Science 6 - Q3 - W6

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School: Grade Level: 6

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 6) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding on how the energy is transformed into another form
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to demonstrate how energy is transformed to another form
Explain how energy transformation Describe how energy is K- Describe how energy is
takes place S6FE-IIId-f-2 transformed from one form to transformed from one form to
another another. Demonstrate how sound, heat, light and electricity can be
C. Learning Demonstrate how energy is Demonstrate how energy is S- Manipulate objects to describe transformed: S6FE-IIId-f-2
Competencies/Objectives transformed into another form transformed into another form energy transformation. Construct a model on how energy is transformed into another form.
(S6FE-IIId-f2) A- Show cooperation in a group Appreciate the importance of energy transformation.
Appreciate energy transformations Appreciate the importance of work.
energy transformation (9S6FE-IIId-F-2)


A. References
Into the Future: Science & Health 6;
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

Into the Future: Science & Health 6;
TX pp.104-105 The New Science Links pp. 344 - The New Science Links pp. 351-
3. Textbook pages Science Links pp. 353- 354
The New Science Links 6; TX pp. 348 353

4. Additional materials from guitar, battery- operated toy,

LRMDS portal matches, candle or alcohol lamp

Science 6 DLP 43 and 44

B. Other Materials dry cell, flashlight bulb,connecting wire, switch, two candles,a
pinwheel made of recyclable paper,a pencil or a ballpen,string or
thread,match,activity cards and activity sheets
Recall the different kinds of energy Ask pupils to identify the forms of
discussed. energy shown in each picture. What are the uses of each form
Ask: Identify the forms of energy (Teacher provides pictures of light of energy:
used by the following materials: bulb, wheel and axle, windmill, 1. Sound energy 2. Electrical
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
1. automobile 4. food, guitar, and electric fan) energy 3. Mechanical energy What are the different forms of energy?
presenting the new lesson
2. electric fan 5.
Television set
3. electric flat iron
Let the pupils watch a short video Picture Study:
clips on Energy Transformations
Ask: Can energy be converted from
one form to another?
Original File Submitted and
B. Establishing a purpose for the Formatted by DepEd Club Member - Give examples of energy transformation
lesson visit for more

What does the picture show?

C. Presenting examples/ Present a diagram to illustrate Activity: Transformation of Energy Show the pictures of flashlight, Organize the examples below to show how the energy has been
instances of the new lesson energy transformation that occurs electric fan and radio. Let the transformed. Write your answers in the organizers that follow.
in a moving car. The teacher provides materials for pupils describe the pictures.
Ask: Explain any changes the activity. Pupils work on the If you turn on the flashlight,
activity. what did you observed?
Problem: How is energy When you open the electric fan,
transformed to another form? what did you observed?
Materials: guitar, battery- What did you noticed when you
operated toy, candle, matches, open the radio?
(Let the pupils think and
demonstrate on what to do with
the materials.
1. What form of energy is present
in the candle?
2. How did this energy change to
another form when the candle
was lighted?
3. How is energy change when you
pluck the strings of the guitar?
4. What form of energy is present
in the battery?
5. How is this energy changed
when it is placed in a toy car?
6. What is the activity all about?

D. Discussing new concepts and Setting the Standards for working/ Pupils present the data gathered Group Activity: Constructing a Model of Energy Transformation
practicing new skills #1 doing experiment from the activity. Group Activity (Collaborative Group 1 Construct A Model of Electric Circuit
Group activity (Group presentation) Approach) You need:
Group 1- Light me up! 1 dry cell
Activity 7.4 Group II- Move the toy car 1 flashlight bulb
Investigating the Transformation Group III- Pluck the guitar 1 connecting wire
of Energy What are the standards of group 1 switch
work? Do these:
I. Problem: How is energy 1.Construct a simple electric circuit using the given materials.
transformed to another form? 2.Hold the flashlight bulb for a minute. Observe.
II. Materials: guitar, battery- 3.Press the switch down. Observe.
operated toy, matches, candle or 4.Leave the switch in “on” position for about five minutes.
alcohol lamp 5.After five minutes hold the flashlight bulb. Observe.
III. Procedures: 6.Compare your first and second observations about how you feel
Observe how energy is when you hold the flashlight bulb.
transformed in the different objects Answer These:
when they work. a.How does the flashlight bulb feel before turning on the light? After
1. Light the candle the switch has been turned on for about five minutes, how does the
2. Pluck the string of the guitar bulb feel?
3. Place the battery in the battery- b.What does current electricity produce? Why?
operated car Group 2 Construct A Model of Pinwheel using Recyclable material
IV. Questions: In this activity, you will need the following:
1. What form of energy is present in two candles
the candle? a pinwheel made of paper
2. How did this energy change to a pencil or a ballpen
another form when the candle was string or thread
lighted? match
3. How is energy changed when you What to do:
pluck the strings of guitar? 1. Hang the pinwheel with the string in the pencil or ballpen as
4. What form of energy is present in shown in the picture.
the battery? 2. Light the two candles.
5. How is this energy changed when 3. Place the pinwheel about 2.5 cm. above the burning candles.
it is placed in a toy car? Observe what happens.
V. Conclusion: Answer the following questions:
1. What energy does the candle posses?
_____________________________ 2. As you light the candle, what happens to the air around?
_____________________________ 3. What happens as the air around the candle heats up?
____. 4. Did the pinwheel turn?
If yes, what causes the pinwheel to turn?
If no, repeat the activity until the pinwheel turns.
5. What energy transformations are shown in this activity?
a. When you lighted the candle
_________ energy to _________ and _________ energy
b. When you placed the pinwheel over the burning candle
_________ energy to __________ energy
(You may add additional activities in constructing models of energy
Teacher asks questions about the Discuss the output of the Presentation of output of each group
data presented by the pupils. students. Let the student report The teacher will give feedback about the result.
E. Discussing new concepts and
in the class.
practicing new skills #2
What form of energy is present in
the candle, guitar and toy car?
F. Developing mastery Analyze and discuss the outputs of What were the materials used in What is energy transformation? Answer LET’ DO MORE
(leads to formative assessment ) the learners about their the activity? How is this energy changed Science 6 DLP 44
observations on ”energy when it is placed in a toy car?
transformation” What did you do with the What form of energy is present in
materials? the battery?

What form of energy is present in


What happened when you lit it?

What was produced?

Did the form of energy present in

matches change to another form?

Into what form of energy did it

change? How did it transform?

What did you do with the guitar?

What was produced after doing


Was there an energy

transformation after? How did it

What form of energy is present in

the battery?

How about when you placed the

battery in the toy car, what
happened after turning it on? Was
there an energy transformation?

How did it transform?

Is energy transformation
important? How important is it?
G. Finding practical applications Ask learners to cite some examples How does radiant energy of the What are the different examples
of concepts and skills in daily of home appliances. sun help plants in the food making of transformation of energy? Suppose you are in a camping and your patrol leader ask you to make
living Tell them to make a diagram for process? a bonfire out of dried sticks, how is energy transformation occur?
each appliance illustrating the
transformation of energy that takes Is there an energy transformation? How did the energy change to
place. another form when the candle
What do you think will happen if was lighted?
there is no energy transformation
especially in the food making
How can you show that energy can How is radiant energy changed to
be changed from one form to chemical energy? Group Activity
another? How is chemical energy changed Group I-Poster Making -Choose
to mechanical energy? one energy
transformation .Illustrate and
How is chemical energy changed Label it.
to light energy? Group II-Mind Mapping- Energy
Group III- Think and Pair Share
A. Chemical to light
H. Making generalization and
B. Chemical to Sound What energy transformations are shown in the previous activities?
abstraction about the lesson
C. Chemical to Mechanical

Why does energy need to

transformed from one form to
How can you use transformation
of energy in our daily lives?

QUIZ NO. 16 / ENERGY QUIZ NO. 17 / ENERGY Describe how energy is Answer LET’S DO MORE
TRANSFORMATION TRANSFORMATION transformed in the following: Science 6 DLP 43

I. Evaluating learning
Toy car
Battery-operated radio
Electric fan
Flat iron
Let the pupils answer the Think of three inventions that
question. you would like to create. It must
When is energy useful? have to do with heat
Why is energy transformation energy,sound energy and light
J. Additional activities for
important? energy. Draw a picture of each. Construct your own model that shows energy transformation.
application / remediation
Draw or illustrate the design of
your invention. Describe your
invention and how it can help
V. REMARKS Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued :
Lesson done : Lesson done : Lesson done : Lesson done :
Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T
sse ed sse ed sse ed sse ed
d d d d
______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned 80% above
A. No. of learners who earned
80% above 80% above 80% above
80% in the evaluation
______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for
additional activities for
remediation remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No
? No. of learners who have ______ of Learners who caught up ______ of Learners who caught up ______ of Learners who caught ______ of Learners who caught up the lesson
caught up with the lesson the lesson the lesson up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue to ______ of Learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue to require remediation
to require remediation require remediation to require remediation to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well ? Why ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning
did this work ? ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning
___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture Demonstrations
Demonstrations Demonstrations Demonstrations The activity can be a classroom experiment, a survey, a simulation or
The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom an analysis of secondary data.
experiment, a survey,a simulation experiment, a survey, a simulation experiment, a survey, a ___Cooperative Learning
or an analysis of secondary data. or an analysis of secondary data. simulation or an analysis of ___Jigsaws
___Cooperative Learning ___Cooperative Learning secondary data. ___Gallery Walks
___Jigsaws ___Jigsaws ___Cooperative Learning ___Fieldtrips
___Gallery Walks ___Gallery Walks ___Jigsaws ___Making notes from book
___Fieldtrips ___Fieldtrips ___Gallery Walks ___Use of internet/audio visual presentation
___Making notes from book ___Making notes from book ___Fieldtrips ___Text books
___Use of internet/audio visual ___Use of internet/audio visual ___Making notes from book ___Investigations
presentation presentation ___Use of internet/audio visual ___Models
___Text books ___Text books presentation ___Demonstrations
___Investigations ___Investigations ___Text books Other Techniques and Strategies used:
___Models ___Models ___Investigations ___Manipulative Tools
___Demonstrations ___Demonstrations ___Models ___Pair Work
Other Techniques and Strategies Other Techniques and Strategies ___Demonstrations ___ Explicit Teaching
used: used: Other Techniques and Strategies ___ Group collaboration
___Manipulative Tools ___Manipulative Tools used: ___ Carousel
___Pair Work ___Pair Work ___Manipulative Tools ___ Diads
___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___Pair Work ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Discovery Method
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Group collaboration ___ Lecture Method
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Carousel Why?
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Diads ___ Complete IMs
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Availability of Materials
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
Why? Why? ___ Lecture Method ___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs Why? ___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
collaboration/cooperation in doing collaboration/cooperation in doing ___ Group member’s
their tasks their tasks collaboration/cooperation in
___ Audio Visual Presentation of ___ Audio Visual Presentation of doing their tasks
the lesson the lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation of
the lesson

__ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
__ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
__ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
F. What difficulties did my
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
principal or supervisor can help
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
me solve ?
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:

__Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and Indigenized IM’s
Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s __ Localized Videos
G. What innovation or localized __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Making big books from
materials did I use/discover __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from views of the locality
which I wish to share with views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality __ Recycling of plastics to
other teachers ? __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
be used as Instructional be used as Instructional be used as Instructional __ local poetical composition
Materials Materials Materials
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition

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