BB Duties of Superintendent CEO Oct 18 2016
BB Duties of Superintendent CEO Oct 18 2016
BB Duties of Superintendent CEO Oct 18 2016
The Hanover School Division Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of having a qualified and
competent person in charge of the management of the school division. Therefore, the Hanover School
Division Board of Trustees designates the Superintendent as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board and
the Chief Education Officer of the Division, and delegates to the Superintendent responsibility for the overall
administration, conduct, and operation of the Hanover School Division.
General Responsibilities
• the general supervision and direction over the educational and support staff employed by the board;
• the general organization, administration, supervision and evaluation of all Board approved policies,
regulations, directives and educational programs;
• the execution of the divisional strategic plan and budgeting process;
• the operation of all schools and departments in the division;
• ensuring compliance with all legal, legislative or Ministerial requirements of the province;
• reporting to the Minister of Education regarding all matters identified in and required by the Public
Schools Act and related legislation.
The superintendent is the first professional Officer of the Board and the sole official connection between
the Board of Trustees and the operation of the school division. The Superintendent plays a critical
collaborative role in supporting the leadership of the Board by advising, informing, and supporting the Board
by recommending actions to address current and emerging issues.
Duties, Authority and Responsibilities of the Superintendent/CEO (Subject to the established policies and
the direction of the Board)
• Assists the Board in establishing and maintaining a focus on creating and maintaining a learning
environment that enriches the lives of every student, maximizes their engagement and learning
potential, provides opportunities for them to develop meaningful relationships, to be challenged and
successful, and to prepare them to be active and lifelong learners.
• Works with and engages the Board in understanding its responsibilities, including its vision, and its
policies in relation to learning, resource management and policy development.
• Understands and models appropriate values, demonstrates ethical behavior and exercises moral
• Provides direction for divisional planning initiatives including the involvement of all relevant
constituents in the planning process.
• Provides information and recommendations to the Board to facilitate decision making.
• Ensures that proper records are maintained for the effective and efficient operation of the school
• Compiles reports and records required by the Board and Manitoba Education.
• When dealing with a student or a group of students who participate in conduct that the
superintendent deems injurious to the welfare of other students or the school, authorize the
suspension or the student or students, for a period not exceeding six weeks.
• Delegates portions of responsibilities (not overall) and authority to subordinate supervisory
• Oversees and provides guidance, supervision and leadership to the area superintendents,
superintendent of student services, secretary-treasurer, assistant secretary-treasurer, director of
facilities, director of transportation, director of technology, and school principals.
• Works with representatives of Manitoba Education, provincial and civic agencies, universities,
Manitoba Teachers’ Society, Manitoba School Board Association, Manitoba Association of School
Superintendents, and any other organizations deemed necessary.
• Continues to further personal professional development and maintains membership and
participates in all appropriate professional organizations.
5. Personnel
• In as far as delegated by the Board of Trustees, the Superintendent/CEO is responsible for and
has the authority to deal with personnel-related issues including the selection, promotion, tenure
and termination of senior administrative personnel, professional education staff, paraprofessionals,
and support staff.
• Conducts regular performance assessments of all personnel reporting directly to the
• Co-ordinates the recruitment and hiring procedures of all staff.
• Creates and revises the position descriptions of administrative personnel who report directly to the
• Recommends any organization changes that may be required to meet any changing or developing
needs of the school division.
6. Finance
• Ensures that the division operates in a fiscally responsible manner, adhering to all public sector
accounting standards, and all terms and conditions of funding received from the government under
the Public Schools Act or any other provincial application of the Act or regulations.
• Manages the approved annual operational budget for the division provided by the Board of
• Presents annual operating and capital budgets for the Board of Trustees that reflects the costs of
operating the school division and educational programming.
Legal References: The Public Schools Act / Section 51; Section 52(1)
The Human Rights Code
The Employment Standards Code
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
The Personal Health Information Act
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
Additional Information: Formally Policy A-4
Resource Document: The Superintendency: A Resource Document to
Guide Shared Leadership by School Boards & Superintendent