ZTE ENodeB Level 4G Guideline 21062018

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ZTE 4G Parameter Guideline - 2018

EnodeB Level Parameter

Network Development Team

ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 2


Network Parameter plays an Integral Part

in Network Design and Performance.

Right Set of Parameters provides Optimum

Network Utilization while providing Best
User Perception.

ZTE LTE EnodeB Level dump has

approximalely 940 parameters
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 3

ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 4

MO PARAMETER ID HQ Recommended Value Category Impact on Network

AdjacentEutranFreqLTE freqArfcn 1807.6 Critical N/A
BoardAppliAttr refSdrDeviceGroup Prohibited N/A
CellMeasGroup compMeasCfgUL 220 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup geranANRMeasCfg 1600 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup gsmLBMeasCfg 1450 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup intraFPeriodMeasCfg 300 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup 160 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup openInterFMeasCfg 20;21 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup opeRatVoiceMeasCfg 32;33 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup 1810 Ordinary N/A
ControlPlaneTimer rrcReCfgTimer 8000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer voiceMeasTimer 2000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer waitDCEstatusIndTmr 4000 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile geranFreqCsfbMeasInd Use Default Value Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile geranFreqCsfbPrio 200 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS 100 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile 100 Prohibited N/A

CSFBProfile ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleC 0 Prohibited N/A

ENBFunctionFDD boardSHInterval 20 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD Use Default Value Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD echoTimer 20 Prohibited N/A
ENBFunctionFDD eNBId 120441 Ordinary Effective when eNB
ENBFunctionFDD enbName APR7485--P-MohallahSarwarShah Ordinary N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 5

ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD maxScellNum 1 Ordinary N/A
Effective when eNB
ENBFunctionFDD outBandRNFunSwitch 0 Ordinary
ENBFunctionFDD plmnIdList_mnc Use Default Value Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD ulSINRThd 0 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD userRatioRecoverThrsh 85 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD x2HOBlackList_mnc Use Default Value Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD x2WhiteList_mcc Use Default Value Ordinary N/A
ENBServicePrior arp 1 Prohibited N/A
ENBServicePrior cNoRepCoeff 0 Prohibited N/A
ENodeBGloMBMS mtchDeltaPwrOfstPMCH 0.0 Prohibited N/A
GlobalQoS pktLsRtThrd4NGBR 0.0000010 Prohibited N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation clPsHoSwitch 1 Critical N/A
AdjacentEutranFreqLTE AdjacentEutranFreqLTE 1 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentEutranFreqLTE freqIndex 1 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentUtranFreqFDD freqIndex 1 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup geranSRVCCBasedVoLTE 1710 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup interFHOMeasCfg Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup interFVoiceMeasCfg 130 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup intraLBMeasCfg 250 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup utranANRMeasCfg 1610 Critical N/A
ControlPlaneTimer pathSwitchTimer 5000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer rimEndResndTmr 6000000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer s1ResetAckTimer 10000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer s1RsdSetupDftTmr 10000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer s1RsndUptDftTmr 10000 Prohibited N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 6

GlobleSwitchInformation cnUbFtpEnable 0 Critical N/A

GlobleSwitchInformation deRohcSch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation description GlobalSwitchInformation=1 Ordinary N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation enableMroAlarm 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation fairSchdSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation gsmSrvccSwitch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation hoBaseFreqPriSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation interBandFddCaSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation interFHOBaseSrvSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation rtpOrderEnable 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation switchForUserInactivity 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation tcpProxySwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ulBaseStationFDS 0 Critical N/A
IdleMobilityProfile geranFreqSetRslPrio 1 Prohibited N/A
IdleMobilityProfile utraFddFreqRslPrio Use Default Value Prohibited N/A
LoadManagement allowHLNbrNum 0 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement dlIntraNeiLdRelaThrd 10 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement gbrCompressLCSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement interCLBSwitch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement interNeighborLoadThrd 60 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement 80 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement lbUESrvPosInfSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement numMeasureUE 10 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement prbLBExeThrdNZDl 70 Ordinary N/A
CSFBProfile utranFreqCsfbPrio Use Default Value Prohibited N/A
EABParaConfig description EABParaConfig=1 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD holdoverTime 65535 Prohibited N/A
ENBFunctionFDD sceneCfg 0 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD x2AlarmOffDelay 30 Ordinary N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 7

ENBFunctionFDD x2WhiteList_eNBId Use Default Value Ordinary N/A

ENBFunctionFDD x2WhiteList_mnc Use Default Value Ordinary N/A
ENBServicePrior srvPriLvUl 16 Prohibited N/A
ExpConNtf retQueThresholdDl 90 Prohibited N/A
GlobalQoS arpThresh 5;10 Prohibited N/A
GlobalQoS gbrDelayTh 50;100;150 Prohibited N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation caDefaultFreListSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation cicSwitch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation cmasSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation eabSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation enablePaIVDA 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation enablePciAlarm 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation glPsHoSwitch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation gsmCsfbSwitch 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prbLBExeThrdZUl 65 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement ueAccessLBRelaThrd 20 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement uePrbUseRptThrd 1 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement utranGBRTrafThrd 4 Ordinary N/A
MobileSpeedHO tHomaxhyst 1 critical N/A
MobilityManagement switchForNacc 1 Critical N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID refCSFBProfile SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,ENBFunctionFDD=131515,CSFBProfile=7 Critical N/A

OperatorSpecificSPID refIdleMobilityProfile SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,ENBFunctionFDD=131515,IdleMobilityPro Critical N/A

OperatorSpecificSPID refLBProfile Use Default Value Critical N/A
Paging defaultPagingCycle 2 Critical N/A
PCIRange pciStart 0 Ordinary N/A
PCIRange pciType 0 Ordinary N/A
PciSection csgPCINum 0 Ordinary N/A
PDCP profile260 0 Ordinary N/A
PDCP ulDataCompSupport 0 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure a5Thrld1Q -16.0 Critical N/A
PubFunctionPara description PubFunctionPara=1 Ordinary N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 8

PubFunctionPara rssiAlmRaiseTimes1 30 Prohibited N/A

PubFunctionPara rssiPowerDiffAlmThr 20 Ordinary N/A
QcellPosition qcellPosiServerUdpPort 0 Prohibited N/A
QoSPRIMapping arpSegID 1 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass phtPhrTimer 1 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass sequenceNumType 1 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass spsIntervalUL 1 Prohibited N/A
REDPProfile description REDPProfile=1,profileIndex=1 Ordinary N/A
REDPProfile eutraFreqRedPri Use Default Value Critical N/A
REDPProfile 0 Critical N/A
REDPProfile refAdjacentGSMFreq Critical N/A
SecurityManagement integProtAlgPriority 2;1;4;4 Critical N/A
ServiceDrx drxInactTimer 10 Prohibited N/A
ServiceDrx shortDrxCycT 4 Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy refSonCS Use Default Value Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr enableShAnr 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 0 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr interFreqHoSuccRateThr 98.0 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr 98.0 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr longPeriodHoDetectSwc 0 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr ltePciRsrpThrd -95 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr lteRedNrDelSwch 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr noHoStatisticTimer 24 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr overCoverageDetect 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr overCovgDetectThrd 3000 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr selfDeleteNbrCellThrd 30 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr selfLearnSwch 0 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 9

SonPolicyAnr sonEnableANR 1 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr sonEnableNbrDel 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 200 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr utranPciRscpThrd -105 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation inBandContFddCaSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation plmnEncodInd 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation scellBaseLoadSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation sib8SysTimeSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation swchOfMtcACRest 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation tcpFluidCtrlSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation tempNBRKpiRptSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation uldlFtpSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation userStateTransSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation x2PassProcSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation x2UpdateOMCSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement hwCLBSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lbTraffTypeInd 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement ldPreestimSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prtUESwch 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement redirectionSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement ueAccessLBSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement ulIntraNeiLdRelaThrd 10 Ordinary N/A
MobileSpeedHO ftTrgSFHigh 1 critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO mCellRadius 0.5 Ordinary N/A
MobileSpeedHO mediumSpeedThr 60 Ordinary N/A
MobileSpeedHO nHoMediumSpeed 2 Ordinary N/A
MobilityManagement switchGeranRim 0 Critical N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID homemnc 01 Critical N/A
PciSection commonPCIEnd 503 Ordinary N/A
PciSection commonPCIStart 0 Ordinary N/A
SonPolicyMro ccoNbrRsrpThd -115 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro enableMROByKPI 0 Critical N/A
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SonPolicyMro sonTotalAdjust 6 Critical N/A

SonPolicyPci enableReslvPCIByTimer 1 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyPci reportSwitch 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo roDMP1Thd 0.5 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonROLoadFactor 0.7 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 policyType 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 s1SctpNum 16 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 sonFuncId 48 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement a3Offset 3.0 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement eventId 3 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement maxReportCellNum 3 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement measCfgFunc 5 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement measCfgIdx 10 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement prdRptRurpose 0 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement thresholdOfRSRP -75 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement thresholdOfRSRQ -8.0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement evtReportInterval 4 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement maxReportCellNum 3 Critical N/A
UeTimer n311 0 Prohibited N/A
UeTimer tUserInac 5 Prohibited N/A
UpLinkDataCompression description UpLinkDataCompression=1 Ordinary N/A
PDCP description PDCP=1 Ordinary N/A
PerQCIMeasure description PerQCIMeasure=1 Ordinary N/A
PubFunctionPara rssiPowerDiffAlmClrCnt 30 Ordinary N/A
QcellPosition peportPeriod 0 Prohibited N/A
QcellPosition qcellPosiServerIP Prohibited N/A
QoSPBRMapping lchDirection 0 Prohibited N/A
QoSPBRMapping pbrValue 8 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass factorForQCI 1 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass srvPrior 1 Prohibited N/A
S1Ap description S1Ap=1 Ordinary N/A
SecurityManagement description SecurityManagement=1 Ordinary N/A
SecurityManagement integProtAlg 4 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 11

ServiceDrx shortDrxCyc 7 Critical N/A

ServiceDrx shortDrxCycInd 0 Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyPci Use Default Value Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy sonEnbPolicyType 0 Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy sonFuncId 49 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrCheckPeriod 15 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr gsmHoSuccThrd 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr hoFailureRatio 80 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr noHoPunishNumThrd 3 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 24 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr redNclDelPrd 15 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr sonEnableGsmNbrDel 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 1 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr sonNbrReportThreshold 10 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr 1;1;1;1;0;1;1;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 12

Request to add E-UTRAN adjacent relation;Request to remove E-UTRAN

adjacent relation;Request to add E-UTRAN adjacent relation based on
bidirectional configuration switch;Request to add E-UTRAN adjacent
relation based on X2 detection;Receive CGI measurement of GSM
adjacent cell;Request to add GSM adjacent relation;Request to remove
GSM adjacent relation;Receive CGI measurement of UTRAN adjacent
cell;Request to add UTRAN adjacent relation;Request to remove UTRAN
adjacent relation;Request to modify NOHO attribute;Request to remove
SonPolicyAnr LTE redundancy adjacent cell(Only eNB level policy valid);Request to Critical N/A
remove GSM redundancy adjacent cell(Only eNB level policy
valid);Request to remove UTRAN redundancy adjacent cell(Only eNB
level policy valid);Transaction ended;Add adjacent relation
information;Adjacent relation add results;Adjacent relation remove
results;Modify No HandOver attribute;Send TDS-TDD add adjacent
relation command;Remove redundancy adjacent cell results;Transaction
ended because of exceeding the max of EMS adjacent relation total

SonPolicyAnr staticTimerGrade 0 Prohibited N/A

SonPolicyMro grade 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro iRatConvCoeff 50 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro kpiStatPeriod 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro mroDropCallRatioThrd 2 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro mrohoOutTimeThrd 100 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyMro mroTotalAdjustHigh 21 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro nbrWarnRatioThrd 80 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro pingPongOptiThrd 10 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro sonReferPointPolicy_so 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyMro sonRunMode 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro sonStatisticTimer 24 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyPci grade 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci periodicDetectCounter 5 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 13

SonPolicyPci 5;5;1;1;1;5;1 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyRo grade 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonEnableRo 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonFuncId 51 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo 0;0;1;0;1;0;0;1;1;0;0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyRo sonROCPThdH 0.05 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonROResTrigger 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 SonPolicyX2 19 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 statisticTimerGrade 0 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyX2 x2DirectDelSwch 0 Critical N/A
SPSConfig spsMcsHighThrDl 18 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement naxReportCellNum 8 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement prdReportInterval 4 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement rsrpSrvTrd -115 Critical N/A
UpLinkDataCompression ulDataCompIsUeSndCap 0 Prohibited N/A

UpLinkDataCompression UpLinkDataCompression 1 Prohibited N/A

X2Ap description X2Ap=0 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentGSMFreq description AdjacentGSMFreq=1,freqSetIndex=1 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentUtranFreqFDD AdjacentUtranFreqFDD 0 Prohibited N/A
AdjacentUtranFreqFDD description AdjacentUtranFreqFDD=0,freqIndex=1 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup BoardAppliAttr 0 Prohibited N/A
CellMeasGroup gsmCSFBMeasCfg 1260 Prohibited N/A
CellMeasGroup 1650 Prohibited N/A
CellMeasGroup tdMeasCfg 1110;1111 Prohibited N/A
CellMeasGroup tdsLBMeasCfg 1550 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer ControlPlaneTimer 1 Prohibited N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 14

ControlPlaneTimer handOverPunishTmr 3 Prohibited N/A

ControlPlaneTimer s1SetupRspTimer 10000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer x2ResStatusRspT 10000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer x2RsndUptDftTmr 10000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer x2SetupRspTimer 10000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer x2UptAckTimer 10000 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile 0 Prohibited N/A
ENBFunctionFDD acBarHysteresis 5 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD acBarObsvPeriod 300 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD decideNoDataTimer 30 Prohibited N/A
ENBFunctionFDD description ENB SiteNo=120441 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD echoPeriod 1 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD fairSchdFactor 0.0 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 2605.0 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A

ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSp 504 Ordinary N/A

ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A

ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSp 504 Ordinary N/A


ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSp 504 Ordinary N/A

ENBFunctionFDD rsrpStatisticThd -105 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD s1AlarmOnDelay 30 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD scRecvPolicy 1 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD sib10StopMode 1 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 15

ENBFunctionFDD 5 Critical N/A
ENBServicePrior mnc 01 Prohibited N/A
ENodeBGloMBMS ENodeBGloMBMS 1 Critical N/A
ENodeBGloMBMS mbmsCmonRefTime 2014-01-01 01:01:01 Prohibited N/A
ENodeBGloMBMS 0.0 Prohibited N/A
GlobalQoS description GlobalQoS=1 Ordinary N/A
GlobalQoS gbrDelaySegNum 4 Prohibited N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation cdmCsfbSwitch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation compSelMergeSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation cpuLoadMngSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation dlSINRThd 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ewtsSendMed 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation hoBaseVoiceSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation interEnbReestabSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation switchForMMELB 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ueCat4Sch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ulCOMPCloudIrcSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation x2RebuildSwch 0 Critical N/A
IdleMobilityProfile description IdleMobilityProfile=7,profileIndex=1 Ordinary N/A
IdleMobilityProfile profileIndex 1 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement caLASwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement cellLdPreestSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement cellLoadLogSwitch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement intraLBFreqPriorSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement intraNeighborLoadRelaT 5 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement lbOverlapCoverageThrd 40 Ordinary N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 16

LoadManagement lbUESelSchemePrio 0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical N/A

LoadManagement ngbrPRBFactor 7 Critical N/A
LoadManagement offloadThrdDL 80 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement prbUsageFactor 0 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO MobileSpeedHO 1 Ordinary N/A
MobileSpeedHO mshoSwitch 0 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO speedJudgNum 4 Critical N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID homemcc 410 Prohibited N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID OperatorSpecificSPID 1 Prohibited N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID refPlmn SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,Operator=1,Plmn=1 Prohibited N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID specificSPID 7 Prohibited N/A
Paging pagingRepeatTime 0 Prohibited N/A
PerQCIMeasure a3offsetP 1.5 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure a3offsetQ 3.0 Critical N/A
PubFunctionPara rssiAlmRaiseTimes2 1800 Prohibited N/A
QcellPosition reportCharac 0 Critical N/A
QoSDSCPMapping description QoSDSCPMapping=0 Ordinary N/A
QoSPRIMapping mcc 410 Critical N/A
QoSPRIMapping qosBasicPrio 14 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass dlPathlossChgTh 1 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass meaGRP 1 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass qCI 0 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass rlcMode 1 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass srvClassName 9 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass srvPacketDelay 300 Prohibited N/A
REDPProfile geranFreqRedPri 100 Prohibited N/A
REDPProfile ratPriorityPara_ratPriori 0 Prohibited N/A
S1Ap refSctp SubNetwork=10000,MEID=100,TransportNetwork=1,Sctp=3 Prohibited N/A
ServiceDrx onDuratTimer 1 Prohibited N/A
ServiceDrx qCI 1 Prohibited N/A
SignalProcSTG sigPrioCelllList 65535;65535;65535 Prohibited N/A
SonControl sonSwitch 0 Critical N/A
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SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyCco Use Default Value Critical N/A

SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicySCH Use Default Value Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyX2 Use Default Value Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr anrAppointRptEndTime 06:00 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr description SonPolicyAnr=12 Ordinary N/A
SonPolicyAnr geranHoSuccRateThrd 95.0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr gsmFastANRSwch 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr maxGsmNbrNum 64 Critical N/A
AdjacentGSMFreq freqArfcn 5;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;6 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentUtranFreqFDD addiFreqBandInd 255;255;255;255;255;255;255;255 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup compMeasCfgDL 221 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup 150 Critical N/A

intraFHOMeasCfg 50;51 Critical N/A

CellMeasGroup macroSmallMeasCfg 122 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup modScellMeasCfg 520 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup openRatFMeasCfg 30;31 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup openRedMeasCfg 40;41 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup ueRxTxTimeDiffPeriodM 360 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer anrReportTimer 1200 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer description ControlPlaneTimer=1 Ordinary N/A
ControlPlaneTimer pingPongTmr 2 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer rrcSetupTimer 2000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer storeUEcntxtTimer 5000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer ueCapaTimer 2000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer ueSetupFailTimer 600 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile description CSFBProfile=7,profileIndex=1 Ordinary N/A
CSFBProfile 0 Prohibited N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 18

CSFBProfile utranFreqCsfbMeasInd Use Default Value Prohibited N/A

EABParaConfig eabBarBitmapR11 0 Critical N/A
EABParaConfig EABParaConfig 1 Critical N/A
ECellEquipmentFunction cpSpeRefSigPwr 19.4 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD boardPermitRRCNum 3600 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD cellAlarmOnDelay 60 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD echoReTxNum 3 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD holdoverSwitch 1 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD primePlmnIdList_mnc Use Default Value Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD shiftNumber 100 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD x2AlarmOnDelay 600 Critical N/A
ENBServicePrior srvPriLvDl 16 Critical N/A
ENodeBGloMBMS description ENodeBGloMBMS=1 Ordinary N/A
ENodeBGloMBMS mbmsCmonRefTimems 0 Prohibited N/A
ExpConNtf ecnPeriod 1 Critical N/A
ExpConNtf ExpConNtf 1 Critical N/A
ExpConNtf memThresholdUl 10 Critical N/A
ExpConNtf queThresholdDl 90 Critical N/A
GlobalQoS arpForEMC 0 Critical N/A
GlobalQoS arpSegNum 3 Critical N/A
GlobalQoS GlobalQoS 1 Critical N/A
GlobalQoS ngbrDelaySegNum 3 Critical N/A
GlobalQoS ngbrDelayTh 100;300 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation caBackOffSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation caScellHOSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation caSPIDSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation fddTddHoSwitch 1 Critical N/A
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GlobleSwitchInformation 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation manageBasedMdtSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation rlfKpiReportSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation scellBaseferqPrioSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation sib10StopTimerLen 6 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation signalBasedMdtSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation specificSPIDSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation tcpMssModifySwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation tcpOrderEnable 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ulSINRThd 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation voIPSwitch 1 Critical N/A
IdleMobilityProfile refAdjacentGSMFreq Ordinary N/A
IdleMobilityProfile Use Default Value Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement dlPRBLBExeThrd 70 Critical N/A
LoadManagement enbFlowCtrlAllowQCI 1;5;7;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement interManuLBSwch 0 Prohibited N/A
LoadManagement lbRATPriority 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 Prohibited N/A
LoadManagement lbTraffTypeSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lbUEPosInfSwch 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement onlyVoiceUserSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prbLBExeThrdZDl 65 Critical N/A
LoadManagement timePrtUE 2 Prohibited N/A
LoadManagement ulPRBLBExeThrd 70 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO hiSpeedThr 80 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO sCellRadius 0 Critical N/A
MobilityManagement switchUtranRim 1 Critical N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID refPSHOProfile Use Default Value Critical N/A
PDCP maxCid 15 Critical N/A
PDCP profile3 0 Critical N/A
PDCP qCI 0 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 20

PerQCIMeasure geranSrvTrdP -115 Critical N/A

PerQCIMeasure perQCIMeaGroupId 1 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure PerQCIMeasure 1 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure tdsSrvTrdP -115 Critical N/A
PubFunctionPara rssiAlmThresh2 -67 Critical N/A
QcellPosition QcellPosition 1 Critical N/A
QoSPBRMapping description QoSPBRMapping=1 Ordinary N/A
QoSPBRMapping qCI 5 Critical N/A
QoSPRIMapping qosSrvClass 0 Critical N/A
QoSServiceClass spsIntervalDL 3 Critical N/A
QoSServiceClass srvBearerType 1 Critical N/A
REDPProfile 0 Critical N/A
REDPProfile 0 Critical N/A
REDPProfile 0 Critical N/A
REDPProfile Use Default Value Critical N/A
S1Ap priority 0 Critical N/A
SecurityManagement encrypAlgPriority 2;1;4;4 Critical N/A
ServiceDrx ServiceDrx 1 Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyEs Use Default Value Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr enableNoHoMod 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr geranPciRssiThrd -105 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr longPeriodHoDetectPeri 72 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr maxIntraFNbrNum 64 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr sonHoSuccThreshold 7 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr maxInterFNbrNum 128 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr nbrAddCnt 6 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 21

SonPolicyAnr nbrDelCnt 4 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr reportSwitch 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr rlfDectANRSwch 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr sonFuncId 46 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr utranRedNrDelSwch 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro interRatOfnTotalAdjust 10 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro sonEnableMro 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro sonFuncId 49 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro sonOptRatioThrd 50 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro sonPolicyId 49900 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro 0;1;2;3;4;5;29;30;31;32;33;34;39;50;52;54;55 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro statisticTimerGrade 0 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyPci confusionSwch 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci description SonPolicyPci=11 Ordinary N/A
SonPolicyPci periodicDetectInterval 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci sonPolicyId 47011 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci sonResolveManner 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci timerForDetectECGI 22:00 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyRo description SonPolicyRo=3 Ordinary N/A
SonPolicyRo reportSwitch 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo 1;2;3;4;5;6;29;30;31;32;33 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonROResEnable 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonRunMode 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 0;1;2;3;4;5;29;30;31;32 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 sonRunMode 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 sonS1HoSuccThrd 48 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 x2InvalidDelTimerLen 1 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyX2 x2SelfSetupSwitch 0 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 22

UeEUtranMeasurement a5Threshold2OfRSRP -90 Critical N/A

UeRATMeasurement ecNoSysNbrTrd 0.0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement geranNbrTrd -110 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement measCfgFunc 0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement utraFddReportQuan 1 Critical N/A
UeTimer t304_Cco 5 Prohibited N/A
UeTimer t310_Ue 6 Prohibited N/A
X2Ap refSctp SubNetwork=10000,MEID=100,TransportNetwork=1,Sctp=10 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr sonRunMode 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 24 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr utranHoSuccRateThrd 95.0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro ccoLastServRsrpThd -115 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro hoNumThrd 100 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro mrohoSucRatioThrd 98 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro mroWarnHoFaultThrd 20 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro reportSwitch 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci SonPolicyPci 11 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci Use Default Value Critical N/A

SonPolicyPci sonReferPointPolicy_so 0;0;1;1;1;0;1 Prohibited N/A

SonPolicyRo 1.7 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonROResCounter 1000 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 sonPolicyId 48019 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 x2SelfLearnSwch 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 x2StatisticOptSwch 0 Critical N/A
SPSConfig spsMcsHighThrUl 18 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement hysteresis 0.0 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement reportCriteria 0 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement triggerQuantity 0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement prdReportAmount 7 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 23

UeRATMeasurement rsrqSrvTrd -11.0 Critical N/A

UeRATMeasurement UeRATMeasurement 1000 Critical N/A
UeTimer n310 4 Prohibited N/A
UeTimer tUserInacforMobile 5 Prohibited N/A
AdjacentEutranFreqLTE addiFreqBandInd 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentEutranFreqLTE freqBandInd 3 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentUtranFreqFDD freqBandInd 0 Ordinary N/A
BoardAppliAttr description BoardAppliAttr=0 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup anrA2MeasCfg 34 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup eICICMeasCfg 210 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup geranVoiceMeasCfg 1012;1013 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup iratANRA2MeasCfg 34 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup rsrpEventMeasCfgIdDl 450 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup tdVoiceMeasCfg 1112;1113 Critical N/A
ControlPlaneTimer ccoRelTimer 5000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer rimStopAckTmr 15000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer ueCtxRelReqTimer 5000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer x2ResetAckTimer 10000 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile profileIndex 1 Critical N/A
CSFBProfile 0 Prohibited N/A
EABParaConfig eabCategoryR11 0 Critical N/A
ECellEquipmentFunction aasTiltDl 0.0 Critical N/A
ECellEquipmentFunction cpId 0 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD acBarRecoverThrsh 85 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD boardSHTimes 3 Prohibited N/A
ENBFunctionFDD bsAlarmOffDelay 30 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD dlSINRThd 0 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Critical N/A

ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSp 504 Critical N/A

ENBFunctionFDD userRatioTrigerThrsh 90 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 24

ExpConNtf drbThresholdUl 95 Critical N/A

GlobleSwitchInformation caBandPrioritySwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation caSwchUl 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation cnUbFtpAddr Use Default Value Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation enbFCErabRejectSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation etwsSwitch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation fddTddCaSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation freqSpaceCfgMode 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation mfbiSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation pcellFeqPriSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation qcellPosiSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation SCSdmaSwchUl 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ueRecordIdSwitch 0 Critical N/A
IdleMobilityProfile eutraFreqRslPrio 7 Critical N/A
IdleMobilityProfile hrpdBandClass Use Default Value Critical N/A
IdleMobilityProfile Use Default Value Critical N/A
IdleMobilityProfile utraTddFreqRslPrio Use Default Value Critical N/A
LoadManagement 5 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lbPeriod 30 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lbUEClassInfSwch 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lbUEPRBThrdSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lcTraffTypeInd 0;1;1;1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement LoadManagement 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prbUlovldThrd 90 Critical N/A
LoadManagement targCellTypeInd 15 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO description MobileSpeedHO=1 Ordinary N/A
MobileSpeedHO nHoHighSpeed 3 Critical N/A
MobilityManagement geranCellNum4R9Red 16 Critical N/A
MobilityManagement utranCellNum4R9Red 12 Critical N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID description OperatorSpecificSPID=1,specificSPID=7 Ordinary N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID refREDPProfile Use Default Value Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 25

Paging description Paging=1 Ordinary N/A

Paging modificationPeriodCoeff 1 Critical N/A
PDCP profile2 0 Critical N/A
PDCP profile258 0 Critical N/A
PDCP profile4 0 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure a4ThrldP -90 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure a4ThrldQ -15.0 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure a5Thrld1P -100 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure a5Thrld2P -90 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure a5Thrld2Q -12.0 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure tdsSrvTrdQ -10.0 Critical N/A
QoSDSCPMapping arpSegID 1 Critical N/A
QoSServiceClass srvPacketLoss 0.0000010 Critical N/A
REDPProfile 0 Critical N/A
REDPProfile utranFreqRedPri Use Default Value Critical N/A
SecurityManagement SecurityManagement 1 Critical N/A
SignalProcSTG sigResCfgMode 0 Critical N/A
SonControl description SonControl=16 Ordinary N/A
SonControl SonControl 16 Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy description SoneNBPolicy=16 Ordinary N/A
SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyAnr Use Default Value Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyMlb Use Default Value Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyRo Use Default Value Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr anrAppointRptSwch 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr anrMeasUeCnt 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr grade 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 32 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrStopMeasUe 5 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr gsmRedNrDelSwch 0 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 26

SonPolicyAnr 50 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr hoTimesThreshold 50 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr 90.0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr selfDelStatisticTimer 24 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr SonPolicyAnr 12 Critical N/A
sonReferPointPolicy_so 4320;4320;4320;4320;1;4320;4320;1;4320;4320;4320;4320;4320;4320;
SonPolicyAnr Prohibited N/A
nTimeOutPeriod 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
SonPolicyMro iRatWarnThrd 48 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro mroReestTimeThrd 10 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyMro mroTotalAdjustLow 9 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro mroWarnThrd 200 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro SonPolicyMro 99 Critical N/A

Modify neighbor cells CIO;Evaluate the modified CIO;Rollback the

modified CIO;Report the result of MRO optimization;Report the result of
MRO evaluation;Start evaluate circle;Transaction ended;MRO CIO
sonReferPointPolicy_so Parameter Modification;MRO OCS Parameter Modification;MRO OFN
SonPolicyMro Critical N/A
Parameter Modification;MRO Report Modifying result;MRO UTRAN OFN
Parameter Modification;conflict;Evaluate;Evaluate
Results;Rollback;Rollback Results

SonPolicyMro tooLateHoThrd 10 Critical N/A

SonPolicyMro wEvaluationPeriod 24 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci sonEnablePCI 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonPolicyId 51003 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonROHOThd 0.1 Critical N/A

Trigger X2 self-establishment by adding neighbour cell;Trigger X2 self-

establishment by S1 HO statistic result;Trigger X2 self-remove by
SonPolicyX2 sonReferPointPolicy_so deleting neighbour cell or adding X2 blacklist;Trigger X2 self-remove by Critical N/A
nReferPointAlias X2 HO statistic result;Trigger X2 self-remove by detecting invalid X2
association;Request to update remote IP;Transaction ended;X2 self-
establishment results;X2 self-remove results;X2 update result
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 27

SonPolicyX2 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyX2 20 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 statisticTimer 24 Prohibited N/A
SPSConfig spsUseBandPerDl 0.3 Critical N/A
SPSConfig spsUseBandPerUl 0.3 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement a5Threshold2OfRSRQ -11.0 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement a6Offset 3.0 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement prdReportAmount 7 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement reportOnLeave 0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement eutranMeasQuantity 0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement hysterisis 0.0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement ratMeasCfgIdx 1000 Critical N/A
UeTimer description UeTimer=1 Ordinary N/A
UeTimer t301 3 Prohibited N/A
UeTimer t311_Ue 1 Prohibited N/A
AdjacentGSMFreq freqBandInd 0 Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup addScellMeasCfg 500 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup closedInterFMeasCfg 10;11 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup geranMeasCfg 1010;1011 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup interFHOBasedVoLTEQu 140 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup 1660 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup measCfg4movUE 550 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup rrcAccessLBMeasCfg 253 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup rsrpPeriodMeasCfgIdDl 400 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup tdCSFBMeasCfg 1360 Critical N/A
ControlPlaneTimer rrcAccessLBMeasTimer 2000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer rrcConnRelTimer 200 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer s1HoPrepareTimer 10000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer s1UptAckTimer 10000 Prohibited N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 28

ControlPlaneTimer x2HoPrePareTimer 5000 Prohibited N/A

EABParaConfig refPlmn SubNetwork=10000,MEID=100,Operator=1,Plmn=1 Critical N/A
ECellEquipmentFunction description ECellEquipmentFunction=0,cpId=0 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD acBarTrigerThrsh 90 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD bsAlarmOnDelay 60 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD cellAlarmOffDelay 30 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD ewtsSendMed 0 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
Effective when eNB
ENBFunctionFDD plmnEncodInd 0 Critical
ENBFunctionFDD s1AlarmOffDelay 30 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD tarHeNBIDEncMeth 1 Critical N/A
ENBServicePrior mcc 410 Critical N/A
ENBServicePrior qci 0 Critical N/A
ExpConNtf description ExpConNtf=1 Ordinary N/A
ExpConNtf rlcQueThresholdDl 90 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation caMonitorSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation cCOSwitch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation etwsRepetitionCheck 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation interFreqPeriANRSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation macro2SmallPingPSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation magicRadioModeSwch 0 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 29

GlobleSwitchInformation periodicANRSwitch 0 Critical N/A

GlobleSwitchInformation priBasedPLMNSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation psHoSwchUL 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation swichForCpuAC 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation swicthForHoPartCac 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation tmsiCodecSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ueCa5Sch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation utranSrvccSwitch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation x2AdjCellDelSwch 1 Critical N/A
IdleMobilityProfile hrpdBandClassRslPrio Use Default Value Critical N/A
refAdjacentEutranFreqL SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,ENBFunctionFDD=131515,AdjacentEutran
IdleMobilityProfile Critical N/A
TE FreqLTE=1
LoadManagement 80 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lbSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lcSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement numHOUE 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prbLBExeThrdNZUl 70 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prbUlrecoveryThrd 80 Critical N/A
LoadManagement rrcNumRatioFactor 100 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO lCellRadius 1.0 Critical N/A
MobilityManagement description MobilityManagement=1 Ordinary N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID refCaProfileList Use Default Value Critical N/A
OperatorSpecificSPID refSRVCCProfile Use Default Value Critical N/A
PCIRange pciNum 504 Critical N/A
PCIRange pciRangeIndex 1 Critical N/A
PciSection description PciSection=1 Ordinary N/A
PDCP PDCP 1 Critical N/A
PDCP pdcpStatRptInd 0 Critical N/A
PDCP profile1 0 Critical N/A
PDCP profile257 0 Critical N/A
PDCP profile259 0 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 30

PDCP 1 Critical N/A
PubFunctionPara rssiAlmClearTimes1 30 Prohibited N/A
PubFunctionPara rssiAlmClearTimes2 90 Prohibited N/A
PubFunctionPara rssiPowerDiffAlmCnt 30 Critical N/A
QoSDSCPMapping dscpValue 32 Critical N/A
QoSDSCPMapping qCI 1 Critical N/A
QoSPBRMapping QoSPBRMapping 1 Critical N/A
QoSServiceClass discardTimer 4 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass disCardTimerForEnb 4 Prohibited N/A
QoSServiceClass sequenNumLenth 1 Critical N/A
REDPProfile profileIndex 1 Ordinary N/A
REDPProfile 100 Critical N/A
REDPProfile Use Default Value Critical N/A
S1Ap globalUniqueMmeId Use Default Value Critical N/A
ServiceDrx description ServiceDrx=1 Ordinary N/A
ServiceDrx drxRetranTimer 4 Prohibited N/A
ServiceDrx longDrxCyc 3 Critical N/A
SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyMro Use Default Value Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr anrAppointRptStartTime 00:00 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr centralizeTwoWayFlg 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrFreqMeasTi 2 Prohibited N/A

SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrMeasUeNu 5 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr handoverFailNumThrd 20 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr longPeriodHoNumThrd 3 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr nbrDelHoCntThrd 3 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr noHoPunishTimer 24 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr picoDelStatTimerLen 2 Prohibited N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 31

SonPolicyAnr picoNbrANRSwch 0 Critical N/A

SonPolicyAnr sonEnableUtraANR 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr sonEnableUtraNbrDel 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr sonPolicyId 46012 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 3;4;6;7;10;11;12;15;16;17;23;24;25;26;29;30;31;32;33;34;35;60 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr statisticTimer 24 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr twoWayFlg 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro description SonPolicyMro=99 Ordinary N/A
SonPolicyMro iRatOfnRatioThrd 80 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro iRatStatisticTimer 24 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyMro maxOptCellNum 3 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro mroUnnesHOOptiThrd 20 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro sonIntervalTimer 48 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyPci sonFuncId 47 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci 0;0;0;0;0;1;0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci sonRunMode 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci timerForReslvPCI 02:00 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyRo roPowTimer 24.0 Prohibited N/A

Trigger PRACH power control parameters optimization;PRACH power

control parameters middle optimized result;Receive PRACH power
control parameters final optimized result;PRACH power control
SonPolicyRo sonReferPointPolicy_so parameters optimized result;Found PRACH Logical root sequence Critical N/A
nReferPointAlias collision;Uplink cross slot interference optimize result;RO Transaction
End Notification;Request to optimize PRACH resource parameter;PRACH
resource parameter optimized results;PRACH resource parameter
optimized end;PRACH root sequence optimization result

SonPolicyRo sonReferPointPolicy_so 5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5 Prohibited N/A

SonPolicyRo sonROLogRtSeqSwch 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 description SonPolicyX2=19 Ordinary N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 32

SonPolicyX2 grade 0 Critical N/A

SonPolicyX2 sonReferPointPolicy_so 1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 4320;4320;4320;4320;4320;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyX2 x2DirectAddSwch 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 x2InvalidDelSwch 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 x2SelfDelSwitch 0 Critical N/A
SPSConfig description SPSConfig=1 Ordinary N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement description UeEUtranMeasurement=10 Ordinary N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement prdReportInterval 4 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement reportInterval 4 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement description UeRATMeasurement=1000 Ordinary N/A
UeRATMeasurement rscpSysNbrTrd -95 Critical N/A
UeTimer t300 5 Prohibited N/A
UeTimer t304 5 Prohibited N/A
UeTimer t320 3 Prohibited N/A
X2Ap X2Ap 0 Prohibited N/A
AdjacentEutranFreqLTE description AdjacentEutranFreqLTE=1,freqIndex=1 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentGSMFreq freqSetIndex 1 Ordinary N/A
AdjacentUtranFreqFDD freqArfcn 2132.4 Ordinary N/A
BoardAppliAttr cellMod 1 Ordinary Effective when Cell
CellMeasGroup anrMeasCfg 352 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup description CellMeasGroup=1: Ordinary N/A
CellMeasGroup homePLMNeasCfg 600 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup icicMeasCfg 200 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup interFPeriodMeasCfg 320 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup intraLBMeasExtCfg 252 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup pcellMeasCfg 530 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup rmvScellMeasCfg 510 Critical N/A
CellMeasGroup rptCGIMeasCfg 350 Critical N/A
ControlPlaneTimer csfbMeasTimer 1.0 Prohibited N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 33

ControlPlaneTimer initialUETimer 16000 Prohibited N/A

ControlPlaneTimer rimInitRptTmr 15000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer rimResndReqTmr 15000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer rrcReEstTimer 3000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer s1HoOverAllTimer 15000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer x2HoRelTimer 10000 Prohibited N/A
ControlPlaneTimer x2RsdSetupDftTmr 10000 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile CSFBProfile 7 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile 0 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile 0 Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile refAdjacentGSMFreq Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile Use Default Value Prohibited N/A
CSFBProfile Use Default Value Prohibited N/A
EABParaConfig recordId 0 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD acBarLoadWindow 300 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD dlMCSThrd4VoLTEBetter 1 Critical N/A

ENBFunctionFDD 0 Critical N/A

ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_freqBa 41 Ordinary N/A


ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSp 504 Ordinary N/A

ENBFunctionFDD 504 Ordinary N/A
ENBFunctionFDD permitRRCNum 10800 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD refPlmn SubNetwork=10000,MEID=100,Operator=1,Plmn=1 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD rrcAdmitType 0 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 34

ENBFunctionFDD sib10StopTimerLen 6 Prohibited N/A

ENBFunctionFDD startUserStateTransThr 90 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD ulSINRThrd4VoLTEbetter 7 Critical N/A
ENBFunctionFDD userRatioHysteresis 5 Critical N/A
ENBServicePrior description ENBServicePrior=0 Ordinary N/A
ExpConNtf drbThresholdDl 95 Critical N/A
ExpConNtf ecnEnable 0 Critical N/A
ExpConNtf recQueThresholdUl 10 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation compJESwchUL 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation dedCarrierSharSwitch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation dedctRANSharingSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation dlBaseStationFDS 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation erabSwitch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation extendedQCISwitch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation gsmLBSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation interFHOBaseVOIPSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation interPlmnHOSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ranSharSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation rsrpStatisticThd -105 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation s1TansBackPressureSwc 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation SCSdmaSwchDl 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation sib10StopMode 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation spidSwitch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation tcpAckSplitSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation ulDataCompSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation uRIMGetLBInfoSwch 0 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation utranCsfbSwch 1 Critical N/A
GlobleSwitchInformation utranLBSwch 0 Critical N/A
LoadManagement caLAPrbThrd 50 Critical N/A
LoadManagement clbExeThrd 70 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 35

LoadManagement clbFreqNum 1 Critical N/A

LoadManagement description LoadManagement=1 Ordinary N/A
LoadManagement greanGBRTrafThrd 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement 60 Critical N/A
LoadManagement lbMeasOrderSwch 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement ldPreestimEna 0 Prohibited N/A
LoadManagement numDrpSvc 1 Critical N/A
LoadManagement offloadThrdUL 80 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prbDlovldThrd 90 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prbDlrecoveryThrd 80 Critical N/A
LoadManagement prbQueueWeight 70 Critical N/A
LoadManagement ueAccessLBExeThrd 100 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO ftTrgSFMedium 2 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO hoParaBaseSpeedFlag 0 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO tHoMax 0 Critical N/A
MobileSpeedHO vsCellRadius 0 Critical N/A
Paging nB 2 Critical N/A
PCIRange description PCIRange=1 Ordinary N/A
PciSection csgPCIStart 0 Critical N/A
PciSection hybridPCINum 0 Critical N/A
PciSection hybridPCIStart 0 Critical N/A
PDCP profile6 0 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure geranSrvTrdQ -9.0 Critical N/A
PerQCIMeasure qci 1 Critical N/A
PubFunctionPara rssiAlmThresh1 -55 Critical N/A
PubFunctionPara rssiPowerLsFactor 1 Critical N/A
QcellPosition description QcellPosition=1 Ordinary N/A
QoSDSCPMapping mcc 410 Critical N/A
QoSPBRMapping arpSegID 1 Critical N/A
QoSPRIMapping description QoSPRIMapping=0 Ordinary N/A
QoSPRIMapping QoSPRIMapping 0 Critical N/A
QoSServiceClass description QoSServiceClass=1 Ordinary N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 36

QoSServiceClass prdPhrTimer 6 Prohibited N/A

QoSServiceClass QoSServiceClass 1 Critical N/A
REDPProfile 610;611 Critical N/A
REDPProfile Use Default Value Critical N/A
SecurityManagement encryptionAlg 0 Critical N/A
SignalProcSTG sigProcMode 0 Critical N/A
SonControl sonFuncId 49 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrActDay 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrStartTime 00:00 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyAnr 24 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr 95.0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr maxUtranNbrNum 64 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr operLowHoSuccRate 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr sonEnableGsmANR 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyAnr sonMinDRXCycle 150 Critical N/A
SonPolicyMro iRatIntervalTimer 48 Prohibited N/A
SonPolicyMro 1;1;1;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;1;0;1;0;1;0 Critical N/A

SonPolicyMro sonReferPointPolicy_so 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited N/A

SonPolicyMro utraMROEnable 0 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci enablePeriodicDetect 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyPci 0;1;2;3;29;30;31 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo roPowCounter 1000 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo SonPolicyRo 3 Critical N/A
SonPolicyRo sonROCPThdL 0.0050 Critical N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 37

SonPolicyRo sonROResTimer 1 Prohibited N/A

SonPolicyX2 reportSwitch 1 Critical N/A
SonPolicyX2 sonX2HoSuccThrd 48 Critical N/A
SPSConfig spsMcsLowThrDl 10 Critical N/A
SPSConfig spsMcsLowThrUl 10 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement reportAmount 0 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement reportQuantity 1 Critical N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement timeToTrigger 8 Prohibited N/A
UeEUtranMeasurement UeEUtranMeasurement 10 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement evtReportAmount 0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement reportCriteria 0 Critical N/A
UeRATMeasurement trigTime 7 Prohibited N/A
UeTimer t302 3 Prohibited N/A
UeTimer tUserInacVoLTE 60 Prohibited N/A
UpLinkDataCompression ulDataCompSndIndCap 1 Prohibited N/A
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 38
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 39
ZTE LTE EnodeB Parameter Level Guideline | 2018 Page 40
ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentEutranFreqLTE freqArfcn

ZTE eNodeB Level BoardAppliAttr refSdrDeviceGroup

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup compMeasCfgUL

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup geranANRMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup gsmLBMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup intraFPeriodMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup lowSpeedInHighwayMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup openInterFMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup opeRatVoiceMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup tdsSRVCCBasedVoLTEQuaMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer rrcReCfgTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer voiceMeasTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer waitDCEstatusIndTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile geranFreqCsfbMeasInd

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile geranFreqCsfbPrio

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCSFB1

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCSFB1
ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCSFB2
ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction aasTiltUl

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction cellMod

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction refBpDevice

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD boardSHInterval

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD carrierShareAreaPlmnList_broadcastMCC
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD echoTimer
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD eNBId
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD enbName
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI1
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI10
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD maxScellNum
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD outBandRNFunSwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD plmnIdList_mnc
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD ulSINRThd

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD userRatioRecoverThrsh

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD x2HOBlackList_mnc

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD x2WhiteList_mcc
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBServicePrior arp
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBServicePrior cNoRepCoeff

ZTE eNodeB Level ENodeBGloMBMS mtchDeltaPwrOfstPMCH

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobalQoS pktLsRtThrd4NGBR

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation clPsHoSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentEutranFreqLTE AdjacentEutranFreqLTE
ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentEutranFreqLTE freqIndex

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentUtranFreqFDD freqIndex

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup geranSRVCCBasedVoLTEQuaMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup interFHOMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup interFVoiceMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup intraLBMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup utranANRMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer pathSwitchTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer rimEndResndTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer s1ResetAckTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer s1RsdSetupDftTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer s1RsndUptDftTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation cnUbFtpEnable
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation deRohcSch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation description
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation enableMroAlarm

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation fairSchdSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation gsmSrvccSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation hoBaseFreqPriSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation interBandFddCaSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation interFHOBaseSrvSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation rplcPLMNInRanSharSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation rtpOrderEnable

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation switchForUserInactivity

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation tcpProxySwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation ulBaseStationFDS

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile geranFreqSetRslPrio

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile utraFddFreqRslPrio

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement allowHLNbrNum

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement dlIntraNeiLdRelaThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement gbrCompressLCSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement interCLBSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement interNeighborLoadThrdDl

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement intraNeighborLoadThrdUl

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbUESrvPosInfSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement numMeasureUE

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbLBExeThrdNZDl

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile utranFreqCsfbPrio

ZTE eNodeB Level EABParaConfig description

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction antMapDl
ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction cpTransPwr
ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction refSdrDeviceGroup

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction rfAppMode

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD holdoverTime

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD sceneCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD x2AlarmOffDelay
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD x2WhiteList_eNBId
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD x2WhiteList_mnc

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBServicePrior srvPriLvUl

ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf retQueThresholdDl

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobalQoS arpThresh

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobalQoS gbrDelayTh

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation caDefaultFreListSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation cicSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation cmasSwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation eabSwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation enablePaIVDA

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation enablePciAlarm

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation glPsHoSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation gsmCsfbSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbLBExeThrdZUl

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement ueAccessLBRelaThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement uePrbUseRptThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement utranGBRTrafThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO tHomaxhyst

ZTE eNodeB Level MobilityManagement switchForNacc

ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID refCSFBProfile

ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID refIdleMobilityProfile

ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID refLBProfile

ZTE eNodeB Level Paging defaultPagingCycle

ZTE eNodeB Level PCIRange pciStart
ZTE eNodeB Level PCIRange pciType
ZTE eNodeB Level PciSection csgPCINum
ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP profile260

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP ulDataCompSupport

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure a5Thrld1Q

ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara description

ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiAlmRaiseTimes1
ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiPowerDiffAlmThr
ZTE eNodeB Level QcellPosition qcellPosiServerUdpPort
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPRIMapping arpSegID

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass phtPhrTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass sequenceNumType

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass spsIntervalUL

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile description

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile eutraFreqRedPri

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile ratPriorityPara_ratPriority1

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile refAdjacentGSMFreq
ZTE eNodeB Level SecurityManagement integProtAlgPriority

ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx drxInactTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx shortDrxCycT

ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy refSonCS

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr enableShAnr
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr handoverFailDetectSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr interFreqHoSuccRateThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr intraFreqHoSuccRateThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr longPeriodHoDetectSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr ltePciRsrpThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr lteRedNrDelSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr noHoStatisticTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr overCoverageDetect

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr overCovgDetectThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr selfDeleteNbrCellThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr selfLearnSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonEnableANR

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonEnableNbrDel

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr tmpHoNumThrdForLowHORate

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr utranPciRscpThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation inBandContFddCaSwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation plmnEncodInd

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation scellBaseLoadSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation sib8SysTimeSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation swchOfMtcACRest

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation tcpFluidCtrlSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation tempNBRKpiRptSwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation uldlFtpSwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation userStateTransSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation x2PassProcSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation x2UpdateOMCSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement hwCLBSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbTraffTypeInd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement ldPreestimSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prtUESwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement redirectionSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement ueAccessLBSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement ulIntraNeiLdRelaThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO ftTrgSFHigh

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO mCellRadius

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO mediumSpeedThr

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO nHoMediumSpeed

ZTE eNodeB Level MobilityManagement switchGeranRim

ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID homemnc
ZTE eNodeB Level PciSection commonPCIEnd
ZTE eNodeB Level PciSection commonPCIStart

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro ccoNbrRsrpThd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro enableMROByKPI

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonTotalAdjust

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci enableReslvPCIByTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci reportSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo roDMP1Thd
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROLoadFactor

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 policyType

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 s1SctpNum

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonFuncId

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement a3Offset

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement eventId

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement maxReportCellNum

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement measCfgFunc

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement measCfgIdx

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement prdRptRurpose
ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement thresholdOfRSRP

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement thresholdOfRSRQ

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement evtReportInterval

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement maxReportCellNum

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer n311

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer tUserInac
ZTE eNodeB Level UpLinkDataCompression description

ZTE eNodeB Level X2Ap userLabel

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP description
ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure description
ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiPowerDiffAlmClrCnt
ZTE eNodeB Level QcellPosition peportPeriod
ZTE eNodeB Level QcellPosition qcellPosiServerIP

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPBRMapping lchDirection

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPBRMapping pbrValue

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass factorForQCI

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass srvPrior

ZTE eNodeB Level description

ZTE eNodeB Level SecurityManagement description

ZTE eNodeB Level SecurityManagement integProtAlg

ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx shortDrxCyc

ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx shortDrxCycInd

ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyPci

ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy sonEnbPolicyType

ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy sonFuncId

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrCheckPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmHoSuccThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr hoFailureRatio

ZTE eNodeB Level noHoPunishNumThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level overCoverageDetectPeriod


ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr redNclDelPrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonEnableGsmNbrDel

ZTE eNodeB Level sonMeasObjChoiceCounter


ZTE eNodeB Level sonNbrReportThreshold


ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonReferPointPolicy_sonIsBreakPoint

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointAlias

ZTE eNodeB Level staticTimerGrade


ZTE eNodeB Level grade

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro iRatConvCoeff
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro kpiStatPeriod
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro mroDropCallRatioThrd
ZTE eNodeB Level mrohoOutTimeThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level mroTotalAdjustHigh


ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro nbrWarnRatioThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level pingPongOptiThrd


ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPolicy

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonRunMode
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonStatisticTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level grade


ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci periodicDetectCounter

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPeriod
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo grade
ZTE eNodeB Level sonEnableRo

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonFuncId

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonReferPointPolicy_sonIsBreakPoint

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPolicy
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROCPThdH
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROResTrigger
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 SonPolicyX2
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 statisticTimerGrade
ZTE eNodeB Level x2DirectDelSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SPSConfig spsMcsHighThrDl

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement naxReportCellNum

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement prdReportInterval
ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement rsrpSrvTrd

ZTE eNodeB Level ulDataCompIsUeSndCapFirst


ZTE eNodeB Level UpLinkDataCompression UpLinkDataCompression

ZTE eNodeB Level description
ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentGSMFreq description
ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentUtranFreqFDD AdjacentUtranFreqFDD

ZTE eNodeB Level description


ZTE eNodeB Level BoardAppliAttr


ZTE eNodeB Level gsmCSFBMeasCfg


ZTE eNodeB Level interRatGSMPeriodMeasCfg


ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup meaGroupId

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup tdMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup tdsLBMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer ControlPlaneTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer handOverPunishTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer s1SetupRspTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level x2ResStatusRspT


ZTE eNodeB Level x2RsndUptDftTmr


ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer x2SetupRspTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer x2UptAckTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCSFB2
ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction antMapUl

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction bplPort

ZTE eNodeB Level maxCPTransPwr

ZTE eNodeB Level slaveRRUFlag

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD acBarHysteresis

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD acBarObsvPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD decideNoDataTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD description
ZTE eNodeB Level echoPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD fairSchdFactor

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highRailwayCarriFreq

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI11
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI12
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI13
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI14
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI15
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI16
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD rsrpStatisticThd

ZTE eNodeB Level s1AlarmOnDelay


ZTE eNodeB Level scRecvPolicy


ZTE eNodeB Level sib10StopMode


ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD ulSINRThrd4VoLTEWorse

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBServicePrior mnc

ZTE eNodeB Level ENodeBGloMBMS ENodeBGloMBMS

ZTE eNodeB Level mbmsCmonRefTime


ZTE eNodeB Level mcchDeltaPwrOfstPMCH


ZTE eNodeB Level description

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobalQoS gbrDelaySegNum
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation cdmCsfbSwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level compSelMergeSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level cpuLoadMngSwch


ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation dlSINRThd

ZTE eNodeB Level ewtsSendMed
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation GlobleSwitchInformation

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation hoBaseVoiceSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level interEnbReestabSwch


ZTE eNodeB Level potentialCOMPUserSwch


ZTE eNodeB Level switchForMMELB


ZTE eNodeB Level ueCat4Sch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation ulCOMPCloudIrcSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation x2RebuildSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile description

ZTE eNodeB Level profileIndex


ZTE eNodeB Level caLASwch

ZTE eNodeB Level cellLdPreestSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level cellLoadLogSwitch


ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement intraLBFreqPriorSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level intraNeighborLoadRelaThrdUl


ZTE eNodeB Level lbOverlapCoverageThrd


ZTE eNodeB Level lbUESelSchemePrio


ZTE eNodeB Level ngbrPRBFactor


ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement offloadThrdDL

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbUsageFactor

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO MobileSpeedHO
ZTE eNodeB Level mshoSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level speedJudgNum

ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID homemcc
ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID OperatorSpecificSPID

ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID refPlmn

ZTE eNodeB Level specificSPID


ZTE eNodeB Level pagingRepeatTime

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure a3offsetP

ZTE eNodeB Level a3offsetQ


ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiAlmRaiseTimes2

ZTE eNodeB Level reportCharac
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSDSCPMapping description
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPRIMapping mcc
ZTE eNodeB Level qosBasicPrio

ZTE eNodeB Level dlPathlossChgTh


ZTE eNodeB Level meaGRP


ZTE eNodeB Level qCI


ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass rlcMode

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass srvClassName

ZTE eNodeB Level srvPacketDelay


ZTE eNodeB Level geranFreqRedPri


ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile ratPriorityPara_ratPriority5

ZTE eNodeB Level S1Ap refSctp

ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx onDuratTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx qCI

ZTE eNodeB Level sigPrioCelllList


ZTE eNodeB Level SonControl sonSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level refSonPolicyCco

ZTE eNodeB Level refSonPolicySCH


ZTE eNodeB Level refSonPolicyX2


ZTE eNodeB Level anrAppointRptEndTime


ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr description

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr geranHoSuccRateThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level gsmFastANRSwch


ZTE eNodeB Level maxGsmNbrNum


ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentGSMFreq ENBFunctionFDD

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentGSMFreq freqArfcn

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentUtranFreqFDD addiFreqBandInd

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup compMeasCfgDL

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup highSpeedInNmlCellMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level intraFHOMeasCfg


ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup macroSmallMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup modScellMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup openRatFMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup openRedMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level ueRxTxTimeDiffPeriodMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level anrReportTimer


ZTE eNodeB Level description


ZTE eNodeB Level pingPongTmr


ZTE eNodeB Level rrcSetupTimer


ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer storeUEcntxtTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer ueCapaTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ueSetupFailTimer


ZTE eNodeB Level description

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCSFB3

ZTE eNodeB Level utranFreqCsfbMeasInd


ZTE eNodeB Level eabBarBitmapR11

ZTE eNodeB Level EABParaConfig EABParaConfig
ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction cpSpeRefSigPwr

ZTE eNodeB Level boardPermitRRCNum


ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD cellAlarmOnDelay

ZTE eNodeB Level echoReTxNum
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI17
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI18
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI19
ZTE eNodeB Level holdoverSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD primePlmnIdList_mnc

ZTE eNodeB Level shiftNumber


ZTE eNodeB Level x2AlarmOnDelay


ZTE eNodeB Level srvPriLvDl


ZTE eNodeB Level description

ZTE eNodeB Level ENodeBGloMBMS mbmsCmonRefTimems
ZTE eNodeB Level ecnPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf

ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf memThresholdUl
ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf queThresholdDl

ZTE eNodeB Level arpForEMC


ZTE eNodeB Level arpSegNum

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobalQoS GlobalQoS

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobalQoS ngbrDelaySegNum

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobalQoS ngbrDelayTh

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation caBackOffSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level caScellHOSwch


ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation caSPIDSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation fddTddHoSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level inBandInContFddCaSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation manageBasedMdtSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation rlfKpiReportSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation scellBaseferqPrioSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation sib10StopTimerLen
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation signalBasedMdtSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level specificSPIDSwch


ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation tcpMssModifySwch

ZTE eNodeB Level tcpOrderEnable


ZTE eNodeB Level ulSINRThd


ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation voIPSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile refAdjacentGSMFreq

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile refAdjacentUtranFreqFDD

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement dlPRBLBExeThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level enbFlowCtrlAllowQCI


ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement interManuLBSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level lbRATPriority


ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbTraffTypeSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbUEPosInfSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement onlyVoiceUserSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbLBExeThrdZDl

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement timePrtUE

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement ulPRBLBExeThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO hiSpeedThr

ZTE eNodeB Level sCellRadius

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD


ZTE eNodeB Level switchUtranRim


ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID refPSHOProfile

ZTE eNodeB Level maxCid


ZTE eNodeB Level profile3


ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP qCI

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure geranSrvTrdP

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure perQCIMeaGroupId
ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure PerQCIMeasure
ZTE eNodeB Level tdsSrvTrdP

ZTE eNodeB Level rssiAlmThresh2

ZTE eNodeB Level QcellPosition QcellPosition
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPBRMapping description

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPBRMapping qCI

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPRIMapping qosSrvClass

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass spsIntervalDL

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass srvBearerType

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile ratPriorityPara_ratPriority2
ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile ratPriorityPara_ratPriority4
ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile ratPriorityPara_ratPriority6
ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile refAdjacentEutranFreqLTE
ZTE eNodeB Level S1Ap priority
ZTE eNodeB Level SecurityManagement encrypAlgPriority
ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx ServiceDrx
ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyEs
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr enableNoHoMod

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr geranPciRssiThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr longPeriodHoDetectPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr lowHoSuccRateDetectSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr maxIntraFNbrNum

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonHoSuccThreshold

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr maxInterFNbrNum

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr nbrAddCnt

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr nbrDelCnt

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr reportSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr rlfDectANRSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonFuncId

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPolicy
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr utranRedNrDelSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro interRatOfnTotalAdjust

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonEnableMro

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonFuncId

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonOptRatioThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonPolicyId
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointID
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro statisticTimerGrade

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci confusionSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci description

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci periodicDetectInterval

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonPolicyId

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonResolveManner

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci timerForDetectECGI

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo description
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo reportSwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointID

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROResEnable

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonRunMode
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointID
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonRunMode

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonS1HoSuccThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 x2InvalidDelTimerLen

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 x2SelfSetupSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement a5Threshold2OfRSRP

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement ecNoSysNbrTrd

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement geranNbrTrd

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement measCfgFunc

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement utraFddReportQuan

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer t304_Cco

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer t310_Ue

ZTE eNodeB Level X2Ap refSctp

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonRunMode

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr tmpLowHoSuccRateDetPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr utranHoSuccRateThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro ccoLastServRsrpThd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro hoNumThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro mrohoSucRatioThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro mroWarnHoFaultThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro reportSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci SonPolicyPci

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointAlias

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPolicy

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo roNumPreambleSentTarget

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROResCounter

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonPolicyId

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 x2SelfLearnSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 x2StatisticOptSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SPSConfig spsMcsHighThrUl

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement hysteresis

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement reportCriteria

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement triggerQuantity

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement prdReportAmount

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement rsrqSrvTrd

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement UeRATMeasurement
ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer n310
ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer tUserInacforMobile
ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentEutranFreqLTE addiFreqBandInd

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentEutranFreqLTE freqBandInd

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentUtranFreqFDD freqBandInd

ZTE eNodeB Level BoardAppliAttr description
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup anrA2MeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup eICICMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup geranVoiceMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup iratANRA2MeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup rsrpEventMeasCfgIdDl

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup tdVoiceMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer ccoRelTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer rimStopAckTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer ueCtxRelReqTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer x2ResetAckTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile profileIndex
ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCSFB3

ZTE eNodeB Level EABParaConfig eabCategoryR11

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction aasTiltDl

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction cpId

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD acBarRecoverThrsh

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD boardSHTimes

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD bsAlarmOffDelay
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD dlSINRThd
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI2
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI20
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD userLabel

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD userRatioTrigerThrsh

ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf drbThresholdUl

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation caBandPrioritySwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation caSwchUl

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation cnUbFtpAddr

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation enbFCErabRejectSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation etwsSwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation fddTddCaSwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation freqSpaceCfgMode

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation mfbiSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation pcellFeqPriSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation qcellPosiSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation SCSdmaSwchUl
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation ueRecordIdSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile eutraFreqRslPrio

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile hrpdBandClass

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile refAdjacentUtranFreqTDD

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile utraTddFreqRslPrio

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement intraNeighborLoadRelaThrdDl

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbUEClassInfSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbUEPRBThrdSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lcTraffTypeInd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement LoadManagement

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbUlovldThrd
ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement targCellTypeInd

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO description

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO nHoHighSpeed

ZTE eNodeB Level MobilityManagement geranCellNum4R9Red

ZTE eNodeB Level MobilityManagement utranCellNum4R9Red
ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID description
ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID refREDPProfile
ZTE eNodeB Level Paging description

ZTE eNodeB Level Paging modificationPeriodCoeff

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP profile2

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP profile258

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP profile4

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure a4ThrldP

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure a4ThrldQ

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure a5Thrld1P

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure a5Thrld2P

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure a5Thrld2Q

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure tdsSrvTrdQ

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSDSCPMapping arpSegID

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass srvPacketLoss

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile ratPriorityPara_ratPriority7

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile utranFreqRedPri

ZTE eNodeB Level SecurityManagement SecurityManagement

ZTE eNodeB Level SignalProcSTG sigResCfgMode

ZTE eNodeB Level SonControl description

ZTE eNodeB Level SonControl SonControl
ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy description
ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyAnr
ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyMlb
ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyRo

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr anrAppointRptSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr anrMeasUeCnt

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr grade

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrMeasFreqNum

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrStopMeasUeNum

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmRedNrDelSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr hoNumThrdForLowHORate

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr hoTimesThreshold

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr lowHoSuccRateDetectThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr selfDelStatisticTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr SonPolicyAnr

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro iRatWarnThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro mroReestTimeThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro mroTotalAdjustLow

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro mroWarnThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro SonPolicyMro

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointAlias

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro tooLateHoThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro wEvaluationPeriod
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonEnablePCI
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonPolicyId
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROHOThd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointAlias

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPolicy
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonX2DelCheckThreshold

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 statisticTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SPSConfig spsUseBandPerDl

ZTE eNodeB Level SPSConfig spsUseBandPerUl

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement a5Threshold2OfRSRQ

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement a6Offset

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement prdReportAmount

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement reportOnLeave

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement eutranMeasQuantity

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement hysterisis

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement ratMeasCfgIdx
ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer description

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer t301

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer t311_Ue

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentGSMFreq freqBandInd

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup addScellMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup closedInterFMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup geranMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup interFHOBasedVoLTEQuaMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup interRatUTRANPeriodMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup measCfg4movUE

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup rrcAccessLBMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup rsrpPeriodMeasCfgIdDl

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup tdCSFBMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer rrcAccessLBMeasTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer rrcConnRelTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer s1HoPrepareTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer s1UptAckTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer x2HoPrePareTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level EABParaConfig refPlmn

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction anttoCSIRSPortMap

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction anttoPortMap

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction cpTransTime
ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction description

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction dlTransInd

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction ref1SdrDeviceGroup

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction rruCarrierNo

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction upActAntBitmap

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD acBarTrigerThrsh

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD bsAlarmOnDelay

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD cellAlarmOffDelay

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD ewtsSendMed

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI3

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI4
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI5
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI6
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI7
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD plmnEncodInd
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD s1AlarmOffDelay

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD tarHeNBIDEncMeth

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBServicePrior mcc

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBServicePrior qci
ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf description
ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf rlcQueThresholdDl
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation caMonitorSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation cCOSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation compMicroAndMacroSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation etwsRepetitionCheck

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation interFreqPeriANRSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation macro2SmallPingPSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation magicRadioModeSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation periodicANRSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation priBasedPLMNSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation psHoSwchUL

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation swichForCpuAC

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation swicthForHoPartCac

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation tmsiCodecSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation ueCa5Sch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation utranSrvccSwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation x2AdjCellDelSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile hrpdBandClassRslPrio

ZTE eNodeB Level IdleMobilityProfile refAdjacentEutranFreqLTE

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement intraNeighborLoadThrdDl

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lcSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement numHOUE

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbLBExeThrdNZUl

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbUlrecoveryThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement rrcNumRatioFactor

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO lCellRadius

ZTE eNodeB Level MobilityManagement description

ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID refCaProfileList
ZTE eNodeB Level OperatorSpecificSPID refSRVCCProfile
ZTE eNodeB Level PCIRange pciNum
ZTE eNodeB Level PCIRange pciRangeIndex
ZTE eNodeB Level PciSection description
ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP pdcpStatRptInd

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP profile1

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP profile257

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP profile259

ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP ulDataCompCtxtMemSizeMax

ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiAlmClearTimes1

ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiAlmClearTimes2
ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiPowerDiffAlmCnt
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSDSCPMapping dscpValue

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSDSCPMapping qCI

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPBRMapping QoSPBRMapping

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass discardTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass disCardTimerForEnb

ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass sequenNumLenth

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile profileIndex
ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile ratPriorityPara_ratPriority3
ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile refAdjacentUtranFreqTDD
ZTE eNodeB Level S1Ap globalUniqueMmeId
ZTE eNodeB Level S1Ap userLabel
ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx description
ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx drxRetranTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ServiceDrx longDrxCyc

ZTE eNodeB Level SoneNBPolicy refSonPolicyMro

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr anrAppointRptStartTime

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr centralizeTwoWayFlg

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrFreqMeasTimes

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrMeasUeNum

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr handoverFailNumThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr longPeriodHoNumThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr nbrDelHoCntThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr noHoPunishTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr picoDelStatTimerLen

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr picoNbrANRSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonEnableUtraANR

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonEnableUtraNbrDel

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonPolicyId
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointID

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr statisticTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr twoWayFlg

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro description

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro iRatOfnRatioThrd
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro iRatStatisticTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro maxOptCellNum

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro mroUnnesHOOptiThrd
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonIntervalTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonFuncId

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonReferPointPolicy_sonIsBreakPoint
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonRunMode

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci timerForReslvPCI

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo roPowTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointAlias

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROLogRtSeqSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 description

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 grade
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonReferPointPolicy_sonIsBreakPoint
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPeriod
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 x2DirectAddSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 x2InvalidDelSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 x2SelfDelSwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level SPSConfig description
ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement description
ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement prdReportInterval

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement reportInterval

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement description

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement rscpSysNbrTrd

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer t300

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer t304

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer t320

ZTE eNodeB Level X2Ap X2Ap

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentEutranFreqLTE description
ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentGSMFreq freqSetIndex

ZTE eNodeB Level AdjacentUtranFreqFDD freqArfcn

ZTE eNodeB Level BoardAppliAttr cellMod

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup anrMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup description

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup homePLMNeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup icicMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup interFPeriodMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup intraLBMeasExtCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup pcellMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup rmvScellMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level CellMeasGroup rptCGIMeasCfg
ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer csfbMeasTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer initialUETimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer rimInitRptTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer rimResndReqTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer rrcReEstTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer s1HoOverAllTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer x2HoRelTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level ControlPlaneTimer x2RsdSetupDftTmr

ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile CSFBProfile
ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCSFB4
ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCSFB4
ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile refAdjacentGSMFreq
ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile refAdjacentUtranFreqFDD
ZTE eNodeB Level CSFBProfile refAdjacentUtranFreqTDD
ZTE eNodeB Level EABParaConfig recordId
ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction ECellEquipmentFunction

ZTE eNodeB Level ECellEquipmentFunction refRfDevice

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD acBarLoadWindow

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD dlMCSThrd4VoLTEBetter

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD dlMCSThrd4VoLTEWorse

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_freqBandInd

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI8
ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD highRailwayFreq_highSpeedRailwayPCI9

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD permitRRCNum

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD refPlmn

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD rrcAdmitType

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD sib10StopTimerLen

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD startUserStateTransThr

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD ulSINRThrd4VoLTEbetter

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBFunctionFDD userRatioHysteresis

ZTE eNodeB Level ENBServicePrior description
ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf drbThresholdDl
ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf ecnEnable
ZTE eNodeB Level ExpConNtf recQueThresholdUl
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation compJESwchUL
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation dedCarrierSharSwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation dedctRANSharingSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation dlBaseStationFDS

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation erabSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation extendedQCISwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation gsmLBSwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation interFHOBaseVOIPSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation interPlmnHOSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation ranSharSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation rsrpStatisticThd

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation s1TansBackPressureSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation SCSdmaSwchDl

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation sib10StopMode
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation spidSwitch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation tcpAckSplitSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation ulDataCompSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation uRIMGetLBInfoSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation utranCsfbSwch
ZTE eNodeB Level GlobleSwitchInformation utranLBSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement caLAPrbThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement clbExeThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement clbFreqNum

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement description
ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement greanGBRTrafThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement interNeighborLoadThrdUl

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement lbMeasOrderSwch

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement ldPreestimEna

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement numDrpSvc

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement offloadThrdUL

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbDlovldThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbDlrecoveryThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement prbQueueWeight

ZTE eNodeB Level LoadManagement ueAccessLBExeThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO ftTrgSFMedium

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO hoParaBaseSpeedFlag

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO tHoMax

ZTE eNodeB Level MobileSpeedHO vsCellRadius

ZTE eNodeB Level Paging nB

ZTE eNodeB Level PCIRange description

ZTE eNodeB Level PciSection csgPCIStart
ZTE eNodeB Level PciSection hybridPCINum
ZTE eNodeB Level PciSection hybridPCIStart
ZTE eNodeB Level PDCP profile6

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure geranSrvTrdQ

ZTE eNodeB Level PerQCIMeasure qci
ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiAlmThresh1
ZTE eNodeB Level PubFunctionPara rssiPowerLsFactor
ZTE eNodeB Level QcellPosition description
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSDSCPMapping mcc
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPBRMapping arpSegID
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPRIMapping description
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSPRIMapping QoSPRIMapping
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass description
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass prdPhrTimer
ZTE eNodeB Level QoSServiceClass QoSServiceClass
ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile blindRedirectionMeasCfg

ZTE eNodeB Level REDPProfile refAdjacentUtranFreqFDD

ZTE eNodeB Level SecurityManagement encryptionAlg

ZTE eNodeB Level SignalProcSTG sigProcMode

ZTE eNodeB Level SonControl sonFuncId

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrActDay
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr gsmFastAnrStartTime
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr lowHoSuccRateDetectPeriod

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr lowHoSuccRateNBRNoHo

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr lowHoSuccRateRecoverThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr maxUtranNbrNum

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr operLowHoSuccRate

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonEnableGsmANR

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyAnr sonMinDRXCycle

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro iRatIntervalTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonReferPointPolicy_sonIsBreakPoint
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro sonReferPointPolicy_sonTimeOutPeriod
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyMro utraMROEnable

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci enablePeriodicDetect

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyPci sonReferPointPolicy_sonReferPointID

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo roPowCounter
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo SonPolicyRo
ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROCPThdL

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyRo sonROResTimer

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 reportSwitch

ZTE eNodeB Level SonPolicyX2 sonX2HoSuccThrd

ZTE eNodeB Level SPSConfig spsMcsLowThrDl

ZTE eNodeB Level SPSConfig spsMcsLowThrUl

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement reportAmount

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement reportQuantity

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement timeToTrigger

ZTE eNodeB Level UeEUtranMeasurement UeEUtranMeasurement

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement evtReportAmount

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement reportCriteria

ZTE eNodeB Level UeRATMeasurement trigTime

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer t302

ZTE eNodeB Level UeTimer tUserInacVoLTE

ZTE eNodeB Level UpLinkDataCompression ulDataCompSndIndCapOccasion

HQ Recommended Value Category
1807.6 Critical


220 Ordinary

1600 Ordinary
1450 Ordinary
300 Ordinary
160 Ordinary
20;21 Ordinary

32;33 Ordinary

1810 Ordinary

8000 Prohibited

2000 Prohibited

4000 Prohibited

NO_VALUE Prohibited

200 Prohibited

100 Prohibited
100 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0.0 #N/A

1 #N/A
ck=1,Slot=7,PlugInUnit=1,SdrDeviceGroup=1,BpDeviceSet=1 #N/A
20 Ordinary
NO_VALUE Ordinary
20 Prohibited
120441 Ordinary
APR7485--P-MohallahSarwarShah Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
1 Ordinary
0 Ordinary
NO_VALUE Ordinary
0 Ordinary

85 Ordinary

NO_VALUE Ordinary
NO_VALUE Ordinary
1 Prohibited
0 Prohibited

0.0 Prohibited

0.0000010 Prohibited

1 Critical
1 #N/A
1 #N/A

1 #N/A

1710 Critical

70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;71;71;71; Critical
130 Critical
250 Critical
1610 Critical
5000 Prohibited

6000000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited
0 Critical
1 Critical
GlobalSwitchInformation=1 Ordinary
0 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

1 Prohibited

NO_VALUE Prohibited

0 Ordinary

10 Ordinary

0 Critical

0 Critical

60 Ordinary

80 Ordinary

0 Critical

10 Ordinary

70 Ordinary
NO_VALUE Prohibited

EABParaConfig=1 Ordinary
9 #N/A
48.9 #N/A

0 #N/A

65535 Prohibited
0 Critical
30 Ordinary
NO_VALUE Ordinary
NO_VALUE Ordinary

16 Prohibited

90 Prohibited

5;10 Prohibited

50;100;150 Prohibited

0 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical

65 Ordinary

20 Ordinary

1 Ordinary

4 Ordinary

1 critical

1 Critical

SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,ENBFunctionFDD=131515,CS Critical
SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,ENBFunctionFDD=131515,Idl Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

2 Critical
0 #N/A
0 #N/A
0 #N/A
0 #N/A

0 #N/A
-16.0 Critical

PubFunctionPara=1 Ordinary
30 Prohibited
20 Ordinary
0 Prohibited
1 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

REDPProfile=1,profileIndex=1 Ordinary

NO_VALUE Critical

0 Critical
SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,ENBFunctionFDD=131515,Adj Critical
2;1;4;4 Critical

10 Prohibited

4 Critical

NO_VALUE Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

98.0 Critical
98.0 Critical

0 Critical

-95 Critical

0 Critical

24 Prohibited

0 Critical

3000 Critical

30 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

200 Critical

-105 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Ordinary

0 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

10 Ordinary

1 critical

0.5 Ordinary

60 Ordinary

2 Ordinary

0 Critical
01 Critical
503 #N/A
0 #N/A

-115 Critical

0 Critical
6 Critical

1 Prohibited

1 Critical
0.5 Critical
0.7 Critical

0 Critical

16 Critical

48 Critical

3.0 Critical

3 Critical

3 Critical
5 Critical

10 Critical
0 Critical
-75 Critical

-8.0 Critical

4 Critical

3 Critical

0 Prohibited
5 Prohibited
UpLinkDataCompression=1 Ordinary

PDCP=1 Ordinary
PerQCIMeasure=1 Ordinary
30 Ordinary
0 Prohibited Prohibited

0 Prohibited

8 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

S1Ap=1 Ordinary
SecurityManagement=1 Ordinary

4 Critical

7 Critical

0 Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

0 Critical

49 Critical
15 Critical

0 Critical

80 Critical
3 Critical

24 Critical

15 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

10 Critical

1;1;1;1;0;1;1;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical

Request to add E-UTRAN adjacent relation;Request to

remove E-UTRAN adjacent relation;Request to add E-
UTRAN adjacent relation based on bidirectional
configuration switch;Request to add E-UTRAN adjacent
relation based on X2 detection;Receive CGI measurement
of GSM adjacent cell;Request to add GSM adjacent
relation;Request to remove GSM adjacent relation;Receive
CGI measurement of UTRAN adjacent cell;Request to add
UTRAN adjacent relation;Request to remove UTRAN
adjacent relation;Request to modify NOHO
attribute;Request to remove LTE redundancy adjacent Critical
cell(Only eNB level policy valid);Request to remove GSM
redundancy adjacent cell(Only eNB level policy
valid);Request to remove UTRAN redundancy adjacent
cell(Only eNB level policy valid);Transaction ended;Add
adjacent relation information;Adjacent relation add
results;Adjacent relation remove results;Modify No
HandOver attribute;Send TDS-TDD add adjacent relation
command;Remove redundancy adjacent cell
results;Transaction ended because of exceeding the max of
EMS adjacent relation total number

0 Prohibited

0 Critical
50 Critical
1 Critical
2 Critical
100 Prohibited

21 Critical

80 Critical

10 Critical

1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited
0 Critical
24 Prohibited

0 Critical

5 Critical
5;5;1;1;1;5;1 Prohibited
0 Critical
1 Critical

51 Critical

0;0;1;0;1;0;0;1;1;0;0 Critical
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited
0.05 Critical
1 Critical
19 Critical
0 Prohibited
0 Critical

18 Critical

8 Critical
4 Critical
-115 Critical

0 Prohibited

1 Prohibited
X2Ap=0 Ordinary
AdjacentGSMFreq=1,freqSetIndex=1 Ordinary
0 Prohibited

AdjacentUtranFreqFDD=0,freqIndex=1 Ordinary

0 Prohibited

1260 Prohibited

1650 Prohibited

1 #N/A
1110;1111 Prohibited
1550 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

3 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
9 #N/A

0 #N/A
49.0 #N/A

0 #N/A
5 Critical

300 Critical

30 Prohibited
ENB SiteNo=120441 Ordinary
1 Critical

0.0 Critical

2605.0 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
-105 Ordinary

30 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

5 Critical

01 Prohibited
1 Critical

2014-01-01 01:01:01 Prohibited

0.0 Prohibited

GlobalQoS=1 Ordinary
4 Prohibited
1 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

IdleMobilityProfile=7,profileIndex=1 Ordinary

1 #N/A

0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

5 Ordinary

40 Ordinary

0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical

7 Critical

80 Ordinary

0 Critical
1 Ordinary
0 Critical

4 Critical
410 Prohibited
1 Prohibited

SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,Operator=1,Plmn=1 Prohibited

7 Prohibited

0 Prohibited
1.5 Critical

3.0 Critical

1800 Prohibited
0 #N/A
QoSDSCPMapping=0 Ordinary
120441 #N/A
410 #N/A
14 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

1 Prohibited

0 Prohibited

1 Prohibited
9 Prohibited

300 Prohibited

100 Prohibited

0 Prohibited

SubNetwork=10000,MEID=100,TransportNetwork=1,Sctp=3 Prohibited

1 Prohibited
1 Prohibited

65535;65535;65535 Prohibited

0 Critical
NO_VALUE Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

06:00 Prohibited

SonPolicyAnr=12 Ordinary

95.0 Critical

0 Critical

64 Critical

123511 #N/A

;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;65535;655 #N/A

255;255;255;255;255;255;255;255 Critical
221 Critical

150 Critical

50;51 Critical

122 Critical

520 Critical

30;31 Critical
40;41 Critical
360 Prohibited

1200 Prohibited

ControlPlaneTimer=1 Ordinary

2 Prohibited

2000 Prohibited

5000 Prohibited

2000 Prohibited

600 Prohibited

CSFBProfile=7,profileIndex=1 Ordinary
0 Prohibited

NO_VALUE Prohibited

0 Critical
1 Critical
19.4 Critical

3600 Critical

60 Critical
3 Critical
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
1 Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

100 Critical

600 Critical

16 Critical

ENodeBGloMBMS=1 Ordinary
0 Prohibited
1 Critical

1 Critical
10 Critical
90 Critical

0 Critical

3 Critical
1 Critical

3 Critical

100;300 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
6 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,ENBFunctionFDD=131515,Adj Ordinary
NO_VALUE Ordinary

70 Critical

1;5;7;0;0;0;0;0;0 Critical

0 Prohibited

255;254;0;0;0;0;0 Prohibited

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

65 Critical

2 Prohibited

70 Critical

80 Critical
0 Critical

120441 #N/A

1 Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

15 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

-115 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical
-115 Critical

-67 Critical
1 Critical
QoSPBRMapping=1 Ordinary

5 Critical
0 Critical

3 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
NO_VALUE Critical
0 Critical
2;1;4;4 Critical
1 Critical
NO_VALUE Critical
0 Critical

-105 Critical

72 Critical

0 Critical

64 Critical

7 Critical

128 Critical
6 Critical

4 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical

46 Critical
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited
0 Critical

10 Critical

1 Critical
49 Critical

50 Critical
49900 Critical
0;1;2;3;4;5;29;30;31;32;33;34;39;50;52;54;55 Critical
0 Prohibited

1 Critical

SonPolicyPci=11 Ordinary

0 Critical

47011 Critical
1 Critical

22:00 Prohibited
SonPolicyRo=3 Ordinary
1 Critical
1;2;3;4;5;6;29;30;31;32;33 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
0;1;2;3;4;5;29;30;31;32 Critical
0 Critical

48 Critical

1 Prohibited
0 Critical

-90 Critical

0.0 Critical

-110 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

5 Prohibited
6 Prohibited

0 Critical

24 Critical

95.0 Critical

-115 Critical

100 Critical
98 Critical

20 Critical

1 Critical
11 Critical

Found PCI conflict or confuse and begin to handle it by

centralization.;Found PCI conflict or confuse and begin to
handle it by distribution.;Waiting for time appointed to
handle PCI conflict or confuse by centralization;Waiting for Critical
time appointed to handle PCI conflict or confuse by
distribution;Transaction ended;PCI conflict or confuse
advised value;PCI configuration update results

0;0;1;1;1;0;1 Prohibited
1.7 Critical

1000 Critical

48019 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical

18 Critical

0.0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

7 Critical

-11.0 Critical
1000 Critical
4 Prohibited
5 Prohibited
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 #N/A

3 #N/A

0 #N/A
BoardAppliAttr=0 Ordinary
34 Critical
210 Critical

1012;1013 Critical

34 Critical
450 Critical

1112;1113 Critical

5000 Prohibited
15000 Prohibited

5000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited
1 #N/A
0 Prohibited

0 Critical

0.0 Critical
0 Critical

85 Critical

3 Prohibited
30 Critical
0 Critical
504 Critical
504 Critical
ENBFunctionFDD #N/A

90 Critical

95 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
NO_VALUE Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
1 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical

7 Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

5 Critical

30 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

0;1;1;1 Critical

1 Critical
90 Critical
15 Critical

MobileSpeedHO=1 Ordinary

3 Critical

16 Critical
12 Critical
OperatorSpecificSPID=1,specificSPID=7 Ordinary
NO_VALUE Critical
Paging=1 Ordinary

1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

-90 Critical

-15.0 Critical

-100 Critical

-90 Critical

-12.0 Critical

-10.0 Critical

1 Critical
0.0000010 Critical

0 Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

SonControl=16 Ordinary
16 Critical
SoneNBPolicy=16 Ordinary
NO_VALUE Critical
NO_VALUE Critical
NO_VALUE Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

32 Critical

5 Critical

0 Critical

50 Critical
50 Prohibited

90.0 Critical

24 Prohibited

12 Critical

48 Critical

10 Prohibited

9 Critical

200 Critical
99 Critical

Modify neighbor cells CIO;Evaluate the modified

CIO;Rollback the modified CIO;Report the result of MRO
optimization;Report the result of MRO evaluation;Start
evaluate circle;Transaction ended;MRO CIO Parameter
Modification;MRO OCS Parameter Modification;MRO OFN Critical
Parameter Modification;MRO Report Modifying result;MRO
UTRAN OFN Parameter
Results;Rollback;Rollback Results

10 Critical
24 Critical
1 Critical
51003 Critical
0.1 Critical

Trigger X2 self-establishment by adding neighbour

cell;Trigger X2 self-establishment by S1 HO statistic
result;Trigger X2 self-remove by deleting neighbour cell or
adding X2 blacklist;Trigger X2 self-remove by X2 HO statistic Critical
result;Trigger X2 self-remove by detecting invalid X2
association;Request to update remote IP;Transaction
ended;X2 self-establishment results;X2 self-remove
results;X2 update result
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited
20 Critical

24 Prohibited

0.3 Critical

0.3 Critical

-11.0 Critical

3.0 Critical

7 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0.0 Critical
1000 Critical
UeTimer=1 Ordinary

3 Prohibited
1 Prohibited

0 #N/A

500 #N/A
10;11 Critical
1010;1011 Critical

140 Critical

1660 Critical
550 Critical

253 Critical

400 Critical
1360 Critical

2000 Prohibited

200 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

5000 Prohibited

SubNetwork=10000,MEID=100,Operator=1,Plmn=1 #N/A
0;1;15;15;15;15;15;15 #N/A

0;15;15;1;15;15;15;15 #N/A
0 #N/A
ECellEquipmentFunction=0,cpId=0 Ordinary

1 #N/A


0 #N/A
9 #N/A

90 Critical

60 Critical
30 Critical

0 Critical

504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
0 #N/A
30 Critical

1 Critical

410 Critical
0 Critical
ExpConNtf=1 Ordinary
90 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical
1 Critical

NO_VALUE Critical

80 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

70 Critical

80 Critical

100 Critical

1.0 Critical

MobilityManagement=1 Ordinary
NO_VALUE Critical
NO_VALUE Critical
504 Critical
1 Critical
PciSection=1 Ordinary
1 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

30 Prohibited
90 Prohibited
30 Critical
32 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

4 Prohibited

4 Prohibited

1 Critical
1 #N/A
100 Critical
NO_VALUE Critical
NO_VALUE Critical
S1Ap #N/A
ServiceDrx=1 Ordinary
4 Prohibited

3 Critical
NO_VALUE Critical

00:00 Prohibited

0 Critical

2 Prohibited

5 Critical

20 Critical
3 Critical

3 Critical

24 Prohibited

2 Prohibited

0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
46012 Critical
3;4;6;7;10;11;12;15;16;17;23;24;25;26;29;30;31;32;33;34;3 Critical

24 Prohibited

0 Critical

SonPolicyMro=99 Ordinary
80 Critical
24 Prohibited

3 Critical
20 Critical
48 Prohibited

47 Critical
0;0;0;0;0;1;0 Critical
1 Critical

02:00 Prohibited
24.0 Prohibited

Trigger PRACH power control parameters

optimization;PRACH power control parameters middle
optimized result;Receive PRACH power control parameters
final optimized result;PRACH power control parameters
optimized result;Found PRACH Logical root sequence
collision;Uplink cross slot interference optimize result;RO
Transaction End Notification;Request to optimize PRACH
resource parameter;PRACH resource parameter optimized
results;PRACH resource parameter optimized end;PRACH
root sequence optimization result

5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5 Prohibited

0 Critical

SonPolicyX2=19 Ordinary
0 Critical
1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Critical
4320;4320;4320;4320;4320;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited
0 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical
SPSConfig=1 Ordinary
UeEUtranMeasurement=10 Ordinary
4 Critical

4 Critical

UeRATMeasurement=1000 Ordinary
-95 Critical

5 Prohibited
5 Prohibited

3 Prohibited

0 Prohibited
AdjacentEutranFreqLTE=1,freqIndex=1 Ordinary
1 #N/A

2132.4 #N/A

1 #N/A

352 Critical
CellMeasGroup=1: Ordinary

600 Critical

200 Critical
320 Critical

252 Critical

530 Critical
510 Critical
350 Critical
1.0 Prohibited

16000 Prohibited

15000 Prohibited

15000 Prohibited
3000 Prohibited

15000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited

10000 Prohibited
7 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
0 Prohibited
SubNetwork=10000,MEID=11,ENBFunctionFDD=131515,Adj Prohibited
NO_VALUE Prohibited
NO_VALUE Prohibited
0 Critical
0 #N/A
1,RfDevice=1;SubNetwork=10000,MEID=100,Equipment=1, #N/A

300 Critical

1 Critical

0 Critical

41 Ordinary
504 Ordinary
504 Ordinary

10800 Critical

SubNetwork=10000,MEID=100,Operator=1,Plmn=1 Critical
0 Critical

6 Prohibited
90 Critical

7 Critical

5 Critical
ENBServicePrior=0 Ordinary
95 Critical
0 Critical
10 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical

1 Critical

-105 Critical
0 Critical

1 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical
1 Critical
0 Critical

50 Critical

70 Critical

1 Critical
LoadManagement=1 Ordinary
1 Critical

60 Critical

1 Critical

0 Prohibited

1 Critical

80 Critical

90 Critical

80 Critical
70 Critical

100 Critical

2 Critical

0 Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

2 Critical

PCIRange=1 Ordinary
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical
0 Critical

-9.0 Critical
1 Critical
-55 Critical
1 Critical
QcellPosition=1 Ordinary
410 Critical
1 Critical
QoSPRIMapping=0 Ordinary
0 Critical
QoSServiceClass=1 Ordinary
6 Prohibited
1 Critical
610;611 Critical

NO_VALUE Critical
0 Critical

0 Critical

49 Critical
0 Critical
00:00 Prohibited
24 Critical

0 Critical

95.0 Critical

64 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

150 Critical

48 Prohibited
1;1;1;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;1;0;1;0;1;0 Critical
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Prohibited
0 Critical

1 Critical

0;1;2;3;29;30;31 Critical
1000 Critical
3 Critical
0.0050 Critical

1 Prohibited

1 Critical

48 Critical

10 Critical

10 Critical

0 Critical

1 Critical

8 Prohibited

10 Critical

0 Critical

0 Critical

7 Prohibited
3 Prohibited

60 Prohibited

1 Prohibited
Meaning Impact on Network
The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent E-UTRA carrier frequency N/A

Connected Board N/A

This parameter only associated with a set of measuring configuration for

the ULCOMP. It recommend to use EVENT trigger for this measurement,
and report amount set to 1, and don't recommend to set report amount to
GERAN ANR measurement configuration index. N/A
GERAN load balance measurement configuration index N/A
intra-frequency periodical measurement configuration index N/A
measurement configuration index for the low-speed UE in High-way cell N/A
Open inter-frequency measurement configuration index N/A
This parameter is an array to indicate Measurement of Open intersystem
measurement Based Voice, and related to a record of Measurement N/A
Configuration. The one element relates to RSRP and the other relate to
RSRQ. Also, if dual-measurement is closed, only the first element is valid.

This parameter is an index of Measurment, uniquely related to a

Measurement Configuration, and it is used as the SRVCC to TDS N/A
measurement Based VoLTE quality.

This timer will be started after eNB sends RRC connection reconfiguration
to UE; it will be stopped if RRC connection reconfiguration complete N/A
message or RRC connections re-establish message is received.

If Handover Switch Base Voice for TDD Cell equal to 1,When Voice
measurement to FDD is applied, or SRVCC measurement to UMTS is N/A
applied, eNodeb will start this timer. When this timer time out, eNodeb will
try to redirection or SRVCC to UMTS.
This parameter indicates the timer for waitting iCS DCE RNC CELL STATUS N/A
This array is the measurement indication of CSFB GERAN frequencies.
When the frequency of this parameter is Yes, eNodeb will measure this
frequency when CSFB based on measuring; otherwise, eNodeb will not
measure this frequency when CSFB based on measuring.

This array indicates the priority of candidate frequencies for CSFB target.
eNB selects the target frequency based on this information. The value
range of each integer array member is from 0 to 255. A higher value N/A
indicates a higher priority. The default value 0 means the corresponding
frequency can not be selected as CSFB target frequency.
GERAN Target System of Connected Ue for CS Fallback N/A
GERAN Target System of Idle Ue for CS Fallback N/A
UTRAN-FDD Target System of Idle Ue for CS Fallback N/A
Control the uplink carrier tilt of AAS, that will affect the coverage area. N/A
This parameter is used to set the performance to the best by choosing the
appropriate schedule algorithm, based on the relationship between cell Effective when Cell Reset
number and antenna number
The Baseband Device for Cable Cascading Connection. N/A

Board Self Healing Interval (min) N/A

MCC for Broadcast PLMN of RAN Share Area In Dedicated Carrier Mode N/A
Timer is used to monitor ECHO message, if response message is not
received when Timer is expired, ECHO message will be retrasmitted.
eNB ID Effective when eNB Reset
eNodeB Name N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI1 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI10 (504 is invalid value) N/A
This parameter is Max Scell Num for CA N/A
Outband Relay Node function switch,if it's open,eNB will work as a RN-
Effective when eNB Reset
eNB,otherwise it will work like a normal eNB.
This parameter is a threshold for UL SINR Statistic N/A
once the hardware usage is lower than the difference of "User ratio recover
threshold for the adjustment of ac-barring factors"and "User ratio N/A
hysteresis for the adjustment of ac-barring factors",the upward adjustment
The parameter is ARP in SAE Bearer Info. eNB can find service's QoS N/A
parameters and application's parameters with ARP.
The parameter indicates the repeat times of change notification N/A
The parameter indicates the transmit power offset every resource element
for PMCH. It is the relative value to the MBSFN reference signals power, is N/A
aimed at only containing MTCH subframe.
The parameter determine whether source cell set 'dl forwarding'
indication.If packet loss rate threshold of service is less than this N/A
threshold,source cell doesn't set 'dl forwarding' indication
The parameter is the switch of PS handover between CDMA and LTE. N/A
The parameter represents eNodeB Adjacent E-UTRA carrier frequency
The parameter represents eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-FDD carrier frequency N/A
This parameter is an index of Measurment, uniquely related to a
Measurement Configuration, and it is used as the SRVCC to GERAN N/A
measurement Based VoLTE quality.

InterFreq Measurement Configuration Index for Handover N/A

Inter-Freq Measurement Configuration Index based Voice Measurement N/A
Intra-LTE load balance measurement configuration index N/A
UTRAN ANR Measurement Configuration Index N/A
This timer will be started after eNB sends path switch request to the core
network, it will be stopped if path switch response message is received,
and else, an abnormal processing will be triggered.
The parameter is used to wait for resending request message after END
indication message is received in RIM procedure.
This timer is used for eNB to wait for reset acknowledge message from
MME in S1 reset procedure.
If time-to-wait is not in S1 setup fail message during S1 setup procedure,
this timer will be started.
If time-to-wait is not in S1 update fail message during S1 update procedure,
this timer will be started.
The parameter is the function switch of FTP from eNodeB to CN UBAS. N/A
The parameter is the switch of Depth ROHC. If the switch is "Close",the
eNodeB not support depth ROHC.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The switch of reporting MRO alarm. If this switch is open, when the MRO N/A
fault is detected, the eNB will report MRO alarm to the OMC.
If this switch is opened, CA UE use fair scheduling,else use Differentiation N/A
The parameter is the switch of SRVCC between LTE and GERAN N/A

Handover switch based Frequency Priority with PLMN. When the switch is
opened,if the access/handover-in frequency is not the same with all
configured frequency in 'Frequency Priority Based PLMN'(Downlink Center
Carrier Frequency in 'Frequency Priority Based PLMN'), the new N/A
access/handover-in user will be handover to the high priority frequency
according to the configurataion based PLMN(Downlink Center Carrier
Frequency in 'Frequency Priority Based PLMN').

This parameter is switch for inter band CA. N/A

If interFHOBaseSrvSwch is equal to Open,eNb will try to handover to the
cell, which's frequency is operator expectation,when receive ERAB SETUP N/A
REQUEST that contain QCI=1 ERAB.

This parameter indicate the switch for Replacing PLMN in RAN Share In
Dedicated Carrier Mode. When the switch is open, if the PLMN of ECGI that
reported by UE is included in aucRanSharMCC and aucRanSharMNC, eNB N/A
will replace the PLMN of ECGI with the primary PLMN of eNB. The new
ECGI is used to identify neighbor cell. When the switch is close, eNB won't
replace the PLMN.

The download RTP packet may be out of order because the CN, this will
cause the MOS decreased, so the eNB can do some reordering function.
The parameter is used to determine whether or not to enable UE inactivity N/A
Switch for TCP Proxy Function N/A
The parameter is used to determine the strategy of the division of
frequency resource for uplink. The value Close shows that ICIC for uplink is
close and base stations use the same frequency for networking, the value
Static shows that ICIC for uplink is statical and the division of frequency
resource is decided statically, the value Dynamic shows that ICIC for uplink
is dynamic and the division of frequency resource is decided dynamically.

One entry corresponding to each carrier frequency set listed in the same
order as in GERAN carrier frequency set index list, and indicates the specific N/A
cell reselection priority of the corresponding GERAN carrier frequency set.

One entry corresponding to each carrier frequency listed in the same order
as in UTRA-FDD carrier frequency index list, and indicates the specific cell N/A
reselection priority of the corresponding UTRA-FDD carrier frequency.

When the number of high load neighbor cell doesn't exceed this N/A
parameter, it is possible to start load balancing function.

This parameter is used to judge relative load leveling of Intra-LTE neighbor

cells in downlink. When the PRB usage of a Intra-LTE neighbor cell in
downlink doesn't exceed (the PRB usage of serving cell in downlink - this N/A
parameter), this neighbor cell can be used as candidate target cell in
downlink for Intra-LTE load balancing.

Load control switch based on GBR compression, which determine whether N/A
the function is valid or not in load control algorithm
Switch of inter-freq/RAT Camp Load Balancing, which can determine
whether the inter-freq/RAT Camp Load Balancing function is performed or N/A

This parameter is used to judge load leveling of RAT neighbor cells in

Downlink. When the load value of a RAT neighbor cell in Downlink exceeds N/A
this parameter, this cell can't be used as candidate target cell in Downlink
for RAT load balancing.

This parameter is used to judge load leveling of RAT neighbor cells in

uplink. When the load value of a RAT neighbor cell in uplink exceeds this
parameter, this cell can't be used as candidate target cell in uplink for RAT
load balancing.

The parameter is switch for UE position information of serving cell. This

switch determines whether UE position information of serving cell is valid N/A
or not. "Close" stands for "NOT valid", "Open" stands for "valid".
The number of UE, which are informed event measurement configuration
on the scheme based on measurement of event.
This parameter is used to execute inter-manufacturer load balancing
function in downlink. When the average PRB usage of LTE serving cell in N/A
downlink exceeds this parameter during the counter window, the cell
executes inter-manufacturer load balancing in downlink.
This array indicates the priority of candidate frequencies for CSFB target.
eNB selects the target frequency based on this information. The value
range of each integer array member is from 0 to 255. A higher value N/A
indicates a higher priority. The default value 0 means the corresponding
frequency can not be selected as CSFB target frequency.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
This parameter is the number of uplink antenna and the specific antenna Effective when Cell Reset
The parameter indicates the transmit power of a CP in cell N/A
Slave RRU N/A

This parameter is used to configure cell RF unit application mode when

configuring ECellEquipmentFunction object. Normal mode means that a
single RF unit is used. Combination mode means that more than one RF
unit are combined logically into a single RF unit with accumulation of
antenna number. For example, two RF units with one antenna respectively
are combined logically into a single RF unit with two antennas. Mergence
mode means that more than one RF unit are merged logically into a single N/A
RF unit with no accumulation of antenna number. For example, two RF
units with one antenna respectively are merged logically into a single RF
unit with one antenna. If the RF unit is connected to BBU with PBridge,
Mergence mode(PB networking) shoud be choosed or else Mergence mode
should be choosed. Mergence mode 2 means that more than one RF unit
are merged logically into a single RF unit with no accumulation of downlink
antenna number and accumulation of uplink antenna number.

Holdover Time-Out Threshold N/A

Switch of High Way Coverage or Air Line Coverage N/A
Time Delay for X2 Interface Alarm Clear (s) N/A

The parameter is service priority level of SAE Bearer Info. eNB can find N/A
service's QoS parameters and application's parameters with ARP and QCI.

The parameter is the threshold of user plane retransfers queen, which is

used for ECN checking. it is set when ECN function switch is opened.
The threshold of ARP segment. By threshold, eNB can divide ARP to some
segments for mapping priority, e.g. basic QoS priority and application N/A
The threshold of GBR service PDB, according to ucGBRDelaySegNum, eNB
can get basic service priority by The parameter
When switch for Operator Specific CA SPID is open,the parameter
represents the switch for deciding wheather use default N/A
CAFreqList(configuration of default CAFreqList and this switch are
according to the demand of operator ).
CIC Switch N/A
The parameter is applied to forbidden the CMAS function . N/A
The parameter is the switch of EAB. N/A
The parameter indicates whether or not to enable RU PA input voltage
dynamic adjust. If it is set to Open, the funtion falls into SON energy saving N/A

The switch of reporting PCI conflict or confusion alarm. If this switch is

open, when the PCI conflict or confusion is detected, the eNB will report
PCI conflict or confusion alarm to the OMC.After the PCI conflict or N/A
confusion is resolved, the eNB will report alarm removal information to the
The parameter is the switch of PS handover between GERAN and LTE. N/A
The parameter is the switch of CSFB between LTE and GERAN. N/A
This parameter is used to execute intra-manufacturer load balancing
function in uplink. When the average PRB usage of LTE serving cell in uplink
exceeds this parameter during the counter window, the cell executes intra-
manufacturerE load balancing in uplink.

Switch based on RRC User Access for Load balancing, which determine
whether load balancing algorithm is valid or not. Scheme of blind handover N/A
or scheme based on measurement of event can be selected.
The parameter is threshold of UE PRB used rate report. The CMAC reports
the PRB used rate of a UE to the RRM when the PRB used rate of the UE N/A
excced or equale to the ucUePrbUseRptThrd.
If the total GBR traffic doesn't exceed this parameter, the user can be load N/A
off from EUTRAN to UTRAN.

The parameter is the additional duration for evaluating criteria to enter N/A
normal mobility state.

The parameter indicates whether the target GERAN support NACC. If the
target GERAN cell support NACC, LTE cell can obtain basic information of N/A
GERAN cell via NACC and this information can be send to UE during

The parameter represents the CSFB profile index N/A

The parameter represents the idle mobility profile index associated with N/A
the Operator specific SPID
The parameter represents the load balance configuration profile index
associated with the Operator specific SPID.
When UE is in idle and DRX is used , UE will monitor P-RNTI at paging N/A
occasion each DRX cycle. The parameter indicates the DRX cycle.
Start of PCI Section for the PCI Section Type N/A
This parameter is used to identify the type of PCI Section. N/A
Number of PCI for CSG N/A
The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0104profiles is N/A
allowed to be used or not

The parameter represents the switch for Uplink Data Compression(UDC) of

Radio Bearer with the QCI, and is used to Open/Close the Uplink Data
Compression(UDC) function of Radio Bearer with the QCI.eNB dosn't N/A
support simultaneously open ROHC and UDC, and only the Radio Bearer
with RLC AM could open UDC.
The parameter indicates the absolute RSRQ threshold used for judging N/A
event A5 based coverage.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
RSSI Level 1 ALM Raise Times N/A
RF Channel Power Difference Alarm Threshold N/A
UDP Port of Positioning Server N/A
ID of ARP's segment, its value is from 1 to ARPSegNum N/A
Timer for prohibit PHR reporting; A Power Headroom Report (PHR) shall be
triggered if prohibitPHR-Timer expires or has expired and the path loss has
changed more than dl-PathlossChange dB since the last transmission of a
PHR when UE has UL resources for new transmission
The parameter gives the UM SN field size in bits N/A
This parameter is UL SPS period and is using for UL SPS. The parameter
configuration when reconfigure the uplink SPS. The parameter is associated
to service pack rules of QCI which has configured SPS. When the business N/A
rule is 20 ms periodically to arriving package, suggested configuration SPS
period to be 20 ms. And so on.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

This array indicates the priority of candidate frequencies for Redirection

target. eNB selects the target frequency based on this information. The N/A
value range of each integer array member is from 0 to 255. A higher value
indicates a higher priority. The default value 0 means the corresponding
frequency can not be selected as redirection target frequency.


This array is the target GERAN frequencies of Redirection.
Integrity Protection Priority (from High to Low) N/A
Specifies the number of consecutive PDCCH-subframe(s) after successfully
decoding a PDCCH indicating an initial UL or DL user data transmission for N/A
this UE.

Specifies the number of consecutive subframe(s) the UE shall follow the N/A
Short DRX cycle.
SON CoMP Relation Self Configure N/A
Control ANR Switch by Self-healing N/A
The process of the scene that the handover results between adjacent cells N/A
are continuously failed is determined by this switch.
This parameter indicates handover success rate threshold for inter-
frquency neighbor cell additoin. Only the neighbor cell whose handover N/A
success rate is higher than or equal to this threshold can be added to
formal neighbor cell list.
This parameter indicates handover success rate threshold for intra-
frquency neighbor cell additoin. Only the neighbor cell whose handover
success rate is higher than or equal to this threshold can be added to
formal neighbor cell list.

The process of the scene that there is no handover between adjacent cells N/A
in long period is determined by this switch.
When the rsrp of LTE unknown PCI exceeds this threshold, ANR perform
ECGI measurement for the unknown PCI.

The process of the deletion of redundancy adjacent cells is determined by N/A

this switch.

When the Nbr Cell Handover Success Rate Detection Function is oepn,the
eNodeB will start a statistic timer to count the total HO counter and HO
Failure rate. If the total HO counter and HO failure rate meet the low
handover success rate condition in the statistic period, the eNodeB will
notify OMC this detection result, and deal with it. This parameter indicates
the statistic timer length, and the unit is up to staticTimerGrade.

The parameter controls whether enable the over coverage NBR detect N/A

This parameter is used to control the distance threshold of over coverage

NBR detect function. If the distance between serving cell and neighbor cell N/A
is larger than this threshold, the neighbor cell will be detected as over
coverage NBR.
This parameter indicates the number of neighbor cell that is used to trigger N/A
ANR self-delete function.
This parameter indicates whether the ANR self-Learn function is open or
not. If the value is 'Open',the function is open, otherwise, the function is N/A
This parameter indicates whether the intra-LTE ANR function is supported N/A
or not.Close:not supported;Open:supported.
This parameter indicates whether the intra-LTE ANR self-delete function is N/A
supported or not.Close:not supported;Open:supported.

A temporary NBR will be detected as low handover success rate NBR if the
handover times is larger than or equal to this parameter and the handover N/A
success rate is lower than the "Handover Success Rate Threshold of Low
Handover Success Rate NBR Detection".

When the rsrp of UTRAN unknown PCI exceeds this threshold, ANR perform N/A
ECGI measurement for the unknown PCI.
This parameter is switch for intra band continuous CA. N/A
PLMN Encoding Method. N/A

When the switch is opened, the load lighter Scell will be selection and N/A
This parameter is used to select the way of system time issued in SIB8.

1)Select "Close" means that only do re-election and blind redirection in LTE
to CDMA Interoperability.

2)Select " synchronousSystemTime ", which means, if there is no drift in the

timing between E UTRA and CDMA2000,the service of handover, cell re- N/A
selection, UE measurement based redirection and enhanced 1xRTT CS
fallback from E-UTRAN to CDMA2000 can be performed.

3)Select " asynchronousSystemTime ", which means, if there is some drift

in the timing between E UTRA and CDMA2000,the service of handover, cell
re-selection, UE measurement based redirection and enhanced 1xRTT CS
fallback from E-UTRAN to CDMA2000 can be performed.

This parameter is the switch of Admit Restiction of MTC; if the switch is

open,eNB will reject the MTC access to the MME which is overload and N/A
reject MTC access,and eNB will indicate the MTC an extendedwatiTime in
RRCConnectionRelease when MME overload or eNB admit failure.
Whether open the eNB TCP flow control function N/A
SON Reserved Switch1
Switch for Up-ftp and Down-ftp transmitting at the same time N/A
Switch for User State Transfer, 0: close 1: open
If the indication is Open, The passive eNB processes TNL requestment for
X2 self-setup. If the indication is Close, The passive eNB doesn't process N/A
TNL requestment for X2 self-setup

If the switch is set to open, after eNB receive X2 configuration update

message, eNB will update neighbor information which stored in eNB and N/A
notify OMC update neighbor information by messages. If the switch is set
to close, eNB will only update the neighbor information stored in eNB.

This switch determine whether HW Load is valid or not for camp Load

The parameter is traffic type selection indication. Each element of array

indicates UE which has this QCI type of traffic can be selected as candidate
user. or not. The value 0 of array member means be forbidden. The value 1 N/A
of array member means is allowed. From the first array member, each
denotes QCI = 1, QCI = 2, QCI = 3, QCI = 4, QCI = 5, QCI = 6, QCI = 7, QCI = 8,
QCI = 9, the last 16 members are reserved. The parameter is valid when
ucLBTraffTypeSwch is open.

This parameter determines the function of load pre-estimate of neighbour N/A

cells is valid or not. If the value is 1, the function is valid.
The parameter is switch to protect UE NOT to handover again. This switch
determines whether scheme to protect UE NOT to handover again is valid N/A
or not. "Close" stands for "NOT valid", "Open" stands for "valid".

The parameter is switch to protect UE NOT to handover again. This switch

determines whether scheme to protect UE NOT to handover again is valid N/A
or not. "Close" stands for "NOT valid", "Open" stands for "valid".

Switch based on RRC User Access for Load balancing, which determine
whether load balancing algorithm is valid or not. Scheme of blind handover
or scheme based on measurement of event can be selected.

This parameter is used to judge relative load leveling of Intra-LTE neighbor

cells in uplink. When the PRB usage of a Intra-LTE neighbor cell in uplink
doesn't exceed (the PRB usage of serving cell in uplink - this parameter), N/A
this neighbor cell can be used as candidate target cell in uplink for Intra-LTE
load balancing.

The parameter indicates scaling factor of trigger time applied in medium

mobility state.The concerned mobility control related parameter N/A
"ucTrigTime" is multiplied with "ucFtTrgSFHigh" if the UE is in High Mobility

This parameter is radius for medium neighbour cell of serving cell. It is used
to evaluate speed of UE if handover is based on speed. It is configured N/A
according to actual radius of cell when the switch of handover based on
speed is opened and the serving cell has medium neighbour cell.

Low to medium speed threshold, the cut-off point for setting low and N/A
medium speed

The parameter is handover time threshold for judging medium speed

mobility state.If the handover time is more than the threshold during the N/A
time indicated by 'ucTHoMax',the medium speed state can be judged.The
parameter effects the judging result of ue mobility state.
Switch for GERAN RIM N/A
This parameter is the Home Mobile Network Code
The end of PCI for Macro cell N/A
Start of PCI for Macro Cell

This parameter is a threshold of neighbour cell's result of rsrp

measurement ue camped recently. If neighbour cell's rsrp is less than
threshold, there may be some problems of cover on neighbour cell. The N/A
neighbour cell's rsrp ue camped recently, can be obtained from ue
information response msg or ue's measurement reporting.

Whether to Switch on MRO Function According to KPI
This parameter is used to configure the maximum adjustment amount for
parameter allowed for the MRO automatic optimization operation.

The switch of resovling PCI conflict or confusion, if this switch is open, the N/A
PCI conflict or confusion will be resolved at the appointed time.
Monitor Message Report Switch N/A
First Detection Miss Probability Threshold for RACH Optimization N/A
Weighting Factor For Rach Load Estimation N/A
The parameter indicates the policy is used for macro-eNB and macro-eNB
SON or macro-eNB and pico-ENB SON. "MACRO and MACRO" indicates the
policy is used for SON function between Macro-eNB and Macro-eNB. N/A
"MACRO and PICO" indicates the policy is used for SON function between
Macro-eNB and Pico-eNB.

This parameter indicates the numebr of SCTP associations reserved for S1. N/A
These SCTP associations can't be used for X2.
Service Type(21:PnP 26:SH 43:Cloud Radio 46:ANR 47:PCI 48:X2 49:MRO N/A
50:CCO 51:RO 52:MLB 57:ES)
The triggering condition of event triggered RSRP report. When the value,
which RSRP of neighbor cell minus RSRP of serving cell, is larger than the N/A
value set for A3 event offset, then the triggering condition is met.

The parameter indicates the event triggered by measurement, which is N/A

related to the measurement quantity
The parameter indicates maximum cell number to be reported, excluding N/A
serving cell.
Close Inter Frequency/Inter Rat Measure[0],Open Inter Frequency
Measure[1],Inter Rat Measure[2],Redirect Measure[3],Intra Frequency HO
Measure[4],Inter Frequency HO Measure[5],ICIC Measure[6],Intra-LTE Load
balance Measure[7],Intra Frequency Period Measure[8],Report CGI
Measure[9],Period Dl Rsrp Measure[10],Event Dl Rsrp Measure[11],Inter
Frequency Period Measure[12],eICIC Measurement[13],Add Scell
Measurement[14],Remove Scell Measurement[15],Modify Scell
Measurement[16],Intra Frequency HO Measure between macro and
small[17],Period ANR Measurement[18],Measurement for moving UE
out[19],Inter Frequency HO Measure Based Voice[20],ue-
RxTxTimeDifference Measurement[21],Open Inter Rat Measure(voice)
[22],UL COMP Measurement[23],DL COMP Measurement[24],Open ANR
Measurement[25],Based VoLTE Quality Measurement[28],highway-user
inter-Freq handover Measurement in Normal Cell[29],normal-user inter-
Freq handover Measurement in high-way Cell[30],Based UL Service
Measurement[31],Fixed primary carrier Measure for CA[32],RRC Access
Load Balancing measurement[33],HomePLMN Measurement[34],Blind
Redirection Measure Based SPID[35],SCell eICIC Measurement in
CA[36],CRS interference cancellation Measure[37],Close Inter
Frequency/Inter Rat Measure(voice)[38],Open Inter Frequency
Measure(voice)[39],Inter Frequenc Overlap Estimate Period Measure[40]

the intra-RAT Measurement Configuration Index
the Purpose Set of periodical measurement report N/A
The parameter indicates the absolute RSRP threshold used for judging
event A1/A2/ A4/A5 for servicingcell

The principle of actual value of event A1 threshold corresponding to value

in protocol 36331 is -140 corresponding to 1, -139 corresponding to 2, by
parity of reasoning, -44 corresponding to 97, and 0 in protocol 36331 can
not be gotten

The principle of actual value of event A2 threshold corresponding to value

in protocol 36331 is -140 corresponding to 0, -139 corresponding to 1, by
parity of reasoning, -44 corresponding to 96, and 97 in protocol 36331 can
not be gotten
The principle of actual value of event A4 threshold corresponding to value
in protocol 36331 is -140 corresponding to 1, -139 corresponding to 2, by
parity of reasoning, -44 corresponding to 97, and 0 in protocol 36331 can
not be gotten

The principle of actual value of event A5 threshold 1 corresponding to

value in protocol 36331 is -140 corresponding to 0, -139 corresponding to
1, by parity of reasoning, -44 corresponding to 96, and 97 in protocol 36331
can not be gotten

Range of event A6 threshold is actual value, equaling to half of value in

protocol 36331

The parameter indicates the absolute RSRQ threshold used for judging N/A
event A1/A2/ A4/A5 for server cell
The parameter indicates the time interval to report the measurement
results after triggering event , i.e. UE report the measurement results one N/A
time every "ucEvtRptInterval".
The parameter indicates the maximum number of cells to be reported by
UE in the measurement report, excluding the serving cell.In case purpose is N/A
set to reportStrongestCellsForSON, only value 1 applies.
The parameter indicates maximum number of consecutive "in-sync"
indications received from lower layers.
This timer defines the interval during which UE is in inactivity state N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System.

User Label
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
RF Channel Power Difference Alarm Clear Counting
Qcell Positioning Period N/A
IP Address of Positioning Server
Logical Channel Direction, There are uplink and downlink two direction,
used to determine the configuration of PBR gave uplink or downlink N/A
PBR is used for logical channel resource scheduling by MAC layer, and
reflects the demand of bearer to resource.
The service weight factor for a QCI that is used for priority calculation when
QoS sorting.

The parameter is priority. Every QCI (GBR and Non-GBR) is associated with
a Priority level. Priority level 1 is the highest Priority level. The Priority
levels shall be used to differentiate between SDF aggregates of the same
UE, and it shall also be used to differentiate between SDF aggregates from
different UEs. Via its QCI an SDF aggregate is associated with a Priority level
and a PDB.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System N/A
The Parameter Defines Integrity Protection Algorithms for PDCP, Includes
not Support(SAMSUNG), 128-EIA1, 128-EIA2, 128-EIA1(High Priority) and N/A
128-EIA2(Low Priority), 128-EIA2(High Priority) and 128-EIA(Low Priority),
Spare3, Spare2, not Support(QUALCOM)
Short DRX cycle specifies the periodic repetition of the On Duration N/A
followed by a possible period of inactivity.

Identifies UE short DRX capacity to select configuration, is a complete set of

configuration of the primary key, on the basis of the UE capacity matching
corresponding DRX configuration parameters, when UE able to support N/A
short DRX, the shortDrxCycInd choice for True configuration, Otherwise
shortDrxCycInd choice for False configuration.
SON PCI Policy N/A
The parameter indicates the policy is used for macro-eNB and macro-eNB
SON or macro-eNB and pico-ENB SON. "MACRO and MACRO" indicates the
policy is used for SON function between Macro-eNB and Macro-eNB. N/A
"MACRO and PICO" indicates the policy is used for SON function between
Macro-eNB and Pico-eNB.

Service Type(21:PnP 26:SH 43:Cloud Radio 46:ANR 47:PCI 48:X2 49:MRO N/A
50:CCO 51:RO 52:MLB 57:ES)
GERAN fast ANR detection period. N/A
This parameter indicates the GERAN handover success times threshold.
Only the neighbor cell whose handover success number is higher than or
equal to this threshold can be sorted by the number of handover success.
Otherwise, it can be sorted by the number of measurement report.

This parameter indicates HO failure ratio threshold that is used to modify N/A
the NoHO attribute of neighbour cell.
When the number of one NBR been detected as Low Handover Success
Rate NBR reach this threshold, the NBR can't be automatically recovered N/A
from the list of Low Handover Success Rate NBR.

This parameter is used to control the period of over coverage NBR detect N/A
This parameter indicates the period of redundancy neighbor cell deletion.
It's used to control the time interval between redundancy neighbor cell N/A
This parameter indicates whether the inter-system GSM ANR self-delete
function is supported or not.Close:not supported;Open:supported.

When an unknown neighbor cell is detected, eNodeB will select some UEs
to measure the neighbor cell's CGI.This parameter indicates the maximum N/A
number of allowed measurements for each detected neighbor cell.

When the ANR temporary cell is added, the numbers of measurements and
successful handovers will be collected in the statistical period. After the N/A
statistic timer is timeout,if the MR times less than this value,the temporary
neighbor cell cannot be added to the formal neighbor cell list.

This parameter is the break point flag.

Reference Point Alias N/A

This parameter is used to set the grade of ANR Statistic Timer Length. N/A

Policy Grade N/A

The coefficient of Converting unnecessary Inter-RAT handover number to
too late Intra-RAT handover
Period of OAM Statistics KPI N/A
Call Drop Rate Threshold to Trigger MRO N/A
HandOver out Time Threshold to Trigger MRO N/A

This parameter is used to configure the upper limit of the parameters

scoup accumulated adjusted by MRO. The parameters adjusted by MRO N/A
can't exceed this upper limit.
The ratio of too early handover neighbor cell. N/A
This parameter represents the threshold to trigger the optimization of ping-
pong handover parameters. When the ratio of ping-pong handover to all
handover is larger than this threshold, eNB will start to optimize the ping-
pong handover parameters.
This parameter is policy for the break point timeout. N/A
Run Mode N/A
This parameter is used to count the cycle for the eNodeB cell handover N/A

Policy Grade
This parameter is a period number for detecting ECGI for the known N/A
neighbor cell.
This parameter is timeout span of the break point. N/A
Policy Grade N/A
The parameter indicates the power control switch for RACH Optimization. N/A

Service Type(21:PnP 26:SH 43:Cloud Radio 46:ANR 47:PCI 48:X2 49:MRO N/A
50:CCO 51:RO 52:MLB 57:ES)

This parameter is the break point flag.
This parameter is policy for the break point timeout. N/A
High Threshold of Contention Probability for RACH Optimization N/A
Resource Allocation Trigger for RACH Optimization N/A
0 N/A
This parameter is used to set the grade of X2 Statistic Timer Length. N/A
The process of the scene that X2 direct self delete is determined by this N/A
This parameter is DL SPS activation higher MCS threshold, used for limit
MAC layer not enable DL SPS at high SINR. When higher layer enable DL
SPS, the parameter should be configurable. And the parameter should be
adjusted in the range of bigger than MCS15.

The parameter indicates the maximum number of cells to be reported by

UE in the measurement report, excluding the serving cell.In case purpose is N/A
set to reportStrongestCellsForSON, only value 1 applies(Use Before Version
The parameter indicates the interval of periodical reports ,i.e.UE reports
the measurement results one time every "ucPrdRptInterval".
The parameter indicates the RSRP threshold 1 of event B2 N/A
The parameter represents the UDC capable UE first send the ELS-UECap
message or not. The eNB could indicate the UE to first send ELS-UEInd N/A
message or ELS-UECap message.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System N/A

Geran CSFB measurement configuration index N/A

Geran CSFB measurement configuration index

Index for Inter-RAT Periodical Measurement Configuration of GERAN N/A

The parameter indicates the index for a group of measurement N/A

TDS Measurement Configuration Index N/A
TDS load balance measurement configuration index N/A
This parameter is the Handover punish timer .If eNodeb receive S1 or X2
Handover prepare failure with cause of "No Radio Resources Available in N/A
Target Cell",then eNodeb can't handover to this target cell within Handover
punish Time.

This parameter is the Handover punish timer .If eNodeb receive S1 or X2

Handover prepare failure with cause of "No Radio Resources Available in N/A
Target Cell",then eNodeb can't handover to this target cell within Handover
punish Time.
This timer is used for eNB to wait for response message from MME in S1
setup procedure

This timer defines the interval for the same PCI reporting
If time-to-wait is not in X2 update fail message during X2 update N/A
procedure, this timer will be started.
This timer is used for eNB to wait for setup response message from the
peer eNB in X2 setup procedure
This timer is used for eNB to wait for update acknowledge message from N/A
the peer eNB in X2 update procedure.
UTRAN-FDD Target System of Connected Ue for CS Fallback N/A
This parameter is the number of downlink antenna and the specific
Effective when Cell Reset

Effective when Cell Reset

BPL Port
The parameter indicates the maximum transmit power of a cp in cell.

ECellEquipmentFunction Effective when Cell Reset

Hardware hysteresis for the dynamic adjustment of ac-barring factors N/A
Once an adjustment of AC-Barring happens,not any more during an
observation period. Observation period should be mutiple of load N/A
estimation window.
Timer for decide No Data. After the timer expires, the user will be diverted
RRC Only state, and release PUCCH resources.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
This timer is used to determine an interval for sending Echo Request
This parameter is used to config CA user and non CA user's schedule ratio in
downlink,the smaller the value means the CA user get more schedule
opportunity,when value equals 0 means difference schedule;when value
equals 1 means fair schedule
This parameter is used to configure the frequency of HighSpeed railway N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI11 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI12 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI13 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI14 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI15 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI16 (504 is invalid value) N/A
This parameter is a threshold for RSRP Statistic

Time Delay for S1 Interface Alarm (s) N/A

AS FS breakdown/main CP board breakdown/main CP RRU link breakdown N/A

Super Cell may be out of service. For recovery service quickly, system
support auto-recovery service policy.

The way of the SIB10 to stop N/A

This parameter is the UL SINR threshold of VoLTE quality worse. If VoLTE UE

SINR is lower than this threshold, eNodeb will trigger Inter-Freq Handover N/A
Mobile Network Code N/A
This parameter indicates the common time reference which refers to the
start time of the synchronisation period between the BM-SC and the N/A
concerned eNBs.
The parameter indicates the transmit power offset every resource element
for PMCH. It is the relative value to the MBSFN reference signals power, is N/A
aimed at containing MCCH subframe.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

The number of GBR service PDB segment, For GBR bearer, the PDB is
segmented according to ucGBRDelaySegNum and awGBRDelayTh.
The parameter is the switch of CSFB between LTE and CDMA N/A
The X2 delay between the enodeB is very large , use this switch to control
the Comp function.

This parameter is the CPU load control switch for controlling CC board CPU
load running in safe range.Switch Off: the CC board not handle the call
traffic control in high traffic. It may cause CPU overload, causing the base
station to restart the cell out of service and other anomalies.Switch On: CC
plate handling calls by controlling the volume of business to achieve the
CPU load control in a safe range.

This parameter is a threshold for DL SINR Statistic N/A

For ETWS is a emergency application, the way of sending includes not only
sending periodically but also sending continuously
This parameter is the switch for handover based voice. if configured as
1,when voice service is established,it can preferential handover UE to N/A
configured QCI1 target frequencies; if configured as 0, it means the
function is closed.

The parameter is the switch for the feature of Context Fetch.If the user set
value 1:ZTE inter-eNB Reestablishment, the eNB will open the feature of
ZTE specific inter-eNB reestablishment;if the user set value 2:Context
Fetch, the eNB will open the feature of Context Fetch, which is an added N/A
feature in TS36.300 V12.3.0; if the user set value 3:Context Fetch
Complatible with ZTE inter-eNB Reestablishment, the eNB will open the
feature of Context Fetch witch is compatible with ZTE inter-eNB

This parameter is used to compare the comp performance when comp off N/A

Switch of MME Load Balancing, which can determine whether the MME N/A
Load Balancing function is performed or not.

The parameter is the switch of UE Category4 N/A

UL COMP CloudIrc Switch N/A
The Switch controls the X2 connection rebuild function. If the switch is
open, X2 connection will be rebuild after peer eNB IP changed. If the switch N/A
is close, X2 connenction rebuild function won't work.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System.

The parameter represents the idle mobility profile index N/A

This parameter is the switch of CA Load Adjust. When the switch is open, if
the load of CA cell is higher than threshold, eNodeb will choose CA UE and N/A
move the load to other CA cell, this make load of CA Cell counterbalance.
This parameter determines the class of function of load pre-estimate. If the
value is 0, the function is based on eNB class. If the value is 1, the function
is based on cell class.

This switch determine whether output cell load log.

This switch determine whether frequency priority is valid or not in Intra-LTE N/A
load balancing.

This parameter is used to judge load leveling of Intra-LTE neighbor cells in

uplink. When the PRB usage difference between serving cell and a Intra-LTE
neighbor cell in uplink is below this parameter, this cell can't be used as
candidate target cell in uplink for Intra-LTE load balancing.

This parameter indicates that the neighbor cell is not a candidate target cell
for load balancing when its overlap coverage degree is less than the N/A

This array indicates the priority of UE selected scheme for load balancing.
From the first array member, each denotes the corresponding priority of
'UE PRB Threshold', 'Traffic Type Selection', 'Protect UE NOT to Handover
Again', 'UE Position Information', 'Measurement Report Order' and 'UE N/A
Class Information' respectively. The value range of each integer array
member is from 1 to 255. A higher value indicates a higher priority. The
value 0 means this scheme can not be closed.

This parameter is used to amplify NGBR PRB usage. It's easy to start load N/A
banlancing function.

This parameter is used to judge whether the service cell offload to fdd cell N/A
or not in downlink for camp Load Balance.
This parameter is used to adjust cell PRB usage. It's easy to configure the N/A
trigger condition of load banlancing function.
0 N/A
The parameter is the switch of Mobility Speed handover.
The parameter defines the number of cell in UE history information for
judging UE speed
This parameter is the Home Mobile Country Code N/A



The Parameter is Used to Decide How Many Times can be Repeated for
The triggering condition of event triggered RSRP report. When the value,
which RSRP of neighbor cell minus RSRP of serving cell, is larger than the
value set for A3 event offset, then the triggering condition is met.

The triggering condition of event triggered RSRQ report. When the value,
which RSRQ of neighbor cell minus RSRQ of serving cell, is larger than the N/A
value set for A3 event offset, then the triggering condition is met.
RSSI Level 2 ALM Raise Times N/A
The Report Characteristics for Qcell Positioning method
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
0 N/A
Mobile Country Code N/A
Basic prior based ARP and service class

DL Pathloss Change threshold for PHR reporting; A Power Headroom

Report (PHR) shall be triggered if prohibitPHR-Timer expires or has expired N/A
and the path loss has changed more than dl-PathlossChange dB since the
last transmission of a PHR when UE has UL resources for new transmission

If meaGRP equals to 40, the measurement gap period(MGRP) is 40ms; N/A

If meaGRP equals to 80, the measurement gap period(MGRP) is 80ms

= N/A

RLC mode for application, includes AM mode and UM mode.
The parameter is name of example service, corresponding to QCI. N/A
The QoS delay parameter (ms) of the service packet. The protocol specifies
that, if the actual delay is larger than PDB, it does not mean that the packet N/A
is to be discarded. It is implicitly specified by the QCI, and cannot be

This array indicates the priority of candidate frequencies for Redirection

target. eNB selects the target frequency based on this information. The
value range of each integer array member is from 0 to 255. A higher value N/A
indicates a higher priority. The default value 0 means the corresponding
frequency can not be selected as redirection target frequency.


Referenced SCTP N/A

Specifies the number of consecutive PDCCH-subframe(s) at the beginning

of a DRX Cycle, during which the UE monitors the PDCCH in PDCCH- N/A
DRX config for TTI Bundling[[1..256],257],DRX Config for Intra-LTE
ANR[258],DRX Config for UTRAN-FDD ANR[259],DRX Config for UTRAN-TDD
ANR[260],DRX Config for GERAN ANR[261],DRX Config for CDMA2000
HRPD ANR[262],DRX Config for CDMA2000 1XRTT ANR[263]

This parameter is used to configure the cells in which UEs'signaling

reources should be given priority Insurance than other cells, is useful only N/A
when "Signaling Resource Configuration"Mode is set to "auto".
This parameter is the service switch. N/A
SON CCO Policy

SON Self-healing Policy N/A

SON CCO Policy
The parameter is the end time of ANR Report at appointed time function
configured by operator. After end time arrive,ANR Report at appointed N/A
time function will execute reset and start next process period.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
This parameter indicates handover success rate threshold for GERAN
neighbor cell additoin. Only the neighbor cell whose handover success rate N/A
is higher than or equal to this threshold can be added to formal neighbor
cell list.

This parameter indicates whether to support GERAN fast ANR function. N/A

The Number of Adjacent Cells cannot exceeds the value of this parameter N/A
when the Inter-RAT GERAN ANR has opened.

The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent GERAN carrier frequency

set. In the E-UTRAN cell reselection or handover measurement
configuration information, it usually based on GERAN frequency set instead
of only one GERAN frequency, because it's different from E-UTRAN/UTRAN
which can operate on intra-frequency(there may be multipule cells on N/A
same adjacent frequency),GERAN can only operate on inter-
frequency(there is only one cell on same adjacent frequency), so, to the
facility, it always configurate mobility control parameter to a set of GERAN

The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent GERAN carrier frequency

set. In the E-UTRAN cell reselection or handover measurement
configuration information, it usually based on GERAN frequency set
instead of only one GERAN frequency, because it's different from E-
UTRAN/UTRAN which can operate on intra-frequency (there may be N/A
multipule cells on same adjacent frequency) , GERAN can only operate on
inter-frequency (there is only one cell on same adjacent frequency) , so, to
the facility, it always configurate mobility control parameter to a set of
GERAN frequencies.

The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-FDD carrier

frequency additional equivalent band indicators
This parameter only associated with a set of measuring configuration for
the DLCOMP. It recommend to use EVENT trigger for this measurement,
and report amount set to 1, and don't recommend to set report amount to
measurement configuration index for the high-speed UE in Normal cell N/A

Coverage-based intra-frequency handover measurement configruration N/A


This parameter is used to indicate the configuration measurement index of

handover from macro cell to small cell. A measurement configuration index
contains a series of corresponding measurement of the quantity of and
threshold configuration.

The parameter indicates the index of modify Scell measurement N/A

configuration in CA function.
Open intersystem measurement configuration index N/A
Redirection measurement configuration index N/A
The parameter indicates the index of UE Rx-Tx Time Diff Period Measure N/A
The parameter is Timer which is used to wait for ANR reports from UEs.
When it expires,the base station check if PCI conflict or confusion exists N/A
from the information.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

The parameter is Ping-Pong timer. The parameter indicates the penalty

timer used for preventing repeated handover. when a UE is handover from N/A
cell A to cell B, the preventing repeated handover Timer will be started, If
Timer does not expired, it is not allowed to handover back to the cell A. The
parameter is valid when switch for Ping-Pong is open.

This timer will be started after eNB sends RRC connection setup message to
UE, it will be stopped if RRC connection setup complete message is N/A
received, and else, an abnormal processing will be triggered
This parameter is the timer in which Handover target eNB needs to store
UE context, the UE waits for the re-establishment of the RRC message in N/A
order to detect the handover fault.

This timer will be started after eNB sends UE capability request message to N/A
UE, it will be stopped if UE capability message from UE is received, if Timer
is expired, an abnormal processing will be triggered.

If an abnormal processing is triggered in eNB when UE context is initialing,

this timer will be started after eNB sends initial UE context failure message
to the core network, it will be stopped when release UE context message N/A
from the core network is received, if this timer is expired, eNB will release
the UE.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

UTRAN-TDD Target System of Idle Ue for CS Fallback N/A
This array is the measurement indication of CSFB UTRAN frequencies.
When the frequency of this parameter is Yes, eNodeb will measure this
frequency when CSFB based on measuring; otherwise, eNodeb will not
measure this frequency when CSFB based on measuring.
Extended access class barring for AC 0-9. The first/ leftmost bit is for AC 0,
the second bit is for AC 1, and so on.
0 N/A
The parameter indicates the transmit power every resource element of
cell-specific reference signals of servered CP. The unit is dBm.

The parameter is the maximum of admission RRC connection user to Board.

It can be configured according to the numbers of client purchase. But the
max value configured will not larger than capacity of BPL board.
Time Delay for Cell Alarm (s) N/A
he parameter defines maximum retransmition number of GTP ECHO N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI17 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI18 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI19 (504 is invalid value) N/A
Holdover Time-Out Switch N/A

The parameter indicates the maximum base time length from X2 policy
parameters are configured to used, when X2 function is deployed at first N/A

Time Delay for X2 Interface Alarm (s) N/A

Time Delay for X2 Interface Alarm (s) N/A

The parameter is service priority level of SAE Bearer Info. eNB can find N/A
service's QoS parameters and application's parameters with ARP and QCI.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

MBMS Common Reference Time Millisecond Level Configuration N/A
Detection Period for ECN

ECN UL Memory Threshold
ECN UL Memory Threshold N/A
The parameter is the threshold of user plane buffering queen, which is used N/A
for ECN checking, it is set when ECN function switch is opened.
Configurated ARP for Emergency Service Bearer by the Operator. When the
ARP value of a service for UE is equal to the parameter, so the service N/A
belongs to the emergency service.
The parameter is the number of ARP segment. By The parameter, eNB can N/A
map ARP and QCI to other priority
0 N/A
The number of NGBR service PDB's segment, The number of NGBR service
PDB segment, For NGBR bearer, the PDB is segmented according to N/A
ucNGBRDelaySegNum and awNGBRDelayTh.
The threshold of NGBR service PDB. eNB can get service basic prior by The
If this switch is open,CA UE would be removed SCell when number of Ues in
the Cell is reach ucCaBackOffThrd;If this switch is close,none of the CA UE
would be removed Scell when number of UEs in the Cell is reach

When this switch is opened, the target cell choose appropriate SCells after
received HandoverRequest message, and configurate these SCells to UE;
When this switch is closed, all the SCells of source cell are deleted. Scells of
target cell will be added Until handover procedure completed.

The parameter represents the switch for Operator Specific CA SPID feature,
and is used to Open/Close the Operator Specific CA SPID feature of the eNB N/A
according to the demand of operator.
The parameter is the switch of PS handover between FDD and TDD. N/A
This parameter is switch for intra band incontinuous CA.
The parameter indicates whether or not to support enable Management N/A
Based MDT function
The parameter is the switch for RLF KPI E-RAB Drop Report, and is used to
Open/Close the SRS stub card, UL HARQ FAIL, DL HARQ FAIL, MSG0 no N/A
response E-RAB Drop KPI Report.0 is used to close all, if 0 is configured,
can't config others
When the switch is opened, the frequency priority higher Scell will be N/A
selection and configuration.
The Length of Timer to Stop SIB10 N/A
The parameter indicates whether or not to support enable Signaling Based N/A
MDT function
The parameter represents the switch for Operator Specific SPID feature,
and is used to Open/Close the Operator Specific SPID feature of the eNB N/A
according to the demand of operator

this parameter is the switch to open or close TCP MSS modify function.
Open this switch to avoid to fragment for tcp data sent to SGW by eNodeB

After enable the function, reorder the tcp packets by the seq-num. The N/A
function will affect the cpu utilization ratio a few.

This parameter is a threshold for UL SINR Statistic N/A

The parameter is the switch of VoIP traffic.
The parameter represents a list of GERAN carrier frequency set index with N/A
specific cell reselection priority
The parameter represents a list of UTRA-FDD carrier frequency index with
specific cell reselection priority
This parameter is used to execute the uplink radio resource load balancing
function. When the average PRB usage of LTE serving cell in downlink
exceeds this parameter during the counter window, the cell executes the
load balancing function in uplink.

The parameter represents the eNB flow control allowed setup QCI list. If
the parameter 'the switch for eNB flow control reject setup specified ERABs
' set to 'Open', the eNB shall only allowd setup dedicated ERABs according N/A
to the parameter.Value 0 presents an invalid QCI,value 1 corresponds to
QCI1, 2 to QCI2, and so on.

This switch determine whether inter-manufacturer load balancing is valid N/A

or not.

This array indicates the priority of candidate RATs for load balancing. eNB
selects the target RAT based on this information. From the first array
member, each denotes the corresponding priority of EUTRA-FDD, EUTRA-
1xRTT respectively. The value range of each integer array member is from 0 N/A
to 255. A higher value indicates a higher priority. The default value 0 means
there is no applicable neighbor cell for the corresponding RAT. Each non-
isolated serving cell shall be configured with load balancing RAT priority for
the corresponding neighbouring cell(s).

The parameter is switch of traffic type selection. This switch determines

whether traffic type selection is valid or not. "Close" stands for "NOT valid", N/A
"Open" stands for "valid".
The parameter is switch for UE position information scheme. This switch
determines whether UE position information scheme is valid or not. "Close" N/A
stands for "NOT valid", "Open" stands for "valid".
This switch determine whether only voice user can be load off from N/A
EUTRAN to GREAN, "Open" stands for "only voice user".
This parameter is used to execute intra-manufacturer load balancing
function in downlink. When the average PRB usage of LTE serving cell in
downlink exceeds this parameter during the counter window, the cell
executes intra-manufacturer load balancing in downlink.

This parameter is a extend measure configuration index for Intra-LTE Load

Balancing. It corresponds to a record of Measure configuration for N/A
neighborhood centre and edge user.

This parameter is used to execute the uplink radio resource load balancing
function. When the average PRB usage of LTE serving cell in uplink exceeds N/A
this parameter during the counter window, the cell executes the load
balancing function in uplink.

This parameter is radius for small neighbour cell of serving cell. It is used to
evaluate speed of UE if handover is based on speed. It is configured
according to actual radius of cell when the switch of handover based on
speed is opened and the serving cell has small neighbour cell.
This parameter is radius for small neighbour cell of serving cell. It is used to
evaluate speed of UE if handover is based on speed. It is configured
according to actual radius of cell when the switch of handover based on
speed is opened and the serving cell has small neighbour cell.

Switch for UTRAN Rim. N/A

Switch for UTRAN Rim. N/A

The parameter represents the PSHO profile index
This is the maximum CID value that can be used when ROHC is open. CID is
indicated which context that Enb or ue is used when compress or
decompress. Maximum CID is used to limit the value of CID. This is
configured before ue attach.
The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0003 profiles is
allowed to be used or not

The parameter is QCI in SAE Bearer Info. eNB can find service's QoS
parameters and application's parameters with QCI.QoS class identifier
(QCI): A scalar that is used as a reference to a specific packet forwarding
behaviour (e.g. packet loss rate, packet delay budget) to be provided to a
SDF. This may be implemented in the access network by the QCI N/A
referencing node specific parameters that control packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling weights, admission thresholds, queue
management thresholds, link layer protocol configuration, etc.), that have
been pre-configured by the operator at a specific node(s) (e.g. eNodeB).

The parameter indicates the Absolute decision threshold of E-UTRAN N/A

serving cell for RSRP measurement in GERAN B2.
PerQCI Measure GroupID N/A
0 N/A
The parameter indicates the Absolute decision threshold of E-UTRAN N/A
serving cell for RSRP measurement in TDS B2.

RSSI Level 2 ALM Thresh N/A

0 N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

The parameter is QCI in SAE Bearer Info. eNB can find service's QoS
parameters and application's parameters with QCI.QoS class identifier
(QCI) : A scalar that is used as a reference to a specific packet forwarding
behaviour (e.g. packet loss rate, packet delay budget) to be provided to a
SDF. This may be implemented in the access network by the QCI
referencing node specific parameters that control packet forwarding N/A
treatment (e.g. scheduling weights, admission thresholds, queue
management thresholds, link layer protocol configuration, etc.) , that
have been pre-configured by the operator at a specific node (s) (e.g.
eNodeB) .Configuration PBR parameter according to QCI , QCI is the main
QoS type of application
0: SIP
1: GBR1 (delay ≤ GBRDelayTh[0])
2: GBR2 (GBRDelayTh[0] < delay ≤GBRDelayTh[1])
3: GBR3 (GBRDelayTh[1] < delay≤GBRDelayTh[2])

i : GBRi (GBRDelayTh[GBRDelaySegNum-2] < delay ≤
GBRDelayTh[GBRDelaySegNum-1]) N/A
i+1: NGBR1 (delay ≤ NGBRDelayTh[0])
i+2: NGBR2 (NGBRDelayTh[0] < delay ≤NGBRDelayTh[1])
i+3: NGBR2 (NGBRDelayTh[1] < delay≤NGBRDelayTh[2])

i+j: NGBRi (NGBRDelayTh[NGBRDelaySegNum-2] < delay ≤
I = GBRDelaySegNum, j = NGBRDelaySegNum

This parameter is DL SPS period and is using for DL SPS. The parameter
configuration when reconfigure the downlink SPS. The parameter is
associated to service pack rules of QCI which has configured SPS. When the N/A
business rule is 20 ms periodically to arriving package, suggested
configuration SPS period to be 20 ms. And so on.
Service Bearer type: GBR, Non GBR. N/A
CDMA2000-HRPD RAT Priority N/A
This array indicate the EUTRAN PS HO target frequencies. N/A
S1 Priority N/A
encryption algorithm priority (from high to low) N/A
0 N/A
SON Energy Saving Configure N/A
This parameter indicates whether open Nbr Cell Handover Success Rate N/A
Detection function or not.Close:close function;Open:open function;
When the rsrp of GERAN unknown PCI exceeds this threshold, ANR perform N/A
ECGI measurement for the unknown PCI.
This parameter is used to control the time interval between long period no N/A
handover deletion.
The process of the scene that the success rate of handover results N/A
between adjacent cells is in low level is determined by this switch.
The Number of Adjacent Cells which are Intra-Frequency cannot exceeds
the value of this parameter when the Intra-LTE ANR has opened.
When the ANR temporary cell is added, the eNodeB will start a statistic
timer to count MR times and HO success times.After the statistic timer is N/A
timeout, if the HO success times less than this value, the temporary
neighbor cell cannot be added to the formal neighbor cell list.unit:times
The Number of Adjacent Cells which are Inter-Frequency cannot exceeds
the value of this parameter when the Intra-LTE ANR has opened.
If the number of neighbour relationships which meet self-add condition is
more than this parameter, those neighbour relationships with the max
handover success number will be added; If the number of neighbour
relationships which meet self-delete condition is more than this parameter,
those neighbour relationships with the less handover success number will
be added.

This parameter indicates the maximum number of neighbour relationships

to be deleted after ANR self-delete statistic timer is timeout. If the number
of neighbour relationships which meet self-delete condition is more than N/A
this parameter, those neighbour relationships whose MR report number is
minimum will be deleted.
Monitor Message Report Switch N/A
This parameter indicates whether to support RLF based neighbor cell
Service Type (21:PnP 26:SH 43:CS 46:ANR 47:PCI 48:X2 49:MRO 50:CCO
51:RO 52:MLB 57:ES)
This parameter is policy for the break point timeout. N/A
The process of the deletion of redundancy adjacent cells in Inter-system N/A
UTRAN is determined by this switch.
The maximum value adjusted by Inter-RAT MRO OFN parameter
optimization. The cumulative adjustment value should not outnumber the N/A
This is a parameter for MRO switch N/A
Service Type (21:PnP 26:SH 43:CS 46:ANR 47:PCI 48:X2 49:MRO 50:CCO N/A
51:RO 52:MLB 57:ES)
This parameter is the distinguish threshold for the parameter optimization N/A
Policy ID N/A
This parameter is used to configure the reference point ID. It is created by N/A
system automatically
This parameter is used to set the grade of MRO Statistic Timer Length. N/A
This parameter indicates whether the PCI confusion will be resolved by
system. "Open" means the PCI confusion will be resolved by system."Close" N/A
means the PCI confusion won't be resolved by system.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
This parameter is a period interval for detecting ECGI for the known
neighbor cell. If the value of this parameter is the figure in 1-23, which N/A
means the period interval is the figure and the unit is hour, when the value
is 0, the period interval will be configured 20 minutes.
Policy ID N/A
This parameter indicates the way for resolve the PCI conflict or PCI N/A
This parameter indicates the appointed time that is used to detecting
neighbour cell by UE
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
Monitor Message Report Switch N/A
This parameter is used to configure the reference point ID. It is created by
system automatically.
The parameter indicates the resource allocation switch for RACH
Run Mode N/A
This parameter is used to configure the reference point ID. It is created by
system automatically.
Run Mode N/A
The threshold of S1 HO success.When the number of X2 interface is more
than specific threshold and a new X2 interface is need to be added, It's
necessary to count the times of S1 HO success. Only when the times of S1 N/A
HO success is more than this parameter, the new X2 is allowed to be

When the time lenth of X2 invalid state meet this parameter, trigger X2
This parameter is a switch for X2 self setup. N/A

The parameter indicates the absolute RSRP threshold 2 used for judging
event A5 for neighboring cell
The principle of actual value of event A5 threshold 2 corresponding to N/A
value in protocol 36331 is -140 corresponding to 0, -139 corresponding to
1, by parity of reasoning, -44 corresponding to 96, and 97 in protocol
36331 can not be gotten

As CPICH_Ec/No of UTRA FDD cell is above this threshold, the handover to N/A
UTRA FDD cell is triggeredThe parameter

The parameter indicates the absolute Threshold for GERAN measurement

judged by GERAN neighboring cell.The configuration value is related to
event B1 or B2. For B1, when the signal quality of GERAN neighboring cell is
better than ucGERANNbrTrd (Thresh) , i.e. Mn+Ofn-Hys>Thresh, UE shall N/A
consider the entering condition (B1-1) for this event to be satisfied . For
B2, when the signal quality of GERAN neighboring cell is better than
ucGERANNbrTrd (Thresh2) , i.e. Mn+Ofn-Hys>Thresh2, UE shall consider
the entering condition (B2-2) for this event to be satisfied .

the inter-RAT Measurement Configuration selection for different Function


If ucUtraFddReportQuan equal to 0, then Report Quantity is the same with

Trigger Quantity;
If ucUtraFddReportQuan equal to 1, then Report Quantity is both RSCP and N/A
This parameter can only be used by Utran-Fdd;

During the handover from LTE to GERAN via CCO, when UE receives
handover command, UE will start T304. If handover is successful, UE will N/A
stop T304. If T304 expired, UE will start T311 and perform re-
establishment on the 'best cell'.
Upon detecting radio link problems, the UE shall start T310_UE. Upon
receiving N311 _UE consecutive in-sync indications from lower layers,
upon triggering the handover procedure and upon initiating the connection N/A
re-establishment procedure. If security is not activated: go to RRC_IDLE
else: initiate the connection re-establishment procedure

Referenced SCTP N/A

Run Mode N/A
This parameter is used to control the time interval between temporary NBR
low handover success rate detections. The unit is due to N/A

This parameter indicates handover success rate threshold for UTRAN

neighbor cell additoin. Only the neighbor cell whose handover success rate
is higher than or equal to this threshold can be added to formal neighbor
cell list.

This parameter is a threshold of serving cell's result of rsrp measurement

ue camped recently. If serving cell's rsrp is less than threshold, there may
be some problems of cover on serving cell. The serving cell's rsrp ue N/A
camped recently, can be obtained from ue information response msg or
ue's measurement reporting.

This parameter is the threshold of handover number of times, which can N/A
be used to control whether to optimize the fault of MRO.
HandOver Success Ratio Threshold to Trigger MRO N/A
This parameter is used together with dwMROHoOutTimesThrd. When the
handover times on the cell pair from serving cell to neighbor is larger than
dwMROHoOutTimesThrd and the MRO handover Fault ratio on the cell pair N/A
from serving cell to neighbor cell is above this parameter, eNB will report
MRO warning.
Monitor Message Report Switch N/A
0 N/A

Reference Point Alias N/A

This parameter is policy for the break point timeout. N/A

Number of Preamble Sent Target for RACH Optimization N/A
The parameter indicates the Resource Allocation Monitor Counter for
RACH Optimization. Once the Timer is on, the Counter starts to count, and N/A
the eNB in the cell should collect the RACH information until the Timer is
Policy ID N/A

This parameter indicates whether the X2 self-Learn function is open or not. N/A
If the value is 'Open', the function is open; otherwise, the function is close.
The process of the scene that X2 statistic optimization is determined by this
This parameter is UL SPS activation higher MCS threshold, used for limit
MAC layer not enable UL SPS at high sinr. When higher layer enable UL SPS,
the parameter should be configurated. And the parameter should be
adjusted in the range of bigger than MCS15.
The parameter indicates the hysteresis used for judging event during
The parameter indicates the report rules of the intra-RAT measurement,
choosing one of trigger type such as Event and Periodical.
The parameter indicates the measurement quantity used to evaluate the
triggering condition for the event.The values rsrp and rsrq correspond to
Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) and Reference Signal Received
Quality (RSRQ) .

The parameter indicates the times of the periodical reports to be reported.

UE shall decide whether or not to report measurement results accoding the
value of "ucPrdRptAmount". If UE detects that the times of reports exceed N/A
the value of "ucPrdRptAmount", UE stops reporting the measurement
The parameter indicates the RSRQ threshold 1 of event B2 N/A
0 N/A
The parameter indicates maximum number of consecutive "out-of-sync" N/A
indications received from lower layers.
This parameter indicates User-inactivity timer for Mobile. N/A
The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent E-UTRA carrier frequency N/A
additional equivalent band indicators
The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent E-UTRA carrier frequency N/A
band indicator
The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-FDD carrier N/A
frequency band indicator
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
ANR A2 Measurement Configuration N/A
eICIC Measurement Configuration Index N/A
This parameter is two-dimensional array that a Measure configuration
index for GERAN. Every element corresponds to a record of Measure
configuration for RSRP or RSRQ. If dual-measure is close, then only the fist
element is applied.
IRAT ANR A2 Measurement Configuration N/A
DownLink event RSRP measure configuration index N/A
This parameter is two-dimensional array that a Measure configuration
index for TDS. Every element corresponds to a record of Measure N/A
configuration for RSRP or RSRQ. If dual-measure is close, then only the fist
element is applied.

This timer will be started after eNB sends MobilityFromEUTRACommand

message to UE when CCO is triggered, it will be stopped when release
message or RRC connection re-establish message from the core network is
received, if this timer is expired, eNB will release the instance of UE.
The parameter is used to wait for stop acknowledge message in RIM
This timer will be started after eNB sends release UE context message to
the core network, it will be stopped if release context message from the
core network is received, if Timer is expired, the instance of UE will be
This timer is used for eNB to wait for reset acknowledge message from the
peer eNB in X2 reset procedure.
The parameter represents the CSFB profile index N/A
UTRAN-TDD Target System of Connected Ue for CS Fallback N/A

Indicates the category of UEs for which EAB applies. Value a corresponds to
all UEs, value b corresponds to the UEs that are neither in their HPLMN nor
in a PLMN that is equivalent to it, and value c corresponds to the UEs that
are neither in the PLMN listed as most preferred PLMN of the country N/A
where the UEs are roaming in the operator-defined PLMN selector list on
the USIM, nor in their HPLMN nor in a PLMN that is equivalent to their
HPLMN, see TS 22.011 [10].

Control the downlink carrier tilt of AAS, that will affect the coverage area. N/A
Cell Portion Identity N/A
once the hardware usage is lower than the difference of "Hardware recover
threshold of CC board for the adjustment of ac-barring factors"and N/A
"Hardware hysteresis of CC board for dynamic adjustment of ac-barring
factors", the upward adjustment launched
Board Self Healing Times N/A
Time Delay for Base Station Alarm Clear (s) N/A
This parameter is a threshold for DL SINR Statistic N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI2 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI20 (504 is invalid value) N/A
User Label N/A

once the User ratio is higher than the sum of "User ratio trigger threshold
for the adjustment of ac-barring factors"and "User ratio hysteresis for the N/A
adjustment of ac-barring factors", the downward adjustment launched

The parameter is the threshold of user plane ul memory resource, which is N/A
used for ECN checking , it is set when ECN function switch is opened.
This parameter is the Switch of CA band priority. When this switch is
opened, If UE access a carrier which belongs to different overlapping
frequency , it could be to enforce the UE to transform from main Band to
compatible band through intra-cell handover before configuring Scell.
This parameter is switch for UL CA. N/A
The parameter is the IP address of CN UBAS. N/A
The parameter represents the switch for eNB flow control reject setup
specified ERABs. If the eNB S1 transport bandwidth is very limited (for
example, satellite transmission) , to guarantee the important service N/A
communication, the Operator could set the parameter 'Open', the eNB
shall only allowed setup specified dedicated ERABs.
Switch of ETWS N/A
This parameter is switch for CA between FDD and TDD. N/A
This parameter indicates the frequency space configuration mode for multi
The parameter is the switch for MFBI (Multiple Frequency Band Indicator)
feature, and is used to Open/Close the MFBI feature of the eNB according N/A
to the demand of operator.

Primary carrier frequency priority switch for CA。When the switch is

opened, if frequency priority of neighbouring cell is higher, handover first N/A
and then add scell.
The switch for Qcell Positioning method N/A
UL SDMA enable flag in Super Cell N/A
The parameter indicates whether or not to enable UE call record ID
transfering in handover process.
One entry corresponding to each carrier frequency listed in the same order
as in E-UTRA carrier frequency index list, and indicates the specific cell N/A
reselection priority of the corresponding E-UTRA carrier frequency.
The parameter represents a list of CDMA2000-HRPD band class with N/A
specific cell reselection priority
The parameter represents a list of UTRA-TDD carrier frequency index with N/A
specific cell reselection priority

One entry corresponding to each carrier frequency listed in the same order
as in UTRA-TDD carrier frequency index list, and indicates the specific cell N/A
reselection priority of the corresponding UTRA-TDD carrier frequency.

This parameter is used to judge load leveling of Intra-LTE neighbor cells in

downlink. When the PRB usage difference between serving cell and a Intra- N/A
LTE neighbor cell in downlink is below this parameter, this cell can’t be
used as candidate target cell in downlink for Intra-LTE load balancing.

This parameter determines the period for Load Balancing. N/A

The parameter is switch for UE class information scheme. This switch
determines whether UE class information scheme is valid or not. "Close" N/A
stands for "NOT valid", "Open" stands for "valid".
The parameter is switch for UE PRB threshold scheme. This switch
determines whether UE PRB threshold scheme is valid or not. "Close" N/A
stands for "NOT valid", "Open" stands for "valid".

Each element of array indicates this QCI type of traffic can be selected as
candidate or not. The value 0 of array member means be forbidden. The
value 1 of array member means be allowed. From the first array member,
each denotes QCI = 1, QCI = 2, QCI = 3, QCI = 4.
0 N/A
This parameter is used to judge whether the cell is PRB overload or not in
this direction.
This parameter indicates decimal notation of coverage type bitmap. In
coverage type bitmap, from the first bit, each denotes overlapping,
including, included, neighboring states. The value 0 of a bit in bitmap
means neighbour cells of corresponding coverage type in measurement N/A
report didn't be considered as candidate target cells in load balancing
based on measurement of event. The value 1 of a bit in bitmap means
corresponding coverage type can be considered.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

The parameter is handover time threshold for judging high speed mobility
state.If the handover time is more than the threshold during the time
indicated by 'ucTHoMax', the high speed state can be judged.The
parameter effects the judging result of ue mobility state.
This parameter is the Number of GERAN cell for R9 Redirection. N/A
This parameter is the Number of UTRAN cell for R9 Redirection. N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The parameter represents the Redirection profile index N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

The parameter is used to determine BCCH modification period: BCCH

modification period = N * DRX cycle length for paging. BCCH modification N/A
period must be multiple of DRX cycle length for paging in order to
guarantee that UE in idle can monitor system information change message.

The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0002 profiles is N/A

allowed to be used or not
The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0102profiles is N/A
allowed to be used or not
The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0004 profiles is N/A
allowed to be used or not
The parameter indicates the absolute RSRP threshold used for judging N/A
event A4 based coverage.
The parameter indicates the absolute RSRQ threshold used for judging N/A
event A4 based coverage.
The parameter indicates the absolute RSRP threshold used for judging
event A5 based coverage.
The parameter indicates the RSRP absolute threshold 2 of A5 event
The parameter indicates the RSRQ absolute threshold 2 of A5 event N/A
The parameter indicates the Absolute decision threshold of E-UTRAN
serving cell for RSRQ measurement in TDS B2.
ARP is devided into serval segment to map different priority. ARPSegID is N/A
the ID of the segments.
The parameter is packet loss rate. The Packet Loss Rate (PLR) defines an
upper bound for the rate of SDUs (e.g. IP packets) that have been
processed by the sender of a link layer protocol (e.g. RLC in E-UTRAN) but
that are not successfully delivered by the corresponding receiver to the
upper layer (e.g. PDCP in E-UTRAN) . Thus, the PLR defines an upper N/A
bound for a rate of non congestion related packet losses. The purpose of
the PLR is to allow for appropriate link layer protocol configurations (e.g.
RLC and HARQ in E ‑UTRAN) . For a certain QCI the value of the PLR is the
same in uplink and downlink.

CDMA2000-1xRTT RAT Priority N/A

This array is the measurement indication of SRVCC UTRAN
frequencies.When the frequency of this parameter is Yes, eNodeb will
measure this frequency when SRVCC ;otherwise,  eNodeb will not measure
this frequency.
0 N/A
This parameter is used to configure the signaling reources configuration
mode, when it is set to "static" , the signaling reources should be manual N/A
configured by OMC, when it is set to "Auto", signaling reources will be
automatic configured by eNB’s strategy.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
0 N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
SON ANR Policy N/A
SON MLB Configure N/A
SON RO Policy N/A
This parameter indicates whether the ANR Report at appointed time
function is open or not. If the value is 'Open', the function is open, N/A
otherwise, the function is close.

This parameter indicates the maximum number of Ues choosed in each N/A
ECGI measurement.
Policy Grade N/A

This parameter indicates the maximum number of Ues choosed in each N/A
ECGI measurement.

The threshold of measurement report number to stop GERAN fast ANR

measurement. In one GERAN fast ANR detection period, if there is no new
unknown Arfcn have been found in continuous N/A
gsmFastAnrStopMeasUeNum measurement reports, GERAN fast ANR
measurements will be stoped.

The process of the deletion of redundancy adjacent cells in Inter-system N/A

GERAN is determined by this switch.

The neighbor cell will be detected as low handover success rate NBR if the
handover times is larger than or equal to this parameter and the handover N/A
success ratr is lower than the "Handover Success Rate Threshold of Low
Handover Success Rate NBR Detection".
This parameter indicates HO times threshold that is used to modify the
NoHO attribute of neighbour cell.

The neighbor cell will be detected as low handover success rate NBR if the
handover times is larger than or equal to "Handover Times Threshold of
Low Handover Success Rate NBR Detection" and the handover success ratr
is lower than or equal to this parameter.

When the neighbor cell is reach the ANR self delete threshold, the eNodeB
will start a statistic timer to count MR times. This parameter indicates the N/A
statistic timer length, unit:hour.
0 N/A
This parameter is timeout span of the break point. N/A

Threshold of too early handover. If the count of too early handover for one
neighbor cell is more than the threshold, too early handover fault occurred N/A
on the neighbor cell.
RRC Re-Establishment Threshold to Trigger MRO N/A
This parameter is used to configure the lower limit of the parameters scoup
accumulated adjusted by MRO. The parameters adjusted by MRO can't N/A
exceed this lower limit.
The threshold of start MRO parameter optimization N/A
0 N/A

Reference Point Alias N/A

This parameter is the threshold of handover too later, which can be used N/A
to control whether to optimize the fault of ping-pang.
Period of MRO Evaluation N/A
This parameter is a switch whether to resolve when the PCI function has
detected a PCI conflict.
Policy ID N/A
Threshold of Non-dedicated Preamble Occupied by Handover Probability
for RACH Optimization

Reference Point Alias N/A

This parameter is policy for the break point timeout. N/A
This parameter is used to enable the self deletion dectection algorithm
when the X2 self setup number up to the threshold.
When the number of X2 is more than the threshold configured by the OMC,
the eNodeB will start a statistic timer to count S1 HO success times for
adding X2 link, and to count X2 HO success times for deleting X2 link. This
parameter indicates the statistic timer length, unit:hour.

This parameter is the percent of the PDSCH bandwidth to be occupied for

DL SPS in a sub-frame, which is used for limit the RB number of DL SPS.

This parameter is the percent of the PUSCH bandwidth to be occupied for

UL SPS in a sub-frame, which is used for limit the RB number of UL SPS.

The parameter indicates the absolute RSRQ threshold 2 used for judging
event A5 for neighboring cell
The principle of actual value of event A5 threshold 2 corresponding to N/A
value in protocol 36331 is -195 corresponding to 0, -19 corresponding to 1,
by parity of reasoning, -3 corresponding to 33, and 34 in protocol 36331
can not be gotten

Range of event A6 threshold is actual value, equaling to half of value in N/A

protocol 36331

The parameter indicates the times of the periodical reports to be reported.

If UE detects that the times of event reports exceeds the value of N/A
"ucPrdRptAmount", UE stops reporting the measurement results

The parameter indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the

measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a
cell in cellsTriggeredList.The procotal defines the "leaving condition"
is :Mn+Ofn+Ocn+Hys < Mp+Ofp+Ocp+Off , i.e.the RSRP/RSRQ of N/A
neighboring cell is a certain extent lower than the serving cell. Note: the
word "leaving" does not mean that UE will leave the serving cell, but only a

When performing inter RAT handover, the quantities is used to evaluate

the triggering condition for the event in EUTAN. The values RSRP and RSRQ N/A
correspond to Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) and Reference
Signal Received Quality (RSRQ)
The parameter indicates the hysteresis used for judging event N/A
the inter-RAT Measurement Configuration Index N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

The parameter indicates Timer for UE to wait for RRC connection re-
establishment response. UE shall start T301 after
RRCConnectionReestabilshmentRequest message is transmitted.When UE N/A
receives the RRCConnectionReestablishment or
RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject message, UE shall stop this
timer.When Timer is expired, UE switches to IDLE.
The parameter indicates the time length for UE switch to idle upon
initiating the RRC connection re-establishment procedure. Upon initiating
the RRC connection re-establishment procedure, UE starts this timer. N/A
When selection of a suitable E-UTRA cell or a cell using another RAT, UE
stops this timer. When timer is expired, UE switches to IDLE.

The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent GERAN carrier frequency

band indicator, it indicates the GERAN frequency band in case the ARFCN
value (in the range[512, 810]) can concern either a DCS 1800 or a PCS N/A
1900 carrier frequency. For ARFCN values not associated with one of these
bands, the indicator has no meaning.

The parameter indicates the index of add Scell measurement configuration

in CA function.
Close inter-frequency or intersystem measurement configuration index N/A
Geran measurement configuration index N/A
This parameter is an index of Measurment, uniquely related to a
Measurement Configuration, and it is used as the Inter-Freq Handover N/A
measurement Based VoLTE quality.
index for inter-RAT periodical measurement configuration of UTRAN N/A
The measurement Event for moving UE out before Cell be deleted N/A
This parameter is an index of Measurment, uniquely related to a
Measurement Configuration, and it is used as load balancing measurement N/A
Based RRC Access.
DownLink period RSRP measure configuration index N/A
TDS CSFB measurement configuration index N/A
If the value of ucUEAccessLBSwch in LoadManagement equals 2, When
RRC Access Load balancing is applied, eNodeB will start this timer. When N/A
this timer times out, eNodeB will try to delete the A4.

This timer will be started after eNB sends RRC connection release message
to UE in order to ensure RRC connection release message is successfully N/A
sent to UE, the local instance of eNB will not be released until Timer is

This timer will be started after the source of hand over sends hand over
required message to the core network when hand over starts on S1, it will N/A
be stopped if hand over message from the core network is received, else,
an abnormal processing will be triggered.
This timer is used for eNB to wait for update acknowledge message from N/A
MME in S1 update procedure.
This timer will be started after the source of hand over sends hand over
request message to the destination when hand over starts on X2, it will be N/A
stopped if hand over message from the destination is received, if Timer is
expired, an abnormal processing will be triggered.
The parameter is used as mapping between antenna channels and CSI-RS
ports. aucAnttoCSIRSPortMap[m]=n (m=0..7, denoting Downward antenna
index; n=15..22, denoting CSI-RS port number) means CSI-RS port n would
Effective when Cell Reset
be send var Downward antenna m. aucAnttoCSIRSPortMap[m]=15 (m=0..7,
denoting Downward antenna index) means no CSI-RS exists on Downward
antenna m.

Mapping of Antenna Port and Antenna Channel N/A

This parameter is the delay adjustment of downlink inter-CP transmission.
Only used under highway scenario.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The Indicate of downlink transmission, Default value is 1, which means the
Downlink transmission is work properly.Downlink does not transmit just for N/A
special cases of SuperCell

Used RRU N/A

This parameter is the carrier number of RRU, it is used to identify the Effective when Cell Reset
different carrier number in dual-carrier.
Up Active Ant Bitmap Effective when Cell Reset
once the hardware usage is higher than the sum of "Hardware trigger
threshold of CC board for the adjustment of ac-barring factors"and N/A
"Hardware hysteresis of CC board for dynamic adjustment of ac-barring
factors", the downward adjustment launched
Time Delay for Base Station Alarm (s) N/A
Time Delay for Cell Alarm Clear (s) N/A
ETWS is to notify all the UEs in a specific area of emergency situation like
Earthquake or Tsunami. The message can be send continuously or N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI3 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI4 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI5 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI6 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI7 (504 is invalid value) N/A
PLMN Encoding Method Effective when eNB Reset
Time Delay for S1 Interface Alarm Clear (s) N/A
If ucTarHeNBIDEncMeth equal to 28bit, the Global eNBID will be Home
eNB ID in S1&X2 handover for open, CSG, Hybrid cell;
If ucTarHeNBIDEncMeth equal to 20bit, the Global eNBID will be Macro
eNB ID in S1&X2 handover for open, CSG, Hybrid cell;
Mobile Country Code N/A
The parameter is QCI in SAE Bearer Info. eNB can find service's QoS N/A
parameters and application's parameters with QCI.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The parameter is the threshold of user plane sending queen, which is used
for ECN checking , it is set when ECN function switch is opened.
If this switch is open, CA UE would be monitored, only if the suitable UE
could be configured Scell;If this switch is close, CA UE would not be N/A
monitored before configuring Scell.
The parameter is the switch of CCO. N/A
The parameter is used when one of the comp related enodeB is Micro and
another one is macro, use the switch to control the comp function.
Open: Discarded coming warning message, but send response message to
MME., when "SerialNumber" and "MessageIdentifier" in coming "Write-
Replace Warning Request" the same as broadcasting now
Close: Always broadcast new coming message

The switch of inter-frequency periodic ANR. If it is set to Open, the inter-

frequency periodic ANR is enabled, if it is set to Close, the inter-frequency N/A
periodic ANR is disabled.
This parameter is used to indicate whether open pingpong detect between N/A
Macro and small cell
This parameter indicates whether the Magic Radio is open and the function N/A
the switch of periodic ANR. If it is set to Open, the periodic ANR is enabled, N/A
if it is set to Close, the periodic ANR is disabled.

Switch for QoS Configuration Based PLMN.When ucPriBasedPLMNSwch is

Open, QoS Basic Priority, ARP factor, UL/DL service priory level and UL/DL
service factor can Distinguish according to different PLMNs; when
ucPriBasedPLMNSwch is Close, the QoS Basic Priority, ARP factor, UL/DL N/A
service priory level and UL/DL service factor for all UE not according to
PLMN differentiated, are taken as QoS Basic Priority, ARP factor, UL/DL
service priory level and UL/DL service factor corresponding to the global

The parameter is the switch of PS Handover between LTE and UTRAN. N/A
The parameter indicates whether open CPU usage rate based admission
control or not. close: The CPU usage rate based admission is closed; open: N/A
The CPU usage rate based admission is open

This parameter is used to determine whehter intra-eNodeB handover is

needed or not. When the switch is set to Open, it is allowed for UE to
handover to target cell if there is one service of UE is accepted. When the N/A
switch is set to Close, it is allows for UE to handover to target call only all
the services of UE is accepted.

The parameter is TMSI Codec control Switch, Tracking for TMSI, During
TMSI tracking configuration. TMSI tracking configuration is open, N/A
Otherwise Close.
The parameter is the switch of UE Category5 N/A
The parameter is the switch of SRVCC between LTE and UTRAN N/A
The parameter indicates whether delete the neighbour cell when receives N/A
X2 update message including served cell delete
One entry corresponding to each band class listed in the same order as in
CDMA2000-HRPD band class list, and indicates the specific cell reselection N/A
priority of the corresponding CDMA2000-HRPD band class.
The parameter represents a list of E-UTRA carrier frequency index with
specific cell reselection priority
This parameter is used to judge load leveling of Intra-LTE neighbour cells in
downlink.When the PRB usage of a Intra-LTE neighbour cell in downlink
exceeds this parameter, this celle can't be used as candidate target cell in
downlink for Intra-LTE load balancing.

Switch of load balancing algorithm in load management, which determine

whether load balancing algorithm is valid or not. Scheme of blind handover N/A
or scheme based on measurement of event can be selected.

Switch of load control algorithm in load management, which determine

whether load control algorithm is valid or not.
The max number of UE, which is selected to perform handover to reduce
the load of present cell.
This parameter is used to execute inter-manufacturer load balancing
function in uplink. When the average PRB usage of LTE serving cell in uplink N/A
exceeds this parameter during the counter window, the cell executes
inter-manufacturer load balancing in uplink.
This parameter is used to judge whether the cell is PRB recovery or not in N/A
this direction.
This parameter is used to adjust ratio of RRC_Connected number. It's easy N/A
to configure the trigger condition of load banlancing function.
This parameter is radius for large neighbour cell of serving cell. It is used to
evaluate speed of UE if handover is based on speed.It is configured N/A
according to actual radius of cell when the switch of handover based on
speed is opened and the serving cell has large neighbour cell.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
Used Operat Spec CA Scell Freq Configuration Profile N/A
The parameter represents the SRVCC profile index N/A
Number of PCI Section for the PCI Section Type N/A
Index N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
0 N/A
The parameter is used to determine whether or not to send status report
to the peer when upper layers requests a PDCP re-establishment.
The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0001 profiles is N/A
allowed to be used or not
The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0101 profiles is
allowed to be used or not
The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0103profiles is
allowed to be used or not
The parameter represents the eNB supported maximum UDC context
memory size per bearer. The eNB could determine the UDC context
memory size for bearer based on this parameter value and the UE
supported maximum value.
RSSI Level 1 ALM Clear Times N/A
RSSI Level 2 ALM Clear Times N/A
RF Channel Power Difference Alarm Detection Counting N/A
The parameter is DSCP's ID, when processing mapping between QCI and

QoS class identifier (QCI) : A scalar that is used as a reference to a specific

packet forwarding behaviour (e.g. packet loss rate, packet delay budget)
to be provided to a SDF. This may be implemented in the access network
by the QCI referencing node specific parameters that control packet
forwarding treatment (e.g. scheduling weights, admission thresholds, N/A
queue management thresholds, link layer protocol configuration, etc.) ,
that have been pre-configured by the operator at a specific node (s) (e.g.
eNodeB) .Configuration DSCP parameter according to QCI , QCI is the main

0 N/A
The parameter defines a duration of discardTimer. In the transmitter, a
new timer is started upon reception of an SDU from upper layer. If no
indication from RLC has not received when the timer is expired, the SDU
will be discarded.

The parameter used for the enb side.defines a duration of discardTimer. In

the transmitter, a new timer is started upon reception of an SDU from N/A
upper layer. If no indication from RLC has not received when the timer is
expired, the SDU will be discarded.
The parameter defines the PDCP PDU SN field size in bits N/A
The parameter represents the Blind Redirection profile index N/A
GERAN RAT Priority N/A
This array indicate the UTRAN TDD SRVCC target frequencies. N/A
Global Unique MME ID N/A
User Label N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive PDCCH-subframe (s) for as N/A
soon as a DL retransmission is expected by the UE.
Long DRX cycle Specifies the periodic repetition of the On Duration N/A
followed by a possible period of inactivity
SON MRO Policy N/A
The parameter is the start time of ANR Report at appointed time function
configured by operator.ANR nbr Add and Del Process will execute after N/A
start time.
This parameter indicates whether the intra-LTE centralize neighbor cell
relation bidirectional configuration function is supported or not.Close:not N/A

GERAN fast ANR frequency polling times. This parameter indicates the
number of polling measurements of GERAN ANR frequencies, when N/A
number of polling measurements of all GERAN ANR frequencies reach this
parameter, GERAN fast ANR measurements will be stoped.
The maximum number of UE measurement within GERAN Fast ANR
detection period.
There has further treatment when the continuously failed times of N/A
handover is equal or more than the value of this parameter.
This parameter indicates the handover number threshold of long period no
handover detection. In the detection period, if the number of handover is N/A
below this threshold, the NBR will be deleted from formal NBR list.

After ANR self-delete statistic timer is timeout, only when the total HO
counter of the neighbour relationship is less than this threshold, the N/A
corresponding neighbour relationship is allowed to be deleted.
This parameter indicates the time length for forbidding handover on Low
Handover Success Rate NBR. The unit is due to StatisticTimerGrade.
The parameter indicates the statistic timer length for deleting the pico
neighbour cell relation added by SON ANR. Its unit is specified by the N/A
staticTimerGrade in SonPolicyAnr.
The parameter indicates the switch of ANR for PICO Neighbor Cell
Relation.When the switch is open, The eNB can handle pico neighbor cell N/A
relation self-add and self-organization.
This parameter indicates whether the inter-system UTRA ANR function is N/A
supported or not.Close:not supported;Open:supported;
This parameter indicates whether the inter-system UTRA ANR self-delete N/A
function is supported or not.Close:not supported;Open:supported;
Policy ID N/A
This parameter is used to configure the reference point ID. It is created by N/A
system automatically.

When the ANR temporary neighbor cell is added, the eNodeB will start a
statistic timer to count MR times and HO success times. After the statistic
timer is timeout, if both the MR times and the HO success times are more N/A
than the related thresholds, the temporary neighbor cell will be added to
the formal neighbor cell list. This parameter indicates the statistic timer
length, unit:hour.

This parameter indicates whether the intra-LTE neighbor cell relation

bidirectional configuration function is supported or not.Close:not N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The ratio of too early Inter-RAT handover in total N/A
Before the timer expired the eNB shall counter the same cell occurs the
same failure.
This parameter is the threshold of optimized cells, which can be used to N/A
control the number of optimized neighbor cells at a fault detection cycle.
0 N/A
This parameter is the minimum time interval between the two MRO
parameter automatic optimization operation.
Service Type (21:PnP 26:SH 43:CS 46:ANR 47:PCI 48:X2 49:MRO 50:CCO N/A
51:RO 52:MLB 57:ES)
This parameter is the break point flag. N/A
Run Mode N/A

If the switch of resovling PCI conflict or confusion is open, the PCI conflict
or confusion will be resolved at the appointed time of this configuration.
Power Control Monitor Timer for RACH Optimization N/A

Reference Point Alias N/A

This parameter is timeout span of the break point. N/A

This parameter is the switch of RO logic root sequence optimization, which

can be used to control whether to optimize the logic root sequence.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

Policy Grade N/A
This parameter is the break point flag. N/A
This parameter is timeout span of the break point. N/A
The process of the scene that X2 direct self setup is determined by this N/A
The process of the scene that invalid X2 self delete is determined by this N/A
This parameter is a switch for X2 self deletion. N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The parameter indicates the interval of periodical reports , i.e.UE reports N/A
the measurement results one time every "ucPrdRptInterval".
The parameter indicates the time interval to report the measurement
results after triggering event , i.e. UE reports the measurement results one N/A
time every "ucRptInterval".
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The parameterAs CPICH_RSCP of UTRA FDD cell is above this threshold,
the handover to UTRA FDD cell is triggered

The parameter indicates Timer for UE to wait for RRC connection response.
UE will start T300 after sending RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message. The
T300 will be stopped before it expires if :
1. UE received RRCConnectionSetup or RRCConnectionReject;
2. cell re-selection occurred;
3. UE NAS layer terminated RRC connection establishment procedure; N/A
When T300 expires, UE will:
1.reset MAC
2.release the MAC configuration
3.re-establish RLC for all RBs that are established, and inform upper layers
about the failure of establish the RRC connection.
During the intra LTE handover, when UE receives handover command, UE
will start T304. If handover is successful, UE will stop T304. If T304 expired, N/A
UE will start T311 and perform re-establishment on the 'best cell'.

Upon receiving Cell re-selection priority expiry timer, UE will start T320.
When T320 is running , the Cell re-selection priority provided by the
idleModeMobilityControlInfo or inherited from another RAT is valid. When
T320 expires, the Cell re-selection priority provided by the N/A
idleModeMobilityControlInfo or inherited from another RAT is invalid, ue
should apply the cell reselection priority information broadcast in the
system information. The parameter is the mobility parameter in idle.

0 N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The parameter represents eNodeB Adjacent GERAN carrier frequency set
The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-FDD carrier N/A

Cell mode=0:Create 1 cell for 1 DSP MCS; Cell mode=1:Create 2 cells for
1 DSP MCS. Effective when Cell Reset

ANR Measurement Configuration Index N/A

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
This paramter is the Measurement Configuration Index for HomePLMN. If
HomePLMN is enable in SPID, eNodeb will configurate this measurement N/A
to UE, make UE return to HomePLMN quickly.
ICIC measurement configuration index N/A
Index for Inter-Frequency Periodical Measurement Configuration N/A
This parameter is a extend measure configuration index for Intra-LTE Load
Balancing. It corresponds to a record of Measure configuration for N/A
neighborhood centre and edge user.
Index of Fixed Primary Carrier Measure for CA N/A
The parameter indicates the index of remove Scell measurement
configuration in CA function.
ReportCGI measurement configuration index for ANR function N/A
In CSFB scene, Timer is opened when eNB sends the measurement N/A
Configuration and is closed when measurement report is received.
This timer will be started after eNB sends Initial UE message to the core
network, it will be stopped if initial context setup message or DL direct N/A
message is received, else, an abnormal processing will be triggered.
The parameter is used to wait for initial report message from a GERAN cell N/A
in RIM procedure.
The parameter is used to resend request message after a GERAN cell is
expired in RIM procedure.
This timer will be started after eNB sends RRC connection re-establish
message to UE; it will be stopped if RRC connections re-establish message N/A
is received, if Timer is expired, an abnormal processing will be triggered.

This timer will be started after the source of hand over receives handover
command from the MME when hand over starts on S1, it will be stopped if N/A
release message from the core network is received.
This timer will be started after the source of handover receives handover
request acknowledge message from the destination , it will be stopped if N/A
release message from the destination is received.
If time-to-wait is not in X2 setup fail message during X2 setup procedure,
this timer will be started.
0 N/A
CDMA2000-1xRTT Target System of Connected Ue for CS Fallback N/A
CDMA2000-1xRTT Target System of Idle Ue for CS Fallback N/A
This array is the target GERAN frequencies of CSFB. N/A
This array is the target UTRAN FDD frequencies of CSFB. N/A
This array is the target UTRAN TDD frequencies of CSFB. N/A
EAB Record Number N/A
0 N/A

RF Port Object N/A

Estimation window for hardware usage of CC board or User ratio for the N/A
adjustment of AC-Barring.
This parameter is the DLMCS threshold of VoLTE quality better. If VoLTE UE
MCS is higher than this threshold, eNodeb consider VoLTE quality is good N/A
enough, and will stop Inter-Freq Handover and SRVCC procedure based
VoLTE quality.

This parameter is the DLMCS threshold of VoLTE quality worse. If VoLTE UE

MCS is lower than this threshold, eNodeb will trigger Inter-Freq Handover N/A
The parameter is band indicator for HighSpeed Railway frequency. N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI8 (504 is invalid value) N/A
HighSpeed Railway PCI9 (504 is invalid value) N/A

The parameter is the maximum of admission RRC connection user to eNB.

It can be configured according to the numbers of client purchase. But the
max value configured will not larger than memory capacity of main control N/A

The parameter is the admission type of RRC connection number.
When It's value is "Closed", the eNodeB will not make RRC connection
number admission.
When It's value is "Board", the eNodeB will make admission according to a
permission per BPL Board.
When It's value is "eNodeB", the eNodeB will make admission according to
a permission for eNodeB.

The timer for the SIB10 to stop. N/A

SR Threshold for Start State Transfer. Cell SR resources is less than this
threshold Start User State transfer function.
This parameter is the UL SINR threshold of VoLTE quality worse. If VoLTE UE
SINR is lower than this threshold, eNodeb consider VoLTE quality is good
enough, and will stop Inter-Freq Handover and SRVCC procedure based
VoLTE quality.
User ratio hysteresis for the adjustment of ac-barring factors N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
The parameter is the threshold of user plane dl memory resource, which is N/A
used for ECN checking , it is set when ECN function switch is opened.
ECN make the switch N/A
0 N/A
Switch of Dedicated Carrier Sharing N/A
0 N/A

The parameter is used to determine the strategy of the division of

frequency resource for downlink. Value 0 shows that ICIC for downlink is
close and base stations use the same frequency; Value 1 shows that ICIC for
downlink is statical and the division of frequency resource is decided N/A
statically; Value 2 shows that ICIC for downlink is semi-statical and the
division of frequency resource is decided semi-statically; Value 3 shows
that ICIC for downlink is dynamical and the division of frequency resource is
decided statically.

The parameter is the switch of 8 DRB for a UE. N/A

The parameter is the switch of Extended QCI. N/A
The parameter is the switch of Load Balancing between LTE and GERAN N/A
If the switch open, eNodB will consider adjacent cell VOIP capacity when N/A
Inter frequency handover happen.
Switch of Inter-PLMN HO. If this switch is set to "Open", Inter-PLMN HO is N/A
allowed, else Inter-PLMN HO is not allowed.

RAN sharing switch. If this switch is set to "0", RAN sharing is not allowed,
else if this switch is set to "1", RAN sharing is allowed and the carrier
sharing mode is sharing mode, else if this switch is set to "2", RAN sharing is
allowed and the carrier sharing mode is dedicated sharing mode.

This parameter is a threshold for RSRP Statistic N/A

The parameter represents the switch for S1 transport back pressure flow
control. If the parameter set 'Open', then the eNB shall back pressure the N/A
Uplink Uu bandwidth when the UL S1 transport bandwidth is limited.
DL PDSCH SDMA enable flag in Super Cell N/A
Mode to Stop SIB10 N/A
The parameter is the switch of SPID Strategy. N/A
Switch for Tcp Ack Split N/A
The parameter represents the switch for Uplink Data Compression (UDC) ,
and is used to Open/Close the Uplink Data Compression (UDC) function of N/A
the eNB according to the demand of operator.
This parameter indicates whether support getting load information by
The parameter is the switch of CSFB between LTE and UTRAN. N/A
The parameter is the switch of Load Balancing between LTE and UTRAN N/A
This parameter is the Threshold of CA Load Adjust. When the load of CA
cell is higher than this threshold, eNodeb will choose CA UE and move the N/A
load to other CA cell, this make load of CA Cell counterbalance.

This parameter is used to start the camp load balancing function. When
either the UL total PRB usage of the cell or the DL total PRB usage of the N/A
cell is greater than this parameter, the cell starts the camp load balancing
The Number of frequency, which is selected to modify the UE-specific cell N/A
reselection priority for inter-freq Camp Load Balancing.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
If the total GBR traffic doesn't exceed this parameter, the user can be load N/A
off from EUTRAN to GREAN.
This parameter is used to judge load leveling of RAT neighbor cells in
uplink. When the load value of a RAT neighbor cell in uplink exceeds this N/A
parameter, this cell can't be used as candidate target cell in uplink for RAT
load balancing.

The parameter is switch for measurement report order scheme. This switch
determines whether measurement report order scheme is valid or not. N/A
"Close" stands for "NOT valid", "Open" stands for "valid".
This parameter determines the function of load pre-estimate of neighbour
cells is valid or not. If the value is 1, the function is valid and scheme based N/A
on relative threshold can be selected.
The Number of service, which is selected to drop to reduce the load of N/A
present cell.
This parameter is used to judge whether the service cell offload to fdd cell N/A
or not in uplink for camp Load Balance.
This parameter is used to judge whether the cell is PRB overload or not in N/A
this direction.
This parameter is used to judge whether the cell is PRB recovery or not in
this direction.
The parameter is weight factor of PRB queue for handover. The weight
factor ucPRBQueueWeight reflects influence of PRB usage of UE for
Queuing, 100- ucPRBQueueWeight reflects influence of basic prior of QoS
for Queuing.

Switch based on RRC User Access for Load balancing, which determine
whether load balancing algorithm is valid or not. Scheme of blind handover N/A
or scheme based on measurement of event can be selected.

The parameter indicates scaling factor of trigger time applied in medium

mobility state.The concerned mobility control related parameter
"ucTrigTime" is multiplied with "ucFtTrgSFMedium" if the UE is in Medium
Mobility state.
The switch of whether to send speedState Pars in MeasConfig. N/A
The parameter is duration for evaluating ue mobility state. N/A

This parameter is radius for very small neighbour cell of serving cell. It is
used to evaluate speed of UE if handover is based on speed. It is configured N/A
according to actual radius of cell when the switch of handover based on
speed is opened and the serving cell has very small neighbour cell.

nB is used as one of parameters to derive the Paging Frame and Paging

Occasion according to TS 36.304. Value in multiples of defaultPagingCycle N/A
('T') . A value of fourT corresponds to 4 * defaultPagingCycle, a value of
twoT corresponds to 2 * defaultPagingCycle and so on.

User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A

The start of PCI for CSG N/A
Number of PCI for Hybrid N/A
The start of PCI for Hybrid N/A
The parameter is used to determine whether ROHC 0x0006profiles is N/A
allowed to be used or not
The parameter indicates the Absolute decision threshold of E-UTRAN N/A
serving cell for RSRQ measurement in GERAN B2.
Label Number of Service Class N/A
RSSI Level 1 ALM Thresh N/A
RF Channel Power Linear Smoothing Factor N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
ARP is devided into serval segment to map different priority. ARPSegID is N/A
the ID of the segments.
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
0 N/A
User-Friendly Description of Object, Generated by the System. N/A
Timer for periodic PHR reporting; A Power Headroom Report (PHR) shall N/A
be triggered if periodicPHR-Timer expires
0 N/A
This parameter is the Blind A2 measurement config index for SPID.When
SPID switch is open, eNodeb will config Blind Redirection measurement
indicated by this parameter.And the one response to RSRP, the other
response to RSRQ. If dual-measure switch is closed, only the first one
applied.If this parameter is 0, eNodeb will configure Blind A2 measurement
according to "Redirection measurement configuration index".

This array indicate the UTRAN FDD SRVCC target frequencies. N/A
0 N/A
This parameter is used to config the signaling processing mode, when it is
set to Centralized, all the signaling processing of eNB will centralize on only
one CC board, when it is set to distributed, muti-boards will attend in N/A
signaling processing of eNB conconcurrently as according to the R_SIGRES
configuration .

Service Type (21:PnP 26:SH 43:CS 46:ANR 47:PCI 48:X2 49:MRO 50:CCO
51:RO 52:MLB 57:ES)
0 N/A
0 N/A
This parameter is used to control the time interval between low handover N/A
success rate deletion.
If this parameter is "0", the Low Handover Success Rate NBR is allowed to
handover; If this parameter is "1", the Low Handover Success Rate NBR is N/A
not allowed to handover;

The low handover success rate neighbor cell will be recovered if the
handover times is larger than or equal to "Handover Times Threshold of N/A
Low Handover Success Rate NBR Detection" and the handover success ratr
is higher than this parameter.
The Number of Adjacent Cells cannot exceeds the value of this parameter N/A
when the Inter-RAT UTRAN ANR has opened.
This parameter indicates the operation could be choose when Nbr cell
handover Success Rate become low, which are modify NoHO and initiate N/A
PCI detection on Uu.
This parameter indicates whether the inter-system GSM ANR function is
supported or not.Close:not supported;Open:supported;
Minimum DRX cycle needed for CGI measurement, if shorter than this
value, UE may have no enough time to read CGI.
This parameter indicates the minimum time interval between MRO N/A
parameter optimizations of IRAT.
This parameter is the break point flag. N/A
This parameter is timeout span of the break point. N/A
This switch is used to enable the Inter-System UTRA MRO function of IRAT. N/A

This parameter is a switch for detecting ECGI for the known neighbor cell. N/A

This parameter is used to configure the reference point ID. It is created by

system automatically.
Power Control Monitor Counter for RACH Optimization N/A
0 N/A
Low Threshold of Contention Probability for RACH Optimization N/A
The parameter indicates the Resource Allocation Monitor Timer for RACH
Optimization. Once the Timer is on, the eNB in the cell should collect the N/A
RACH information until the Timer is end.
Monitor Message Report Switch N/A
The threshold of X2 HO success.When the number of X2 interface is more
than specific threshold, the eNodeB will start a X2 interface self-delete
statistic timer.After the timer is timeout, If the number of X2 HO success via N/A
a X2 interface is less than this parameter, the eNodeB will delete the X2

This parameter is DL SPS activation lower MCS threshold, used for limit
MAC layer not enable DL SPS at low SINR. When higher layer enable DL SPS,
the parameter should be configurable. And the parameter should be
adjusted in the range of QPSK modulation.

This parameter is UL SPS activation lower MCS threshold, used for limit
MAC layer not enable UL SPS at low sinr. When higher layer enable UL SPS, N/A
the parameter should be configurated. And the parameter should be
adjusted in the range of QPSK modulation.

The parameter indicates the maximum times to report the measurement

report after triggering event, UE reports the measurement results N/A
according to the report interval. If the times of event reports exceed the
value "ucRptAmt", UE stops reporting the measurement results.
The parameter indicates what kind of measurement result UE should N/A
report based on the measurement quantity RSRP/RSRQ, or the both.

The parameter indicates the time difference between having detected the
event generation and reporting the event Only when the event generation
is detected and still meets all requirements of event triggering after Time to
trigger, the event can be triggered and reported The larger the value is, N/A
the stricter the judgment is for the event to be triggered The parameter
should be set according to the actual requirements Sometimes, if it is set
too large, the quality of calls may decrease

0 N/A
The parameter indicates the maximum times to report the measurement
report after triggering event, UE reports the measurement results
according to the report interval. If the times of event reports exceed the
value "ucEvtRptAmount", UE stops reporting the measurement results.
The parameter indicates the report rules of the inter-RAT measurement,
choosing one of trigger type such as Event and Periodical.

The parameter indicates the time difference between having detected the
event generation and reporting the event Only when the event generation
is detected and still meets all requirements of event triggering after Time to
trigger, the event can be triggered and reported The larger the value is, N/A
the stricter the judgment is for the event to be triggered The parameter
should be set according to the actual requirements Sometimes, if it is set
too large, the quality of calls may decrease
The parameter indicates the time length for UE to wait for RRC connection
request retry after reception of RRC connection reject. When UE receives
RRC connection reject, UE will start Timer (T302) . When T302 expires, UE
will retry RRC connection request

User Inactive Timer for VoLTE Voice. User Inactive Timer for VoLTE Voice is
not as long as User Inactive Timer for data otherwise UE will be released

The parameter represents the UDC capable UE send the ELS-UEInd or ELS-
UECap message occasion.

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