Богословская GRAMMАR

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Tenses. Active voice.

Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Present Indefinite and

Present Continuous. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I never talk when I am working, and never listen either. 2. I hope

that by the time she gets into the public school system, things will be
different. 3. Can’t you see he is laughing at you? 4. I suppose it
sometimes happens that letters arrive for people when in actual fact no
one of that name is staying here. 5. Do you know where Mary is? – I
expect she is talking to Mother. 6. “Oh, mummy! The coffee is boiling
over!” 7. If anyone comes to the door I’ll go and let them in. 8. I’m
staying right here until she is out of trouble. 9. He’s going back to
America. 10. I can easily look the article through while you are having
your bath. 11. Isn’t mother coming? – No. She is not feeling well. 12.
“So it all passes,” he was thinking, “passes and begins again.” 13. She
is always telling me that I should have some serious purpose in life.
14. What are you listening to? – It seems to me I hear a strange noise
outside. 15. You are always dozing when there is something
unpleasant to face. 16. Can we go over to Ann’s today, Mummy? –
You can, on your like, if you keep to the side of the lane and are very

Exercise 2. Comment on the use of the Present Perfect. Translate

the sentences into Russian.

1. How long have you been in officer, Ettore? 2. He’s poisoned your
mind against me ever since you were old enough to listen. 3. I shall
never love anyone as I have loved you. 4. You’ve never had a chance
to meet decent people here. 5. You’ve done more than stay young:
you’ve stayed a child. 6. I have been uneasy all the afternoon about
what they must think of us. 7. And since you’ve been here, everything
has certainly been worse than it’s ever been. 8. How many times in
these past few months I’ve thought of the evenings we used to spend
here in this room. 9. I’ve been with Mr Gallagher for four years now
and a better gentleman you wouldn’t find. 10. I’ve put a camp-bed in
your room. Or you could have the other room, only it’s rather cold.
11. I haven’t closed my eyes for forty-eight hours. 12. I’ve always

hated this town and everyone in it. 13. I’ve watched her doing it day
after day. 14. You have never been absent from my thoughts for a

Exercise 3. Comment on the use of the Present Perfect

Continuous. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. What do you think he’s been doing? 2. I have been wishing to speak
to you ever since you returned. 3. Sophie’s been cleaning all day, and
I’ve been cooking! 4. You have been calling out in your sleep. 5. Who
has been bearing false tales to him? 6. “I’ve been wanting to see you,
Collin,” she said. 7. How long has she been going on like this? 8.
That’s what I’ve been trying to do for you. I’ve been working on the
problem. 9. I want you to understand that everything he has just been
saying to you is pure imagination. 10. Oh, Michael, we’ve been
seeking for you for hours. 11. “How are you, Mr Bosinney?” he said
holding out his hand. “You’ve been spending money pretty freely here
I should say.” 12. You’ve been working too hard. You are off your
balance. 13. And here’s the water you’ve been drinking. 14. I have
been thinking of your decision since we parted. 15. I sometimes think
that Eric’s got consumption. He’s been complaining of pains in his
chest and head.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English using the Present

Indefinite, the Present Continuous, The Present Perfect or the
Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Ты понимаешь, что ты наделал? – Ничего особенного. Все

так поступают в подобных случаях. 2. Всегда она со всеми
ссорится! Я уверена, что по соседству нет ни одного человека, с
кем бы она хоть раз не поссорилась. 3. Где же ты был все это
время? Мы искали тебя повсюду. 4. О чем ты думаешь, Изабелла?
– так, ни о чем. 5. Я рад сообщить вам, доктор Мэнсон, что
большинством голосов комитет решил остановить свой выбор на
вас. 6. А где они сейчас? Ты с ними переписываешься? – Да,
конечно. Но что-то давно от них не было писем. 7. Ты весь день
на ногах! Пора и отдохнуть. 8. Мы работаем вместе уже
пятнадцать лет и привыкли понимать друг друга. 9. Я слышал, вы
многого добились в жизни. 10. Тони, она плачет. Ну, успокой ее,

скажи ей что-нибудь. 11. Я давно собиралась зайти к вам, да все
как-то не было времени. 12. Что вы здесь делаете? Разве вы не
знаете, что здесь опасно оставаться во время работы реактора?
13. Вы даете мне понять, что все эти долгие месяцы я напрасно
тратил время? 14. Ты не слушаешь, что я говорю. Что с тобой
случилось, 15. Хозяин гостиницы предупредил меня, что, если
моей жене не станет лучше, нам придется съехать. 16. «Я не могу
выставить эту картину, - сказал художник. – Я вложил в нее
слишком много своей души.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences using the Present Perfect or

the Past Indefinite.

1. Это самый лучший вратарь, который когда-либо играл в

этой команде. 2. Ты вернулся позавчера, не правда ли? 3. Вы
давно играете на сцене, мисс? Простите, я забыла ваше имя. 4.
Она подняла трубку и набрала номер телефона Алисы. 5.
Простите, меня задержали. Сегодня у нас в аэропорту возник
целый ряд непредвиденных проблем. 6. «А мы там не обедали», –
в одни голос сказали мальчики. 7. Вы давно в чине капитана? –
Уже три года. Скоро я буду майором. 8. Ты видела его во время
репетиции? 9. Когда они уехали? – Точно не знаю. Меня не было
дома. 10. «Ведь вы ей еще ничего не говорили?» – резко спросил
Димирест. 11. «Сколько времени вы там оставались?» – «С
полчаса». – «Вас кто-нибудь видел там?» – «Не думаю». 12. Я
вам так благодарна за все, что вы для меня сделали. 13. Ну, как
вам понравились ваши новые ученики? – О, они очень
смышленые, но у них сменилось так много учителей, что они
совсем разучились работать.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences using the Past Indefinite or the

Past Continuous.

1. Ты не можешь припомнить, что ты делал в то время? 2. Я

разделась и пошла на кухню, где она жарила рыбу. 3. Я всегда
раньше принимала эти таблетки от головной боли. 4. Когда мы
вышли из кино, все еще шел сильный снег. 5. Он сказал что-то,
потом замолчал, затем снова заговорил. 6. Уже смеркалось. Мы
боялись, что они вообще не приедут. 7. Голоса их были слышны,

но нельзя было разобрать, о чем они говорят. 8. В половине
седьмого аэропорт все еще был открыт, но все его службы
работали с огромным напряжением. 9. Я прожил в Палермо всего
два месяца, а потом переехал сюда. 10. У нее было такое
ощущение, что надвигается какая-то беда. 11. Она что-то
прилежно писала и даже не подняла головы, когда я вошел. 12.
Старушка постоянно говорила о своих болезнях, и пассажиры
старались не вступать с ней в разговор. 13. Он работал с утра до
ночи, так ему хотелось поскорее накопить нужную сумму и
уехать отсюда навсегда. 14. Все время, пока Джон рассказывал
свою историю, она пристально смотрела на него. Она пыталась
понять, что он за человек.

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences using the Past Indefinite, the

Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. После того как доктор ушел, она еще долго сидела около
кроватки, прислушиваясь к хриплому дыханию девочки. 2. За
стеной кто-то смеялся. Смех был такой веселый и заразительный,
какого на давно не слышала. 3. Денни работал у себя в кабинете
до восьми часов. Потом они вдвоем поужинали и почти до
полуночи говорили о своих планах на будущее. Спать легли
очень поздно. 4. Джейн несколько секунд внимательно его
разглядывала, когда он вдруг поднял глаза и встретился с ней
взглядом. 5. К счастью, он не заметил ее красных глаз и не
догадался, что она плакала. 6. Он позвонил четверть часа тому
назад и сказал, что выезжает. 7. Не успела она добежать до
станции метро, как хлынул дождь. 8. Сомс пересек лужайку,
постоял на тропинке, ведущей к реке, повернул обратно, не
сознавая, куда он идет. 9. Люси, которая жила в соседнем доме и
которая осталась с детьми, когда Бетси уехала, сидела в гостиной
и что-то шила. 10. К пяти часам он нанес все необходимые
визиты и мог, наконец, вздохнуть спокойно. 11. Пока они с
Фредди обсуждали, как обставить квартиру, вошла миссис
Лоуренс. Она тоже хотела принять участие в обсуждении.

Exercise 8. Use the required past tense instead of the infinitives in

1. He (to look up) from the card he (to study). 2. It (not to be)
until Doreen actually (to leave) that Jan (to realize) just how much she
(to depend) on her. 3. Bart (to sleep) heavily, but Jan (to lie) sleepless
in spite of the sedative he(to give) her. 4. All her anger (to go), the last
traces of hysteria (to disappear). Her mind (to be) clear as it (not to be)
clear in many weeks. 5. The New Year (to bring) them luck? She (to
think). 6. He (to feel) like a man who (to come) out of a fog-filled
tunnel where he (to grope) blindly for months. 7. He (to realize) that
he (not to hear) her laugh like that since before her illness. 8. Mrs
Carlton (to switch on) the light above her bed and now (to lie) back
against her pillow with a thermometer between her lips. 9. “I must be
going.” He (to lie), and she (to know0 he (to lie). 10. They (to walk)
slowly to the seat on which she and Bart (to sit) on the first day she (to
come) to Pine Ridge and (to sit) there in silence. 11. They (to sit) for a
long time over their coffee and the cat (to stretch) himself on Bart’s
knee and (to purr). 12. When he (to enter) the room and (to see) Jan
leaning forward to welcome him he (to feel he never (to be away)
from her. 13. Bart (to open) his mouth to protest that he (to hear) it (to
take) months to get into a public sanatorium but Dr Laide (to go on)
quickly before he (can) speak. 14. The air of the flat (to be) heavy and
stale as it always (to be), but she (to breathe) it with satisfaction. 15.
She (to be) home and free, and today the hyacinth Bart (to bring) to
her (to break) the first bud.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences into English using the Present

Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.

1. Поезд прибывает через 5 минут. 2. Не говорите так громко. Я

хорошо вас слышу. 3. Они часто говорят о вас. 4. Послушай, она
поет какую-то новую песню. 5. Мне не нравится ваш приятель, он
все время ворчит и жалуется. 6. Я не понимаю, что он говорит. 7.
На уроках мы переводим тексты, а дома учим грамматические
правила. 8. На каком языке они говорят сейчас с вашим другом? –
Они говорят по-английски, но мой друг знает также и немецкий.
9. Она постоянно говорит по телефону. 10. В следующую субботу
мы идем на день рождения к другу. 11. Следующий сеанс

начинается в 7.30. 12. Завтра Джон встречается со своим другом.
13. Я не люблю таких людей, как он. Он вечно мечтает, но ничего
не делает. 14. Позвони на вокзал и узнай, когда приходит поезд
из Москвы. 15. Она всегда жалуется на своего сына, когда бы я ее
ни встретил.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

a) 1. Я не могу решить, присоединиться ли мне к ним, пока

не будет известно, когда они выезжают. 2. Если вы будете
работать, то к концу дня кончите работу. 3. Я с ним переговорю
до твоего возвращения, но я не уверен, последует ли он моим
советам. 4. Я буду вам очень благодарен, если вы мне
продиктуете эту статью. 5. Я думаю, все станет ясно, как только
мы получим от него письмо. 6. Скажите ему, что, если он поедет
в горы, я дам ему свои спортивные ботинки; они ему очень
пригодятся. 7. Спросите их, не дадут ли они мне пылесос, если
мне нужно будет почистить ковер. 8. С вашей стороны будет
очень глупо, если вы не воспользуетесь этой возможностью. 9. Я
уверен, все полюбят ее, как только она начнет работать с нами.
10. Если она позвонит и нас не будет дома, спросите ее, зайдет ли
она к нам вечером. 11. Все будет зависеть от того, успеем ли мы
дать им знать об этом сегодня. 12. Поезд 17 прибывает в Москву
через час. Если вы возьмете такси, то успеете встретить брата. 13.
Как только вы его увидите, спросите его, когда он уезжает и
сможет ли он зайти к нам перед отъездом. 14. Спросите на
таможне, будут ли они осматривать наш багаж. 15. Если вы
доберетесь до лагеря первыми, ждите нас.
b) 1. Как только вы прибудете в город, приезжайте ко мне: в
доме достаточно места для всей вашей семьи. 2. Он имел
обыкновение говорить так быстро, что я с большим трудом
следил за его рассказом. 3. Он чувствовал свою вину и весь день
вчера избегал разговора с нами. 4. Интересно, удастся ли ему все
так, как он предполагает. 5. Мы обычно начинали занятия кружка
с обсуждения работы за неделю. 6. Если вы откажетесь от работы
сейчас, вам никогда больше не представится возможность. 7. Он
не любит высказывать свое мнение.

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Это случилось так давно, что я уже забыла об этом. 2.

Стояла поздняя осень. Почти все листья уже опали, и последние
птицы улетели на юг. 3. Едва только она начала говорить об этом,
как неожиданно заплакала. 4. Сколько времени вы занимаетесь
музыкой? 5. Прошло уже два месяца, как они приехали. Но они
никуда не ходят. 6. Она выключила свет и сидела в полной
темноте. 7. Он спросил меня, когда я приду в следующие раз. 8.
Почему вы так поздно вернулись из города? 9. Он уехал год тому
назад и с тех пор не написал нам ни одного письма. 10. К 23
января мы уже сдадим все экзамены. 11. Мы спросили
мальчиков, что они делают на улице в такой поздний час. 12.
Телеграмма пришла десять минут спустя после того, как ты
уехала. 13. Я все хочу поговорить с вами об этом. 14. Я слышала,
что она заболела и находится в больнице. 15. Сколько времени
его уже здесь нет? 16. Я подожду, пока он окончит свой рассказ, а
потом попрошу его ответить на мой вопрос. Он давно волнует
меня. 17. Нам сказали, что они приезжают послезавтра. 18. Она
взглянула на часы. Было уже около пяти. Она прождала более
получаса. 19. Вечно ты ко мне придираешься! 20. Где вы купили
этот ковер? – Он здесь так давно, что я просто не помню. 21. Дети
будут делать уроки. Пойдем на кухню. 22. Я уверена, вы забудете
меня к тому времени. 23. Прошла уже неделя, как мы сюда
приехали, а погода все время плохая. 24. Тучи собирались целый
день, и наконец полил дождь. 25. Он сказал, что если я буду
следовать его советам, все будет в порядке. 26. О, я предвкушаю,
как Джимми будет прыгать от радости, когда увидит тебя. 27. Не
отъехали они и трех километров, как погода изменилась. 28.
Когда вы были здесь в последний раз? 29. Сегодня мы сможем
узнать результаты эксперимента, который проводился все эти
недели. 30. Люди, которые не были в Москве много лет, с трудом
узнают ее сейчас. 31. Ты видела его сегодня? – да. Он сообщил
мне плохие новости. 32. Джордж, который громко смеялся, вдруг

Passive Voice
Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. The statistical book was published last year.

2. The data were obtained experimentally.
3. This theory has been developed quite recently.
4. A more careful approach is needed.
5. Information on the volume of reservoir is required,
6. A large disagreement between the various published data is
7. We were shown the house and the garden.
8. He was assisted by Mr. Mell in his studies.
9. We were informed that a new idea had been advanced at the closing
10. He was asked to participate in the discussion.
11. They were promised every support in their work,
12.This date will be insisted upon.
13.The data can be relied upon,
14.The decision has not been arrived yet
15.The new discovery is being much spoken about
16.Some of the data obtained can not be relied upon, others have not
been published yet.
17.The medicine prescribed has been sent for.
18.The data previously obtained have been much commented on by the
19.He spoke sо fast that nobody could follow him.
20.Our plans were attended with many difficulties.
21.Some реорlе are difficult to deal with,
22.The problem of pollution was not even touched on some fifty years
23.Your remark has not been taken notice of.
24.Special attention has been called to the research work,
25.The method described above is the most accurate and should be
followed when greatest possible accuracy is desired.
26.Recently much attention has been given to the study of this
27.Chemical methods of purifying water are being given much
attention to at present.
Exercise 2. Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete

Example: The footballer has been offered a million pounds of the

1 Footballer offered million for transfer
2. No children admitted into bars
3. Children being brainwashed in TV
4. Planet being destroyed by pollution
5. Bomb discovered in old lady's garden
6. No cameras allowed in museum
7. Animals being used to test beauty products
8. Picasso paintings exhibited national gallery
9. Michael Jackson asked to sponsor charity event yesterday

Exercise 3. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

1. We shall finish the work not later than on Friday. 2.

Somebody has invited her to the party. 3. People laughed at her when
she said it. 4. I felt that somebody was watching me. 5. Did they give
you all the necessary books? 6. The teacher explained a new rule to
the students. 7. I showed the documents to the officer. 8. The director
dictated a telegram to the secretary. 9. Have they told you everything?
10. They often refer to Professor Arakin’s articles. 11. He didn’t
explain the traffic regulations to me. 12. They have organized a golf
club here. 13. They are rehearsing a new play at the National Theatre.
14. We lost sight of the car when it turned round the corner. 15. They
have been carrying out the work since August. 16. She announced to
the workers that the experiment was dangerous. 17. Have you sent for
the morning papers? 18. You are always finding fault with me! 19.
Where will they build the new theatre? 20. Two young but
experienced nurses assisted the doctor during the operation. 21. At last
he realized that nobody would call upon him. 22. They took no notice
of the boy. 23. Did the noise frighten you?

Exercise 4. Put questions to the underlined parts.

1. The flowers have been kept without water for a week. 2. The

walls are being covered with green paint. 3. Their children are not
taken good care of at home. 4. This proposal will be thought over next
week. 5. She has been told everything about this matter. 6. We were
told the train would come nearly at two. 7. He was sent for very late.
8. This room has been done up for our return. 9. A new danger was
being carried towards them by the river. 10. He will never be allowed
into their house again. 11. June was greatly encouraged by his interest.
12. The autumn leaves were being whirled towards the sky. 13. The
business has been taken over by a new company. 14. Two days later
the operation was performed.

Exercise 5. Use the required active or passive forms instead of the

infinitives in brackets.

1. He (not to waste) time with foolish questions like why, when and
where. He (to do0 as he (to tell). 2. Always a punctual woman, she (to
come) downstairs as the front door (to open) for Charles. 3. Some kind
of public demonstration (to plan) to take place at the airport tonight. 4.
The flight (not to announce) yet. It (not to announce) for another half-
hour, at least. 5. The message, as Tanya (to dictate) it, (to type) by a
girl clerk in New York. 6. She could tell by the inclination of his head
that he (to listen) intently to everything that (to say). 7. It (to be) an
old house that (to divide) into flats. 8. Julia can’t know what (to say)
about her, and someone must tell her. 9. Each apartment usually (to
share) by two or three girls. They (to know) as stewardess’ nests. 10.
Inez (to occupy) a chair in the room’s centre to which she (to guide)
on arrival. 11. He (to see) that the doors of Trans America Flight Two
(not to close) yet, and a few remaining passengers still (to check) in.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English using the Passive


1. За ним послали двадцать минут назад. Он должен скоро

прийти. 2. Этот вопрос сегодня обсуждаться не будет. 3. Ему
всегда поручают важные задания. 4. В прошлом году на нашей
улице построили новый магазин. 5. Эта книга еще переведена на
русский язык. 6. Я чувствую, что готовится какой-то опасный
план. 7. В Москве каждый год строят много новых школ и
детских садов. 8. Если за вами пришлют, не отказывайтесь

прийти. 9. Почему на эту статью никогда не ссылаются? 10. Как
только вещи были уложены, послали за машиной. 11. Я много о
ней слышала. О ней хорошо отзываются. 12. Этого лектора всегда
слушают с интересом. 13. Ему еще ничего об этом не говорили.
14. Книги этого автора часто спрашивают. 15. Было рассмотрено
много способов, а об этом даже не подумали. 16. Больного не
будут оперировать без его согласия. 17. Вам задавали
дополнительные вопросы на экзамене? 18. В магазине ему
предложили много книг на интересующую его тему. 19. Девочку
бранят, вот почему она плачет. 20. Их приветствовали все, кто
находился в зале. 21. Я почувствовала, что на меня смотрят. 22.
За книгу уже уплачено. Можете взять ее. 23. Почему здесь так
холодно? – Зал только что проветривали. 24. Новая библиотека
была построена до того, как вы поступили в университет? 25.
Пока варили ужин, мальчики сидели вокруг костра и
разговаривали. 26. Когда включили радио, концерт шел уже
примерно с полчаса. 27. Когда лодка пропала из виду, мы начали
беспокоиться. 28. В этом доме не живут. Его скоро снесут. 29.
Мне сказали, что уже ничего нельзя изменить, так как решение
принято. 30. Не входите. Там экзаменуют последнего студента.

Exercise 7. Translate the following questions into English using

the passive voice. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Кто сконструировал этот прибор? 2. Где сейчас

конструируют этот прибор? 3. Как долго конструируется этот
прибор? 4. Где конструируются такие приборы? 5. Когда будет
сконструирован этот прибор? 6. Чей фортепьянный концерт
сейчас исполняется? 7. Интересно, сколько раз уже исполнялся
этот концерт. 8. Скажите, когда этот концерт исполнялся в
первый раз? 9. В который раз уже обсуждается этот вопрос? 10.
Часто у вас обсуждаются подобные вопросы? 11. Давно уже этот
вопрос обсуждается? 12. Обсуждался ли где-нибудь этот вопрос,
до того как он был передан в комитет? 13. Его можно было
видеть в саду в любую погоду. 14. Такие туфли нельзя носить в
плохую погоду. 15. Над ним всегда смеялись, когда он был
школьником. 16. Зимой свет зажигается очень рано. 17. За
билеты было давно уплачено.

Exercise 8. Translate into English/ (Dictation-translation.)

1. О ней очень хорошо отзываются. 2. Свет в квартире

погас, и послали за электромонтером. 3. В магазине ему
предложили целый ряд книг на интересующую его тему. 4.
Можно ли положиться на эти цифры? 5. Будет ли ему
предоставлена возможность пользоваться лабораторией? 6.
Задавали ли вам дополнительные вопросы на экзамене? 7.
Решение, к которому, наконец, пришли, было всеми одобрено. 8.
Их тепло благодарили за помощь. 9. Надо положить конец этим
бесполезным спорам. 10. В детском саду за детьми не только
присматривают и не только играют с ними, но также учат их
песням и танцам, читают им, водят в кино и детские театры.

Indirect Speech
Sequence of Tenses

Exercise1. Use the Indirect Speech, start with “He said, he asked,
he told me,” and so on.

1) I have never been here before.

2) She is sorry he didn’t count yesterday.
3) He will answer the letter when he gets the information.
4) I expect to hear some news tomorrow, I’ll tell you if I do.
5) Is he invited to the party?
6) Do you know when he will arrive in Moscow?
7) What exhibition did you visit last week?
8) Why are you insisting on it?

Exercise 2. Change the following sentences Into Indirect Speech.

1. I hope to pass the examination.
2. The teacher is listening to us
3. I have never been to New York
4. I made no mistakes in the last dictation.
5. I haven’t read many English books.
6. I didn’t send the letter by air mail.

7. My friend is studying medicine at the university.
8. I don’t feel tired.
9. My friend has eaten all the chocolates.
10. I haven’t seen my uncle for a long time.
11. I’m not asking a question.
12. My brother goes to bed early.

1. Jack told his father, “I have lost my notebook.”.
2. Henry said to me, “I didn’t throw stones at your dog.”
3. Bob said to Tom, “Henry doesn’t sit next to me in class.”
4. I told the policeman, “I saw the thief in the garden.”
5. He said, “1 have eaten nothing for two days.”
6. Jack’s father said to him, “You haven’t cleaned your shoes.”
7. Mary said, “I don’t want to wear my old dress.”
8. My mother said to me, “I feel very tired, and I have a headache.”
9. My friend told me, “We have plenty of time to do our work.”
10. I said to my sister, “George has written me a long letter.”

Exercise 3. Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.

1. The farmer said that he hadn’t grown any wheat since 1975.
2 The teacher told his students that he was going to give them a test.
3. I told him that I hadn’t seen his brother for a long time.
4. Henry told the teacher that he liked arithmetic, but he didn’t like
5. She told the grocer that she didn’t want any sugar.
6. We told the teacher that we didn’t understand his question.
7. I told the taxi-driver that he was driving too fast.
8. She said that her children were playing in the garden.
9. The teacher told his students that he was pleased with their work.
10. My sister said that she hadn’t got a watch.

Exercise 4. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

Decide whether to use ‘told’ or ‘asked’, or whether either of these
two verbs is suitable.
I. I said to Jack, “Please give me your dictionary.”
2. The bus-conductor said to the passengers, “Don’t get off the bus

while it is going.”
3. Mary said to her brother, “Take the letter to the Post Office,
4. The teacher said to Torn, “Collect the exercise-books and put them
on my table.”
5. The old man said to the little girl, “Don’t run across the street.”
6. The teacher said to the pupils, “Learn the poem by heart.”
7. I said to my friend, “Meet me outside the cinema at six o’clock.”
8. Mary’s mother said to her, “Don’t go out without your coat.”
9. The teacher said to the students, “Open your books at page 60.”
10. The doctor said to the sick man, “Don’t go back to work for a
11. Jack said to the policeman, “Tell me the time, please.”
12. The teacher said to the student, “Clean the blackboard, please.”

1. I asked my friend, “How do you feel after your holiday?”
2. Margaret asked Richard, “Where are you going for your holidays?”
3. Ann asked Mary, “What do you usually have for breakfast?”
4. Jack’s father asked him, “Who are writing a letter to?”
5. The teacher asked Bob, “When did you learn to swim?
6. 1 saw a cloud of smoke and asked, “What is burning?”
7. Mary’s mother asked her, “Where have you put your shoes?”
8. 1 asked her, “Who gave you that watch?”
9. Peter asked me, “When are you going to have dinner.”
10. Mr. Smith asked him “How much do you spend on food every
11. The policeman asked me, “Where did you lose your wallet?”
12. The teacher came into the classroom and asked the pupils, “What
are you doing?
13. Henry asked Tom, “Whom did you visit in the hospital?”
14. 1 asked Bob, ”Why didn’t you answer my letter?”
15. There was a crowd in the street. I asked a man in the crowd,
“What is the matter?”
16. The teacher wrote the answers on the blackboard and then asked,
“Who has got all the answers right?”
17. The little boy asked his father, “Why does a policeman wear a
18. I asked him, “Who are you looking at?”

19. A man asked his friend, “When did you buy your car?”
20. Tom asked the teacher, “What does the word mean?”

Exercise 5. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

I. I asked the old gentleman, “Are you feeling tired?”

2. The hotel manager asked the visitors, “Did you sleep well?”
3. He asked his wife, “Is the baby asleep or awake?”
4. The teacher asked Tom, “Do you come to school by bus or on
5. A man stopped me in the street and asked, “Have you got a match?”
6. The teacher asked us “Do you understand the question or not?”
7. Henry’s father asked his son, “Do you want to be an engineer or a
8. 1 asked Peter, “Are you going to play football on Friday or on
9. The teacher asked me, “Do you spell ‘swimming’ with one ’m’ or a
double ’m’?
10. He asked his secretary, “Has the postman been yet?”

Exercise 6. Put the following into Indirect Speech.

1.“We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work,” they said. 2.
“We have moved into our new flat. We don’t like it nearly so much as
our last one,” said my aunt. 3. “Nothing grows in my garden. It never
gets any sun she said. 4. “I’ve been in London for a month but so far I
haven’t had time to visit the Tower,” he said. 5. He said, “My wife has
just been made a judge.” 6. “Who put salt in my coffee?” he asked. 7.
“Why did you travel first class?” I asked him. 8. “What else did you
see?” I asked the boy. 9. “What is your new house like?” I asked them.
10. “Did they understand what you said to them?” he inquired. 11.
“Haven’t you got a television set?” he asked. 12. “When you don’t
like a film do you stay to the end or walk out in the middle?” she
asked. 13. “Don’t argue with your father,” 1 said. I4.“Wait for me at
the bridge,” said the young man. 15. “Don’t make a sound,” he said in
a whisper. 16. “Don’t go near the water, children,” she said. I “Don’t
forget your sandwiches” said his mother. 18. “Please don’t say
anything to make her angry,” said my father. 19. “Please don’t leave
the gate open,” the farmer said to the visitors. 20. “Don’t climb that

tree in your new trousers, Richard,” his father said.

Exercise 7. Translate into English paying attention to the sequence

of tenses.

1. Я знал, что она не прочитала письмо. 2. Она считала, что

ананасы растут на деревьях. 3. Он сказал нам, что расплатился с
долгами (pay one’s debts) больше месяца назад. 4. Она сказала,
что пишет это сочинение (composition) уже три месяца. 5.Она не
знала, успешно ли закончилась (be a success) операция. 6. Том
позвонил в полицию и сказал, что все его вещи украдены. 7.
Капитан приказал всем подняться на борт (get aboard). 8. Они не
знали, будут ли опубликованы результаты их исследований. 9. Я
думал, что он работает, и не вошел в комнату. 10. Он просил
чтобы она не беспокоилась. 11. Я не знаю, когда он приедет в
Москву. 12. Они поинтересовались, бывал ли я когда-нибудь
заграницей (abroad). 13. Он сказал им, что они не должны
говорить об этом сейчас. 14. Наш гид (guide) рассказал нам, что
замок (castle) был возведен в 14-м веке. 15. Я надеюсь, что новый
мост будет построен в следующем году.

Exercise 8. Translate into English paying attention to the sequence

of tenses.

1. Я знал, что когда они вернутся, они обязательно позвонят

нам. 2. Он сказал мне, что они не поедут туда, пока не узнают
адреса. 3. Она сказала, что встретила приятеля, с которым
училась в школе. 4. Она сказала мне, что вряд ли узнает район,
так как он сильно изменился. 5. Он спросил, что я буду делать,
когда выйду на пенсию (retire). 6. Он сказал, что как только
документы будут получены, их пришлют нам. 7. Медсестра
(nurse) сказала, что мы сможем поговорить с врачом только после
того, как он осмотрит больного (examine a patient). 8. Он спросил
меня, есть ли какая-нибудь надежда, что я изменюсь. 9.
Корреспондентам сообщили, что проблема цен еще обсуждается
и как только она будет решена, контракт будет подписан. 10. Он
сказал, что прошло пять лет с тех пор, как они женаты.11. Он
напомнил (remind) мне, что когда мы были студентами, мы всегда
помогали друг другу. 12. Профессор сказал, чтобы я не приходил,

пока не выучу весь материал.


Obligation and Likelihood

Must, Need

Exercise 1. Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with the
appropriate forms of the verbs must, have to or be to.

1. You ______ (not tell) him about it. It's a secret. 2. It looks like
rain. You _____ (take) your raincoats. 3. You _____ (not talk) so
loudly here. 4. In his youth he ____ (work) from morning till night to
earn his living. 5. He ____ (wait) at the station till it stopped raining.
6. The secretary informed us when the manager ____ (come). 7. They
____ (leave) on Saturday, but because of the delay with their visas
they ____ (book) tickets for Monday. 8. They ____ (not tell) him
anything about it before they get further instructions. 9. He ____
(leave) for London that night. 10. _____ I (do) it all by myself? 11. It
was too late to change their plans and they ____ (put up) with it. 12.
You ___ (not prepare) all this work, I will help you. 13. Stay here till
she is free. I think you ____ (not wait) long. 14. We ____ (conduct) a
series of experiments this week. 15. Remember that we ____ (be) at
this place not later than noon.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. His German is very poor. He must (study/be studying/have

studied) very hard. 2. His German is very good, he must (study/be
studying/have studied) very hard. 3. His German is considerably
improved, he must (study/be studying/have studied) hard during his
holiday. 4. He must (study/be studying/have been studying) German
these two years, his German is rather rich and fluent. 5. She must
(have taken/be taking/have been taking) a bath at that moment that's
why she did not answer your call. 6. She must (be/be being/have been)
at home now, we saw her leaving the office. 7. She must (be/be
being/have been) at home, she can't go away because there is no one
to look after her sick mother. 8. You must always (think/be
thinking/have thought) twice before you say anything. 9. Now he must

(think/ be thinking/have thought) of what she has said. 10. He knows
they are coming. They must (write/be writing/ have written) to him of
their arrival in due time. 11. She must (play/be playing/have been
playing) the piano now. 12. The foreigner must
(understand/understood/have understood) me, for he nodded his head.
13. Where is Sara? I haven't seen her for a long time. – She must
(stay/be staying/have stayed) at her friends'. She wanted to spend July
with them. 14. He must (get/be getting/ have got) all he needed,
otherwise he would have come again, 15. We must (meet/have
met/have been meeting) somewhere before.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the proper infinitive after
the verb must.

1. Look! All people in the street are going with their umbrellas
up. It must (rain). 2. He has changed his job. He must (follow) your
advice. 3. He must (fall) ill. Otherwise he would have come to the
party. 4. Where is Michael? He must (be) here by now. – He lives in
the country. He must (miss) the train. 5. What a dreadful noise! What
is the matter? – Our neighbors must (quarrel) again. 6. Nobody must
(notice) that he was not used to speaking in public. 7. The criminal
must (be) very careful. He did not leave any fingerprints. 8. We are
late, I am afraid. Ann must (wait) for us. 9. He must (forget) that he
promised to come. 10. They must (write) a composition for two hours.
They must (be) tired. 11. You must (misunderstand) me, I did not
want to hurt your feelings. 12. Nobody must (see) him enter.
Everybody started when he came in. 13. I hear someone’s steps
outside. She must (go). 14. You may find him in the garden. He must
(read). 15. It is impossible to change anything. One must (take) things
as they are.

Exercise 4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb


E X A M P L E: I am sure they have changed the time. –

They must have changed the time.

1. They are in Greece. I am sure they are enjoying themselves. 2.

She is an experienced teacher. I am certain she has been working at
school for at least twenty years. They have probably finished painting
the house. 14. I feel sure she is at home. 5. Probably they have already
passed the frontier. 6. She is sure he is playing cards with his friends.
7. She is not very young? As she seems to be. I think she is nearly
forty. 8. I think you have visited this place before. 9. He has to do a
very urgent task. I feel sure he is working now. 10. He is so absent-
minded. I am sure he left the letter unanswered. 11. You know he is a
good tennis player. He is no doubt has won this match. 12. I shan’t
bother you any longer; no doubt you feel tired of my talking after a
tiring day. 13. It is clear that they are expecting somebody. 14. She
was obviously upset by something, i never saw her so nervous. 15.
The youth is probably reading something funny. He is smiling all the

Exercise 5. Choose the right variant.

1. He wants us to obey him. We ____ exactly what he says.

a) have to do
b) must to do
c) are to do

2. Mrs/ Sparred ____ very beautiful when she was young. She has a
fine face.
a) was to be
b) must have been
c) must be

3. You _____ so late. You should leave after dinner.

a) are not to stay
b) don’t hare to stay
c) must not stay

4. Something ____ . He ____ at seven.

a) must happen, must come
b) must have happened, had to come
c) must have happened, was to have come

5. Yesterday's rain spoiled my shoes completely and. I ____ new ones.

a) had to buy
b) must have bought
c) was to buy

6. Which of them _____ the documents?

a) must have brought
b) have to bring
c) was to bring

7. The only thing he knew for certain was that he ____ them,
a) must not meet
b) didn’t have to meet
c) was not to meet

8. You can’t come in. You ____ a catching disease like that.
a) must not have
b) don’t have to have
c) aren’t to have

9. There ____ a garden once.

a) was to be
b) must have been
c) must be

10. We ____ in. The weather is changing.

a) must go
b) must have gone
c) are to go

Exercise 6. Translate into English using the verb must and its

1. Он, должно быть, слышал об этом. 2. Этот дом, должно

быть, построен в начале столетия. 3. Вы не должны прекращать
работу, пока вы ее не закончите. 4. У них, вероятно, сейчас урок.
5. Не огорчайся, он, должно быть, сделал это случайно. 6. Он,
вероятно, сейчас спит. 7. Я ищу этот дом вот уже полчаса и нигде
не могу его найти. Должно быть, она дала мне неправильный
адрес, 8. Мне не пришлось делать этот чертеж. 9. Он, вероятно,

не успел закончить работу к пятнице и был вынужден потратить
на нее все выходные, т.к. ее нужно было закончить к
понедельнику. 10. Она, должно быть, не полила сад. Земля очень
сухая. 11. Выбора не было, и им пришлось согласиться. 12. Она,
должно быть, ждет нас дома. 13. Она должна ждать нас дома. 14.
Ей, наверное, не сказали, что мы уже вернулись. 15. Ей пришлось
извиниться, хотя это и было неприятно.

7. Analyse the meaning of to have.

1. King Lear had three daughters. 2. Have a look at the picture. I think
it is a Repin. 3. I have to answer many letters. 4. I have some
information to pass on to you. 5. During our trip we had an accident in
which I had my leg badly hurt. 6. I’ll have him come at six o’clock if
that suits you. 7. He has just come from abroad. 8. You will have to
leave at six to catch the train. 9. Is that all you have to say to me? 10.
There are two kinds of speeches: there is the speech which a man
makes when he has something to say, and the speech when he has to
say something.

8. Change the following info the negative

1. Mother has to cook dinner after work. 2. He had to sit up late with
this work. 3. You will have to get up very early to-morrow. 4. The girl
had to take care of her younger sister and brothers. 5. She will have to
do it once over again. 6. These documents have to be filed. 7. They
had to cover the whole distance on foot. 8. We shall have to speak to
him about it.

9. Explain the difference in meaning between the two sentences in

the following pairs.

1. a) The plane was not to take off at night as the weather was too
bad. b) The plane was to have taken off at night, but the weather was
too bad. 2. a) There was to be an interesting concert last night, but I
didn’t feel well and had to stay at home. b) There was to have been an
interesting concert last night, but the singer fell ill and the concert had
to be postponed. 3. a) The order came that we were not to leave the
village before dawn. b) We were not to have left the village before

dawn, but by the time the order came we were two miles away from it.

10. Insert the verb to be to or to have to in the necessary tense


1. I wondered what … to happen to us. 2. It looks like raining. You …

to take your raincoats. 3. We agreed that the one who came first … to
reserve seats for the rest of us. 4. Nobody met me at the airfield as I …
to have arrived a day later and could not warn any of my friends of the
change. 5. He always puts off doing what he … to do until it … to be
done. 6. We … to leave on Monday, but because of a two days’ delay
with the visas we … to book tickets for Wednesday. 7. There is
nothing strange in what he did. It… to be expected. 8. It was too late
to change the plan, and it … to remain as it was. 9. You … not to tell
him about it if you don’t want to. 10. You…not to tell him anything
about it before you get further instructions. 11. They hoped to spend
the summer together, but that … not to be. 12 … I to do it all by
myself? 13. When no food … to be had he seemed capable of doing

11. Translate into English using to have to, to be to or must.

1. Вы должны приготовить эту работу к четвергу. 2. Я должен

был приготовить эту работу к четвергу (два варианта). 3. Вы не
должны прекращать эту работу, пока не закончите ее. Завтра уже
четверг. 4. Мне пришлось приготовить эту работу к четвергу. 5.
Мне придется приготовить эту работу к четвергу. 6. Ему
приходится готовить эту работу сегодня, так как все эти дни он
был занят. 7. Вам не придется готовить эту работу. 8. Мне не
нужно было готовить эту работу. 9. Так как он приготовил все
заранее, ему не нужно делать этого теперь. 10. Если бы он не
приготовил все заранее, ему нужно было бы сделать это теперь.
11. Если бы мы приготовили все заранее, нам не пришлось бы
делать это теперь.12. «На этой неделе нам предстоит провести
ряд новых опытов», - сказал директор лаборатории. 13. Выбора
не было, и ему пришлось согласиться. 14. Мне было поручено
сделать подробный доклад по этому вопросу, и для этого я
должен был просмотреть много литературы. 15. Я должен был
ходить в библиотеку почти, каждый день: оставалось всего

несколько дней, до того как мне нужно было сдать доклад, а я
еще не написал и половины. 16. Мне придется посидеть эти дни
дома. Врач говорит, я не должен никуда выходить, пока
температура не будет нормальной. 17. Я думаю, что, если бы вам
довелось выполнять подобное задание в первый раз, вы бы тоже
были вынуждены неоднократно обращаться к кому-нибудь за
помощью. 18. Посидите здесь, пока он занят. Я думаю, вам не
придется долго ждать.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets and: give the correct form of the
verb after need.

1.The vegetable garden needs (water). 2. The TV needs to be (fix). 3.

They need (come) here at three o'clock. 4. The cottage needs to be
(repair). 5. She needs (prepare) harder for her exams. 6. The lawn
needs (cut). 7. You need (book) a ticket beforehand. 8. Granny needs
to be (look after). 9. The walls need to be (paper). 10. I need (get) this
book somewhere.

Exercise 13. Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with either
didn't need (to) or needn't have (done).

1. You ____ (go) into so many details. The report was too long.
2. She got up late because she was alone and she ____ (cook)
breakfast for the whole family. 3. We ____ (hurry): she wasn't ready
yet. 4. He ____ (return) to the office so he took a taxi and went home.
5. I ___ (take) a bus because Martin gave me a lift. 6. We ___ (come)
so early. Now we must wait. 7. She ___ (go) shopping so she went
straight home. 8. You ____ (make) this remark. I am sure he felt hurt.
9. She was on holiday and she ____ (wake up) early. 10. He ____
(spend) so much money. Does he remember that he’s got three

Exercise 14. Analyse the meaning of the verb need.

1. You may keep the money I’ve given you, I don’t need it yet. 2.
Must I go there immediately? – No you needn’t. Wait till I ring you
up. 3. Need you bother about such trifles? 4. Do you need my help? 5.
You needn’t have gone into so many details. The report was too long.

6. Mr. Maugham is very discreet, Louisa: you needn’t be afraid of
telling him anything. 7. “All is agreed and understood between us
now, Trot,” said my aunt, “and we need talk of this no more.”

Exercise 15. Translate into English using the verb need.

1. Зря ты сказал Майку об этом. 2. Его не надо об этом

спрашивать. 3. Мне нужна ваша помощь. 4. Зря ты учил текст
наизусть (by heart); учитель его не спрашивал. 5. Вечером
температура упала, и он решил, что ему не нужно идти к врачу. 6.
Разве ты не видишь, что ему надо подстричься? 7. Зря он
отказался от приглашения. 8. Вы купили машину только год
назад. Неужели ее надо красить? 9. Мне нужно наладить (fix)
компьютер. 10. Джону не надо было ехать в Лондон, и он решил
провести выходные в Брайтоне.

Exercise 16. Translate into English using the verbs must, to be (to)
to have (to) or need. (Dictation-translation).

1. Сказал ли преподаватель, что мы должны выучить этот текст

наизусть? 2. Я не знал, что этот текст не надо учить наизусть. 3.
Зря вы учили этот текст наизусть; его надо было просто читать. 4.
Не шумите: дети, должно быть, спят. 5. Никто, наверное, не
сказал ему об этом. 6. Они должны были прийти в 5, а уже 6
часов. 7. Они, наверно, забыли, что должны были прийти в 5
часов. 8. Надеюсь, вас не пришлось долго ждать, да? 9. Надеюсь,
вам не придется долго ждать. 10. Эту книгу можно найти в любой
библиотеке. 11. Стоит ли волноваться из-за таких пустяков?

Should /Ought to

Exercise 1. Match the parts of the sentences.

1) My room is in a mess and

my friends are coming to a) He should always turn them
visit me tonight. on in the dark otherwise he
2) You haven't paid your may have an accident.
monthly rent yet, Friday b) You ought to go on a diet.
is the last day you can do it.

с) You should ring her up and d) She ought to give up
apologise. smoking.
e) He should go to the
3) Tom drives the car without dentist's.
headlights. f) You ought to put it in
4) Anna's library book is due order.
today. g) You should record the film.
5) I've got put on weight Have you got a VCR?
recently. h) You ought to go to the bank
6) I am afraid, I was rude to till Friday and pay it.
Kate yesterday. i) You should phone Nick. He's
7) I've it urgent work and my got clever fingers.
computer does not work. j) She ought to return her
8) He has a bad toothache. books today if she doesn't
9) I have a test tomorrow but want to pay a fine.
there is a film on TV I've
wanted to see so much.
10) She has a bad cough but
she goes on smoking.

Exercise 2. Choose the right variant.

1. She looks bad. She should (be/have been) more careful about
her health. 2. You shouldn't (miss/have missed) the chance. It was a
brilliant opportunity for you. 3. I think the policeman was right. She
shouldn't (exceed/have exceeded) the speed. 4. I ought to (bring/have
taken) the opera glasses. Now I see nothing. 5. It seems to me that he
is a hot-temper person and often flies into a rage because of mere
trifles. He should (control/ have controlled) his temper. 6. They should
(clear/have cleared) up the problem long time ago. 7. 1 ought not (to
stay/Have stayed) there long. The party was a failure. 8. You should
(shave/have shaved) this beard of yours! 9. She should (be/have been)
more attentive. Didn't she see a car on the right? 10. It's a secret. You
ought not to (reveal/have revealed) it to anybody.

Exercise 3. Choose the right variant.

1) Don't argue with her, you _____ her age.

a) need respect
b) have to respect
c) ought to respect
d) are to respect

2) You ______it long ago.

a) must do
b) should have done
c) needn't have done
d) are to do

3) This is serious; you _______ at it.

a) haven't to laugh
b) should not laugh
c) don't have to laugh
d) must not have laughed

4) There _____ an interesting concert last night, but I didn't feel well
and __________ home.
a) had to be, had to stay
b) should be, was to stay
c) must be, ought to stay
d) was to be, had to stay

5) According to the rules a football player ________ the ball with

his hands.
a) must not touch
b) need not touch
c) don't have to touch
d) must not have touched

6) The situation was dangerous. You ______ frightened.

a) should have got
b) must have got
c) have to get
d) need have got
7) We ________to write and thank them for their hospitality.
a) must not forget
b) must not have forgotten
c) shouldn't forget
e) don't have to forget

8) Why ________I know where he is?

a) should
b) must
c) need
d) ought

9) They ________ more polite.

a) need have been
b) should have been
c) must have been
d) are to have been

10) You _________ so much noise or you'll wake up the baby!

a) must not make
b) must not have made
c) needn't have made
e) don't have to make

Exercise 4. Open the brackets and fill in the blanks with must,
have to, be to, should, need, ought to, (in some cases you may
have several variants).

1. He____ (not go) to court because the case was dismissed. 2.

If I'm late, I'll ____ (take) a taxi. 3. The young ____ (respect) the old
age. 4. The conversation grew awkward. She felt that something ___
(do), or else the party would break up. 5. They ____ (meet)
tomorrow, so you ___ (not make) an appointment to see hem. 6.
You ____ (have) a visa to enter a foreign country. 7. You ____ (try)
and be more punctual. 8. Why are you so late? – I ___ (change) a
tyre. 9. You ___ (not shout), I am not deaf. 10. They ____ (cross)
the English Channel now.
Exercise 5. Insert ought to or should.

1. I left the young man to where he ... with my box and money. 2.
My aunt … not hear of staying to dinner, lest she … by any chance
fail to arrive home with the grey pony before dark. 3. “But that it …
have been you who saw me drunk!” said I to Agnes. 4. Mr.
Micawber was anxious that I … stay to dinner. 5. I was awkward
enough in their games, and backward enough in their studies:, but
custom … improve me in the first respect, I hoped, and hard work in
the second. 6 “Do … you know how to buy mutton (if asked to)?” I
… repeat. Dora … think a little and then reply. 7. The fact is, I have
just had a telegram to say that my poor friend Bunbury is very ill
again. They seem to think I … be with him. 8. I think that in both
our interests it … be extremely undesirable that matters … be so left
at this stage. I did not mean to say that if you … exceed the sum
named in my letter to you by ten or twenty or even fifty pounds,
there … be any difficulty between us. This being so, I … like you to
reconsider your answer. 9. “Don’t look at the clock”, Sarie told
herself over and over again. But her eyes … stray to the clock:, …
watch the slowness of the minutes, … count them in their weary,
unhurried journey.

Exercise 6. Translate into English using modal verbs.

1. Тебе следовало позвонить ему вчера. 2. Ему не следовало

говорить с ней таким тоном (tone). Его тон, должно быть, и
обидел (hurt) ее. 3. Это должно было произойти. Всем известна
его забывчивость (forgetfulness) Теперь ей нужно много
переделывать. 4. Она должна была выяснить все до того, как
начинать работу. Теперь ей нужно многое переделывать. 5. Ей
следовало принести все документы давным-давно. Теперь
слишком поздно. 6. Детям нельзя смотреть фильм ужасов. 7.
Мне проводить (see off)? – Нет, не нужно. Мне придется
сделать это самому. 8. В чужой стране необходимо
приспосабливаться (adapt oneself) к новым условиям жизни. 9.
Зря ты купил это пальто. 10. Мы, должно быть, не заметили его
в этой толпе (crowd).11. Нам не надо было спешить, поэтому
мы решили пойти пешком. 12. Почему я должен это делать?
Ability, Likelihood and Permission

Can, Could

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with can/can't or be (not) able to in

the proper form.

1. He ____speak English rather fluently, but that time he ____

say a word. 2. He has never ___ speak in public. 3. I used to ____
speak German very well. 4. You ____ marry her, but you ____ make
her love you. 5. I ____ do it on Friday, but I ____ do it next week. 6.
____ you give me a lift to the station, please? 7. I used ____ eat a
kilo of sweets for supper. 8. I have never ___ ride a bicycle. 9.You
____ see him at the meeting. He was ill. 10. I'd like ____ski very
well. 11. Luckily I ____ find a taxi. 12. I _____ drive when I was
fifteen. 13. I ____ hear somebody running. 14. He did not want to go
there, but we ______ to persuade him. 15. She sighed. I ______ feel
her hands shaking.

Exercise 2. Express your surprises and disbelief using can/could.

A in interrogative sentences
E x a m p l e: He is working now. – Can/Could he be working now?

1. He was at the party yesterday. 2. They are in Germany. 3.

He has broken his leg. 4. They were sent to prison. 5. She got
married. 6. He studies at Cambridge University. 7. She has been
practising the violin for five years. 8. He has made an interesting
report. 9. He has won a lot of money in the casino. 10. They will go
to the Canaries next summer. 11. He has passed his English exam.
12. She will be forty in June. 13. She is stubborn. 14. He was a cruel

B in negative sentences
E x a m p l e: He bought a new car. – He can't/couldn't have bought
a car.
1 You are mistaken. 2. They forget about the meeting. 3. He is
writing a new novel now. 4. She has bought a new fur coat. 5. He
had an accident. 6. Mary will invite the Jones to her place for the
weekend. 7. They upset our plans. 8. She wastes a lot of time. 9. Mr.
Fox is a reliable person. 10. She is making a cruise now.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. He может быть, чтобы он был дома вчера в это время. 2.

Неужели он сказал вам об этом? 3. Возможно, он и заходил к
ним, когда был в Москве. 4. Он мог бы сделать это, но не
захотел. 5. Неужели он отказался ехать туда? 6. Не может быть,
чтобы он спал сейчас. 7. Не может быть, чтобы они уехали не
попрощавшись с нами. 8. Не может быть, чтобы она вам так
ответила. 9. Он мог бы приехать завтра. 10. Не может быть, что
он столкнулся (collide) с другой машиной. Он такой
осторожный водитель. 11. Вряд ли он забыл о своем обещании,
я напоминала ему об этом вчера. 12. Он не мог прочитать эту
книгу так быстро, она слишком трудна для него. 13. Они смогли
бы подняться на вершину, но им помешала погода. 14. Вряд ли
они поженятся; они слишком разные люди. 15. Разве мог кто-
нибудь подумать, что он выиграет матч?

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Он должен быть 2. Он может быть там завтра. 3. Он

возможно, будет там завтра. 4. Он, возможно, был там вчера (не
был). 5. Он, по всей вероятности, был там вчера. 6. Он должен
был быть там вчера. 7. Не может быть, чтобы он был там вчера.
8. Возможно ли, чтобы он был там вчера? 9. Неужели он там
был вчера? 10. Не может быть, чтобы это была правда. 11.
Неужели это правда? 12. Это, должно быть, правда. 13.
Возможно, это правда. 14. Кто знает? Может быть, это и правда.
15. Возможно, это была правда. 16. Это, очевидно, была правда.
17. Вы, вероятно, ошиблись. 18. Вы, должны быть, ошибаетесь.
19. Не может быть, чтобы вы ошиблись. 20. Неужели
(возможно ли, чтобы) вы ошиблись? 21. Не может быть, чтобы
они меня не поняли.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Вы этого не сделаете. Запомните это! 2. Я сделаю эту

работу к сроку, хотя бы мне и не пришлось спать всю ночь. 3.
Магазин, должен быть, еще открыть. Если вы поторопитесь, вы
успеете купить хлеб. 4.Он сказал, что ему придется уехать через
несколько дней, но мы и слушать не хотели. 5. Бесполезно
доказывать ему, что вы правы; его никогда нельзя убедить. Он
очень упрямый. 6.Но это ни в коей мере не касается его.
Незачем было ему вмешиваться (с какой стати было ему
вмешиваться). 7. Сейчас, должно быть, довольно поздно. 8. Вы
ответите за ваши действия. 9. Вам придется держать экзамен
еще раз. Вам надо обратить больше внимания на синтаксис 10.
Вам бы следовало предупредить нас (дать нам знать), что вы не
придете. Мы бы не ждали вас. 11. Зря (напрасно) вы не
прочитали «Мертвые души», перед тем как пойти в театр. Вы
бы получили двойное удовольствие от спектакля. Вы бы
почувствовали стиль и дух произведения. 12. Я лег и пытался
заснуть, но сон не шел. 13. Вы бы только видели ее лицо, когда
она услышала эту новость. 14. Какое упражнение мне читать
раньше, на двадцатой странице или на двадцать второй? –
Можете начать с любого. 15. Вы прекрасно знали, что это
бесполезно, и все же это делали.

May, Might

Exercise 1. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb


1. Under the law you are allowed to make one photocopy for
your personal use but you can't make multiple copies. 2. This is
possibly the reason why they have refused to join us. 3. Perhaps I
will have to take her to hospital; it is possible she has broken her
arm in the accident. 4. It is possible he did not have her phone
number. 5. When the World Cup was shown on TV, I was allowed
to stay up late and watch it. 6. Perhaps your friend will help you, but
I don't believe it. 7. Maybe they did not know that the problem was
so urgent. 8. Would you mind my smoking here? 9. Why didn't you
come? I needed your help badly. 10. Perhaps she has made a
mistake, but I am not sure of it. She is a very punctual person.
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with may/might or can/could and
make all necessary changes.

1. You ____ (warn) me about it beforehand. 2. The weather is

changing. It ___ (start) raining. 3. No, he ___ (not hear) your name.
We tried to speak in a whisper. 4. He ___ (not hear) your name.
That's why he did not say anything. 5. She ___ (not notice) us. We
were standing too far away. 6. She ___ (not notice) us though we
were standing beside her. 7. ____ I use your name as a referee? 8.
She ___ (not hear) the news, that's why she looks as if nothing had
happened. 9. She ___ (not hear) the news, nobody ____ tell her
about it. 10. The professor says that I ____ (rewrite) the essay. 11.
____ I use your phone? 12. He (help) them when they were in
trouble. 13. ____ he (say) it? No, it's not like him. He is a man of
few words.

Exercise 3. Choose the right variant.

1. I don't like the way you study. I think you ____ harder!
a) might have worked
b) might work
c) could work
d) could have worked

2. Let's wait a little. He ____ .

a) may have come
b) could have come
c) may come
d) might have come

3. She ____ of the plan herself. Somebody has suggested it to her.

a) can't have thought
b) may not have thought
c) can't think
d) may not think

4.'They ____ our telegram, that's why they did not meet us.
a) couldn't have received
b) can't have received
c) may not have received
d) may not receive

5. She ____ my letter! — Don't be so angry with her. She ___ it by

a) may not read, may do
b) cannot read, can do
c) might not have read, can't have done
d) can't have read, might not have done

6. He ____ it. I don't believe you.

a) is not able to say
b) might not say
c) can't have said
d) might not have said

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs making

necessary changes (you may have several variants).

1. He is in the garden. He ____ (read) a newspaper in the

summerhouse. 2. Her son ____ (get) into trouble yesterday. I've seen
him today and he looked quite happy and gay. 3. I don't remember
him well but it seems to me he ____ (be) in charge of the Finance
department last year. 4. He ____ already (get) used to driving on the
left. He has been living in London for a year. 5. He ___ (receive) an
emergency call, that's why he is out. 6. They ____ (not take up) this
problem. It has already been solved. 7. Where is Mr. Black? — He
____ (receive) a foreign delegation. They ___ (come) at two o'clock.
8. Why haven't the Smiths arrived yet? — They ____ (lose) their
way. They don't know the road well; 9. You ____ (introduce) me to
your wife long ago. 10. He ____ (buy) a new car. He is deeply in
debt. 11. He ___ (buy) a new car, but I am not sure. 12. They ____
already (arrive). Look, the windows are open. 13. Where is John? —
He ___ (smoke). in the corridor. 14. I think for your children's sake
you ___ (do) it. 15. You ____ (buy) this book for me. You know I
have wanted to have it. 16. A wife ___ (obey) her husband, the
Bible says. 17. You ____ (wait) for me, I knew the road well and
found my way myself. 18. Judging by his papers on the writing table
he ____ (work) for several hours. 19. ____ it (be) Nick? He has
changed a lot. 20. They ____ (not know) of the plane's delay,
otherwise they did not come at 2 o'clock.

Exercise 5. Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1. I must not dress in my best. When I came, everybody was

wearing jeans and T-shirts. 2. He must have known that she needed
his help. 3. He had to have an accident in the thick fog. 4. You
should phone her long ago. I am sure she is looking forward to your
call. 5. With your knowledge of the language you may read the
article. 6. I may not imagine Mary teaching students. She used to be
so impatient. — You know time changes people. She is able to
become quite different. 7. I am sure you might have done it much
better. You did not try. 8. I was so angry, I must have thrown my
boot at him. 9. May you do me a favour, please? 10. May I ask you
to do me a favour, please?

Exercise 6. Translate into English using the modal verbs.

1. Что здесь происходит? Не могли вы бы вы сказать, в

чем дело? — Должно быть, полиция ловит опасного
преступника (criminal), и поэтому здесь нельзя пройти. 2. Он
мог бы объяснить мне с самого начала, как это важно. 3. Тебе
следует поторопиться. Мы можем опоздать. 4. Какой скучный
фильм я посмотрел! Не стоило ходить в кино, я мог бы
посмотреть что-нибудь по телевизору. 5. Тебе следовало бы
сесть на диету (go on a diet) еще полгода назад. Посмотри на
себя! Ты поправилась (gain) на 3 килограмма. Тебе нельзя есть
сладкое. 6. Неужели она потеряла мой номер телефона? 7.
Почему он молчит (keep silence)? — Может быть, он не
расслышал ваш вопрос. Не могли бы вы его повторить? 8. Ты
должен уважать (respect) своих родителей. 9. Наверное, он
сегодня не придет. Уже восемь часов, а он должен был прийти в
семь. 10. Вряд ли они уже вернулись. Они там впервые и могут
задержаться (stay long).
The Infinitive

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define

the function of the Infinitives.

To explain this simple fact is not so very easy.

We are to study the main laws of physics.
The author was to read a paper at the conference.
The next step will be to produce a diagram of the system.
Glass which is to be used for lenses must be almost colourless.
The exact level is hard to calculate.
The books by Pawling are interesting to read.
The experimental results are few and not easy to interpret.
He must have found out about the conference from the newspaper.
The explosion must have occurred long ago.
There are some other properties of water to be considered at this
There is a particular question to be discussed at length.
There will be six independent elements to be determined.
There is not very much experimental data on which to base a decision
between these two possibilities.
The amount of polonium to be obtained from a uranium mineral can
be simply calculated.
There are some other groups of compounds to be mentioned.
Joule was the first to note definitely this phenomenon.
There are only a finite number of wave numbers to characterize
electronic states.
Most of the nuclear reactions to be studied are of this type.
Polonium was the first of the radioactive elements to be isolated by
the chemists.
This theory will be adequate for practical applications through
centuries to come.
These methods are to be described in the next chapter.
The methods that are to be described next were widely used.
The methods to be described are used in our laboratory.
The experiment is to be carried out in our laboratory next month.
We hope that the experiment to be carried out in our laboratory will
provide new and reliable data.
Thе experiment which is to be carried out in our laboratory will
last for ten or eleven hours.
This is the first factor to be taken into consideration.
Many examples of this anomalous behaviour are to be found in
Here is one more important point for the speaker to explain.
He seems to know this rule well.
They are likely to come here.
I was not able to write my test. It proved to be too difficult.
The experiment turned out to be more timetaking than could be
I happened to be out when he called.
The guests are likely to arrive soon.
The new method is believed to have given good results.
All students are supposed to know Newton's laws of mechanics.
The result is expected to agree with theoretical predictions.
The Greeks seem to have manufactured the first lens.
Such reaction was not observed to happen.
There does not appear to be an agreement between these results.
They can hardly be said to have discovered this phenomenon.
Dr. Irmes was expected to report his new discoveries.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets and choose the Infinitive in the

Active or Passive Voice.

1. They are glad (invite / be invited) to the party.

2. I don’t like (interrupt / be interrupted).
3. He will be happy (see/ be seen) you.
4. I was glad (meet/be met) at the station.
5. Children like (tell/be told) tales and always (listen/ be listened) to
them with interest.
6. I did not think (interrupt/ be interrupted) you.
7. He is glad (send/be sent) abroad.
8. He likes (ask/be asked) his professor questions.
9. He does not like (ask/ be asked) questions because he does not
know how to answer them.
10. Be careful with him. He is a very resentful person. He can’t bear
(joke/be joked at).
11. He does not like (laugh/be laughed) at other people.
12. Look, a ship can (see/be seen) in the distance. Can you (see/ be
seen) it?

Exercise 3. Change the sentences according to the examples.

Example: It is simple to solve this problem. – This problem is
simple to solve.
It is difficult to speak to such people. – Such people are difficult to
speak to.

1. It is expensive to buy a mink coat.

2. It is impossible to get a good dinner in our canteen.
3. It was difficult to start an engine in such cold weather.
4. It is dangerous to stand on this ladder.
5. It is rather difficult to deal with stubborn people.
6. It is dangerous to drive a car in big cities.
7. It is interesting to meet new people.
8. It is simple to communicate with people due to Internet.
9. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel.
10. It is always funny to listen to him.

Example: He came to the party the last. – He was the last to come to
the party.
1. He is the only one among us who gave up smoking.
2. I was the next who spoke on the topic.
3. He was the first who raised this question.
4. She was the second who got an excellent mark.
5. Paul was the last who greeted me.
6. She is the first who was fired.
7. He was the only one who jumped with a parachute.
8. I am the next who will be interviewed.
9. He was the only one who could speak Japanese.
10. I was the first who noticed the mistake.
11. His horse came in the race the last.
12. She was the first among us who recognized them.
Example: It was the best time when she could find them at home. –
It was the best time for her to find them at home.

1. Here is a simple English book that you can read.

2. The first thing they must do when they arrive is to phone home.
3. This is a problem you should solve by yourself.
4. There is nothing that we can add.
5. These are children you can play with.
6. It is not a question you may laugh at.
7. There is nothing that we can do now.
8. These are nice flowers you can buy.
9. It was a little town where they could live a quiet life.
10. It is quite natural that they will get married.

Complexes with the Infinitive

Complex Object
Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian
1. There’s some information I want you to obtain.
2. He likes to see them work.
3. I don’t want them to say anything to me.
4. James watched her go.
5. I was dusting the saloon, and I saw him pass, and his face was
6. He let them go.
7. He saw the pain come into Jawson’s eyes.
8. We’ve often heard him whisper something to himself.
9. You can’t expect all people to take your words for granted.
10. Every one considered John Spenlow just the person to represent
the firm.
11. He didn’t notice Mary approach them from behind.
12. We’ll make him come
13. You shouldn’t let the boy eat so much chocolate.

Exercise 2. Match two parts of the sentences.

1. She goes swimming a) Why not go to the country?

2. They have to stay in. b) to shout at Ann?
They can’t afford
3. Are you fit enough c) to have a holiday.
4. To spend too much d) to ask for help.
5. To err is human, e) to post it?
6. Don’t hesitate to phone f) to see how she is
7. The weather is fine. g) to try and keep her weight down.
8. The letter is urgent. h) if you need help.
Could you remind me
9. I am sure, she is OK. i) would be foolish.
We could telephone
10. Who allowed you j) to take part in the competition?
11. She is too proud k) to forgive divine.
12. Ann is tired. She is l) to go out very much.

Exercise 3. Make up sentences with Complex Object with the


1. speak, I, have, heard, of his boyhood, never, him.

2. about something I, quite different, me, you, want, to tell.
3. what, this, her, say, made?
4. without, her; let, my sister, go, a word.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences.

1. Я хочу, чтобы ты просмотрела эти письма.

2. Мы не ожидали, что он согласится с ними.
3. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы были готовы через час.
4. Что заставило его переехать на новую квартиру?
5. Интересно, что его так рассердило?
6. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы он говорил неправду.
7. Никто не заметил, что я открыл дверь и вышел.
8. Он хочет, чтобы вы ему помогли.
9. Она попросила Анн показать ей письма.
10. Я полагаю, что они раньше следующей пятницы не
11. Все считают его способным художником.
12. Он велел помощнику все приготовить.
13. Тебе бы хотелось, чтобы они передумали?
14. Они не ожидали, что погода изменится.
15. Ты не хочешь, чтобы это было забыто?
16. Хотите ли вы, чтобы их познакомили с вами?
17. Ваша история меня очень огорчила.
18. Эта новость сделала меня совсем счастливым.
19. Я хочу, чтобы вы познакомились с моим братом.
20. Он хочет, чтобы я поехал в Лондон на днях.
21. Они хотят, чтобы мы перевели 3 статьи на английский.
22. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы он стал юристом.
23. Она бы хотела, чтобы они пригласили ее на обед.
24. Вы хотите, чтобы я сказал правду?
25. Он хочет, чтобы вы сделали доклад?
26. Она хочет, чтобы Петра повысили по службе.
27. Хотели бы вы, чтобы я показал вам
28. Хотели бы вы, чтобы Елена присоединилась к нам?
29. Я видел, что вы вышли из дома.
30. Он видел, что я вошел в комнату.
31. Он слышал, как она пела.
32. Они слышали, как мы кричали друг на друга.
33. Они заметили, что Петр побежал за угол.
34. Вы видели, как они садились на 10-й автобус?
35. Он видел, как я сошел с автобуса?
36. Они слышали, как ты кричишь на Анну?
37. Вы заметили, что он на все смотрит?
38. Ее слова разозлили меня.
39. Его речь осчастливила нас.
40. Кто вас заставил сделать это?
41. Почему вы всех так нервируете?
42. Что его заставляет так рано вставать?
43. Кто разрешил вам брать мои книги?
44. Почему вы разрешаете дочери ложиться так поздно?
45. Я никому не разрешаю пользоваться моей машиной.
46. Он не разрешает нам смотреть телевизор по утрам.
47. Позвольте мне помочь вам.
Exercise 5. Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.

Example: He expected ( they, arrive) at 5. – He expected them to

arrive at 5.

1. Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel or with us?

2. I’d like ( the professor, look through) my report.
3. Do you want (I, show) you the sights of the city?
4. We expect (he, arrange) everything by the time we come.
5. I want ( she, tell) me the news in brief.
6. He expected (the meeting, hold) in the Red Room.
7. I would like (they, fix) an appointment for me for Tuesday.
8. We want (she, introduce) us the president.
9. I don’t want (thay, be late) for dinner.
10. He expected (she, invite) to party by the Smiths.
11. I’d like (the dress, buy) by Saturday.
12. I don’t want (she, treat) like Alice.
13. We considered (he, be) an honest person.
14. I don’t like (she, prevent) me from doing it.
15. I suspect (he, help) by her.

Exprcise 6. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object.

Example: I did not see him. He entered the house. –

I did not see him enter the house.
I saw him. He was entering the house. –
I saw him entering the house.

1. They did not notice us. We passed by.

2. He heard her. She was playing the piano.
3. He saw her. She burst into tears.
4. I felt her hand. It was shaking.
5. He hasn’t heard us. We called his name.
6. They haven’t seen the accident. It occurred at the corner.
7. I heard them. They were arguing.
8. She heard the footsteps. They were dying away.
9. She felt something. It was crawling around her neck.
10. We many times heard him. He told this story.
11. She noticed the expression of his face. It changed suddenly.
12. I heard somebody. He mentioned my name
13. I felt something hard. It hurt my leg.

Exercise 7. Change complex sentences into sentences with the

Complex Object.

1. I did not expect that she would forget about my birthday.

2. She saw how the children were playing in the park.
3. Do you know that he went abroad two days ago?
4. I like to watch how she dances.
5. She could hardly believe that he had been rescued.
6. He expects that everybody will be ready to do this work.
7. I don’t like when the children are late for dinner.
8. Don’t consider that he is a hero. He is an ordinary man.
9. I’ve heard how he was arguing with his father.
10. I suspect that he has taken my money.
11. She likes to watch how the sun sets.
12. I hate when people shout at each other.
13. They suppose that he will cope with this work.
14. I’ve heard how she was crying.
15. We expect that he will solve this problem soon.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets and use the proper form of the
Complex Object.

1. Where is Nick – I saw (he, talk) to Kate a few minutes ago.

2. Parents always want (their children, be) the best.
3. I wouldn’t like (such valuable presents, give) to me.
4. I noticed (he, write) something and (pass) it to Alice.
5. We suppose (they, apologize) to us.
6. She watched (the stars, sparkle) in the dark sky.
7. I did not expect (he, behave) in such a way.
8. We don’t want (our planet, pollute).
9. I heard (he, work) in his study at night.
10. They expected (he, buy) a more expensive car.
Exercise 9. Paraphrase the following using complex objects with
the Infinitive.

Example: She watched how he went She watched him go.

1. He heard how one of the girls in the shop addressed Jane.
2. She saw that the door of the sitting-room opened and her mother
3. She smiled when she heard, how he locked the door loudly.
4. Jack watched how Eliza learn then he walked slowly down the
holl to his fathers room.
5. I’ve never heard how he spoke of this life in Canada.
6. Don’t let the child do it: the child shouldn’t play alone in the
7. The teacher made it so: his pupils did their exercise again.
8. I helped the woman: she got out of the taxicab.
9. The man told the dog: it had to lie.
10. The news made it: I cried out for joy.
11. They considered the idea: it was worthy of attention.

Exercise 10. Read the first sentence and write a second sentence
from the words given
Example: Jill didn’t have any money.
She /want/Ann /Iend/ her/ some
She wanted Ann to lend her some.
1. Tom’s parents were disappointed when he decided to leave home.
They / want / Tom / stay with them.
2. Please don’t tell anyone that I’m leaving my job.
I / not / want / anyone / know.
3. There’s a football match next Saturday between England and
You / want / Scotland / win? -
4. Unfortunately someone had told Sue that I was going to visit her.
I / want / it /be a surprise.

Complex Subject
Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences.

1. The head-mistress is expected to make a speech at the farewell

2. The picture that has no signature is believed to have been painted
by Repin.
3. After the Romans left England in 409 A.D.*, London appeared to
have been more or less deserted for about a hundred years.
4. He seemed to be enjoying the performance.
5. No man of science is likely to achieve anything great unless he is
prepared to follow the truth wherever it leads him.
6. There seems to be no one who would be indifferent to the theatre.
7. The artist is thought by most people to be a genius.
8. Nothing seems to have changed.
9. It seemed simpler to call here than to ask him to visit me.
10. However, lying on your couch seems to have relieved the

Exercise 12. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use a

construction with the complex subject.
A.They are expected to arrive tomorrow.
1. It is expected Peter will establish a record tomorrow.
2. It is known Mr. Evans will deal with the matter.
3. It is said Bill prefers boating to swimming.
4. It is believed Ann’s son is a promising physisist.
B.1. She was seen so: she entered the garden through a side gate.
2. The phone was heard: it was buzzing in the next room.
3. The plane was watched: it climbed gracefully and disappeared in
the white clouds.
4. It was heard: the taxi was giving repeated signals down in the
5. Jimmy was heard so: he shouted something to the people on the

Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English using the

1. Предполагают, что река течет в этом направлении.
2. Говорят, у него детство было очень трудным.
3. Кажется, она сделала это специально для вас.
1. Мне бы хотелось чтобы вы предложили Р. свою помощь.
2. Мы не ожидали, что обсуждение будет таким интересным.
3. Вы возьмете покупки с собой или хотели бы, чтобы их вам
доставили домой?
4. Не позволяйте ей читать в постели.
5. Что заставило его сделать этот шаг?
6. Надеюсь, я не заставил вас долго ждать.
7. Говорят, водопады очень красивы.

1. Говорят, он установил еще один рекорд (другой).
2. Известно, что компания сейчас репетирует новую пьесу.
3. Оказалось, что Bill хороший переводчик.
4. Маловероятно, что они доберутся до станции вовремя.
5. Известно, что делегация уже выехала домой.
6. Полагают, что перевод уже напечатан.

1. Казалось он забыл истинную цель своего прихода.
2. Его считают одним из наиболее опытных специалистов (по
истории театра)
3. Предполагалось, что докладчик прочтет лекцию об
экономическом развитии страны.
4. Казалось, не было никого кто бы решил эту проблему.
Кажется он знает географию лучше, чем другие.
Их планы, вероятно, в будущем изменятся.
По-видимому я вас не понимаю.
Мне кажется, я вас неправильно понял.
Exercise 14. Open the brackets and use the Complex Subject.

Example: He is thought (study) now. – He is thought to be studying

1. He is considered (be) a good musician.
2. They are thought (go away) some days ago.
3. James is expected (make) a report next Wednesday.
4. Steve is known (help) them to solve a problem when they were
in trouble.
5. Mozart is known (compose) a lot of wonderful pieces of music.
6. The film is considered (be) the worst of the year.
7. She is supposed (work) in the laboratory from2 to 6 p.m.
8. They are known (make) a new discovery a month ago.
9. He is expected (manage) the business himself.
10. He is said (be) at the customs office now.
11. The delegation is reported (leave) Prague tonight at 11a.m.
12. They are know (live) in Egypt for a long time.
13. He is believed (work) at an urgent problem now.

Exercise 15. Open the brackets and use the Complex Subject.

A Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one’s

uncertainty of the following.

Example: Do you remember his name& – Unfortunately, I don’t

remember his name. – I don’t seem/appear to remember his name.

1. They got married a month a month ago. Is she happy? – No, she
is not happy.
2. Does she have a key to her suitcase? – No, she has lost it.
3. We are so late. I am sure he has gone. – No, he is waiting for us.
4. She looks nice. – Yes, but she has put on weight.
5. I want to be introduced to Mrs. Smith. – Peter will help you. He
knows her well.
6. I have much trouble with my new washing machine. – No
problem. I know this type very well.
7. Does he work at the same office? – No, he changed his job.
8. Is she still abroad? – No, she returned two months ago and now
is working at her new book.
9. Look, this man is overhearing us. Speak more quietly.
10. The president has left his country residence and is returning to
the capital.

B Change your sentences using the verb happen with the verbs in
bold type.

Example: Do you know Mr. Brown? – Do you happen to know


1. I’ll visit Trafalgar Square if I am London.

2. If anybody knows him, call the police.
3. If you see Kate, ask her to phone me.
4. Do you know how to get to the Tower?
5. He’ll arrange everything if he goes on a tour.
6. Does he know with whom Mary has gone to the Canaries?
7. Have you see them leave?
8. Can you change a pound?
9. Has she seen where they parked their car?
10. If I meet them, I’ll phone the police.

C Change your sentences using verbs turn out or prove.

Example: He know Mr. Brown. – He turned out/proved to know

Mr. Brown.

1. The interview with the young artist was rather interesting.

2. The prices at the hotel were reasonable.
3. The conversation with them was rather unpleasant.
4. The young man was a smuggler.
5. He was a qualified economist.
6. The student’s knowledge of mathematics was above the average.
7. Yesterday’s party was entertaining.
8. The weather in this part of the country was rainy.
9. The workshop was rather useful for economists, but for managers
it was rather dull.
10. I bought a book which was a best-seller.
11. This unpleasant man who found faults with me during the
interview was my manager.

Exercise 16. Make up sentences.

1) To be delivered, on Saturday, the letter, is expected.

2) We, the job, right away, are supposed, to do.
3) Was found, behaviour, Nora's to be suspicions, son.
4) Company, to be pleasant, was considered, Constance.
5) Today, to be announced, the news is expected.
6) Your team, to win, the game, was expected.
7) To have mode, our head engineer, an important discovery, was
Exercise 17. Choose the right variant.

1. The rain seems ____. Call the children in. I don’t want them ___.
a) to be, to be got wet through
b) to be starting, to get wet through.
c) to have started, to have got wet through
d) to have been started, to be getting wet through

2.The English colony, Plymouth, in Massachusetts, is known ___ by

the Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower in 1620.
a) to be established
b) to have established
c) to have establishing
d) to have been established

3. Look, they are likely ___ to the news. They seem ____.
a) to be listening, to be excited
b) to listen, to be excited
c) to have been listening, to have excited
d) to have listened, to be being excited

4. He is sure ____ a liar. Everybody heard him ____ that in so many

a) to be, to say
b) be, say
c) to be, say
d) be, to say

5. When I came in, the discussion seemed __ to an and. They

appeared ___ patience because they turned out ___ for it.
a) to have been coming, to have losing, be ready
b) to be coming, to be losing, not to be ready
c) to come, to lose, to be ready
d) to have come, to have lost, not to be being ready

6. Jack, you seem ___ too fast. The speed is already 100 miles. I am
afraid. I want you ___ the speed till 40 miles.
a) to have driven, slow down
b) to drive, to slow down
c) to be driving, to be slowing down
d) to be driving, to slow down

Exercise 18. Translate into English using the Complex Subject.

1. Стивен обязательно выиграет эту игру.

2. Известно, что Питер уехал.
3. Предполагают, что президент выступит на конференции.
4. Эту пьесу считают самой интересной в театре.
5. Кажется, что она готовит яблочный пирог (apple pie). Пахнет
очень вкусно.
6. Боб, наверное, нам поможет. – Он наверняка нам поможет.
7. Полагают, что они уехали вчера.
8. По-видимому, переговоры (talks) закончатся завтра.
9. Полагают, что эта работа была выполнена успешно.
10. Вряд ли этот факт имеет большое значение (be of great
11. Это, вероятно, случится, если ветер не перемениться.
12. Говорят, что делегаты на конференцию уже приехали.
13. Известно, что этот комитет был создан несколько лет
тому назад.
14. Он, по-видимому, пишет новую книгу.
15. Предполагают, что они смогут решить этот вопрос
тотчас же.
16. Известно, что Джек Лондон написал много прекрасных

Exercise 19. Translate into English using the Complex Object.

1. Я не ожидал, что этот полицейский будет таким

невежливым (impolite) человеком. 2. Мы бы хотели, чтобы вы
доставили (deliver) товары к концу июня. 3. Я ожидал, что ее
пригласят туда. 4. Они не ожидали, что его спросят об этом. 5.
Я слышал, как его имя несколько раз упоминалось на собрании.
6. Он не заметил, как мы подошли к нему. 7. Вы выдели, как
они над чем-то смеялись? 8. Мы не ожидали, что об этом
объявят (announce) по радио. 9. Мне хотелось, чтобы она
сказала нам, что она будет делать сегодня вечером. 10. Я
думаю, что сегодня вы услышите, как она поет. 11. Когда он
услышал, что его сын плачет, он встал и пошел в детскую
комнату (nursery). 12. Я бы хотел чтобы никто не брал мои

Exercise 20. Open the brackets and write the correct form of the

1. The doctor wanted the patient _____.

a) to examine
b) to be examined
c) being examined

2. There are a lot of people who expect your country ___ the
same as their own.
a) not to be
b) not being
c) not be

3. Did you hear the chairman ___ an announcement?

a) to make
b) making
c) be made

4. When I was waiting in the hall, I saw a girl ___ with a file in
her hand.
a) came out
b) to come out
c) come out

5. Nobody expected the president of the company___to the

a) coming
b) to come
c) come

6. I saw him ____ round the corner and ____.

a) turn, disappear
b) to turn, to disappear
c) turning, disappearing
7. She noticed the children____ behind the tree but pretended
to see nothing.
a) hiding
b) to hide
c) to be hidden

8. I want his article ___in November.

a) to publish
b) to be published
c) publishing

9. He did not expect her ___ about it.

a) to be asked
b) ask
c) interrupt
The Verbals.

Ex. 1. Read and translate the following sentences into

Russian. Analyze the use of the Verbals.
1. New discoveries and surgical procedures seemed to make us
immune to death itself.
2. Looking back, we can see that optimism began to increase.
3. Needless X-rays were thought to promote cancer.
4. Even when done correctly, the medical approach to disease is
5. Natural healing means strengthening the body's immune system
through nutritional and other natural means.
6. To ignore these factors is to forgo a more effective treatment.
7. The body must have sufficient vitality to recover from the trauma
of intervention.
8. Some people reacting against what they see as overdoctoring
have rejected the technological approach almost completely.
9. They've returned to the 19th c. relying on herbs, untested diets to
treat all illness.
10. There's no need to reject all of modern medicine.
11. Today we are in the position of being able to take advantage of
the best medical care and natural healing techniques.
12. By using both approaches, dictated by good sense we can enjoy
the best of the two of them.


Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

Define the function of the Gerunds.

1. Reading books is useful.

2. I like reading
3. He insisted on taking part in the conference.
4. On coming home he always has a rest.
5. The author reports having applied a new method.
6. Excuse my coming late.
7. I am surprised at his being awarded the prize.
8. Carrying out experiments is a must with every scientist.
9. Would you mind showing one more slide?
10. Would you mind my showing some slides to you.
11. He could not help joining the discussion.
12. There is one more point worth mentioning.
13. It is no use searching for another approach.
14. It is no good arguing about this issue.
15. The motor went on running.
16. We cannot help acknowledging the importance of this statement.
17. Would you mind answering one more question.
18. In spite of his words I could not help feeling excited.
19. It seems to me the case is not worth mentioning.
20. Go on demonstrating your slides.
21. Avoid mixing these two substances.
22. This paper is worth reading.
23. I can't help regretting it.
24. He had to give up experimenting.
25. Let us try heating several metals.
26. Excuse my interrupting you.
27. He regrets having interrupted you.
28. He does not like asking questions.
29. He does not like being asked questions.
30. He liked your asking questions.
31. He reports having observed a new star.
32. The authors report having solved the problem.
33. I think of trying another approach.
34. He succeeded in obtaining reliable results.
35. He is fond of reading.
36. He is fond of being read to.
37. He is fond of your reading.
38. He objected to sending them an invitation to the conference.
39. They insisted on being sent to the conference.
40. In making observations extreme care to avoid errors is
41. The device has the merit of being suitable for many purposes.
42. There is no necessity of making any corrections.
43. The possibility of man being able to reach the moon was
seriously discussed at that time.
44. There is some reason for questioning this assumption.
Exercise 2. Use the required form of the gerund and insert
prepositions where necessary.

1. Good-bye, and thank you ever so much … (to come) with me.
2. She was afraid … (to go) on public transport.
3. She began to have frightful pains all over her, and she held her
breath to prevent herself … (to cry) out and (to wake) her mother.
4. She had the local habit … (to place) the word “eh” at the end of
her remarks, questions and answers.
5. His mother would not like the idea … (to eat) fruit unwashed.
6. “I seems to me an awfully selfish way … (to look) at things”, said
7. “I don’t see the use … (to read) the same thing over and over
again”, said Philip.
8. That child needs … (to take) care of.
9. Jane, your nose wants … (to blow).
10. Did he suspect her … (to see) him enter the room?
11. “I’m not very good … (to guess)”, I said, with a laugh.
12. I don’t like … (to wear) a black tie to movies. I enjoy … (to
see) my movies when I eat popcorn.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English.

Эту книгу стоит прочесть

Эту выставку стоит посетить.
Эту еду стоит попробовать.
Вы не возражаете если я выключу телевизор? – Нет.
Она не возражает если мы пойдем на ярмарку?
Вы не возражаете если мы попробуем ваше печенье?
Они не возражают если я открою окно?
Я не могу не пригласить вас на ярмарку.
Он не может не рассказать эту историю.
Нельзя было не рассмеяться при виде лорда Б., переодетого в
женское платье.
Я настаиваю на том, чтобы пойти туда сейчас.
Этого нельзя избежать.
Никто не рискнул задать этот вопрос.
Какой смысл делать это?
Этот факт нельзя отрицать.
Мы против того чтобы упоминать этот факт.
Об этом не стоит спорить.
Нам надо выслушивать твои жалобы.
Я не привык спать днем.
Он не привык чтобы с ним так обращались.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English, use

them in situations of your own.

Извините что я вас прерываю.

Будьте любезны, дайте мне…
Вы не возражаете если я буду читать здесь?
Я не могу не рассказать вам эту историю.
Я боюсь туда идти.
Ей это удалось.
С нетерпением жду вас.
Туда стоит съездить.

Ex. 2. Use the Gerund instead of the Infinitive. Translate the

sentences into Russian.

1. Thank you for to call in the doctor

2. I'm thinking of to suffer from a pain
3. It's worth to keep the temperature down
4. I'm (not) used to to examine
5. There's no use in to operate
6. I'm looking forward to to sneeze, to cough
7. I didn't succeed in to make an appointment with the
8. What's the use of doctor
9. I can't help to see a doctor
10. I'm tired of to improve in fitness
11. I rely on to gain in physical fitness
12. The doctor is sure of to take more exercise
13. He gave up to reject scientific medicine
14. He suggested to recover in short order
15. The patient needs to diagnose the case
to prevent the return of disease
to use untested diets
to x-ray
Ex. 3. Use the Gerund instead of the Infinitive and translate
each sentence into Russian.
Example. Peter has given up (to smoke).
Peter has given up smoking.
1. Philip has finished (to pack). 2. We all enjoy (to travel). 3. This
door needs (to paint). 4. My transistor wants (to fix). 5. Will you
please go on (to play the piano)? 6. I don't mind your (to do this
work). 7. Nick is sure of his (to come here in time). 8. Thanks for (to
bring the book). 9. Are you fond of (to watch TV)? 10. We look
forward to (to see you soon). 11. We were all pleased with her (to
sing). 12. I can't help (to laugh at his jokes). 13. It's no good (to look
for it now). 14. It's worth (to see this play). 15. There's no use (to
worry about these things).

Ex. 4. Combine the sentences using the Gerund.

Example. Post a letter. First stick a stamp on the envelope.
Before posting a letter stick a stamp on the envelope.
1. Get on .the train. First buy a ticket. 2. Make a conclusion. First
explore the problem carefully. 3. Enter the office building. Show
your pass. 4. Buy a suit. First try it on.

Ex. 5. Make up sentences using the Gerund.

E x a m p 1 e . He wrote some letters and then went out.
After writing some letters he went out.
1. She laid the table and then brought in the tea. 2. The boys lay on
the beach and then had a swim. 3. We visited the museum and then
went to a tea-shop. 4. He packed and then went to the airport.

Ex. 6. Practise in using the Gerund. Compose flashes of

conversation according to the model. Work in pair.
E x a m p l e 1. Somebody invited you to a party.
A. Thank you very much for inviting me to the party.
B. It's so nice you could come. (You're welcome.)
1. Somebody assisted you with your English. 2. Somebody helped
you to arrange a visit. 3. Somebody treated you with sympathy when
you were in trouble. 4. Somebody let you know about a press-
E x a m p l e 2. A. You are late.
B. Excuse my being late. (Excuse me for being late.)
1. You've missed the speaker's point. 2. You've interrupted a person.
3. You didn't follow the teacher's explanations. 4. You ask someone
an embarrassing question.
E x a m p l e 3. you can make a living by (to write, to paint, to teach,
You can make a living by writing (by teaching, by painting, etc.)

1. you can keep healthy and fit (to walk much, to consult the doctor
regularly, to diet, to go in for sports, etc.); 2. a person can enjoy (to
read, to go to concerts, to visit museums, to collect stamps, etc.); 3.
you are good (not good) at (to play tennis, to learn foreign
languages, to swim, to play chess, etc.)

Ex. 7. Insert prepositions in the following sentences. Translate

the sentences into Russian.
1. How many people today indulge … smoking?
2. There's not much sense … refraining … smoking if you live in a
big city.
3. Thank you … calling in the doctor.
4. Many people rely … herbs and unscientific procedure to treat all
5. There is no need … rejecting all of modern medicine.
6. … using both approaches we can enjoy the best of two worlds.
7. I'm surprised … his quick recovery.
8. The doctor is sure … presenting the return of disease.
9. Doctor didn't succeed … diagnosing the case.
10. I'm thinking … taking more exercise to improve in fitness.
11. I'm tired … sneezing and coughing all the time.
12. A sick man is looking forward … gaining in physical fitness.
13. My son is used … taking more strenuous activity.
14. But for his disease he would never gave … smoking.

The Participle

Exercise 1. Translate what is given in brackets using:

a) Participle I (active, non-perfect) in attributive phrases where

1. We came up to the man (состоявшему на углу) and asked him
the way.
2. Go to the corner and ask the militiaman (стоящего там) to show
you the way.
3. The man (стоящий у расписания) was our teacher last year.
4. Did you see in what direction the man (стоящий здесь) went?
5. He wants to write a book (которая бы подытожила) his
impressions of the trip.
6. A new power plant is to be built here in two years (которая
будет снабжать электричеством) a number of industrial regions.
7. The people (ожидающие доктора) have been sitting here gor a
long time.
8. The people (ожидавшие вас) have just gone.

b) Participle I (active, perfect or non-perfect) in adverbial phrases.

1. (Рассказав все, что он знал) the witness left the box.

2. (Постучав дважды и не получив ответа) he decided that there
was nobody in.
3. (Толкнув дверь) he felt that it was not locked, and (открыв ее)
he looked inside.
4. (тихо закрыв за собой дверь) he tiptoed into the room.
5. Each time (рассказывая об этом случае) he could not help a
6. (Приехав в гостиницу) she found a telegram awaiting her.
7. (Приехав сюда) only a few years before he knew those parts as if
he had always lived there.
8. We took a trip in a motor-launch down the river and spent the
whole day on the water, (приехав обратно) where it was dark.
9. I felt very tired (проработав целый день) in the sun.
10. (Опустив монету и подняв трубку) he began todial the
11. (Уронив монету на пол) he did not care to look for it in the
darkness and took another one.

c) Participle I (passive, perfect or non-perfect) in attributive or

adverbial phrases where possible.
1. The conference (проходящая сейчас) at the University is
devoted to problems of nuclear physics.
2. Unable to attend the conference (проходившую тогда) at the
University, we asked to be sent the type-written reports.
3. They are now at a conference (которая проходит) at the
4. They stood (у заправлявшейся машины) and watched the
5. The sight of (накрываемого стола) made my mouth water.
6. Suddenly I heard a sound of a key (поворачиваемого) in the
7. (Когда их поставили в воду) the flowers opened their petals.
8. The flowers faded (так как их долгое время держали без

Exercise 2. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct

form of Participle I.

1. (to reject) by the editorial board, the story was returned to the
author for revision.
2. (to reject) by publishers several times, the story was accepted by
a weekly magazine.
3. (to wait) for some time in the reception room, he was asked into
the office
4. (to wait) in the reception room, he thought over what he would
say when asked into the office.
5. They reached the peak at dusk, (to leave) their camp with the first
6. They put up for the night at a temporary camp, (to leave) it at
7. The friends went out into the city (to leave) their cases at the left
luggage department.
8. (to write) and (to leave) a note with the porter, he said he would
be back in a half-hour.
9. (to write) in an archaic language, the book was difficult to read.
10. (to write) his first book, he could not go far beyond his own
11. (to be) away so long he was happy to be coming back.
12. (to be) so far away he still felt himself part of his community.
13. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never (to see)
such a huge animal.
14. Not (to want) to go deeper into the matter, he abruptly changed
the conversation.

Exercise 3. Translate the Russian participles in brackets by

Participle II where possible.

1. The number of apartment houses (стоящихся) for the population

of Moscow is rapidly growing.
2. What is the number of apartment houses (построенных) in the
past few years?
3. The houses (построенных) many years ago are not as convenient
as the modern ones.
4. The workers (строившие) this house used new construction
5. At the conference they discussed new methods (применяемые)
in building.
6. The new methods (примененные) in the building of houses
proved more effective.
7. They decided to abandon some of the methods (применявшихся)
formerly in building.
8. The bricklayer (применивший) a new method in building made a
report at the conference.
9. Here are some samples of the products of this plant
(посылаемые) to different past of the county.
10. These are the samples of products (посланных) last month.
11. Here are the samples of products of the plants (посылающих)
us machinery.
12. There are the samples of products (посылавшихся) before the
restoration of the plant.

Exercise 4. Translate into English using participles where


1. Оставив вещи в камере хранения, мы пошли осматривать

2. Оставляя пальто в гардеробе, вы получаете номер.
3. Человек, оставивший свой чемодан в вестибюле, прошел к
4. Пассажиры, оставляющие свои вещи в камере хранения,
получают квитанцию.
5. Вещи, оставляемые в камере хранения, сохраняются там
двадцать дней.
6. Вещи, оставленные в трамвае, могут быть получены в любое
время на станции у дежурного.
7. Оставшись один, он начал распаковывать вещи.
8. Я не мог переодеться, так как оставил вещи на вокзале.
9. Мы пробыли весь день в городе и ухали вечером.
10. Купив билеты и оставив вещи на вокзале, мы решили
навестить друзей.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with Participle II or Participle I

(passive) of the verbs in brackets.

1. a) The monument … on this square has been recently unveiled.

b) The monument … on this square will be soon unveiled. (to erect).
2. a) We could hear the noise of furniture … upstairs. b) For a
moment they sat silent … by the story. (to move).
3. a) I cannot forget the story … by him. b) They listened
breathlessly to the story … by the old man. (to tell).
4. a) One can’t fail to notice the progress … by our group during
the last term. b) These are only a few of the attempts now … to
improve the methods of teaching adult students. (to make).
5. a) We live at a time of outer space…by man. b) “I wish I could
live to see outer space … by man,” said the old professor. (to

Exercise 6. Arrange the words in brackets so as to show that either

the action has been done by the doer himself, or the doer has
caused it to be done by someone else. Learn the dialogue and act it

Anne: John ( had- broken- his left arm ) when his car hit
another one yesterday.
Mary: (he-has-had-bandaged-it) yet?
Anne: Yes, the doctor ( has-seen-him ) and ( has-set-the arm )
Mary: Good. And ( John-has-had-X-rayed-it) yet?
Anne: No, but the doctor ( has-made an appointment) with the X-
Department at the hospital for him. John (is going to have-
done-it) this afternoon.
Mary: (he-has-hurt-himself) anywhere else?
Anne: No, he was lucky. The man in the other car ( had -broken-both
legs ) by the crash.
Mary: Oh, dear. That's bad. How did the accident happen?
Anne: The other car's brakes weren't good, and the driver ( hadn't had-
seen to-them) by a garage.
Mary: (you-have-seen-John ) today?
Anne: Yes, I ( have-seen-him ) twice?
Mary: (you- have-sent-the news ) to his
Anne: Yes, I (had-sent-a telegram ) to her by John's secretary. His
mother (has-answered-it) already

Exercise 7. Translate into English using Participe II.

1. Полученное вчера известие взволновало всех.

2. Построенный на вершине холма дом был виден издалека.
3. Преследуемый собаками олень скрылся в чаще.
4. По дороге на аэродром проехало несколько автомашин в
сопровождении мотоциклистов.
5. Недавно выпущен каталог картин этого художника,
хранящихся в национальных музеях.
6. Собиравшаяся в течение многих десятков лет коллекция
рукописей в этом университете является одной из самых
богатых в мире.
7. Получив разрешение сделать копию знаменитой картины,
молодой художник с увлечением принялся за дело.
8. Хотя книга была посвящена узкой теме, она представляла
интерес не только для специалистов.
9. Некоторые вопросы, которые затрагиваются в докладе,
заслуживают серьезного внимания.
10. Поскольку статья была написана трудным языком, ее
нелегко было перевести.
11. Если этот рассказ адаптировать, его можно дать студентам
первого курса для домашнего чтения.
12. Когда правило объяснили еще раз, оно показалось совсем
13. Цифры, на которые ссылается статья, взяты из отчета
14. Завод приступил к выпуску грузовых автомашин, которые,
как говорят, очень экономичны.
15. Соглашение, которое, как сообщалось, было подписано в
прошлом месяце, ратифицировано обеими сторонами.

Exercise 8. Translate the following and use them in sentences of

your own.

Сравнивая эти машины; эта машина по сравнению с той;

условившись встретиться; склонившись над бумагами; не найдя
нужной книги; не зная, что сказать; экспонируемые картины;
инженер, сконструированный; не испугавшись угроз; картина,
которая бы отобразила; невиданный ранее; сказав, что неважно
себя чувствует; не погасив свет; оперируемый больной; когда
его вызвали; прослужив во флоте; прислушиваясь к шуму; не
расслышав его слов; геологи, только что вернувшиеся.

Exercise 9. Arrange the given parts into sentences. Pay attention

to the place of the participle.

1. left, gaily, the company, the café, chattering.

2. the bus, will arrive, at noon, you, in time, in time, leaving, to
3. arrived, the telegram, promised, never.
4. a guide, experienced, was, finding, chief, good, the difficulty.
5. at the branches, in the darkness, slowly, stared, moving, the girl.
6. showed, the enemy, no resistance, surrounded.
7. flooding, the water, came, the valley.
8. cleaning, the person, inside the building, was, only, a charwoman.
9. they, into the thicket, soon, the boundary, moved, reaching.
10. passing over, to any decision, the matter, dropped, not having
come, the committee, to the next item.
11. asleep, the boy, slipping, immediately, fell, into bed.
12. sleeping, the child was, on his bask, lying.
13. to him, smiling, turned, she, her face.
14. no answer, we, receiving, a cable, sent

Exercise 10. Translate into English

Возле небольшого мостика, стонавшего от страшной

тяжести, стояла легковая машина, пережидавшая, пока пройдут
пушки. Шофер, привыкший, очевидно, к такого рода
остановкам, с улыбкой оглядывал пьющего из каски бойца.
Сидевший рядом с ним батальонный комиссар то и дело
смотрел вперед – видел ли хвост колонны…
Вскоре машина снова бежала среди прохладных тенистых
лесов, по мостикам, пересекавшим извилистые речушки, по
заполненным туманом долинам, мимо прудов, отражавших
звездное небо. Шофер, долго молчавший, вдруг негромко
сказал: «Товарищ батальонный комиссар, помните бойца,
пившего из каски, сидя на орудии? Почувствовал я в нем брата
своего. Вот почему он меня так заинтересовал».
Exercise 11. Make up sentences with the following participial

Striking a match, while waiting outside, grouped around the

monument, as if thinking of something else, slamming the door on
me, touched by the friendly welcome, though much advertised,
taking everything into consideration, never (having) heard of, being
imported, being dissatisfied with the answer.

Exercise 12. Translate into English

1. Переодевшись в костюм цыганки, он хотел подшутить над

своими гостями.
2. После того как свидетелей по делу Клайда допросили, им
разрешили покинуть зал суда.
3. Брошь, украденная у кузины лорда Горинга, оказалась у
миссис Чивли.
4. Взглянув на записку, лежавшую на столе, Кит сейчас же
узнала почерк брата.
5. Спрятавшись за дом, Нэл начала следить за Куилпом.
6. Проводив отца до кареты, Джолион вернулся в дом.
7. Она ушла к себе в комнату, попросив не беспокоить ее.
8. Туристы, не раз слышавшие об этих местах, выразили
желание поехать туда.
9. Летчик, вышедший из самолета, выглядел очень усталым.
10. Они замолчали, исчерпав все возможные темы для
11. Собака подбежала ко мне и завиляла хвостом, как бы
приветствуя меня.
12. Эту воду нельзя пить, пока не профильтруют.
13. Если этот роман экранизировать, он, несомненно, будет
иметь большой успех.
14. Его родители, привыкшие к таким случаям, приняли меня
очень хорошо, нисколько не удивляясь, что их сын привел
совершенно незнакомого человека.
15. Отец ее погиб в первые месяцы войны, оставив жену и
двоих детей.
16. Дым, наполнивший комнату, помешал моему противнику
найти шашку, лежавшую возле него.
17. Я следил за движениями казака, не ожидавшего с этой
стороны нападения.

Exercise 13. Study the information about the differences between

the Gerund and the Participle I.
Gerund Participle
1. Есть предлог Thank you for 1. He имеет предлога
doing this work. 2. He имеет
2. Есть притяжательное притяжательного
местоимение. местоимения
Excuse my interrupting you. 3. B форме левого
3. Указывает на назначение определения
определяемого определяемое
существительного или одну существительное
из его характеристик, (одушевительное) само
неодушевленное совершает действие (a
существительное действие не sleeping child)

совершает (sleeping car)

4. Переводится инфинитивом,
существительным или личной
формой глагола в
придаточном предложении
Her task was looking after
4. Переводится личной boiling water = the water
формой глагола boiling
5. При перемещении a landing problem = the
слова направо problem landing
сохраняется прежний

Exercise 14. Pick out participles, gerunds.

1. Keeping the secret won’t do any harm.

2. So thinking, he paused before his house door.
3. Adrian, glancing round, suddenly saw Kate.
4. The answer to this was unexpected.
5. Taking his seat, he looked at his watch.
6. All is getting the truth.
7. He entered, puzzled but interested.
8. The young man, having risked his life to save the child, disappeared
into the crowd.
9. ‘ ... my habit of floating very low in water makes people on the shore
think that I may be drowning.’
10. Teaching children is useful work.
11. She turned round on his entering the room.
12. Taking the candlestick in his hand, Mr. Pickwick walked quietly
13. She can’t bear thinking of it or speaking of it.
14. He was good at gathering mushrooms.
15. Covering her eyes with her hands, she said something very softly.
16. He replaced used ash-trays on the table with fresh and refilled
Dodo’s coffee cup, then the others.
17. She had no photographs of herself taken since her marriage.

The Subjunctive Mood

Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in

complex sentences with clauses of unreal condition. Translate the
sentences in to Russian.

1. If you were me, here and now, what would you do? 2. He was
a stranger to George and he was aware that if he met him in the street
he would not recognize him. 3. They would enjoy themselves much
more if they had a party of their own. 4. I shouldn’t have slept a wink
all night if I hadn’t known you were safe. 5. If I were Jim I wouldn’t
tell that to the judge. 6. If Howden had been less preoccupied he might
have noticed that she seemed unusually radiant this morning. 7. If Miss
Emily suffered half as much as she said she did, she would have sent
for Dr Haydock long ago. 8. If you were a man you’d never speak to
her again. 9. She was not old and if she had told you that she was forty
you would have been quite willing to believe it. 10. If he closed his
eyes, he thought, he would visualize the scene. 11. Oh, if he had had
the better fortune to appear before another judge, more sympathetic,
would the result be different now? 12. If it had been anybody else’s
play, he would have rejected it. 13. If he did retire, would anyone
notice the difference? 14. Miss Marple interrupted him: “Oh, but they
were not on bad terms!” – “You know that for a fact.” – “Everyone
would have known if they’d quarreled.” 15. Mum and Dad were so old-
fashioned that if I took a girl home, they would consider her visit as
good as shouting an engagement from the house-tops. 16. If his wife
had gone away and left a note on the pin-cushion, it would be the first
he’d known of anything of that kind.

Exercise 2. Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I (not to be) what I am, things (to be) so simply. 2. If you (to
be allowed) to stay in Canada? What you (to do)? 3. I can only tell you
that, if anyone (to suggest) to me yesterday that O’Murphy was a
traitor, I (to laugh) in his face. 4. We are foolish and sentimental and
melodramatic at twenty-five, but if we (not to be) perhaps we 9to be)
less wise at fifty. 5. “If it (to be) an accident,” said Sir Henry gently, “I
do not think Mrs Bautry (to tell) us this history.” 6. I’m no a doctor. If
(to be), do you think I (to waste) five dollars on you? 7. If I (to be) you
I (to do) my hair rather differently. 8. I (not to mind) if he (to say) my
pictures were bad, but he said nothing. 9. After all, if he (to have) any
talent I (to be) the first to encourage him. 10. I (not to go) if you (not to
say) you’d come with me. 11. How it (to be) if I (to drop) around this
evening? 12. If only I (to feel) that somebody wanted me, that I was of
use to somebody, I (to become) a different person. 13. Your manners
are all right. I (not to bring) you here if they (not to be). Don’t be
uneasy. 14. If you (to let) me have my way before there (to be) no
cause for our trouble tonight. 15. If I (to be) twenty-seven again I
suppose I (to be) as big a fool as I was then. 16. Paul believed that his
mother never (to say) the things she did if she (to know) that Paul could
hear her.

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences using the required

Subjunctive Mood.

1. If you had been at home … . 2. If I were not so busy … . 3. She

wouldn’t have done it if … . 4. What would you answer if … ? 5. You
wouldn’t have fallen ill if … . 6. If he had sent a telegram … . 7. The
watch wouldn’t have stopped if …. . 8. If it were not raining … .
9. You would get excellent marks if … . 10. If I had known everything
… . 11. If it were not so cold … . 12. I’d have got there long ago if … .
13. He would study much better if … . 14. She wouldn’t say so if … .
15. If we knew him better … . 16. The child wouldn’t be crying if … .
17. If you had managed to escape … .

Exercise 4. Comment on the word order in the following sentences.

Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Had Irene been present, the family circle would have been
complete. 2. Had he had time to think about it he would have been
certain that he was not told all. 3. It would have been incredible,
indeed, had they not been victims themselves. 4. She used to wonder
what on earth they would ever do were she to go away or be ill. 5.
Jeunne, had she had time to collect her thoughts, would have tried to
make some excuse but Louie swept past before Jeunne could say a
word. 6. Were it not for the ugly wound upon my hand, all that had
passed during those dreadful hours might have been an evil dream. 7.
Had I died this morning, they would still be about their business,
untouched and uncaring. 8. Hadn’t the doctor told her that it was quite
possible she might never have another fit. 9. Had I known who you
really were, I should not have invited you to my house last night. 10.
You would never have thought had you seen her quarter of an hour
later, that so short a while before she had passed through such a
weeping. 11. Had he gone to his aunt he would have been sure to meet
Lord Hoodbody there. 12. But she also sensed that had he been ill he
would have got word to her.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. а) Если у него сейчас занятия, нам придется долго ждать. b)

Если бы у него сейчас были занятия, нам пришлось бы долго
ждать. 2. а) Если я ее увижу в ближайшее время, я, конечно,
расскажу ей об этом. b) Если бы я ее увидел в ближайшее время, я
бы, конечно, рассказал ей об этом. 3. а) Если он не был это время
болен, он посещал тренировки. b) Если бы он не был это время
болен, он бы посещал тренировки. 4. а) Если она смогла выбрать
время, она просмотрела ваши замечания. b) Если бы она смогла
выбрать время, она бы просмотрела ваши замечания. 5. а) Если вы
там бывали, вы знаете, как выглядят эти места. b) Если бы вы там
побывали, вы бы знали, как выглядят эти места.

Exercise 6. Replace the infinitives by the correct form of the

subjunctive mood.

1. But for the toothache I (to enjoy) the concert. 2. But for him we
still (to sit) here waiting for the car. 3. But for my smile he (to believe)
me. 4. The children (to sleep) in the open air but for the rain. 5.
Nobody (to recognize) him but for the scar on his left cheek. 6. But for
his severe look the child (not to begin) crying. 7. But for the accent
with which he speaks nobody (to say) he is not Russian. 8. One (may
take) him for a Russian but for the accent with which he speaks. 9. But
for the late hour I (to stay) here longer. 10. But for the darkness they
(not to lose) their way. 11. But for the fog we (to continue) our way.
12. But for the heavy bag she (to go) there also on foot. 13. I (to read)
the book sooner but for the small print. 14. But for his assistance it (to
be) impossible to do the work in time. 15. But for the hot climate he (to
go) there together with us. 16. But for Fieta Lanny (to see) by Gert in
his own house, and something terrible (may happen). 17. Lanny
probably (to learn) never that he was the son of old Gert Villier but for
Mako and Isaac.
Exercise 7. Complete the following.

1. But for the rain the tourists … . 2. But for the late hour we … . 3. I
… but for you. 4. The plane … but for the sudden change of weather.
5. But for the fact that we did not know the language … . 6. But for
your being so careless … . 7. The Gadfly … from prison but for the fit
of sickness. 8. But for his mother’s unhappy marriage to Mr.
Murdstone David’s life … .
1. Если бы не важность этого дела, я бы остался дома. 2. Если бы
не гроза, мы бы уже подходили к вершине. 3. Я бы присоединился
к вашей компании, если бы не неожиданный приезд моего
знакомого. 4. Если бы не этот веселый и интересный человек, мы
бы чувствовали себя неловко среди незнакомых людей. 5. Мы бы
так и не узнали, что он за человек, если бы не этот случай. 6. Мы
бы все время работали точно по плану, если бы не эта маленькая

Exercise 8. Make the condition or concession less probable by

using the subjunctive mood.

M o d e l: If I am late, don't wait for me.

Should I be late, don't wait for me.

1. If I see him, I shall warn him of the postponement. 2. If you

come back soon, ring me up. 3. Even if there is nothing new, you are to
report to say so: 4. If he insists on it, they are likely to withdraw the
motion. 5. If she asks you for an immediate answer, try to delay as long
as you can under any pretext. 6. The party can leave earlier if a spell of
good weather sets in. 7. If you meet with any difficulty, you may come
to thrash the matter out any time you find it fit. 8. If there are any
changes, the committee will know. 9. I can give you a lift if your driver
does not come in good time. 10. We shall have to include it in the
schedule even if it means striking out some other item.

Exercise 9. Paraphrase the following so as to use the subjunctive

mood in adverbial clauses of condition and concession.
1. If you happen to be present rat at the ceremonial meeting,
congratulate them on our behalf. 2. The snow shields are meant to
protect the track against snowdrifts in case of a strong wind. 3. If you
are lucky enough to get tickets for the show, will you spare me one?
4. I am sure nobody will have it much against you even if you make a
mistake. 5. If you chance to hear anything from or of him, they would
be most grateful if you let them know. 6. They will try their best to
render you every support if there is the slightest possibility. 7. And
even if the letter by any occasion turns up at your office, please return
it to us unopened. 8. If you happen to come across this book, secure a
copy for me. 9. Even if it happens so that we shall not find you in, we
shall not go away and shall wait for you. 10. Come and see us here
any time next year. If you chance to come in autumn, you'll enjoy a
lot of fruit.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. Если вы случайно будете в Горьком, обязательно

посмотрите памятник Чкалову. 2. Случись мне увидеть этот
словарь, а) я бы его купил, b) я его обязательно куплю. 3. Если
поезд будет опаздывать, а) дайте нам телеграмму, b) я дам вам
телеграмму, в) я бы дал телеграмму. 4. А что если он не придет?
5. Скажите, что я направил вас, если он вас вдруг не узнает. 6.
Даже если он ничего вам не скажет, не думайте, что он ничего не
заметил. 7. Будете проходить мимо непременно загляните к нам.
8. Будь я снова в этих местах, обязательно сходил бы на охоту. 9.
Вам придется обстоятельно обосновать свои выводы, даже если
некоторые из них покажутся, сами собой разумеющимися. 10.
Позвоните мне, пожалуйста, если вы неожиданно задержитесь.
11. Если бы вам довелось побывать в нашем городе еще раз, я
надеюсь, вы не забыли бы дать нам знать об этом? 12. А что если
она вдруг забудет об этом? 13. Доведись нам снова встретиться,
мы уже будем старыми знакомыми. 14. Даже если бы за это
время и произошли какие-то изменения, они все равно не
повлияли бы на принципиальное решение вопроса. 15. А что
если самолет не вылетит вовремя? 16. Даже если бы он спросил
вас об этом, не говорите ему ничего. 17. Даже если бы вы узнали
меня, не подавайте вида.
Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Если бы я не знал его так хорошо, я бы не поверил тому,

что он мне только что рассказал. 2. Мы все были бы рады, если бы
он имел успех на завтрашнем вечере. 3. О, если бы я была тогда
достаточно взрослой, чтобы понять всю серьезность положения! 4.
Если бы ты положила книгу на место, она была бы сейчас здесь. 5.
Если бы они начали эту работу сразу, они смогли бы закончить ее
вовремя. 6. Я бы давно ей написала, если бы знала адрес. 7. Если
бы сейчас было потеплее, я надела бы новое летнее пальто. 8. Будь
я тогда там сама, я бы уладила это дело. 9. Если бы вы были
внимательнее на прошлом уроке, вы бы сейчас лучше знали
материал. 10. Ах, если бы только мы могли вам все объяснить!
11. Где бы ты меня ждал, если бы мы условились встретиться.
12. Если бы он не был болен тогда, он мог бы оказаться в гораздо
большей опасности. 13. Кто знает, как бы он поступил, если бы
услышал об этом раньше, 14. Я бы давно ответила на твой вопрос,
если бы могла. 15. Все были бы рады, если бы вы зашли к нам еще
раз до вашего отъезда. 16. Вы бы чувствовали себя лучше, если бы
больше гуляли. 17. Ты бы не разбил вазу, если бы был
осторожнее. 18. Я бы не бранила тебя, знай я тогда то, что ты
говоришь мне сейчас.

Exercise 12. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in

object clauses after the verb to wish and translate the sentences
into Russian.

1. He wished now that when the director of his firm spoke to him
he had answered differently. 2. I wish I knew how you reached your
results. 3. I only wish that you could come with me, Watson, but I fear
that it won’t do. 4. She wished that it had been possible not to cause
those two people such fearful distress. 5. “I wish you hadn’t got such
sharp eyes,” she said. 6. I wished I hadn’t wasted so much money when
I got there. 7. I wish I deserved your compliment but I don’t. 8. He had
nothing against skiing – he wished he had had time to take it up when
he was a young man. 9. He wished he felt more conviction on the
point. 10. Oh, I wish I hadn’t sent him that letter telling him to take
care of himself. 11. I know this none of my business. But I wish I knew
what it’s all about. 12. I wonder if we ought to have played that trick
on Miss Reid. I almost wish we’d left her alone. 13. I wish you could
stay and then we could talk over my picture. 14. I only wish it had
lasted twice as long. 15. I always remember everything. Some people
wish I didn’t. 16. I wish you didn’t have to go. Why must you?

Exercise 13. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the

Subjunctive Mood after the verb to wish.

1. He was sorry he couldn't join us. 2. It's a pity you were absent
yesterday. 3. I'd like him to be more polite. 4. They are sorry they
didn't invite her. 5. He was disappointed that he would not be able to
see the film. 6. I regret now not having told her all the truth then. 7.
What a pity you can't swim. 8. I'm awfully sorry I kept you waiting so
long. 9. It's a pity I couldn't go to the theatre with you. 10. I'm very
sorry that I have disturbed you. 11. It's a pity you are leaving so soon.
12. I'd like to see the film again. 13. It was a pity we could not see the
stage well. 14. They were sorry they hadn't taken a taxi and had missed
their train.

Exercise 14. Supply the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood of

the verbs in brackets.

1. Oh, I wish I (not to send) him that letter. I'd give anything to
take it back. 2. I wish I (to be) as sure as you. 3. But he wished that
there (to be) some way in which he could help the young lawyer. 4. "I
wish I (not to cry) so much," said Alice trying to find her way out. 5.
And here I wish I (can) tell you half of the things Alice used to say. 6. I
rather wished Poirot (to be) there. 7. I wish I (to know) it was your
friend. 8. He wished he (to come) by air. 9. I wish I (to know) what to
do now. 10.I wish that poor Strickland (to be) still alive. 11. I wish I (to
know) it was your birthday, Lady Windermere, I would have covered
the whole street in front of your house with flowers. 12. I wish they (to
be) back. 13.1 wished I (to have) enough confidence so that I could
transfer some to her. But I didn't. 14. I wish I never (to hear) of it. 15. I
wish to we (to have) bicycles. 16. I wish I (to know) where we are
going. 17. I wish that I (to be) with the British. It would have been
much simpler.
Exercise 15. Translate into English using the Subjunctive Mood in
object clauses.

1. Как жаль, что вы были так неосторожны. Этого бы не

случилось, если бы вы послушали совета наших друзей. 2. Как
жаль, что это произошло в ваше отсутствие. 3. Жаль, что вы не
интересуетесь искусством. 4. Я теперь жалею, что не захватила с
собой таблетки от головной боли. 5. Ты пожалеешь, что не пошел
со мной. 6. Жаль, что вы не сохранили письмо. 7. Хоть бы ей кто-
нибудь сказал, что это невежливо. 8. Ей очень хотелось, чтобы
кто-нибудь заметил ее и спросил, что она тут делает. 9. Хорошо,
если бы вы всегда приходили вовремя. 10. Жаль, что вы не смогли
посмотреть этот матч. 11. Досадно, что преподаватель обращает
мало внимания на ваше произношение. 12. Хотелось бы мне,
чтобы вы были осторожнее в следующий раз. 13. Как жаль, что я
не могу как следует описать вам сцену, которая затем
последовала. 14. Как жаль, что доктор ушел. Я не спросила его,
когда принимать лекарство. 15. Обидно, что мы не знаем его
адреса. Мы могли бы сходить к нему сегодня же. 16. Жаль, что в
детстве меня не учили никакому иностранному языку. 17. Она
жалела, что ей не было слышно, о чем говорили внизу. 18. Я бы
хотела, чтобы ты содержал все свои вещи в порядке. 19. Напрасно
он не посвятил свою жизнь математике. Это его любимый предмет
с детства.

Exercise 16. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in

clauses introduced by as if and as though.

1. For a moment or two she remained by the desk, one hand

touching the telephone, as if a thread of contact still remained. 2. He
was not so well-dressed as Robert, who always looked as though he
had stepped out of a shop-window, but he wore his old clothes as
though it didn't much matter what one wore. 3. He had been feeling
more comfortable every day, in fact he was beginning to feel as if he'd
never been away. 4. He found Brenner standing on the sidewalk in his
dirty raincoat and shaking as though he were suffering from a malarial
attack. 5. He looked at me as though he wanted to ask me something. 6.
"I'm glad you could come, gentlemen." Curtis O'Keefe informed them,
as if this meeting had not been planned weeks ahead. 7. She looked
fresh and clean as though nothing had happened to her that night. 8.
She looked at me as though that were the end of the interview and she
expected me to get up and take myself off. 9. She looked as though she
had been crying. 10. Hurstwood gazed at it a moment as if something
were scratching him. 11. It was Sunday, and there was a feeling of
quietness, a silence as though nature were at rest. 12. A convulsion
racked him as though he had been touched by a high-tension wire. 13.
His heart laboured as though it were pumping sand, not blood, not
liquid, he thought. 14.1 sat in the garden feeling as though I were home
again. 15. It was as if someone he had never known had written the
story. 16. There was a pause, with heavy breathing, as if a moment of
emotion were being controlled. 17. It was as if Marthy had received a
physical blow and were rocking on her feet. 18. When he finally broke
the silence his voice was as hoarse as though he had been shouting
inside himself.

Exercise 17. Supply the necessary forms of the Subjunctive Mood

in clauses introduced by as if and as though.

1. Whenever I saw them it looked as though they (to be) on very

good terms with one another. 2. The knife shone as though it just (to
come) out of the workshop. 3. As I opened my door I seemed to hear a
changing sound as if a mass of metal (to fall). 4. Suddenly the voice
was clear and strong as if Constance (to be) in another room of the
hotel. 5. Fred wasn't shy, and he talked to Gracie's parents as though he
(to know) them all his life. 6. His tanned, smooth skin looked as though
a razor never (to touch) it. 7. You behave as if you (to be married) to
her already. 8. You look as though you (not to have) much sleep the
last night or two. 9. She noticed a shade of thought pass over his face
as if he (to begin) to realize that things were changed. 10. He felt as if
he (to catch) cold. 11. He leaned against the desk, and upon my word
he was shaking as though he (to get) fever. 12. He looked аs if he (to
step) from the pages of "Pickwick Papers". 13. She always smelled as
though she just (to come) from a long walk in a forest. 14. She clutched
the letter to her heart as though she (to think) I would take it from her.
15. He looked as if he (not to have) a meal for a week, and I hadn't the
heart to refuse him. 16. Sharon frowned as if she (to be puzzled). 17.
He looked as if he (not to sleep) much lately.
Exercise 18. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вы так загорели, словно все лето провели на юге. 2. Она

смотрела на меня, как будто не узнавая. 3. Вы так много курите,
как будто вы чем-то взволнованы. 4. Я уверена, он сделает вид,
будто слышит об этом впервые. 5. Что с вами? У вас такой вид,
будто вам нехорошо. 6. Она ведет себя так, будто она ребенок. 7.
Минуту, другую он стоял посреди комнаты, как будто не зная, что
делать. 8. Почему вы смотрите на меня так, словно я говорю
неправду? 9. Она говорила и смеялась, словно играла на сцене. 10.
Я люблю тебя так, как любил бы собственную сестру. 11. У меня
было такое чувство, будто мы говорим с ним на разных языках.
12. Я уверена, он будет держаться так, будто не чувствует никакой
боли. 13. Она дышала так тяжело, как будто бежала всю дорогу.
14. Он говорит так, как будто повторяет чьи-то слова. 15. У вас
такой вид, словно вы не знаете, куда идти. 16. Он говорил о вас
так, будто хорошо вас знает. 17. Я помню все так четко, словно
это произошло вчера. 18. Почему у тебя такой вид, будто ты мне
не веришь? 19. Похоже, что все уже ушли. 20. У меня такое
чувство, будто меня обманули. 21. Он говорит так, как будто ему
не семнадцать лет, а семьдесят.

Exercise 19. Comment on the use of the synthetic form of the

Present Subjunctive and translate the sentences into Russian.

a) 1. She suggested that this date be a day of international solidarity. 2.

He demanded that his honour be satisfied. 3. They proposed to him that
he become one of their gang. 4. Arrange with the telephone calls so
that every month I get a list of all the calls. 5. It is proposed that these
measures be discussed at a conference on military defence and
disarmament in Europe. 6. It is important, however, that no hasty
actions be taken which could complicate the situation. 7. I suggest that
we go to Cannes and find out everything about the yacht. 8. "I'd
suggest," said the old man mildly, "that you read the message." 9.
"How many Samuel Adamses are there?" – "Only one, the Lord be
praised." 10. Do you know that every man of rank and figure in this
province is desirous that his daughter be married to a man who never
saw her? 11. I think you should take it with you, Charlie. And I suggest
you show it to Joe Pearson.
b) Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the
subjunctive mood (give two variants).

1. It is necessary that students (to take interest) in public life. 2. It was

suggested that we (to start) at dawn. 3. It was ordered that the project
(to submit) for discussion at the preliminary session. 4. It is requested
that the ticket (to retain) till the end of the performance. 5. It is
desirable that you (to keep) us regularly informed of your whereabouts.
6. Was it so important that he (to be) present? 7. It is not advisable that
the children (to leave) alone. 8. It is recommended that the medicine (to
keep) in a dark and cool place.

Exercise 20. Translate into English using the subjunctive mood.

1. «Желательно, чтобы вы повторили (revise) все слова перед

контрольной работой», - сказал преподаватель. 2. Он настаивал на
том, чтобы ему передали всю дополнительную информацию. 3. Я
требую, чтобы он ушел. 4. Комиссия предложила включить его в
список. 5. Мы предлагаем им сделать перерыв. 6. Детям
необходимо спать на открытом воздухе. 7. Вы должны наконец
настоять, чтобы он возвращался домой вовремя. 8. Комитету
рекомендовано разработать новую программу. 9. Председатель
(chairman) предложил отложить вопрос. 10. Профессор требует от
нас сдавать работы в напечатанном виде. 11. Предлагаю сделать
это упражнение сейчас. 12. Погода хорошая, и я рекомендую всем
прогуляться до станции пешком.

Exercise 21. Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1. I cannot give him such a job. I wish he were light-minded. 2. It

was desirable that all participants came on time. 3. If he would go
there, I did not come. 4. He insisted that everybody would sign the
paper. 5. He looks upon the cottage as if it is his property. 6. If he had
come a bit earlier, he would have time to say goodbye to you. 7. She
wished she had never mentioned his name. 8. Was it so important that
he be present? 9. Should he could do it, he would do it. 10. I demand
that he is taken to hospital immediately.
Exercise 22. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Как жаль, что мы потратили так много времени напрасно.

2. На вашем месте я бы знал, что делать. 3. Этот фильм
понравился бы мне больше, если бы он был односерийным. 4. Она
смотрит на меня, будто знает меня. Наверное, мы где-нибудь
встречались. 5. Его доклад не был бы таким скучным, если бы он
привел больше фактов. 6. Думаю, нам пора разжечь костер. 7.
Жаль, что я не пообедал дома. 8. Если бы вы не сидели на
сквозняке, вы бы не простудились. 9. Никто тебя и слушать бы
там не стал. 10. Если бы не случай, мы никогда бы не встретились.
11. Жаль, что вы не подождали меня. Мы поехали бы осматривать
город вместе. 12. Если бы он знал, что лекция не состоится, он не
пригласил бы профессора Джонсона. 13. Жаль, что вы ничем не
интересуетесь. 14. Если бы не серьезное выражение его лица, мы
приняли бы это за шутку. 15. Мы ничего об этом не знали; мы
никогда не согласились бы на это. 16. Ах, если бы я подумала об
этом, когда еще не было поздно! 17. Если бы не Джордж, все было
бы испорчено. 18. Артур не изменил бы своего решения, даже
если бы Джемма попросила его об этом. 19. Если бы вы только
знали, как я волновалась! 20. Жаль, что меня не было с вами,
когда это случилось. 21. Если бы не акцент, никто не сказал бы,
что он не русский. 22. Если бы вы хорошо подготовились к
контрольной работе, вы не сделали бы в ней так много ошибок.
23. Я бы тебе позвонил, да у вас телефон не работал. 24. Жаль, что
я уехал из Кейптауна. Лучше бы мне было там остаться. 25. О,
если бы всегда была весна, сияло солнце и небо было
безоблачным! 26. Он бы тотчас ушел, если бы не Лиззи. 27. Вам
давно пора знать эти правила. Мы повторяем их на каждом уроке.
28. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы опубликовал эти стихи. 29. Он не
поехал бы туда в тот вечер, если бы знал, что его друга не будет
дома. 30. Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы вы расстраивались из-за
таких пустяков.

Exercise 23. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Я не помню, сколько школ в нашем городе.
2. Я уверен, об этом фильме будут много говорить.
3. Он нам ничего не сказал, о том что получил письмо от Лены.
4. Нина говорит, что она не знает немецкого, но я ей не верю.
5. Мы не знали, когда он поедет в Москву.
6. Я думал, в комнате никого нет.
7. Спроси ее, знает ли она немецкий.
8. Он был уверен, что они работают вместе.
9. Он не думал, что его товарищи работают с утра.
10. Он думал, что его товарищи работают, и не хотел им мешать.
11. Он знал, что они никогда не работали вместе.
12. Он полагал, что они будут работать вместе.
13. Она знала, что они обычно встают в 8 часов.
14. Она не знала, что ее ждут уже целый час.
15. Она не знала, что он уже купил словарь.
16. Мне сказали, что фильм начинается в 17 часов.
17. Я не знала, что вы тоже любите музыку.
18. Она сказала, что идет дождь и нам лучше остаться дома.
19. Она сказала, что думает, что завтра будет хорошая погода.
20. Она никому не сказала, что уезжает.
21. Она отрицала, что говорила с ним.
22. Она напомнила мне, что я обещала позвонить Елене.
23. Он сообщил, что достал билеты.
24. Мы им сказали, что не будем их ждать.
25. Она меня спросила, где я живу.
26. Я спросил сестру, почему она не хочет идти со мной в театр.
27. Он спросил меня, видел ли я когда-нибудь его сестру.
28. Он спросил, почему я отклонил его предложение.
29. Он спросил, читал ли я Теккерея в оригинале.
30. Он ей сказал, чтобы она не запирала дверь.
31. Она предложила провести день за городом.
32. Мы ему сказали, чтобы он пришел в 18 часов.
33. Я спросила его, кто из его друзей поможет ему завтра.
34. Меня спросили, когда приедут мои родители.
35. Меня спросили, где мне бы хотелось побывать летом.
36. Она знает, вернется ли он к 22 часом.
37. Я не знаю, смогу ли я навестить Петрова завтра.
38. Сергей говорит, что прочтет эту книгу к понедельнику, если у
него не будет срочной работы.
39. Я не помню, когда придет Нина с работы.
40. Он спросил меня, когда я пойду на выставку.
Test 1.

Choose the right variant

1. He ____ for some time before a servant ___ and ___ what he ___.
a) knocked, opened, asked, wasted
b) was knocking, opened, asked, was wanting
c) had been knocking, opened, asked, wanted
d) had knocked, had opened, had asked, had wanted

2. The doctor ___ there ___ nothing to worry about if the fever ___
above 38, 5.
a) said, was, would not go
b) tells, is, will go
c) says, had been, went
d) said, was, did not go

3. I ____ a wash and a brush up before starting to go to the luncheon

Tom ___ me to, when they ___ me from the desk to say that he ___
a) had, was invited, were ringing, had been
b) was having, invited, had rung, was
c) was having, had invited, rang, was
d) had been having, had invited, had rung, had been

4. While we __ at ___ lunch, a letter __ to me from my sister.

a) were, __, was delivered
b) had ,been, a, was being delivered
c) were, the, had been delivered
d) have been, __, has been delivered

5. Some day I ___ to Paris to revisit all the places where I ___ in the
time of my youth. I __ them for a quarter of a century or so.
a) will have gone, have lived, haven’t seen
b) am going, had lived, did not see
c) will go, lived, haven’t seen
d) will be going, had lived, hadn’t seen
6. Hardly ___ asleep __ an alarm clock ___.
a) have I gone, than, will ring
b) had I gone, when, rang
c) I had gone, that, had rung
d) was I going, as, was ringing

7. We ____ continue our research unless he ___ us.

a) can’t, won’t help
b) will not be able to, does not help
c) can, will help
d) won’t be able to, helps

8. We ____ him in many moods, but none of us ___ him to do a cruel

a) see, ever know
b) see, don’t ever know
c) have seen, have known
d) have seen, haven’t ever known

9. He needed to feel that he ___, that he ___ here, and that his word
a) was being listened to, was commanding, was always obeyed
b) is being listened to, is commanding, is always obeyed
c) was listened to, was being commanding, was always being
d) is listened to, is being commanding, was always being obeyed

10. Look! What ___ beautiful view! The sun ___ yet, but the grey sky
__ near the horizon.
a) ___, was not appeared, is parted
d) ___, did not appear, parted
c) the, has not been appeared, has parted
d) a, has not appeared, is parted

11. When he saw that someone ____ at him, he did not immediately
realize who this someone ___.
a) looked, is
b) was looking, was
c) has been looking, is
d) had looked, was beibg
12. While our coffee ___, I ____ him our sad story which impressed
a) was making, told, greatly
b) was being made, said, great
c) had been made, told, great
d) was being made, told, greatly

13. It ___ in the night, but now there ___ sunshine.

a) has rained, was
b) had rained, had been
c) is raining, is being
d) has been raining, is

14. As he___ the room that morning, Ann __ up the letter which she
a) was entered, was holding, had just received
b) was entering, has held, has just received
c) entered, was holding, had just received
d) had entered, held, has just received

15. I ___ a note with the address of the hotel and the boy’s name into
his pocket ___ he ___ his way.
a) have put provided, will lose
b) will put, providing, will have lost
c) have put, in case, lost
d) will have put, when, have lost

16. They ___, but as they ____ me there ___ a hush.

a) were talking, saw, was
b) are balking, have seen, had been
c) had been talking, will see, would be
d) have been talking, had seen, will be

17. Come on, if the sun ___ before we __ home, we ___ our way.
a) has set, reach, will lose
b) will have set, will reach, lose
c) will have set, reach, will lose
d) has been set, will reach, lose
18. ___when he ___ her for first time
a) Tell me, has met
b) Say me, had met
c) Say to me, net
d) Tell me, met

19. He was tired and by the time I ___, he ___ asleep.

a) have come, has fallen
b) came, fell
c) came, had fallen
d) had come, had fallen

20. The great majority of students ____ present at the conference, ___
great number of them ___ to listen to your lecture and each of them __
ready to answer your questions.
a) are, A, want, is
b) are, The, want, is
c) is, A, want, are
d) is, The, wants, has, been

Test 2.
Modal Verbs
Choose the right variant

1. "They ____ an excellent vacancy last week. You ____ an

opportunity of getting it," he reproached me.
a) had, mustn't miss
b) have had, might not have missed it
c) had, shouldn't have missed
d) were having, couldn't miss

2. He had to earn ____ living at ____ an early age, ____?

a) _____, such, hadn't he
b) his, such, didn't he
c) himself, so, hadn't he
d) to, so, didn't he

3. We ____ a camera because we never _____ a chance to use it.

a) might not have taken, had
b) should not have taken, have had
c) needn't have taken, had
d) mustn't have taken, had had

4. The line is busy; somebody ____ on the telephone now.

a) should be speaking
b) should have been speaking
c) must be speaking
d) can't be speaking

5. You ____ this! See how ___ she is.

a) ought not to say, distressing
b) ought not to have said, distressed
c) won’t be able to say, distressing
d) cannot have said, distressed

6. He says that nothing ____, because it is too ____. But I don’t believe
a single word ____; they ____ us.
a) should do, lately, of him, mustn’t have failed
b) can’t be done, late, of his, oughtn’t fail
c) mustn’t be done, lately, of him, shouldn’t have failed
d) can be done, late, of his, can’t have failed

7. I managed to come here at half past six. But I ____. They ____.
a) needn't have hurried, had already left
b) needn't hurry, have already left
c) mustn't have hurried, had already left
d) shouldn’t hurry, have already left

8. If she doesn't take care of ____, she ____ have a nervous breakdown
and ____ to hospital.
a) hers, may, should go
b) her, can, need to go
c) herself, may, may have to go
d) herself, must, must go

9. He ____ his wallet himself, it ____.

a) might lose, couldn't be stolen
b) may have lost, can't have been stolen
c) could have lost, must not have been stolen
d) ought to lose, shouldn't be stolen
10. You ____ a message at least! We ____ for two hours.
a) should send, waited
b) must have sent, were waiting
c) could send, have been waiting
d) might have sent, had been waiting

11. The only trouble is that I ___ my exams in spring and ___ them
a) couldn't, have taken, must have
b) couldn't take, must have
c) mustn't have taken, must have had
d) can't take, must have bad

12. The plane ___ at 5 a.m. and in this hurry-scurry she ___ the tickets
on the table.
a) had to take off, can leave
b) was to take off, must have left
c) was to take off, needn’t leave
d) must have taken off, shouldn’t leave

13. Why ____ he take the scandal on himself? It is not ____.

a) must, fairly
b) may, fair
c) should, fair
d) could, fairly

14. You ____ to him. His information is ____.

a) shouldn't listen, misled
b) needn't have listened, misleading
c) can't have listened, misled
d) mustn't have listened, misleading

15. It is not worth ___ to ___ bed of he ____ at five.

a) to go, ____, have to get up
b) going, the, must have got up
c) to have gone, the, is to get up
d) going, ____ , doesn't have to get up
16. They have made me ____ that I ___ selfish about it.
a) think, may have been
b) to think, must be
c) thinking, might have been
d) thought, should have been

17. It ____ late when I ___ home; there were no people in the street.
a) must have been, was going back
b) must be, am going
c) can't have been, was going
d) could not have been, went

18. You ____ worry, you ____ always rely on me in this matter.
a) must not, need
b) need not, may
c) can; need not
d) should, must

19. You ____ this device. It ____ dangerous.

a) couldn't have touched, maybe
b) must not touch, may be
c) shouldn't have touched, ought to be
d) needn't touch, must have been

20. I _____ my job. I _____ you before.

a) needn't have put off, should ask
b) shouldn't have put off, need to ask
c) needn't have put off, should have asked
d) shouldn't put off, should ask

Test 3.
Choose the right variant

1. He seemed ___ all about influenza and said _____ was nothing ____
a) to know, it, to worry
b) to be knowing, there, worrying
c) to know, there, to worry
d) to have known, it, to have been worried
2. She put down her book ___ me ____; and ____ me ____ took her
workbasket and sat into one of the old-fashioned armchair.
a) to see, coming in, have welcomed, as usually
b) having seen, to come in, welcoming, usually
c) on seeing, come in, having welcomed, as usual
d) after seeing, having come in, to welcome, in a usual way

3. I don’t object _____ there, but I don’t want _______.

a) to your living, you living
b) you to live, your living
c) your living, you to live
d) to your living, you to live

4. I remember ____ that hill in twilight. An age seemed _____ since

the day that brought me first to London.
a) descending, to have elapsed
b) to have descended, to have elapsed
c) to descend, to elapse
d) being descended, to be elapsed

5. He stood invisible at the top of the stairs ___ Irene ____ the letters
_____ by the ______ post.
a) to watch, to sort, bringing, latest
b) watching, sorting, brought, last
c) having watched, sorting, having brought, lat
d) being watched, having sorted, to have been

6. On his way home Andrew could not help _____ what ___ charming
fellow Ivory had turned out.
a) to reflect, a to lje
b) being reflected, the, have been
c) reflecting, the, be
d) reflecting, a, to be

7. I wouldn’t like _________ because I am afraid _______.

a) drive fast, crashing
b) to drive fast, of crashing
c) driving fastly, to crash
d) to be driven faster, to be crashed

8. ______ paper is said _________ by _________ Chinese.

a) — to have been invented, the
b) the, to have been invented,
c) —, to have invented, —
d) the, to be invented, the

9. There is no point to –– him. He is _____ last man in the world _____

by any such circumstances.
a) to speak, the, to trouble
b) to speak,__, being troubled
c) speaking, a, be troubled
d) in speaking, the, to be troubled

10. It’s high time you ______ like that. He is fond ____ fun of

a) get used to him to behave, to make

b) used to his behaving, about making
c) got used to his behaving, of making
d) used to behave, to make

11. He felt ___ something from him and demanded ____ _____ truth.
He wasn’t worth ____ _____ lie.
a) them to hide, to tell, the, telling, the
b) them hiding, they will tell, a, to tell, a
c) they were hiding, being to kLtJie telllng,a
d) they hide, telling, a, telling, the

12. — — words about the author himself, the lecturer went on — of his
a) after saying, a few, to speak
b) saying, few, to speak
c) having said, few, speaking
d) to have said, a few, speaking
13. She was looking forward to _____ the leading part _____ that she
was greatly _____ at not even ______ it.
a) giving, playing, disappointing, being offered
b) to be given, to play, disappointed, to be offend
c) being given, to play, disappointed, being offered
d) give, playing, disappointed, offering

14. Did you remember ______ the parcel I gave you? –Yes, I
remember .______.it a week ago.
a) to post, posting
b) to post, to post
c) posting, to post
d) posting, posting

15. You _____ go and check everything by yourself unless you ____ it.
a) would better, want him to do it
b) had rather, don’t want his doing
c) had better, want him to do it
d) would rather, don’t want him to do

16. The accused men _____ near the bank during the robbery. It’s no
use _______ the case without direct ____.
a) deny being somewhere, Investigating, evidence
b) denies to be anywhere, to Investigate, evidences
c) deny being anywhere, investigating, evidence
d) denies to be somewhere, to investigate, evidences

17. You ____ your children ________ their own way in the
a) are to let to go
b) have letting, going
c) have to let go
d) are to let, gone

18. I suggest _____ as soon as possible. I ____ before sunset.

a) us to stan, would rather to come
b) our starting, had rather come
c) us starting, would prefer to come
e) our starting, would rather come
19. I am afraid ____ to him. What if he really has the power to stop ___
there, and means _______ them against me?
a) to speak, me go, to turn
b) of speaking, my going, turning
c) to speak, my going, to turn
d) speaking, me going, to turn

20. He’s always regretted _____ school so young. He has not got
enough qualifications and education. Unfortunately he often receives
letters ____ with “Dear sir, we regret ____ you that your application
was turned
a) leaving, beginning, to inform
b) to leave, to begin, to inform
c) leaving, beginning, informing
d) to leave, to begin, informing

Test 4.
Subjunctive Mood

Choose the right variant.

1. _____ beforehand, we _____ the catastrophe.

a) did we know, would prevent
b) would we know, had prevented
c) had we known, would have prevented
d) should we know, had prevented

2. I don’t know how _______ him. I wish I ________ his name.

a) address, did not know
b) to address, knew
c) addressing, would know
d) to address, should know

3. I look forward to ____ a rest. I _____ as if my head ___ splitting.

a) having, feel, were
b) having, feel myself, were
c) have, had felt, were
d) have, am feeling, is

4. He couldn’t remember his mother ____ . But would everything ___

____ if mother hadn’t died?
a) dying, be, dirrerently
b) to die, have been, as different
c) dying, have been, different
d) die, has been, so different

5. “Oh, Mary,” she said. “I wish you ____ with us, for we had ______
a) had been, such a
b) were, so ____
c) would be, so a
d) had been, such ___

6. I remember his colour ___ away in a moment and he seemed ___ as

if he ____.
a) go, breathing, had been running
b) to go, to breathe, ran
c) going, to breathe, had been running
d) have gone, to be breathing, was running

7. The vase is beautiful. You ____ _____ to match ___ you ____.
a) wouldn’t find, another, unless, had tried
b) wouldn’t have found, the other, if, would have tried
c) shouldn’t find, the other, unless, tried
d) wouldn’t find, another, if, tried

8. If you _____ the medicine the doctor prescribed you, you ___ ___
a) had taken, would feel, much better
b) took, would feel, much more well
c) would take, would feel yourself, much more better
d) had taken, would have felt, much more good

9. I remember it so ____ as if it ____ only yesterday.

a) clear, happened
b) clearly, had happened
c) clear, would have happened
d) clearly, would happen

10. If you ___ the article I recommended you, you ___ how ___ such
a) had read, had known, to answer
b) read, would know, to answer
c) would have read, would know, answer
d) had read, would know, to answer

11. I must be off now. If it ____ not so _____, I ____ a little longer.
a) were, lately, would stay
b) were, late, would stay
c) had been, late, would have stayed
d) wouldn’t be, lately, stayed

12. ___I___ the story from his own lips I ____ that he was capable of
___ action.
a) if, had heard, would never believe, such
b) unless, had heard, would have never believed, such an
c) in case, have heard, would never believe, so an
d) provided, had heard, would have never believed, such

13. In order to make our demands effective and to get the authorities __
them we suggested that there __ no return to work today.
a) to fulfil, be
b) fulfil, should be
c) fulfil, would be
d) fulfilling, were

14. I am going to have my kitchen ___. It is necessary that every crack

___ covered; also between ___ floor and __ door.
a) to repair, will be, the. ___
b) to be repaired, is, ___.the
c) repaired, should be, the, the
d) being repaired, be, ____, ____

15. John demanded that Andrew ___ to the house with him to ___ tea.
a) would return, ____
b) returned, the
c) return, ____
d) should return, the
16. She wished he ___ what he ___ to say, and let ___.
a) would say, has, her to go
b) said, had, she go
c) had said, would have, she going
d) said, had, her go

17. He thought how hard the wind the wind ___ and how the cold sharp
rain ___ in his face at that moment, if he ___at home.

a) was blowing, would be beating, were not sitting, comfortably

b) is blowing, will be beating, is not sitting, comfortably
c) blew, beat, was not sitting, comfortably
d) had blown, had beaten, were not sitting, comfortable

18. I ____ to your place with pleasure ___ nothing ___ me.

a) will come, unless, prevented

b) will come, if, prevented
c) would come, unless, prevented
d) would have come, providing, would prevented

19. When they ___ ___ lunch he suggested that they ___ a stroll to ___
Luxembourg museum.

a) have finished, the, should have, the

b) finished, ____, had, _____
c) would have finished, a, would have, ____
d) had finished, ___, have, the

20. You never did anything ___ to ___, If you ___ you___ more
support now.
a) well, someone, did, would have
b) good, anyone, did, would have had
c) well, anyone, had done, would have had
d) good, anyone, had done, would have
Final Test

Choose the right variant.

1. I _______ him for a year and more, but he looked up at me as if I
_______ in yesterday.
a) have not seen, was
b) did not see, were
c) had not seen, had been
d) have not seen, have been

2. Can he _______ ? ____ Yes, and even turned red. He was worth –
a) get embarrassed, to look
b) have got embarrassed, being looked
c) have got embarrassed, looking
d) has embarrassed, to have looked

3. He wished he _____ there longer. He had looked forward to

_______ the sights of this old town.
a) hasn’t stayed, seeing
b) didn’t stay, to see
c) stayed, haying seen
d) had stayed, seeing

4. ________ nineteen he made a petty tour with his mother, father and
sister: ______ Brussels, _______ Rhine, _______ Switzerland, ______
Italian Alps and, of course, Paris.
a) aged, .____ the, ____ , the
b) aging, the, ____, ____, the
c) age,._____, the, ____, ____
d) having aged, the, ____, the, ____

5. The sightseeing came to an end, and _______ to _______ Hague.

a) neither our visit was, _______
b) so did our visit, the
c) so our visit did, the
d) neither was our visit, _______

6. “If you don’t want to be late for lunch, you _______ better ______
and have your bath,” _______ Mother said _______ a loud voice.
a) would, go, ______, with
b) had, go, _______, in
c) would, to go, the, in
d) had, go, the, with

7. “It looks as if we _______ going to have _______ good flying

weather tomorrow,” said Mr. Sunbury.
a) are, a
b) will be ______
c) would be, the
d) were, _______

8. Looking back upon that time, I thought that all ______different

_______ for the interference of my parents.
a) might have been; were it not
b) may be, were it not
c) might have been, had it not been
d) may be, had it not been

9. And I began to see that _______ man mustn’t live for ______ any
more. He’s got ______ of _____ others.
a) ____, him, to think, the
d) a, himself, to think, ______
c) the, oneself, thinking, ______
d) ______, hisself, to think, the

10. After______ a bad match the team captain insisted that they
______ things ______.
a) so, should take, easily
b) such, would take, easily
c) so, take, easy
d) such, should take, easy

11. I don’t remember _______ that they have moved ______ another
a) them to mention, to
b) their mentioning, to
c) them mentioning, at
d) them to have mentioned, into
12. It will be so kind _______ you if you can get this banknote
_______ for me.
a) to, cashed
b) of,cashed
c) from, to cash
d) on, cashing

13. I am right, _______ I? He hasn’t come. So there has been nothing

to discuss, _______?
a) aren’t, hasn’t there
b) amn’t, has there
c) aren’t, has there
d) amn’t, hasn’t there

14. Most of us _______ plenty of things that we are not ______ to

have. We must _______ it.
a) wants, alike, take to
b) want, like, give away
c) wants, unlikely, take off
d) want, likely, put up with

15. He got me _______ that he did not want the story._______ on.
a) understood, let
b) to understand, to let
c) understand, to let
d) understand, let

16. You _______ till I came back. I _______ late.

a) may wait, have been working
b) might have waited, had been working
c) must be waiting, had worked
d) should wait, have worked

Good Bye!

Thank you for working through this book. We hope you have
found it interesting and useful.

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