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Design with water

Arup addresses critical issues relating to resilience,

flood risk, water supply and wastewater treatment
by placing a re-integrated water cycle at the heart of
sustainable planning, design and delivery.

Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Design with water

By aligning with, and supporting other socio-economic and
environmental drivers, actions taken to protect and enhance
the water cycle can deliver multiple wider benefits. Return to intro

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Food & Agri

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Water Ecosystem Water supply Flooding
resources services Buildings and

public realm water cycle

Demand Asset

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management management Wastewater

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Planning and Energ
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urban design
Rivers and

Urban retrofit Resilient

Catchment interventions Specialist Services

Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Coasts Rivers and Planning and Resilient Urban Green Buildings and Water
waterways urban design Infrastructure retrofit infrastructure public realm resources

Coastal zones are critical for trade and industry, habitat, tourism, health, and, increasingly,
for energy. With forecasts of sea-level rise and changing weather patterns, low-lying coastal
settlements are increasingly vulnerable to storms and flooding. Adaptable, robust coastal
defences that work with natural systems can underpin sustainable development of coastal
communities, as can schemes to improve bathing water quality.

Selected projects:

Bay Area Sea Level Rise Adaptation

Assessment, California, USA

Preston Beach masterplan & water Humber Estuary Flood Risk Long Branch Sustainability Masterplan,
management strategy, Australia Management Strategy, UK Long Branch, New Jersey, USA
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Coasts Rivers and Planning and Resilient Urban Green Buildings and Water
waterways urban design Infrastructure retrofit infrastructure public realm resources

Rivers and waterways

Understanding and living safely with rivers in drought and flood - as a benefit or
a danger - is key to successful land use planning. Rivers and waterways support
ecosystems and have shaped patterns of development over time. Protecting and
re-vitalising these assets through improved water quality, habitat creation and high
quality design is critical to successful urban and rural development.

Selected projects:

Upper Raba spawning grounds,

river restoration project, Poland

Leeds/Liverpool Canal, waterside Thames Estuary 2100,

restoration & regeneration, Liverpool UK Landscape Strategy, UK
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Coasts Rivers and Planning and Resilient Urban Green Buildings and Water
waterways urban design Infrastructure retrofit infrastructure public realm resources

Planning and urban design

From regional scale to neighbourhoods and individual dwellings, water-
sensitive land use planning and urban design creates a framework that
balances effective water-cycle management with wider environmental
drivers and other urban systems, including transport, housing, green space,
industry, agriculture, health, education and economic development.

Selected projects:
© HG Esch Fotografie

© Hangzhou Urban Planning Design Institute

Hangzhou Wetlands Habitat and Thanlyin Star City Water
Biodiversity Masterplan, China Strategy, Yangon, Myanmar

Water sensitive Planning and Urban The Future of Urban Water: Water Sensitive Urban
Design, Songdo City, South Korea Scenarios for Urban Water Utilities in 2040 Design, UK scoping study
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Coasts Rivers and Planning and Resilient Urban Green Buildings and Water
waterways urban design Infrastructure retrofit infrastructure public realm resources

Resilient infrastructure
Built infrastructure should be designed to accommodate current and potential
future hydrological extremes, whilst preserving and enhancing aquatic ecosystems.
Accommodating climate change, by making precautionary allowances for future
change or through adaptive management, will ensure resilient infrastructure
systems that survive and perform well in an increasingly uncertain future.

Selected projects:

Enhancing Climate Resilinece

of Gorakhpur City, India

Rehabilitation of Ulley Reservoir following New York City Transit Climate change assessment & flood resilient
damage during the June 2007 flood event, UK Flood Resiliency, USA design for High Speed 2 Rail, UK project
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Coasts Rivers and Planning and Resilient Urban Green Buildings and Water
waterways urban design Infrastructure retrofit infrastructure public realm resources

Urban retrofit
In addition to planning new development, retrofit of existing
environments is a critical issue facing city authorities, water
managers and other stakeholders. From improved buildings services,
urban greening and retrofit of SUDS within urban landscapes, water
can play a key role in transforming urban environments.

Selected projects:

Retrofitting green Infrastructure for

water management, New York City, USA

Melbourne main outfall sewer Greener Grangetown integrated

rehabilitation, Australia landscape retrofit Cardiff, UK
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Coasts Rivers and Planning and Resilient Urban Green Buildings and Water
waterways urban design Infrastructure retrofit infrastructure public realm resources

Green infrastructure
Water can be a powerful integrator and a catalyst for change.
Designing for water can play a key role in delivery of improved
green infrastructure - the networks of woodlands open spaces,
wildlife habitats, waterways and other natural assets that underpin
healthy and successful places.

Selected projects:
© Ari Burling Photography

Llanelli & Gowerton water strategy

and green infrastructure retrofit, UK

Hunters Point public realm & CITIES ALIVE - Rethinking Green Infrastructure, Business improvement district
green infrastructure, USA Can nature help restore harmony in our Cities? green infrastructure toolkit, UK
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Coasts Rivers and Planning and Resilient Urban Green Buildings and Water
waterways urban design Infrastructure retrofit infrastructure public realm resources

Buildings and public realm

Water can play a key role in place-making through integration of water and green infrastructure
to revitalise public realm, improve microclimate and enhance connectivity for people and
wildlife. Designing new buildings and retrofitting existing ones for water and energy efficiency
is also critical. Strategies include use of water efficient fixtures and fittings, rainwater
harvesting and treatment, grey water recycling and integration of green roofs and walls.

Selected projects:

© Nic Lehoux
Newport Beach Civic Centre
and Park, California, USA

© ODA / London 2012

© Edward Sumner
City Park water infrastructure, London 2012 Olympic Park water Siemens Urban Sustainability
and public realm, Bradford, UK infrastructure design, UK Centre, London, UK
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Coasts Rivers and Planning and Resilient Urban Green Buildings and Water
waterways urban design Infrastructure retrofit infrastructure public realm resources

Water resources
Sustainable use of water resources against a background of climate change, urbanisation and
population growth requires an integrated catchment-wide approach. Whole-life assessment
of water supply, treatment and storage options from surface water and groundwater, to sea
water, rainwater harvesting and grey water must be coupled with demand reduction through
behaviour change, smart infrastructure and water efficient design.

Selected projects:

Water strategy, site development and

regeneration of Robben Island, South Africa

© Procter & Gamble / Arup

© ODA / London 2012
Managing Water Use in Scarce London 2012 Olympic Park Managing Water towards
Environments - WRG 2030 Global Study water re-use strategy, UK Zero Discharge, Mexico USA
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Place and community 1 2

Access to and engagement with water can play a significant role in creating
better places with a strong sense of identity. Making space for water can open
up and reconnect people and places. Water is an integrator which can facilitate
partnership and collaboration.

y & Co
New forms of delivery including community Green/blue infrastructure Water re-integrated into Ec
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interest companies and social enterprises build facilitates improved connectivity improved public realm creates

identity and facilitate community resilience between communities unique and valuable places



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

Reconnecting water cycle

settlements to their


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watercourses Wastewater

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Sense of community
strengthened through awareness
and local response to flood risk

Understanding the role of

community-led planning and
action to increase resilience

Spaces for meeting and recreation Integrated landscape retrofit Revitalised waterways
integrated with sustainable urban projects create focus for as focal points for
drainage schemes shared action and investment regeneration
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Place and community 1 2

Selected projects:

Sewer outfall retrofit as a driver for

Regeneration, Melbourne Australia

© Nic Lehoux
Newport Beach Civic Centre
and Park, California, USA

The Plus Pool - River water floating Stebonheath School landscape

swimming pool, New York, USA design and SudS retrofit, Llanelli, UK
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Climate change 1 2

Design for water helps to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Greening of urban
areas, including large tree planting, new habitats and creation of open water bodies
directly contribute to improved microclimate and reduce water demand. Locally
managed water can increase resilience to water scarcity and drought.

y & Co
Understanding and Improved micro-climate due to Adaptive infrastructure Ec
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addressing water integration of blue/green infrastructure that is able to

scarce environments in urban planning and design accommodate change



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

Natural flood risk water cycle



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Coastal defences
allow for future
sea level rise

Understanding catchments as
integrgated systems of natural
processess and built infrastruucture
underpinning development and
supporting resilient communities
Flood storm and Integrated building and landscape
drought resilient retrofit creates more resilient
communities adaptive environments
Climate Managed realignment using
proofing critical natural processes to increase
infrastructure resilience to floods and storms
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Climate change 1 2

Selected projects:

Climate change assessment & flood resilient Guide on climate change resilience
design for High Speed 2 Rail, UK project of Urban Water, Wuhan, China

© Peter Smith Photography

CIRIA Flood Risk & Critical City Resilience Framework - global study
Infrastructure Study, UK with Rockefeller Foundation, New York

C40 UrbanLife Workshop Bay Area Sea Level Rise Adaptation Enhancing Climate Resilinece
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Assessment, california, USA of Gorakhpur City, India
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Health and wellbeing 1 2

In additional to provision of the basic human need for water and sanitation, water-related
infrastructure can help to improve overall living environments and provide opportunities
for community engagement: increasing connectivity, absorbing air pollutants, improving
microclimate and providing opportunities for recreation, exercise and education.

y & Co
Access to water Increased access to nature Potential for aligning public health objectives Ec
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infrastructure for improves health and with water-related interventions to unlock

recreation and leisure enhances well-being partnership deliovery of projects



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

Improved river water Engagement in community-scale water cycle

quality and better green infratructure retrofit can


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access to water space build skills and training Wastewater

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Improved bathing
water quality and
public realm

Provision of basic Improved air quality and

human needs: clean micro-climate linked to water
water and sanitation related interventions

Connecting people Revitalised waterways provide Restored waterways and

through delivery of opportunity for exercise, recreation rivers provide better links to
community-scale projects and improved connectivity open space
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Health and wellbeing 1 2

Selected projects:

Recreational Masterplan of
Dobczyce Reservoir, Poland

Stebonheath School landscape

retrofit, Llanelli, UK

© Ari Burling Photography

Melbourne Outfall Sewer Rehabilitation and Hunters Point Public Realm &
urban regeneration project, Australia Green Infrastructure, USA
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Energy and carbon 1 2

Removal and sequestration of greenhouse gases as a result of urban

greening. Reduction in energy demand due to shading/insulation, reduced
pumping and treatment of water and wastewater. Potential for renewable
energy generation from hydro and waste.

y & Co
Large-scale hydropower Water efficient Improved microclimate Water related urban Use of water company Ec
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and small community- buildings reduces energy forestry absorbs carbon assets for renewable

scale micro-hydro demand for cooling and provides shade energy generation



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

Waterways and rivers water cycle

encouring sustainable


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transport Wastewater

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Anerobic digestion Tidal and

and waste to energy wave energy

Groundwater as a Decentralised Retrofitting existing housing

resource for heating treatment and and buildings with water
and cooling supply efficient fixtures and fittings

Reduced energy demands and Hydropower using waste

carbon footprint due to better energy from municipal
catchment management treatment flows
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Energy and carbon 1 2

Selected projects:
© Veolia Water Leighton John Holland Joint Venture

© AB Architecki
Vistula Dam Hydro Power project - feasibility
& environmental impact assessment, Poland

Design of a sludge incinerator for efficient Green Infrastructure retrofit for energy &
energy and carbon consumption, Hong Kong carbon saving, Llanelli & Gowerton, UK
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Habitat and biodiversity 1 2

Delivery of new and improved habitats through making space for water within green
infrastructure networks, provision for natural treatment of water and wastewater,
improving water quality, undertaking river/wetland and coastal restoration, creating
wildlife corridors and provision of woodland, green roofs and walls.

y & Co
Reservoirs and other upland De-culverting and river Increased biodiversity within Improved river water Ec
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water infrastructure provide restoration creates urban centres linked to water- quality, habitat protection

valuable habitat and links habitats related green infratructure and creation



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

water cycle


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Integration of ecological Energ
y & C arb o n

enhancments into ‘hard’

coastal defences

Water management features within Water-related landscape

new urban development creates retrofit creates new and
habitat and encourages biodiversity improved habitats

Rivers and waterways Improved coastal and

create valuable estuarine water quality and
wildlife corridors protection of valuable habitats
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Habitat and biodiversity 1 2

Selected projects:

© Hangzhou Urban Planning Design Institute

Habitat and Biodiversity
masterplan, Hangzhou, China

Ecological Engineering and Habitat

monitoring, Dartford Creek, UK

Planning and landscape design for Beam Parklands - Bay Meadows Stormwater Wetlands
a habitat creation and flood storage project, London, UK Creation, San Mateo, USA
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Food and agriculture 1 2

Agriculture uses around 70% of the world’s freshwater supply and impacts on water
quality and ecosystem health. Improved water efficiency in agricultural practice
alongside new models of prodcution, such as urban agriculture, can increase food
security and support water-sensitive landscape retrofit.

y & Co
Reducing Improved agricultural Understanding virtual water Urban forestry Ec
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embodied practice to control run off footprint linked to food. and urban

water demand and improve water quality Reducing water demand agriculture


within food indudstry Soil production from


Food & Agri

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green waste, recycling Water supply Flooding

Improved river and

and nutrients water cycle
estuarine habitats
increase productivity


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and support new Wastewater

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Diverse and
healthy fisheries

Woodland Rainwater harvesting and

management greywater removal linked to
and agroforestry local food growing

Local food growing Local food production

schemes raise awareness intergrated with water-
of the water cycle related landscape retrofit
Waste water recycling Edible planting
for irrigation of along waterways
productive landscapes
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Food and agriculture 1 2

Selected projects:
© Brendan J Meney Architects

Design and construction of a new treatment

plant for Diageo’s Guiness Plant in Nigeria

Managing Water Use in Scarce

Environments - Global Study for WRG2030

Alice Springs Wastewater re-use Water Risk & Sustainability Assessment, UNEP - Finance Initiative, Agri Business
for irrigation, Austrailia River Rwizi Catchment, Uganda and Power Sector Sustainability Briefings
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Economy 1 2

Water sensitive design can deliver direct returns through water-related investment in infrastructure,
associated new technologies, partnership with small enterprise and so on. Indirect benefits include
enabling development through reduce flood risk and water-resilient design, uplift on land and property
values, attracting inward investment, improving connectivity and better labour productivity.

y & Co
Supporting tourism Proximity to water Blue/green infrastructure protects Improved public realm with Ec
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recreation and improves property assets and limits negative central business districts

leisure values environmental and economic impacts supports regeneration



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

water cycle
Water resilient critical Regeneration along
infrastructure underpins revitalised rivers and


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successful economy waterways Wastewater

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Tourism encouraged through
high quality public realm and
improved bathing water quality

Insurance premiums Municipal landscaping

reduced in line with maintenance work reduced
reduced risk of flooding due to local community
ownership and involvement

Retrofitting housing and public Extended life Sustainable

realm improves property values for existing fisheries and
and creates local business assets coastal industries
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Economy 1 2

Selected projects:

Flood Alleviation
Scheme, Leeds UK

City Park, Bradford - high quality publc realm Catchment Investment Efficiency
underpinning economic regneration, UK Framework, Queensland, Australia
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Flooding 1 2

Reducing risk and increasing resilience by integrated catchment management

and improved management of surface water within cities. Design and planning
of infrastructure, buildings and landscapes to be more adaptable to flooding.
Understanding and reducing flood risk to enable development.

y & Co
Upper catchment Use of natural Opening up and Amenity and parkland areas on lower land as Ec
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management to flood management restoration of urban part of urban land use. Occasionally used for

control run-off techniques watercourses additional flow capacity at time of storm



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

Protection Flood resilient buildings in water cycle

of critical vulnerable areas. Ensure


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infrastrcuture safe egress and access Wastewater

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Coastal defences protecting
coastal communitites and
valuable habitats

Slowing the flow to recharge aquifers, Urban landscape

benefits agriculture and wildlife and retrofit to reduce
reduces downstream flooding stormwater run-off

Range of Protect floodplain washlands and Working with natural

multifunctional flood use for amenity and recreation to systems to increase flood
defence options reduce shock of flash flooding and storm protection
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Flooding 1 2

Selected projects:

New York City Transit
Flood Resiliency, USA

Bristol surface water

management plan, UK

City Centre Flood Alleviation

Scheme, Leeds UK

Cedar Rapids Sustainability & Czarna Staszowska and Nida Rivers Flood Risk Assessment
Flood Resilience Planning, USA Flood Programmes, Krakow, Poland for Hong Kong
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Wastewater 1 2

Reduction of surface water volume to sewers, extends network asset life,

improves water quality (fewer spills to rivers from combined sewer overflows),
and reduces treatment costs and carbon emmissions. There is increasing
opportunity to recycle and re-use water through decentralised treatment.

y & Co
Reuse of wastewater Water re-use Nutrient Natural treatment of Wastewater recycling for Ec
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reduces overall water for irrigation recycling wastewater integrated irrigation and landscape

demand with urban landscape maintenance



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

Using landscape to control water cycle

and treat run off within


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infrastructure corridor Wastewater

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Improved river and sea-
water quality through
improved treatment

Groundwater De-centralised
re-charge wastewater

Greywater Sewer mining

networks for alternative
water suppllies
Innovative, energy
efficient municipal-
scale treatment
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Wastewater 1 2

Selected projects:

Bursa Wastewater
Project II, Turkey

East Coast European Bathing Water

Directive for Yorkshire Water, UK

© Nicholas Grundy Photography

Upgrade of Melbourne Cricket
Ground, Australia

The Harbour Area Treatment Thames Tideway Genting Sewage

Scheme, Hong Kong Tunnel, London, UK Treatment Plant, Malaysia
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Water supply 1 2

Planning and design for potable water supply and treatment can reduce overall capital investment,
generate whole-life cost savings and protect valuable water resources. Strategies include demand
reduction through behaviour change and use of water efficient fixtures and fittings, and integration
of alternative decentralised water supplies, including groundwater, rainwater and greywater.

y & Co
Strategic planning and Ground water Water re-use Water Rain Ec
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design of dams and abstraction and surface for landscape efficient water

reservoirs water reuse for industry irrigation buildings harvesting



Food & Agri

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Water supply Flooding

Protection Water water cycle

of raw water transfer using


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quality waterways Wastewater

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Desalination for
potable water supply

Decentralised Aquifer Infiltration recharge

water supply storage to groundwater
and treatment resource

Groundwater Water efficient Facilitating behavioural change

abstraction for water fixtures and through smart metering and
supply and energy fittings awareness raising
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Place and Climate Health and Energy Habitat and Food and Economy Flooding Wastewater Water
community change wellbeing and carbon biodiversity agriculture supply

Water supply 1 2

Selected projects:
© ODA / London 2012

Water strategy, site development and Lake Mead tunnel design for
regeneration of Robben Island, South Africa Las Vegas water supply, USA

London 2012 Olympic Park The Future of Urban Water: New Water Storage
Water Infrastructure design, UK Scenarios for Urban Water Utilities in 2040 Reservoir, Cheddar, UK
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Asset Demand Catchment Ecosystem Smart Wider Arup

management management management services infrastructure services

Asset management
Asset management clarifies whole life considerations for both natural and
engineered assets that may have complex and vastly differing life cycles.
Consideration of context, stakeholder priorities and organisational objectives feed
into the decision making process allowing the balancing of costs, opportunities and
risks against desired asset performance and outcomes.

Selected projects:

Climate Change Adaptation of Interconnected
Water Infrastructure, NSW, Australia

Guide on climate change resilience of The Future of Urban Water: City of Rialto Water Due Diligence
Urban Water systems , Wuhan, China Scenarios for Urban Water Utilities in 2040 Performance Monitoring, California, USA
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Asset Demand Catchment Ecosystem Smart Wider Arup

management management management services infrastructure services

Demand management
Demand-side management measures result in reduction of the
expected water usage or water demand. Demand management plans
are essential for ensuring efficient use of valuable water resources
and are key components of integrated water management strategies
and water cycle planning.

Selected projects:

Yorkshire Water Demand

Management Best Practice Review

© Procter & Gamble / Arup

Water Use in Scarce Environments - Managing Water towards
Global Study for WRG2030, New York Zero Discharge, Mexico USA
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Asset Demand Catchment Ecosystem Smart Wider Arup

management management management services infrastructure services

Catchment management
A catchment-based approach to managing the water environment looks
at activities and issues at catchment scale. By aligning water-cycle needs
with other development drivers water can act as facilitator, bringing
together people from different sectors and disciplines into effective water
stewardship partnerships.

Selected projects:

Catchment Investment Efficiency

Framework, Queensland, Austrailia

RTNET: intellilgent data logging across Bristol surface water Climate Change Adaptation of Interconnected
Yorkshire Water’s distribution network, UK management plan, UK Water Infrastructure, NSW, Australia
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Asset Demand Catchment Ecosystem Smart Wider Arup

management management management services infrastructure services

Ecosystem services
Ecosystem Services (ES) underpin the fundamental aspects
of economic, environmental and social wellbeing. Investment
in green infrastructure leads to cost savings, creates business
opportunities and - if appropriately planned and implemented –
can provide win-wins for both water management and biodiversity

Selected projects:

Integration of Ecosystem Services
within WFD and FD, UK

Greener Grangetown, Ecosystems Humber Estuary, ecosystems
Services Assessment, Cardiff, UK services assessment, UK
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Asset Demand Catchment Ecosystem Smart Wider Arup

management management management services infrastructure services

Smart infrastructure
The 21st century has seen unprecedented technological advances and
availabilty of data covering all aspects the natural, and built environment. City
managers, communities, businesses and infrastructure providers are learning
how to use data to better manage assets, improve designs, inform local policy
and implementation and identify partnership delivery oppoortunties.

Selected projects:
© Veolia Water Leighton John Holland Joint Venture

© Noah Sheldon/Julian Richards

Designing with Data: Shaping our Future
Cities Arup/RIBA Report, London, UK

Use of advanced BIM on Hong Kong SEQ Smart Water Grid – Development of Use of smart data systems on Green
sewage Incinerator project a Decision Support System, Qld, Australia Infrastructure Retrofit Projects, New York
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Asset Demand Catchment Ecosystem Smart Wider Arup

management management management services infrastructure services

Wider Arup services

Arup has designed many of the world’s most prominent
projects in the built environment and across industry. With
90 offices in 38 countries our 11,000 planners, designers,
engineers and consultants deliver innovative projects with
creativity and passion.

Selected projects:

Strategy Project development and funding Flood risk management

Catchment science Feasibility studies Natural flood management
Masterplanning and urban design 3D city modelling and visualisation Integrated drainage modelling
Surface water management plans Community and stakeholder engagement Mechanical, Electrical and ICA design (MEICA)
Water cycle studies Development of partnerships and funding Resource efficiency and waste management
Planning policy and spatial planning Commercial strategy and management River design and management
Water resilience strategy and planning Ecosystems services assessment Water supply and treatment
Carbon management & climate change studies Analysis of social return on investment Wastewater treatment
Landscape and green infrastructure strategy Health Impact Assessment Water resources management
Economic assessments Hydrogeology and groundwater
Sustainability assessments Project design and delivery Hydropower and ground energy
Asset management Water efficient buildings Planning applications
Smart infrastructure Green roofs and walls Environmental services
Water re-use networks Post-project appraisal
Coastal management Managing Health & Safety
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Process 1 2 3 4 5 Selected

Partnership delivery

1. Understand the water cycle at catchment scale

2. Align with other drivers and development needs


3. Identify partners and understand their priorities
Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 3

4. Build a shared case for investment and action

5. Delivery, maintenance, evaluation, feedback

Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Process 1 2 3 4 5 Selected

Partnership delivery

1. Understand the water cycle at catchment scale

The water cycle is a natural system, usually heavily modified
by human socio-economic activity, such as agriculture,
urbanisation and the wider impacts of climate change.

Analysis of the existing water cycle at catchment scale will

identify high-level risks and benefits associated with its
protection and enhancement.
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Process 1 2 3 4 5 Selected

Partnership delivery

2. Align with other drivers and development needs

Water may not be the primary driver for all stakeholders. Water-related
actions may come forward as a result of other priorities, such as delivery
of green infrastructure, improved amenity or climate change adaptation.

Aligning the water cycle with other drivers, community priorities and
potential investment/funding programmes will help to bring forward
projects that are deliverable and maximise benefits to investors, the
environment and wider society.

Partner 1 priorities

Partner 2 priorities

Partner 3 priorities

Potential partnership
project emerges
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Process 1 2 3 4 5 Selected

Partnership delivery

3. Identify partners and understand their priorities

 Having identified areas where agendas overlap, potential partners can be
identified. It is important to understand the priorities of each partner.

It is likely that each partner will have a partial case for action based on
the direct benefits returned to their organisation. However, none is likely
to be able to justify investment to deliver all of the potential benefits of a
multifunctional water-related project. At this stage, predictive valuation of
wider benefits using Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), and Social
Return on Investment (SROI) can help various partners to build a case.

Direct benefits returned

in line with investment

Indirect benefit or no
benefit to investor

Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 3

Individual case for action
(not all benefits deliverable)

Wider case for action

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Process 1 2 3 4 5 Selected

Partnership delivery

4. Build a shared case for investment and action

By formulating a joint project it is possible to develop a
scenario where objectives are aligned and costs are shared in
proportion to the benefits returned.

At this point it may be necessary to adjust the project objectives

and scope and bring in other partners to bring expertise, share
risk and investment costs. Through this process of collaboration
and joint-working, an overall shared case for action and
investment is created.

Direct benefits returned

in line with investment

Individual case for action

(not all benefits deliverable)

Wider case for action

Shared case for action -

objectives, costs and benefits
aligned between partners
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Process 1 2 3 4 5 Selected

Partnership delivery

5. Delivery, maintenance, evaluation, feedback

It is important that whole life costs are considered when
formulating projects and investment plans to ensure adequate
budgets for ongoing maintenance. Delivery of projects on
the ground will build an evidence base for multi-functional
infrastructure projects.

Predictive and post-project evaluation is important. Alongside

analysis of water management benefits, post-project evaluation
of wider benefits using techniques like PES and SROI can help
to build an evidence base for future projects..
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Process 1 2 3 4 5 Selected

Partnership delivery
Selected projects:

Cross-sector multi-stakeholder engagement for

Sewer Rehabilitation, Melbourne, Australia

City Resilience Framework - multi-stakeholder

engagement and systems analysis

Beam Parklands Habitat Creation - cross Partnership Delivery of City Centre

sector partnership funding & delivery, London Flood Alleviation Scheme, Leeds UK
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Africa Americas Australasia East Asia Europe and UK (1) UK (2)

Middle East

Selected projects – Africa

Project Location Read more

Guiness effluent treatment plant Nigeria

Site development and regeneration of Robben Island South Africa –

Water Risk & Sustainability Assessment, River Rwizi Catchment Uganda

UNEP Agri Business & Power Sector Sustainability Briefings (Global)

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Case study

Guinness Effluent Treatment Plant,

Benin, Nigeria
To assist Diageo in meeting their sustainability objectives and
satisfying their local environmental commitments, Arup developed
a strategy for treating the effluent discharging from five brewery
sites across West Africa. Three of the sites are in Nigeria at Ogba,
Benin and Aba. One site is in Cameroun and the fifth site in Kumasi,
Ghana. Each of these sites produces a range of fermented and non-
fermented drinks.

Diageo plc
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Case study

Site development and regeneration of Robben Island,

South Africa
Robben Island, Cape Town, is a World Heritage Site, National Monument
and National Museum. In order to support and accommodate the
projected number of visitors, various infrastructure services, including
water, needed to be upgraded. Arup conducted a feasibility study for this
project, concluding that a range of works could be carried out.

A plan to rationalise the water system from a combination of

groundwater, seawater and imported potable water from the mainland was
devised. This would be accompanied by an alternative method of sewage
treatment and disposal to replace the existing system of septic tanks and
sea outfalls. The collection and disposal of solid waste was assessed
and improved, including the upgrade of an existing waste incinerator.
The road network was also addressed, repairing and reconstructing the
existing roads for anticipated vehicle usage. As a result of the feasibility
study, the upgrading was prioritised into two phases, the first of these
tackling water and waste infrastructure, reservoirs and desalination.
The second phase of the project was focused on road rehabilitation and
stormwater drainage. Additionally, a sewer and pump stations were
constructed along with septic tanks and a marine outfall and diffuser.

Department of Public Works
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Case study

Water Risk & Sustainability Assessment,

River Rwizi Catchment,Uganda
The Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment, in partnership with
GIZ Uganda and The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation are funding a
project to improve community livelihoods and sustainable water
management in the water-stressed River Rwizi catchment in western
Uganda. Under this project, Arup carried out a ‘shared water risk
assessment’ for the industrial, municipal, agricultural and domestic

The main economic activities are subsistence and commercial

crop agriculture, livestock rearing, fish farming, tourism and local
industry. 90% of the population is involved in subsistence farming,
and commercial farming and irrigation are increasing. The National
Development Plan 2040 aims to increase irrigation acreage nationally
by up to 50%. If the plan is implemented, agricultural water demand
in the catchment could increase from 20 million m3 each year to
in 2011 to about 63 million by 2035. Arup identified the need for
catchment-wide agricultural land management and farmer education
programmes to mitigate the risks.

GIZ Uganda
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Case study

UNEP Agri Business & Power Sector

Sustainability Briefings, (Global)
Arup was appointed by the United Nations Environment Programme
Financial Initiative to develop, in conjunction with financial
specialists across the globe, a risk assessment framework to support
the management of water scarcity related risk associated with the
agribusiness and power sectors. The commission encompassed
a sector review of the characteristics of water consumption and
trends, geographic review of the state of the water environment and
identification of key local water challenges. Furthermore, we identified
local current water use profiles in selected regions, highlighted case
studies demonstrating best practice in water management and developed
a performance framework to assist in understanding water scarcity risk.

The overall aim was to provide a standardised framework of water-

related information-gathering while emphasising the need for a
differentiation between different geographies and their respective
local water and crop conditions to decision makers within financial

Read agribusiness report online Read power sector report online

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Africa Americas Australasia East Asia Europe and UK (1) UK (2)

Middle East

Selected projects – Americas

Project Location Read more

Bay Area Rapid Transit Sea Level Rise Adaptation Assessment California

Bay Meadows Stormwater Wetlands Creation California –

City of Rialto Water Due Diligence Monitoring California

Newport Beach Civic Centre and Park California –

Cedar Rapids Sustainability and Flood resilience planning Iowa –

Long Branch Sustainability Masterplan New Jersey

City Resilience Framework with Rockefeller Foundation New York

Hunters Point Public realm & Green Infrastructure New York

Newtown Creek Green Infrastruture Retrofit Projects New York –

New York City Transit Flood Resiliency New York

The Plus Pool - River water floating swimming pool New York –

Lake Mead water supply tunnel design Nevada –

Managing Water towards Zero Discharge Mexico –

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Case study

Bay Area Rapid Transit Sea Level Rise

Adaptation Assessment, California
In a study funded by the Federal Transit Administration, we assessed
the risk and developed adaptation strategies for climate change in the
Bay Area for four Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) assets.

We researched downpour, flooding, and sea level rise trends; assessed

condition of BART assets; determined pathways of vulnerability;
determined the risk of the climate hazards at each location; and
produced and ranked adaptation strategies. This set of adaptation
strategies will eventually be integrated with the existing BART asset
management, infrastructure rehabilitation and facilities standards.

Bay Area Rapid Transit District
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Case study

Bay Meadows Stormwater

Wetlands Creation, California
With sustainability at the front of the design, this previously
impenetrable private property is transformed into a transit-oriented
development. Arup’s stormwater management strategy features a
pond that does more than just detain and clean the stormwater.

Richly landscaped to create a passive recreation element within a

12- acre park, the pond also provides 600,000 gallons of year-round
water storage vital to southern San Mateo’s ability to respond to fires.
Floodable recreation fields are integrated into the adjacent park to
safely accept and shed detained water during and shortly after major
storms without compromising the playing surfaces.

The new street grid provides greatly needed connectivity and

alternative routes to relieve the existing congested road network.
By listening, informing and learning, our team’s credibility in
sustainable design advanced the entitlements process and gained
endorsements from the Sierra Club and the Greenbelt Alliance.

Bay Meadows Land Company
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Case study

City of Rialto Water Due

Diligence Monitoring, California
Our initial scope was to advice equity investors in this landmark
water P3 deal in California. Our unique mix of technical, commercial
and financial specialists worked with the client to make a number
of adjustments to the Concession that will ensure the highest
quality project with minimal risk to bondholders. Our work enabled
the project to gain a positive bond rating, raise the required debt
financing and meet an aggressive financial close deadline. It is one of
only a handful of successful water and wastewater P3s in the USA.

We continue to play an important role in making the project

successful over the long term. Rialto should be a template for other
similar deals in the near future.

Table Rock Capital
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Case study

Newport Beach Civic Centre and Park,

The Newport Beach Civic Center and Park includes the new
city hall building, community room building, council chambers
building, parking structure, an extension to the existing library, and a
pedestrian bridge all set within a new 20 acre park.

Our civil engineering team worked closely with the landscape

architect, Peter Walker Partnership, to develop a series of vegetated
bioswales and infiltration basins, which remove pollutants from
stormwater runoff before it enters the city storm drain. These low-
tech, low-maintenance solutions provide sustained treatment of
stormwater, protecting both the onsite wetlands and Lower Newport
Bay. All told, Arup provided structural, mechanical, electrical,
plumbing, and civil engineering services, as well as lighting and
telecom design, sustainability consulting, and stormwater quality
management for the Newport Beach Civic Center and Park.

© Nic Lehoux
Client Client
City of Newport Beach City of Newport Beach
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Case study

Cedar Rapids Sustainability and

Flood resilience planning, Iowa
This is the first time Arup evaluated the sustainability performance
of an existing city in the United States. In June 2008, Cedar Rapids,
Iowa was badly damaged by flooding from heavy rains that caused
the Cedar River to overflow beyond the 500-year flood plain. More
than 7,000 homes, hundreds of businesses, community facilities and
infrastructure were damaged or destroyed. Arup worked with the
team to develop a series of plans to respond to the disaster.

The team, with significant community input, created plans including

a Framework for Reinvestment and Revitalization, a series of
Sustainable Neighborhood Plans for each of the affected areas and
an overall Sustainability Plan for the City. Arup also developed a
Sustainability Assessment Matrix booklet for the design team to
provide preliminary guidance on integrating practical, actionable
strategies into the planning process.

Sasaki Associates, Inc.
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Case study

Long Branch Sustainability Masterplan,

New Jersey
Superstorm Sandy severely damaged the City’s “first line” of coastal
protection, namely, the Bulkhead, Seawall, and Bluff. Combination
of storm surge and swell imposed impact damage and extensive
scour which undermined the boardwalk, roadway, and promenade
elements as well as the utilities supported by them. The City engaged
Thompson Design Group, teamed with Arup, to study and design
necessary Oceanfront Adaptation. The design team’s initial step
was to enumerate the extent of storm damage and develop a coastal
defense strategy in order to “hold the line”.

The study was based upon preliminary site observations after Sandy,
a collation of non-survey data, and pertinent best practice measures
from around the world to mitigate storm damage. As part of this
work a preliminary condition evaluation of the shoreside structures
and defensive was undertaken for the full two miles of shoreline.
This included both detailed observations and recommendations for
repair and hardening of the affectedm structures and infrastructure.
The plans seek to engage FEMA in discussions and plans for the
greater coastal defense strategy of New Jersey which will result in a
sustainably restored waterfront amenity for Long Branch.
Thompson Design Group
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Case study

City Resilience Framework with

Rockefeller Foundation, New York
At the seventh World Urban Forum (WUF7) in Colombia, Arup
launched The City Resilience Framework, a tool to understand the
complexity of cities and the factors which contribute to resilience
can be understood and measured in order to shape urban planning,
practice and investment.

This initiative, supported by The Rockefeller Foundation comprises

12 indicators that equate to a city’s immune system. Collectively,
they enable people to survive and thrive, and businesses to prosper
whichever shocks and stresses may occur. We developed this tool
after thorough fieldwork in Cali, Colombia, and Santiago, Chile.

Download report

Rockefeller Foundation
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Case study

Hunters Point Public Realm

& Green Infrastructure, New York
As one of the most ambitious waterfront projects in New York
City’s history, New York City Economic Development Corporation
(NYCEDC) has rejuvenated and transformed Hunter’s Point South
into a prominent piece of the City’s waterfront. Located on the East
River in Queens, this new 12 hectare mixed-use neighbourhood
development incorporates a waterfront park as well as housing, retail,
schools and community space.

As prime infrastructure engineer on the development, Arup provided

civil, structural and geotechnical engineering, sustainability
consulting, lighting design and project management services. In
consultation with over 70 independent entities, including multiple
New York City agencies, Arup has implemented pedestrian-friendly
streets, a network of bike lanes, and an urban landscape promoting
public space. Through continuing coordination with these agencies,
Arup was able to achieve consensus and deliver pilot water sensitive
urban design interventions in the public rights of way, including
sidewalk stormwater planters, porous pavement covering 33% of all

© Ari Burling Photography

sidewalks, and bioswales in the waterfront park.

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Case study

Newtown Creek Green Infrastructure

Retrofit Projects, New York
Arup is contracted to retrofit the public right-of-way with 578
bioswales or stormwater green streets within 531 acres of the
Newtown Creek watershed in Brooklyn, NY. One of a number of
commissions in this area, the Newtown Creek project design needs
to be completed within one year, and construction completed within
three years. Our specific tasks include leading the civil engineering
work on tributary analysis, site selection, mobile data collection, GIS
data management, detailed engineering design and design services
during construction.

Arup developed an efficient workflow and delivery strategy to

complete the design and construction of 578 ROW Bioswales within
three years. The New York City Department of Environmental
Protection (NYCDEP) intends to leverage the use of green
infrastructure to reduce combined sewer overflows and to meet and
exceed the water quality standards of New York City’s waterways.
NYCEDC will be managing the process for NYCDEP to achieve the
goals set forth in the NYC Green Infrastructure Plan.

New York City Economic Development Corporation
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Case study

New York City Transit Flood Resiliency,

New York
Hurricane Sandy had a devastating effect on New York City and its
surrounding areas when it came ashore in October 2012. It exposed
the weakness of much of the infrastructure on the eastern seaboard
and drew the attention of many public authorities to matters of
resiliency. We are undertaking several flood mitigation projects on
behalf of New York City Transit in the upper and lower Manhattan
areas as part of their Resiliency and Recovery initiative.

The projects include identifying vulnerabilities and designing

mitigation measures at various critical assets on the subway network
including stations, fan plants and tunnels. The projects address
how to prevent flooding of the subway system under a Category
2 Hurricane and involve the implementation of current industry
solutions and the development new and innovative approaches.

New York City Transit
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Case study

The Plus Pool -

River water floating swimming pool, New York
What if children, athletes, keep-fit swimmers and families could

© Family New York and PlayLab

all enjoy safe swimming in New York’s East River? The idea that
is moving this vision closer to reality is not to build a pool next to
the river, but to float a pool on the river itself. The ‘+ Pool’, as the
project is called, would be the world’s first floating pool to take water
directly from a river and filter the water for swimming purposes. Our
team studied the water quality of the NYC waterways and the water
requirements for a pool. Using that information, we presented the
architect with several filtration system options to test. Based on these
filtration options, we considered modular structural configurations
and integrated mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems to
explore how the pool could be built and how it could operate. The
proposed system uses an innovative combination of new and existing
filtration technologies. Testing is underway to further develop and
design a system to transform the East River’s water into swimmable
water that meets city, state and federal quality standards. In an area
lacking beach access, the pool idea has attracted widespread local

© Family New York & PlayLab

and international attention and is the centrepiece of
an attempt to revitalise the East River waterfront.

Family New York
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Case study

Lake Mead water supply tunnel design,

Arup is pushing boundaries in tunneling technology on this project
to ensure Lake Mead can provide water to Las Vegas even if lake
levels continue to fall. Lake Mead currently has two intakes which
fail to provide water once the dam level drops to 1,000ft above sea
level. As drought conditions continue in the nation’s south-west,
Arup is leading the engineering design of a vital new intake tunnel
at Lake Mead. It will safeguard future water quality and supply amid
declining lake levels caused by drought.

The design concept for the intake structure in the lake bed was
developed during the bid stage to reduce risk, cost and schedule.
Construction commenced in summer 2008 with completion
scheduled for late 2012. From an access shaft onshore, dug down to
over 650ft, a tunnel boring machine (TBM) will cut a 20ft diameter
tunnel three miles long to connect to a lake bed intake 330ft below
the surface. Due to the depth of the tunneling beneath the lake bed,
the TBM will be configured to work with high water pressures, at the
limits of current TBM technology.

Vegas Tunneling Contractors
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Case study

Managing Water towards Zero Discharge,

Meeting ambitious targets for reductions in energy and water usage,
carbon emissions and waste, Planta Milenio sets an industry standard
in value driven sustainability. The 100,000m ² Gillette manufacturing
facility in Irapuato, Mexico, strikes the right balance between
efficiency, sustainability and value.

As the project manager and design leader, Arup expedited each

phase of the project by ensuring close coordination between all
team members, and served as the client’s single point of contact.
The facility’s water is 100% recycled, water is collected and
treated before being reused. Other sustainability measures include:
exploiting natural daylighting, using energy efficient systems and
equipment, such as a water cooled chillers, dimmable fluorescent
light fixtures and high efficiency motors on all major building

Procter & Gamble
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Africa Americas Australasia East Asia Europe and UK (1) UK (2)

Middle East

Selected projects – Australasia

Project Location Read more

Alice Springs Wastewater re-use for irrigation Australia –

Catchment Investment Efficiency Framework, Queensland Australia –

Climate Change Adaptation of Interconnected Water Infrastructure Austrailia –

Melbourne Main Outfall Sewer rehabilitation Austrailia

Preston Beach Masterplan & Water management strategy Australia

SEQ Smart Water Grid – Development of a Decision Support System Australia –

Upgrade of Melbourne Cricket Ground Australia

Thanlyin Star City Water Strategy, Yangon Myanmar

The Future of Urban Water, Scenarios for Water Utilities in 2040 Australia
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Case study

Alice Springs Wastewater re-use for irrigation,

Arup’s recommendation of a specific procurement methodology
achieved an excellent technical and commercial outcome within
the timeframe required. Water Reuse in the Alice – Dissolved
Air Flotation Plant was a design, documentation and delivery
management project conducted by a team led by Arup for the
Northern Territory’s Power and Water Corporation. The total project
capital cost was $6.8 million.

One of the advantages of the suggested approach included early

engagement and collaboration with selected process providers to
overcome the lack of pilot data in a cost effective manner. This
enabled the civil and service details to be designed with certainty and
make for more expedient civil and services tendering and contract
execution phases with less scope for variations and increased costs.
These advantages were confirmed during the delivery of the project.

Power and Water Corporation (NT)
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Case study

Catchment Investment Efficiency Framework,

Queensland, Australia
Arup’s study of two major catchment areas revealed the real value
that results from environmental restoration, which is not accurately
reflected under short term investment cycles. Natural watershed
ecosystems such as forests and wetlands generate important
economic services which maintain the quantity and quality of water
supplies. They also help to mitigate or avert water-related disasters
such as flooding and drought.

Arup led a study to assess how watershed interventions are effective

in reducing loads of sediment and other pollutants entering reservoirs
and treatment plants. Through the development of an economic
framework, the study aimed to compare the long term costs of
catchment intervention versus the avoided treatment and reservoir
management costs. The study further reiterated that the resulting
cleaner water requires less treatment and is therefore potentially
more costeffective in the longer term than just built solutions.

Queensland Bulk Water Authority (Seqwater)
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Case study

Climate Change Adaptation of Interconnected

Water Infrastructure, NSW, Australia
Arup’s expertise in water engineering and flood modelling ensured a
robust analysis of climate change adaptation options. Arup developed
a framework for assessing climate change adaptation options for
interconnected water infrastructure. The project was funded by the
Commonwealth Department of Climate Change under the Coastal
Adaptation Programme and used five case studies to identify and
evaluate relevant approaches and economic appraisal methodologies.

Collaborating with stakeholders, Arup assessed existing and future

risk to assets, identifying potential adaptation options and barriers,
including engineering, managerial, legislative and corporate to
develop a flexible adaptation pathway. Economic techniques
were used to assess the costs of the climate change impacts and
adaptation options. The findings were compiled into a framework
supported by series of guidelines for widespread application by water
infrastructure owners and operators.

Sydney Coastal Councils Group
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Case study

Melbourne Main Outfall Sewer rehabilitation,

The project will determine what contribution the Main Outfall Sewer
(MOS) and reserve can make to a regional integrated water
management plan for the western suburbs of Melbourne, currently
being developed by the Office of Living Victoria (OLV). It is a
strategic and innovative piece of work that has the potential to be a
key part of this regional plan, showcase the future of urban design
and contribute to the realisation of the Melbourne’s Water Future

The project will harvest significant amounts of stormwater which

currently go to waste and pollute waterways and Port Philip Bay for
reuse by the community. Approximately 3.5% of Melbourne’s current
drinking water demands. Arup has brought a multi-disciplinary
team to deliver the project including water, landscape, economics,
community consultation and stakeholder facilitation experts into a
single seamless service offering.

View animation online (use password arup1)

Melbourne Water Corporation
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Case study

Preston Beach Masterplan &

Water management strategy, Australia
Arup prepared a comprehensive water and wastewater strategy as
part of an integrated masterplan to extend an existing township
in Preston Beach, Australia. Located on the coast, with sensitive
habitat, hydrology, geotechnical and environmental issues, the
implementation of water sensitive urban design was central to
restoring and enhancing the sensitive ecosystem in the area, whilst
complementing natural drainage patterns and integrating stormwater
management into the landscape.

The water strategy was developed to provide a high level of flood

protection to the area, and ensure a sustainable supply of water
which significantly reduces water demand. The strategy incorporates
measures such as wastewater recycling which helps maximise the
synergy between managing the supply of water with other benefits to
ecology and landscape.

Preston Beach Developments JV Pty Limited
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Case study

Smart Water Grid decision support,

Adelaide, Australia
Arup’s commitment to long-term sustainability recognises
technology is an integral part of managing scarce water resources
where smart grid technology is seen as playing an integral role.
In the current climate of variable water supplies, rising costs of
supplying and delivering water, it is becoming critical that water
authorities find innovative and cost effective ways to secure water
and distribute at lower cost while providing the required level of
water security.

SEQ Water Grid Manager manages strategic operations in

relation to water delivery and engaged Arup to develop a Decision
Support System (DSS) for the purpose of optimising the water
grid. This form of ‘smart grid optimisation’ is a great opportunity
to change the way water is managed and to provide the level of
transparency required in providing safe, cost effective and reliable
drinking water.

SEQ Water Grid Manager
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Case study

Upgrade of Melbourne Cricket Ground,

The Yarra Park Water Recycled Facility was designed to meet
the requirements of the Melbourne Cricket Club and the various
regulators, with the water used to provide secure, long-term
sustainable supply to the heritage listed Yarra Park, Punt Road Oval
and the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground. The 600m3/day sewer
mining plant comprises inlet screening and grit removal, biological
nitrogen removal, chemical phosphorus removal and membrane
bioreactor, followed by low pressure ultrafiltration, UV disinfection
and chlorination.

The plant was designed to provide two distinct modes of operation,

summer and winter, which allows lower volumes of recycled
water to be produced during winter, as well as varying the nutrient
removal levels when irrigating. Our team provided multidisciplinary
services on this A$15m project developing the functional design
and performance-based specification for the Class A Recycled Water
Plant. In addition to the treatment plant, Arup undertook the design
and specification of the recycled water purple pipe system within the

© Nicholas Grundy Photography

MCG to transfer the Class A water around the ground.

Melbourne Cricket Club
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Case study

Thanlyin Star City Water Strategy,

Yangon, Myanmar
This was the first water project that the water team undertook
in Myanmar. The scope of the work included developing a
comprehensive potable water strategy for a new residential
development called Star City, which is located just outside the
capital, Yangon.

The study focused on identification of existing water sources and

management practices; groundwater analysis, review of system
demand and reliability; proposing possible sustainability initiatives
including recycling, and proposing short, mid and long term solutions
(including desalination) for a potable water supply for an ultimate
population (2020) of 25,000 residents. This is a strategic opportunity
to gain experience in a country which has only very recently opened
up to international firms to conduct business.

SPA Project Management Ltd
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Case study

The Future of Urban Water:

Scenarios for Water Utilities in 2040
The Future of Urban Water: Scenarios for Water Utilities in 2040'
depicts four plausible scenarios for the future of urban water utilities
in 2040. Using Sydney as a reference city, the report explores how
a wide range of social, technological, economic, environmental and
political trends could shape our urban water future.

Key questions asked by the study include: How can we meet the
water needs of a rapidly growing urban population? Can we provide
equitable water services in a world increasingly faced with water
scarcity and environmental degradation? How can we achieve this
without further compromising the planet’s ecosystem?

'The Future of Urban Water: Scenarios for Water Utilities in 2040' is

the result of a jointly funded collaboration between Arup and Sydney
Water. The programme explored trends and future scenarios for the
future of urban water utilities in 2040. It was delivered and managed
by Arup, in close collaboration with experts from Sydney Water.

Download report and view scenarios here

Syndey Water
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Africa Americas Australasia East Asia Europe and UK (1) UK (2)

Middle East

Selected projects – East Asia

Project Location Read more

Guide on climate change resilience of Urban Water, Wuhan China –

Hangzhou Wetlands Masterplan China

Flood Risk Assessment Hong Kong

Harbour Area Wastewater Treatment scheme Hong Kong –

Sewage Sludge Incinerator and Energy Centre Hong Kong –

Enhancing Climate Resilience of Gorakhpur City India

Genting Sewage Treatment Plant Malaysia

Water Sensitive Planning and Urban Design, Songdo City South Korea –

C40 UrbanLife Workshop Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

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Case study

Guide on climate change resilience

of Urban Water, Wuhan, China
Arup’s integrated strategic and technical expertise gave Wuhan
stronger guidance in combating climate change, maximising long-
term benefit for the city. Stakeholder engagement is crucial to the
analysis of climate change resilience for water infrastructure in
Wuhan. To facilitate better understanding of climate conditions,
Arup conducted workshops for information input and developed
the Rapid Resilience Wuhan Methodology for assessment of urban

The report identified major factors which affect current water

infrastructure. This determined the public’s susceptibility to climate-
related factors and adaptations that have the potential to increase
resilience to climate change without compromising present day
functionality. The guide will have a wider applicability to other cities
in China and possibly beyond, and will target a broad professional
audience and the general public.

Asian Development Bank
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Case study

Hangzhou Wetlands Masterplan,

Arup’s conceptual masterplan brings a broad vision for diverse
habitat creation and conservation as well as wetland tourism,
managed agriculture and aquaculture, education and research, eco-
resorts and aquatic recreation zones. Using microcosmic organisation
of wetland ecosystems, Arup created macrocosmic harmony for one
of China’s largest ecological planning projects – at just over 55km².
Specific studies of local wetland systems, endangered species,
hydrology and flood control, transportation and economics
supported the masterplan’s development.

The vision at Jianghai Wetlands is to create greater ecological

diversity than other wetlands in the region by establishing large areas
of five unique wetland types including salt marsh, freshwater marsh,
riparian floodplain forests, swamp and wet meadows. While the
primary intent of the plan is to increase populations of threatened and
endangered species it will also bring unique outdoor recreation and
educational experiences to new city residents and visitors.

Hangzhou Jianghai wetlands
planning and protection headquarters
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Case study

Flood Risk Assessment ,

Hong Kong
The study will assess the potential flood risk to people living in the
vicinity of 14 rural catchment areas (RCAs) across Hong Kong.
The project includes various stages such as the prioritisation and
verification of river reach flood risk identified, hydrological and
hydraulic calculations and modelling, formulation and design of
flood warning system as well as the development of a long term
improvement scheme to mitigate flood risk for all 14 RCAs.

Hong Kong Drainage Services Department
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Case study

Harbour Area Wastewater Treatment scheme,

Hong Kong
Arup’s integrated design team is further improving the water quality
of Victoria Harbour for the benefit of the community and surrounding
environment. We are responsible for the design and construction
management of the upgrading of eight Preliminary Treatment Works
along Hong Kong Island and the sewage treatment works on
Stonecutters Island.

Arup achieved considerable savings for the client by value

engineering the design peaking factor to optimise the sewage tunnel
sizes while maintaining the return period for overflow occurrences
to an acceptably low level. This resulted in substantial capital and
operational savings with no detrimental effect on the water quality
of Victoria Harbour. HATS Stage 1 currently handles 75% of
wastewater from both sides of the Victoria Harbour – and the works
under HATS Stage 2A will handle the remaining 25%.

Drainage Services Department, Hong Kong Government
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Case study

Sewage Sludge Incinerator and Energy Centre,

Hong Kong
Arup’s design team of experts developed a self-sufficient and
sustainable solution to dispose of up to 2,000 tonnes/day of sewage
sludge. Procured under a design-build-operate (DBO) contract this
will be the largest sewage sludge incinerator in the world.

The plant will be self-sustaining: heat generated in the incinerators

will be recovered for power generation and surplus power will be
exported to the regional electricity grid. Potable and processed water
will be supplied by processing sea water through a desalination plant.
Rainwater will be collected for non-potable use, and waste water
will be treated and re-used on site with a very low impact on the

Arup, together with the JV overcame the challenge of constructing

on a previous pulverised fuel ash lagoon, and achieved the client’s

© Veolia Water Leighton John Holland Joint Venture

desire for an iconic architectural design whilst meeting stringent
building and fire services requirements for the process buildings.

Veolia-Leighton-John Holland JV
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Case study

Enhancing Climate Resilience

of Gorakhpur City, India
Gorakhpur faces annual flooding and waterlogging due to an
inadequate drainage system, a lack of on-going maintenance, and
an observed rise in seasonal rainfall intensity. Flood risk is further
increased by urbanisation processes, which increasingly lead to the
filling and development of the many existing lakes located in peri-
urban areas around the city which store flood water in rainy season.
Through funding provided by the Rockefeller Foundation as part of
the Asian Cities climate Change Resilience (ACCCRN) program,
Arup is working with Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group
(GEAG) to develop planning and design guidelines to improve the
Ward level drainage system, and developing a concept design for
drainage improvement works specifically for Mahewa ward.

In addition, we carried out a hydrological study for Gorakhpur City,

focussing on preserving peri-urban areas as a flood buffer against
seasonal flooding and waterlogging. We presented the findings from
InfoWorks ICM model which shows city has high risk of flooding
even with a moderate rainstorm and recommended to prepare a
comprehensive drainage master plan for the city.

Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group
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Case study

C40 UrbanLife Workshop,

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
As strategic advisor to the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
(C40) and its partner the Clinton Climate Initiative, Arup is providing
strategic advice on urban resilience through a series of action-
orientated ‘UrbanLife’ workshops. As part of the series, a workshop
took place in Ho Chi Minh City focussed on flood management and
climate resilience.

Due to its coastal location and low-lying terrain, the city is ranked
as being one of the most vulnerable to climate change by the World
Wildlife Fund. Arup’s multidisciplinary experts addressed the city’s
current difficulties in responding to flood risk and water resource
management and proposed ways to build resilience, which will
contribute to its water masterplan. Arup produced a report and
animation containing research analysis and recommendations for the
next steps that could be replicated in other cities around the world.

C40 and the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI)
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Case study

Genting Sewage Treatment Plant,

The Genting Highlands Resort is a major resort of the Genting
Malaysia Berhad organisation (GMB) located approximately 50
kilometres east of Kuala Lumpur. A major expansion to the facilities,
which will include 3,000 new hotel rooms, a gaming area and a
theme park, has been planned. This expansion is expected to attract
some 100,000 extra daily visitors.

Arup has been appointed by GMB to carry out the feasibility study,
design and construction supervision of a new sewage treatment
plant with effluent re-use facilities at Genting Highlands. Due to
site constraints, the plant is proposed to be built in a multi-storey
structure at the top of a cliff with a treatment capacity of 150,000
population equivalent, mainly to cater for the new development. The
work is a joint project between Arup Jururunding, Malaysia and the
Hong Kong office and our services include process, mechanical,
electrical, control, instrumentation and automation systems and
hydraulic, structural, geotechnical and building services engineering.

Genting Malaysia Berhad Sdn
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Case study

Water Sensitive Planning and Urban Design,

Songdo City, South Korea
The 101-acre Central Park provides a multifunctional oasis for the
Songdo International Business District, a new city built on 1,500 acres
of land reclaimed from the Yellow Sea.

Arup’s scope for the park included a major seawater canal; a

remediation strategy to provide a plantable landscape on a platform
of sea-dredged soils; sustainable irrigation via rainwater harvesting;
pavement analysis; drainage, utility, and lighting design; a three-level
underground parking garage; and two footbridges spanning the canal.
We have also been heavily involved in a number of additional aspects of
the New Songdo City development.

The multiple intended functions of the canal – transport artery;

waterfront development space; natural cooling mechanism; biodiversity
facilitator – involved often-conflicting drivers such as transport,
sustainability, and water quality and ecology. This required a highly
creative, complex design process - a collaborative effort coordinating
the work of more than 10 Arup offices worldwide.

© HG Esch Fotografie
Gale International Limited
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Africa Americas Australasia East Asia Europe & UK (1) UK (2)

Middle East

Selected projects – Europe & Middle East

Project Location Read more

Integration of Ecosystem Services within WFD and FD, UK Brussels

Czarna Staszowska and Nida River Flood Programme, Krakow Poland

Recreational Masterplan of Dobczyce Reservoir Poland –

Upper Raba Spawning Grounds River Restoration Poland –

Vistula Dam Hydropower Scheme Poland –

Bursa Wastewater Project II Turkey

Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Case study

Integration of Ecosystem Services

within WFD and FD, UK
Arup developed guidance on how to integrate Ecosystem
Services within the next WFD planning cycles and as part of the
implementation of the FD. EU Member States have been urged to
improve implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
and Flood Directive (FD) to relieve pressure on river basins. This
will be achieved by utilising best available techniques and mitigation
measures to reduce the EU’s vulnerability to floods and droughts,
support biodiversity and soil fertility as well as improve the status of

Arup is developing practical guidelines that can help river basin

managers identify, quantify, value and optimise Ecosystem Services
as well as consider payments. The practical guidelines are based on
the river basin managers' experiences of implementing the WFD and
FD to date.

European Union DG Environment
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Case study

Czarna Staszowska and Nida River

Flood Programme, Krakow, Poland
In the view of implementation of the Flood Directive Arup is
preparing a flood protection scheme for the catchments of the Nida
River and the Czarna Staszowska River, both tributaries to the
Vistula River. Significant flood losses have been noted within the
catchments in recent years.

The aim of the project is to propose the best option to minimise

them. The scope of work is covering: site surveys, hydraulic
modelling, GIS analysis, concept design, flood extent assessment,
damage assessment, flood protection program proposal, and Strategic
Environmental Assessment.

RZGW Krakow
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Case study

Recreational Masterplan of
Dobczyce Reservoir, Poland
Arup undertook preparation of masterplan for the largest clean water
reservoir near Krakow – Dobczyce Reservoir. For almost 20 years
the reservoir has been closed to any public activities and protected by
significant protection zone. Arup investigated options for opening up
the reservoir for public recreational use without causing any damage
to the water environment and water quality.

Our team of water, road, environmental, GIS engineers and

economists and landscape architects analysed existing information
about the reservoir gathered from 20 years, including water quality
test results, modeling results of pollution flow, bathymetry data,
environmental data and existing socio-economic context. We
investigated the potential for ecotourism, and integration of leisure
activities that could be implemented in sustainable and low cost with
no harm to natural environment and no threat to water supply for
Krakow Municipality.

Our team worked closely with the Client, local communities and
stakeholders in order to deliver a short and long-term sustainable
strategy and phasing plan for the reservoir.
MPWiK in Krakow
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Case study

Upper Raba Spawning Grounds

River Restoration, Poland
The natural character of the Raba River, between Lubien and Stroza
has been modified by development of the banks, floodplains and
dams at its tributaries. These modifications caused deterioration
of the in-stream storage capacity of the river, damages to the
environment of fish, manifested by high water temperatures in the
summer and impeded access of protected fish to spawning grounds in
tributaries of the Raba River.

Arup proposed innovative ways to reverse the degradation which

included removal of obstacles, reconstruction of biological
structures, securing borders of the channel of free migration by
planting dense tree buffers and upbuilding crowns of natural riffles
to re-establish the dynamic equilibrium of the river. Lowering the
existing dams will restore the continuity of the channels and of
habitats for organisms living in it and allows the fish to pass through
the reconstructed cascades.

“Ab Ovo” Association
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Case study

Vistula Dam Hydropower Scheme,

The existing Wloclawek dam reservoir, if released may contaminate
a large part of the lower Vistula, the main Polish river. Polish
parliament passed a decision to support the existing Wloclawek dam
which is at risk of failure due to river bed erosion. The solution that
Arup was asked to study and design is raising of downstream water
level by construction of a new dam. Located in the protected area of
Natura 2000, this is an extremely environmentally sensitive project.

The client, Energa S.A.- who is the hydropower operator of the

existing plant on Wloclawek Dam, is an important energy holding in
Poland, with ambition to be a leader in renewable energy production
and innovation. Arup scope included study of potential locations,
site investigations and concept development for selected sites.
Multi-criteria analysis was carried out to support final decision and
an Environmental Impact Assessment was prepared along with an
economic and financial Feasibility Study. A detailed environmental
compensation plan was developed based on Water Framework
Directive and Habitat and Birds Directive requirements. One of its
key elements was design of a unique, several kilometers long by-pass
gravel–bed river channel for fish migration
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Case study

Bursa Wastewater Project II,

Located in western Turkey, to the south of Marmara Sea, Bursa is
the fourth most populated metropolitan centre in the country. The
city was the first Ottoman capital and holds important industries
and cultural heritage. Since 2005, the service area for Bursa Water
and Sewerage Administration General Directorate (BUSKİ) was
expanded by more than tenfold, with the population nearly doubling.
BUSKİ, who received a loan for Bursa Wastewater Project II from
the EIB, allocated part of this loan for the contract for the technical
assistance and consulting services for the second stage of the Bursa
wastewater project.

Arup, together with Temelsu, (forming the 'AR-TEM' joint

vennture) is providing technical assistance and consultancy services
to BUSKİ. The scope of services include assistance with tendering
and contracting of the works, preparation of tender designs for the
sewerage and storm drainage networks (over 500 km) as well as
supervision and consulting services during implementation of the
main collectors of the sewerage and storm drainage systems.

Client Client
The World
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Africa Americas Australasia East Asia Europe and UK (1) UK (2)

Middle East

Selected projects – UK (1)

Project Location Read more

Environmental and water resilient design for HS2 Rail Birmingham –

City Park Public Realm and Water Infrastructure Bradford

Surface Water Management Plan Bristol

Greener Grangetown Green Infrastucture Retrofit Cardiff

City Centre Flood Alleviation Scheme Leeds –

Leeds/Liverpool Canal Waterfront Regeneration Liverpool –

2012 Olympic Park Water Infrastructure design London

Beam Parklands Habitat Creation London

BID Green Infrastructure Toolkit London

Dartford Creek Ecological and Engineering design London –

Designing with Data: Smart Cities Report London

Siemens Urban Sustainability Centre London

Thames Estuary 2100 London

Thames Tideway Tunnel London

Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Case study

Environmental and water resilient design

for HS2 Rail, Birmingham
Arup led a large multidisciplinary team, working to a highly
constrained programme, to deliver the largest Environmental
Statement ever produced in the UK across the 230km project.

In the West Midlands Arup led the development of a water resilient

design. Including extensive flood modelling of the Rivers Rea,
Tame and Blythe, integrated modelling of urbanised sections and
groundwater modelling of tunnelled sections. The outputs included
flood risk assessments, innovative mitigation measures and a resilient

Our route-wide assessment work included sound, noise and

vibration, greenhouse gases/carbon footprint and socioeconomics,
as well as route-wide photomontages and visualisations, mapping/
GIS coordination for the whole project. We also produced a Climate
Change Resilience report, Equality Impact Assessment, Health
Impact Assessment, Code of Construction Practice, Consultation
Summary report, Water Framework Directive assessment and
provided technical leadership across all other environmental topics.

HS2 Ltd
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Case study

City Park Public Realm and

Water Infrastructure, Bradford
Arup in collaboration with Gillespies Landscape Architects and the
Fountains Workshop developed the detailed design of the 3600m2
‘Mirror Pool’, which lies at the heart of Bradford’s City Park. Surface
water captured within the Mirror Pool is drained back to the main
storage tank which replaces water lost from the system by natural
losses (evaporation) and filter backwashing from the treatment plant.
Rainwater supplements the water supply from a mix of potable water
and ground water. Water is recycled by a small treatment plant to
maintain a minimum water quality standard.

The construction of the new development enabled the surface water

to be collected and drained to a new network which discharges to a
culverted watercourse on the site boundary. Prior to the construction
of the park, water drained directly to the combined sewerage network
that was operating at capacity. The new surface water drainage system
creates additional capacity within the combined sewerage network.
The peak discharge rate of surface water off-site was limited by hydro-
brakes, which utilise the available storage capacity within the new
drainage network. Further reductions were achieved by improving the
amount of green space around the periphery of the site.
City of Bradford Metropolitatn District Council
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Case study

Surface Water Management Plan,

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs identified
Bristol as one of 10 high risk areas susceptible to surface water
flooding in the UK. Arup was commissioned by Bristol City Council
to develop a strategic surface water management plan which would
identify areas for prioritisation of investigation and to help deliver a
comprehensively informed strategic plan of response.

Arup developed a high-definition, integrated, two dimensional, 4

metre grid terrain model to understand the surface water drainage. As
well as being the largest model for this size of catchment and at this
level of detail, it is also the first of its kind in the UK. This informed
the basis of the strategic plan, identifying ‘hotspots’ for investment
to manage the surface water flooding in Bristol. Arup worked with
the Council to develop interventions using water sensitive urban
design principles, providing benefits beyond flood risk management.
These included sympathetically designed retrofit sustainable drainage
systems and associated amenities into commercial and urban streets
for delivering tangible benefits to socially deprived areas within the

Bristol City Council
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Case study

Greener Grangetown Green

Infrastucture Retrofit, Cardiff
Grangetown is a socially and culturally diverse residential
neighbourhood in Cardiff. Surface water in the area is collected in a
combined network and is pumped approximately eight miles to be
treated at Cog Moors wastewater treatment works, incurring energy
and carbon costs. Arup is currently providing advice to the three
partners; Cardiff City Council, Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water and Natural
Resources Wales, who are collaborating on a feasibility study that
recommends options to implement water sensitive urban design
(WSUD) which will re-use surface water. Proposed interventions
include planters, swales, bio-retention ponds, permeable paving and
kerb drainage, making use of the existing streetscape and open spaces.
Using these features to develop community gardens, allotments,
picnic areas and recreational spaces is also being considered. The
wider benefits of the implementation of WSUD to this neighbourhood
include education, health, well-being, sense of place, as well as
developing more sustainable transportation routes - in particular the
cycle and walking routes linking the city to a regenerated and vibrant
Cardiff Bay. Stakeholder engagement and appropriate assessment
frameworks are being carefully documented to confirm the most
suitable proposals for this site and for other parts of Cardiff.
Cardiff City Council
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Case study

City Centre Flood Alleviation Scheme,

Leeds City Council is promoting a staged approach to developing
a more flood resilient city. The council's highest priority is the city
centre, which is a key focal point for the economic regeneration
of Leeds City Region as a whole. There are approximately 3,000
residential properties and 500 businesses at high risk in this area,
which is all developed or previously developed land within twenty
minutes walking distance of the railway station. The Council’s
challenge was to reduce the risk posed to this area by the River
Aire to acceptable levels whilst enhancing the river corridor, which
is a focal point for high quality public realm. Flood defences had
potential to act as a physical barrier and were a specific concern to
riverside residents and businesses on visual amenity grounds.

The solution developed by Arup involves the replacement of two

existing fixed river weirs with movable structures that can be
lowered whenever there is a flood. As a result, the height and extent
of the flood defences required has been significantly reduced. The
Arup design also incorporated a new footbridge, improved public
realm, a new riverside walk/cycle way, pocket parks, fish passes and
hydropower generation capacity.
Leeds CIty Council
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Case study

Leeds/Liverpool Canal
Waterfront Regeneration, Liverpool
With Arup as principal designer, close collaboration with public
and private bodies delivered a project which boosts the Liverpool
economy by approximately £1.9m annually. The Liverpool Canal
Link achieves British Waterways aim to reinvigorate Liverpool’s
South Docks as a tourism and leisure destination. Previously, the
canal terminated two miles short of the city centre, was degraded and
viewed as unappealing by local people.

The canal was constructed at a time of intense regeneration activity,

and coordination with adjacent projects was vital to its success. Arup
generated 3D engineering models which were used at all stages
to seek client approval, create drawings, determine construction
sequences and communicate safety. The completed project has
been praised for it’s high quality finish, and excellent coordination
between the design team. Use of the canal has far exceeded British
Waterways’ expectations.

British Waterways
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Case study

2012 Olympic Park

Water Infrastructure design, London
Arup provided multi-disciplinary engineering services for the
infrastructure design of the southern section of the 2012 Olympic Park, as
well as for three of the major venues. Arup’s approach was underpinned
by the principles of water sensitive urban design, water being one of the
client’s key themes in their sustainable development strategy to make the
Games the ‘greenest’ in history. One of the main water strategy objectives
was to reduce potable water consumption by 40% compared to industry
standards. Through a combination of water efficiency, water re-use and
water substitution measures, this target was exceeded and a 57% saving
in water was achieved. 20% was through water efficient fittings in venues,
and measures such as rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing. A park-wide
non-potable water supply network used treated sewage for irrigation and
toilet flushing, accounting for a further 37% reduction in potable water
consumption, exceeding the Olympic Delivery Authority’s sustainability
target. Separate foul and surface water drainage systems reduce combined
sewer spills and improve river water quality whilst minimising flood
risk. The river outfalls were specially designed to maintain a continuous
riverside ecology whilst controlling discharges sufficiently to avoid
interference with navigation.

© ODA / London 2012

Olympic Delivery Authority
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Case study

Beam Parklands Habitat Creation,

Arup worked with the Environment Agency (EA) and the Land Trust
to produce the landscape design and manage the environmental
assessment process for the enhancement of the Beam parklands site
in Dagenham, London. The scheme included the creation of over
12 hectares of Biodiversity Action Plan habitat in the floodplains of
the River Beam and Wantz Stream, including reeds, wet woodland,
ponds, lowland acid grassland, and traditional orchards. As well as
increasing flood storage and improving protection to hundreds of
homes and businesses, the project enabled active engagement with the
local community, giving people access to green space and associated
health benefits, and delivering a sense of ownership yielding much
greater overall social and environmental outcomes. The relationship
between Arup, the EA, the Land Trust and other project partners,
was instrumental in securing external funding from the European
Regional Development Fund to deliver the scheme and maintain it in
perpetuity, enhancing the value of the EA’s planned funding for flood
risk management. Success was achieved by developing a shared vision
which provided and promoted the route to collaborative working and
actively sought opportunities to understand, realise and deliver partners’
different aspirations and objectives.
Environment Agency, The Land Trust
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Case study

BID Green Infrastructure Toolkit,

Arup developed a Green Infrastructure (GI) Audit guide for the
Victoria Business Improvement District (BID). Working with Natural
England, in collaboration with the Greater London Authority and
Cross River Partnership, the guide provides authoritative guidance
to assist organisations (particularly BIDs) in considering whether to
undertake GI audits. It helps them to make informed decisions and
follows an evidence-based and methodic approach. Arup identified
how a GI Audit should be completed utilising lessons learned from
recent projects and how the findings of a GI Audit can be used to
catalyse improvements in the local environment.

Our research found that Gi Audits have provided a wide range

of benefits including bringing in additional income, developing
relationships with new partners, targeting investment in projects that
have greatest benefit, providing organisations and businesses with
improved knowledge of their area and contributing to a wide range of
other objectives.

Download report

Victoria Business Improvement District
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Case study

Dartford Creek Ecological and

Engineering design, London
Innovative flood defence embankment works, combining both hard
and soft engineering solutions, along critical areas of frontage in one
of the few remaining natural tidal Thames creeks. Dartford Creek’s
in-channel mudflats, reed beds and adjoining salt marshes form
recognised Biodiversity Action Plan habitats. Due to natural channel
migration, the creek’s embankments had become unstable, posing a
flood threat to residential and commercial properties.

Arup’s hard and soft flood defence embankment works included a

system of brushwood revetments, using ash and chestnut faggots and
stakes sourced from sustainably managed woodland in Holland, to
counter the effects of scour by encouraging silt accretion and starting
a process of new salt marsh creation. To minimise impact, the project
team innovated a water-based method for installing the brushwood
using a long reach excavator working from a Self- Elevating
Platform in the centre of the creek. This also reduced health and
safety risks.

Environment Agency
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Case study

Designing with Data:

Smart Cities Report, London
This joint report by Arup and the Royal Institute of British Architects
(RIBA) offers an examination of the role consumer-generated data
will play in the planning and design of our cities, an angle in the smart
cities debate that has been largely neglected until now.
We produce reams of data every day, generating thousands of insights
into how we live our lives. Using this data more effectively can offer a
deep insight into people’s needs, which has the potential to transform
the way architects and urban planners design our built environments.
This could result in greater and much less costly opportunities for
experimentation and testing of designs before construction begins and
the chance for greater consultation with potential users. This would
speed up the process, saving time and money and resulting in better
and more affordable design.

The report uses four points to examine how data use could transform
our built environment and the barriers which must be overcome for its
wider application. The report also makes recommendations to the UK

© Noah Sheldon/Julian Richards

Government on how it could enhance its smart city initiative by paving
the way to designing with data.

Published jointly with the RIBA Download report
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Case study

Siemens Urban Sustainability Centre,

The Crystal is an exemplar ‘building of the future’ for Siemens. The
development in London’s Victoria Dock consists of a public exhibition
and education centre, as well as offices, an auditorium, and conference
centre. A highly integrated design process, where Arup engaged with
Siemens across their extensive range of technologies, has allowed
the development to target the highest international sustainability
benchmarks – LEED ‘Platinum’ and BREEAM ‘Outstanding’.

The Arup team developed a fully integrated energy strategy for the
building, realising Siemens’ brief for an all-electric building through
a combination of low carbon on-site generation, battery storage, and
ground source heat pumps. The public health design adopts a water
sensitive design approach, focusing on water efficiency and advanced
treatment, resulting in a 90% reduction in mains water use and a closed
water loop in the winter season. By integrating water and wastewater
industry expertise into the team, Arup was able to advise on selection
of Siemens technologies for blackwater recycling, configure the public
health systems to allow for rainwater treatment to potable quality, and
advise on licensing and approvals for the innovative water systems.

© Edward Sumner
Siemens Real Estate LtdClient name
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Case study

Thames Esturary 2100,

Arup worked with the Environment Agency to develop a tidal flood
risk management plan for the Thames Estuary through to the end
of the century. The plan recommends what flood risk management
measures will be required, focusing on how to integrate defences
into the surrounding landscape and townscape, enhancing the river
frontage and achieving other environmental objectives for a range
of different situations. These were illustrated by using a series of
3D visualisations portraying the changing estuary character and a
subsequent series of vision sketches for specific areas along the river
undergoing substantial change.

The draft report was designed as a guidance document to inform

and inspire those involved in flood risk design, to think and act
creatively in integrating environmental enhancement into flood
risk management schemes. The focus included the creation of a
continuous public walkway along the River Thames, connecting to a
series of public realm opportunities, and ecological enhancement.

Environment Agency
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Case study

Thames Tideway Tunnel,

The Thames Tunnel project is a major new sewer that will tackle
the problem of overflows from the capital’s Victorian sewers for at
least the next 100 years. It is required to ensure the UK complies
with European environment standards and will also bring wider
social and economic benefits. The project has identified a series of
sites spanning London where existing sewers will be intercepted
with new sewer infrastructure.

Arup is part of an integrated team working alongside architects,

engineers, planners and environmental specialists. As landscape
architects on the project we have worked closely with the lead
architects in creating a legacy of high quality and distinctive
public spaces that are fitting for a project of this scale and
ambition. Integrated SuDS and sustainable surface water
management through the use of permeable surfacing and green roofs.
Large scale consultation has been carried out, which has allowed the
design team to create design solutions that are responsive to each
locality providing valuable new public spaces to both local people
and visitors.

Thames Water
Overview Catchment interventions Multiple benefits Specialist services Partnership delivery Project library

Africa Americas Australasia East Asia Europe and UK (1) UK (2)

Middle East

Selected projects – UK (2)

Project Location Read more

UK Water Sensitive Urban Design Scoping Study London

Ulley Reservoir Rehabilitation Rotherham –

New Water Storage Reservoir, Cheddar Somerset

Stebonheath School Landscape Retrofit Llanelli –

SuDS retroit projects Llanelli & Gowerton

East Coast European Bathing Water Directive Yorkshire

Humber Estuary Flood Risk Management Strategy Yorkshire –

Humber Estuary Ecosystems services assessment Yorkshire

RT NET intellignet data monitoring Yorkshire

Yorkshire Water Demand Management Best Practice Review Yorkshire

CIRIA Flood Risk & Critical Infrastructure Study (Nationwide) –


Water Use in Scarce Environments Study for WRG2030 (Global)

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Case study

UK Water Sensitive Urban

Design Scoping Study, London
Arup has been working closely with the Construction Industry
Research and Information Association (CIRIA) to produce a report
which creates a vision for water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in
the UK.

‘Creating Water Sensitive Places’, published in spring 2013,

summarises the results of a scoping study which explores the
potential to deliver WSUD in a UK context. The report demonstrates
the benefits of the process in creating more adaptable places that
enhance amenity and well-being, responding to the water challenges
facing communities and supporting economic development.
As lead research contractor on the project, Arup has assisted CIRIA
in proposing recommendations for its uptake in the UK, drawing
upon research of international experience in WSUD and feedback
from workshops with key agencies that could deliver and benefit
from WSUD in the UK.

Download Ideas Booklet here

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Case study

Ulley Reservoir Rehabilitation,

Following heavy rainfall in June 2007, a spillway at Ulley Reservoir
failed, causing scour to the embankment. Arup managed emergency
works to stabilise the dam including blocking the upstream end of
the existing spillway, lowering the water level in the reservoir and
placing 2,500 tonnes of coarse limestone into the scour hole. Further
investigations determined the extent of rehabilitation works needed.

Arup designed the rehabilitation works and procured a hydraulic

model of the spillway to verify the design assumptions. Maintenance
of reservoir safety during construction was controlled through
overpumping, temporary sheetpile defence and careful sequencing of
excavation works. Arup managed the whole project maintaining high
standards of safety throughout. Rehabilitation works were completed
on time and under budget through successful collaboration with
stakeholders during the design and construction phases.

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
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Case study

New Water Storage Reservoir,

Cheddar, Somerset
Arup prepared the planning application for a new 9,000Ml raw water
storage reservoir. The location, south of the existing Cheddar Reservoir,
was determined previously by Arup as part of a Site Selection and
Water Resources Study. The new reservoir will be fed from Mendip
spring sources close to the famous Cheddar Gorge show caves, and
gravitate from there to the existing reservoir, located nearby. Our high
level master plan sets out the recommended strategy and covers all
aspects of the scheme including consultation, environmental surveys and
studies, planning, land purchase, design, construction and operational
issues. Once operational, the reservoir and surrounding nature areas will
transform low grade, intensive agricultural land with limited community
value into an environmental asset that sits comfortably within the
Somerset landscape. It is anticipated that the adjoining SSSI will expand
as overwintering bird populations thrive in the newly created wetland
habitats, otter and water vole populations improve and bat populations
continue to grow off integrated foraging habitat. For the community
health, wellbeing and educational benefits will be seen through the
network of footpaths, cycle paths, bridleways, natural trails and
associated educational facilities. The planning application was submitted
in December 2013 and has now been approved.
Bristol Water Plc
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Case study

Stebonheath School landscape retrofit,

The Dwr Cyrmu Welsh Water Capital Delivery Team have been
working with teachers and pupils from Stebonheath Primary School,
Llanelli to integrate an innovative retrofit sustainable drainage
system, typically only used in new build schools, into the existing
school grounds.

The aim is to reduce storm flows entering the sewer network and
reduce the risk of flooding and pollution downstream.

The multiple wider benefits achieved include increasing the

biodiversity of the site, providing an educational tool to teach pupils
about the water cycle, the environment, carbon reduction and create
a more pleasant atmosphere for teachers and pupils to educate and

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
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Case study

SuDS retrofit projects,

Llanelli & Gowerton
As with many ageing combined sewer networks, the Llanelli catchment
in Wales receives large volumes of surface water as a result of factors
including urban growth and climate change. This is resulting in significant
combined sewer overflow spills from the sewers into the protected
shellfish waters of the Burry Inlet. Arup has worked closely with Dŵr
Cymru Welsh Water to deliver large-scale water sensitive urban design
remove surface water from the sewer network. This was made possible by
building one of the largest hydraulic models of a sewer system in the UK
to assess sewage spill frequency, duration and volume at all assets in these
catchments. This model also identified the areas where surface water
entered the combined sewer network so that solutions could be targeted.
Arup then developed an innovative schematic plan of the sewerage system
together with a flow/area map for a comprehensive understanding of the
catchment. The result was 181 innovative solutions ranked according to
their contribution to surface water reduction, flooding, environmental
enhancement, societal benefit, ease of construction and carbon cost using
Arup’s CO2ST tool. The top 10 schemes reduced surface water entering
the sewers by 25% and been completed during the Asset Management
Plan (AMP) period 5.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
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Case study

East Coast European Bathing Water Directive,

Yorkshire Water are investing £110 million between 2010-2015
to help many of the region’s seaside resorts achieve an ‘Excellent’
bathing water quality standard.

During feasibility stage, Arup built the initial marine impact model
and carried out studies which showed the feasibility of adopting an
innovative approach to achieving improved bathing water quality
and allowed Yorkshire Water to gain regulatory funding for their
programme. The marine impact modelling approach has continued to
be used for the development of major schemes along the Yorkshire
coast with a view that all the resort beaches along the Yorkshire coast
achieve blue flag status.

Arup have continued to support Yorkshire Water with technical

services through outline design, planning and site supervision of
projects involving £70 million of investment, including tunnels
pumping stations, sea outfalls and new high quality public realm
and public art along the existing seafronts. The project involved
integration of critical infrastructure with new high quality public
realm on the seafront.
Yorkshire Water Services Ltd
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Case study

Humber Estuary Flood Risk Management Strategy,

The communities around the Humber estuary are protected from
coastal flooding by more than 200km of earth embankments and
flood walls. The Humber strategy sets the over arching framework
for sustainable flood risk management around the whole Humber
Estuary for the next 20 years, mindful of rising sea levels and
increased storminess.

Arup is working with the Environment Agency to update the strategy

in light of new government funding regimes, better modelling tools
and data, and the regional growth agenda. Our work as technical
advisor includes condition assessment of the defences, probabilistic
hydraulic modelling (with HR Wallingford our specialist sub-
consultant), developing and costing sustainable strategic solutions,
and preparing the business case for future investment.

We are working closely with the Humber local authorities, Natural

England, landowners and other key stakeholders to ensure the
strategy delivers wider benefits to the region.

Ennvironment Agency
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Case study

Humber Estuary, ecosystems

services assessment
Arup carried out an Ecosystem Services (ES) assessment of coastal
managed realignment schemes on the Humber Estuary, valuing the
benefits for the Environment Agency (EA). The project entailed a
comprehensive review of the existing valuation guidance, scientific
and economic evidence (both EA, national and international).
The study identified important gaps in the evidence, along with the
considerations and risks of proceeding to a full valuation. Current
guidance was assessed against best practice, with reference to
academic studies, the National Ecosystem Assessment and the
Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB).

The study critically evaluated the approaches and outlined a

recommended methodology for a full ES valuation of all existing and
proposed managed realignment schemes on the Humber Estuary. The
study will be an important component of the wider EA strategy of
embedding an Ecosystem Services approach into their operations.

Environment Agency
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Case study

CIRIA Flood Risk & Critical

Infrastructure Study, (Nationwide)
Arup worked with CIRIA and numerous industry stakeholders to
provide a detailed report on how to improve the flood resilience of
critical infrastructure systems across the UK. The specific objectives
of Arup’s research were to: propose a rationale for key terms such
as ‘critical infrastructure’, ‘resilience’ and ‘resistance’; collect and
collate information on the flood resilience and resistance measures
that are currently being adopted by infrastructure owners and
operators; collate information from post flooding incidents in the
UK and overseas relating to performance of resilience and resistance
measure; identify approaches to improve the adaptation of critical
infrastructure to future flood risk and climate change; promote
collaboration and consensus between different disciplines and
sectors across the industries which provide the UK’s Infrastructure;
disseminate findings amongst relevant organisations and identify any
future research and guidance requirements to improve resilience and

© Peter Smith Photography /

resistance. The resulting publication, CIRIA C688, has influenced
Government thinking in this area, providing an important evidence
base for the various departments’ sector resilience plans.

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Case study

RT NET intelligent data monitoring,

RTNet Phase 3 is a project to install around 4600 flow and pressure
data loggers on Yorkshire Water’s distribution network. The data
loggers have a facility to call in to Yorkshire Water’s control room
automatically sending useful flow and pressure data for the water
distribution network many times a day.

Arup's role included project management, GIS enabled electronic

data capture, data management and processing, and software

The data loggers were installed in flow meter chambers, pressure

hydrants and at Domestic Customer Meters (DCMs) sites across
the East of Yorkshire including the major conurbations of Leeds,
Sheffield, York, Hull and the surrounding areas. The project
involved Arup conducting a pre-survey of around 4600 sites to assess
suitability for logger installation and then the design and installation
of data loggers at prescribed locations. Arup were responsible for
the design and installation of IT Infrastructure to suit the data logger

Yorkshire Water Services Ltd
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Case study

Yorkshire Water Demand Management

Best Practice Review
The energy requirements and associated cost of treating and pumping
water, together with the threat posed by extreme weather events and
gradual climate change, have resulted in water conservation and
resilience rising up the socio-economic and environmental agenda.

In order to respond effectively, Yorkshire Water Services has outlined

a strategy called “Taking Responsibility for the Water Environment
for Good,” which sets out clearly the company’s view on water issues
including demand management and water loss.

Arup carried out a maturity assessment to identify the strengths

and weaknesses of Yorkshire Water’s historic and current water
demand and loss management actions, benchmarking these against
international best practice from Australia, Singapore, the US and
Europe. Arup researched best-practice case studies, against which
the company’s position was compared. The comparison focussed
on contributory factors such as population growth, water reuse,
household retrofitting and collaborative working. The approach and
outcome of each case study was then transposed onto Yorkshire
Water’s aspirations.
Yorkshire Water Services Ltd
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Case study

CITIES ALIVE – Rethinking Green Infrastructure:

Can nature help restore harmony in our cities?
Our cities are facing an uncertain future. Underground roads and
automated transport, permeable pavements and water roofs, vertical
farming and even glowing trees – from large-scale interventions to
smaller scale enrichments, cities in the future will need to look vastly
different to cities now.

Cities Alive – rethinking green infrastructure – shows how the

creation of a linked ‘city ecosystem’ that encompasses parks and
open spaces; urban trees, streets, squares; woodland and waterways
can help create healthier, safer and more prosperous cities and
realise significant social, economic and environmental benefits.
To accomplish this vision, green infrastructure has to now take a
more influential role in the planning and design of cities and urban
environments. Cities Alive is a product of collaboration between
the Landscape Architecture and Foresight + Research + Innovation
teams at Arup and has involved a wide range of specialists within the

View report online

Arup Research Initiative
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Case study

Water Use in Scarce Environments Study

for WRG2030, (Global)
The 2030 Water Resources Group appointed Arup to gather global
case studies of interventions that address water scarcity. Arup
researched and analysed case studies across the Agricultural,
Municipal and Industrial sectors, covering over 60 types of
interventions. Arup worked with external partners from across the
globe, collaborating with the private sector, government ministries
and local authorities to gather feedback and identify projects.

The case study catalogue includes an analytical framework to

enable assessment and comparison of various interventions on
water scarcity, including economic assessment based on a system
of comparable unit costs of water. Key to the study was clear and
concise communication of complex issues to non-water specialists
within the private sector, amongst policy makers and to governments.
An online searchable database of the case studies can be found at

View online database here

2030 Water Resources Group, Washington DC

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