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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (2006) 5665–5675

CO2-forced climate thresholds during the Phanerozoic

Dana L. Royer *

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459-0139, USA

Received 4 August 2005; accepted in revised form 30 November 2005


The correspondence between atmospheric CO2 concentrations and globally averaged surface temperatures in the recent past suggests
that this coupling may be of great antiquity. Here, I compare 490 published proxy records of CO2 spanning the Ordovician to Neogene
with records of global cool events to evaluate the strength of CO2-temperature coupling over the Phanerozoic (last 542 my). For periods
with sufficient CO2 coverage, all cool events are associated with CO2 levels below 1000 ppm. A CO2 threshold of below 500 ppm is
suggested for the initiation of widespread, continental glaciations, although this threshold was likely higher during the Paleozoic due
to a lower solar luminosity at that time. Also, based on data from the Jurassic and Cretaceous, a CO2 threshold of below
1000 ppm is proposed for the initiation of cool non-glacial conditions. A pervasive, tight correlation between CO2 and temperature
is found both at coarse (10 my timescales) and fine resolutions up to the temporal limits of the data set (million-year timescales), indi-
cating that CO2, operating in combination with many other factors such as solar luminosity and paleogeography, has imparted strong
control over global temperatures for much of the Phanerozoic.
 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1.1. Temperature records

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an important greenhouse gas, A significant obstacle to testing the antiquity of the
and its role in regulating global surface temperatures has CO2-temperature link is generating accurate records of
been recognized for over a century (Arrhenius, 1896; CO2 and temperature for times in Earth’s past that are tens
Chamberlin, 1899). It is now generally accepted that the to hundreds-of-million years old. The most robust measure
36% rise in atmospheric CO2 since 1860 (280–380 ppm) is of global temperature from before the Pleistocene is the
partly responsible for the concomitant rise in global surface presence vs. absence of large continental icesheets (Ham-
temperatures (Tett et al., 1999; Crowley, 2000b; Barnett brey and Harland, 1981; Frakes et al., 1992) because it is
et al., 2001; Mitchell et al., 2001; Jones et al., 2003; Karl difficult to envision large volumes of ice coexisting with
and Trenberth, 2003; Karoly et al., 2003; Miller et al., globally warm temperatures (e.g., Crowley and North,
2004). Moreover, ice core records indicate a strong cou- 1991). Direct indicators of continental glaciation that are
pling between CO2 and temperature for at least the last commonly preserved in the rock record include abraded
650,000 years (Petit et al., 1999; Siegenthaler et al., 2005). rock surfaces, such as polished or striated pavements, chat-
Given this observed, positive relationship between CO2 termarks, and tillites (diamictites [unsorted sediments with
and temperature and the physical laws that govern it, an a large range in grain size] deposited directly by glaciers)
a priori expectation is that the CO2-temperature link is of (Hambrey and Harland, 1981; Eyles et al., 1983). Indirect
great antiquity. evidence for large continental ice masses include rapid
eustasy (>100 m/my) that cannot be accommodated by tec-
tonic motion alone (Rowley and Markwick, 1992), howev-
er these higher-order features in sea level records have been
Fax: +1 860 685 3651. called into question (e.g., Eyles, 1993; Markwick and
E-mail address: Rowley, 1998). Erratics (outsized clast in a fine-grained

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5666 D.L. Royer 70 (2006) 5665–5675

matrix; also known as dropstones) are often invoked as geochemical models track fluxes of carbon entering and
indicators of cold climates (Frakes and Francis, 1988; exiting the atmosphere; models that are appropriate for
Frakes et al., 1992; Price, 1999) because the most common million-year timescales focus on processes that influence
mode for rafting such clasts out to sea is ice; indeed, these atmospheric CO2 on 105 to 106 year timescales such as
deposits are often called ice-rafted debris (IRD) (e.g., burial of organic carbon, chemical weathering of Ca–Mg
Frakes and Francis, 1988). However, animals, algae, and silicates, and volcanic outgassing. The best-regarded model
trees are also capable of rafting decimeter-to-meter sized of this class that predicts CO2 for the full Phanerozoic is
clasts long distances (>400 km; Markwick and Rowley, GEOCARB, which has a time-step of 10 my (Berner and
1998); erratics, particularly isolated deposits lacking Kothavala, 2001); this means that CO2 fluctuations operat-
corroborative evidence, should not be taken as indicators ing at timescales shorter than 10 my may not influence
of glaciation or even cold climates. GEOCARB. It should be noted that long-term carbon cy-
Despite the power of glacial records as a temperature cle models are not restricted a priori to 10 my time steps,
proxy, they are explicitly qualitative and are less helpful and can be used to explore patterns across brief intervals
during ice-free periods when global temperatures can range at higher resolutions (Kump et al., 1999; Berner, 2005),
from cool to hot (e.g., Crowley et al., 1986, 1987). For providing the required input data are available at the
these reasons, quantitative temperature records derived equivalent resolution.
from the d18O of marine carbonates (e.g., Veizer et al., All CO2 proxies operate on the same principle: a feature
2000) are attractive. However, a problem with these re- of the Earth system that covaries with CO2 in the present-
cords is that the secular 8& increase across the Phanerozo- day and that can be reliably measured in the rock record is
ic has not been adequately explained; this is important quantified for the present-day and then applied to the past.
because the amplitude of the second-order oscillations, The following proxies have emerged over the past 15 years
which are often assumed to reflect temperature, is only as the most robust (see Royer et al., 2001 for more details):
4&. A second problem is that seawater pH influences the d13C of pedogenic minerals (Cerling, 1991; Yapp and
the d18O of carbonate (Spero et al., 1997; Zeebe, 2001); this Poths, 1992); the stomatal densities and indices in plants
is critical for studies tracking CO2 and temperature because (Van der Burgh et al., 1993; McElwain and Chaloner,
CO2 imparts strong control over seawater pH, such that if 1995); the d13C of long-chained alkenones in haptophytic
pH is not taken into account (e.g., Veizer et al., 2000) the algae (Pagani et al., 1999); the d11B of marine carbonate
CO2-temperature link is artificially weakened (Royer (Pearson and Palmer, 1999; but see Pagani et al., 2005);
et al., 2004). Third, original carbonate is commonly altered and the d13C of liverworts (Fletcher et al., 2005).
diagenetically, leading to falsely cool temperatures (Pear-
son et al., 2001); however, this issue is less problematic 1.3. Phanerozoic CO2 and temperature: What do the records
for short-term events (Crowley and Zachos, 2000). Finally, say?
for planktic d18O records it is important to have geograph-
ically widespread coverage for a given time slice before Studies that track CO2 and temperature over the Phan-
making inferences about global surface temperatures erozoic typically find that periods of low CO2 correlate
(e.g., MacLeod et al., 2005). Nevertheless, despite these with long-lived, extensive continental glaciations while
drawbacks, benthic paleotemperatures are generally good periods of high CO2 do not overlap with these glaciations
integrators of globally averaged surface temperatures and (Berner, 1991, 1994; Berner and Kothavala, 2001; Crowley
rapid changes in d18O typically reflect either temperature and Berner, 2001; Royer et al., 2004). These results contrast
or ice volume (e.g., Zachos et al., 2001). Also, in many with one study that did not find a strong coupling between
cases Mg/Ca ratios provide an independent paleothermom- Phanerozoic CO2 and temperature (Veizer et al., 2000), but
eter and help to deconvolve the temperature and ice vol- this is because the temperature proxy, the d18O of shallow
ume signals (e.g., Lear et al., 2000). marine carbonate, was not corrected for seawater pH
A second, more qualitative paleothermometer that has (Royer et al., 2004); once corrected, the temperature data
been used to track ancient global climate states is the pres- correlate strongly with both the record of continental gla-
ence of glendonite carbonate nodules (Frakes et al., 1992; ciation and atmospheric CO2 (Royer et al., 2004).
Price, 1999; but see Markwick and Rowley, 1998). Glend- These previous studies primarily focused on broad, mul-
onite is considered a pseudomorph of ikaite (CaCO3Æ ti-million-year patterns between CO2 and temperature.
6H2O), which is stable only near 0 C (Sherman and Smith, This was a consequence of the coarse time resolution of
1985). The presence of glendonite nodules therefore implies GEOCARB (10 my), a lack of CO2 proxy data, and diffi-
cool conditions (at least regionally), but not necessarily culties in placing data in a finely resolved stratigraphic
permanent ice. framework, particularly for terrestrial sections. Neverthe-
less, a positive correlation between CO2 and temperature
1.2. CO2 records at 10-million-year timescales emerged (Crowley and Ber-
ner, 2001; Royer et al., 2004). Here, I scrutinize the Phan-
Pre-Pleistocene records of CO2 are derived from erozoic records of CO2 and temperature in finer detail,
either proxies or geochemical carbon cycle models. The often approaching million-year timescales. This improved
Phanerozoic CO2 and temperature 5667

level of analysis is possible because of a more extensive glendonite nodules, and, when corroborated with support-
CO2 proxy database (490 individual records vs. 372 in Roy- ing evidence, erratics). Periods with direct evidence for con-
er et al. (2004), a 32 % increase), new analyses for the tim- tinental ice represent the coldest Earth states, while periods
ing of the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation (Isbell et al.,
2003), improved records of Mesozoic and early Cenozoic Time (Ma)
climates (e.g., Dromart et al., 2003a; Tripati et al., 2005), 500 400 300 200 100 0
and a new geologic timescale (Gradstein et al., 2004). The
C O S D Carb P Tr J K Pg

primary goal of this study is to assess the strength of
CO2-temperature coupling at million-year timescales. In A
particular, global climate models (GCMs) calibrated to

Sampling frequency
mid-Cenozoic conditions predict that permanent ice initi-
ates when CO2 levels drop below 560–1120 ppm (2–4· 60
pre-industrial levels; DeConto and Pollard, 2003; Pollard
and DeConto, 2005). Is this prediction borne out in the
rock record? And more broadly, are globally cool periods
associated with lower CO2 concentrations than warm
periods? 20

2. Methods 0
B Paleosols
Four hundred and ninety records of Phanerozoic CO2 Stomata
were compiled from the literature, spanning the Late Ordo- Phytoplankton
6000 Boron
vician to early Pleistocene; errors in CO2 and age were esti-
CO2 (ppm)
mated when possible (see electronic annex). Most
individual CO2 data points are based on replicate samples. 4000
CO2 coverage is good for the late Carboniferous (Pennsyl-
vanian) to Permian, Middle Triassic, and latest Cretaceous
(Maastrichtian) to Neogene; coverage is relatively sparse 2000
for before the Pennsylvanian, the Permian-Triassic bound-
ary interval, and Late Cretaceous (excluding the Maas-
trichtian) (Fig. 1A). To provide an independent
comparison, the proxy record of CO2 is compared to the 8000
C Proxies
CO2 output from the most recent GEOCARB geochemical GEOCARB III
model (GEOCARB III; Berner and Kothavala, 2001). 6000
CO 2 (ppm)

Records of globally cool climates were placed into one

of two categories: (1) periods with direct evidence for geo-
graphically widespread continental ice (polished or striated 4000
pavements, chattermarks, and tillites); (2) periods with
indirect evidence for continental ice (rapid eustasy and ra-
pid changes in marine d18O) and/or geographically wide-
spread evidence for cool climates (d18O records,
c D Proxies (LOESS)
Fig. 1. Atmospheric CO2 through the Phanerozoic. (A) Temporal GEOCARB III
distribution of the CO2 proxy record, expressed in 10 my time blocks. 6000
(B) Phanerozoic CO2 proxy record, categorized by method. Errors in CO2
CO 2 (ppm)

estimates and ages are given when available. See electronic annex for
further details. (C) The same CO2 record as in (B), but expressed as a time 4000
series without error bars. Also plotted are the range of reasonable CO2
predictions from the geochemical model GEOCARB III (Berner and
Kothavala, 2001). (D) Comparison of the best-guess predictions of
GEOCARB III (dashed line) with a smoothed representation of the proxy 2000
record (solid line; locally weighted regression [LOESS]; sampling propor-
tion = 0.1; polynomial degree = 2) that best matches the temporal
resolution of GEOCARB (10 my time-step). This approach differs from 0
C O S D Carb P Tr J K Pg

Royer et al. (2004), who expressed the proxy record in 10 my time-steps,

because here the ages of the GEOCARB output have been calibrated to
500 400 300 200 100 0
the timescale of Gradstein et al. (2004) and no longer follow an even 10 my
time-step. Time (Ma)
5668 D.L. Royer 70 (2006) 5665–5675

with evidence for widespread cooling and/or indirect or

equivocal evidence for permanent ice represent cool Earth 8 Proxies (LOESS)
states. An important distinction between the cool and cold

(CO 2 + sun) (W/m 2 )

Radiative forcing
Earth states is that the cool intervals have no unequivocal
evidence for permanent ice. Many original literature sourc-
es were incorporated in this analysis, but the compilations
of Frakes et al. (1992), Eyles (1993), Crowell (1999), Price 0
(1999), and Isbell et al. (2003) proved most valuable. All
CO2 and climate records were calibrated to the timescale -4
of Gradstein et al. (2004); chronostratigraphic nomencla-
ture also follows Gradstein et al. (2004). Formal statistical
analyses are not presented here: a comparison between -8
C O S D Carb P Tr J K Pg

CO2 from proxies and geochemical models was presented
by Royer et al. (2004) but cannot be updated here owing 500 400 300 200 100 0
to the uneven time-steps of the revised data (see Fig. 1 cap- Time (Ma)
tion). Statistical comparisons between CO2 and tempera- Fig. 2. Radiative forcing through the Phanerozoic. Radiative forcing is
ture are also not possible because the temperature data derived following the protocol of Crowley (2000a) and the radiative
presented here are largely derived from regional studies, transform expression for CO2 of Myhre et al. (1998). For the calculation,
and so cannot be directly equated to global mean the CO2 records from Fig. 1D are used and solar luminosity is assumed to
temperatures. linearly increase starting at 94.5% present-day values. Values are expressed
relative to pre-industrial conditions (CO2 = 280 ppm; solar luminosi-
ty = 342 W/m2); a reference line of zero is given for clarity. The dark
3. Results and discussion shaded bands correspond to periods with strong evidence for geograph-
ically widespread ice (see Section 2 for details).
3.1. Fidelity of Phanerozoic CO2 record
(Fig. 1D) records is that radiative forcing is comparatively
All 490 CO2 proxy records and their attendant errors are low during the early Paleozoic owing to a weaker solar con-
plotted in Fig. 1B, sorted by method; Fig. 1C plots the data stant at that time.
as a time series without error bars. When viewed at the
scale of the Phanerozoic (Fig. 1B and C), the overarching 3.2. Correlating CO2 to temperature: Late Ordovician
pattern is of high CO2 (4000+ ppm) during the early Paleo- glaciation (Hirnantian; 445.6 – 443.7 Ma)
zoic, a decline to present-day levels by the Pennsylvanian
(320 Ma), a rise to high values (1000–3000 ppm) during There is unequivocal evidence for a widespread but brief
the Mesozoic, then a decline to the present-day. These Gondwanan glaciation during the end-Ordovician (Hir-
broad patterns are discernible even when the errors of indi- nantian Stage; 445.6–443.7 Ma). Several reports argue for
vidual data points (Fig. 1B) are taken into account. a longer interval of ice centered on the Ordovician–Silurian
When the CO2 proxy record is compared to the range of boundary (e.g., 58 my in Frakes et al., 1992), and alpine
reasonable CO2 predictions from the GEOCARB III mod- glaciers may have indeed persisted in Brazil and Bolivia
el (gray shaded region in Fig. 1C), it is clear that the vast into the early Silurian (Crowell, 1999), but most recent
majority of proxy data fall within this uncertainty enve- studies demonstrate that the dominant glacial phase was
lope. This provides support for the fidelity of the proxy re- restricted to the Hirnantian (Brenchley et al., 1994, 2003;
cord. To explore this comparison further, Fig. 1D plots the Paris et al., 1995; Crowell, 1999; Sutcliffe et al., 2000).
‘best-guess’ predictions of GEOCARB III against a locally There is one CO2 data point available that is close in age
weighted regression (LOESS) of the proxy data, where the to this glaciation, and it suggests very high CO2 levels
LOESS is fitted to match the time-step of GEOCARB III. (5600 ppm; see Fig. 3A; Yapp and Poths, 1992, 1996);
Again, a positive correlation is evident between these two moreover, GEOCARB III predicts high CO2 levels at this
independent records, and is consistent with previous anal- time (4200 ppm; see Fig. 1D). Apparently, this event pre-
yses (Crowley and Berner, 2001; Royer et al., 2004). We sents a critical test for the CO2-temperature paradigm (e.g.,
can say with growing confidence that the broad, multi-mil- Van Houten, 1985; Crowley and Baum, 1991). However, it
lion-year patterns of CO2 during much of the Phanerozoic is unclear what CO2 levels were during this event. The
are known. single proxy record is Ashgillian in age, which spans the
If the GEOCARB and proxy CO2 records are used to Hirnantian but also most of the preceding Stage
calculate radiative forcing (see Fig. 2 caption for details), (450–443.7 Ma); if the CO2 data point dates to the pre-Hir-
the same general patterns remain: radiative forcing is the nantian Ashgillian, then this is consistent with a well-de-
same or weaker than pre-industrial conditions only during scribed mid-Ashgillian global warm event (Boucot et al.,
the two intervals of widespread, long-lived glaciation, the 2003; Fortey and Cocks, 2005). As for the insensitivity of
Permo-carboniferous and late Cenozoic (Fig. 2). The main GEOCARB III to the glaciation, this is unsurprising given
difference between the radiative forcing (Fig. 2) and CO2 the brief duration of the event. Kump et al. (1999)
Phanerozoic CO2 and temperature 5669

A 6000 present-day Earth is 500 ppm, the equivalent threshold

Paleosols during the Late Ordovician would be 3000 ppm. Impor-
5000 Stomata tantly, global climate models and energy balance models
calibrated to Late Ordovician conditions also predict a
CO 2 (ppm)

CO2-ice threshold of between 2240 and 3920 ppm (Crowley

and Baum, 1991, 1995; Gibbs et al., 1997, 2000; Kump
et al., 1999; Poussart et al., 1999; Herrmann et al., 2003,
2000 2004). This prediction awaits confirmation from the proxy
3.3. Correlating CO2 to temperature: Late Devonian and
0 early Carboniferous glaciations (361–349 Ma)
O Sil. Devonian Carbon. Permian Tr

450 400 350 300 250 There is evidence for two widespread but brief continen-
Time (Ma) tal glaciations during the Late Devonian and early Carbon-
iferous (Crowell, 1999). Similar to the Permo-
B Carboniferous glaciation (section 3.4), these are principally
6000 Paleosols
Stomata Gondwanan events, occurring when eastern South America
5000 Phytoplankton and central Africa crossed the South Pole (Powell and Li,
1994). The Late Devonian glaciation is restricted to the
CO 2 (ppm)

4000 middle Siphonodella praesulcata conodont zone of the

? ? ?
Famennian (361.4–360.6 Ma) and may consist of two dis-
tinct pulses (Crowell, 1999); rock evidence for this event
2000 comes from Bolivia and Brazil (Crowell, 1999; Isbell
et al., 2003). The early Carboniferous glaciation appears
1000 to span the mid- to late Tournaisian (353–349 Ma; Crowell,
0 1999) based on sediments from Bolivia, Brazil, and north
Jurassic Cretaceous Africa; however, some authors consider this evidence
200 180 160 140 120 100 80 equivocal (Isbell et al., 2003).
Time (Ma) Unfortunately, no CO2 records are currently available
for either of these events. Moderately high levels of CO2
Fig. 3. CO2 and temperature records for the (A) Late Ordovician to early are found 3 my before the Late Devonian glaciation
Triassic (460–240 Ma) and (B) Jurassic to late Cretaceous (200–80 Ma).
(1000 ppm) and 7 my after the early Carboniferous glacia-
The CO2 record is derived from Fig. 1B. Cold periods with strong evidence
for geographically widespread ice are marked with dark shaded bands. tion (1300 ppm; see Fig. 3A). If the late Cenozoic and Per-
Cool-to-cold periods with indirect or equivocal evidence for ice (see mo-Carboniferous glaciations are considered analogues,
Section 2 for details) are marked with light shaded bands. The horizontal and if changes in solar luminosity are taken into account
dashed lines at 1000 and 500 ppm CO2 represent the proposed CO2 (see Section 3.2; Fig. 2), then CO2 levels probably needed
thresholds for, respectively, the initiation of globally cool events and full
to drop below 2000 ppm to initiate the formation of perma-
glacials. Note that the scaling of the time axis differs between the two
panels. nent ice; however, at present this hypothesis cannot be test-
ed. Curiously, there is some evidence for ice near the
Frasnian–Famennian boundary (374.5 Ma; Crowell,
addressed this shortcoming by applying a high-resolution 1999; Isbell et al., 2003), a time of rapidly declining CO2
carbon cycle model across the Hirnantian; their model pre- levels (3300–350 ppm; see Fig. 3A).
dicts that CO2 levels declined from 5000 to 3000 ppm.
Although the strength of CO2-temperature coupling 3.4. Correlating CO2 to temperature: Permo-Carboniferous
cannot be presently tested for this event, it is worthwhile glaciation (326–267 Ma)
to examine what the CO2 threshold for initiating a glacia-
tion at this time may be. Global climate models calibrated The longest and most extensive Phanerozoic glaciation
to mid-Cenozoic conditions suggest a threshold of 560– occurred during the Carboniferous and Permian, during
1120 ppm (DeConto and Pollard, 2003; Pollard and DeC- which time Antarctica and Australia drifted across the
onto, 2005), however during the Late Ordovician surface South Pole (Frakes et al., 1992; Eyles, 1993; Crowell,
conditions were different, most notably in having an 4% 1999). Traditionally, this glaciation is considered to have
lower solar constant. A consequence of this decreased lasted from the base of the Namurian to the top of the
luminosity is that if all other thermal forcings were held Kazanian (326–267 Ma; e.g., Frakes et al., 1992), some
constant, the CO2 threshold for initiating a glaciation 60 my in length. Broadly speaking, this cold interval corre-
would be higher. A simple analysis of radiative forcing sponds with low levels of atmospheric CO2 (Fig. 1C and D;
(see Fig. 2) suggests that if the CO2-ice threshold for the see also Crowley and Berner, 2001; Royer et al., 2004).
5670 D.L. Royer 70 (2006) 5665–5675

However, there is a distinct period of elevated CO2 1993; Markwick and Rowley, 1998; Price, 1999). Indeed,
(1500 ppm) centered at 300 Ma (Fig. 3A); based on the for large spans of this interval the Earth was warmer than
traditional age placement of the Permo-Carboniferous the present-day (e.g., Vakhrameev, 1991; Norris and Wil-
glaciation, this period of high CO2 weakens claims for son, 1998; Wilson and Norris, 2001; Zachos et al., 2001;
CO2-temperature coupling across the event. Huber et al., 2002; Norris et al., 2002; Wilson et al.,
A recent reassessment of the timing and duration of this 2002; Schouten et al., 2003). This general paradigm of a
glaciation (Isbell et al., 2003) largely rectifies this CO2-tem- global ‘hothouse’ is consistent with the CO2 record, which
perature disparity. Instead of a continuous, 60 my long broadly shows moderately high to high values
record of ice, Isbell et al. (2003) argue for two shorter but (1000+ ppm) during the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic
discrete phases. The older phase begins at the base (Fig. 1C and D; see also Crowley and Berner, 2001; Royer
of the Namurian and ends in the early Westphalian et al., 2004) and high radiative forcings (Fig. 2).
(326.4–311.7 Ma); direct, unequivocal evidence for ice at this However, superimposed on this record of warmth is
time comes from western South America and eastern mounting evidence for cooler climates. For example,
Australia. The second cold phase commences during the ear- Frakes et al. (1992) consider the middle Jurassic to early
ly Stephanian and terminates during the mid-Sakmarian Cretaceous (Bajocian to mid-Albian; 171.6–106 Ma) a time
(302–290 Ma; see also Wopfner, 1999); evidence for ice of cool non-glacial conditions with high-latitude seasonal
during this interval is geographically more extensive, coming ice. As I outline below, further scrutiny of the paleotemper-
from South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and ature record reveals that there were multiple discrete cool
India. According to Isbell et al. (2003), there is no convincing events from at least the early Jurassic to late Cretaceous
evidence for ice between these two phases (311.7–302 Ma). (Pliensbachian to Maastrichtian; 184–66.5 Ma), each only
Post-dating the second icy phase, there is sparse and sporadic lasting <3 my in length. Thus, the most plausible climate
evidence for ice (direct evidence: diamictites with striated history for the Jurassic and Cretaceous is one dominated
clasts; indirect evidence: erratics) until the Kazanian by warm climates but punctuated by brief (<3 my; typically
(290–267 Ma; Isbell et al., 2003). This final phase is therefore <1 my) cool pulses.
not considered a full glacial; global temperatures were likely
warmer relative to the two full glacial phases. 3.5.1. Late Pliensbachian (184–183 Ma)
The strength of CO2-temperature coupling during the There is moderately strong evidence for globally cool
Permo-Carboniferous glaciation can now be reevaluated temperatures during the Late Pliensbachian (184–
in light of this new temporal framework. CO2 is consistent- 183 Ma). Eyles (1993) and Price (1999) argue for an in-
ly low during the first glacial phase (326.4–311.7 Ma), with crease in the frequency of glendonite nodules and erratics
most data <500 ppm (Fig. 3A). Interestingly, CO2 may as well as a drop in sea level, while Rosales et al. (2004)
have been <500 ppm for 10–15 my preceding the onset of present d18O and Mg/Ca records from belemnites that indi-
permanent ice (Fig. 3A). Between the two glacial phases, cate a short-term cooling in the Tethys sea. CO2 coverage
CO2 coverage is sparse, but a period of high CO2 across this event is comparatively good (see Fig. 3B):
(1500 ppm) falls at the end of this interglacial phase. Con- 4 my before the event, CO2 levels plummeted from very
comitant with the initiation of the second glacial phase, high (6300 ppm) to low (500 ppm) values. During the final
CO2 quickly drops to below 500 ppm and remains at these phases of the cool event (183 Ma), CO2 concentrations
levels for the duration of the cold phase. After the termina- were still low (500–600 ppm), but rose to higher
tion of the second icy phase (290 Ma), the Earth shifted to values (1500 ppm) shortly thereafter. CO2 appears to have
a cool state until 267 Ma. During this cool phase, CO2 re- modulated this cool event.
mained below 500 ppm except for at least one excursion to
levels between 500 and 1000 ppm. Directly after the termi- 3.5.2. Bathonian (167.7–164.7 Ma) and late Callovian to
nation of this cool phase, CO2 increased to 1000+ ppm and middle Oxfordian (162–159 Ma)
remained high until the early Triassic (Fig. 3A). A strong case exists for globally cool temperatures during
These patterns are largely consistent with a strong cou- the Late Callovian to Middle Oxfordian (162–159 Ma)
pling between CO2 and temperature: CO2 levels were high based on an extensive survey of marine temperatures (Drom-
before and after the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, and art et al., 2003a,b; Lécuyer et al., 2003), a putative drop in sea
generally low during the event. An investigation into some level (Dromart et al., 2003a,b; but see Hallam, 2001), and the
of the finer-scale patterns of CO2 and temperature provide distribution of reefs (Cecca et al., 2005). An increase in the
a compelling case for positive CO2-temperature coupling burial rate of organic matter at this time suggests that this
during most or all of this event. cool event was forced by declining CO2 concentrations
(Dromart et al., 2003a,b). CO2 proxies validate this predic-
3.5. Correlating CO2 to temperature: Early Jurassic to tion: CO2 levels exceeded 1000 ppm before and after the
Cretaceous cool pulses (184–66.5 Ma) event, but were very low (350 ppm) at its onset (Fig. 3B). Fur-
thermore, there is some evidence for cool climates during the
There is no direct evidence for permanent ice during the Bathonian (167.7–164.7 Ma; Price, 1999), which also occurs
Mesozoic and early Cenozoic (Frakes et al., 1992; Eyles, within this interval of low CO2 (Fig. 3B).
Phanerozoic CO2 and temperature 5671

3.5.3. Valanginian (140.5–139.5 Ma, 137.5–136.5 Ma) and end-Maastrichtian (65.6-65.5 Ma). The first event is
Stoll and Schrag (1996) provide marine strontium data supported by rapid shifts in both sea level (Haq et al.,
that are consistent with two large, rapid drops in sea level 1987; Miller et al., 1999, 2003, 2004) and the d18O of mar-
reported by Haq et al. (1987) during the Valanginian ine carbonate (Pirrie and Marshall, 1990; Barrera and Sav-
(140.5–139.5 and 137.5–136.5 Ma). Corroborating evi- in, 1999; Frakes, 1999; Miller et al., 2004), as well as
dence for cool climates at this time comes from marine terrestrial temperature reconstructions (Parrish and Spicer,
d18O data (Stoll and Schrag, 1996; Erba et al., 2004) and 1988). Rapid shifts in sea level (Haq et al., 1987; Miller
the increased frequency of erratics, diamictites, and glend- et al., 2003, 2004) and marine d18O records (MacLeod
onites (Frakes et al., 1992; Price, 1999). There are currently and Huber, 1996; Barrera and Savin, 1999; Huber et al.,
no CO2 data spanning these events, but high CO2 levels 2002; Miller et al., 2004) support the mid-Maastrichtian
(2000+ ppm) were present both before and after the events event, while geographically widespread marine (Wilf
(Fig. 3B). Moreover, CO2 was moderately low (650 ppm) et al., 2003) and terrestrial (Nordt et al., 2003; Wilf et al.,
shortly after the termination of the second cool event 2003) temperature reconstructions support the very brief
(135 Ma). Although more CO2 data are needed, the current (0.1 my) end-Maastrichtian event.
patterns are suggestive of CO2-temperature coupling. The CO2 record for the Maastrichtian is data-rich, span-
ning from below 500 to 1500 ppm; CO2 before the first
3.5.4. Tithonian to early Berriasian (150–144 Ma) and cool event in the late Campanian was apparently very high
Aptian (125.0–112.0 Ma) (3000 ppm; Fig. 3B). A closer look at the Maastrichtian
Price (1999) provides some evidence for cool climates CO2 and temperature records show a fine-scale structure
(erratics, diamictites, and glendonites) during the Titho- that is consistent with strong CO2-temperature coupling:
nian to early Berriasian (‘‘Volgian’’; 150–144 Ma) and Ap- CO2 during the three cool events remained below
tian (125–112 Ma). These putative cool events are longer 1000 ppm, while outside of these events CO2 often exceed-
than the other Jurassic and Cretaceous cool pulses, but ed 1000 ppm (Fig. 3B).
they have most likely been artificially smeared by poor dat-
ing control (Price, 1999). Nonetheless, the CO2 record indi- 3.5.7. Jurassic and Cretaceous summary
cates a drop in CO2 during the Tithonian–Berriasian event Although there is no definitive evidence for permanent
(Fig. 3B). CO2 is more variable during the Aptian; if CO2 ice during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, a wide variety of
and temperature were coupled, then the Aptian must not alternative temperature proxies provide a compelling case
have been uniformly cool, instead punctuated by several for CO2-temperature coupling at million-year timescales.
brief cool periods that correspond with the documented These brief periods of globally cool climates and low
low CO2 periods (<1000 ppm; see Fig. 3B). For example, CO2 do not conflict with GEOCARB III (which predicts
the marine paleotemperature record of Steuber et al. a steady decline in CO2 from 2200 to 800 ppm across this
(2005) is consistent with a cool interval during the early interval; see Fig. 1D) owing to the model’s coarse 10 my
Aptian. temporal resolution.

3.5.5. mid-Cenomanian (97.5–96.5 Ma) and mid-Turonian 3.6. Correlating CO2 to temperature: Late Cenozoic
(91–89 Ma) glaciation (34 Ma—present)
Miller et al. (2003, 2004) present evidence for glacio-
eustatic control of sea level during the mid-Cenomanian The best-documented period of continental glaciation is
(top of CC9 nannofossil zone; 97.5–96.5 Ma) and mid- the most recent glaciation that began in the late Eocene
Turonian (top of CC12 nannofossil zone; 91–89 Ma) that and continues to the present day (e.g., Crowley and North,
is consistent with the Haq et al. (1987) sea level curve. Sup- 1991; Frakes et al., 1992; Eyles, 1993; Ruddiman, 2000).
port for two brief cool pulses comes from marine d18O re- Broadly speaking, global surface temperatures cooled with
cords (Frakes, 1999; Stoll and Schrag, 2000; Miller et al., the onset of glaciation (Zachos et al., 1992, 2001; Lear
2003, 2004). The marine paleotemperature estimates of et al., 2000). A rich CO2 record derived from four indepen-
Wilson et al. (2002) and Steuber et al. (2005) are also con- dent methods spans this glaciation (Fig. 3). These data pro-
sistent with a mid-Turonian cooling. CO2 data are sparse vide a highly consistent signal of low CO2 concentrations
through this interval, but in general CO2 appears to have (<500 ppm; see also Fig. 1C for Phanerozoic context of
been moderately low (<1000 ppm; Fig. 3B); in particular, data). One exception may be the late Oligocene
moderately low CO2 conditions (860 ppm) were present (25 Ma), a known time of global warming (Zachos
at the onset of the mid-Turonian event. et al., 2001), where several CO2 data points cluster above
500 ppm (Fig. 4). CO2 levels today are probably higher
3.5.6. Maastrichtian (71.6–69.6 Ma; 67.5–66.5 Ma; than they have been for the last 25 my; the few data that
65.6–65.5 Ma) exceed 500 ppm during this interval are derived from the
Multiple lines of evidence point towards brief global paleosol method and have associated errors of at least
cooling events near the Campanian-Maastrichtian bound- ±500 ppm (Ekart et al., 1999; Royer et al., 2001), and so
ary (71.6-69.6 Ma), mid-Maastrichtian (67.5-66.5 Ma), are statistically indistinguishable from the low CO2
5672 D.L. Royer 70 (2006) 5665–5675

3000 Carboniferous) presently do not have CO2 coverage

Paleosols (Fig. 3A). Also, coverage during the Permo-Carboniferous
2500 Stomata glaciation is good, but any given period within this event is
covered by only one proxy method (paleosol or stomatal
2000 method); given that all of the stomatal-based reconstruc-
CO 2 (ppm)

tions are low during this period, it would be worthwhile

1500 to cross-check them with the paleosol method.
The Triassic is the only Phanerozoic Period with no evi-
1000 dence (direct or indirect) for ice (e.g., Frakes et al., 1992);
correspondingly, CO2 levels are typically high, with the
500 smoothed CO2 record reaching a peak near the Triassic–
Jurassic boundary before steadily declining to the pres-
0 ent-day (Fig. 1D). However, when viewed in finer detail,
Cret. Paleogene Neogene the CO2 record reveals two brief periods of low CO2
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 (<800 ppm) during the first half of the Triassic (241
Time (Ma) and 228 Ma; see Figs. 1C and 3A). The first low CO2 event
is consistent with a high-resolution isotope mass balance
Fig. 4. CO2 and temperature records for the late Cretaceous to present model (1 my time-step) that predicts a short-lived increase
day (80–0 Ma). The CO2 record is derived from Fig. 1B. Cold periods with
in the burial rate of organic matter at this time (Berner,
strong evidence for geographically widespread ice are marked with dark
shaded bands. Cool-to-cold periods with indirect or equivocal evidence for 2005); the output of this model ends at 240 Ma and does
ice (see Section 2 for details) are marked with light shaded bands; such not overlap with the younger 228 Ma event. If the rest of
periods supported by only weak evidence are annotated with a question the Phanerozoic is taken as an analogue, an expectation
mark. The horizontal dashed lines at 1000 and 500 ppm CO2 represent the would be for both low periods of CO2 to correspond with
proposed CO2 thresholds for, respectively, the initiation of globally cool
cool climates; this expectation awaits testing. Similarly, low
events and full glacials.
CO2 conditions (<1000 ppm) were present during the earli-
est Jurassic (Hettangian; 199.6–196.5 Ma) and during brief
records. The late Eocene to present-day is the clearest periods of the mid-Cretaceous (Barremian, Aptian, and
example in the Phanerozoic of a long-term positive cou- Albian; 130.0–99.6 Ma). An increase in the frequency of
pling between CO2 and temperature (see also Crowley erratics and diamictites is reported for the Hettangian
and Berner, 2001; Royer et al., 2004). (Price, 1999), and some evidence exists for cool mid-Creta-
Most sea level reconstructions imply that transient ice- ceous climates (Frakes et al., 1992; Sellwood et al., 1994;
sheets developed multiple times before switching to a Pirrie et al., 1995; Price, 1999; see also Section 3.5.4), but
permanent glacial state near the Eocene-Oligocene bound- further work is warranted.
ary (Haq et al., 1987; Browning et al., 1996). Tripati et al. Finally, despite having a rich CO2 and temperature re-
(2005) provide a strong, albeit indirect, case for three short- cord, the Paleocene to early Eocene is a climate enigma:
lived glaciations at 42–41 Ma, 39–38 Ma, and 36.5–36 Ma globally averaged surface temperatures were significantly
based on independent reconstructions of sea level, warmer than the present day (Zachos et al., 2001) and there
temperature, and calcite compensation depth. The CO2 re- is no convincing evidence for ice (Frakes et al., 1992), but
cord indicates moderately high CO2 levels (1200 ppm) at 44 CO2 estimates range from <300 to >2000 ppm (Fig. 1C).
Ma, dropping to low levels (<500 ppm) just before the on- It is doubtful that the excursions to low CO2 correspond
set of the first cool event at 42 Ma (Fig. 4). This pattern of to cool pulses in a manner similar to the rest of the Phan-
CO2 (<1000 ppm during cool events and >1000 ppm erozoic. Instead, it is possible that the boundary conditions
elsewhere) generally persists across the remaining two of the Earth system were sufficiently different at this time,
events (Fig. 4). for example with respect to paleogeography, latent heat
transport (cf. Ufnar et al., 2004 for Cretaceous example),
3.7. Future work or increased residence time of atmospheric methane (cf.
Valdes et al., 2005 for Pleistocene example).
The science of reconstructing pre-Pleistocene CO2 con-
centrations has rapidly developed in recent years: 88% of 4. Conclusion
the CO2 records presented here were published after
1998. This rich record has allowed for statistically mean- Atmospheric CO2 is positively correlated with globally
ingful comparisons between CO2 and temperature at mul- averaged surface temperatures for most of the Phanerozo-
ti-million-year timescales (Royer et al., 2004) and, as ic. This pattern has been previously shown at coarse
presented here, investigations at finer resolutions. Never- 10-million-year timescales and is demonstrated here at finer
theless, there are still gaps in both the CO2 and temperature resolutions (one million to five million-year timescales).
records. For example, the three short-lived Paleozoic The two longest-lived Phanerozoic glaciations during
glaciations (Late Ordovician, Late Devonian, and early the Permo-Carboniferous and late Cenozoic are the only
Phanerozoic CO2 and temperature 5673

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