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Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Cathodic Protection Design Algorithms for Refineries Aboveground

Storage Tanks
Kosay Abdul sattar Majbor Qais Matti Alias Wafa Faraj Tobia Mohamed Adnan Hamed
Assistant professor Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Engineer
Dept. of Elect. Power Tech. Dept. of Elect. Engg. Dept. of Elect. Engg. State Comp. for Oil Projects
Al-Mamon College Univ. of Technology Univ. of Technology Ministry of Oil/IRAQ
kosaysm@yahoo.com qaismatti2004@yahoo.com Umfarah2005@yahoo.com m.adnan.scop@gmail.com

Storage tanks condition and integrity is maintained by joint application of coating and cathodic
protection. Iraq southern region rich in oil and petroleum product refineries need and use plenty of
aboveground storage tanks. Iraq went through conflicts over the past thirty five years resulting in
holding the oil industry infrastructure behind regarding maintenance and modernization. The primary
concern in this work is the design and implementation of cathodic protection systems for the
aboveground storage tanks farm in the oil industry.
Storage tank external base area and tank internal surface area are to be protected against corrosion
using impressed current and sacrificial anode cathodic protection systems. Interactive versatile
computer programs are developed to provide the necessary system parameters data including the anode
requirements, composition, rating, configuration, etc. Microsoft-Excel datasheet and Visual Basic.Net
developed software were used throughout the study in the design of both cathodic protection systems.
The case study considered in this work is the eleven aboveground storage tanks farm situated in al-
Shauiba refinery in southern IRAQ. The designed cathodic protection systems are to be installed and
monitored realistically in the near future. Both systems were designed for a life span of (15-30) years,
and all their parameters were within the internationally accepted standards.
Keywords: Aboveground storage tanks; Corrosion control; Impressed current cathodic protection;
Sacrificial anode cathodic protection.

‫خىارزهيات تصوين الحواية الكاثىدية لخسانات الوصافي‬

‫الوهنذش هحوذ عذناى حويذ‬ ‫ وفاء فرج طىبيا‬.‫م‬.‫م‬ ‫ قيص هتي الياش‬.‫د‬.‫م‬ ‫ قصي عبذالستار هجبىر‬.‫د‬.‫م‬.‫أ‬
‫انشزكح انعايح نهًشارٌع انُفطٍح‬ ‫قسى انهُذسح انكهزتائٍح‬ ‫قسى انهُذسح انكهزتائٍح‬ ‫قسى ذقٍُاخ انقذرج انكهزتائٍح‬
‫ انعزاق‬- ‫وسارج انُفظ‬ ‫انجايعح انركُىنىجٍح‬ ‫انجايعح انركُىنىجٍح‬ ٌ‫كهٍح انًؤيى‬

‫ ونكٍ خالل‬.‫ والسرثًار هذِ انًىارد تٍُد انعذٌذ يٍ انًُشآخ وخشاَاخ انُفظ‬،‫يٍ انًعزوف اٌ جُىب انعزاق غًُ تانًىارد انُفطٍح‬
‫ ويُها عهى‬،‫انخًس وثالثٍٍ سُح انًاضٍح ذعزضد انثُى انرحرٍح نهصُاعح انُفطٍح انى كثٍز يٍ االهًال فً جاَثً انصٍاَح وانرطىٌز‬
.‫سثٍم انًثال ذعزض خشاَاخ انُفظ انى انرآكم تسثة عذو فاعهٍح يُظىياخ انحًاٌح انكاثىدٌح‬
ِ‫ حٍث أعرًذ فً هذِ انذراسح طزٌقرٍٍ نرُفٍذ هذ‬، ‫انذراسح انحانٍح ذهذف انى ذصًٍى وذُفٍ ذ يُظىياخ حًاٌح كاثىدٌح نهذِ انخشاَاخ‬
‫ طىرخ تزيجٍاخ نىضع ذصايٍى نًُظىياخ‬، ‫ نرُفٍذ هذِ انذراسح‬. ً‫ انقطة انًضحً وطزٌقح حقٍ انرٍار انكهزتائ‬، ‫انًُظىياخ‬
‫ انُرائج‬. ‫ سُح‬03-51 ‫ تؤسرخذاو انطزٌقرٍٍ واالشرغال نفرزج سيٍُح‬، ‫انحًاٌح انكاثىدٌح وذُفٍذها ألحذ عشز خشاَا نهُفظ فً يصفى انشعٍثح‬
.‫انًسرحصهح كاَد ضًٍ انحذود انقٍاسٍح انذونٍح ويٍ انًؤيم أسرخذايها يٍ قثم وسارج انُفظ فً انًسرقثم انقزٌة‬
.‫ حًاٌح كاثىدٌح تؤقطاب يضحٍح‬،‫ حًاٌح كاثىدٌح تانرٍار انقسزي‬،‫ انرآكم‬,‫ خشاَاخ فىق االرض‬:‫الكلوات الرئيسة‬

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Aboveground storage tanks are vital components in many industries dealing with fluids and in
particular those huge tanks used in the petroleum industry. Storage tanks situated on soil ramps are
exposed to various causes of corrosion processes. Corrosion is an electrochemical process interaction
between the structure metal (tank base and wall) and its environment (water, soil, etc.) resulting in a
change of the metal properties and ultimately structure failure. Broadly speaking, corrosion is
characterized by, presence of an electrolyte (fluids, soil, etc.), presence of corrosion cells i.e. two
patches of the metal surface become electrically connected through the electrolyte. Factors affecting
corrosion are, metal fabrication process, stresses, presence of acids, oxygen and other gases sulphide,
bacterial activities, etc. Fig. 1 shows a symbolic corrosion cell containing the four main corrosion
components, namely, the anode, the cathode, the metallic structure, and the electrolyte, API, 2007.
In order to prevent the structure metal deterioration due to corrosion, Cathodic Protection (CP) is
applied to halt or delay the corrosion process. Cathodic protection is an electrical based method used to
turn the metal structure into a cathode by means of DC current injection or by the attachment of
galvanic/or sacrificial anodes. Each CP method has its merits and flaws, therefore, the decision on
which to use is very dependent on the structure, the environment, the economy, etc. For corrosion
mitigation in aboveground storage tanks, both CP methods are in wide use, USA ARMY and
Durham, 2005.
Fig. 2 shows sample sections of aboveground storage tank protected by the two abovementioned CP
methods. Practically, storage tank base external surface is protected using the DC current injection
method, widely known as, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP), while the tank base inner
surface and wall are protected by sacrificial anodes attachment.
In this work computer software are developed, one in Microsoft-Excel sheet and the second in Visual
Basic.Net interactive platform, both for the design of CP systems for use in aboveground storage tanks.
The aboveground storage tank farm of al-Shauiba refinery, situated in al-Basrah governorate in
southern IRAQ is considered in this work for case study. The work was done in response to the request
by the State Company for Oil Projects (SCOP) of properly designed CP systems for use in the
abovementioned site. The design results obtained are well within the international standard
requirements for such CP applications.


The primary concerns in hydrocarbon fluid tank installations are loss of product, hazardous material
leak, and pollution where metal corrosion can be the main cause. Soil resistivity provides a
measure of the soil corrosivity, therefore the tank farm site resistivity survey is an important design
prerequisite. A general resistivity classification is given in Table 1, API, 2007. Coating is used in
aboveground storage tanks as another counter corrosion measure. Most coatings are either wrapped or
painted on the metal structure surface. A sample coating types and their use in tank structures is given
in Table 2, Schweitzer, 2007.
In galvanic/or sacrificial anode CP systems the anode corrodes with time keeping the protected
structure potential below the corrosion level. Table 3 shows a sample of different sacrificial anode
specifications commonly used in CP systems.
In ICCP systems, an external source of D.C. voltage is employed to drive the current between the
buried anode and the protected metallic structure. The positively connected anode mostly used is of
high silicon iron material, but others, as the sample given in Table 4 are also in use. Negatively

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

connected protected metallic structures should be always kept at potentials below those given in Table
5, USA ARMY, 2005. Anodes usually buried in coke breeze backfill for anode life extension and the
reduction of the anode-soil contact resistance, API, 2007.
A variety of ways and methods are practiced in anode installations for aboveground storage tank CP
systems. Fig. 3 shows such practically adopted installations, API, 2005, Hawkins, Kroon and Urbas,
2009. Fig. 3 a-b are used in sacrificial anode CP systems for tank internal base and wall surface
protection. Fig. 3 c-g shows the different installation methods of ICCP systems for tank base external
surface protection. The choice of the method for a particular structure is very much dependent on, soil
chemical and electrical properties, tank size and number, the stored fluid, boundary conditions, etc.
In IRAQ, most of the aboveground storage tanks are cathodically protected adopting the shallow anode
bed type with anode beds distributed amongst tank groups.


The CP for aboveground storage tanks (oil products and/or water), covers the internal and external
surfaces of the tank metal. Pure hydrocarbon fluids are usually not corrosive and do not require
corrosion control for internal surfaces. However, based upon experience, internal corrosion may occur
in aboveground storage tanks that have internal surfaces exposed to water, sediments, or other
contaminants. Irrespective of the CP system type, whether sacrificial anode or ICCP, a soil resistivity
test of the installation site is required. Moreover, a D.C. current requirement test if possible need to be
done, if not, an estimated (from experience of previous application) current density value is adopted
for the CP system design, and the CP system current requirement is then calculated.

3.1 Protective Current Requirements

D.C. protective current required (Is) for any CP system depends upon, physical dimension of structure
to be protected, estimated current density, holiday’s percentage (coating deficiency or coating
breakdown), ambient temperature and site measured soil resistivity. The required current can be simply
calculated using, Bushman, 2010:

Is = Js * A * (1-CE) (1)
Where the tank area to be protected ( A ) = * Dt * [( Dt / 4 ) + H] (2)

3.2 Elements of the CP Circuit Resistance

It's a rule of thumb to consider a maximum anode bed resistance of 1Ω and a CP circuit maximum total
resistance of 2Ω as acceptable values in the CP system design procedure, USA ARMY, 2005,
Baekmann, et al., 1997, Kutz, 2005. The cathodic protection circuit resistance includes the anode bed
to soil resistance, the connections (wire/cable) resistance, and the structure to soil resistance. In CP
design studies, calculating the anode bed resistance, H.B Dwight equations are the standard relations
used, Baekmann, et al., 1997, Peaboody, 2001. The anode bed resistance has the major role in
determining the amount of the anode material to be used. Multiple anodes are used in cases where the
current capacity of one anode is not sufficient for the CP system or when the anode bed resistance is
higher than 1.0 Ω. Therefore, the number of anodes is very much dependent on the structure size and
soil characteristics. The anode bed resistance (Rn) to earth is calculated using, API, 2007, Kutz, 2005 :

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

( ) (3)

The anode bed components and the tank structure are electrically interconnected by insulated stranded
copper cables. The copper cables have an inherent resistance (Rc), and at 55 ºC can be calculated using
the following equation:

The tank to soil resistance ( Rs-soil ) is a very marginal quantity in the CP system total resistance and
therefore often neglected. In this work, a simple Wenner method based equation is used to calculate
the tank to soil resistance and is given by, API, 2007, Kutz, 2005, Peaboody, 2001;

Rs – soil = (5)

Finally, the total cathodic protection circuit resistance ( RT ) is a simple series sum and given as:
RT = Rn + Rc + Rs – soil (6)

3.3 Anodes Number and Life

In section 3.2, a starting anode number is reached based on the protected structure size and the
supposed current density requirements. As anode materials disintegrate with time, which leads to
improper functioning of the CP system, the anodes life expectancy calculation is an important factor to
consider. Obviously, the CP system shall be designed to perform its task protecting the structure
throughout its operating life. Therefore a check on the anodes estimated life need to be done in order to
determine whether the CP system design will provide the necessary protection. Bushman, 2010
proposed Eq. (7) for calculating the estimated life (AL) in years of an anode, and is given as:

AL = ( CR / 8760 )( Wa EFa UFa / Ia ) (7)

In Eq. (7), Wa is replaced by (N Wa) for N anodes and Ia is replaced by Is, both for a multi anode
chain CP system. A settlement on the number of anodes can be reached for the desired life expectancy
( in IRAQ, usually 30 years for ICCP and 15 years for sacrificial anode systems are assumed ).

3.4 Selecting the DC Power Supply

Many factors are needed to be considered in the process of determining a particular D.C. power supply
for an ICCP system. Among these factors are, the D.C. current, the D.C. voltage, the power
requirement, the controls, the monitoring and metering, etc. It is a known fact that over the years of
use, the protected structure coating deteriorates leading to increased ICCP system current requirement.
Moreover, seasonal meteorological environmental changes do impact the ICCP system parameters, due
to changes in the surrounding medium. With the above mentioned in mind, and having calculated the Is
and RT of the particular CP system, the required driving source voltage (Vs) can be determined. That is
simply done using Eq. (8) (Ohm's law). The voltage Vs is scaled up by 150% to cater for variations in
the CP system demand.

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering



The revamping, of al-Shauiba refinery, located in al-Basra governorate south of IRAQ is a
part of national Iraqi agenda to upgrade the country refining capabilities. This site was also
called "Ash Shaaibiya refinery" was built in 1970, started operation 1974. The refinery is
around 50 km from the Arabian Gulf and was built to supply part of IRAQ hydrocarbon
products, Basra_Refinery. The relevant part of this project to the work in hand is the CP
system design for several aboveground storage tanks.
The tank farm consists of eleven tanks for storage of benzene, gasoil, crude oil and water for
firefighting. Fig. 4 shows sample photos of the tank farm area. The project site top view
mapping is shown in Fig. 5 and the tanks dimensions are given in Table 6.

4.1 Al-Shauiba Depot: Site Survey

Al-Shauiba tank farm project site was visited and surveyed during Feb. 2015. The visit was mainly to
inspect the site soil and collect data regarding site soil resistivity. The Winner-four pin method for soil
resistivity measurements was used in the data collection. It is worth mentioning here that, due to the
military activities during the past few decades, huge amount of hydrocarbons was leaked to the
surrounding soil. Figure 6 shows site photos showing the affected soil layers.
Extensive series of soil resistivity measurements were conducted in site. The measurements were done
on three depths in order to collect non-polluted earth soil resistivity readings. Table 7 shows a
summarized site soil resistivity results. A note need to be brought here is, the area water table is in the
range of 8-12 meters.

4.2 Al-Shauiba Tank Farm CP Systems

Four CP systems were designed for the eleven tanks external surfaces cathodic protection. A CP
system for the four benzene and gasoil tanks, two CP systems for each pair of the crude oil tanks and a
single CP system for the firefighting water tanks. Deep well anode type installation is used for all CP
systems due to site restrictions. The anode beds position are marked on Fig. 5.
Fig. 7 – 9, show sample ICCP system design parameter screen results for the water tanks, crude oil
tanks, and the benzene and gasoil tanks respectively. In the mentioned figures, the current, the anode,
the ground bed, and the transformer/.rectifier (T/R) parameters are presented.
The sacrificial anode CP system parameters, designed for the three tanks sizes mentioned earlier are
presented in Fig. 10.

This work highlights the design and application of both sacrificial anode and the impressed current
cathodic protection systems. Fast, versatile and interactive computer algorithms were developed for
use in the CP systems design. The work was done in response to SCOP/IRAQ request for development
of such algorithms. Two programs were built, one based on Microsoft-Excel sheet and the second on
Visual Basic.Net programming. Both algorithms were used to design the cathodic protection systems
necessary for the al-Shuaiba refinery tank farm. The calculated CP system parameters for the three

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

tank sizes are all within the practically accepted standards in the oil industries. Finally, the versatile
nature of the written programs makes it possible to use them in designing the required CP systems in
any environment and for any metal structure.


 API recommended practice 651, 2007, Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage
 Tanks , API publishing services, USA, PP. 1 - 43.
 Baekmann, V. W., Schwenk, W., and Prinz, W., 1997, Handbook of Cathodic Protection, 3rd.
 edition, Gulf professional publishing, USA, book, PP. 207 - 264.
 Basra Refinery-Oil 4 All, online, WiKi.openoil.net/index.php? title=Basra_Refinery, Dec. 2015.
 Bushman, J. B., 2010, Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Theory, Bushman & associate
 Inc., USA, book, PP. 1 - 30.
 Durham, M. O. and Durham, R. A., 2005, Cathodic Protection: Consequences and Standards
 Using CP Systems to Prevent Corrosion, IEEE Industry Application Magazine, Vol. 11,
 Issue 1, PP. 41 – 47.
 Hawkins, C., Internal Cathodic Protection of Tanks and Vessels, available at:
 http://www.nace-jubail.org/meetings/forum/monmor/cts.pdf, Dec. 2015.
 Kroon, D. H., and Urbas, M., 2009, Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Storage Tank
 Bottoms, available at: http://www.corrpro.co.uk/pdf/TechnicalPapers/, PP. 1 – 6, accessed Dec.
 Kutz, M., 2005, Handbook of Environmental Degradation of Materials, 2nd. edition, William
 Andrew Publishing, USA, book, PP. 503 - 521.
 Peaboody, A. W., 2001, Control of Pipeline Corrosion, 2nd. edition, NACE press USA, book,
 PP. 131 - 176.
 Schweitzer, P. A., 2007, Corrosion Engineering Handbook, 2nd. edition, CRC Press,
 USA, book, PP. 11-53.
 USA army corps of engineers, 2005, Electrical Design, Cathodic Protection, UFC 3- 570 –
 02A, Washington D.C., PP. 1 - 9.

A = the protected structure surface area in ( m2 )
AL = anode estimated life in ( years )
CE = the coating efficiency in %
CR = the anode consumption rate ( A.hr/kg )
Da = the anode diameter including backfill in ( m )
Dt = the tank base diameter in ( m )
EFa = the anode efficiency
H = the water or sludge height in water and hydrocarbon product tanks respectively in ( m )
= zero in case of protecting tank base outer surface only
hd = the horizontal distance between the anode-bed and the tank base center ( m )

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Ia = the anode current ( A )

Is = the required current in ( A )
Js = the supposed current density measured or acquired for a particular soil and structure material
measured in ( mA/m2 )
La = the anode length including the backfill in ( m )
Lc = the cable length in ( m )
N = the number of anodes
Rn = anode bed resistance ( Ω )
Rc = cable resistance ( Ω )
Rs- soil = tank to soil resistance ( Ω )
RT = the total cathodic protection system circuit resistance ( Ω )
Sa = the anode spacing in ( m )
Sc = the cable cross sectional area in ( mm2 )
UFa = the anode utilization factor ( usually assumed 0.85 )
= the supply voltage ( V )
Wa = the anode weight ( kg )
= the soil resistivity in ( Ω-m )

Figure 1. Corrosion in a metal structure (Sample), API, 2007.

(a) Impressed current cathodic protection (b) Sacrificial anode cathodic protection

Figure 2. Aboveground storage tank CP systems, API, 2007.

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Table 1. General classification of resistivity. Table 2. Sample coating type and use.

Resistivity Range Potential Corrosion Coating Tank Surface

(Ohm-m) Activity Type Internal External
<5 Very corrosive Coal tar / tape A A
5 - 10 Corrosive Epoxy A N/A
10 - 20 Moderately corrosive Vinyl’s N/A N/A
20 - 100 Mildly corrosive Resins A N/A
Progressively less Alkyds N/A N/A
> 100
corrosive A= Applicable; N/A= Not Applicable

Table 3. Properties of Sample Sacrificial Anodes, USA ARMY, 2005.

Anode Amp-hrs. Potential (V) Density Current

Material per kg. Cu/CuSo4 g/cm3 Density A/m2
Zn 780 -1.1 7.1 0.5 - 2.0
Al 2700 -1.15 2.7 0.6 - 2.5
Mg 1230 -1.55 1.7 1.5 – 5.6

Table 4. Sample impressed current anodes. Table 5. Metals Potential.

Maximum Potential (mV),

Anode Current Metal
Voltage Cu/CuSo4
Material Density A/m2
(Volt) Steel -850
Platinum/Niobium 100 250 -1500 Steel (Sulphate
Lead/Silver/ reducing -950
100 250 – 1000
Antimony bacteria)
High Silicon Iron 100 10 – 100 Copper alloys -500 to -600
Graphite 25 200 Lead -600

(a) Sacrificial surface bolted anode (b) Sacrificial string anodes

Figure 3. Sacrificial anode and ICCP systems in aboveground storage tank application.

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

(c) ICCP angle drilled anode system (d) ICCP shallow anode bed installation
API, 2007 API, 2007

(f) ICCP grid anode system

(e) ICCP deep anode bed installation (g) ICCP loop anode system
API, 2007

Figure 3. Continued.

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Figure 4. Sample photos of al-Shauiba tank area.

Table 6. Al-Shauiba tank farm specifications.

Tank Designation Storage Liquid Tank Diameter Tank Height

Tk01, Tk02 Benzene 45m 12m
Tk03, Tk04 Gasoil 45m 12m
Tk05,Tk06, Tk07, Tk08 Crude 72m 12m
FF-01, FF-02, FF-03 Water 20m 12m


Figure 5. Top view of al-Shauiba tank farm.

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Figure 6. Soil layers at al-Shauiba depot.

Table 7. Al-Shauiba depot: soil resistivity readings.

Tank Area Measurement Depth (m) Measured Soil Resistivity (Ω.m)

TK-01, TK-02, 0.85 95
2.5 25
TK-03, TK-04 6 5
TK-05, TK-06, 0.85 112
3 25
TK-07, TK-08
6 5
FF-01, FF-02, 0.85 169
3 25
FF-03 6 5

Figure 7. VB.Net sample window: ICCP for water tanks.

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Figure 8. Excel sheet sample: ICCP for crude oil tank.

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Figure 9. Excel sheet sample: ICCP for benzene and gasoline tank.

Number 12 Volume 23 December 2017 Journal of Engineering

Figrue 10. Sacrifical anode CP system parameters.


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