Apiag Audit Theory Reviewer Draft
Apiag Audit Theory Reviewer Draft
Apiag Audit Theory Reviewer Draft
This chapter presents the fundamental concepts of assurance and non-assurance engagements.
1. Name the typical engagements that practitioners may render to various clients.
2. Discuss the nature and objective of an assurance engagement.
3. Cite some of the reasons for the demand for assurance engagements.
4. Discuss the different types of assurance engagements both according to assurance level,
including limitations thereon, and engagement structure.
5. Enumerate and explain the five elements of an assurance engagement.
6. Give examples of non-assurance engagements and discuss why they are considered as non-
assurance engagements.
These services include audit and review of financial statements (F/S), tax compliance and
consulting, advisory services, etc. These services are broadly classified as assurance and non-
assurance engagements.
1. Assurance Engagements
a. Attestation (Assertion based)
• Audit (Reasonable assurance)
• Review (Limited assurance)
• Others
b. Direct Reporting
• Various
2. Non-Assurance Engagements (TCAAO)
a. Tax d. Agreed-upon procedures
b. Compilation e. Others
c. Advisory/ Consulting
Assurance Engagements (Learning Objective 2)
Assurance engagement is an independent, professional service that aims to improve the
quality (i.e., relevance and reliability) of information so that users of such information can
make informed decisions.
In assurance engagement, a practitioner expresses a conclusion (in a written report)
designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended user other than the responsible
party of the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria.
Nature of Assurance Engagement
F/S audits and compliance audits are similar as they both involve determining whether
the subject matters conform to certain criteria. Operational audits tend to be more
subjective than the other audits because the criteria for effectiveness and efficiency vary
from entity to entity
B. Types of Audit as to auditor:
External Auditor (EA)
Internal Auditor (IA)
Government Auditor (GA)
This is conducted to determine whether F/S present fairly the financial position,
performance, and cash flows of an entity in accordance with the AFRF (the criteria). The
AFRF may be the full PFRS, PERS for SMEs, Other Acceptable Basis of Accounting, or the
US. GAAP The auditor's opinion, however, neither assures entity's future viability nor
management's efficiency or effectiveness.
F/S Assertions, Audit Objectiveness and Audit Programs:
Assertions are representations by management, explicit or otherwise, that are embodied in the
I/S. The three categories of assertions are: (CAP)
Operational Audit – This is a study of an entity ‘s specific unit for purpose of measuring
whether that unit conducted its operations efficiently or effectively. Operational audit maybe
divided into two:
Economy and Efficiency (management audit) – The appraisal of management
performance from the most efficient point of view.
Effectiveness (program results) audit – The valuation of programs and activities to
determine the extent of achievement of previously set goals and objectives.
Compliance Audit - This is an evaluation to determine whether an entity is following
specific police rules, or regulations set out by some higher authority. In other words, this
audit measures the entity's compliance with certain established criteria.
For example, a production department and its personnel may be evaluated to determine if they
comply with management policies and procedures. Thereafter, results and recommendations
are reported to the management for appropriate criteria.
Audits according to Auditors
Audits as to auditor are (a) external (independent) audits, (b) Internal audits, and (e)
governmental audits.
2. Internal Audits
Many large entities employ internal auditors that perform internal audits. Internal
auditing means "an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add
value and improve an organization's operations." To achieve this objective, internal auditors
must be independent of the department they auditing and directly report to those charged with
governance (TCWG or the audit committee or board of directors).
3. Governmental Audits
Government auditing involves the determination whether government funds are being
handled properly in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, government
programs are conducted effectively and efficiently, and F/S are fairly presented. Governmental
auditors (e.g., COA auditors, BSP examiners, and BIR examiners) practically perform F/S
audit, operational audit, and compliance audit.
The Auditor's Overall Objectives Obtaining Reasonable Assurance, Reducing Audit Risk
(Learning Objective 3)
Professional Judgement:
The auditor's ability to exercise professional judgment is as the hallmark (trademark) of
auditing (i.e., accountants are engaged to audit of F/S because of their ability to exercise
professional judgment). Professional judgment is the application of relevant training,
knowledge, and experience that enables the proper interpretation of:
Learning Objectives
1. Explain the nature and types of audit evidence.
2. Enumerate and describe audit procedures to obtain audit evidence.
3. Explain the framework of gathering sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
4. Define audit documentation and discuss its purpose(s).
5. Describe the types of audit documentation.
6. Explain the audit documentation that is satisfactory to independent, experienced auditor,
7. Discuss the audit file organization in assembling audit documentation.
8. Discuss the requirements in assembling and retaining, as well as the rules on ownership and
confidentiality of, the audit documentation.
The auditor must obtain both types of evidence that are consistent and not doubtful as to
reliability. Accounting records alone cannot constitute sufficient evidence.
Internal Documents
Minutes of meetings
Warranty provision schedules
Depreciation/amortization schedules
Employee records
and invoices Management reports
Employee time cards
Sales agreements Lease contracts
Royalty contracts
Variance reports
Purchase orders
Canceled checks
Disbursement vouchers
Shipping and receiving reports Inventory scrap reports and transfer
External Documents
Confirmation replies from
Customers, investment trustees, legal counsel, and banks
Loan agreements
Vendor invoices and monthly statements
Customer orders
Sales or purchase contracts
Audit procedures - The Means to Obtain Audit Evidence (Learning Objective 2)
The gathering and evaluation of audit evidence is a cumulative and iterative process.
Audit evidence is primarily obtained through the performance of audit procedures. The audit
procedures can be classified either according to their purpose and type.
According to Purpose:
1. Risk assessment procedures (RAP) performed to obtain an understanding of the entity,
its environment, and its internal control to identify and assess the ROMM at the F/S and
assertion levels.
2. Further audit procedures (FAP) comprise:
a. Tests of controls (TOC)-performed to evaluate the operating effectiveness
of controls in preventing, or detecting and correcting, material misstatements at the assertion
level; and b. Substantive procedures (SP), which include tests of desails (TOD) and substantive
analytical procedures (SAP)-performed to detect material misstatements at the assertion level.
The date of Auditor’s report signifies audit work completion and extent of responsibility to obtain
audit evidence. The final assembly of audit files should take place on a timely basis, i.e.,
ordinarily not more than 60 days after the auditor’s report date.
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Discuss the activities in the pre planning phase of audit.
2 Enumerate client acceptance and continuance considerations.
3. Discuss the basis of audit engagement that the auditor should establish
Ultimately, accepting or not a client depends on auditor's professional judgment and risks
tolerance. There is no client that is risk-free; every client always carries risks.
So, when is an engagement acceptable? It is where the auditor:
is competent and has capabilities, time and resources to perform the engagement
complies with the relevant ethical requirements; and
considers client's integrity, including communicating with predecessor auditor.
Competence, Capabilities, Time, and Resources
Considerations include whether the auditor has:
sufficient personnel who have competence, capabilities, and knowledge of industries
or subject matters, e.g., knowledge of banking industry for bank clients;
experience or knowledge with regulatory requirements, e.g., SEC and BSP, experts, if
needed, such as work of actuaries, appraisers, etc.;
individuals who can perform quality review (discussed in Chapter 17), and time to
complete the engagement within the reporting deadline.
Without meeting these requirements, it would be difficult to perform a quality audit.
Auditor's Compliance with Relevant Ethical Requirements: PIICPO
As discussed in Chapter 1, the relevant ethical requirements to audit include: (a) integrity, (b)
objectivity; (c) professional competence and due care; (d) confidentiality, (e) professional
behavior; and (c) independence.
The auditor shall identify, evaluate, and address threats to compliance with these
principles. If threats are not clearly insignificant, the auditor shall apply safeguards to
eliminate or reduce them to an acceptable level so as not to compromise compliance.
Integrity of Client
With regard to client's integrity, the matters to consider may include: The identity and
reputation of owners and officers, including related parties. The nature of the client's business.
The owners and officers' attitudes towards accounting and control. The client's
aggressiveness in maintaining the auditor's fees as possible
Indications of an inappropriate limitation in the scope of work.
Indications of client's involvement in criminal activities. The reasons for proposed
appointment and non-reappointment of previous firm.
Who appoints the component auditor--separate appointments for audit of parent entity
and its component typically require separate engagement letter
Whether a separate auditor's report is to be issued on the component separate auditor's
reports for parent and component generally require separate engagement letters,
Legal requirements in relation to audit appointments-the auditor should follow any
applicable legal requirements;
Degree of ownership by parent-the principle is that the less the parent's degree of
ownership, the more likely that separate engagement letter will be required; and
Degree of independence of the component management from the parent entity-the
principle is that the more independent component management operates, the more
likely that separate engagement letters will be used.
The size and complexity of the entity - the larger & more complex —the more intensive
Auditors previous experience - helps plan the audit smoothly
Changes in circumstances - updates & change the overall audit strategy & plan as
Assist the auditor in identifying circumstances that may adversely effect audit
Enable the auditor to
maintain independence
Identify issues with management integrity
Ensure no misunderstanding as to engagement terms
Document that complies information about the entity, its environment, internal control,
significant audit factors, and ares of interest to auditor. Sets the scope, timing, and
direction of the audit, and guides the development of audit plan.
In establishing the strategy, the auditor is required to:
Identify characteristics of the engagement that defines its scope
Ascertain reporting objectives to plan the timing of audit and communications
Consider significant factors in directing the engagement team’s efforts
Consider preliminary engagement activity results and knowledge
Ascertain nature, timing and extent of resources to perform the engagement
owner of the firm & responsible for the audit
Overall responsibility especially critical audit decision
Signs the audit report on behalf of the firm
Ensures audit is conducted according to direction and strategy set by partner.
Setting up team, supervising subordinates, completing complex audit areas
Senior Associates
In charge of day-to-day audit
Supervises the work of junior associates, review their works
Assist the partner and manager in drafting the audit report
Junior Associates
Perform the more detailed routine audit tasks
Most day-to-day exposure
Concept of Materiality
Professional Judgement
Materiality = Maximum misstatement (size and nature) in the F/S that could influence user’s
economic decision
Material, if:
Misstatement could influence the economic decision
Materiality & misstatement are closely-related
Relative, entity-specific concept:
What is material to one entity may not be material to another.
Materiality and the Auditor’s Overall Objectives
Auditor provides reasonable assurance - free from material misstatements and only
responsible to detect material misstatement
Smallest aggregate level of misstatement
P1,000,000 aggregate ( maximum) misstatement to be material to statement of financial
P800,000 aggregate (maximum) to be material to statement of comprehensive income
Application of materiality
To avoid dealing with clearly inconsequential misstatements, the auditor designates a “clearly
trivial threshold.” It is not an expression of materiality; rather, it is an amount below which
misstatements are deemed unimportant that are neither aggregated with other misstatements nor
required adjustments to financial statements.
Performance Materiality = General Materiality or Particular Materiality X 60% to 85% (the lower
the risk of material misstatement, the higher the %, vice versa)
Revision of Materiality
Materiality levels are not cast in stone once determined. They may be adjusted, upward and
downward, as necessary, for example:
Importance of Understanding the Entity, Its Environment, and Its Internal Control The
auditor's understanding of the entity, its environment, and its internal control serves as the
foundation of effective audit. It establishes a frame of reference within which the auditor plans
the audit and exercises professional judgement such as:
Assessing ROMM;
Establishing materiality;
Considering appropriateness of accounting policies, and adequacy of disclosures;
Identifying special areas, for example ,related party, going concern;
Developing expectations in performing analytical procedures;
Responding to assessed ROMM to obtain evidence; and
Evaluating sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence.
RAP are performed to an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity’s
internal control, to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
error, at the F/S assertion levels, thereby providing a basis for designing and implementing
responses to assessed ROMM. The RAP include:
For a continuing client, auditor’s previous experience and audit procedures contained prior years
working papers are helpful in obtaining understanding of the entity, its environment, and its
internal control about matters as:
The auditor performs the following RAP to obtain understanding of internal control:
•Walkthrough tests
•Internal control is a process. Internal control is neither an end in itself nor a one-off event, but a
series of activities that allows an entity's unit to function effectively. Internal control must be
updated and monitored to remain relevant and effective.
•Internal control is effected by people. All entity personnel are involved with internal control; that
is, from management formulating business objectives and strategies, as overseen by TCWG, to
security guards safeguarding the entity's premises. They establish objectives and put controls in
•Internal control can only be expected to provide reasonable assurance, not absolute assurance.
As the saying goes: "There is no perfect system." The likelihood that internal control addresses
business risks is affected by inherent limitations.
The Five Internal Control Components and the Auditor’s Required Understanding
•Risk assessment process- The evaluation of internal and external factors that impact an entity's
achievement of its objectives
•Information system and communication- The process which ensures that relevant information is
identified and communicated timely
•Control activities-The policies and procedures that help prevent, detect, and correct risks
•Monitoring-The process that determines whether internal control remains effective and relevant.
2. Commitment to competence
3. Participation by TCWG
•Revenue and receipt cycle- refers to the processes of receipt of customer order, extension of
credit to customers, shipment of goods or rendering of service to customers, and receipt cash.
•Purchasing and payment cycle-a.k.a., Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) business process. This cycle relates
to purchase and payment of goods and services to vendors.
•Personnel and payroll cycle-this cycle pertains to the processes of hiring employees, receipt of
their service, and payment of their compensation.
•Inventory and production cycle-encompasses the production of raw materials to finished
products for sale.
•Financing and investing cycle-two major business functions associated with this cycle are
receiving capital funds from investors and using capital funds for operations or investing those
funds temporarily until needed operations.
Internal control varies with entity's size and complexity. Smaller entities use simpler processes
and procedures to achieve their objectives. There are often few employees because of resources
constraint, which may limit:
The auditor obtains only understanding of internal control relevant to auditors which typically
relate to financial reporting objectives that address ROMM. For example, an airline's automated
controls that maintain flight schedules an unlikely relevant being operational in nature.
Additionally, a furniture manufacturer's controls for incidental sales of scrap materials that
accounts for less than 1% of total sales are unlikely to be relevant being immaterial, even the
relate to financial reporting objectives. Ultimately, it is a matter of auditor professional judgment
whether a control is relevant. Factors relevant to auditor judgment include:
Importance of identifying and assessing risk ROMM in F/S – It guides the auditor
(Risked based audit approach) in performing appropriate audit procedures.
Audit completion by completion checklist – An in effective audit approach wherein the
auditor simply performs specified procedures without considering its appropriateness or
Relation of identifying and assessing ROMM to risk assessment process:
The next exhibit shows the auditor's means of selecting items as the extent testing
100% testing is unlikely in case of TOC; it is common for TOD such as when:
The population constitutes a small number of large value items (e.g., land account); There is a
significant risk and other means do not provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence (erg.,
instances of fraud such as stolen cash receipts, fictitious sales, etc.);
However, this type of testing does not constitute audit sampling because the specific items
selected do not represent the population. Consequently, the results of this testing cannot be
projected to the entire population. The judgmental selection of specific items is subject to non-
sampling risk (discussed later).
Audit Sampling
In performing TOC.and TOD, it is normally not feasible to test all items constituting a an
account, a class of transaction, or a control procedure. In such cases, the auditor usually performs
audit sampling, which is the application of audit procedures to:
• in order to provide the auditor with a reasonable basis on which to draw conclusions
about the entire population.
Representative Sample
A representative sample is one in which the characteristics in the sample of audit interest is
approximately the same as those of the population.
As audit sampling concludes about the sample that represents population, the auditor should have
the population for. the conclusion to be valid. However, a sample may not represent the
population due to sampling risk and non-sampling risk, which also represent the audit risk, i.e.,
[Audit risk = f (Sampling risk x Non- sampling risk)].
Sampling Risks
Sampling risk is the risk that the auditor's different from the conclusion if the entire conclusion
based on a sample may be audit procedure. Sampling risk can population were subjected to the
same lead to two types of erroneous conclusions:
a. In TOC, the controls are ineffective when they are actually effective. In TOD material
misstatement exists when in fact it does not. This is known as "Alpha Risk" or "Type I
Misstatement." This error affects audit efficiency as it as leads to additional unnecessary
work; or
b. In TOC, the controls are effective when they are actually not. In TOD, material
misstatement does not exist when in fact it does. This is known as "Beta Risk" or "Type Il
Misstatement." This is the auditor's primary concern and recognized sampling risk
inappropriate audit opinion.
The complement of sampling risk is of sampling are in fact indicative of actual deviation (for
TOC) or misstatement (for TOD) in the population.
The auditor sampling risks by testing the entire can eliminate population
However, such testing is usually not possible. Instead, the auditor reduces sampling risk to an
acceptably level by making the sample low more representative of the population by:
Non-Sampling Risks
Non sampling risk is the risk that the auditor reaches an erroneous conclusion for any reason not
related to sampling risk such as human error due to:
The test objective is based on the ROMM at assertion level that guide in design the appropriate
audit procedures samples necessary to achieve the objective. See examples in Exhibits 11.16 and
The auditor considers what conditions constitute a deviation or misstatement by reference to test
objective. In TOC, a deviation, is a departure from adequate control performance (e.g., a sales
invoice not supported by a credit approved report and a shipping document). In TOD, a
misstatement is a difference between the recorded amount and the amount the auditor
determines to appropriate (e.g., a recorded receivable relating to a fictitious sale or from
prematurely recognized sale).
Population means the entire set of data from which a sample is selected and about which the
auditor wishes to draw conclusions. For example, consider account receivable with P1,000,000
balance consisting of 1,000 customers and 5,000 sale voices. Any of the entire P1,000,000, 1,000
customers, or 5,000 invoices may be considered as the population depending on which a sample
will be selected and conclusions be drawn.
• Direction of testing;
• Completion of population; and
• For tests of details, stratification or value-weighted selection.
Direction of Test
In TOC, the direction of deviations determines the relevant population. When the deviation
results in overstatement, the population should be the record. For example, if the auditor wants to
test a control that ensures that all billed sales (record) are for all shipped goods. The appropriate
population is all sales invoices. Conversely, when the - deviation results in understatement, the
population should be the support. For example, if the auditor wishes to test a control that ensures
all shipments (support) are population is all shipping documents (support).
In TOD, the direction of misstatement determines the relevant population. When testing for
overstatement, the population should be the record. For example, vouching a sample of
inventories from listing (record) to actual goods during observation of inventory count. The
appropriate population is all inventory listing (record). Conversely, when testing for
understatement, the population should be the support. For example, tracing a sample of actual
goods (support) to inventory listing during observation of inventory count. The appropriate
population is all actual goods (support).
Stratification reduces the variability (wide difference) of items within each stratum and allows
sample size to be reduced without increasing sampling risk thus improving audit efficiency and
The population is often stratified by monetary value to allow greater effort for larger value items
(see illustration in the next exhibit) or according to indication of higher risk of misstatement, e.g.,
when testing allowance for doubtful accounts in the valuation of receivables, balances may be
stratified by age. Value-Weighted Selection
This is appropriate when Monetary Unit Sampling (MUS) is used (see Step 5 below); it treats
individual monetary unit as the sampling unit that comprise the population. For of accounts
receivable and each P1 as example, the population is automatically the P1,000,000 amount the
sampling unit (see Step 4). Items in the population with negative or zero balances separately.
This also results in (no monetary units) considered being all P1, is eliminated. automatic
stratification as the variability of items.
Audit sampling can be applied using either statistical or non-statistical approach. Both
approaches involve auditor's professional judgment.
The decision whether to use a statistical or of statistical sampling matter of auditor's judgment
based on their advantages and disadvantages.
a. Classical variables sampling. This approach generally answers: (1) How much? or (2) Is the
account materially misstated? Hence, the sampling units are testing to determine their
audited value. The differences between the carrying and audited amounts (the sample
misstatement) are projected to estimate the population misstatement. This approach has three
variations: mean-per-unit approach, difference approach; and ratio approach.
b. Monetary unit sampling (MUS). MUS is a sampling approach in which sample size,
selection, and results evaluation are in terms of monetary amounts. This is usually
appropriate for testing for overstatement of testing assets and income. See Steps 3 & 7 for
further discussion.
Step 6-Determine the Sufficient Sample Size
The auditor shall determine a sample size sufficient to reduce sampling risk to an acceptably low
level. The level of sampling risk (i.e., the beta risk or type Il misstatement) the auditor is willing
to accept is inversely related to sample size. The lower the sampling risk, the greater the sample
size to achieve higher confidence level.
There is no sample size specified in PSAs although certain factors are provided to determine
sample size statistically or judgmentally (non-statistical).
TDR is a rate of control deviation set by the auditor that if exceeded by the actual rate of
deviation in the population, the auditor concludes that the internal control did not operate
EDR is a rate of control deviation that the auditor expects to find in the population based on the
auditor's knowledge and past experience, or test result of a small number of item from the
population ("pilot testing"). EDR is ordinarily lower than TDR; otherwise, the auditor will
normally decide not to perform TOC.
Tolerable misstatement refers to a monetary amount set by the auditor that if exceeded by the
actual misstatement in the population, the misstatement is material. misstatement is the
application of performance materiality to a particular sampling procedure, which may be the same
amount or lower than performance materiality.
The auditor shall select sample items in such a way that each sampling unit in the population has
a chance of selection in order to design a representative sample.
Probabilistic sample selection methods include random selection, systematic selection, and MUS.
Non-probabilistic sample selection methods include haphazard selection and block selection.
Though PSAs mention only random selection, systematic selection, and haphazard selection as
three principal sample selection methods.
Random Selection. The selection of a sample in such a way that every sampling unit has the same
probability of selection. Random selection, by eliminating selection bias, entails less sampling
risk than the other selection techniques Before using a random number generator (e.g., RAND
functions of MS Excel) or table, the auditor must establish a unique identification number for r
Sampling unit. For example, an inventory listing might be assigned pages or line numbers which
are used to select them. This method is appropriate for both non Statistical and statistical
sampling. every
Systematic Selection. It involves sample selection using a uniform interval (divide population
size by sample size) with a starting point selected in the first interval. For example, in selecting
100 items (sample size) from a population of 10,000 Items, the interval is every 100th item
(10,000/100). First the auditor selects a Starting point and then selects every 100th item from the
starting point, including the starting point. Hence, it is useful even without identification
numbers; has an advantage of being easy to use. When a random starting point is used, systematic
selection allows every sampling unit an equal chance of selection that Is the same as random
selection. This method is appropriate for both non statistical and statistical sampling.
However, care should be exercised that sampling units are not structured in a way that the interval
corresponds with a particular pattern that may destroy on otherwise representative sample. For
example, a population of check disbursements that requires manually and electronically signed
approvals. A selection of every nth number of checks may occur that only either manually or
electronically signed checks, but not both.
The auditor shall perform audit procedures, appropriate to the purpose, on each item selected, and
evaluate the audit evidence obtained. In doing this step, the auditor may encounter a voided
sample, a missing or lost sample, and concluding whether to stop the TOC before completion of
the sampling.
Voided Sample
if the audit procedure is not applicable to the selected item (i.e.. a voided sample), the auditor
shall perform the procedure on a replacement item. For example, a voided check is selected while
testing payment authorization. If the audkor is satisfied that the check has been properly voided
such that it does not constitute a deviation, an appropriately chosen replacement is examined.
If the auditor is unable to apply the designed audit procedures, or suitable alternative procedures,
to a selected item, the auditor shall treat that item as a deviation (TOC) or a misstatement (TOD).
For example, the auditor received no response to a positive confirmation request in testing
existence of accounts receivable. Examination of subsequent cash receipts is a suitable alternative
Occasionally, the auditor may find a large number of deviations in testing part of a sample that
even if no additional errors were to be discovered, the results of the sample would not support the
inside reliance on the effectiveness of control. In such a case, the auditor should reassess ROMM.
Whether the sampling is statistical or non-statistical, the auditor applies professional judgment in
evaluating the results and reaching an overall conclusion by considering:
• Nature, causes, and effect of deviations and misstatements; and 2. Deviations and
• Nature, Causes and Effect of Deviations and Misstatements:
The auditor shall investigate the nature and cause of any deviations" or misstatements and
evaluate their possible effect on the audit.
The auditor may observe if deviations and misstatements are systematic or indicate the possibility
of fraud, which may require extended audit procedures. In extremely rare circumstances, the
auditor may consider an anomalous error (misstatement or deviation), which does not represent
errors in a population as it arises from an isolated event. For example, an error caused by a
computer breakdown that occurred on only one day. Another example is an error caused by use of
an incorrect formula in calculating all inventory values at one particular branch.
In TOC, sample deviation rate (SDR) is the rate of deviations detected in the sample. SDR is
calculated by dividing the number of sample deviations by the sample size.
Projected deviation rate (PDR), also called "upper deviation or precision limit," is the rate of
deviation that the auditor estimates to be in the population. This is expressed through: PDR SDR+
allowance for sampling risk. An allowance for sampling risk can only be calculated where the
auditor has used statistical sampling
However, in TOC, unlike in TOD, no explicit projection of deviations is necessary since the SDR
is also the PDR for the population as a whole, as shown below.
In TOD, the auditor shall project sample misstatements to the population Sample misstatement is
the monetary misstatement detected in the sample. In case of anomalous misstatement, it may be
excluded in the projection.
Projected misstatement (also called "most likely error" [MLE]) is the misstatement that the
auditor estimates to be in the population and is calculated by adjusting the sample misstatement
by an allowance for sampling risk. An allowance for sampling risk can only be calculated where
the auditor has used statistical sampling. The methods for calculating an allowance for sampling
risk and projecting the sample misstatement differ between classical variables sampling and
MUS, as shown below.
Mean-per-unit approach
EPAA is calculated by an average audited amount in the sample and multiply tha average amount
by the population size.
Difference approach
EPAA is calculated by the average difference between population. Average difference (in
sample): Average CA- Average AA.
Ratio approach
The auditor calculates the ratio between the sum of the audited amounts and te sum of the
recorded amounts of the sample items and projects this ratio to the population. The auditor
estimates the EPAA by multiplying the recorded atout of population by the same ratio.
In TOC, an unexpectedly high SDR may lead to an increase in assessed ROMM unless further
audit evidence supporting the initial assessment is obtained.
The two general approaches to evaluate the sample results for TOC are:
1. Compare PDR to TDR-If PDR exceeds TDR, the control did not effectively, or
2. Compare SDR to EDR-If SDR exceeds EDR, the control did not operate effectively.
These two approaches are exemplified in the next exhibit. However, the closer the PDR (or SDR)
to TDR (or EDR), the more likely that the actual deviations in the population may exceed the
1. Compare PDR to TDR-Increase the level of assessed of control risk (CR is high) because the
TDR (5%) was less than the PDR (7.5%).
2 Compare SDR to EDR-Increase the level of assessed of control risk (CR is high) because the
EDR (1.5%) was less than the SDR (42).
In either case, the auditor concludes that the control did not operate effectively.
In TOD, an unexpectedly high sample misstatement may cause the auditor to believe that a
misstatement is material, in absence of further audit evidence that no material misstatement
The projected misstatement plus anomalous misstatement (PM-AM) is the estimated population
misstatement (EPM). When the EPM exceeds tolerable misstatement, the sample does not
provide a reasonable basis for conclusions about the population that has been tested. The closer
the EPM is to tolerable misstatement, the more likely that actual population misstatement (APM)
may exceed tolerable misstatement. Also if the projected misstatement is greater than the
auditor's expectations of misstatement used to determine the sample size, the auditor may
conclude that there is an unacceptable sampling risk that The APM exceeds the tolerable
If the auditor concludes that audit sampling has not provided a reasonable basis for conclusions
about the population that has been tested, the auditor may:
Request management to investigate misstatements identified and the potential for further
misstatements and necessary adjustments; or
Tailor the nature, timing and extent of FAP to achieve the required assurance.
Chapter 12: Considering Fraud, Error, And Non-Compliance with Laws And Regulations
FRAUD - intentional act by one or more individuals among management, TCWG, employees, or
third parties involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal advantage.
Fraud is more difficult to detect than error because fraud is usually concealed by forgery, hot
recording transactions, misrepresentations, or collusion.
Although fraud is a broad legal concept, the auditor is primarily concerned with fraud that causes
material misstatement in the F/S.
Types of Fraud
Income smoothing - a form of earnings management in which revenues and expenses are shifted
between periods to reduce fluctuations in earnings.
Fraud as to Perpetrator
• The primary responsibility for the prevention and detection of fraud rests with both
TCWG and management.
• Management establishes internal control that prevent and detect fraud, while TCWG,
through its oversight function, ensures integrity of controls.
• The best way to address fraud is to implement controls that are based on core values
embraced by the entity, such as RAP, control environment, information system and
communication, control activities, and monitoring.
Professional judgment - enables the auditor to apply relevant knowledge and experience in
making informed decisions to address circumstances of fraud such as designing and
performing procedures responsive to ROMM due to fraud.
Professional skepticism - enables the auditor to recognize the possibility that a material
misstatement due to fraud could exist, notwithstanding the auditor's past experience of the
honesty and integrity of the management and TCWG.
Identifying and Assessing ROMM due to Fraud
Fraud risks factors - refer to events or conditions that indicate an incentive or pressure to
commit fraud or provide an opportunity to commit fraud.
Fraud Triangle
Attitudes or rationalizations - either the perpetrator's attitude, character, or set of values, or the
entity's weak control environment that does not create a culture of honesty. Enable those involved
in fraud to rationalize committing a dishonest act.
Opportunities - circumstances that allow execution of fraud possible such as when a person is
generally trusted, internal control is perceived to be easily overridden, or the individual
knows about deficiencies in internal control.
Communication with TCWG, due to the nature and sensitivity of fraud involving senior
management, or fraud that results in a material misstatement in the F/S, the auditor reports such
matters on a timely basis and may consider it necessary to also report such matters in writing.
Exceptional circumstances that may arise that may bring into question the auditor's ability to
continue performing the audit include:
a. The entity takes no appropriate action about fraud, even if not material to F/S;
b. The ROMM due to fraud and the results of audit tests indicate a significant risk of
material and pervasive fraud; or
c. Significant concern about the competence or integrity of management or TCWG.
Laws and regulations applicable to the entity constitute the legal and regulatory framework in
which it operates.
Examples Tax laws, pension Labor laws, environmental protection laws, health
laws (RA 7641) laws, operating license, regulatory solvency
The responsibility for the compliance, including prevention and detection of non- compliance
thereof, with laws and regulations rests with management and TCWG.
The management, with oversight of TCWG, must institute actions aimed to address risks of non-
compliance with laws and regulations.
During the audit, the auditor shall remain alert to the possibility that other audit procedures
applied may bring instances of NOCLAR to auditor's attention. However, non-detection of
material misstatements with non-compliance with laws and regulation are greater, because:
As a result, generally, the further removed NOCLAR is from the F/S, the the auditor is to become
aware of it or to recognize the non-compliance.
F/S are usually presented in comparative format. As shown above, an initial audit engagement is
an engagement in which either:
Opening balances - account balances that exist at the beginning of the period, based upon the
closing balances of the prior period, including disclosure that existed at the beginning of the
period, such as contingencies and commitments.
In an initial audit, the successor auditor expresses an opinion that pertains only to the current
period F/S. However, the auditor should consider prior period balances because they can affect
current period F/S.
Audit Procedures
If audit evidence indicates that the opening balances contain misstatements that could materially
affect the current period's F/S, additional procedures should be performed.
Auditor's Opinion
The auditor's opinion depends on the results of initial audit performed relating to (1) opening
balances, (2) consistency of accounting policies, and (3) modification to the predecessor auditor's
Opening Balances
The user auditor's considerations, when the entity uses the services of a service organization, are:
a. To obtain an understanding of the nature and significance of the services provided by the
service organization and their effect on the user entity's internal control relevant to the
audit, sufficient to identify and assess the ROMM; and
User entity - an entity that uses a service organization and whose F/S are being audited.
Service organization - third-party org. that provides services to user entities that are part of those
entities' information systems relevant to financial reporting.
Service auditor - an auditor who, at the request of the service organization, provides an
assurance report on the controls of a service organization.
a. Type 1 report - Report on the description and design of controls at a service organization.
This type of report is appropriate for RAP purposes.
b. Type 2 report - Report on the description, design, and operating effectiveness of controls
at a service organization. This type of report is appropriate for TOC and RAP purposes.
Before relying on a type 1 or type 2 report, the user auditor shall be satisfied as to:
l Risk Assessment
Risk Response
a. Determine whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence concerning the relevant F/S
assertions is available from records held at the user entity; and, if not,
b. Perform FAP to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence or use another auditor to
perform those procedures at the service organization on the user auditor's behalf
The user auditor shall perform one or more of the following procedures:
c. Use another auditor to perform TOC at the service organization on user auditor's behalf.
User auditor shall inquire of management of user entity whether the service organization has
reported to user entity, or whether the user entity is otherwise aware of, any fraud, NOCLAR
or uncorrected misstatements affecting the F/S of user entity.
No reference to work of a service auditor unless auditor's report has been modified
If reference is relevant to an understanding of a modification of the user auditor's
opinion, the user auditor's report should indicate such reference does not diminish the
auditor's responsibility.
Certain works of internal auditors that could address ROMM- assists the external auditor.
However, before the external auditors uses the work of internal auditors, certain
considerations must be performed to evaluate both the internal auditors and their work.
Determining Likely Adequacy of Work of Internal Auditor
a. The objectivity of the internal audit function (e.g., the reporting of internal audit
results directly to BOD's audit committee);
b. The technical competence of the internal auditors (such as education, experience,
professional certification, etc.);
c. Whether the work of the internal auditors is likely to be carried out with due
professional care (e.g., adequate planning, supervision and documentation); and
d. Whether there is likely to be effective communication between the internal
auditors and the external auditor.
If the external auditor uses specific work of the internal auditors, the external auditor shall
include in the documentation the conclusions reached regarding the evaluation of the adequacy of
the work of the internal auditors, and the audit procedures performed by the external auditor on
that work.
The external auditor has sole responsibility for the audit opinion expressed, and that
responsibility is not reduced by the external auditor's use of the work of the internal auditors.
Consequently, no reference would be made in the external auditor's report to the work of the
internal auditors.
Expert (or specialist) - a person or firm possessing special skill, knowledge, and experience in a
particular field other than accounting and auditing.
An expert may be engaged by the entity or by the auditor, employed by the entity or by the
auditor. PSA 620 classifies experts into the following two categories:
a. Auditor's expert - An expert whose work is used by the auditor to assist the
auditor in obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence. An auditor's expert
may be either an auditor's internal expert or an auditor's external expert.
b. Management's expert - An expert whose work is used by the entity to assist the
entity in preparing the F/S
Auditor's Report
The auditor's report should not refer to the work of an expert. Such a reference might be
misunderstood to be a modification of the auditor's opinion or a division of responsibility. The
auditor maintains sole responsibility for the audit opinion expressed.
If the auditor issues a modified auditor's report as a result of the expert's involvement, it may be
appropriate to refer to the work of the expert to explain the modification, including the expert's
identity and extent of expert's involvement.
The auditor needs to obtain expert's permission before making such a reference. If permission is
refused and the auditor believes a reference is necessary, the auditor may need to seek legal
F/S are usually presented in comparative format. As shown above, an initial audit engagement is
an engagement in which either:
Opening balances - account balances that exist at the beginning of the period, based upon the
closing balances of the prior period, including disclosure that existed at the beginning of the
period, such as contingencies and commitments.
In an initial audit, the successor auditor expresses an opinion that pertains only to the current
period F/S. However, the auditor should consider prior period balances because they can affect
current period F/S.
Audit Procedures
If audit evidence indicates that the opening balances contain misstatements that could materially
affect the current period's F/S, additional procedures should be performed.
Auditor's Opinion
The auditor's opinion depends on the results of initial audit performed relating to (1) opening
balances, (2) consistency of accounting policies, and (3) modification to the predecessor auditor's
Result Opinion
Opening Balances
The user auditor's considerations, when the entity uses the services of a service organization, are:
a. To obtain an understanding of the nature and significance of the services provided by the
service organization and their effect on the user entity's internal control relevant to the
audit, sufficient to identify and assess the ROMM; and
User entity - an entity that uses a service organization and whose F/S are being audited.
Service organization - third-party org. that provides services to user entities that are part of those
entities' information systems relevant to financial reporting.
Service auditor - an auditor who, at the request of the service organization, provides an
assurance report on the controls of a service organization.
Service auditor's reports are:
a. Type 1 report - Report on the description and design of controls at a service organization.
This type of report is appropriate for RAP purposes.
b. Type 2 report - Report on the description, design, and operating effectiveness of controls
at a service organization. This type of report is appropriate for TOC and RAP purposes.
Before relying on a type 1 or type 2 report, the user auditor shall be satisfied as to:
Risk Assessment
Risk Response
a. Determine whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence concerning the relevant F/S
assertions is available from records held at the user entity; and, if not,
b. Perform FAP to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence or use another auditor to
perform those procedures at the service organization on the user auditor's behalf
The user auditor shall perform one or more of the following procedures:
User auditor shall inquire of management of user entity whether the service organization has
reported to user entity, or whether the user entity is otherwise aware of, any fraud, NOCLAR
or uncorrected misstatements affecting the F/S of user entity.
No reference to work of a service auditor unless auditor's report has been modified
If reference is relevant to an understanding of a modification of the user auditor's opinion,
the user auditor's report should indicate such reference does not diminish the auditor's
Certain works of internal auditors that could address ROMM- assists the external auditor.
However, before the external auditors uses the work of internal auditors, certain considerations
must be performed to evaluate both the internal auditors and their work.
a. The objectivity of the internal audit function (e.g., the reporting of internal audit results
directly to BOD's audit committee);
c. Whether the work of the internal auditors is likely to be carried out with due professional
care (e.g., adequate planning, supervision and documentation); and
d. Whether there is likely to be effective communication between the internal auditors and
the external auditor.
l If the external auditor uses specific work of the internal auditors, the external auditor shall
include in the documentation the conclusions reached regarding the evaluation of the
adequacy of the work of the internal auditors, and the audit procedures performed by the
external auditor on that work.
l The external auditor has sole responsibility for the audit opinion expressed, and that
responsibility is not reduced by the external auditor's use of the work of the internal auditors.
Consequently, no reference would be made in the external auditor's report to the work of the
internal auditors.
Expert (or specialist) - a person or firm possessing special skill, knowledge, and experience in a
particular field other than accounting and auditing.
An expert may be engaged by the entity or by the auditor, employed by the entity or by the
auditor. PSA 620 classifies experts into the following two categories:
a. Auditor's expert - An expert whose work is used by the auditor to assist the auditor in
obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence. An auditor's expert may be either an
auditor's internal expert or an auditor's external expert.
b. Management's expert - An expert whose work is used by the entity to assist the entity in
preparing the F/S
b. The ROMM;
d. The auditor's knowledge and experience with work of the expert; and
Auditor's Report
The auditor's report should not refer to the work of an expert. Such a reference might be
misunderstood to be a modification of the auditor's opinion or a division of responsibility. The
auditor maintains sole responsibility for the audit opinion expressed.
If the auditor issues a modified auditor's report as a result of the expert's involvement, it may be
appropriate to refer to the work of the expert to explain the modification, including the expert's
identity and extent of expert's involvement.
The auditor needs to obtain expert's permission before making such a reference. If permission is
refused and the auditor believes a reference is necessary, the auditor may need to seek legal
Group f/s refer to f/s that include the financial information of more than one component. A
component is an entity or business activity for which group or component management prepares
financial information that should be included in the group f/s.
Group audit is the audit of group f/s. Component auditor is defined as an auditor, at the request of
the group auditor, performs work on financial information related to a component for the group
• Whether the component auditor understands and will comply with relevant ethical
requirements and, in particular, is independent;
• The component auditor's professional competence;
• Whether the group engagement team will be involved in the work of the component
auditor; and
• Whether the component auditor operates in a regulatory environment that actively
oversees auditors.
The amount and nature of work required of the group auditor relating to component-depends
whether the component is a significant component; a significant component is a component (i)
that is of individual financial significance to the group, or (ii) that is likely to include significant
ROMM of the group F/S.
The group auditor shall communicate its requirements to the component auditor on a timely basis.
This communication shall set out the work to be performed, the use to be made of that work, and
the form and content of the component auditor's communication with the group auditor. This
would include:
· Confirmation that the component auditor will cooperate; Relevant ethical and independence
· Component materiality;
· A list of related parties prepared by group management, and the timely communication of
previously unidentified related parties.
The auditor's report on the group F/S shall not refer to a component auditor, unless required by
law or regulation. If such reference is made, the auditor's report should indicate that the reference
does not diminish the group auditor.
· An analysis of components, indicating those significant, and the type of work on components;
· The nature, timing, and extent of the group auditor's involvement in the work of component
auditors; and
The use of computers present both opportunities and risks on the entities and their auditors.
Computers make operations and financial reporting efficient and effective as well as auditing
them. However, entities face risks on the integrity, completeness and availability of financial or
operational data that, which under a risk-based approach, requires auditor’s considerations.
The effect of IT in audit in:
a. Risk assessment such as obtaining a sufficient understanding of the entity, including relevant
internal controls, and identifying and assessing ROMM
IT Environment Characteristics
1. Batch processing – transactions are collected over a certain period of time and submitted to the
computer as a single batch.
2. Real time processing – the master file is updated upon entry of the transactions. This processing
is useful in IT systems that need latest information.
IT Controls
IT controls are general controls and application controls. The effectiveness of application controls
is often dependent on the effectiveness of general controls.
General IT Controls
Are policies and procedures that relate to many applications and support the effective functioning of
application controls by helping ensure to continued proper operation of information systems.
General controls include controls over:
4. Access both physical (hardware) and logical (data and programs)
5. Webmaster
9. Librarian
Application IT Controls
1. Apply to the processing of individual applications and are (1) manual or (2) automated
procedures that typically operate at a business process level.
2. It relates to initiation, recording, processing and reporting transactions such as checking
the arithmetical accuracy of records and maintaining and reviewing accounts and trial
balancesand are traditionally classified as:
Input controls – ensure that data to be processed are properly authorized,
complete, and accurate.
Process controls – built in controls that ensure data are properly processed.
Output controls – ensure that processed data are complete and accurate.
Risk Response
Audit software refers to computer programs used in planning and performing the audit, such as
SP. Audit software may be:
a. Generalized audit software – is used to read, scan, extract, sort, summarize, export, and compare
data from a client’s systems for further testing such as performing calculations on data,
facilitating audit sampling and producing documents and reports.
b. Customized audit software – refers to programs are written specifically for specific tasks that
cannot be performed in a generalized audit software.
Black-box Approach
White-box Approach
Accounting Estimates
Many items in F/S have to be estimated due to uncertainties inherent in business. Such estimates
range from simple calculations (e.g, net realizable value of inventory and depreciation of
property, plant, and equipment) to complex ones (e.g., calculating fair value of complex
derivative instruments and actuarial valuation of retirement benefits). Hence, accounting estimate
inherently present higher ROMM that could even be considered significant risks.
Management is responsible for making accounting estimates that are reasonable when preparing
and presenting F/S.
2. Risk Response
PAS 24, Related Parties, establishes specific disclosure requirements for related-party
relationships, transactions, and balances. This enables the users of F/S to understand the nature
and effects on the F/S of related parties. Without such disclosures, F/S would potentially be
misleading. Therefore, as related parties are independent of each other, there are often higher
ROMM in related party transactions.
Going Concern
FS are prepared on a going concern basis, unless management either intends to liquidate the
entity or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. When an entity is no
longer a going concern, its F/S are affected pervasively. That is, its assets and liabilities are
reported at realizable value and settlement.
Amounts, respectively, and are usually no longer classified as current and non- rent. Hence, the
auditor shall determine the appropriateness of going concern assumption.
When management concludes that there are material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt
on an entity's ability to continue as a going concern, the entity is quired to disclose in the F/S
those uncertainties. A material uncertainty exists when the magnitude of its potential impact is
such that, in the auditor's judgement, clear disclosure of the nature and implications of the
uncertainty is necessary for the presentation of the F/S not to be misleading.
LO4. Existence and condition of inventory, completeness of litigation and claims, and
presentation and disclosure of operating segment information.
Presentation and disclosure of operating segment information. In all the three items above,
management is responsible for identifying evaluating, and ensuring their proper accounting and
The auditor is required to apply analytical procedures in the audit finalization stage to:
Identify previously unrecognized ROMM; Evaluate conclusions drawn during the audit; and
assist in arriving at the overall conclusion as to the reasonableness of F/S.
In other words, concluding (final or overall) analytical procedures confirm the auditor's
knowledge of F/S based on understanding of the entity and audit evidence obtained.
Concluding analytical procedures often use the same measures and ratios used in RAP.
If new risks or unexpected relationships between data are identified, the auditor may need to re-
evaluate the original procedures.
F/S may be affected by certain events that occur after the end of an entity's reporting period. The
auditor should obtain reasonable assurance that F/S are free from material misstatement that may
arise from such events.
Subsequent events refer to those events occurring between the date of F/S and the date of
auditor's report, and facts that become known to the auditor after the date of auditor's report.
a) Adjusting events (Type 1) are those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the date
of F/S. b) Non-adjusting events (Type 2) are those that provide evidence of conditions that arose
after the date of F/5.
Management is responsible under PAS 10, Events After the Reporting Period, to adjust the
entity's F/S for events after the reporting period, including the related disclosures thereof, up to
the date when the F/S were authorized for issue.
b. To respond appropriately to facts that become known to the auditor after the date of the
auditor's report, that, had they been known to the auditor at that date, may have caused the auditor
to amend the auditor's report.
The auditor shall date the new auditor's report-as a result of auditing facts after he date of original
report or subsequent discovery of omitted procedures either. Single dating-Date of subsequent
event. Dual dating Dates of original auditor's report and of the event.
Written Representations
An audit, management's (and, where appropriate, TCWG's) verbal representations to auditor are
best documented in a written representation.
If management modifies or does not provide the requested written representations, it may alert the
auditor that one or more significant issues may exist. Further, a request for written, rather than
oral, representations may prompt management to consider matters more rigorously thereby
enhancing the quality of evidence.
(1) appropriate responsibilities for the F/S and (2) knowledge of the matters concerned, such as:
The date of written representations shall be as near as practicable to, but not after, the date of the
auditor's report on the F/S to consider the effect of subsequent events. And because written
representations are necessary audit evidence, the auditor's report cannot be dated before the date
of written representations.
The written representations cover all the F/S and periods referred to in the auditor's report
because management needs to reaffirm that the written representations it previously made with
respect to the prior periods remain appropriate. For example, the written representations cover
F/S for the years 2018 and 2017 if both are referred to in the auditor's report even if the CEO or
CFO have only been employed in 2018.
The Financial Statements will be considered and evaluated if these are free from material
misstatements to see qualitative and quantitative factors of misstatements. Also, if the auditor has
obtained reasonable assurance whether SAAE is obtained from satisfactory performance of audit.
Afterwards, the FS will be assessed if the required EQCR has been performed, if the
communications with TCWG, management and other parties have been made. Then, the auditor’s
opinion must be formed and the auditor’s report will be formulated.
In concluding whether SAAE has been obtained, the auditor shall consider all relevant evidence,
whether it corroborates or contradicts the F/S assertions. The sufficiency and appropriateness of
audit evidence will primarily be based on the satisfactory performance of audit procedures that
address the assessed ROMM. Ultimately, what constitutes SAAE is a matter of professional
In practice, auditors often use Summary Audit Memorandum (SAM) to aid in evaluating
sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence as well as the materiality of identified
Misstatements can arise from error or fraud; it is a difference between: (1) the amount,
classification, presentation, or disclosure of a reported F/S item; and (2) the amount,
classification, presentation, or disclosure that is required for the item. The next exhibit outlines
the steps in evaluating misstatements.
The main purpose of EQCR is to ensure audit quality-i.e., compliant with professional standards
and other requirements-so that the report is appropriate to avoid auditor's liability for negligence.
EQCR is a process that provides an objective evaluation, on or before the date of report, of the
significant judgments the engagement team made and the conclusions it reached in formulating
the report.
The EQC reviewer is a partner, other person in the firm, suitably qualified external person, or a
team made up of such individuals, none of whom is part of the engagement team, with sufficient
and appropriate experience and authority to objectively evaluate the significant judgments the
engagement team made and the conclusions it reached in formulating the report.
Examples of significant matters that may be discussed during the EQCR include:
· Subsequent events.
The auditor shall communicate in writing (if oral is not adequate) the following significant audit
3. Matters regarding management, unless all of those TCWG are involved in management,
such as: a. Questions regarding management's competence and integrity;
Auditor Independence
In case of listed entities, the auditor shall communicate in writing with TCWG regarding auditor's
independence and safeguards against threats to independence.
The auditor shall form an opinion on whether the F/S are prepared, in all material respects, in
accordance with the AFRF.
a. Are not confined to specific elements, accounts, or items of F/S (e.g., when multiple
items in F/S are involved);
b. If so confined, represent or could represent a substantial proportion of F/S (e.g., when
inventories represent 80% of the entity's total assets); or
c. In relation to disclosures, are fundamental to users' understanding of the F/S (e.g., when a
liquidating entity still presents F/S on a going concern basis).
If inability to obtain SAAE (i.e., audit scope limitation) is due to management- imposed
limitation and the effect is material and pervasive, the auditor has also an option to resign from
engagement, if appropriate.
Report Circumstances
1. Title
2. Addressee
4. Auditor's Opinion
7. Key Audit Matters (KAM) Required for listed entities, voluntary for other
12. Name of the Engagement Partner Required only for listed entities
The following sections of the report are modified if a modified opinion expressed:
1. Auditor's opinion;
Auditor's Opinion
In case of modified opinion, the auditor shall use the heading "Qualified Opinion," "Adverse
Opinion," or "Disclaimer of Opinion," for the Opinion section with modified opinion wordings.
Basis for Opinion
The auditor shall, in addition to the specific elements of the unmodified report:
a. Amend the heading "Basis for Opinion" to "Basis for Qualified Opinion," "Basis for Adverse
Opinion," or "Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion,"; and
b. Within this section, describe the matter giving rise to the modification.
If there is a material misstatement (including disclosures), the auditor shall describe and quantify
its financial effects, unless impracticable. For example, effects on income tax, income before
taxes, net income and equity if inventory is overstated. If impracticable to quantify, the auditor
shall so state in this section. If the modification results from an inability to obtain SAAE, the
auditor shall include the reasons for that inability. When the auditor expresses a qualified or
adverse opinion, the auditor shall amend the statement about whether the audit evidence obtained
is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for the auditor's opinion to include the word
"qualified" or "adverse."
When the auditor disclaims an opinion, the auditor's report shall not include:
a. A reference to the section of the auditor's report where the auditor's responsibilities are
described; and
b. A statement about whether the audit evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for the auditor's opinion.
When the auditor disclaims an opinion, the auditor shall amend the description of the auditor's
responsibilities required to include only the following:
In certain cases, the auditor may modify the auditor's report by drawing users' attention to certain
matters in the report by adding an EOM and/or OM, without necessarily modifying the opinion.
In including an OM, the auditor shall use the "Other Matter," or other appropriate heading.
The following is a list of PSAS containing requirements for Other Matter paragraphs:
Comparative information pertains to the amounts and disclosures included in the financial
statements in respect of one or more prior periods in accordance with the AFRF. The two broad
approaches to comparative information are:
a. Corresponding figures - amounts and disclosures for prior period included ass an integral part
of current period F/S, and are intended to be read only in relation to "current period figures;" and
b. Comparative F/S - amounts and disclosures for prior period are included for comparison with
the F/S of the current period but, if audited, are referred to in the auditor's opinion. PAS 1,
Presentation of Financial Statements, requires this approach.
Auditor’s Whether F/S Whether F/S are Whether F/S (or Whether Summary
Opinion present fairly prepared the specific F/S are consistent
financial with (or a fair
information) summary of) the
present fairly audited F/S
Special purpose F/S are F/S prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework designed to
meet the financial information needs of specific users. Special purpose framework refers a FRF
designed to meet the financial information needs of specific users. Examples of special purpose
frameworks are:
A tax basis of accounting for a set of F/S that accompany an entity's tax return;
The cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting for cash flow information that
an entity may be requested to prepare for creditors;
The reporting provisions by a regulator such as SEC, BSP or IC; or
The reporting provisions of a contract, e.g., a bond indenture, or a project grant
It includes audits of the related disclosures. The auditor may or may not be the same auditor of a
complete set of FS.
Summary FS refer to historical financial information that is derived from FS but that contains less
detail than the FS
a) The accompanying summary FS are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited FS
in accordance with the applied criteria
The auditor shall date the auditor’s report on summary FS no earlier than:
a. The date on which the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate evidence on which to
base the opinion
When distribution or use of auditor’s report on audited FS is restricted, or the auditor’s report on
audited FS alerts readers that the audited FS are prepared in accordance with a special purpose
framework, the auditor shall include a similar restriction or alert in the auditor’s report on the
summary FS.
d. To obtain limited assurance with regard to not significant components in a group FS audit
Phase 3: Perform the planned procedures- practitioner shall perform the following planned
procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence:
a. Make inquiries of management and other within the entity involved in financial and
accounting matters based on practitioner’s understanding and follow-up questions on responses
c. The practitioner shall also perform additional procedures to either confirm or dispel any
matter which the practitioner becomes aware that may cause FS material misstatement.
Modified Conclusions
1. Title 1. Title
2. Addressee 2. Addressee
3. Introductory Paragraph 3. Introductory Paragraph
4. Description of Management’s Responsibility 4. Scope of Review
5. Engagement Conclusion 5. Conclusion
6. Other Reporting Responsibilities 6. Signature
7. Signature 7. Date
8. Date 8. Address
9. Address