Course Contents - LSMG Subjects
Course Contents - LSMG Subjects
Course Contents - LSMG Subjects
Scope and role of small ruminants; sheep and goal as meat, milk and wool and hair producer.
production system; selection and measures or increased production; routine management
practices; grazing management systems and supplementary feeding; management during
drought. graying capacity and stocking rate; forage production and feeding management;
shearing and handling wool and hair; transportation and marketing; establishing commercial
(locks. economic analysis; keeping flock healthy; vaccine schedule of small animals;
biosecurity measures in farm premises; identification of sheep and goat breeds; identification
of sheep and goat breeds; revision;
Identification of sheep and goat breeds; judging of milk, meat breeds and wool / hair
production; farm practices (castration, trimming, milk suckling, docking, drenching, dipping
and spraying); shearing and handling (grading and sorting) wool. examination of hair, wool
and mohair; vaccination and preventive measures. shepherd calendar; preparing feasibility
reports; identification of various forages. collection/mounting of important range vegetation
samples; tractor, its parts and maintenance, basic tractor attachments for pulling and cleaning;
fodder production and preservation practices; kid cages and feeding systems; fencing types;
biosecurity measures in farm premises; biogas plant and its maintenance; forage harvesters,
total mixed ration wagon (auger vs horizontal); cleaning, sanitation, drainage and disposal
system; record keeping.
LSMG-301 Introduction to Livestock Management 2(1-1)
1. Taxonomic classification of domestic animals;
2. types and breeds of farm animals;
3. livestock and their products
4. measures to increase milk and meat production
5. housing of farms animals;
6. economics of livestock farming;
7. judging and selection,
8. hygienic milk production;
9. livestock production systems;
10. animals’ welfare;
11. prophylactic measures.
1. Regions and body points of farm animals;
2. Approaching, handling and restraining of animals;
3. Identification and use of management tools;
4. Grooming and cleaning,
5. Body measurements as a tool to asses live body weight in small and large ruminants;
6. Score card study for animal judging
7. Housing space requirement for different farm animals
8. Recognizing various breeds of farm animals
9. identification; feeding practices; vaccination; shearing, deworming; record keeping.
10. Visit to livestock farm.
LSMG-401 Principles of Small Ruminant Production 3(2-1)
Domestication, scope of small ruminant industry in Pakistan; share in national economy;
world distribution; feeding, breeding, selection, kidding/lambing, rearing and housing;
nursing orphan kids/lambs; systems of production; sheep and goat as meat and dairy
animals; systems of production; measures for increased production; establishing commercial
flocks; economics of sheep and goat production; preparing feasibility reports; characteristics
and utility of wool, hair/mohair; shearing and handling wool/hair; sheep and goats on ranges;
transportation and marketing; slaughter and flaying; showing of sheep/goats; keeping flock
healthy; common ailments.
Identification of different sheep and goat breeds; judging for milk, meat and wool/hair
production; farm practices such as castration, hoof trimming, condition scoring; feeding
lambs/kids, identification, docking, drenching, dipping and spraying; dentition; use of
marking harness, housing plans, shearing and handling; grading and sorting wool; studying
characteristics of hair, wool and mohair in the lab; flaying and skin preservation; various
farm records; practical prophylactic measures; shepherd calendar; visit to sheep and goat