Guidelines For Applicants Mobile 22

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Guidelines for Applicants


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may
be made of the information contained therein.

1 The Erasmus + Programme ..................................................................................................... 3

2 The MOBILE22 Partnership ..................................................................................................... 3

3 General Information on the Project ......................................................................................... 4

3.1 Partnership ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 GENERAL ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ............................................................................................... 6
3.3 TYPES AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIPS ................................................................................ 7

4. Application to the Project ...................................................................................................... 10

4.1 Preparing the application ............................................................................................... 10
4.2 ONLINE SUBMISSION ...........................................................................................................11
4.3 DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANTS ................................................................ 12
4.4 EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF APPLICATIONS.......................................................................13

5 Implementation of Mobility ................................................................................................... 15

5.1 Obligations of the coordination and the grantees’ home and host institutions .............. 15
5.2 Obligations of the grantee:............................................................................................. 15

6 Information and support.........................................................................................................17

1 The Erasmus + Programme

The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising Education, Training,
and Youth work. The seven-year programme will have a budget of €14.7 billion; a 40% increase compared to
current spending levels, reflecting the EU's commitment to investing in these areas.
Erasmus+ provides opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience and
volunteer abroad.
Erasmus+ supports transnational partnerships among Education, Training, and Youth institutions and
organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills
gaps we are facing in Europe.
It also supports national efforts to modernise Education, Training, and Youth systems. In the field of Sport,
there will be support for grassroots projects and cross-border challenges such as combating match-fixing,
doping, violence and racism.
Erasmus+ brings together seven existing EU programmes in the fields of Education, Training, and Youth; it will
for the first time provide support for Sport. As an integrated programme, Erasmus+ offers more opportunities
for cooperation across the Education, Training, Youth, and Sport sectors and is easier to access than its
predecessors, with simplified funding rules.

2 The MOBILE22 Partnership

Coordinated by the University of Porto, Portugal, the MOBILE22, approved in August 2022 and financially
supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme, aims at fostering the mutual
enrichment and a better understanding between Portugal and partner countries, through the encouragement
of student researcher, academic and administrative staff mobility and the transfer of know-how and best
Within the 3 years of duration of the project, 123 scholarships will be granted to students and staff from U.Porto
and the different partner institutions, after the signature of an Inter-Institutional Agreement between the
University of Porto and each one of the 71 partner institutions from the 22 countries abovementioned.
The implementation of the project will be ensured through this website and the online platform that the
U.Porto has been developing in the last years for the management of its projects.

* Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, China, Egypt, Georgia, Japan,
Jordan, India, Kazakhstan, Macao, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal, South Korea, United States,
Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

3 General Information on the Project

3.1 Partnership

Coordinating Institution

Name Country
UPORTO Universidade do Porto Portugal

Partner Institutions

Name Country
Université 8 mai 1945 Guelma Algeria
Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis de Mostaganem Algeria
Université Abderrahmane Mira Bejaia Algeria
Universidad Nacional del Litoral Argentina
Universidad Nacional del Sur Argentina
Armenian National Agrarian University Armenia
Armenian State University of Economics Armenia
Vanadzor State University Armenia
Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi Armenia
Yerevan State University Armenia
Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Concordia University of Edmonton Canada
Université de Montréal Canada
University of Ottawa Canada
University of Toronto Canada
Universidade de Cabo Verde Cape Verde
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Chile
Universidad de la Frontera Chile
Beihang University China
Communication University of China China
Shanghai International Studies University China
Cairo University Egypt
Helwan University Egypt
Université Senghor à Alexandrie Egypt
Grigol Robakidze University Georgia
Ilia State University Georgia
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Georgia
Shota Meskhia State Teaching University of Zugdidi Georgia
Sokhumi State University Georgia
Tbilisi State Medical University Georgia
Amrita University India
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi India
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad India

A Universidade de Goa India
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Japan

University of Nagasaki Japan

Princess Sumaya University for Technology Jordan
University of Jordan Jordan
University of Petra Jordan
East Kazakhstan State University Kazakhstan
Innovative University of Eurasia Kazakhstan
Karaganda State Medical University Kazakhstan
Kazguu University Kazakhstan
Incheon National University Republic of
Solbridge International School of Business Republic of
Universidade de Macau Macao
Cadi Ayyad University Morocco
Moulay Ismail University Morocco
Université Mohammed-V de Rabat Morocco
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Mozambique
Universidade Licungo Mozambique
Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo Mozambique
Universidade Rovuma Mozambique
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Senegal
Cornell University States
University of Maryland, Baltimore County States
University of Montana States
Winthrop University States
Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies Uzbekistan
Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology of
Karakalpakstan Uzbekistan
National University of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Samarkand branch of TSAU Uzbekistan
Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine Uzbekistan
Samarkand State University Uzbekistan
Tashkent State Agrarian University Uzbekistan
Urgench State University Uzbekistan
Hanoi University Viet Nam
Hanoi University of Science and Technology Viet Nam
Hue University Viet Nam



In order to be eligible for an Erasmus + scholarship under this project, you must be a student/staff from the
institution which are a part of the project’s Consortium.

The MOBILE22 project offers grants for exchange mobility. As so, all the students must be registered in a HEI
and enrolled in studies leading to a recognized degree or another recognized tertiary level qualification.

For Undergraduate studies:

• must be enrolled at least in the second year of higher education studies in order to be eligible to
undertake an exchange period abroad.

For Master studies:

• must be enrolled in a master program at the time of application and during the whole period of studies
as an Erasmus + grant holder.

For Doctorate studies:

• must be enrolled in a PhD program at the time of application and during the whole period of studies as
an Erasmus + grant holder and have already a research plan.

For researchers, academic and administrative staff:

• must work at a partner institution of the project in order to be eligible to apply for a grant.

All applicants need to present a letter of support that proves their enrolment or contract with one of the
partner institutions of the MOBILE22 project in order to be considered eligible.

Erasmus+ enables students to study or train abroad more than once as Erasmus+ students as long as the
minimum duration for each activity and a total maximum of 12 months per study cycle is respected.

After selection, the candidates approved to the MOBILE22 scholarship should also fulfill the
admission criteria of each host institution.



The MOBILE22 project supports:

Types of mobility available

Undergraduate 4 months

Master 4 months

Doctorate 4 months
Researchers, Academic and Administrative Staff 5 days (+ 2 travel days)

In Table A you will find the available scholarships for this call for applications depending on the
Country/Region where your home (incoming) or host (outgoing) institution is located:

Students Staff


(to U.Porto) (from U.Porto) (to U.Porto) (from U.Porto)

Armenia 2 5 2

Georgia 2 6 3

TOTAL Region 2: 4 11 5

Algeria 2 1 1

Egypt 2 1 1

Jordan 2 1 1

Morocco 2 1 1

TOTAL Region 3: 8 4 4

South Korea 1 1 2

Japan 1 1 1 2

Macao 1 1 1


China 1 1

India 1 1 1

Vietnam 1 1 1

TOTAL Region 5: 4 2 6 8

Kazakhstan 7 1

Uzbekistan 5

TOTAL Region 6: 12 1

Cabo Verde 3 3 5

Mozambique 4 4 5

Senegal 2 1 2

TOTAL Region 9: 9 8 12

Argentina 2 2

Brazil 2 2

Chile 2 2

TOTAL Region 10: 6 6

Canada 2 1 3

United States 2 1 4

TOTAL Region 12: 4 2 7

*Cornell University is only available in the field of Biology

*The scholarships can be shifted only between countries within the same region


The MOBILE22 project provides the following financial support to the grant holders:

- Monthly allowance (the amount per month will depend on the mobility’s direction);
- Round trip plane ticket between the grant holder’s home city and the host country;
- Health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period

Monthly allowance:
The European Commission has defined the following amounts:

Students exchange

Origin Monthly allowance

U.Porto’s grantees 700 EUR/month

Staff exchange (Researchers, Academic and Administrative Staff)

Amount per diem

From the U.Porto’s to the partner institutions: 180 EUR
From the partner institutions to the U.Porto: 160 EUR

Round trip plane ticket

Travel distance Amount

Between 100 and 499 km 180 EUR per participant
Between 500 and 1999 km 275 EUR per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 km 360 EUR per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 km 530 EUR per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 km 820 EUR per participant
8000 km or more 1500 EUR per participant

The financial support allocated to the "travel distance" is the maximum allowed by the Erasmus+ Programme
and is intended to contribute to the round trip back between the home and host institutions. In the event that
the assigned value is insufficient to pay for the desired trip, the grantee must find other sources of funding.

Participants will be responsible to buy their own flight tickets. The University of Porto will transfer the
amount corresponding to the travel distance (see table above) to the grantee’s bank account after the signature
of the request for travel reimbursement and the scholarship contract on arrival.
When purchasing the tickets the dates of mobility established with U.Porto must be respected. The arrival
must be at least one day before the start of the mobility period and the return to the country of origin, one
day after the last day of the mobility period.
The flights are between the same city as the home institution (or the nearest airport) and Porto both for
inbound and outbound flights and tickets should be uploaded in advance (at least one month before arrival) in
the MOBILE22 platform.

B 4 Application to the Project

4.1 Preparing the application

In the phase of preparing the application, the candidate should follow the subsequent steps:

1. Verify the eligibility criteria previously indicated;

When applying to this project, it is crucial to:

• Ensure that you master the language of tuition or that the host institution provides support for
applicants without the needed language skills for the country/course;
• Ensure that you have the necessary academic background in terms of study areas to apply to the
selected activity;
• Be aware of the real cost of living at each partner institution and analyse it considering the monthly
amount of the scholarship, in case of selection;
• Consider the need to adapt to different cultural realities and also to different climate conditions, in case
of selection.
• Consider the need to have some financial support for the first days, in case of selection.

2. Read attentively the Guidelines for Applicants and the FAQs section;

3. Collect all necessary information and documents to fill in the Application form

Several documents are mandatory. If not uploaded in section 10 of the application form, the
application cannot be submitted. In case of unreadable documents, the application will be
considered invalid and will not be evaluated.

4. Ensure that the project proposal is objective and specific concerning its methodology and viability,
impact and benefit, as well as the capacity of attaining the project’s purposes within the timeframe
established by the duration of the scholarship. The lack of detailed information or objectivity will
reduce the chances of success during the process of application’s evaluation;

5. Make sure that the motivation presented in the application concerning the mobility’s benefits and
expected outcomes is clear and reflects each one of the options selected (maximum of 3 host

6. Once all the information is gathered and compiled in a teaching/training project, the applicant should
create a log in and password to be granted access to the Application Form available on the project’s
website (


To fill in the Application Form, the following steps must be considered:

1. The applicants should have a valid e-mail address and an internet connection.

2. As a way to access the form, the applicants should create a new login in the “Apply” section, selecting
the type of scholarship they want to apply to (ex: undergraduate exchange).

3. The form will open with a set of questions regarding: Only online applications are
• general eligibility criteria; considered eligible.

4. The applicants must answer truthfully to all questions so as to ensure the fulfilment to all general
eligibility criteria. In case one eligibility criteria is not fulfilled, the system will immediately inform the
applicant through the following message: “Please verify the eligibility criteria.”

5. The applicants should then fill in the online Application Form available on the project’s website. The
system will save a draft of the application every time the “Save” button is pressed, allowing it to be
revised, edited and completed.

6. The applicants should carefully prepare and revise the application before pressing the “Submit” button.
After selecting the “Submit” button, it is not possible to make any additional change to
the already submitted proposal. Accordingly, if you would like to make any valid changes,
you must create a new register and fill in another application form.

The Application Form can be filled in only in English, and all the documents must be written in English and
submitted online.

The deadline for the submission of the online applications for the Call is indicated on the webpage of the
project ( and has as reference the Central European Time (CET). The Coordination
Office will do everything possible to avoid system failures, but cannot assume any responsibility if it is not
possible to submit the application in the very last minutes before the deadline. Applicants must avoid the last
minute applications so as to guarantee there will be no problems in the submission of the application form. It is
reminded to all candidates that applications sent by mail, fax or e-mail will not be accepted.

By pressing the “Submit” button, the application is closed and sent to the Coordination Office, which gives it a
code. A digital certificate that contains the date and hour of the submission is issued and sent to the applicant
as well as a full copy of the application. This digital certificate does not constitute a confirmation of eligibility
or of selection, it just confirms the submission of the application.

Please include a valid e-mail address in your application for communication purposes. Do not include in the
application form the e-mail of another colleague or friend that is also applying as the communication of results
will be done exclusively by e-mail and this could generate problems in interpreting the selection results.
The applicants should only have one valid application at the beginning of the selection procedure. Being so, if
the same applicant submits several online forms, the informatics system will automatically consider the last one
as the only valid and will disregard the other applications.


The applicants should submit in section 10, together with the online application, a digital copy of several
documents. In case a document is considered mandatory by the host institution, it must also be included online.
If a candidate fails to do so the application will be immediately excluded without any possibility of appeal.

•• Photo (mandatory for all applicants)

•• Video (optional)
• Formal Identity Document - Must be issued by a national authority otherwise it will not be
considered valid and the application will be immediately excluded. In case your country does not

issue such document it is mandatory to upload a copy of your passport (mandatory for all
•• Passport (optional when a formal identity document has been uploaded)
• Certificate proving the obtained degree – Must be issued by a university, dated, signed and
stamped, otherwise it will not be considered valid and the application will be immediately

excluded. In the case of having achieved more than one academic degree, the uploaded file must
contain the scan of all documents (mandatory for Master and Doctorate applications).
• Transcript of Records - must be issued by the home university, stating in detail all courses taken
and grades obtained. This document must be dated, signed and stamped by the institution, or
have an official digital certification, otherwise it will not be considered valid and the application
will be immediately excluded. (Mandatory for Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate)
• Statement of support from the University of origin - This document must be issued by a

professor or by the respective academic department of the applicant. It must be dated, signed
and stamped by the home institution, otherwise it will not be considered valid and the
application will be immediately excluded. (Mandatory for all applicants)
• Statement issued by the home institution regarding the applicant’s enrollment in the degree
course (Mandatory for Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate)
• Statement of the partner institution with a brief description of the applicant’s main activity.
This document must be dated, signed and stamped by the institution, otherwise it will not be

considered valid and the application will be immediately excluded. (Mandatory for Academic and
Administrative Staff)
•• Certificate of language skills – In cases when institutions do not require it, it is optional.
• Pre-acceptance from host - Only applicable to Portuguese/European candidates. A pdf version
of e-mails exchanged with the host institution will also be accepted. Pre-acceptance letter from

the host institution. After selection the candidates approved to the MOBILE22 scholarship
should also fulfill the admission criteria of each host institution. (optional)
• Proposed Study Plan - (Mandatory for Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate)
• Document that specifically proves your physical disability - For example: declaration of honor

from a doctor; recent medical exam; etc. In case you fail to do so we will not consider you as a
candidate with a physical disability. (Optional)
• Document that specifically proves your vulnerable socio-economic situation.
This document must be dated, signed and stamped by the issuing entity. In case you fail to do so

the MOBILE22 will not consider you as a candidate in particularly vulnerable socio-economic
situation. (Optional)
• Document that specifically proves your social/political vulnerable situation.
• This document must be issued by a recognized authority and must also be dated, signed and
stamped by the issuing entity. (Optional)
•• Other documents relevant for the application

All documents abovementioned must be attached to the Application Form. It is important to highlight the fact
that incomplete applications or with blank or unreadable documents will not be considered eligible and will
immediately be disregarded.

B In case you want to attach more than one document in the same field (ex: support letter of the home
institution), the attached file should include the scanning of all documents, up to maximum of 5MB. Due to

limitations in the webserver that hosts this website, the uploaded documents must have a maximum size of 5

How to upload a document?

You should follow the following steps for each of the required documents
Click in “Browse” and select the document
Click in “Upload”
After uploading all the documents you just need to click in “Back to the menu” and the section will become
green ( ). GUI-PDF-TK and PDFSAM are useful free software for handling PDF documents. You can download
it from the application form.
You must start by putting in a folder all PDF documents you want to merge. Then you should use the “Join”
command to merge them all in a new single PDF document. Afterwards you can upload the new document to
the correspondent section.


All submitted applications will be included as read-only documents in a protected database. All the legal
requisites concerning the manipulation of personal data will be observed and it will always be kept
confidentiality of the information submitted online. The database will only be accessed and revised by
authorized persons in the home and host institutions who have an access code.


Your application will be validated by your home institution. The home institution will analyse the eligibility of
the application considering the criteria defined by the consortium and its internal regulation and will verify if all
the mandatory documents were duly uploaded.


Your application will be evaluated by the host Faculty/Department/Course you choose in your application form.
Your application will be evaluated by a group of experts and the selection will be made considering the final
evaluation awarded by them. The entire evaluation process is done online through a specific tool created by the

The evaluation of the application in qualitative terms is based in very specific criteria, such as:
• Very good/excellent academic results in the field of study/research;
• Submitted proposal in the fields of study considered as priority by the MOBILE22 countries/partners;
• Applicant’s academic potential;
• Exchange proposal impact at individual, institutional and regional levels;
• Level of language proficiency in order to successfully complete the proposed exchange;
• Motivation;
• Recommendations;
• Work/research experience and professional qualification;
• Cross-cutting related issues (gender balance, equal opportunities, being part of a vulnerable group).
These criteria ensure the transparency of the selection process and equal treatment for all.


The selection process is constituted by the following stages:

1. Validation of applications by the applicants’ home institution. This validation implies:

• Careful analysis of all the information given by the applicant in the application form;
• Check that the applicant fulfils the general eligibility requirements defined by the Erasmus + Programme;
• Verification that the applicant fulfils the internally established requirements by the home institution for the
• Verification of the host institution required documents and their veracity and accuracy;
• Verification that the applicant has not submitted several applications (in this case only the last one will be
• Support of the home institution regarding the exchange proposal;
B In this validation process, if the application does not fulfil any of the general or specific home/host institution
requirements, it will immediately be invalidated by the home institution and will not proceed to the evaluation

stage conducted/performed by the host institution.

If the information provided, documents uploaded are true and all the requirements are fulfilled, the home
institution will validate the application.

2. Evaluation, analysis and acceptance, by the host Faculty/Department/Programme, of the validated

applications. This process implies:
• Careful analysis of all the information given by the applicant in the application form;
• Confirmation that the applicant fulfils the general eligibility requirements defined by the Erasmus +
• Verification that the applicant fulfils the internally established requirements by the home institution for the
• Verification of the host institution required documents;
• Verification that the applicant has not submitted several applications;
• Support of the host institution regarding the exchange proposal.


After the final selection of the applicants, all applicants will be informed by e-mail of the application’s result
and these will be published on the project’s website.
The e-mail to be sent to all applicants is an automatic email generated by the website, in which the main body is
a common text and in which some fields are automatically filled in with information from our database. In the
case of non-selected applicants, the e-mail will include information on the most common reasons for the non-
selection of applications, since it would not be possible to send an individual e-mail to each applicant. More
detailed information may be obtained through the submission of an appeal (see below).

Please note that in case a selected applicant is afterwards identified as not eligible, (s)he will
have to reimburse entirely the costs incurred by the partnership with the exchange until that
moment (grant, travel, etc).


All applicants that do not agree with the selection results will be granted the possibility to submit an appeal to
the coordinating institution. Further details on the appeals procedure will be given later on in the e-mail to be
sent to all applicants together with the selection results.

C 5 Implementation of Mobility

5.1 Obligations of the coordination and the grantees’ home and host institutions
TRAVEL – Participants will be responsible to buy their own flight tickets. The University of Porto will
transfer the amount corresponding to the travel distance to the grantee’s bank account after the signature of
the request for travel reimbursement and the scholarship contract on arrival.
When purchasing the tickets the dates of mobility established with U.Porto must be respected. The arrival
must be at least one day before the start of the mobility period and the return to the country of origin, one
day after the last day of the mobility period.
The flights are between the same city as the home institution (or the nearest airport) and Porto both for
inbound and outbound flights and tickets should be sent in advance to the MOBILE22 Management Team.

GRANTS – A scholarship contract that defines all the conditions, benefits and responsibilities related with the
project implementation as well as the schedule of payments covered by the scholarships will be signed by host
institution and the grantee. Only after this document is signed it will be possible to transfer the instalments.

RECOGNITION – It is mandatory that, in the cases of students exchange, all partner institutions consider the
study period undertaken abroad as an integral part of the study/research programme developed in the home
institution. The home Higher Education Institution of the grantee must guarantee the full academic
recognition (including exams and other forms of evaluation) of the study/research period undertaken at
the host institution, through the signature of the Learning Agreement, as long as the student has obtained a
passing grade. Students must assure that the study/research plan is discussed with the responsible professor
before the departure to the host institution and that all the necessary documents for the validation
(recognition) process are provided in due time to the home institution.

5.2 Obligations of the grantee:

The Coordinating Institution has the right to suspend the payment of the scholarship if:
- the grantee withdraws from the project in case of force majeure;
- the grantee holder does not comply with the internal regulations of the host Institution;
- the grantee holder does not comply with the internal regulations set by the coordination;
- the grantee holder leaves the host institution;
- the grantee holder doesn’t fulfil the requirements of his study/work program.

Signing both the Statement of Scholarship Acceptance and the Scholarship Contract means that:
• The grantee may not accept, during the period of the current MOBILE22 grant, any other mobility
grant awarded by the European Union.
• The grantee has the obligation to inform the Coordinating Institution about any change regarding the
study/research/work period abroad, namely the learning agreement or work/research program and the
duration of stay at the host Institution. Should this happen, a new Learning Agreement/Work
Programme must be signed.
• It is mandatory the participation in all classes that the grantees are enrolled in. Any absence must be
duly justified to the professor responsible for the classes and C/c to the MOBILE22 team through a
suitable document (e.g. Medical statement).
• Grantees are compelled to report (by e-mail) to the coordinating institution any difficulties experienced
during the exchange, such as: Language barriers; Integration with class mates; Communicating with
Professors; Difficulty in getting study materials; Health insurance; Accommodation; etc.
• At the end of the exchange period, all grant holders will receive a Transcript of Records detailing the
achieved results. All students must obtain a positive mark in all the subjects/activities contemplated in
their study programme. In case this criterion is not fulfilled, the U.Porto will consult the European
Commission and the Legal Department in order to identify the procedures to be followed that may
result in the return of the scholarship. The researchers, academic and administrative staff must comply
with the programme. Failing to do so may result in the return of the scholarship.

C Preferably all students must start their exchange period in the semester following their selection. However, in
duly justified cases the date can be postponed for the next semester within the same academic year.

The academic and administrative staff exchanges can start at any moment upon the selection of applicants is
published and whenever all the mandatory documents (work programme, visa if applicable, travel, and
insurance) are duly taken care of. All exchanges must end at least 1 week before the project’s ending date

6 Information and support

All the information related with the project’s implementation can be consulted on the official website:

Address and contact of the Coordination Office:

MOBILE22 project
International Relations Office
University of Porto
Praça Gomes Teixeira
4099-002 Porto

Phone number: +351 22 040 8281


All partner institutions have nominated a contact person responsible for assisting and counselling potential
applicants of their institutions. The official contacts of each institution can be accessed on the site, in the
Contacts section.

It is strongly recommended to regularly consult the e-mail address indicated in the application form, as this will
be the only means of communication between the applicant and the coordination.

The MOBILE22 is looking forward to receive your application.



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