Exam - RESEARCH 2nd Sem

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Basic Education Department-Senior High School
Taft Avenue Corner Menlo St. Pasay City

S.Y. 2021-2022

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Strand & Section: Date:

1. Process of collecting/gathering data and information by a scientific or

logical procedure that aims to solve a particular scientific problem.
a. Limitation study
b. Methodology
c. Research
2. From A French word “CERCHIER” means is.
a. To find out right
b. To seek or search
c. To find ways
3. Who needs research?
a. Grade 6
b. Kinder gartin
c. Graduate students
4. What is the purpose of research.
a. For nothing
b. Correct perception
c. Not gathered data
5. What is the characteristic of research.
a. Requires expertise
b. Not requires expertise
c. Non expertise
6. Limit of research except one.
a. The scope knowledge and information
b. The scientific knowledge
c. The scientist knowledge
7. Knowledge is not the sake but seeking new application of scientific
knowledge to the situation of a problem.
a. Applied research/ practical research
b. Action research
c. Operational research
8. To discuss and study a recurring problem in organization.
a. Applied research
b. Action research
c. Operational research
9. Undertaking to address a recurring problem in organization
a. Practical research
b. Action research
c. Operational research
10. Research means what was.
a. Historical
b. Descriptive
c. Experimental
11. Research means what is.
a. Historical
b. Descriptive
c. Experimental
12. Research means what will.
a. Historical
b. Descriptive
c. Experimental
13. Label of name that represent a concept or characteristic that varies.
a. Nurture of variable
b. Independent Variable
c. Dependent Variable
14. Sometime called an experimental and predictor variable, is a variable
that is being manipulated in an experiment in order into observe the
effect on a dependent variable sometime called an outcome variable
a. Nurture of variable
b. Independent Variable
c. Dependent Variable
15. Is simply that a variable, that is dependent on an independent variable.
a. Nurture of variable
b. Independent Variable
c. Dependent Variable
16. Problem implies the possibility of empirical investigation.
a. Researchable
b. None-Researchable
c. Research
17. Problems include explanation of how do something, vague,
proposition and value-based concern.
a. Researchable
b. None-Researchable
c. Research
18. These are topic that depend greatly on the writers opinion, w/c tend to
be biased or prejudicial. Fact cannot support topic like these.
a. Controversial topic
b. Highly technical subjects
c. Too broad subjects
19. For the beginner, research on topic that’s require an advice study,
technical knowledge and vast experience is a very difficult.
a. Controversial topic
b. Highly technical subjects
c. Too broad subjects
20. A subject or a topic that are too broad will prevent the researcher from
giving a concentrated or in-depth analysis of subject matter of the
research paper.
a. Controversial topic
b. Highly technical subjects
c. Too broad subjects

True or false
21. Data is usually gathered using structured research instrument.
22. The result is based on larger sample size that are representative of the
23. The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its
high reliability.
24. Researcher has a clearly defined research question to which
objectives answer are sought.
25. All aspect of study is carefully designed before data is collected.
26. Data are in form of number and statics, often arranged in the table,
chart, figure or other non-textual.
27. Project can be used to generalize concepts. More widely, predict future
result or investigate causal relationship.
28. Researcher use tools, such as questionnaire or computer software, to
collect numerical data
29. Explain the data collected – the statistical treatment as well as all
relevant in relation to the research problem you are investigating.
30. Report unanticipated events – that occurred during your data
collection, explain how the actual analysis differs from the planned

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