WCE2015 pp847-852
WCE2015 pp847-852
WCE2015 pp847-852
The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the the production line was analyzed using the process
organization and the production line of the case study. In efficiency calculation. This indicator measures the
Section III, the different phases of the project are exposed availability of the line and the production losses, resulting in
and last section draws the conclusions an efficiency ratio.
The efficiency index is the relation between the time
actually used to produce, which is the available time after
II. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION subtracting planned and unplanned stoppages, and the
The project focused a production line that manufactures available time. The unplanned stops are due to: equipment
in pairs (left and right) shock absorbers to two main failures; settings; lack of material; quality issues; other
customers: Moto Honda and Yamaha. The study aimed to (special meetings, lack of energy, etc.).
characterize, following the DMAIC methodology, the The collection of information for the determination of this
operation of the production line and evaluate the root cause indicator allows a detailed description of factors that cause
of the problem of lost productivity. To carry out the project, production interruption.
a team was constituted to address this problem over five
months. B. Measure
A SIPOC diagram was developed by the project team to
After collecting data on the above performance indicators,
characterize the manufacturing process of the production
the following information was obtained:
• Available time: 21 hours/day
To better understand the problem, data were collected
• Efficiency index: 77.78%
about production in regular and overtime hours from the
Considering the efficiency index and a product cycle time
second half of 2013 to the first half of 2014, as shown in
of 25 seconds, the production line capacity is 2352
Figure 1.
units/day, since the available time is 75600 seconds
(21*60*60) and the time actually used to produce is 58802
seconds (75 600*0,7778).
Currently the daily production is approximately 2200
pieces. When comparing the 2200 units’ production plan
with the production capacity, it was found that it meets
production needs, and the use of overtime to meet demand is
not substantiated.
However, only planned stoppage and few losses were
considered in the efficiency index. Therefore, the
identification has focused on finding the losses that reduce
the productive capacity. The planning of stratification on
Fig. 1. Graph with the production plan and line production capacity collecting data for evaluating the production line efficiency
allowed the analysis of different categories of losses and its
The line used overtime in the production schedule to meet causes.
deliveries, during the first half of 2014. Despite the line has The collection of data was performed during 6 months.
used overtime to fulfill the production plan, its capacity The Information was collected about: quality, adjustments,
would allow meeting the production plan in regular hours. damage, material delays, others.
The study aims to identify the root cause of this problem. The project team developed the line efficiency chart, as
shown in Figure 2.
III. DMAIC APPLICATION With the characterization of the losses, the graph shows
the difference between the planned production time and the
A. Define
actually production time. The problems/failures encountered
The definition and quantification of the analyzed problem are related to production unplanned stoppages, contributing
could be made by different metrics. However, in terms of to a situation that compromises the efficiency of processes,
the customers who require these parts (shock absorbers), the reducing the line capacity. The failures or unplanned
relevant information which is directly associated with the stoppages are shown in red, totaling 2.69 hours/day.
problem is “planned unit not produced”. Therefore, the team
decided that this would be the defect definition for this Evaluation of operations with the greatest losses
project. After the evaluation of losses in the line operations, the
The production process of the machining lines is team identified the operation that has the highest number of
evaluated using performance indicators such as: Scrap (not adjustments using a Pareto diagram to analyze the data, as
usable material for the line), setup time and process shown in Figure 3.
efficiency. The latter is a time index established by the
engineering sector.
To identify the root cause of the problem, the capacity of
A. Analyze
Identification of the problem Root Cause
In the previous phase, categories that impact the
efficiency of processes were identified: quality, adjustments,
failures and other stoppages. To identify the root causes of
the problem, a brainstorming was performed with
professionals whose functions are directly linked to the
production line (operators, leaders and the sector head).
(five is the most important). The total score is the product of • Performing the setups is difficult, requiring a variable
the variables’ scores. time for adjusting the repositioning after exchanging some
TABLE II model.
Machine Too many changes in the machine parameters Comparison of improvement opportunities
Technology keeps values parameters Two improvements were proposed and compared:
Natural wear of the devices due to excessive
• The application of single minute exchange of die
Manpower Adjustments incorrectly made by operators (SMED) methodology - SMED is used to reduce setup
Low motivation times, working in machine preparation activities, before
Method Failure to observe the changes in parameters before
turning off the machine, reducing the total time. However, it
Adjustments on processes without verification of is limited since it only reduces a percentage of the time and
machine condition does not act in machinery start-up waste;
Measure Long time to stoppage registration • Exchange of technology - the model exchange is
Environment Long distance from maintenance to the line performed only by exchanging software programs. The new
computer controlled machine performs the tasks with greater
productivity and lower setup times.
B. Improve
Traditionally the improvement phase of DMAIC Results
methodology relies on creativity of the project team to As a result from assessment of the two alternatives (Table
things better, cheaper or faster [9], evaluating the data IV), the new technology is the one that best meets the
collected in the process. It is not provided guidance on project requirements, since it not only allows reducing the
observing the performance of other opportunities outside the time used in the setup, but reduces also other activities that
studied context such as new technological developments. In the customer does not pay, such as adjustments, failure to
this case study the project team looked outside the studied execute operations and movements.
process, to find potential solutions and by analysing their The main impacts of the proposal on the system are: the
impact on the performance of operations and alignment with exchange of faster models, better working environment,
strategic planning. elimination of the physical efforts of operators in the
regulations of the devices, greater precision in machining
Analysis of the characteristics of bottlenecks operations operations, reduction of quality defects and grouping
As shown the data collected in the measurement phase, operations, reduction of the number of devices on the line.
the main source of the problems encountered is related to
the drilling and tapping operations. An analysis to Planning the implementation of the selected improvements
understand the technical characteristics and working The project team sought not only to use the new
patterns of such equipment was performed. The relevant technology, but also standardize the activities of processes.
points associated with drilling and tapping operations and The implementation was carried out according to the
respective equipment are: following sequence:
• Machines whose main function is to do holes, using a 1) Grouping operations: Design a new layout for the
high-revving engine with one or more bits, removing the machining process.
desired material; 2) Redo the line balancing and provide training to
• Equipment is used for various operations such as employees.
drilling, tapping and slotting, involving the replacement of 3) Assess the new line capacity and performance.