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5 MANAGEMENT: HOW TO DO selective manner to leave other

IT? plants in the area. The plants can be
pulled by hand or cut with a machete
4.5.1 MANAGEMENT or shears. This is delicate work and
TECHNIQUES demands close observation of and
knowledge about the plants, many of
The main techniques used in AFS are: them spontaneous. Removing or
(i) clearing, (ii) selective weeding, (iii) cutting back aging herbaceous plants
thinning and (iv) pruning/coppicing/ can accelerate succession and
pollarding. enhance the development of trees.

Clearing involves cutting green

manure plants like grasses and
Mexican sunflowers. It can be done
manually or with machinery. With
machinery, this generally involves a
trimmer or a chainsaw, and manually
people use machetes, scythes, saws,
pruning scissors or even axes (these
latter three especially for Mexican
sunflowers). Important species in the

natural regeneration should be

identified to ensure they are not cut
inadvertently during clearing.

Selective weeding means pulling out

or cutting herbaceous or grassy
plants that grow near seedlings, in a
It is important to decide whether it is Thinning is done in areas that have
necessary to manage creeping plants been planted densely. The plants are
that hold back the development of selected to leave only the strongest
desired crops and native trees. and healthiest individuals, and the

in conventional restoration, but grass When you want to establish new in an

agroforest may help supply large crops in areas covered with grass, it volumes
of biomass during the initial should be uprooted, shaken, turned stages of
succession, as long as it is upside down and piled on the pruned well managed.
material, to avoid rooting again and

“Weeds” are often treated like weaker ones are cut at ground level.
villains regrowing in the crop area.
Where grass is a strategic provider of Thinning is generally performed
biomass, it should be cleared when the canopies of trees in the
periodically and laid out in planted same story start to overlap, causing
areas as soil cover. competition for sunlight.
All plantations need periodical care
to maintain the yields and health of
the overall system (plants, soil,
animals and water). In agroforests,
pruning plays an important role for
yields and for ecological functions
key to
Photo: Henrique Marques

conservation. First of all, more sun-

light means more plant growth in the

different layers. The pruned material
also provides nutrients and enhances
soil structure, improving its fertility
and quality, along with the system’s
capacity to adapt to extreme climate
events like droughts and torrential
rain. It is also important for the
enrichment of secondary growth
forests, through the introduction of
other species not yet present in the
area, using seeds or seedlings, as
plantlets are allowed to flourish on the
forest floor. Periodic pruning in the
AFS thus intensifies and enhances
naturally-occurring renewal processes
caused by the wind, lightning, floods
and the intervention of other species
(ants, termites, beetles, etc.). We can
accelerate some of these processes
while respecting each plant’s cycle and
layer and observing the moment in
ecological succession of the system as a hearty colonizing plants are important to
whole. recover the soil’s fertility and structure.
Fast-growing pioneer plants are important
4.5.2 PRUNING for initial shading and the survival of future
MANAGEMENT species, which stay longer in the AFS. By
CONSIDERATIONS observing their interactions, we
differentiate plants that overshade others,
Different plants have different functions species that do not have the right size or
based on their structure and other structure and plants that compete for
features, at different stages of an sunlight and nutrients. It is important to
agroforest’s development. In the early observe and take note of which factors are
stages of restoration in degraded areas, holding back a system’s performance

(inadequate fertilization, soil correction, factors, based on frequent observations
water stress, excessive pruning or the throughout the year, will enable better
wrong shading, insufficient organic soil management of pruning operations.
cover, etc.). A good analysis of those
Certain species, like cupuaçu, cocoa and coffee enjoy a certain
amount of shade. In one experience, planting pigeon peas
with trumpet trees (ipe, androanthus sp.), after two years the
pigeon peas died and the trumpet trees didn’t have enough
time to grow and shade the cupuaçu. “Here we plant in the
shade, like little houses. So it won’t die at that time, with three
palm leaves over it like a cabin, for plants that need shade not
to be killed by direct sunlight. The shade tree is this one, the
trumpet tree. The pigeon peas were shading the cupuaçu, but
the pigeon peas died and that’s why we’re planting achiote,
whose function is also to provide organic fertilizer and seeds
to sell to the Seed Network.” In this system, pigeon peas are
essential, providing shade, fertilizing and loosening the soil. Its
life cycle is two
to three years,
after which it is
no Cerrado.
replanted or
replaced with
In dynamic and productive systems, another, like
pruning may be done frequently, but achiote, that
there is no pat rule for all situations, survives longer.
since pruning must be managed to Luiz Pereira
be timely, in line with environmental Cirqueira – Dom
Photo: Andrew Miccolis
Pedro Settlement,
São Félix do
Araguaia, Mato
Grosso State. Source:
Agricultores que
cultivam árvores

factors and the system’s
objectives. Once the system has
well developed trees and shrubs,
pruning can focus on their upper
segments. The tools can be
chainsaws or pruning saws, or
even shears or a sharp machete
(for people skilled in its use). The
pruned material should be cut up
or shredded. Placing the woody
branches on the ground with the
leaves and twigs on top
accelerates their decomposition
and provides good soil cover, and
also makes better use of the
organic material’s nutrients and


“When I moved here, there were cashew trees, and I started
including other fruit trees and managing the existing trees.
There was already a good diversity of native plants and I have
tried to manage them for different purposes. In addition to
feeding the animals, they provide timber.”

The trees that regenerate naturally in the area are managed

by pruning, but they are also selected, and some are
removed. Quince trees proliferate a lot, and they’re always
being cut down, mostly for firewood. Others, like the rabuja
(Machaerium acutifolium) and mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha),

are good for timber and produce a lot of organic material or
fodder, so they are kept.

Antônio José Morais – Fazenda Flor de Jasmin, Juá dos Vieiras

Community, Viçosa do Ceará, Ceará.

Each species in an agroforest has 4.5.3 TIPS ON MANAGEMENT

distinct characteristics and functions, PRACTICES FOR PRUNING
which farmers should understand in
advance in order to intervene at the • Pruning during the moon’s waxing
right time, in the right way. Pruning and full phases is not
must respect the seasons and be recommended because the
done in ways that do not threaten moon affects plants, and their
each species’ functions. sap (their “blood”) is more
present in their stems, branches
and leaves
during those phases. Pruning
at Don’t be afraid to experi- those times weakens the plant, ment. See
what happens and whereas pruning during waning learn with
experience, since moon increases new root growth, you don’t always
get the best before the regrowth of the aerial way to prune a plant
right the part of the plant. first time.

• Consider the plant as a whole, both in

terms of its architecture (form) and the
purpose of pruning (production,
renovation, formation, cleaning, topping,

• Be aware of when each species flowers
and bears fruit every year. These are
generally not favorable times for pruning.

• The preferred season for pruning is late in
the dry season or during the first rains,
when the plants’ sap is generally less
active, and they are more tolerant to
pruning. If the objective is to promote
regrowth, early in the rainy season is the
best time.

Some plants that bear fruit from the middle to

the end of the rainy season, like mangos, biribá
and yellow mombin, for example, can also be
pruned after bearing their fruit, since they will
enter a dormant period until the beginning of the
next rainy season. This kind of pruning is also
suitable to favor the planting of annual crops or

Figure 10 – The moon’s influence on sap dynamics in



Figure 11 – Organizing pruned material on the


other plants that demand sunlight and always use safety equipment.
and nutrients a few months lat-
er, during the next rainy season, •
when the finer organic matter will
have decomposed. chetes, chainsaws, gloves, ropes
Use appropriate tools and equipment
(shears, saws, billhooks, ma-
• Do the pruning step by step, first removing and others), for your own safety
lighter branches, and moving from the and to avoid harming the plant.
extremities to the center of the plant.
• Verify whether all the woody
• Intense pruning in taller trees (pollarding) material that was pruned is well
demands greater knowledge and caution. organized and laid directly on
Use ropes to secure heavy branches, the ground, to favor its
decomposition and the micro-

biota in the soil, as well as making it easier concentrate nutrients and to keep the
to walk in the area afterwards. ground moist for more demanding
species that are important to farmers
4.5.4 WAYS TO PRUNE and to the entire system.

There are different types of pruning. One is FORMATIVE AND STRATIFYING

formative pruning, highly recommended for fruit PRUNING – Lateral and lower
trees, on which we want broad canopies with branches are pruned to structure the
horizontal branches, to favor fruit bearing and crown into the most suitable form for
facilitate the harvest. For trees mostly intended the system, to guide the trunk’s
to produce lumber, pruning removes lateral growth and give form to the canopy.
branches to lengthen the straight trunk. Pruning They can also help synchronize the
can also stratify a tree to adjust the position of system, when the intention is to plant
canopies of different species in relation to each crops under the pruned trees.
other, as well as pruning for fertilizer and
biomass, when we want the tree to regrow
vigorously with many leafy branches, at the same
time when the species coming next begin to
demand nutrients and sunlight. Suitable
management of organic matter (with crowning
and windrowing, for example) is important to

Photo: Andrew Miccolis

CLEANING – This is a simple kind of pruning, to remove dried and dying parts

CLEANING – This is a simple kind of pruning, to remove dried and dying parts
of the tree, yellow leaves and diseased branches, in order to rejuvenate the
individual and eliminate entry points for disease.
FRUIT-BEARING – This type of intense work on the whole system,
pruning is generally done on fruit to produce a large volume of
trees, to increase yields, usually biomass, with several types of
after the fruit is ripe or at post- pruning (pollarding to lower the
harvest. The purpose is to remove crown, cleaning, stratification, etc.)
secondary branches that “drain” with the purpose of increasing the
sap from the main trunk in order to amount of organic matter in the
reduce the number of fruit-bearing soil, let more direct sunlight in,
branches and channel the sap’s promote the rapid recycling of
energy to those that will produce nutrients and enhance soil fertility.
more and better fruit. It also helps Often it is done to open room for
free up branches that rub against, other light- and nutrient-
pressure or overlap each other. demanding species to flourish,
including cassava, maize, squash
PRUNING FOR RENEWAL AND and other annual and short-cycle
REGE- species, or else to allow future
Figure 14 – Pruning for renewal and

species like timber and fruit trees to
emerge from the understory and
occupy higher layers in lieu of the
initial pioneer species. This kind of

can synchronize the system and sizes and shapes that allow
accelerate its overall development. it to be in direct contact
with the ground, before
When pruning for renewal or being covered with leaves
regeneration is required to enrich and twigs. When planting
the system, the first step is to plant around established trees,
the new species before pruning pruning must help
then organize the pruned material synchronize their
to cover the soil in the planted development with that of
area. When organizing this the new plants, in addition
material, it is important to cut the to providing organic matter
wood (trunks and branches) in for soil cover. Plants
growing under pruned
trees are more vigorous
than those under unpruned


Tall trees help nurse medium-sized trees by depositing a lot of material
on the ground. The pacara earpod tree is a good example of this
relationship. The pajeú (Triplaris weigeltiana (Rchb.) Kuntze) produces a
lot of residue. I also grow black olives and I like assa peixe a lot. I like the
pacara earpod because it decomposes fast – you shred it, cover the soil,
it disappears, and the trunk very soon sprouts again. Gliricídia is another
one we use to cover the soil.

The maize, beans and fava fields are always managed to be kept clear to
cultivate every year. We protect the soil with species that are cut and
shred. “I take the maize, but I leave the cobs and return the straw.”
Coconut husks from the coconut plantation down the hill are also
brought in to cover the ground. Gliricídia is planted all over, with no
specific spacing, and is constantly pruned for soil cover, especially on
the weaker soil. Gliricídia biomass is the main source of fertilizer for the
field. We keep the sabiá well pruned, but it doesn’t produce much
residue. It is mostly used as wood for posts and chips. We plant the
gliricídia, but the sabiá often emerges spontaneously.

Ernaldo Expedito de Sá, farmer – Tianguá, Ibiapaba Mountain Range
Protected Area, Ceará.

To choose the best species and right time for management, the following
questions provide helpful guidelines at different stages in the development of
agroforestry systems:

• Are some species competing for the same space, or else stifling and
inhibiting the development of others?
• Is there enough formation and maintenance of dry, green matter to cover
the soil, or at least to mulch around the seedlings?
• Are there undesirable species in the area and are they being duly controlled,
with selective weeding, pruning or thinning?
• Do species need formative pruning to produce biomass or to strengthen
their own structure and produce wood?
• Do species need pruning to enhance fruit production?
• Is there any impact from external factors, for example on the edges of the
agroforestry system? Is any intervention needed to control such factors?
• Are any animals, insects or diseases harming the plants? Where, and what
are the possible causes?
• Is there enough plant diversity and volume to achieve the system’s original
objectives (for example, restoration or production)?
• Considering local conditions, are the planted species healthy and are they
developing within their life expectancy?

In situations where the PPA is biodiversity and cultivate short-

recovering native vegetation (secondary term food crops at the same
growth) to avoid distorting the native time, and
plant cover or sacrificing the area’s
ecological function, in compliance with • Focused on maintaining the
current legislation, it is important to entire system’s productivity and
distinguish between two types of
• Focused on enriching secondary
growth (areas with vegetation
being recovered) to increase

• ecological functions, along with medium- to long-term social interests. In this situation, we do
not recommend interventions
that involve clear cutting or slashand-burn.

Periodic pruning should certainly be allowed, as long as the trees’ canopies are recovered
once they sprout back, and the vegetation’s natural successional dynamic and structure are
maintained. In practical terms, this means keeping individuals and species occupying
different stories over time. It also makes sense to suppress some senescent or declining
individuals (in their final stages of life, with an aging crown and a hollow or insect-infested
trunk) or whose population has become too dense. This kind of intervention promotes

Photo: Andrew Miccolis

succession and helps maintain a system’s ecological functions. Management of these areas must
ultimately prioritize gains in biological diversity and the maintenance of environmental functions, such
as: production of biomass for soil cover and erosion control, nutrient cycling, production of fruit for the
fauna to consume, ecological corridors and infiltration of rainwater, among others.

In situations with limited presence of native plant species and little regeneration, where ecological
resilience is low and the soil is degraded, some key species can be decisive to recover soils and create
the conditions needed to favor the introduction of other species in the future, including native species.
Those species are described in Section 5.4


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