Headway Advance Audioscript-WB 5th Edition
Headway Advance Audioscript-WB 5th Edition
Headway Advance Audioscript-WB 5th Edition
do the things that we couldn’t, or didn’t want to do making creative waves. Similarly, the art world is
ourselves. In so many areas robots perform better coming to terms with a program called ‘The Painting
than humans, and we accept this with good grace Fool’ – a laptop software program which has learnt
because they are only robots and we are the superior how different artistic styles and colours can represent
ones. The one thing they can’t do is be human. They moods and emotions. Again, the program absorbed
can’t feel, emote, create or love. many years of art history and, like Emily Howell,
came up with its own contemporary style. The
However, our notion of what it is to be a human
computer first reads the newspaper in order to set its
versus a robot is currently being challenged by the
‘mood’ for the day. Then it chooses an adjective to
latest experiments in computer programming. Take,
reflect that mood, and does a portrait of a real person
for instance, the area of creativity. A little while ago, a
with that adjective in mind. After that, it looks at its
new and exciting composer called Emily Howell
own work to see if it has achieved the objectives it
broke onto the music scene. Her music was original,
set out for itself, and if it thinks the work isn’t good
beautiful and contemporary and two albums were
enough, it tries again. And sometimes, if it’s in a very
released. Emily’s only flaw? She was someone’s
bad mood, it won’t paint at all! Because the program
operates in different ‘moods’ and has the ability to
The human responsible for Emily, American analyze its own abilities as a human might, co-
professor David Cope, has worked on robot creativity creator Simon Colton wants it to be recognized as an
for many years. He had originally attempted to code artist in its own right.
a computer program which wrote music. The results
Computer creativity is not just confined to the arts,
were predictably terrible. So he gave up writing rules
however. British scientists have collaborated on a big
for the computer and instead just fed raw data into it
project to come up with a laboratory machine that
for the computer to analyse itself. Cope eventually
can think for itself. Adam is the world’s first robot
produced a computer that could analyse any
scientist. Adam acts in the same way as a human
composer in history and then write an entirely new
scientist: he comes up with a hypothesis, he devises
work that sounded just like how that composer would
experiments to test his hypothesis, conducts his
have written it himself. He called it EMI –
experiments, analyses the findings and then retests
Experiments in Musical Intelligence.
accordingly – all without the need for human
Composers were outraged, and musicians refused to intervention. Although not yet a Nobel Prize winner,
perform EMI’s works. Undaunted, Cope tried a less Adam has already produced some original research
controversial approach. He formed a new database into genetics. The same scientists are now
of only the new work that EMI had created. This he developing another robot called Eve, and she will be
fed into his new computer program, Emily Howell, twice as clever!
and from that point she began working on her own
B We might as well – it’s free and it can’t do any start in life. He was born in industrial Bradford,
harm. But I think it only reduces the number of northern England, in a rundown part of the city, to a
calls you get. teenage mum. His father was in and out of prison
‘Sure’, I’d said. ‘We can stay here for a few more
Unit 6
days if you want.’ 6.1 Adding emphasis in conversations
‘No, I mean let’s move here. Let’s forget about me 1 A Ben's very happy with his move to
immigrating to America. It’s too much trouble. This is Edinburgh.
a wonderful town. I like the feeling of it. It reminds me B That's good. It's Barclays Bank he works for,
of Brazil thirty years ago. It wouldn’t take much isn't it?
money or effort for us to run a little hotel or shop A Well, he used to, but not any more. The Bank
here, rent an apartment, settle in ...’ in reaction, I had of Scotland is where he works now.
only blanched. He was serious. He would just do B What I'd like to know is why he left Barclays.
that. He would just up and move to northern Laos He earned good money there.
indefinitely and build a new life there. But I can’t. A Yeah, the pay he did like, but the job was too
'Travel that wasn't even travel.'
2 A London's heaving with tourists at the
What Felipe was proposing was travel at a level I moment.
could not reach – travel that wasn’t even travel B I know, I think it's the historic buildings they
anymore, but rather a willingness to be ingested come to see.
indefinitely by an unfamiliar place. I wasn’t up for it. A Yeah, there's that, but what's also very popular
My traveling, as I understood then for the first time, is the theatre. Most shows are full.
was far more dilettantish than I had ever realized. As B You're right, the theatre really does boost
much as I love' snacking' on the world, when it London's economy.
comes time to settle down – to really settle down – I A But something a lot of tourists don't realise is
wanted to live at home, in my own country, in my own that the rest of the country isn’t like London.
language, near my own family, and in the company of B Yes, they don't often explore further afield.
people who think and believe the same things that I Personally, in summer the thing I like to do is
think and believe. This basically limits me to a small get out of the city.
region of Planet Earth consisting of southern New
York State, the more rural sections of central New 6.2 Land Girls
Jersey, northwestern Connecticut, and bits of 'Back to the land, we must all lend a hand,
Eastern Pennsylvania. Quite a scanty habitat for a
To the farms and the fields we must go,
bird who claims to be migratory. Felipe, on the other
hand – my flying fish – has no such domestic There's a job to be done,
limitations. A small bucket of water anywhere in the Though we can't fire a gun,
world will do him just fine.
We can still do our bit with the hoe.'
A That was a fantastic film, wasn't it? 10 A Sue believed his every word.
A But the special effects were amazing. 11 A What do you think of what they said?
B It was all special effects and no story. B I could tell he was lying.
A I suppose the plot was a bit confusing. 12 A What did you think of what he said?
society! eyes are glazed. The other man whips out his phone
and calls the emergency services. ‘I think my friend is
7.2 Synonyms: happy and sad dead!’ he gasps, ‘What can I do?’ The operator says
1 Mum is obviously missing Jack now that he’s left ‘Calm down. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s
home. She even gets wistful when she talks about dead.’ ‘OK,’ says the man, putting his phone down.
the mess he used to make around the house! There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the
2 Naomi was elated for days after the doctor told phone, the man says ‘OK, now what?’
her she was finally pregnant.
3 Of course Jerry is bitter about not being given the
manager’s job. He knows he deserved it and that Unit 8
Bob only got it because he’s friends with the old
8.1 Meet the first female footballers
Knickerbocker Glory!
4 I’ve told Cheryl not to give up hope of getting
acting work in London, but she’s become very They kicked up quite a fuss in their bloomers and
despondent about it – she’s actually stopped knickerbockers!
going to auditions for parts.
In buttoned-up blouses and billowing bloomers, they
5 It’s nice to hear Alice back to her usual chirpy self.
may not look as though they are dressed for the
It was very quiet around the house while she was
football pitch. But these are the members of Britain’s
recovering from the operation.
first official female football teams – whose clashes on
6 I guess I should be ashamed of it, but I felt gleeful
the field in the 1880s sparked riots off it and
when I heard that my ex-husband had broken up
contributed to greater empowerment for women.
with his new partner.
The pictures, uncovered as part of an exhibition
7 We’ve been feeling very out of sorts since we got
charting the history of women’s football, reveal the
back from all our travelling. I think we’re suffering
characters who tackled a man’s world for the first
from reverse culture shock!
8 The striker said all of the team were feeling very
upbeat about their prospects for next season, and However, while thousands flocked to see their
that the new manager had done wonders for their matches by 1895, when these photographs were
team spirit. taken, they were still less fascinated by the players’
9 It’s understandable that you’ve been in the silky skills than by what they might be wearing for the
doldrums since you lost your job, but watching TV unladylike spectacle.
all day isn’t going to help. It’s not going to change
One newspaper report at the time said: ‘The young
until you start being more proactive about finding
women presented a pretty appearance on the field,
something else.
and this was in a great measure due to the nice
major British group at the time, the Beatles, were remained an important hobby. I only once let myself
seen as cute and charming. ‘I wasn’t trying to be go. As I crept into my 40s, I adopted my wife's
rebellious in those days,’ Jagger says, ‘I was just sedentary lifestyle. We spent a lot of time doing
being me … ordinary, the guy from suburbia who nothing. Inevitably, my blood pressure plummeted
sings in this band.’ and one day I felt a sharp pain in my legs – only to
discover the dark, earthworm-like patterns of
His subsequent life has been anything but ordinary,
varicose veins across my calves. It was my first
however. He married twice – in 1971 and 1978 – and
brush with old age, and I didn't like it. Immediately I
is a devoted father to the seven children he has had
resumed rowing to stay fit.
by four women. He set up the band’s own record
label, has acted in films, won awards, produced films, Life went on. At 60, I discovered veteran's rowing and
met presidents, and at 60 collected a knighthood started competing internationally, eventually winning
from Prince Charles. He has also amassed a 36 gold medals. I'm not a particularly talented
considerable fortune, selling over 200 million albums. sportsman, but I've always been a great trier. At 75,
many of my friends began to pass away. People
Nonetheless, his constant first love remains
were getting older around me, but I was only just
performing. Despite being a great-grandfather, he still
Do you feel rather overwhelmed by technology these As soon as a mist ache is maid
days? Are you struggling to keep up with It nose bee fore two long
technological advances? Over the last twenty years, And eye can put the error rite
many of us have become alienated by new It’s in know weigh ever wrong.
technology – feeling frightened of it rather than
enabled by it. Eye have run this poem threw it
Twenty years ago, computers were still simple I am shore your pleased two no
enough that people could learn to program them. It Its letter perfect in it’s weigh
gave them a feeling of power over their devices. Now My chequer tolled me sew.
how to program. In fact not only children but also man reaches his mid- to late 40s, and suddenly
adults have taken to the new computer with alacrity. appears to have rediscovered the clothes he was
wearing in his 20s (albeit in a larger size). The
Upton hopes this will herald a new era of self-
leather trousers are politely ignored by his friends,
programming, where people can see their ideas
but there are sniggers when the bright red or yellow
become reality through their own efforts, without
they have become a figure of fun. removing all details of age from their online presence
According to recent studies, however, things have using younger photos of themselves as online
changed, and the midlife crisis itself has undergone a avatars
major transformation in recent years. For a start, a
Many of the people who responded to surveys on this
desperate attempt to hang onto a more youthful
topic complained about the term ‘midlife crisis’ itself,
appearance clearly passes the equal opportunities
however, and the disparaging way it is used. Two
test these days, with so many women going under
thirds of Britons thought it was an insulting
the cosmetic surgeon’s knife that the men’s
stereotype, and men complained that while they are
predilection for a bit of hair dye and moisturizer
castigated for ‘letting themselves go’ as they get
seems tame in comparison. And it all begins ever
older, any attempt to look after their appearance after
younger. One of the triggers for a major identity crisis
the age of 40 was often met with ridicule and the
appears to have been the accomplishment of long
accusation of a midlife crisis.
held career goals, leading to an empty sense of… ‘so
what now’? With younger people attaining senior Perhaps we need to remember that we get the word
management positions much sooner (the average ‘crisis’ from the Greek krisis, meaning ‘turning point’.
age of CEOs has fallen from 59 to 48 in the last It’s not difficult to see, as the psychologist Carl Jung
generation), these career plateaus can come much explained in some detail that while our personalities
earlier in life. Even for those who aren’t as ambitious, may alter somewhat throughout life, there should
severe work pressure often leads to a need to re- come a time when the ego identity we’ve grown up
evaluate career options in one’s 30s, bringing on a with undergoes a radical overhaul in preparation for
crossroads moment well before the big four-oh is the second half of life. And it’s not as if exploring
reached. This applies to women too these days, and new activities and deciding to get fitter is something
whether career-oriented or not, another factor for to be criticized. As a spokesman for Jeep, one of the
companies who carried out one of the surveys, said,
‘The traditional image of a midlife crisis is dead and