Psalm 22 in Hebrew
Psalm 22 in Hebrew
Psalm 22 in Hebrew
.To the choirmaster according to the doe of the morning. A song of David
א ִֵל֣י ֭ ֵאלִי ל ָ ָ֣מה ֲעזַ ְבָּת ֑ נִי ָרח֥ ֹוק ֝מִ ֽיׁשּועָתִ֗ י ִּד ב ֵ ְ֥רי ַׁש ֲאגָתִ ֽי׃22
My God, my God, why have You forsaken/abandoned [Qal Per 2ms] me? [Why are you]
?far from my salvation, [from] the words of my roaring
וְֹל֣ א תַ ע ֲֶנ֑ה ְ֝ו ַ֗ליְלָה וְ ֹֽלא־דֽ ּומִָּי ֥ה לִ ֽי׃5 ֱֽאֹל ַ֗הי ֶאק ָ ְ֣רא י֖ ֹומָם43
My God, I cry out [Qal Per 1cs] by day, but You do not answer [Qal Impf 2ms]. And by
.night but no rest to me
ְִׂשראֵ ֽל ׃
ָ י7 ְּת הִּל֥ ֹות6ֹוֵׁש ב
֗ ֝ ְואַָּת ֥ה ק ָ֑דֹוׁש י4
.But You [are] holy, dwelling [Qal Ptc ms] the praises of Israel
ֵ וַ ְּֽת פ8 ְּ֭ב ָך ָּב טְח֣ ּו אֲב ֵ ֹ֑תינּו ָּ֝ב ט ְ֗חּו5
In You our fathers trusted [Qal Per 3cp], they trusted [Qal Per 3cp] and You delivered
.them [Piel Impf 2ms]
א ֵֶל֣יָך זָע ֲ֣קּו ְונִמ ְָל֑טּו ְּבָך֖ ָבטְח֣ ּו וְֹלא־בֹֽוׁשּו׃96
To you they cried out [Qal Per 3cp] and they were delivered [Ni Per 3cp]. In You they
.trusted [Qal Per 3cp] and they were not put to shame [Qal Per 3cp]
֝ ָאדָ֗ ם ּו ְבזּ֥וי ָעֽם׃10ְֹלא־איׁש ח ְֶרַּפ ֥ת
ִ֑ תֹולעַת ו
֣ ַ וְָאנ ִֹכ֣י7
But I [am] a worm and not a man, a reproach of mankind and despised [Qal Pass Ptc ms]
.by people
ֽר ֹאׁש׃11 ָּכל־רַֹ֭אי יַל ִ ְ֣עגּו ִל֑י יַפ ְִט֥ירּו ֝ ְבָׂש ָ֗פה י ָ ִנ֥יעּו8
All who see [Qal Ptc mp] mock [Hifil Impf 3mp] me. They open wide [Hifil Impf 3mp]
.their lip, they shake [Hifil Impf 3mp] their head
ּבֹֽו׃14 ֝י ִַּצי ֵ֗להּו ִּכ֘ י ָח֥פֵ ֽץ13 ְַּלטהּו
֑ ֵ ְהו֣ה יְפ
ָ אֶל־י12 ֹּ֣גל9
He rolls over/trusts [Qal Impv 2ms] to YHWH, let Him deliver [Piel Impf 3ms] him. Let
.Him save [Hifil Impf 2ms] him because He delights [Qal Pf 3ms] in him
Psalter structure: Ps 21 – King exalts in God’s strength and power; Ps 22 – lament because of strength/power of enemies; Ps 23 –
Lord is shepherd; Ps 24 – King is coming
Temporally but not utterly forsaken, else why pray? This shows that the Psalmist is trusting in God though He feels forsaken. My
God = 1st Commandment; Quoted by Jesus on cross in Matt 27.46//Mk 15.34
Cf. Ps 32.3; 38.8
Rest = figurative language for answered prayer; God has not provided comfort or assurance of hearing or acting to correct the
Cf. Ps. 88:1
Cf. Ps. 80:1; 99:1
Cf. Ps. 9:11, 14; 65:1; 102:21; 147:12
Cf. Ps. 25:2; 31:1; 71:1
So why not me? cry out = trust
Cf. Ps. 69:19; 109:25
Cf. Ps. 109.25; 44.14
Cf. Ps. 37:5
Cf. Ps. 91:14
Cf. Ps. 18:19
ַל־ְׁשד֥י אִִּמ ֽי׃
ֵ ִּכ ֽי־ ַאָּת ֣ ה ג ִ ֹ֣חי ִמָּב ֑ טֶן ֝ ַמ ְבטִי ִ֗חי ע 10
But You [are] the one who pulled [me] out [Qal Ptc ms] from the womb. You caused me to
.trust [Hifil Ptc ms] [You] upon the breasts of my mother
ְָׁשלכְִּת י מ ָ ֵ֑רחֶם מִֶּב ֥ טֶן ֝ ִאִּמ֗ י ֵ ֣אלִי אָ ָּֽת ה׃
֣ ַ ֭ ָעלֶיָך ה 11
Upon You I was cast [Hifil Pf 1cs] from the womb. From the belly of my mother You
.[have been] my God
ְרֹובה ִּכי־אֵ ֥ין עֹו ֵז ֽר׃
֑ ָ ַאל־ִּת ְר ַ ֣חק ֭ ִמֶּמִּני ִּכי־צ ָ ָ֣רה ק 12
Do not be far [Qal Impf 2ms] from me for distress [is] near. For there is not a helper [Qal
.Ptc ms]
ִַּבירי ָבָׁש ֣ ן ִּכְּת ֽרּונִי׃
֖ ֵ ָּפרים ַרִּב ֑ ים א
֣ ִ ֭ ְסבָבּונִי 13
.Many bulls surround [Qal Pf 3cp] me. Strong of Bashan surround [Piel Pf 3cp] me
ִּפיהם ֝ ַא ְר ֵ֗יה ט ֵ ֹ֥רף ְוֹׁשאֵ ֽג ׃
֑ ֶ ָּפצ֣ ּו ע ַָל֣י 14
They open [Qal Pf 3cp] upon me their mouths, [like] a tearing [Qal Ptc ms] and roaring
.[Qal Ptc ms] lion
ְּבתֹוְך מ ֵָעֽי׃
֣ ּדֹונ֑ג ֝נָ ֵ֗מס
ָ ֹות֥י ָה ָי֣ה ֭ ִלִּבי ַּכ
ָ ַּכַּמ ֥ י ִם נְִׁשַּפ כְִּת ֮י ְוהִתְ ָּפ ְֽר ֗דּו ָּכ ֽל־ ַעצ ְ֫מ 15
I am poured out [Nifal Pf 1cs] like water and all my bones are dislocated [Hithpael Pf 3cp].
.My heart is [Qal Pf 3ms] like wax. It is melted [Niphal Pf 3ms] within my inward part
ֵ ְקֹוחי וְ ֽ ַל ֲעפַר־מָ ֥ וֶת ִּת
֑ ָ ָ֘י ֵ ֤בׁש ַּכ ֶ֨ח ֶרׂש׀ ֹּכ ִ֗חי ּו֖ לְׁשֹונִי מֻדְ ָּב ֣ ק ַמל 16
My strength is dry [Qal Pf 3ms] like pottery and my tongue clings [Hofal Ptc ms] to my
.jaw. To the dirt of death You lay down [Qal Impf 2ms] me
ִִּקיפּונִי ָּ֝כ א ֲִ֗רי י ַ ָ֥די ו ְַרגְלָ ֽי׃
֑ ִּכ ֥י ְסב ָ֗בּונִי ְּכ ָ֫ל ִב֥ים ע ַ ֲ֣דת ֭ ְמ ֵרעִים ה 17
Because dogs surround [Qal Pf 3cp] me, a company of evildoers [Hifil Ptc mp] enclose
.[Hifil Pf 3cp] me. Like a lion my hands and my feet
ְמֹותי ֵהָּ֥מה ֝י ִַּב֗ יטּו י ְִראּו־בִ ֽי׃
֑ ָ ֲאסֵַּפ ֥ר ָּכל־ ַעצ 18
I can count [Piel Impf 1cs] all my bones. They look upon [Hifil Impf 3mp] and they look
.[Qal Impf 3mp] at me
ֽ ָ בּוִׁש י יִַּפ ֥ילּו
֗ ְַּלקּו ְבג ַ ָ֣די ל ֶ ָ֑הם ְועַל־ ֝ ְל
֣ יְח 19
They divide [Piel Impf 3mp] my garments for themselves. And upon my clothing they cast
.[Hifil Impf 3mp] a lot
ְו ַאָּת ֣ ה ֭ י ְהוָה ַאל־ִּת ְר ָ ֑חק ֝ ֱאי ָלּותִ֗ י ְל ֶעז ָ ְ֥רתִ י חּֽוָׁשה׃ 20
But You, O YHWH, do not be distant [Qal Impf 2ms]. O my strength, rush [Qal Impv ms]
.to my help
ִַּיד־ֶּכ לֶב יְחִידָ תִ ֽי ׃
֗ ֝ ַהִּצ ֣ילָה מ ֶ ֵ֣ח ֶרב נַ ְפִׁש ֑ י מ 21
Long-standing relationship, covenant appeal
No human helper, so needs God’s help
Vv13-14 use emotive language
Not denigrating to call them animal names because he is likening their oppression to strong, overwhelming animals.
Deliver [Hifil Impv ms] my life from the sword. From the hand of the dog, my only one
ֽ ָ ִַּקר ֵנ֖י ֵר ִ ֣מים ֲענ
ְ ַאר ֵי֑ה ּומ
ְ ֭הֹוִׁשי ֵענִי ִמִּפ ֣י 22
Save me [Hifil Impv] from the mouth of the lion. From the horns of the wild ox you
.answered [Qal Pf 2ms] me
ְּבתֹוְך ק ָ ָ֣הל ֲא ַהלְלֶ ָּֽך׃
֖ ְַּפרה ִׁש מְָך֣ ְלא ָ ֶ֑חי
֣ ָ ֲאס 23
I will tell [Piel Impf 1cs] Your names to my brothers within the assembly. I will praise
.[Piel Impf 1cs] You
ַּכְּבדּוהּו ְוג֥ ּורּו ֝ ִמֶּמ֗ ּנּו ָּכל־ ֶז ַ֥רע
֑ י ְִר ֵ ֤אי י ְה ֨ ָוה׀ הַ ֽל ְ֗לּוהּו ָּכל־ ֶז ַ֣רע יַע ֲ֣ק ֹב24
ְִׂשראֵ ֽל׃
ָ י
In the fear of YHWH, praise [Piel Impv mp] Him. All the seed of Jacob glorify [Piel Impv
.mp] Him. Stand in awe [Qal Impv mp] of Him, all the seed of Israel
ְַׁשְּועֹו א ֵָל֣יו
֖ ָּפנ֣יו ִמֶּמ ֑ ּנּו ּֽוב
ָ ִּכ ֤י ֹלֽא־ ָב ָ֨זה ו ְֹ֪לא ִׁשַּק֡ ץ עֱנ֬ ּות ָע ִ֗ני וְֹלא־ ִה ְסִּת ֣ יר25
ָׁשמֵ ֽ ַע׃
For He has not despised [Qal Pf 3ms] and He has not detested [Piel Pf 3ms] the affliction
of the afflicted/poor and He has not hidden [Hifil Pf 3ms] His face from him. When he
.calls for help [Piel Infc] to Him, He hears [Qal Pf 3ms]
מֵ ֥ אְִּת ָ֗ך תְ ֽהִָּל֫ ִת֥י ְּב קָהָ ֥ל ָ ֑רב נְדָ ַ ֥רי ֝ ֲאַׁשֵּל֗ ם ֶ ֣נגֶד י ְֵראָ ֽיו׃ 26
From You [is] my song of praise in the great assembly. My vow I will pay [Piel Impf 1cs]
.before fearers of Him
י ֹאכ ְ֬לּו ֲענָ ֨ ִוים׀ ְוי ְִׂשָּב֗ עּו י ְהַ ֽלְל֣ ּו ֭ י ְהוָה ֹּ֣ד ְרָׁש ֑ יו י ִ ְ֖חי ְל ַבב ְֶכ֣ם ל ַָעֽד׃ 27
The afflicted/poor will eat [Qal Impf 3mp] and they will be satisfied [Qal Impf 3mp].
Seekers of Him will praise [Piel Impf 3mp] YHWH. May your heart live [Qal Juss 3ms]
ֵי־א ֶרץ וְ ִיְֽׁשַּת חֲו֥ ּו ֝ ְל ָפ ֶ֗ניָך ָּכ ֽל־מְִׁשְּפח֥ ֹות
֑ ָ ֶל־י ְהוָה ָּכל־ַא ְפס
֭ ְּכרּו׀ ְויָֻׁש ֣ בּו א
֤ ְ יִז28
ּגֹו ִי ֽם׃
All the ends of the earth will remember [Qal Impf 3mp] and they will turn/return [Qal Impf
3mp] to YHWH. All the families of the nations will bow down [Hishtafel Impf 3mp]
.before You
ְַּמלּוכ֑ה ּו֝ מ ֹ ֵׁ֗ש ל ַּבּגֹו ִי ֽם׃
ָ ִּכ ֣י ֭ ַליהוָה ה 29
.For to YHWH [is] the kingship and dominion/rule [Qal Ptc ms] over the nations
יֹור ֵ ֣די ע ָ ָ֑פר ְ֝ונַפ ְׁ֗שֹו ֹל֣ א
ְ ָאכ ְ֬לּו וִַּי ְֽׁשַּת חֲּו֨ ּו׀ ָּכ ֽל־ִּד ְׁש נֵי־ ֶ֗א ֶרץ ְלפ ָָנ֣יו ֭ י ִכ ְְרעּו ָּכל־30
חִָּי ֽה׃
All the fat/juicy of the earth will eat [Qal Pf 3cp] and bow down [Hishtafel Impf 3mp]
before Him. All who go down [Qal Ptc mp] [to] dust will kneel down [Qal Impf 3mp] and
.his life he will not keep alive [Piel Pf 3ms]
Is this vow mentioned previously in this Psalm, in a prior Psalm, or a reference to something not seen in the text?
ֶז ַ֥רע ַי ֽ ַעב ֶ ְ֑דּנּו י ְ ֻסַּפ ֖ ר לַ ֽאד ָֹנ֣י לַּדֽ ֹור׃ 31
A seed will serve [Qal Impf 3ms] Him. It will be told [Pual Impf 3ms] of the Lord to the
֭ י ָב ֹאּו ְויִַּג ֣ידּו צִדְ ק ָ֑תֹו ל ְַע֥ם ֝נֹו ָ֗לד ִּכ ֣י עָָֽׂשה׃ 32
They will come [Qal Impf 3mp] and they will tell [Hifil Imperfect 3mp] [of] His
.righteousness to a people being born [Nifal Ptc ms] what He has done [Qal Pf 3ms]