397 1.smart Fish Tank Using Iot

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Volume 4 || Special Issue 11 || ICCEME 2019-2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774




Shweta Patel1, Aakanksha Gaikwad2, Dhanoj Gupta3, Sonal Dharangonar4
Computer Engineering, Late G. N. Sapkal College of Engineering, Nashik. Maharashtra, India1,2,3,4
Email: Shwetapatel2203@gmail.com1, gaikwadaakansha14@gmail.com2, dhanojgupta.dg@gmail.com3,

Abstract- This paper proposes the design of Smart even when the user is far from their home. There are
Fish tank: An IoT-based Aquarium System. The Fish certain drawbacks that exist in the fish tank. One of the
owners of the fish are usually when they are away problems of most fish feeders was their inability to check
from home because they could not feed their fish on their feeder function and the risk of returning to dead
time. So we design a Smart Fish tank system using fishes due to malfunction on the feeder machine. The
microcontroller and Arduino based android other drawback is, where the fish feeder feed the fishes
application to overcome this problems. Through this too less or too much amount of food, thus risking the fish
system owner can feed their fish on time and can health from starvation or overfeeding and too much
change water on a time. Also, the user can set water on fish tank.
schedules for feeding the fish through the solenoid
valve and changing the water thought the relay time.
1. To develop an automatic home-based fish feeding
Keywords:- Arduino, pH Sensor, Water level sensor, system and ph level using the IoT.
Solenoid, Relay, Ultrasonic sensor. 2.To experimenting and implementing of the
automatic home-based fish feeding system using the IoT.
An automatic fish feeder is an electronic device that is
designed to fish tank at regular intervals. They are often a) Automatic Fish Feeder Concept basically, there is a lot
used when the fish’s owners is on vacation or too busy to of inventions had been made and been classified as
maintain a regular feeding schedule or changing the “automatic fish feeder”. From those previous designs, a
water. However, this device does come with their own few are chosen due to their criterions which are quite
drawback. Most automatic fish feeder had problem of interesting and also useful. The first design is by David
controlling the amount of fish feed released. Too much C. Smeltzer which is patented in 4th April 1985. His
and it will pollute the water in the tank and too little will design is capable of dispensing feed having various sizes
led to starvation. Another drawback is the lack of of grains over a wide range of dispensing volumes with a
monitoring and instant feedback from the fish feeder. high degree of accuracy. The device was able to do this
Due to this, the fish owners are unaware of the problems by utilizing an adjustable counterbalance weight which
with their fish or if their feeder malfunctions. As such, the amount of water required are changeable to produce a
this paper is designed to overcome previous systems’ dispensing action and simultaneously adjusts the
flaw and give more advantages and benefits to the fish vibration movement made by the fish feeder to
owner. In this work, the user has the ability to customize differentiate the amount of food given out. Consequently,
the feeding time or choose to feed their fish immediately both the frequency of feeding and amount can be
without any present schedule. Also, since the arduino is controlled by the counterbalancing the weight.
connected to the internet, they also can check their fish Furthermore, the number of feeding can also be adjusted
condition and make sure the food disperse properly. The by changing the rate flow of the water supply by using a
arduino also allowed the user to check their previous valve and the water supply line, plus an additional water
feeding status. The proposed system will help the user container which is capable of measuring the volume of
feeding their fish every day and changing polluted water, water supplied to the water container so as to provide an

Volume 4 || Special Issue 11 || ICCEME 2019-2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
additional degree of accuracy in degree of accuracy in fish feeder. There are fixed fish feeder and also mobile
setting the frequency of feeding. However, as stated by fish feeder. From this statement, I can infer these two
Mohapatra, Sarkar, Sharma and Majhi (2009) and Noor, types have their own usefulness based on the situations.
Hussian, Saaid, Ali and Zolkapli (2012), for most A fixed is useful for owners that have a single pond or an
automatic fish feeder, it is not easy to control the amount aquarium. On the other hand, mobile feeders are useful
feed released. Too much will pollute the water in the to owners who have more than two or more ponds. Faridi
pond or the tank. Plus, the constant speed to deliver the et al. (2011) also stated, controlling the feeders will
food pallet limited its usage. At the same time, it is also a requires high precision programmable logic circuit
waste of food. The size of the device will depend on the (PLC) and also efficient. Furthermore, instead of feeder
location it will be used or install, whether the device is that are situated in pond, there are also automatic fish
used for normal aquarium or pond. For indoor aquarium, feeder feed feeder that are placed on the ocean by
a small device will work well and the outer pond will installing inside a buoy (James & Stanley, 2006). It is
require a bigger device with a big storage. The size of the understandable that by placing the feeder inside a buoy
storage will determine the number of trips the user needs on the ocean, by installing a camera, microphone or any
to do to replenish the feed. Not to mentioned, for most of other appropriate sensor, oceanic aquamarine life can be
the time, the cost are proportional the size of the device. easily monitored. As long the ponds are large enough,
A research conducted by Faridi, Ezri, Saidin and Faizal such fish feeder can be used.
(2011) has stated that there are two types of automatic


Figure.: 1. Flow chart

Volume 4 || Special Issue 11 || ICCEME 2019-2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
B. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT: The difference in electric energy is related to the acidity
Design and development of an automatic home- of the solution or the pH. The pH meter is used in
based fish feeds system using the IoT involved the various applications ranging from laboratory tests to
creation of a fish pond, and the installation of a fish food quality control.
dispensing machine, a controller kit, an android
application, a web application and app Notify application
as shown in Figure 2. The details are as follow:

Figure: 4. Ph sensor
Figure: 2. Architecture of smart fish tank using IoT V. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION
The relay module is a digital switch for the A. POWER SUPPLY:
microcontroller to allow it to work with high voltage The power supply must deliver a constant output
appliances. The electrical capacity of this module is 10A. regulated supply. A 230V/0-12V (1mA) transformer is
It can work with direct circuit and alternating circuit. It used for this purpose. The primary of the transformer is
can withstand 5V pressure from the NodeMCU. LED is connected through switch for protection. The secondary
used to show the status of the relay module. This module is connected to the diodes to convert 12V AC to 12V DC
is used to open and close the water in the tank as shown voltage. And filtered by the capacitors, which are further
in Figure 3 regulated to +5v, by using IC 7805.
The web interface is design to have a user interface that
the user can send command to the fish feeder. The user
sends the command by pressing the input button for each
fish feeder functions.
A webcam is a video camera that feeds or streams its
image in real time to or through a computer to a
computer network. When "captured" by the computer,
the video stream may be saved, viewed or sent on to
other networks via systems such as the internet.
Figure. 3. Relay Module A Fish tank is successfully constructed and implemented
to satisfy the user objectives at home or workplace. It is
2. PH SENSOR: controlled by a Relay which allows the user to adjust the
A pH meter is a logical instrument estimating hydrogen- cycle time and fish food dispensing time as when
particle work in water-based arrangements, its causticity
required. Further, the feeding mechanism can be easily
or alkalinity. pH meter estimates the distinction in power
between a PHH and one reference voltage, so the pH controlled by sending SMS to the controller of the feeder
meter is here and there alluded to as a "metric pH meter". system. The working of the feeder is tested for real time

Volume 4 || Special Issue 11 || ICCEME 2019-2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
situations and the final prototype is developed and
The Fish tank has a wide range of useful applications in
Homes, Workplace, Fish farming industries and
Aquarium shops.


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