l2 Child Health
l2 Child Health
l2 Child Health
• Early neonatal (1 week)
• Late neonatal (7-28 days)
Infant: Below one year
Toddler:1-3 years
Preschool - Kindergarten
School: 7 years above till Form 3 in secondary school
Scope of Child Health Services
Care of newborn baby
Child health clinic for children under 6 years
School health programme for all school children
including kindergarten and form 3
Dental services
Immunization programme
Home visit
Nutritional assessment and programme
Prevention of diseases and treatment
Activities in the
Child Health Clinic
1. Registration 3. Assessment on
• Interview (history-taking) development
• Child well-being
• Nutritional status
2. Anthropometry measurement 4. Routine physical
9. Follow-up care • Weight examination: general
0–6 months : Monthly • Height examination, head to toe
6, 9, 12 months: Three monthly • Head circumference
1–2 years : Three monthly • Chest circumference
2–4 years : Six monthly
5–6 years : Yearly 5. Health education
Child Health and advice
• Nutrition
8. Treatments Clinic Activities • Home safety
• Treatment for minor ailments • Personal hygiene
• Management for malnutrition • Treatment of
child 6. Refer medical officer minor ailment
• Give supplementary vitamin for routine examination • Delay milestone
or refer for abnormality
7. Immunisation
Definition of Growth and Development of the
Child (0–6 Years)
Definition of Growth
A process of changes/and increase in physical size over
Quantitative changes in size such as height,
circumference of head, chest and arm.
The changes also involve structure of internal organs
and brain.
Growth can be measured and assessed via weight,
height, circumference of head and chest.
Size can change due to individual behaviors OR may
reflect underlying maturational process.
Definition of Growth and Development of the
Child (0–6 Years)
Definition of Development
Process of growth and change in capability over time
as a function of both maturation and interaction with
It involves the acquisition of motor and cognitive skills
during childhood.
Examples of developmental functions: reading,
walking and learning capacity of the child becomes
better and mental growth is observed.
Principles of
Growth and Development
1. Cephalocaudle Develops from head downwards
principle Begins with crawl, sit, stand and walk
2. Proximodistal Proceeds from the centre of the body
principle outwards
Develops from spinal cord and proceeds to
outer part of the body
The sequence of development is from arms to
hands and legs, followed by fingers and toes
3. Depends on Maturation depends on the biological growth
maturation and and changes of brain and nervous system
learning It follows a sequential order and gives children
new abilities to improve cognitive and motor
Children need to be matured at certain level of
thinking in order to learn new experiences
Principles of
Growth and Development
Postnatal Heredity/
environment genetics
Gender economic
of endocrine
Student Activity: Read and find out more about these factors
Physical Growth
Physical growth divided into four phases
Measure length
Anthropometry Measurements
Measurement taken when Growth Rate in Height
child is standing upright
Age Increase remarks
(vertical measurement of rate
object/body) By first year 30 cm 50% of birth
Increase steadily: pubertal
By second 9–12 cm ½ of adult
spurt year height
Plotted point
Growth Chart
Source: WHO Training Course on Child Growth Assessment: Interpreting Growth Indicators.
Interpret Plotted Points for Growth Indicator
The curved lines printed on the growth chart helps to
interpret the plotted points that represent a child’s
growth status.
The line labelled “0” represents the median / average.
The other lines are z-score lines, also known as
standard deviation (SD) scores.
Z-score lines on the growth chart are numbered
positive +1, +2, +3 or negative -1, -2, -3.
Generally, a plotted point that is far from the median in
either direction may indicate a growth problem, although
other factors must be considered, such as the child’s
health condition and the height of the parents.
Interpret Plotted Points for Growth Indicator
Summary of growth problems:
Source: WHO Training Course on Child Growth Assessment: Interpreting Growth Indicators.
Interpret Plotted Points for Growth Indicator
Interpret Plotted Points for Growth Indicator
Catch-up growth
Interpret Plotted Points for Growth Indicator
Pattern of growth curve:
v. Crossing z-score lines
– The growth of a child plotted over time is expected to track
fairly close to the same z-score line.
– If crossing z-score lines, it indicates possible risk.
– The interpretation of risk is based on where the change
in trend began and the child’s health history.
– It the growth lines tends towards the median, this is probably
a good change.
– If it tends away from the median, this likely signals a
problem or risk.
– If the growth line is inclining or declining that it may cross a
z-score line soon, consider if the change may be
Case example 1
• The first growth curve
generally track along +2 z-
score, crossing it from
time to time in a trend that
indicates no risk.
Case example 3
Case example 4
• Malini’s weight-for-age chart
shows a flat growth line
(stagnation) form age 6 months
to 8 months and gained from
about 1 year and 4 months to 2
• These periods of stagnation is
due to episodes of malaria
(indicated by arrows).
• From 8 months up to 1 year 4
months, she grew and gained
• Due to periods of stagnation,
Malini’s weight-for-age is about
to cross the -2 z-score line.
Possible Causes of Growth Deviation
in Children
Inadequate intake of nutrition Chronic disorders, congenital
Poor intake heart problems, cleft palate,
renal disease or infection
Inadequate feeding
Emotional problems, abuse,
Under- or over-dilution of neglected, separation from
milk parents or caretaker
Delay in commencing Misinterpretation in case of
complimentary diet Kwashiorkor as there will be
Inappropriate increase in weight due to
complimentary diet oedema
Child Development
• Development of fine
4. or small muscle • Requires maturity in
• Requires intellect and physiology
Adaptive 6. Psycho- to interact with others
coordination of
vision social • Ability to solve
5. Vision • Uses finger to pick up problems
small objects
Six Domains of Child Development
Gross Motor
Emphasizes on the child’s
ability to use large muscles.
Examples include a
newborn baby’s reflex, head
control, sitting, and standing
or walking with support.
Six Domains of Child Development
Adaptive (Fine Motor) And Vision
Adaptive is fine motor development
which involves the development of fine or
small muscles.
Adaptive skills require coordination of
the vision ability.
Most common examples are using
hands and fingers to pick up small objects
like raisins and nuts, holding spoon,
turning pages in a book.
hand usually remains fisted till
six weeks of life.
Six Domains of Child Development
Speech (language) and hearing
Child’s ability to understand and use
Speech is the production of sound
Involves comprehension and
expression of words, phrases and
gestures to convey an intended idea.
Child needs to have a normal hearing
ability and cognitive skill for them to
understand the language used.
Six Domains of Child Development
This skill requires maturity in
intellect and psychology of
children to enable them to
interact more with other
people and the external
environment .
Personal and social
development enables children
to interact and respond to
their surroundings e.g. self-
control, smiling and waving at
Self-help skills
Developmental Milestone
Sucking &
Grasp palmar & Stepping or
plantar Moro reflex walking
Swallowing Extrusion
Primitive reflexes
Developmental Milestone
Developmental Milestone
Equipment for Developmental
Bell or rattle
Red yarn
Piece of thick paper board 30 cm x 22 cm with a
hole at the centre
A picture book containing objects that are commonly
seen and the pages must be tick
Equipment for developmental
assessment depending on age group
1. Gather information
– Study child health record
– Interview mother
2. Assess nutritional status (breastfeeding &
complimentary diet if applicable).
3. Assess 6 domains of child development according to
age group.
4. Carry out physical assessment from head to toe
5. Assess physical growth by measuring anthropometry.
Steps in Carrying Out Child Health Assessment