Hook Security Awareness Guide
Hook Security Awareness Guide
Hook Security Awareness Guide
Table of Contents
01 Chapter 1 | What is Security Awareness Training?
Chapter 1
The Emergence of Psychological Security have nothing to do with security, but can still
benefit a firm.
As the cyber threat landscape continues to grow,
guarding our information systems becomes harder
and harder. This is often because the focus,
attention, and ultimately the blame are in the wrong
Training can help to reduce errors or help
places. We’ve started to see a need for companies
recognize the “bad guys’” tricks and trends.
beyond just information security, and the reason for
this is right there in the name. Protecting a
business’s information by simply focusing on the
information itself still leaves you vulnerable, as over
Cybersecurity awareness training for
90% of breaches involve social engineering. As
employees can strengthen and enhance your
crazy as it may sound, we have to protect our
company’s security posture.
minds, our intuitions, our dependence, and our
trust. Enter the idea of Psychological
Initiatives like cybersecurity awareness training Your customer can sleep at night knowing they
force a company to examine its procedures, poli- are actively training to the latest threats
cies, and personnel. Inefficiencies and opportunities through training.
often come to light as a result of this, which may
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Security Awareness Training Creates a Positive Expect Mistakes - They are inevitable. How you
Security Culture react to them is everything. When you roll out
security awareness training to employees, you
Security awareness training, when properly will see people click. But that’s okay. The goal is
executed, contributes to your company’s security to reduce risk. It’s virtually impossible to
culture, and ultimately your overall company eliminate the risk of phishing attacks. Just be
culture. glad the phishing email they clicked on was a
First, you should understand that culture is not phishing test, and not the real thing.
something you can command, direct, or mandate.
Culture is not a policy. Policy is what employees are Set Goals - Encourage your employees and
told to do. Culture is how they actually behave. track progress. If you’re creating a healthy,
How do you influence culture? positive culture around cybersecurity,
employees will want to know how they’re doing.
At Hook Security we say there are four main things Encourage them by letting them know when
you can do to contribute to a healthy security they pass or fail phishing tests.
Don’t Punish Mistakes - This is the number one
Train Everyone - Culture comes from the top pitfall of many companies trying to have a
down. If top-level employees aren’t being security awareness program. If you truly want to
trained, or see themselves as “above training”, it have a positive security culture, treat mistakes
completely dilutes its importance and other as an opportunity for growth. After all, would you
employees will not take security seriously. report a phishing email if you thought you could
be fired?
By offering security awareness training to your employees and following these guidelines,
you will attain a positive security-aware culture that is FAR more effective than using fear,
uncertainty, and doubt.
Chapter 2
Security Awareness Training Helps with Simply put, phishing attacks are bad for
Compliance business.
Compliance is a nice by-product of security Second, when you roll out something like our
awareness training, but to do it successfully, you Psychological Security Awareness Training, the
shouldn’t make compliance the reason for offering training is short, doesn’t take time out of an
training. This approach can lead to poor employee’s day, and boosts morale rather than
performance and results. hurt it.
However, more and more industries, regulators, and How does this work?
compliance programs are starting to include having
a security awareness program. Some compliance At Hook Security, we research and craft
regulations that already require security awareness simulated phishing attempts based on the
training include: latest tactics that criminals are currently using.
We send these simulated phishing emails to
PCI DSS employees every month.
ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002 Then, when employees fall prey to our trap, we
FISMA give them a short, educational but entertaining
GDPR video to train them on their mistakes. The
Many State privacy laws whole experience from clicking the email to
receiving training is less than 5 minutes.
If these areas of compliance affect your company or The traditional form of training involved
companies you offer IT services to, you should offer hours-long training in a conference room, or
security awareness training for compliance. long, drawn-out computer-based training.
This approach kills productivity. And we like
Security Awareness Training Helps Avoid productivity.
By training your employees at the moment they
Similar to point number one above, security clicked (we call this the point-of-infraction),
awareness training significantly reduces your risk of they quickly learn from their mistakes, have a
company downtime, for two reasons: laugh, and move on with their day.
Chapter 2
Your Employees Are Your Greatest Asset. Why is it Important to Offer Security
Awareness Training?
Many security providers and companies say that
employees are your biggest weakness when it If you are an MSP, MSSP, VAR, or any kind of IT
comes to cybersecurity, and to be honest we’ve said services provider, you may or not already offer
the same in the past. security awareness training to your customers.
But should you?
And while there may be some truth in the
statement, it does very little to accomplish our goals Well, we may be biased but we think so.
in security awareness. But so do other MSPs.
Your tools can not be security-aware. Your In Datto’s 2020 State of the MSP Report, they
computers can not be security-aware (well….not showed that 60% of MSPs consider security
yet….oh god I’m so scared for the future). We have awareness training a critical service to provide
found that the number one way to create security for their customers, while slightly less than
rockstars out of your employees is to treat them like 60% reported they actually offer it currently.
your greatest asset, not your biggest weakness.
The cold, hard truth is that if you aren’t offering
Your employees are the number one keeping your security awareness training and other
company going. And yes, they are also the people emerging services as part of your managed
clicking on phishing emails, but you should see offerings, you could be in danger of losing
them as an opportunity versus a threat. This will customers. Because as company adoption of
have a great impact on the effectiveness of security awareness training increases, companies will
awareness training. look for and ultimately go with providers that
offer it.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Train the employee at the exact same time To make training relatable to your employees,
they’re realizing the mistake they made, making the your security awareness training should be
training incredibly relatable engaging, non-patronizing, and often
humorous. You can relate to employees by
Train the employee quickly and efficiently, comparing complex security topics to everyday
allowing them to get back to doing their job situations. Reference well-known news stories
of breaches and explain how they happened,
Tracking phishing test failures against those who or, the most effective tactic, give your
actually reported the suspicious email gives you a employees tips for personal security.
great understanding of where you’re at on your risk
reduction journey. Phishing testing is an important Employees are much more likely to take
way to show progress in a security awareness security seriously when they understand how it
program, as the alternative phishing-related KPI to affects their personal lives as well. Show
track would be in terms of things not happening (i.e. employees how to practice good password
data breach, phishing attack) versus actual track- safety, change their wifi passwords, and
able results. update software on personal devices.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Let’s zoom out a bit. �Even if they want to keep their company safe,
Chapter 4
What is Phishing?
A cyber-attack that covers ANY attempt to collect sensitive
information in which the perpetrator disguises their identity.
1 2 3 4
everyone is vulnerable to phishing attacks, social If training is intrusive, instills fear, or tries to
engineering, and manipulation by technology. solve everything at once, it does not contribute
This is scary, and the natural tendency is to teach by to a positive security culture.
exposing employees to the fear of phishing, but this
approach is one of negativity. How to Instill a Positive Security Culture in
your Organization
Why The Old Training Model Doesn’t Work
Anymore Positivity is the number one approach we’ve
discovered that contributes to culture. Scaring
The old way of training just doesn’t cut it these someone into a habit is an ounce as effective
days. The threat landscape moves faster than ever as encouraging and motivating someone to do
before, and people learn, think and act differently the same.
now because of technology.
The Old Training Model: There are four things you can do to accomplish
Covers too much at once
Takes too long Train Everyone - Culture comes from the
It’s disruptive top down
Misaligned with cognitive recognition Expect Mistakes - They are inevitable. How
you react to them is everything
This takes many forms, not just the classic Set Goals - Encourage employees and track
hour-long training in the conference room. progress
If training is intrusive, instills fear, or tries to solve Don’t Punish Mistakes - would you report a
everything at once, it does not contribute to a phishing email if you thought you could be
positive security culture. fired?
Chapter 4
Now that we have the foundation of a positive This focus on people vs. information has led us
security culture, how do we change the way we to uncover what we think will become an
train? entirely new vertical: Psychological Security.
The New Training Model: Psychological Security By pioneering this new mind shift we were able
Training to build our training experience from the
ground up with people and their brains in mind.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
In addition to regular security awareness training, Finally, share tips for personal security with
provide education around some of the day-to-day IT your employees. Share tips around public wifi,
tasks the employee needs to be able to accomplish, credit card skimmers, their bank password, and
like updating firmware and properly locking devices. more. When employees understand that
security affects their personal lives, they are
This training can come in the form of new video much more likely to take that information and
training, a quick zoom call, or even a checklist the apply it to their work lives.
employee can follow.
Chapter 7
Phishing Ransomware
Learn how to spot and avoid cyber attacks via email. Learn the effects that ransomware and other
malware can have in your company.
Chapter 8
Getting Started
Psychological Security
Psychological Security, or PsySec, uses humor,
repetition, a positive approach, and the latest research
in neuroscience to train the part of the brain that
houses threat recognition and response.