166-Article Text-413-1-10-20211104
166-Article Text-413-1-10-20211104
166-Article Text-413-1-10-20211104
Implementation of Evaluation
Coaching Program for Company Performance
Septian Zulfikar Andwilana 1, Christian Wiradendi Wolor 2, Agung Wahyu Handaru 3
Article history:
Received: September, 1, 2021; Accepted: October, 24, 2021; Displayed Online: November, 4, 2021; Published: December 30, 2021
Keywords Abstract
Evaluation; The aim of the research is to evaluate the Coaching for a company
performance. It was conducted at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero)-
Company Indonesia. The method used in this research was descriptive-
Performance; qualitative method. The results show that the evaluation of the process
in the Coaching for Performance Program received an assessment in
Indonesian Case; the excellent category. The achievements of participant competence
through the Coaching for Performance Program are as follows. a) the
Coaching Programs; knowledge of Corporate Culture values ‘AKHLAK’ and ‘EPIC’ behaviour
has increased; b) the knowledge in the field of Water Resources and
Dam Projects has increased; c) the knowledge of Building Projects has
increased; d) the knowledge of Bridge Projects; e) and the knowledge
of Road and Bridge Projects has increased.
1. Introduction
Job training is one of the company's ways of developing human resources. Job training, in
addition to increasing employee competence, and if carried out with good planning, will improve
employee performance and performance. Job training is part of the human resource management
function and must be in line with the company's vision and mission. To carry out good job training, it
is necessary to have support from the leadership to staff, and it is hoped that with good job training,
organizational goals will be achieved, besides that it can increase employee knowledge so that they
will be more proficient in carrying out the work they carry out. According to Nadarajah et al (2012),
Training is organizing teaching and learning to improve the knowledge, skills, abilities, expertise and
quality of employees in the organization. Furthermore, Nadarajah et al (2012) explained that one of
the benefits of job training is to change one's attitudes and behaviour to improve and develop
competencies and bring benefits to themselves and the community. Training is a process of increasing
employee competence (Nadarajah et al., 2012)
The competencies referred to are task skills, adequate skills, and good attitudes to carry out the
main functions and duties of human resources. Ways to improve and develop employee competencies
include formal or non-formal education, experience, and training carried out within the company.
Each method of learning to increase competence must have advantages and disadvantages. Employee
competency development will be better after attending training and continuing with work practices
or providing work experience.
This study was conducted at PT. Brantas Abipraya Jakarta- Indonesia. As a behavioural guide for
all company levels, working and interacting within the company environment, PT. Brantas Abipraya
Jakarta has formulated, developed and disseminated the behaviour of Abipraya people, with the
acronym "EPIC". The acronym is described as follows:
1. Entrepreneurship
In every action, consider the profit and loss for the company, both financial and non-financial,
risks and responsibilities to stakeholders.
2. Professionalism
Honest, compact, teamwork, independent, working with superior and internationally recognized
standards and upholding professional ethics to meet stakeholders' expectations.
3. Innovative
Work with clear concepts and implement new and better solutions in inputs, processes, products,
and services to benefit the company and satisfy customers.
4. Competitive
Tough, unyielding and tenacious in maintaining and improving the company's existence, winning
the competition in the construction industry and providing the best-added value for the
The Company is fully committed to the employee development process by planning education
and training programs to increase competence. The HR development program that is appropriate and
needed by each employee is carried out through a Learning needs analysis by considering the work
unit targets and the company's vision and mission in meeting competency gaps. Training program for
HR development in the Company is implemented through some strategies as follows.
1. In-House Training
The Company develops training programs internally by collaborating with external parties to
provide training materials to improve employee competencies related to the field of work, called
knowledge sharing sessions, presenting speakers according to competence in their fields.
2. Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number
24/PRT/M/2014 concerning Guidelines for Competency-Based Training in the Construction
Services Sector;
3. ISO 9001:2008 Standard, Clause 6.2.2. Competence, Awareness and Training;
4. Competency Procedure No. 2-000-55-01
5. Performance Assessment Procedure No. 2-000-55-03
6. Employee Development Procedure No. 2-000-55-06
7. The decision of the Board of Directors on Competency Standards
8. Decisions of directors About Career Path No. 094.1/D/KPTS/III/2015.
To obtain the results of the training following the objectives that have been set, the program
objectives must be formulated based on the needs, problems, assets, opportunities, paying attention
to the legal aspect, then a plan is made, implemented, and the results achieved—used as input for the
next program. Dessler (2011) research explains that the systematics of the training process consists
of four stages, namely a need of analysis step, instructional design step, implement the program step,
and evaluation step (Desler, 2011). Evaluation is useful as feedback from the entire process carried
out. Therefore, evaluation is a very important activity because it also determines the success of a
Next, in order to equip, add and improve competencies in order to upgrade abilities and work
productivity, it is necessary to create an employee development program that is right on target
following the Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture—referring to the concept of Human Resources
Development 70:20:10, which is a model and is widely used by organizations to increase the
effectiveness in human resource development programs. In contrast to traditional training programs,
which mostly emphasize the aspect of increasing knowledge, the 70:20:10 model is a behaviour
change-oriented approach that impacts employee performance.
Around 70% of the learning process provides challenging assignments (job assignments) and
hands-on experience in the field. 20% of which is developed through social learning in the form of
relationships and feedback (coaching, mentoring, counselling) and 10% of learning is carried out by
formal training (in class). The 70:20:10 model in HR development is a prescriptive method for
developing potential leaders. This method is built on how trainees internalize and apply the material
they learn based on how they acquire knowledge.
Coaching for Performance Program PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) implements the 20%
Employee Development Program using the principle of social learning is learning from others. Social
learning can be done by forming a community of practitioners or joining an existing community of
practitioners. Being in an environment that aligns with the learning theme will make participants
conditioned with issues, habits, ways of thinking and behaving that are typical. Another activity
related to social learning is social interaction in Coaching, which functions to solve problems
encountered at work.
What distinguishes the current research from previous research (Tootian, 2019) is that research
on evaluating the implementation of the Coaching For performance program has never been studied
before. In addition, the variables and research objects that will be discussed in this study are also
different. Based on the description of the program problems described above, the structure of the
Coaching for Performance Program components at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) is analyzed using
the CIPP evaluation, consisting of context components; input components; process components; and
yield components. Therefore, to know more deeply and accurately about the level of effectiveness of
program implementation, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive program evaluation. One of
the most widely known and applied program evaluation models in various fields is the CIPP program
evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, and Product).
The CIPP model is an evaluation model that views the program as a system. The CIPP evaluation
model can be used for summative evaluation (carried out at the end of the program). Further research
conducted by Stufflebeam aims to obtain information about the quality and values and the
benefits/significance of a program (Stufflebeam, 2014). The information obtained from the
evaluation results is useful for decision-makers in making further decisions or policies.
Based on the program evaluation approach chosen and the research focus determined, the
method used in this research is qualitative research with a descriptive research method. It is intended
to obtain a relatively deep understanding and interpretation of the meaning of the phenomena in the
field. The method used in this study is an evaluative research method with the CIPP evaluation model.
CIPP evaluation model stands for Context evaluation, Input evaluation, Process evaluation and
Product evaluation. The four abbreviations of CIPP are the evaluation components.
The CIPP evaluation model is used in this study because it is more comprehensive and effective
in describing, obtaining, and providing useful information for assessing decision alternatives. The
CIPP evaluation model is more comprehensive than other evaluation models because the object of
evaluation is on results and includes context, input, process, and product. The Stufflebeam concept
holds that the important purpose of the evaluation is not to prove but to improve.
The substance and method in the evaluation will provide a "good-bad" or "success-fail"
assessment regarding the state of the program's work achievement so that the evaluation results are
objective and useful, so in this assessment process, the importance of ethics and a good approach is
Evaluators more widely use the CIPP evaluation model in its implementation because it is more
comprehensive than other evaluation models. This evaluation model is the model most widely known
and used by evaluators. The concept of evaluation of the CIPP (Context, Input, Process Product) model
was first given by Stufflebeam (2014) due to the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)
evaluation. In his research, Stufflebeam (2014) explains that evaluators and clients will identify and
clarify the values underlie certain evaluations in the CIPP Model. The CIPP evaluation model is a
comprehensive framework to direct the implementation of formative evaluation and summative
evaluation of program objects, projects, personnel, products, institutions, and systems (Stufflebeam,
This evaluation model is widely used worldwide and is used to evaluate various disciplines and
services such as education, housing, community development, transportation, and military personnel
evaluation systems. The four words mentioned in the abbreviation CIPP are evaluation targets, which
are nothing but components of the process of an activity program. In other words, the CIPP model is
an evaluation model that views the program being evaluated as a system. The following will discuss
the components or dimensions of the CIPP model, including context, input, process, and product. The
CIPP model consists of four types of evaluation, namely: Context Evaluation, Input Evaluation, Process
Evaluation, and Product Evaluation.
Furthermore, explained that the CIPP model as previously explained that each dimension of the
CIPP evaluation model has the following meanings: (1) context evaluation, related to the assessment
Implementation of Evaluation Coaching Program for Company Performance
(Septian Zulfikar Andwilana, Christian Wiradendi Wolor,Agung Wahyu Handaru)
The International Journal of Social Sciences World
of the situation or background that influences the types of goals to be achieved; (2) evaluation of
inputs, related to the assessment of aspects of planning and resources used to administer the
program; (3) process evaluation, related to the assessment of aspects of program implementation or
implementation, implementation/use of facilities/capital/materials in real program activities in the
field; and (4) evaluation of the results (product), related to the assessment of the results achieved
both during and at the end of the program being evaluated by Black & Wiliam (2003). The
findings/research results described previously are then discussed using concepts related to or
supporting the evaluation of the implementation of the Coaching For Performance Program at PT.
Brantas Abipraya (Persero). The presentation of the discussion is presented according to the
evaluation stages using the CIPP model, as follows:
Context Evaluation
Evaluation context is the basis of evaluation, which aims to provide a rationale for the target
results. Stufflebeam (2014) explained that an evaluator must be careful and sharp in understanding
the evaluation context related to planning decisions, identifying needs, formulating program
objectives. Evaluators provide an overview of the environment in which the program is implemented,
for example, in a private government agency or company (Stufflebeam, 2014).
The evaluation research conducted by Zafira stated that in the context evaluation, there was a
clear and logical description of the background of the need for a training program relevant to the
objectives of the training program (Zafira, 2020). The evaluator determines the unmet needs and the
reasons why those needs are not met. The evaluator also identifies deficiencies and problems in the
observed organization. Goals and objectives are determined based on context evaluation. In other
words, the evaluator determines the background in which the innovation is implemented. Context
evaluation is carried out to answer the question What needs to be done? (what needs to be done?).
This evaluation identifies and assesses the needs that underlie the preparation of a program.
The construction sector is one of the driving forces of economic growth. By providing physical
facilities and infrastructure (infrastructure), this sector will trigger an increase in other economic
sectors. Construction sector spending in Indonesia will continue to increase in the next five years in
line with the government's efforts to boost infrastructure development throughout Indonesia. The
government's target for infrastructure development is IDR 5,000 (five thousand) trillion in the next
five years or IDR 1,000 (one thousand) trillion per year.
Along with the construction sector's growth nationally, the Company has also managed to record
business growth that has continued to increase in the last five years. This was due to a significant
increase in operating revenues in construction services from year to year due to the management's
business strategy to become one of the national contractors in the Big Five category. In terms of
margins, the Company strives to increase revenue margins through cost reduction programs and
improve the Company's internal work system as a whole.
Research conducted by Stufflebeam (2014) found that context evaluation assesses the basis and
objectives of programming, which is associated with needs, problems, considers assets owned, and
considers existing opportunities. Within a particular organization or environment (Stufflebeam,
2014). This understanding can be explained as the goals set in determining what you want to achieve
(expected results) related to the vision and mission of the institution while still following the
applicable legal and ethical standards. Evaluation of this strategy shows that the vision, mission, goals
and objectives are still consistent, harmonious, superior and visible (already fulfilled).
The strategic role of vision, mission, goals and objectives in a company is the main thing and
cannot be left alone. Organizations that think far ahead will have a good vision and mission, where
the vision and mission are the main thing in organizational activities and become the most important
thing before planning. Has a Vision "To be a trusted company in the construction industry" and a
Mission "To provide high-quality construction products professionally and sustainably".
Program Objectives
The findings of this study are the formulation of goals based on needs, getting an assessment with
good results, which means that partially or wholly has met the criteria. A program that is said to be
effective should consider the following components: organizational needs, targets to be developed,
parties who develop it, the form of the program held, methods used, and program evaluation.
Research conducted by Stufflebeam shows that the formulation of goals based on needs must be
applied to describe, obtain, obtain descriptive information, and assess the benefits of several
evaluation objects to guide decision making (Stufflebeam, 2014). Furthermore, the evaluation
research conducted by Zhang stated that evaluating the programs implemented must be relevant to
the objectives based on pre-defined needs (Zhang, 2011). Therefore, the Program Coaching for
Performance process is a systematic approach, starting with a needs analysis, namely analyzing needs
and identifying the objectives and criteria for existing development programs.
The findings of this study are the formulation of objectives based on problems, receiving an
assessment with good results, which means that most or all of them have met the criteria. Formulation
of goalsThe Coaching For Performance Program has been created based on the background of the
problem so that the expectations and objectives of the Organization are that the program can equip,
add, improve and improve employee competencies which are carried out based on previously set
programs and targets. The program aims to overcome these problems so that the human capital
owned by the company has a lot of expertise, especially in the field of core business contractors,
especially in the fields of dams, roads, bridges and buildings. Research conducted by Brinkerhoff
points out the importance of formulating goals based on the problems in an organization. This is
needed in order to get good and targeted evaluation results. Brinkerhoff, 2013). The goal formulation
also considers the cultural values of AKHLAK and EPIC behaviour that are comprehensive, strong and
able to bridge generations and prepare talents in the future. Therefore, implementation Coaching For
Performance Program is right on target.
Research conducted by Stufflebeam found that context evaluation assesses the basis and
objectives of programming, which is associated with considering the assets owned in a particular
organization or environment. (Stufflebeam, 2014). The findings/results of this study are that the
formulation of the objectives has taken into account the assets, received an assessment with good
results, which means that most or all of them have met the criteria. In this case, the program has
considered the assets owned by the Company, which include: human resource assets (instructors,
managers, coaches and coachees), infrastructure and facilities assets, as well as the budget to finance
the program. Thus, the goal coaching For Performance Programat PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) has
been formulated considering the assets, is good and can be continued and developed.
Implementation of Evaluation Coaching Program for Company Performance
(Septian Zulfikar Andwilana, Christian Wiradendi Wolor,Agung Wahyu Handaru)
The International Journal of Social Sciences World
Research conducted by Stufflebeam found that context evaluation assesses the basis and
objectives of programming, which is associated with considering the opportunities (opportunities)
that exist in a particular organization or environment. (Stufflebeam, 2014). The findings/results of
the research are the formulations of objectives that have considered opportunities, received an
assessment with good results, which means that most or all of them have met the criteria—
AimCoaching For Performance Programat PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) has considered
organizational opportunities, namely the opportunity to obtain projects for both the Business Unit
Operations Division 1 Building, Operation Division 2 Dams and Water Resources (SDA) and Operation
Division 3 roads and bridges throughout Indonesia.
Evaluation research conducted by Tulung explains that every formulation of the training
program is also important to pay attention to the applicable provisions, such as the program being
implemented based on the applicable law (Tulung, 2014). Evaluation research by Zafira states that
the legal basis for implementing the education and training program needs to exist and is clearly
stated in a decree (Zafira, 2020). Based on the research proposed by Sumartati, Aryani stated the
importance of legal source guidelines that became the basis for all activities in a training program
(Sumartati, Aryani, 2021).
Basically, the Coaching For Performance Program at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) is based on
several policies from the legal aspect, in the form of regulations and decisions, as follows:
1. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: PER-14/MBU/10/2014
concerning Position Competency Standards within the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises;
2. Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number 24/PRT/M/2014
concerning Guidelines for Competency-Based Training in the Field of Construction Services;
3. ISO 9001:2008 Standard, Clause 6.2.2. Competence, Awareness and Training;
4. Talent Management Procedure No. 2-000-55-01;
5. Performance Assessment Procedure No. 2-000-55-03;
6. Employee Development Procedure No. 2-000-55-06;
7. The decision of the Board of Directors No 457/D/KPTS/X/2020 concerning the Abipraya Coaching
8. Program Guidelines Coaching for Performance Program.
Based on the discussion of each aspect of the context evaluation described above, overall, the
findings of the evaluation of the program setting received a good rating. Thus, the program
background can be continued, and improvements are needed for improvement as needed, namely
towards vision and socialization activities: program mission and formulation of objectives based on
legal aspects.
1. Evaluation of Inputs
Everything that affects the evaluation process must be prepared properly. This evaluation input
will provide assistance in order to be able to organize decisions, determine the resources needed,
look for various alternatives that will be carried out, determine a mature plan, make a strategy to be
carried out and pay attention to work procedures in achieving it. Research conducted by Stufflebeam
explains that the purpose of this evaluation is to provide information to determine how to utilize
resources to achieve program objectives (Stufflebeam, 2014).
Resource Readiness
The findings of this study are the readiness of the coaches and coachees of the Coaching for
Performance Program to get an assessment with good results, which means that most or all of them
meet the criteria. Based on research put forward by Prayogo, Rusdart, Raharjo, stating the need for
human resources, both training participants and instructors as program actors, to be prepared in
advance so that the program can run according to its objectives (Prayogo, Rusdarti, Raharjo, 2021).
Further explained by Stufflebeam, evaluation is not to prove but to increase the effectiveness of
the implementation of a program (Stufflebeam, 2014). In this case, it is the readiness of coaches and
coachees in the implementation of coaching sessions for the Coaching for Performance Program.
In order to achieve the program objectives as expected, the coaches and coachees need to be well
prepared. The candidate determination coach and coachee of the Coaching for Performance Program
are closely related to the success of the program process, which in turn determines the effectiveness
of the program. Therefore it is necessary to carry out a careful selection process to obtain good
participants, based on criteria, among others: meeting the administrative requirements, as well as the
academic requirements that have been set. Thus, the readiness of the participants of the Coaching for
Performance Program is good so that it can be continued and developed in order to achieve the goals
The finding of this research is that the readiness of the teaching materials for the Coaching for
Performance Program received a good rating, which means that it partially or completely meets the
criteria. Teaching materials are a set of learning materials or lesson substances that are arranged in
a coherent and systematic manner and display a complete figure of competencies that will be
mastered by participants in training activities.
Next is the program evaluation research by Supriati, Muqorobin, which states that learning
program readiness is needed, including the readiness of teaching materials, learning methods, and
paying attention to the instructor's burden in teaching (Supriati, Muqorobin, 2021). Program
evaluation research was conducted by Ejanto, Rahmat, Zubaidi, who stated the importance of
preparing the facilities and infrastructure provided by the manager, including program learning
media (Ejanto, Rahmat, Zubaidi 2020).
The Coaching for Performance Program module has been adapted to the needs of the program.
The modules in soft copy and hard copy are in good condition and have been distributed to each
Coaching for Performance Program. Thus, the readiness of teaching materials for the Coaching for
Performance Programalready good, so it can be continued and developed.
Means, infrastructure, and facilities are all facilities needed in the teaching and learning process,
both mobile and immovable so that the achievement of program objectives can run smoothly,
regularly, effectively and efficiently. Program facilities and infrastructure are very important in
training activities because as a driving tool and useful to support the implementation of the teaching
and learning process, either directly or indirectly, in a training institution in order to achieve goals.
Facilities and infrastructure are some of the resources that become a benchmark for the quality of
training institutions and need continuous improvement in line with the development of science and
technology. The evaluation research conducted by Tulung explained that prior to the implementation
of the program, the education and training institution must prepare facilities that meet the required
standard eligibility (Tulung, 2014).
4. Conclusion
Evaluation of the program background that became the basis for the implementation of the
Coaching for Performance Program is in the good category (86%, most or all of them met the
evaluation criteria). PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero), since 2014 until now, has consistently and
structured every year implementing human resource development programs that refer to the vision,
mission, core values and are based on the Company's Long Term Plan (RKAP) and the Company's
Budget Work Plan (RKAP). One of the flagship programs and in accordance with the needs of the
organization is the Coaching for Performance Program as the implementation of 20% of the HR
development program. In order to equip, add and improve competencies in order to upgrade abilities
and work productivity, it is necessary to create an employee development program that is right on
target in accordance with the Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture. Referring to the concept of
Human Resources Development 70:20:10, which is a model and is widely used by organizations to
increase the effectiveness in human resource development programs. In contrast to traditional
training programs, which mostly emphasize the aspect of increasing knowledge, the 70:20:10 model
is a behaviour change-oriented approach that has an impact on employee performance. The objective
of the Coaching for Performance Program is to assist, direct, improve the knowledge and skills of
subordinates so that they are able to carry out tasks with the results expected by the organization,
through a structured and measurable method, monitored, evaluated and the results are used as a
process improvement step.
The Coaching for Performance Program is expected to be able to In contrast to traditional
training programs, which mostly emphasize the aspect of increasing knowledge, the 70:20:10 model
is a behaviour change-oriented approach that has an impact on employee performance. The objective
of the Coaching for Performance Program is to assist, direct, improve the knowledge and skills of
subordinates so that they are able to carry out tasks with the results expected by the organization,
through a structured and measurable method, monitored, evaluated and the results are used as a
process improvement step.
The Coaching for Performance Program is expected to be able to In contrast to traditional
training programs, which mostly emphasize the aspect of increasing knowledge, the 70:20:10 model
is a behaviour change-oriented approach that has an impact on employee performance. The objective
of the Coaching for Performance Program is to assist, direct, improve the knowledge and skills of
subordinates so that they are able to carry out tasks with the results expected by the organization,
through a structured and measurable method, monitored, evaluated and the results are used as a
process improvement step. The Coaching for Performance program is expected to improve the
knowledge and skills of subordinates so that they are able to carry out tasks with the results expected
by the organization, through a structured and measurable method, monitored, evaluated, and the
results are used as a process improvement step. The Coaching for Performance Program is expected
to be able to improve the knowledge and skills of subordinates so that they are able to carry out tasks
with the results expected by the organization, through a structured and measurable method,
monitored, evaluated and the results are used as a process improvement step. The Coaching for
Performance Program is expected to be able to realize the values of work culture of AKHLAK and EPIC
behaviour that are comprehensive, strong and able to bridge generations and prepare talents in the
future, and it is hoped that every participant in the development program will be able to read various
opportunities and changes in business orientation.
This program has produced outputs for increasing employee competence and eliminating
projects that have lost and producing competent personnel in handling core business tasks, especially
for a dam, road, bridge and building projects. The results that have been achieved are one form of
activity in the development of human resources (HR) in increasing expertise in the construction
sector so that they have the skills needed to carry out tasks and functions according to their field of
As for the basis for holding the Coaching for Performance Program, because the organization is
always changing, so it is necessary to have quality human capital so that with the support of quality
human capital, the company will be able to compete with competitors. Thus, the main requirement
that forms the basis for the need to organize a Coaching for Performance Program is to improve
competence and expertise in carrying out tasks in the construction sector, in addition to technical
training as a requirement for an employee to improve his career in the company.
Vision and Mission, The Coaching for Performance Program follows the company's vision and
mission, which is to become a trusted company in the construction industry, in the next 5 (five) years
being able to become the top 5 (five) in the construction industry. Mission To provide high-quality
products in a professional and sustainable manner. So to describe the Vision, it takes human capital,
which has the expertise, especially in the field of construction. Meanwhile, to achieve the mission, the
people of PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) must be tough, unyielding, and tenacious in maintaining and
improving the existence of the Company, winning the competition in the construction industry and
providing the best-added value for the company, among others (1) providing competitive products in
terms of price, quality, service and friendly to the environment as well as prioritizing occupational
safety and health; (2) work efficiently according to superior and internationally recognized standards
(ISO, OHSAS, SMK3, SNI, etc.); and (3) always maintain good relations with all stakeholders.
The vision contains values, aspirations, needs and long-term goals, as well as a mission which is
a description of the efforts taken to produce outputs that are in accordance with needs, which have
not been socialized optimally, both in the internal and external environment to stakeholders. So in
the evaluation of the program background (context evaluation) Thesis with the title Evaluation of
Program ImplementationCoaching for Performance at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) can be
conveyed that the aspects evaluated have mostly or completely met the evaluation criteria.
The aspects that are considered good (all have met the criteria) are the formulation of the
program's vision and mission. The basis for formulating goals are based on problems, while the basis
for formulating objectives is considering opportunities. There are two aspects that are considered not
good (enough/less), namely: the activity of socializing the program's vision and mission and the basis
for formulating goals based on the legal aspect. All aspects of the program background become inputs
that can provide direction and guidance in the next stages of program implementation.
Evaluation Input
Evaluation of inputs to the Coaching for Performance Program at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero)
has received an assessment with a good category (93.8% most or all of them have met the evaluation
criteria). In the evaluation of general inputs, the formulation of training strategies, the design of the
Coaching for Performance Program, learning program plans and preparation of program resources
(HR, infrastructure and facilities, and budgets) have been guided by the vision and mission as well as
the program objectives that have been set. Meanwhile, the program design has been formulated in
writing in the Coaching for Performance Program Guidelines and decision of the Board of Directors
No 457/D/KPTS/X/2020 Regarding the Abipraya Coaching Program.
The learning plan is guided by the design of the Coaching for Performance Program and is
contained in the 2020 program guidelines. The teaching program plan has been described in the
design of the training program. The training phasing plan is described in the stages of debriefing
assignments, improving/fulfilling competency standards, and employee development programs.
So in the evaluation of program input (input evaluation) Thesis with the title Evaluation of
Program Implementation Coaching for Performance at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) can be
conveyed that the aspects evaluated have mostly or completely met the evaluation criteria. Aspects
that are considered good (all have met the criteria), namely: program strategy, program design,
training program plan, program resource readiness. There are three aspects that are considered not
good (enough/less), namely: program calendar plan, program manager readiness, budget readiness.
All aspects of the program input become inputs that can provide direction and guidance in the next
stages of program implementation.
Process Evaluation
Process evaluation in the Coaching for Performance Program at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero)
received an assessment with a good category (85.7% most or all of them met the evaluation criteria).
The implementation of learning programs and activities in the Coaching for Performance is described
as follows. The training program is carried out according to the plan, using the curriculum/design of
the 2020 training program, and referring to the program guidelines compiled in the Human Capital
field and presented in the work unit/business/business leadership meetings, then carried out
consistently. The implementation of the training program went smoothly with the allocation of time
and number of lesson hours as well as materials and methods for evaluating learning had been
fulfilled according to the plan, there was a minimum attendance standard of 80%, in addition, the
value of participants was also a consideration in graduation. The implementation of budget support
from the Company's Budget Work Plan has increased every year. It means that the need for training
at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) is a top priority in producing quality human capital. Therefore, in
the evaluation of the program process (process evaluation) Thesis with the title Evaluation of
Program ImplementationCoaching for Performance at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero) can be
conveyed that the aspects evaluated have met the evaluation criteria.
Athe aspects that are considered good (partially or wholly have met the criteria), namely:
implementation of the program curriculum, program implementation, implementation of learning to
phase, implementation of coaching sessions. There are two aspects that are considered not good
(enough/less), namely: implementation of the program calendar, implementation of budget support.
All aspects of the program process become inputs that can provide direction and guidance in the next
stages of program implementation.
Product Evaluation
Process evaluation in the Coaching for Performance Program at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero)
received an assessment in the good category (100% most or all of them have met the evaluation
criteria). Results in training achievements in achieving participant competence in the Coaching for
Performance Program at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero), namely: a) Increasing knowledge of
Corporate Culture values AKHLAK and EPIC behaviour; b) Increased knowledge in the field of Water
Resources and Dam Projects; c) Increased knowledge in the field of Building Projects; d) Increased
knowledge in the field of Bridge Projects; e) Increased knowledge in the field of Road and Bridge
Projects. The average value of knowledge > 75 so that this aspect is in accordance with the objectives
of the program. Next is the Impact Evaluation (Outcomes) of the Coaching for Performance Program
at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero), namely;
1) For Companies
With the Coaching for Performance Program carried out with good planning, in 2020, the
company will get a proud performance improvement, in addition to awards from related institutions.
This proves that the impact on the Coaching for Performance Program implemented is very
appropriate in improving performance. Company. The Company's performance is relatively stable in
the midst of economic turbulence and the Covid-19 pandemic from 2019 to 2021. PT Brantas
Implementation of Evaluation Coaching Program for Company Performance
(Septian Zulfikar Andwilana, Christian Wiradendi Wolor,Agung Wahyu Handaru)
The International Journal of Social Sciences World
Abipraya (Persero), as one of the State-Owned Enterprises engaged in the construction services
sector, is given a mandate by the State in terms of value creation, national development agent as well
as sustainable growth. Therefore, the Company continues to provide excellent performance, including
in the management and development of Human Resources (HR). In July 2021, PT Brantas Abipraya
(Persero) received appreciation and awards in the Human Capital Resilience Excellence Award for
the categories (1) The Best HR in Construction Industry 2021; and (2) The Best Employee Value and
Performance 2021.
The award was directly given by Mrs. Ida Fuziyah as the Minister of Manpower of the Republic
of Indonesia. The largest projects that have contributed to the Company's operating revenues are in
the construction of buildings, bridges and roads. The Company has a strong position in the
competition, mainly due to a number of advantages such as a very competitive cost structure,
ownership of skilled human resources and the number of projects carried out and completed well by
the Company, especially in construction services for dam projects.
For Participants
The Coaching for Performance program that has been implemented has been proven to be able
to improve and speed up participants' competencies in accordance with the objectives of the Coaching
for Performance Program. The results of the Coaching for Performance program have been able to
increase the competence of participants. It was considering that having competence or experts is an
added value that is useful for the career concerned.
So in the evaluation of the results of the program (product evaluation) Thesis with the title
Evaluation of Program Implementation Coaching for Performance at PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero)
can be conveyed that the aspects evaluated have mostly or completely met the evaluation criteria.
Aspects that are considered good (all have met the criteria), namely: the results of program
achievements, the impact of program achievements for the company, and the impact of program
achievements on participants. All aspects of the program input become inputs that can provide
direction and guidance in the next stages of program implementation.
The author expresses their gratitude and appreciation to the publisher and reviewers who have
reviewed and suggested valuable suggestions and have received the paper to be published.
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