Wing Plan Anal

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WingPlanAnal - from the Virginia Tech Aerodynamics and Design Software Collection

Program WingPlanAnal
WingPlanAnal provides local and integrated planform properties given the description of the
planform. The properties are defined in the Geometry for Aerodynamicists Appendix to the
Configuration Aerodynamics notes. Currently the program assumes a symmetric planform.

Program Operation:
Running the program, you will be prompted for the name of an input data set. The maximum
name length is 15 characters. The output is sent to the screen, but can be sent to a file by
changing the value of IWRIT to something other than 6 in the main program. The sample data
case on the disk is B2Plan.inp.
Card Field Columns Variable Description
1 1 1-60 Title Card
2 1 1-10 FILM The number of points describing the leading edge
3 Blank Card used to put headers on the leading edge data
4 1 1- 10 YL(i) spanwise position of leading edge break point
2 11-41 XL(i) streamwise position of leading edge break point
Note: card 4 is repeated FILM times
5 1 1-10 FITM The number of points describing the trailing edge
6 Blank Card used to put headers on the trailing edge data
7 1 1- 10 YT(i) spanwise position of trailing edge break point
2 11-41 XT(i) streamwise position of trailing edge break point
Note: 7 is repeated FITM times

The input is echoed to allow for an easy check of the data, and to keep all information together.
Then a table of leading edge and trailing edge locations and sweep angles is printed out. Then the
integral characteristics are given. See the sample output below for details. If desired, the user can
interactively ask for the leading and trailing edge locations and sweep at specific spanwise
locations. A Sample input and output are available on the web.

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WingPlanAnal - from the Virginia Tech Aerodynamics and Design Software Collection

Sample input for program WingPlanAnal:

B-2 Planform
2.0 Number of LE pts
0.0 0.00
86.0 59.47
6.0 Number of TE pts
0.00 65.46
12.66 56.82
22.50 63.24
43.90 48.26
72.74 67.90
86.00 59.47
end of data

Sample output from program WingPlanAnal:


Wing Planform Geometry Analysis

Virginia Tech Aircraft Design Software Series
W.H. Mason, Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, email:
version: January 22, 2006

Planform Properties
Enter name of data set:

Input Case Title: B-2 Planform

Planform Points

Leading Edge iLM = 2

1 0.0000 0.0000
2 86.0000 59.4700

Trailing Edge iTM = 6

1 0.0000 65.4600
2 12.6600 56.8200
3 22.5000 63.2400
4 43.9000 48.2600
5 72.7400 67.9000
6 86.0000 59.4700

Interpolated LE and TE points and sweep

i eta y XLE LE sweep(deg) XTE TE sweep(deg)

0 0.000 0.000 0.000 34.664 65.460 -34.312
1 0.050 4.300 2.974 34.664 62.525 -34.312
2 0.100 8.600 5.947 34.664 59.591 -34.312

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WingPlanAnal - from the Virginia Tech Aerodynamics and Design Software Collection

3 0.150 12.900 8.921 34.664 56.977 33.122

4 0.200 17.200 11.894 34.664 59.782 33.122
5 0.250 21.500 14.868 34.664 62.588 33.122
6 0.300 25.800 17.841 34.664 60.930 -34.992
7 0.350 30.100 20.815 34.664 57.920 -34.992
8 0.400 34.400 23.788 34.664 54.910 -34.992
9 0.450 38.700 26.762 34.664 51.900 -34.992
10 0.500 43.000 29.735 34.664 48.890 -34.992
11 0.550 47.300 32.709 34.664 50.575 34.255
12 0.600 51.600 35.682 34.664 53.504 34.255
13 0.650 55.900 38.656 34.664 56.432 34.255
14 0.700 60.200 41.629 34.664 59.360 34.255
15 0.750 64.500 44.603 34.664 62.289 34.255
16 0.800 68.800 47.576 34.664 65.217 34.255
17 0.850 73.100 50.550 34.664 67.671 -32.446
18 0.900 77.400 53.523 34.664 64.937 -32.446
19 0.950 81.700 56.497 34.664 62.204 -32.446
20 1.000 86.000 59.470 34.664 59.470 -32.446

Integral Quantities

Planform Area = 5039.31300

Mean Aerodynamic Chord = 39.24220
X-Centroid = 39.75905
Spanwise position of MAC = 29.12163
X-Leading Edge of MAC = 20.13795
Quarter Chord of MAC = 29.94850
Aspect Ratio = 5.87064
Average Chord = 29.29833
Taper Ratio = 0.00000

Do you want LE/TE and Sweep? (Y/N)


Input span location, Y=


y = 25.00000 eta = 0.29070

X-le= 17.28779 sweep = 34.66432
X-te= 61.49000 sweep = -34.99204
c = 44.20221

Do you want another station? (Y/N)

Press RETURN to quit the program.

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