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UiPath - Process-Definition-Document-PDD

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Robotic Process Automation

 Query Ticket Creation Process

Process Definition Document (PDD)

{PROCESS Name & CLIENT Name} – Process Definition Document
Document History

Date Version Role Name Organization Function Comments

25.01.2022 1.0 Author ADITYA COE Business Created document v

DESINEEDI Analyst 1.0

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose of the document 4
1.2 Objectives 4
1.3 Process key contacts 4
1.4 Minimum Pre-requisites for automation 5
2. As IS process description 5
2.1 Process Overview 5
2.2 Applications used in the process 5
2.3 As IS Detailed Process map 6
2.4 Additional sources of process documentation 7
3. To BE Process Description 8
3.1 TO BE Detailed Process Map 8
3.1.1 Change/Improvement details 8
3.1.2 Areas already automated 9
3.2 In Scope for RPA 9
3.3 Out of Scope for RPA 9
3.4 Business Exceptions Handling 9
3.4.1 Known Exceptions 9
3.4.2 Unknown Exceptions 10
3.5 Application Error and Exception Handling 10
3.5.1 Know Errors or Exceptions 11
3.5.2 Unknow Errors and Exceptions 11
4. Other Requirements and Observations 12
5. Document Approval 12

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the document

The Process Definition Document outlines the business process chosen for automation using UiPath
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology.

The document describes the sequence of steps performed as part of the business process, the
conditions and rules of the process prior to automation and how they are envisioned to work after
automating it, partly or entirely. This specifications document serves as a base for developers,
providing them the details required for applying robotic automation to the selected business

1.2 Objectives
The business objectives and benefits expected by the Business Process Owner after automation of
the selected business process are:

➢ Reduce processing time per item by 80 %.

➢ Minimizes the errors while entering data to ServiceNow.

1.3 Process key contacts

The specifications document includes concise and complete requirements of the business process
and it is built based on the inputs provided by the process Subject Matter Expert (SME)/ Process

The Process Owner is expected to review it and provide signoff for accuracy and completion of the
steps, context, impact and complete set of process exceptions.

The names have to be included in the table below.

Role Name Contact details Notes

(email, phone number)

Process SME ADITYA ADITYADESINEEDI@domain.c Point of contact for

DESINEEDI om questions related to
business exceptions
Mobile: 44 0735 325 209
and passwords

Process ADITYA ADITYADESINEEDI@domain.c Point of Contact for

Reviewer / DESINEEDI om process exceptions

Mobile: 44 0735 325 209

Process Owner/ ADITYA ADITYADESINEEDI@domain.c Escalations, Delays,

Approver for DESINEEDI om

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
Mobile: 44 0735 325 209

1.4 Minimum Pre-requisites for automation

1. Filled in Process Definition Document

2. Credentials (user ID and password) required to logon to machines and applications
3. Test Data to support development.

2. As IS process description

2.1 Process Overview

General information about the process selected for RPA prior to automation.

# Item Description

1 Process full name Query Ticket Creation Process

2 Process Area Customer Service

3 Department Finance and Accounting

4 Process short description Reads data from excel and create a ticket for each
customer query in ServiceNow.
(Operation, activity, outcome)

5 Role(s) required for ServiceNow user

performing the process

6 Process schedule and Daily, Monday to Friday, 9 am – 6 pm


7 # of items processes /month ~4500

8 Average handling time per 4 min


9 Peak period (s) End of month, usually from 20th to 28th day of each

10 Total # of FTEs supporting this 5


11 Level of exception rate ~20% exceptions (Incorrect data is entered to ServiceNow


12 Input data Excel in a shared folder

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
13 Output data Creating a Query Ticket in ServiceNow

14 Dependencies n/a

(Upstream, downstream)

2.2 Applications used in the process

The table includes a comprehensive list all the applications that are used as part of the process
automated, at various steps in the flow.
# Application System Login Interface Environment/ Comments
name & version Module
Language Access method (Include URLs)

1 Excel EN n/a Client Local desktop Single Sign On

ServiceNow EN n/a Client Local desktop Test user in ServiceNow

2 identical with
production system.

2.3 As IS Detailed Process map

This chapter depicts the AS IS business process in detail to enable the developer to build the
automated process.
{Detailed process map to be added here, with input/output flow at each stage. Divide the process into stages if required (for better

Add the AVG TAT (Average Turn Around Time) for each key transaction/ activity. Use the “Short description of key process steps” . More
detailed information can be documented in a separate table and/or documented and embedded in this document/ Section.


Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
{Fill in the table below with a short description of the process steps presented in the AS IS diagram}.

Step Short Description of Key Process Steps AVG


1 Check the input excel file exists that needs to be processed

2 If the input file is missing

3 Send the mail to business team

4 Stop the bot processing

5 Else follow from step 5

6 Logon to ServiceNow

7 Search for incidents in ServiceNow

8 Create ticket for each user in ServiceNow

9 Repeat the Step 8 for all the users in input file

10 After the input file is processed, send an email notification that the action is

11 Move the file to the “Processed” folder

12 Stop the bot processing

In the AVG TAT (Average Turn Around Time) please fill in the current TAT of each transaction. More detailed information can be
documented in a separate table and/or documented and embedded below.

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
2.4 Additional sources of process documentation

If there is additional material created to support the process automation please mention it here,
along with the supported documentation provided.

Additional Process Documentation

Video Recording of the process Insert link to the video 08/03/2022

[Mandatory] recording and provide
access to the video.

List of supporting documents D:\Users\Aditya\ This is the format of input excel file

Standard Operating Procedure (s) Insert link to the standard Insert any relevant comments
operating procedure
related to the process in

Other documentation Insert link to any other Insert any relevant comments
relevant process
documentation (L4, L5
process description, fields
mapping files etc)
*Add more table rows to reflect the complete documentation provided to support the RPA process.

3. To BE Process Description
This chapter highlights the expected design of the business process after automation.

3.1 TO BE Detailed Process Map

{Detailed process map to be added here, with input/output flow at each stage. Divide the process into stages if required (for better

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0

3.1.1 Change/Improvement details

Use this section to detail the list the change or improvement opportunity in the To-Be Process.

Important aspects to be mentioned: what is the initiative, expected outcome, expected completion
date, contact person for details, and if will impact the current automation request.

# Initiative name and Process Step(s) Does it impact Expected Contact

Expected where it is the current completion person
Outcome/Benefits identified automation date for
request? How? more




3.1.2 Areas already automated

List the areas and branches where the process is already automated. Mention if that has any impact
on the current automation request.

3.2 In Scope for RPA

The activities in scope of RPA, are listed here:


Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
1. Verify input file in shared folder
2. Handle exception if file is missing
3. Post data in ServiceNow
4. Send confirmation email

3.3 Out of Scope for RPA

The activities OUT of scope of RPA, are listed here. Mention of the changes/ improvement
opportunities identified for automation are out of scope for this automation iteration.


1. Bulk creating of tickets in ServiceNow

3.4 Business Exceptions Handling

The Business Process Owner and Business Analysts are expected to document below all the business
exceptions identified in the automation process. These can be classified as:

Known Unknown

Previously encountered. A scenario is New situation never encountered before. It can be

defined with clear actions and caused by external factors. Cannot be predicted with
workarounds for each case. precision, however if it occurs, it must be communicated
to an authorized person for evaluation.

3.4.1 Known Exceptions

The table below reflects all the business process exceptions captured during the process evaluation
and documentation. These are known exceptions, met in practice before. For each of these
exceptions, define a corresponding expected action that the robot should complete if it encounters
the exception.

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
BE # Exception Step Parameters Action to be taken

send email by using Reply email function

1 Missing input Step # 2 If file is missing
file “Hello,
The shared folder is missing the input file. Please verify
the input file is generated.
Thank you”

ServiceNow Login error send email for additional details: Reply email
2 Login Failed Step # 6
An unknown error happened while trying to login to
Thank you”

3 Tickets Created Step # 10 Tickets Created Send email to vendor@email.com


Processed completed successfully, and the ticket is

created for each user.

Thank you,”

Insert more table rows if necessary to capture all the exceptions in a comprehensive list.

3.4.2 Unknown Exceptions

For all the other unanticipated or unknown business (process) exceptions, the robot should:
{Define a corresponding expected action that the robot should complete if it encounters unknown exception.}

- send an email notification at XYZ@domain.com [insert full name, function and email
address] with the original email and error message screenshot attached.

3.5 Application Error and Exception Handling

A comprehensive list of all errors, warnings or notifications should be consolidated here with the
description and action to be taken, for each, by the Robot.

Errors identified in the automation process can be classified as:

Area Known Unknown

Technology/ Experienced previously, action plan New situation never encountered before,
or workaround available for it. or may happened independent of the
applications used in the process.

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
3.5.1 Know Errors or Exceptions
The table below reflects all the errors identifiable in the process evaluation and documentation.

For each of these errors or exceptions, define a corresponding expected action that the robot should
complete if it is encountered.

AE Error name Step Parameters Action to be taken

Mail to the business team
1 Access to shared Step #2 Error message

ServiceNow login Account deactivated Send email with screenshot to RPA

2 failed Step 6 supervisor.

Insert more table rows if necessary to capture all the exceptions in a comprehensive list.

3.5.2 Unknow Errors and Exceptions

For all the other unanticipated or unknown application exceptions/errors, the robot should:
{Define a corresponding expected action that the robot should complete if it encounters an error or unknown exception.}

- send an email notification at XYZ@domain.com [insert full name, function and email
address] with the original email and error message screenshot attached.

4. Other Requirements and Observations

Include below any other relevant observations you consider needed to be documented here.

Example: Specific Business monitoring requirements (audit and reporting) etc.

5. Document Approval
This document requires serial approval (sign off) from the roles defined in the table below.
Changes to the requirements must be documented in an updated version (i.e v 2.0) and requires a
new signature flow.

Version Flow Role Name Organization Approval Date:


1.0 Document Technical ADITYA RPA 08/03/2022

prepared by Solution DESINEEDI Learners

1.0 Document Process Client Name Client

Approved by: Owner Organization

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
1.0 Document Operations Name Surname
Approved by:

1.0 Document Compliance Name Surname

Approved by:

1.0 Document RPA Name Surname

Approved by: Architect/

Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0

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