Lighting Pollution Research Submission
Lighting Pollution Research Submission
Lighting Pollution Research Submission
Amr Ahmed Hassan 1900380
Ahmed Magdy Ahmed 1901152
Ebrahem Abdalkader Mohamed 1900107
Mustafa Ayman Mahmoud 1501429
Abdallah Eid Said 1901434
Mahmood Rashwan Alsiddiq 1901707
Philopatier magdy makram 2000958
Ahmed Elsayed Mohamed 1901511
Mohamed Sameh Abdelmonem 1900936
Mahmoud Tamer Mahmoud 1901599
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Table of Contents
1. Definition …………………………………………………………………… 2
2. History …………………………………………………………………… 2
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
1. Definition
The inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light.
2. History
• Awareness of the deleterious effects of light
pollution began in the second half of the 19th
century, but efforts to address effects did not
begin until the 1950s.
• In the 1980s a global dark-sky movement
emerged with the founding of the
international dry-sky association (IDA).
• There are now such educational and advocacy
organizations in many countries worldwide.
• Glare
o Excessive brightness that causes visual discomfort.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
• Skyglow
o Brightening of the night sky over inhabited areas.
• Light trespass
o Light falling where it is not intended or needed.
• Clutter
o Bright, confusing and excessive groupings of light sources.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
5. Human Health
• Exposure to Artificial Light at Night Can Harm Your Health.
• Humans evolved to the rhythms of the natural light-dark cycle of day and night. The
spread of artificial lighting means most of us no longer experience truly dark nights.
• Research suggests that artificial light at night can negatively affect human health,
increasing risks for obesity, depression, sleep disorders, diabetes, breast cancer and
• Circadian Rhythm and Melatonin.
• Like most life on Earth, humans adhere to a circadian rhythm — our biological clock — a
sleep-wake pattern governed by the day-night cycle. Artificial light at night can disrupt
that cycle.
• Our bodies produce the hormone melatonin in response to circadian rhythm. Melatonin
helps keep us healthy. It has antioxidant properties, induces sleep, boosts the immune
system, lowers cholesterol, and helps the functioning of the thyroid, pancreas, ovaries,
testes and adrenal glands. Nighttime exposure to artificial light suppresses melatonin
• Not All Artificial Light Is Created Equally.
• Exposure to blue light at night is
particularly harmful. Unfortunately, most
LEDs used for outdoor lighting — as well
as computer screens, TVs, and other
electronic displays — create abundant
blue light.
• A 2016 American Medical Association
report expressed concern about exposure to blue light from outdoor lighting and
recommends shielding all light fixtures and only using lighting with 3000K color
temperature and below.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
cut-off’ lighting fixtures have no direct up light and very little light at the higher
angles that cause most of the glare.
o Use time controls when possible, and dimmers or other controls , to insure that
light is there when needed and not there when not needed.
o Design the lighting installations so that glare is minimized or completely avoided.
Most all glare comes from poor lighting fixtures or poor installations. There is no
need for either. Glare never helps visibility!
o Use the right amount of light for the task, not overkill. More lighting is not always
better. When not blinded by glare, the eye is a remarkable instrument and can see
very well at what seems to be quite low lighting levels. In addition, going fr om
over lit to darker areas means that we don’t see too well (called “transient
adaptation” ), and the opposite holds to some extent also. Dark shadows near over
lit areas are dangerous.
o In almost every location where we have been able to devote the time to educating
people in all the communities (astronomy, lighting, governmental, business and
the public), we have been successful. There are many outdoor lighting ordinances
now in place, and they work well. They have support from all the communities,
and they help greatly in improving the nighttime environment, both for astronomy
and for living. We know that the solutions work! For example, one can still see the
Milky Way from Tucson, a city of over 700 000 inhabitants, and the major
observatories only 50 km from Tucson still have prime dark skies. But it has taken
a great of effort and time over the years to accomplish these results.
o Many consider the whole thing too big a problem to deal with. “How can one
convert Nos Angeles to better lighting? It’s impossible.” But it is not. In fact, the
City of Los Angeles is now using all full-cut-off lighting fixtures for all their new
installations and is retrofitting the older fixtures, the ones with lots of glare and
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
waste, to full-cut-off fixtures as fast as budgets allow. The city engineer in charge
of lighting for Los Angeles is now on the IDA Board of Directors even!
Due to light pollution, the night sky over many of our cities is hundreds of times brighter
than a natural, starlit sky. This skyglow hides the stars from our sight and prevents us and
all life on Earth from experiencing a natural night, even in areas hundreds of miles away
from urban development. An important part of solving the problem of light pollution is to
have a thorough understanding of its magnitude, and a great way to do that is to measure
the brightness of the night sky.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
9. Case Studies
• Case Study_01
By Mahmoud Tamer Mahmoud _ 1901599
By Mohamed Sameh Abdelmonem _ 1900936
The study covered two highly urbanized areas – Warsaw (20°51' – 21°16′ E, 52°
6' – 52°22′ N) and Fukuoka (130° 2' – 130°30′ E, 33°26' – 33°52′ N). Both cities have similar
populations: 1 777 972 in Warsaw and 1 554 229 in Fukuoka.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
(mcd·m−2) in zenith in Warsaw and Fukuoka were acquired from the mapping
application et al., 2016b).
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
The following table shows the main light characteristics of each region:
Artificial light at night is affected not only by the characteristics of the lighting
infrastructure luminaires and their light, but also by the number of light sources (indicated by
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
radiance value). In Warsaw, significantly higher values of radiance (than in their surroundings)
were seen the city centre and the largest communication routes that radiate towards the city
The highest radiance
in Fukuoka in 2019
226∙10−9 W∙sr−1∙cm−2)
observed in Hakata
near a bridge on the
Naka River was lower
than the value
observed in Warsaw
• Case Study_02
By Amr Ahmed Hassan _ 1900380
By Abdallah Eid Said _ 1901434
The city of Bangalore in the
southern Indian state of Karnataka lies at the
height of approx. 3000ft above mean sea level.
The city had a population of approximately 12.5
million in 2018 and is the fastest- growing Indian
metropolis behind Delhi.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
ALAN results in energy wastage and effects anthropogenic activities like astron- omy that are
darkness dependant. Lighting is responsible for 25% of the electricity consumption in the world,
also according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), public lighting is one of the most
prominent causes of greenhouse gas emissions Each kilowatt of which releases 1.3 lb of carbon
dioxide gas, 2 gm of sulphur dioxide, and 1.6 gm of nitrogen dioxide into the atmosphere.
All residents of Bangalore live under a polluted sky grading from the center to zones around
the city.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
All residents of Bangalore live under a polluted sky grading from the center to zones around the
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
• Case Study_03
By Ebrahem Abdalkader Mohamed _ 1900107
By Philopatier Magdy Makram _ 2000958
Study took place in USA.
• Skyglow
Although light pollution exists throughout the day, its
impacts are intensified through the night with the
difference of night. It has been determined that 83% of
the people worldwide live under light-polluted skies and
that 23% of the globe’s landmass area is affected by
skyglow. Light pollution hides the Milky Way from 80%
of Americans.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Recognition of the harmful impacts of light pollution started beginning in the twentieth century
when light pollution across the United States increased significantly. The map below shows
changes in levels of light pollution across the lower 48 U.S. states between the late 1950s and
• Laws in UAS
Most state laws are limited to outdoor lighting fixtures installed on the grounds of a state
building or facility or on a public roadway. The most common dark skies legislation requires the
installation of shielded light fixtures which emit light only downward. Replacement of
unshielded with fully shielded lighting units often allows for use of a lower wattage bulb,
resulting in energy savings. Other laws require the use of low-glare or low-wattage lighting,
regulate the amount of time that certain lighting can be used, and the incorporation of
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) guidelines into state regulations.
Texas is the only state with a law in place specifically aimed at reducing light pollution around
military installations. In 2007, the Texas Legislature amended an existing law regarding the
regulation of outdoor lighting to authorize state counties, at the request of the military, to
adopt measures governing the use of outdoor lighting within five miles of a military installation
(Tex. Local Government Code Ann. §240.032). The provision only applies to counties with at
least five military bases and a population of more than 1,000,000 people or adjacent counties
located within five miles of a base. County regulations must be designed to protect against
interferences with military training activities. Counties may accomplish this goal in a number of
ways: (1) require that a permit be obtained before installing certain types of lighting; (2)
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
establish requirements for the shielding of outdoor lighting; or (4) regulate the times during
which certain types of lighting may be used.
Light pollution is most strongly in densely populated and highly industrialized areas of the
United States. The eastern part of the United States has the highest level of light pollution. D.C.
is the most light-polluted area of the U.S., with higher than 200 thousand times the artificial
brightness of the U.S. darkest spot, the city of Yakutat in Alaska.
• Conclusion
What can cities do to reduce light pollution? Some steps are evident and make obvious
economic sense: use of only the lighting necessary for the intended purpose, proper shielding
of lighting fixtures so light is directed to where it is needed, and the use of timers to turn
lighting off when it is not needed. However, even when all these measures are taken, helpful as
they are, light pollution from cities can have serious impact on astronomical observation if care
is not paid to the type of lighting used. Lick Observatory urges cities in the Santa Clara Valley to
use LPS to light its streets and parking lots, both public and private, and to use HPS in areas
where color rendering is more critical. We urge that metal halide lighting be used sparingly.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
• Case Study_04
By Ahmed Magdy Ahmed _ 1901152
By Ahmed El Sayed Mohamed _ 1901511
Summary: During six consecutive autumn seasons we registered birds that were
attracted to an illuminated 41-storey building in Bonn, Germany, the so-called ‘Post Tower’. Casualties
on the ground were disoriented by the light and in most cases collided with the building. All-night
observations with numbers of casualties, effective light sources, moon, and weather parameters Regis-
tered hourly allowed for analyses of the role of these factors for the attraction and disorientation of
numerous migratory birds. As expected, the conspicuous façade illumination was responsible for many
casualties (fatal or non-fatal). Additionally, the illuminated roof logos and even faint light sources like
the emergency lights were attractive and led to casualties. Moon and rain were negatively correlated
with casualties, but there was no clear correlation with other weather parameters. Turning off lights was
key, but effects of other ex post mitigation measures were limited: shutters were not originally intended
for the attenuation of light emissions, control technology was insufficient, and there was a lack of
willingness of the building owner to reduce light emissions consistently, even during core bird migration
periods. Conservation recommendations are derived from this case study.
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Both façades of the tower are illuminated in the evening using different light colors and patterns (Fig. 1,
left). The façade illumination is the first of three sources of light we consider in our analyses. The second
source of light are the emergency lights in the corridors inside the building, which are permanently on.
Façade and emergency lights can be attenuated by shutters lowered behind the main façades. However,
these shutters are sunshades and not designed to maximally reduce light emission from the building:
they are translucent, there is a gap between adjacent shutters, and shutters are lacking at the slender
façade areas (Fig. 1, right, and especially S3 and
S4 in the electronic supplement). The third
source of light are strong spotlights installed on
the roof and directed vertically into the sky,
backlighting two large, mainly yellow logos on
the top edge of the building (logo lights; Fig. 1,
A major challenge for the inferential analyses was the strong Figure 1:post-Tower core-
relation among the light situations at the tower,
the hour of the night, and the year, as described
above. Since façade illumine- tion was on only in
the first part of the night, it was not possible to
separate this effect from a general pattern of
casualty numbers across the night (reflecting
changing migration activity across the night). using
an interaction between façade illumination and the
night hour relative to switching off this
illumination, the hours "on1" to "off6" as shown in
Fig. 2
Figure 2
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Table 1 Number of casualties found per species unidentified small bird 118 0
during the nights 12–13
Eurasian Wren Troglodytes troglodytes 63 3
September to 31 October—1 November of the years
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos 39 12
2008— 2013 at the Post Tower in Bonn (dead or
alive). Dead casualties are given separately, too Common Blackbird Turdus merula 13 1
wing wall, which "collects" the birds coming from Feathers left from scavenger 8 8
the north. The southern façade also showed a
concentration inside the wing wall.
The number of casualties was clearly lower in the years with a reduced light regime
(Table 2). A comparison with the numbers found during the same autumn period in
2007 is hampered by the different search protocol in 2007, when searches were less
systematic and only in some cases covered most night.
Fig. 3 Ground plan of the Post Tower and the Conference center building (without
projecting roofs of the conference center), and the density of bird casualties found
per location during the study period 12 September—1 November and 2008–2013.
The strongest con centration’s were observed inside the "wing wall" areas (glass
walls extending 3.5 m beyond Figure 3
both edges of the tower:
arrows). N = 1478 casualties in
Figure 5: Estimated average number of bird casualties, in the course of the night, Figure 4: Effects of the Post Tower shutters, and the logo
during the first 2 or 3 h, with façade illumination, and the following hours without lights on the number of bird casualties found
façade illumination, separately Figure
for nights with full
6: Effect vs.95%
(with reduced façade
credible illumination
interval) of rain and moon on the estimated number of casualties. Moon:
during percentage of visible moon disk; 0% includes hours with moon below horizon irrespective of moon phase
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
• Case Study_05
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
Ain Shams University
ARC 361
Faculty of Engineering
Lighting in Architecture
Architecture Department
10. Conclusion
• Light pollution is a significant problem in our nowadays society.
• Although it may not seem like a big issue compared to other problems like global
warming, it still causes severe problems on humanity as well as on our whole
environmental system.
• These include adverse impact on our sleep which is likely to increase our stress
levels and in turn may even lead to cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks.
• There are plenty of measures which we can apply in our daily lives to reduce the
adverse effects caused by light pollution.
• Most of these measures are quite easy to apply and also do not cost lots of money.
• This means it all depends on our will to change our behavior in order to prevent
light pollution and the implied adverse effects.
• If everyone contributes just a little bit, we could greatly reduce light pollution and
therefore increase our living quality.
11. References
• M.D. Simpson, A flexible approach to lighting design, Proc. CIBSE National Lighting
Conference, Cambridge, 8–11 April 1990, 182-189, Chartered Institution of
Building Services Engineers.
• Flanders, Tony (December 5, 2008). "Rate Your Skyglow". Sky & Telescope. AAS
Sky Publishing. Retrieved 2020-02-26.