Hera Quickstart
Hera Quickstart
Hera Quickstart
Aug, 21 2019
❏ System basics
❏ Modules
❏ Compiling and running MPI codes
❏ Using the batch system
❏ File systems
❏ Panasas differences
❏ /scratch1 & /scratch2
❏ /scrach3 & /scratch4 from Theia (only temporary)
❏ Data migration from Theia to Hera
❏ Reporting problems
❏ Upcoming training
❏ Hera is the Queen of the Gods and is the wife and sister of Zeus in the Olympian pantheon. She is known for being the Goddess of Marriage &
Birth. Despite being the Goddess of Marriage, she was known to be jealous and vengeful towards the many lovers and offspring of her husband
Zeus. (Juno, the Roman equivalent, is the TDS)
❏ Currently only 1 / 2 of Hera is up!
❏ “Group 1” is currently up, and will switch to “Group 2” after 2 weeks so that
all the nodes are exercised, but this part should be transparent to users
❏ Currently all of Theia is up, but at some point part of Theia will be shut down
to bring all of Hera up
❏ That will be followed by a complete shutdown of Theia
❏ FGA (nodes with GPUs) have not yet been moved, and continue to be part of
❏ Currently scheduled to be moved to Hera 2nd week of Sep (during the
downtime for Facilities work)
❏ The Theia file systems /scratch3 and /scratch4 are not expected to be
available after Sep 30!
Please Note!!!!!
Hera Theia
Transitioning to Hera
❏ 12 Login nodes, hfe[01-12]
❏ CAC log in
❏ sshg3 bastion-hera.princeton.rdhpcs.noaa.gov
❏ sshg3 bastion-hera.boulder.rdhpcs.noaa.gov
❏ RSA log in
❏ ssh hera-rsa.princeton.rdhpcs.noaa.gov
❏ ssh hera-rsa.boulder.rdhpcs.noaa.gov
Hera Logging in
❏ Generally users don’t need to know this! If you are used to
seeing t001-t128, etc, it may seem confusing!
❏ Some of these are subject to change
❏ Intel compilers and Intel MPI are available
❏ Compilers: intel/, intel/
❏ MPI: impi/2018.0.4, impi/2019.0.4
❏ PGI: 19.4 is available
❏ Looking into other open source MPI stacks
❏ Allinea tools
❏ “Forge” and “performance reports” for profiling
❏ “DDT” for debugging (replaces TotalView)
❏ Finding your new Project directory:
/bin/ls -ld /scratch[12]/*/<project>
❏ For example:
/bin/ls -ld /scratch[12]/*/nesccmgmt
drwxrwsr-x 5 Leslie.B.Hart nesccmgmt 4096 Aug 20 07:37 /scratch1/SYSADMIN/nesccmgmt
❏ After doing this a few times, we have some advice based on previous experiences!
❏ Keep the following link handy, we will talk about a few of these:
❏ https://heradocs.rdhpcs.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php/Migrating_data_between_l
❏ Preliminary documentation at:
❏ https://heradocs.rdhpcs.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
❏ Help: rdhpcs.hera.help@noaa.gov
Documentation/Reporting Problems
❏ Wednesday,August 28th and Thursday August,29th in Boulder (GB124) 8AM-5PM.
❏ Compilers, Libraries, VTUNE
❏ Will be telecon and GoToMeeting
❏ ARM/Allinea Training Planned for September 4th
❏ Forge and DDT
❏ Hosted in Boulder will be telecon and WebEx/GoToMeeting
Further Questions?