03 Measurement Technology
03 Measurement Technology
03 Measurement Technology
Power input in kW
Venturi nozzle
pressure p2
Inlet temperature T1 1
volume V2 Inlet pressure p1
v1 v2 v1
Inlet humidity Frel1
temperature T2 Measurement
with orifice
V2 × p2 × T1
V1 =
T2 × p1
Fig. 1: Measuring the inlet volume flow rate Pdyn + pstat pstat
Measurement with
Volume flow rate measurements for in-plant ac- pressure sensor
counting or planning a compressor system do not
justify the cost of parallel measurements of the am- Fig. 2: Measuring dynamic pressure
bient temperature, humidity and atmospheric pres-
sure. However, a backward projection should be
Facts Measurement Technology
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Volumetric measurement
Volumetric measurements are highly accurate
measurements which are used, e. g. to determine ω = Angular velocityt A, B = Sensors
F = Coriolis force y = Amplitude
the capacity of compressors. The most important ∆ϕ = Phase shift t = Time
measuring devices are rotary displacement gas
meters and turbine gas meters. Whereas the rotary Fig. 4: Coriolis mass flow measurement
displacement gas meter should be applied in a
measurement range from 10 to 90 % of its max.
volumetric flow rate, the turbine gas meter is very Others
accurate in the lower measurement range as well.
In addition to the classical methods of measuring
Please note: volume flow rate, there are several new measure-
• these measurement devices are complex me- ment systems available today.
chanical components requiring intensive monitor-
ing. Karman Vortex Street
• Not overload-proof (danger in depressurised com- The volume flow rate measurement is based on the
pressed air system). Karman vortex street (see Fig. 5).
Calorimetric measurement
So-called hot-wire anemometers can measure the
volume flow rate as a function of the mass flow rate
in a compressed air pipe by relating the heat re-
moved to the volumetric flow rate (see Fig. 3).
Fig. 3: Calorimetric volume flow rate measurement This test set-up has similar features to dynamic
pressure measurement systems
Please note:
• Without temperature and pressure compensation,
deviations from the design point in temperature,
humidity and pressure fluctuations have a strong
influence on the result.
Facts Measurement Technology
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Please note: After these data have been entered into a computer,
the capacities of the individual compressors and the
• Vibrations caused by the pipeline construction can
total air consumption value of the plant can be
influence the measurement result.
Ultrasonic measurement Please note:
Ultrasonic measurement devices such as those • One advantage of this indirect measurement
common in gas and water engineering, have not yet method compared to direct measurements is that it
been widely used in compressed air systems (see not only provides information on air consumption
Fig. 6). values but also data on the efficiency and running
performance of the compressors.
• Easy to set up.
Sonic beams
Ultrasonic transducer • Min. measurement phase 1 sec to include con-
sumption peaks.
Focusing surface
Other methods
Simple air consumption measurement or load meas-
urements of compressors can also be determined by
reading the counter for load operating hours and
Fig. 6: Ultrasonic flow measurement measuring the time needed to drain the boiler.
Please note:
Indirect measurements • Very personnel-intensive and rather vague.
Whereas the direct measurements already de-
scribed can be applied centrally and locally to meas- Measuring leaks using pressure measurements
ure the air consumption in companies and to deter- Using a pressure sensor which can be easily inte-
mine the performance data of compressors, indirect grated into the compressed air system the pressure
measurements with the aid of the compressors serve can be measured and recorded over a longer period
to determine air consumption values and character- of time at short intervals. In order to do so, the sys-
istics of complete compressed air systems.
tem does not have to be separated, a coupler or a
one inch connection are sufficient.
Digitally recording the load time of compressors
The pressure curves are subsequently processed
Discontinuously regulated compressors are con- using a mathematical method so that the contractor
nected to a data logger which records the full load, knows exactly how high the share of leaks and how
no-load and downtime of the compressors (see large the load capacity share (in per cent) is for each
Fig. 7). individual measurement point. This is done by cal-
culating the pressure losses and their gradients,
Data logger
which result in a perfect curve using a mathematical
algorithm. The perfect curve is then compared with
the actually measured curves (see Fig. 8).
P-Transmitter 8.0 100%
Optocoupler 40-20 mA
7.8 80%
7.6 60%
7.4 40%
7.2 20%
The results are the relative shares of the load ca- If there is a turbulent stream in a compressed air
pacity or the leaks at each point in time. If the flow pipe and especially if boundary flows are present,
rates or compressor. operating times are recorded at the sample must be taken at a point at which it can
the same time, the relative values can be converted be ensured that it contains a representative and
into absolute losses. utilisable mix of all the components of the com-
Please note: pressed air. This can only be guaranteed with a so-
called isokinetic sample (see Fig. 10).
• The advantage of the method is that it is possible
to calculate the leaks during operation. It is there-
fore particularly suitable for plants operating in
continuous production.
= VB × ( pA − pE )
Amount of leaks
For the individual groups of contaminants, e. g.
= Amount of leaks
• ISO 8573-2: Oil aerosol content
VB = Receiver volume
pA = Receiver initial pressure • ISO 8573-3: Water content
pE = Receiver final pressure
Tools not in use
t = Measuring time
• ISO 8573-4: Particle content
• ISO 8575-5: Oil vapour and hydrocarbon content
• ISO 8573-6: Gaseous contaminants
Fig. 9: Measuring leaks by draining compressed air receiver
• ISO 8573-7: Microbiological contaminants
the measuring systems described in each of the
Air quality measurements under ISO 8573 norms should be introduced downstream of the
sampling point.
The manner of taking samples is particularly impor-
tant for exact air quality measurements. The air qualities are classified under ISO 8573-1.
The campaign “Druckluft effizient“ aims to motivate the operators of compressed-air systems to optimise their systems and save substantial
costs. It is conducted by the German Energy Agency (dena), the Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer
ISI; project management), and the Federation of the Engineering Industries (VDMA) with support of the Federal Ministry for Economics
and Labour (BMWA) and the following industrial enterprises:
Atlas-Copco BEKO Technologies BOGE Kompressoren
domnick-hunter Energieagentur NRW Gardner Denver Wittig
GASEX Gebr. Becker Ingersoll-Rand
Kaeser Kompressoren Legris – TRANSAIR METAPIPE
Schneider Druckluft systemplan, Karlsruhe Thyssen Schulte – MULTIPLAST
ultra air ultrafilter International ZANDER Aufbereitungstechnik
Further information can be found at www.druckluft-effizient.de
Druckluft effizient, Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe/Germany, October 2003