Grade 11 12 UCSP Q2WK3
Grade 11 12 UCSP Q2WK3
Grade 11 12 UCSP Q2WK3
Roxy G. Gaoiran
This module presents knowledge about the concepts, characteristics and forms
of social and political stratification. It contains interesting discussion that will guide you
in understanding these concepts. Activities are found in every lesson to test your
understanding and to help you retain better what you have learned.
________ 1. The upper class consists of the elite or wealthy families who are not
prolific (productive) in their respective areas.
________ 2. Achieved statuses are earned by the individual. Examples are sex, family
background, ethnicity, etc.
________ 3. Social stratification is a society’s categorization of people into
socioeconomic strata/layer, based on their occupation and income, wealth and social
status, or derived power.
________ 4. Closed-class system means that individuals can change their social class
in the society.
________ 5. Esteem refers to the assessment of our role behavior. The measure of
esteem we have depends on how well we carry out our role. If you perform well, get
an outstanding rating, you get and have a high esteem.
________ 6. Ascribed statuses are assigned or given by the society or group on the
basis of some fixed category. Examples are honors received in school, good job,
award for winning a competition, etc.
________ 7. Social stratification is the method of relating people in terms of certain
social characteristics and then classifying them into social categories based on their
characteristics; it does not involve ranking.
________ 8. Social mobility is the act of moving from one social status to another.
________ 9. Status is the individual’s position in the social structure.
________ 10. Differentiation is the extent to which inequalities are encapsulated in, or
influenced by political structures and processes regarding influence, power and
What’s New
What is It
What’s In
What is It
Social Desirables
Any rational individual will always aspire for things that give wealth, power, and
prestige. The ability of an individual to realize such aspiration is constrained by
situations where one is born into.
The individual’s position in the social structure is called status. The higher or
lower positions that come about through social stratification are called statuses. For
example, some people are high government officials while others are salesmen, utility
workers, etc. Statuses do not relate to the individual themselves but rather to the
position into which they have been placed.
Statuses are not the same. We get different statuses in different ways. Such as:
Activity 2:
On the table below, list down your ascribed and achieved statuses.
Ascribed Statuses Achieved Statuses
Processing Question:
What’s New
Political stratification
It is the extent to which inequalities are encapsulated in, or influenced by
political structures and processes regarding influence, power and authority. Power at
this point is implicit not only in achieving needed results, and also even against
opposing interest, including the capability to structure and set agendas.
Activity 3: Identification
____________ 1. Individuals can change their social class in the society.
____________ 2. Movement of a person between social class levels or another class.
____________ 3. The act of moving from one social status to another.
____________ 4. The extent to which inequalities are encapsulated in, or influenced
by political structures and processes regarding influence, power and authority.
____________ 5. The movement of a person between social class levels or another
What is It
As we can notice the criteria that determine a person’s social position are the color of skin,
beauty, money, and how influence they are in the community. Light coloring is correlated
with intelligence and a light-skinned gorgeous person will be given advancement before his
or her generation. Family position and association with the patron are useful to achieve
success. Hundreds of wedding sponsors and baptisms each year are government officials,
wealthy friends, and community leaders that they took advantage of as their backer in their
employment and for some other reasons. Owning a vehicle is a clear statement of a high
social level together with owning houses and furnishings. In our economic situation today,
sending one’s children to the best schools is on the best indicators of social position and
the best schools are private schools that are quite expensive. Social Stratification affects
life chances. These are the chances to improve the lives of the lower class because the
upper class has more advantages to the resources that society has. It also affects the style
of living of the people in the society. In fashion, the new trends and clothes of popular
personality are in and what they are doing was imitated by the lower kind of person. Prestige
in society is also affected by this social stratification. The reputation of one person is given
We can also notice the social mobility in social stratification in society. Social mobility is the
movement of one individual or a group from one social class into another or the process of
changing one’s social class or status. This movement of one individual or group may either
the increasing or descending movement from class rank to another rank or change of a
position that does not involve any actual changes of class rank in which it was unnoticeable.
Some of the factors that affect social mobility are the level of economic expansion of one’s
tally, industrialization, and urbanization. The availability of opportunities was taken
advantage of by the lower class to have a better life. The competition, like for example the
election in which they said that it was the time wherein the poorest and the richest are equal,
are also entered by the lower class in the society to get the chance to take over to the
community and become one of those who are in the higher class. And lastly is the Education
in which almost a lot of Filipinos think that this is the key to improve their lives which is right.
Education is one of the most important factors that affect the social mobility of a person in
a society. If a person properly used his or her time to have a good or excellent education,
he or she may get better job opportunities that will rapidly increase his or her way of living
or his or her social class. Through social mobility, we may also adopt new lifestyles, we can
have new friends, and we may also leave from the former place of residents. But on the
other hand, we may also get negative effects due to social mobility such as loosening family
tights and old friends, pressure, lack of self-confidence, social separation, anxiety, varied
emotional changes, and social and civilizing maladjustments.
Poster Making
Create a poster about the impacts of social stratification on the society. Use a
medium size bond paper for the activity. You may use the scoring rubrics for your
Now that your through with the module, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are ready for the
posttest. Answer the posttest and find out how well you have gone through the module.
Compare your score with that of the pretest. If you got higher, that means that you have
learned something. GOOD LUCK!
________ 1. Achieved statuses are earned by the individual. Examples are sex, family
background, ethnicity, etc.
________ 2. The upper class consists of the elite or wealthy families who are not
prolific (productive) in their respective areas.
________ 3. Closed-class system means that individuals can change their social class
in the society.
________ 4. Differentiation is the extent to which inequalities are encapsulated in, or
influenced by political structures and processes regarding influence, power and
________ 5. Social mobility is the act of moving from one social status to another.
________ 6. Ascribed statuses are assigned or given by the society or group on the
basis of some fixed category. Examples are honors received in school, good job,
award for winning a competition, etc.
________ 7. Esteem refers to the assessment of our role behaviour. The measure of
esteem we have depends on how well we carry out our role. If you perform well, get
an outstanding rating, you get and have a high esteem.
________ 8. Status is the individual’s position in the social structure.
________ 9. Social stratification is a society’s categorization of people into
socioeconomic strata/layer, based on their occupation and income, wealth and social
status, or derived power.
________ 10. Social stratification is the method of relating people in terms of certain
social characteristics and then classifying them into social categories based on their
characteristics; it does not involve ranking.
Self-Learning Module UCSP 11/12