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AFA9 Prelim Module

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Republic of the Philippines


Bilar Campus
Zamora, Bilar, Bohol

Learners Guide

Compiled by:

Republic of the Philippines

Bilar Campus
Zamora, Bilar, Bohol

Vision: A premier S and T University for the formation of a world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable
development in Bohol and the country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in professional and
technological fields; undertake research and development and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol
and the country.

Unit 1. Fishpond

An accurate preparation prior to the construction of a fishpond is the key to a

successful aquaculture business venture. The preparation of the needed resources helps in
mobilizing aquaculture activities thus saving time, effort and money. Aquaculture preparation
involves identifying the needed resources, preparing of program of works and making a
layout plan for a fishpond.

Content Standard Performance Standard

1. The learner demonstrates

understanding of the underlying 1. The learner independently and
concepts in drawing the layout plan accurately draws the layout plan of a
of a fishpond. fishpond.
2. The learner demonstrates 2. The learner independently evaluates
understanding of the underlying a suitable site for a fishpond.
concepts in evaluating a suitable site
for fishpond.

Lesson 1. Draw the Layout Plan of a Fishpond


The fishpond is a common fixture in the Philippine rural setting and perhaps
second only to the rice fields in terms of providing livelihood and income for farmers
(PCAMRD, 1998).

Fishponds or earthen ponds are found in almost all parts of the country and
are used in the breeding, nursery and grow out of various food fishes. These earthen
structures serve as an important factor in the increased production of the country’s most
important cultured freshwater fish, the tilapia (PCAMRD, 1998).


This module will provide you with basic skills in drawing the layout plan of a fishpond.
This will also help you familiarize with the different pond compartments and accessory units
of a fishpond system and guide you to evaluate a site for fishpond construction.

Specific Objectives

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. draw the layout plan of a fishpond system using a particular scale.
2. specify facilities, equipment, tools and materials in the proposals based on survey
3. determine the number of water pumps to be installed and the location of the ground
4. plan and layout other pond facilities.


A scale is the ratio of the distance on the map or drawing and distance on the
ground. It is widely used by engineers, architects, professors and all other fields.


Scale: Map or Drawing Distance (m)

Ground Distance (m)

Example of a scale is 1:10m, 1:100m, 1:1000m, etc.

Problem Solving

To determine the ratio of drawing with the following ground measurements of 125m
long and 80m wide is to do the ratio and proportion formula, thus;

1m (map) = X map
1000m (ground) 125m (ground)

1000m X = (1m) (125)

X = 125 m2
X = 0.125m or 12.5cm

Or do the division and multiplication process, thus

a. 1 x 125 m


0.001 x 125 m = 0.125 m or 12.5 cm

b. 1 x 125 m = 125 m = 0.125 m or 12.5 cm

1000 1000

The Fishpond Layout

A fishpond is an artificial body of water consisting of dikes, gates, pipes and canals
to facilitate water supply management.

In view of the high cost of fishpond development, improved types and the
specifications of pond designs must be considered. These depend on the nature and quality
of water supply and the species of fish to be cultivated.

Below is a sample layout of a conventional fishpond system with the following


Area = 10,000 m2

Nursery Pond (NP)

= 1% of the total production area

Transition Pond (TP)

= 9% of the production area

Figure 1. Conventional Fishpond System

Rearing Pond (RP) = 80% of the production area

Catching Pond (CP) = At least 2% of the NP

NP = 10,000 x 1% TP = 10, 000 x 9% RP = 10 000 x 80% CP = 100 x 2%

= 10,000 x 0.01 = 10, 000 x 0.09 = 10 000 x 0.80 = 100 x 0.02
= 100 m2 = 900 m2 = 8 000 m2 = 2 m2

Lesson 2: The Compartment Units of a Fishpond System


Figure 2. Transition Pond Figure 3. Rearing Pond

Photos Taken 4. Catching
at Malolos MarinePond
Fisheries School and Laboratory, Barangay
Figure Balite,Supply
5. Water City of Malolos,
Canal Bulacan
Photos Credited to Eliseo T. Caseres
The Function of the Fishpond Compartments/Units

1. Nursery pond (NP). This is where the fish fry are reared to fingerlings. The most suitable
place for this is a site where it can be easily supplied with fresh water and can be readily
drained even during low tide. The size of the NP depends primarily on the targeted
yearly production of fingerlings.

2. Transition pond (TP). This is used for the storage or acclimatization of fingerlings
located adjacent to the nursery pond for effective and easy transfer of fry. Its pond
bottom is constructed 0.20 m lower than that of the nursery pond.
3. Rearing pond (RP). It is used for raising fingerlings up to marketable size. It is the
largest compartment in the pond system.
4. Breeding pond. It is used for confining the breeders.


5. Hatching pond. It is used for depositing eggs until these are hatched.
6. Catching pond (CP). It is used for confining and catching fry, fingerlings and fish of
marketable size. It is constructed adjacent to the secondary gate inside the pond.
7. Head pond. It is used for storing reserve water.
8. Feed pond. It is used for producing food such as “lab-lab” and “lumot”. In fishpond areas
where natural foods do not grow well and supplementary feeding is necessary, one of
the RPs or NPs could be utilized as a feed pond. It should be a separate compartment
ideally located near the pond where supplementary feeding is intended.

Common Accessory Units of a Fishpond and their Functions

1. Main gate. A wooden or concrete structure that controls water in the pond system
2. Secondary gate. Controls the incoming and outgoing water in the different pond units
3. Tertiary gates or pipes. Controls the incoming and outgoing water in the smaller
compartments of the pond system.
4. Main/perimeter dike. Surrounds the entire pond system to ensure protection and safety
of the stocks. It is composed of the biggest and highest blocks of earth and is usually
provided with strong basal foundation and puddle trench.
5. Secondary dike. Subdivides the pond system into several compartments with or without
basal foundation and puddle trench.
6. Tertiary dike. Subdivides the pond system into smaller compartments and serves as
partition in the nursery pond.

Figure 6. Main gate Figure 7. Secondary gate


Figure 8. Tertiary gate Figure 9. Main/Perimeter Dike

Figure 10. Secondary Dike Figure 11. Tertiary Dike

Photos taken at Malolos Marine Fisheries School and Laboratory, Barangay Balite, City of Malolos, Bulacan
Photos credited to Eliseo T. Caseres

Other Pond Support Structures

a. Water supply canals (SC). These canals serve the purpose of supplying and
draining water to and from the pond. The main water supply canal starts from the
main gate and usually transverse the central portion of the fish farms. The floor
slopes towards the gate floor. A 10-15 ha pond is provided with SC having a width of
at least 3 m.
b. Drainage Canals (DC). These are support structures usually constructed in the
outer sides of the pond parallel or perpendicular to the SC. These are recommended
in the intensive culture, especially of shrimps, to effect flow-through system and
better water management.
c. Pumps. These are machines used in pumping water into and out of the ponds.
These are very necessary during the dry season when the water level is low and the
salinity of brackish water ponds become too high. There must be at least 2 water

pumps for every hectare of fishpond available for use, one as back up pump to the

1. Conventional. It consists of
one main gate and long
water supply canal. This
supplies the different

Figure 12. Conventional type fishpond

one commonly used.

Types of Improved Fishpond Layouts

1. Radiating. It has one main

gate, wide and short
supply canal, and
secondary gates in the
different compartments.

Figure 13. Radiating type fishpond

2. Progressive. It consists of
one main gate, long
supply canal and a
secondary gate provided
to different compartments
of progressively
increasing areas.

Figure 14. Progressive type fishpond


3. Specialized. It has one

main gate and one or two
drainage gates. There is
also a compartment with
two secondary gates and
a large supply and
catching canal/pond.

Figure 15. Specialized type fishpond

Advantages of the Improved Types of Layout

1. Easy control of pond water.

2. Easy eradication of fish pest and predator.
3. Easy means of cropping.
4. Cultivation of the pond bottom can be done when desired.
5. Artificial feeding can be conducted easily when resorted to after the natural food of
fish has been consumed.
6. High productivity.

Marginal Information of the Map

The following should appear in a map for a fishpond.
1. Sheet Name or Title. It is the name of the map. This should be placed on top of the
2. Sheet Number. It should be placed on the upper right – hand corner of the map.
3. Scale. It should be placed at the center, below the map.
4. Legend. It should be placed on the lower right – hand corner of the map.
5. Edition Note. It should be placed on the lower left – hand corner of the map.

Layout Specifications for Brackish Water Fishpond Systems

1. Conventional Pond System. The NP comprises

about 1% of the total production area (TPA).
The TP comprises about 9% of the TPA. The
RP comprises about 80% of the TPA. The CP
intended for a NP and TP must be at least 2%
of the compartment’s watered area and 1 to 1½
if it is intended for the RP.

Figure 16.Conventional pond



2. Modular Pond System. The NP

2. Multiple Stock/Harvest
comprises System.
about 4% of There will
the TPA.
be The TP two
at least covers only
NP’s 6% of the
comprising 6% of the
total The RP isarea.
production divided into holding
A fish three canal
Production Process Stages
(FHC), which holds fingerlings when the
(PPS). The main idea is to
rearing ponds are being prepared, covers
transfer the fingerlings to the next
at least 1% of each RP’s area. It is
larger module. The ratio of the
connected to the RP in such a way that
area of the three stages of PPS is
each RP will have a separate FHC. The
1:2:4 for upper PPS and 1:3:9 for Figure 17. Modular Pond System
covers up to 94% of the TPA including
Figure 18. Multiple Stock /Harvest System

The general practice is to stock at different times different sizes and group of fingerlings
and harvest the bigger ones selectively with the use of the gill net.

Dikes and Gates

1. Dikes
Types of Dikes
a. Primary, main or perimeter dike
- It is the widest among the types of dikes with the most gradual slope.
- It is the dike that should be provided with the freeboard of 0.3 – 1.0 meter
after shrinkage and settlement.
- The dike is usually provided with puddle trench measuring 30 cm in width
and 50 cm in height dug up along the central path of such a dike.
Freeboard – is the additional height of the structure, e.g. main dike, above high water
level to prevent over flow.


Figure 19. Perimeter/Main Dike

b. Partition Dikes
b.1 Secondary Dike. This is smaller than the main dike with gradual
slope and which encloses the nursery pond, transition pond, and
rearing pond.
b.2 Tertiary dike. It is the smallest and lowest in height which encloses the catching
pond and fry acclimation pond.
3. Gates
a. Primary/Main Gate
- It is the largest and tallest gate in the entire pond system.

Figure 20. Parts of a Concrete Main Gate


b. Secondary Gate. It is a gate situated on the partition dikes.It is made of either

concrete hollow blocks, reinforced concrete mix, or
c. Tertiary gate. It is a gate installed in the catching ponds. It is the smallest gate with
opening width of 0.5 – 0.8 m.

Figure 21. Parts of a Wooden Secondary Gate

I. Directions: Prepare a portfolio or compilation of plates of the different layouts fishpond,

main gate and main dike .

Title Date Rating
1 Conventional Type of Fishpond
2 Radiating Type of Fishpond
3 Progressive Type of Fishpond
4 Specialized Type of Fishpond
5 Conventional Fishpond Layout
6 Modular Pond System
7 Multiple Stock/Harvest System
8 Layout of a Main Dike
9 Layout of a Main Gate

Note: Your drawing doesn’t necessarily be scaled.

Directions: In two or three sentences, answer the given questions below. Write your
answers in your test notebook.

1. Why is it important to properly design and layout the fishpond?

2. Why is it important to use a scale in drawing the layout of a fishpond?
3. If you were to choose among the designs of fishpond, what type or design would you
choose? Why?

Directions: Make a miniature fishpond using the materials listed below. Write the
specifications or designs of your layout.

I. Materials:

Moulding Clay Plywood (1m x 1m) Scissors

Cutter Glue Marker
Card board Tooth pick/bamboo sticks Used net
Ruler Pencil pallet

II. Specific Instructions:

1. First, layout a one hectare fishpond using your pencil and a ruler on a 1 m x 1 m
plywood . Decide on the design that you are going to use, shape, scale, number of
compartments, and others.
2. Next, mold a clay using the cutter and pallette into the shape of a perimeter dike,
secondary dike and a tetiary dike. Then place them on the layout following their
specific markings.
3. Then, make the accessory units of your fishpond such as the main gate, secondary
gate and tertiary gate using the other materials.

4. Finally, write the

necessary legends below
your layout using your

Figure 22. Constructing a Fishpond Scale Model

Post Assessment

Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of your choice in your test

1. Nursery Pond a. It is for confining breeders.


b. It is used for confining and catching fry, fingerlings, and

2. Transition Pond
fish of marketable size.
3. Rearing Pond c. It supplies water to the different compartments
d. It is intended for producing fish food such as “lab-lab”
4. Breeding Pond
(plankton) and “lumot”.
e. It is a pond compartment intended for the rearing of fish
5. Catching Pond
fry to fingerlings.
f. A structure that controls the water in the entire pond
6. Head Pond
g. It surrounds the entire pond system to ensure protection
7. Feed Pond
and safety of the stocks.
8. Water Supply Canal h. It divides the pond system into several compartments.
i. It controls the incoming and outgoing water in the
9. Main Gate
different pond units.
10. Secondary Gate j. It is for storing reserve water.
k. It is intended for raising fingerlings up to marketable
11. Tertiary Gate
12. Perimeter Dike l. It is intended for depositing eggs until they are hatched.
m. It controls the incoming and outgoing water in the
13. Secondary Dike
smaller compartments of the pond system.
14. Tertiary Dike n. It is intended for the acclimatization of fingerlings.
o. It subdivides the pond into smaller compartments.
15. Hatching Pond


Accessory - an object or device not essential in itself but adding to the beauty,
convenience, or effectiveness of something else

Acclimatization – is the process of adjusting the fish to its new environment

Basal - relating to, situated at, or forming the base

Brackish water – that type of water which is somewhat salty and range from 15 – 35 ppt in
salinity; a mixture of fresh and salt water

Breeders – are mature fish species capable of producing their own young

Compartment – an enclosed space or area that is usually part of something larger and is
often used to hold a specific thing


Conventional – usual or traditional

Fingerling – a stage in the life cycle of the fish measuring 6 – 13 cm depending on the

Fry - a stage at which a fish has just been hatched usually with sizes from 1 – 2.5 cm

Hectare – a metric unit of land area equivalent to 10, 000 m2

Layout – the design or arrangement of something; the way something is laid out.

Specification - a detailed description of work to be done or materials to be used in a

project: an instruction that says exactly how to do or make something

Stock – refers to animal such as fish or shrimp that is being cultured



Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education. Public Technical

Vocational High School. Competency- based learning material. Third Year:

Aquaculture NC II.

Toledo, C. 2009. AQUA203: Aquaculture Engineering. Lecture Manual.

Pangasinan State University, Binmaley Campus.


Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development. Pond
Construction and Maintenance for Tilapia Breeding. PCAMRD Currents, 3 (2):8p,
August 1998.
Retrieved from: http//dti.gov.phuploadsDownloadableFilesPond%20Tilapia.pdf
Retrieval Date: February 24, 2014
Retrieval Time: 8:49 PM

Meriam- Webster Online Dictionary. http://www.merriam-webster.com/

Department of Education. Bureau of Secondary Education. Technical Vocational Unit.
Competency-Based Curriculum Aquaculture NC II. 2012. 34p.


Module 2: Evaluate the Suitable Site for Fishpond


Aside from good management practices, an ideal site for fishpond

construction ensures success in the aquaculture business. Just like humans, fishes
need a desirable place for them to grow well.

A good source of clean, safe and sufficient water is necessary since fishes
are primarily dependent on it. The water parameters should also be within the
optimum tolerable range of the fish. Other factors like type of soil, topography,
accessibility, vegetation, and socio-economic consideration are also crucial matters
in the success of an aquaculture venture.

Specific Objectives

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. assess the suitability of the site for fishpond construction.
2. analyze the type of soil in the area.
3. determine the adequacy of water in the area using the flow rate meter.
4. analyze the water parameters in the area.


Factors to Consider in Selecting Fishpond Site

1. Water Supply.
Water supply is the foremost factor to consider in selecting a fishpond site.
The site must have adequate water supply throughout the year and be free from
pesticide contamination and pollution. Sources of water can be a surface runoff,
stream, creek or irrigation for freshwater fish culture, and brackish water and sea
water for salt water fish production.

Limnological Analysis of Pond Site

a. Flow Rate. The expected time is

determined when the fishpond is filled
with the required amount of water.
Flow rate meters are used to measure
linear, non-linear mass or volumetric
flow of liquids or gases.

Figure 23. Flow Rate Meter

b. Water Quality Analysis. The collection of a water sample is considered


This is best taken by obtaining a sample of the water column from top
to bottom at the middle of rivers, streams, lakes, and irrigation canals.

Types of Water Containers for Water Sample


The following are suitable containers for keeping water samples prior
to water quality analysis in the laboratory.

 Chemically resistant-glass
 Polyethylene bags
 Hard rubber container

Figure 24. Figure 25. Polyehtylene Figure 26. Brown/Amber

Chemical bottle bottles
Resistant Glass

How to Handle and Store Samples

Keeping the water samples in storage at 4 0C is the best way to preserve them
to obtain reliable results.

Types of Samples

a. Grab or catch sample. A single sample taken neither at set time nor
b. Composite sample. A combination of individual samples of water taken
at selected interval.
c. Integrated sample. A mixture of grab samples collected from different
points simultaneously.
A simple bio assay can be done using the following techniques:


Place two or three samples of fish Place a hapa or a scoop net with
3-5 samples of fish that you will
that you will culture in a pail full of
culture at least 25-50 m from the
water from the source to be tested water source.
for at least one-half day.

The water is safe to use when the fish samples remain alive after half a
day. Ocular inspection or nasal testing to determine the presence of toxic
substances is generally ineffective.

The maintenance of good water ensures a healthy fish population

because good water quality affects the growth and reproduction of fish. If the
water quality is beyond tolerable limits, fish health is adversely affected.

b. Water Temperature. All fishes have tolerable limits to water temeperature.

When water temperature goes beyond or below the temperature tolerance
limit of the fish, the effects are as follows:

 abnormal metabolism resulting in poor growth, abnormal activities or

 poor response to feeds
 very poor feed conversion ratio

An ordinary thermometer or an equivalent device can be used to measure

water temperature.


Figure 29. A thermometer

c. Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH). pH is the acidity or alkalinity of water. If

the pH is between 0 and 6 the water is acidic, and if the pH is 7.0, it is
neutral. Alkaline water has a pH of 8-14. The ideal pH range for freshwater
fish culture is 6.5 - 8.9.

The effect of various pH on fish is shown in the table below:

pH Range Effect
0 – 4.0 Fish die because of acidity
4.1 – 5.0 No reproduction

5.1 – 6.4 Slow growth

6.5 – 9.0 Fish thrives well and grows fast

9.1 - 14 Fish dies due to alkalinity

Measure the pH with the use of a litmus paper, pH comparator,

portable pH meter or a Hack kit. Acidic water is sour ; alkaline water is


Acidic water is common in swamps and bogs in stagnant areas.

The application of agricultural lime corrects pH in a pond.

Figure 30. pH meter

d. Ammonia. This is a substance highly toxic to fish. The symptoms of

ammonia toxicity in fish are the following:

 spongy appearance of gill filaments

 presence of bloody gills
 excessive production of slime
 distended operculum
 poor growth of fish

One of the most common causes of high ammonia level in a pond is the
heavy application of manure. The composition of organic matter and the over growth
of plankton increase the ammonia level in the pond water.

2. Soil Type

The soil is a very important factor in the fishpond. It is the material used for
diking and it also serves as the base. It absorbs and releases nutrients needed by


the plants and phytoplanktons that serve as natural food of fish and shrimps.
Furthermore, the quality of pond water is directly affected by the quality of the soil in
the fishpond.

Types of Soil

The textural properties of soil determine the sustability of the soil for fishpond
purposes. Clay, clay-loam, silt-clay-loam, loam, and sandy-clay-loam are the types
of soil most preferred for fishpond construction.

The mineral particles of the soil are clay, silt, and sand while the organic
particles are the plant and animal matters at various stages of decomposition. Soils
have assigned textural classes depending on the varying proportions of sand, silt,
and clay. Each textural class exhibits varying colors which are based on their
chemical composition, amount of organic matters present, and the degree of

The US Department of Agriculture Classification System has classified soil as


General Terms

Common Texture Basic Soil Textural

Names Class Name
1. Sandy Soil Coarse Sandy
Sandy loam
2. Loamy Soil Moderately Coarse Sandy loam
Fine Sandy loam
Medium to Very Fine Sandy Loam
Moderately Fine Loam
Silt Loam
3. Clayey Soil Fine Sandy Clay
Silt Clay


Clay Loam
Sandy Clay Loam
Silt Clay Loam

Clay or sandy clay may be best for dike construction but not as good as clay
loam in terms of growing natural food. Sandy clay loam is the best type for diking
purposes. A high percentage of clay is desired because it has the largest surface
exposed to chemical and physical reactions. Chemical and physical reactions
stimulate the growth of plankton and helpful bacteria. A sandy loam soil is more
porous than silty loam thus, it has a lesser capacity to hold nutrients.

Relationship of Soil Classes and Sustainability for Dike Material

Relative Characteristic Sustainability
Class Characteristi
Permeability Compressibility Dike Material
Clay Impervious Medium Fair to Good Excellent
Impervious Low Good Good
Fair to very
Loamy impervious High Fair
to Impervious
Good to very
Silty impervious Medium to high Poor
to Impervious
Sandy Pervious Negligible Good Poor
Peaty - - - Very poor

Field Determination of Soil Textural Class


The determination of the soil class is made in the field mainly by feeling the
soil with the fingers. While this requires skill and experience, accuracy can be
achieved by frequently checking it against established laboratory results.

The following are the definitions of the basic soil textural classes using the manual
testing in the field;

Sand. A type of loose and single-grained. The individual grains can readily be seen
or felt. Squeezed when dry, it will form a cast which readily falls apart, but if
squeezed when moist, a cast can be formed that will need careful handling so it will
not break apart.

Loam. A loam is a soil having a relatively even mixture of different grades of sand
and of silt and clay. It is mellow with a somewhat gritty feel, yet fairly smooth and
slightly plastic. Squeezed when dry, it will form a cast that will bear careful handling,
while the cast formed by squeezing the moist soil can be handled quite freely without

Silt loam. A silt loam is a soil having a moderate amount of the fine grains of sand
and only a small amount of clay, over half of the particles being of the size called
“silt”. When dry it may appear cloddy but the lumps can be readily ran together and
puddled. Either dry or moist, it will form cast that can be freely handled without
breaking, but when moistened and squeezed between the fingers, it will not form a
“ribbon” but will give a broken appearance.

Clay loam. A clay loam is a fine-textured soil which usually breaks into clods of
lumps that are hard when dry. When the moist soil is pinched between thumb and
fingers, it will form a thin “ribbon” which will break readily, barely sustaining its own
weight. The moist soil is plastic and will form a cast that will bear much handling.
When kneaded in the hand it does not crumble readily but tends to work into a heavy
compact mass.

Clay. It is a fine-textured soil that usually forms very hard lumps or clods when dry
and is quite plastic and usually sticky when wet. When the moist soil is pinched out
between the thumb and fingers, it will form a long, flexible “ribbon”. Some fine clays

that are very high in colloids are friable and lack plasticity in all conditions of

Such definitions are suggestive only. An accurate method of determining

textural classes of the soil is by mechanical analysis. In this analysis, the relative
amounts of sand, silt, and clay fractions are determined and by plotting the results in
the triangular chart, the textural classification of the soil can be known. A very rapid
method of mechanical analysis is one devised by Bouyoucos using a graduated
cylinder, hydrometer and thermometer.

3. Topography
Choose a flat terrain for easier excavation and levelling. If the topography is
too undulating, the construction cost increases greatly and further excavation
work also removes the fertile portion of the pond bottom. Avoid sites that are
frequently flooded. The right topography also provides easy in water
management and control of fish predators and competitors.
b. Wind direction.
Wind plays a role in fishpond design. Strong wind generates wave action that
weakens the sides of the dike. To minimize this, position the longer pond
dimensions parallel to the direction of the prevailing wind to lessen the side of the
dike exposed to wave action.
4. Protection from flood
If the fishpond site is prone to flooding, construct a diversion canal along the
perimeter dike to divert runoff water during heavy downpour; construct a larger and
higher perimeter dike to prevent the entrance of flood water.
5. Vegetation.
All kinds and types of plants may cover the proposed fishpond site. This will
be the basis for construction estimate and development cost. If possible, avoid
thickly-vegetated areas.
6. Accessibility or nearness to market
Fish is a perishable commodity, hence the farther the site from the market,
the greater the possibility that the fish will become stale, which will result in a
lower price.

7. Socio-Economic Consideration
Cheap labor and construction materials must be accessible in the locality. As
much as possible, the site should also be accessible to sufficient sources of fry or
fingerlings for ready stocking. The program of operation will be hampered if fish
seeds are not available when needed. Moreover, peace and order situation in the
locality should be considered when putting up a fishpond project. The availability
of sources of capital like financial institutions must also be considered.

What to
PROCESS Directions: Below
are pictures with
descriptions of the
possible site for a fishpond. With the knowledge you gained from this lesson, assess
the suitability of the site and give some recommendations for the construction of

Figure 31. A 0.5 hectare vacant lot Figure 32. Meycauayan – Obando

10 meters away from the proposed site


Figure 33. Municipal road 5 meters away from the proposed site

A. Location of the Site: Barangay Ubihan, City of Meycauayan, Bulacan

B. Area of the Site: 0.5 Hectare

C. Other Descriptions of the Site:

 5 meters away from the municipal road

 Prone to flooding during high tides
 Possible source of water is from a river
 Type of soil is sandy clay
 80% of the people are fishermen and fishpond caretakers

D. Assessment and Recommendations:

Water Supply




Soil Type












Flood Hazard




Socio-economic Consideration




E. General Assessment:

Is the site suited for fishpond construction? Why?





Directions: In your test notebook, answer the questions below.

What to
1. What are the factors that you have to consider in selecting a suitable site for

2. What is the best alternative you should consider if you encounter sites with low

volume water supply or small/narrow tidal difference?
3. Knowing the flood history of the site, what modifications will you do so that the
fishpond that you will construct will be safe from flood waters?

What to
TRANSFE Directions: Conduct a field
visit in your locality. Take

R pictures of the possible site

and assess its suitability in
terms of fishpond
construction. Fill up the Assessment Sheet below based from your observation.

Location of the Site:

Area of the Site:
Possible Source of
Other Factors: Assessment (Put a check (/) mark under the appropriate


Very Ideal Ideal Not Ideal
a. Type of Soil
b. Topography
c. Vegetation
d. Accessibility
e. Flood Hazard
f. Socio-economic

Evaluation Criteria:

*Very Ideal – indicates that the site is perfect for the particular indicator

*Ideal – indicates that the site is not so ideal for the particular indicator but can be
resolved through some modifications

*Not Ideal – indicates that the site is not good for the particular indicator

General Assessment/Recommendation:





Directions. Choose the correct answer from the given options. Write only the letter
in your test notebook.

1. What is the most important factor to consider in selecting the suitable site for
fishpond construction?
a. Topography
b. Accessibility
c. Type of Soil


d. Water supply
2. What is the ideal type of soil for fishpond construction?
a. Silty
b. Sandy
c. Clayey
d. Loamy
3. What is the most ideal source of water for a freshwater fishpond?
a. River
b. Spring
c. Irrigation
d. Rain/run-off
4. It is an instrument used to measure the temperature of the water.
a. pH Meter
b. Soil tester
c. Thermometer
d. Refractometer
5. What is the ideal pH range for the growth and survival of a fish?
a. 4.0 – 5.0
b. 5.1 – 6.4
c. 6.5 – 9.0
d. 11.0 - 14.0
6. The plants that cover the site for fishpond construction are known as ___.
a. Trees
b. Vines
c. Shrubs
d. Vegetation
7. What type of soil has a granular appearance?
a. Mud
b. Clay
c. Loam
d. Sand


8. Which of the following types of container is best recommended for storing water
a. Polyethylene bags
b. Hard rubber container
c. Empty or used bottles
d. Chemical-resistant glass
9. Which of the following is a socio-economic factor to be considered in selecting a
suitable site for fishpond?
a. Wind protection
b. Soil characteristics
c. Protection from flood
d. Availability of cheap labor
10. Bio-assay is a simple and practical way to know if the water is safe for the
fish. Which of the following is an example of it?
a. Nasal testing
b. Observing the clearness of the water
c. Tasting the water for any toxic chemicals
d. Getting a pail of water from the water source and observing if fish can
survive for 12-24 hours.


Bio-assay. The determination of the relative strength of a substance (as a drug) by

comparing its effect on a test organism with that of a standard preparation
Bog. A wet spongy ground; especially  a poorly drained usually acid area rich in
accumulated plant material, frequently surrounding a body of open water and having
a characteristic flora.

Excavation. The act of digging

Impervious. Not allowing entrance or passage; impenetrable

Limnology. The scientific study of bodies of freshwater (as lakes and rivers)

Linear. Relating to, resembling, or having a graph that is a line and especially a
straight line

Swamp. Land that is always wet and often partly covered with water

Topography. The physical or natural features of a place

Undulating. Having a wavy surface, edge, or marking




Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education. Public Technical

Vocational High School. Competency- based learning material. Third
Year:Aquaculture NC II.

Toledo, C. 2009. AQUA203: Aquaculture engineering. Lecture manual.

Pangasinan State University, Binmaley Campus.

Lecture Notes:

BFAR Region III and Philippine Federation of Aquaculturist, Inc. 1983.

Seminar on prawn and tilapia culture.

Fontanilla, R. and Pediangco, C. Soil conditioning. DA-Aquaculture

Development Project, Ilo-ilo City

Meriam- Webster Online Dictionary. http://www.merriam-webster.com/


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