils and slimy mutations.
Breach. The breach lays on the ground splitting
XP Award
the thorofare of the city. The chaotic portal crackles
If the characters defeat or escape the shrubs, they each
dark necrotic energy leaping out from it. A swirling
earn 500 XP.
vortex of purple and blue fills its center. Large alien
While we’ve only provided three encounters for the
tendrils reach from the 20-foot-long, 5-foot-wide alien
trip here, you can design and add as many additional
portal. A strange unidentifiable odor that smells like a
encounters as you want.
combination of rotting carcass and eggs drifts from it.

Act 3: The Breach of Redhold Investigating the Redhold

The village is filled with dozens of far-touched villagers.
Setup Make it clear that they cannot defeat them all. A
Once the characters arrive in Redhold, they discover character that succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom saving
a terrible sight. The center of the small village has a throw can clearly see that they are outnumbered and
massive breach dividing it. The breach leads to the Far out matched. Even with the aid of all the adventuring
Realm. Specifically, to the lair of the aboleth, Plokloom. parties, they would be hard pressed to clear the town.
The characters at this level likely cannot defeat Plokloom The characters can easily see the massive breach in the
in direct combat. Plokloom can close the breach, and ground when they enter the town. Lightning can be
end the terrible spread of the Far Realm’s touch. While easily seen jumping from it at regular intervals, and a
he doesn’t wish to, he can be negotiated with to close the strange noxious smell, one not noticeable until within
breach... at least for a while. the area, is clearly emanating from it. A character who
The characters will struggle to find any villagers succeeds on a DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) check recalls


Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

Redhold map

information confirming this to be a breach to the Far and not far-touched footprints leading into the sealed
Realm. On a failed check, they misidentify it as a breach shelter. A character that succeeds a DC 13 Intelligence
to the Astral Plane. (Investigation) check identifies a dropped doll belonging
The characters may likely choose to snoop around and to a small child outside the shelter. Either of these checks
look for villagers that haven’t succumbed to the touch of can confirm there are likely survivors in the shelter.
the Far Realm. If the characters succeed on a group DC To gain the villager’s trust and convince them to
18 Intelligence (Investigation) check, they locate a small open the door they characters must succeed on a DC
group of villagers hiding in the storm shelter under the 15 Charisma (Persuasion or Deception) check. If
town hall. The storm shelter is locked and barred from the they fail, the villagers won’t open the door at all. Brute
inside. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom force must be used if they wish to enter. A successful
(Survival) check can clearly identify dozens of human DC 21 Strength (Athletics) check can break the door


Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

down. Inside, Kansif Strongarm, the half-orc baker, was
unaffected and has taken the lead of the villagers. She
can share the following information with the characters:
Act 4: Entering the Breach
• A strange man wandered into town with a strange Entering the breach is a befuddling experience. The
artifact. He seemed extremely paranoid. His eyes characters must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
darted back and forth, holding tight onto his throw or roll on the Indefinite Madness table (DMG,
artifact. When he was leaving, some scuffle caused Madness). Upon entering, the characters enter a thick
him to drop the object in town. When he did, a large gel-like atmosphere. All creatures not natural to the
hole opened up in the ground and people began plane have their movement reduced by 10 feet while in
to change; becoming deformed. They soon lost all the Far Realm. In addition, the characters must succeed
reasoning, and began attacking and killing. The a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or suffer the effects
survivors took refuge here in the shelter, but it was of the modify memory spell. The memory affected is
clear that almost everyone was affected. at the GM’s discretion. These saving throws must be
repeated for every 10 minutes the characters spend in
• Kansif recalls the touch on her mind from some
Far Realm.
monstrous source reaching out. Others confirm
When the characters pass through the breach, read or
the same feeling. The touch, while it didn’t speak,
paraphrase the following:
the visions of a strange world and impressions were
clear “Serve Me!” The impression has persisted for As you pass through the breach, it feels
several days. A few have given in, wandering out as if your body and mind are pulled in all
into the hole in the ground, coming out stronger different directions. Your most horrid
and scarier than those that were changed against memories spring to the forefront of your
their will. mind. Anguish, gloom, and sadness fill your
thoughts. Some of the thoughts become
• There was one person, an old wizard, that went
cloudy, with images passing through of
in. Claimed he could probably seal it from the
events containing horrifying creatures
other side. He returned and was not mutated. He
you’ve never seen before appear in your
was quickly cut down by the waiting mutations.
memories. Like a thousand pinpricks into
Whatever is on the other side didn’t seem to hurt
your mind, the memories and images
him, but that didn’t stop the creatures on this side
flood like a moving picture, with the agony
from killing him when he left.
becoming near unbearable. Then, it passes,
The characters have a few choices. They can escort and you find yourself in an alien world.
the approximate 20% of villagers that were hidden in The air becomes heavier and thick like gel.
the shelter and leave town, or they can attempt to close Hovering over you is a massive tentacled
the breach: beast. Its body appears as a cross between
• If they choose to forcibly close the breach: They worm and fish. Its circular maw is coated
must enter the inside of the breach to learn what is with serrated teeth and its three eyes stare
keeping it open. (See Skill Challenge: Closing the on at you, unblinking.
A character who succeeds on a DC 19 Intelligence
• If they choose to escort the villagers out of town:
(Arcana or History) check identifies the creature as
Rerun the A Muddy March section until they
an aboleth; a creature of the Far Realm. Plokloom
return to the Redhold Outpost.
immediately makes telepathic contact with the
• If they eventually resolve to negotiate for the characters. He is a sly and silver-tongued creature.
closure of the breach: They must bargain with Use the following Skill Challenge (see next page) as an
Plokloom to convince it to close the breach. outline for the bargaining of the closure of the breach.
Read or paraphrase the following.


Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

The massive and terrifying beast floats The aboleth will share the following information with
before you. Its aura is dreadful enough characters:
to cause you unease. Closing the breach • Plokloom is not happy. His servant was supposed
will be much less troublesome, and likely to deliver an artifact to the largest ocean and break
less deadly if you can manage to parlay the seal to open the breach there so that Plokloom
with the intimidating creature and avoid could enter the Material Realm.
a battle altogether. Images, impressions, • There was an accident, and the artifact was broken
and feelings rush into your mind, slowly during his servant’s stay in the town, causing the
becoming words you can understand. breach to open.
“Welcome to my domain.” • The transformations are not of Plokloom’s doing,
but are instead a side effect of the Far Realm
Skill Challenge: Closing the Breach energy spewing into the world. Closing the portal
will certainly end this effect, though Plokloom
The characters must convince the creature (Plokloom) doesn’t believe it will change those affected by it
to close the breach. The characters must gain 5 successes back to their normal selves.
before 3 failures. Below are a few examples to feed
the players should they have trouble engaging in the • Plokloom can close the breach, but only under the
roleplay. Skill Challenges are malleable; if a player offers condition that the characters are willing to deliver
a skill that can reasonably work, use your best judgement another breach artifact to an ocean of his choosing
and allow for it. so as he can enter the world from there.
If the characters have befriended or built a rivalry with Deception (DC 18). The character attempts to deceive
the Nightstalkers, they find any that haven’t already died the aboleth with honeyed words and guile offering to
here, drifting dead. They attempted to slay the aboleth falsely deliver the new artifact to the sea.
and were not strong enough. If you want to add a bit for Intimidation (DC 22). The character attempts to
moral ambiguity, consider leaving one alive under the threaten to harm, dismember, or worse to the aboleth. A
enslavement of the aboleth. failure here instantly ends the encounter and the aboleth
gives them a chance to leave his domain, or die a hideous
and horrid death, even by mortal standards.

Plokloom, the aboleth


Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

Insight (DC 13). The character can interpret and get Treasure
a feel for the aboleth’s mind. The character understands If the characters agree to carry Plokloom’s artifact,
that Plokloom is honest when saying the opening of the he gives it to the characters. So long as a character is
breach in town was an accident, and that it genuinely holding Plokloom’s artifact, they can speak telepathically
just wants to be taken to an ocean. The character can to the creature, even across different planes.
learn that this creature won’t take threats, and any type
of threat will instantly remove any chance of negotiation. XP Award
Perception (DC 10). The character notices that on If the characters succeed in closing the breach, they
the other side of the breach portal, monsters begin to each earn an additional 2000 XP. Should they fail in their
surround it, likely preparing to come to the aboleth’s aid negotiations, they each only earn an additional 1000 XP.

should it call. This grants advantage on the next Charisma
(Persuasion) check.
Performance (DC 19). The thick atmosphere makes
these challenges exceptionally difficult. The character During the final parts of this expedition, there are a few
attempts to entertain the aboleth, as it hasn’t had a good different directions the characters will take. These are as
show in generations. The character sings, dances, juggles, follows:
or plays an instrument to earn the favor of the aboleth. • The most likely, and the easiest solution is that the
The next Charisma (Persuasion) check has an advantage. characters will escort the remaining villagers out
Persuasion (DC 15). The character attempts to of the village to the Redhold Outpost. Once they
persuade the Aboleth to close the breach. The character arrive, they should report to Lorelai to claim their
makes it clear that as long as the breach is so far inland, reward.
Plokloom won’t be able to enter the world without • The characters attempt to bargain with Plokloom
struggling to crawl to the nearest large body of water, and come to an arrangement that makes both
which the character convincingly states is some ways parties content. If the characters agree to escort the
away. artifact to the ocean, Plokloom prods them onward.
Total Success (Zero Failures): The characters can He is constantly in telepathic communication with
convince Plokloom to close the breach, so long as they the one who wields the artifact. Each time Plokloom
agree to transport his artifact to the nearest ocean. telepathically communicates to the creature
Success: The characters can convince Plokloom to holding the artifact, they must succeed on a DC 15
close the breach, but it is a bit hesitant. It offers to close Wisdom saving throw or roll on the Long-Term
the breach so long as someone (one of the characters) Madness table (DMG, Madness). A character who
stays by its side until the portal is reopened. fails this check by 5 or more rolls on the Indefinite
Failure: The aboleth finds the characters a nuisance, Madness table (DMG, Madness, p260) instead. On
and doesn’t believe a word they say. It immediately uses a successful save, the creature becomes immune to
its enslave action in an attempt to control up to three this effect for the next 24 hours.
members of the party. He doesn’t stop those who aren’t • The worst possible outcome is the character’s
under its control from escaping. The portal remains attempt to fight Plokloom. While victory isn’t
open, and Plokloom continues to look for someone to impossible, it is extremely unlikely. If the
aid it in its shifting to the Material Realm. encounter turns to combat, Plokloom will first try
Tactics and control the characters before attacking them.
Plokloom’s goal is simple. It will bargain to ensure This should give them a chance to escape. If they
it can enter the Material Realm. It is sly and will likely choose not to, it may mean dead characters, or at
attempt to gain the most from his negotiations, all the least enslaved characters. While this isn’t ideal, it is
while ensuring it will have to do as little as possible. It is a possibility. Continue to remind the characters of
very interested in gaining an adventurer as a servant, and the aboleth’s power to deter this path.
will continually push for this.


Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

Modular Adventures for your
5th Edition Roleplaying Game
Extraordinary Expeditions is a collection of modular adventures designed on a flexible
framework to be easily tossed into any fantasy setting. Scour the Desolate Wastelands for the
lost library of Zenith Athenaeum. Save, escort, and protect villagers as they seek a safe haven,
while two towering titans do battle. Venture into a village completely overrun by monstrous
creatures from the Far Realm—complete with adventures, maps, and monster stat blocks.
One of the best parts about any roleplaying game isn’t just the fantastic battles. It’s the
memorable locations that they take place in, and the interesting NPCs that our heroes
encounter. Our goal was to build a project that included all these great points. With Crit
Academy’s expertise in 5th Edition and Arjade Productions’ masterful knowledge of 3.5 rules,
we believe Extraordinary Expeditions hits on all these points and so much more.

Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

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Phoebe Hhhhohojjo (Order #38245780)

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