Extraordinary Expeditions Far Touched 2
Extraordinary Expeditions Far Touched 2
Extraordinary Expeditions Far Touched 2
Justin Handlin
Social Media: @CritAcademy
Redhold Outpost
Features of the Area
Illumination. The weather is harsh; a savage downpour
with thick black and gray clouds with scattered storms.
information confirming this to be a breach to the Far and not far-touched footprints leading into the sealed
Realm. On a failed check, they misidentify it as a breach shelter. A character that succeeds a DC 13 Intelligence
to the Astral Plane. (Investigation) check identifies a dropped doll belonging
The characters may likely choose to snoop around and to a small child outside the shelter. Either of these checks
look for villagers that haven’t succumbed to the touch of can confirm there are likely survivors in the shelter.
the Far Realm. If the characters succeed on a group DC To gain the villager’s trust and convince them to
18 Intelligence (Investigation) check, they locate a small open the door they characters must succeed on a DC
group of villagers hiding in the storm shelter under the 15 Charisma (Persuasion or Deception) check. If
town hall. The storm shelter is locked and barred from the they fail, the villagers won’t open the door at all. Brute
inside. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom force must be used if they wish to enter. A successful
(Survival) check can clearly identify dozens of human DC 21 Strength (Athletics) check can break the door
should it call. This grants advantage on the next Charisma
(Persuasion) check.
Performance (DC 19). The thick atmosphere makes
these challenges exceptionally difficult. The character During the final parts of this expedition, there are a few
attempts to entertain the aboleth, as it hasn’t had a good different directions the characters will take. These are as
show in generations. The character sings, dances, juggles, follows:
or plays an instrument to earn the favor of the aboleth. • The most likely, and the easiest solution is that the
The next Charisma (Persuasion) check has an advantage. characters will escort the remaining villagers out
Persuasion (DC 15). The character attempts to of the village to the Redhold Outpost. Once they
persuade the Aboleth to close the breach. The character arrive, they should report to Lorelai to claim their
makes it clear that as long as the breach is so far inland, reward.
Plokloom won’t be able to enter the world without • The characters attempt to bargain with Plokloom
struggling to crawl to the nearest large body of water, and come to an arrangement that makes both
which the character convincingly states is some ways parties content. If the characters agree to escort the
away. artifact to the ocean, Plokloom prods them onward.
Total Success (Zero Failures): The characters can He is constantly in telepathic communication with
convince Plokloom to close the breach, so long as they the one who wields the artifact. Each time Plokloom
agree to transport his artifact to the nearest ocean. telepathically communicates to the creature
Success: The characters can convince Plokloom to holding the artifact, they must succeed on a DC 15
close the breach, but it is a bit hesitant. It offers to close Wisdom saving throw or roll on the Long-Term
the breach so long as someone (one of the characters) Madness table (DMG, Madness). A character who
stays by its side until the portal is reopened. fails this check by 5 or more rolls on the Indefinite
Failure: The aboleth finds the characters a nuisance, Madness table (DMG, Madness, p260) instead. On
and doesn’t believe a word they say. It immediately uses a successful save, the creature becomes immune to
its enslave action in an attempt to control up to three this effect for the next 24 hours.
members of the party. He doesn’t stop those who aren’t • The worst possible outcome is the character’s
under its control from escaping. The portal remains attempt to fight Plokloom. While victory isn’t
open, and Plokloom continues to look for someone to impossible, it is extremely unlikely. If the
aid it in its shifting to the Material Realm. encounter turns to combat, Plokloom will first try
Tactics and control the characters before attacking them.
Plokloom’s goal is simple. It will bargain to ensure This should give them a chance to escape. If they
it can enter the Material Realm. It is sly and will likely choose not to, it may mean dead characters, or at
attempt to gain the most from his negotiations, all the least enslaved characters. While this isn’t ideal, it is
while ensuring it will have to do as little as possible. It is a possibility. Continue to remind the characters of
very interested in gaining an adventurer as a servant, and the aboleth’s power to deter this path.
will continually push for this.