Hodgkin's lymphoma who is receiving an increasing the survival rates of clients with lung
infusion of rituximab (Rituxan). Which cancer?
assessment finding would require the most
rapid action by the nurse? A. Early bronchoscopy
B. Early detection
A. Shortness of breath C. High-dose chemotherapy
B. Temperature of 100.2 degrees F (37.9
D. Smoking cessation
degrees C)
C. Shivering and complaint of chills
D. Generalized muscle aches and pains
According to a standard staging classification Which of the following is the primary goal for
of Hodgkin's disease, which of the following surgical resection of lung cancer?
criteria reflects stage II?
A. To remove the tumor and all surrounding
A. Involvement of extralymphatic organs or tissue.
tissues B. To remove the tumor and as little
B. Involvement of single lymph node region or surrounding tissue as possible.
structure C. To remove all of the tumor and any
C. Involvement of two or more lymph node collapsed alveoli in the same region.
regions or structures. D. To remove as much as the tumor as
D. Involvement of lymph node regions or possible, without removing any alveoli.
structures on both sides of the diaphragm.
Warning signs and symptoms of lung cancer The client with a benign lung tumor is treated in
include persistent cough, bloody sputum, dyspnea, which of the following ways?
and which of the other following symptoms?
A. The tumor is treated with radiation only.
A. Dizziness B. The tumor is treated with chemotherapy only.
B. Generalized weakness C. The tumor is left alone unless symptoms are
C. Hypotension present.
D. Recurrent pleural effusion D. The tumor is removed, involving the least
possible amount of tissue.
Nausea and vomiting are common adverse effects The client with cancer is receiving
of radiation and chemotherapy. When should a chemotherapy and develops
nurse administer antiemetics? thrombocytopenia. The nurse identifies which
intervention as the highest priority in the
A. 30 minutes before the initiation of therapy. nursing plan of care?
B. With the administration of therapy.
C. Immediately after nausea begins. A. Ambulation three times a day
B. Monitoring temperature
D. When therapy is completed.
C. Monitoring the platelet count
D. Monitoring for pathological factors
Neoplasm can be classified as either benign or In staging and grading neoplasm TNM system is
malignant. The following are characteristics of used. TNM stands for:
malignant tumor apart from:
A. Time, neoplasm, mode of growth
A. Metastasis B. Tumor, node, metastasis
B. Infiltrates surrounding tissues C. Tumor, neoplasm, mode of growth
C. Encapsulated D. Time, node, metastasis
D. Poorly differentiated cells
The nurse is preparing Cyclophosphamide A 25 year old patient is inquiring about the
(Cytoxan). Safe handling of the drug should be methods or ways to detect cancer earlier. The
implemented to protect the nurse from injury. nurse least likely identify this method by
Which of the following action by the nurse stating:
should be corrected?
A. Annual chest x-ray.
A. The nurse should wear mask and gloves. B. Annual Pap smear for sexually active
B. Air bubbles should be expelled on wet women only.
cotton. C. Annual digital rectal examination for
C. Label the hanging IV bottle with persons over age 40.
"ANTINEOPLASTIC CHEMOTHERAPY" sign. D. Yearly physical and blood examination
D. Vent vials after mixing.
A 58-year-old man is going to have A characteristic of the stage of Progression in
chemotherapy for lung cancer. He asks the the development of Cancer is:
nurse how the chemotherapeutic drugs will
work. The most accurate explanation the nurse A. oncogenic viral transformation of target cells
can give is which of the following? B. a reversible steady growth facilitated by
A. "Chemotherapy affects all rapidly dividing C. a period of latency before clinical detection
cells." of cancer
B. "The molecular structure of the DNA is D. proliferation of cancer cells in spite of host
altered." control mechanisms
C. "Cancer cells are susceptible to drug
D. "Chemotherapy encourages cancer cells to
A nurse is providing education in a community The primary protective role of the immune
setting about general measures to avoid system related to malignant cells is:
excessive sun exposure. Which of the
following recommendations is appropriate? A. surveillance for cells with tumor-associated
A. Apply sunscreen only after going in the B. binding with free antigen released by
water. malignant cells
B. Avoid peak exposure hours from 9am to C. production of blocking factors that
1pm immobilize cancer cells
C. Wear loosely woven clothing for added D. responding to a new set of antigenic
ventilation determinants on cancer cells
D. Apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor
(SPF) of 15 or more before sun exposure.
The primary difference between benign and The goals of cancer treatment are based on
malignant neoplasms is the: the principle that:
A. Cells are abnormal and moderately A. Use Dial soap to feel clean and fresh.
differentiated. B. Scented lotion can be used on the area.
B. Cells are very abnormal and poorly C. Avoid heat and cold to the treatment area.
differentiated. D. Wear the new bra to comfort and support
C. Cells are immature, primitive, and the area.
D. Cells differ slightly from normal cells and are
The patient is receiving biologic and targeted The patient is receiving an IV vesicant
therapy for ovarian cancer. What medication chemotherapy drug. The nurse notices
should the nurse expect to administer before swelling and redness at the site. What should
therapy to combat the most common side effects the nurse do first?
of these medications?
A. Ask the patient if the site hurts.
A. Morphine sulfate B. Turn off the chemotherapy infusion.
C. Call the ordering health care provider.
B. Ibuprofen (Advil)
D. Administer sterile saline to the reddened
C. Ondansetron (Zofran)
D. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
The patient is being treated with brachytherapy The patient has been diagnosed with non-
for cervical cancer. What factors must the small cell lung cancer. Which type of targeted
nurse be aware of to protect herself when therapy will most likely be used for this patient
caring for this patient? to suppress cell proliferation and promote
programmed tumor cell death?
A. The medications the patient is taking
B. The nutritional supplements that will help A. Proteasome inhibitors
the patient B. BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors
C. How much time is needed to provide the C. CD20 monoclonal antibodies (MoAb)
patient's care D. Epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine
D. The time the nurse spends at what distance kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TK)
from the patient
A 70-year-old man who has end-stage lung
cancer is admitted to the hospital with
confusion and oliguria for 2 days. Which
finding would the nurse report immediately to
the health care provider?
A. Weight gain of 2 lb
B. Urine specific gravity of 1.015
C. Blood urea nitrogen of 20 mg/dL
D. Serum sodium level of 118 mEq/L