Physical Education
Physical Education
Physical Education
Health Related Component - pertains to the total Anaerobic exercises, when properly performed,
functioning of the body.
can provide the following functions:
1. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance - the ability of the
1. increase bone and muscle strength
heart and lungs to function efficiently over a
prolonged period of time. 2. improve endurance and joint functions;
2. Muscular Strength - the ability of muscle group to
contract against a resistance. 3. reduce the risks of injuries due to weak muscles;
3. Muscular Endurance - the ability of muscle to
endure fatigue and maintain a given level of muscle 4. improve cardiac functions;
tension and to hold the muscle contraction for a
5. enhance “good” HDL – cholesterol;
prolonged period of time.
4. Flexibility - the functional capacity of a joint to move 6. help maintain lean body mass which is important
through a normal range of motion. The muscular for persons wishing to lose weight
system is also involved.
5. Body Composition - one of the newer attributes in 7. minimize the risk of osteoporosis; and
physical fitness components. It refers to the relative
distribution of lean and fat body tissues. 8. develop coordination and balance.
Skill Related Component - The skill – related 3. Flexibility Exercise - involve stretching activities
components on the other hand, are agility, balance, that improve the range of your muscles and joints.
coordination, power and speed. Stretching exercises make your muscles more
flexible. These exercises enable you to reach, bend
1. Agility - it is the capacity to change in direction of and turn better.
body quickly and effectively.
2. Balance - it involves reflexes, vision, and the skeletal Benefits of Flexibility Exercises:
muscular system which provides the maintenance of
equilibrium. 1. increased physical efficiency and performance;
3. Coordination - it is the ability to integrate the senses 2. decreased risk of injury;
with muscles so as to produce accurate, smooth and
harmonious body movement. 3. increased neuro - muscular coordination;
4. Speed- it is the ability to move one's body from one
point to another in the shortest possible time. 4. improved muscular balance and postural
5. Power - power is sometimes confused with strength. awareness;
Speed of contraction, likewise, is the basic ingredient
which, when combined with strength, provides an
5. decreased risk of low back pain;
explosive type of movement. 6. reduce stress, promoting muscle and relaxation;
6. Reaction Time- the time required to respond or
initiate a movement as a result of a given stimulus.
7. enhanced enjoyment.
Any demanding exercise attempted too soon risky injury. The
same principle holds true for strength and power exercises.
TOPIC II: Training Principles
When you approach your multisport training, the best way to
answer your questions is to better understand the principles Over time the body becomes accustomed to exercising at a
behind the work you are putting in to improve. The following given level. This adaptation results in improved efficiency, less
are seven basic principles of exercise or sport training you will effort and less muscle breakdown at that level. That is why
the first time you ran two miles you were sore after, but now
want to keep in mind:
it's just a warm up for your main workout. This is why you
Individuality need to change the stimulus via higher intensity or longer
Progression duration in order to continue improvements. The same holds
true for adapting to lesser amounts of exercise.
The body cannot repair itself without rest and time to
recover. Both short periods like hours between multiple
Individuality sessions in a day and longer in a day periods like day or weeks
to recover from a long season are necessary to ensure your
Everyone is different and responds differently to training, body does not suffer from exhaustion or overuse injuries.
some people are able to handle higher volumes of training Motivated athletes often neglect this. At the basic level, the
while others may respond better to higher intensities. This is more you train the more sleep your body needs, despite the
based on a combination of factors like genetic ability, adaptations you have made to said training.
predominance of muscle fiber types, other factors in your life,
chronological or athletic age, and mental state. Reversibility
NUTRITION - is the study of food at work in our bodies, Water –is the body most important and basic nutrient
our source for energy, and the medium for which our that your body needs. Without water you would die in
nutrients can function. It is just one key to developing just a few days. It has been recommended that you
and maintaining good health. Nutrition is at work during drink up to eight glasses of water a day. Plus, by
our entire life-cycle — from infancy to adolescence, drinking that much water, it is very good for your skin,
adulthood and in our senior years — and can be the and can make you look younger.
antidote for many of today’s common problems, such as
Protein – this nutrient is essential for the maintenance
stress, pollution, sexual vitality, and disease prevention.
of the body. The amino acids provide the building blocks
Good nutrition means getting the right amount of for tissue, blood cells, hormones and enzymes. The best
nutrients from healthy foods in the right combinations. source of protein is meat, poultry, fish, milk products,
Having nutrition knowledge and making smart choices and eggs. It is believed that about 10 to 15 percent of
about the foods you eat can and will help you achieve your daily intake should be from protein.
optimum health over your lifetime, and be a key to
Carbohydrates – carbs are important because they
avoiding obesity, illness, and many of today’s most
provide you with the energy that you need to get
prevalent chronic diseases.
through the day. Complex carbohydrates, or starches,
Good nutrition is one of the keys to a healthy life. You are found in foods such as grains, potatoes and rice. It is
can improve your health by keeping a balanced diet. said that carbohydrates should be 55 to 60 percent of
You should eat foods that contain vitamins and your diet.
minerals. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
Fiber – is a nutrient that is indigestible. It is also a
dairy, and a source of protein.
carbohydrate that is important in regulating your bodies
functions. There are two types of fiber. There is
insoluble and soluble.
Proper nutrition means that one’s diet supplies all the
essential nutrients to carry out normal tissue growth, - It is believed that insoluble fiber aids in the
repair and maintenance. Too much or too little of any prevention of hemorrhoids and may also
nutrient can precipitate serious health problems. protect against cancer of the lower bowl.
Insoluble fiber can be found in brown rice,
Diet and nutrition often play a crucial role in the
whole grain cereals and broccoli.
development and progression of chronic diseases. A
- Soluble fiber is thought to help reduce
diet high in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol
cholesterol and thus reduce the risk of heart
increases the risk for atherosclerosis and coronary heart
and arterial disease. This type of fiber can be
disease. As many as 30 percent to 50 percent of all
found in oats, peas, beans, root vegetables, and
cancers may be diet-related. Obesity, diabetes, and
citrus fruits. It is recommended that you should
osteoporosis also have been associated with faulty
consume of 20g to 35g per day from different
Fat – stores energy. It also an insulator that protects the
Water body against heat loss. Fat also helps produce
Carbohydrates hormones, cushion vital organs like the liver and
Fiber kidneys, and aid in the absorption of certain vitamins. It
Fat is suggested that fat be no more than 30 percent of the
Vitamins diet. The issue is however many people eat more. There
Minerals are two main types of fat:
Protein - Saturated (predominant fat in vegetable oils).
Avoid fried and sugary foods at all costs due to
the very little nutritional value they possess. - products, eggs, milk products, fishes, shrimps, crabs,
---- Unsaturated fats, especially the mongo, beans, gelatin, soya, bean, peanuts, cereals like
monounsaturated fat in olive oil, may help rice and corn.
protect against heart disease.
Vitamins – are organic compounds. They essential for
regulate and protect our body. Glow foods are rich in
body growth, function, maintenance and repair.
minerals and vitamins. Minerals rich foods are milk,
Vitamins are broken down into two groups, water
cheese, fish, shellfish, such as oyster and shrimp,
soluble and fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins
mussels, clams, seaweeds, lobster, anchovies, mongo
including the B complex group and vitamins C, need to
sprouts, soybeans, soy milk, cashew, peanuts, onions,
be resupplied daily due the body’s inability to store
animal liver, egg yolk, banana, apple, orange, corn, rice,
them. Fat soluble vitamins, including A, D, E, and K, are
molasses, green peas, beans, lettuce and spinach.
stored by the body for long-periods of time. For this
reason, excessive intake may be harmful. A balanced
diet should provide all the vitamins that the body
needs. Vitamin rich foods are green leafy vegetables, yellow
fruits and vegetables, egg yolk, prunes, liver, potatoes,
Minerals – are inorganic compounds that aid in energy mongo sprouts, peanuts, cashew nuts, soybeans,
production and body maintenance as well as assisting in pepper leaves, animal internal organs- such as heart,
the control of body reactions. The mineral nutrient liver and kidney; fresh milk, cheese, camote, kangkong,
contains three groups; macro minerals, electrolytes malunggay, fish, avocado, citrus fruits, guava and cod-
and micro elements. liver oil.
- Macro minerals such as calcium magnesium
should be taken in larger doses.
- Electrolytes are sodium, potassium, chloride, What is a Health claim?
and bicarbonate.
A health claim is a statement about a food and what it
- The body needs very small amounts of micro could do for your health when eaten as part of a healthy
minerals such as chromium cooper, fluoride, diet. Foods that have health claims may help lower the
iodine, iron magnesium and, molybdenum, risk of certain diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke
selenium, sulfur, and zinc. A balanced diet and osteoporosis. Choosing foods with health claims
consisting of meats and vegetables can assist may help you lower your risk of these diseases when
you in meeting these dietary needs. used as part of an overall healthy and well-balanced