Caso 04
Caso 04
Caso 04
Chapter 8
Solutions to Problems
8.1 (a) The rate of return on the increment has to be larger than 18%.
(b) The rate of return on the increment has to be smaller than 10%.
8.3 There is no income associated with service alternatives. Therefore, the only way to
obtain a rate of return is on the increment of investment.
8.5 By switching the position of the two cash flows, the interpretation changes
completely. The situation would be similar to receiving a loan in the amount of the
difference between the two alternatives if the lower cost alternative is selected. The
rate of return would represent the interest paid on the loan. Since it is higher than
what the company would consider attractive (i.e., 15% or less), the loan should not
be accepted. Therefore, select the alternative with the higher initial investment, A.
8.6 (a) Both processors should be selected because the rate of return on both exceeds the
company’s MARR.
(b) The microwave model should be selected because the rate of return on increment
of investment between the two is greater than 23%.
8.7 (a) Incremental investment analysis is not required. Alternative X should be selected
because the rate of return on the increment is known to be lower than 20%
(b) Incremental investment analysis is not required because only Alt Y has ROR
greater than the MARR
(c) Incremental investment analysis is not required. Neither alternative should be
selected because neither one has a ROR greater than the MARR.
(d) The ROR on the increment is less than 26%, but an incremental investment
analysis is required to determine if the rate of return on the increment equals or
exceeds the MARR of 20%
(e) Incremental investment analysis is not required because it is known that the ROR
on the increment is greater than 22%.
Chapter 8 1
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4 -1600 -400 +1200
5 -1600 -400 +1200
6 +3000 –1600 +6000 – 400 +4200
x = 65,000/2.3616
= $27,524
8.12 The one with the higher initial investment should be selected because it yields a
rate of return that is acceptable, that is, the MARR.
Chapter 8 2
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Solve for i by trial and error or Excel
i = 6.8% (Excel)
Select alternative P.
Chapter 8 3
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8.22 Find ROR for incremental cash flow over LCM of 4 years
8.23 0 = -62,000(A/P,i,24) + 4000 + (10,000 – 4000)(A/F,i,24)
Select alternative Y
Select Z1
Chapter 8 4
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Lease space
8.27 Select the one with the lowest initial investment cost because none of the
increments were justified.
Solve for i by trial and error or Excel
i = 3.4% (Excel)
Method B is not acceptable
Chapter 8 5
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Select method C
1 vs 2: 0 = -3000(A/P,i,5) + 1500
(A/P,i,5) = 0.5000
i = 41.0% (Excel)
Eliminate 2
(A/P,i,5) = 0.2857
i = 13.2% (Excel)
Eliminate 3
5 vs 1: 0 = -10,000(A/P,i,5) + 2500
(A/P,i,5) = 0.2500
i = 7.9% (Excel)
Eliminate 5
Select machine 4
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i = 10.9% (Excel)
Eliminate 15
Purchase 25 m3 truck
(b) For second truck, purchase truck that was eliminated next to last: 20 m3
8.31 (a) Select all projects whose ROR > MARR of 15%. Select A, B, and C
(b) Eliminate alternatives with ROR < MARR; compare others incrementally:
Eliminate D and E
Rank survivors according to increasing first cost: B, C, A
B vs C: i = 800/5000
= 16% > MARR Eliminate B
C vs A: i = 200/5000
= 4% < MARR Eliminate A
Select project C
8.32 (a) All machines have ROR > MARR of 12% and all increments of investment have
ROR > MARR. Therefore, select machine 4.
(b) Machines 2, 3, and 4 have ROR greater than 20%. Increment between 2 and 3 is
justified, but not increment between 3 and 4. Therefore, select machine 3.
Chapter 8 7
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G vs H: 50,000(0.25) + 30,000(i) = 80,000(0.20)
i = 11.7%
(b) Revenue = A = Pi
E: A = 20,000(0.20) = $4000
F: A = 30,000(0.35) = $10,500
G: A = 50,000(0.25) = $12,500
H: A = 80,000(0.20) = $16,000
Select alternative H
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Increment between E and G: 10,000(0.25) + 20,000(i) = 30,000(0.19)
i = 16%
(b) Select all alternatives with ROR ≥ MARR of 21%; select E, F, and H.
(c) Conduct incremental analysis using results from table and part (a).
E vs DN: i = 25% > MARR, eliminate DN
E vs F: i = 20% < MARR, eliminate F
E vs G: i = 16% < MARR, eliminate G
E vs H: i = 31% > MARR, eliminate E
Select alternative H.
FE Review Solutions
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IRR(K4:K44) is indicated. This analysis is not necessary, but shows how Excel can
be used over the LCM to find a rate of return.
Chapter 8 10
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Chapter 8 11
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1. Cash flows for each option are summarized at top of the spreadsheet. Rows 9-19 show
annual estimates for options in increasing order of initial investment: 3, 2, 1, 4, 5.
2. Multiple i* values: Only for option #2; there are 3 sign changes in cash flow and
cumulative cash flow series. No values other than 10.07% are found in the 0 to 100%
3. Do incremental ROR analysis after removing #1 and #2. See row 22. 4-to-3
comparison 4-to-3 yields 59.85%, 5-to-4 has no return because all incremental cash
flows are 0 or negative. PW at 25% is $785.25 for #4, which is the largest PW.
Chapter 8 12
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Options Approximate
compared breakeven____
1 and 2 26%
3 and 5 27
2 and 5 38
1 and 5 42
3 and 4 50
5. Force the breakeven rate of return between options #4 and #3 to be equal to MARR =
25%. Use trial and error or Solver on Excel with a target cell of G22 (to be 25% or
.25 on the Solver window) and changing cell of C6. Make the values in years 5
through 8 of option #3 equal to the value in cell C6, so they reflect the changes. The
answer obtained should be about $1090, which is actually $1,090,000 for each of 4
Chapter 8 13
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1. By inspection only: Select Plan A since its cash flow total at 0% is $300, while Plan B
produces a loss of the same amount ($-300).
PW at MARR approach:
The decisions contradict each other when the MARR is different. It does not seem
logical to accept plan A at a higher interest rate (50%) and at 0%, but reject it at a
mid-point interest rate (15%). The PW at MARR method is not working!
ROR approach:
The cash flow series have two sign changes, so a maximum of two roots may be
found. An ROR analysis using Excel functions for the two plans produce two
identical roots for each plan:
There are two i* values; it is not clear which value to use for a decision on project
acceptability. Further, when there are multiple i* values, the PW analysis ‘at the
MARR’ does not work, as demonstrated above.
Chapter 8 14
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3. Incremental ROR analysis is shown on the spreadsheet below.
Plan B has a larger initial investment than A. The incremental cash flow series (B-
A) has two sign changes. The use of the IRR function finds the same two roots:
9.51% and 48.19%. Incremental ROR analysis offers no definitive resolution.
Chapter 8 15
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So i' = 43.31% > MARR= 15%. Accept Plan A.
Chapter 8 16
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d) Discussion: Plan B is superior to Plan A for c values below i*2, i.e., B’s composite
rate of return is higher. However, for c values above i*2, plan A
gives a higher (composite) rate of return.
Chapter 8 17
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