Mirriam Project
Mirriam Project
Mirriam Project
JULY 2020
This research project is my original work and has not been presented for a Diploma award in any
other university.
This research project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the candidate’s
I dedicate this to my dear parents for their unending love, support throughout this research
period. Their patience and providing me with the resources I needed made this research a success
could not have done without constant encouragement from my sibling, my supervisor. May God
bless you.
This project would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several
individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the
preparation and completion of this proposal. I forthwith pay gratitude to my supervisor Mr.
Simon Ngugi for guidance in the course work and the research project. My sincere gratitude also
goes to the lecturers at the Kiriri Women’s’ University of Science and Technology for their input
especially in units that were essential in formulation and development of this study. They were
ready to assist where their assistance was sought during the development of this document. They
have shared valuable insights in the relevance of the study. I further acknowledge the support of
my family and my study colleagues who have stood by me throughout my studies and
particularly for their unending support.
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of research.........................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Organizational profile......................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of The Problem......................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Objective................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Questions................................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope of The Study................................................................................................................3
1.6 The Purpose of The Study......................................................................................................3
1.7 Significance of The Study......................................................................................................3
1.8 Limitation of The Study.........................................................................................................4
1.9 Operational Terms..................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
2.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Theoretical Framework..........................................................................................................5
2.1.1 A.C.T Theory of Communication.......................................................................................5
2.1.2 Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication............................................................8
2.1.3 Lasswells Model of Communication.............................................................................10
2.2 The Empirical Review.........................................................................................................10
2.3 Conceptualization.................................................................................................................11
2.3.1 Mission Statement.........................................................................................................11
2.3.2 Selective Perception......................................................................................................13
2.3.3 Ethics.............................................................................................................................15
2.3.4 Lack of Resources.........................................................................................................15
2.4 Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................17
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................18
3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................................18
3.1 Research design....................................................................................................................18
3.2 Population............................................................................................................................18
3.2.1 Target Population..........................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Sample Population............................................................................................................18
3.4 Data collection instrument...................................................................................................18
3.4.1 Questionnaire....................................................................................................................18
3.5 Data collection methods.......................................................................................................18
3.6 Data Analysis method..........................................................................................................19
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................20
DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION..........................................20
4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................20
4.2 Response Rate......................................................................................................................20
4.3 Demographic Information....................................................................................................21
4.3.1 Respondents Age...........................................................................................................21
4.3.2 Respondents Age...........................................................................................................22
4.3.3 Educational Background of Respondent.......................................................................23
4.4 Job description.....................................................................................................................24
4.5 Ethics....................................................................................................................................25
4.6 To what extent does sexual harassment affects performance..............................................26
4.7 Extent that selective perception affects performance..........................................................27
4.8 Describe the general experience of how undermining one’s ideas under selective
perception affects performance..................................................................................................27
4.9 Effect of lack of payment.....................................................................................................30
4.10 Mission statement..............................................................................................................31
4.11 A company that has lost sight of its mission statement has taken its first step towards
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................33
5.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................33
5.1 Summaries of the findings...................................................................................................33
5.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................34
5.3 Recommendation.................................................................................................................35
5.4 Suggestion for further studies..............................................................................................36
APPENDIX I: INTRODUCTORY LETTER...........................................................................40
Appendix II: Questionnaires......................................................................................................41
Appendix III: WORK PLAN.....................................................................................................45
Appendix IV: Budget.................................................................................................................46
Figure 2. 1 Conceptual Model.........................................................................................................8
Figure 2. 2 Shannon and Weaver Model.......................................................................................11
Figure 2. 3 Lasswell’s Communication model..............................................................................13
Figure 2. 4 Conceptual Framework..............................................................................................21
Table 4. 1 Response rate................................................................................................................24
Table 4. 2Respondent gender........................................................................................................25
Table 4. 3 Respondent Age bracket...............................................................................................26
Table 4. 4 Educational Background...............................................................................................27
Table 4. 5 Category........................................................................................................................28
Table 4. 6 Ethics............................................................................................................................29
Table 4. 7 To what extent does sexual harassment affects performance.......................................30
Table 4. 8 Extent that selective perception affects performance...................................................31
Table 4. 9 Describe the general experience of how undermining one’s ideas under selective
perception affects performance......................................................................................................32
Table 4. 10being recognized as hardworking employee and being rewarded for it is motivating.
Table 4. 11 Effect of lack of payment...........................................................................................35
Table 4. 12 Mission statement.......................................................................................................36
Table 4. 13 A company that has lost sight of its mission statement has taken its first step towards
Due to the increased need for performance in commercial banks, there is need to know what
could be causing non-performance in the bank. This study is conducted to know the cause of
poor performance and also determine whether poor communication channels are the causes of
low performance. This study involves gathering data that will be organized and tabulated and
then analyzed. The data will be collected through questionnaire, this study will be carried out in
only branch of family bank and the target population is around sixty employees in the bank. This
research will be conducted because several researchers collected a research about causes of non-
performance but never researched communication as a cause of non-performance in family bank.
Due to this I decided to work on it and find out it is a cause of poor performance or if there is
another cause of poor performance.
1.1 Background of research
1.1.1 Organizational profile
Family bank was founded in 1985 as a family finance building society limited (FFBSL).Titus
Muya, the former non-executive chairman of family bank served as a founding chairman and
chief executive officer for the last three years of the society’s life.IN 2007 FFBSL transformed
into a fully flagged commercial bank following the insurance of a banking license by the central
bank of Kenya the country’s banking regulator. Titus Muya resigned as the chief executive of the
rebranded family bank limited to comply with the current Kenyan banking regulations since
converting to a commercial bank. The maintains a network of nearly ninety two branches as of
May 2019.
Governance, The chairman of the board of director is William Kiboro one of the non executive
directors Peter Munyiri serves as a managing director and chief executive officer. Achievement,
from only a bank in 1984 it has grown over time and currently enjoys a network of nearly ninety
two branches as of May 2019 countrywide, and it is one of the popular top ten banks serving te
Kenyan population with a client base of upto 1.7million customers. It was also the first bank to
introduce paperless banking through smart card technology that enables customers to transact
without having to fill in deposit or withdraw slips.
The bank has received numerous awards including fastest growing bank based on financials, best
bank in microfinance, 1st runners uo in the think business magazine award in 2013 and 2014 and
recognized as th best farmers bank in Kiambu and Laikipia counties. The bank emerged the
second best financial service provider in Kitui county during the Kitui Agricultural trade fairs. It
was also recognized by the visa international for having the “best visa marketing/visa brand
awareness” campaign with the catch tagline “the way to pay everyday for its EMV visa card”.
Family bank has over 1.6 million customers with a balance sheet exceeding shilling 72billion
and deposit base in excess of shillings 55billion, the bank is leveraging on the successful
adoption of the unilever banking model. The model aims at gradually positioning the bank as a
one stop shop providing retail and customer products S.M.E, agribusiness, corporate banking and
trade finance and insurance products. The bank is also leveraging the devolved system to romp in
more customers.
The expansion is in line with the county banking roadmap aimed at optimizing the devolved
governance structure. It’s slogan is “positively transforming lives”. Their mission statement is to
serve the low income families in the kingdom of Bahrain through the promotion of microfinance
to lead to the social development.
Source: MARTIN 2019
1.2 Statement of The Problem
A good communication channel is very essential for any organization performance, for an
organization to achieve its goals and objectives, it must embrace good communication channels
otherwise this will lead t its collapse, therefore it needs to have a good channel since it will help
them and position them in a competitive advantage. Communication therefore is an important
tool in management which leads to performance. It’s important to establish this research so as to
be able to know the factors affecting communication in the organization and therefore sought to
identify these functions so as to solve them.
Data driven from: J.L Austin
1.5 Scope of The Study
The research was carried out in the family bank Githurai branch because it had the required
characteristics for the success of the research and because it was accessible. A research had been
done about family bank but it had not been done to completion and therefore I decided to major
on it fully.
1.8 Limitation of The Study
During the study the following were encountered uncooperative respondent therefore hindering
information which was also a problem of lack of finance for transportation and for purchasing
the necessary tools used during the study. Impassable roads were also another hindrance to the
study however even with the above hindrance the research was a success.
2.0 Introduction
In this chapter the researcher will give theoretical review, Empirical review, and the
conceptualization. This chapter contains all that is entailed in this research and related
researchers will also be given.
which does not describe anything at all. The utterances in the sentence or in the part of the
sentences are normally considered as having a meaning of its own.
The feeling, attitude, emotions and thoughts of the person performing linguistic act are much of a
principal unit here. Further Austin divides his linguistic act into three different categories which
are described below as: Locutionary act-This is the act of saying something. It has a meaning
and it creates an understanding utterly to convey or express, Illocutionary act-it’s performed as
an act of saying something or as an act of opposed to saying something.
The Illocutionary utterance has a force of it. It’s well-versed with certain tones, attitudes, feeling
or emotions. There will be an intention of the speaker or other in illocutionary utterance. It is
often used as a tone of warning in a day to day life, Perlocutionary act-it normally creates a sense
of consequential effects on the audiences. The effect upon the addressee is the main character
ship of perlocutionary utterances.
Austin himself admits that these three components of utterances are not altogether separable.”We
must consider the total situation in which the utterance is issued. The total speech act-if we are
to see the parallel between statements and performative utterance, and how each can go wrong.
Perhaps indeed there is no great distinction between statements and performative
Searle also suggested that the basic unit of linguistic communication is speech act. It can be a
word, a phrase, a sentence or a sound; it should fulfil the task of expressing the intention of the
user. Understanding the user’s intention can lead to complete understanding of the speech act.
The Conceptual Model
Figure 2. 1 Conceptual Model
Source Anderson 1976
The production memory consist of the knowledge that uses to do simple things such as removing
pen cap or opening a car door Declarative memory of informative and facts like there are 24
hours in a day 7days in a week. Working memory is a part of long term memory which is more
highly activated.
“This theory deals with how the social perceiver uses information to arrive at casual explanations
for events. It examines what information is gathered and how it is combined to form a casual
judgement.” Fiske & Taylor, 1991.
Heider (1958)believed that people are naïve psychologist trying to make sense of the social
world. People tend to see cause and effect relationship even where there is non. Heider did not so
much develop this theory himself but emphasized certain themes that others took up. There are
two ideas that he put forward that became influential; when we explain the behavior of others we
look for enduring internal attribution such as personality traits for example we attribute the
behavior of a person for their naivety or reliability or jelousy.
“The way we communicate with others we ultimately determine the quality of our lives”
Anthony Robins, and when we try to explain our own behavior we tend to make external
attributions such as situational or environment. Weiner focused on this attribution theory on
achievement(1974), he identified ability, effort, task, difficulty and lack as the most important
factors affecting attribution for achievement in his study Heider argued that real objects shape
“media” such as air pressure, light reflections and sense organs. These media have a considerate
degree of variance for one thing, they reflect many real objects but the perceptual apparatus
reconstruct real objects from their characteristics effects on the media. Heider labeled this
’attribution’-a process that generates inferences of the relatively invariant qualities of things from
the characteristics variance patterns they cause in th media.
Perceivers faced with sensory information thus experience perceptual objects as ‘out there”
because they attribute the sensory data to their underlying cause in the world(Heider,2019).
Heider extended his ideas to the question of how people perceive each other, and in particular
how they account for each other’s behavior, person perception.
Motives played an important role in Heider’s model: “motives, intentions and sentiments… the
core processes which manifest themselves in overt behavior”. Heider distinguished between
personal causality such as offering someone a drink-and impersonal causality such as sneezing
or leaving falling. Later attribution theorists have tended to see Heider’s fundamental distinction
as being between ”person(or internal) causes and situation (or external) causes of behavior from
his book “The psychology of Interpersonal Relations(1958),” Fritz Heider wrote about the nature
of interpersonal relationship, and espoused the concept of what he called “common sense” or
“native psychology”.
In his theory he believed that people observe, analyze and explain behaviours with explanations.
Although people have different kinds of explanation into two categories ;Internal(personal) and
external(situational) attributions. When an internal attribution is made the cause of the given
behavior is assigned to the individual characteristics such as ability, personality, mood, efforts,
attitudes or disposition.
When an external attribution is made the cause of the given behavior is assigned to the situation
in which the behavior was seen such as the task, other people, or luck (that the individual
producing the behavior did so because of the surrounding environment or social situation).
These two types lead to very different perception of the individual engaging in a behavior.
Figure 2. 2 Shannon and Weaver Model
Source: Shannon and Weaver
Shannon and weaver’s model clearly demonstrates why even the simplest communications can
be misunderstood. Transmitting a signal across additional media only adds to the complexity of
the communication and increases the chances for distortion. It’s suddenly easier to understand
why other people just can’t grasp what we already know.
Criticism of Shannon and Weaver model of communication one of the simplest model and it’s
general applied in various communication theories , the model which attracts both academics of
human communication and information theorist to lead their further research in communication.
It therefore, more effective in person-to-person communication then group or mass audience, the
model based on ”sender” and “receiver”. Here sender plays the primary role and receiver plays
the secondary role(receive the information or passive, communication is not a one way process.
If it behaved like that it will lose its strength. For example: Audience or receiver who is listening
to a radio, reading the books or watching television is one way of communication because
absence of feedback and lastly understanding noise will help to solve the various problems in
communication. In his work after close examination weaver wrote ”an engineering
communication theory is just like a very proper and discrete girl accepting your telegram she
plays no attention to the meaning weather it is sad or joyous or embarrassing, but she must be
prepared to deal with all possible messages and that’s the intelligent way to do this, base design
on the statistical character of the source is surely not without significance for communication in
general” Weaver 1964
2.1.3 Lasswells Model of Communication
This model was developed by Harold Lasswell in 1948 while he was a professor at Yale law
school. In his article of 1948 he wrote that the convenient way to describe an act of
communication is to answer questions like who says what? In what channel? To whom with
what effect? The model organizes the scientific study of the process of communication: ’who’
refers to the communicator who formulates the message; ‘What’ is the content of message;
‘channel’ indicates the medium of transmission; ‘Whom’ describes either an individual recipient
or the audience of mass communication; ‘Effect’ is the outcome of the message of the message.
The movement of the message travels from the communicator to the audience.
Although this model represents a one-way flow of communication, the “effect” also refers to
feedback in public relations. Lasswell stated that the ‘Who’ referred to “control analysis”, the
“Says what” referred to “Content analysis’ the “In which channel” referred to “Media analysis”
the “To whom referred to “Audience analysis”, and the “With what effect” referred to “Effect
success in business and business career, specific courses that contribute most to career success
and the basic skills of an ideal manager. This study surveyed 1000 personnel managers listed as
members of the American society of the personnel administrator in the united state. Based on
248 usable sources findings revealed that “skills most valued in the contemporary job market are
the communication on skills”.
Mohamed Bakir his 2009 work related the board of directors’ size and the performance in the
banking industry. In his findings he said that “contrary to theories predicting that smaller number
of directors are effective, increasing their number in the banking firms does not undermine
performance, in contrast the evidence is in favor of a positive relationship whether this positive
association is due to the fact that banks reduce number of their directors in the after-math of poor
performance. ‘The research above studied about the cause of poor communication in
organizations as well as the possible causes of poor performance like the number of board
These researchers did not explore on poor communication channels as a cause for organizational
performance. This research therefore seeks to establish that poor communication channels will
affect the organizational performance. This study brings forth the causes of poor communication
and how they affect performance in our organizations.
2.3 Conceptualization
2.3.1 Mission Statement
A company mission is a statement of purpose of a company or any other organization. It is it’s
reason for exciting. A written declaration of an organization core purpose and the focus that
normally remains unchanged overtime. It serves as constant reminder to it’s employee of why
the company exists and what its founders envisioned when they put their fame and fortune at risk
to breath life into their dream.
At a minimum your mission statement should define your primary customers are, identify the
products and services you produce and describe the geographical location that you operate on.
How To Derive A Company Mission?
The first step involves creating a mission statement that will define your core business in a
sentence or two. In the second step you should define your objective and create measurable goals
for the company. Example of goals could include specific market share. The third step involves
conducting a SWOT analysis, this is to assess your company internal and external environment.
You should search internal factors like financial resources and talented staff or even market
share, also you should include external factors like the customer base, emerging technology or
completion. The fourth step should involve applying the results gained through SWOT analysis
in order to identify those that will assist or hinder your ability to achieve your goals and
objectives. At step five you should create your strategy, define the specific actions you need to
take to achieve your objectives, clearly note the steps necessary to overcome the threats and
weakness and make proper use of the already identified strengths and opportunities to add to
your advantage.
In the sixth step decide on the role stakeholders will take In the strategy. Communicate these
roles clearly to bring everyone on board. Make the strategy part of your company’s culture. From
what is discussed above it is shown that clarity of mission affects the performance of employees
and the organization as a whole. For an organization to thrive well in this market it is therefore
important for it have a clear mission for everybody concerned to see, read and understand it and
be directed by it.
Importance of Mission Statement
Establish company direction-the mission statement sums up your company’s direction and goals
for what you and your management team hope to achieve. The statement may be short but should
give a clear objective for why you do what you do. To inform the public-as much as you want to
establish your direction as an organization it is very important to establish it for the public so as
to communicate to them, your customer, industry partners why your goals are important to the
company’s overall direction.
It provides template for decision making-a mission should always be clear so as to set boundaries
which will enable owners to delegate both responsibility and authority. It forms the basis for
alignment-it forms the basis for alignment not only with the owner but also the entire
organization. When a new employee is hired it’s important that they know what the company
does, where it’s going and what it expects from them. It welcomes helpful change-most people
are resistant to change because in most cases it causes us to feel insecure and sometimes out of
However, if the mission is clear team members will see the value of the change and how it helps
the organization to accomplish its objectives. It shapes strategy-a business will collapse without a
strategy. Instead of copying competitors, wise entrepreneurs create the most effective strategies
possible to accomplish their mission. Facilitate evaluation and control-as said earlier “what you
measure will be your mission” when you have a clear mission, written statement of mission you
will know exactly what to measure as well as how to measure it. Clarity of mission brings clarity
on every other level of the organization.
2.3.2 Selective Perception
This is a perceptual process in which a person only perceives what he desires to and ignores
other perceptions or viewpoints. “People screen out advertisements depending on their beliefs,
attitudes, conducting habits, uses preference and others”. Symour Smith(1960) biological factors
like age, gender and race may affect perception more to this an individual’s needs and
expectations and emotional state may have heavy influences on what one chooses to perceive.
Wilson and Abraham in 1997 found out that peoples heart rate changed in the same way as when
drunk, when they are talking to an attractive member of the opposite sex after taking what they
had been told was alcohol but was not. French Diarist Anais Nin said that “we don’t see things as
they are but we see things as we are. Selective perception may lead to ‘seeing’ things that the
person wants to and degrading the opposite of such, there are types of selective perception:
Perceptual vigilance and perceptual defense.
Perceptual vigilance refers to the process in which the individual notices and recognizes the
stimuli that may be significant to him at some degree. Perceptual defense occurs in an attempt of
a person to create a barrier between him and the stimuli so that he could protect himself from
having awareness of it. Selective Perception Theory
This theory holds that we filter stimuli both consciously and consciously as we perceive the
stimuli. Consciously, we are able to block out certain stimuli such as color, sounds and images.
We can consciously focus our attention on specific stimuli and disregard, distracting,
unimportant or contradicting information. In other words, we actively choose what information
we digest and what we discard. This skill enables us to turn our attention away from certain
stimuli and handle the multiple distractions that we encounter throughout our day.
However, selective perception also happens unconsciously, without any purposeful effort on our
part for example, there have been studies that found that we are more likely to recognize certain
shapes and colors within our field of vision than others.
Metrics: this guard against selective perception by taking subjectivizes out of the equation
entirely. If a company installs a metrics dominated culture where everyone is judged for hitting
their individual targets and business success is based on the members. It will get an unbiased
picture of who’s succeeding at their defined mission and who is lagging behind. This takes
exceptional care when deciding which metrics to emphasize and most importantly be careful that
employees don’t start chasing their numbers and neglect other critical aspects of the business.
Taking the time to write out a mission statement, goals and values and the sticking to them is
very important this keeps everyone focused and following an established set of procedures to
grow the business. This helps eliminate selective perception which leads to bullying of the
employees checks and balance. This to seek the feedback of other managers that require
everyone to defend their positions and listen to what everyone else is doing in order to ensure
those biases don’t ruin performance and productivity.
In most organizations there is the tendency for us to overestimate our own performance, giving
too much credit to ourselves for success and blaming others for failure. Getting feedback from
workers and the managers team may give everyone a clearer picture of the situation and prevent
these selective perceptions from influencing the organizational policy.
In the following points selective perception may lead to undermining of certain employee by
another. This is where one feels that their decision very right and can therefore not accept ideas
from others. When this happens the employee whose ideas is rejected feels dissatisfied and lack
belonging in the organization, this may lead to employee turnover which intern leads to hiring of
new employees.
This is very costly starting from the advertisement down to training and development of these
new employees, managers at all levels should therefore strive hard to ensure no such cases are
reported lest they lead to closure of the whole organization. It should be clearly highlighted that
ones ideas are welcomed to avoid biasness in the organization. Managers should also check on
each other and see if such traits exist amongst themselves.
2.3.3 Ethics
Ethics refers to the moral principle that reflect a society’s belief about the actions of an
individual or a group that are right or wrong. These beliefs may vary from one person to another
one therefore ethics is the end product is the end product of a process defining and clarifying the
nature and content of human interaction. Ethics also involves acting in order to attain human
goals. Managers claim that the most critical quality of ethical decision making is consistency.
The therefore try to adopt a philosophical approach that can provide the basis for the consistency
they seek. There are three ethical approaches that are highly considered. Managers who adopt the
utilitarian approach judge the effects of a particular action on the number of people directly
This approach rather than focusing on the motives behind an action, it focuses on the action
itself. Potentially negative results are weighed against potential negative results. If the positive
results outweigh the negative then the manager is likely to proceed with the action. Still there are
some managers who subscribe to the moral rights approach. This judge whether decisions and
action are in keeping with the maintenance of individual and group rights and privileges. The
moral right approach consists of rights of expression, freedom of speech and private company.
Managers who take the social justice approach how consistent actions are with equity, fairness
and impartially in the distribution of rewards and costs among individuals and groups.
Lack of ethics on employees’ lead to poor communication performance. In some cases
employees are so conceived with getting ahead and making money that they ignore procedures
and protocols . This can lead to additional paperwork, careless and following the rules will not
get them ahead in time business, sometimes feel a lack of motivation which often leads to a
decrease in performance. In conclusion, from the above points, for the employees to perform
ethical behaviors must be upheld.
2.3.4 Lack of Resources
Lack of resources could largely lead to poor performance in an organization. This is lack of
resources in terms of financial to pay the employees. Employees get the wrong impression of the
organization if they are not paid in time or even if they are not compensated incase of overtimes
or leaves. Proper communication should be done by the concerned head of department to avoid
employee dissatisfaction which may lead to employee turnover. Enough resources are therefore
essential to ensure that the organization is able to pay its employees. Poor performance could be
caused by lack of resources in terms of money to fund activities like training and development
which are key factors that affect performance if training and development is not done
occasionally, performance ma go down due to the ever changing technology. Similarly, today’s
organization are operating in a dynamic and highly competitive environment.
To remain relevant in the market they have to be able to respond quickly to the ever changing
customer needs. Lack of the resources to fund such activities can lead to poor performance due
to lack of skills and knowledge. Lack of funds to be used motivation purposes in terms of
rewards could lead to poor performance. Employees feel better if their good performance is
recognized and rewarded. Similarly, if this is not done they may fee; like they are not giving
their best to the best to the organization and also may feel demotivated to continue working
there. Organizations may face challenges of not keeping up with the market due to lack of
resources to hire, pay and maintain the talented personnel, the cost of hiring staff is very high
and therefore when the organization fails to pay its employees well, some of them may opt to
leave the organization for a better paying organization.
This deprives the organization of its money which it would have used in developing its
employees in a better way. Resources are what make an organization learn smoothly, it ensures
that all employees are paid in time; career and organizational planning is done and also ensures
that there is organizational development as a whole
2.4 Conceptual Framework
facts and statements from the interviewee. The method is flexible and one get first-hand
information. The method is flexible and one gets first-hand information is collected to ensure the
researcher achieve her objective and goals about the research.
3.6 Data Analysis method
The data was checked after the collection of questionnaire and later was analyzed using the
statistical package for social science (SPSS).
4.3 Demographic Information
4.3.1 Respondents Age
Table 4. 2 Respondent gender
4.3.2 Respondents Age
Table 4. 3 Respondent Age bracket.
Age bracket
above 50
4.3.3 Educational Background of Respondent
Table 4. 4 Educational Background
Education Background
Source (Author2019)
4.4 Job description
Table 4. 5 Category
Staff category
line manager
middle level manager
top managers
4.5 Ethics
Table 4. 6 Ethics
Table describe the general experience of how good ethical standards influence performance
Ethics Frequency % Rate
Highly influence 10 18.18
Moderate influence 12 21.82
Influence 18 32.73
Neutral 6 10.91
Doesn’t Influence 9 16.36
Total 55 100
In this question, the employees who respondent that good ethical standard highly influences
performance were 10 and held a percentage of18.18%, moderately influences were 12, with
percentage of 21.82%, the number that said ethics influences performance were 18 with a
percentage of32.73%, 6 employees gave a neutral answer and held a percentage of 10.91% while
9 employees with a 16.36% of all the respondents held that ethics doesn’t influence performance.
Highly infuences
Moderately influence
Doesn’t influence
Figure 4. 6
4.6 To what extent does sexual harassment affects performance
Table 4. 7 To what extent does sexual harassment affects performance
Sexual harassment
Highly affects
Doesn’t Affect
4.7 Extent that selective perception affects performance
Table 4. 8 Extent that selective perception affects performance
Selective perception
highly affects
Doesn’t affect
4.8 Describe the general experience of how undermining one’s ideas under selective
perception affects performance
Table 4. 9 Describe the general experience of how undermining one’s ideas under selective
perception affects performance
Selective perception
Highly affects
Moderately Affects
Doesn’t affect
4.9 Being recognized as hardworking employee and being rewarded for it is motivating.
Discuss to what extent does lack of it due to lack of finance affects performance.
Options Frequency % Rate
Strongly affects 17 30.91
Moderately affects 19 34.55
affects 10 18.18
Doesn’t affect 9 16.36
total 55 100.00
From the above data, 17 of the respondent and who held a percentage of 30.91 insisted that lack
of finance to fund reward activities strongly affects the performance of employees, 19 of their
respondent who had a percentage of 34.55% said that it moderately affects while 10 employees
who had a percentage of 18.18%said that this affects performance. However only 9 of the
respondent with a percentage of 16.36% said that lack of finance to fund such activities doesn’t
affect performance.
moderately affects
doesn’t affect
Figure 4. 10
Lack of payment of employees could lead to high turnover rates which in turn lead to high cost
hiring fresh employees. In your opinion do you agree that this could lead to poor performance?
lack of payment
strongly agree
Do not agree
4.10 Mission statement
Table 4. 12 Mission statement
should managers be directed by the mission statement for the subordinates to follow?
Mission statement
Strongly Agree
Doesn’t Agree
4.11 A company that has lost sight of its mission statement has taken its first step
towards failure.
Table 4. 13 A company that has lost sight of its mission statement has taken its first step
towards failure.
Stronly Agreed
Doesn’t Agree
Figure 4. 13 A company that has lost sight of its mission statement has taken its first step
towards failure.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter contains the summaries of the finds of this research and are discussed in details. The
chapter will also contain the
5.1 Summaries of the findings
From the table 4.1, its evident that 55 employees of the sample respondents who responded to the
questionnaire. From the table 4.6 which was to describe the general experience on how social
standards affect performance 32.73% of the total respondents shoed that ethical standards
influences performance. This implies that whether good or bad ethical standards, performance
will be influenced.
Table 4.7 shows how employees responded to the question to what extent does sexual
harassment affects perforce 41.82% insisted that is highly affects performance this was the
highest number of the respondent who insisted on this 27.27% was the least number of the total
respondent to this question and insisted that sexual harassment does not affect performance.
From table 4.8, that respondent responded to the question to what extent does selective
performance affect performance. The respondent to this were all 55 in number and a percentage
of 27.27% of this number said that selective perception affects perception. This holds the least
number of the total respondent. The highest percentage of the total respondent held that selective
perception does not affects performance.
Table 4.9 the respondent were to describe the general feeling of how undermining one’s ideas
under selective perception affects performance. The highest percentage was 36.36% and their
responses were that it does not affect. This shows that selective perception in the case of
undermining one’s ideas affects performance because great ideas could be assumed which leads
to organization failure.
Table 4.10 shows the percentage that responded being recognized as a hardworking employee
and being rewarded for it can be motivating. Discuss to what extent lack of it due to lack of
finances affect performance. A percentage of 34.55% of the respondents said that this
moderately affects performance. A percentage of 16.36% of the respondent said that this does
not affect performance. This showed that of finance affects performance because a high
percentage of the respondent agreed that lack of finances affect performance because the
employees feel better if rewarded for a good performance and there strive to work harder and
also increase their commitment and devotion. This in turns increases the profits of the
From the table 4.11 the respondents were to respond to the question that, lack of payment of
employees could lead to high turnover rates which lead to high cost of hiring fresh employees. In
your opinion do you think this could lead to poor performance? No person can without pay
bearing in mind the high cost of living. This therefore may lead to turn over rates and therefore
wastage of time during which the organization goes through the process of advertising and
placement of staff. Orientation and training of new staff also takes a lot of time during which
organization could be developing. Paying the staffs in good time is therefore the good way
motivate and become loyal to the organization.
Table 4.12 the respondent discussed the statement that the managers should be directed by the
mission statement for the subordinate to follow34.55% said that they strongly agreed with the
statement while 18.18% did not agree with the statement. This means mangers should stick to the
mission statement of the organization.
Table 4.13 the respondents were to discuss the statement that a company that has lost sight of the
mission statement has taken first step to failure. 38.18% of the respondents strongly agreed while
14.55% were neutral, this meant they did not want to fail under any options given.it true that a
company should ensure they have sight of statement to ensure that they do not divert from their
purpose of existing.
5.2 Conclusion
In conclusion we see that ethics really affect performance it is difficult for any person to work in
an unethical environment. It greatly affects those working under it. Sexual harassment may lead
to low turnover rate due to those who opt to leave the organization for a better place. Those who
leave may suffer from health problems both physically or mentally because of their inflicted fear
in them by the concerned managers. They may not be in a position to work well because of the
guilt that they may suffer from. They may suffer from physical problem if the contact certain
discuss whom they are sexual harassed. It is therefore important that the organization insure the
employees are well taken care of and unethical behavior like corruption and any others are
Selective perceptions also affect performance a great deal. When a person comes up with an idea
every time and the idea is not taken in to consideration the individual may opt to keep the idea to
himself and therefore ideas that would have contributed to the development and growth of the
specific company are not put into the limelight. This lead to poor performance as that individual
will only be in the organization for the sake of being there. He cannot identify himself with
organization and hence productivity goes down. It is therefore the work of the managers to take
into account their ideas put forth by the staffs. Organization that consider employees ideas have a
high growth rate compare to those who do not consider them. It is therefore important for the
managers learn to value the employee’s idea for all of them to move forward and achieve their
objectives. This should also include not favoring someone more than others which reduce their
royalty to the organization.
Companies should also ensure their employees are paid in time to reduce employees’ turnover
which only increases the cost of employment. It is economical to hire a small number of
employees and ensure that they receive their payment on time rather of employees and fail to pay
them on time rather than have a very big number of employees and fail to pay them. Rewarding
employees for good performance increases employees’ commitment and also their royalty in the
company. This also helps them identify with the company and therefore increases productivity.
When an individual identify with a certain company they tent to perform better. This shows that
lack of resources to fund these activities and also for training and development could lead to poor
performance it is therefore responsibility of the employer they ensure that they maximize profit.
Mission statement is the reason for the existence of the company it should therefore be used to
direct the staff of that particular company. Managers should agree to be directed by it. if
managers are not directed by the mission statement performance may go down.
In conclusion we find that all the independent variables largely affect the dependent variable
which is performance. Managers should reconsider independent variable and ensure that they
create a good working environment in order to achieve the set target.
5.3 Recommendation
The researcher recommend that all to improve or maintain performance they should ensure that
the independent variables that affect performance should be improved so that high profit,
employees satisfaction and also other companies goals are realized. The company mission should
always direct the staff members and should not at one time divert from it. The managers should
also be keen to note the unethical behavior that may lead to poor performance.
Maximizing profit should also be essential in the organization to get money to pay its employees
and also to fund activities concerning them in the organization. This will help increase their
commitment. Selective perception should be curbed because it does not lead to development in
the organization. Lastly the management should take into consideration all the factors that affect
performance and work to improve or maintain performance if its desirable.
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Miriam Kisira
Dear Respondent,
Your participation in this study is essentially and will be highly appreciated. Kindly spare a few
minutes to fill in the attached questionnaire which will take you approximately 10 minutes to
I assure you the information that you will give will be treated with the utmost confidentiality
and will only be used for academic purpose.
Yours faithfully,
Miriam Kisira
Appendix II: Questionnaires
2. Age category
Above 50
3. Education background
Above masters
4. Staff category
A highly influences
B moderately influences
C influence
D neutral
Highly affects
Highly affect
9. Describe the general experience of how undermining once idea under selective
performance affects performance
Highly affects
Moderately affects
10. Being recognized as hardworking employee and being rewarded for it is motivating.
Discuss to what extent lack of it due to lack of finances affect performance.
Strongly affects
Moderately affects
11. Lack of payment of employees could lead to high turnover rates which in turn lead to high
cost of hiring fresh employees. In your own opinion do you agree this could lead to poor
Do not agree
12. The manager should be directed by the mission statement for the subordinate to follow.
You agree
13. A company that has lost sight of its mission statement has taken its first step toward
You strongly agree
You agree
Do not agree