AIBE 16 Set A Question Paper Questionpaperdrive
AIBE 16 Set A Question Paper Questionpaperdrive
AIBE 16 Set A Question Paper Questionpaperdrive
1. How many kinds of presumptions are there period of one year or upwards after passing
as classified by the Supreme Court? of the decree.
a) Permissive presumptions or a) Does not permit any party to that
presumptions of facts b) Does not permit the party against whom
27. Freedom of Residence under Article 19 of 34. Under which Section of IPC, Professional
that Indian Constitution is available in which Negligence is often invoked against medical
of the following clauses? professionals in cases alleging professional
a) Clause (1) (E) negligence?
b) Clause (1) (D) a) 303A
c) Clause (1) (B) b) 304A
d) Clause (1) (C) c) 302
28. Under which section of the Evidence Act, d) 305
admissions are defined? 35. A offers a bribe to B, a public servant, as a
a) 17 reward for showing A some favour in the
b) 16 exercise of B’s official functions. B accepts
c) 15 the bribe
d) 18 a) A has abetted the offence define in
29. In which of the following cases the Supreme Section 160, IPC
Court has held that the investigating officer b) A has abetted the offence define in
should be allowed to refer to the records of Section 161, IPC
investigation c) A has abetted the offence define in
a) State of Karnataka Vs Yarappa Reddi Section 162, IPC
b) Mohammed Khalid Vs State of West d) A has abetted the offence define in
Bengal Section 163, IPC
c) Baburam Vs State of U.P. 36. When Perpetual Injunction may be granted-
d) State of Rajasthan Vs Om prakash a) Where the defendant is trustee of the
30. Recovery of Specific Immovable Property Property for the plaintiff.
may be obtained by C.P.C within what period- b) Where there is no standard for
a) Within 7 months ascertaining the actual damage.
b) Within 6 months c) Compensation in money would not afford
c) Within 8 months adequate relief.
d) Within 10 months d) All of the above.
31. Who appoints the Commissioner for 37. A company wishes to ensure that no one else
rehabilitation and resettlement under the can use their logo.
LARR Act? a) Copy rights
a) LARR Authority b) Trade mark
b) Minister of Environment and Forests c) Patent
c) Central Government d) Industrial designs
d) State Government 38. The Section of the Arbitration and
32. If a party who obtained an order for leave to Conciliation Act, dealing with the time of
amend pleading does not amend the same commencement of arbitral proceeding is
within how many days, he shall not be a) Section 20
permitted to do that without the leave of the b) Section 21
Court c) Section 22
a) Fifteen days d) None of the above
b) Fourteen days 39. Amount of deduction under section 24 of The
c) Twenty days Income Tax Act from annual value is —
d) Thirty days a) ½ of Annual Value
33. Punishment of advocates for misconduct has b) 1/3 of Annual Value
been given under section of the Advocate's c) 3/10 of Annual Value
Act - 1961 d) 17/10 of Annual Value
a) 30 40. The test of reasonableness is not wholly
b) 32 _______ test and its contours are Fairley
c) 35 indicated by constitution.
d) None a) Subjective
b) Objective a) Directory
c) Descriptive b) Mandatory
d) Summative c) None- Mandatory
41. The power to enact a law relating to the d) Discretionary
citizenship of India is left to ______ under the 48. Constructive res-judicata is contained in
provisions of Article 11 of the Indian which of the following?
Constitution. a) Explanation III to Section 11
a) President b) Explanation IV to Section 11
b) Council of ministers c) Explanation VI to Section 11
c) House of people d) Explanation VIII to Section 11
d) Parliament 49. The famous pronouncement of Delhi High
42. The payment of compensation to railway Court regarding constitutional validity of
employees by the railway administration for section 377 Indian Penal Code reversed by
injuryby accident is governed by: Supreme Court in:
a) The Employees Compensation Act, 1923 a) NALSA Vs Union of India
b) The payment of Wages Act, 1936 b) Naz Foundation Vs Government of NCT of
c) Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, Delhi
2016 c) Shabnam Hasmi Vs Union of India
d) The Workmen Compensation Act, 1986 d) Suresh Kaushal Vs Naz Foundation.
43. The minimum amount of compensation 50. Under Criminal procedure Code 1973, who
payable under Employees Compensation shall record the information of rape being
Act, 1923 in case of total permanent given by a rape victim?
disablement of a railway servant due to a) Officer in-charge of the police station
accident is Rs . b) Deputy Superintendent of police
c) Officer not below the rank of Sub
a) Rs 80,000/-
b) Rs 90,000/-
d) Woman police officer or any Woman
c) Rs 1,40,000/-
d) Rs 1,20,000/- 51. Under the provision of the code of criminal
44. The Bond under section 109 Cr.P.C as security
procedure, 1973
for good behaviour from suspected person
a) Summons can be oral
can be executed for a period not exceeding:
b) Summons cannot be served on corporate
a) Six months
b) Two years
c) Summons are either for appearance or for
c) One year
producing a document/thing
d) Three months d) Summons can be served to servants in
45. The maximum limit of Rs. 500 that could be case the person on whose name summons
paid to the wife as maintenance under are made cannot be found
Section 125 of the Cr.P.C 1973 was removed 52. Every person who is a member or a defence
in: service or hold a any civil post under the
a) 1973
Union, holds office during the pleasure of the
b) 1989
c) 2001
a) Prime Minister
d) 2007
b) President
46. The term ‘WIPO” stands for:
c) Council of Minister
a) World Investment policy organization d) Both (A) and (B)
b) World intellectual property organization 53. An arbitration proceeding is a:
c) Wildlife Investigation and Policing a) Judicial proceeding
organization b) Quasi-judicial proceeding
d) World institute for Prevention of c) Administrative proceeding
organized crime
d) None of the above
47. Provisions of Section 10 of CPC are:
admissible with regard to Section 25, Indian 98. What is meant by procedural ultra-vires?
Evidence Act? a) It is the non-observance of the
I. An admission that there was a robbery procedural norms by the rule-making
II. An admission that the accused took part authority