Psalm 22 in Hebrew

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The Psalmist feels abandoned by God despite long-standing relationship/covenant. He cries out in distress with no human helper.

The Psalmist feels oppressed and forsaken by God despite long faithfulness. Enemies mock and surround him like animals.

The Psalmist describes being surrounded by enemies like bulls and lions. His bones are visible and clothes divided by opponents.

‫ ֭ ַל ְמנֵַּצ ַח עַל־אֶַּי ֥לֶת ה ַַּׁ֗ש חַר ִמז ְ֥מֹור לְדָ וִ ֽד׃‬1 122

.To the choirmaster according to the doe of the morning. A song of David
‫ א ִֵל֣י ֭ ֵאלִי ל ָ ָ֣מה ֲעזַ ְבָּת ֑ נִי ָרח֥ ֹוק ֝מִ ֽיׁשּועָתִ֗ י ִּד ב ֵ ְ֥רי ַׁש ֲאגָתִ ֽי׃‬22
My God, my God, why have You forsaken/abandoned [Qal Per 2ms] me? [Why are you]
?far from my salvation, [from] the words of my roaring
‫ וְֹל֣ א תַ ע ֲֶנ֑ה ְ֝ו ַ֗ליְלָה וְ ֹֽלא־דֽ ּומִָּי ֥ה לִ ֽי׃‬5‫ ֱֽאֹל ַ֗הי ֶאק ָ ְ֣רא י֖ ֹומָם‬43
My God, I cry out [Qal Per 1cs] by day, but You do not answer [Qal Impf 2ms]. And by
.night but no rest to me
‫ְִׂשראֵ ֽל ׃‬
ָ ‫ י‬7‫ ְּת הִּל֥ ֹות‬6‫ֹוֵׁש ב‬
֗ ֝‫ ְואַָּת ֥ה ק ָ֑דֹוׁש י‬4
.But You [are] holy, dwelling [Qal Ptc ms] the praises of Israel
ֵ ‫ וַ ְּֽת פ‬8‫ ְּ֭ב ָך ָּב טְח֣ ּו אֲב ֵ ֹ֑תינּו ָּ֝ב ט ְ֗חּו‬5
In You our fathers trusted [Qal Per 3cp], they trusted [Qal Per 3cp] and You delivered
.them [Piel Impf 2ms]
‫ א ֵֶל֣יָך זָע ֲ֣קּו ְונִמ ְָל֑טּו ְּבָך֖ ָבטְח֣ ּו וְֹלא־בֹֽוׁשּו׃‬96
To you they cried out [Qal Per 3cp] and they were delivered [Ni Per 3cp]. In You they
.trusted [Qal Per 3cp] and they were not put to shame [Qal Per 3cp]
‫ ֝ ָאדָ֗ ם ּו ְבזּ֥וי ָעֽם׃‬10‫ְֹלא־איׁש ח ְֶרַּפ ֥ת‬
ִ֑ ‫תֹולעַת ו‬
֣ ַ ‫ וְָאנ ִֹכ֣י‬7
But I [am] a worm and not a man, a reproach of mankind and despised [Qal Pass Ptc ms]
.by people
‫ ֽר ֹאׁש׃‬11‫ ָּכל־רַֹ֭אי יַל ִ ְ֣עגּו ִל֑י יַפ ְִט֥ירּו ֝ ְבָׂש ָ֗פה י ָ ִנ֥יעּו‬8
All who see [Qal Ptc mp] mock [Hifil Impf 3mp] me. They open wide [Hifil Impf 3mp]
.their lip, they shake [Hifil Impf 3mp] their head
‫ ּבֹֽו׃‬14‫ ֝י ִַּצי ֵ֗להּו ִּכ֘ י ָח֥פֵ ֽץ‬13 ‫ְַּלטהּו‬
֑ ֵ ‫ְהו֣ה יְפ‬
ָ ‫ אֶל־י‬12‫ ֹּ֣גל‬9
He rolls over/trusts [Qal Impv 2ms] to YHWH, let Him deliver [Piel Impf 3ms] him. Let
.Him save [Hifil Impf 2ms] him because He delights [Qal Pf 3ms] in him

Psalter structure: Ps 21 – King exalts in God’s strength and power; Ps 22 – lament because of strength/power of enemies; Ps 23 –
Lord is shepherd; Ps 24 – King is coming
Temporally but not utterly forsaken, else why pray? This shows that the Psalmist is trusting in God though He feels forsaken. My
God = 1st Commandment; Quoted by Jesus on cross in Matt 27.46//Mk 15.34
Cf. Ps 32.3; 38.8
Rest = figurative language for answered prayer; God has not provided comfort or assurance of hearing or acting to correct the
Cf. Ps. 88:1
Cf. Ps. 80:1; 99:1
Cf. Ps. 9:11, 14; 65:1; 102:21; 147:12
Cf. Ps. 25:2; 31:1; 71:1
So why not me? cry out = trust
Cf. Ps. 69:19; 109:25
Cf. Ps. 109.25; 44.14
Cf. Ps. 37:5
Cf. Ps. 91:14
Cf. Ps. 18:19
‫ַל־ְׁשד֥י אִִּמ ֽי׃‬
ֵ ‫ִּכ ֽי־ ַאָּת ֣ ה ג ִ ֹ֣חי ִמָּב ֑ טֶן ֝ ַמ ְבטִי ִ֗חי ע‬ 10
But You [are] the one who pulled [me] out [Qal Ptc ms] from the womb. You caused me to
.trust [Hifil Ptc ms] [You] upon the breasts of my mother
‫ְָׁשלכְִּת י מ ָ ֵ֑רחֶם מִֶּב ֥ טֶן ֝ ִאִּמ֗ י ֵ ֣אלִי אָ ָּֽת ה׃‬
֣ ַ ‫֭ ָעלֶיָך ה‬ 11

Upon You I was cast [Hifil Pf 1cs] from the womb. From the belly of my mother You
.[have been] my God
‫ְרֹובה ִּכי־אֵ ֥ין עֹו ֵז ֽר׃‬
֑ ָ ‫ַאל־ִּת ְר ַ ֣חק ֭ ִמֶּמִּני ִּכי־צ ָ ָ֣רה ק‬ 12

Do not be far [Qal Impf 2ms] from me for distress [is] near. For there is not a helper [Qal
.Ptc ms]
‫ִַּבירי ָבָׁש ֣ ן ִּכְּת ֽרּונִי׃‬
֖ ֵ ‫ָּפרים ַרִּב ֑ ים א‬
֣ ִ ‫֭ ְסבָבּונִי‬ 13
.Many bulls surround [Qal Pf 3cp] me. Strong of Bashan surround [Piel Pf 3cp] me
‫ִּפיהם ֝ ַא ְר ֵ֗יה ט ֵ ֹ֥רף ְוֹׁשאֵ ֽג ׃‬
֑ ֶ ‫ָּפצ֣ ּו ע ַָל֣י‬ 14

They open [Qal Pf 3cp] upon me their mouths, [like] a tearing [Qal Ptc ms] and roaring
.[Qal Ptc ms] lion
‫ְּבתֹוְך מ ֵָעֽי׃‬
֣ ‫ּדֹונ֑ג ֝נָ ֵ֗מס‬
ָ ‫ֹות֥י ָה ָי֣ה ֭ ִלִּבי ַּכ‬
ָ ‫ַּכַּמ ֥ י ִם נְִׁשַּפ כְִּת ֮י ְוהִתְ ָּפ ְֽר ֗דּו ָּכ ֽל־ ַעצ ְ֫מ‬ 15
I am poured out [Nifal Pf 1cs] like water and all my bones are dislocated [Hithpael Pf 3cp].
.My heart is [Qal Pf 3ms] like wax. It is melted [Niphal Pf 3ms] within my inward part
ֵ ‫ְקֹוחי וְ ֽ ַל ֲעפַר־מָ ֥ וֶת ִּת‬
֑ ָ ‫ָ֘י ֵ ֤בׁש ַּכ ֶ֨ח ֶרׂש׀ ֹּכ ִ֗חי ּו֖ לְׁשֹונִי מֻדְ ָּב ֣ ק ַמל‬ 16
My strength is dry [Qal Pf 3ms] like pottery and my tongue clings [Hofal Ptc ms] to my
.jaw. To the dirt of death You lay down [Qal Impf 2ms] me
‫ִִּקיפּונִי ָּ֝כ א ֲִ֗רי י ַ ָ֥די ו ְַרגְלָ ֽי׃‬
֑ ‫ִּכ ֥י ְסב ָ֗בּונִי ְּכ ָ֫ל ִב֥ים ע ַ ֲ֣דת ֭ ְמ ֵרעִים ה‬ 17
Because dogs surround [Qal Pf 3cp] me, a company of evildoers [Hifil Ptc mp] enclose
.[Hifil Pf 3cp] me. Like a lion my hands and my feet
‫ְמֹותי ֵהָּ֥מה ֝י ִַּב֗ יטּו י ְִראּו־בִ ֽי׃‬
֑ ָ ‫ֲאסֵַּפ ֥ר ָּכל־ ַעצ‬ 18
I can count [Piel Impf 1cs] all my bones. They look upon [Hifil Impf 3mp] and they look
.[Qal Impf 3mp] at me
ֽ ָ ‫בּוִׁש י יִַּפ ֥ילּו‬
֗ ‫ְַּלקּו ְבג ַ ָ֣די ל ֶ ָ֑הם ְועַל־ ֝ ְל‬
֣ ‫יְח‬ 19
They divide [Piel Impf 3mp] my garments for themselves. And upon my clothing they cast
.[Hifil Impf 3mp] a lot
‫ְו ַאָּת ֣ ה ֭ י ְהוָה ַאל־ִּת ְר ָ ֑חק ֝ ֱאי ָלּותִ֗ י ְל ֶעז ָ ְ֥רתִ י חּֽוָׁשה׃‬ 20
But You, O YHWH, do not be distant [Qal Impf 2ms]. O my strength, rush [Qal Impv ms]
.to my help
‫ִַּיד־ֶּכ לֶב יְחִידָ תִ ֽי ׃‬
֗ ֝ ‫ַהִּצ ֣ילָה מ ֶ ֵ֣ח ֶרב נַ ְפִׁש ֑ י מ‬ 21

Long-standing relationship, covenant appeal
No human helper, so needs God’s help
Vv13-14 use emotive language
Not denigrating to call them animal names because he is likening their oppression to strong, overwhelming animals.
Deliver [Hifil Impv ms] my life from the sword. From the hand of the dog, my only one
ֽ ָ ‫ִַּקר ֵנ֖י ֵר ִ ֣מים ֲענ‬
ְ ‫ַאר ֵי֑ה ּומ‬
ְ ‫֭הֹוִׁשי ֵענִי ִמִּפ ֣י‬ 22
Save me [Hifil Impv] from the mouth of the lion. From the horns of the wild ox you
.answered [Qal Pf 2ms] me
‫ְּבתֹוְך ק ָ ָ֣הל ֲא ַהלְלֶ ָּֽך׃‬
֖ ‫ְַּפרה ִׁש מְָך֣ ְלא ָ ֶ֑חי‬
֣ ָ ‫ֲאס‬ 23
I will tell [Piel Impf 1cs] Your names to my brothers within the assembly. I will praise
.[Piel Impf 1cs] You
‫ַּכְּבדּוהּו ְוג֥ ּורּו ֝ ִמֶּמ֗ ּנּו ָּכל־ ֶז ַ֥רע‬
֑ ‫ י ְִר ֵ ֤אי י ְה ֨ ָוה׀ הַ ֽל ְ֗לּוהּו ָּכל־ ֶז ַ֣רע יַע ֲ֣ק ֹב‬24
‫ְִׂשראֵ ֽל׃‬
ָ ‫י‬
In the fear of YHWH, praise [Piel Impv mp] Him. All the seed of Jacob glorify [Piel Impv
.mp] Him. Stand in awe [Qal Impv mp] of Him, all the seed of Israel
‫ְַׁשְּועֹו א ֵָל֣יו‬
֖ ‫ָּפנ֣יו ִמֶּמ ֑ ּנּו ּֽוב‬
ָ ‫ ִּכ ֤י ֹלֽא־ ָב ָ֨זה ו ְֹ֪לא ִׁשַּק֡ ץ עֱנ֬ ּות ָע ִ֗ני וְֹלא־ ִה ְסִּת ֣ יר‬25
‫ָׁשמֵ ֽ ַע׃‬
For He has not despised [Qal Pf 3ms] and He has not detested [Piel Pf 3ms] the affliction
of the afflicted/poor and He has not hidden [Hifil Pf 3ms] His face from him. When he
.calls for help [Piel Infc] to Him, He hears [Qal Pf 3ms]
‫מֵ ֥ אְִּת ָ֗ך תְ ֽהִָּל֫ ִת֥י ְּב קָהָ ֥ל ָ ֑רב נְדָ ַ ֥רי ֝ ֲאַׁשֵּל֗ ם ֶ ֣נגֶד י ְֵראָ ֽיו׃‬ 26

From You [is] my song of praise in the great assembly. My vow I will pay [Piel Impf 1cs]
.before fearers of Him
‫י ֹאכ ְ֬לּו ֲענָ ֨ ִוים׀ ְוי ְִׂשָּב֗ עּו י ְהַ ֽלְל֣ ּו ֭ י ְהוָה ֹּ֣ד ְרָׁש ֑ יו י ִ ְ֖חי ְל ַבב ְֶכ֣ם ל ַָעֽד׃‬ 27
The afflicted/poor will eat [Qal Impf 3mp] and they will be satisfied [Qal Impf 3mp].
Seekers of Him will praise [Piel Impf 3mp] YHWH. May your heart live [Qal Juss 3ms]
‫ֵי־א ֶרץ וְ ִיְֽׁשַּת חֲו֥ ּו ֝ ְל ָפ ֶ֗ניָך ָּכ ֽל־מְִׁשְּפח֥ ֹות‬
֑ ָ ‫ֶל־י ְהוָה ָּכל־ַא ְפס‬
֭ ‫ְּכרּו׀ ְויָֻׁש ֣ בּו א‬
֤ ְ‫ יִז‬28
‫ּגֹו ִי ֽם׃‬
All the ends of the earth will remember [Qal Impf 3mp] and they will turn/return [Qal Impf
3mp] to YHWH. All the families of the nations will bow down [Hishtafel Impf 3mp]
.before You
‫ְַּמלּוכ֑ה ּו֝ מ ֹ ֵׁ֗ש ל ַּבּגֹו ִי ֽם׃‬
ָ ‫ִּכ ֣י ֭ ַליהוָה ה‬ 29
.For to YHWH [is] the kingship and dominion/rule [Qal Ptc ms] over the nations
‫יֹור ֵ ֣די ע ָ ָ֑פר ְ֝ונַפ ְׁ֗שֹו ֹל֣ א‬
ְ ‫ ָאכ ְ֬לּו וִַּי ְֽׁשַּת חֲּו֨ ּו׀ ָּכ ֽל־ִּד ְׁש נֵי־ ֶ֗א ֶרץ ְלפ ָָנ֣יו ֭ י ִכ ְְרעּו ָּכל־‬30
‫חִָּי ֽה׃‬
All the fat/juicy of the earth will eat [Qal Pf 3cp] and bow down [Hishtafel Impf 3mp]
before Him. All who go down [Qal Ptc mp] [to] dust will kneel down [Qal Impf 3mp] and
.his life he will not keep alive [Piel Pf 3ms]
Is this vow mentioned previously in this Psalm, in a prior Psalm, or a reference to something not seen in the text?
‫ֶז ַ֥רע ַי ֽ ַעב ֶ ְ֑דּנּו י ְ ֻסַּפ ֖ ר לַ ֽאד ָֹנ֣י לַּדֽ ֹור׃‬ 31
A seed will serve [Qal Impf 3ms] Him. It will be told [Pual Impf 3ms] of the Lord to the
‫֭ י ָב ֹאּו ְויִַּג ֣ידּו צִדְ ק ָ֑תֹו ל ְַע֥ם ֝נֹו ָ֗לד ִּכ ֣י עָָֽׂשה׃‬ 32
They will come [Qal Impf 3mp] and they will tell [Hifil Imperfect 3mp] [of] His
.righteousness to a people being born [Nifal Ptc ms] what He has done [Qal Pf 3ms]

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