Ironsworn - World Workbook
Ironsworn - World Workbook
Ironsworn - World Workbook
{{ The imposing hills and mountains of the Ironlands are rich in iron ore. Most prized of all is the star-forged black iron.
Quest Starter: The caravan, bound for the distant southlands, left the mining settlement last season but never arrived at its
destination. It carried a bounty of black iron. Why is finding this lost caravan so important to you?
{{ The weather is bleak. Rain and wind sweep in from the ocean. The winters are long and bitter. One of the first settlers
complained, “Only those made of iron dare live in this foul place”—and thus our land was named.
Quest Starter: The harvest fell short. The unrelenting snows left the village isolated. The food is running out. What will you
do to see these people through this harsh season?
{{ Inscrutable metal pillars are found throughout the land. They are iron gray, and smooth as river stone. No one knows
their purpose. Some say they are as old as the world. Some, such as the Iron Priests, worship them and swear vows upon
them. Most make the warding sign and hurry along their way when they happen across one. The pillars do not tarnish,
and even the sharpest blade cannot mark them.
Quest Starter: Your dreams are haunted by visions of a pillar which stands in an unfamiliar landscape. What do you see?
Why are you sworn to seek it out?
{{ We are few in number in this accursed land. Most rarely have contact with anyone outside our own small steading or
village, and strangers are viewed with deep suspicion.
Quest Starter: In the dead of winter, a desperate man arrives at a snowbound steading. He is wounded, hungry, and nearly
frozen to death. His family has been taken. By whom? Will you brave the merciless winter to save them?
{{ We live in communities called circles. These are settlements ranging in size from a steading with a few families to a village
of several hundred. Some circles belong to nomadic folk. Some powerful circles might include a cluster of settlements. We
trade (and sometimes feud) with other circles.
Quest Starter: A decades-long feud between two circles has flared into open conflict. What is the cause of this dispute? Do you
join in the fight, or swear to put a stop to it?
{{ We have forged the Ironlands into a home. Villages within the Havens are connected by well-trod roads. Trade caravans
travel between settlements in the Havens and those in outlying regions. Even so, much of this land is untamed.
Quest Starter: Caravans are forced to pay for passage along a trade road. This payment, one-quarter of the goods carried,
leaves several communities without sufficient winter stores. Who is making these demands? How will you set things right?
{{ Here in the Ironlands, supplies are too precious, and the lands are too sparsely populated, to support organized fighting
forces. When a community is threatened, the people stand together to protect their own.
Quest Starter: A settlement is unable, or unwilling, to defend itself against an imminent threat. Why? What peril do they
face? What will you do to protect them?
{{ The wardens are our soldiers, guards, and militia. They serve their communities by standing sentry, patrolling
surrounding lands, and organizing defenses in times of crisis. Most have strong ties to their community. Others, called
free wardens, are wandering mercenaries who hire on to serve a community or protect caravans.
Quest Starter: You come upon a dying warden. She tells you of an important mission, and charges you with its completion.
“Swear to me,” she says, reaching out with a bloodied hand to give you an object crucial to the quest. What is it?
{{ Our warbands are rallied to strike at our enemies or defend our holdings. Though not nearly as impressive as the armies
that once marched across the Old World, these forces are as well-trained and equipped as their communities can manage.
The banners of the warbands are adorned with depictions of their Old World history and Ironland victories.
Quest Starter: A warband was wiped out in a battle against an overwhelming enemy. What is your connection to this band?
Who defeated them? Will you carry their banner on a quest for vengeance, or do you vow to see it brought home to a place of
{{ A few Ironlanders still make signs or mumble prayers out of habit or tradition, but most believe the gods long ago
abandoned us.
Quest Starter: A charismatic Ironlander, encouraging her followers to renounce the vestiges of Old World religions, proposes a
new path for this new world. What doctrine does she teach? What does she seek to achieve? Are you sworn to aid or stop her?
{{ The people honor old gods and new. In this harsh land, a prayer is a simple but powerful comfort.
Quest Starter: An Ironlander is determined to make a pilgrimage into dangerous lands. What holy place do they seek? Why
do you swear to aid them on this journey? Who seeks to stop them and why?
{{ Our gods are many. They make themselves known through manifestations and miracles. Some say they even secretly walk
among us. The priests convey the will of the gods and hold sway over many communities.
Quest Starter: You bear the mark of a god. What is it? The priests declare this as a sign you are chosen to fulfill a destiny. Do
you accept this fate, and swear to see it through, or are you determined to see it undone? What force opposes you?
{{ The beasts of old are nothing but legend. A few who travel into the deep forests and high mountains return with wild tales
of monstrous creatures, but they are obviously delusional. No such things exist.
Quest Starter: You were witness to an attack by what you thought was an animal of monstrous proportions. No one believes
you. In fact, you are accused of the murder you blame on this beast. How can you prove your innocence? Can you even trust
your own memories of the event?
{{ Monstrous beasts stalk the wild areas of the Ironlands.
Quest Starter: A prominent Ironlander is consumed with the need to bring vengeance upon a specific beast. What makes this
creature distinctive? How did it earn the wrath of this Ironlander? Do you aid this person in their quest, or act to prevent their
blind hate from destroying more than just the beast?
{{ Beasts of all sorts roam the Ironlands. They dwell primarily in the reaches, but range into the settled lands to hunt. There,
they often prey on cattle, but attacks on travelers, caravans, or even settlements are not uncommon.
Quest Starter: Professional slayers earn their keep by killing beasts. This particular slayer, famed throughout the Ironlands for
her numerous kills, has gone missing on a hunt. Did she finally meet her match, or is something more nefarious at play. What
is your connection to her?