Definition C04B
Definition C04B
Definition C04B
{(roofing granules E04D 7/005)}; CERAMICS (devitrified glass-ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
Chemical aspects of the processing of lime, magnesia or dolomite and of molten slag.
Physico-chemical aspects of methods for obtaining mortars, concrete, artificial stones or ceramics ,
e.g. for delaying the setting time of mortar compositions.
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramic ware, and the preparation thereof.
After- treatment of artificial stones, mortars, concrete and ceramics , e.g. coating or impregnation of
green concrete after primary shaping.
C04B (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Granulating apparatus B01J 2/00
Mechanical features relating to the working of mortars, concrete, stone, B28
clay-wares or ceramics , e.g. mixing or shaping ceramic compositions,
boring natural stone
Chemical preparation of powders of inorganic compounds C01
Devitrified glass-ceramics C03C 10/00
Compositions containing free metal bonded to carbides, diamond, oxides, C22C
borides, nitrides, silicides, e.g. cermets, or other metal compounds, such
as oxynitrides or sulfides, other than as macroscopic reinforcing agents
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Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Materials for prostheses or for coating prostheses A61L 27/00
Chemical or biological purification of waste gases B01D 53/34
Layered products B32B
Treating inorganic non-fibrous materials to enhance their pigmenting or C09C
filling properties
Adhesives C09J
Cementing or plastering compositions for boreholes or wells C09K 8/00
Alloys based on refractory metals C22C
Shaft or vertical furnaces in general F27B 1/00
Hydraulic hardening materials , e.g. concretes, ceramics or refractories G21F 1/00
for protection against radiation, i.e. shielding
1. Introduction
1.1 This manual relates to the rules to be applied when classifying documents using C-sets in the
"cement part" of subclass C04B. With the "cement part" we mean the whole of the subclass, with the
exception of the range C04B 33/00 - C04B 37/00.
However, symbols of the range C04B 33/00 - C04B 35/00 can be used as Indexing Codes (when the
classification is in C04B 38/00 or C04B 41/00).
- C04B 2/00 - C04B 32/00 and C04B 40/00: Compositions of cement/concrete mixtures or of artificial
stone like materials
1.3 Symbols that are used in the present C-set system are chosen from:
these are symbols which can be used as classification as well as symbols in the combination sets (C-
these are symbols used as additional information (CCA) or within the C-set (see below).
1.4 The principles of Combination sets are based on the possibilities offered by the IPC (until IPC7) for
using classification symbols also as (linked) Indexing Codes.
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Special rules of classification
/CLC: the combination sets (C-sets) of symbols linked to the classification (CCI) or to the additional
information (CCA)
The first symbol of a C-set is referred to as the "base class". Symbols in the C-set are separated by a
comma (,).
2. C-sets in the range C04B 2/00 - C04B 32/00 and C04B 40/00
2.1 This part of C04B relates to cement-, mortar-, concrete- and artificial stone compositions or their
constituents or ingredients.
As a general rule such compositions (further referred to as "mixtures") contain three types of
[Exception: main group C04B 30/00 relates to compositions not containing binders].
2.3.1 When an invention relates to an individual ingredient, classification is made in the range
C04B 2/00 - C04B 12/00 if this ingredient is a binder, in the range C04B 14/00 - C04B 20/00 if the
ingredient is a filler and in the range C04B 22/00 - C04B 24/00 if it is an active ingredient.
2.3.3 When the invention merely relates to the preparation or characteristics of the mixture,
classification is made in C04B 40/00. If the mixture as such or one of its ingredients is considered to
be new or unusual, classification is made for these aspects too. For obtaining porous materials see
point 3. below.
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Special rules of classification
2.3.4 When the invention relates to an active additive which is a mixture on its own, e.g. the
combination of two specific polymers and a specific inorganic salt, classification is made in
C04B 40/0039. If the use of one of the ingredients as such is new to the field, classification for this
ingredient as such is made also.
2.4.1 Primary goal of the combination set is to identify the individual constituents of the mixtures, using
the classification symbols for these ingredients as part of a C-set, linked to the classification symbol
which already identifies (one of) the binder(s).
Example 1:
A mixture containing a mixed binder of aluminium cement, Portland cement and a polymeric co-binder,
next to diatomaceous earth and an inorganic sulfate will be classified - according to the LPR - in
C04B 28/06, the other ingredients being identified by the appropriate symbols in the C-set:
CCI: C04B 28/06 C-set (CLC) : C04B 28/06, C04B 7/02, C04B 14/08, C04B 22/142, C04B 24/26
An organic co-binder next to an inorganic binder is indexed as an active organic ingredient (main
group C04B 24/00).
Because in this example, all ingredients as such are known in the field, no further classification is
2.4.2 When for one of the ingredients alternatives are mentioned, separate C-sets are made.
Example 2:
If in the example 1, an inorganic chloride was mentioned as an alternative to the sulfate, the indexing
would look like:
Set 1: C04B 28/06, C04B 7/02, C04B 14/08, C04B 22/142, C04B 24/26
Set 2: C04B 28/06, C04B 7/02, C04B 14/08, C04B 22/12, C04B 24/26
(Putting C04B 22/12 and C04B 22/142 in the same set would mean they are both present in the same
2.4.3 When classification is made for individual (active) ingredients, their function or in some cases
their characteristics can be identified using the C04B 2103/00 series.
Example 3:
When for a mixture, many alternatives for the same ingredient with a specific function are mentioned,
instead of making a set for each alternative, only one C-set with the C04B symbol in the C-set for the
function can be made. If one of the alternatives is preferred in the document a second set with the
symbol for that alternative can be made too.
Example 4:
In a concrete mixture, a superplasticizer is added. This superplasticizer can be chosen from many
alternatives, for each of which a C04B 24/00 entry exist. However a lignosulfonate is preferred.
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Special rules of classification
2.4.4 In a similar way, characteristics or uses of the mixtures are identified with symbols of the
C04B 2111/00 series. These symbols are always used as additional information.(CCA)
Example 5:
the mixtures - this information not being the "main" information - additional symbols of main group
C04B 40/00 can be added in the C-set.
Example 6:
C-set : C04B 28/06, C04B 7/02, C04B 14/08, C04B 22/142, C04B 24/26, C04B 40/0218
C-set: C04B 28/06, C04B 7/02, C04B 14/08, C04B 22/142, C04B 24/26, C04B 40/06
2.4.6 When the process of making is the main invention a CCI in C04B 40/00 can be given. As a
general rule, when classifying in C04B 40/00, symbols in the C-set are used to identify the kind
of mixture, not to identify the individual ingredients. If it is important to identify these ingredients,
further classification is made as mixture and the ingredients are identified by symbols linked to the
classification symbol of the mixture in the C-set.
Example 7:
2.4.7 A special case within main group C04B 40/00 are the pre-mixtures of ingredients.
Here the same principle as for point 2.4.1 is applied, i.e. the classification symbols identifying the
ingredients are linked to C04B 40/0039 (CCI) and a symbol from the range C04B 26/00 - C04B 32/00
is added to the C-set to indicate for which kind of mixture the pre-mixture is intended to be used.
Example 8:
/CCI :C04B 40/0042 C-set : C04B 40/0042, C04B 14/08, C04B 22/142, C04B 24/26, C04B 28/06
2.4.8 In the range for inorganic binders as such (C04B 2/00 - C04B 12/00) symbols can also be used
in a C-set to identify aspects for which a classification symbol exists, but which aspects as such are
not important enough to be classified.
Example 9:
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Special rules of classification
Example 10:
2.4.9 For agglomerated materials (= artificial aggregates or fillers), which are classified in
C04B 18/021 and subgroups, the starting materials other than the binder can be identified with further
symbols in the C-set.
Example 11:
2.4.10 Main group C04B 20/00 is a general group for fillers. When classification is made in this group,
very often the specific filler involved is identified by adding the specific filler symbol in the C-set..
Example 12:
Example 13:
2.4.10a Groups C04B 20/123 and C04B 20/126 are used in the C-set only in combination with
C04B 20/12 to indicate:
-in the case of C04B 20/123 that a coating is an alternative to the previous indicated coating
Example 14:
-in the case of C04B 20/126 that the coating layer is the same as a previous coating layer
Example 15:
3.1 This part of C04B relates to porous or lightweight cement-, mortar-, concrete-and artificial stone
compositions and porous or lightweight ceramics.
More generally we could say that C04B 38/00 relates to inorganic foamed materials or bodies, with the
exception of foamed metal.
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Special rules of classification
Subdivision of C04B 38/00 is largely based on the methods used for obtaining the porosity or the
reduction in weight, e.g. by adding lightweight filler (C04B 38/08), by adding a gas forming agent
(C04B 38/02) or by burning out a burnable additive (C04B 38/06).
3.2.1 Officially in main group C04B 38/00, there is no LPR. Nonetheless when porosity is obtained by
a combination of methods, as a general rule, classification is made in the last appropriate place. The
second method, not identified by classification (CCI), is identified by a C04B 38/00 symbol in the C-
set. If of interest, documents can be even classified twice (see further point 3.2.3)
For identifying the nature of the material, symbols can be chosen from C04B 26/00 - C04B 35/00. In
very exceptional cases also C04B 14/00 symbols can be used.
Example 16:
Example 17:
Obtaining porous porcelain by burning out a monolithic PUR sponge impregnated with clay slip:
HOWEVER there is a fundamental difference in approach when classifying "cement type" mixtures
and "ceramic type" materials or bodies: see points 3.2.6 and 3.2.7 below!
3.2.3 When a combination of methods is used, the method that is not identified by the classification is
given a C04B 38/00 symbol in the C-set.
Example 18:
/CCI : C04B 38/04 C-set: C04B 38/04, C04B 35/565, C04B 38/02
3.2.4 In the same way other aspects of interest can be identified by giving further C04B 38/00
Example 19:
The material of example 18 is characterised by the dimensions of the nanosized pores and the overall
% of porosity:
/CCI : C04B 38/04 C-set: C04B 38/04, C04B 35/565, C04B 38/0054, C04B 38/0074, C04B 38/02
3.2.5 When classifying in main group C04B 38/00, in the same way as for the indexing of mixtures as
described in point 2 above, symbols of the series C04B 2111/00 can be used to indicate properties are
uses, e.g. sound insulation.
Example 20:
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Special rules of classification
/CCI: C04B 38/0615 CCA : C04B 2111/00844 C-set: C04B 38/0615, C04B 33/24
3.2.6 Porous or lightweight ceramics are always classified in C04B 38/00 according to rules 3.2.1 to
3.2.7 Porous or lightweight cement-, concrete-, artificial stone- and like mixtures:
3.2.7a These type of mixtures are classified as such mixtures, so in the range
C04B 26/00 - C04B 32/00, according to the rules of point 2 above. The appropriate C04B 38/00
symbols are added in the C-set.
Example 21:
Reinforced portland cement based concrete containing also carbon fibres and made porous by adding
Al particles (Al will react with Ca(OH)2 liberated during cement hardening and thus produce H2 gas):
/CCI : C04B 28/04 C-set: C04B 28/04, C04B 14/386, C04B 22/04, C04B 32/02, C04B 38/02
Example 22:
/CCI: C04B 28/14 C-set: C04B 28/14, C04B 24/16, C04B 38/10
3.2.7b When one or more of the other symbols give sufficient "C04B 38/00 information", no further
C04B 38/00 symbols are given.
Example 23:
Expanded clay containing concrete will NOT receive symbol C04B 38/08, because C04B 14/12
already gives sufficient information:
3.2.7c So as a general rule these kind of mixtures are not classified in main group C04B 38/00.
Classification is made in this main group only when the invention relates to the process of obtaining
the porosity or the reduction of weight. When the composition as such is still interesting in such a
case, further classification is made for the mixture.
Example 24:
The characteristic feature of the invention of example 21 is the way in which the Al particles are
handled in the context of obtaining the gas concrete:
C-set 1: C04B 28/04, C04B 14/386, C04B 22/04, C04B 32/02, C04B 38/02
3.2.8 While in general the LPR is applied in main group C04B 38/00, exception is made for obtaining
porous or lightweight ceramic particles C04B 38/009. As a general rule, this group takes precedence
over the other C04B 38/00 groups.
Example 25:
/CCI C04B 38/009 C-set: C04B 38/009, C04B 35/10, C04B 38/0615
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Special rules of classification
4.1 This part of C04B relates to the after-treatment of materials covered by C04B,
i.e. after-treatment of cement-, mortar-, concrete- and artificial stone products as well as ceramic
materials AND natural stone. Hereinafter the treated materials are referred to as "substrates".
While other kinds of after-treatment are not excluded, C04B 41/00 relates to after-treatment of
substrate, mainly to :
In main group C04B 41/00, no distinction is made between coating or impregnation. Therefore the
terms coating, impregnation and layer are considered equivalent.
4.2.1 As a general rule subdivision of main group C04B 41/00 is based on aspects relating to the
method of after-treatment, such as the selection of the method for applying the coating material on the
substrate, e.g. by CVD (C04B 41/4531) or the selection of the coating or impregnation material with
which the substrate is treated, e.g. coating with carbon (C04B 41/5001).
When using C-set, only the range C04B 41/00 - C04B 41/5392 is used . Documents classified in the
range C04B 41/60 - C04B 41/91 always get also a class in C04B 41/00 - C04B 41/5392, which may
be combined with one or more C-sets.
4.2.2 To identify the substrate that is after-treated, the class C04B 41/009 is given and C-sets are
created using complementary symbols chosen from:
- C04B 26/00 - C04B 32/005 when artificial stone, e.g. concrete is treated
- C04B 14/38 - C04B 14/48 when ceramic fibres are treated, i.e. only when classifying in
C04B 41/4584.
When the substrate is further defined e.g. a wood fiber/particle board, which in itself is information that
does not require classification in the substrate class itself e.g. C04B 28/02 , then the C04B 41/009 set
will be:
If a class in C04B 28/00 is also required because the mixture per se is interesting and is part of the
invention information, then the C04B 41/009 set will comprise only the C04B 28/02 symbol
Example 26:
/CCI: C04B 41/4826 and C04B 41/009 C-set : C04B 41/009, C04B 14/285
Example 27:
/CCI: C04B 41/5089 and C04B 41/009 C-set : C04B 41/009, C04B 28/06
Example 28:
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Special rules of classification
/CCI: C04B 41/5022 and C04B 41/009 C-set :C04B 41/009, C04B 35/584
Example 29:
So for classification, C04B 41/4584 takes precedence over other C04B 41/00 groups when ceramic
particles or fibres are treated!
Multiple coating of particulate or fibrous material is usually also classified in C04B 41/52 so that it is
possible to attribute C-sets for each coating layer (see point 4.2.5 below).
4.2.3 In main group C04B 41/00, the LPR applies. As most subgroups relate to specific methods
of applying coatings are subgroups of C04B 41/4505, while the groups identifying the nature of
the coating material are further down in the scheme, this LPR in general results in a classification
according to the material applied. One or more symbols identifying aspects of the method used are
added in the C-set.
Example 30:
The process of example 26 is carried out under vacuum and increased temperature:
However, when the invention relates to the process proper, classification is made in the process group
and a further symbol is used in the C-set for identifying the applied material on the substrate. If more
ample information has to be given about the nature of the coating, classification is also made for this
aspect in combination with a further C-set.
Example 31:
The process of example 26 is carried out under an atmosphere of very specific composition, this
composition being the essential feature of the invention:
Example 32:
In the example 31, the polyester can be mixed with other polymers:
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Special rules of classification
Exception on the LPR: for classification, C04B 41/4584 takes precedence over other groups of
C04B 41/00 when treatment of ceramic fibres or particles is concerned (see example 29).
4.2.4 When alternatives are to be identified, the same procedure is applied as for concrete and like
mixtures, i.e. two or more C-sets of symbols are made. There might be alternatives both for the
process and the material applied to the substrate.
Example 33:
The treatment of example 27 can be carried out either under vacuum or under inert atmosphere:
When the same substrate is coated with two or more layers, classification is made in C04B 41/52. If
one of the layers as such might be new in the field, classification for this layer as such is made too.
For each layer a separate C-set is made, each starting with C04B 41/52, the first set relating to the
first layer, the second set relating to the second layer etc.
Example 34:
A clay ware body is first coated with an engobe and then with a glaze:
Example 35:
Exception: when the different coatings result in layers of the same composition, classification is made
according to the nature of that layer and C04B 41/52 is added to the C-set !
Example 36:
A boron carbide body is coated with two or more layers, which might slightly differ in composition, but
which all result in a carbon coating:
C04B (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
As for single layer coatings, additional C04B 41/00 codes can be added to the C-set to identify other
interesting aspects of the respective coatings.
4.2.6 When, in the case of multiple coating, alternatives are mentioned, the following procedure is
If, e.g. for layer 2 an alternative is to be identified, the third C-set will represent this alternative layer,
with at the end the symbol C04B 41/522. [This symbol is not to be used for classification.] So in this
case, a possible third layer will be identified by the fourth C-set, because the third one refers to an
alternative of the second layer (represented by the second set).
Example 37:
In the example 34, a porcelain layer can be used as an alternative to the engobe layer:
-When a coating layer is the same as a previous coating layer, a similar procedure as above is
followed, adding the symbol C04B 41/524 at the end of the layer that is identical to a previously
identified layer
Example 38
- C04B 41/52, C04B 41/4529, C04B 41/5045, C04B 41/524, C04B 41/524%2
4.2.7 For the sake of classification/C-sets in C04B, treatment of "green" concrete or ceramics, i.e.
concrete that has not hardened yet, resp. ceramic products that are not fired yet, is considered to be
covered by C04B 41/00. Such documents will receive C04B 41/4578 as an extra symbol in the C-set.
Only in exceptional cases, classification can be made in this group.
Example 39:
/CCI: C04B 41/5089 /SI : C04B 28/06 C-set: C04B 41/5089, C04B 41/5007
4.2.8 Group C04B 41/53 relates to the removal of part of the materials of the treated article. A coating
process including a step like polishing, roughening or etching is however not classified in C04B 41/53
or a subgroup (what could be expected applying the last place rule), but is classified applying the
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Special rules of classification
general rules for coatings above and adding C04B 41/53 or a subgroup to the C-set. If however the
removal is the essential step of the invention, classification in C04B 41/53 is (also) made.
4.2.9 In the same way as when classifying/C-sets in the other parts of C04B, mentioned above,
symbols of the series C04B 2111/00 can be used to identify uses or characteristics of the products
Example 40:
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Special rules of classification
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Active ingredients Ingredients having an effect on the mortar-, concrete- or artificial
stone composition during processing or on the characteristics of
the final product, e.g. as set accelerator, as dispersant or as gas
generating agent. Other examples are processing aids or property
improvers, e.g. grinding aids, used after the cement burning
process or in the absence of such a burning process.
Cement The binder proper, i.e. excluding any additional ingredient or
additive added to the finished binder as such, with the exception of
mixtures of binders.
Clinker The unground sintered product leaving the cement kiln. In patent
literature this term might be used literally, i.e. to indicate the
unground sintered product leaving the cement kiln, or it might be
used to indicate the ground cement without any additive, i.e. not
interground with additives such as gypsum.
Ceramics Inorganic, non metallic products obtained by a process involving a
shaping step and a sintering or comparable heat treatment step,
with the exclusion of cements , cermets and glasses, glazes,
vitreous enamels and devitrified glass ceramics.
Fillers Inactive ingredients, include pigments, aggregates and fibrous
reinforcing materials.
Fine ceramics Ceramics having a polycrystalline fine-grained microstructure, e.g.
of dimensions below 100 micrometer.
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Glossary of terms
Hydraulic binder For the purpose of classification and search in this subclass,
the terms " cement " and " hydraulic binder " are considered
to be equivalent, even if in literature, an hydraulic binder might
be defined as a mixture of cement and one or more inorganic
Mortar- , concrete- and artificial They are considered as a single group of materials, are mixtures
stone compositions of one or more binders with fillers or other ingredients. In the
context of such compositions, the terms " cement " and "binder"
are considered equivalent.
Resin mortar or resin concrete Mortar or concrete containing resin as a binder instead of cement ,
i.e. excluding any inorganic binder and containing a considerable
amount of inorganic filler compared with the amount of the organic
Refractories Ceramics or mortars withstanding high temperatures of at least
about 1500 degrees C. For classification and search in this
subclass no substantial distinction is made between the terms "
refractories " and " ceramics ".
Porous materials Materials which are deliberately made porous, e.g. by adding
gas-forming, foaming, burnable or lightweight additives to the
composition they are made of.
C04B 2/00
Lime, magnesia or dolomite (hydraulic lime cements C04B 7/34)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Lime binders as such; Preparation thereof;
C-set is used only incidentally in this class. If so, symbols are chosen from other C04B 2/00 groups
and C04B. A C04B 2/00 symbol in a C-set set having a C04B 28/00 CPC class indicates the presence
of a second binder.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Hydraulic lime cements C04B 7/34
Mixtures containing lime as a binder C04B 28/10
C04B 2/02
Lime {(obtaining Ca(OH)2 otherwise than by simple slaking of quick lime
C01F 11/02)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Obtaining Ca(OH)2 otherwise than by simple slaking of quick lime C01F 11/02
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2/04
Slaking {(simultaneous dehydrating of gypsum and slaking of lime
C04B 11/022)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Slaking, with water including air slaking, filtering after slaking
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Devices for filtering after slaking C04B 2/08
Simultaneous dehydrating of gypsum and slaking of lime C04B 11/022
Warming up food and the like, e. g. by slaking lime A47J 36/28, F24V 30/00
Hydration of MgO C01F 5/16
Chemical heat sources C09K 5/063
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Devices and method documents are classified
in C04B 2/08 and receive
a C-set C04B 2/08;
C04B 2/04
C04B 2/063
{Slaking of impure quick lime, e.g. contained in fly ash}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Hydrating cement clinker C04B 7/51
Quenching coke C10B 39/00
C04B 2/08
Devices therefor
Definition statement
This place covers:
Devices for slaking lime, e.g. devices for preparing milk of lime or for purifying slaked lime e.g. by
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2/12
in shaft or vertical furnaces (shaft or vertical furnaces in general F27B 1/00)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Shaft or vertical furnaces in general F27B 1/00
C04B 5/00
Treatment of {metallurgical} slag (manufacture of slag wool C03B; in, or for, the
production of metals C21B, C22B); Artificial stone from molten {metallurgical}
slag (mechanical aspects B28B 1/54 {other cast stone C04B 32/005})
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mechanical aspects B28B 1/54
Manufacture of slag wool C03B
Other cast stone C03B 32/005
Treatment of slag in, or for the production of metals C21B, C22B
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Metallurgical slag Slag from metallurgy processes
C04B 7/00
Hydraulic cements (calcium sulfate cements C04B 11/00)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cements as such and their manufacturing methods.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porsal cement C04B 7/32
C04B 7/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Hydraulic cement - like cements setting under the influence of water and - cements
hardening in the air and under water
C04B 7/02
Portland cement
Definition statement
This place covers:
Portland cement (PC),
i.e. hydraulic cement produced by firing limestone or chalk and clay (or other silica, alumina, iron
bearing materials) so that Ca-silicate sand aluminates are formed. Average composition: 45% C3S,
25%C2S, rest C3A, C4AF;
i.e. average oxide composition: SiO2 17-24, Al2O3 3-7, Fe2O3 1-5, CaO60-65, MgO 1-5, alkali 1, SO3
e.g. WHITE PC: low proportion of iron oxide by the choice of raw materials or by firing in reducing
e.g. LOW HEAT CEMENT : high % of C2S and C4AF, low % of C3S and C3A;
e.g. MASONRY CEMENT for more plastic mortar, often produced by grinding more finely than
ordinary PC , a mixture of PC and limestone (or colloidal clay, diatomaceous earth);
e.g. RAPID HARDENING PC = ground finer than PC, slightly altered, setting time similar but strength
developed more rapidly;
e.g. SULPHATE RESISTANT PC = high % of C3S and C2S, low % of C3A and C4AF. Should not
contain C3A to avoid formation of ettringite (="cement bacillus")
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 7/04
using raw materials containing gypsum {, i.e. processes of the Mueller-Kuehne
Definition statement
This place covers:
Portland cement using raw materials containing gypsum, e.g. using CaSO4 instead of chalk or
limestone as raw material in the combined production of cement and H2SO4 (actually production of
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ca-aluminosulfate cements C04B 7/323
C04B 7/06
using alkaline raw materials (C04B 7/60 takes precedence)
C04B 7/12
Natural pozzuolanas; Natural pozzuolana cements; {Artificial pozzuolanas
or artificial pozzuolana cements other than those obtained from waste or
combustion residues, e.g. burned clay; Treating inorganic materials to improve
their pozzuolanic characteristics (cements containing slag C04B 7/14)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Slag cements C04B 7/14
Cements based on fly ash C04B 7/26
Cements based on combustion residues, e.g. from coal C04B 7/28
Pozzuolans as fillers C04B 14/14
Compositions based on (fly) ash, without addition of lime (producing) C04B 28/021
Lime-pozzuolana based compositions C04B 28/18
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Artificial pozzuolana cements C04B 7/24 and subgroups
C04B 7/12 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Pozzuolana a material that, ground and mixed with lime and water, produces at
ordinary temperatures compounds with hydraulic properties;
Pozzuolana cement obtained by grinding together a pozzuolana with cement clinker or
(hydraulic) lime;
C04B 7/14
Cements containing slag (slags from waste incineration C04B 7/28)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cements comprising slags as raw material, e.g. cements having low heat of hydration,
cements with higher glass content (improved hydraulic characteristics)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mâchefer (= slag from coal combustion) C04B 7/28
Slags from combustion of coal, or waste incineration C04B 7/28
Silicates added as active ingredients before/during the burning process C04B 7/427
C04B 7/147
Metallurgical slag
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cement containing metallurgical slag,
L.D. slags, (as such not suited as hydraulic cement because of high content of CaO and MgO (lime
and magnesia are sprayed on the bath during the oxygen injection for decarburizing and refining the
C04B 7/147 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Treatment of slag C04B 5/06
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Scorie metallurgical byproduct based on silicates
C04B 7/153
Mixtures thereof with other inorganic cementitious materials or other activators
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cement containing metallurgical slag with other inorganic cementitious materials or other
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ingredients added to the slag in the molten state C04B 5/06
C04B 7/1535
{with alkali metal containing activators, e.g. sodium hydroxide or waterglass}
C04B 7/1535 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
waterglass Sodium silicate
C04B 7/17
with calcium oxide containing activators {(C04B 7/1535 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cement containing metallurgical slag mixed with calcium oxide containing activators,
e.g. SLAG CEMENT = "cold process slag cement" = obtained by cogrinding granulated B.F. slag
C04B 7/19
Portland cements
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cement containing metallurgical slag mixed with Portland cements,
e.g. PORTLAND BLAST FURNACE CEMENT (GB) = cogrinding 65% B.F. slag +PC clinker (no
e.g. PORTLAND BLAST FURNACE SLAG CEMENT (US) = 25-65% granulated B.F.slag;
e.g. CIMENTS DE LAITIER AU CLINKER (FR) = more than 80% B.F. slag;
e.g. EISENPORTLANDZEMENT (DE) = less than (35 or) 40% B.F. slag;
C04B 7/19 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Synonyms and Keywords
C04B 7/21
with calcium sulfate containing activators {(C04B 7/1535 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cement containing metallurgical slagmixed with calcium sulfate containing activators,
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Cement containing metallurgical slag mixed with alkali metal containing C04B 7/1535
C04B 7/24
Cements from oil shales, residues or waste other than slag
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cement using as raw materials oil shales, residues or waste resulting from different
processes, e.g. combustion waste, demolition waste, household, not being slag
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Waste as additive to the raw material C04B 7/42
Waste as fillers for concrete compositions C04B 18/00
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 7/243
{Mixtures thereof with activators or composition-correcting additives, e.g.
mixtures of fly ash and alkali activators}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cements produced from oil shales, residues or wastes mixed with activators or composition-
correcting additives
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
when the alkali activated waste results in a polymeric - Davidovits type - cement, additional
classification in C04B 12/005 should be given
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Activator Material used to enhance the hydraulic activity of (waste) raw
C04B 7/26
from raw materials containing flue dust {, i.e. fly ash (C04B 7/243 takes
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Hydraulic cements from oil shales, residues or wastes other than slag C04B 7/243
mixed with activators or composition-correcting additives
C04B 7/28
from combustion residues, {e.g. ashes or slags from waste incineration}
({C04B 7/243} , C04B 7/26 take precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cements produced from combustion residues,
C04B 7/28 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Hydraulic cements from oil shales, residues or waste other than slag C04B 7/243
mixed with activators or composition-correcting additives
Hydraulic cements from raw materials containing flue dust C04B 7/26
Concrete compositions containing artificial pozzuollans C04B 28/18
C04B 7/30
from oil shale; from oil shale residues {; from lignite processing, e.g. using
certain lignite fractions}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic cements produced from oils shale, from oil shale residues, from lignite processing,
C04B 7/32
Aluminous cements
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic aluminous cements, obtained by melting (or sintering) a mixture of bauxite and chalk;
cooling; grinding.
Comp.: CaO 37.7 ,Al2O3 38.5 , Fe2O3 12.7 , FeO 3.9 , SiO2 5.3 , SO3 0.1 .
* sulphate/seewater resistant
* colour =black ,
* to be used to -10 C
C04B 7/32 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
e.g. 11CaO.7Al2O3.CaX2
C04B 7/323
{Calcium aluminosulfate cements, e.g. cements hydrating into ettringite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydraulic calcium aluminosulfate cements
e.g. 4CaO.3Al2O3.SO3;
C04B 7/34
Hydraulic lime cements; Roman cements {; natural cements}
Definition statement
This place covers:
i.e. HYDRAULIC LIME : obtained from limestone containing clay, burnt at 1000 - 1200 C ..>; beta-
C2S, C2AS, C4AF .
i.e. ROMAN CEMENT = ROCK CEMENT = obtained by calcining a natural mixture of clay and
e.g. HYDRAULIC HYDRATED LIME = hydrated dry cement. Product obtained by calcining limestone
containing silica and alumina to a temper. short of incipient fusion --->; sufficient free CaO formed to
permit hydration and leaving unhydrated suffic. calc. silicate;
e.g. HIGH CALCIUM HYDRAULIC HYDRATED LIME = hydraulic hydrated lime containing <= 5%
e.g. HIGH MAGNESIUM HYDRAULIC HYDRATED LIME = hydraulic hydrated lime containing >= 5%
C04B 7/361
{Condition or time responsive control in hydraulic cement manufacturing
processes (controlling or regulating in general G05; F27B 7/42 takes
Definition statement
This place covers:
Controlling, monitoring hydraulic cement manufacturing processes,, e.g.. automation
C04B 7/361 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Arrangement of controlling, monitoring rotary-drum furnaces F27B 7/42
Controlling or regulating in general G05
C04B 7/364
{Avoiding environmental pollution during cement-manufacturing}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Manufacture of hydraulic cements preventing environmental pollution during the process e.g.
C04B 7/42
Active ingredients added before, or during, the burning process (after the
burning process C04B 22/00, C04B 24/00)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Manufacture of hydraulic cements by treating raw materials with active ingredients added before or
during the burning processes e.g. additives for obtaining white cement
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Blended cements with slags C04B 7/14
Adding ingredients after the burning process C04B 22/00, C04B 24/00
C04B 7/425
{Acids or salts thereof}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Manufacture of hydraulic cements by treating raw materials with acids or salts added before or during
the burning processes e.g. vanadates
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 7/43
Heat treatment, e.g. precalcining, burning, melting; Cooling {(aspects only
relating to the installation F27B)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Automatisation aspects C04B 7/361
Desulfuration C04B 7/364
Aspects only relating to the installation F27B
Furnaces, kilns, ovens and details thereof F27B, F27D
C04B 7/432
{Preheating without addition of fuel}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Manufacture of hydraulic cement by preheating without addition of fuel during the preheating step, for
example by using exhaust gases, e.g. RSP = reinforced suspension preheater
C04B 7/434
{Preheating with addition of fuel, e.g. calcining}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Manufacture of hydraulic cement by preheating with addition of fuel , e.g. with addition of fuel in the
calcining step, besides the addition of fuel in the kiln itself
C04B 7/4407
{Treatment or selection of the fuel therefor, e.g. use of hazardous waste as
secondary fuel (fuels in general C10L); Use of particular energy sources, e.g.
waste hot gases from other processes}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Treatment or selection of the fuel for the burning during the manufacture of hydraulic cement e.g. fuel
for burning other raw material; waste hot gases
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Refuse consuming furnaces F23G
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 7/4469
{in shaft or vertical kilns}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
For lime C04B 2/12
Shaft or vertical kilns in general F27B 1/00
C04B 7/45
in fluidised beds {, e.g. spouted beds}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Calcination in fluidised beds C04B 7/432, C04B 7/434
C04B 7/46
Definition statement
This place covers:
Electric burning or melting during the manufacture of hydraulic cement
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Non-electric melting C04B 7/4484
C04B 7/48
Clinker treatment (C04B 7/47 takes precedence)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Cooling during the manufacture of the hydraulic cement C04B 7/47
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 7/51
Definition statement
This place covers:
Clinker hydration during manufacture of hydraulic cement, i.e. in principle for the hydration of the lime
content of the clinker;
C04B 7/52
Grinding {; After-treatment of ground cement}
Definition statement
This place covers:
grinding and cooling : CIS indexed as (C04B 7/52; C04B 7/47)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Hydrating ground clinker C04B 7/51
Still contains grinding aids C04B 7/52
Grinding aids are classified as active
ingredients, e.g. in
C04B 24/00, and receive
C04B 2103/52 as an
Indexing Code
Grinding aids in general B02C 23/06
C04B 7/522
{After-treatment of ground cement (C04B 7/368 takes precedence)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Obtaining spherical cement particles in the manufacture of hydraulic C04B 7/368
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 7/527
{obtaining cements characterised by fineness, e.g. by multi-modal particle size
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cements characterised by fineness obtained by the clinker grinding e.g. "microcement": particles with
diameter smaller than 15 micrometer
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Unground clinker C04B 7/006
C04B 7/60
Methods for eliminating alkali metals or compounds thereof {, e.g. from the raw
materials or during the burning process; methods for eliminating other harmful
components (avoiding environmental pollution C04B 7/364)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Avoiding environmental pollution C04B 7/364
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
For aspects relating to cement kiln dust C04B 7/436,
C04B 18/162
C04B 9/00
Magnesium cements or similar cements
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cements are based on magnesium, e.g. Mg oxychloride, Mg oxysulfate; Preparation thereof;
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 9/20
Manufacture, e.g. preparing the batches (preheating, burning, calcining or
cooling lime stone, magnesite or dolomite C04B 2/10)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Process of manufacturing magnesium cements or similar cements, e.g. burning, calcining
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Preheating, burning, calcining or cooling lime stone, magnesite or C04B 2/10
C04B 11/00
Calcium sulfate cements
Definition statement
This place covers:
Calcium sulfate cements,
C04B 11/02
{Methods and apparatus for} dehydrating gypsum {(for other purposes than
cement manufacture C01F 11/466)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Methods and apparatus for dehydrating gypsum,
e.g. regeneration of gypsum molds: (classification being //( C04B 11/02; C04B 11/262) or other way
C04B 11/02 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Drying alpha-hemihydrate C04B 11/032
Calcining in general B01J 6/00
For other purposes than cement manufacture C01F 11/466
C04B 11/032
for the wet process, e.g. dehydrating in solution or under saturated vapour
conditions, {i.e. to obtain alpha-hemihydrate (C04B 11/0281 - C04B 11/0288 take
Definition statement
This place covers:
e.g. drying of alpha-gypsum;
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Attention C04B 11/02
Take precedence C04B 11/0281 -
C04B 11/0288
C04B 11/036
for the dry process, e.g. dehydrating in a fluidised bed or in a rotary kiln {, i.e.
to obtain beta-hemihydrate (C04B 11/0281 - C04B 11/0288 take precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Devices for the dry process of dehydrating gypsum
C04B 11/036 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
C04B 11/0281 - C04B 11/0288 take precedence
C04B 12/00
Cements not provided for in groups C04B 7/00 - C04B 11/00
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkali metal silicates per se and their preparation C01B 33/32
Ammonium silicates per se and their preparation C01C 1/00
C04B 12/02
Phosphate cements (in, or for, the manufacture of ceramics C04B 33/00,
C04B 35/00)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
In or for the manufacturing of ceramics C04B 33/00, C04B 35/00
C04B 14/00
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete or
artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to enhance
their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone (expanding or
defibrillating materials C04B 20/00)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic materials used ad fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, and their treatment to
enhance their filling properties e.g. inorganic pigments other than oxides;
C04B 14/00 and subgroups are used as substrate codes for coatings of natural stone
C04B 14/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Oxide pigments C04B 14/30 and
Expanding or defibrillating materials C04B 20/00
C04B 14/022
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carbon used as fillers for mortar, concrete or artificial stone, elemental carbon, e.g. COKE, KOKS
C04B 14/04
Silica-rich materials; Silicates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silica-rich materials, silicates used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. "LOESS";
e.g. GREYWACKE, GRAYWACKE = conglomerate rock (round pebbles + sand, cemented together.)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay C04B 14/10
C04B 14/042
{Magnesium silicates, e.g. talc, sepiolite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Magnesium silicates used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/045
{Alkali-metal containing silicates, e.g. petalite (waterglass C04B 12/04)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alkali-metal containing silicates, Al-alkali metal silicates used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Waterglass C04B 12/04
C04B 14/06
Quartz; Sand
Definition statement
This place covers:
Quartz, sand used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. SILICA (SiO2) is polymorphic i.e. capable of existing in two or more crystal forms. Main forms of
C04B 14/062
{Microsilica, e.g. colloïdal silica (preparing microsilica slurries or suspensions
C04B 18/148)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
microsilica used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone, e.g. colloidal silica 0.001-0.2 microns
C04B 14/062 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
C04B 18/146, C04B 12/04 take precedence
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Microsilica Silica having micro- or nanosize particles
C04B 14/064
{Silica aerogel}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silica aerogel used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. silica aerogel being obtained by forming a SiO2 gel impregnated with a solvent, and evaporating
the solvent under hypercritical conditions
C04B 14/068
{Specific natural sands, e.g. sea -, beach -, dune - or desert sand}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Specific natural sands used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone, e.g. BARKHAN SAND,
C04B 14/08
Diatomaceous earth
Definition statement
This place covers:
Diatomaceous earth used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. hydrated amorphous silica, skeletons of Diatomacea which are related to brown algae
C04B 14/08 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Synonyms and Keywords
C04B 14/10
Clay {(sepiolite C04B 14/042; grog C04B 18/025)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Clay used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. Al silicates;
e.g. MARL;
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Sepiolite C04B 14/042, some
older document are in
C04B 14/10
Chamotte, fireclay, fired clay, grog C04B 18/025 (older
documents have a
C-set C04B 14/10;
C04B 18/023)
C04B 14/104
{Bentonite, e.g. montmorillonite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Bentonite, e.g. montmorillonite used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 14/104 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Waste bleaching earth C04B 18/0454
C04B 14/106
Definition statement
This place covers:
Kaolin used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 14/108
{Shale, slate (colliery shale C04B 18/125)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Shale, slate used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Shale residues, colliery shale C04B 18/125
C04B 14/12
Expanded clay
Definition statement
This place covers:
Expanded clay used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/14
Minerals of vulcanic origin {(granite C04B 14/048)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mineral of volcanic origin used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Granite C04B 14/048
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
TUF porous rock formed from cemented volcanic ashes or from
calcareous deposits in lakes or springs
C04B 14/16
porous, e.g. pumice
Definition statement
This place covers:
Porous minerals of volcanic origin used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 14/16 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/18
Definition statement
This place covers:
Perlite being mineral of volcanic origin used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone e.g. volcanic
C04B 14/185
Definition statement
This place covers:
Expanded perlite (mineral of volcanic origin) used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 14/20
Mica; Vermiculite {(mechanical splitting B28D)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mica, vermulite used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. sericite
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Punching of mica B26F 1/00
Mechanical splitting B28D
Mica treatment C09C 1/405
Pulp or paper comprising mica or vermiculite D21H 13/44
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/202
Definition statement
This place covers:
Vermiculite used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 14/204
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Delamination of mica C04B 14/20
Chemical delamination C04B 14/208
C04B 14/206
{Mica or vermiculite modified by cation-exchange; chemically exfoliated
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ion exchanged silicates C01B 33/44
C04B 14/208
{delaminated mica or vermiculite platelets}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mechanical delamination C04B 14/20
C04B 14/22
Glass {; Devitrified glass}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Any type of glass used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 14/22 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Vitreous SiO2 C04B 14/06
C04B 14/24
porous, e.g. foamed glass
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Lightweight materials C04B 18/027
C04B 14/26
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carbonates used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 14/28
of calcium
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carbonates of calcium used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. CHALK,
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/30
Oxides other than silica {(ferrites C04B 14/363)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Oxides other than silica used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ferrites C04B 14/363
Oxides as active ingredients C04B 22/06
C04B 14/303
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alumina used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. Al(OH)3;
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Gelatinous Al(OH)3 C04B 22/06
C04B 14/306
{Zirconium oxide (zircon C04B 14/046)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zircon C04B 14/046
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/308
{Iron oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Iron oxide used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 14/36
Inorganic materials not provided for in groups {C04B 14/022 and}
C04B 14/04 - C04B 14/34
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic materials not classified in groups C04B 14/022, C04B 14/04 - C04B 14/34 used as filler for
mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 14/361
{Soil, e.g. laterite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Soil used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Harbour/river sludge C04B 18/0436
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/38
Fibrous materials; Whiskers
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Fibres in general D01
C04B 14/386
{Carbon (carbon nanotubes C04B 14/026)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbon nanotubes C04B 14/026
Fabrication of carbon fibres D01F 9/12
C04B 14/40
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
- treating asbestos fibres see D06M 7/005, D02G 3/20;
- asbestos from old buildings CIS example ( C04B 14/40, C04B 18/16)
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
CHRYSOTILE (serpentine 3MgO.2SiO2.2H2O
AMOSITE (amphibole family) 2Ca.5MgO.8SiO2.H2O
TREMOLITE amphibole family
ASBESTINE fibrous variety of talc +tremolite
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/42
Definition statement
This place covers:
Glass fibers, glass whiskers used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Composition of (alkali-resistant) glass fibres C03C 13/00
Coating glass fibres used for cement reinforcement C03C 25/10
Glass fibres for resin matrix C08J 5/08
C04B 14/44
Treatment for enhancing alkali resistance {(composition of alkali resistant
glass fibres C03C 13/00; coating of glass fibres C03C 25/10)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Composition of alkali resistant glass fibres C03C 13/00
Coating of glass fibres C03C 25/10
C04B 14/46
Rock wool {; Ceramic or silicate fibres (C04B 14/40, C04B 14/42 take
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Take precedence C04B 14/40, C04B 14/42
Ceramic fibres as such C03C 13/00,
C04B 35/62227
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 14/4618
Definition statement
This place covers:
Oxides , hydroxides of rock wool used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
TiO2 C04B 14/4681
C04B 14/4681
Definition statement
This place covers:
Titanates, TiO2 of rock wool used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 16/02
Cellulosic materials (cellulosic waste materials, e.g. sawdust, rice husks,
C04B 18/24)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Cellulosic fibres C04B 18/24
Cellulosic waste materials, e.g. sawdust, rice husks C04B 18/24
C04B 16/04
Macromolecular compounds (C04B 16/02 takes precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Macromolecular organic compounds used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone e.g. glass-
clear thermoplastic MBS resin (methacrylate-butadiene-styrene) for packaging , medical applications
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Cellulosic materials as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone C04B 16/02
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 16/06
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibrous organic macromolecular compounds used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 16/0608
{Fibrilles, e.g. fibrillated films}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibrilles used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. polyalkanes;
e.g. "pulp" aramid fibers = very short , highly fibrillated with very fine fibrils or subfibers attached to
core fibre
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Fibrillated films in general D01D 5/42
C04B 16/0691
{Polyamides; Polyaramides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibrilles of polyamaide, of polyaramides used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone e.g.
aromatic polyetheramide fibers;
C04B 16/0691 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
C04B 16/08
porous, e.g. expanded polystyrene beads {or microballoons}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Porous organic macromolecular compounds used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. expanded PS
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Working up macromolecular substances to porous or cellular articles or C08J 9/00
C04B 16/10
Treatment for enhancing the mixability with the mortar {(coating C04B 20/10)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Takes precedence C04B 20/10
C04B 16/12
characterised by the shape (fibrous macromolecular compounds C04B 16/06;
porous macromolecular compounds C04B 16/08 ){, e.g. perforated strips}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organic materials used as fillers for mortar, concrete or artificial stone characterised by their shape
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Fibrous macromolecular compounds C04B 16/06
Porous macromolecular compounds C04B 16/08
Only characterised by the form E04C
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/00
Use of agglomerated or waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone (use of waste materials for the manufacture of
cement C04B 7/24); Treatment of agglomerated or waste materials or refuse,
specially adapted to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or
artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Use of waste materials for the manufacture of cement C04B 7/24
Granulating materials in general B01J 2/00
Making microcapsules or microballoons B01J 13/00
C04B 18/02
Agglomerated materials {, e.g. artificial aggregates}
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Temporary compacting of cement C04B 7/36
Temporary compacting of gypsum C04B 11/268
Conditioning silica fume C04B 18/147
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Artificial aggregates, synthetic Aggregates which are not "natural" in the way that crushed rocks
aggregates or sands and gravels are. These are implied to be human-made
materials, whether they are by-products of some other industry or
even if they are deliberately manufactured.
C04B 18/021
{agglomerated by a mineral binder, e.g. cement}
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lightweight agglomerated materials, e.g. artificial aggregates C04B 18/027
Waste materials or refuse from building or ceramic industry C04B 18/16
C04B 18/021 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/022
{agglomerated by an organic binder}
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lightweight agglomerated materials, e.g. artificial aggregates C04B 18/027
C04B 18/023
{Fired or melted materials}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Agglomerated materials wherein a melting or firing step takes place during the agglomeration.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Expanded clay C04B 14/12
Porous fired material C04B 18/027
Pelletizing fly ash C04B 18/085
Expanding clay, perlite, vermiculite or like granular materials, which are C04B 20/06
(a) used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, (b) specially
adapted to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial
stone, or (c) expanding or defibrillating materials
Porous or hollow ceramic granular material C04B 38/009
A lightweight material (C04B 18/027) which is fired or melted (C04B 18/023) is classified as
(C04B 18/027, C04B 18/023).
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/025
Definition statement
This place covers:
Grog used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. crushed refactory materials added to ceramic mixes to reduce lamination in clays and shrinkage
on drying,
C04B 18/026
{Melted materials (C04B 14/22 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Agglomerated materials wherein a melting step takes place during the agglomeration
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Glass, devitrified glass used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone C04B 14/22
C04B 18/027
{Lightweight materials}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Low density or porous agglomerated material used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Expanded clay C04B 14/12
Porous glass C04B 14/24
Expanding clay, perlite, vermiculite or like granular materials, which are C04B 20/06
(a) used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, (b) specially
adapted to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial
stone, or (c) used as expanding or defibrillating materials
C04B 18/027 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Porous or hollow ceramic granular material for porous mortars, concrete, C04B 38/009
artificial stone or ceramic ware; Preparation thereof
A lightweight material (C04B 18/027) which is fired or melted (C04B 18/023) is classified as
(C04B 18/027, C04B 18/023).
C04B 18/04
Waste materials; Refuse
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste materials or refuse, e.g. from industrial or other processes or Si-Stoff, or a waste from alumina
production. This place also covers mixtures of wastes.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Waste added during the cement production, i.e. in the kiln raw materials C04B 7/24, C04B 7/14
Waste glass C04B 14/22
Making harmful chemical agents harmless A62D 3/00
Destroying solid waste or transforming solid waste into something useful B09B 3/00
or harmless, e.g. disposal of asbestos
Solidification of sludges C02F 11/008
Solidification of liquid or solid radioactive waste G21F 9/16, G21F 9/34
C04B 18/0409
{Waste from the purification of bauxite, e.g. red mud}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste from the purification of bauxite used as filler for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
treatment of waste from aluminium production C01F 7/066
C04B 18/0409 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Red mud, red sludge solid waste product of the Bayer process, composed of a mixture
of solid and metallic oxide-bearing impurities (high content of
oxidised iron)
C04B 18/0427
{Dry materials}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Dry waste materials used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
Wet waste materials that is dried before use as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 18/0436
{Dredged harbour or river sludge (other slurries or sludges C04B 18/0418)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Other slurries or sludges C04B 18/0418
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Soil C04B 14/361
Waste materials in general C04B 18/04
C04B 18/0445
{Synthetic gypsum, e.g. phosphogypsum (gypsum from smoke purification
C04B 18/064)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Synthetic gypsum form waste material used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Gypsum from smoke purification C04B 18/064
C04B 18/0445 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Synthetic gypsum, flue-gas byproduct of coal-fired power plants (coal burned with flue gas
desulfurisation gypsum desulfurisation)
C04B 18/0454
{Bleaching earth}
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Bleaching earth (waste) bleaching earth is used as absorbent material for cleaning/
bleaching of mineral, natural oils, fats and waxes. After the use it
becomes "fat" bleaching earth. The fats/oils are removed as much
as possible by boiling with soda and salt giving a low fat ("mager")
bleaching earth
C04B 18/0481
{Other specific industrial waste materials not provided for elsewhere in
C04B 18/00}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Other specific industrial waste materials not provided in the other subgroups of C04B 18/00 used as
fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 18/06
Combustion residues, e.g. purification products of smoke, fumes or exhaust
Definition statement
This place covers:
Combustion residues used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, e.g. purification products
of smoke, fumes or exhaust gases, bottom ash, coal ash or cinders.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Collecting residues from parts of furnace plants F23J 3/06
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/061
{Ashes from fluidised bed furnaces}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ashes from fluidised bed furnaces used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, e.g. AFBC
ashes = atmospheric fluidised bed combustion ashes
C04B 18/065
{Residues from coal gasification}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Residues from coal gasification used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 18/08
Flue dust {, i.e. fly ash}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Flue dust, fly ash; which is used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone.
Examples include:
• Class N fly ash;
• Class F fly ash;
• Class C fly ash;
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Slaking of lime in the presence of fly ash C04B 2/06
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Flue dust by-product of the burning of pulverised coal
C04B 18/08 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/081
{from brown coal or lignite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Flue dust from brown coal or lignite used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 18/082
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cenospheres used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 18/085
Definition statement
This place covers:
Pelletizing fuel dust used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 18/085 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
For LYTAG C04B 14/12
Agglomerated fired materials C04B 18/023
Expanding clay, vermiculite, perlite and the like C04B 20/06
C04B 18/10
Burned {or pyrolised} refuse
Definition statement
This place covers:
Burned or pyrolised refuse used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, e.g. municipal solid
waste, slags from waste incineration or burned paper processing waste.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Burned refuse in cement manufacturing C04B 7/28
Incineration of waste F23G 5/00
C04B 18/101
{Burned rice husks or other burned vegetable material}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Burned rice husks or other burned vegetable material used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial
C04B 18/103
{Burned or pyrolised sludges}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Burned or pyrolised sludges used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 18/103 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
C04B 18/105
{Gaseous combustion products or dusts collected from waste incineration,
e.g. sludge resulting from the purification of gaseous combustion products of
waste incineration}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Gaseous combustion products or dusts collected from waste incineration used as filler for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. AQCS =Air quality combustion system = fly ash + desulfurisation products
C04B 18/12
from quarries, mining or the like
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste materials form quarries, mining or the like used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone.
C04B 18/14
from metallurgical processes (treatment of molten slag C04B 5/00)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste materials from metallurgical processes used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
such as nephelin slurry from Al production.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Treatment of molten slag C04B 5/00
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cements containing slag C04B 7/14
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/141
Definition statement
This place covers:
Slags from metallurgical processes used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, e.g. blast
furnace slag;
C04B 18/146
{Silica fume}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Filter dust from silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloy production;
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Thixotropic silica fume e.g. CAR-BO-SIL C04B 14/062
C04B 18/149
{other than silica fume or slag}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste materials from metallurgical processes other than silica fume or slag used as filler for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone,
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/16
from building or ceramic industry
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste materials or refuse from building or ceramic industry used as filler for mortars, concrete or
artificial stone, e.g. reclaiming cement slurry or broken ceramic tiles.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Materials agglomerated by a mineral binder C04B 18/021
Lightweight materials C04B 18/027
Separating of concrete slurry as refuse B03B 9/063
C04B 18/162
Cement kiln dust; Lime kiln dust
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cement kiln dust or lime kiln dust used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Recuperation of cement kiln dust during cement fabrication C04B 7/436
C04B 18/18
organic (C04B 18/10 takes precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organic waste materials used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, such as hair, feathers,
leather, manure, mest or wool fibers.
C04B 18/18 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Burned or pyrolised refuse C04B 18/10
C04B 18/20
from macromolecular compounds
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Recycled expanded polystyrene C04B 16/08
Recovery from working up of polymers C08J 11/04
C04B 18/24
Vegetable refuse, e.g. rice husks, maize-ear refuse; Cellulosic materials, e.g.
paper {, cork}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Vegetable refuse, cellulosic materials used as fillers for mortar, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. expanded cellulosic material i.e. puffed rice, popcorn is classified in this group and received the C-
set containing C04B 20/06
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Regenerated cellulose fibers C04B 16/06 ( C04B 18/24
still to be cleaned)
Processing, machining of boards fabricated from pressed wood fibers B27N 3/04, B27N 3/06
"Spaanplaten" C08L 97/02
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/241
{Paper, e.g. waste paper; Paper pulp}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Paper products used as fillers for mortar, concrete or artificial stone,
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Still contains older documents C04B 18/24
Wood pulp C04B 18/26
C04B 18/243
{Waste from paper processing or recycling paper, e.g. de-inking sludge
(burned paper processing waste C04B 18/10)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Burned paper processing waste C04B 18/10
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Waste paper itself C04B 18/241
C04B 18/245
{Cork; Bark}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cork, bark used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial stone.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Mechanical working of cork B27J 5/00
C04B 18/245 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/248
{from specific plants, e.g. hemp fibres}
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Vegetable refuse, e.g. rice husks, maize-ear refuse, peat or algae; C04B 18/24
Cellulosic materials, e.g. paper or cork
C04B 18/26
Wood, e.g. sawdust, wood shavings
Definition statement
This place covers:
Wood used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. BAMBOO;
C04B 18/28
Mineralising; Compositions therefor
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mineralising vegetable refuse, compositions therefor used as filler for mortars, concrete or artificial
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
With organic materials C04B 20/1018, older
documents still present in
C04B 18/28.
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Mineralising Treatment with a mineral substance
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 18/30
Mixed waste; Waste of undefined composition, (C04B 18/10 takes precedence)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Takes precedence C04B 18/10
C04B 20/0008
{Materials specified by a shape not covered by C04B 20/0016 - C04B 20/0056,
e.g. nanotubes}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Reinforcing elements for concrete E04C 5/01
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Nanotechnology for materials or surface science; Manufacture or B82Y 30/00, B82Y 40/00
treatment of nanostructures
C04B 20/002
{Hollow or porous granular materials}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Lightweight agglomerated material, C04B 18/027
Hollow or porous ceramic granular material C04B 38/009
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 20/0048
{Fibrous materials}
Definition statement
This place covers:
e.g. mixtures of different fibres; when the specific fibre type is not so important
C04B 20/0052
{Mixtures of fibres of different physical characteristics, e.g. different lengths}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mixtures of fibres of different physical characteristics used as materials for mortars, concrete or
artificial stone
e.g. by twisting
C04B 20/0076
{characterised by the grain distribution}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Materials used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone according to more than one of groups
C04B 14/00 - C04B 18/00 and characterised by the grain distribution
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Granulometry 0/3 material less than or equal to 3mm
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 20/02
Definition statement
This place covers:
Treatment of materials used as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone according to more than
one of the groups C04B 14/00 - C04B 18/00 specially adapted to enhance their filling properties
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
cation exchange of vermiculite C04B 14/206
Temporary compaction/granulation C04B 18/028
C04B 20/04
Heat treatment
Definition statement
This place covers:
Heat treatment of materials according to more than one of the groups C04B 14/00 - C04B 18/00
specially adapted to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. drying
C04B 20/063
{by grate sintering}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Expanding clay, perlite, vermiculite or like granular materials by grate sintering to enhance their filling
properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Grate sintering of ores or scrap F27B 21/06 C22B 1/20
Endless-strand sintering apparatus F27B 21/06
C04B 20/063 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 20/065
{in fluidised beds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Expanding clay, perlite, vermiculite or like granular materials in fluidised beds to enhance their filling
properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 20/068
{Selection of ingredients added before or during the thermal treatment, e.g.
expansion promoting agents or particle-coating materials}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
- expanded clay- see also C04B 18/027 C04B 14/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Expanded aggregates C04B 18/027
C04B 20/08
Defibrillating asbestos {(defibrillating other fibres C04B 20/026)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Defibrillating asbestos to enhance its filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Defibrillating other fibres C04B 20/026
C04B 20/08 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
C04B 20/10
Coating or impregnating {(roofing granules E04D 7/005)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mineralising wood C04B 18/28
Coating glass fibres, asbestos or other mineral fibres C03C 25/00
Roofing granules E04D 7/005
C04B 20/1018
{with organic materials (pigments or dyes C04B 20/1096)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating with pigments or dyes C04B 20/1096
C04B 20/1029
{Macromolecular compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Coating or impregnating with macromolecular compounds materials according to more than one of the
groups C04B 14/00 - C04B 18/00 to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 20/1051
{Organo-metallic compounds; Organo-silicon compounds, e.g. bentone}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Coating or impregnating with organo-metallic compounds, organo-silicon compounds, materials
according to more than one of the groups C04B 14/00 - C04B 18/00 to enhance their filling properties
in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 20/1074
{Silicates, e.g. glass}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Coating or impregnating with silicates, materials according to more than one of the groups
C04B 14/00 - C04B 18/00 to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Waterglass C04B 20/1077
C04B 20/1092
{with pigments or dyes (C04B 20/1059 takes precedence)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating with pigments or precursors thereof , materials according to more C04B 20/1059
than one of the groups C04B 14/00 - C04B 18/00 to enhance their filling
properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 20/12
Multiple coating or impregnating
-in the case of C04B 20/123 that a coating is an alternative to the previous indexed coating; example:
C04B 20/12 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
-in the case of C04B 20/126 that the coating layer is the same as a previous coating layer; example:
C04B 22/00
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or
artificial stone, e.g. accelerators {, shrinkage compensating agents}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Alkali metal silicates C04B 12/04
zeolites C04B 14/047 (older
documents still in
C04B 22/00)
C04B 22/0006
{Waste inorganic materials}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Nitre cake C04B 22/14
C04B 22/0006 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 22/0013
{Boron compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Boron compounds, e.g. fluoro-boron compounds used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or
artificial stone,
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
organic boron compounds C04B 24/006
C04B 22/002
Definition statement
This place covers:
e.g. magnetised water
C04B 22/004
{containing dissolved additives or active agents, i.e. aqueous solutions used
as gauging water (C04B 22/0026 takes precedence)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Salt water used as active ingredient for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 22/0026
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 22/0093
Definition statement
This place covers:
Aluminates used as active ingredient for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Calcium sulphoaluminates, C04B 7/32
Cement or like inorganic materials added as expanding or shrinkage C04B 22/008
compensating ingredients in mortars or concrete compositions
C04B 22/02
Definition statement
This place covers:
Elements used as active ingredient for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. Si;
e.g. O3
C04B 22/04
Metals, e.g. aluminium used as blowing agent
Definition statement
This place covers:
Metals used as active ingredient for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 22/06
Oxides, Hydroxides (C04B 22/0013 takes precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
oxides, hydrocides used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 22/06 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
SiO2 C04B 14/062
Al2O3, Al(OH)3 C04B 14/303
Takes precedence C04B 22/0013
CO2 C04B 22/10
C04B 22/062
{of the alkali or alkaline-earth metals}
Definition statement
This place covers:
oxides, hydroxides of the alkali or alkaline-earth metals used as active ingredients for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone
e.g. NH4OH;
e.g. KOH
C04B 22/068
{Peroxides, e.g. hydrogen peroxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Peroxides used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. H2O2
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 22/08
Acids or salts thereof {(C04B 22/0013 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Acids or salts of inorganic materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Boron compounds used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/0013
artificial stone
C04B 22/10
containing carbon in the anion
Definition statement
This place covers:
Acids or salts of inorganic materials containing carbon in the anion, used as active ingredients for
mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 22/12
containing halogen in the anion
Definition statement
This place covers:
Acids or salts of inorganic materials containing halogen in the anion used as active ingredients for
mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. Hg chloride;
C04B 22/124
{Chlorides of ammonium or of the alkali or alkaline earth metals, e.g. calcium
Definition statement
This place covers:
Chlorides of ammonium or of alkali or alkaline earth metals used as active ingredients for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 22/126
{Fluorine compounds, e.g. silico-fluorine compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fluorine compounds of inorganic materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 22/14
containing sulfur in the anion, e.g. sulfides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Acids or salts thereof of inorganic materials containing sulfur in the anion used as active ingredients
for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 22/142
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sulfates of inorganic materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Jarosite C04B 22/14
Bisulfates, hydroxysulfates, e. g. KHSO4, C04B 22/14
Alums C04B 22/148
C04B 22/147
{Alkali-metal sulfates; Ammonium sulfate}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alkali-metal sulfates, ammonium sulfate of inorganic materials used as active ingredients for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone
C04B 22/147 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Other 'alums', i.e. other than Al-alums C04B 22/142
Alums or alunite, calcined or not C04B 22/148
C04B 22/148
Definition statement
This place covers:
Aluminium-sulfate of inorganic materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial
e.g. ALUMS
C04B 22/16
containing phosphorus in the anion, e.g. phosphates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Acids or salts thereof of inorganic materials containing phosphorous in the anion,
C04B 24/00
Use of organic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial
stone, e.g. plasticisers
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organic materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. RUTIN;
e.g. YEAST
e.g. norbornene and its derivatives (e.g. as modifiers for sulfur cements)
C04B 24/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
C04B 24/001
{Waste organic materials}
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Vinasse residual liquid from the distillation of liquid alcohol;
Fusel oil mixture of alcohols, fatty acids and esters obtained during
distillation of fermentation alcohol
C04B 24/003
{Phosphorus-containing compounds}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Phosphorus containing polymers C04B 24/243
C04B 24/005
{Halogen-containing compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
all halogenated compounds except chlorosilanes
C04B 24/005 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Pesticides C04B 24/00
Halogenated polymers of the type corresponding to groups C04B 24/28- receive two classes, one
C04B 24/383 in C04B 24/005 and one
in the polymer group
Halogen containing polymers obtained by reactions only involving carbon C04B 24/2682
to carbon unsaturated bonds
Chlorosilanes C04B 24/42
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
PERFLUOR compounds CnF2n-1 (all H exchanged for F)
C04B 24/008
{Aldehydes, ketones}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Aldehydes, ketones used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Paraformaldehyde C04B 24/023
C04B 24/02
Alcohols; Phenols; Ethers
Definition statement
This place covers:
All Alcohols, phenols, ethers used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/02 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
e.g. PHENOL;
C04B 24/023
Definition statement
This place covers:
All ethers used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/023 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
e.g. epoxide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Glycidylether: appears as terminal group of epoxy resin structures C04B 24/281
C04B 24/026
{Fatty alcohols}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All fatty alcohols used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/04
Carboxylic acids; Salts, anhydrides or esters thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carboxylic acids, Salts, anhydrides thereof used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial
e.g. RESIN ACID, RESINATES e.g. complex mixture of monocarboxylic acids derived from pine
tree extrudate, tree stumps, or tall oil manufacturing. Major components : ABIETIC ACID (=SYLVIC
C04B 24/04 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
ROSIN = mainly resin acids C04B 24/34
C04B 24/045
{Esters, e.g. lactones}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Esters of carboxylic acids used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/06
containing hydroxy groups
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carboxylic acids, salts, anhydrides containing hydroxy groups, used as active ingredients for mortars,
concreter or artificial stone
C04B 24/06 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
C04B 24/08
Fats; Fatty oils; Ester type waxes; Higher fatty acids, i.e. having at least seven
carbon atoms in an unbroken chain bound to a carboxyl group; Oxidised oils
or fats
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fats, fatty oils, ester type waxes, oxidised oils or fats used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete
or artificial stone,
e.g. ESTER TYPE WAXES = "CIRE" = monoesters of long chain unbranched fatty acids and alcohols
C04B 24/085
{Higher fatty acids}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Higher fatty acids, i.e. having at least seven carbon atoms in an unbroken chain bound to a carboxyl
group used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/085 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
e.g. OLEIN;
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Rosin (= mainly resin acids) C04B 24/34
C04B 24/10
Carbohydrates or derivatives thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carbohydrates or derivatives thereof used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. SAPONIN = plant glycosides, forming soapy lathers on shaking with water;
e.g. GLYCOSIDES (GLUCOSIDES) , hydrolyse into sugars and other organic substances;
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 24/12
Nitrogen containing compounds {organic derivatives of hydrazine (hydrazine
C04B 22/00)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Nitrogen containing compounds used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Hydrazine C04B 22/00
C04B 24/121
{Amines, polyamines}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Amines, polyamines used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/122
{Hydroxy amines}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hydroxy amines and derivatives, e.g. salts used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 24/123
{Amino-carboxylic acids}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Amino-carboxylic acids and derivatives used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial
e.g. betaine
C04B 24/124
Definition statement
This place covers:
Amides, acid amides and derivatives used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbamide = urea C04B 24/126
Isocyanuric acid C04B 24/128
Lactams = cyclic amides, caprolactam C04B 24/128
Glycylglycine = diglycine = dipeptide H2N-CH2-CO-NH-CH2-COOH C04B 24/14
C04B 24/125
{Compounds containing one or more carbon-to-nitrogen double or triple
bonds, e.g. imines}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compounds containing one or more carbon-to nitrogen double or triple bonds and derivatives used as
active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/125 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
C04B 24/126
Definition statement
This place covers:
Urea and derivatives used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
N,N-dimethyloldihydroxyethylene urea C04B 24/128
C04B 24/128
{Heterocyclic nitrogen compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All heterocyclic nitrogen compounds , even if they fall under one of the categories covered by the
previous subgroups used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/14
Peptides; Proteins; Derivatives thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
PEPTIDES (much smaller number of amino units per molecule than proteins); ENZYMES;
C04B 24/14 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
PROTEINS (polymers of a-amino acids) and derivatives thereof used as active ingredients for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone
e.g. CASEIN,
e.g. GLUTEN;
C04B 24/16
Sulfur-containing compounds
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sulfur-containing compounds used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Sulfonated polystyrene C04B 24/22
Sulfonated ketone resins C04B 24/30
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 24/18
Lignin sulfonic acid or derivatives thereof, e.g. sulfite lye
Definition statement
This place covers:
Lignin sulfonic acid or derivatives thereof used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial
C04B 24/20
Sulfonated aromatic compounds
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sulfonated aromatic compounds used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. FOKS = fuel oil cracking sulfonated = salt of sulfonated andoxidised product resulting from the
reaction of SO3 with fuel oils from steam cracking of oil products
C04B 24/22
Condensation {or polymerisation} products thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Condensation or polymerisation products thereof of sulfonated aromatic compounds used as active
ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/223
{Sulfonated melamine-formaldehyde condensation products}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sulfonated melamine-formaldehyde condensation products used as active ingredients for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone,
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 24/24
Macromolecular compounds (C04B 24/14 takes precedence; macromolecular
compounds comprising sulfonate or sulfate groups C04B 24/16)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Macromolecular compounds used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. LIGNIN;
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Peptides, proteins, derivatives thereof C04B 24/14
Sulfur-containing compounds C04B 24/16
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
petroleum resins C04B 24/26 ( C04B 24/24
still to be cleaned)
C04B 24/26
obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds
{(C04B 24/243 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Macromolecular compounds obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds
and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
e.g. PETROLEUM RESIN (C4/C6 alkene fraction, C8/C10 aromatic fraction or dicyclopentadiene
C04B 24/26 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Phosphorous-containing polymers used as active ingredients for mortars, C04B 24/243
concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/2611
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polyalkenes obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds and used as
active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/2617
{Coumarone polymers}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Coumarone polymers used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone, e.g. INDENE-
C04B 24/2623
{Polyvinylalcohols; Polyvinylacetates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polyvinylalcohols, polyvinylacetates obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated
bonds and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/2641
{Polyacrylates; Polymethacrylates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polyacrylates, polymethyacrylates obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated
bonds and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/2641 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
copolymers having three different monomers C04B 24/2688
C04B 24/2652
{Nitrogen containing polymers, e.g. polyacrylamides, polyacrylonitriles}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Nitrogen containing polymers obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated
bonds and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. Polyvinylamide
C04B 24/2664
{of ethylenically unsaturated dicarboxylic acid polymers, e.g. maleic anhydride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Macromolecular compounds obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds
of ethylenically unsaturated dicarboxylic acid polymers and used as active ingredients for mortars,
concrete or artificial stone
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 24/2676
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polystyrenes compounds obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds
and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Styrene-acryl copolymers C04B 24/2641
Styrene-maleic anhydride copolymers C04B 24/2664
C04B 24/2682
{Halogen containing polymers, e.g. PVC}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Halogen containing polymers obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated
bonds and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/2688
{Copolymers containing at least three different monomers}
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyacrylates C04B 24/2641
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 24/28
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds {(C04B 24/243 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Macromolecular compounds obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Phosphorous-containing polymers used as active ingredients for mortars, C04B 24/243
concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/281
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polyepoxides compounds obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 24/283
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polyesters compounds obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/302
{Phenol-formaldehyde condensation polymers}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The use for instance of phenol resin as binder, novolac resin, resol resin.
Phenol-formaldehyde resins, as a group, are formed by a step-growth polymerization reaction that can
be either acid- or base-catalysed. Since formaldehyde exists predominantly in solution as a dynamic
equilibrium of methylene glycol oligomers, the concentration of the reactive form of formaldehyde
depends on temperature and pH.
Phenol is reactive towards formaldehyde at the ortho and para sites (sites 2, 4 and 6) allowing up to 3
units of formaldehyde to attach to the ring. The initial reaction in all cases involves the formation of a
hydroxymethyl phenol:
Novolacs (originally Novolak, the name given by Leo Baekeland), are phenol-formaldehyde resins
made where the molar ratio of formaldehyde to phenol of less than one. The polymerization is brought
to completion using acid-catalysis. The phenol units are mainly linked by methylene groups
Base-catalysed phenol-formaldehyde resins are made with a formaldehyde to phenol ratio of greater
than one (usually around 1.5). These resins are called resols. Phenol, formaldehyde, water and
catalyst are mixed in the desired amount, depending on the resin to be formed, and are then heated
C04B 24/302 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Using phenol resin for joining ceramic with ceramic C04B 37/008
Using phenol resin for joining ceramic with metal C04B 37/028
Using phenol resin for joining ceramic with glass C04B 37/047
The use of phenol-formaldehyde condensation products in coatings of C04B 41/4823
ceramic substrates
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Condensation polymers of aldehydes or ketones added as active C04B 24/302,
ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: phenol- C04B 26/122
formaldehyde condensation polymers
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2253
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds: condensation polymers of aldehydes and ketones:
with phenols
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 24/305
{Melamine-formaldehyde condensation polymers}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Melamine resin or melamine formaldehyde (also shortened to melamine) is a hard, thermosetting
plastic material made from melamine and formaldehyde by polymerization.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of condensation polymers of aldehydes or ketones in coatings of C04B 41/4815
ceramic substrates: melamine-formaldehyde condensation products
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Condensation polymers of aldehydes or ketones added as active C04B 24/305,
ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: melamine- C04B 26/125
formaldehyde condensation polymers
C04B 24/307
{Urea-formaldehyde condensation polymers}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Urea-formaldehyde, also known as urea-methanal, named so for its common synthesis pathway
and overall structure, [1] is a non-transparent thermosetting resin or plastic, made from urea and
formaldehyde heated in the presence of a mild base such as ammonia or pyridine
C04B 24/307 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of condensation polymers of aldehydes or ketones in coatings of C04B 41/4819
ceramic substrates: urea-formaldehyde condensation products
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Condensation polymers of aldehydes or ketones added as active C04B 24/307,
ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: urea- C04B 26/127
formaldehyde condensation polymers
C04B 24/32
Polyethers, e.g. alkylphenol polyglycolether
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polyethers compounds obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds and used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/34
Natural resins, e.g. rosin {(C04B 24/243 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Natural resin used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
e.g. natural (animal, vegetable) waxes: CANDELLILA WAX, CARNAUBA WAX,KANNUTILLA WAX;
C04B 24/34 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
e.g. LACQUER = shellac dissolved in alcohol, coloured with saffron or dragon's blood;
e.g. v g tale;
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Phosphorous-containing polymers used as active ingredients for mortars, C04B 24/243
concrete or artificial stone,
Polysaccharides C04B 24/38
C04B 24/36
Bituminous materials, e.g. tar, pitch {(C04B 24/243 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Bituminous materials used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/36 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Phosphorous-containing polymers used as active ingredients for mortars, C04B 24/243
concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/38
Polysaccharides or derivatives thereof {(C04B 24/243 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polysaccharides or derivatives thereof used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial
stone. Examples include:
• FRENCH CEMENT = gum arabic + powdered starch;
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Phosphorous-containing polymers used as active ingredients for mortars, C04B 24/243
concrete or artificial stone,
C04B 24/38 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyethers C04B 24/32
C04B 24/383
{Cellulose or derivatives thereof}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cellulose or derivatives thereof used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone.
Examples include:
C04B 24/405
{Organo-inorganic complexes}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Any organo-inorganic complexes used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/42
Organo-silicon compounds
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organo-silicon compounds used as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 24/42 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
C04B 26/00
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing only organic
binders {, e.g. polymer or resin concrete (mechanical aspects of moulding
polymer or resin concrete B29C 67/242)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organic or polymeric concretes or mortars i.e. compositions bearing an organic or polymeric binder.
This group covers organic or polymeric concrete compositions comprising at least 50% inorganic filler.
e.g. waterproof lacquer, benzol, acetone, aluminium powder and camphor e.g. LIGNIN derivatives;
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A combination of an organic and inorganic binder C- set : (C04B 28/00;
C04B 24/00)
Polymer modified concrete (PMC) or polymer concrete (PC) or polymer C-set: (C04B 28/00;
mortar (PM ) C04B 24/00)
Mechanical aspects, moulding polymer or resin concrete B29C 67/242
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oil well cements containing organic binders are classified in
C04B 26/00 according
to the composition and
receive also a C09K 8/44
Organic or polymeric compositions with filler content less than 50% C08J, C08K, C08L, C09D
Polyester compositions C08L 67/00
Bituminous compositions C08L 95/00
Grouting with organic compounds E02D20/02
C04B 26/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
When a list of possible organic binders is given, classification is made to the more general entry e.g.
C04B 26/04 or C04B 26/10 or even C04B 26/02. If specific examples are given of one binder out of a
list, a second more specific class relating to the exemplified binder is given.
C04B 26/003
{Oil-based binders, e.g. containing linseed oil}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing oil-based binders
C04B 26/02
Macromolecular compounds
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Attention P compounds C04B 26/00
Lignin derivatives C04B 26/00
Montan wax C04B 26/00
Petroleum resins C04B 26/04
C04B 26/026
{Proteins or derivatives thereof}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing proteins or derivatives thereof
e.g. MILK
C04B 26/04
obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing macromolecular compounds obtained
by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 26/045
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing macromolecular compounds obtained
by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds being polyalkylenes
e.g. polybutadiene
C04B 26/06
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing macromolecular compounds obtained
by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds being acrylates
C04B 26/10
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Grouting with organic components E21D 20/02
C04B 26/122
{Phenol-formaldehyde condensation polymers}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing phenol-formaldehyde condensation
C04B 26/14
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing polyepoxides
C04B 26/14 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
C04B 26/16
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing polyurethanes
C04B 26/18
Polyesters; Polycarbonates
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
polyester compositions C08L 67/00 + F (inorganic
filler); C08L 67/02
(saturated); C08L 67/06
C04B 26/22
Natural resins, e.g. rosin
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing natural resins as organic binders
C04B 26/26
Bituminous materials, e.g. tar, pitch {(C08L 95/00 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing bituminous materials as organic
C04B 26/26 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Compositions of bituminous materials C08L 95/00
C04B 26/285
{Cellulose or derivatives thereof (C04B 26/24 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing cellulose or derivatives thereof as
organic binders
e.g. "ZELLIN"
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing cellulosic C04B 26/24
waste liquor as organic binder
C04B 28/00
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic
binders or the reaction product of an inorganic and an organic binder, e.g.
polycarboxylate cements
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic binders or the reaction
product of an inorganic and an organic binder
C04B 28/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Dental cements A61K 6/849
Surgical cements A61L 24/00
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oil well cements containing inorganic binders C04B 28/00
According to the composition and receive also C09K 8/46
When more than one inorganic binders are used, classification is made in C04B 28/00 according to
LPR and the second or third binder are indicated with entries chosen from C04B 7/00 or C04B 11/00
(or if one of these binders can be seen as an active ingredient e.g. lime, from C04B 22/00).
C04B 28/001
{containing unburned clay (polymer binder - clay mixtures used in well
cementing C09K 8/44)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing unburned clay as inorganic binders
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polymer binder - clay mixtures used in well cementing C09K 8/44
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
TORCHIS" = COB = DAUB clay + straw
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 28/005
{containing gelatineous or gel forming binders, e.g. gelatineous Al(OH)3, sol-
gel binders}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing gelatineous or gel forming binders
e.g. Al(OH)3;
e.g. Al2(OH)xXy
C04B 28/006
{containing mineral polymers, e.g. geopolymers of the Davidovits type}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing mineral polymers as inorganic binders
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkali-activated cements C04B 28/26
C04B 28/021
{Ash cements, e.g. fly ash cements (fly ash as filler C04B 18/08); Cements
based on incineration residues, e.g. alkali-activated slags from waste
incineration (alkali-activated combustion residues as such C04B 7/243;
mixtures of the lime-pozzuolane type C04B 28/18); Kiln dust cements}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Alkali-activated combustion residues C04B 7/243
Fly ash as filler C04B 18/08
Mixtures of the lime-pozzuolane type C04B 28/18
C04B 28/021 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 28/04
Portland cements
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Portland cement Hydraulic cement produced by pulverizing clinkers consisting
essentially of hydraulic calcium silicates, usually containing one or
more of the forms of calcium sulfate as an inter ground addition
C04B 28/06
Aluminous cements (monolithic refractories or refractory mortars C04B 35/66)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Monolithic refractories or refractory mortars C04B 35/66
C04B 28/065
{Calcium aluminosulfate cements, e.g. cements hydrating into ettringite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing calcium aluminosulfate cements as
inorganic binders
C04B 28/08
Slag cements
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing slag cements as inorganic binders
e.g. slag + water --> hydraulic reaction with formation of GEHLENITE or ETTRINGITE according to the
base present
C04B 28/08 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Water glass as activator C04B 28/26 +
C04B 18/141
C04B 28/10
Lime cements or magnesium oxide cements
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Lime paints / varnishes C09D 1/10
C04B 28/105
{Magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate cements}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, based on magnesium oxide or magnesium
carbonate binders
C04B 28/12
Hydraulic lime
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Hydraulic lime a lime mainly consisting of calcium silicates, calcium aluminates
and calcium hydroxide. Produced by burning argilaceous
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 28/14
containing calcium sulfate cements {(gypsum-paper plates E04C)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Dentistry preparations based on gypsum A61K 6/858
Gypsum bandages A61L 15/08
Gypsum-paper boards E04C 2/043
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
VERGOLDER-GUSSMASSE gypsum + chalk + glue
C04B 28/141
{containing dihydrated gypsum before the final hardening step, e.g. forming a
dihydrated gypsum product followed by a de- and rehydration step}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing dehydrated gypsum before the final
hardening step, blocks of natural gypsum as inorganic binders
C04B 28/18
containing mixtures of the silica-lime type
Rules of classification:
• Ca silicate --> final product : C04B 28/188,...; - Ca silicate + CaO + "SiO2" --> final product :
C04B 28/188 , "C04B 14/00:06", ... ;
• CaO + "SiO2" --> Ca silicate --> final product : C04B 28/186,"C04B 14/00:06", ... ;
• CaO + "SiO2" --> Ca silicate + CaO + "SiO2" --> final product: (C04B 28/186,"C04B 14/00:06",..)
(C04B 28/186, "C04B 14/00:06", C04B 28/188);
• C04B 28/188 as a symbol means : Ca silicate as an intermediate product, mixed with a second
CaO-"SiO2" mixture.
C04B 28/186
{containing formed Ca-silicates before the final hardening step}
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 28/188
{the Ca-silicates being present in the starting mixture}
C04B 28/24
containing alkyl, ammonium or metal silicates; containing silica sols {(reaction
mixtures resulting in mineral polymers C04B 28/006; polymeric reaction
products of alkali metal silicates with isocyanates C08G 18/3895)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Colloidal silica as filler C04B 14/062
(water soluble) fluorosilicates as binder C04B 28/00
Reaction mixtures resulting in mineral polymers C04B 28/006
Fibres + colloidal silica C04B 30/02
Polymeric reaction products of alkali metal silicates with isocyanates C08G 18/3895
C04B 28/26
Silicates of the alkali metals
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Reaction mixtures resulting in mineral polymers C04B 28/006
Foundry moulds based on alkali metal silicates B22C 1/18
Alkali metal silicates as such C01B 33/32
Paints based on alkali metal silicates C09D 1/02
Adhesives based on alkali metal silicates C09J 1/02
For soil stabilisation C09K 17/12
Use of waterglass in road making E01C 7/10
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 28/28
containing organic polyacids, e.g. polycarboxylate cements {, i.e. ionomeric
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Dental cements A61K 6/889
Surgical ionomer cements A61L 24/12
C04B 28/30
containing magnesium cements {or similar cements} (magnesium oxide
cements C04B 28/10)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesium oxide cements C04B 28/10
C04B 28/32
Magnesium oxychloride cements, e.g. Sorel cement
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Dental cements A61K 6/849
C04B 28/34
containing cold phosphate binders
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating of metals in general C23C 22/00
C04B 28/34 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
- phosphate compositions for coating metallic surfaces (for passivating purposes) are classified in
C04B 28/34 and subgroups and receive C04B 2111/00525 as symbol
C04B 30/00
Compositions for artificial stone, not containing binders
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Insulation for cavity walls E04B 1/7604
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Artificial stone, i.e. cast stone Synthetic stone compounds
C04B 30/02
containing fibrous materials
Definition statement
This place covers:
• in principle as defined in the title- no binder;
• but also e.g. fibers held together with a minor amount of binder can receive C04B 30/02 as
additional class (in which case the binder is indexed from C04B 7/00 if inorganic, or C04B 24/00 if
• also fibers held together by minor amounts of e.g. refractory oxides- these oxides are then indexed
as filler from C04B 14/00
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 32/005
{Artificial stone obtained by melting at least part of the composition, e.g.
metal (C04B 28/36 and C03C take precedence; cast stone from molten slag
C04B 5/00; artificial stone obtained by melting the polymeric ingredient of the
composition C04B 26/00)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Cast stone from molten slag C04B 5/00
Artificial stone obtained by melting the polymeric ingredient of the C04B 26/00
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone containing sulphur, C04B 28/36
sulphides or selenium, as inorganic binder
Glass compositions containing a non-glass component C03C 14/00
C04B 32/02
with reinforcements {(contains no documents; reinforcing elements
E04C 5/00)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
This group is only used as symbol in the C-set to indicate the presence of reinforcements (in the sense
of E04C 5/00). The group itself does not contain any documents
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Cathodic protection of reinforced concrete C23F 13/02
Reinforcing elements for concrete E04C 5/00
C04B 33/00
Clay-wares (monolithic refractories or refractory mortars C04B 35/66; porous
products C04B 38/00)
Definition statement
This place covers:
All ceramic products based on clay materials, the processing of clay materials preparatory to the
making of clay products, the following shaping methods for clay materials: slip-casting (C04B 33/28)
and dry-pressing (C04B 33/20).
C04B 33/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Relationships with other classification places
Processes for the shaping of clay materials, except for slip-casting (C04B 33/28) and dry-pressing
(C04B 33/20) B28B
Working stone or stone-like materials, e.g. brick, concrete or glass , not provided for elsewhere;
machines, devices, tools therefore B28D
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Granular clay used as filler in cement, concrete or artificial stone C04B 14/10
Heat treating clay to expand it for use as filler in cement, concrete or C04B 20/06
artificial stone
Clay used as active ingredient in cement, concrete or artificial stone C04B 24/40
Unburned clays used as filler in cement, concrete or artificial stone C04B 28/001
Ceramic materials based on silicates other than clays C04B 35/16
Creating porosity in a ceramic, cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone C04B 38/064
by using expanding clay
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate with clay C04B 41/5037
Aspects relating to ceramic starting mixtures or sintered ceramic products C04B 2235/00 and
Aspects relating to ceramic laminates or to joining of ceramic articles with C04B 2237/00 and
other articles by heating subgroups
Clays used in catalysts B01J 21/16
Clays used in molecular sieves B01J 29/049
Clay used as binding agent in refractory moulds B22C 1/181
Clay moulds for slip-casting metals B22F 3/22
Devitrified glass-ceramics C03C 10/00 and
Use of clays as compounding ingredient for polymers C08K 3/346
Treatment of clay materials to enhance pigmenting or filling properties for C09C 1/42
non-clay and non-ceramic products (usually for polymer products)
Interference pigments characterized by the core material, the core C09C 2200/102
consisting of glass or silicate material like mica or clays, e.g. kaolin
Coverings or linings, e.g. for walls or ceilings with an outer layer of E04F 13/142
ceramics or clay
Rigid pipes of glass or ceramics, e.g. clay, clay tile, porcelain F16L 9/10
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Monolithic refractories or refractory mortars C04B 35/66
Joining of a ceramic or clay layer to another layer C04B 37/00 and
C04B 33/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 33/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
If the phase composition of the sintered clay material is specified, C04B 35/14, C04B 35/16 or one of
its subgroups might be given to indicate the main phase of the sintered clay product.
The processing classes C04B 35/624-C04B 35/62695 are also used in the clay field, just as
powder and fiber coating classes from C04B 35/628. The inorganic binder classes C04B 35/6306-
C04B 35/6316 and the organic binder classes C04B 35/6325-C04B 35/638 are also used in the clay
C04B 33/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Clay Clays are distinguished from other fine-grained soils by differences
in size and mineralogy. Silts, which are fine-grained soils that
do not include clay minerals, tend to have larger particle sizes
than clays, but there is some overlap in both particle size and
other physical properties, and there are many naturally occurring
deposits which include silts and also clay. The distinction between
silt and clay varies by discipline. Geologists and soil scientists
usually consider the separation to occur at a particle size of 2 µm
(clays being finer than silts), sedimentologists often use 4-5 µm,
and colloid chemists use 1 µm. Geotechnical engineers distinguish
between silts and clays based on the plasticity properties of the
soil, as measured by the soils' Atterberg Limits. ISO 14688 grades
clay particles as being smaller than 2 µm and silts larger. Clay
minerals are hydrous aluminum phyllosilicates, sometimes with
variable amounts of iron, magnesium, alkali metals, alkaline
earths, and other cations. Clays have structures similar to
the micas and therefore form flat hexagonal sheets Clays are
commonly referred to as 1:1 or 2:1. Clays are fundamentally
built of tetrahedral sheets and octahedral sheets, as described
in the structure section below. A 1:1 clay would consist of one
tetrahedral sheet and one octahedral sheet, and examples would
be kaolinite and serpentine. A 2:1 clay consists of an octahedral
sheet sandwiched between two tetrahedral sheets, and examples
are illite, smectite, attapulgite, and chlorite (although chlorite has
an external octahedral sheet often referred to as "brucite"). Clay
minerals include the following groups:Kaolin group which includes
the minerals kaolinite, dickite, halloysite, and nacrite (polymorphs
of Al2Si2O5(OH)4). Some sources include the kaolinite-serpentine
group due to structural similarities. Smectite group which includes
dioctahedral smectites such as montmorillonite and nontronite and
trioctahedral smectites for example saponite. Illite group which
includes the clay-micas. Illite is the only common mineral. Chlorite
group includes a wide variety of similar minerals with considerable
chemical variation. Other 2:1 clay types exist such as sepiolite
or attapulgite, clays with long water channels internal to their
structure. Clay mineral group Halloysite – Al2Si2O5(OH)4 Kaolinite
– Al2Si2O5(OH)4 Illite – (K,H3O)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10[(OH)2,
(H2 O)] Montmorillonite – (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2·nH2
O Vermiculite – (MgFe,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2·4H2 O Talc –
Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 Palygorskite – (Mg,Al)2Si4O10(OH)·4(H2 O)
Pyrophyllite – Al2Si4O10(OH)2
B28B clay means any clay or ceramic material
C04B 33/02
Preparing or treating the raw materials individually or as batches
Definition statement
This place covers:
The powders are treated either as a powder or in shaped form
C04B 33/02 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fillers added to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: expanding C04B 20/06 and
clay, perlite, vermiculite or like granular materials subgroups
Apparatus or methods for mixing clay with other substances B28C 3/00 and subgroups
Controlling the operation of apparatus for producing mixtures of clay, B28C 7/00 and subgroups
ceramic or cement with other substances; supplying or proportioning the
ingredients for mixing clay or cement with other substances; discharging
the mixture
C04B 33/025
{Mixtures of materials with different sizes}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The document mentions that the inorganic starting materials deliberately have different mesh sizes,
such as a fraction of < 400 mesh, a fraction of 200-400 mesh and a fraction > 200 mesh, or the
document mentions different particle sizes, e.g. two fractions, one with sizes below and one with size
above 0,1 mm. A certain constituent is added with two different particle sizes, by adding for instance
kaolin with a size of 1 micron and kaolin with a size of 10 micron. A powder is added that contains one
fraction, but this fraction has a bimodal particle size distribution.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Clay mixtures in which the organic additives have different size fractions C04B 33/1305
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fillers added to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: characterised C04B 20/0096
by the grain distribution: fillers with bimodal grain size distribution
Ceramic or refractory mixtures of materials with different sizes C04B 2235/5472
Separation of particles of different sizes through sedimentation B01D 21/00 and
Inorganic particles per se with a bimodal particle size distribution C01P 2004/53
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/04
Clay; Kaolin
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mixtures contain clay or kaolin additives
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with clay/kaolin C04B 41/5037 and
Clays as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/349
a sintered ceramic, e.g. bentonites/smectites such as montmorillonite,
kaolines such as halloysite, illite, talc, sepiolite and attapulgite, vermiculite
C04B 33/06
Rendering lime harmless
Definition statement
This place covers:
The lime in or for the clay material is reacted to form calcium alumino-silicate phases
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Calcium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3208
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. lime
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Lime calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide
C04B 33/08
Preventing efflorescence
Definition statement
This place covers:
Any method that prevents the efflorescence (or salting out) of salts present in the clay mixture or
present in the starting materials to be used for forming a clay mixture
C04B 33/08 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Metal salts chosen for the nature of the anions as starting material C04B 2235/44 and
for making ceramics, e.g. phosphides, hydrides, acetylacetonate, subgroups
hydroxides, or present as secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of specific C04B 2235/72 and
components, e.g. alkali metal free alumina ceramics subgroups
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Efflorescence the loss of water (or a solvent) of crystallization from a hydrated or
solvated salt to the atmosphere on exposure to air.
C04B 33/10
Eliminating iron or lime
Definition statement
This place covers:
Removing lime or iron salts from the clay mixture
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Calcium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3208
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. lime
Iron oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making C04B 2235/3272 and
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. hematite subgroup
(Fe2O3) or magnetite (Fe3O4)
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of specific C04B 2235/72 and
components, e.g. alkali metal free alumina ceramics subgroups
Separation of particles of different sizes through sedimentation B01D 21/00 and
C04B 33/13
Compounding ingredients (C04B 33/36, C04B 35/71 take precedence {;
pigments for ceramics C09C 1/0009})
Definition statement
This place covers:
Preparing mixtures for making clay materials, e.g. adding waste glass to a clay mixture.
C04B 33/13 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Reinforced clay wares C04B 33/36
Reinforced ceramics C04B 35/71 and
Apparatus or methods for producing or N:processing clay suspensions, B28C 1/02 and subgroups
e.g. slip
Apparatus or methods for processing clay-containing substances in non- B28C 1/10 and subgroups
fluid condition
Supplying or proportioning the ingredients B28C 7/04 and subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Glass starting materials for making ceramics, e.g. silica glass C04B 2235/36 and
Pigments for ceramics C09C 1/0009
C04B 33/1305
{Organic additives}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All organic additives added to form the product
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Organic additives added to ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 35/632 and
Organic additives that are added to the clay material to create porosity C04B 38/06 and
after a heat treatment subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkoxides as starting material for making ceramics, e.g. methoxide, tert- C04B 2235/441
Organic acids as starting material for making ceramics, e.g., EDTA, C04B 2235/449
citrate, acetate, oxalate
C04B 33/1305 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
carbonising phenol resins subgroups
Organic fibers used as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/5212
C04B 33/131
{Inorganic additives}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All inorganic additives added to form the product
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Inorganic additives to ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 35/6303 and
Inorganic additives that are added to the clay material to create porosity C04B 38/06 and
after a heat treatment subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Metal oxides, mixed metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. C04B 2235/32 and
carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides, as starting material for subgroups
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Non-metal oxides, mixed non-metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, C04B 2235/34 and
e.g. carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides, as starting material subgroups
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Glass starting materials for making ceramics, e.g. silica glass C04B 2235/36 and
Non-oxides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/38 and
phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi
Non metallic elements as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/42 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. sulphur, phosphor, selenium subgroups
or tellurium
C04B 33/131 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/1315
{Non-ceramic binders}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Binders for clay mixtures that are neither clay materials themselves nor ceramic materials as classified
in C04B 35/01-C04B 35/597.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Binders for ceramic products C04B 35/63-
C04B 35/638
Binders for refractory moulds B22C 1/16 and subgroups
C04B 33/132
Waste materials; Refuse; {Residues} (C04B 33/16 takes precedence; {waste
glass C04B 33/13})
Definition statement
This place covers:
The use of waste materials to make clay objects, not covered by any of the subclasses, such as silica
fume, except for waste glass.
C04B 33/132 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The addition of waste glass to clay materials C04B 33/13
Adding lean materials, e.g. grog quartz C04B 33/16
The addition of waste materials to ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 35/62204 and
Waste materials that are added to the clay material to create porosity C04B 38/065
after a heat treatment
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cements containing slag C04B 7/14 and subgroups
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/04 and
stone subgroups
Use of agglomerated or waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, C04B 18/146 and
concrete or artificial stone, or treatment of agglomerated or waste subgroups
materials or refuse, specially adapted to enhance their filling properties
in mortars, concrete or artificial stone: waste material from metallurgical
processes being silica fume
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/0006
artificial stone, e.g. accelerators: waste inorganic materials
Coating or impregnating of mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramics C04B 41/4598
with waste materials
Phosphates or phosphites (calcium phosphates C04B 2235/3212) as C04B 2235/447
starting material for making ceramics, e.g. orthophosphate (PO4 ),
4- -
pyrophosphate (P2O7 ), hypophosphite (H2PO2 ), or present as
secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
Manufacture of articles from scrap or waste metal particles B22F 8/00
Active carbon from waste materials, e.g. tyres, spent sulphite pulp liquor C01B 32/324
Preparation of alkali metal aluminates; aluminium oxide or hydroxide C01F 7/06
there from by treating aluminous minerals or waste-like raw materials with
alkali hydroxide,
Melting in furnaces of glass-forming waste materials C03B 5/005
Use of waste materials, e.g. slags as ingredients generally applicable to C03C 1/002
manufacture of glasses, glazes, or vitreous enamels
Devitrified glass ceramics containing waste materials, e.g. slags C03C 10/0063
Foundations for pavings characterised by material or composition used, E01C 3/003
e.g. waste or recycled material
C04B 33/132 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Devitrified glass ceramics glass ceramics having a crystalline phase dispersed in a glassy
phase and constituting at least 50% by weight of the total
C04B 33/1321
{Waste slurries, e.g. harbour sludge, industrial muds (slurries of specific
well-defined waste streams, e.g. phosphate muds, other than red mud,
C04B 33/132)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The use of waste slurries such as unburned sewage sludge for making clay objects
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Slurries of specific well-defined waste streams, e.g. phosphate muds, C04B 33/132
other than red mud
The use of burned sewage sludge for making clay objects C04B 33/1357
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/0418
stone: wet materials, e.g. slurries
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/0436
stone: dredged harbour or river sludge
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete C04B 22/0046
or artificial stone, e.g. accelerators: waste slurries or solutions used as
gauging water
Use of inorganic or non-macromolecular organic substances as C08K 11/005
compounding ingredients in polymers: waste materials, e.g. treated or
untreated sewage sludge
Incineration of waste adapted for burning two or more kinds, e.g. liquid F23G 5/008
and solid, of waste being fed through separate inlets
Incinerators or other apparatus for consuming industrial waste for sludges F23G 7/001
or waste products from water treatment installations
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/1322
{Red mud}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The use of unburned red mud for making clay objects
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/0409
stone, e.g. waste from the purification of bauxite, e.g. red mud
Titanium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3232 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rutile subgroups
or anatase
Iron oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making C04B 2235/3272 and
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. hematite subgroup
(Fe2O3) or magnetite (Fe3O4)
Preparation of alkali metal aluminates; aluminium oxide or hydroxide C01F 7/0646 and
there from by treating aluminous minerals or waste-like raw materials with subgroup
alkali hydroxide: separation of the insoluble residue, e.g. red mud
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Red mud Is a solid waste product of the Bayer process, the principal
industrial means of refining bauxite in order to provide alumina as
raw material for the electrolysis of aluminium by the Hall–Héroult
process. A typical plant produces one to two times as much red
mud as alumina. This ratio is dependent on the type of bauxite
used in the refining process. Red mud is composed of a mixture
of solid and metallic oxide-bearing impurities, and presents one of
the aluminium industry's most important disposal problems. The
red colour is caused by the oxidised iron present, which can make
up to 60% of the mass of the red mud. In addition to iron, the other
dominant particles include silica, unleached residual aluminium,
and titanium oxide.
C04B 33/1324
{Recycled material, e.g. tile dust, stone waste, spent refractory material}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Residues from sawing stones or ceramics, left refractory material, etc. is used for making a clay
C04B 33/1324 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Hydraulic cements from waste building materials, e.g. waste asbestos- C04B 7/246
cement products, demolition waste
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/12 and
stone: waste from quarries, mining or the like subgroup
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/16 and
stone: waste from building or ceramic industry subgroup
Grain-sized magnesia-based refractories C04B 35/043 and
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories C04B 35/101 and
Grain-sized titania-based refractories C04B 35/46 and
C04B 35/66
Grain-sized zirconia-based refractories C04B 35/482
Grain-sized silicon carbide-based refractories C04B 35/565 and
subgroups, and
Monolithic refractories or refractory mortars C04B 35/66
Compositions of refractory mould or core materials; grain structures B22C 1/00 and subgroups
C04B 33/1325
{Hazardous waste other than combustion residues (dredging sludge
C04B 33/1321)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
For instance waste containing halogens.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Treating radioactively contaminated material; decontamination G21F 9/162
arrangements therefore; treating liquids by fixation in an inorganic matrix,
e.g. clays, zeolite
Treating radioactively contaminated material; decontamination G21F 9/302
arrangements therefore; treating solids by fixation in an inorganic matrix
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/0463
stone: hazardous waste
C04B 33/1325 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Waste asbestos fibers added as filler to concrete, cement, mortar or C04B 18/0475
artificial stone
Dredging sludge waste used for making clay wares C04B 33/1321
Halide containing anions as starting material for making ceramics, e.g. C04B 2235/444
chlorate (ClO3-), bromide (Br-), iodate (IO3-), chlorite (ClO2-), or present
as secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
Processes for making harmful chemical substances harmless or less A62D 3/00 and subgroups
harmful, by effecting a chemical change in the substances
Treating radioactively contaminated material; decontamination G21F 9/00 and subgroups
arrangements therefore
C04B 33/1327
{containing heavy metals}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste containing metals or metal salts such as V, Cr, Mo, W, Mn, Co, Ni, Cd, Hg, Sn, Pb, Sb, Bi, etc.
being used as additive for making clay products.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/0472
stone: hazardous waste contaminated by heavy metals
Rare earth oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3224
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
Sc2O3, Lu2O3, Nd2O3
Vanadium oxides, vanadates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3239
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. magnesium vanadate (Mg2V2O7).
Chromium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3241 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Cr2O3 subgroup
Niobium or tantalum oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3251 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroup
ceramic, e.g. Nb2O5 or Ta2O5
Molybdenum oxides, molybdates or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3256
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. cadmium molybdate (CdMoO4)
Tungsten oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3258 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroup
scheelite (CaWO4)
Manganese or rhenium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3262 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. MnO
Cobalt oxides, cobaltites or cobaltates or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3275 and
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroup
ceramic, e.g. zinc cobaltite (ZnCo2O4) or bismuth cobaltate (BiCoO3)
C04B 33/1327 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Nickel oxides, nickelates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3279
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. NiO
Copper oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3281 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. CuO subgroup
or Cu2O
Zinc oxides, zincates, cadmium oxides, cadmiates, mercury oxides, C04B 2235/3284
mercurates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. ZnO
Gallium oxides, gallates, indium oxides, indates, thallium oxides, thallates C04B 2235/3286
or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making ceramics or
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. zinc gallate (ZnGa2O4)
Germanium oxides, N:antimonite or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3287
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. copper N:antimonite (CuGeO3)
Noble metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3289 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. IrO2, subgroup
PdO, RhO2
Tin oxides, stannates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3293
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.,
indium tin oxide (ITO)
Antimony oxides, antimonates, antimonites or oxide forming salts thereof C04B 2235/3294
as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a
sintered ceramic, indium antimonite (InSbO4)
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
Bismuth oxides, bismuthates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3298
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. zinc bismuthate (Zn(BiO3)2)
C04B 33/1328
{without additional clay}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alumino-silicate products made by sintering waste materials, without adding any clay material.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/135
Combustion residues, e.g. fly ash, incineration waste {(silica fume
C04B 33/132)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The residues of the combustion of all wastes not covered by one of the subgroups, e.g. residues of the
combustion of hazardous waste, refuse
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Fly ash used in cement C04B 28/021
Silica fume added as ingredient for clay mixtures C04B 33/132
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Hydraulic cements from combustion residues, e.g. ashes or slags from C04B 7/28
waste incineration
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/06 and
stone: combustion residues, e.g. purification products of smoke, fumes or subgroups
exhaust gases
Hydraulic ash cements, e.g. fly ash cements, cements based on C04B 28/021
incineration residues, kiln dust cements
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramic ware, by burning-out C04B 38/0665
added substances: waste material; refuse other than vegetable refuse
Chemical or biological purification of waste gases B01D 53/34
C04B 33/1352
{Fuel ashes, e.g. fly ash}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All fuel ashes, usually coal ashes from the burning of coal, which results in a light fraction, the fly ash
or flue dust and the heavy fraction the (coal) bottom ash.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ashes, such as fly ashes, from the burning of household waste, municipal C04B 33/1355 and
waste, industrial waste, general garbage and sewage sludge C04B 33/1357
C04B 33/1352 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Slaking of impure quick lime, e.g. contained in fly ash C04B 2/063
Hydraulic cements with activators or composition-correcting additives, C04B 7/243
e.g. mixtures of fly ash and alkali activators
Hydraulic cements from raw materials containing flue dust, i.e. fly ash C04B 7/26
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/065
stone: residues from coal gasification
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/08 and
stone: combustion residues: flue dust, i.e. fly ash subgroups
Ash cements, e.g. fly ash cements C04B 28/021
Preparation of alkali metal aluminates; aluminium oxide or hydroxide C01F 7/0693
there from by treating aluminous minerals from waste-like raw materials,
e.g. fly ash, Bayer calcination dust with alkali hydroxide,
Working up raw materials other than ores, e.g. scrap, to produce non- C22B 7/02
ferrous metals and compounds thereof: working-up flue dust
Devices for conducting smoke or fumes, e.g. flues F23J 11/00 and
Fittings for chimneys or flues F23J 13/00 and
Arrangement of devices for treating smoke or fumes F23J 15/00 and
C04B 33/1355
{Incineration residues}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The residues from the incineration of household waste, municipal waste, industrial waste, general
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
All ashes from fuel burning, such as fly ash or bottom ash from coal C04B 33/1352
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cements containing slags from waste incineration C04B 7/28
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/10 and
stone: combustion residues: burned or pyrolised refuse subgroups
Incineration of waste, incinerator constructions; details, accessories or F23G 5/00 and subgroups
control therefore
C04B 33/1355 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Incinerators or other apparatus for consuming industrial waste, e.g. F23G 7/00 and subgroups
Treating radioactively contaminated material; decontamination G21F 9/14
arrangements therefore; treating liquids by incineration; by calcination,
e.g. desiccation
Treating radioactively contaminated material; decontamination G21F 9/32
arrangements therefore; treating solids by incineration
C04B 33/1357
{Sewage sludge ash or slag}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sewage sludge that has been burned/incinerated is used as additive for making clay objects
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Sewage sludge that not has been burned/incinerated is used as additive C04B 33/132
for making clay objects
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/103
stone: combustion residues: burned or pyrolised sludges
Incinerators or other apparatus for consuming industrial waste, F23G 7/001
e.g. chemicals for sludges or waste products from water treatment
C04B 33/138
from metallurgical processes, e.g. slag, furnace dust, galvanic waste
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste materials resulting from metallurgical processes that are used for making clay products.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Use of silica fume from metallurgical processes for making clay materials C04B 33/132
Combusted metallurgical waste products used for making clay products C04B 33/135
C04B 33/138 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Treatment of metallurgical slag. Artificial stone from molten metallurgical C04B 5/00 and subgroups
Hydraulic cements containing metallurgical slag C04B 7/147 and
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/14 and
stone: waste from metallurgical processes subgroup
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic C04B 28/08 and
binders or the reaction product of an inorganic and an organic binder subgroups
containing hydraulic cements other than calcium sulphates: slag cements
Coating or impregnating e.g. injection in masonry, partial coating of green C04B 41/5083
or fired ceramics with masses bonded by inorganic slag cements
Manufacture of articles from scrap or waste metal particles B22F 8/00
Shaping clay or other ceramic compositions, slag or mixtures containing B28B 1/54
cementitious material e.g. plaster: specially adapted for producing articles
from molten material, e.g. slag
Manufacture or treatment of flakes, fibres, or filaments from softened C03B 37/00 and
glass, minerals, or slags subgroups
Ingredients generally applicable to manufacture of glasses, glazes, or C03C 1/002
vitreous enamels: use of waste materials, e.g. slags
Devitrified glass ceramics containing waste materials, e.g. slags C03C 10/0063
General features in the manufacture of pig-iron: recovery of by-products, C21B 3/04 and subgroups
e.g. slag
Making pig-iron in the blast furnace: making slag of special composition C21B 5/04
Manufacture of carbon-steel: processes yielding slags of special C21C 5/06 , C21C 5/36,
composition C21C 5/54
Working up raw materials other than ores, e.g. scrap, to produce non- C22B 7/04
ferrous metals and compounds thereof: working-up slag
Equipment for removing or retaining slag F27D 3/1545 and
Devices or methods for removing incrustations, e.g. slag, metal deposits, F27D 25/00 and subgroup
dust; Devices or methods for preventing the adherence of slag
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Devitrified glass ceramics glass ceramics having a crystalline phase dispersed in a glassy
phase and constituting at least 50% by weight of the total
Slag A partially vitreous by-product of smelting ore to separate the metal
fraction from the unwanted fraction. It can usually be considered
to be a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide. However, slags
can contain metal sulfides (see also matte) and metal atoms in the
elemental form.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/14
Colouring matters
Definition statement
This place covers:
Clays products of which the colour is specified or to which a colouring additive is added.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The colouring of glazes C04B 41/5022
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Iron oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making C04B 2235/3272 and
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. hematite subgroup
(Fe2O3) or magnetite (Fe3O4)
Colouring of ceramics or refractories C04B 2235/9661
Pigments for ceramics C09C 1/0009 and
Pigments exhibiting interference colours C09C 1/0015,
C09C 2200/00 and
Pigments consisting of flaky, non-metallic substrates, characterised by a C09C 1/0078
surface-region containing free metal
Composite particulate pigments or fillers, i.e. containing at least two solid C09C 1/0081 and
phases, except those consisting of coated particles of one compound subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/62 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: metallic pigments or fillers subgroups
C04B 33/16
Lean materials, e.g. grog, quartz
Definition statement
This place covers:
The addition of lean materials such as grog, quartz, alumina to the clay mixture.
C04B 33/16 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Materials consisting mainly out of grog/chamotte C04B 33/22
Ceramic silica based materials C04B 35/14
Ceramic silicate based materials C04B 35/16 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/06 and
or artificial stone; treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
granular materials: quartz; sand
Use of agglomerated or waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, C04B 18/025
concrete or artificial stone, treatment of agglomerated or waste materials
or refuse, specially adapted to enhance their filling properties in mortars,
concrete or artificial stone: grog
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3418
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. silica sol, fused silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint,
e.g. silicic acid H2Si2O5
If the phase composition of the sintered clay material is specified, C04B 35/16 or one of its subgroup
might be given to indicate the main phase of the sintered clay product.
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Grog Also known as firesand and chamotte, is a ceramic raw material.
It has high percentage of silica and alumina. It can be produced
by firing selected fire clays to high temperature before grinding
and screening to specific particle sizes. It can also be produced
from pitchers. The particle size distribution is generally coarser
in size than the other raw materials used to prepare clay bodies.
It tends to be porous and have low density. It is available as a
powder, mortar, or in the form of fire bricks. Grog is composed of:
40% minimum alumina (Al2O3), 30% minimum silica (SiO2), 4%
maximum Iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3), and 2% maximum of calcium
oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO) combined.[1]
Lean materials materials having a high percentage in silica and/or alumina,
containing little alkali metal oxides, alkaline earth metal oxides, iron
oxides, etc.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/18
for liquefying the batches
Definition statement
This place covers:
Making slurries of clay materials. Adding additives to facilitate the formation and/or stability of clay
material slurries
C04B 33/20
for dry-pressing (C04B 33/13 takes precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
The preparation of the powder to improve the pressing properties and methods of dry-pressing the
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Compounding ingredients of clay mixtures C04B 33/13 and
Dry-pressing clay at sintering temperatures C04B 33/326
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pressing at sintering temperatures of ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 35/645 and
Pressing at non-sintering temperatures of ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 2235/604
Making metallic articles by compacting B22F 3/02 and subgroups
Mechanical aspects of hot-pressing ceramic materials B28B 3/025
Press moulds and press-ram assemblies for shaping clay or other B28B 7/0097
ceramic compositions
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/22
Grog products
Definition statement
This place covers:
Materials consisting mainly out of grog/chamotte
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Clay products or clay compositions to which grog/chamotte is added as a C04B 33/16
minority additive
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Grog Also known as firesand and chamotte, is a ceramic raw material.
It has high percentage of silica and alumina. It can be produced
by firing selected fire clays to high temperature before grinding
and screening to specific particle sizes. It can also be produced
from pitchers. The particle size distribution is generally coarser
in size than the other raw materials used to prepare clay bodies.
It tends to be porous and have low density. It is available as a
powder, mortar, or in the form of fire bricks. Grog is composed of:
40% minimum alumina (Al2O3), 30% minimum silica (SiO2), 4%
maximum Iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3), and 2% maximum of calcium
oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO) combined.[1]
C04B 33/24
Manufacture of porcelain or white ware
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositions that lead to porcelain, e.g. containing high amount of china clay, are being used
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating of green or fired ceramics with porcelain C04B 41/5038
Porcelain or ceramic teeth A61C 13/083
Porcelain materials for prosthesis A61F 2310/00335
C04B 33/24 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Porcelain ceramic material made by heating raw materials, generally
including clay in the form of kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures
between 1,200 °C (2,192 °F) and 1,400 °C (2,552 °F). The
toughness, strength, and translucence of porcelain arise mainly
from the formation of glass and the mineral mullite within the fired
body at these high temperatures
C04B 33/26
of porcelain for electrical insulation
Definition statement
This place covers:
Porcelain used in the electric industry
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Abrasives C09K 3/14
Selection of ferrites for their magnetic properties H01F 1/34
C04B 33/28
Slip casting (mechanical features B28B 1/26)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Slip casting of clay/porcelain mixtures
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mechanical features of slip-casting clay materials B28B 1/26 and subgroups
C04B 33/28 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Slip casting of ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 2235/6027
Semi-permeable inorganic membranes for separation processes made by B01D 67/0046
slurry techniques, e.g. die or slip-casting
Slip casting metallic articles B22F 3/22
Making clay or ceramic tubular articles by slip casting and moulds B28B 21/08
Slip casting plastics B29C 41/16
C04B 33/30
Drying methods
Definition statement
This place covers:
Drying methods for clay-based powder slurries or clay-based green bodies
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mechanical aspects of drying clay objects B28B 11/243
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Drying ceramic or refractory powder mixtures C04B 35/62655
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/02 and
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: Selection of the subgroups
hardening environment
Removal of physically bonded water from cement or ceramics, e.g. drying C04B 41/5307
of hardened concrete
Drying of green ceramic or refractory bodies C04B 2235/606
Processing clay- or ceramic containing substances in non-fluid condition B28C 1/227
by heating, drying
Surface treatment of glass not in the form of fibres or filaments: drying; C03C 23/0085
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/32
Burning methods
Definition statement
This place covers:
All specific burning and sintering methods used for shaped clay materials, e.g. using a specific heating
or cooling rate, a specific furnace, a specific atmosphere
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Heat treatments of clay powders C04B 35/62645 and
Superficial sintering of clay objects with the goal of creating a porous C04B 38/0038 and
object subgroup
Mechanical aspects of sintering clay objects B28B 11/243
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Heat treatment, e.g. precalcining, burning, melting; cooling of hydraulic C04B 7/43 and subgroups
Burning or sintering processes of ceramic or refractory products C04B 35/64
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0082
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: making use of a rise in
temperature, e.g. caused by an exothermic reaction
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0268
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: heating up to sintering
After-treatment of mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramics: heat C04B 41/0072
Aspects relating to heat treatment of ceramic bodies such as green C04B 2235/65 and
ceramics or pre-sintered ceramics, e.g. burning, sintering or melting subgroups
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder characterised B22F 3/00 and subgroups
by the manner of compacting or sintering; apparatus specially adapted
therefore; Presses and furnaces
Manufacture of composite layers, workpieces, or articles, comprising B22F 7/00 and subgroups
metallic powder, by sintering the powder, with or without compacting
wherein at least one part is obtained by sintering or compression
Sintering glass C03B 19/06 and
Shaft or like vertical or substantially vertical furnaces wherein no smelting F27B 1/005
of the charge occurs, e.g. calcining or sintering furnaces
C04B 33/32 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/323
{involving melting, fusion or softening}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Complete melting of the clay material or at least to a large extent
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Heat treatments such as] calcining; fusing pyrolysis in general B01J 6/00 and subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Artificial stone from molten metallurgical slag C04B 5/00 and subgroups
Artificial stone obtained by melting at least part of the composition, e.g. C04B 32/005
Melting of material to make a ceramic powder C04B 35/62665
Melting of ceramic or refractory material to make a bulk ceramic C04B 35/653 and
Porous clay ceramics obtained by generating pores in the ceramic C04B 38/0087
material while in the molten state
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0085
mortars, concrete or artificial stone composition: involving melting of at
least part of the composition
Thermally activated mortars, e.g. by melting ingredients C04B 40/0691
Coating or impregnating "in situ", e.g. impregnating of artificial stone C04B 41/0018
by subsequent melting of a compound added to the artificial stone
Coating or impregnating applied from the molten state; thermal spraying, C04B 41/4523 and
e.g. plasma spraying subgroup
Superficial melting of the ceramic substrate before or during the coating C04B 41/4588
or impregnating step
Shaping methods specially adapted for producing clay or ceramic articles B28B 1/54
from molten material, e.g. slag refractory ceramic materials
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 33/326
{under pressure}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Methods such as sinterforging, HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressing), SPS (spark plasma sintering).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Pressing and heating of the clay green compact at the same time at C04B 33/20
temperatures lower than the sintering temperature
Processes using ultra high pressure, e.g. for the formation of diamonds; B01J 3/06 and subgroups
apparatus therefore, e.g. moulds, dies
Mechanical aspects of hot-pressing clay materials B28B 3/025
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pressure sintering of ceramics and refractories C04B 35/645 and
Pressing at non-sintering temperatures of ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 2235/604
Using constraining layers before or during sintering of ceramic laminates C04B 2237/56 and
or ceramic substrates that are joined with other substrates subgroups
Both compacting and sintering of metallic articles B22F 3/12
Both compacting and sintering of metallic articles by forging B22F 3/17
Hot-pressing glass powder C03B 19/063
C04B 33/34
combined with glazing
Definition statement
This place covers:
Applying a glaze, engobe or enamel before sintering and then sinter.
C04B 33/34 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Method of applying the glaze and/or choice of the substrate for glazing C04B 41/5022 and
subgroup, C04B 41/86
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with engobes C04B 41/504
Mechanical aspects of glazing clay objects B28B 11/044
Composition of enamels and glazes C03C 8/00 and
C04B 33/36
Reinforced clay-wares
Definition statement
This place covers:
Clay materials containing macro-additives such as fibers and/or whiskers, that give strength to the
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Clay materials having additives such as binders, waste material, C04B 33/1315,
colouring additives C04B 33/132 and
subgroups, C04B 33/14
Mechanical aspects of shaping clay objects containing fibers B28B 1/52
Arrangements specially adapted for the production of shaped ceramic B28B 23/00 and
articles with elements wholly or partly embedded in the moulding subgroups
material; production of reinforced objects
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fibrous materials and whiskers added to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 14/38 and
artificial stone subgroups, C04B 20/0048
and subgroups
Compositions for artificial stone, not containing binders, containing fibrous C04B 30/02
Making ceramic fibers per se C04B 35/62227
Coating ceramic and carbon fibers C04B 35/62844 and
C04B 33/36 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/00
Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition {(porous ceramic
products C04B 38/00; ceramic articles characterised by particular shape, see
the relevant classes, e.g. linings for casting ladles, tundishes, cups or the
like B22D 41/02; ceramic substrates for microelectronic semi-conductors
H01L 23/15)}; Ceramics compositions (containing free metal bonded to
carbides, diamond, oxides, borides, nitrides, silicides, e.g. cermets, or other
metal compounds, e.g. oxynitrides or sulfides other than as macroscopic
reinforcing agents C22C; {shaping of ceramics B28B}); Processing powders of
inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products
{(chemical preparation of powders of inorganic compounds C01; infiltration of
sintered ceramic preforms with molten metal C04B 41/51)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramic compositions or refractories based on oxides or oxide mixtures or solid solutions of two or
more oxides; processes for their manufacture.
Ceramic compositions based on rare earth compounds or on compounds of actinides; processes for
their manufacture.
C04B 35/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Monolithic refractories or refractory mortars, including those whether or not containing clay; processes
for their manufacture.
Ceramic products containing macroscopic reinforcing agents, e.g. shaped metallic or non-metallic
materials; processes for their manufacture.
Catalysts B01J
Mechanical features relating to the working of mortars, concrete, stone, clay-wares or ceramics , e.g.
mixing or shaping ceramic compositions, boring natural stone B28B
Treating inorganic non-fibrous materials to enhance their pigmenting or filling properties C09C, C09C
Compositions containing free metal bonded to carbides, diamond, oxides, borides, nitrides, silicides,
e.g. cermets, or other metal compounds, such as oxynitrides or sulphides, other than as macroscopic
reinforcing agents C22C
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Clay-wares C04B 33/00 and
Devitrified glass-ceramics C03C 10/00 and
Manufacture of carbon fibres D01F 9/12 and subgroups
Casings, linings, walls, roofs of furnaces, kilns, ovens, or retorts F27D 1/00 and subgroups
C04B 35/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Joining of a ceramic layer to another layer C04B 37/00 and
Obtaining porous ceramic products C04B 38/00 and
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with ceramic material C04B 41/5025 and
subgroups, C04B 41/87
Infiltration of sintered ceramic preforms with molten metal C04B 41/51
Aspects relating to ceramic starting mixtures or sintered ceramic products C04B 2235/00 and
Ceramic interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/04 and
Ceramic substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/32 and
ceramic laminate subgroups
Dental prostheses, e.g. porcelain or ceramic teeth A61C 13/08 and
Ceramic materials for prostheses or for coating prostheses A61L 27/10 and subgroup
Ceramic material for prosthesis A61L 27/10
Materials for catheters or for coating catheters A61L 29/00 and
Materials for other surgical articles A61L 31/00 and
Inorganic membranes B01D 71/02 and
Articles characterised by particular shape, see the relevant classes, e.g. B22D 41/02 and
linings for casting ladles, tundishes, cups or the like subgroups
Producing shaped articles from the material , e.g. by slip-casting B28B 1/00 and subgroups
Apparatus or methods for mixing clay or ceramic with other substances B28C 3/00 and subgroups
Proportioning the ingredients for mixing clay or cement with other B28C 7/00 and subgroups
Layered products essentially comprising ceramics , e.g. refractory B32B 18/00
Printing plates or foils; Materials therefore made entirely of inorganic B41N 1/006
materials other than natural stone or metals, e.g. ceramics, carbide
materials, ferroelectric materials]
Luminescent materials C09K 11/00 and
Fireproofing materials C09K 21/00 and
Alloys based on carbides, oxides, borides, nitrides or silicides, e.g. C22C 29/00 and
cermets subgroups
Materials for coating by flame or plasma spraying C23C 4/10 and
Materials for coating by sputtering, e.g. ceramic targets C23C 14/06 and
C04B 35/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Single crystals or homogeneous polycrystalline material with defined C30B 29/00 and
structure subgroups
Ceramics; oxides in machines or engines in general (F01) or machines F05C 2203/08 and
for liquids ( F04) subgroups
Materials for parts of bearings, e.g. sliding-contact bearings F16C 33/00 and
Materials for friction linings F16D 69/02 and
Materials for pistons, trunk pistons, plungers F16J 1/01 and subgroups
Materials for piston-rings or seats therefore F16J 9/26 and subgroups
Materials for rigid pipes, of glass or ceramics, e.g. clay, clay tile, porcelain F16L 9/10 and subgroups
Materials for protection of pipes or pipe fittings against corrosion or F16L 58/00 and
incrustation subgroups
Shades containing photoluminescent material F21V 1/17
Refractors containing photoluminescent material F21V 5/10
Reflectors containing photoluminescent material F21V 7/26
Elements containing photoluminescent material distinct from or spaced F21V 9/30
from the light source
Elements with provision for controlling the spectral properties or intensity F21V 9/45
containing photoluminescent material
Casings, linings, walls of combustion chambers characterised by the F23M 5/02 and
shape of the bricks or blocks subgroups
Arrangement or mounting of linings for fire-boxes, e.g. fire-back F24B 13/02 and
Shaft or vertical furnaces in general F27B 1/00 and subgroups
Measuring steady or quasi-steady pressure of a fluid or a fluent solid G01L 9/0075
material by electric or magnetic pressure-sensitive elements. Transmitting
or indicating the displacement of mechanical pressure-sensitive
elements, used to measure the steady or quasi-steady pressure of a fluid
or fluent solid material by electric or magnetic means using a ceramic
diaphragm, e.g. alumina, fused quartz, glass
Ceramics; Glasses; Refractories as protection against x-radiation, G21F 1/06
gamma radiation, corpuscular radiation or particle bombardment
Materials for conductors or conductive bodies H01B 1/00 and subgroups
Materials for insulators or insulating or dielectric bodies H01B 3/00 and subgroups
Superconductive or hyperconductive conductors, cables, or transmission H01B 12/00 and
lines subgroups
Materials for varistor cores H01C 7/105 and
Materials for magnets or magnetic bodies H01F 1/00 and subgroups
Superconducting magnets or coils H01F 6/00 and subgroups
Materials for fixed capacitors, e.g. ceramic dielectrics H01G 4/12 and
Details of semiconductor or other solid state devices characterised by the H01L 23/00 and
material , e.g. ceramic substrates subgroups
C04B 35/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
In this group, a composite is considered as a sintered mixture of different powdered materials, other
than sintering aids, the materials being present as separate phases in the sintered product.
In this group, fine ceramics are considered as products having a polycrystalline fine-grained
microstructure, e.g. of dimensions below 100 micrometers.
The production of ceramic powder is classified in this group in so far as it relates to the preparation
of powder with specific characteristics. If the powder is used for making a sintered ceramic, it is
classified in C04B 35/00, e.g. making alumina powder that is used for a sintered alumina ceramic.
If the composition of powder is new, the preparation of the powder is classified as well, irrespective
of whether a sintered ceramic is made, e.g. the preparation of a barium titanate powder with a new
composition that is used as filler in polymers is still classified in C04B 35/00. A new method for making
an already known ceramic powder that is not used for making a sintered ceramic is not classified
in C04B 35/00, but in C01 or C09, e.g. a new method for making alumina powder that is used for
abrasives or as polymer filler is not classified in C0B35.
Any ingredient of a refractory mortar composition containing a hydraulic cement , e.g. aluminous
cement , classified in C04B 35/66, which is considered to represent information of interest for search,
may also be classified according to the Last Place Rule of note (2) after the subclass title of C04B,
in groups C04B 7/00 - C04B 24/00. This can for example be the case when it is considered of
interest to enable searching of compositions using a combination of classification symbols. Such non-
obligatory classification should be given as "additional information". For example, such an additional
classification in group C04B 24/00 may be given for an organic retarder added to the refractory mortar
C04B 35/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
The symbols from C04B 2235/00 are usable for all documents classified in C04B 35/00 (as well as
for C04B 33/00, C04B 37/00 and B32B 18/00). The symbols from C04B 2235/00 indicate additional
information regarding additives used in the starting mixture, methods for making green bodies, aspects
relating to the heat treatments that are given, secondary phases present in the final product, physical
aspects of the final product and properties of the final product.
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Ceramics Inorganic, non metallic products obtained by a process involving
a shaping step and a sintering or comparable heat treatment
step, with the exclusion of cements, cermets and glasses, glazes,
vitreous enamels and devitrified glass ceramics.
Fine ceramics Ceramics having a polycrystalline fine-grained microstructure, e.g.
of dimensions below 100 micrometer.
Glass-ceramic having a crystalline phase dispersed in a glassy phase and
constituting at least 50% by weight of the total composition
Refractories Ceramics or mortars withstanding high temperatures of at least
about 1500 degrees C. For classification and search in this
subclass no substantial distinction is made between the terms
"refractories" and "ceramics ".
Carbon-carbon composites Products consisting of carbon fibres in a carbon matrix are usually
referred to as "carbon-carbon composites ".
Porous materials Materials which are deliberately made porous, e.g. by adding
gas- forming, foaming, burnable or lightweight additives to the
composition they are made of.
C04B 35/01
based on oxide ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
All oxide ceramics that are not classified in one of the sub-groups. These are for instance oxides
based on gallium, indium, thallium, cobalt, nickel, noble metals, antimony, germanium, e.g. cobaltates,
germanates, antimonates.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Oxide ceramics containing a metallic binder C22C 29/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with oxide ceramic material C04B 41/5027,
C04B 41/5072
Metal oxides, mixed metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. C04B 2235/32 and
carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides, as starting material for subgroups
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
C04B 35/01 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Gallium oxides, gallates, indium oxides, indates, thallium oxides, thallates C04B 2235/3286
or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making ceramics or
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. zinc gallate (ZnGa2O4)
Germanium oxides, germanates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3287
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. copper germanate (CuGeO3)
Noble metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3289 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. IrO2, subgroup
PdO, RhO2
Antimony oxides, antimonates, antimonites or oxide forming salts thereof C04B 2235/3294
as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a
sintered ceramic, indium antimonate (InSbO4)
Bismuth oxides, bismuthates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3298
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. zinc bismuthate (Zn(BiO3)2)
Non-metal oxides, mixed non-metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, C04B 2235/34 and
e.g. carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides, as starting material subgroups
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Boron oxide or borate as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3409
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/06 and
Oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a ceramic C04B 2237/34 and
laminate subgroups
Materials for prostheses based on metal oxides A61L 27/10 and
Oxide ceramic membranes B01D 71/024 and
The preparation of gallium, indium or thallium compounds in powder form, C01G 15/00 and
e.g. oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
The preparation of antimony compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 30/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
The preparation of cobalt compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 51/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
The preparation of nickel compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 53/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
The preparation of ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, or C01G 55/00 and
platinum compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, carbonates, halides, subgroups
nitrates, sulphates
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/0096
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of antimony
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0844
containing germanates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0894
containing antimonates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/60 and
containing iron, nickel and cobalt subgroups
C04B 35/01 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
The alkali metal oxides, alkaline earth metal oxides and rare earth oxides form many different mixed
oxides with other metal oxides. If alkali metal oxides, alkaline earth metal oxides and rare earth
oxides are present in a mixed oxide with another metal oxide, the other metal oxide is almost always
determining the classification.
The symbols from C04B 2235/00 are usable for all documents classified in C04B 35/00 (as well as
for C04B 33/00, C04B 37/00 and B32B 18/00). The symbols from C04B 2235/00 indicate additional
information regarding additives used in the starting mixture, methods for making green bodies, aspects
C04B 35/01 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
relating to the heat treatments that are given, secondary phases present in the final product, physical
aspects of the final product and properties of the final product.
C04B 35/013
{containing carbon (C04B 35/103 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Oxide ceramics containing carbon products, e.g. oxide refractories containing a carbon binder such
as pitch, tar, bitumen (materials which are classified in C04B 35/63496), or oxide materials containing
graphite, diamond or carbon black additives.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Alumina-based refractories containing carbon C04B 35/103
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Bituminous additives for ceramic materials, e.g. tar, pitch C04B 35/63496
Carbon as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/422 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
carbonising phenol resins subgroups
C04B 35/016
{based on manganites}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on manganese oxide and all manganites and manganates,
e.g. perovskites such as lanthanum manganate LaMnO3
C04B 35/016 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxides containing more of other transition metal oxides, e.g. C04B 35/01 (for
LaCo0.6Mn0.4O3 the cobaltate),
C04B 2235/3227 (for the
La), C04B 2235/3262 (for
the Mn), C04B 2235/768
(for the perovskite
Mixed oxides containing more of group 13-15 metal oxides, e.g. C04B 35/44 (for
BaAl0.6Mn0.4O3 the aluminate),
C04B 2235/3215 (for the
Ba), C04B 2235/3262 (for
the Mn), C04B 2235/768
(for the perovskite
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with manganates C04B 41/5028
Manganese or rhenium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3262 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. MnO
The preparation of manganese compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 45/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/57 and
containing manganese or rhenium subgroups
Electrolytic production of manganese oxides C25B 1/21
Electrolytic production of electrodes based on manganese dioxide or lead C25B 11/04
Manganite magnets H01F 1/0317
Diluted non-magnetic ions in a magnetic cation-sublattice, e.g. H01F 1/407
Electrodes for fuel cells and batteries composed of or comprising active H01M 4/50 and
material of manganese oxides or hydroxides subgroups
Fuel cells applied on a support operating at high temperature, the H01M 4/9033
electrode being of complexed oxides, optionally doped, of the type
M1MeO3, M1 being an alkaline earth metal or a rare earth, Me being a
metal, e.g. perovskites, with the anode and the cathode in the form of gas
diffusion electrodes
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/03
based on magnesium oxide, calcium oxide or oxide mixtures derived from
Definition statement
This place covers:
Oxides based on single oxide phases of MgO or CaO or mixed oxides of MgO and CaO, or mixed
oxides of alkaline earth oxides with either alkali metal oxides and/or rare earth oxides, in which the
alkaline earth metal oxide forms the largest fraction. Mixed oxides of magnesia/calcia with zirconium
oxide, in which the amount of magnesia/calcia is larger than the amount of zirconia, e.g. Mg0.6Zr0.4Ox
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with both alumina and silica, e.g. C04B 35/195
Mixed oxides of MgO with silica without alumina, e.g. forsterite (Mg2SiO4) C04B 35/20
Mixed oxides of CaO with silica without alumina, e.g. wollastonite C04B 35/22
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with iron oxides and possible other C04B 35/2608 and
metal oxides, e.g. ferrites subgroups, C04B 35/2683
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with chromium oxide, e.g. chromites C04B 35/42
Mixed oxides of CaO with alumina, without silica, e.g. calcium aluminate C04B 35/44
Mixed oxides of MgO with alumina, without silica, e.g. magnesium C04B 35/443
aluminate, spinel
Magnesium or calcium based phosphates C04B 35/447
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with copper oxide, e.g. cuprates C04B 35/45 and
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide, C04B 35/453
e.g. magnesium bismuthate
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with tin oxide, e.g. magnesium C04B 35/457
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with titanium oxides, such as C04B 35/465
magnesium titanate or calcium titanate
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with zirconium oxide, e.g. magnesium C04B 35/48 and
zirconate, containing more Zr than Mg and Ca subgroups
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with zirconium oxide and titanium C04B 35/49 and
oxide, e.g. calcium titanate zirconate (CaTi0.5Zr0.5O3) subgroups
Mixed oxides of MgO and/or CaO with vanadium oxide and/or niobium C04B 35/495 and
oxide and/or molybdenum oxide and/or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum subgroups
oxide, e.g. magnesium tantalum niobate (MgNb0.5Ta0.5O3)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining lime, magnesia or dolomite C04B 2/00 and subgroups
C04B 35/03 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Alkaline earth oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3205 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. BeO subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/02 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of alkaline earth metals subgroups
or magnesium
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0816,
containing inorganic alkaline earth metal compounds C09K 11/55
C04B 35/04
based on magnesium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Oxides based on single oxide phases of MgO, or mixed oxides of MgO with either alkali metal oxides
and/or rare earth oxides, in which the MgO forms the largest fraction
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxides of MgO with both alumina and silica, e.g. cordierite C04B 35/195
Mixed oxides of MgO with silica without alumina, e.g. forsterite (Mg2SiO4) C04B 35/20
Mixed oxides of MgO with iron oxides and possible other metal oxides, C04B 35/2608 and
e.g. ferrites subgroups, C04B 35/2683
Mixed oxides of MgO with chromium oxide, e.g. chromites C04B 35/42
Mixed oxides of MgO with alumina, without silica, e.g. magnesium C04B 35/443
aluminate, spinel
Magnesium based phosphates C04B 35/447
Mixed oxides of MgO with copper oxide, e.g. cuprates C04B 35/45 and
Mixed oxides of MgO with zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide, e.g. C04B 35/453
magnesium bismuthate
Mixed oxides of MgO with tin oxide, e.g. magnesium stannate C04B 35/457
Mixed oxides of MgO with titanium oxides, such as magnesium titanate C04B 35/465
Mixed oxides of MgO with zirconium oxide, e.g. magnesium zirconate C04B 35/48 and
Mixed oxides of MgO with zirconium oxide and titanium oxide, e.g. C04B 35/49 and
magnesium titanate zirconate (MgTi0.5Zr0.5O3) subgroups
Mixed oxides of MgO with vanadium oxide and/or niobium oxide and/ C04B 35/495 and
or molybdenum oxide and/or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum oxide, e.g. subgroups
magnesium tantalum niobate (MgNb0.5Ta0.5O3)
C04B 35/04 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/304
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/066
artificial stone: magnesia; magnesium hydroxide
Magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate cements C04B 28/105,
C04B 28/30 and
Making fibres based on magnesium oxide C04B 35/62263
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with magnesium oxide C04B 41/5029,
C04B 41/5084
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Materials for prostheses based on magnesia or magnesium oxide A61F 2310/00197
Catalysts comprising the elements, oxides, or hydroxides of magnesium B01J 21/10,
C07C 2521/10
Preparation of magnesium compound powders, e.g. magnesium oxide C01F 5/00 and subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/028
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds containing only
magnesium as metal
C04B 35/043
Refractories from grain sized mixtures
Definition statement
This place covers:
MgO based refractories having large grains, the majority larger than 100 microns
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
MgO ceramics with the majority of the grain smaller than 100 microns C04B 35/053
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories C04B 35/101 and
Grain-sized titania-based refractories C04B 35/46 and
C04B 35/66
C04B 35/043 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/0435
{containing refractory metal compounds other than chromium oxide or chrome
Definition statement
This place covers:
The majority of the refractory material is MgO, a minority a refractory metal oxide such alumina,
zirconia, titania, or a refractory metal non-oxide such as a carbide or boride
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Titanium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3232 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rutile subgroups
or anatase
Zirconium or hafnium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3244 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. HfO2
Borides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3804 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3817 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
C04B 35/047
containing chromium oxide or chrome ore
Definition statement
This place covers:
The refractory contains some type of chromium oxide
C04B 35/047 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Fused magnesia refractories containing chromium oxide or chrome ore C04B 35/051
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories containing chromium oxide or C04B 35/105
chromium ore
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Chromium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3241 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Cr2O3 subgroup
C04B 35/0473
{obtained from fused grains}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Both refractories that are used directly after melting, either in particle or bulk form, as well as fused
refractory that is sintered before use as refractory
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Complete fusion of the magnesia refractory without subsequent heat C04B 35/05
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fusing to make ceramic particles in general C04B 35/62665
C04B 35/0476
{obtained from prereacted sintered grains ("simultaneous sinter")}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The refractory mixture has been sintered before use
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/05
Refractories by fusion casting
Definition statement
This place covers:
The magnesia-based refractory has been melted
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesia-based refractory that has been melted and subsequently C04B 35/0473
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay wares made by methods involving melting, fusion or softening C04B 33/323
Alumina-based refractories made by fusion casting C04B 35/107 and
Zirconia-based refractories made by fusion casting C04B 35/484
Fusing to make ceramic particles in general C04B 35/62665
Refractories in general made by fusion casting C04B 35/657
Heat treatments such as] Calcining; Fusing Pyrolysis in general B01J 6/00 and subgroups
C04B 35/051
{containing chromium oxide or chrome ore}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Melted MgO based refractory containing also chromium oxide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesia-based refractory containing chromium oxide or chrome ore that C04B 35/0476
has been melted and subsequently sintered
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories containing chromium oxide or C04B 35/105
chromium ore
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Chromium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3241 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Cr2O3 subgroup
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/053
Fine ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
MgO-based ceramics having a majority of grains with a size of below 100 microns. Oxides based on
single oxide phases of MgO, or mixed oxides of MgO with either alkali metal oxides and/or rare earth
oxides, in which the MgO forms the largest fraction.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxides of MgO with both alumina and silica, e.g. cordierite C04B 35/195
Mixed oxides of MgO with silica without alumina, e.g. forsterite (Mg2SiO4) C04B 35/20
Mixed oxides of MgO with iron oxides and possible other metal oxides, C04B 35/2608 and
e.g. ferrites subgroups, C04B 35/2683
Mixed oxides of MgO with chromium oxide, e.g. chromites C04B 35/42
Mixed oxides of MgO with alumina, without silica, e.g. magnesium C04B 35/443
aluminate, spinel
Magnesium based phosphates C04B 35/447
Mixed oxides of MgO with copper oxide, e.g. cuprates C04B 35/45 and
Mixed oxides of MgO with zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide, e.g. C04B 35/453
magnesium bismuthate
Mixed oxides of MgO with tin oxide, e.g. magnesium stannate C04B 35/457
Mixed oxides of MgO with titanium oxides, such as magnesium titanate C04B 35/465
Mixed oxides of MgO with zirconium oxide, e.g. magnesium zirconate C04B 35/48 and
Mixed oxides of MgO with zirconium oxide and titanium oxide, e.g. C04B 35/49 and
magnesium titanate zirconate (MgTi0.5Zr0.5O3) subgroups
Mixed oxides of MgO with vanadium oxide and/or niobium oxide and/ C04B 35/495 and
or molybdenum oxide and/or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum oxide, e.g. subgroups
magnesium tantalum niobate (MgNb0.5Ta0.5O3)
Using particles of size 1-100 microns for making a ceramic C04B 2235/5436
C04B 35/057
based on calcium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Oxides based on single oxide phases of CaO, or mixed oxides of MgO with either alkali metal oxides
and/or rare earth oxides, in which the CaO forms the largest fraction. The ceramic can have all grain
C04B 35/057 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxides of CaO with both alumina and silica, e.g. cordierite C04B 35/195
Mixed oxides of CaO with silica without alumina, e.g. wollastonite C04B 35/22
Mixed oxides of CaO with iron oxides and possible other metal oxides, C04B 35/2608 and
e.g. ferrites subgroups, C04B 35/2683
Mixed oxides of CaO with chromium oxide, e.g. chromites C04B 35/42
Mixed oxides of CaO with alumina, without silica, e.g. calcium aluminate C04B 35/44
Calcium based phosphates C04B 35/447
Mixed oxides of CaO with copper oxide, e.g. cuprates C04B 35/45 and
Mixed oxides of CaO with zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide, e.g. calcium C04B 35/453
Mixed oxides of CaO with tin oxide, e.g. calcium stannate C04B 35/457
Mixed oxides of CaO with titanium oxides, such as calcium titanate C04B 35/465
Mixed oxides of CaO with zirconium oxide, e.g. calcium zirconate C04B 35/48 and
Mixed oxides of CaO with zirconium oxide and titanium oxide, e.g. C04B 35/49 and
calcium titanate zirconate (CaTi0.5Zr0.5O3) subgroups
Mixed oxides of CaO with vanadium oxide and/or niobium oxide and/ C04B 35/495 and
or molybdenum oxide and/or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum oxide, e.g. subgroups
calcium tantalum niobate (CaNb0.5Ta0.5O3)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Hydraulic lime C04B 28/12
Eliminating lime or iron from clay mixtures C04B 33/10
Calcium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3208 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. lime subgroups
Materials for prostheses based on calcia or calcium oxide CaO A61F 2310/00221
The preparation of compounds of calcium, barium and strontium in C01F 11/00 and
powder form, e.g. oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/021 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: calcium carbonates subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/025
their pigmenting or filling properties: calcium sulphates
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/06
based on oxide mixtures derived from dolomite
Definition statement
This place covers:
mixtures of CaO and MgO
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Calcium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3208 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. lime subgroups
Dolomite, i.e. mixed calcium magnesium carbonate, or oxides derived C04B 2235/321
from dolomite as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary
phase of a sintered ceramic
Carbonates (CO3 ) as starting material for making ceramics or present as C04B 2235/442
secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Dolomite (CaMg)(CO3)2
C04B 35/08
based on beryllium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Oxide ceramics based on the single oxide phase of BeO.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkaline earth oxides or salts as starting material for making ceramics or C04B 2235/3205 and
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Preparation of beryllium compound powders, e.g. beryllium oxide powder C01F 3/00 and subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/55
containing beryllium compounds
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/10
based on aluminium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures containing as the largest fraction the single oxide Al2O3
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics containing as the largest fraction a mixed oxide of alumina with C04B 33/00 (clay
silica ceramics) or C04B 35/18
and subgroups (alumino-
silicate ceramics)
Ceramics containing as the largest fraction a mixed oxide of alumina with C04B 35/44 (aluminates)
other metal oxides
Ceramics containing as the largest fraction a mixed oxide of alumina with C04B 35/443 (magnesia-
magnesia alumina spinel)
Alumina containing a metallic binder, e.g. an alumina cermet with Al C22C 29/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/303
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Making fibres based on aluminium oxide C04B 35/62236
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with alumina C04B 41/5031
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Alumina or aluminate interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/064
Alumina or aluminate substrate joined with another substrate or being C04B 2237/343
part of a ceramic laminate
Materials for prostheses or coatings of prostheses based on aluminium A61L 27/105
Materials for prostheses based on aluminium oxides A61L 27/105 and
Alumina-based membranes B01D 71/025
Catalysts comprising alumina B01J 21/04,
C07C 2521/04
Preparation of aluminium compound powders, e.g. aluminium oxide C01F 7/00 and subgroups
C04B 35/10 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/40 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of aluminium subgroups
Abrasives C09K 3/14
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/64 and
containing aluminium subgroups
Alumina single crystals C30B 29/20
Aluminium oxide in machines or engines in general (F01) or machines for F05C 2203/0869 and
liquids ( F04) subgroup
Materials for vessels of gas- or vapour discharge lamps H01J 61/30
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof: H01L 21/02178
forming insulating materials on a substrate, the material containing
aluminium, e.g. Al2O3
C04B 35/101
Refractories from grain sized mixtures
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alumina based refractories having large grains, the majority larger than 100 microns
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Grain-sized magnesia-based refractories C04B 35/043 and
Grain-sized titania-based refractories C04B 35/46 and
C04B 35/66
Grain-sized zirconia-based refractories C04B 35/482
Grain-sized silicon carbide-based refractories C04B 35/565 and
subgroups, and
Monolithic refractories and refractory mortars C04B 35/66
Using particles larger than 100 microns for making the ceramic C04B 2235/5427
Bimodal, multi-modal or multi-fraction particle size distribution C04B 2235/5472
Compositions of refractory mould or core materials; Grain structures B22C 1/00 and subgroups
Abrasive particles per se obtained by division of a mass agglomerated by C09K 3/1418
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/1015
{containing refractory metal compounds other than those covered by
C04B 35/103 - C04B 35/106}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractories based on alumina containing other oxide refractories such as magnesia, titania
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories containing carbon C04B 35/103
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories containing chromium oxide or C04B 35/105
chromium ore
Grain-sized refractory mixtures based on alumina containing zirconia C04B 35/106
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Titanium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3232 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rutile subgroups
or anatase
C04B 35/103
containing non-oxide refractory materials, e.g. carbon (C04B 35/106 takes
Definition statement
This place covers:
Shaped alumina-based refractory ceramics or alumina-based refractory mixtures, containing non-
oxides such as carbon, pitch, tar, carbides, nitrides, borides, silicides, fluorides, sulphides, any
material that would be classified in C04B 35/515-C04B 35/597.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Grain-sized refractory mixtures based on alumina containing zirconia C04B 35/106
C04B 35/103 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxide-based ceramics or ceramic mixtures in general containing carbon C04B 35/013
Non-oxide based ceramics C04B 35/515 and
Ceramic powders coated with non-oxide ceramic materials C04B 35/62828 and
Ceramic fibers coated with non-oxide ceramic materials C04B 35/62857 and
Non-oxide additives for ceramics C04B 2235/38 and
Carbon additives for ceramics C04B 2235/422 and
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat-treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
phenol resins subgroups
Fibrous non-oxide additives for ceramics C04B 2235/524
Carbon nanotube additives for ceramics C04B 2235/5288
C04B 35/105
containing chromium oxide or chrome ore
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractories based on alumina, containing also chromium oxide
C04B 35/105 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Grain-sized refractory mixtures based on magnesia containing chromium C04B 35/047 and
oxide or chrome ore subgroups
Chromium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3241 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Cr2O3 subgroup
C04B 35/106
containing zirconium oxide or zircon (ZrSiO4)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractories based on alumina, containing also zirconium oxide, possibly also containing silicon oxide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Alumina refractories containing zirconia, made by melt-casting C04B 35/109
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fine alumina ceramics containing zirconia C04B 35/119
Zirconium or hafnium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3244 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. HfO2
Zirconates or hafnates as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3248
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. zircon (ZrSiO4)
C04B 35/107
Refractories by fusion casting
Definition statement
This place covers:
Both refractories that are used directly after melting, either in particle or bulk form, as well as fused
refractory that is sintered before use as refractory
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay wares made by methods involving melting, fusion or softening C04B 33/323
C04B 35/107 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/109
containing zirconium oxide or zircon (ZrSiO4)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractories based on alumina, made by melting, containing also zirconium oxide, possibly also
containing silicon oxide
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Grain-sized refractory mixtures based on alumina containing zirconia C04B 35/106
Fine alumina ceramics containing zirconia C04B 35/119
Zirconates or hafnates as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3248
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. zircon (ZrSiO4)
C04B 35/111
Fine ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures having as the largest fraction alumina single phase material having an
average grain size of below 100 microns
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics containing as the largest fraction a mixed oxide of alumina with C04B 33/00 (clay
silica ceramics) or C04B 35/18
and subgroups (alumino-
silicate ceramics)
Ceramics containing as the largest fraction a mixed oxide of alumina with C04B 35/44 (aluminates)
other metal oxides
C04B 35/111 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Ceramics containing as the largest fraction a mixed oxide of alumina with C04B 35/443 (magnesia-
magnesia alumina spinel)
Alumina containing a metallic binder, e.g. an alumina cermet with Al C22C 29/00 and
binder subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures having as the largest fraction alumina C04B 35/101 and
single phase material having an average grain size of above 100 microns subgroups
Using particles of size 1-100 microns for making the ceramic C04B 2235/5436
C04B 35/1115
{Minute sintered entities, e.g. sintered abrasive grains or shaped particles such
as platelets (abrasives C09K 3/14)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mainly alumina particles that are bonded together into aggregates and used as abrasive
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Bulk alumina objects C04B 35/111
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Powdery starting material for making ceramics containing flakes, platelets C04B 2235/5292
or plates
Abrasive particles per se obtained by division of a mass agglomerated by C09K 3/1418
C04B 35/113
based on beta-aluminium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on alumina(te) phases with the composition MAl11O18 or
C04B 35/113 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Other aluminates C04B 35/44 or
C04B 35/443 (spinel)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Aluminates other than alumino-silicates as starting material for making C04B 2235/3222
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. spinel
Rare earth oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3224
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
Sc2O3, Lu2O3, Nd2O3
Preparation of beta-alumina powders C01F 7/028
C04B 35/115
Translucent or transparent products
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sintered alumina ceramics that are translucent or transparent
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramic materials other than alumina that are transparent or translucent C04B 2235/9653
C04B 35/117
Definition statement
This place covers:
All sintered alumina ceramics that contain at least one secondary phase, where this secondary phase
is neither a grain boundary phase nor a different type of alumina phase. The main phase can be for
instance alpha-alumina, the secondary phase an aluminate.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Alumina refractories containing a secondary phase C04B 35/1015-
C04B 35/106,
C04B 35/109
C04B 35/117 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Alumina ceramics containing a mixture of different alumina phases, e.g. C04B 35/111,
alpha-alumina and beta-alumina C04B 35/113,
C04B 35/115
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alumina ceramics containing shaped metallic materials, e.g. metallic C04B 35/74 and
fibers subgroup
Alumina ceramics containing ceramic fibers, whiskers or platelets, e.g. an C04B 35/80
alumina particle matrix containing alumina fibers or alumina platelets
Ceramics containing one or more secondary phases C04B 2235/80 and
The secondary phases are indicated with codes from C04B 2235/32-C04B 2235/428. The code
C04B 2235/80 does not need to be used, since the class itself already indicates that secondary
phases are present.
C04B 35/119
with zirconium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
All sintered alumina ceramics that contain at least one secondary zirconia phase, where this
secondary zirconia phase is not a grain boundary phase
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Alumina refractories containing a zirconia secondary phase C04B 35/106,
C04B 35/109
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Zirconia-based ceramics containing an alumina secondary phase C04B 35/4885
Zirconium or hafnium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3244 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. HfO2
C04B 35/119 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/12
based on chromium oxide (C04B 35/047 and C04B 35/105 take precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramics mixture of which the largest fraction is formed by a single oxide phase of
chromium oxide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Grain-sized refractory mixtures based on magnesia containing chromium C04B 35/047 and
oxide or chrome ore subgroups
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories containing chromium oxide or C04B 35/105
chromium ore
Mixed oxides of chromium with alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and C04B 35/42
rare earth metals
Mixed oxides of chromium with titanium oxide, containing more Cr, e.g. C04B 35/42
Mixed oxides of chromium with titanium oxide, containing more Ti, e.g. C04B 35/462
Chromium oxide based material with a metallic binder C22C 29/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/307
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted
to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
chromium oxide
Magnesia-based refractories containing chromia C04B 35/047 and
subgroups, C04B 35/051
Alumina-based refractories containing chromia C04B 35/105
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with chromium oxide C04B 41/5033
Chromium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3241 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Cr2O3 subgroup
Refractory metal oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/068
Refractory metal oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being C04B 2237/345
part of a ceramic laminate
C04B 35/12 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
The preparation of chromium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 37/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/34 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of chromium subgroups
C04B 35/14
based on silica
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramics mixture of which the largest fraction is formed by a crystalline single oxide
phase of SiO2, e.g. quartz or cristobalite
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics or ceramics mixture of which the largest fraction is formed by C04B 33/00 (clays),
a mixed oxide phase of SiO2, e.g. silicates such as cordierite, alumino- C04B 35/16 and
silicates in general, magnesium silicates such as forsterite, calcium subgroups (silicates)
silicates such as wollastonite
Materials having as largest fraction a form of crystalline SiO2 but also C03C 10/0009
containing a glass matrix, e.g. 80% quartz and 20% glass matrix
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/06 and
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
granular materials: quartz; sand
Making fibers based on silica C04B 35/6224
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silica C04B 41/5035
Silica as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/3418
a sintered ceramic
Silica or silicate interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/062
Silica or silicate substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/341
ceramic laminate
Materials for prostheses based on silica or silicon oxide A61F 2310/00215
Silica-based membranes B01D 71/027
Catalysts comprising silica B01J 21/08,
C07C 2521/08
Preparation of silica powders, sols, gels, dispersions and their after- C01B 33/113 and
treatments subgroups
Processes specially adapted for the production of quartz or fused silica C03B 20/00
C04B 35/14 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/16
based on silicates other than clay {(zircon C04B 35/48)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All silicates that are not clay (see C04B 33/00 for the definition of clays). A silicate is a compound
a silicon bearing anion. The great majority of silicates are oxides, but hexafluorosilicate
([SiF6] ) and other anions are also included. Silicate compounds, including the minerals, consist of
silicate anions whose charge is balanced by various cations. Myriad silicate anions can exist, and
each can form compounds with many different cations. Hence this class of compounds is very large.
Both minerals and synthetic materials fit in this class. Silicates are mainly a mixed oxide phase of
SiO2 with at least one other metal oxide, e.g. transition metal silicates such as iron silicate, or barium
silicate, or rare earth silicates.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Clay wares C04B 33/00 and
Ceramics based on zirconium or hafnium silicates, e.g. zircon (ZrSiO4) C04B 35/481
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/04 and
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silicates C04B 41/5024
C04B 35/16 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Silica as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/3418
a sintered ceramic
Silicates other than clay as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3427 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. water glass (Na2SiO3) subgroups
Silica or silicate interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/062
Silica or silicate substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/341
ceramic laminate
Preparation of silicate powders, sols, gels, dispersions and their after- C01B 33/20 and
treatments subgroups, C01B 37/005
Coating compositions, e.g. paints, varnishes or lacquers, based on alkali C09D 1/02 and subgroup
metal silicates
Adhesives based on water-soluble alkali silicate C09J 1/02
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0838
containing silicates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/607
containing iron, nickel and cobalt as silicate
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/617
containing inorganic halogen silicate compounds
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/666
containing germanium, tin or lead silicates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/676
containing refractory silicates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/685
containing chromium, molybdenum or tungsten silicates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/698
containing vanadium silicates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/7442,
containing arsenic, antimony or bismuth silicates C09K 11/757
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/77064,
containing rare earth silicates C09K 11/77214,
C09K 11/77344,
C09K 11/77494,
C09K 11/7758,
C09K 11/7764,
C09K 11/77744,
C09K 11/77924
Single crystals of silicates C30B 29/34
C04B 35/16 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Silicate mineral Mineralogically, silicate minerals are divided according to structure
of their silicate anion into the
following groups: Nesosilicates
(lone tetrahedron) - 6− [SiO4] , e.g. olivine. Sorosilicates (double
tetrahedra) - [Si22n−
O7] , e.g. epidote, melilite group. Cyclosilicates
(rings) - [SinO3n] 2n−, e.g. tourmaline group. Inosilicates (single
chain) - [SinO3n] 6n− , e.g. pyroxene group. Inosilicates(double
chain) - [Si4nO11n] 2n− , e.g. amphibole group. Phyllosilicates
(sheets) - [Si2nO5n] , e.g.x−micas and clays. Tectosilicates (3D
framework) - [AlxSiyO2(x+y)] , e.g. quartz, feldspars, zeolites. Note
that tectosilicates can only have additional cations if some of the
silicon is replaced by a lower-charge cation such as aluminium . Al
for Si substitution is common.
C04B 35/18
rich in aluminium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramics mixture of which the largest fraction is formed by a mixed oxide phase of SiO2
with alumina, the alumino-silicates
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Materials made of clay C04B 33/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making fibres based on silica, rich in aluminium oxide C04B 35/62245
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Alumino-silicates other than clay as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3463 and
or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. mullite (3Al2O3-2SiO2) subgroups
Catalysts comprising silica and alumina B01J 21/12,
C07C 2521/12
Catalysts comprising Crystalline aluminosilicate zeolites; Isomorphous B01J 29/06 and
compounds thereof subgroups
Preparation of aluminium containing silicate powders, sols, gels, C01B 33/26 and
dispersions and their after-treatments subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/646
containing aluminium silicates
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/185
Mullite {3Al2O3-2SiO2}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramics mixture of which the largest fraction is formed by a mullite phase
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Mullite catalysts or catalysts supports B01J 21/16
C04B 35/19
Alkali metal aluminosilicates, e.g. spodumene
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramics mixture of which the largest fraction is formed by an alumino-silicate phase
containing more alkali metal ions than ions of other type, such as alkaline earth metal ions
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Materials having as largest fraction a spodumene phase but also C03C 10/0018 and
containing a glass matrix, e.g. 80% spodumene and 20% glass matrix subgroup
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkali oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making C04B 2235/3201 and
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Na2O, K2O subgroup
Alkali metal alumino-silicates other than clay as starting material for C04B 2235/3472
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
spodumene (LiAlSi2O6), alkali feldspars such as Albite (NaAlSi3O8) or
Orthoclase (KAlSi3O8), micas such as Muscovite (KAl2(AlSi3)O10(OH)2),
zeolites such as Natrolite (Na2Al2Si3O10·2H2O)
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/195
Alkaline earth aluminosilicates, e.g. cordierite {or anorthite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics or ceramics mixture of which the largest fraction is formed by an alumino-silicate phase
containing more alkaline earth metal ions than ions of other type, such as alkali metal ions
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Materials having as largest fraction a cordierite phase but also containing C03C 10/0045
a glass matrix, e.g. 80% cordierite and 20% glass matrix
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cordierite honeycombs C04B 38/0006 and
Alkaline earth oxides or salts as starting material for making ceramics or C04B 2235/3205 and
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Alkaline earth metal alumino-silicates other than clay as starting material C04B 2235/3481
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
cordierite ((Mg,Fe)2Al3(Si5AlO18)), beryl (Be3Al2(Si6O18)), micas such
as margarite (CaAl2(Al2Si2)O10(OH)2), plagioclase feldspars such as
anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8), zeolites such as chabazite (CaAl2Si4O12·6H2O)
Cordierite honeycombs containing a catalyst B01J 35/04
C04B 35/20
rich in magnesium oxide {, e.g. forsterite (C04B 35/195 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All silicate ceramics or ceramic mixtures containing a substantial amount of MgO, thus not containing
MgO as an impurity
C04B 35/20 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesium alumino-silicates C04B 35/195
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Magnesium silicates as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3445
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. forsterite (Mg2SiO4)
Catalysts comprising silica and magnesia B01J 21/14,
C07C 2521/14
Preparation of magnesium silicate powders, sols, gels, dispersions and C01B 33/22
their after-treatments
C04B 35/22
rich in calcium oxide {, e.g. wollastonite (C04B 35/195 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All silicate ceramics or ceramic mixtures containing a substantial amount of CaO, thus not containing
CaO as an impurity
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Calcium alumino-silicates C04B 35/195
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/043
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
alkaline-earth metal silicates, e.g. wollastonite
Calcium silicate based hydraulic cement C04B 28/02 and
Calcium silicates as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3454
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. wollastonite (CaSiO3)
Preparation of alkaline earth metal silicate powders, sols, gels, C01B 33/24
dispersions and their after-treatments
C04B 35/22 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/26
based on ferrites
Definition statement
This place covers:
All oxidic ferrites, combinations between Fe2O3 and other oxides, such as FeO, ZnO, MnO, BaO, as
well as Fe2O3 (hematite) itself
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Metallic ferrite (Fe) C22C 38/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/363
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with ferrite C04B 41/5036
Ferrites as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3274
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. manganese ferrite (MnFe2O4)
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0018 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed subgroups
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/009
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds containing,
besides iron, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/22 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of iron subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/60 and
containing iron, nickel and cobalt subgroups
Recording by magnetisation or demagnetisation of a record carrier; G11B 5/193
Reproducing by magnetic means; Record carriers therefore: the pole
pieces being ferrite
Recording by magnetisation or demagnetisation of a record carrier; G11B 5/70678 and
Reproducing by magnetic means; Record carriers therefore: record subgroups
carriers characterised by the selection of the material comprising one
or more layers of magnetisable material homogeneously mixed with a
bonding agent the magnetic material being a ferrite
C04B 35/26 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Ferrite Chemical compounds consisting of ceramic materials with iron
(III) oxide (Fe2O3) as their principal component. Many of them
are magnetic materials and they are used to make permanent
magnets, ferrite cores for transformers, and in various other
applications. Many ferrites are spinels with the formula AB2O4,
where A and B represent various metal cations, usually including
iron. Some ferrites have hexagonal crystal structure, e.g. barium
ferrite BaO:6Fe2O3 or BaFe12O19.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/2608
{Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the group
comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or lead}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The metal ions can be part both of the main composition as additives to the main composition.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2641
rare earth metals and one or more of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/265
manganese, zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt
Other ferrites containing manganese or zinc, e.g. Mn-Zn ferrites C04B 35/2658
Other ferrites containing nickel, copper or cobalt C04B 35/2666
Other ferrites containing rare earth metals, e.g. rare earth ferrite garnets C04B 35/2675
Other ferrites containing alkaline earth metals or lead C04B 35/2683
Alkali oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making C04B 2235/3201 and
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Na2O, K2O subgroup
Alkaline earth oxides or salts as starting material for making ceramics or C04B 2235/3205 and
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Rare earth oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3224
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
Sc2O3, Lu2O3, Nd2O3
Manganese or rhenium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3262 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. MnO
Cobalt oxides, cobaltites or cobaltates or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3275 and
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroup
ceramic, e.g. zinc cobaltite (ZnCo2O4) or bismuth cobaltate (BiCoO3)
Nickel oxides, nickelates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3279
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. NiO
Copper oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3281 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. CuO subgroup
or Cu2O
Zinc oxides, zincates, cadmium oxides, cadmiates, mercury oxides, C04B 2235/3284
mercurates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. ZnO
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
C04B 35/2608 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0027
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing one alkali metal
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0036
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing alkaline earth metal,
magnesium or lead
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0054
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing one rare earth metal,
yttrium or scandium
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0063
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing zinc
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0072
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing manganese
Since none of the individual metal ions of Mn/Zn/Ni/Cu/Co and rare earth and alkali/alkaline earth/lead
necessarily needs to be present, when C04B 35/2608 is given, all metal ions present (except for Fe)
need to be classified with symbols from C04B 2235/00.
C04B 35/2616
{containing lithium}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ferrite containing Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu or Co and also Li
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lithium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3203
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Li2O
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0027
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing one alkali metal
C04B 35/2616 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/2625
{containing magnesium}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ferrite containing Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu or Co and also Mg
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0036
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing alkaline earth metal,
magnesium or lead
C04B 35/2633
{containing barium, strontium or calcium}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ferrites like barium hexaferrite, doped with Mn/Zn/Ni/Cu/Co.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Calcium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3208 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. lime subgroups
Strontium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3213
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Barium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3215
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0036
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing alkaline earth metal,
magnesium or lead
Soft magnetic material, e.g. Hexaferrites with decreased hardness or H01F 1/348
anisotropy, i.e. with increased permeability in the microwave (GHz) range
Thin magnetic films, e.g. of one-domain structure made of hexagonal H01F 10/205
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/2641
{Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising rare
earth metals and one or more ferrites of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ferrite containing a rare earth like La, Nd, Ce and for instance Li, Na, K, Ba, Sr, Mg, Ca, W
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Other ferrites containing rare earth metals, e.g. rare earth ferrite garnets C04B 35/2675
Other ferrites containing alkaline earth metals or lead C04B 35/2683
Alkali oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making C04B 2235/3201 and
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Na2O, K2O subgroup
Alkaline earth oxides or salts as starting material for making ceramics or C04B 2235/3205 and
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Rare earth oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3224
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
Sc2O3, Lu2O3, Nd2O3
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0027
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing one alkali metal
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0036
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing alkaline earth metal,
magnesium or lead
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0054
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing one rare earth metal,
yttrium or scandium
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/265
{Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising
manganese or zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ferrite containing Mn or Zn and one of the group Ni, Cu, Co
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Other ferrites containing manganese or zinc, e.g. Mn-Zn ferrites C04B 35/2658
Other ferrites containing nickel, copper or cobalt C04B 35/2666
Manganese or rhenium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3262 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. MnO
Cobalt oxides, cobaltites or cobaltates or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3275 and
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroup
ceramic, e.g. zinc cobaltite (ZnCo2O4) or bismuth cobaltate (BiCoO3)
Nickel oxides, nickelates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3279
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. NiO
Copper oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3281 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. CuO subgroup
or Cu2O
Zinc oxides, zincates, cadmium oxides, cadmiates, mercury oxides, C04B 2235/3284
mercurates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. ZnO
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0063
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing zinc
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0072
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing manganese
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/2658
{Other ferrites containing manganese or zinc, e.g. Mn-Zn ferrites}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ferrite contains usually both Mn and Zn, the common Mn-Zn ferrite
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/265
manganese, zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Manganese or rhenium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3262 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. MnO
Zinc oxides, zincates, cadmium oxides, cadmiates, mercury oxides, C04B 2235/3284
mercurates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. ZnO
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0063
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing zinc
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0072
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing manganese
C04B 35/2666
{Other ferrites containing nickel, copper or cobalt}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ferrites containing Ni, Co, Cu, but not Zn or Mn
C04B 35/2666 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/265
manganese, zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cobalt oxides, cobaltites or cobaltates or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3275 and
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroup
ceramic, e.g. zinc cobaltite (ZnCo2O4) or bismuth cobaltate (BiCoO3)
Nickel oxides, nickelates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3279
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. NiO
Copper oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3281 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. CuO subgroup
or Cu2O
C04B 35/2675
{Other ferrites containing rare earth metals, e.g. rare earth ferrite garnets}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ferrites containing rare earth metal oxides such as La, Nd, Sm, but not alkaline earth metal oxides,
Cu, Co, Zn, Ni, Mn
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2641
rare earth metals and one or more of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead
C04B 35/2675 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rare earth oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3224
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
Sc2O3, Lu2O3, Nd2O3
Garnet type symmetry C04B 2235/764
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0054
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing one rare earth metal,
yttrium or scandium
C04B 35/2683
{Other ferrites containing alkaline earth metals or lead}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ferrites like barium hexaferrite.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2641
rare earth metals and one or more of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkaline earth oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3205 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. BeO subgroups
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0036
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing alkaline earth metal,
magnesium or lead
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/2691
{Other ferrites containing alkaline metals}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ferrites containing alkali metal oxides but not rare earth metal oxides or oxides of Cu, Ni, Co, Mn, Zn
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2641
rare earth metals and one or more of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkali oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making C04B 2235/3201 and
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Na2O, K2O subgroup
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/0027
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being mixed
oxides or hydroxides, e.g. ferrites, containing one alkali metal
C04B 35/42
based on chromites (C04B 35/047 and C04B 35/105 take precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Chromites and chromates. All ceramics containing as the largest phase mixed oxides of chromium
with alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and rare earth metals, not containing other transition or post-
transition metal oxides, or mixed oxides of chromium with other transition or post-transition metal
oxides, in which the amount of chromium is larger than of any other transition or post-transition metal
oxide, e.g. a mixture with titanium oxide, containing more Cr, e.g. Cr0.6Ti0.4O2.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Grain-sized refractory mixtures based on magnesia containing chromium C04B 35/047 and
oxide or chrome ore subgroups
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories containing chromium oxide or C04B 35/105
chromium ore
C04B 35/42 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Mixed oxides of chromium with other transition or post-transition metal C04B 35/462
oxides, in which there is at least one other transition or post-transition
metal oxide in an amount larger than chromium, e.g. a mixture with
titanium oxide, containing more Ti, e.g. Cr0.4Ti0.6O2.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/087
artificial stone, e.g. accelerators
Chromium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3241 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Cr2O3 subgroup
Chromates or chromites as starting material for making ceramics or C04B 2235/3243
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. aluminum chromate
Al2(CrO4)3 or lanthanum strontium chromite (La1-xSrxCrO3)
Refractory metal oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/068
Refractory metal oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being C04B 2237/345
part of a ceramic laminate
Chromite containing catalysts B01J 23/26, B01J 23/86
and subgroups
The preparation of chromium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 37/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
chromium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
The preparation of chromium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 37/14
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being chromates
or bichromates
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/08
their pigmenting or filling properties: zinc chromate
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/20
their pigmenting or filling properties: lead chromate
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/68 and
containing chromium, molybdenum or tungsten subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/7457,
containing arsenic, antimony or bismuth vanadates; Chromates; C09K 11/758
Molybdates; Tungstates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/7708,
containing rare earth vanadates; Chromates; Molybdates; Tungstates C09K 11/7722,
C09K 11/7736,
C09K 11/7751,
C09K 11/7765,
C09K 11/7776,
C09K 11/7794
Fuel cells containing Chromium complex oxides H01M 8/0219
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/44
based on aluminates
Definition statement
This place covers:
All mixed oxides in which alumina is mixed with alkali metal oxides, alkaline earth metal oxides or rare
earth metal oxides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on aluminate-silicate C04B 33/00 and
subgroups (clays)
or C04B 35/18 and
Ceramics based on beta-aluminas (MAl11O18 or LnAl12O19) C04B 35/113
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/0093
artificial stone, e.g. accelerators: aluminates
Hydraulic aluminate cements C04B 28/06 and
subgroup, C04B 7/323
Ceramics based on alumina single oxide phase C04B 35/10 and
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with aluminate C04B 41/5032
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Aluminates other than alumino-silicates as starting material for making C04B 2235/3222
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. spinel
Alumina or aluminate interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/064
Alumina or aluminate substrate joined with another substrate or being C04B 2237/343
part of a ceramic laminate
Aluminate catalysts or catalysts carrier B01J 21/04, B01J 23/78
Preparation of alkali metal aluminates powders C01F 7/04 and subgroups
Preparation of alkaline earth metal aluminates powders C01F 7/16 and subgroups
Purification of aluminates C01F 7/47 and subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0838
containing aluminates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/666
containing germanium, tin or lead aluminates
C04B 35/44 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/443
Magnesium aluminate spinel
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on magnesium aluminate (MgOAl2O3 or MgAl2O4) having the spinel phase
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on magnesia single oxide phase C04B 35/04 and
Ceramics based on alumina single oxide phase C04B 35/10 and
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with spinels C04B 41/5046
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Ceramics in general with the spinel symmetry C04B 2235/763
Catalysts comprising spinels B01J 21/005,
C07C 2521/00
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/447
based on phosphates {, e.g. hydroxyapatite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on inorganic phosphor-oxide compounds
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on metal-phosphor compounds without oxygen, the C04B 35/5154
Ceramics having a phosphate binder C04B 35/6306 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Phosphate cements C04B 12/02 and
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/366
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
phosphates, e.g. apatite
Making fibres based on phosphates C04B 35/62268
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with phosphates C04B 41/5048,
C04B 41/5092
(phosphate cements),
C04B 41/67
Calcium phosphates, e.g. hydroxyapatite additives or secondary phases C04B 2235/3212
Phosphates or phosphites (calcium phosphates C04B 2235/3212) as C04B 2235/447
starting material for making ceramics, e.g. orthophosphate (PO4 ),
4- -
pyrophosphate (P2O7 ), hypophosphite (H2PO2 ), or present as
secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
Materials for prostheses containing a phosphorus-containing compound, A61L 27/12
e.g. apatite
Phosphate catalysts B01J 27/18 and
subgroups, B01J 29/82
and subgroups
Preparation of phosphates per se, e.g. phosphates powder, not C01B 25/26 and
preparative to making a phosphates ceramic subgroups, C01B 37/002
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0855 and
containing phosphates subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/70 and
containing phosphorus subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/7464 and
containing arsenic, antimony or bismuth phosphates subgroups
C04B 35/447 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/45
based on copper oxide or solid solutions thereof with other oxides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Precursor materials for ceramic superconductors and high critical-temperature superconductive
materials characterised by the ceramic-forming technique or the ceramic composition based on
Non superconductive ceramic copper oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxide of copper oxide and iron oxide: ferrite C04B 35/2608 and
subgroups, C04B 35/265,
C04B 35/2666
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/309
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
copper oxide or solid solutions thereof
Making fibres based on copper oxide C04B 35/62254
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with copper oxide ceramic C04B 41/5074 and
material subgroup
Copper oxides, cuprates or oxide-forming salts thereof, e.g. CuO or Cu2O C04B 2235/3281
as additive for ceramics or as secondary phase
The preparation of copper compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 3/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds containing,
besides copper, two or more other elements, with the exception of
oxygen or hydrogen
C04B 35/45 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/4504
{containing rare earth oxides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on yttrium, lanthanum or cerium oxide containing cuprates.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rare earth oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3224
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
Sc2O3, Lu2O3, Nd2O3
Cuprates or oxide-forming salts thereof, as additive for ceramics or as C04B 2235/3282
secondary phase
Complex oxides based on rare earth copper oxide single crystals C30B 29/225
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/4508
{Type 1-2-3}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The compounds Y1Ba2Cu3Ox or Y2Ba1Cu1O5 corresponding to the short cuts Y-123 or Y-211
C04B 35/4512
{containing thallium oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
For instance ceramics based on the compound Tl2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox corresponding to the short cut Tl-2223
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cuprates or oxide-forming salts thereof, as additive for ceramics or as C04B 2235/3282
secondary phase
Gallium oxides, gallates, indium oxides, indates, thallium oxides, thallates C04B 2235/3286
or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making ceramics or
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. zinc gallate (ZnGa2O4)
C04B 35/4517
{also containing lead oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The cuprate containing both thallium oxide and lead oxide
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/4521
{containing bismuth oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based for instance on the compounds Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox or Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Ox corresponding to
the short cuts Bi-2223 or Bi-2212.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cuprates or oxide-forming salts thereof, as additive for ceramics or as C04B 2235/3282
secondary phase
Bismuth oxides, bismuthates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3298
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. zinc bismuthate (Zn(BiO3)2)
C04B 35/4525
{also containing lead oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The cuprate containing both bismuth oxide and lead oxide
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
C04B 35/453
based on zinc, tin, or bismuth oxides or solid solutions thereof with other
oxides, e.g. zincates, stannates or bismuthates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on the single metal oxide ZnO or Bi2O3. Mixed oxides of ZnO with gallium or indium
oxide. Mixed oxides of ZnO with gallium or indium oxide and also tin oxide, containing more zinc oxide
then tin oxide. Mixed oxides of alkali metal, alkaline metal oxide or rare earth metal oxide with bismuth
oxide, the bismuthates.
C04B 35/453 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxide of zinc oxide and iron oxide: ferrite C04B 35/2608 and
subgroups, C04B 35/265,
C04B 35/2658
Ceramics based on mixed oxides of bismuth with copper: cuprates C04B 35/4521 and
Ceramics based on mixed oxides of bismuth with titanium: bismuth C04B 35/478
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with zinc or bismuth oxides C04B 41/5049
Zinc oxides, zincates, cadmium oxides, cadmiates, mercury oxides, C04B 2235/3284
mercurates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. ZnO
Bismuth oxides, bismuthates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3298
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. zinc bismuthate (Zn(BiO3)2)
The preparation of zinc compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 9/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
The preparation of gallium, indium or thallium compounds in powder form, C01G 15/00 and
e.g. oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
The preparation of bismuth compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 29/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Transparent conductive oxide layers (TCO) being part of a multilayer C03C 2217/944
coating on glass Layers comprising zinc oxide
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/0006
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of bismuth and
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/04 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of zinc subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0811,
containing inorganic Zn or Cd compounds C09K 11/54
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/74 and
containing arsenic, antimony or bismuth subgroups
Obtaining zinc oxide C22B 19/34 and
Target materials for coating by Physical Vapour Deposition C23C 14/08
Zinc oxide in machines or engines in general (F01) or machines for F05C 2203/0891
liquids ( F04)
C04B 35/453 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/457
based on tin oxides or stannates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on the single oxide SnO2, or on mixed oxides of alkali metal, alkaline earth or rare
earth metals with tin oxide. Ceramics based on mixed oxides of gallium or indium with tin, possibly
also containing zinc, e.g. indium tin oxide (ITO) or indium tin zinc oxide (ITZO).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on mixed oxides of indium, tin and zinc containing more C04B 35/453
zinc than tin.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with tin oxide C04B 41/505
Tin oxides, stannates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3293
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.,
indium tin oxide (ITO)
The preparation of tin compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 19/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/66 and
containing germanium, tin or lead subgroups
C04B 35/457 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Thin film transistors having a semiconductor body comprising an oxide H01L 29/7869
semiconductor material, e.g. zinc oxide, copper aluminium oxide,
cadmium stannate
Transparent ITO electrodes H01L 31/022466,
H01L 31/1884,
H10K 30/82
Transparent conductive oxide layers (TCO) being part of a multilayer M03C217/598
coating on glass Layers comprising indium tin oxide (ITO)
C04B 35/46
based on titanium oxides or titanates (containing also zirconium or hafnium
oxides, zirconates or hafnates C04B 35/49)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on the single metal oxide phase TiO2 or on sub-oxides of titanium oxide, e.g. Ti2O3.
Ceramics based on mixed metal oxides of titanium, the so-called titanates.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramic compositions based on titanium oxides or titanates, containing C04B 35/49 and
also zirconium or hafnium oxides, zirconates or hafnates subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/305
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted
to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Titanium oxide, e.g. titanates
Making fibres based on titanium oxide C04B 35/62259
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with titanium oxides or C04B 41/5041
Titanium oxides or titanates, e.g. rutile or anatase as additive for making C04B 2235/3232 and
ceramics or as secondary phase in a ceramic subgroups
Refractory metal oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/068
Titania or titanate substrate joined with another substrate or being part of C04B 2237/346
a ceramic laminate
Materials for prostheses based on titania or titanium oxide TiO A61F 2310/00227
Catalysts or catalyst carriers comprising titanium; Oxides or hydroxides B01J 21/063
The preparation of titanium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 23/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
C04B 35/46 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/36 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of titanium subgroups
Ceramic insulating or dielectric materials H01B 3/12
Resistors, e.g. varistors, based on titanium oxide or titanates H01C 7/115
Fixed capacitors containing a ceramic dielectric based on titanium oxides H01G 4/1218
or titanates
Light-sensitive devices comprising an oxide semiconductor electrode H01G 9/2031
comprising titanium oxide, e.g. TiO2
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof, H01L 21/02186
forming insulating materials on a substrate, the material containing
titanium, e.g. TiO2
Ceramic dielectric resonators H01P 7/10
Wideband gap semiconductor comprising titanium oxide, e.g. TiO2 H10K 30/151
Piezoelectric ceramics H10N 30/853
C04B 35/462
based on titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on mixed metal oxides of titanium, the so-called titanates.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/49 and
titanates, e.g. zirconate-titanates such as PZT subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, C04B 35/499
molybdenum or tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other
oxides, e.g. vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
containing also lead and also titanates
Titanates as additive for making ceramics or as secondary phase in a C04B 2235/3234 and
ceramic subgroup
Zirconates or hafnates containing also titanium oxide or titanates as C04B 2235/3249
additive for making ceramics or as secondary phase in a ceramic
The preparation of titanium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 23/002
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds containing,
besides titanium, two or more other elements, with the exception of
oxygen or hydrogen
The preparation of titanate compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 23/003 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
C04B 35/462 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/465
based on alkaline earth metal titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on mixed metal oxides of titanium with the alkaline earth metals Mg and/or Ca, e.g.
magnesium titanate (MgTiO3) or calcium barium titanate with the formula Ca0.6Ba0.4TiO3
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/49
titanates, e.g. alkaline earth zirconate-titanates such as magnesium
zirconate titanate
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkaline earth oxides or salts as starting material for making ceramics or C04B 2235/3205 and
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Alkaline earth metal titanates as additive for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3236
secondary phase in a ceramic
The preparation of alkaline earth metal titanate compounds in powder C01G 23/006
form, e.g. oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates
Fixed capacitors containing a ceramic dielectric based on alkaline earth H01G 4/1227,
titanates H01G 4/1218
Insulating layers on semi-conductor bodies having a perovskite structure H01L 21/31691
Manufacture of capacitors containing a perovskite dielectric H01L 28/55 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/468
based on barium titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on mixed metal oxides of barium and titanium, containing more Ba than of any of the
other alkaline earth metals, e.g. barium magnesium titanate containing more Ba than Mg.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/49
titanates, e.g. alkaline earth zirconate-titanates such as barium zirconate
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Barium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3215
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Heater elements characterised by the composition or nature of the H05B 3/141 and
materials or by the arrangement of the conductor: conductive ceramics, subgroup
e.g. metal oxides, metal carbides, barium titanate, ferrites, zirconia,
vitreous compounds
C04B 35/4682
{based on BaTiO3 perovskite phase}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on mixed metal oxides of barium and titanium, containing more Ba than of any of
the other alkaline earth metals, e.g. barium calcium titanate with the formula Ca0.4Ba0.6TiO3 Ceramics
based on mixed metal oxides of titanium, the so-called titanates.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics having the perovskite structure, ABO3 C04B 2235/768
C04B 35/4682 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Heater elements characterised by the composition or nature of the H05B 3/141 and
materials or by the arrangement of the conductor: conductive ceramics, subgroup
e.g. metal oxides, metal carbides, barium titanate, ferrites, zirconia,
vitreous compounds
C04B 35/4684
{containing lead compounds (C04B 35/472 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on mixed metal oxides of barium and titanium, containing more Ba than of any of the
other alkaline earth metals, and also containing some amount of Pb, e.g. as dopant
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Lead titanate based ceramics C04B 35/472
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/491
titanates, e.g. alkaline earth lead zirconate-titanates such as barium
containing PZT
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
C04B 35/4686
{based on phases other than BaTiO3 perovskite phase}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Barium titanate normally has the perovskite structure. If the structure of the barium titanate material
is not mentioned, it can normally be assumed it is a perovskite. Other barium titanate phases are
BaTi4O9 and Ba2Ti9O20.
C04B 35/4686 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/49
titanates, e.g. alkaline earth zirconate-titanates such as barium zirconate
C04B 35/4688
{containing lead compounds (C04B 35/472 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on mixed metal oxides of barium and titanium, containing more Ba than of any of the
other alkaline earth metals, and also containing some amount of Pb, e.g. as dopant
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Lead titanate based ceramics C04B 35/472
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/491
titanates, e.g. alkaline earth lead zirconate-titanates such as barium
containing PZT
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
C04B 35/47
based on strontium titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on alkaline earth metal titanates, containing more Sr than of any other alkaline earth
metal, e.g. Ba0.45Ca0.05Sr0.50TiO3
C04B 35/47 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/49 and
titanates, e.g. alkaline earth zirconate-titanates such as strontium subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Strontium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3213
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
C04B 35/472
based on lead titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanates, containing more Pb in the titanate phase than of any other metal ion,
except for titanium, e.g. Al0.45Pb0.55TiO3
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Barium titanate perovskite containing lead compounds based ceramic C04B 35/4684
Barium titanate containing lead compounds non-perovskite phase based C04B 35/4688
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/491 and
titanates, e.g. lead zirconate-titanates such PZT subgroup
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
Ceramic compositions for piezo-electric or electrostrictive devices H10N 30/853
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/475
based on bismuth titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanates, containing more Bi in the titanate phase than of any other metal ion,
except for titanium, e.g. Pb0.3Al0.3Bi0.4TiO3
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/49
titanates, e.g. bismuth zirconate-titanate
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Bismuth oxides, bismuthates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3298
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. zinc bismuthate (Zn(BiO3)2)
C04B 35/478
based on aluminium titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanates, containing more Al in the titanate phase than of any other metal ion,
except for titanium, e.g. Al0.3Pb0.2Bi0.2Ba0.2La0.1TiO3
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics containing also titanium oxides or C04B 35/49
titanates, e.g. aluminium zirconate-titanate
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramic honeycombs, e.g. aluminum titanate honeycombs C04B 38/0006
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Honeycomb filter for exhaust apparatus F01N 3/0222
Aluminium titanate in machines or engines in general (F01) or machines F05C 2203/0878
for liquids ( F04)
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/48
based on zirconium or hafnium oxides, zirconates, {zircon} or hafnates
Definition statement
This place covers:
All ceramic materials having a zirconia phase or zirconate phase as the largest fraction, e.g. yttria-
stabilised-zirconia, monoclinic zirconia, lanthanum zirconate
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/306
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
zirconium oxide
Making fibres based on zirconium oxide C04B 35/6225
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with zirconium oxides or C04B 41/5042 and
zirconates, hafnium oxides or hafnates subgroup
Zirconium or hafnium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3244 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. HfO2
Refractory oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/068
Zirconia, hafnia, zirconate or hafnate substrate joined with another C04B 2237/348
substrate or being part of a ceramic laminate
Materials for prostheses based on zirconia or zirconium oxide A61F 2310/00239
Materials for prostheses based on hafnia or hafnium oxide A61F 2310/00251
Catalysts comprising Zirconium or hafnium; Oxides or hydroxides thereof B01J 21/066
The preparation of zirconium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 25/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Zirconium oxide in machines or engines in general (F01) or machines for F05C 2203/0895
liquids ( F04)
Fixed capacitors containing a ceramic dielectric based on zirconium H01G 4/1236
oxides or zirconates
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof, H01L 21/02181,
forming insulating materials on a substrate, the material containing H01L 21/31645 (from the
hafnium, e.g. HfO2 gas phase)
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof, H01L 21/02189,
forming insulating materials on a substrate, the material containing H01L 21/31641 (from the
zirconium, e.g. ZrO2 gas phase)
Heater elements characterised by the composition or nature of the H05B 3/141 and
materials or by the arrangement of the conductor: conductive ceramics, subgroup
e.g. metal oxides, metal carbides, barium titanate, ferrites, zirconia,
vitreous compounds
C04B 35/48 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/481
{containing silicon, e.g. zircon}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Zirconates containing silica, such as zircon (ZrSiO4), zirconia ceramics containing a silica or silicate
binder, zirconia refractories containing quartz
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/046
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Alumina based refractories containing zircon C04B 35/106
Alumina based refractories containing zircon, made by melt-casting C04B 35/109
Zirconates or hafnates as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3248
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. zircon (ZrSiO4)
Silica as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/3418
a sintered ceramic
Zircon is in principle the only silicate that is not classified as a silicate, but is classified according to the
other metal cation(s) present in the silicate.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/482
Refractories from grain sized mixtures
Definition statement
This place covers:
Zirconia based refractories having large grains, the majority larger than 100 microns
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Grain-sized magnesia-based refractories C04B 35/043 and
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories C04B 35/101 and
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories, containing zirconia or zircon C04B 35/106
Grain-sized titania-based refractories C04B 35/46 and
C04B 35/66
Grain-sized silicon carbide-based refractories C04B 35/565 and
subgroups, and
Monolithic refractories and refractory mortars C04B 35/66
Using particles larger than 100 microns for making the ceramic C04B 2235/5427
Bimodal, multi-modal or multi-fraction particle size distribution C04B 2235/5472
Compositions of refractory mould or core materials; Grain structures B22C 1/00 and subgroups
Abrasive particles per se obtained by division of a mass agglomerated by C09K 3/1418
C04B 35/484
Refractories by fusion casting
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractories that are used directly after melting, either in particle or bulk form, as well as fused
refractory that is sintered before use as refractory
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay wares made by methods involving melting, fusion or softening C04B 33/323
Magnesia-based refractories made by fusion casting C04B 35/05 and
Alumina-based refractories made by fusion casting C04B 35/107 and
C04B 35/484 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/486
Fine ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
All ceramic materials having a zirconia phase or zirconate phase as the largest fraction, e.g. yttria-
stabilised-zirconia, monoclinic zirconia, lanthanum zirconate, where the major phase has an average
grain size of below 100 micron
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Using particles of size 1-100 microns for making the ceramic C04B 2235/5436
Protective coatings for engine blades F01D 5/288
Fuel cells operating at high temperature, e.g. with stabilised ZrO2 H01M 8/1253
electrolyte, the electrolyte consisting of oxides, the electrolyte containing
zirconium oxide
C04B 35/488
Definition statement
This place covers:
All ceramic materials having a zirconia phase or zirconate phase as the largest fraction, e.g. yttria-
stabilised-zirconia, monoclinic zirconia, lanthanum zirconate, but containing also at least one
secondary phase, which is not a grain boundary phase. This secondary phase normally is another
ceramic phase, but could also be a metallic non-continuous phase. The composite can also be a
mixture of a zirconia and a zirconate phase or of two different zirconate phases.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconia refractories containing a secondary phase C04B 35/482
Mixtures of different zirconia phases, e.g. a mixture of cubic and C04B 35/486
tetragonal zirconia or a mixture of tetragonal and monoclinic zirconia
C04B 35/488 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Zirconia ceramics containing shaped metallic materials, e.g. metallic C04B 35/74 and
fibers subgroup
Zirconia ceramics containing ceramic fibers, whiskers or platelets, e.g. an C04B 35/80
zirconia particle matrix containing alumina fibers or alumina platelets
Ceramics containing one or more secondary phases C04B 2235/80 and
The secondary phases are indicated with symbols from C04B 2235/32-C04B 2235/428. The symbol
C04B 2235/80 does not need to be used, since the class itself already indicates that secondary
phases are present.
C04B 35/4885
{with aluminium oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All sintered zirconia ceramics that contain at least one secondary alumina phase, where this
secondary alumina phase is not a grain boundary phase
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconia refractories containing an alumina secondary phase C04B 35/482,
C04B 35/484
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alumina-based ceramics containing a zirconia secondary phase C04B 35/119
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
C04B 35/4885 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Synonyms and Keywords
C04B 35/49
containing also titanium oxides or titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Titanium-zirconates, zirconium-titanates, titanate-zirconates, for instance barium zirconate-titanate,
mixed oxides containing at least zirconia and titania.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Titanates C04B 35/462 and
Titanium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3232 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rutile subgroups
or anatase
Titanate as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3234 and
of a sintered ceramic, not containing zirconium, e.g. aluminium titanate subgroup.
(Al2TiO5) or mixed niobate-titanates
Zirconates or hafnates containing also titanium oxide or titanates as C04B 2235/3249
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase in a
ceramic, e.g. lead zirconate titanate (PZT, PbTi1-xZrxO3).
Ceramic insulating or dielectric materials H01B 3/12
Resistors, e.g. varistors, based on metal oxides H01C 7/108
Fixed capacitors containing a ceramic dielectric based on zirconium H01G 4/1245
oxides containing also titanates
Ceramic dielectric resonators H01P 7/10
Piezoelectric ceramics H10N 30/853
C04B 35/491
based on lead zirconates and lead titanates {, e.g. PZT}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Lead zirconate titanate, doped possibly with other elements such as La.
C04B 35/491 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lead titanate based ceramics C04B 35/472
Lead zirconate based ceramics C04B 35/486
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
Ceramic probes, e.g. lead zirconate titanate (PZT) probes G01N 29/245
Insulating layers on semi-conductor bodies having a perovskite structure H01L 21/31691
Manufacture of capacitors containing a perovskite dielectric H01L 28/55 and
Piezo-electric devices; Electrostrictive devices; Magnetostrictive devices; H10N 30/093
Processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment thereof
or of parts thereof; Details thereof of devices of ceramic compositions
C04B 35/493
containing also other lead compounds
Definition statement
This place covers:
PZT doped for instance with Mg, Nb, Ni or other elements that take the B position in the ABO3
perovskite structure of PZT, while the A-position is taken by Pb
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lead titanate C04B 35/472
Lead niobate titanate (zirconate) C04B 35/499
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Niobates or tantalates as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3255
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. silver niobate (AgNbO3)
C04B 35/493 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/495
based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or tungsten oxides or
solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. vanadates, niobates, tantalates,
molybdates or tungstates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on the single metal oxide phase Nb2O5, Ta2O5, MoOx, WOx, V2O5 or on sub-oxides
such as niobium suboxide. Ceramics based on mixed metal oxides of V, Nb, Ta, Mo or W.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on titanium oxide or titanates C04B 35/46 and
Ceramics based on titanium oxide or titanates containing also zirconium C04B 35/49 and
or hafnium oxides, zirconates or hafnates subgroups
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with niobium oxides or C04B 41/5051
Vanadium oxides, vanadates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3239
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. magnesium vanadate (Mg2V2O7).
Niobium or tantalum oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3251 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. Nb2O5 or Ta2O5
Molybdenum oxides, molybdates or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3256
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. cadmium molybdate (CdMoO4)
Tungsten oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3258 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroup
scheelite (CaWO4)
Refractory metal oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/068
Refractory metal oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being C04B 2237/345
part of a ceramic laminate
Materials for prostheses based on tantalum oxide A61F 2310/00257
Catalysts comprising metals or metal oxides or hydroxides of vanadium B01J 23/22
C04B 35/495 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/495 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/497
based on solid solutions with lead oxides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Lead niobate (PbNbO3), tantalate, etc., possibly doped with other elements such as Mg, Ni, Zr, Fe
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Lead titanate C04B 35/472
Lead zirconate C04B 35/486 and
Lead titanate zirconate C04B 35/491 and
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3296
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6)
C04B 35/499
containing also titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
PZT-like material for instance with large amount of Nb, more than the amount of Ti and Zr together.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with niobium oxides or C04B 41/5051
Titanate as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3234 and
of a sintered ceramic, not containing zirconium, e.g. aluminium titanate subgroup
(Al2TiO5) or mixed niobate-titanates
C04B 35/499 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
The preparation of vanadium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 31/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
vanadium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
The preparation of niobium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 33/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
niobium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
The preparation of tantalum compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 35/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
tantalum, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
The preparation of molybdenum compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 39/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
molybdenum, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen
or hydrogen
The preparation of tungsten compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 41/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
tungsten, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
C04B 35/50
based on rare-earth compounds {(non-oxide rare earth compounds
C04B 35/5156)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramic materials containing as the largest fraction a phase consisting out of rare earth oxides or
out of mixtures of rare earth oxides with alkali metals or alkaline earth metals, e.g. gadolinium cerate,
GdxCe1-xO3, barium cerate, BaCeO3, magnesium lanthanate, MgLaO3, yttrium scandium oxide,
YScOx (also classified C04B 35/505). Ceramic materials containing a mixture of rare earth metals and
zirconia and/or hafnia, where the amount of rare earth metals is higher than the amount of zirconia,
e.g. Ce0.3La0.3Zr0.4Ox.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with silica without alumina C04B 35/16
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with both alumina and silica C04B 35/18
C04B 35/50 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with iron oxides and possible other C04B 35/2608
metal oxides, e.g. ferrites and subgroups,
C04B 35/2641,
C04B 35/2675
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with chromium oxide, e.g. lanthanum C04B 35/42
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with alumina, without silica, e.g. C04B 35/44
scandium aluminate
Rare earth phosphates C04B 35/447
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with copper oxide, e.g. C04B 35/4504 and
superconducting LaBa-cuprate subgroup
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide, C04B 35/453
e.g. dysprosium bismuthate
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with tin oxide, e.g. neodymium stannate C04B 35/457
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with titanium oxides, such as C04B 35/462
lanthanum titanate or cerium titanate
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with zirconium oxide, e.g. cerium C04B 35/48 and
zirconate, containing more Zr than rare earth metals subgroups
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with zirconium oxide and titanium C04B 35/49 and
oxide, e.g. ytterbium titanate zirconate (YbTi0.5Zr0.5O3) subgroups
Mixed oxides of rare earth metals with vanadium oxide and/or niobium C04B 35/495 and
oxide and/or molybdenum oxide and/or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum subgroups
oxide, e.g. erbium tantalum niobate (ErNb0.5Ta0.5O3)
Ceramics based on non-oxide rare earth compounds C04B 35/5156
Rare earth oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/066
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rare earth non-oxide ceramics C04B 35/5156
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with rare earth oxides C04B 41/5045
Rare earth oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3224
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g.
Sc2O3, Lu2O3, Nd2O3
Catalysts comprising metals or metal oxides or hydroxides of rare earths B01J 23/10
The preparation of rare earth compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01F 17/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Luminescent materials containing rare earth metals C09K 11/77 and
subgroups, C09K 11/0822
Shades containing photoluminescent material F21V 1/17
Refractors containing photoluminescent material F21V 5/10
Reflectors containing photoluminescent material F21V 7/26
Elements containing photoluminescent material distinct from or spaced F21V 9/30
from the light source and subgroups
C04B 35/50 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Elements with provision for controlling the spectral properties or intensity F21V 9/45
containing photoluminescent material
Scintillation detectors G01T 1/20, G01T 3/06
Luminescent screens H01J 1/63
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof, H01L 21/02192
forming insulating materials on a substrate, the material containing at
least one rare earth metal element, e.g. oxides of lanthanides, scandium
or yttrium
Fuel cells operating at high temperature, e.g. with stabilised ZrO2 H01M 8/126
electrolyte, the electrolyte consisting of oxides, the electrolyte containing
cerium oxide
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Rare earth oxides The oxides of scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y), lutetium (Lu), lanthanum
(La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd),
promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium
(Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er),
thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb)
C04B 35/505
based on yttrium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramic materials containing as the largest fraction a phase consisting out of yttria or out of mixtures
of yttria with other rare earth oxides, where yttria forms the largest fraction, e.g. yttrium scandium
oxide, YScOx (also classified in C04B 35/50). Ceramic materials containing as the largest fraction
a phase that is a mixture of yttria with alkali metals or alkaline earth metals. Ceramic materials
containing a mixture of yttria and zirconia and/or hafnia, where the amount of yttria is higher than the
amount of zirconia, e.g. Y0.6Zr0.4Ox.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxides of yttrium with silica without alumina C04B 35/16
Mixed oxides of yttrium with both alumina and silica C04B 35/18
Mixed oxides of yttrium with iron oxides and possible other metal oxides, C04B 35/2608
e.g. ferrites and subgroups,
C04B 35/2641,
C04B 35/2675
Mixed oxides of yttrium with chromium oxide, e.g. chromites C04B 35/42
C04B 35/505 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Mixed oxides of yttrium with alumina, without silica, e.g. yttrium aluminium C04B 35/44
garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12)
Yttrium phosphates C04B 35/447
Mixed oxides of yttrium with copper oxide, e.g. superconducting LaBa- C04B 35/4504 and
cuprate subgroup
Mixed oxides of yttrium with zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide C04B 35/453
Mixed oxides of yttrium with tin oxide C04B 35/457
Mixed oxides of yttrium with titanium oxides C04B 35/462
Mixed oxides of yttrium with zirconium oxide, containing more Zr than C04B 35/48 and
yttrium, e.g. YSZ, yttria-stabilised-zirconia subgroups
Mixed oxides of yttrium with zirconium oxide and titanium oxide C04B 35/49 and
Mixed oxides of yttrium with vanadium oxide and/or niobium oxide and/or C04B 35/495 and
molybdenum oxide and/or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum oxide subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rare earth non-oxide ceramics C04B 35/5156
Yttrium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3225
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
C04B 35/51
based on compounds of actinides ({non-oxide actinide compounds
C04B 35/5158;} nuclear fuel materials G21C 3/62)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having as the largest fraction an oxide based on actinides, e.g. uranium oxide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Non-oxide actinide ceramics, e.g. uranium carbide C04B 35/5158
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Actinide oxides, mixed metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. C04B 2235/32
carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides, as starting material for
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Catalysts comprising metals or metal oxides or hydroxides of actinides B01J 23/12,
C07C 2523/12
Compounds of thorium C01F 15/00
C04B 35/51 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
The preparation of uranium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 43/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
The preparation of transuranic element compounds in powder form, e.g. C01G 56/00 and
oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Ceramic nuclear fuel materials G21C 3/62 and
C04B 35/515
based on non-oxide ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having as the largest fraction a non-oxide material, e.g. a carbide, nitride, boride, silicide,
fluoride, sulphide, selenide.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Non-oxide ceramics having a metallic binder C22C 29/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making fibres based on non-oxide ceramic material C04B 35/62272
Ceramic products containing macroscopic reinforcing agents containing C04B 35/80
non-metallic materials (oxides and non-oxides only) such as fibres,
filaments, whiskers, platelets, or the like
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with non-oxide ceramics C04B 41/5053
Non-oxides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/38 and
phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Non-oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/08 and
Non-oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/36 and
ceramic laminate subgroups
Non-oxide glass compositions, e.g. binary or ternary halides, sulphides or C03C 3/32,
nitrides of germanium, selenium or tellurium C03B 2201/80 and
Non-oxide coatings on glass C03C 17/3429 and
Non-oxide ceramics in MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERAL (F01) F05C 2203/0804 and
OR machines for liquids ( F04) subgroups
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/5152
{based on halogenides other than fluorides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sintered ceramics having as the largest fraction a chloride, bromide or iodide phase, or a mixture of
these phases
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Starting powder mixtures based on halogenides used to make ceramics C04B 2235/444
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with salts or salty C04B 41/5011
compositions: containing halogen in the anion
Halogens per se C01B 7/00, C01B 9/00,
C01B 11/00 and
Halides of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general C01D 3/00 and
Halide glasses other than fluoride glasses, i.e. Cl, Br or I glasses, e.g. C03B 2201/84
AgCl-AgBr "glass"
C04B 35/5154
{based on phosphides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sintered ceramics having as the largest fraction a phosphide phase. Phosphides are metal-phosphor
compounds that do not contain oxygen.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Phosphate ceramics, metal-phosphor-oxygen compounds C04B 35/447
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Metal salts chosen for the nature of the anions as starting material C04B 2235/44 and
for making ceramics, e.g. phosphides, hydrides, acetylacetonate, subgroups
hydroxides, or present as secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
C04B 35/5154 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Preparation of phosphides per se, e.g. phosphide powder, not preparative C01B 25/08 and
to making a phosphide ceramic subgroups
Boride or phosphide coating on glass C03C 2217/283
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0883,
containing phosphides C09K 11/7492
Single crystals based on gallium phosphide C30B 29/44
Forming inorganic semiconducting materials on a substrate, the substrate H01L 21/02392
being a phosphide
Phosphides used as active substance in electrodes for fuel cells and H01M 4/5805
C04B 35/5156
{based on rare earth compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sintered ceramics having as the largest fraction a rare earth non-oxide phase, e.g., a lanthanum
carbide, yttrium nitride, cerium boride, scandium silicide, dysprosium fluoride
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rare earth oxide based ceramics C04B 35/50
Yttrium oxide based ceramics C04B 35/505
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on carbides, e.g. rare earth carbides C04B 35/56
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on nitrides, e.g. rare earth nitrides C04B 35/58
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on borides, e.g. rare earth borides C04B 35/5805
Borides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3804
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rare earth boride
Carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3817
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rare earth carbide
Nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3852
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. oxynitrides, carbonitrides, oxycarbonitrides,
lithium nitride (Li3N), magnesium nitride (Mg3N2), rare earth nitride
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi
The preparation of nitride powders per se, not preparative to the making C01B 21/0627
of nitride ceramics, with one or more rare earth metals
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/5158
{based on actinide compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The synthesis of actinide carbides, nitrides, borides, silicides, fluorides, sulphides, selenides
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Actinide oxide based ceramics C04B 35/51
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on carbides, e.g. actinide carbides C04B 35/56
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on nitrides, e.g. actinide nitrides C04B 35/58
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on borides, e.g. actinide borides C04B 35/5805
Borides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3804
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. actinide boride
Carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3817
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. actinide carbide
Nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3852
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. oxynitrides, carbonitrides, oxycarbonitrides,
lithium nitride (Li3N), magnesium nitride (Mg3N2), actinide nitride
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi, U, Pt
The preparation of nitride powders, with one or more actinides, e.g. UN, C01B 21/063
The preparation of actinide carbide powders C01B 32/928
Ceramic nuclear fuel materials G21C 3/62 and
C04B 35/52
based on carbon, e.g. graphite
Definition statement
This place covers:
All inorganic objects containing as largest fraction an inorganic carbon phase or carbon-based
mixtures used for making carbon-based bodies or other ceramic objects, e.g. sintered carbon
electrodes, characterised by their composition or their synthesis
C04B 35/52 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on carbides C04B 35/56 and
A carbon-based matrix containing carbon fibers C04B 35/83
Diamond bodies containing a metallic binder C22C 26/00
Carbon electrodes used in electrolytic capacitors, rectifiers, detectors, H01G 9/00 and
switching devices, light-sensitive or temperature-sensitive devices subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxide-based ceramics or ceramic mixtures in general containing carbon C04B 35/013
Alumina-based refractories containing carbon C04B 35/103
Ceramic powders coated with carbon C04B 35/62839
Ceramic fibers coated with carbon C04B 35/62873
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures containing carbon fibers or carbon C04B 35/80 and
whiskers subgroups and
C04B 2235/5248
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures containing carbon nanotubes C04B 35/80 and
subgroups and
C04B 2235/5288
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrates with carbon C04B 41/5001 and
Carbon additives for ceramics C04B 2235/422 and
Organics compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat-treatment, C04B 2235/48 and
e.g. phenol resins subgroups
Fibrous carbon additives for ceramics C04B 2235/5248
Carbon nanotube additives for ceramics C04B 2235/5288
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures containing carbon as an impurity C04B 2235/721
Carbon interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/086
Carbon substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a ceramic C04B 2237/363
Carbon materials for grafts or prostheses or for coating grafts or A61L 27/08
Carbon-based inorganic membranes B01D 71/021
Presses for the formation of diamonds or boronitride B01J 3/065 and subgroup
Catalysts comprising carbon B01J 21/18, and
subgroup, C07C 2521/18
High pressure synthesis of diamond B01J 2203/0655
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, or B23K 35/0205
cutting: non-consumable electrodes; C-electrode
C04B 35/52 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Diamond based composites are classified normally in C04B 35/52 rather than in C04B 35/528.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/521
{obtained by impregnation of carbon products with a carbonisable material}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The carbonisable material normally is carbonised through a heat treatment. The end-product contains
mainly carbon phase.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porous carbon is infiltrated with Si-containing polymer that is carbonised C04B 35/571
to form a product containing mainly SiC
Impregnation of a carbon product with Si in order to form SiC C04B 35/573
Porous carbon is infiltrated with Si-and N-containing polymer that is C04B 35/589
carbonised to form a product containing mainly Si3N4
Impregnation of a fibrous carbon product with a carbonisable material C04B 35/83
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Impregnation of carbon products with materials that lead to the formation Classification is in the
of other phases than carbon, where one of these other phases forms the class of this largest
largest fraction of the end-product (thus the end product does not have fraction, e.g. impregnation
carbon as largest fraction anymore) with alumina to such
an extent that the end-
product contains more
alumina than carbon
leads to the class
C04B 35/117 (alumina
composites) and the code
C04B 2235/422 (carbon
additive or secondary
phase in the end-product)
The synthesis and properties of porous carbon bodies C04B 38/00 and
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramic ware obtained by a C04B 38/0022 and
chemical conversion or reaction other than those relating to the setting subgroups
or hardening of cement-like material or to the formation of a sol or a gel,
e.g. by carbonising or pyrolysing preformed cellular materials based on
polymers, organo-metallic or organo-silicon precursors
Impregnation of carbon products with materials that lead to the formation C04B 41/00 and
of other phases than carbon, where none of these other phases form the subgroups
largest fraction of the end-product
Materials with friction-reduced moving parts, e.g. ceramics lubricated by C04B 2111/00344
impregnation with carbon
Gas infiltration of green bodies or pre-forms C04B 2235/614
Liquid infiltration of green bodies or pre-forms C04B 2235/616
C04B 35/521 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/522
{Graphite (C04B 35/536 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All shaped products or mixtures for making a shaped product that have graphite as the largest fraction
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
All shaped products or mixtures for making a shaped product that have C04B 35/536
expanded graphite as the largest fraction
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of graphite as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 14/024
stone; Treatment of graphite specially adapted to enhance their filling
properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Creating porosity in ceramic products by burning out graphite C04B 38/068
Graphite as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/425
of a sintered ceramic
Graphite materials for grafts or prostheses A61L 27/08
Graphite reactor vessels B01J 2219/0272
The preparation and after-treatment of graphite powders C01B 32/20 and
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/46
their pigmenting or filling properties: graphite
Sliding surface consisting mainly of graphite F16C 33/16
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/524
obtained from polymer precursors, e.g. glass-like carbon material
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carbon containing polymers are carbonised, leading to a product that has as largest fraction a carbon
phase, e.g. carbonising a shaped phenol resin
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixtures of polymer precursors and carbon particles, where the amount C04B 35/532
of carbon particles is larger than the amount of polymer precursors
Carbon and silicon containing polymers are carbonised, leading to C04B 35/571
a product that has as largest fraction a silicon carbide phase, e.g.
carbonising a shaped polysilane resin
Carbon, silicon and nitrogen containing polymers are carbonised, leading C04B 35/589
to a product that has as largest fraction a silicon nitride phase, e.g.
carbonising a shaped polysilazane resin
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
carbonising phenol resins subgroups
C04B 35/528
obtained from carbonaceous particles with or without other non-organic
Definition statement
This place covers:
The shaping of carbon particles into a compact and possible further densification through heat
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The shaping of graphite particles into a compact C04B 35/522,
C04B 35/536 (expanded
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/532
containing a carbonisable binder
Definition statement
This place covers:
The shaping of carbon particles into a compact and possible further densification through heat
treatment, whereby binders such as pitch, tar, phenolic resin, etc., all possible binders from the range
C04B 35/632-C04B 35/6365 can be used, as long as the further (heat) treatment is in non-oxidising
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbon shaped bodies where the binder is not added to starting C04B 35/521
powder mixture, but is impregnated or infiltrated into an already shaped
carbonaceous body
Mixtures of carbon particles with carbonisable binder, where the amount C04B 35/524 and
of carbonisable binder is larger than the amount of carbon particles C04B 2235/422 (carbon
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organics compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat-treatment C04B 2235/48 and
Preparation of active carbon using carbonaceous precursors per se and C01B 32/384
binders, e.g. pitch, and producing the granules
Since the class C04B 35/532 already indicates that organics are carbonised and become part of the
ceramic, the code C04B 2235/48 is superfluous.
C04B 35/536
based on expanded graphite {or complexed graphite}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Shaped objects of expanded graphite, possibly further heat-treated, or preparing of expanded graphite
preparatory to the shaping of the mixture
C04B 35/536 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Creating porosity in the ceramic product by expanding the graphite C04B 38/02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Graphite as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/425
of a sintered ceramic
The preparation and after-treatment of intercalated graphite powders C01B 32/10, C01B 32/22
The preparation and after-treatment of expanded or exfoliated graphite C01B 32/225
Intercalated carbon- or graphite fibres D01F 11/129
Electrodes based on carbonaceous material, e.g. graphite-intercalation H01M 4/133 ,
compounds or CFx for fuel cells and batteries H01M 4/1393,
H01M 4/583 and
subgroup, H01M 4/663
C04B 35/547
based on sulfides or selenides {or tellurides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having as the largest fraction a sulphide, selenide or telluride phase, or a mixture of these
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Starting powder mixtures based on sulphides, selenides or tellurides used C04B 2235/446
to make ceramics
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with salts or salty C04B 41/5014
compositions: containing sulphur in the anion, e.g. sulphides
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with sulphides or selenides C04B 41/5054
Catalysts comprising sulphides B01J 27/04 and
Sulphide compounds per se C01B 17/20 and
Selenides and tellurides per se C01B 19/007
C04B 35/547 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/553
based on fluorides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having as the largest fraction a fluoride phase
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Starting powder mixtures based on fluorides used to make ceramics C04B 2235/445
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with fluorine compounds C04B 41/5018
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with fluorides C04B 41/5055
Catalysts containing fluoride B01J 27/12
Fluorides per se C01B 7/19 and
subgroups, C01B 9/08,
C01B 11/24
Fluorides of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general C01D 3/02
C04B 35/553 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/56
based on carbides {or oxycarbides (containing free metal binder C22C 29/00)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having as the largest fraction a carbide phase, a compound between carbon and a metal
or semi-metal, e.g. e.g. potassium carbide, magnesium carbide, Cerium carbide (CeC2), Manganese
carbide (Mn3C), Iron carbide (Fe3C), Cobalt carbide (CoC), Nickel carbide (Ni3C), Copper carbide
(Cu2C), Zinc carbide (ZnC), Germanium carbide (GeC), Gold carbide (Au2C2), Silver carbide (Ag2C2),
Antimony carbide (SbC).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbo-nitride ceramics C04B 35/58 and
Carbides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/06 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/322 and
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Making fibres based on carbides C04B 35/62277
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with carbides C04B 41/5057
Carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3817 and
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rare earth carbide subgroups
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi
Carbon as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/422
of a sintered ceramic
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
carbonising phenol resins subgroups
Carbide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/083
Materials for prostheses based on metal carbides A61F 2310/00269 and
Coating materials for prostheses based on metal carbides A61F 2310/0073 and
C04B 35/56 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/5603
{with a well-defined oxygen content, e.g. oxycarbides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All oxy-carbides and all carbides that contain oxygen in the principal carbide phase
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbide ceramics containing oxide secondary phases, e.g. a carbide C04B 35/56 or
containing a silica sintering aid subgroups, except
C04B 35/5603
and symbols from
C04B 2235/32-
C04B 2235/365 to
indicate the oxide phase
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Non-oxides with a defined oxygen content as starting material for making C04B 2235/3895
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. SiOC, SiON,
Making powders of oxycarbides, sulfocarbides or mixtures of carbides C01B 32/907
with other bodies, e.g. graphite; Carbides of other non-metals, e.g.
silicocarbides, borocarbides
Silicon oxycarbide, oxynitride or oxycarbonitride glasses C03C 3/045
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof: H01L 21/02126
forming insulating materials on a substrate: the material containing Si, O,
and at least one of H, N, C, F, or other non-metal elements, e.g. SiOC,
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof, H01L 21/31633
forming insulating materials on a substrate by gas or vapour deposition,
the material containing carbon doped silicon oxide, e.g. SiOC
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/5607
{based on refractory metal carbides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on refractory metal carbides or refractory metal oxy-carbides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Refractory carbides other than refractory metal carbides, e.g. a SiC C04B 35/565 respectively
refractory or boron carbide refractory C04B 35/563
Cemented refractory carbides C22C 29/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxide ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum C04B 35/495 and
or tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
Refractory metal nitride ceramics C04B 35/58007 and
Refractory metal boride ceramics C04B 35/58064 and
Refractory metal silicide ceramics C04B 35/58092 and
Refractory mortars or monolithic refractories C04B 35/66
Refractory metal carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3839 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. VC, Cr3C2, ZrC, HfC, NbC, subgroups
TaC, MoC or Mo2C
Refractory metals as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/404
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. titanium (Ti), chromium (Cr),
tantalum (Ta)
Coating for prosthesis made of tantalum carbide A61F 2310/00269
Coating for prosthesis made of chromium carbide A61F 2310/00754
Coating for prosthesis made of niobium carbide A61F 2310/00772
The preparation of tungsten or molybdenum carbide powders C01B 32/949
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Refractory carbides titanium carbide, vanadium carbide, chromium carbide, zirconium
carbide, niobium carbide, molybdenum carbide, hafnium carbide,
tantalum carbide, tungsten carbide
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/5611
{based on titanium carbides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanium carbides or titanium oxy-carbides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Titanium (oxy)carbonitride ceramics C04B 35/58021
Titanium (oxy)carbide with a metallic binder C22C 29/10
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Titanium oxide based ceramics C04B 35/46 and
Titanium (oxy)nitride ceramics C04B 35/58014 and
Titanium (oxy)boride ceramics C04B 35/58071
After-treatment of mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramics; C04B 41/5061
Treatment of natural stone: with titanium carbide
Titanium carbide as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3843
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. TiC
Materials for prostheses, containing titanium carbide A61F 2310/00748
Making titanium (oxy)carbide powders C01B 32/921
Titanium carbide ceramics in machines or engines in general (F01) or F05C 2203/0821
machines for liquids ( F04)
Materials for prostheses, coatings containing titanium carbide K6F2/00B22B4T
C04B 35/5615
{based on titanium silicon carbides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanium carbides or titanium oxy-carbides that also contain silicon, or silicon
carbides or silicon oxy-carbides that also contain titanium
C04B 35/5615 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/565 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with titanium carbide C04B 41/5061
Silicon carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3826 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. SiC or SiOC subgroups
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
C04B 35/5618
{based on titanium aluminium carbides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanium carbides or titanium oxy-carbides that also contain aluminium, or
aluminium carbides or aluminium oxy-carbides that also contain titanium
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Aluminium carbide based ceramics C04B 35/56
Carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3817
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. aluminum carbide
Aluminium as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/402
phase of a sintered ceramic
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/5622
{based on zirconium or hafnium carbides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on zirconium or hafnium carbides or zirconium or hafnium oxy-carbides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium or hafnium (oxy)carbonitride ceramics C04B 35/58028
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics C04B 35/48 and
Zirconium or hafnium (oxy)nitride ceramics C04B 35/58028
Zirconium or hafnium (oxy)boride ceramics C04B 35/58078
Materials for prostheses, coatings made of zirconium carbide A61F 2310/00766
Materials for prostheses, coatings made of hafnium carbide A61F 2310/00778
C04B 35/5626
{based on tungsten carbides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on tungsten carbides or tungsten oxy-carbides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Tungsten (oxy)carbonitride ceramics C04B 35/58007
Tungsten carbide with a metallic binder C22C 29/10
C04B 35/5626 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Tungsten oxide based ceramics C04B 35/495 and
Tungsten (oxy)nitride ceramics C04B 35/58007
Tungsten (oxy)boride ceramics C04B 35/58064
Tungsten carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3847
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. WC
Coating for prosthesis made of tungsten carbide A61F 2310/0079
The preparation of tungsten or molybdenum carbide powders C01B 32/949
Metallic alloys based on tungsten carbide C22C 29/10
Tungsten carbide ceramics in machines or engines in general (F01) or F05C 2203/0826
machines for liquids ( F04)
C04B 35/563
based on boron carbide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on boron carbides or boron oxy-carbides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on boron carbo-nitride C04B 35/583 and
Boron carbide with a metallic binder C22C 29/062
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/323
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
boron carbide
Ceramics based on boron oxide C04B 35/01 together with
C04B 2235/3409
Ceramics based on boron oxycarbide C04B 35/5603 and
C04B 35/563
C04B 35/563 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/565
based on silicon carbide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on silicon carbides or silicon oxy-carbides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon carbide based ceramics containing also Ti, e.g. Ti0.1Si0.9C C04B 35/5615
Ceramics based on silicon carbo-nitride C04B 35/584 and
Silicon carbide with a metallic binder C22C 29/065
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/324
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
silicon carbide
Ceramics based on silicon oxide C04B 35/14
C04B 35/565 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/565 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
In the case of mixed carbides, e.g. SiBC, both C04B 35/565 (for the Si) and C04B 35/563 are added,
since the amount of B and Si is the same. Si0.9B1.1C is only classified in C04B 35/563 (possibly using
an additional symbol (CCA) to indicate the presence of Si, e.g. C04B 2235/3826 or C04B 2235/428).
B0.9Si1.1C is only classified in C04B 35/565 or subgroup of C04B 35/565 (possibly using an additional
symbol (CCA) to indicate the presence of B, e.g. C04B 2235/3821 or C04B 2235/421).
For all other mixed carbides containing Si the reasoning is as with SiBC, classification is in the carbide
group of the metal element that is most abundant, with the exception of TiSi-carbides.
If the main phase is alpha SiC, C04B 2235/767 (hexagonal phase) is attributed, if the main phase is
beta SiC, C04B 2235/762 (cubic phase) is attributed.
C04B 35/571
obtained from {Si-containing} polymer precursors {or organosilicon
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicon carbide ceramics made by pyrolysing silicone resins, (poly)silanes, (poly)siloxanes,
(poly)silazanes etc., or porous ceramics that are infiltrated with a silicon-containing resin and
pyrolysed to a product that contains mainly silicon carbide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porous carbon is infiltrated with Si-containing polymer that is carbonised C04B 35/521
to form a product containing mainly carbon
Carbon and silicon containing polymers are carbonised, leading to a C04B 35/524
product that has as largest fraction a carbon phase
C04B 35/571 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on carbon obtained from polymer or organic precursors C04B 35/524
Ceramics based on silicon nitride obtained from polymer or organic C04B 35/591
Si-containing organic compounds, e.g. silicone resins, (poly)silanes, C04B 2235/483
(poly)siloxanes or (poly)silazanes used for becoming part of a ceramic
after heat-treatment, e.g. phenol resins
C04B 35/573
obtained by reaction sintering {or recrystallisation}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A carbon containing material and a silicon containing material are reacted to form in-situ a SiC
containing ceramics, e.g. a porous carbon body is infiltrated with molten Si and reacted to SiC or a
porous carbon body is infiltrated with gaseous SiOx and reacted to SiC, or carbon powder and SiO2
and/or Si powder are mixed, shaped and heated to a temperature and in an atmosphere where they
react to SiC
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Infiltration of porous carbon product with molten Si, with the end-product C04B 35/52
containing more carbon phase than SiC
Infiltration of porous carbon product with molten Si, with the end-product C04B 41/4584
containing more unreacted silicon phase than SiC
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reaction sintering to make silicon nitride based ceramics C04B 35/591
Reaction sintering to make ceramics in general C04B 35/65 and
A paper sheet which after carbonisation will react with silicon to form a C04B 38/0032
porous silicon carbide porous body]
Carbon as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/422 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
C04B 35/573 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
If a SiC ceramic is made by mixing 55 wt% SiC with 45 wt% of Si/C mixture, and this mixture is
reaction sintered, C04B 35/573 should not be given, but C04B 35/565, since the majority of the
material does not result from reaction sintering.
C04B 35/575
obtained by pressure sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
A SiC-containing or forming material is densified under mechanical pressure, leading to a product
having SiC as the largest fraction.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pressure sintering to make silicon nitride based ceramics C04B 35/593
Pressure sintering to make ceramics in general C04B 35/645
C04B 35/5755
{obtained by gas pressure sintering}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A SiC-containing or forming material is densified under gas pressure, leading to a product having SiC
as the largest fraction.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Gas pressure sintering to make silicon nitride based ceramics C04B 35/5935
Hot isostatic pressing to make ceramics in general C04B 35/6455
C04B 35/5755 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/58
based on borides, nitrides, {i.e. nitrides, oxynitrides, carbonitrides or
oxycarbonitrides} or silicides {(containing free binder metal C22C 29/00)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Making nitride ceramics, compounds between nitrogen and a metal or semi-metal, e.g. aluminum
nitride, alkali nitrides, alkaline earth metal nitrides, rare earth nitrides, gallium nitride, indium nitride,
carbonitrides, oxynitrides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The preparation of nitride powders per se, not preparative to the making C01B 21/06 and
of nitride ceramics subgroups, C01B 21/082
and subgroups
Carbonitrides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/04
Nitrides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/16
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/32 and
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
granular materials, e.g. microballoons: carbides; nitrides; borides;
Making fibres based on nitrides C04B 35/62286
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with borides, nitrides or C04B 41/5062
Nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3852 and
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. oxynitrides, carbonitrides, oxycarbonitrides, subgroups
lithium nitride (Li3N), magnesium nitride (Mg3N2), rare earth nitride
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi
Gases other than oxygen used as reactant for making a ceramic phase, C04B 2235/46 and
e.g. nitrogen used to make a nitride phase subgroup
Materials for prostheses based on metal nitrides A61F 2310/00299 and
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of compounds based on A61F 2310/00856 and
metal nitrides subgroups
C04B 35/58 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/58 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Semiconductor devices with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface H01L 33/007
barrier specially adapted for light emission; Processes or apparatus
specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment thereof or of parts
thereof; Details thereof, Processes for devices with an active region
comprising only III-V compounds comprising nitride compounds
Semiconductor devices with at least one potential-jump barrier or surface H01L 33/0075
barrier specially adapted for light emission; Processes or apparatus
specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment thereof or of parts
thereof; Details thereof, Processes for devices with an active region
comprising only III-V compounds with a substrate not being a III-V
compound comprising nitride compounds
Heater elements characterised by the composition or nature of the H05B 3/148
materials or by the arrangement of the conductor: silicon, e.g. silicon
carbide, magnesium silicide, heating transistors or diodes
Processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of H10N 60/0241
superconducting devices comprising nitrides or carbonitrides
C04B 35/58007
{based on refractory metal nitrides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on refractory metal nitrides or refractory metal oxy-nitrides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Refractory nitrides other than refractory metal nitrides, e.g. a silicon C04B 35/584 respectively
nitride refractory or boron nitride refractory C04B 35/583
Cemented refractory nitrides C22C 29/16
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxide ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum C04B 35/495 and
or tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
Refractory metal carbide ceramics C04B 35/5607 and sub/
Refractory metal boride ceramics C04B 35/58064 and sub/
Refractory metal silicide ceramics C04B 35/58092 and sub/
C04B 35/58007 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Refractory nitrides titanium nitride, vanadium nitride, chromium nitride, zirconium
nitride, niobium nitride, molybdenum nitride, hafnium nitride,
tantalum nitride, tungsten nitride
C04B 35/58014
{based on titanium nitrides, e.g. TiAlON}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanium nitrides or titanium oxy-nitrides
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Titanium oxide based ceramics C04B 35/46 and
Titanium (oxy)carbide based ceramics C04B 35/5611 and
Titanium (oxy)boride based ceramics C04B 35/58071
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with titanium nitride C04B 41/5068
Materials for prostheses based on titanium nitrides A61F 2310/00323
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of titanium nitride A61F 2310/0088
The preparation of titanium, zirconium or hafnium nitride powders per se, C01B 21/076 and
not preparative to the making of nitride ceramics subgroups, C01B 21/076
Titanium nitride ceramics in machines or engines in general (F01) or F05C 2203/0847
machines for liquids ( F04)
C04B 35/58014 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/58021
{based on titanium carbonitrides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanium carbonitrides or titanium oxycarbonitrides
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Carbonitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3856
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. titanium carbonitride, zirconium
C04B 35/58028
{based on zirconium or hafnium nitrides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on zirconium or hafnium nitrides or zirconium or hafnium oxy-nitrides
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics C04B 35/48 and
Zirconium or hafnium (oxy)carbide ceramics C04B 35/5622
Zirconium or hafnium (oxy)boride ceramics C04B 35/58078
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of hafnium nitride A61F 2310/00892
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of zirconium nitride A61F 2310/00892
The preparation of titanium, zirconium or hafnium nitride powders per se, C01B 21/076 and
not preparative to the making of nitride ceramics subgroups, C01B 21/076
C04B 35/58028 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/58035
{based on zirconium or hafnium carbonitrides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on zirconium or hafnium carbonitrides or zirconium or hafnium oxycarbonitrides
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Carbonitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3856
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. titanium carbonitride, zirconium
C04B 35/58042
{based on iron group metals nitrides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Nitride ceramics based on iron nitride, nickel nitride or cobalt nitride
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cobalt oxide based ceramics C04B 35/01 together
with C04B 2235/3275 or
C04B 2235/3277
Nickel oxide based ceramics C04B 35/01 together with
C04B 2235/3279
Iron oxide based ceramics C04B 35/26 and
Iron group carbide based ceramics C04B 35/56
Iron group boride based ceramics C04B 35/5805
Nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3852
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. oxynitrides, carbonitrides, oxycarbonitrides,
lithium nitride (Li3N), magnesium nitride (Mg3N2), rare earth nitride, iron
group metal nitrides
C04B 35/58042 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Iron group metals as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/405
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co)
The preparation of nitride powders per se, not preparative to the making C01B 21/0622
of nitride ceramics, with iron, cobalt or nickel
C04B 35/5805
{based on borides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramic materials based one or more boride phases, a compound between boron and a metal or
semi-metal, e.g. e.g. aluminium boride, Rare earth boride, e.g. dysprosium boride (DyB2), Lanthanum
boride (LaB6), Manganese boride (Mn2B, MnB or MnB2), Iron boride (Fe2B, FeB), Cobalt boride
(CoB), Nickel boride (NiB), Copper boride (Cu3B2), Gallium boride (GaB12), Scandium Iridium Boride
(Sc3Ir5B2), Silver boride (AgB2), Nickel bismuth boride (Ni23-xBixB6), Silicon boride (SiBn)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on boron carbide C04B 35/563
Ceramics based on boron nitride C04B 35/583 and
Borides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/14
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with borides C04B 41/507
Boron oxide or borate as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3409
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Borides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3804 and
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rare earth boride subgroups
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi
Boron as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/421
a sintered ceramic
Boron-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/486
heat treatment, e.g. borazine, borane or boranyl
Materials for prostheses based on metal borides A61F 2310/00263
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of compounds based on A61F 2310/0067 and
metal borides subgroups
Preparation of metal boride powders C01B 35/04
Boride or phosphide coating on glass C03C 17/3488
Boride or phosphide coating on glass C03C 2217/283
C04B 35/5805 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Making hard metals based on borides, carbides, nitrides, oxides or C22C 1/051
silicides; Preparation of the powder mixture used as the starting material
Making hard metals based on borides, carbides, nitrides, oxides, silicides C22C 1/1068
starting from a melt
Alloys based on borides C22C 29/14
Details of electrodes, of magnetic control means, of screens, or of the H01J 1/148
mounting or spacing thereof, common to two or more basic types of
discharge tubes or lamps: main electrodes: solid thermionic cathodes
with compounds having metallic conductive properties, e.g. lanthanum
boride, as an emissive material
C04B 35/58057
{based on magnesium boride, e.g. MgB2}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on a magnesium boride phase, whether superconducting or not
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Magnesium oxide based ceramics C04B 35/04 and
Magnesium carbide based ceramics C04B 35/56
Magnesium nitride based ceramics C04B 35/58
Alkaline earth metals as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/401
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Mg
Processes or apparatus peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of H10N 60/0856
superconducting devices comprising metal borides, e.g. MgB2
Superconducting devices comprising a junction of dissimilar materials, H10N 60/126
namely Josephson-effect devices comprising metal borides, e.g. MgB2
Permanent superconductor devices comprising metal borides, e.g. MgB2 H10N 60/202
C04B 35/58064
{based on refractory borides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on refractory metal borides or refractory metal oxy-borides, Vanadium diboride (VB2),
Chromium boride (CrB or CrB2), Niobium or tantalum diboride (NbB2 or TaB2), Molybdenum boride
(Mo2B or Mo2B5), Tungsten boride (W2B, WB or W2B5)
C04B 35/58064 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Refractory borides other than refractory metal borides, e.g. a silicon C04B 35/5805
boride refractory
Cemented refractory borides C22C 29/14
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxide ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum C04B 35/495 and
or tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
Refractory metal carbide ceramics C04B 35/5607 and
Refractory metal nitride ceramics C04B 35/58007 and
Refractory metal silicide ceramics C04B 35/58092 and
Refractory mortars or monolithic refractories C04B 35/66
Refractory metal borides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3813
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. TiB2, HfB2
Refractory metals as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/404
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. titanium (Ti), chromium (Cr),
tantalum (Ta)
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of compounds based on A61F 2310/00694
chromium boride
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of compounds based on A61F 2310/00712
molybdenum boride
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of compounds based on A61F 2310/00712
vanadium boride
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of compounds based on A61F 2310/0079
tungsten boride
C04B 35/58071
{based on titanium borides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on titanium borides or titanium oxy-borides, Titanium diboride (TiB2)
C04B 35/58071 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Titanium oxide based ceramics C04B 35/46 and
Titanium (oxy)carbide based ceramics C04B 35/5611 and
Titanium (oxy)nitride based ceramics C04B 35/58014 and
Titanium (oxy)silicide based ceramics C04B 35/58092
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of compounds based on K61F2/00L22B8T
titanium borides
C04B 35/58078
{based on zirconium or hafnium borides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on zirconium borides or zirconium oxy-borides, Zirconium of hafnium diboride (ZrB2
or HfB2).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Zirconium oxide based ceramics C04B 35/48 and
Zirconium or hafnium (oxy)carbide ceramics C04B 35/5622
Zirconium or hafnium (oxy)nitride ceramics C04B 35/58028 and
Coating or prosthesis-covering structure made of compounds based on A61F 2310/00706
zirconium borides
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/58085
{based on silicides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on silicides or oxy-silicides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/18
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silicides C04B 41/5071
Silicides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
of a sintered ceramic, i.e. chemical compounds between silicon and a
one or more metals, e.g. chromium silicide (CrSi2), molybdenum disilicide
(MoSi2), iron silicide (FeSi, FeSi2), cobalt silicide (Co2Si, CoSi, CoSi2)
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
The preparation of metal silicide powders C01B 33/06
Materials for coating a single layer on glass: carbides, silicides C03C 2217/282
Making hard metals based on borides, carbides, nitrides, oxides or C22C 1/051
silicides; preparation of the powder mixture used as the starting material
Making hard metals based on borides, carbides, nitrides, oxides, silicides C22C 1/1068
starting from a melt
Alloys based on silicides C22C 29/18
Forming inorganic semiconducting materials on a substrate, the substrate H01L 21/02425
being conductive materials, e.g. metallic silicides
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof, H01L 21/02425
the devices having at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier,
e.g. PN junction, depletion layer, carrier concentration layer, the devices
having semiconductor bodies comprising elements of the fourth group of
the Periodic System or AIIIBV compounds with or without impurities, e.g.
doping material; Deposition of semiconductor materials on a substrate,
e.g. epitaxial growth the substrate being of crystalline conducting
material, e.g. metallic silicides
Making conductor-insulator-semiconductor electrodes the final conductor H01L 21/28052
layer being next to the insulator being silicon, e.g. polysilicon, with or
without impurities, the conductor comprising a silicide layer formed by the
silicidation reaction of silicon with a metal layer
C04B 35/58085 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/58092
{based on refractory metal silicides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on refractory metal silicides or refractory metal oxy-silicides
C04B 35/58092 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxide ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum C04B 35/495 and
or tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
Refractory metal carbide ceramics C04B 35/5607 and
Refractory metal nitride ceramics C04B 35/58007 and
Refractory metal boride ceramics C04B 35/58064 and
Refractory mortars or monolithic refractories C04B 35/66
Metal-insulator-semiconductor electrodes the conductor material next to H01L 29/4975
the insulator being a silicide layer, e.g. TiSi2
C04B 35/581
based on aluminium nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on aluminium nitrides or aluminium oxynitrides or aluminium carbonitrides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on aluminium silicon oxynitride (Sialon) C04B 35/597
Nitrides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/16
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/326
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
granular materials, Aluminium nitride
Ceramics based on aluminium carbide C04B 35/56
Ceramics based on aluminium boride C04B 35/5805
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with aluminium nitride C04B 41/5063
C04B 35/581 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Aluminum nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3865 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroup
Aluminium as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/402
phase of a sintered ceramic
Aluminum nitride substrate joined with another substrate or being part of C04B 2237/366
a ceramic laminate
Materials for prostheses based on aluminium nitride A61F 2310/00311
Coatings for prostheses based on aluminium nitride A61F 2310/00868
High pressure synthesis of aluminium nitrides B01J 2203/067
The preparation of aluminium nitride powders per se, not preparative to C01B 21/072 and
the making of nitride ceramics subgroups, C01B 21/0825
Aluminium nitride ceramics in machines or engines in general (F01) or F05C 2203/0834
machines for liquids ( F04)
C04B 35/583
based on boron nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on boron nitrides or boron oxynitrides or boron carbonitrides, having for instant the
hexagonal phase
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Nitrides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/16
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on boron carbide C04B 35/563
Making fibres based on boron nitride C04B 35/6229
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with boron nitride C04B 41/5064
Boron oxide or borate as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3409
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Boron nitride starting material for making ceramics or secondary phase of C04B 2235/386
a sintered ceramic
Boron as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/421
a sintered ceramic
C04B 35/583 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
hBN Hexagonal boron nitride
C04B 35/5831
based on cubic boron nitrides {or Wurtzitic boron nitrides, including crystal
structure transformation of powder}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on boron nitrides, boron oxynitrides or boron carbonitrides, having the cubic structure
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Nitrides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/16
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
cBN Cubic boron nitride
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/584
based on silicon nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on silicon nitrides or silicon carbonitrides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon oxynitride C04B 35/597
Nitrides containing a metallic binder C22C 29/16
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on silicon oxide C04B 35/14
Ceramics based on silicon carbide C04B 35/565 and
Ceramics based on silicon boride C04B 35/5805
Making fibres based on silicon nitrides C04B 35/62295
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silicon nitride C04B 41/5066
Silicon nitrides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary C04B 2235/3873 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Si3N4, silicon carbonitride or silicon subgroups
oxynitride (SiON)
Si-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/483
heat treatment, e.g. silicone resins, (poly)silanes, (poly)siloxanes or
Silicon nitride substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/368
ceramic laminate
Materials for prostheses based on silicon nitride A61F 2310/00317
Coatings based on silicon nitride on prostheses A61F 2310/00874
The preparation of silicon nitride powders per se, not preparative to the C01B 21/068 and
making of nitride ceramics subgroups, C01B 21/0823
Silicon nitride ceramics in machines or engines in general (F01) or F05C 2203/0843
machines for liquids ( F04)
Manufacture or treatment of semiconductor devices or of parts thereof: H01L 21/0217
forming insulating materials on a substrate the material being a silicon
nitride not containing oxygen, e.g. SixNy or SixByNz
Treatment of semiconductor bodies to form insulating layers thereon, e.g. H01L 21/3185
for masking or by using photolithographic techniques composed of silicon
Thin film transistors having a semiconductor body comprising H01L 29/78684 and
semiconductor materials of the fourth group not being silicon, or alloys subgroup
including an element of the group IV, e.g. Ge, SiN alloys, SiC alloys
C04B 35/584 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
For all other mixed nitrides containing Si the reasoning is as with SiBN, classification is in the nitride
group of the metal element that is most abundant.
If the main phase is alpha Si3N4, C04B 2235/766 (trigonal symmetry) is attributed, if the main phase is
beta Si3N4, C04B 2235/767 (hexagonal symmetry) is attributed.
C04B 35/587
Fine ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicon nitride ceramics having grains smaller than 100 microns.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Using particles of size 1-100 microns for making the ceramic C04B 2235/5436
C04B 35/589
obtained from {Si-containing} polymer precursors {or organosilicon
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicon nitride or carbonitride ceramics made by pyrolysing silicone resins, (poly)silanes,
(poly)siloxanes, (poly)silazanes etc., or porous ceramics that are infiltrated with a silicon-containing
resin and pyrolysed to a product that contains mainly silicon nitride or carbonitride
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porous carbon is infiltrated with Si-containing polymer that is carbonised C04B 35/521
to form a product containing mainly carbon
Carbon and silicon containing polymers are carbonised, leading to a C04B 35/524
product that has as largest fraction a carbon phase
C04B 35/589 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on carbon obtained from polymer or organic precursors C04B 35/524
Ceramics based on silicon carbide obtained from polymer or organic C04B 35/571
Si-containing organic compounds, e.g. silicone resins, (poly)silanes, C04B 2235/483
(poly)siloxanes or (poly)silazanes used for becoming part of a ceramic
after heat-treatment, e.g. phenol resins
C04B 35/591
obtained by reaction sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
A nitrogen containing material and a silicon containing material are reacted to form in-situ a Si3N4
containing ceramics, e.g. a silicon body is infiltrated with gaseous N2 and reacted to Si3N4
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Infiltration of porous silicon product with nitrogen, with the end-product C04B 41/45 and
containing more unreacted silicon phase than Si3N4 subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reaction sintering to make silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/571
Reaction sintering to make ceramics in general C04B 35/65 and
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
Gases other than oxygen used as reactant for making a ceramic phase, C04B 2235/46 and
e.g. nitrogen used to make a nitride phase subgroup
Treatment of semiconductor bodies to form insulating layers thereon, e.g. H01L 21/3211
for masking or by using photolithographic techniques: deposition of non-
insulating-, e.g. conductive- or resistive-, layers on insulating layers; after
treatment: nitridation of silicon-containing layers
C04B 35/591 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
phase are not regarded as ceramics having a metallic binder, which are classified in C22C 29/00 and
subgroups, but as a ceramic with a secondary phase.
C04B 35/593
obtained by pressure sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
A Si3N4-containing or forming material is densified under mechanical pressure, leading to a product
having Si3N4 as the largest fraction.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pressure sintering to make silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/575
Pressure sintering to make ceramics in general C04B 35/645
C04B 35/5935
{obtained by gas pressure sintering}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A Si3N4-containing or forming material is densified under gas pressure, leading to a product having
Si3N4 as the largest fraction.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Gas pressure sintering to make silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/5755
Hot isostatic pressing to make ceramics in general C04B 35/6455
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/597
based on silicon oxynitride, {e.g. SIALONS}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics based on oxynitrides containing both aluminium and silicon, possibly further containing rare
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Aluminium oxynitride based ceramics C04B 35/581
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Aluminium nitride based ceramics C04B 35/581
Silicon nitride based ceramics C04B 35/584 and
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silicon oxynitrides, e.g. C04B 41/5067
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3418
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. silica sol, fused silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint
(glass constituents C04B 2235/36), e.g. silicic acid H2Si2O5
Aluminum nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3865 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroup
Aluminum oxynitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3869
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. AlON or sialon
Silicon nitrides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary C04B 2235/3873 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Si3N4, silicon carbonitride or silicon subgroups
oxynitride (SiON)
Aluminium as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/402
phase of a sintered ceramic
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
The preparation of sion powders per se, not preparative to the making of C01B 21/0823
nitride ceramics
The preparation of sialon powders per se, not preparative to the making C01B 21/0826
of nitride ceramics
Silicon oxy-nitride glasses C03B 2201/24,
C03C 2201/24
Silicon oxycarbide, oxynitride or oxycarbonitride glasses C03C 3/045
C04B 35/597 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/622
Forming processes; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory
to the manufacturing of ceramic products
Definition statement
This place covers:
All processes for producing and treating ceramic powders or powders that are used for making
ceramics, where these powders subsequently are used to make shaped ceramics. Making and
treating ceramic fibers. Additives used for shaping ceramics. The shaping of (pre)ceramic powders or
slurries. Heat treatments of (pre)ceramic powders and shaped ceramic materials.
Mechanical features relating to the shaping of clay or other ceramic compositions, B28B
Preparing clay or like ceramic compositions; Producing mixtures containing clay or like ceramic
compositions B28C
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
After- treatment of ceramics, e.g. coating or impregnation C04B 41/00
Articles characterised by particular shape, e.g. linings for casting ladles, B22D 41/02
tundishes, cups or the like
Injection moulding of clay or other ceramic compositions B28B 1/24
Slip-casting clay or other ceramic compositions B28B 1/26
Applying clay or other ceramic compositions on to a core to form a layer B28B 1/30
C04B 35/622 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Aspects relating to the preparation, properties or mechanical treatment of C04B 2235/60 and
green bodies or pre-forms subgroups
Patterns for foundry moulding; Manufacture thereof so far as not provided B22C 7/00
for in other classes
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder characterised B22F 3/105
by the manner of sintering by using electric current, laser radiation or
Working by laser beam B23K 26/00
Layered products essentially comprising ceramics, e.g. refractory B32B 18/00
Photomechanical, e.g. photolithographic, production of textured or G03F 7/00
patterned surfaces
Exposure, e.g. with laser beam G03F 7/20
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Rapid Prototyping (RP) RP is a forming method in which resin or powder material is
used. RP devices build up a prototype body layer by layer, rapidly
generating a three-dimensional free form. In the ceramic art, two
kinds of RP are mainly applied. One is "3D Printing", the other is
"Selective Laser Sintering" (see glossary of C04B 35/64).
3D Printing (3DP) 3DP is a general forming technique which is also used in the
ceramic art, developed from stereolithography. Light-sensitive
monomers are polymerised by a laser beam and solidified by
gelation in this way. Through the gelation and solidification
of aqueous ceramic slurry, which contains the light-sensitive
monomer, a component is built up in layers.
C04B 35/62204
{using waste materials or refuse (clay-wares containing waste materials
C04B 33/132)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Waste material is mixed with ceramic or refractory material to be sintered into a ceramic or refractory
C04B 35/62204 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Waste material is mixed with clay to make a fired clay product C04B 33/132 and
Alumino-silicate products made by sintering waste materials, without C04B 33/1328
adding any clay or ceramic material.
Waste materials that are added to the ceramic material to create porosity C04B 38/065
after a heat treatment
Removing ash, clinker, or slag from combustion chamber F23J 1/00 and subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cements containing slag C04B 7/14 and subgroups
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/04 and
stone subgroups
Use of agglomerated or waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, C04B 18/146 and
concrete or artificial stone, or treatment of agglomerated or waste subgroups
materials or refuse, specially adapted to enhance their filling properties
in mortars, concrete or artificial stone: waste material from metallurgical
processes being silica fume
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/0006
artificial stone, e.g. accelerators: waste inorganic materials
Coating or impregnating of mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramics C04B 41/4598
with waste materials
Manufacture of articles from scrap or waste metal particles B22F 8/00
Active carbon from waste materials, e.g. tyres, spent sulphite pulp liquor C01B 32/324
Preparation of alkali metal aluminates; Aluminium oxide or hydroxide C01F 7/06
there from by treating aluminous minerals or waste-like raw materials with
alkali hydroxide,
Melting in furnaces of glass-forming waste materials C03B 5/005
Use of waste materials, e.g. slags as ingredients generally applicable to C03C 1/002
manufacture of glasses, glazes, or vitreous enamels
Devitrified glass ceramics containing waste materials, e.g. slags C03C 10/0063
Foundations for pavings characterised by material or composition used, E01C 3/003
e.g. waste or recycled material
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62209
{using woody material, remaining in the ceramic products (to obtain porous
material by burning out C04B 38/06)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Wood materials are carbonised to make a carbon product, which could be further reacted with silicon
to make silicon carbide, e.g. cellulose is carbonised and becomes part of a ceramic object.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Burning out woody material, e.g. cellulose, to obtain a porous ceramic C04B 38/06
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/068
stone: combustion residues from burning wood
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/26 and
stone: wood, e.g. sawdust, wood shaving subgroup
Using cellulose as additive for making ceramics C04B 35/6365
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
carbonising phenol resins subgroups
Incinerators or other apparatus for consuming industrial waste, of wood F23G 7/105
C04B 35/62213
{using rice material, e.g. bran or hulls or husks}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Rice bran or rice hulls are pyrolysed into silicon oxide material or are treated in reducing atmosphere
to make a silicon (oxy)carbide material.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/101
stone: combustion residues: burned rice husks or other burned vegetable
Use of waste materials or refuse as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/24 and
stone: vegetable refuse, e.g. rice husks, maize-ear refuse; Cellulosic subgroups
materials, e.g. paper, cork
C04B 35/62213 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3418
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. silica sol, fused silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint
(glass constituents C04B 2235/36), e.g. silicic acid H2Si2O5
Silicon carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3826 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. SiC or SiOC subgroups
C04B 35/62218
{obtaining ceramic films, e.g. by using temporary supports}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Obtaining free-standing ceramic films or sheets, e.g. making ceramic paper, ceramic layers, where
the emphasis lies on how to obtain the free-standing film, e.g. through tape casting, or using a method
that is normally used for making coatings, to make a free-standing film, e.g., CVD. Not meant for
standard tape casting or standard sheet making.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Obtaining ceramic films that remain on a substrate of mortars, concrete, C04B 41/45 and
artificial or natural stone or ceramics subgroups
Making ceramic tapes by tape casting C04B 2235/6025
Obtaining ceramic films that remain on a glass substrate C03C 17/00,
C03C 2217/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Laminating ceramic pre-shaped layers B32B 18/00
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62222
{obtaining ceramic coatings (coating of mortars, concrete, artificial or natural
stone or ceramics C04B 41/45; laminated ceramic products B32B 18/00;
coating metallic materials C23; coating of glass C03C 17/00, applying ceramic
coatings on silicon for semi-conductor purposes H01L)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramic coatings on bulk objects, where the substrate is not defined, making it impossible to classify
in C03C 17/00, C04B 41/00, C23C, H01 or any other field where ceramic coatings could be classified.
This is for instance the case when making thick coatings from suspensions, such as by screen
printing, on an undefined substrate.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Obtaining ceramic coatings on inorganic particles that are subsequently C04B 35/62802
used in a ceramic material
Obtaining ceramic coatings on inorganic fibers that are subsequently C04B 35/62844
used in a ceramic material
Obtaining ceramic coatings that remain on a substrate of mortars, C04B 41/45 and
concrete, artificial or natural stone or ceramics subgroups
Linings or coatings, e.g. removable, absorbent linings, permanent anti- B28B 7/36 and subgroups
stick coatings; Linings becoming a non-permanent layer of the moulded
article of Moulds; Cores; Mandrel
Mechanical aspects of coating ceramic objects B28B 11/04, B28B 19/00
and subgroups
Obtaining ceramic coatings that remain on a glass substrate C03C 17/00,
C03C 2217/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Mechanical aspects of coating ceramic tubes B28B 21/94
Laminating ceramic pre-shaped layers B32B 18/00
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62227
{obtaining fibres}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All documents describing the synthesis of ceramic fibers, both oxide and non-oxide fibers, except
for carbon fibers, and all documents that describe ceramic fibers having a new or uncommon
composition. The fibers can be obtained either in individual form or in certain shaped form, such as
woven fibers. Also for the synthesis of (nano) wires, whiskers, needles, pins.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating of ceramic fibers C04B 35/62844 and
Making metallic fibers per se B22F 1/062
The synthesis of glass fibers C03B 37/01 and
Glass-ceramic fiber compositions C03C 13/006
The synthesis of carbon fibers D01F 9/12, D10B 2101/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay wares reinforced with fibers C04B 33/36
Coating ceramic and carbon fibers C04B 35/62844 and
Ceramic material reinforced with fibers C04B 35/71 and
subgroups, e.g.
C04B 35/83, C/C
Fibers used in ceramic compositions C04B 2235/5208 and
Mechanical aspects of shaping ceramic objects containing fibers B28B 1/52
Glass fibre or filament compositions C03C 13/00 and
Use of inorganic fibers as ingredient for polymers C08K 7/02 and subgroups
Fibers of inorganic material, not being glass or ceramic D01F 9/12
C04B 35/62227 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
If the making of ceramic fibers is not described but just the use of them in a ceramic composite
is mentioned, C04B 35/62227 is not used, but C04B 2235/5208 and its subgroups together with
C04B 35/80 and it's subgroups.
The making of ceramic fibers is normally not classified in the general oxide classes C04B 35/01-
C04B 35/51 or general non-oxide classes C04B 35/515-C04B 35/597, unless the fiber composition is
a new composition for that material in general or in the case the synthesis contains a new aspect that
would be applicable also for making a bulk ceramic, e.g. using a new combination of starting materials
that also could be used to make a bulk ceramic.
C04B 35/62231
{based on oxide ceramics}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on oxide ceramics, e.g. ferrite, manganite, chromite, fibers
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating fibers with oxide ceramic C04B 35/62847 and
The obtaining of glass-ceramic fibers C03C 13/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxidic fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/46 and
Obtaining oxide ceramics in general C04B 35/01 and
Metal oxides, mixed metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. C04B 2235/32 and
carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides, as starting material for subgroups
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Non-metal oxides, mixed non-metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, C04B 2235/34 and
e.g. carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides, as starting material subgroups
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Use of fibers based on oxides in making ceramics C04B 2235/522
Use of inorganic oxygen-containing fibers as ingredient for polymers C08K 7/08
Inorganic fibres based on oxides or oxide ceramics, e.g. silicates, D10B 2101/08
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62236
{Fibres based on aluminium oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on aluminium oxide ceramics, e.g. spinel, alumina, YAG (yttrium
aluminate garnet) fibers
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The obtaining of fibers based on alumino-silicates C04B 35/62245
Coating fibers with alumina or aluminates C04B 35/62852
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alumina fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4625
Obtaining alumina-based ceramics in general C04B 35/10 and
Obtaining aluminate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/44 and
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Use of alumina or aluminate fibers in making ceramics C04B 2235/5224
C04B 35/6224
{Fibres based on silica}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on silicon oxide ceramics, e.g. silica, forsterite, wollastonite
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating fibers with silica or silicates C04B 35/62849
The synthesis of silica based glass or glass-ceramic fibers C03B 37/01 and
C04B 35/6224 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Silica fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4631
Silicate fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4656 and
Obtaining silica-based ceramics in general C04B 35/14
Obtaining silicate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/16
Obtaining magnesium silicate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/20
Obtaining calcium silicate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/22
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3418
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. silica sol, fused silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint
(glass constituents C04B 2235/36), e.g. silicic acid H2Si2O5
Silicates other than clay as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3427 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. water glass (Na2SiO3) subgroups
Use of Silica or silicates other than aluminosilicates fibers in making C04B 2235/5232
Use of inorganic silicon-containing fibers as ingredient for polymers C08K 7/08 and subgroup
C04B 35/62245
{rich in aluminium oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on alumino-silicate ceramics, e.g. mullite, cordierite, kyanite,
zeolite, spodumene, vermiculite, albite, anorthite fibers
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alumino-silicate fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial C04B 14/4656
Obtaining alumino-silicate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/18 and
Alumino-silicates other than clay as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3463 and
or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. mullite (3Al2O3-2SiO2) subgroups
Use of fibers based on Silica and alumina, including aluminosilicates in C04B 2235/5228
making ceramics
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/6225
{Fibres based on zirconium oxide, e.g. zirconates such as PZT}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on zirconium oxide ceramics, e.g. zirconia, YSZ (yttria-
stabilised-zirconia), zircon, zirconate, zirconate-titanates such as PZT (lead zirconate titanate) fibers
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating fibers with refractory metal oxides C04B 35/62855
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Zirconia or zircon fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial C04B 14/4637
Obtaining zirconia or zirconate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/48 and
Obtaining titanate-zirconate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/49 and
Zirconium or hafnium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3244 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. HfO2
Use of fibers based on zirconia in making ceramics C04B 2235/5236
C04B 35/62254
{Fibres based on copper oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on copper oxide ceramics, e.g. cuprate fibers such as
superconducting YBaCuO fibers
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Obtaining copper oxide containing ferrite based fibers C04B 35/62231
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining copper oxide or cuprate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/45 and
C04B 35/62254 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Copper oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3281 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. CuO subgroup
or Cu2O
Processes peculiar to the manufacture or treatment of superconducting H10N 60/0801
filaments or superconducting composite wires
C04B 35/62259
{Fibres based on titanium oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on titanium oxide ceramics, e.g. titania such as rutile and
anatase, titanates such as alkaline earth titanates, e.g. barium or strontium titanates, rare earth
titanates, alkali titanates, lead titanates, bismuth titanates, aluminium titanates such as tialite
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconate-titanate fibers such as PZT fibers C04B 35/6225
Coating fibers with refractory metal oxides C04B 35/62855
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Titanate fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4681
Obtaining titania-based ceramics in general C04B 35/46
Obtaining titanate-based ceramics in general C04B 35/462 and
Titanium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3232 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rutile subgroups
or anatase
C04B 35/62263
{Fibres based on magnesium oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on oxides based on single oxide phases of MgO or mixed
oxides of MgO and CaO such as dolomite, or mixed oxides of MgO with either alkali metal oxides
and/or rare earth oxides, in which the MgO forms the largest fraction. Mixed oxides of magnesia
with zirconium oxide, in which the amount of magnesia is larger than the amount of zirconia, e.g.
C04B 35/62263 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Obtaining magnesium ferrite based fibers C04B 35/62231
Obtaining magnesium chromite based fibers C04B 35/62231
Obtaining magnesium niobate based fibers C04B 35/62231
Obtaining magnesium aluminate based fibers, such as spinel fibers C04B 35/62236
Obtaining magnesium silicate based fibers, such as forsterite fibers C04B 35/6224
Obtaining magnesium alumino silicate based fibers, such as cordierite C04B 35/62245
Obtaining magnesium zirconate based fibers C04B 35/6225
Obtaining magnesium titanate zirconate based fibers C04B 35/6225
Obtaining magnesium cuprate based fibers C04B 35/62254
Obtaining magnesium titanate based fibers C04B 35/62259
Obtaining magnesium phosphate based fibers C04B 35/62268
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining magnesia based ceramics in general C04B 35/04 and
Obtaining dolomite based ceramics in general C04B 35/06
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
C04B 35/62268
{Fibres based on metal phosphorus oxides, e.g. phosphates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on inorganic phosphor-oxide compounds
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Obtaining phosphide based fibers C04B 35/62272
Coating fibers with metal salts, e.g. phosphates C04B 35/62881
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining phosphate based ceramics in general C04B 35/447
C04B 35/62268 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/62272
{based on non-oxide ceramics (carbon nanotubes C01B 32/15; carbon fibers
D01F 9/12)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on ceramics having as the largest fraction a non-oxide material,
e.g. a carbide, nitride, boride, silicide, fluoride, sulphide, selenide.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating fibers with non-oxide ceramics C04B 35/62828 and
The synthesis of carbon nanotubes C01B 32/15
The synthesis of carbon fibers D01F 9/12, D10B 2101/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Non-oxide fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4687 and
Obtaining non-oxide based ceramics in general C04B 35/515 and
Non-oxides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/38 and
phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi
Use of fibers based on non-oxides in making ceramics C04B 2235/524
Non-oxide glass compositions for glass fibers C03C 13/041 and
Inorganic fibres based on Carbides; Nitrides; Silicides; Borides D10B 2101/14 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62277
{Fibres based on carbides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on ceramics having as the largest fraction a carbide, e.g. boron
carbide, titanium carbide, tungsten carbide, an oxy-carbide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The obtaining of carbo-nitride based fibers or whiskers C04B 35/62286
Coating fibers with carbides C04B 35/6286 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining carbide based ceramics in general C04B 35/56 and
Carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3817 and
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rare earth carbide subgroups
Carbon as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/422 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
carbonising phenol resins subgroups
C04B 35/62281
{based on silicon carbide (C04B 35/571 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on ceramics having as the largest fraction a silicon carbide
phase, e.g. alpha- or beta-silicon carbide or silicon oxy-carbide, silicon carbide whiskers
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbon and silicon containing polymers are carbonised, leading to C04B 35/571
a product that has as largest fraction a silicon carbide phase, e.g.
carbonising a shaped polysilane resin
Carbon, silicon and nitrogen containing polymers are carbonised, leading C04B 35/589
to a product that has as largest fraction a silicon nitride phase, e.g.
carbonising a shaped polysilazane resin
The obtaining of silicon carbo-nitride based fibers or whiskers C04B 35/62295
C04B 35/62281 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Silicon carbide fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial C04B 14/4693
Obtaining silicon carbide based ceramics in general C04B 35/565 and
Silicon carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3826 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. SiC or SiOC subgroups
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
Si-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/483
heat treatment, e.g. silicone resins, (poly)silanes, (poly)siloxanes or
Use of fibers based on silicon carbide in making ceramics C04B 2235/5244
Inorganic fibres based on Silicon carbide D10B 2101/16
C04B 35/62286
{Fibres based on nitrides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on ceramics having as the largest fraction a nitride, e.g.
aluminium nitride, titanium nitride, tungsten nitride, a carbonitride phase, an oxy-nitride such as AlON
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating fibers with nitrides C04B 35/62865 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining nitride based ceramics in general C04B 35/58 and
C04B 35/62286 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3852 and
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. oxynitrides, carbonitrides, oxycarbonitrides, subgroups
lithium nitride (Li3N), magnesium nitride (Mg3N2), rare earth nitride, iron
group metal nitrides
Gases other than oxygen used as reactant for making a ceramic phase, C04B 2235/46 and
e.g. nitrogen used to make a nitride phase subgroup
C04B 35/6229
{based on boron nitride}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on ceramics having as the largest fraction a boron nitride phase,
e.g. hexagonal boron nitride, cubic boron nitride, boron carbonitride
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating fibers with boron nitride C04B 35/62868
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining boron nitride based ceramics in general C04B 35/583 and
Boron oxide or borate as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3409
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Boron nitride starting material for making ceramics or secondary phase of C04B 2235/386
a sintered ceramic
Boron as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/421
a sintered ceramic
Boron-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/486
heat treatment, e.g. borazine, borane or boranyl
C04B 35/62295
{based on silicon nitride (C04B 35/589 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The obtaining of ceramic fibers based on ceramics having as the largest fraction a silicon nitride
phase, e.g. alpha- or beta-silicon nitride or silicon oxy- nitride such as SiAlON
C04B 35/62295 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating fibers with silicon nitride C04B 35/62871
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining silicon nitride based ceramics in general C04B 35/584 and
Silicon nitrides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary C04B 2235/3873 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Si3N4, silicon carbonitride or silicon subgroups
oxynitride (SiON)
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
Si-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/483
heat treatment, e.g. silicone resins, (poly)silanes, (poly)siloxanes or
C04B 35/624
Sol-gel processing
Definition statement
This place covers:
Processes in which a liquid containing inorganic sol particles is gelified.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Sol-gel processes for making a porous ceramic C04B 38/0045 and
Gel casting of a ceramic slurry C04B 2235/6023
Depositing a ceramic layer on a metallic substrate by sol-gel processing C23C 18/1254
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic C04B 28/005
binders or the reaction product of an inorganic and an organic binder: sol-
gel binders
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramic ware; preparation C04B 38/0045 and
thereof by a process involving the formation of a sol or a gel, e.g. sol-gel subgroup
or precipitation processes
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate by the sol-gel process C04B 41/4537
Inorganic membrane formation by sol-gel transition B01D 67/0048
C04B 35/624 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/626
Preparing or treating the powders individually or as batches {(pigments for
ceramics C09C 1/0009); preparing or treating macroscopic reinforcing agents
for ceramic products, e.g. fibres; mechanical aspects section B}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All processes for producing and treating ceramic powders or fibers, or powders or fibers that are used
for making ceramics, where these powders or fibers subsequently are used to make shaped ceramics,
e.g. coating ceramic particles, heat treating ceramic (precursor) particles. Coating ceramic fibers.
Additives used for shaping ceramics, such as inorganic and organic binders.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Apparatus or methods for producing or processing clay suspensions, e.g. B28C 1/02 and subgroups
Apparatus or methods for processing clay-containing substances in non- B28C 1/10 and subgroups
fluid condition
Apparatus or methods for mixing clay or ceramic with other substances B28C 3/00
Controlling the operation of apparatus for producing mixtures of clay, B28C 7/00 and subgroups
ceramic or cement with other substances; Supplying or proportioning the
ingredients for mixing clay or cement with other substances; Discharging
the mixture
C04B 35/626 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Aspects relating to the preparation, properties or mechanical treatment of C04B 2235/60 and
green bodies or pre-forms subgroups
Pigments for ceramics C09C 1/0009
C04B 35/62605
{Treating the starting powders individually or as mixtures}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Processes for producing and treating ceramic powders or powders that are used for making ceramics,
where these powders subsequently are used to make shaped ceramics, e.g. heat treating ceramic
(precursor) particles, sieving ceramic powders
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Supplying or proportioning the ingredients B28C 7/04 and subgroups
C04B 35/6261
Definition statement
This place covers:
Milling treatments of powder particles such as ball milling or grinding, usually in order to reduce the
particle size, normally in wet condition, but dry conditions can be used as well. Milling is the process
by which materials are reduced from a large size to a smaller size. Milling may involve breaking
up cemented material (in which case individual particles retain their shape) or pulverization (which
involves grinding the particles themselves to a smaller size). Milling is generally done by mechanical
means, including attrition (which is particle-to-particle collision that results in agglomerate break up or
particle shearing), compression (which applies a forces that results in fracturing), and impact (which
employs a milling medium or the particles themselves to cause fracturing). Attrition milling equipment
includes the wet scrubber (also called the planetary mill or wet attrition mill), which has paddles in
water creating vortexes in which the material collides and break up. Compression mills include the
jaw crusher, roller crusher and cone crusher. Impact mills include the ball mill, which has media that
tumble and fracture the material. Shaft impactors cause particle-to particle attrition and compression.
C04B 35/6261 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mechanical aspects of methods specially adapted for comminuting clay or B28C 1/18 and subgroups
ceramic in non-fluid condition
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fillers added to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: comminuting, C04B 20/026
e.g. by grinding or breaking; defibrillating fibres other than asbestos
Grinding catalysts B01J 37/0036
Milling balls B02C 17/20 and
B02C 15/005
Crushing, grinding or milling of metallic powders B22F 9/04
Producing suspensions, e.g. by blunging or mixing; with means for B28C 1/04
removing stones
Grinding, deagglomeration, disintegration of aluminium oxide; Aluminium C01F 7/023
hydroxide; Aluminates
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/3018
their pigmenting or filling properties: grinding silicic acid
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/3623
their pigmenting or filling properties: grinding titania
Treatment in general of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to C09C 3/041
enhance their pigmenting or filling properties: grinding
C04B 35/62615
{High energy or reactive ball milling}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Milling with high energy in order to activate powders or to cause a chemical reaction leading to a
different phase composition
C04B 35/6262
{of calcined, sintered clinker or ceramics}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A powder is calcined and then milled before it is either calcined again and/or used to make a ceramic.
A green or sintered ceramic is destroyed by milling after which the resulting powder is calcined and/or
used to make a ceramic,
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62625
{Wet mixtures}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The making and treating of mixtures of a liquid and solids where the wet mixture is used to make a
ceramic material, e.g. obtaining a slurry with a certain viscosity
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making a clay slurry C04B 33/18
Apparatus or methods for producing or processing clay or ceramic B28C 1/02 and subgroups
suspensions, e.g. slip
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate with a emulsion, dispersion C04B 41/4539
or suspension
Feeding a slurry or a ceramic slip to moulds or apparatus for producing B28B 2013/0265
shaped articles
Abrasive powders, suspensions and pastes for polishing C09K 3/1454 and
Stabilised aqueous aluminosilicate suspensions for detergents C11D 3/1286
C04B 35/6263
{characterised by their solids loadings, i.e. the percentage of solids}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Obtaining a slurry with a certain defined relation between the amount of solids and liquid is obtained,
e.g. with 40-50 wt% solids or 20-30 vol% solids
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Using specific drying method to reduce the solids loading C04B 35/62655
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62635
{Mixing details}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Specific methods for mixing the solid and liquid components are used, e.g. a specific mixer is used, or
a mixer is used with a specific rotation speed, ultra-sonification is used.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixing solids and liquids by a milling technique, e.g. wet ball milling C04B 35/6261 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
At least two separate mixing steps are used to add different components C04B 35/62685
to the ceramic mixture
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0028 with
mortars, concrete or artificial stone composition: aspects relating to the subgroups
mixing step of the mortar preparation
Producing suspensions, e.g. by blunging or mixing; with means for B28C 1/04
removing stones
Apparatus or methods for mixing clay or ceramics with other substances B28C 3/00 and subgroups
Apparatus or methods for producing mixtures of cement with other B28C 5/00 and subgroups
substances, e.g. slurries, mortars, porous or fibrous compositions
Controlling the operation of apparatus for producing mixtures of clay or B28C 7/00 and subgroups
cement with other substances; Supplying or proportioning the ingredients
for mixing clay or cement with other substances; Discharging the mixture
C04B 35/6264
{Mixing media, e.g. organic solvents}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Using a specific liquid for a ceramic containing slurry or a slurry that is used for making a ceramic, e.g.
water with a specific pH, a specific mixture of water with organic solvents, a specific mixture of organic
solvents, using an unusual organic solvent
C04B 35/6264 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of organic solvents in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/463
C04B 35/62645
{Thermal treatment of powders or mixtures thereof other than sintering}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Thermal treatments of non-shaped ceramic or pre-ceramic powders or mixtures, such as calcining a
ceramic powder mixture, pyrolysing an inorganic-organic pre-ceramic mixture, carbonising organic
material into carbon or other non-oxide material, e.g. silicon carbide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Preheating, burning calcining or cooling of lime, magnesia or dolomite C04B 2/10 and subgroups
Burning methods for clay wares C04B 33/32 and
Curing of mixtures C04B 35/6269
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Heat treatment, e.g. precalcining, burning, melting; Cooling of hydraulic C04B 7/43 and subgroups
Methods and apparatus for] dehydrating gypsum C04B 11/028 and
Fillers added to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: thermal C04B 20/04 and
treatment subgroups
Burning or sintering processes for ceramics C04B 35/64
Aspects relating to heat treatment of green bodies, e.g. burning, sintering C04B 2235/65
or melting processes [N0808]
Heat treatments such as] Calcining; Fusing Pyrolysis in general B01J 6/00 and subgroups
Processing clay- or ceramic containing substances in non-fluid condition B28C 1/227
by heating, drying
Producing mixtures of clay or cement with other substances; Heating, e.g. B28C 7/003
using steam
Making magnesia by calcining magnesium hydroxide C01F 5/08
Dehydration of aluminium oxide or hydroxide, by calcination C01F 7/441 and
Drying; Calcining; After treatment of titanium oxide C01G 23/08
C04B 35/62645 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Drying, calcination of silicic acid to enhance its pigmenting or filling C09C 1/3027
Drying, calcination of titania to enhance its pigmenting or filling properties C09C 1/363
Drying, calcination of inorganic materials in general, other than fibrous C09C 3/043
fillers, to enhance their pigmenting or filling properties
Methods of preparing the interference pigments by wet methods, e.g. co- C09C 2220/103
precipitation comprising a drying or calcination step after applying each
Methods of preparing the interference pigments by wet methods, e.g. C09C 2220/106
co-precipitation comprising only a drying or calcination step of the finally
coated pigment
Shaft or like vertical or substantially vertical furnaces wherein no smelting F27B 1/005
of the charge occurs, e.g. calcining or sintering furnaces
Rotary-drum furnaces, i.e. horizontal or slightly inclined Arrangements of F27B 7/2016
preheating devices for the charge
Type of treatment of the charge: Calcining F27M 2003/03
C04B 35/6265
{involving reduction or oxidation}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Heating methods that result in the oxidation or reduction of powders, preparatory to the making of
a ceramic material, e.g. reducing an oxide powder to a carbide powder in order to make a carbide
ceramic, or oxidising a metallic powder to make an oxide ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Directional oxidation or solidification, e.g. Lanxide process C04B 35/652
Reduction treatment in general of a shaped ceramic C04B 2235/652
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxidative annealing of shaped ceramics C04B 2235/663
Reductive annealing of shaped ceramics C04B 2235/664
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62655
{Drying, e.g. freeze-drying, spray-drying, microwave or supercritical drying}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The drying of unshaped ceramic mixtures or mixtures that can be used to make a ceramic, e.g.
ceramic slurries, dispersions, hydrated powder, where the liquid can be water or any organic solvent.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Drying clay or porcelain powder mixtures C04B 33/30
Curing of starting mixtures for making ceramics or of green bodies C04B 35/6269
Drying of green ceramic or refractory bodies C04B 2235/606
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0003 with
mortars, concrete or artificial stone composition: making use of electric or subgroups
wave energy or particle radiation
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0078
mortars, concrete or artificial stone composition: freeze-drying
Removal of physically bonded water from cement or ceramics, e.g. drying C04B 41/5307
of hardened concrete
Drying a catalyst slurry, e.g. spray drying B01J 37/0045
Freeze drying, i.e. lyophilisation of catalysts B01J 37/32
Spray drying of solutions or suspensions of metallic powders B22F 9/026 or B22F 9/08
and subgroups
Mechanical aspects of drying clay objects B28B 11/243
Processing clay- or ceramic containing substances in non-fluid condition B28C 1/227
by heating, drying
Surface treatment of glass not in the form of fibres or filaments: drying; C03C 23/0085
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/3027
their pigmenting or filling properties: drying silicic acid
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/363
their pigmenting or filling properties: drying titania
Treatment in general of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to C09C 3/043
enhance their pigmenting or filling properties: drying
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/6266
{Humidity controlled drying}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All drying methods where the humidity of the atmosphere is quantified, e.g. drying in a chamber with
50% humidity
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Hardening mortars, concrete or artificial stone in an atmosphere of C04B 40/0281
increased relative humidity
C04B 35/62665
{Flame, plasma or melting treatment}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The making of ceramic powders that are used to make ceramic objects by a method in which the raw
material is molten or by which the raw material is passed through a flame, e.g. oxygen flame methods
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Melting, fusion or softening of clay materials C04B 33/323
Magnesium oxide refractories from grain sized mixtures containing C04B 35/0473
chromium oxide or chrome ore obtained from fused grains
Melting of ceramic or refractory material to make a bulk ceramic C04B 35/653 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Burning; Melting of hydraulic cements C04B 7/44 and subgroups
Burning; Melting of hydraulic cements, using plasmas or radiations C04B 7/4453
Melted agglomerated or melted waste materials or melted refuse as fillers C04B 18/026
for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Ceramic products containing macroscopic reinforcing agents, e.g. fused C04B 35/82
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0085
mortars, concrete or artificial stone composition: involving melting of at
least part of the composition
Thermally activated mortars, e.g. by melting ingredients C04B 40/0691
C04B 35/62665 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/6267
{Pyrolysis, carbonisation or auto-combustion reactions}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Making ceramic powder by pyrolysing or carbonising raw material, or by using an auto-combustion
reaction, e.g. using a mixture of metal nitrates with urea and heating this mixture until the auto-
combustion starts
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbonisation of organic material into carbon powders C04B 16/00
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramic ware obtained by a C04B 38/0022 and
chemical conversion or reaction other than those relating to the setting subgroups
or hardening of cement-like material or to the formation of a sol or a gel,
e.g. by carbonising or pyrolysing preformed cellular materials based on
polymers, organo-metallic or organo-silicon precursors
Inorganic membrane formation by carbonisation or pyrolysis B01D 67/0067
Heat treatments such as Pyrolysis in general B01J 6/008
Decomposition and pyrolysis for making catalysts B01J 37/082 and
Making metal compounds by pyrolysis B22F 9/30 and subgroup
Making BN by pyrolysis C01B 21/0646
Making TiN, ZrN or HfN by pyrolysis C01B 21/0766
Multi-step carbonising or coking processes C10B 57/02
C04B 35/6267 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/62675
{characterised by the treatment temperature}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The calcination of ceramic powders or ceramic fibers, where the used calcination temperature is of
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The sintering into a shaped ceramic at a certain specific temperature C04B 2235/656
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/3027
their pigmenting or filling properties: calcining silicic acid
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/363
their pigmenting or filling properties: calcining titania
Treatment in general of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to C09C 3/043
enhance their pigmenting or filling properties: calcination
C04B 35/6268
{characterised by the applied pressure or type of atmosphere, e.g. in vacuum,
hydrogen or a specific oxygen pressure}
Definition statement
This place covers:
If the atmosphere during the heat treatment is not 1 atmosphere, but higher or lower, or if a specific
gas is used, such as hydrogen, water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or if an unexpected
atmosphere is used, e.g. heat treating oxide material in nitrogen or argon or heat treating non-oxide
material in air
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Used atmosphere during sintering of a shaped ceramic or bulk melting C04B 2235/658 and
treatment subgroups
C04B 35/6268 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Selection of the kiln atmosphere during Heat treatment, e.g. precalcining, C04B 7/4476
burning, melting; Cooling of hydraulic cements
Processes of utilising sub-atmospheric or super-atmospheric pressure to B01J
effect chemical or physical change of matter; Apparatus therefore
C04B 35/62685
{characterised by the order of addition of constituents or additives}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Not all components are mixed together at the same moment, first a first mixture is made, which then
receives a treatment such as calcination and/or milling, and then other components are added, thus
there are at least two separate mixing steps in which components are added
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Mixing solids and liquids by a milling technique, e.g. wet ball milling C04B 35/6261 and
Mixing components for ceramic mixtures in wet conditions general, e.g. C04B 35/62635
with specific mixers
Apparatus or methods for mixing clay or ceramics with other substances B28C 3/00 and subgroups
Controlling the operation of apparatus for producing mixtures of clay or B28C 7/00 and subgroups
cement with other substances; Supplying or proportioning the ingredients
for mixing clay or cement with other substances; Discharging the mixture
C04B 35/6269
{Curing of mixtures}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Powder mixtures or pressed powder mixtures containing polymers or pre-polymers are heat treated in
order to cure/set/harden the polymers or pre-polymer.
C04B 35/6269 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Drying clay or porcelain powder mixtures or clay green bodies C04B 33/30
Drying, e.g. freeze-drying, spray-drying, microwave or supercritical drying C04B 35/62655
of powder mixtures, slurries
Drying of green ceramic or refractory bodies C04B 2235/606
Heat treatments on green ceramic bodies C04B 2235/65 and
Mechanical aspects of curing ceramics B28B 11/24 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/02 and
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: selection of the subgroups
hardening environment
Crosslinking, e.g. vulcanising, of macromolecules in general C08J 3/24 and subgroups
C04B 35/62695
{Granulation or pelletising (devices for shaping artificial aggregates from
ceramic mixtures B28B 1/004)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ceramic material is granulated for instance by spray-drying, or is pelletised by using for instance a
drum pelletiser, or by pressing
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Devices for shaping artificial aggregates from ceramic mixtures B28B 1/004
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Dehydrating; Forming, e.g. granulating of hydraulic cements in general C04B 7/40
Pelletizing of Calcium sulphate cements before starting the manufacture C04B 11/268
Granular material as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete or C04B 14/02 and
artificial stone subgroups
Pelletizing flue dust C04B 18/085
Processes or devices for granulating materials, e.g. fertilisers in general B01J 2/00 and subgroups
Granulating catalysts B01J 37/0063
C04B 35/62695 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/628
Coating the powders {or the macroscopic reinforcing agents}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic additives that are used for making ceramics are coated, for instance with organic surfactant
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating ceramic fibers C04B 35/62844
Coating bulk ceramic objects C04B 41/45 and
Coating or impregnating of particulate or fibrous ceramic material, that is C04B 41/4584,
not subsequently used in a ceramic material C04B 41/88
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating fillers added to cement, concrete, mortars or C04B 20/10 and
artificial stone subgroups
Constituents for ceramics and secondary phases of ceramics not being of C04B 2235/30 and
a fibrous nature subgroups
Coating metallic powders with an organic coating B22F 1/102
C04B 35/628 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
The particles that are coated are indicated with symbols from C04B 2235/30-C04B 2235/448.
C04B 35/62802
{Powder coating materials}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Non-fibrous inorganic additives that are used for making ceramics are coated, for instance with silicon
or boron, e.g. diamond particles are coated with Si that is used to make SiC bonded diamond
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating non-fibrous inorganic additives that are used for making ceramics C04B 35/628
with an organic layer
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating of granules in general B01J 2/003 , B01J 2/006
Coating of catalyst particles B01J 37/0221 and
Coating metallic powders per se B22F 1/16 and subgroup
Coating; Grafting; Microencapsulation of active carbon C01B 32/372
Coated silica sol particles C01B 33/149
Coating or hydrophobisation of silica gel C01B 33/159
Inorganic particles per se consisting of a mixture of two or more inorganic C01P 2004/84 and
phases, one phase coated with the other subgroups
Pigments exhibiting interference colours comprising a core coated with C09C 1/0021
only one layer having a high or low refractive index
Pigments exhibiting interference colours comprising a stack of coating C09C 1/0024 and
layers with alternating high and low refractive indices, wherein the first subgroups
coating layer on the core surface has the high refractive index
Pigments exhibiting interference colours comprising a stack of coating C09C 1/0051 and
layers with alternating low and high refractive indices, wherein the first subgroups
coating layer on the core surface has the low refractive index
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/3054
their pigmenting or filling properties: coating silicic acid
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/3661 ,
their pigmenting or filling properties: coating titania C09C 1/3054
Treatment in general of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to C09C 3/063
enhance their pigmenting or filling properties: coating
C04B 35/62802 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/62805
{Oxide ceramics}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with an oxide layer or with material that converts to an oxide layer
upon heating, such as with a metal nitrate salt, a metal carbonate salt, a metal halide salt, a metal
phosphate, or with organo-metallics such as metal acetate. The coating contains for the majority oxide
material, but can also contain a minority of non-oxide material.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating inorganic fibers with an oxide layer C04B 35/62847 and
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with an oxide coating C04B 41/5025,
C04B 41/5072 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Light-sensitive devices comprising an oxide semiconductor electrode H01G 9/2036
comprising mixed oxides, e.g. ZnO covered TiO2 particles
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62807
{Silica or silicates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a layer that contains for the majority a silica or silicate phase or with
material that converts for the majority to a silica or silicate phase upon heating, for instance alumino-
silicates such as cordierite, mullite, spodumene, alkaline earth silicates such as forsterite, wollastonite
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating inorganic fibers with a silica or silicate layer C04B 35/62849
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a silicate or silica coating C04B 41/5024,
C04B 41/5035
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a clay or kaolin coating C04B 41/5037
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating fillers added to cement, concrete, mortars or C04B 20/1074
artificial stone with silicate
C04B 35/6281
{Alkaline earth metal oxides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a layer that contains for the majority an alkaline earth oxide phase
or with material that converts for the majority to an alkaline earth oxide phase upon heating, such as
with an alkaline earth nitrate salt, an alkaline earth carbonate salt, an alkaline earth halide salt, or with
organo-metallics such as an alkaline earth acetate.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62805
copper oxide, e.g. cuprates
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62805
zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide, e.g. magnesium bismuthate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62805
tin oxide, e.g. magnesium stannate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/6281
both alumina and silica, e.g. cordierite
C04B 35/6281 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/6281
silica without alumina, e.g. forsterite (Mg2SiO4)
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/6281
silica without alumina, e.g. wollastonite (CaSiO4)
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62813
alumina, without silica, e.g. calcium aluminate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62813
alumina, without silica, e.g. magnesium aluminate, spinel
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62818
chromium oxide, e.g. chromites
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62818
vanadium oxide and/or niobium oxide and/or molybdenum oxide and/or
tungsten oxide and/or tantalum oxide, e.g. magnesium tantalum niobate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62821
titanium oxides, such as magnesium titanate or calcium titanate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62823
zirconium oxide, e.g. magnesium zirconate, containing more Zr than Mg
and Ca
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides C04B 35/62823
with zirconium oxide and titanium oxide, e.g. calcium titanate zirconate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of alkaline earth oxides with C04B 35/62826
iron oxides and possible other metal oxides, e.g. ferrites
Coating inorganic fibers with an alkaline earth oxide layer C04B 35/62847
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a magnesia coating C04B 41/5029
C04B 35/62813
{Alumina or aluminates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a layer that contains for the majority an alumina or aluminate phase
or with material that converts for the majority to an alumina or aluminate phase upon heating, such as
with an aluminum nitrate salt, an aluminum carbonate salt, an aluminum halide salt, or with organo-
metallics such as an aluminum acetate. The aluminate can for instance be a spinel, calcium aluminate,
lanthanum aluminate, etc.
C04B 35/62813 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Alumino-silicate coating on inorganic particles C04B 35/62807
Coating inorganic fibers with an alumina or aluminate layer C04B 35/62852
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with an alumina or aluminate coating C04B 41/5031 and
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a spinel coating C04B 41/5046
C04B 35/62815
{Rare earth metal oxides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a layer that contains for the majority a rare earth oxide phase or
with material that converts for the majority to a rare earth oxide phase upon heating, such as with a
rare earth nitrate salt, a rare earth carbonate salt, a rare earth halide salt, or with organo-metallics
such as a rare earth acetate.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with C04B 35/62805
copper oxide, e.g. superconducting LaBa-cuprate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with zinc C04B 35/62805
oxide and/or bismuth oxide, e.g. dysprosium bismuthate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with tin C04B 35/62805
oxide, e.g. neodymium stannate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with silica C04B 35/62807
without alumina
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with both C04B 35/62807
alumina and silica
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with C04B 35/62813
alumina, without silica, e.g. scandium aluminate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with C04B 35/62818
chromium oxide, e.g. lanthanum chromites
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with C04B 35/62818
vanadium oxide and/or niobium oxide and/or molybdenum oxide and/
or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum oxide, e.g. erbium tantalum niobate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with C04B 35/62821
titanium oxides, such as lanthanum titanate or cerium titanate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with C04B 35/62823
zirconium oxide, e.g. cerium zirconate, containing more Zr than rare earth
C04B 35/62815 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with C04B 35/62823
zirconium oxide and titanium oxide, e.g. ytterbium titanate zirconate
Mixed oxide coatings on inorganic particles of rare earth oxide with iron C04B 35/62826
oxides and possible other metal oxides, e.g. ferrites
Coating inorganic fibers with a rare earth oxide layer C04B 35/62847
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a rare earth oxide coating C04B 41/5045
C04B 35/62818
{Refractory metal oxides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a layer that contains for the majority a refractory metal oxide phase
or with material that converts for the majority to a refractory metal oxide phase upon heating, such as
with refractory metal nitrate salt, refractory metal carbonate salt, refractory metal halide salt, or with
organo-metallics such as refractory metal acetate. The refractory metal can for instance be chromium,
vanadium, niobium, tungsten etc., the oxide phase can also be a mixed oxide such as a chromate,
niobate, tungstate, vanadate.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating inorganic fibers with a refractory metal oxide layer C04B 35/62855
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a chromium oxide coating C04B 41/5033
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a niobium oxide or niobate coating C04B 41/5051
C04B 35/62821
{Titanium oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a layer that contains for the majority a titania or titanate phase
or with material that converts for the majority to a titania or titanate phase upon heating, such as
with titanium nitrate salt, titanium carbonate salt, titanium halide salt, or with organo-metallics such
C04B 35/62821 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
as titanium acetate. The titanates can be for instance calcium titanate, barium titanate, aluminium
titanate, bismuth titanate, lead titanate, strontium titanate, sodium titanate, etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Titanate-zirconate coating on an inorganic particle C04B 35/62818
Coating inorganic fibers with a titanium oxide or titanate layer C04B 35/62855
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a titanium oxide or titanate coating C04B 41/5041
C04B 35/62823
{Zirconium or hafnium oxide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a layer that contains for the majority a zirconia or zirconate phase
or with material that converts for the majority to a zirconia or zirconate phase upon heating, such as
with zirconium nitrate salt, zirconium carbonate salt, zirconium halide salt, or with organo-metallics
such as zirconium acetate. The zirconates can be for instance calcium zirconate, barium zirconate,
bismuth zirconate, lead zirconate, strontium zirconate, sodium zirconate, or titanate-zirconates such as
lead titanate zirconate (PZT), etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating inorganic fibers with a zirconium oxide or zirconate layer C04B 35/62855
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a zirconium oxide, hafnium oxide, C04B 41/5042 and
zirconate or hafnate coating subgroup
C04B 35/62826
{Iron group metal oxides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a layer that contains for the majority an iron oxide or ferrite phase
or with material that converts for the majority to an iron oxide or ferrite phase upon heating, such as
with ferric or ferrous nitrate salt, ferric or ferrous carbonate salt, ferric or ferrous halide salt, or with
organo-metallics such as ferric or ferrous acetate. The ferrites can be for instance calcium ferrite,
barium ferrite, bismuth ferrite, lead ferrite, strontium ferrite, sodium ferrite, Mn-Zn ferrite, etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating inorganic fibers with an iron group metal oxide layer C04B 35/62847
C04B 35/62826 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
C04B 35/62828
{Non-oxide ceramics}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a non-oxide layer, e.g. with a boride or silicide coating. The coating
contains for the majority non-oxide material, but can also contain a minority of oxide material.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating inorganic fibers with a non-oxide ceramic layer C04B 35/62857
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a non-oxide coating C04B 41/5072 and
C04B 35/62831
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a carbide layer, e.g. with titanium carbide, boron carbide, tungsten
carbide, zirconium carbide, oxy carbides. The coating contains for the majority carbide material, but
can also contain a minority other material such as oxides, nitrides, borides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating of particles with carbo-nitrides C04B 35/62836
Coating inorganic fibers with a carbide layer C04B 35/6286
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a carbide coating C04B 41/5057 and
C04B 35/62834
{Silicon carbide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a silicon carbide layer, e.g. with silicon oxy-carbide, with alpha
silicon carbide, beta silicon carbide. The coating contains for the majority silicon carbide material, but
can also contain a minority other material such as oxides, nitrides, borides.
C04B 35/62834 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating of particles with silicon carbo-nitrides C04B 35/62836
Coating inorganic fibers with a silicon carbide layer C04B 35/62863
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a silicon carbide coating C04B 41/5059
C04B 35/62836
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a nitride layer, e.g. with titanium nitride, boron nitride, tungsten
nitride, zirconium nitride, aluminium nitride, silicon nitride, sialon, oxy nitrides in general, carbonitrides.
The coating contains for the majority nitride material, but can also contain a minority other material
such as oxides, carbides, borides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating inorganic fibers with a nitride layer C04B 35/62865 and
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a nitride coating C04B 41/5062,
C04B 41/5063,
C04B 41/5064,
C04B 41/5066,
C04B 41/5067,
C04B 41/5068
C04B 35/62839
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a carbon layer or carbon-like layer, e.g. with diamond, graphite,
carbon black, pitch, tar, anthracene. The coating contains for the majority carbon material, but can
also contain a minority other material such as oxides, carbides, borides, nitrides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating of particles with carbides C04B 35/62831 and
Coating inorganic fibers with a carbon layer C04B 35/62873
C04B 35/62839 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with carbon or carbonisable material C04B 41/5001 and
coating subgroups
C04B 35/62842
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles to be used in making a ceramic are coated with a metal layer, e.g. with cobalt,
nickel, iron, aluminium, titanium, silver, gold, platinum, palladium, chromium, copper. The coating
contains for the majority metallic material, but can also contain a minority other material such as
oxides, carbides, borides, nitrides, carbon.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating inorganic fibers with a metallic layer, to be used as reinforcement C04B 35/62876
in ceramics
Metalising bulk ceramic substrates, or metalising ceramic powders that C04B 41/51 and
are not used for making ceramics subgroups
Coating ceramic particles with a metallic layer, where the coated particles C22C 29/00 and
are subsequently used to make a cermet subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating fillers added to cement, concrete, mortars or C04B 20/1062
artificial stone with metal
Coating metallic powder with a metallic coating B22F 1/17
C04B 35/62844
{Coating fibres}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All ceramic fibers that are coated, whether they are used in a ceramic composite or for any other
purpose; other fibers, e.g. glass or metallic fibers, that are used as additive for a ceramic composite
that are coated; the coating can for instance be an organic surfactant
C04B 35/62844 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making ceramic fibers C04B 35/62227 and
Coating or impregnating of particulate or fibrous ceramic material, that is C04B 41/4584,
not subsequently used in a ceramic material C04B 41/88
Coating glass fibers that are not used to make ceramics C03C 25/10 and
The coating of fibers that are used as additive to metallic alloys C22C 47/04
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fibrous materials and whiskers added to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 20/0068
artificial stone: composite fibres, e.g. fibres with a core and sheath of
different material
Coating or impregnating fillers added to cement, concrete, mortars or C04B 20/1014
artificial stone: fillers characterised by the shape, e.g. fibrous materials
Coating inorganic particles that are used for making ceramics C04B 35/62802 and
Fibers used in ceramic composition C04B 2235/5208 and
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/10 and
manufacture subgroups
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/00 and
materials, with inorganic substances or complexes thereof subgroups
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62847
{with oxide ceramics}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with an oxide layer. The coating contains for the majority oxide material, but can
also contain a minority of non-oxide material.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making oxide ceramic fibers C04B 35/62231 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with an oxide layer C04B 35/62805 and
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with an oxide coating C04B 41/5025,
C04B 41/5072 and
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/123
manufacture with oxides
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/36 and
materials, with oxides, hydroxides or mixed oxides; with salts derived subgroups
from anions with an amphoteric element-oxygen bond
C04B 35/62849
{Silica or silicates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a layer that contains for the majority a silica or silicate phase, for instance
alumino-silicates such as cordierite, mullite, spodumene, alkaline earth silicates such as forsterite,
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on silica C04B 35/6224 and
C04B 35/62849 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating fillers added to cement, concrete, mortars or C04B 20/1074
artificial stone with silicate
Making silica ceramics in general C04B 35/14
Making silicate ceramics in general C04B 35/16 and
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with a silica or C04B 35/62807
silicate layer
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a silicate or silica coating C04B 41/5024,
C04B 41/5035
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a clay or kaolin coating C04B 41/5037
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/79
materials, with silicon dioxide, silicic acids or their salts
C04B 35/62852
{Alumina or aluminates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a layer that contains for the majority an alumina or aluminate phase. The
aluminate can for instance be a spinel, calcium aluminate, lanthanum aluminate, etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on alumina C04B 35/62236
Alumino-silicate coating on inorganic fibers C04B 35/62849
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making alumina ceramics in general C04B 35/10 and
Making aluminate ceramics in general C04B 35/44 and
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with an alumina or C04B 35/62813
aluminate layer
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with an alumina or aluminate coating C04B 41/5031 and
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a spinel coating C04B 41/5046
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/45
materials, with oxides or hydroxides of elements of the third Group of the
Periodic System; Aluminates
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62855
{Refractory metal oxides}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a layer that contains for the majority a refractory metal oxide phase. The
refractory metal can for instance be chromium, vanadium, niobium, tungsten, titanium, zirconium etc.,
the oxide phase can also be a mixed oxide such as a chromate, niobate, tungstate, vanadate, titanate,
zirconate, etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on zirconium oxide, e.g. zirconates such as PZT C04B 35/6225
Making fibers based on titanium oxide C04B 35/62259
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making chromia based oxides in general C04B 35/12
Making chromite based oxides in general C04B 35/42
Making titania and titanate based oxides in general C04B 35/46 and
Making zirconia and zirconate based oxides in general C04B 35/48 and
Making ceramics based on the oxides of tantalum, niobium, tungsten, C04B 35/495 and
molybdenum and vanadium subgroups
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with a refractory C04B 35/62855 and
metal oxide layer subgroups
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a chromium oxide coating C04B 41/5033
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a titanium oxide or titanate coating C04B 41/5041
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a zirconium oxide, hafnium oxide, C04B 41/5042 and
zirconate or hafnate coating subgroup
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a niobium oxide or niobate coating C04B 41/5051
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/46
materials, with oxides or hydroxides of elements of the fourth Group of
the Periodic System; titanates; tirconates; stannates; plumbates
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from D06M 11/47
such materials, with oxides or hydroxides of elements of fifth Group
of the Periodic System; vanadates; niobates; tantalates; arsenates:
antimonates; bismuthates
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/48
materials, with oxides of chromium, molybdenum or tungsten; chromates;
dichromates; molybdates; tungstates
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62857
{with non-oxide ceramics}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a non-oxide layer, e.g. with a nitride, carbide, boride or silicide coating. The
coating contains for the majority non-oxide material, but can also contain a minority of oxide material.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on non-oxide ceramics C04B 35/62272
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating inorganic particles used for ceramics with a non-oxide ceramic C04B 35/62828 and
layer subgroups
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a non-oxide coating C04B 41/5072 and
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/124
manufacture with boron, borides, boron nitrides
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/51 and
materials, with sulphur, selenium, tellurium, polonium or compounds subgroups
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/80
materials, with boron or compounds thereof, e.g. borides
C04B 35/6286
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a carbide layer, e.g. with titanium carbide, boron carbide, tungsten carbide,
zirconium carbide, oxy carbides. The coating contains for the majority carbide material, but can also
contain a minority other material such as oxides, nitrides, borides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on carbides C04B 35/62277 and
Coating of fibers with carbo-nitrides C04B 35/62865 and
C04B 35/6286 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making carbide ceramics in general C04B 35/56 and
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with a carbide layer C04B 35/62831
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a carbide coating C04B 41/5057 and
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/124
manufacture with boron carbide
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/126
manufacture with carbides
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from D06M 11/74
such materials, with carbon or compounds thereof, e.g. with carbon or
graphite; with carbides; with graphitic acids or their salts
C04B 35/62863
{Silicon carbide}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a silicon carbide layer, e.g. with silicon oxy-carbide, with alpha silicon carbide,
beta silicon carbide. The coating contains for the majority silicon carbide material, but can also contain
a minority other material such as oxides, nitrides, borides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on silicon carbide C04B 35/62281
Coating of fibers with silicon carbo-nitrides C04B 35/62871
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making silicon carbide ceramics in general C04B 35/565 and
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with a silicon C04B 35/62834
carbide layer
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a silicon carbide coating C04B 41/5059
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62865
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a nitride layer, e.g. with titanium nitride, tungsten nitride, zirconium nitride,
aluminium nitride, oxy nitrides, carbonitrides. The coating contains for the majority nitride material, but
can also contain a minority other material such as oxides, carbides, borides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on nitrides C04B 35/62286 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making nitride ceramics in general C04B 35/58 and
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with a nitride layer C04B 35/62836
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a nitride coating C04B 41/5062,
C04B 41/5063,
C04B 41/5064,
C04B 41/5066,
C04B 41/5067,
C04B 41/5068
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/128
manufacture with nitrides, nitrogen carbides
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/58
materials, with nitrogen or compounds thereof, e.g. with nitrides
C04B 35/62868
{Boron nitride}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a boron nitride layer, e.g. with hexagonal or cubic boron nitride, boron oxy
nitride, boron carbonitride. The coating contains for the majority boron nitride material, but can also
contain a minority other material such as oxides, carbides, borides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on boron nitrides C04B 35/6229
C04B 35/62868 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making boron nitride ceramics in general C04B 35/583 and
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with a nitride layer C04B 35/62836
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a boron nitride coating C04B 41/5064
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/124
manufacture with boron, borides, boron nitrides
C04B 35/62871
{Silicon nitride}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a silicon nitride layer, e.g. with alpha or beta silicon nitride, silicon oxy nitride,
sialon, silicon carbonitride, silicon oxy carbonitride. The coating contains for the majority silicon nitride
material, but can also contain a minority other material such as oxides, carbides, borides.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on silicon nitrides C04B 35/62295
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making silicon nitride ceramics in general C04B 35/584 and
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with a nitride layer C04B 35/62836
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a silicon nitride coating C04B 41/5066,
C04B 41/5067 (sialon)
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/124
manufacture with boron, borides, boron nitrides
C04B 35/62873
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers are coated with a carbon layer or carbon-like layer, e.g. with diamond, graphite, carbon black,
pitch, tar, anthracene. The coating contains for the majority carbon material, but can also contain a
minority other material such as oxides, carbides, borides, nitrides.
C04B 35/62873 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating of fibers with carbides C04B 35/6286 and
The synthesis of carbon fibers D01F 9/12, D10B 2101/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making carbon based ceramics in general C04B 35/52 and
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with a carbon layer C04B 35/62839
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with carbon or carbonisable material C04B 41/5001 and
coating subgroups
Surface treatment of fibres or filaments from glass, minerals, or slags by C03C 25/44
coating with carbon, e.g. graphite
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/125
manufacture with carbon
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from D06M 11/74
such materials, with carbon or compounds thereof, e.g. with carbon or
graphite; with carbides; with graphitic acids or their salts
C04B 35/62876
{with metals}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Coating organic or inorganic fibers that are used for making ceramic objects with a metallic coating
layer, e.g. with cobalt, nickel, iron, aluminium, titanium, silver, gold, platinum, palladium, chromium,
copper. The coating contains for the majority metallic material, but can also contain a minority other
material such as oxides, carbides, borides, nitrides, carbon.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Metalising fibers that are not used for making ceramics C04B 41/51 and
Making metallic fibers B22F 1/062
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating inorganic particles, used for making ceramics with a metallic C04B 35/62842
C04B 35/62876 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a metallic coating C04B 41/51 and
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/127, D01F 11/16
manufacture with metals (by electrolysis)
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/83
materials, with metals, with metal-generating compounds, e.g. metal
carbonyls; Reduction of metal compounds on textiles
C04B 35/62878
{with boron or silicon}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The coating of fibers that are used in making ceramic objects with boron or silicon, e.g. coating a
carbon fiber with silicon and reacting this fiber into a silicon carbide fiber, or coating a carbon fiber with
boron and reacting this fiber into boron carbide
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating inorganic particles used for making ceramics with boron or silicon C04B 35/62805
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a boron coating C04B 41/5094
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with a silicon coating C04B 41/5096
Chemical after-treatment of artificial filaments or the like of carbon during D01F 11/124
manufacture with boron, borides, boron nitrides
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from D06M 11/78
such materials, with silicon, with halides or oxyhalides of silicon, with
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/81
materials, with boron, boron halides, fluoroborates
C04B 35/62881
{with metal salts, e.g. phosphates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic particles are coated with a metal salt, such as with a metal nitrate salt, a metal carbonate
salt, a metal halide salt, a metal phosphate, or with organo-metallics such as metal acetate. The metal
salts are not converted into an oxide, carbide, nitride, boride phase, but remain as a metal salt on the
C04B 35/62881 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making fibers based on metal phosphorus oxides, e.g. phosphates C04B 35/62268
Coating inorganic fibers with a metal salt that is converted into an oxide C04B 35/62847 and
layer subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with salts or salty compositions C04B 41/5007 and
Coating of bulk ceramic objects with phosphates C04B 41/5048
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from such D06M 11/07 and
materials, with halogens; with halogen acids or salts thereof; with oxides subgroups
or oxyacids of halogens or salts thereof
Treating fibres, threads, yarns, fabrics, or fibrous goods made from D06M 11/68 and
such materials, with phosphorus or compounds thereof, e.g. with subgroups
chlorophosphonic acid or salts thereof
C04B 35/62884
{by gas phase techniques}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The coating on the inorganic particles or on the fibers is applied by a gas phase technique, such as
CVD (chemical vapour deposition), PVD (physical vapour deposition)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making ceramic fibers by gas phase techniques C04B 35/62227 and
Reacting an inorganic powder or fiber with a gas, other than oxygen, to C04B 2235/465
create a new phase, e.g. reacting an oxide powder or carbide fiber with
ammonia to make a nitride powder or carbo-nitride fiber
Coating metallic substrates by chemical coating by decomposition of C23C 16/00 and
gaseous compounds, without leaving reaction products of the surface subgroups
material in the coating, e.g. chemical vapour deposition (CVD) processes
C04B 35/62884 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating a bulk ceramic substrate applied from the gas C04B 41/4529 and
phase subgroups
Gas infiltration of green bodies or pre-forms C04B 2235/614
PVD, CVD methods or coating in a gas-phase using a fluidized bed of C09C 2220/20
preparing the interference pigments
C04B 35/62886
{by wet chemical techniques}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The coating on the inorganic particles or on the fibers is applied by using a suspension or solution,
e.g. by dipping the fibers in the liquid, or by dispersing the powder in a solution and filtering the
powder of
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making ceramic fibers by wet chemical techniques C04B 35/62227 and
Chemically coating metallic substrates by decomposition of either liquid C23C 18/00 and
compounds or solutions subgroups
Chemically coating metallic substrates by decomposition of either solid C23C 20/00 and
compounds or suspensions subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate applied as a solution, C04B 41/4535 and
emulsion, dispersion or suspension subgroups
Liquid infiltration of green bodies or pre-forms C04B 2235/616
Wet methods, e.g. co-precipitation of preparing the interference pigments C09C 2220/10 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/62889
{with a discontinuous coating layer}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The applied coating layer does not cover the whole surface of the particles or fibers
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Partial coating of a bulk ceramic substrate C04B 41/4572 and
C04B 35/62892
{with a coating layer consisting of particles}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The coating layer on the particles or fibers consists out of individual particles
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate applied as a solution, C04B 41/4539
emulsion, dispersion or suspension
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate with a powdery material C04B 41/4545 and
Coatings of catalysts comprising impregnated particles B01J 37/0248
Interference pigments comprising a layer or a core consisting of or C09C 2200/50 and
comprising discrete particles, e.g. nanometric or submicrometer-sized subgroups
C04B 35/62894
{with more than one coating layer}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Coating the inorganic particles or fibers with at least two coating layers. The coating layers can be of
the same material or of different material.
C04B 35/62894 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Multiple coatings of bulk ceramic substrates or multiple coatings of C04B 41/52 and
powders or fibers that are not used to make ceramic materials subgroups, C04B 41/89
and subgroup
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating fillers added to cement, concrete, mortars or C04B 20/12 and
artificial stone with multiple coatings subgroup
Coatings of catalyst comprising several layer B01J 37/0244
C04B 35/62897
{Coatings characterised by their thickness}
Definition statement
This place covers:
If the thickness of the coating layer on the inorganic particles or fibers is specified, this class is used.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Inorganic particles per se consisting of a mixture of two or more inorganic C01P 2004/86
phases, one phase coated with the other: thin layer coatings, i.e. the
coating thickness being less than 0.1 time the particle radius
Inorganic particles per se consisting of a mixture of two or more inorganic C01P 2004/88
phases, one phase coated with the other: thick layer coatings
Interference pigments characterised by the thickness of the core or layers C09C 2200/30 and
thereon or by the total thickness of the final pigment particle subgroups
C04B 35/63
using additives specially adapted for forming the products {, e.g.. binder
Definition statement
This place covers:
The addition of additives that have a function in the shaping of the ceramic product, e.g. binders,
plasticizers, lubricants, surfactants, seeds
C04B 35/63 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Additives that are added to the ceramic material to create porosity after a C04B 38/06 and
heat treatment subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Binders for clay products C04B 33/1315
Addition of a binding agent for catalysts or of material, later completely B01J 37/0018
removed a.o. as result of heat treatment, leaching or washing
Binders for refractory moulds B22C 1/16 and subgroups
C04B 35/6303
{Inorganic additives}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All inorganic additives that are added for influencing the shaping of the ceramic product, in praxis
inorganic binders
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Inorganic additives for clay products C04B 33/131
Oxide ceramics having a carbon binder C04B 35/013
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic C04B 28/00 and
binders or the reaction product of an inorganic and an organic binder subgroups
Inorganic binders for refractory moulds B22C 1/18 and subgroups
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/6306
{Binders based on phosphoric acids or phosphates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Phosphoric acid or phosphates are added to ceramic mixtures specifically with the function as binder
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on phosphate material C04B 35/447
Adding phosphoric acid or phosphates for other purposes C04B 2235/447
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/16 and
artificial stone, e.g. accelerators: containing phosphorus in the anion, e.g. subgroup
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic C04B 28/34 and
binders or the reaction product of an inorganic and an organic binder: subgroups
containing cold phosphate binders
Inorganic additives for clay products C04B 33/131
Inorganic phosphate binders for refractory moulds B22C 1/185
Preparation of phosphates per se, e.g. phosphates powder, not C01B 25/26 and
preparative to making a phosphates ceramic subgroups
If the phosphate binder phase forms the largest fraction of the ceramic, C04B 35/447 is used, rather
than C04B 35/6306 or one of its subgroups.
C04B 35/6309
{Aluminium phosphates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The use of aluminium phosphate as binder for ceramic material
C04B 35/6309 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alumina additives C04B 2235/3217 and
Preparation of aluminium phosphates per se, e.g. aluminium phosphates C01B 25/36
powder, not preparative to making an aluminium phosphate ceramic
C04B 35/6313
{Alkali metal or alkaline earth metal phosphates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The use of alkali metal or alkaline earth metal phosphates as binder for ceramic material
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkali oxides as additives for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3201 and
Alkaline earth oxides as additives for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3205 and
phase subgroups
Preparation of alkali metal phosphates per se, e.g. alkali metal C01B 25/30 and
phosphates powder, not preparative to making an alkali metal phosphate subgroups
Preparation of alkaline earth metal phosphates per se, e.g. alkaline earth C01B 25/32 and
metal phosphates powder, not preparative to making an alkaline earth subgroups
metal phosphate ceramic
C04B 35/6316
{Binders based on silicon compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicon compounds such as silica, silicates such as waterglass or clays, glass, silicon carbide (e.g. for
diamond), silicon nitride, silicides, are used as binder for ceramic materials
C04B 35/6316 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on silica C04B 35/14
Ceramics based on silicates C04B 35/16 and
Ceramics based on zircon (zirconium silicate) C04B 35/481
Ceramics based on silicon carbide C04B 35/565 and
Ceramics based on silicides C04B 35/58085 and
Ceramics based on silicon nitride C04B 35/584 and
Ceramics based on sialon C04B 35/597
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkali metal or ammonium silicate cements Alkyl silicate cements ; silica C04B 12/04
sol cements; soluble silicate cements
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic C04B 28/18 and
binders or the reaction product of an inorganic and an organic binder: subgroups
containing mixtures of the silica-lime type
Compositions of mortars, concrete or artificial stone, containing inorganic C04B 28/24 and
binders or the reaction product of an inorganic and an organic binder: subgroup
containing alkyl, ammonium or metal silicates; containing silica sols
Inorganic additives for clay products C04B 33/131
Ceramics based on zirconia, containing a silica binder C04B 35/481
Silica as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/3418
a sintered ceramic
Silicates other than clay as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3427 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. water glass (Na2SiO3) subgroups
Clays as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/349
a sintered ceramic, e.g. bentonites/smectites such as montmorillonite,
kaolines such as halloysite, illite, talc, sepiolite and attapulgite, vermiculite
Glass starting materials for making ceramics, e.g. silica glass C04B 2235/36 and
Silicon carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3826 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. SiC or SiOC subgroups
Silicon nitrides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary C04B 2235/3873 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Si3N4, silicon carbonitride or silicon subgroups
oxynitride (SiON)
Silicides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
of a sintered ceramic, i.e. chemical compounds between silicon and a
one or more metals, e.g. chromium silicide (CrSi2), molybdenum disilicide
(MoSi2), iron silicide (FeSi, FeSi2), cobalt silicide (Co2Si, CoSi, CoSi2)
C04B 35/6316 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
Inorganic silica or silicate binders for refractory moulds B22C 1/186 and
Preparation of silica powders, sols, gels, dispersions and their after- C01B 33/113 and
treatments subgroups
Preparation of silicate powders, sols, gels, dispersions and their after- C01B 33/20 and
treatments subgroups
If the silicon compound binder phase forms the largest fraction of the ceramic, the respective class
for the silicon binder compound is used, e.g. a silica binder that forms the largest fraction, then
C04B 35/14 is used, rather than C04B 35/6316.
C04B 35/632
Organic additives
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organic additives such as binders, lubricants, flocculating agents, defoaming agents, dispersants,
coupling agents, surfactants, photoinitiators, organics that are pyrolysed to form a ceramic material,
the organic part becoming part of the ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Organic additives for clay products C04B 33/1305
Using organic waste materials that become part of the ceramic, e.g. wood C04B 35/62204 and
that is carbonised or rice bran subgroups
The use of organic materials in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/46 and
subgroups, C04B 41/82
The addition of organic fibers C04B 2235/5212
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organics added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 24/00 and
artificial stone subgroups
Impregnating a porous carbon product with organic material that is C04B 35/521
carbonised into carbon
Carbon products obtained from carbonaceous particles with a C04B 35/532
carbonisable binder
C04B 35/632 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Metal organic salts used as starting materials for making ceramic C04B 2235/44 and
Organics compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat-treatment C04B 2235/48 and
Organic binders for refractory moulds B22C 1/20 and subgroups
Organic additives used for shaping metallic powder B22F 1/10 and subgroups
C04B 35/6325
{based on organo-metallic compounds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organo-metallics used as additives for making ceramics, where the organic part is not an acid or
alkoxide, e.g. an acetyl-acetonate
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Metal-organic compounds used in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/49 and
subgroups, C04B 41/84
Metal alkoxides used as additive for making ceramics C04B 2235/441
Metal organic acids used as additive for making ceramics C04B 2235/449
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organometallics added as filler to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial C04B 20/1051
Organometallics added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar C04B 24/40 and
or artificial stone subgroups, C04B 26/30
and subgroup
Coating bulk ceramics with an organic or organo-metallic precursor of an C04B 41/4554
inorganic material
Metal organic salts used as starting materials for making ceramic C04B 2235/44 and
materials subgroups
Catalysts containing organo-metallic compounds or metal hydrides B01J 31/12 and
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on organic silicon or B22C 1/205
metal compounds, other organometallic compounds
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/634
Polymers (C04B 35/636 takes precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polymers that are used as additives in making ceramics, for instance binders that are burned away or
polymers that are carbonised and become part of the ceramics.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon carbide made from silicon containing polymers or pre-polymers C04B 35/571
Silicon nitride made from silicon containing polymers or pre-polymers C04B 35/589
Using polysaccharide or derivatives thereof as additive for making C04B 35/636 and
ceramics subgroup
Macromolecular compounds that are added to the ceramic material to C04B 38/067
create porosity after a heat treatment
The use of polymers in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/48 and
subgroups, C04B 41/83
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Treatment of macromolecular material specially adapted to enhance its C04B 16/04, C04B 18/20,
filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone C04B 20/00
Polymers added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 24/24 and
artificial stone subgroups
Carbon ceramic obtained from polymer precursors C04B 35/524
Polymers are carbonised and become part of the ceramics C04B 2235/48
C04B 35/63404
{obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polymerisation only by polymerising C=C bonds
C04B 35/63404 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of other macromolecular compounds obtained by reactions only C04B 41/4857 and
involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds in coatings of ceramic subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polymers obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon C04B 24/26 and
unsaturated bonds added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, subgroups, C04B 26/04
mortar or artificial stone and subgroups
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2206
obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds
C04B 35/63408
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polymerisation of (R1)(R2)-C=C-(R3)(R4), where R are alkyl groups or hydrogen atoms
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyalkenes in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4861
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyalkenes added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 24/2611,
artificial stone C04B 26/045
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2213
obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds:
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/63412
{Coumarone polymers}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of coumarone polymers in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4865
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coumarone polymers added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, C04B 24/2617
mortar or artificial stone
Coumarone-indene polymers C08F 244/00 and
subgroups, C08L 45/02,
C09D 145/02,
C09J 145/02,
C09K 2200/064
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/63416
{Polyvinylalcohols [PVA]; Polyvinylacetates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyvinylalcohols, polyvinylacetates in coatings of ceramic C04B 41/4869
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyvinylalcohols or polyvinylacetates added as active ingredient to C04B 24/2623 and
cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone subgroup
Polyvinyl alcohol C08F 16/06,
C08F 116/06,
C08F 216/06,
C08L 29/04,
C09D 129/04,
C09J 129/04
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/6342
{Polyvinylacetals, e.g. polyvinylbutyral [PVB]}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polyvinylbutyral is prepared from polyvinyl alcohol by reaction with butyraldehyde
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyvinylacetals in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4873
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyvinylacetals added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar C04B 24/2635
or artificial stone
Polyvinylacetals C08L 29/14, C08L 59/00
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/63424
{Polyacrylates; Polymethacrylates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyacrylates in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/483
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyacrylates or polymethacrylates added as active ingredient to cement, C04B 24/2641 and
concrete, mortar or artificial stone subgroup, C04B 26/06
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/222
obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds:
C04B 35/63428
{of ethylenically unsaturated dicarboxylic acid anhydride polymers, e.g. maleic
anhydride copolymers}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polymers obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to carbon unsaturated bonds of ethylenically
unsaturated dicarboxylic acid anhydre polymers, that are used as additives in making ceramics.
C04B 35/63428 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polymers of ethylenically unsaturated dicarboxylic acid polymers, e.g. C04B 24/2664 and
maleic anhydride copolymers, added as active ingredient to cement, subgroup
concrete, mortar or artificial stone
C04B 35/63432
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polystyrene is poly(1-phenylethene-1,2-diyl)) also known as Thermocole. The
only commercially important form of polystyrene is atactic, which means that
the phenyl groups are randomly distributed on both sides of the polymer chain.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polystyrenes in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4876
C04B 35/63432 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polystyrenes added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 24/2676
artificial stone
Polystyrene C08L 25/06,
C09D 125/06,
C09J 125/06
C04B 35/63436
{Halogen-containing polymers, e.g. PVC}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polymers obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds and containing
halogen, that are used as additives in making ceramics.
Poly(chloroethanediyl), or PVC
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of halogenated polymers in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4838 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Halogen containing polymers, e.g. PVC, added as active ingredient to C04B 24/2682,
cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone C04B 26/08
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2226
obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds:
halogen-containing polymers
C04B 35/6344
{Copolymers containing at least three different monomers}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A heteropolymer or copolymer is a polymer derived from three (or more) monomeric species, as
opposed to a homopolymer where only one monomer is used
C04B 35/6344 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Copolymers containing at least three different monomers added as active C04B 24/2688 and
ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone subgroup
C04B 35/63444
{Nitrogen-containing polymers, e.g. polyacrylamides, polyacrylonitriles,
polyvinylpyrrolidone [PVP], polyethylenimine [PEI]}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polymers obtained by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds and containing
nitrogen, that are used as additives in making ceramics.
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP),
C04B 35/63444 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
polyethyleneimines (PEIs
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyacrylamides in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4834
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Nitrogen containing polymers, e.g. polyacrylamides, polyacrylonitriles C04B 24/2652 and
added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone subgroup
Polyalkylene polyamines; polyethylenimines; Derivatives thereof C08G 18/6423
C04B 35/63448
{obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Obtained by polymerising C=N or C=O bonds, possibly also C=C bonds
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of other macromolecular compounds obtained otherwise than by C04B 41/488 and
reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon unsaturated bonds in coatings subgroups
of ceramic substrates
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polymers obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon- C04B 24/28 and
to-carbon unsaturated bonds added as active ingredient to cement, subgroups, C04B 26/10
concrete, mortar or artificial stone
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2233
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/63452
Definition statement
This place covers:
Epoxy is a copolymer; that is, it is formed from two different chemicals. These are referred to as the
"resin" or "compound" and the "hardener" or "activator". The resin consists of monomers or short
chain polymers with an epoxide group at either end. Most common epoxy resins are produced from
a reaction between epichlorohydrin and bisphenol-A, though the latter may be replaced by similar
chemicals. The hardener consists of polyamine monomers, for example Triethylenetetramine (TETA).
When these compounds are mixed together, the amine groups react with the epoxide groups to form
a covalent bond. Each NH group can react with an epoxide group, so that the resulting polymer is
heavily crosslinked, and is thus rigid and strong
Structure of unmodified epoxy prepolymer resin. n denotes the number of polymerized subunits and is
in the range from 0 to about 25
Structure of TETA, a typical hardener. The amine (NH) groups react with the epoxide groups of the
resin during polymerization
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyepoxides in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4853
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyepoxides added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 24/281,
artificial stone C04B 26/14
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/226
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds: polyepoxides
C04B 35/63452 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/63456
{Polyurethanes; Polyisocyanates}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A polyurethane (PUR and PU) is any polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by
carbamate (urethane) links. Polyurethane polymers are formed through step-growth polymerization,
by reacting a monomer (with at least two isocyanate functional groups) with another monomer (with at
least two hydroxyl or alcohol groups) in the presence of a catalyst
Polyurethane synthesis, wherein the urethane groups — NH-(C=O)-O- link the molecular units
Isocyanate is the functional group of elements –N=C=O (1 nitrogen, 1 carbon, 1 oxygen), not to be
confused with the cyanate functional group which is arranged as –O–C≡N or with isocyanide, R-N≡C.
Any organic compound which contains an isocyanate group may also be referred to in brief as an
isocyanate. An isocyanate may have more than one isocyanate group. An isocyanate that has two
isocyanate groups is known as a diisocyanate
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyurethanes in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4884
C04B 35/63456 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyurethanes and polyisocyanates added as active ingredient to cement, C04B 24/282,
concrete, mortar or artificial stone C04B 26/16
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2273
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds: polyurethanes; polyisocyanates
Polyurethanes C08F 290/067,
C08F 290/147,
C08F 299/06,
C08G 71/04,
C08L 75/04, C08L 75/14,
C09D 5/4465,
C09D 175/00,
C09D 175/04,
C09J 175/00,
C09J 175/04,
C09K 3/1021,
C09K 19/3885
Polyisocyanates C08G 18/72,
C09B 43/155,
C09B 43/266,
C09K 17/30
C04B 35/6346
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polyester is a category of polymers which contain the ester functional group (-C(O)O-) in their main
chain. A common polyester is for instance polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Polyethylene terephthalate
C04B 35/6346 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Polycaprolactone (PCL)
poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (P3HB),
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyesters in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4826
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyesters added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 24/283 and
artificial stone subgroup, C04B 26/18
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2266
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds: polyesters; polycarbonates
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/63464
Definition statement
This place covers:
Polycarbonates received their name because they are polymers containing carbonate groups (–O–
(C=O)–O–). An example of a polycarbonate material is produced by the reaction of bisphenol A and
phosgene COCl2
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polycarbonates in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4888
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polycarbonates added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 24/286,
artificial stone C04B 26/18
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2266
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds: polyesters; polycarbonates
C04B 35/63468
Definition statement
This place covers:
The amide link is produced from the condensation reaction of an amino group and a carboxylic acid or
acid chloride group. A small molecule, usually water, or hydrogen chloride, is eliminated.
The amino group and the carboxylic acid group can be on the same monomer, or the polymer can
be constituted of two different bifunctional monomers, one with two amino groups, the other with two
carboxylic acid or acid chloride groups.
C04B 35/63468 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Amino acids can be taken as examples of single monomer (if the difference between R groups is
ignored) reacting with identical molecules to form a polyamide:
The reaction of two amino acids. Many of these reactions produce long chain proteins
Aramid (pictured below) is made from two different monomers which continuously alternate to form the
polymer and is an aromatic polyamide:
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyamides in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4892
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyamides added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 24/287,
artificial stone C04B 26/20
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/228
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds: polyamides
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/63472
{Condensation polymers of aldehydes or ketones}
Definition statement
This place covers:
An aldehyde is an organic compound containing a formyl group. This functional group, with the
structure R-CHO, consists of a carbonyl center bonded to hydrogen and an R group.[1] The group
without R is called the aldehyde group or formyl group
a ketone is an organic compound with the structure RC(=O)R', where R and R' can be a variety of
atoms and groups of atoms. It features a carbonyl group (C=O) bonded to two other carbon atoms.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of condensation polymers of aldehydes or ketones in coatings of C04B 41/4811
ceramic substrates
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Condensation polymers of aldehydes or ketones added as active C04B 24/30, C04B 26/12
ingredient to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2246
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds: condensation polymers of aldehydes and ketones
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/63488
{Polyethers, e.g. alkylphenol polyglycolether, polyethylene glycol [PEG],
polyethylene oxide [PEO]}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ethers are a class of organic compounds that contain an ether group — an oxygen atom connected
to two alkyl or aryl groups — of general formula R–O–R'.[1] A typical example is the solvent and
anesthetic diethyl ether, commonly referred to simply as "ether" (CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3).
Polyether generally refers to polymers which contain the ether functional group in their main chain.
The term glycol is reserved for low to medium range molar mass polymer when the nature of the end-
group, which is usually a hydroxyl group, still matters. The term "oxide" or other terms are used for
high molar mass polymer when end-groups no longer affect polymer properties.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of polyethers in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4896
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polyethers, e.g. alkylphenol polyglycolether added as active ingredient to C04B 24/32
cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins B22C 1/2286
obtained otherwise than by reactions only involving carbon-to-carbon
unsaturated bonds: polyethers
C04B 35/63492
{Natural resins, e.g. rosin}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Water-insoluble mixture of compounds derived from trees, especially conifers,
C04B 35/63492 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Rosin is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly conifers
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of wood waste material for making ceramics C04B 35/62209
The use of natural resins in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/474
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Natural resins, e.g. rosin added as active ingredient to cement, concrete, C04B 24/34, C04B 26/22
mortar or artificial stone and subgroup
Binders for refractory mould or core materials based on resins or rosins: B22C 1/2293
natural polymers
C04B 35/63496
{Bituminous materials, e.g. tar, pitch}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Bituminous materials such as tar or pitch are used as binder, either to be burned out later or to be
carbonised and become part of the ceramic, as for instance carbon or carbide
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Impregnating a porous carbon product with tar or pitch that is carbonised C04B 35/521
into carbon
Carbon products obtained from carbonaceous particles with a C04B 35/532
carbonisable binder, such as tar or pitch
Using tar or pitch for joining ceramic with ceramic C04B 37/008
Using tar or pitch for joining ceramic with metal C04B 37/028
Using tar or pitch for joining ceramic with glass C04B 37/047
Carbonaceous materials that are added to the ceramic material to create C04B 38/068
porosity after a heat treatment
C04B 35/63496 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Bituminous materials, e.g. tar, pitch added as active ingredient to cement, C04B 24/36, C04B 26/26
concrete, mortar or artificial stone
Oxide ceramics containing carbon C04B 35/013
Alumina refractories containing carbon C04B 35/103
The use of bitumen, asphalt, e.g. paraffin in coatings of ceramic C04B 41/478
Carbonaceous additives to ceramics or secondary phases C04B 2235/422 and
Organic additives are carbonised to become part of the ceramic C04B 2235/48
C04B 35/636
Polysaccharides or derivatives thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
The use of polysaccharides such as xanthan, dextrin as binder, or for other uses, e.g. starch,
glycogen, chitin, xylan, pectins
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Polysaccharides that are added to the ceramic material to create porosity C04B 38/0645
after a heat treatment
The use of polysaccharides in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/4803
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Polysaccharides or derivatives thereof added as active ingredient to C04B 24/38 and
cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone subgroups, C04B 26/28
and subgroup
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/6365
{Cellulose or derivatives thereof}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cellulose is an organic compound with the formula (C6H10O5)n, a polysaccharide consisting of a linear
chain of several hundred to over ten thousand β(1→4) linked D-glucose units. It is often used as
binder and does not leave carbon residue normally.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Cellulose materials that are added to the ceramic material to create C04B 38/0675
porosity after a heat treatment
The use of cellulose in coatings of ceramic substrates C04B 41/476
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of organic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 16/02
or artificial stone; Treatment of organic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Cellulose or derivatives thereof added as active ingredient to cement, C04B 24/383 and
concrete, mortar or artificial stone subgroup, C04B 26/24,
C04B 26/285
The use of wood waste material for making ceramics C04B 35/62209
Preparatory treatment of cellulose for making derivatives thereof C08B 1/00 and subgroups
C04B 35/638
Removal thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Burning out the organics of green shaped ceramics or of unshaped ceramic powder mixtures, or of
ceramic-polymer fibers, e.g. barium titanate-PVP fibers. Removing the organics by using solvents.
C04B 35/638 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Creating porous ceramics by dissolving-out added substances C04B 38/04
Creating porous ceramics by burning-out added substances by burning C04B 38/06 and
natural expanding materials or by sublimating or melting out added subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Specific temperature used for heat treatment step of shaped ceramic C04B 2235/656
Heating rate of heat treatment step of shaped ceramic C04B 2235/6562
Cooling rate of heat treatment step of shaped ceramic C04B 2235/6565
Treatment time of heat treatment step of shaped ceramic C04B 2235/6567
Multi step sintering C04B 2235/661
Removing of binder during sintering of metallic articles B22F 3/1021 and
General overview over methods for debinding document XP004301883
C04B 35/64
Burning or sintering processes (C04B 33/32 takes precedence {; powder
metallurgy B22F})
Definition statement
This place covers:
All specific burning and sintering methods used for shaped ceramic materials, e.g. using a specific
heating or cooling rate, a specific furnace, a specific atmosphere
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Burning methods for clay-wares C04B 33/32 and
Heat treatments of non-shaped powders that are used for making C04B 35/62645 and
ceramics subgroups
C04B 35/64 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Superficial sintering of clay or ceramic objects with the goal of creating a C04B 38/0038 and
porous object subgroup
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder characterised B22F 3/00 and subgroups
by the manner of compacting or sintering; Apparatus specially adapted
therefore; Presses and furnaces
Manufacture of composite layers, workpieces, or articles, comprising B22F 7/00 and subgroups
metallic powder, by sintering the powder, with or without compacting
wherein at least one part is obtained by sintering or compression
Mechanical aspects of sintering clay or ceramic objects B28B 11/243
Chamber type furnaces F27B 17/0016 and
Travelling or movable supports or containers for the charge of furnaces, F27D 3/12 and subgroup
kilns, ovens, retorts in so far as they are of kinds occurring in more than
one kind of furnace
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Heat treatment, e.g. precalcining, burning, melting; Cooling of hydraulic C04B 7/43 and subgroups
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0082
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: making use of a rise in
temperature, e.g. caused by an exothermic reaction
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0268
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: heating up to sintering
After-treatment of mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramics: heat C04B 41/0072
Aspects relating to heat treatment of ceramic bodies such as green C04B 2235/65 and
ceramics or pre-sintered ceramics, e.g. burning, sintering or melting subgroups
Using setters during sintering C04B 2235/9623
Sintering glass C03B 19/06 and
Abrasive particles per se obtained by division of a mass agglomerated by C09K 3/1418
Shaft or like vertical or substantially vertical furnaces wherein no smelting F27B 1/005
of the charge occurs, e.g. calcining or sintering furnaces
C04B 35/64 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) A layer of ceramic powder is deposited on a support, and possibly
compacted by a rolling device. A computer-controlled laser beam
scans a two-dimensional cross-section of a part, selectively
sintering the layer. A new layer of powder is deposited, compacted
and sintered. After completion of the part, the unfused or
unsintered powder, which helps hold the part during the process, is
removed. This technique may allow local composition variations for
gradient materials or manufacture of composites.
C04B 35/645
Pressure sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
Methods such as sinterforging, SPS (spark plasma sintering).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Pressing and heating of the clay green compact at the same time at C04B 33/20
temperatures lower than the sintering temperature
Pressing clay at sintering temperatures C04B 33/326
Pressure sintering to make silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/575
Pressure sintering to make silicon nitride based ceramics C04B 35/593
Using a pressurised atmosphere during sintering, e.g. an atmosphere of 2 C04B 2235/658
bar nitrogen
Using constraining layers before or during sintering of ceramic laminates C04B 2237/56 and
or ceramic substrates that are joined with other substrates subgroups
Processes using ultra high pressure, e.g. for the formation of diamonds; B01J 3/06 and subgroups
Apparatus therefore, e.g. moulds, dies
Mechanical aspects of hot-pressing clay or ceramic materials B28B 3/025
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pressing at non-sintering temperatures of ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 2235/604
Spark plasma sintering C04B 2235/666
Density of sintered ceramics C04B 2235/77
Both compacting and sintering of metallic articles B22F 3/12
Both compacting and sintering of metallic articles by forging B22F 3/17
C04B 35/645 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/6455
{Hot isostatic pressing}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Hot isostatic pressing, using normally a gas to transmit the pressure
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Gas pressure sintering to make silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/5755
Gas pressure sintering to make silicon nitride based ceramics C04B 35/5935
Using a pressurised atmosphere during sintering, e.g. an atmosphere of 2 C04B 2235/658
bar nitrogen
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Joints of implantable prostheses, made by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) A61F 2/3094
Hot isostatic pressing of workpieces or articles from metallic powder B22F 3/15 and subgroup
Hot isostatic pressing of metals or alloys C21D 2241/02
C04B 35/65
Reaction sintering of free metal- or free silicon-containing compositions
{(C04B 35/573, C04B 35/591 take precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic is made by reacting a metal or silicon, with oxygen (oxidising to make an oxide), with
carbon (to make a carbide), with boron (to make a boride), with nitrogen (nitriding to make a nitride),
or with either a free metal or free silicon to make a silicide. The majority of the ceramic has to be made
by reaction sintering. Examples are the reaction of a metal such as molybdenum with silicon to make
molybdenum silicide, reacting aluminium with nitrogen to make aluminium nitride, reacting nickel
C04B 35/65 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
with oxygen to make nickel oxide, reacting titanium with carbon to make titanium carbide, reacting
magnesium with boron to make magnesium boride.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making silicon carbide by reaction sintering C04B 35/573
Making silicon nitride by reaction sintering C04B 35/591
Reaction sintering to make a material containing for the majority ceramic C22C 1/051
phases resulting from the reaction, but a minority of metallic phase,
where the metallic phase is continuous, e.g. functions as a binder
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reacting a material with a gas, other than oxygen, to create a ceramic C04B 2235/46 and
phase, e.g. reacting with nitrogen to make a nitride subgroup
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder involving a B22F 3/23
self-propagating high-temperature synthesis or reaction sintering step
C04B 35/651
{Thermite type sintering, e.g. combustion sintering}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of a metal powder and a metal oxide that produces an
exothermic oxidation-reduction reaction known as a thermite reaction. If aluminium is the reducing
agent it is called an aluminothermic reaction. Thermites can be a diverse class of compositions. Some
"fuels" that can be used include aluminium, magnesium, calcium, titanium, zinc, silicon, and boron and
others. One commonly-used fuel in thermite mixtures is aluminium, because of its high boiling point.
The oxidizers can be boron(III) oxide, silicon(IV) oxide, chromium(III) oxide, manganese(IV) oxide,
iron(III) oxide, iron(II,III) oxide, copper(II) oxide, and lead(II,III,IV) oxide and others.
The aluminium reduces the oxide of another metal, most commonly iron oxide, because aluminium is
highly reactive:
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Heating methods that result in the oxidation or reduction of powders, C04B 35/6265
preparatory to the making of a ceramic material
Pyrolysis, carbonisation or auto-combustion reactions for making ceramic C04B 35/6267
C04B 35/651 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reductive heat treatment for making a ceramic C04B 2235/652
Oxidative annealing C04B 2235/663
Reductive annealing C04B 2235/664
C04B 35/652
{Directional oxidation or solidification, e.g. Lanxide process}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The Lanxide process, also known as pressureless metal infiltration, is a way of producing metal-matrix
composite materials by a process of partial reaction; the process involves a careful choice of initial
alloy (usually aluminium with about 3% magnesium and about 10% silicon), and then the maintenance
of conditions in which the polycrystalline reaction product has a mechanical composition such that
metal is drawn up through it towards the oxidiser by capillary action, so the composite material grows
downwards. The normal application is to produce alumina-reinforced aluminium; the process also
allows the growth of ceramic layers inside metal encasements, providing pre-stressing. A metal
melt is simultaneously both oxidised and solidified, in a directional way, meaning the oxidation and
solidification start at one end of the material and progress towards the other end. This can also be
done with a powder bed, in which case there is only directional oxidation.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porous ceramic starting from inorganic materials only, e.g. metal foam; C04B 38/0025
Lanxide type products
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making ceramics by making use of a melting process C04B 35/653 and
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramic ware obtained by a C04B 38/0025
chemical conversion or reaction other than those relating to the setting
or hardening of cement-like material or to the formation of a sol or a gel,
e.g. by carbonising or pyrolysing preformed cellular materials based on
polymers, organo-metallic or organo-silicon precursors: starting from
inorganic materials only, e.g. metal foam; Lanxide type products
Directionally solidified metal castings B22D 27/045
Directionally-solidified crystalline structure F05C 2253/083 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/653
Processes involving a melting step
Definition statement
This place covers:
Making a bulk ceramic object by melting at least the largest part of a badge of material
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Melting clay materials to make a clay ceramic object C04B 33/323
Melting material in order to make ceramic powder C04B 35/62665
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Artificial stone from molten metallurgical slag C04B 5/00 and subgroups
Artificial stone obtained by melting at least part of the composition, e.g. C04B 32/005
Porous clay ceramics obtained by generating pores in the ceramic C04B 38/0087
material while in the molten state
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0085
mortars, concrete or artificial stone composition: involving melting of at
least part of the composition
Thermally activated mortars, e.g. by melting ingredients C04B 40/0691
Coating or impregnating "in situ", e.g. impregnating of artificial stone C04B 41/0018
by subsequent melting of a compound added to the artificial stone
Coating or impregnating applied from the molten state; Thermal spraying, C04B 41/4523 and
e.g. plasma spraying subgroup
Superficial melting of the ceramic substrate before or during the coating C04B 41/4588
or impregnating step
Heat treatments such as] Calcining; Fusing Pyrolysis in general B01J 6/00 and subgroups
Casting non-ferrous metals with a high melting point, e.g. metallic B22D 21/06
Shaping methods specially adapted for producing clay or ceramic articles B28B 1/54
from molten material, e.g. slag refractory ceramic materials
Abrasive particles per se obtained by division of a mass agglomerated by C09K 3/1427
melting, at least partially, e.g. with a binder
Making hard metals based on borides, carbides, nitrides, oxides, silicides C22C 1/1068
starting from a melt
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/657
for manufacturing refractories (C04B 35/05, C04B 35/107, C04B 35/484 take
Definition statement
This place covers:
Making a bulk ceramic refractory object by melting at least the largest part of a badge of material
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesia-based refractories made by fusion casting C04B 35/05 and
Alumina-based refractories made by fusion casting C04B 35/107 and
Zirconia-based refractories made by fusion casting C04B 35/484
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Melting clay materials to make a clay ceramic object C04B 33/323
Melting material in order to make ceramic powder C04B 35/62665
Applying ceramic coatings by spraying the coating material in the molten C23C 4/10 and subgroup
state, e.g. by flame, plasma or electric discharge
C04B 35/66
Monolithic refractories or refractory mortars, including those whether or not
containing clay {(making or repairing of linings F27D 1/16)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
All refractory compositions that do not have as largest fraction magnesia, alumina or zirconia, e.g. a
refractory composition with titania or silicon carbide as largest fraction
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Grain-sized magnesia-based refractories C04B 35/043 and
Grain-sized alumina-based refractories C04B 35/101 and
Grain-sized zirconia-based refractories C04B 35/482
Making refractory metal carbides C04B 35/5607 and
C04B 35/66 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Re-using refractory waste for making clay ceramics C04B 33/1324
Grain-sized titania-based refractories C04B 35/46 and
C04B 35/66
Grain-sized silicon carbide based refractories C04B 35/565 and
C04B 35/66
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone being refractory C04B 2111/00431
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone as a refractory coating, e.g. C04B 2111/00551
for tamping
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone composition being cement C04B 2111/1043
free, being calciumaluminate-free refractories
Using insulating materials or refractories in chemical or physical B01J 2208/00495
Molecular sieve catalysts supported in or on refractory materials B01J 2229/64
Compositions of refractory mould or core materials; Grain structures B22C 1/00 and subgroups
Hot tops from refractory material for ingot moulds B22D 7/102
Linings for casting melt-holding vessels, e.g. ladles, tundishes, cups or B22D 41/02 and
the like subgroups
Refractory plugging masses for melt-holding vessels, e.g. ladles, B22D 41/46 and
tundishes, cups or the like subgroup
Soldering or welding materials comprising refractory compounds, e.g. B23K 35/327
Fireproof paints including high temperature resistant paints C09D 5/18 and subgroup
Miscellaneous materials being Fire-resistant, heat-resistant materials C09K 2003/1078
Fireproofing materials C09K 21/00 and
Blast furnaces with special refractories, e.g. linings C21B 7/04 and subgroup
Opening or sealing the tap holes of blast furnaces with refractory plugging C21B 7/125
Refractory linings for carbon-steel converters C21C 5/44 and
Refractory coated lances; Immersion lances for carbon-steel converters C21C 5/4613
Coating metal with enamels or vitreous layers: with refractory materials C23D 5/10
Refractory bricks or blocks specially shaped for burner openings F23M 5/025
Making or repairing of linings F27D 1/16 and subgroups
C04B 35/66 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Cooling of furnaces the cooling medium passing through a pattern of F27D 2009/0032
tubes integrated with refractories in a panel
C04B 35/71
Ceramic products containing macroscopic reinforcing agents (C04B 35/66
takes precedence {; infiltration of a porous ceramic matrix with a material
forming a non-ceramic phase C04B 41/00, reaction infiltration with Si in order
to form SiC C04B 35/573, in order to form Si3N4 C04B 35/591})
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic matrix contains fibers, whiskers, platelets, nanofibers, nanotubes
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Reinforced clay wares C04B 33/36
Making SiC by reactive infiltration of carbon body with Si C04B 35/573
Making Si3N4 by reactive infiltration of carbon body with nitrogen or C04B 35/591
nitrogen containing materials
Monolithic refractories or refractory mortars C04B 35/66
Ceramics containing macroscopic reinforcements that are removed to C04B 38/06 and
create porosity subgroups
Infiltration of a porous ceramic matrix with a material forming a non- C04B 41/00 and
ceramic phase subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Arrangements specially adapted for the production of shaped ceramic B28B 23/00 and
articles with elements wholly or partly embedded in the moulding subgroups
material; Production of reinforced objects
Metallic alloys containing fibers and filaments C22C 47/00, C22C 49/00
and subgroups
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
CMC ceramic matrix composite
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/74
containing shaped metallic materials
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic matrix containing shaped metallic material, where the shaped material is not a fiber,
whisker, platelet, filament.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, subgroups
Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi
C04B 35/76
Fibres, filaments, whiskers, platelets, or the like
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic matrix containing for instance steel fibers, aluminium platelets, titanium nanofibers, etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mechanical aspects of shaping ceramic objects containing metallic fibers B28B 1/523
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Metallic fibers or whiskers added as filler to concrete, cement, mortar or C04B 14/48
artificial stone
Fiber or whisker reinforced substrate joined with another substrate or C04B 2237/38
being part of a ceramic laminate
Metallic fibers per se B22F 1/062
Manufacture of articles essentially made from metallic fibres B22F 3/002
Making alloys containing metallic or non-metallic fibres or filaments C22C 47/00 and
Alloys containing metallic or non-metallic fibres or filaments C22C 49/00 and
Non-woven fabrics formed wholly or mainly of staple fibres or like D04H 1/4234
relatively short fibre: metal fibers
Sealings containing metallic fibers F16J 15/126
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/78
containing non-metallic materials
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramic matrix with ceramic, glass reinforcement
C04B 35/80
Fibres, filaments, whiskers, platelets, or the like
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ceramic matrix is reinforced with ceramic fibers, ceramic whiskers, ceramic nanotubes, silicon
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making ceramic fibers per se C04B 35/62227
Coating the ceramic fibers or inorganic fibers used in ceramics C04B 35/62844 and
Carbon reinforced with carbon fibers C04B 35/83
Using inorganic fibers for ceramics C04B 2235/5216 and
Using inorganic whiskers, spindles, needles, pins for ceramics C04B 2235/5276
Using hollow fibers for ceramics, e.g. nanotubes C04B 2235/5284 and
Using flakes, platelets, plates for ceramics C04B 2235/5292
Fiber or whisker reinforced substrate joined with another substrate or C04B 2237/38
being part of a ceramic laminate
Composition of friction linings based on metals or inorganic oxides, F16D 69/028
containing fibres
The material of the matrix phase is classified with one of the groups C04B 35/01 - C04B 35/597.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 35/82
Asbestos; Glass; Fused silica
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ceramic matrix is reinforced with asbestos, glass fibers or fused silica fibers or whiskers. The
matrix can be both oxide and non-oxide.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Asbestos used as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 14/40 and
stone subgroup
Glass fibers or whiskers added as filler to concrete, cement, mortar or C04B 14/42 and
artificial stone subgroup
Hazardous waste used for making clay materials, the waste not being a C04B 33/1325
combustion residue
Melting of material to make a ceramic powder C04B 35/62665
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3418
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. silica sol, fused silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint
(glass constituents C04B 2235/36), e.g. silicic acid H2Si2O5
Glass starting materials for making ceramics, e.g. silica glass C04B 2235/36 and
Silicate other than alumino-silicate or silica fibers used as starting C04B 2235/5232
material for making ceramics, e.g. quartz fibers
Filtering material for liquid or gaseous fluids, containing inorganic B01D 39/06
material, e.g. asbestos fibres, glass beads or fibres
Disposal of asbestos B09B 3/00, B09B 2101/35
Layered products essentially comprising sheet glass, or glass, slag, or B32B 17/00 and
like fibres subgroups
Layered products essentially comprising natural mineral fibres or B32B 19/08,
particles, e.g. asbestos B32B 2315/12
Processes specially adapted for the production of quartz or fused silica C03B 20/00
The synthesis of glass fibers C03B 37/01 and
Glass fibre or filament compositions C03C 13/00 and
Use of asbestos fibers as ingredient for polymers C08K 7/12
Yarns or threads made from asbestos D02G 3/20
Woven glass fibers D03D 15/267
Fleeces or layers composed of fibres that are not woven, glass fibers D04H 1/4218 and
subgroup, D04H 5/12,
D04H 13/008
C04B 35/82 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 35/83
Carbon fibres in a carbon matrix
Definition statement
This place covers:
A matrix consisting for the largest part out of carbon phase, e.g. amorphous carbon, graphite,
diamond, which contains carbon fibers, carbon nanotubes. The carbon fibers or nanotubes can
contain a non-carbon coating, although usually such an intermediate coating will be made of carbon.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A carbide matrix containing carbon fibers C04B 35/80, C04B 35/56,
C04B 2235/5248
A carbon matrix containing carbide fibers C04B 35/80, C04B 35/52,
C04B 2235/524,C04B 2235/5244
A carbon matrix containing non-carbon fibers having a carbon coating C04B 35/80, C04B 35/52,
C04B 2235/5208,
C04B 35/62873
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Carbon fibers or whiskers added as filler to concrete, cement, mortar or C04B 14/386
artificial stone
Carbon-based ceramics C04B 35/52 and
Coating inorganic fibers with a carbon coating C04B 35/62873
Carbon fibers used in ceramics C04B 2235/5248
Carbon nanotubes used in ceramics C04B 2235/5288
Carbon fiber or whisker reinforced carbon substrate joined with another C04B 2237/385
substrate or being part of a ceramic laminate
Prosthesis containing Carbon reinforced with carbon fibres A61F 2002/5055 ,
A61F 2/30965
C04B 35/83 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 37/00
Joining burned ceramic articles with other burned ceramic articles or other
articles by heating {(soldering and welding materials B23K 35/24; laminated
products B32B, E04C)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Joining ceramic articles with other ceramic articles through heating is in the groups
C04B 37/001 - C04B 37/008. In principle the head-group C04B 37/00 should not be used for joining
a ceramic substrate with another ceramic substrate, since the joining is either direct (C04B 37/001)
or through an interlayer (C04B 37/003 or C04B 37/008), but there are no other options. The joining
of ceramic articles through heating with articles that are not metal nor glass nor ceramic is also in
C04B 37/003 and C04B 37/008. This can be for instance the joining of a ceramic substrate with a
silicon substrate, a wood substrate, etc. If the joining of the ceramic substrate with for instance the
silicon would be direct joining, C04B 37/001 is not applicable, since this is only for ceramic-ceramic
joining. In this case C04B 37/00 is used.
A ceramic article or other article is any pre-shaped from. This also includes pre-shaped films or foils
that are joined to another object, e.g. first making a diamond thin film by CVD, lifting this film from its
substrate and joining the film with a carbide substrate. If a substrate is coated with two coatings, and
on top of the two coatings a foil is applied, the foil is seen as a substrate, which means this is coded in
C04B 37/00.
The joining can also mean joining two objects through spacers that actually keep the two objects
apart. The two objects do not make direct contact, but are joined through the spacer(s).
Normally a joint between a cermet and a metal substrate is not classified in C04B 37/00, but in the
case that a porous ceramic is joined to a metal through a metal infiltrated in the porous ceramic, this is
classified in C04B 37/00(using the code C04B 2237/61).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Joining individual ceramic particles with other ceramic particles C04B 35/6303 (inorganic
binders) C04B 35/632
(organic binders)
Coating a ceramic substrate with a preformed sheet-like element C04B 41/4501
Joining plastics material to carbon B29C 66/7444
Joining plastics material to ceramics B29C 66/7461 and
C04B 37/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay-wares C04B 33/00 and
Porous ceramic products C04B 38/00
Honeycomb structures assembled from subunits C04B 38/0016
Coating ceramic substrates C04B 41/00 and
Aspects relating to ceramic starting mixtures or sintered ceramic products C04B 2235/00 and
Aspects relating to ceramic laminates or to joining of ceramic articles with C04B 2237/00 and
other articles by heating subgroups
Application of procedures in order to connect objects or parts, e.g. B21D 39/00
coating with sheet metal otherwise than by plating
Friction heat forging B21J 5/063
Riveting B21J 15/00
Uniting components to form integral members, e.g. turbine wheels and B21K 25/00
shafts, caulks with inserts, with or without shaping of the components
Soldering or unsoldering; welding; cladding or plating by soldering or B23K
welding; cutting by applying heat locally e.g. flame cutting; working by
laser beam
Soldering and welding materials B23K 35/24
Connecting metal parts or objects by metal-working techniques, not B23P 11/00
covered wholly by either B21J or B23K
Joining or sealing of preformed parts, e.g. welding of plastics materials; B29C 65/00 and
Apparatus therefore subgroups
Laminated products B32B
Laminated products composed mainly of ceramics, e.g. refractory B32B 18/00
Printing on laminates B32B 38/14 and
Uniting glass pieces by fusing without substantial reshaping C03B 23/20
Joining pieces of glass to pieces of other inorganic material; Joining glass C03C 27/00
to glass other than by fusing
Coating a metallic substrate with a ceramic coating C23C
Structural elements; building materials E04C
Joining constructional elements in general F16B
Connecting constructional elements or machine parts by sticking or F16B 11/00
pressing them together, e.g. cold pressure welding
C04B 37/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Seals between parts of vessels of electric discharge tubes or discharge H01J 5/20
Secondary aspects of making ceramic laminates (B32B 18/00) and of joining ceramic articles with
other articles through heating (C04B 37/00 and subgroups) are classified in C04B 2237/00 and
subgroups, e.g. the composition of the layers or articles that are laminated or joined, the composition
of the interlayers that are used for joining, processing aspects such as surface treatments to the
layers-to-be-joined and also the geometrical configuration of the articles that are joined, e.g. joining
both layers on their small side or one layer on the largest surface with one layer on the shortest
Aspects regarding the heat treatments that are used are classified in C04B 35/64 and subgroups and
coded in C04B 2235/65 and subgroups, where the heat treatment of the joining step should be seen
as a sintering step. If for instance pressure is exerted during heating to join the articles, C04B 35/645
is given. Aspects regarding the atmosphere of the heating step, possible annealing steps, heating
rate, cooling rate, etc. are classified in C04B 2235/65 and subgroups.
If much detail regarding the composition and/or synthesis of one or more ceramic layers or articles
is given, classification in C04B 35/00 and subgroups should be considered. If much detail regarding
the composition and/or synthesis of one or more metallic layers or articles is given, classification in
B22F 3/00 or B22F 5/00 and subgroups should be considered.
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
A ceramic article an article made of material that is classified in C04B 33/00(clay
materials), C04B 35/00- C04B 35/597 (ceramic materials),
C04B 35/62204 (ceramic materials made out of waste material)
and C04B 35/71- C04B 35/83 (ceramic materials containing
macroscopic reinforcing agents).
C04B 37/001
{directly with other burned ceramic articles}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Joining the two ceramic articles without the use of an interlayer. The surface of one or more of the
ceramic articles to-be-joined can be treated, e.g. by cleaning or oxidising, leading to an oxidised
C04B 37/001 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
surface, or can for instance be wetted, but no external layer is applied to any of the surfaces to-be-
bonded. An interlayer could be formed by bonding.
Non-bonding electrode layers do not count as interlayer. If two substrates contain only a non-bonding
electrode in between, these substrates are regarded to be directly bonded.
C04B 37/003
{by means of an interlayer consisting of a combination of materials selected
from glass, or ceramic material with metals, metal oxides or metal salts}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A layer/coating is externally applied on at least one of the two substrates, or a foil or sheet is laid in
between the two substrates, e.g. the interlayer is Si. Bonding through the use of pre-ceramic polymers,
such as polycarbosilane, polysiloxane, polysilazane, as adhesive.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The creation of an internal layer within the substrate before bonding, e.g. C04B 37/001 (direct
by oxidising the surface or otherwise treating the surface bonding of ceramics)
Ceramic substrates containing a non-bonding electrode layer in between. B32B 18/00
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Honeycomb structures characterised by the material used for sealing or C04B 38/0012
plugging (some of) the channels of the honeycombs
Honeycomb structures assembled from subunits characterised by the C04B 38/0019
material used for joining separate subunits
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, B23K 35/001 and
or cutting: interlayers, transition pieces for metallurgical bonding of subgroups
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, or B23K 35/0233 and
cutting: sheets or foils for use in soldering or brazing subgroup
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper B23K 35/24 and
Documents classified in C04B 38/0019 should normally also be classified in C04B 37/003, as most
honeycombs are made from ceramic material.
C04B 37/003 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
Electrode and electrodes layers that are inserted between ceramic substrate layers are normally not
seen as interlayer, since they normally do not have the function of joining the two ceramic substrates.
They therefore do not receive a C04B 2237/12 code. Only if it is clear that the electrode does have a
joining effect, it is regarded as interlayer, and C04B 2237/12 or a subgroup is allocated.
In the case of bonding through the use of pre-ceramic polymers, such as polycarbosilane,
polysiloxane, polysilazane, as adhesive, C04B 37/008 is also attributed, since for bonding a
polymeric adhesive is used. The ceramic interlayer formed through the bonding is coded with either
C04B 2237/08 or C04B 2237/083.
C04B 37/008
{by means of an interlayer consisting of an organic adhesive, e.g. phenol resin
or pitch}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The adhesive is normally a resin, but could also be tar, pitch. The bonding material in principle
does not contain inorganic matter. Bonding through the use of pre-ceramic polymers, such as
polycarbosilane, polysiloxane, polysilazane, as adhesive.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating a ceramic substrate with a preformed sheet-like element, using C04B 41/4503
an adhesive layer
The classes from the range C04B 35/63404-C04B 35/6365 can be used to indicate the polymer
C04B 37/02
with metallic articles
Definition statement
This place covers:
Binding a ceramic substrate with a metallic substrate. All layers/objects based on metallic phases as
well as ceramic layers/objects having a metallic binder (cermets) are regarded as metallic. If the layer/
object has a continuous metallic phase, it is regarded as metallic, even if the amount of metal is as low
as for instance 5 wt%.
C04B 37/02 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A second metal layer/object that is joined to a first metal layer/object, B32B 15/00 and
which itself is joined to a ceramic layer/object. Only the first metal layer/ subgroups (Layered
object, that is joined directly or through an interlayer with the ceramic products essentially
layer/object, is classified. comprising metal)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder characterised B22F 3/00 and subgroups
by the manner of compacting or sintering; Apparatus specially adapted
therefore; Presses and furnaces
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder characterised B22F 5/00 and subgroups
by the special shape of the product
C04B 37/021
{in a direct manner, e.g. direct copper bonding [DCB]}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Joining the two articles without the use of an interlayer. The surface of one or more of the articles
to-be-joined can be treated, e.g. by cleaning or oxidising, leading to an oxidised surface, or can for
instance be wetted, but no external layer is applied to any of the surfaces to-be-bonded.
C04B 37/023
{characterised by the interlayer used (C04B 37/028 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A layer/coating is externally applied on at least one of the two substrates, or a foil or sheet is
laid in between the two substrates. Bonding through the use of pre-ceramic polymers, such as
polycarbosilane, polysiloxane, polysilazane, as adhesive.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The creation of an internal layer within the substrate before bonding, e.g. C04B 37/021 (direct
by oxidising the surface or otherwise treating the surface bonding of ceramic with
C04B 37/023 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Joining a ceramic article with a metal article though heating, using an C04B 37/028
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, B23K 35/001 and
or cutting: interlayers, transition pieces for metallurgical bonding of subgroups
In the case of bonding through the use of pre-ceramic polymers, such as polycarbosilane,
polysiloxane, polysilazane, as adhesive, C04B 37/028 is also attributed, since for bonding a polymeric
adhesive is used. The ceramic interlayer formed through the bonding is classified with either
C04B 2237/08 or C04B 2237/083.
C04B 37/028
{by means of an interlayer consisting of an organic adhesive, e.g. phenol resin
or pitch}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The adhesive is normally a resin, but could also be tar, pitch. The bonding material in principle
does not contain inorganic matter. Bonding through the use of pre-ceramic polymers, such as
polycarbosilane, polysiloxane, polysilazane, as adhesive.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating a ceramic substrate with a preformed sheet-like element, using C04B 41/4503
an adhesive layer
The classes from the range C04B 35/63404-C04B 35/6365 can be used to indicate the polymer
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 37/04
with articles made from glass
Definition statement
This place covers:
joining a ceramic with a glass article or glass-ceramic article
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Layered products essentially comprising sheet glass, or glass, slag, or B32B 17/00 and
like fibres subgroups
Joining pieces of glass to pieces of other inorganic material; joining glass C03C 27/00 and
to glass other than by fusing subgroups
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Glass-ceramic a crystallised glass or a mixture of glass particles and ceramic
particles, in which the glass forms a continuous matrix phase
C04B 37/042
{in a direct manner}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Joining the two articles without the use of an interlayer. The surface of one or more of the articles
to-be-joined can be treated, e.g. by cleaning or oxidising, leading to an oxidised surface, or can for
instance be wetted, but no external layer is applied to any of the surfaces to-be-bonded.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fusing glass directly to metal C03C 27/02
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 37/045
{characterised by the interlayer used (C04B 37/047 takes precedence)}
Definition statement
This place covers:
A layer/coating is externally applied on at least one of the two substrates, or a foil or sheet is
laid in between the two substrates. Bonding through the use of pre-ceramic polymers, such as
polycarbosilane, polysiloxane, polysilazane, as adhesive.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Joining a ceramic article with a glass article though heating, using an C04B 37/047
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Joining glass to metal by means of an interlayer C03C 27/04 and
Joining glass to glass with the aid of intervening metal C03C 27/08
Joining metals with the aid of glass C03C 29/00
C04B 37/047
{by means of an interlayer consisting of an organic adhesive, e.g. phenol resin
or pitch}
Definition statement
This place covers:
The adhesive is normally a resin, but could also be tar, pitch. The bonding material in principle
does not contain inorganic matter. Bonding through the use of pre-ceramic polymers, such as
polycarbosilane, polysiloxane, polysilazane, as adhesive.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Joining glass to another inorganic material using an adhesive C03C 27/048
Joining glass to glass using an adhesive C03C 27/10
C04B 37/047 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
The classes from the range C04B 35/63404-C04B 35/6365 can be used to indicate the polymer
C04B 38/00
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramic ware; Preparation thereof
(treating slag with gases or gas generating material C04B 5/06 {; expanded
graphite C04B 35/536})
Definition statement
This place covers:
This part of C04B relates to porous or lightweight cement-, mortar-, concrete-, and artificial stone
compositions and porous or lightweight ceramics.
Subdivision of C04B 38/00 is largely based on the methods used for obtaining the porosity or the
reduction in weight.
e.g. by electrolysing;
e.g. expansion of air by reducing pressure takes C04B 40/0089 code in a C-set;
e.g. applying vacuum to draw gas out of gas permeable hollow particles
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Treating slag with gases or gas generating material to make porous slag C04B 5/06
Expanded graphite C04B 35/536
Reaction sintered ceramics C04B 35/64
Catalyst supports by co-precipitation B01J 37/03
C04B 38/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
information and is not identified by the classification is given as C04B symbol in the C-set. Other
aspects of interest can identified further with C04B 38/00 symbols e.g. C04B 38/0054, C04B 38/0074.
The central idea for classification/C-set in C04B 38/00 is: classification according to the method and
identifying the nature of the material that is made porous or lightweight by a symbol in the C-set.
These symbols can be chosen from C04B 26/00 - C04B 35/00. For a stone substrate C04B 14/00
symbols are used.
C04B 38/0006
{Honeycomb structures (from one or more corrugated sheets by winding or
stacking C04B 38/0083)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Honeycomb structures from one or more corrugated sheets by winding or C04B 38/0083
Extrusion of honeycomb structures B28B 2003/203
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Filters i.e. particle separators or filtering processes specially modified for B01D 46/00
separating dispersed particles from gases or vapours;
Honeycombs B01D 46/2418
Honeycombs used for filtering exhaust gases of an internal combustion F01N 3/022
C04B 38/0019
{characterised by the material used for joining separate subunits}
The honeycomb ceramic itself has to be given in a different set bearing class C04B 38/0006.
Additional class in C04B 28/24 (for above example) with symbols for the specific fillers /additives)
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 38/0022
{obtained by a chemical conversion or reaction other than those relating to the
setting or hardening of cement-like material or to the formation of a sol or a
gel, e.g. by carbonising or pyrolysing preformed cellular materials based on
polymers, organo-metallic or organo-silicon precursors}
Definition statement
This place covers:
e.g. reaction sintering
C04B 38/0051
{characterised by the pore size, pore shape or kind of porosity}
Definition statement
This place covers:
e.g. microporous < 2 nm;
C04B 38/009
{Porous or hollow ceramic granular materials, e.g. microballoons (C04B 18/027,
C04B 20/002 take precedence)}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Use of expanded clay as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone C04B 14/12
Use of fired or melted materials as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/023
Use of lightweight materials as fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 18/027
Use of hollow or porous granular materials as fillers for mortars, concrete C04B 20/002
or artificial stone
Expanding clay, perlite, vermiculite or like granular materials as fillers for C04B 20/06
mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Coating or impregnating of particulate or fibrous ceramic material C04B 41/4584
Catalysts characterised by their form, spheres B01J 35/08
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 38/0096
{Pores with coated inner walls}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Preparing or treating the raw materials for obtaining porous material C04B 38/063
by burning out of a substance e.g. coating of burnable material to give
coated pores
Physical aspects of the porous material obtained by burning out a C04B 38/0695
C04B 38/02
by adding chemical blowing agents
Definition statement
This place covers:
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stoneir ceramic ware prepared by the addition of blowing agents
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Evaporation of solvent without expansion C04B 38/00
Porous or hollow ceramic granular materials C04B 38/009
C04B 38/04
by dissolving-out added substances
Definition statement
This place covers:
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stoneir ceramic ware prepared by dissolving-out added substances,
C04B 38/04 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porous or hollow ceramic granular materials C04B 38/009
C04B 38/08
by adding porous substances
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porous or hollow ceramic granular materials C04B 38/009
C04B 38/10
by using foaming agents (C04B 38/02 takes precedence){or by using
mechanical means, e.g. adding preformed foam}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stoneir ceramic ware prepared by using foam agents or by using
mechanical means
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porous or hollow ceramic granular materials C04B 38/009
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial or ceramic ware prepared by adding C04B 38/02
chemical blowing agents
Foam producing agents C09K 23/00
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 40/00
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of mortars,
concrete or artificial stone compositions, e.g. their setting or hardening ability
(active ingredients C04B 22/00 - C04B 24/00; hardening of a well-defined
composition C04B 26/00 - C04B 28/00; making porous, cellular or lightening
C04B 38/00; mechanical aspects B28, e.g. conditioning the materials prior to
shaping B28B 17/02)
Definition statement
This place covers:
C04B 40/00 and subgroups refer to processes occurring before the shaping of the composition
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Producing shaped mixtures containing cementitious materials B28B
Producing mixtures containing cementitious materials B28C
Mixing in general B29B 7/00
C04B 40/0014
C04B 40/0028
{Aspects relating to the mixing step of the mortar preparation}
Definition statement
This place covers:
This class is used as classification or in a C-set to indicate the importance of the mixing steps or the
sequence of mixing steps
C04B 40/0028 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 40/0032
{Controlling the process of mixing, e.g. adding ingredients in a quantity
depending on a measured or desired value (B28C 7/00 takes precedence)}
C04B 40/0039
{Premixtures of ingredients}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
sequence of mixing steps C04B 40/0028
C04B 40/005
{High shear mixing; Obtaining macro-defect free materials}
Definition statement
This place covers:
High shear mixing of the mortar preparation
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
MDF C04B 2111/00301
(symbol added)
C04B 40/005 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Synonyms and Keywords
C04B 40/0092
{Temporary binders, mortars or concrete, i.e. materials intended to be
destroyed or removed after hardening, e.g. by acid dissolution}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Provisional binders, mortars or concrete used in the processes for influencing or modifying the
properties of mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions
C04B 40/0096
{Provisions for indicating condition of the compositions or the final products,
e.g. degree of homogeneous mixing, degree of wear}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Control of cementation level in oil wells E21B 47/00
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Investigating or analysing concrete by specific methods G01N 33/38
C04B 40/02
Selection of the hardening environment
Definition statement
This place covers:
C04B 40/02 and subgroups refer to processes occurring after the shaping / moulding of the
composition that concern hardening, setting, pre-curing and curing
C04B 40/024
{Steam hardening, e.g. in an autoclave}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Steam hardening of mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 40/0263
{Hardening promoted by a rise in temperature (C04B 40/024 takes precedence)}
C04B 40/0277
{Hardening promoted by using additional water, e.g. by spraying water on the
green concrete element (steam hardening C04B 40/024)}
C04B 40/04
Preventing evaporation of the mixing water (permanent coverings C04B 41/00)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Protecting building materials against unfavourable weather influence E04G 21/28
C04B 40/06
Inhibiting the setting, e.g. mortars of the deferred action type containing water
in breakable containers {; Inhibiting the action of active ingredients}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inhibiting the setting, inhibiting the action of active ingredients of mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating cement powders with retarder C04B 20/10
Anchoring B28B 1/521, E02D 5/80,
E21D 20/00
Encapsulated ingredients for macromolecular compositions C08K 9/10
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 40/0608
{Dry ready-made mixtures, e.g. mortars at which only water or a water solution
has to be added before use}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inhibiting the setting with dry ready-made mixture,
factory made dry mixtures of sands, binders and additives, transported in containers or sacks to the
place of use where water is added to make them workable
"mortier sec";
C04B 40/0666
{Chemical plugs based on hydraulic hardening materials}
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Chemical plugs in general F16B 13/142
C04B 40/0683
{inhibiting by freezing or cooling}
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inhibiting the setting by freezing or cooling,
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
creating porosity by melting ice C04B 38/00 symbol
creating porosity by melting out added substances C04B 38/061
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 41/00
After-treatment of mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramics; Treatment
of natural stone (conditioning of the materials prior to shaping C04B 40/00;
applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces, in general B05; grinding
or polishing B24; apparatus or processes for treating or working shaped
articles of clay or other ceramic compositions, slag or mixtures containing
cementitious material B28B 11/00; working stone or stone-like materials B28D;
glazes, other than cold glazes, C03C 8/00; etching, surface-brightening or
pickling compositions C09K 13/00)
Definition statement
This place covers:
After-treatment of materials covered by C04B, i.e. artificial stones, mortars, concrete and ceramics,
e.g. coating of impregnation of green concrete or unsintered ceramics after primary shaping.
In main group C04B 41/00, no distinction is made between coating or impregnation. Therefore, the
terms coating, impregnation and layer are considered equivalent.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coating of fillers for mortars, concrete or artificial stone C04B 20/10
Infiltration with silicon resulting in reaction bonded silicon carbide C04B 35/573
Coating of ceramic fibres or powders used in the manufacture of C04B 35/628
monolithic ceramics
Impregnation processes, which lead to fibre-reinforced composites with C04B 35/80
ceramic matrix
Removal of material by burning out added substances C04B 38/06
Working by laser beam B23K 26/00
Glazes other than cold glazes C03C
Coating of class-ceramics C03C 17/00
Pigments C09C 1/0009
Ceramic compositions containing free metal bonded to carbides, C22C
diamond, oxides, borides, nitrides, silicides, e.g. cermets, or other
metal compounds, e.g. oxynitrides or sulfides, other than macroscopic
reinforcing agents
Infiltration of preforms containing free metal, e.g. cermets C22C
C04B 41/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Conditioning of the materials prior to shaping C04B 40/00
Preparations for dentistry A61K 6/00
Prostheses A61L
Filters, membranes B01D
Catalysts B01J
Applying liquids or other fluent materials to surfaces in general B05
Grinding or polishing B24
Impregnating wood B27K 3/00
Apparatus or processes for treating or working shaped articles of clay B28B 11/00
or other ceramic compositions, slag or mixtures containing cementitious
Working stone or stone-like materials B28D
Layered products B32B
Producing decorative effects by removing surface material B44C 1/22
Surface treatment of glass C03C 17/00
Coating compositions C09D
Etching, surface-brightening or pickling compositions C09K 13/00
Covering materials with metals in general C23C
Thermal spraying C23C 4/00
Coating by vacuum evaporation of the coating material, e.g. sputtering C23C 14/00
Chemical vapour deposition C23C 16/00
Chemical coating by decomposition of either liquid compounds or C23C 18/00
solutions of the coating forming compounds, e.g. sol-gel processing
Anodic or cathodic protection C23F 13/02
After-treatment of single crystals C30B 33/00
Building materials E04C
Gas turbines F01D
Filters for internal combustion engines F01N 3/0222
Friction materials F16D 69/02
Processes of apparatus for the manufacture of semiconductor devices H01L 21/00
Fuel cells H01M 8/00
C04B 41/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
In group C04B 41/45 and subgroups, as a general rule, classification is made according to the end
products present in the coating. However, in C04B 41/49 and subgroups classification is made
according to the nature of the starting materials in the coating composition.
• As a general rule subdivision of main group C04B 41/00 is based on aspects relating to the
method of after-treatment, such as the selection of the method for applying the coating material on
the substrate, e.g. by CVD (C04B 41/4531) or the selection of the coating or impregnation material
with which the substrate is treated, e.g. coating with carbon (C04B 41/5001).
For further classifying only the range C04B 41/00 - C04B 41/5392 is used . Documents classified in
the range C04B 41/60 - C04B 41/91 always get also a class in C04B 41/00 - C04B 41/5392, which
may be combined with one or more C-sets.
• To identify the substrate that is after-treated, the class C04B 41/009 is given and C-sets are
created using complementary codes chosen from:
- C04B 26/00 - C04B 32/005 when artificial stone, e.g. concrete is treated
- C04B 14/38 - C04B 14/48 when ceramic fibres are treated, i.e. only when classifying in
C04B 41/4584.
When the substrate is further defined e.g. a wood fiber/particle board, which in itself is information that
does not require classification in the substrate class itself e.g. C04B 28/02, then the C04B 41/009 set
will be:
If a class in C04B 28/00 is also required because the mixture per se is interesting and is part of the
invention information, then the C04B 41/009 set will comprise only the C04B 28/02 symbol.
• When the same substrate is coated with two or more layers, classification is made in C04B 41/52.
If one of the layers as such might be new in the field, classification for this layer as such is made
For each layer a separate C-set is made, each starting with C04B 41/52, the first set relating to the
first layer, the second set relating to the second layer etc.
• When, in the case of multiple coating, alternatives are mentioned, the following procedure is
If, e.g. for layer 2 an alternative is to be identified, the third C-set will represent this alternative layer,
with at the end the code C04B 41/522. [This symbol is not to be used for classification.] So in this
case, a possible third layer will be identified by the fourth C-set, because the third one refers to an
alternative of the second layer (represented by the second set).
• For the sake of classification/indexing in C04B, treatment of "green" concrete or ceramics, i.e.
concrete that has not hardened yet, resp. ceramic products that are not fired yet, is considered to
be covered by C04B 41/00. Such documents will receive C04B 41/4578 as an extra code in the C-
set. Only in exceptional cases, classification can be made in this group.
• Group C04B 41/53 relates to the removal of part of the materials of the treated article. A coating
process including a step like polishing, roughening or etching is however not classified in
C04B 41/53 or a subgroup (what could be expected applying the last place rule), but is classified
applying the general rules for coatings above and adding C04B 41/53 or a subgroup to the C-set.
C04B 41/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
If however the removal is the essential step of the invention, classification in C04B 41/53 is (also)
• In the same way as when classifying in the other parts of C04B, mentioned above, symbols of the
series C04B 2111/00 can be used to identify uses or characteristics of the products obtained.
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Green ceramics unsintered ceramics
C04B 2103/00
Function or property of ingredients for mortars, concrete or artificial stone
C04B 28/04; C04B 18/08; C04B 18/141; C04B 18/16; C04B 2103/12; C04B 2103/302; C04B 2103/46
When used as the base class of a C-set followed by a number of C04B symbols, it shows that all
these symbols represent alternative ingredients having the same function.
C04B 2111/00
Mortars, concrete or artificial stone or mixtures to prepare them, characterised
by specific function, property or use
C04B 2111/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2201/00
Mortars, concrete or artificial stone characterised by specific physical values
C04B 2235/00
Aspects relating to ceramic starting mixtures or sintered ceramic products
Definition statement
This place covers:
Additional aspects that cannot be indicated with CPC groups regarding the starting materials for
making a ceramic, the methods of shaping a green ceramic, the heat treatments that are given to
green, melted or already sintered ceramics, aspects that regard the sintered ceramic, it's properties,
it's use.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay materials C04B 33/00 and sub-
Ceramic materials C04B 35/00 and sub-
joining of a ceramic layer to another layer C04B 37/00 and sub-
porous ceramic products C04B 38/00
Aspects relating to ceramic laminates or to joining of ceramic articles with C04B 2237/00 and sub-
other articles by heating codes
Layered products essentially comprising ceramics , e.g. refractory B32B 18/00
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/02
Composition of constituents of the starting material or of secondary phases of
the final product
Definition statement
This place covers:
The aspects relate either to the starting materials that can be used for making a ceramic or to the
secondary phases of ceramic objects.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Aspects relating to the preparation, properties or mechanical treatment of C04B 2235/60 and
green bodies or pre-forms subgroups
Aspects relating to heat treatment of ceramic bodies such as green C04B 2235/65 and
ceramics or pre-sintered ceramics, e.g. burning, sintering or melting subgroups
Aspects relating to sintered or melt-casted ceramic products, other than C04B 2235/70 and
the specific secondary phases that are present subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on oxide ceramics C04B 35/01 and
Additives to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone, characterised by C04B 2103/00 and
their function, e.g. dispersant, oxidising agent, pigment subgroups
C04B 2235/30
Constituents and secondary phases not being of a fibrous nature
Definition statement
This place covers:
The starting materials are defined by their chemical composition, and can be a powder, suspension,
solution, but not a fiber. The secondary phases of the shaped ceramics are also defined by their
composition and can have any grain size or shape.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coatings around inorganic particles that are used as starting material for C04B 35/62802 and
making a ceramic subgroups
Binders based on phosphoric acid or phosphates C04B 35/6306 and
C04B 2235/30 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Inorganic additives for clay mixtures C04B 33/131
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of specific C04B 2235/72 and
components, e.g. alkali metal free alumina ceramics subgroups
Ceramic interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/04 and
Ceramic substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/32 and
ceramic laminate subgroups
C04B 2235/32
Metal oxides, mixed metal oxides, or oxide-forming salts thereof, e.g.
carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides
Definition statement
This place covers:
All metal oxides or metal salts that convert to oxide upon heating, used as starting material for making
a ceramic or present as secondary phase in a sintered ceramic.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Glass, asbestos or fused silica fibers added to a ceramic C04B 35/82
Non-metal oxide starting material or secondary phase, e.g. silica, C04B 2235/34 and
silicates, boron oxide subgroups
Metal oxide starting material or secondary phase present in a glass C04B 2235/36 and
phase subgroup
Metal salt constituents or additives chosen for the nature of the anions, C04B 2235/44 and
e.g. hydrides or acetylacetonate subgroups
Oxide fibers added to ceramics C04B 2235/522 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on beryllium oxide C04B 35/08
Ceramics based on actinide oxides, e.g. uranium or plutonium oxides C04B 35/51
C04B 2235/32 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
The code C04B 2235/32 is given only to the actinide oxides (e.g. uranium, plutonium, thorium).
Arsenic oxide, selenium oxide and tellurium oxide receive C04B 2235/34, since Ar, Se and Te are not
If certain metal salts are used, the metal salt can be classified with a C04B 2235/32 symbol for the
cation and a C04B 2235/44 symbol for the anion. Cations present in mixed oxide additives are also
individually classified, e.g. if a magnesium ferrite is used as starting powder, both C04B 2235/3274
for the ferrite and C04B 2235/3206 for the MgO are added. If barium titanate is used as additive, both
C04B 2235/3236 for alkaline earth titanate additives and C04B 2235/3215 for barium salt or oxide
additives are used. This also accounts for additives from the C04B 2235/34 range. If for instance an
alkali silicate is used as additive, both C04B 2235/3427 and C04B 2235/3201 are given.
The C04B 2235/32 and C04B 2235/34 are not combined with the C04B 2235/38 or C04B 2235/40
symbols for one and the same additive. If for instance magnesium nitride is added, just
C04B 2235/3852 is used, but not C04B 2235/3206. A mixed non-oxide such as aluminium silicon
carbide will be classified with C04B 2235/3826 for the silicon carbide and C04B 2235/3817 for the
aluminium carbide. If a non-oxide additive is made starting from a metal salt, however, for instance
titanium boride additive is first made from titanium acetate and boron, then not only the boride symbol,
C04B 2235/3813, but also the symbols for the first starting materials are given, thus C04B 2235/3232
for the Ti-salt, C04B 2235/421 for the boron and C04B 2235/449 for the acetate.
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali metal oxides or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alkali metal oxides, e.g. Na2O, K2O, alkali metal containing mixed oxides, e.g. sodium niobate
(NaNbO3), alkali metal oxide containing clay, alkaline metal oxide containing silicates, e.g. sodium
feldspar (NaAlSi3O8) or waterglass (Na2SiO3), alkali metal salts, e.g. potassium chloride (K2Cl), alkali
metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
C04B 2235/3201 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
Alkali metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. K2O or Na2O containing
mixed oxides, e.g. potassium tantalate (KTaO3).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on beta alumina (normally contains alkali oxides) C04B 35/113
Alkali metal aluminosilicates based ceramics C04B 35/19
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2641
rare earth metals and one or more of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead
Other ferrites containing alkali metals C04B 35/2691
Alkali metal phosphate added as binder C04B 35/6313
Alkali aluminate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3222,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali titanate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3234,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali chromate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3243,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali zirconate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3248,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali niobate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3255,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali molybdate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3256,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali manganate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali ferrite starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3274,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali cobaltate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3275,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali cuprate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3282,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali zincate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3284,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali stannate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3293,
C04B 2235/3201
Alkali bismuthate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3298,
C04B 2235/3201
C04B 2235/3201 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Alkali metal oxides lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium
(Cs), francium (Fr)
C04B 2235/3203
Lithium oxide or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Lithium oxide, Li2O, lithium containing mixed oxides, e.g. lithium niobate (LiNbO3), lithium oxide
containing clay, lithium oxide containing silicates, e.g. spodumene(LiAl(SiO3)2), lithium salts, e.g.
lithium bromide (Li2Br) or lithium hydroxide (LiOH), lithium containing salts, all used as starting
material for making ceramics.
Lithium oxide containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, Li2O or Li2O containing mixed
oxides, e.g. lithium titanate (LiTiO3).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2616
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and lithium
Lithium aluminate (LiAlO2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3222,
C04B 2235/3203
Lithium gallate (LiGaO2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3203
Preparation of lithium salts, e.g. oxides, nitrates, sulphates C01D 15/00 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. beryllium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alkaline earth metal oxides, e.g. BeO, MgO, RaO, alkaline earth metal containing mixed oxides,
e.g. calcium zirconate (CaZrO3), alkaline earth oxide containing clay, alkaline earth oxide containing
silicates, e.g. wollastonite (CaSiO3), alkaline earth salts, e.g. barium carbonate (BaCO3), alkaline earth
metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Alkaline earth metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. SrO or alkaline earth
metal oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. barium titanate (BaTiO3.)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining lime, magnesia or dolomite C04B 2/00 and subgroups
Alkaline earth metal alumino-silicate based ceramics C04B 35/195
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2641
rare earth metals and one or more of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead
Other ferrites containing alkaline earth metals or lead C04B 35/2683
Ceramics based on alkaline earth titanates C04B 35/465 and
Alkaline earth metal phosphate added as binder C04B 35/6313
Alkaline earth aluminate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3222,
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth titanate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3236,
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth chromate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3243,
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth zirconate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3248,
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth niobate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3255,
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth molybdate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3256,
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth manganate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth ferrite starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3274,
C04B 2235/3205
Alkaline earth cobaltate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3275,
C04B 2235/3205
C04B 2235/3205 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3206
Magnesium oxides or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
MgO, MgO containing mixed oxides, e.g. spinel (MgAl2O4), Mg containing clay, MgO containing
silicates, e.g. cordierite (Mg2Al4Si5O18), Mg salts, e.g. magnesium carbonate (MgCO3), Mg containing
salts, e.g. magnesium calcium nitrate (Mg0.5Ca0.5NO3), all used as starting material for making
C04B 2235/3206 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
MgO containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. MgO or MgO containing mixed oxides,
e.g. forsterite (Mg2SiO4)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
MgO containing glass additive for making ceramics C04B 2235/36
Mg containing non-oxide additives for making ceramics, e.g. magnesium C04B 2235/38 and
boride, magnesium nitride subgroups
Metallic Mg used as additive for making ceramics C04B 2235/401
MgO containing fiber additives for making ceramics C04B 2235/522
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/304
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/066
artificial stone: Magnesia; Magnesium hydroxide
Magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate cements C04B 28/105,
C04B 28/30 and
Ceramics based on magnesium oxide C04B 35/04 and
Ceramics based on oxide mixtures derived from dolomite (containing both C04B 35/06
CaO and MgO)
Mixed oxides of MgO with both alumina and silica, e.g. cordierite C04B 35/195
Mixed oxides of MgO with silica without alumina, e.g. forsterite (Mg2SiO4) C04B 35/20
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2625
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and magnesium
Mixed oxides of MgO with iron oxides, e.g. ferrites C04B 35/2683
Mixed oxides of MgO with chromium oxide, e.g. chromites C04B 35/42
Mixed oxides of MgO with alumina, without silica, e.g. magnesium C04B 35/443
aluminate, spinel
Magnesium based phosphates C04B 35/447
Mixed oxides of MgO with copper oxide, e.g. cuprates C04B 35/45 and
Mixed oxides of MgO with zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide, e.g. C04B 35/453
magnesium bismuthate
Mixed oxides of MgO with tin oxide, e.g. magnesium stannate C04B 35/457
Mixed oxides of MgO with titanium oxides, such as magnesium titanate C04B 35/465
Mixed oxides of MgO with zirconium oxide, e.g. magnesium zirconate C04B 35/48 and
C04B 2235/3206 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Mixed oxides of MgO with zirconium oxide and titanium oxide, e.g. C04B 35/49 and
magnesium titanate zirconate (MgTi0.5Zr0.5O3) subgroups
Mixed oxides of MgO with vanadium oxide and/or niobium oxide and/ C04B 35/495 and
or molybdenum oxide and/or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum oxide, e.g. subgroups
magnesium tantalum niobate (MgNb0.5Ta0.5O3)
Making fibres based on magnesium oxide C04B 35/62263
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with magnesium oxide C04B 41/5029,
C04B 41/5084
Spinel starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3222,
C04B 2235/3206
Sr and Mg doped lanthanum gallate (La0.90Sr0.10Ga0.80Mg0.2)O3 starting C04B 2235/3286,
material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3206,
C04B 2235/3213,
C04B 2235/3227 (La)
Magnesium silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3445,
C04B 2235/3206
Magnesium alumino-silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3481,
C04B 2235/3206
Magnesium boride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3808
Magnesium starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/401
Magnesium phosphate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/447,
C04B 2235/3206
Materials for prostheses based on magnesia or magnesium oxide A61F 2310/00197
Catalysts comprising the elements, oxides, or hydroxides of magnesium B01J 21/10,
C07C 2521/10
Preparation of magnesium compound powders, e.g. magnesium oxide C01F 5/00 and subgroups
treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/028
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds containing only
magnesium as metal
C04B 2235/3208
Calcium oxide or oxide-forming salts thereof, e.g. lime
Definition statement
This place covers:
CaO, CaO containing mixed oxides, e.g. calcium zirconate (CaZrO3), CaO containing clay, calcium
oxide containing silicates, e.g. wollastonite (CaSiO3), calcium salts, e.g. calcium carbonate (CaCO3),
calcium containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Calcium oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. CaO or calcium oxide containing
mixed oxides, e.g. calcium alumino ferrite (Ca2(Al,Fe)2O5).
C04B 2235/3208 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Rendering lime in clay mixtures harmless C04B 33/06
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Hydraulic lime C04B 28/12
Eliminating lime or iron from clay mixtures C04B 33/10
Ceramics based on calcium oxide C04B 35/057
Ceramics based on oxide mixtures derived from dolomite (containing both C04B 35/06
CaO and MgO)
Mixed oxides of CaO with both alumina and silica, e.g. cordierite C04B 35/195
Mixed oxides of CaO with silica without alumina, e.g. wollastonite C04B 35/22
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2633
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and calcium, strontium or
Mixed oxides of CaO with chromium oxide, e.g. chromites C04B 35/42
Mixed oxides of CaO with alumina, without silica, e.g. calcium aluminate C04B 35/44
Calcium based phosphates C04B 35/447
Mixed oxides of CaO with copper oxide, e.g. cuprates C04B 35/45 and
Mixed oxides of CaO with zinc oxide and/or bismuth oxide, e.g. calcium C04B 35/453
Mixed oxides of CaO with tin oxide, e.g. calcium stannate C04B 35/457
Mixed oxides of CaO with titanium oxides, such as calcium titanate C04B 35/465
Mixed oxides of CaO with zirconium oxide, e.g. calcium zirconate C04B 35/48 and
Mixed oxides of CaO with zirconium oxide and titanium oxide, e.g. C04B 35/49 and
calcium titanate zirconate (CaTi0.5Zr0.5O3) subgroups
Mixed oxides of CaO with vanadium oxide and/or niobium oxide and/ C04B 35/495 and
or molybdenum oxide and/or tungsten oxide and/or tantalum oxide, e.g. subgroups
calcium tantalum niobate (CaNb0.5Ta0.5O3)
Calcium zirconate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3248,
C04B 2235/3208
Calcium silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3454,
C04B 2235/3208
Calcium alumino-silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3481,
C04B 2235/3208
Calcium nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3852
Calcium ethoxide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/441,
C04B 2235/3208
C04B 2235/3208 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/321
Dolomites, i.e. mixed calcium magnesium carbonates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mixed calcium magnesium carbonate or mixed calcium magnesium oxide, either as starting material or
secondary phase in a sintered ceramic.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on oxide mixtures derived from dolomite (containing both C04B 35/06
CaO and MgO)
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Dolomite (CaMg)(CO3)2
C04B 2235/3212
Calcium phosphates, e.g. hydroxyapatite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Calcium phosphates such as hydroxyapatite used as starting material for making ceramics or as
secondary phase in a sintered ceramic.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on phosphates C04B 35/447
Phosphate based binders for ceramic materials C04B 35/6306 and
C04B 2235/3212 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3213
Strontium oxides or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
SrO, SrO containing mixed oxides, e.g. lanthanum strontium chromite (La1-xSrxCrO3), SrO containing
clay, strontium oxide containing silicates, e.g. SrSiO3, strontium salts, e.g. strontium fluoride (SrF2),
strontium containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Strontium oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. SrO or strontium oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. strontium aluminate (Sr2Al2O5).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on strontium titanate C04B 35/47
Strontium manganate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3213
Sr and Mg doped lanthanum gallate (La0.90Sr0.10Ga0.80Mg0.2)O3 starting C04B 2235/3286,
material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3206,
C04B 2235/3213,
C04B 2235/3227 (La)
Strontium silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3436,
C04B 2235/3213
Strontium alumino-silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3481,
C04B 2235/3213
Strontium silicide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
Strontium acetylacetonate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/44,
C04B 2235/3213
Strontium phosphate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/447,
C04B 2235/3213
C04B 2235/3215
Barium oxides or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
BaO, barium containing mixed oxides, e.g. barium molybdate (BaMoO4), barium oxide containing
clay, barium oxide containing silicates, e.g. celsian (BaAl2Si2O8), barium salts, e.g. barium carbonate
(BaCO3), barium containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Barium oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. BaO or barium oxide containing
mixed oxides, e.g. barium titanate (BaTiO3.)
C04B 2235/3215 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on barium titanate C04B 35/468 and
Barium titanate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3236,
C04B 2235/3215
Barium gallate (BaGa2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3215
Barium silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3436,
C04B 2235/3215
Barium alumino-silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3481,
C04B 2235/3215
Barium carbide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3817
Barium phosphide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/44,
C04B 2235/3215
Barium selenide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/446,
C04B 2235/3215
treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/027
their pigmenting or filling properties: barium sulphates
C04B 2235/3217
Aluminum oxide or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. bauxite, alpha-alumina
Definition statement
This place covers:
Al2O3, Al2O3 containing mixed oxides, e.g. aluminum chromate Al2(CrO4)3, Al salts, e.g. aluminium
nitrite(Al(NO2)3), Al containing salts, e.g. aluminium calcium nitrate, all used as starting material for
making ceramics.
Al2O3 containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. Al2O3 or Al2O3 containing mixed oxides,
e.g. calcium alumino ferrite (Ca2(Al,Fe)2O5).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Aluminium phosphate added as binder C04B 35/6309
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/303
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
C04B 2235/3217 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3217 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3218
Aluminium (oxy)hydroxides, e.g. boehmite, gibbsite, alumina sol
Definition statement
This place covers:
All hydrated alumina starting materials, aluminum hydroxide, alumina sol.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Inorganic binders for ceramics C04B 35/6303
Metal hydroxides as starting materials for making ceramics C04B 2235/44
C04B 2235/322
Transition aluminas, e.g. delta or gamma aluminas
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alumina phases that are not stable and convert to alpha alumina upon heating at high temperature,
e.g. delta or gamma alumina
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
beta-alumina as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3222
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on beta-alumina C04B 35/113
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3222
Aluminates other than alumino-silicates, e.g. spinel (MgAl2O4)
Definition statement
This place covers:
All mixed oxides in which alumina is mixed with alkali metal oxides, alkaline earth metal oxides or rare
earth metal oxides, used as starting material for making ceramics or present as secondary phase in
sintered ceramics, e.g. spinel (MgAl2O4), yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O15)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Aluminum titanate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3234,
C04B 2235/3217
aluminum chromate Al2(CrO4)3 starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3243,
C04B 2235/3217
Aluminum niobate (AlNbO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3255,
C04B 2235/3217
Aluminum tungstate (Al2W2O9) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/326,
C04B 2235/3217
Aluminum containing ferrite (e.g. Co ZnxFe AlxO4) starting material or C04B 2235/3274,
1−x 2−x
secondary phase C04B 2235/3217,
C04B 2235/3275,
C04B 2235/3284
Aluminum borate (Al2B2O6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3409,
C04B 2235/3217
Alumino-silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3463 and
Alumina or aluminate fibers used in ceramic compositions C04B 2235/5224
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/0093
artificial stone, e.g. accelerators: aluminates
Ceramics based on aluminates C04B25/44 and
Hydraulic aluminate cements C04B 28/06 and
subgroups, C04B 7/323
Clay wares C04B 33/00 and
Ceramics based on beta-alumina C04B 35/113
Ceramics based on silico-aluminates C04B 35/18 and
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with aluminate C04B 41/5032
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with spinels C04B 41/5046
C04B 2235/3222 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth oxide or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. scandium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Rare earth metal oxides, e.g. Sc2O3, Lu2O3, Nd2O3, rare earth metal containing mixed oxides, e.g.
erbium manganite ErMnO3, rare earth oxide containing clay, rare earth oxide containing silicates,
e.g. apatite type rare earth silicate (Sr2RE2)(RE6)(SiO4)6O2, rare earth salts, e.g. dysprosium sulphide
(Dy2S3), rare earth metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Rare earth metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. Yb2O3 or rare earth
metal oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. rare earth niobate (RENbO3.)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on beta alumina (often contains rare earth oxides) C04B 35/113
C04B 2235/3224 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2641
rare earth metals and one or more of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead
Other ferrites containing rare earth metals, e.g. rare earth ferrite garnets C04B 35/2675
Ceramics based on rare earth oxide containing cuprates. C04B 35/4504 and
Ceramics based on rare-earth compounds C04B 35/50
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with rare earth oxides C04B 41/5045
Rare earth aluminate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3222,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth titanate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3234,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth chromate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3243,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth zirconate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3248,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth niobate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3255,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth molybdate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3256,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth manganate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth ferrite starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3274,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth cobaltate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3275,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth cuprate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3282,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth zincate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3284,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth stannate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3293,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth bismuthate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3298,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth borate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3409,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3427,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth alumino-silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3463,
C04B 2235/3224
Rare earth glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36
Rare earth boride starting material or secondary phase, e.g. dysprosium C04B 2235/3804
boride (DyB2)
C04B 2235/3224 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
rare earth oxides The oxides of scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y), lutetium (Lu), lanthanum
(La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd),
promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium
(Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er),
thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb)
C04B 2235/3225
Yttrium oxide or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Yttrium oxide, Y2O3, yttrium containing mixed oxides, e.g. yttrium doped zirconia (YSZ), yttrium
containing clay, yttrium containing silicates, e.g. yttrium silicate (Y2SiO5), yttrium salts, e.g. yttrium
chloride (YCl3), yttrium containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Yttrium oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. Y2O3 or yttrium oxide containing
mixed oxides, e.g. yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O15)
C04B 2235/3225 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O15) C04B 35/44,
C04B 2235/3225,
C04B 2235/764 (garnets)
Ceramics based on yttrium stabilised zirconia C04B 35/486,
C04B 2235/3225
Ceramics based on yttrium oxide C04B 35/505
Yttrium aluminate (YAG) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3222,
C04B 2235/3225
Yttrium doped zirconia starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3246,
C04B 2235/3225
Yttrium ferrite starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3274,
C04B 2235/3225
Yttrium silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3427,
C04B 2235/3225
Yttrium alumino-silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3463,
C04B 2235/3225
Yttrium glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36
Yttrium boride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3804
C04B 2235/3227
Lanthanum oxide or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Lanthanum oxide, La2O3, lanthanum containing mixed oxides, e.g. lanthanum chromite (LaCrO3),
lanthanum containing clay, lanthanum containing silicates, e.g. lanthanum gallium silicate (LGS), also
known as langasite, with the chemical formula A3BC3D2O14, lanthanum salts, e.g. lanthanum chloride
(LaCl3), lanthanum containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Lanthanum oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. La2O3 or lanthanum oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. lanthanum niobate vanadate (LaNb VxO4).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on lanthanum chromite (LaCrO3) C04B 35/42,
C04B 2235/3227
Ceramics based on lanthanum niobate vanadate (LaNb VxO4) C04B 35/495,
C04B 2235/3227,
C04B 2235/3251 (Nb),
C04B 2235/3239 (V)
Ceramics based on lanthanum oxide C04B 35/50 and
C04B 2235/3227
C04B 2235/3227 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3229
Cerium oxides or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cerium oxide, Ce2O3 or CeO2, cerium containing mixed oxides, e.g. cerium gadolium oxide (CGO,
Ce1-xGdxO2), cerium containing clay, cerium containing silicates, e.g. Ce6[Si4O13][SiO4]2, cerium
salts, e.g. cerium nitrate (Ce(NO3)3), cerium containing salts, all used as starting material for making
Cerium oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. Ce2O3 or cerium oxide containing
mixed oxides, e.g. cerium stabilised zirconia.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on cerium stabilised zirconia C04B 35/486,
C04B 2235/3229
Ceramics based on cerium gadolium oxide (CGO, Ce1-xGdxO2) C04B 35/50,
C04B 2235/3229
Ceramics based on cerium oxide C04B 35/50 and
C04B 2235/3229
cerium gadolium oxide (CGO, Ce1-xGdxO2) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3229,
phase C04B 2235/3224
cerium stabilised zirconia starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3248,
C04B 2235/3229
cerium silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3427,
C04B 2235/3229
Cerium alumino-silicate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3463,
C04B 2235/3229
C04B 2235/3229 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3231
Refractory metal oxides, their mixed metal oxides, or oxide-forming salts
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractory metal oxides, e.g. TiO2, WO6, refractory metal containing mixed oxides, e.g. calcium
zirconate (CaZrO3), refractory oxide containing clay, refractory oxide containing silicates, e.g. barium
titanium silicate (BaTiSi3O9), refractory salts, e.g. vanadium chloride (VCl3), refractory metal containing
salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Refractory metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. CrO3 or refractory metal
oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. barium titanate (BaTiO3.)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or C04B 35/495 and
tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
Refractory metal boride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3813
Refractory metal carbide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3839 and
Refractory metal nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3886
Refractory metal silicide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
Refractory metal starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/404
Refractory metal oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/068
Refractory metal oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being C04B 2237/345
part of a ceramic laminate
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory oxides titanium oxide, vanadium oxide, chromium oxide, zirconium oxide,
niobium oxide, molybdenum oxide, hafnium oxide, tantalum oxide,
tungsten oxide
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3232
Titanium oxides or titanates, e.g. rutile or anatase
Definition statement
This place covers:
Titanium oxides (titania), e.g. TiO2, titanium containing mixed oxides, e.g. lanthanum titanate (LaTiO3),
titanium oxide containing clay, titanium oxide containing silicates, e.g. barium titanium silicate
(BaTiSi3O9), titanium salts, e.g. titanium hydroxide (TiO(OH)2), titanium metal containing salts, all used
as starting material for making ceramics.
Titanium metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. rutile (TiO2) or titanium
metal oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. strontium titanate (SrTiO3.)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/305
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
titania, e.g. titanates
Ceramics based on titanium oxide C04B 35/46
Making fibres based on titanium oxide C04B 35/62259
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with titanium oxides or C04B 41/5041
titanium ferrite (TiFe2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3232,
C04B 2235/3274
barium titanium silicate (BaTiSi3O9) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3436,
C04B 2235/3215,
C04B 2235/3232
Titanium containing glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36
Titanium diboride (TiB2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3813
Titanium carbide (TiC) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3843
Titanium nitride (TiN) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3886
Titanium disilicide (TiSi2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
Titanium starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/404
titanium hydroxide (TiO(OH)2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/44,
C04B 2235/3232
Titania or titanate substrate joined with another substrate or being part of C04B 2237/346
a ceramic laminate
Catalysts or catalyst carriers comprising titanium; Oxides or hydroxides B01J 21/063
The preparation of titanium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 23/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/36 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of titanium subgroups
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3234
Titanates, not containing zirconia
Definition statement
This place covers:
Titanates, e.g. aluminium titanate (Al2TiO5) or mixed niobate-titanates, used as starting material for
making ceramics
Titanate containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. lead titanate (PbTiO3).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on titanates C04B 35/462 and
Ceramics based on zirconates-titanates C04B 35/49 and
Ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or C04B 35/499
tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g.
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates, based on solid
solutions with lead, containing also titanates
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, C04B 35/499
molybdenum or tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other
oxides, e.g. vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
containing also lead and also titanates
Zirconates or hafnates containing also titanium oxide or titanates as C04B 2235/3249
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase in a ceramic
The preparation of titanium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 23/002
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds containing,
besides titanium, two or more other elements, with the exception of
oxygen or hydrogen
The preparation of titanate compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 23/003 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
C04B 2235/3236
Alkaline earth titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alkaline earth titanates, e.g. magnesium titanate (MgTiO3), used as starting material for making
Titanate containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. barium titanate (BaTiO3).
C04B 2235/3236 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on alkaline earth titanates C04B 35/465 and
Alkaline earth oxides or salts as starting material for making ceramics or C04B 2235/3205 and
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
barium titanium manganite (BaTi1/2Fe1/2O3) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3236,
phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3215
The preparation of alkaline earth metal titanate compounds in powder C01G 23/006
form, e.g. oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates
C04B 2235/3237
Substoichiometric titanium oxides, e.g. Ti2O3
Definition statement
This place covers:
Titanium oxide with the formula TiOx, where x < 2, e.g. Ti2O3 or TiO, used as starting material for
making a ceramic or present as a secondary in a sintered ceramic.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A sintered ceramic having as the main phase a sub-stoichiometric C04B 35/46 and
titanium oxide C04B 2235/79
A sintered ceramic having as the main phase a sub-stoichiometric C04B 35/462
titanate phase, e.g. BaTiO2.9 and subgroups (
C04B 35/4682 for
barium titanate) and
C04B 2235/79
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
The preparation titanium sub-oxide compounds in powder form, e.g. C01G 23/043
oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates
Compositional and structural details of pigments exhibiting interference C09C 2200/1037 and
colours the core consisting of an inorganic suboxide or a mixture thereof, sub-classes
e.g. SiOx, TiOx
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3239
Vanadium oxides, vanadates or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. magnesium
Definition statement
This place covers:
Vanadium oxides, e.g. V2O5, vanadium containing mixed oxides, e.g. yttrium vanadate
(YVO4), vanadium oxide containing clay, vanadium oxide containing silicates, e.g. cavansite
(Ca(VO)Si4O10(H2O)4), vanadium salts, e.g. ammonium vanadate (NH4VO3), vanadium metal
containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Vanadium metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. VO2 or vanadium metal
oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. magnesium vanadate (Mg2V2O7).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or C04B 35/495 and
tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
vanadium containing ferrite (Li0.5+tZn0.2Ti0.2VtFe2.1−2tO4) starting material C04B 2235/3239,
or secondary phase C04B 2235/3274 (ferrite),
C04B 2235/3203 (Li),
C04B 2235/3284 (Zn),
C04B 2235/3232 (Ti)
vanadium oxide containing silicates, e.g. cavansite (Ca(VO)Si4O10(H2O)4) C04B 2235/3454 (Ca-
starting material or secondary phase silicate), C04B 2235/3208
(Ca), C04B 2235/3239
Vanadium containing glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36
Vanadium diboride (VB2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3813
Vanadium carbide (VC) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3839
Vanadium nitride (VN) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3886
Vanadium disilicide (VSi2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
Vanadium starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/404
vanadium carbonyl (V(CO)6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/44,
C04B 2235/3232
Catalysts comprising metals or metal oxides or hydroxides of vanadium B01J 23/22
The preparation of vanadium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 31/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/0006
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of bismuth and
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/085
containing vanadates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/69 and
containing vanadium subgroups
C04B 2235/3239 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3241
Chromium oxides, chromates, or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Chromium oxides, e.g. Cr2O3, chromium containing mixed oxides, e.g. cobalt chromite (CoCr2O4),
chromium oxide containing clay, chromium oxide containing silicates, e.g. uvarovite (Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3),
chromium salts, e.g. chromium perchlorate (Cr(ClO4)3), chromium metal containing salts, all used as
starting material for making ceramics.
Chromium metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. CrO3 or chromium metal
oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. cobalt chromate (CoCrO4)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/307
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted
to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Chromium oxide
Magnesia-based refractories containing chromia C04B 35/047 and
subgroups C04B 35/051
Alumina-based refractories containing chromia C04B 35/105
Ceramics based on chromium oxide C04B 35/12
Ceramics based on chromites C04B 35/42
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with chromium oxide C04B 41/5033
chromium containing ferrite (NiCrxFe2–xO4) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3241,
phase C04B 2235/3274 (ferrite),
C04B 2235/3279 (Ni)
chromium oxide containing silicates, e.g. uvarovite (Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3) C04B 2235/3454 (Ca-
starting material or secondary phase silicate), C04B 2235/3208
(Ca), C04B 2235/3241
Chromium containing glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36
Chromium boride (CrB or CrB2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3813
Chromium carbide (Cr3C2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3839
Chromium nitride (CrN) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3886
C04B 2235/3241 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3243
Chromates or chromites, e.g. aluminum chromate, lanthanum strontium
Definition statement
This place covers:
Chromites and chromates, e.g. aluminum chromate Al2(CrO4)3. All starting powders or secondary
phases of sintered ceramics containing mixed oxides of chromium with alkali metals, alkaline earth
metals and rare earth metals, not containing other transition or post-transition metal oxides, or mixed
oxides of chromium with other transition or post-transition metal oxides, in which the amount of
chromium is larger than of any other transition or post-transition metal oxide, e.g. a mixture with
titanium oxide, containing more Cr, e.g. Cr0.6Ti0.4O2.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as active ingredients for mortars, concrete or C04B 22/087
artificial stone, e.g. accelerators
Ceramics based on chromites C04B 35/42
Chromite containing catalysts B01J 23/26, B01J 23/86
and subgroups
The preparation of chromium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 37/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
chromium, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
The preparation of chromium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 37/14
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being chromates
or bichromates
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/08
their pigmenting or filling properties: zinc chromate
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/20
their pigmenting or filling properties: lead chromate
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/68 and
containing chromium, molybdenum or tungsten subgroups
C04B 2235/3243 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
chromate Chromate salts contain the chromate anion, CrO4 , with Cr(VI)
chromite Chromite salts contain the chromite anion, Cr2O4 , with Cr(III)
C04B 2235/3244
Zirconium oxides, zirconates, hafnium oxides, hafnates, or oxide-forming salts
Definition statement
This place covers:
Zirconium or hafnium oxides, e.g. ZrO2 or HfO2, zirconium or hafnium containing mixed oxides, e.g.
bismuth zirconate (2Bi2O3·3ZrO2), zirconium or hafnium oxide containing clay, zirconium or hafnium
oxide containing silicates, e.g. hafnium silicate (HfSiO4), zirconium or hafnium salts, e.g. zirconium
iodide (ZrI4), zirconium or hafnium containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Zirconia or hafnia containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. yttrium stabilised zirconia
(YSZ) or zirconium or hafnium oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. lithium zirconate (Li2ZrO3).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/306
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Zirconium oxide
Alumina based refractories containing zirconia C04B 35/106
Alumina refractories containing zirconia, made by melt-casting C04B 35/109
fine alumina ceramics containing zirconia C04B 35/119
Ceramics based on zirconia or zirconates, hafnia or hafnates C04B 35/48 and
Making fibres based on zirconium oxide C04B 35/6225
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with zirconium oxides or C04B 41/5042 and
zirconates, hafnium oxides or hafnates subgroups
C04B 2235/3244 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3246
Stabilised zirconias, e.g. YSZ or cerium stabilised zirconia
Definition statement
This place covers:
Zirconia or hafnia, which without additives have a monoclinic lattice, are stabilised in a tetragonal or
cubic phase through the dissolution in the lattice of a stabilising cation, either an alkaline earth metal
oxide, e.g. MgO, or a rare earth oxide (yttria, ceria).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkaline earth metal oxides as starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3205 and
Rare earth metal oxides as starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3224 and
Ceramic material having a monoclinic lattice C04B 2235/76
Ceramic material having a cubic lattice C04B 2235/762
Ceramic material having a tetragonal lattice C04B 2235/765
C04B 2235/3246 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3248
Zirconates or hafnates, e.g. zircon
Definition statement
This place covers:
Zirconates or hafnates, e.g. bismuth zirconate (2Bi2O3·3ZrO2), used as starting material for making
Zirconate or hafnate containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. magnesium zirconate or
hafnate (MgHfO3), zirconium silicate (zircon ZrSiO4).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/046
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Alumina based refractories containing zircon C04B 35/106
Alumina based refractories containing zircon, made by melt-casting C04B 35/109
Ceramics based on silicates C04B 35/16 and
Ceramics based on zircon C04B 35/481
Silicate starting material for making ceramics or present as a secondary C04B 2235/3427 and
phase in a sintered ceramic subgroups
The preparation of zirconium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 25/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates: the compounds containing,
besides zirconium, two or more other elements, with the exception of
oxygen or hydrogen
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3249
containing also titanium oxide or titanates, e.g. lead zirconate titanate (PZT)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mixed zirconate-titanates (or hafnates-titanates) used as starting material for making a ceramic or
present as secondary phase in a sintered ceramic, e.g. lead zirconate titanate (PZT).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on zirconates-titanates C04B 35/49 and
Titanate starting material or secondary phase not containing zirconium C04B 2235/3234 and
C04B 2235/3251
Niobium oxides, niobates, tantalum oxides, tantalates, or oxide-forming salts
Definition statement
This place covers:
Niobium or tantalum oxides, e.g. Nb2O5 or Ta2O5, niobium or tantalum containing mixed oxides,
e.g. lithium niobate (LiNbO3), niobium or tantalum oxide containing clay, niobium or tantalum oxide
containing silicates, e.g. murmanite (Na2(Ti,Nb)2Si2O9-n(H2O)), niobium or tantalum salts, e.g.
tantalum selenide (TaSe2), niobium or tantalum containing salts, all used as starting material for
making ceramics.
Niobium oxide or tantalum oxide containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Nb2O5
or Ta2O5 or niobium or tantalum oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. strontium bismuth niobate
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or C04B 35/495 and
tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with niobium oxides or C04B 41/5051
murmanite (Na2(Ti,Nb)2Si2O9-n(H2O)) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3427,
phase C04B 2235/3201 (Na),
C04B 2235/3232 (Ti),
C04B 2235/3251
Niobium or tantalum containing glass starting material or secondary C04B 2235/36
C04B 2235/3251 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3253
Substoichiometric niobium or tantalum oxides, e.g. NbO
Definition statement
This place covers:
Niobium or tantalum oxide with the formula NbOx or TaOx, where x < 2, e.g. Ta2O3 or NbO, used as
starting material for making a ceramic or present as a secondary in a sintered ceramic.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A sintered ceramic having as the main phase a sub-stoichiometric C04B 35/495,
niobium or tantalum oxide (not having used sub-stoichiometric niobium or C04B 2235/3251 and
tantalum oxide as starting material). C04B 2235/79
A sintered ceramic having as the main phase a sub-stoichiometric C04B 35/495
niobate or tantalate phase, e.g. KNbiO2.9 and subgroups,
C04B 2235/3251 and
C04B 2235/79
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
A sintered ceramic having as the main phase a stoichiometric niobium or C04B 35/495,
tantalum oxide, or niobate or tantalate C04B 2235/3251
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3255
Niobates or tantalates, e.g. silver niobate
Definition statement
This place covers:
Niobates or tantalates, e.g. silver niobate (AgNbO3), used as starting material for making ceramics.
Niobate or tantalate containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. potassium niobate or
tantalate (KTaO3).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
The preparation of niobium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 33/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds containing,
besides niobium, two or more other elements, with the exception of
oxygen or hydrogen
The preparation of tantalum compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 35/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds containing,
besides tantalum, two or more other elements, with the exception of
oxygen or hydrogen
C04B 2235/3256
Molybdenum oxides, molybdates or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. cadmium
Definition statement
This place covers:
Molybdenum oxides, e.g. Mo2O3, molybdenum containing mixed oxides, e.g. bismuth molybdate
(Bi2MoO6 or Bi2(MoO4)3), molybdenum oxide containing clay, molybdenum oxide containing silicates,
molybdenum salts, e.g. molybdenum oxy trichloride (MoOCl3), molybdenum metal containing salts, all
used as starting material for making ceramics.
Molybdenum metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. MoO2 or molybdenum
metal oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. cadmium molybdate (CdMoO4).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or C04B 35/495 and
tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
molybdenum containing ferrite Fe2-xZnxMoO4 (0.0<=x<=1.0) starting C04B 2235/3251,
material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3274 (ferrite),
C04B 2235/3284 (Zn)
Molybdenum containing glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36
C04B 2235/3256 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3258
Tungsten oxides, tungstates, or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Tungsten oxides, e.g. WO2, tungsten containing mixed oxides, e.g. barium strontium tungstate
(Ba2SrWO6), tungsten oxide containing clay, tungsten oxide containing silicates, tungsten salts, e.g.
tungsten bromide (WBr5), tungsten metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making
Tungsten metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. WO3 or tungsten metal
oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. scheelite (CaWO4) or huebnerite (MnWO4)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or C04B 35/495 and
tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates
C04B 2235/3258 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/326
Tungstates, e.g. scheelite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Tungstates, e.g. copper tungstate (CuWO4), or iron tungstate (FeWO4) used as starting material for
making ceramics.
Tungstate containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. zirconium tungstate (Zr(WO4)2).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
The preparation of tungsten compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 41/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
tungsten, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3262
Manganese oxides, manganates, rhenium oxides or oxide-forming salts
thereof, e.g. MnO
Definition statement
This place covers:
Manganese or rhenium oxides, e.g. MnO or Re2O7, manganese or rhenium containing mixed oxides,
e.g. lithium manganite (Li2MnO3), manganese or rhenium oxide containing clay, manganese or
rhenium oxide containing silicates, e.g. tephroite (Mn2SiO4), manganese or rhenium salts, e.g. rhenium
dioxydifluoride(ReO2F2), manganese or rhenium containing salts, all used as starting material for
making ceramics.
Manganese oxide or rhenium oxide containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. MnO3 or
ReO3 or manganese or rhenium oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. barium manganate (BaMnO4).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on manganites C04B 35/016
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/265
manganese, zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt
Other ferrites containing manganese or zinc, e.g. Mn-Zn ferrites C04B 35/2658
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with manganates C04B 41/5028
manganese aluminate (Al2MnO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3262,
C04B 2235/3222
manganese titanate (MnTiO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3262,
C04B 2235/3234
manganese vanadate (MnV2O6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3262,
C04B 2235/3239
manganese chromate (MnCrO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3262,
C04B 2235/3243
manganese zirconate (MnZrO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3262,
C04B 2235/3248
manganese niobate (MnNb2O6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3262,
C04B 2235/3255
manganese molybdate (MnMnO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3262,
C04B 2235/3256
manganese tungstate, hubnerite, (MnWO4) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3262,
phase C04B 2235/326
manganese ferrite (MnFe2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3262,
C04B 2235/3274
C04B 2235/3262 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3263
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mn3O4 as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase in sintered ceramics.
C04B 2235/3265
Definition statement
This place covers:
Mn2O3 as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase in sintered ceramics.
C04B 2235/3267
Definition statement
This place covers:
MnO2 as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase in sintered ceramics.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3268
Manganates, manganites, rhenates or rhenites, e.g. lithium manganite, barium
manganate, rhenium oxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Manganites, e.g. lithium manganite (Li2MnO3), or manganates, e.g. barium manganate (BaMnO4) used
as starting material for making ceramics or present as secondary phase in a sintered ceramic.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
The preparation of manganese compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 45/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, compounds containing, besides
manganese, two or more other elements, with the exception of oxygen or
The preparation of manganese compounds in powder form, e.g. C01G 45/12
oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds being
manganates or permanganates
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
manganate Any negatively charged molecular entity with manganese as
the central atom. However, the name is usually used to refer
to the tetraoxidomanganate(2−) anion, MnO4 , also known as
C04B 2235/327
Iron group oxides, their mixed metal oxides, or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Iron group oxides, e.g. FeO, Co3O4, iron group containing mixed oxides, e.g. lithium cobaltite
(LiCoO2), iron group oxide containing clay, iron group oxide containing silicates, e.g. garnierite
((Ni,Mg)3Si2O5(OH)4), iron group salts, e.g. ferrous chloride (FeCl2), iron group containing salts, all
used as starting material for making ceramics.
Iron group oxide containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Fe2O3 or iron group oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19.)
C04B 2235/327 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Iron group metal starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/405
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/60 and
containing iron, nickel and cobalt subgroups
C04B 2235/3272
Iron oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. hematite, magnetite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Iron oxides, e.g. Fe3O4 (magnetite) or FeO (wüstite), iron oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. cobalt
ferrite (CoFe2O4), iron oxide containing clay, iron oxide containing silicates, e.g. fayalite Fe2SiO4), iron
salts, e.g. iron sulphate (FeSO4), iron metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making
Iron metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. Fe2O3 (hematite) or iron metal
oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. Ni-Zn ferrite (MnaZn(1-a)Fe2O4).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of unburned red mud for making clay objects C04B 33/1322
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/308
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone: iron
Eliminating lime or iron from clay mixtures C04B 33/10
Ceramics based on iron oxide C04B 35/26
iron aluminate (Fe(AlO2)2 starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3222
iron titanate (FeTiO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3234
iron chromate (FeCrO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3243
C04B 2235/3272 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
iron chromite (called chromite, FeCr2O4) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3272,
phase C04B 2235/3243
iron zirconate (Fe2ZrO5) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3248
lead iron niobate (PbFe1/2Nb1/2O3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3255,
C04B 2235/3296 (Pb)
iron molybdate (Fe2(MoO4))3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3256
iron tungstate, ferberite, (FeWO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/326
iron manganite (FeMn2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3268
iron cobaltite (CoxFe3-xO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3275
iron borate (Fe3BO6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3409,
C04B 2235/3272
iron silicate (fayalite Fe2SiO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3427,
C04B 2235/3272
Iron oxide containing glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36
Iron boride (Fe2B, FeB) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3804
Iron carbide (Fe3C) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3817
Iron silicide (FeSi, FeSi2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
Iron starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/405
iron nitrate (Fe(NO3)3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/443,
C04B 2235/3232
The preparation of iron compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 49/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
C04B 2235/3274
Definition statement
This place covers:
All oxidic ferrites, combinations between Fe2O3 and other oxides, such as FeO, ZnO, MnO, BaO, NiO,
CoO, Co3O4, CuO, MgO, SrO, CaO
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/363
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
C04B 2235/3274 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3275
Cobalt oxides, cobaltates or cobaltites or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g.
bismuth cobaltate, zinc cobaltite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cobalt oxides, e.g. Co2O3 or CoO, cobalt oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4),
cobalt oxide containing clay, cobalt oxide containing silicates, Co2SiO4), cobalt salts, e.g. cobalt
oxalate (CoC2O4), cobalt metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Cobalt metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. CoO or cobalt metal oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. cobalt perrhenate (Co(ReO4)4).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on cobalt oxide or cobaltates C04B 35/01
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/265
manganese, zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt
Other ferrites containing nickel, copper or cobalt C04B 35/2666
cobalt orthoarsenate (Co3(AsO4)2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3275,
C04B 2235/34
cobalt selenate (CoSeO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3275,
C04B 2235/34
cobalt aluminate, thenard's blue, (CoAl2O4) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3275,
phase C04B 2235/3222
cobalt titanate (Co2TiO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3275,
C04B 2235/3234
cobalt vanadate (Co2V2O7) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3275,
C04B 2235/3239
C04B 2235/3275 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3277
Definition statement
This place covers:
Co3O4 as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase in sintered ceramics.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3279
Nickel oxides, nickalates, or oxide-forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Nickel oxides, e.g. NiO, nickel oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4), nickel oxide
containing clay, nickel oxide containing silicates, Ni2SiO4), nickel salts, e.g. nickel fluosilicate (NiSiF6),
nickel metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Nickel metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. NiO or nickel metal oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. nickel orthoarsenate (Ni3(AsO4)2)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on nickel or nickelates C04B 35/01
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/265
manganese, zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt
Other ferrites containing nickel, copper or cobalt C04B 35/2666
nickel orthoarsenate (Ni3(AsO4)2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/34
nickel selenate (NiSeO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/34
nickel aluminate, (NiAl2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/3222
nickel titanate (NiTiO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/3234
nickel vanadate (Ni2V2O7) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/3239
nickel chromate (NiCrO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/3243
nickel chromite (NiCr2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/3243
nickel zirconate (NiZrO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/3248
nickel niobate (NiNb2O6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/3255
nickel molybdate (NiMoO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/3256
nickel tungstate, (NiWO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3279,
C04B 2235/326
C04B 2235/3279 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3281
Copper oxides, cuprates or oxide-forming salts thereof, e.g. CuO or Cu2O
Definition statement
This place covers:
Copper oxides, e.g. Cu2O, copper oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. copper dichromate (CuCr3O7),
copper oxide containing clay, copper oxide containing silicates, CuSiO3), copper salts, e.g. copper
formate (CuCHO2), copper metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Copper metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. CuO or copper metal oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. copper chromite (Cu2(Cr2O4)).
C04B 2235/3281 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/309
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
copper oxides
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/265
manganese, zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt
Other ferrites containing nickel, copper or cobalt C04B 35/2666
Ceramics based on copper oxide C04B 35/45
Making fibres based on copper oxide C04B 35/62254
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with copper oxide ceramic C04B 41/5074 and
material subgroups
copper orthoarsenate (Cu3(AsO4)2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/34
copper selenate (CuSeO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/34
copper aluminate, (CuAl2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3222
copper titanate (CuTiO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3234
copper vanadate (CuV2O6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3239
copper chromate (CuCrO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3243
copper chromite (CuCr2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3243
copper zirconate (CuZrO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3248
copper niobate (CuNb2O6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3255
copper molybdate (CuMoO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3256
copper tungstate, (CuWO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/326
copper manganite (CuxMn3-xO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3281,
C04B 2235/3268
Lanthanum Copper Manganate (La2CuMnO6) starting material or C04B 2235/3281,
secondary phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3227 (La)
C04B 2235/3281 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3282
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cuprates, e.g. YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) cuprate used as starting material for making ceramics.
Cuprate containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. nickel cuprate (NiCuO2).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on rare earth oxide containing cuprates. C04B 35/4504 and
Ceramics based on thallium oxide containing cuprates. C04B 35/4512 and
Ceramics based on bismuth oxide containing cuprates C04B 35/4521 and
C04B 2235/3282 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
The preparation of copper compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 3/006
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates, the compounds containing,
besides copper, two or more other elements, with the exception of
oxygen or hydrogen
C04B 2235/3284
Zinc oxides, zincates, cadmium oxides, cadmiates, mercury oxides, mercurates
or oxide forming salts thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
Zinc oxide, cadmium oxide or mercury oxides, e.g. CdO, HgO, zinc oxide, cadmium oxide or mercury
oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. mercury tungstate (Hg2WO4), zinc oxide, cadmium oxide or
mercury oxide containing clay, zinc oxide, cadmium oxide or mercury oxide containing silicates, e.g.
CdSiO3, zinc, cadmium or mercury salts, e.g. zinc tetrabromide (ZnBr4), zinc, cadmium or mercury
containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Zinc, cadmium or mercury oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. ZnO or zinc,
cadmium or mercury oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. zinc tellurate (Zn3TeO6).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/265
manganese, zinc and one or more ferrites of the group comprising nickel,
copper or cobalt
Other ferrites containing manganese or zinc, e.g. Mn-Zn ferrites C04B 35/2658
Ceramics based on zinc oxides C04B 35/453
Cadmium hydrogen arsenate (CdH(AsO4)) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3284,
phase C04B 2235/34
cadmium selenate (CdSeO4), zinc selenate (ZnSeO4) starting material or C04B 2235/3284,
secondary phase C04B 2235/34
Mercury tellurate (Hg3TeO6), zinc tellurate (Zn3TeO6) starting material or C04B 2235/3284,
secondary phase C04B 2235/34
Zinc aluminate, gahnite (ZnAl2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3284,
C04B 2235/3222
Zinc titanate (ZnTiO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3284,
C04B 2235/3234
Zinc vanadate (ZnV2O6) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3284,
C04B 2235/3239
Mercury chromate (HgCrO4), zinc chromate (ZnCrO4), starting material or C04B 2235/3284,
secondary phase C04B 2235/3243
C04B 2235/3284 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3284 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/10 and subgroup
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of cadmium
C04B 2235/3286
Gallium oxides, gallates, indium oxides, indates, thallium oxides, thallates or
oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. zinc gallate
Definition statement
This place covers:
Gallium oxide, indium oxide or thallium oxides, e.g. Ga2O3, gallium oxide, indium oxide or thallium
oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. gallium selenate (Ga2(SeO4)3), gallium oxide, indium oxide or
thallium oxide containing clay, gallium oxide, indium oxide or thallium oxide containing silicates,
e.g. lanthanum gallium silicate, La3Ga5SiO14, gallium, indium or thallium salts, e.g. gallium nitrate
(Ga(NO3)3), gallium, indium or thallium containing salts, all used as starting material for making
Gallium, indium or thallium oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. InO, Tl2O2 or
gallium, indium or thallium oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. thallium molybdate (Tl2MoO4).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Gallium, indium or thallium based ceramics C04B 35/01
Ceramics based on thallium oxide containing cuprates. C04B 35/4512 and
Gallium selenate (Ga2(SeO4)3), indium selenate (In2(SeO4)3), thallium C04B 2235/3286,
selenate (Tl2SeO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/34
Indium titanate (In2TiO5) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3234
Thallium metavanadate (TlVO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3239
Thallium chromate (Tl2CrO4), starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3243
Lead indium-niobate Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3 starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3286,
phase C04B 2235/3255,
C04B 2235/3296
Thallium molybdate (Tl2MoO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3256
Indium Tungstate, In2(WO4)3 starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/326
nickel-zinc-indium ferrite (NZIFO)(Ni0.58Zn0.42InxFe O4)) starting material C04B 2235/3286,
or secondary phase C04B 2235/3274,
C04B 2235/3279 (Ni),
C04B 2235/3284 (Zn)
Gallium ferrite (GaFeO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3274
C04B 2235/3286 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3287
Germanium oxides, germanates or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. copper
Definition statement
This place covers:
Germanium oxides, e.g. GeO, germanium oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. nickel germanate
(Ni2GeO4), germanium oxide containing clay, germanium oxide containing silicates, germanium salts,
C04B 2235/3287 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
e.g. germanium sulphide (GeS2), germanium metal containing salts, all used as starting material for
making ceramics.
Germanium metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. GeO2 or germanium
metal oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. copper germanate (CuGeO3)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Barium germanium aluminate. BaGeAl6O12 starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3287,
phase C04B 2235/3222,
C04B 2235/3215 (Ba)
Barium germanium titanate (Ba2Ge2TiO8) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3287,
phase C04B 2235/3234,
C04B 2235/3215 (Ba)
Ni1.25Fe1.5Ge0.25O4 starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3287,
C04B 2235/3274
Germanium cuprate CuGeO3 starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3287,
C04B 2235/3282
Barium germanium gallate BaGeGa6O12 starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3287,
phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3215 (Ba)
Bismuth germanium oxide (Bi4Ge3O12) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3287,
phase C04B 2235/3298
Germanium oxide containing glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36
molybdenum germanium boride (Mo1.7Ge0.3B) starting material or C04B 2235/3804,
secondary phase C04B 2235/3813
Germanium carbide (GeC) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3817
Germanium nitride (Ge3N4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3852
germanium silicide (Si1–xGex) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
Germanium starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/40
germanium iodide (GeI4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/445,
C04B 2235/3287
germanium selenide (GeSe2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/446,
C04B 2235/3287
The preparation of germanium compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 17/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0844
containing germanates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/66 and
containing germanium, tin or lead subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K11/74E
containing arsenic, antimony or bismuth germanates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/7707,
containing rare earth germinates C09K 11/7735,
C09K 11/775,
C09K 11/7775,
C09K 11/7793
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3289
Noble metal oxides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Noble metal oxides, e.g. Au2O3, OsO4, PtO, RuO4, noble metal containing mixed oxides, noble metal
oxide containing clay, noble metal oxide containing silicates, noble metal salts, e.g. iridium fluoride
(IrF6), rhodium nitrate Rh(NO3)3, noble metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making
Noble metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. IrO2, PdO, RhO2 or noble
metal oxide containing mixed oxides.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on noble metal oxides C04B 35/01
Palladium selenate (PdSeO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3289,
C04B 2235/34
Scandium Iridium Boride (Sc3Ir5B2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3804
Gold carbide (Au2C2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3817
Ruthenium nitride (RuN) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3852
Osmium silicide (Os2Si3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
Noble metal starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/408
Ruthenium hydroxide (Ru(OH)2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/44,
C04B 2235/3289
Gold cyanide (AuCN) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/44,
C04B 2235/3289
Osmium telluride (OsTe2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/446,
C04B 2235/3289
Platinum pyrophosphate (PtP2O7) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/447,
C04B 2235/3289
The preparation of gold compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, C01G 7/00 and
carbonates, halides, nitrates, sulphates subgroups
The preparation of ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, or C01G 55/00 and
platinum compounds in powder form, e.g. oxides, carbonates, halides, subgroups
nitrates, sulphates
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/58 and
containing copper, silver or gold subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/87
containing platinum group metals
C04B 2235/3289 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
noble metals ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), silver (Ag), Osmium
(Os), iridium (Ir), Platinum (Pt), gold (Au)
C04B 2235/3291
Silver oxides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silver oxides, e.g. Ag2O2, silver oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. silver tellurite (Ag2TeO3), silver
oxide containing clay, silver oxide containing silicates (Ag2SiO3), silver salts, e.g. silver bromate
(AgBrO3), silver metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Silver metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. Ag2O or silver metal oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. silver selenate (Ag2SeO4)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on silver metal oxides C04B 35/01
silver selenate (Ag2SeO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/34
silver tellurite (Ag2TeO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/34
silver aluminate, (AgAlO2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3222
silver vanadate (AgVO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3239
silver chromate (Ag2CrO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3243
silver niobate (AgNbO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3255
silver molybdate (Ag2MoO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3256
silver tungstate (Ag2WO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/326
Silver permanganate (AgMnO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3268
silver perrhenate (AgReO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3268
silver ferrite (AgFeO2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3274
silver cuprate (AgCuO2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3291,
C04B 2235/3282
C04B 2235/3291 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3293
Tin oxides, stannates or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. indium tin oxide [ITO]
Definition statement
This place covers:
Tin oxides, e.g. SnO, tin oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. manganese stannate (MnSnO3), tin oxide
containing clay, tin oxide containing silicates, e.g. SnSi2O6, tin salts, e.g. tin fluoride (SnF4), tin metal
containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
Tin metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. SnO2 or tin metal oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. silver stannate (Ag2SnO3)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on tin oxides C04B 35/457
C04B 2235/3293 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3294
Antimony oxides, antimonates, antimonites or oxide forming salts thereof,
indium antimonate
Definition statement
This place covers:
Antimony oxides, e.g. Sb2O3, antimony oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. nickel antimonate
(NiSb2O6), antimony oxide containing clay, antimony oxide containing silicates, antimony salts, e.g.
antimony iodosulfide (SbSI), antimony metal containing salts, all used as starting material for making
Antimony metal oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. Sb2O5 or antimony metal
oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. gallium or indium antimonate (GaSbO4 or InSbO4)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on antimony oxide C04B 35/01
C04B 2235/3294 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3296
Lead oxides, plumbates or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. silver plumbate
Definition statement
This place covers:
Lead oxides, e.g. Pb2O3, lead oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. silver plumbate (Ag5Pb2O6), lead
oxide containing clay, lead oxide containing silicates, e.g. lead orthosilicate, barysilite (Pb2Si2O7), lead
C04B 2235/3296 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
salts, e.g. lead carbonate, cerussite (PbCO3), lead containing salts, all used as starting material for
making ceramics.
Lead oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. PbO2 or lead oxide containing
mixed oxides, e.g. lead iron niobate (PbFe1/2Nb1/2O3).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2608 and
manganese, zinc, nickel, copper or cobalt and one or more ferrites of the subgroups
group comprising rare earth metals, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
Compositions containing one or more ferrites of the group comprising C04B 35/2641
rare earth metals and one or more of the group comprising alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals or lead
Other ferrites containing alkaline earth metals or lead C04B 35/2683
Ceramics based on thallium oxide containing cuprates, also containing C04B 35/4517
lead oxide
Ceramics based on bismuth oxide containing cuprates, also containing C04B 35/4525
lead oxide
Ceramics based on barium titanate perovskite, containing also lead C04B 35/4684
Ceramics based on barium titanate non-perovskite, containing also lead C04B 35/4688
Ceramics based on lead titanates C04B 35/472
Ceramics based on zirconates-titanates, containing also lead C04B 35/491 and
Ceramics based on vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or C04B 35/497 and
tungsten oxides or solid solutions thereof with other oxides, e.g. subgroups
vanadates, niobates, tantalates, molybdates or tungstates, based on solid
solutions with lead
lead manganate (PbMnO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3296
lead iron niobate (PbFe1/2Nb1/2O3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3272,
C04B 2235/3255,
C04B 2235/3296
Doped PZT Pb(Sb2/3Mn1/3)0.08(Zr0.52Ti0.48)0.92O3 starting material or C04B 2235/3294 (Sb),
secondary phase C04B 2235/3249 (ZT),
C04B 2235/3296,
C04B 2235/3262 (Mn)
lead orthoarsenate (Pb3(AsO4)2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3296,
C04B 2235/34
lead selenate (PbSeO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3296,
C04B 2235/34
lead aluminate, (PbAl2O4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3296,
C04B 2235/3222
lead metatitanate (PbTiO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3296,
C04B 2235/3234
C04B 2235/3296 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3298
Bismuth oxides, bismuthates or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. zinc
Definition statement
This place covers:
Bismuth oxides, e.g. Bi2O3, bismuth oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. zinc bismuthate (Zn(BiO3)2),
bismuth oxide containing clay, bismuth oxide containing silicates, e.g. bismuth silicate, eulytite (2Bi2O3
3SiO2), bismuth salts, e.g. bismuth hydroxide (Bi(OH)3), bismuth containing salts, all used as starting
material for making ceramics.
Bismuth oxide containing secondary phases of sintered ceramic, e.g. Bi2O5 or bismuth oxide
containing mixed oxides, e.g. silver bismuthate (AgBiO3).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on bismuth oxide containing cuprates C04B 35/4521 and
Ceramics based on bismuth oxides C04B 35/453
Ceramics based on bismuth titanates C04B 35/475
barium strontium bismuth niobate (Ba0.1Sr0.9Bi2Nb2O9) starting material or C04B 2235/3213 (Sr),
secondary phase C04B 2235/3215 (Ba),
C04B 2235/3255,
C04B 2235/3298
bismuth manganate (Bi2.4MnO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3298
bismuth manganite (BiMnO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3268,
C04B 2235/3298
Bismuth gallium oxide (Bi2Ga4O9) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3286,
C04B 2235/3298
Bismuth germanate (Bi4Ge3O12) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3287,
C04B 2235/3298
bismuth orthoarsenate (BiAsO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3298,
C04B 2235/34
bismuth tellurate, montanite (Bi2TeO6) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3298,
phase C04B 2235/34
bismuth aluminate, (BiAlO3) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3298,
C04B 2235/3222
bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3298,
C04B 2235/3234
bismuth vanadate, pucherite (Bi2O3 V2O5)) starting material or secondary C04B 2235/3298,
phase C04B 2235/3239
bismuth dichromate ((BiO2)2Cr2O7) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3298,
C04B 2235/3243
bismuth zirconate (Bi2Zr2O7) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3298,
C04B 2235/3248
C04B 2235/3298 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/34
Non-metal oxides, non-metal mixed oxides, or salts thereof that form the
non-metal oxides upon heating, e.g. carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides,
Definition statement
This place covers:
All oxides of non-metals, such as B, Ar, Se, Te or Si, mixed oxides based on these non-metals, e.g.
arsenates such as cobalt orthoarsenate (Co3(AsO4)2), selenates such as zinc selenate (ZnSeO4),
tellurates such as bismuth tellurate, montanite (Bi2TeO6), or metal salts that convert to these oxides
upon heating, used as starting material for making a ceramic or present as secondary phase in a
sintered ceramic.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The oxides of the non-metal phosphor C04B 2235/447
Oxide compounds of the non-metal sulphur C04B 2235/448
C04B 2235/34 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on arsenates, selenates or tellurates C04B 35/01
Ceramics based on phosphates C04B 35/447
Ceramics based on metal-phosphor compounds without oxygen, the C04B 35/5154
Ceramics based on sulfides, selenides or tellurides C04B 35/547
Metal arsenides, e.g. GaAs, as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/44
Metal phosphides as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/44
Metal sulphides, selenides or tellurides as starting material for making C04B 2235/446
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of specific C04B 2235/72 and
components, e.g. alkali metal free alumina ceramics subgroups
Oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/06 and
Oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a ceramic C04B 2237/34 and
laminate subgroups
C04B 2235/3409
Boron oxide, borates, boric acids, or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. borax
Definition statement
This place covers:
Boron oxides, e.g. B2O3, boric acids, e.g. HBO2, boron oxide containing mixed oxides, e.g. boron
arsenate (BAsO4), boron oxide containing clay, boron oxide containing silicates, e.g. Danburite,
CaB2Si2O8, boron salts, e.g. boron bromide (BBr3), boron containing salts, all used as starting material
for making ceramics.
Boron oxide containing secondary phases of a sintered ceramic, e.g. B2O3 or boron oxide containing
mixed oxides, e.g. silver tetraborate (Ag2B4O7).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on boron oxide C04B 35/01
boron arsenate (BAsO4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3409,
C04B 2235/34
boron aluminate • Al4B2O9 starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3409,
C04B 2235/3222
boron titanate (BTi3O9) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3409,
C04B 2235/3234
Borotungstic acid, (H5BW12O40) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3409,
C04B 2235/326
boron ferrite series B2O3 · Fe2O3 · 4MeO(Me = Mg, Ni, Co, Cu) starting C04B 2235/3409,
material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3274
C04B 2235/3409 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3418
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. silica sol, fused
silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint (glass constituents C04B 2235/36)
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicon oxides, e.g. crystalline silica such as quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, amorphous silica such as
silica sol, silica fume, fused silica, silicic acids, e.g. H2Si2O5, silicon salts, e.g. silicon bromide (Si2Br6),
silicon containing salts, all used as starting material for making ceramics.
C04B 2235/3418 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Fused silica fibers used as additive for ceramics C04B 35/82
Mixed oxides of silica and other metal oxides as starting material for C04B 2235/3427
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic and subgroups,
C04B 2235/349
Silica or silicate fibers used in ceramic compositions C04B 2235/5232
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/06 and
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
granular materials: quartz; sand
Silica fume waste material used for making clay wares C04B 33/132
Lean materials, e.g. grog, quartz C04B 33/16
Alumina based refractories containing zircon C04B 35/106
Ceramic silica based materials C04B 35/14
Ceramic silicate based materials C04B 35/16 and
Making fibers based on silica C04B 35/6224
Inorganic binders based on silicon compounds C04B 35/6316
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silica C04B 41/5035
Silicon oxide containing glass starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/36 and
Silicon boride (SiBn) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3804
Boron silicide = silicon boride C04B 2235/3804
Silicon carbide (SiC) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3826 and
Silicon nitride (Si3N4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3873 and
Silicon starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/428
silicon fluoride (SiF4) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/445,
C04B 2235/3418
silicon sulphide (SiS2) starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/446,
C04B 2235/3418
Silica or silicate interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/062
Silica or silicate substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/341
ceramic laminate
Silica-based membranes B01D 71/027
Catalysts comprising silica B01J 21/08,
C07C 2521/08
C04B 2235/3418 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Preparation of silica powders, sols, gels, dispersions and their after- C01B 33/113 and
treatments subgroups
Processes specially adapted for the production of quartz or fused silica C03B 20/00
Glass compositions with more than 90% silica by weight, e.g. quartz C03C 3/06
Silica used as filler for polymers C08K 3/36
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/28 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: compounds of silicon subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/59 and
containing silicon subgroups
C04B 2235/3427
Silicates other than clay, e.g. water glass
Definition statement
This place covers:
All silicates that are not clay (see C04B 2235/349 for the definition of clays). A silicate is a compound
a silicon bearing anion. The great majority of silicates are oxides, but hexafluorosilicate
([SiF6] ) and other anions are also included. Silicate compounds, including the minerals, consist of
silicate anions whose charge is balanced by various cations. Myriad silicate anions can exist, and
each can form compounds with many different cations. Hence this class of compounds is very large.
Both minerals and synthetic materials fit in this class. Silicates are mainly a mixed oxide phase of SiO2
with at least one other metal oxide, e.g. Willemite - Zn2SiO4, Fayalite - Fe2SiO4, Ferrosilite - FeSiO3,
Aegirine (Acmite) - NaFe Si2O6, Rhodonite - MnSiO3.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Zirconium or hafnium containing silicates, e.g. zircon (ZrSiO4) C04B 2235/3248
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3418
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. silica sol, fused silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint,
e.g. silicic acid H2Si2O5
Clay silicate starting materials or secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, C04B 2235/349
e.g. illite
Silica or silicate fibers used in ceramic compositions C04B 2235/5232
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of silica-rich materials or silicates as fillers, e.g. pigments, for C04B 14/04 and
mortars, concrete or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials subgroups
specially adapted to enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete
or artificial stone
Clay wares C04B 33/00 and
Ceramic silica based materials C04B 35/14
C04B 2235/3427 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3427 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Silicate mineral Mineralogically, silicate minerals are divided according to structure
of their silicate anion into the4−
following groups: Nesosilicates
(lone tetrahedron) - 6− [SiO4] , e.g. olivine . Sorosilicates (double
tetrahedra) - [Si22n−O7] , e.g. epidote, melilite group. Cyclosilicates
(rings) - [SinO3n]2n− , e.g. tourmaline group. Inosilicates (single
chain) - [Si6n−
nO3n] , e.g. pyroxene group. Inosilicates(double chain)
- [Si4nO11n ]
, e.g. amphibole group. Phyllosilicates (sheets) -
[Si2nO5n] , e.g. x−
micas and clays . Tectosilicates (3D framework)
- [AlxSiyO2(x+y)] , e.g. quartz, feldspars, zeolites . Note that
tectosilicates can only have additional cations if some of the silicon
is replaced by a lower-charge cation such as aluminium . Al for Si
substitution is common.
C04B 2235/3436
Alkaline earth metal silicates, e.g. barium silicate
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alkaline earth metal silicates used as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a
sintered ceramic, e.g. Benitoite - BaTi(Si3O9), Phenakite - Be2SiO4
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Alkaline earth metal silicates containing also aluminium oxide C04B 2235/3481
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkaline earth oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3205 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. BeO subgroups
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
alkaline earth metal oxides BeO, MgO, CaO, SrO, BaO, RaO
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3445
Magnesium silicates, e.g. forsterite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Magnesium silicates used as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a
sintered ceramic, e.g. Forsterite (Mg2SiO4), Humite group (Mg,Fe)7(SiO4)3(F,OH)2, Enstatite (MgSiO3),
Diopside (CaMgSi2O6), the Serpentine group
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesium silicates containing also aluminium oxide, e.g. mica C04B 2235/3481
Clay starting material for making ceramics, such as talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) C04B235/34H
or sepiolite (Mg4Si6O15(OH)2·6H2O)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/042
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
magnesium silicates, e.g. talc, sepiolite
Mixed oxides of MgO with silica without alumina, e.g. forsterite (Mg2SiO4) C04B 35/20
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Catalysts comprising silica and magnesia B01J 21/14,
C07C 2521/14
Preparation of magnesium silicate powders, sols, gels, dispersions and C01B 33/22
their after-treatments
C04B 2235/3454
Calcium silicates, e.g. wollastonite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Calcium silicates used as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. Datolite - CaBSiO4(OH), Titanite - CaTiSiO5, Ilvaite - CaFe2+2Fe3+O(Si2O7)(OH),
Pigeonite - Ca0.25(Mg,Fe)1.75Si2O6, Diopside - CaMgSi2O6, Wollastonite - CaSiO3, Tremolite -
C04B 2235/3454 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesium silicates containing also aluminium oxide, e.g. mica C04B 2235/3481
Talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/349
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/043
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
alkaline-earth metal silicates, e.g. wollastonite
calcium silicate based hydraulic cement C04B 28/02 and
Mixed oxides of CaO with silica without alumina, e.g. wollastonite C04B 35/22
Calcium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3208
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. lime
Preparation of alkaline earth metal silicate powders, sols, gels, C01B 33/24
dispersions and their after-treatments
calcium silicates as compounding ingredient for polymers C08K 3/34
C04B 2235/3463
Alumino-silicates other than clay, e.g. mullite
Definition statement
This place covers:
All silicates that are not clay (see C04B 2235/349 for the definition of clays) and also contain
aluminium oxide, e.g. Almandine - Fe3Al2(SiO4)3, Andalusite - Al2SiO5, Kyanite - Al2SiO5, Sillimanite
- Al2SiO5, Dumortierite - Al6.5-7BO3(SiO4)3(O,OH)3, Topaz - Al2SiO4(F,OH)2, Beryl/Emerald -
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Clay silicate starting materials or secondary phase of a sintered ceramic C04B 2235/349
Alumino-silicate fibers used in ceramic compositions C04B 2235/5228
C04B 2235/3463 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/041
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Aluminium silicates other than clay
Clay wares C04B 33/00 and
Alumino-silicate based ceramics C04B 35/18 and
Making fibres based on silica, rich in aluminium oxide C04B 35/62245
Aluminates other than alumino-silicates as starting material for making C04B 2235/3222
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. spinel
Catalysts comprising silica and alumina B01J 21/12,
C07C 2521/12
Catalysts comprising Crystalline aluminosilicate zeolites; Isomorphous B01J 29/06 and
compounds thereof subgroups
Preparation of aluminium containing silicate powders, sols, gels, C01B 33/26 and
dispersions and their after-treatments subgroups
Compounds having molecular sieve and base-exchange properties, e.g. C01B 39/00 and
crystalline zeolites; Their preparation; After-treatment, e.g. ion-exchange subgroups
or de-alumination
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/646
containing aluminium silicates
C04B 2235/3472
Alkali metal alumino-silicates other than clay, e.g. spodumene, alkali feldspars
such as albite or orthoclase, micas such as muscovite, zeolites such as
Definition statement
This place covers:
All alkali metal silicates that are not clay (see C04B 2235/349 for the definition of clays) and also
contain aluminium oxide, e.g.:
Tourmaline - (Na,Ca)(Al,Li,Mg)3-(Al,Fe,Mn)6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)4
• Sodium pyroxene series
• - Jadeite - NaAlSi2O6
• - Aegirine (Acmite) - NaFe Si2O6
• Spodumene - LiAlSi2O6
• Hornblende - (Ca,Na)2-3(Mg,Fe,Al)5Si6(Al,Si)2O22(OH)2
• Mica group
• - Biotite - K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
• - Muscovite - KAl2(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
• - Phlogopite - KMg3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
• - Lepidolite - K(Li,Al)2-3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
C04B 2235/3472 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
• Alkali-feldspars
• - Potassium-feldspars
• -- Microcline - KAlSi3O8
• -- Orthoclase - KAlSi3O8
• -- Sanidine - KAlSi3O8
• - Anorthoclase - (Na,K)AlSi3O8
• - Plagioclase feldspars
• -- Albite - NaAlSi3O8
• -- Oligoclase - (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 (Na:Ca 4:1)
• -- Andesine - (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 (Na:Ca 3:2)
• -- Labradorite - (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 (Na:Ca 2:3)
• -- Bytownite - (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 (Na:Ca 1:4)
• Feldspathoid family
• - Nosean - Na8Al6Si6O24(SO4)
• - Cancrinite - Na6Ca2(CO3,Al6Si6O24).2H2O
• - Leucite - KAlSi2O6
• - Nepheline - (Na,K)AlSiO4
• - Sodalite - Na8(AlSiO4)6Cl2
• -- Hauyne - (Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2
• - Lazurite - (Na,Ca)8(AlSiO4)6(SO4,S,Cl)2
• Petalite - LiAlSi4O10
• Scapolite group
• - Marialite - Na4(AlSi3O8)3(Cl2,CO3,SO4)
• Analcime - NaAlSi2O6•H2O
• Zeolite group
• - Natrolite - Na2Al2Si3O10•2H2O
• - Stilbite - NaCa2Al5Si13O36•17H2O
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Illite - (K,H3O)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10[(OH)2,(H2O)] C04B 2235/349
Montmorillonite - (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2·nH2O C04B 2235/349
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkali metal aluminosilicates based ceramics C04B 35/19
Alkali oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for making C04B 2235/3201 and
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Na2O, K2O subgroups
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3481
Alkaline earth metal alumino-silicates other than clay, e.g. cordierite, beryl,
micas such as margarite, plagioclase feldspars such as anorthite, zeolites such
as chabazite
Definition statement
This place covers:
All alkaline earth metal silicates that are not clay (see C04B 2235/349 for the definition of clays) and
also contain aluminium oxide, e.g.:
• Garnet group
• Pyrope - Mg3Al2(SiO4)3
• Grossular - Ca3Al2(SiO4)3
• Andradite - Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3
• Uvarovite - Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3
• Hydrogrossular - Ca3Al2Si2O8(SiO4)3-m(OH)4m
• Chloritoid - (Fe,Mg,Mn)2Al4Si2O10(OH)4
• Lawsonite - CaAl2(Si2O7)(OH)2·H2O
4− 6−
• Epidote group (has both (SiO4) and (Si2O7) groups)
• Epidote - Ca2(Al,Fe)3O(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)
• Zoisite - Ca2Al3O(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)
• Clinozoisite - Ca2Al3O(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)
• Tanzanite - Ca2Al3O(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)
• Allanite - Ca(Ce,La,Y,Ca)Al2(Fe2+,Fe3+)O(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)
• Dollaseite-(Ce) - CaCeMg2AlSi3O11F(OH)
• Vesuvianite (idocrase) - Ca10(Mg,Fe)2Al4(SiO4)5(Si2O7)2(OH)4
• 4-member ring
• Axinite - (Ca,Fe,Mn)3Al2(BO3)(Si4O12)(OH)
• 6-member ring
• Beryl/Emerald - Be3Al2(Si6O18)
• Cordierite - (Mg,Fe)2Al3(Si5AlO18)
• Tourmaline - (Na,Ca)(Al,Li,Mg)3-(Al,Fe,Mn)6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)4
• Mica group
• Biotite - K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
• Phlogopite - KMg3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
• Margarite - CaAl2(Al2Si2)O10(OH)2
• Glauconite - (K,Na)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2
• Chlorite group
• Chlorite - (Mg,Fe)3(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2•(Mg,Fe)3(OH)6
• Na-Ca feldspars
• Plagioclase feldspars
• Oligoclase - (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 (Na:Ca 4:1)
• Andesine - (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 (Na:Ca 3:2)
• Labradorite - (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 (Na:Ca 2:3)
• Bytownite - (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 (Na:Ca 1:4)
• Anorthite - CaAl2Si2O8
• Feldspathoid family
• Cancrinite - Na6Ca2(CO3,Al6Si6O24).2H2O
C04B 2235/3481 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
• Hauyne - (Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2
• Lazurite - (Na,Ca)8(AlSiO4)6(SO4,S,Cl)2
• Scapolite group
• Meionite - Ca4(Al2Si2O8)3(Cl2CO3,SO4)
• Zeolite group
• Chabazite - CaAl2Si4O12•6H2O
• Heulandite - CaAl2Si7O18•6H2O
• Stilbite - NaCa2Al5Si13O36•17H2O
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Illite - (K,H3O)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10[(OH)2,(H2O)] C04B 2235/349
Montmorillonite - (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2·nH2O C04B 2235/349
Vermiculite - (MgFe,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2·4H2O C04B 2235/349
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alkaline earth metal alumino-silicate based ceramics C04B 35/195
Cordierite honeycombs C04B 38/0006 and
Alkaline earth oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3205 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. BeO subgroups
Cordierite honeycombs containing a catalyst B01J 35/04
C04B 2235/349
Clays, e.g. bentonites, smectites such as montmorillonite, vermiculites or
kaolines, e.g. illite, talc or sepiolite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Clay starting materials added to non-clay wares, thus to all ceramics that are classified in C04B 35/00
and sub-classes.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Clay starting materials used for making clay wares C04B 33/00 and
C04B 2235/349 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/10 and
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Inorganic binders based on silicon compounds C04B 35/6316
Aluminates other than alumino-silicates as starting material for making C04B 2235/3222
ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. spinel
Alumino-silicates other than clay as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3463
or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. mullite (3Al2O3-2SiO2)
Clay used as filler for polymers C08K 3/346
C04B 2235/349 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
Clay Clays are distinguished from other fine-grained soils by differences
in size and mineralogy. Silts, which are fine-grained soils that
do not include clay minerals, tend to have larger particle sizes
than clays, but there is some overlap in both particle size and
other physical properties, and there are many naturally occurring
deposits which include silts and also clay . The distinction between
silt and clay varies by discipline. Geologists and soil scientists
usually consider the separation to occur at a particle size of 2 µm
(clays being finer than silts), sedimentologists often use 4-5 µm,
and colloid chemists use 1 µm. Geotechnical engineers distinguish
between silts and clays based on the plasticity properties of the
soil, as measured by the soils' Atterberg Limits . ISO 14688 grades
clay particles as being smaller than 2 µm and silts larger. Clay
minerals are hydrous aluminium phyllosilicates, sometimes with
variable amounts of iron, magnesium, alkali metals, alkaline
earths, and other cations. Clays have structures similar to
the micas and therefore form flat hexagonal sheets Clays are
commonly referred to as 1:1 or 2:1. Clays are fundamentally
built of tetrahedral sheets and octahedral sheets. A 1:1 clay
would consist of one tetrahedral sheet and one octahedral
sheet, and examples would be kaolinite and serpentine. A 2:1
clay consists of an octahedral sheet sandwiched between two
tetrahedral sheets, and examples are illite, smectite, attapulgite,
and chlorite (although chlorite has an external octahedral sheet
often referred to as "brucite"). Clay minerals include the following
groups:Kaolin group which includes the minerals kaolinite,
dickite, halloysite, and nacrite (polymorphs of Al2Si2O5(OH)4
). Some sources include the kaolinite-serpentine group due to
structural similarities. Smectite group which includes dioctahedral
smectites such as montmorillonite and nontronite and trioctahedral
smectites for example saponite . Illite group which includes the
clay-micas. Illite is the only common mineral. Chlorite group
includes a wide variety of similar minerals with considerable
chemical variation. Other 2:1 clay types exist such as sepiolite
or attapulgite , clays with long water channels internal to their
structure. Clay mineral group Halloysite - Al2Si2O5(OH)4 Kaolinite
- Al2Si2O5(OH)4 Illite - (K,H3O)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10[(OH)2,(H2 O)]
Montmorillonite - (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2·nH2 O Vermiculite
- (MgFe,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)2·4H2 O Talc - Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
Palygorskite - (Mg,Al)2Si4O10(OH)·4(H2 O) Pyrophyllite -
C04B 2235/36
Glass starting materials for making ceramics, e.g. silica glass
Definition statement
This place covers:
Glass powder used as starting material for making ceramics
C04B 2235/36 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Relationships with other classification places
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Glass fibers used as additive for ceramics C04B 35/82
Fused silica as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3418
Amorphous silica as starting material for making ceramics, e.g. silica C04B 2235/3418
Waterglass (NaSiO3) starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3427,
C04B 2235/3201
Glass phase formed in situ during sintering C04B 2235/85 (grain
boundary phase)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/22 and
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Waste glass used for making ceramics C04B 33/13
Melting of clay material to make clay wares C04B 33/323
Melting of material to make a ceramic powder C04B 35/62665
Inorganic binders based on silicon compounds C04B 35/6316
Melting of ceramic or refractory material to make a bulk ceramic C04B 35/653 and
Crystalline silica as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3418
Clays as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/349
a sintered ceramic, e.g. bentonites/smectites such as montmorillonite,
kaolines such as halloysite, illite, talc, sepiolite and attapulgite, vermiculite
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of specific C04B 2235/72 and
components, e.g. alkali metal free alumina ceramics subgroups
Glass interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/10
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/365
Borosilicate glass
Definition statement
This place covers:
All glasses that contain both silicon oxide and boron oxide and are used as starting material for
making glass.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Boron oxide, borates, boric acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3409
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. boric acid (HBO2)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Glass compositions containing less than 40 wt% silica and also boron C03C 3/064 and
Glass compositions containing less than 40 wt% silica, containing lead C03C 3/072 and
and also boron subgroups
Glass compositions containing 40-90 wt% silica and also boron C03C 3/089 and
Glass compositions containing 40-90 wt% silica, containing lead and also C03C 3/108
Glass compositions containing 40-90 wt% silica, containing fluorine and C03C 3/115 and
also boron subgroups
C04B 2235/38
Non-oxide ceramic constituents or additives
Definition statement
This place covers:
All starting materials for making ceramics containing carbide, nitride, boride or silicide phase. All
sintered ceramics containing a secondary carbide, nitride, boride or silicide phase.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of metal fibers as reinforcement for ceramics C04B 35/76
Metallic constituents or additives not added as binding phase, or present C04B 2235/40 and
as secondary phase in a sintered ceramic subgroups
C04B 2235/38 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Non metallic elements added as constituents or additives, or present C04B 2235/42 and
as secondary phase in a sintered ceramic, e.g. silicon, boron, carbon, subgroups
sulphur, phosphor, selenium or tellurium
The use of phosphides as starting material for making ceramics, or their C04B 2235/44
presence as secondary phase in a sintered ceramic
The use of halides such as fluorides as starting material for making C04B 2235/444 and
ceramics, or their presence as secondary phase in a sintered ceramic subgroups
The use of selenides, sulfides or tellurides as starting material for making C04B 2235/446
ceramics, or their presence as secondary phase in a sintered ceramic
Non-oxide fibers used as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/524 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on non-oxide ceramics C04B 35/515 and
Making fibres based on non-oxide ceramic material C04B 35/62272
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with non-oxide ceramics C04B 41/5053
Metal oxide starting materials for making ceramics or present as C04B 2235/32 and
secondary phase in a sintered ceramic, e.g. alumina, ferrites, titanates, subgroups
Non-metal oxide starting material or secondary phase, e.g. silica, C04B 2235/34 and
silicates, boron oxide subgroups
Metal oxide starting material or secondary phase present in a glass C04B 2235/36 and
phase subgroups
Metal salt constituents or additives chosen for the nature of the anions, C04B 2235/44 and
e.g. hydrides or acetylacetonate subgroups
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of specific C04B 2235/72 and
components, e.g. alkali metal free alumina ceramics subgroups
Non-oxide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/08 and
Non-oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/36 and
ceramic laminate subgroups
C04B 2235/3804
Definition statement
This place covers:
Starting materials for making ceramics or secondary phases of sintered ceramics containing a
compound between boron and a metal or semi-metal, e.g. aluminium boride, Rare earth boride, e.g.
C04B 2235/3804 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
dysprosium boride (DyB2), Lanthanum boride (LaB6), Manganese boride (Mn2B, MnB or MnB2), Iron
boride (Fe2B, FeB), Cobalt boride (CoB), Nickel boride (NiB), Copper boride (Cu3B2), Gallium boride
(GaB12), Scandium Iridium Boride (Sc3Ir5B2), Silver boride (AgB2), Nickel bismuth boride (Ni23-xBixB6),
Silicon boride (SiBn)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Boron carbide additive or secondary phase C04B 2235/3821
Boron nitride additive or secondary phase C04B 2235/386
Boron additive or secondary phase C04B 2235/421
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/321
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Ceramics based on borides C04B 35/5805 and
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with borides C04B 41/507
Boron oxide or borate starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3409
Borosilicate glass additive C04B 2235/365
Boron-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/486
heat treatment, e.g. borazine, borane or boranyl
Preparation of metal boride powders C01B 35/04
Non-ferrous alloys containing at least 5% by weight but less than 50% by C22C 32/0073 and
weight of borides subgroups
Making ferrous alloys by powder metallurgy with more than 5% preformed C22C 33/0292
carbides, nitrides or borides
C04B 2235/3808
Magnesium borides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Starting materials for making ceramics or secondary phases of sintered ceramics containing a
compound between boron and magnesium, e.g. magnesium boride, MgB2
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesium boron carbide additive or secondary phase C04B 2235/3821,
C04B 2235/3817
C04B 2235/3808 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on magnesium boride C04B 35/58057
Magnesium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3206
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Magnesium starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/401
C04B 2235/3813
Refractory metal borides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Starting materials for making ceramics or secondary phases of sintered ceramics containing refractory
metal borides or refractory metal oxy-borides, e.g. Titanium diboride (TiB2), Vanadium diboride (VB2),
Chromium boride (CrB or CrB2), Zirconium of hafnium diboride (ZrB2 or HfB2), Niobium or tantalum
diboride (NbB2 or TaB2), Molybdenum boride (Mo2B or Mo2B5), Tungsten boride (W2B, WB or W2B5).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Refractory boron carbide additive or secondary phase C04B 2235/3821,
C04B 2235/3839 and
Refractory boron nitride additive or secondary phase C04B 2235/386,
C04B 2235/3886
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on refractory borides C04B 35/5805 and
Refractory metal oxide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3231 and
Refractory metal carbide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3839 and
Refractory metal nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3886
Refractory metal silicide starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
Refractory metal starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/404
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3817
Definition statement
This place covers:
Starting materials for making ceramics or secondary phases of sintered ceramics containing a carbide
phase, a compound between carbon and a metal or semi-metal, e.g. potassium carbide, magnesium
carbide, Cerium carbide (CeC2), Manganese carbide (Mn3C), Iron carbide (Fe3C), Cobalt carbide
(CoC), Nickel carbide (Ni3C), Copper carbide (Cu2C), Zinc carbide (ZnC), Germanium carbide (GeC),
Gold carbide (Au2C2), Silver carbide (Ag2C2), Antimony carbide (SbC)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbo-nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3856
Carbon as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/422 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/322
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Ceramics based on carbides C04B 35/56 and
Carbo-nitride ceramics C04B 35/58 and
Making fibres based on carbides C04B 35/62277
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with carbides C04B 41/5057
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
carbonising phenol resins subgroups
Carbide interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/083
Carbide catalysts B01J 27/22,
C07C 2527/22 and
High pressure synthesis: Composition of the material to be processed: B01J 2203/063 and
carbides subgroups
Making carbide powders C01B 32/90 and
Carbides used as filler for polymers C08K 3/14
Making hard metals based on borides, carbides, nitrides, oxides or C22C 1/051 and
silicides; Preparation of the powder mixture used as the starting material subgroups
Non-ferrous alloys containing at least 5% by weight but less than 50% by C22C 32/0052 and
weight of carbides subgroups
C04B 2235/3817 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Making ferrous alloys by powder metallurgy with more than 5% preformed C22C 33/0292
carbides, nitrides or borides
Ti0.9Al0.1C and Ti0.1Al0.9C both receive both symbols C04B 2235/3817 and C04B 2235/3843.
C04B 2235/3821
Boron carbides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Boron carbides (B4C) or boron oxy-carbides as starting materials for making ceramics or as
secondary phases of sintered ceramics.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Boron carbo-nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3856,
C04B 2235/386
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/323
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
boron carbide
Ceramics based on boron carbide C04B 35/563
Ceramics based on boron carbo-nitride C04B 35/583 and
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with boron carbide C04B 41/5058
Boron oxide, borates, boric acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3409
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. boric acid (HBO2)
Borosilicate glass additive C04B 2235/365
Borides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3804 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Boron nitride starting material for making ceramics or secondary phase of C04B 2235/386
a sintered ceramic
Boron as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/421
a sintered ceramic
Boron-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/486
heat treatment, e.g. borazine, borane or boranyl
C04B 2235/3821 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3826
Silicon carbides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicon carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic,
e.g. SiC or SiOC
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon carbo-nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3856,
C04B 2235/3873 and
Silicon carbide fibers used as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/5244
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/324
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
silicon carbide
Ceramics based on titanium silicon (oxy)carbide C04B 35/5615
Silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/565 and
Ceramics based on silicon carbo-nitride C04B 35/584 and
Making fibres based on silicon carbide C04B 35/62281
Inorganic binders based on silicon compounds C04B 35/6316
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silicon carbide C04B 41/5059
Silica as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/3418
a sintered ceramic
Silicon nitrides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary C04B 2235/3873 and
phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Silicides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
of a sintered ceramic
C04B 2235/3826 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
Si-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/483
heat treatment, e.g. silicone resins, (poly)silanes, (poly)siloxanes or
Silicon carbide substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/365
ceramic laminate
Silicon carbide catalyst B01J 27/224
and subgroups,
C07C 2527/224
High pressure synthesis: Composition of the material to be processed: B01J 2203/0635
silicon carbide
Preparation of silicon carbide powders C01B 32/956
Non-ferrous alloys containing at least 5% by weight but less than 50% by C22C 32/0063
weight of SiC
C04B 2235/383
Alpha silicon carbide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alpha silicon carbide as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The main phase of the sintered ceramic being alpha SiC C04B 2235/767
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alpha silicon nitride as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3878
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Hexagonal symmetry, alpha SiC C04B 2235/767
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3834
Beta silicon carbide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Beta silicon carbide as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The main phase of the sintered ceramic being beta SiC C04B 2235/762
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Beta silicon nitride as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3882
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Cubic symmetry, e.g. beta SiC C04B 2235/762
C04B 2235/3839
Refractory metal carbides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractory metal carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a
sintered ceramic, e.g. VC, Cr3C2, ZrC, HfC, NbC, TaC, MoC or Mo2C
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Refractory carbo-nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3856,
C04B 2235/3886
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on refractory metal carbides C04B 35/56
Refractory metal oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3231 and
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Refractory metal borides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3813
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. TiB2, HfB2
Refractory metal nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3886
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
C04B 2235/3839 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Refractory metal silicides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3891
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Refractory metals as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/404
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
The preparation of tungsten or molybdenum carbide powders C01B 32/949
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory carbides titanium carbide, vanadium carbide, chromium carbide, zirconium
carbide, niobium carbide, molybdenum carbide, hafnium carbide,
tantalum carbide, tungsten carbide
C04B 2235/3843
Titanium carbides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Titanium carbide as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. TiC or titanium oxy-carbides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Titanium carbo-nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3856,
C04B 2235/3886
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on titanium (oxy)carbide C04B 35/5611 and
Titanium (oxy)carbonitride ceramics C04B 35/58021
After-treatment of mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramics; C04B 41/5061
Treatment of natural stone: with titanium carbide
Titanium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3232 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rutile subgroups
or anatase
Making titanium (oxy)carbide powders C01B 32/921
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3847
Tungsten carbides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Tungsten carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. WC or tungsten oxy-carbides
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Tungsten carbo-nitride starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3856,
C04B 2235/3886
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on tungsten (oxy)carbide C04B 35/5626
Tungsten (oxy)carbonitride ceramics C04B 35/58007
Tungsten oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3258 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
scheelite (CaWO4)
The preparation of tungsten or molybdenum carbide powders C01B 32/949
C04B 2235/3852
Nitrides, e.g. oxynitrides, carbonitrides, oxycarbonitrides, lithium nitride,
magnesium nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Starting materials for making ceramics or secondary phases of sintered ceramics containing
compounds between nitrogen and a metal or semi-metal, e.g. alkali nitrides, alkaline earth metal
nitrides, rare earth nitrides, carbonitrides, oxynitrides, Copper nitride (Cu3N), Mercury nitride (Hg3N2),
zinc nitride (Zn3N2) , Gallium indium nitride (Ga1-xInxN), Germanium nitride (Ge3N4), Ruthenium nitride
(RuN), Silver nitride (AgN3), Tin nitride (SnN), Antimony nitride (SbN), Lead nitride (Pb(N3)2), Bismuth
nitride (BiN)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/325
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Ceramics based on nitrides C04B 35/58 and
C04B 2235/3852 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3856
Carbonitrides, e.g. titanium carbonitride, zirconium carbonitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carbonitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic,
e.g. titanium carbonitride, zirconium carbonitride
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making carbonitrides per se, not preparative to the making of a ceramic C01B 21/0828
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based titanium (oxy)carbo-nitrides C04B 35/58021
Ceramics based zirconium (oxy)carbo-nitrides C04B 35/58035
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. C04B 2235/48 and
carbonising phenol resins subgroups
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/386
Boron nitrides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Boron nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic,
e.g. boron oxynitrides or boron carbonitrides, cubic boron nitride, hexagonal boron nitride
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/327
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
boron nitride
Ceramics based on boron nitride C04B 35/583 and
Making fibres based on boron nitride C04B 35/6229
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with boron nitride C04B 41/5064
Boron oxide, borates, boric acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3409
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. boric acid (HBO2)
Borosilicate glass additive C04B 2235/365
Borides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3804 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Boron carbide starting material for making ceramics or secondary phase C04B 2235/3821
of a sintered ceramic
Boron as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/421
a sintered ceramic
Boron-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after C04B 2235/486
heat treatment, e.g. borazine, borane or boranyl
Boron nitride substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/361
ceramic laminate
High pressure synthesis: Composition of the material to be processed: B01J 2203/0645
The preparation of boron nitride powders per se, not preparative to the C01B 21/064 and
making of nitride ceramics subgroups
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
hBN Hexagonal boron nitride
cBN Cubic boron nitride
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3865
Aluminium nitrides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Aluminum nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. aluminium carbonitrides
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/326
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
aluminium nitride
Ceramics based on aluminum nitride C04B 35/581
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with aluminium nitride C04B 41/5063
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
Aluminium as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/402
phase of a sintered ceramic
Aluminum nitride substrate joined with another substrate or being part of C04B 2237/366
a ceramic laminate
The preparation of aluminium nitride powders per se, not preparative to C01B 21/072 and
the making of nitride ceramics subgroups, C01B 21/0825
C04B 2235/3869
Aluminium oxynitrides, e.g. AlON, sialon
Definition statement
This place covers:
Starting materials or secondary phases based on oxynitrides containing at least aluminium (AlON) or
also silicon (Sialon), possibly further containing rare earths
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
SiON starting material or secondary phase C04B 2235/3873
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on AlON C04B 35/581
C04B 2235/3869 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3873
Silicon nitrides, e.g. silicon carbonitride, silicon oxynitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicon nitrides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic,
e.g. Si3N4, silicon carbonitride or silicon oxynitride (SiON)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon aluminium oxy-nitride (Sialon) additives or secondary phases C04B 2235/3869
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/328
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
silicon nitride
Ceramics based on silicon (carbo)nitrides C04B 35/484 and
Ceramics based on silicon oxy-nitrides C04B 35/597
Making fibres based on silicon nitrides C04B 35/62295
Inorganic binders based on silicon compounds C04B 35/6316
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silicon nitride C04B 41/5066
Silica as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/3418
a sintered ceramic
Silicon carbides as starting material for making a ceramic or as C04B 2235/3826 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Silicides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3891
of a sintered ceramic
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
C04B 2235/3873 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/3878
Alpha silicon nitrides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alpha silicon nitride as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The main phase of the sintered ceramic being alpha Si3N4 C04B 2235/766
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alpha silicon carbide as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/383
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Trigonal symmetry, alpha Si3N4 C04B 2235/766
C04B 2235/3882
Beta silicon nitrides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Beta silicon nitride as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The main phase of the sintered ceramic being beta Si3N4 C04B 2235/767
C04B 2235/3882 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Beta silicon carbide as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3834
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Hexagonal symmetry, beta Si3N4 C04B 2235/767
C04B 2235/3886
Refractory metal nitrides, e.g. vanadium nitride, tungsten nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractory metal nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, or refractory metal oxynitrides, e.g. Titanium nitride (TiN), Vanadium nitride (VN), Chromium
nitride (CrN), Zirconium of hafnium nitride (ZrN or HfN), Niobium or tantalum nitride (NbN or TaN),
Molybdenum nitride (MoN), Tungsten nitride (W2N or WN2)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on refractory metal (oxy)(carbo)nitrides C04B 35/58014 and
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with titanium nitride C04B 41/5068
Refractory metal oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material C04B 2235/3231 and
for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Refractory metal borides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3813
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. TiB2, HfB2
Refractory metal carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3839
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Refractory metal silicides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3891
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Refractory metals as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/404
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
The preparation of nitride powders per se, not preparative to the making C01B 21/0617
of nitride ceramics, with vanadium, niobium or tantalum
The preparation of nitride powders per se, not preparative to the making C01B 21/062
of nitride ceramics, with chromium, molybdenum or tungsten
The preparation of titanium, zirconium or hafnium nitride powders per se, C01B 21/076 and
not preparative to the making of nitride ceramics subgroups, C01B 21/076
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory nitrides titanium nitride, vanadium nitride, chromium nitride, zirconium
nitride, niobium nitride, molybdenum nitride, hafnium nitride,
tantalum nitride, tungsten nitride
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/3891
Silicides, e.g. molybdenum disilicide, iron silicide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic,
i.e. chemical compounds between silicon and a one or more metals, e.g. Titanium disilicide (TiSi2),
Vanadium disilicide (VSi2), Chromium silicide (CrSi2), Zirconium of hafnium disilicide (ZrSi2 or HfSi2),
Niobium or tantalum disilicide (NbSi2 or TaSi2), Molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2), Tungsten silicide
(WSi2), Manganese silicide (MnSi2), Iron silicide (FeSi, FeSi2), Cobalt silicide (Co2Si, CoSi, CoSi2),
Nickel silicide (Ni2Si), Copper silicide (Cu4Si), Gallium silicide (Ga3Si), germanium silicide (Si1–xGex),
Osmium silicide (Os2Si3)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on silicides C04B 35/58085 and
Inorganic binders based on silicon compounds C04B 35/6316
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with silicides C04B 41/5071
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of C04B 2235/40 and
a sintered ceramic, not being present as a binding phase subgroups
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase C04B 2235/428
of a sintered ceramic
The preparation of metal silicide powders C01B 33/06
Non-ferrous alloys containing at least 5% by weight but less than 50% by C22C 32/0078 and
weight of silicides subgroups
C04B 2235/3895
Non-oxides with a defined oxygen content, e.g. SiOC, TiON
Definition statement
This place covers:
Non-oxides with a defined oxygen content as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. SiOC, SiON, TiON. The amount of oxygen of a certain non-oxide
starting material is indicated, e.g. a boride powder containing 0.1 wt% oxygen, or a silicide containing
5 wt% oxygen.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Aluminum oxynitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3869
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. AlON or sialon
C04B 2235/3895 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on carbides having a well-defined oxygen content, e.g. C04B 35/5603
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of oxygen C04B 2235/723
The preparation of oxynitride powders per se, not preparative to the C01B 21/0821
making of nitride ceramics
Making powders of oxycarbides, sulfocarbides or mixtures of carbides C01B 32/907
with other bodies, e.g. graphite; Carbides of other non-metals, e.g.
silicocarbides, borocarbides
C04B 2235/40
Metallic constituents or additives not added as binding phase
Definition statement
This place covers:
Metal as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, not being
present as a binding phase, e.g. La, Y, Mn, Re, Zn, Ga, In, Ge, Sb, Pb, Bi. The metal can be added for
instance in powder form, in gaseous form or in a molten state.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Non metallic elements as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/42 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. sulphur, phosphor, carbon, subgroups
boron, silicon, selenium or tellurium
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of metal phase C04B 2235/725
Ceramics containing a metallic binder, i.e. cermets C22C 29/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/34
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
metallic additives
Ceramics based on non-oxide ceramics C04B 35/515 and
Reaction sintering of free metal or free silicon containing compositions to C04B 35/65 and
make a ceramic material subgroups
C04B 2235/40 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Metal oxides, mixed metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof, e.g. C04B 2235/32 and
carbonates, nitrates, (oxy)hydroxides, chlorides, as starting material for subgroups
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Metal interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/12 and
Metallic powders per se B22F 1/09 and subgroups
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/62 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: metallic pigments or fillers subgroups
C04B 2235/401
Alkaline earth metals
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alkaline earth metals as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. Mg
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on magnesium boride C04B 35/58057
Alkaline earth oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3205 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. BeO subgroups
Magnesium borides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3808
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. MgB2
C04B 2235/402
Definition statement
This place covers:
Aluminium as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alumina based ceramics C04B 35/10 and
C04B 2235/402 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/404
Refractory metals
Definition statement
This place covers:
Refractory metals as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. titanium (Ti), chromium (Cr), tantalum (Ta)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Refractory metal carbide ceramics C04B 35/5607 and
Refractory metal nitride ceramics C04B 35/58007 and
Refractory metal boride ceramics C04B 35/58064 and
Refractory metal silicide ceramics C04B 35/58092 and
Titanium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3232 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. rutile subgroups
or anatase
Refractory metal borides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3813
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. TiB2, HfB2
Refractory metal carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3839 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. VC, Cr3C2, ZrC, HfC, NbC, subgroups
TaC, MoC or Mo2C
Refractory metal nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or C04B 2235/3886
as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. vanadium nitride (VN),
tungsten nitride (WN2)
Refractory metal interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/122
Metallic interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate, C04B 2237/127
containing a refractory metal as the active component
C04B 2235/404 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory metals titanium, vanadium, chromium, zirconium, niobium, molybdenum,
hafnium, tantalum, tungsten
C04B 2235/405
Iron group metals
Definition statement
This place covers:
Iron group metals as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Iron group nitride based ceramics C04B 35/58042
Iron group oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/327 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Iron group metal interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another C04B 2237/123
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
iron group metals Fe, Ni, Co
C04B 2235/407
Definition statement
This place covers:
Copper as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Copper oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3281 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. CuO subgroups
or Cu2O
Copper interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/124
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/408
Noble metals
Definition statement
This place covers:
Noble metals as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic,
e.g. silver (Ag), palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Noble metal oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3289 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. IrO2, subgroups
PdO, RhO2
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Noble metal interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/125
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
noble metals Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Os, Ir, Pt, Au
C04B 2235/42
Non metallic elements added as constituents or additives, e.g. sulfur,
phosphor, selenium or tellurium
Definition statement
This place covers:
Non metallic elements as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. sulphur, phosphor, selenium or tellurium, arsenium. The elements should be in their
elemental state, thus not present in any compound. The end-product is allowed to have a continuous
phase of the non-metallic element, it is still regarded as a ceramic.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Metal salts chosen for the nature of the anions as starting material for C04B 2235/44
making ceramics, e.g. phosphides, arsenides
Sulphides, tellurides or selenides as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/446
C04B 2235/42 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on phosphates C04B 35/447
Ceramics based on phosphides C04B 35/5154
Ceramics based on sulphides, selenides or tellurides C04B 35/547
Phosphates or phosphites (calcium phosphates C04B 2235/3212) as C04B 2235/447
starting material for making ceramics, e.g. orthophosphate (PO4 ),
4- -
pyrophosphate (P2O7 ), hypophosphite (H2PO2 )
2- -
Sulphates (SO4 ) or sulphites (SO3 )as starting material for making C04B 2235/448
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of specific C04B 2235/72 and
components, e.g. alkali metal free alumina ceramics subgroups
C04B 2235/421
Definition statement
This place covers:
Boron as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic. The
boron is in its elemental state (B).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Boron oxide, borates, boric acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3409
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. boric acid (HBO2)
Borides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3804 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Boron carbide as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3821
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. B4C
Boron nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/386
phase of a sintered ceramic
Preparation of boron C01B 35/023
C04B 2235/422
Definition statement
This place covers:
All starting materials for making ceramics containing an inorganic carbon phase; all secondary phases
of sintered ceramics consisting out of carbon
C04B 2235/422 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on oxide ceramics, containing carbon C04B 35/013
Refractory ceramics based on alumina, containing carbon C04B 35/103
Adding carbonaceous materials, e.g. coal, carbon, graphite, C04B 38/068
hydrocarbons and burning-out the carbonaceous material in order to
create a porous ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Carbon used as filler for concrete, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/022 and
Ceramics based on carbon C04B 35/52 and
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures based on carbides C04B 35/56 and
Reaction sintering C to make SiC C04B 35/573
Reaction sintering C to make Si3N4 C04B 35/591
A carbon-based matrix containing carbon fibers C04B 35/83
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrates with carbon C04B 41/5001 and
Carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3817 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Carbonitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3856
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. titanium carbonitride, zirconium
Organics compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat-treatment, C04B 2235/48 and
e.g. phenol resins subgroups
fibrous carbon additives for ceramics C04B 2235/5248
carbon nanotube additives for ceramics C04B 2235/5288
Ceramics or ceramic mixtures containing carbon as an impurity C04B 2235/721
Carbon interlayer used for joining a ceramic with another substrate C04B 2237/086
Carbon substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a ceramic C04B 2237/363
Catalysts comprising carbon B01J 21/18
and subgroups,
C07C 2521/18
High pressure synthesis: Composition of the material to be processed: B01J 2203/0625
The preparation of carbon powders per se, not preparative to the making C01B 32/00 and
of carbon ceramics subgroups
preparation of active carbon using carbonaceous precursors per se and C01B 32/384
binders, e.g. pitch, and producing the granules
C04B 2235/422 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/424
Carbon black
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carbon black as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Treatment of inorganic materials, other than fibrous fillers, to enhance C09C 1/48 and
their pigmenting or filling properties: carbon black subgroups
C04B 2235/425
Definition statement
This place covers:
Graphite as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Graphite added to a ceramic to be burned away, e.g. to create porosity C04B 38/068
(pore former)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of graphite as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete or artificial C04B 14/024
stone; Treatment of graphite specially adapted to enhance their filling
properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone
Ceramics based on graphite C04B 35/522
Ceramics based on expanded graphite C04B 35/536
C04B 2235/425 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/427
Definition statement
This place covers:
Diamond as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Presses for the formation of diamonds or boronitride B01J 3/065 and
High pressure synthesis: Composition of the material to be processed: B01J 2203/062
The preparation and after-treatment of diamond powders C01B 32/25 and
C04B 2235/428
Definition statement
This place covers:
Silicon as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic. The
end product can contain silicon up to 50% in order to be still regarded as a ceramic product.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon present in the end product in an amount of more than 50% H01, H05 (the field of use
of the material)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reaction sintering Si to make SiC ceramic C04B 35/573
C04B 2235/428 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/44
Metal salt constituents or additives chosen for the nature of the anions, e.g.
hydrides or acetylacetonate
Definition statement
This place covers:
Metal salts chosen for the nature of the anions as starting material for making ceramics, e.g.
phosphides, hydrides, acetylacetonate, hydroxides, arsenides, or present as secondary phase in the
sintered ceramic. In many cases the anion cannot be present in a sintered ceramic, for instance if it
is organic, since it will burn away. In other cases the anion can be present, for instance phosphate,
sometimes sulphate or halides, after sintering.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Aluminium hydroxide as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3218
C04B 2235/44 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organic additives for clay mixtures C04B 33/1305
Ceramics based on phosphides C04B 35/5154
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with salts or salty C04B 41/5007 and
compositions subgroups
Hydrides per se C01B 6/00 and subgroups
C04B 2235/441
Alkoxides, e.g. methoxide, tert-butoxide
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alkoxides as starting material for making ceramics, e.g. methoxide, tert-butoxide, isopropoxide
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organo metallic additives for making ceramics C04B 35/6325
C04B 2235/442
Definition statement
This place covers:
Carbonates (CO32-) as starting material for making ceramics or present as secondary phase in the
sintered ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Dolomite, i.e. mixed calcium magnesium carbonate, or oxides derived C04B 2235/321
from dolomite as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary
phase of a sintered ceramic
C04B 2235/442 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/26 and
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to subgroups
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with salts or salty C04B 41/501
compositions: containing carbon in the anion, e.g. carbonates
Methods for the preparation of carbonates or bicarbonates in general C01B 32/60
Carbonates of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general C01D 7/00 and
Lithium carbonates, bicarbonates C01D 15/08
C04B 2235/443
Nitrates or nitrites
Definition statement
This place covers:
Nitrates (NO3-) or nitrites (NO2-) as starting material for making ceramics
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with salts or salty C04B 41/5009
compositions: containing nitrogen in the anion, e.g. nitrites
Nitrates of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general C01D 9/00 and
Lithium nitrates C01D 15/10
Preparation of nitrate metal compounds in general C01G 1/08
C04B 2235/444
Halide containing anions, e.g. bromide, iodate, chlorite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Halide containing anions as starting material for making ceramics, e.g. chlorate (ClO3-), bromide (Br-),
iodate (IO3-), chlorite (ClO2-), or present as secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on halogenides other than fluorides C04B 35/5152
C04B 2235/444 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/445
Fluoride containing anions, e.g. fluosilicate
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fluoride containing anions as starting material for making ceramics, e.g. fluoride (F-), fluosilicate
(SiF62-), or present as secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on fluorides C04B 35/553
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with fluorides C04B 41/5055
Catalysts containing fluoride B01J 27/12
Fluorides per se C01B 7/19 and
subgroups, C01B 9/08,
C01B 11/24
Fluorides of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general C01D 3/02
C04B 2235/446
Sulfides, tellurides or selenides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sulphides, tellurides or selenides as starting material for making ceramics or present as secondary
phase in the sintered ceramic
C04B 2235/446 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Non metallic elements as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/42 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. sulphur, phosphor, selenium subgroups
or tellurium
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on sulfides, selenides or tellurides C04B 35/547
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with salts or salty C04B 41/5014
compositions: containing sulphur in the anion, e.g. sulfides
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with sulfides or selenides C04B 41/5054
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of sulphur C04B 2235/726
catalysts comprising sulfides B01J 27/04 and
Sulphide compounds per se C01B 17/20 and
Selenides and tellurides per se C01B 19/007
Preparation of sulfides metal compounds in general C01G 1/12
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/56 and
containing sulfides subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/7771
containing two or more rare earth metals: Oxysulfides
C04B 2235/447
Phosphates or phosphites (calcium phosphates C04B 2235/3212), e.g.
orthophosphate, hypophosphite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Phosphates or phosphites (calcium phosphates C04B 2235/3212) as starting material for making
3- 4- -
ceramics, e.g. orthophosphate (PO4 ), pyrophosphate (P2O7 ), hypophosphite (H2PO2 ), or present as
secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Adding phosphoric acid or phosphates as binder C04B 35/6306 and
Calcium phosphate as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3212
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. hydroxyapatite
C04B 2235/447 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Phosphate cements C04B 12/02 and
Use of inorganic materials as fillers, e.g. pigments, for mortars, concrete C04B 14/366
or artificial stone; Treatment of inorganic materials specially adapted to
enhance their filling properties in mortars, concrete or artificial stone:
Phosphates, e.g. apatite
Phosphate muds used in making clay C04B 33/132
Ceramics based on phosphates C04B 35/447
Making fibres based on phosphates C04B 35/62268
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with salts or salty C04B 41/5015
compositions: containing phosphor in the anion, e.g. phosphates
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with phosphates C04B 41/5048,
C04B 41/5092
(phosphate cements),
C04B 41/67
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of phosphorus C04B 2235/727
Phosphate catalysts B01J 27/18 and
subgroups, B01J 29/82
and subgroups
Preparation of phosphates per se, e.g. phosphates powder, not C01B 25/26 and
preparative to making a phosphates ceramic subgroups, C01B 37/002
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0855 and
containing phosphates subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/70 and
containing phosphorus subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/7464 and
containing arsenic, antimony or bismuth phosphates subgroups
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/7709 and
containing rare earth phosphates subgroups C09K 11/7723
and subgroups,
C09K 11/7737 and
subgroups C09K 11/7752
and subgroups ,
C09K 11/7777 and
subgroups, C09K 11/7795
and subgroups
C04B 2235/448
Sulphates or sulphites
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sulphates (SO42-) or sulphites (SO3-)as starting material for making ceramics or present as
secondary phase in the sintered ceramic
C04B 2235/448 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with salts or salty C04B 41/5014
compositions: containing sulphur in the anion, e.g. sulfides
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of sulphur C04B 2235/726
Sulphates per se C01B 17/96 and
Sulphates or sulphites of sodium, potassium or alkali metals in general C01D 5/00
Lithium sulphates, sulphites C01D 15/06
Preparation of sulphate metal compounds in general C01G 1/10
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/0888
containing sulphates
C04B 2235/449
Organic acids, e.g. EDTA, citrate, acetate, oxalate
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organic acids as starting material for making ceramics, e.g., EDTA, citrate, acetate, oxalate
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organo metallic additives for making ceramics C04B 35/6325
C04B 2235/46
Gases other than oxygen used as reactant, e.g. nitrogen used to make a nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
Nitrogen is used for making a nitride, for instance a nitride powder is made by heating a metal powder
in a nitrogen atmosphere. The residual metal or silicon phase of a ceramic is reacted to a nitride phase
by heating in nitrogen atmosphere.
C04B 2235/46 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reaction sintering N2 to make Si3N4 C04B 35/591
Nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3852 and
of a sintered ceramic, e.g. oxynitrides, carbonitrides, oxycarbonitrides, subgroups
lithium nitride (Li3N), magnesium nitride (Mg3N2)
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of nitrogen C04B 2235/722
C04B 2235/465
Definition statement
This place covers:
Gases other than oxygen used as reactant for making a ceramic phase, e.g. ammonia used to make a
nitride phase.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reaction sintering NH3 to make Si3N4 C04B 35/591
C04B 2235/48
Organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g.
carbonising phenol resins
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organic compounds that through heat-treatment from carbon, carbide, boride, nitride, silicide and in
some cases even an oxide, e.g. a (poly)siloxane is converted into a silica ceramic, or phenol resin in
carbon or carbide.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Carbonaceous binders for oxide ceramics, the carbonaceous binder C04B 35/013
being formed by pyrolysis of an organic
Impregnating a porous carbon product with organic material that is C04B 35/521
carbonised into carbon
Carbon ceramic obtained from polymer precursors C04B 35/524
Carbon products obtained from carbonaceous particles with a C04B 35/532
carbonisable binder
C04B 2235/48 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organic additives for making clay products C04B 33/1305
Ceramics based on oxide ceramics, containing carbon C04B 35/013
Carbon based materials obtained from polymer precursors, e.g. glass-like C04B 35/524
carbon material
Carbon based materials obtained from carbonaceous particles with or C04B 35/532
without other non-organic components, containing a carbonisable binder
Silicon carbide materials obtained from Si-containing polymer precursors C04B 35/571
or organosilicon monomers
Silicon nitride materials obtained from Si-containing polymer precursors C04B 35/589
or organosilicon monomers
Using organic waste materials that become part of the ceramic, e.g. wood C04B 35/62204 and
that is carbonised or rice bran subgroups
Organic additives for ceramic compositions C04B 35/632-
C04B 35/6365
Organic additives that are added to the ceramic material to create C04B 38/06 and
porosity after a heat treatment subgroups
Non-oxides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/38 and
phase of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Carbon as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/422 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Metal salt constituents or additives chosen for the nature of the anions, C04B 2235/44 and
e.g. hydrides or acetylacetonate, the salts being both organic and subgroups
The addition of organic fibers C04B 2235/5212
Decomposition of catalysts with carbon-containing compounds into B01J 37/084
With certain CPC groups it is obvious that a certain type of organic additive is converted into a
ceramic material, since that is required for giving the class. This applies for the groups C04B 35/524,
C04B 35/571, C04B 35/589 and C04B 35/83. For C04B 35/524 and C04B 35/83 a carbonisable
organic has to be used, thus C04B 2235/48 does not need to be given.
If C04B 2235/48 or one of its groups symbols is given, C04B 35/6267 does not need to be given
anymore, since C04B 2235/48 means that a pyrolysis has to take place.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/483
Si-containing organic compounds, e.g. silicone resins, (poly)silanes,
(poly)siloxanes or (poly)silazanes
Definition statement
This place covers:
pyrolysing silicone resins, (poly)silanes, (poly)siloxanes, (poly)silazanes etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon carbide made from silicon containing polymers or pre-polymers C04B 35/571
Silicon nitride made from silicon containing polymers or pre-polymers C04B 35/589
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Organic silicon containing compounds used in coating ceramic substrates C04B 41/4905 and
subgroups, C04B 41/84
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3418
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. silica sol, fused silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint
(glass constituents C04B 2235/36), e.g. silicic acid H2Si2O5
Silicon carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3826 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. SiC or SiOC subgroups
Silicon nitrides as starting material for making a ceramic or as secondary C04B 2235/3873 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. Si3N4, silicon carbonitride or silicon subgroups
oxynitride (SiON)
Preparation of halogenated silanes C01B 33/107 and
polysiloxanes C08G 77/04, C08L 83/04
and sub-classes
C04B 2235/486
Boron containing organic compounds, e.g. borazine, borane or boranyl
Definition statement
This place covers:
Boron-containing organic compounds becoming part of a ceramic after heat treatment, e.g. borazine,
borane or boranyl
C04B 2235/486 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Boron oxide, borates, boric acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as C04B 2235/3409
starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. boric acid (HBO2)
Borides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/3804 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Boron carbide as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3821
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. B4C
Boron nitrides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/386
phase of a sintered ceramic
Carbonyl compounds derived from boron hydrides C01B 35/1018
Boron oxyacids C01B 35/1045 and
Compounds containing boron and nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, C01B 35/14 and
selenium or tellurium subgroups
C04B 2235/50
Constituents or additives of the starting mixture chosen for their shape or used
because of their shape or their physical appearance
Definition statement
This place covers:
These starting materials for making ceramics all have a specific shape, e.g. fiber, whisker, sphere, or
have a specific size, e.g. nanosized, microsized
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reinforced clay wares C04B 33/36
Ceramic products containing macroscopic reinforcing agents, e.g. fibers C04B 35/71 and
C04B 2235/52
Constituents or additives characterised by their shapes
Definition statement
This place covers:
These starting materials for making ceramics all have a specific shape, e.g. fiber, whisker, sphere
C04B 2235/52 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Inorganic particles per se, characterised by the particle morphology C01P 2004/00 and
C04B 2235/5204
Monocrystalline powders
Definition statement
This place covers:
Non agglomerated powders, non aggregated powders, powders in which the crystallites are present
as individual particles that can disperse all individually in a liquid.
C04B 2235/5208
Definition statement
This place covers:
The addition of fibers to ceramic mixtures for making a ceramic object
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making ceramic fibers per se C04B 35/62227 and
Mechanical aspects of shaping ceramic objects containing fibers B28B 1/52
The synthesis of glass fibers C03B 37/01 and
Glass-ceramic fiber compositions C03C 13/006
Making carbon fibers per se D01F 9/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay wares reinforced with fibers C04B 33/36
Coating ceramic and carbon fibers C04B 35/62844 and
Ceramic material reinforced with fibers C04B 35/71 and
subgroups, e.g.
C04B 35/83, C/C
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with fibers or whiskers C04B 41/4596
Fibers with a defined aspect ratio C04B 2235/5296
C04B 2235/5208 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Fiber or whisker reinforced substrate joined with another substrate or C04B 2237/38
being part of a ceramic laminate
Making metallic fibers per se B22F 1/062
Glass fibre or filament compositions C03C 13/00 and
Use of inorganic fibers as ingredient for polymers C08K 7/02 and subgroups
Fibers of inorganic material, not being glass or ceramic D01F 9/12
If the making of ceramic fibers is not described but just the use of them in a ceramic composite is
mentioned, C04B 35/62227 is not used, but C04B 2235/5208 and its subgroups symbols together with
C04B 35/80 and it's subgroups.
The making of ceramic fibers is normally not classified in the general oxide classes C04B 35/01-
C04B 35/51 or general non-oxide classes C04B 35/515-C04B 35/597, unless the fiber composition is
a new composition for that material in general or in the case the synthesis contains a new aspect that
would be applicable also for making a bulk ceramic, e.g. using a new combination of starting materials
that also could be used to make a bulk ceramic.
C04B 2235/5212
Definition statement
This place covers:
Organic fibers, e.g. polymeric fibers, used in making a ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Organic fibers added to ceramic starting mixtures in order to be removed C04B 38/06 and
for creating porosity subgroups
Mechanical aspects of shaping ceramic objects containing organic fibers B28B 1/525
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
organic or organic mineral precursor fibers as filler for concrete, cement, C04B 14/4625
mortar or artificial stone
Polymeric fibers or whiskers added as filler to concrete, cement, mortar or C04B 16/06 and
artificial stone subgroups
Organic additives for clay mixtures C04B 33/1305
Cellulose as starting material for making a ceramic C04B 35/6365
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5216
Definition statement
This place covers:
Inorganic fibers or whiskers, normally ceramic fibers used as starting material for making a ceramic.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making ceramic fibers C04B 35/62227 and
The use of metal fibers as reinforcement of ceramics C04B 35/76
Making metallic fibers per se B22F 1/062
The synthesis of glass fibers C03B 37/01 and
Glass fibre or filament compositions C03C 13/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fibrous materials and whiskers added to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 14/38 and
artificial stone subgroups C04B 20/0048
and subgroups
Compositions for artificial stone, not containing binders, containing fibrous C04B 30/02
Coating ceramic and carbon fibers C04B 35/62844 and
Ceramic material reinforced with fibers C04B 35/71 and
subgroups, e.g.
C04B 35/83, C/C
Glass compositions containing a non-glass component, e.g. compositions C03C 14/00
containing fibres, filaments, whiskers, platelets, or the like, dispersed in a
glass matrix
C04B 2235/522
Definition statement
This place covers:
All fibers or whiskers that as a material are classified in the classes C04B 35/01-C04B 35/51, e.g.
magnesia, ferrite, chromite, phosphate, titania, titanate fibers, used as starting material for making a
ceramic, used as starting material for making a ceramic
C04B 2235/522 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Making ceramic oxide fibers C04B 35/62231 and
The use of asbestos, glass or fused silica fibers as reinforcement for C04B 35/82
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
oxidic fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/46 and
Coating fibers with oxide ceramic C04B 35/62847 and
The synthesis of glass fibers C03B 37/01 and
Use of inorganic oxygen-containing fibers as ingredient for polymers C08K 7/08
C04B 2235/5224
Alumina or aluminates
Definition statement
This place covers:
ceramic fibers or whiskers based on aluminium oxide ceramics, e.g. spinel, alumina, YAG (yttrium
aluminate garnet) fibers, used as starting material for making a ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The obtaining of fibers based on aluminium oxide C04B 35/62236
The obtaining of fibers based on alumino-silicates C04B 35/62245
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
alumina fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4625
Coating fibers with alumina or aluminates C04B 35/62852
Aluminium oxide or oxide forming salts thereof as starting material for C04B 2235/3217 and
making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. subgroups
bauxite, alpha-alumina
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5228
Silica and alumina, including aluminosilicates, e.g. mullite
Definition statement
This place covers:
ceramic fibers or whiskers based on alumino-silicate ceramics, e.g. mullite, cordierite, kyanite, zeolite,
spodumene, vermiculite, albite, anorthite fibers, used as starting material for making a ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The obtaining of fibers based on aluminium oxide C04B 35/62236
The obtaining of fibers based on silica C04B 35/6224
The obtaining of fibers based on alumino-silicates C04B 35/62245
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
alumino-silicate fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial C04B 14/4656
Coating fibers with silica or silicates, e.g. alumino-silicates C04B 35/62849
Alumino-silicates other than clay as starting material for making ceramics C04B 2235/3463 and
or as secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. mullite (3Al2O3-2SiO2) subgroups
C04B 2235/5232
Silica or silicates other than aluminosilicates, e.g. quartz
Definition statement
This place covers:
ceramic fibers or whiskers based on silicon oxide ceramics, e.g. silica, forsterite, wollastonite fibers,
used as starting material for making a ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The obtaining of fibers based on silica C04B 35/6224
The obtaining of fibers based on alumino-silicates C04B 35/62245
The synthesis of silica based glass or glass-ceramic fibers C03B 37/01 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
silica fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4631
C04B 2235/5232 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
silicate fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4656 and
Coating fibers with silica or silicates, e.g. alumino-silicates C04B 35/62849
Silicon oxide, silicic acids, or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3418
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered
ceramic, e.g. silica sol, fused silica, silica fume, cristobalite, quartz or flint
(glass constituents C04B 2235/36), e.g. silicic acid H2Si2O5
Silicates other than clay as starting material for making ceramics or as C04B 2235/3427 and
secondary phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. water glass (Na2SiO3) subgroups
Use of inorganic silicon-containing fibers as ingredient for polymers C08K 7/08 and subgroups
C04B 2235/5236
Definition statement
This place covers:
ceramic fibers or whiskers based on zirconium oxide ceramics, e.g. zirconia, YSZ (yttria-stabilised-
zirconia), zircon, zirconate, zirconate-titanates such as PZT (lead zirconate titanate) fibers, used as
starting material for making a ceramic
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The obtaining of fibers based on zirconia, e.g. zirconates such as PZT C04B 35/6225
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
zirconia or zircon fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial C04B 14/4637
Coating fibers with refractory metal oxides C04B 35/62855
Zirconium or hafnium oxides or oxide forming salts thereof as starting C04B 2235/3244 and
material for making ceramics or as secondary phase of a sintered subgroups
ceramic, e.g. HfO2
C04B 2235/524
Non-oxidic, e.g. borides, carbides, silicides or nitrides
Definition statement
This place covers:
ceramic fibers or whiskers based on ceramics having as the largest fraction a non-oxide material, e.g.
a carbide, nitride, boride, silicide, fluoride, sulphide, selenide
C04B 2235/524 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The obtaining of fibers based on non-oxides C04B 35/62272 and
The use of carbon fiber as reinforcement for a carbon matrix C04B 35/83
The synthesis of carbon nanotubes C01B 32/15
The synthesis of carbon fibers D01F 9/12, D10B 2101/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
non-oxide fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/4687 and
Coating fibers with non-oxide ceramics C04B 35/62828 and
Non-oxide glass compositions for glass fibers C03C 13/041 and
C04B 2235/5244
Silicon carbide
Definition statement
This place covers:
ceramic fibers based on ceramics having as the largest fraction a silicon carbide phase, e.g. alpha- or
beta-silicon carbide or silicon oxy-carbide, silicon carbide whiskers, sialon fibers or whiskers
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The obtaining of silicon carbide based fibers or whiskers C04B 35/62281
The obtaining of silicon carbo-nitride based fibers or whiskers C04B 35/62295
Silicon carbides as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary C04B 2235/3826 and
phase of a sintered ceramic, e.g. SiC or SiOC subgroups
The use of silicon carbo-nitride fibers in ceramic compositions C04B 2235/524
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
silicon carbide fibers as filler for concrete, cement, mortar or artificial C04B 14/4693
Coating fibers with silicon carbide C04B 35/62863
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5248
Carbon, e.g. graphite
Definition statement
This place covers:
All carbon fibers used as starting material for making a ceramic, e.g. carbon, pitch, graphite fibers or
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of carbon fiber as reinforcement for a carbon matrix C04B 35/83
The use of carbon nanotubes as starting material for making a ceramics C04B 2235/5288
The synthesis of carbon nanotubes C01B 32/15
The synthesis of carbon fibers D01F 9/12, D10B 2101/12
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Carbon fibers or whiskers added as filler to concrete, cement, mortar or C04B 14/386
artificial stone
Coating fibers with carbon C04B 35/62873
Carbon as starting material for making ceramics or as secondary phase C04B 2235/422 and
of a sintered ceramic subgroups
Carbon fiber or whisker reinforced substrate joined with another substrate C04B 2237/385
or being part of a ceramic laminate
C04B 2235/5252
having a specific pre-form
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers that have been assembled into a specific form, for instance a 3D form
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Fiber pre-forms used in metallic alloys C22C 47/06 and
C04B 2235/5252 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures as ceramic preforms C04B 2111/00913 and
for the fabrication of metal matrix comp, e.g. cermets subgroups
C04B 2235/5256
Two-dimensional, e.g. woven structures
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers that have been assembled into a specific two-dimensional form, for instance by weaving or
C04B 2235/526
characterised by the length of the fibers
Definition statement
This place covers:
The length of the individual fibers is specified, e.g. 100 nm or 1 mm. Is also used for other elongated
particles that are classified with C04B 2235/5276, e.g. whiskers, needles, pins, spindles.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fibers with a defined aspect ratio C04B 2235/5296
Particle size related information of particles used for making ceramics C04B 2235/54 and
C04B 2235/5264
characterised by the diameter of the fibers
Definition statement
This place covers:
The diameter of the individual fibers is specified, e.g. 100 nm or 1 mm. Is also used for other
elongated particles that are classified with C04B 2235/5276, e.g. whiskers, needles, pins, spindles.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fibers with a defined aspect ratio C04B 2235/5296
Particle size related information of particles used for making ceramics C04B 2235/54 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5268
Orientation of the fibers
Definition statement
This place covers:
The fibers are for instance intentionally randomly oriented, or are oriented parallel, or are aligned to a
certain degree
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Fibers oriented parallel through weaving C04B 2235/5256
Oriented fibers used in metallic alloys C22C 47/025
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures containing oriented C04B 2111/00379
C04B 2235/5272
Fibers of the same material with different length or diameter
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ceramic mixture contains different fibers of the same material, e.g. alumina fibers of 1 mm length
and of 5 mm length, or carbon fibers of 100 nm thickness and of 200 nm thickness.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fibrous materials and whiskers added to cement, concrete, mortar or C04B 20/0052
artificial stone: mixtures of fibres of different physical characteristics, e.g.
different lengths
Fibers with a defined aspect ratio C04B 2235/5296
C04B 2235/5276
Whiskers, spindles, needles or pins
Definition statement
This place covers:
Starting materials added to ceramics where they have an aspect ratio of greater than 1, but are not
that long as to be considered a fiber, e.g. whiskers, spindles, needles, pins.
C04B 2235/5276 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Whiskers added as filler to concrete, cement, mortar or artificial stone C04B 14/383
Whiskers, spindles, needles, pins with a defined aspect ratio C04B 2235/5296
Inorganic particles per se, extending in one dimension, e.g. needle-like C01P 2004/10 and
C04B 2235/528
Definition statement
This place covers:
Particles of which it is mentioned that they are spherical, or that have an aspect ratio as close to 1 as
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
addition of hollow spheres for creating porosity C04B 38/009
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Spheres with a defined aspect ratio C04B 2235/5296
Spherical metallic particles B22F 1/065
Inorganic spherical particles per se C01P 2004/32 and
C04B 2235/5284
Hollow fibers, e.g. nanotubes
Definition statement
This place covers:
Fibers that are characterised by the fact that they are hollow. Most are nanotubes.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
nanotubes used as filler in mortars, concrete or artificial stone C04B 14/026
Nanotubes with a defined aspect ratio C04B 2235/5296
metallic nanofibers or nanotubes B22F 1/0547
C04B 2235/5284 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/5288
Carbon nanotubes
Definition statement
This place covers:
All carbon nanotubes used as starting material for making ceramics, e.g. single wall nanotubes
(SWNT, SWCNT), multi wall nanotubes (MWNT, MWCNT). Nanofibers often are in fact nanotubes.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Catalysts comprising carbon nanotubes B01J 21/185
The preparation and after-treatment of carbon nanotubes C01B 32/158 and
Structure or properties of carbon nanotubes C01B 2202/00 and s
C04B 2235/5292
Flakes, platelets or plates
Definition statement
This place covers:
All particles used for making ceramics that are flat, e.g. graphite flakes
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Minute sintered alumina entities, e.g. sintered abrasive grains or shaped C04B 35/1115
particles such as platelets
Flakes, platelets or plates with a defined aspect ratio C04B 2235/5296
Flake metallic powder per se B22F 1/068
Inorganic particles per se, extending in two dimension, e.g. plate-like C01P 2004/20 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5296
with a defined aspect ratio, e.g. indicating sphericity (spherical constituents
C04B 2235/528)
Definition statement
This place covers:
All solid starting materials for making ceramics, e.g. fibers, whiskers, spindles, pins, nanotubes,
spheres, flakes, platelets, that have a defined aspect ratio (or a so called D/H ratio)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Spherical particles used for making ceramics C04B 2235/528
Spherical metallic powder per se B22F 1/065
Inorganic particles per se characterised by their aspect ratio, i.e. the ratio C01P 2004/54
of sizes in the longest to the shortest dimension
C04B 2235/54
Particle size related information
Definition statement
This place covers:
Information that relates to the size of the particles that are used for making a ceramic. Can apply both
to particles with a defined shape, e.g. whiskers, platelets, pins, flakes, spheres, as to particles of which
the shape is not defined.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Aspect ratio of starting material, e.g. particles, spheres, whiskers, flakes, C04B 2235/5296
platelets, used for making a ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Decreasing the particle size of starting material for making a ceramic C04B 35/6262 and
through milling subgroups
Increasing the particle size of starting material for making a ceramic C04B 35/62695
through granulation or pelletising
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5409
expressed by specific surface values
Definition statement
This place covers:
The specific surface, for instance expressed by the BET-surface, of the particles, spheres, whiskers,
platelets, flakes that are used as starting material for making a ceramic.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Surface area of inorganic powders per se C01P 2006/12 and
C04B 2235/5418
expressed by the size of the particles or aggregates thereof
Definition statement
This place covers:
The particle size of particles, spheres, whiskers, platelets, flakes that are used as starting material for
making a ceramic is specified. The code C04B 2235/5418 in principle has little use, since all possible
particle size can be indicated by one of the sub-codes.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Length of fibers and other elongated particles such as whiskers and pins, C04B 2235/526
used as starting material for making a ceramic
Width of fibers and other elongated particles such as whiskers and pins, C04B 2235/5264
used as starting material for making a ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Inorganic particles per se characterised by their size C01P 2004/60 and
C04B 2235/5427
millimeter or submillimeter sized, i.e. larger than 0,1 mm
Definition statement
This place covers:
The particle size of particles, spheres, whiskers, platelets, flakes that are used as starting material for
making a ceramic is specified, where these particles can be larger than 100 microns.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5436
micrometer sized, i.e. from 1 to 100 micron
Definition statement
This place covers:
The particle size of particles, spheres, whiskers, platelets, flakes that are used as starting material for
making a ceramic is specified, where these particles can be in the size range of 1-100 microns.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on magnesia, the ceramic having a grain size below 100 C04B 35/053
microns (fine ceramic)
Ceramics based on alumina, the ceramic having a grain size below 100 C04B 35/111 and
microns (fine ceramic) subgroups
Ceramics based on zirconia, the ceramic having a grain size below 100 C04B 35/486 and
microns (fine ceramic) subgroups
Ceramics based on silicon nitride, the ceramic having a grain size below C04B 35/587
100 microns (fine ceramic)
Inorganic particles per se characterised by their size: micrometer sized, C01P 2004/61
i.e. from 1-100 micrometer
C04B 2235/5445
submicron sized, i.e. from 0,1 to 1 micron
Definition statement
This place covers:
The particle size of particles, spheres, whiskers, platelets, flakes that are used as starting material
for making a ceramic is specified, where these particles can be in the size range of 100-1000
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Inorganic particles per se characterised by their size: submicrometer C01P 2004/62
sized, i.e. from 0.1-1 micrometer
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5454
nanometer sized, i.e. below 100 nm
Definition statement
This place covers:
The particle size of particles, spheres, whiskers, platelets, flakes that are used as starting material
for making a ceramic is specified, where these particles can be in the size range of below 100
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Powder used for coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate C04B 41/4549
characterised by the grain distribution: nanometer sized particles
Nanometer sized metallic particles B22F 1/07
Inorganic particles per se characterised by their size: nanometer sized, C01P 2004/64
i.e. from 1-100 nanometer
C04B 2235/5463
Particle size distributions
Definition statement
This place covers:
Information is give on how the particle size is distributed. This relates to particles of the same type
only. It is mentioned how many particles of different size ranges for the same type of particle are
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fillers added to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: characterised C04B 20/0076
by the grain distribution
Powder used for coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate C04B 41/4547 and
characterised by the grain distribution subgroups
Size distribution of metallic particles B22F 1/052
Inorganic particles per se with a specific particle size distribution C01P 2004/51 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/5472
Bimodal, multi-modal or multi-fraction
Definition statement
This place covers:
The document mentions that the inorganic starting materials of the same type e.g. all alumina,
deliberately have different mesh sizes, such as a fraction of < 400 mesh, a fraction of 200-400 mesh
and a fraction > 200 mesh, or the document mentions different particle sizes, e.g. two fractions, one
with size below and one with size above 0,1 mm. A certain constituent is added with two different
particle sizes, by adding for instance SiC with a size of 1 micron and SiC with a size of 10 micron. A
powder is added that contains one fraction, but this fraction has a bimodal particle size distribution.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Clay powders consisting of a mixture of materials with different sizes, e.g. C04B 33/025
multi-fraction powder
Ceramic mixtures in which the organic additives have different size C04B 35/632 and
fractions subgroups
Mixtures of particles having different sizes, where the different sizes C04B 2235/5436,
result from different types of particles, e.g. a mixture of alumina of 1 C04B 2235/5445
micron with silica of 0,1 micron
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fillers added to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: characterised C04B 20/0096
by the grain distribution: fillers with bimodal grain size distribution
Separation of particles of different sizes through sedimentation B01D 21/00 and
Inorganic particles per se with a bimodal particle size distribution C01P 2004/53
C04B 2235/5481
Definition statement
This place covers:
A certain powder consisting of one type of material, e.g. only alumina particles, only zirconia spheres,
only silica sol particles, only silicon carbide whiskers, is used as starting material for making a ceramic
and has a narrow distribution of the particle size.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Fillers added to cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone: characterised C04B 20/0088
by the grain distribution: fillers with mono- or narrow grain size distribution
C04B 2235/5481 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Inorganic particles per se with a highly monodisperse size distribution C01P 2004/52
C04B 2235/549
the particle size being expressed by crystallite size or primary particle size
Definition statement
This place covers:
It is specified that the mentioned particle size is not of the agglomerates/aggregates, as is usual,
but of the individual crystals/crystallites, that possibly are assembled together into larger particles
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Monocrystalline powder used as starting material for making a ceramic C04B 2235/5204
Inorganic powders characterised by their crystallite size C01P 2002/60
C04B 2235/60
Aspects relating to the preparation, properties or mechanical treatment of
green bodies or pre-forms
Definition statement
This place covers:
The shaping of the starting materials for making a ceramic into a certain shape, the so called green
body, which is not yet heat treated into a sintered ceramic.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating green ceramic bodies C04B 41/4578 and
C04B 2235/602
Making the green bodies or pre-forms by moulding
Definition statement
This place covers:
Using a mould for shaping the starting mixture for making a ceramic into a green ceramic
C04B 2235/602 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The mechanical aspects of the ceramic moulding techniques B28B
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Compositions of refractory mould or core materials; Grain structures B22C 1/00 and subgroups
thereof; Chemical or physical features in the formation or manufacture of
Moulds and cores and moulding processes for making metallic articles B22C 9/00 and subgroups
Moulds for plastic materials B29C 33/00 and
C04B 2235/6021
Extrusion moulding
Definition statement
This place covers:
Extrusion moulding is a manufacturing process used to make pipes, hoses, drinking straws, curtain
tracks, rods, and fibres. The machine used to extrude materials is very similar to an injection moulding
machine. A motor turns a screw which feeds granules of plastic through a heater. The granules melt
into a liquid which is forced through a die, forming a long 'tube like' shape. The shape of the die
determines the shape of the tube. The extrusion is then cooled and forms a solid shape. The tube may
be printed upon, and cut at equal intervals. The pieces may be rolled for storage or packed together.
Shapes that can result from extrusion include T-sections, U-sections, square sections, I-sections, L-
sections and circular sections.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mechanical aspects of extruding ceramic mixtures B28B 3/20 and
subgroups, B28B 21/52
and subgroups (tubes)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Extrusion of cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone C04B 2111/00129
Extrusion of metallic objects B22F 3/20 and
subgroups, B22F 3/227
Extrusion of plastics B29C 48/00 and
subgroups s
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/6022
Injection moulding
Definition statement
This place covers:
a manufacturing process for producing parts using both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic
materials for the plasticity of the ceramic mixture. Material is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and
forced into a mould cavity where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the cavity. After a product
is designed, usually by an industrial designer or an engineer, moulds are made by a moldmaker (or
toolmaker) from metal, usually either steel or aluminum, and precision-machined to form the features
of the desired part.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Mechanical aspects of injection moulding ceramic materials B28B 1/24 (general),
B28B 1/265 (ceramic
slips) , B28B 21/38
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Injection moulding of cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone C04B 2111/00137
Making metallic articles by injection moulding B22F 3/225
Making plastic articles by injection moulding B29C 45/00 and
C04B 2235/6023
Gel casting
Definition statement
This place covers:
Gel casting is a method in which a ceramic powder is mixed with a liquid in order to make a slurry.
The slurry also contains organic monomers. The monomers are subsequently polymerised. Due to the
formation of the polymeric network the slurry is solidified. After solidification the gel cast object is dried
and sintered, thereby burning away the polymer.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
sol-gel processing C04B 35/624
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/6025
Tape casting, e.g. with a doctor blade
Definition statement
This place covers:
Tape casting is a casting process used in the manufacture of thin ceramic tapes from ceramic slurry.
The feed stock for the tape casting process is a slip made from a suspension of ceramic, metal or
polymer particles in an organic solvent or water, mixed together with strengthening plasticizers and/or
binders. The actual tape is formed when the slip is cast onto a flat surface by doctor blade to a carrier
film or steel belt.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Obtaining ceramics films, e.g. by using temporary support C04B 35/62218
Inert electrodes with catalytic activity, e.g. for fuel cells, obtained by H01M 4/8857
casting, e.g. tape casting, vacuum slip casting
C04B 2235/6026
Computer aided shaping, e.g. rapid prototyping
Definition statement
This place covers:
All methods that use a robot system for 3D shaping, such as rapid prototyping. The use of additive
manufacturing for rapid prototyping takes virtual designs from computer aided design (CAD) or
animation modelling software, transforms them into thin, virtual, horizontal cross-sections and then
creates successive layers until the model is complete. Some solid freeform fabrication techniques
use two materials in the course of constructing parts. The methods that can be used are 3D printing,
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures specially adapted for C04B 2111/00181
three-dimensional printing (3DP), stereo-lithography or prototyping
using stereolithographic techniques for making dental prostheses A61C 13/0013
using 3D printing for making dental prostheses A61C 13/0019
Implantable joints made by stereolithography A61F 2002/30962
Implantable joints made by 3D printing A61F 2002/30985
Rapid manufacturing and prototyping of 3D objects by additive B29C 64/00
depositing, agglomerating or laminating of plastics material, e.g. by
stereolithography or selective laser sintering
C04B 2235/6026 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Devices or arrangements of selective printing mechanisms, e.g. ink- B41J 11/0015 and
jet printers, thermal printers, for supporting or handling copy material subgroups
in sheet or web form: for treating before, during or after printing or for
uniform coating or laminating the copy material before or after printing
Photomechanical, e.g. photolithographic, production of textured or G03F 7/00 and subgroups
patterned surfaces, e.g. printing surfaces; Materials therefore, e.g.
comprising photoresists; Apparatus specially adapted therefore
C04B 2235/6027
Slip casting
Definition statement
This place covers:
This is where slip, liquid clay, is poured into a plaster mould. The water in the slip is drawn out of the
slip, leaving an inside layer of solid clay. When this is thick enough, the excess slip can be removed
from the mould. When dry, the solid clay can then also be removed. The slip used in slip casting
is often liquefied with a substance that reduces the need for additional water to soften the slip; this
prevents excessive shrinkage which occurs when a piece containing a lot of water dries
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The slip casting of clay/porcelain mixtures C04B 33/28
Mechanical features of slip-casting ceramic materials B28B 1/26 and subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making a clay slurry C04B 33/18
semi-permeable membranes for separation processes made by slurry B01D 67/0046
techniques, e.g. die or slip-casting
Slip casting metallic articles B22F 3/22
Making clay or ceramic tubular articles by slip casting and moulds B28B 21/08
Slip casting plastics B29C 41/16
Inert electrodes with catalytic activity, e.g. for fuel cells, obtained by H01M 4/8857
casting, e.g. tape casting, vacuum slip casting
C04B 2235/6028
Shaping around a core which is removed later
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic is shaped (partially) around for instance a polymeric object or a wax object with a certain
form, possibly in a mould. The polymer or wax is removed after shaping by melting or burning, leaving
C04B 2235/6028 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
the ceramic with a certain, hollow shape. The core could also be made of metal or glass, which can be
melted away.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Creating porous ceramics by dissolving-out added substances C04B 38/04
Creating porous ceramics by burning-out added substances by burning C04B 38/06 and
natural expanding materials or by sublimating or melting out added subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Creating a porous ceramic by dissolving-out added substances, the C04B 38/045
dissolved-out substance being a monolithic element having approximately
the same dimensions as the final article, e.g. a prepreg obtained by
bonding together dissolvable particles
Creating porous ceramics by burning-out added substances: the burned- C04B 38/0615 and
out substance being a monolithic element having approximately the same subgroups
dimensions as the final article, e.g. a porous polyurethane sheet or a
prepreg obtained by bonding together resin particles
Forming ceramic laminates or joined ceramic articles comprising holes, C04B 2237/62
channels or other types of openings
C04B 2235/604
Pressing at temperatures other than sintering temperatures
Definition statement
This place covers:
Dry pressing of ceramic powder mixtures, possibly with heating but below the sintering temperature,
either through uniaxial pressing (pressing from one side) or isostatic pressing (pressing from all sides).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Pressing of clay mixtures C04B 33/20
Pressing a starting mixture for making a ceramic in an injection moulding C04B 2235/6022
Mechanical aspects of pressing ceramic materials B28B 3/00 and subgroups
C04B 2235/604 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pressing of clay mixtures at sintering temperature C04B 33/326
Granulation or pelletising of starting material for making a ceramic C04B 35/62695
Pressing of ceramic mixtures at sintering temperature C04B 35/645 and sub-
Making metallic articles by compacting B22F 3/02 and subgroups
Press moulds and press-ram assemblies for shaping clay or other B28B 7/0097
ceramic compositions
C04B 2235/605
Making or treating the green body or pre-form in a magnetic field
Definition statement
This place covers:
Pressing, moulding, casting or using any other shaping technique while at the same time a magnetic
field is applied to the mixture that is being shaped, in order to influence the material that is being
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Manufacturing of magnetic circuits by moulding or by pressing powder H01F 41/0246
manufacturing permanent magnets by Moulding; Pressing H01F 41/0266
C04B 2235/606
Definition statement
This place covers:
Drying of shaped ceramic bodies, e.g. green ceramics, moulded bodies, cast ceramic bodies.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Drying clay or porcelain powder mixtures or clay green bodies C04B 33/30
Drying, e.g. freeze-drying, spray-drying, microwave or supercritical drying C04B 35/62655
of powder mixtures, slurries
Curing of starting mixtures for making ceramics or of green bodies C04B 35/6269
C04B 2235/606 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
involving the removal of at least part of the materials of the treated article, C04B 41/53 and
e.g. etching, drying of hardened concrete subgroups
processing clay- or ceramic containing substances in non-fluid condition B28C 1/227
by heating, drying
Surface treatment of glass not in the form of fibres or filaments: drying; C03C 23/0085
C04B 2235/608
Green bodies or pre-forms with well-defined density
Definition statement
This place covers:
The density of the green body (the green density) is specified, or the density of a pre-form is
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Intentionally porous ceramics C04B 38/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Density of sintered ceramics C04B 2235/77 and
C04B 2235/61
Mechanical properties, e.g. fracture toughness, hardness, Young's modulus or
Definition statement
This place covers:
At least one (or more) mechanical property of the green ceramic body, or ceramic pre-form, such
as a fiber form, is measured and mentioned. This can be the strength, e.g. bending or compressive
strength, the toughness, hardness, the stiffness determined by the modulus of elasticity, etc.
C04B 2235/61 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Mechanical properties of sintered ceramics C04B 2235/96
C04B 2235/612
Definition statement
This place covers:
All methods that lead to the removal of at least a part of the green body or preform, while leaving the
green body or perform at a smaller size, e.g. grinding or polishing to smoothen the surface, cutting or
grinding the green body into different parts.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Destroying a green body or pres-sintered ceramic by milling C04B 35/6262
Cutting ceramic objects B28B 11/12 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramic products characterised by their shape C04B 2235/94 and
Ceramic products characterised by their size C04B 2235/95
C04B 2235/614
Gas infiltration of green bodies or pre-forms
Definition statement
This place covers:
Gas phase techniques, such as CVD (chemical vapour deposition), PVD (physical vapour deposition)
are used to infiltrate a porous green body, a preform, a fiber body, a partially sintered ceramic, in
principle any ceramic body that still has open porosity, and leave a deposit inside the open pores.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating of inorganic particles or of fibers applied by a gas phase C04B 35/62884
C04B 2235/614 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/616
Liquid infiltration of green bodies or pre-forms
Definition statement
This place covers:
Infiltrating a porous green body, a preform, a fiber body, a partially sintered ceramic, in principle any
ceramic body that still has open porosity with for instance liquid silicon, or with a solution of organic
carbonisable material, or with carbonisable liquid polymer and leave a deposit inside the open pores.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on carbon, made by impregnation of a carbon product C04B 35/521
with carbonisable material
Joining two substrates of which at least one is porous by infiltrating the C04B 2237/61
porous substrate with a liquid, such as a molten metal, causing bonding
of the two substrates, e.g. joining two porous carbon substrates by
infiltrating with molten silicon
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating of inorganic particles or of fibers applied by wet chemical C04B 35/62886
Porous ceramics in general C04B 38/00 and
Coating or impregnating a ceramic substrate applied as a solution, C04B 41/4535 and
emulsion, dispersion or suspension subgroups
C04B 2235/616 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
C04B 2235/65
Aspects relating to heat treatments of ceramic bodies such as green ceramics
or pre-sintered ceramics, e.g. burning, sintering or melting processes
Definition statement
This place covers:
All heat treatments of ceramic green bodies, already sintered ceramics, joining treatment of a ceramic
body that is joined with another body
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Drying of ceramic powders C04B 35/62655
Curing of starting mixtures for making ceramics or of green bodies C04B 35/6269
Superficial sintering of ceramic objects with the goal of creating a porous C04B 38/0038 and
object subgroups
Mechanical aspects of the heat treatments B28B 11/243
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Heat treatment, e.g. precalcining, burning, melting; Cooling of hydraulic C04B 7/43 and subgroups
Burning methods for clay wares C04B 33/32 and
Heat treatments of ceramic powders C04B 35/62645 and
Removing organic binders from a shaped green ceramic by burning them C04B 35/638
Sintering methods for shaped ceramic materials C04B 35/64 and
Making ceramic materials by melting C04B 35/653 and
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0082
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: making use of a rise in
temperature, e.g. caused by an exothermic reaction
C04B 2235/65 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
The symbols from the range C04B 2235/65-C04B 2235/668 are used for binder burnout, pre-sintering,
sintering, melting, annealing.
C04B 2235/652
Reduction treatment (C04B 2235/664 takes precedence)
Definition statement
This place covers:
The shaped ceramic material is reduced, for instance by using carbon as reducer, or by heating in a
reducing atmosphere (e.g. hydrogen, argon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide), e.g. reducing an oxide to a
carbide, or reducing a titanate by heating in hydrogen atmosphere.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Reduction or oxidation treatment of starting mixture or components of the C04B 35/6265
starting mixture used for making ceramics
Reductive annealing of shaped ceramics C04B 2235/664
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
coating or impregnating with a product reacting with the substrate, e.g. C04B 41/4556
generating a metal coating by surface reduction of a ceramic substrate
Hydrogen containing atmosphere during thermal treatment of green, C04B 2235/6582
sintered or melted ceramic
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/656
characterised by specific heating conditions during heat treatment
Definition statement
This place covers:
The sintering into a shaped ceramic at a certain specific temperature. The temperature at which the
heat treatment is performed is of particular importance and is claimed in the claims, or the heating
temperature is varied in the examples.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Heat treatments of starting mixtures for making ceramics, characterised C04B 35/62675
by the treatment temperature
Curing of starting mixtures for making ceramics or of green bodies C04B 35/6269
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Burning methods for clay-wares C04B 33/32 and
Binder burnout C04B 35/638
Burning or sintering processes for ceramics C04B 35/64 and
Multi step sintering C04B 2235/661 and
Mechanical aspects of sintering clay or ceramic objects B28B 11/243
C04B 2235/6562
Heating rate
Definition statement
This place covers:
The heating rate of the binder burnout, pre-sinter step, sinter step, melting step, annealing step, is of
particular importance, e.g. heating slowly with 1°C/hour or heating fast with 100°C/min.
C04B 2235/6565
Cooling rate
Definition statement
This place covers:
The cooling rate of the binder burnout, pre-sinter step, sinter step, melting step, annealing step, is of
particular importance, e.g. cooling slowly with 1°C/hour or cooling fast by direct quenching in water.
C04B 2235/6565 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cooling of a ceramic, e.g. freezing: In this group the term "cooling" is C04B 41/0063
used in the sense of an additional cooling treatment, different from the
traditional cooling step in the fabrication of materials involving a heating
step, such as sintering of ceramics
After treatment of ceramics: heat treatment characterised by the C04B 41/0081
subsequent cooling step
Cooling rate after sintering metallic objects B22F 3/1028
C04B 2235/6567
Treatment time
Definition statement
This place covers:
The treatment time of the binder burnout, pre-sinter step, sinter step, melting step, annealing step, is
of particular importance, e.g. heating shortly during only 5 minutes or heating for a long time during for
instance 1 day.
C04B 2235/658
Atmosphere during thermal treatment
Definition statement
This place covers:
Using a pressurised atmosphere during binder burnout, pre-sinter step, sinter step, melting step or
annealing step, e.g. an atmosphere of 2 bar nitrogen, or if a specific gas is used, such as hydrogen,
water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or if an unexpected atmosphere is used, e.g. heat treating
oxide material in nitrogen or argon or heat treating non-oxide material in air.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Heat treatments of starting mixtures for making ceramics, characterised C04B 35/6268
by the applied pressure of type of atmosphere
Sintering using pressure C04B 35/645 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
application of coatings on ceramics under inert, e.g. non-oxidising, C04B 41/4517
application of coatings on ceramics under another specific atmosphere C04B 41/4519
Atmosphere during sintering of metallic articles B22F 3/1007
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/6581
Total pressure below 1 atmosphere, e.g. vacuum
Definition statement
This place covers:
The atmospheric pressure during binder burnout, pre-sinter step, sinter step, melting step or annealing
step is reduced to below 1 atmosphere, e.g. to a vacuum, for instance with vacuum sintering, or to
facilitate the burning away of the organic binder during binder burnout.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0272
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: hardening under
vacuum or reduced pressure
Processes in general utilising sub-atmospheric pressure; Apparatus B01J 3/006
C04B 2235/6582
Hydrogen containing atmosphere
Definition statement
This place covers:
The atmosphere during binder burnout, pre-sinter step, sinter step, melting step or annealing step
contains hydrogen (H2) gas, for instance in order to create a reducing atmosphere.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reduction treatment of the ceramic body during binder burnout, pre-sinter C04B 2235/652
step, sinter step or melting step
Reductive annealing of shaped ceramics C04B 2235/664
C04B 2235/6583
Oxygen containing atmosphere, e.g. with changing oxygen pressures
Definition statement
This place covers:
The oxygen partial pressure is of particular importance, for instance because it is varied during the
heat treatment in order to create a more reducing or a more oxidising atmosphere.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/6584
at an oxygen percentage below that of air
Definition statement
This place covers:
The oxygen percentage is below 20%, i.e. below a partial pressure of 0.2 atmosphere, for instance to
create a reducing atmosphere.
C04B 2235/6585
at an oxygen percentage above that of air
Definition statement
This place covers:
The oxygen percentage is above 20%, i.e. above a partial pressure of 0.2 atmosphere, for instance to
create an oxidising atmosphere.
C04B 2235/6586
Processes characterised by the flow of gas
Definition statement
This place covers:
The atmosphere during binder burnout, pre-sintering, sintering, melting or annealing is not static. A
gas (e.g. nitrogen oxygen, argon) is passed through the heating furnace.
C04B 2235/6587
Influencing the atmosphere by vaporising a solid material, e.g. by using a
burying of sacrificial powder
Definition statement
This place covers:
If a ceramic is heated that contains an oxide that can vaporise (e.g. lead or bismuth oxide), the
ceramic to be heat treated is surrounded by a powder or other solid of the fugitive oxide, e.g. a lead
oxide containing powder. The vaporising of the lead oxide from the sacrificial powder reduces or even
prevents the vaporising of the lead oxide of the to-be-sintered ceramic.
C04B 2235/6588
Water vapor containing atmospheres
Definition statement
This place covers:
The atmosphere during binder burnout, pre-sinter step, sinter step, melting step or annealing step
contains water vapour.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/66
Specific sintering techniques, e.g. centrifugal sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
Specific sintering methods not covered by any of the subgroups, such as using enhanced gravity
during sintering
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Heat treatments of non-shaped powders that are used for making C04B 35/62645 and
ceramics subgroups
Curing of starting mixtures for making ceramics or of green bodies C04B 35/6269
Mechanical aspects of sintering clay or ceramic objects B28B 11/243
chamber type furnaces F27B 17/00
Travelling or movable supports or containers for the charge of furnaces, F27D 3/12
kilns, ovens, retorts in so far as they are of kinds occurring in more than
one kind of furnace
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Burning or sintering processes of clay products C04B 33/32
Removing organic binders from a shaped green ceramic by burning them C04B 35/638
Burning or sintering processes of ceramic or refractory products C04B 35/64
Making ceramic materials by melting C04B 35/653 and
Heat treatments such as] Calcining; Fusing Pyrolysis in general B01J 6/00 and subgroups
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder characterised B22F 3/00 and subgroups
by the manner of compacting or sintering; Apparatus specially adapted
therefore; Presses and furnaces
Manufacture of composite layers, workpieces, or articles, comprising B22F 7/00 and subgroups
metallic powder, by sintering the powder, with or without compacting
wherein at least one part is obtained by sintering or compression
Sintering glass C03B 19/06 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/661
Multi-step sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
The sintering (or melting process) consists out of more than one step, after a possible binder burnout
step. The process encompasses for instance a pre sintering step and a subsequent pressure sintering
step, e.g. a hot isostatic pressing step, or a sintering step and a subsequent annealing step. The
process can also be first a melting step and then a sintering step.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
First a binder burnout step and then a sintering step C04B 35/638
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Multiple heating or additional steps during the sintering of metallic articles B22F 3/1017
C04B 2235/662
Annealing after sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
After the main sintering step at the highest temperature of the heating process the ceramic is heated
at a lower temperature for a prolonged period of time, for instance to reduce the stress in the material.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
After treatment of ceramics: heat treatment C04B 41/0072
Annealing glass products C03B 25/00 and
C04B 2235/663
Oxidative annealing
Definition statement
This place covers:
After the main sintering step at the highest temperature of the heating process the ceramic is heated
at a lower temperature for a prolonged period of time, with the effect of oxidising the sintered ceramic.
C04B 2235/663 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Reduction or oxidation treatment of starting mixture or components of the C04B 35/6265
starting mixture used for making ceramics
oxidative annealing for making a coating layer C04B 41/45 and
Oxidising the surface of a substrate that is joined with a ceramic substrate C04B 2237/54
before joining
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Atmosphere during the heat treatment enriched in oxygen content to C04B 2235/6585
above the level normal in air
C04B 2235/664
Reductive annealing
Definition statement
This place covers:
After the main sintering step at the highest temperature of the heating process the ceramic is heated
at a lower temperature for a prolonged period of time, with the effect of reducing the sintered ceramic.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Reduction or oxidation treatment of starting mixture or components of the C04B 35/6265
starting mixture used for making ceramics
reductive annealing for making a coating layer C04B 41/45 and
Reduction treatment of the ceramic body during binder burnout, pre-sinter C04B 2235/652
step, sinter step or melting step
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Hydrogen containing atmosphere during thermal treatment of green, C04B 2235/6582
sintered or melted ceramic
Atmosphere during the heat treatment reduced in oxygen content to C04B 2235/6584
below the level normal in air
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/665
Local sintering, e.g. laser sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic is not sintered completely at the same moment, first one part is sintered, then possibly
another and another and so on, until either the whole ceramic is sintered, or the process is stopped
and a part is left unsintered. This can for instance be done with a laser that scans the surface of the
sintered, and sinters part by part.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
After treatment of ceramics by laser beam C04B 41/0036
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Selective sintering of metallic powders, i.e. stereolithography B22F 10/20
working by laser beam B23K 26/00 and
using layers of powder being selectively joined, e.g. by selective laser B29C 64/00
sintering or melting
C04B 2235/666
Applying a current during sintering, e.g. plasma sintering [SPS], electrical
resistance heating or pulse electric current sintering [PECS]
Definition statement
This place covers:
Spark plasma sintering (SPS), also known as field assisted sintering technique (FAST) or pulsed
electric current sintering (PECS), is a sintering technique. The main characteristic of SPS is that the
pulsed DC current directly passes through the graphite die, as well as the powder compact, in case
of conductive samples. Therefore, the heat is generated internally, in contrast to the conventional
hot pressing, where the heat is provided by external heating elements. This facilitates a very high
heating or cooling rate (up to 1000 K/min), hence the sintering process generally is very fast (within
a few minutes). The general speed of the process ensures it has the potential of densifying powders
with nanosize or nanostructure while avoiding coarsening which accompanies standard densification
routes. Whether plasma is generated has not been confirmed yet, especially when non-conductive
ceramic powders are compacted. It has, however, been experimentally verified that densification is
enhanced by the use of a current or field.
Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH) is a method that uses the flow of alternating current electricity to
the ceramic. Electric current is passed through a targeted ceramic. The resistance to electrical flow
that exists in the ceramic causes the formation of heat, resulting in an increase in temperature up to
the desired sintering temperature.
C04B 2235/666 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
After treatment of ceramics with plasma C04B 41/0054
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pressing clay at sintering temperatures C04B 33/326
Pressure sintering to make silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/575
Pressure sintering to make silicon nitride based ceramics C04B 35/593
Flame, melting or plasma treatment of powders used for making ceramics C04B 35/62665
Pressing at sintering temperatures of ceramic or refractory mixtures C04B 35/645 and
Sintering metallic powder by using electric current other than for infra-red B22F 3/105
radiant energy, laser radiation or plasma
Heating by electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields H05B 6/00 and subgroups
C04B 2235/667
Sintering using wave energy, e.g. microwave sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
Heating making use of for instance IR, UV or microwaves.
Dielectric heating, also known as electronic heating, RF heating, high-frequency heating and
diathermy, is the process in which a high-frequency alternating electric field, or radio wave or
microwave electromagnetic radiation heats a dielectric material. At higher frequencies, this heating
is caused by molecular dipole rotation within the dielectric. At lower frequencies in conductive fluids,
other mechanisms such as ion-drag are more important in generating thermal energy.
Microwaves are used for heating of various materials in cooking and various industrial processes.
The rate of heating of the material depends on the energy absorption, which depends on the dielectric
constant of the material. The dependence of dielectric constant on temperature varies for different
materials; some materials display significant increase with increasing temperature. This behaviour,
when the material gets exposed to microwaves, leads to selective local overheating, as the warmer
areas are better able to accept further energy than the colder areas—potentially dangerous especially
for thermal insulators, where the heat exchange between the hot spots and the rest of the material
is slow. These materials are called thermal runaway materials. This phenomenon occurs in some
Electrobeam heating.
C04B 2235/667 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0003 with
mortars, concrete or artificial stone composition: making use of electric or subgroups
wave energy or particle radiation
Processes, in general, for influencing or modifying the properties of C04B 40/0204 and
mortars, concrete or artificial stone compositions: Selection of the subgroups
hardening environment: making use of electric or wave energy or particle
Melting in electric furnaces by microwave heating C03B 5/023
Heating by electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields: microwave H05B 6/64 and subgroups
C04B 2235/668
Pressureless sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
If a certain material that normally is sintered using pressure, since otherwise it is difficult to sinter, is
sintered without pressure, this code is give. This applies specially to non-oxide materials, such as
silicon carbide or silicon nitride. If a document stresses that a material is sintered without pressure, this
code can be given.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pressing clay at sintering temperatures C04B 33/326
Pressure sintering to make silicon carbide based ceramics C04B 35/575
Pressure sintering to make silicon nitride based ceramics C04B 35/593
Pressure sintering of ceramics in general C04B 35/645 and sub-
C04B 2235/70
Aspects relating to sintered or melt-casted ceramic products
Definition statement
This place covers:
Compositional aspects of the produced ceramic, e.g. the presence of impurities, the crystal structure
of the sintered product, the density, the microstructure, the presence of secondary phases.
Shape and size of the ceramic end product and the properties of the ceramic end product.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/72
Products characterised by the absence or the low content of specific
components, e.g. alkali metal free alumina ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
Materials that have a specified amount of certain impurities or certain undesired phases, materials that
are specifically free of certain metal oxides, e.g. titanates or niobates that are lead-free. This code is
used for all metal ions that are bound either to oxygen (oxides), carbon (carbides), boron (borides),
nitrogen (nitrides) or silicon (silicides). It is also for bound silicon, e.g. low silica, silicon carbide, silicon
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Eliminating lime or iron from clay mixtures C04B 33/10
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Unintentionally added compounds, such as impurities in raw materials, C04B 2103/0003
e.g. alkali sulphates in construction grade cement
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures characterised by the C04B 2111/10 and
absence or the very low content of a specific material subgroups
Pure silica glass, e.g. pure fused quartz: impurity concentration specified C03B 2201/03
Doped silica-based glasses: impurity concentration specified C03B 2201/07
C04B 2235/721
Carbon content
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic product being free of free carbon (C) or having a low content in free carbon.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A ceramic product being free of bound carbon or having a low content in C04B 2235/72
bound carbon, e.g. a low content in carbides or carbon nitride.
C04B 2235/721 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures characterised by C04B 2111/1087 and
the absence or the very low content of a specific material: Carbon free subgroups
or very low carbon content fly ashes; Fly ashes treated to reduce their
carbon content or the effect thereof
C04B 2235/722
Nitrogen content
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic product being free of undesired nitrogen compounds or having a low content in undesired
nitrogen compounds, e.g. a low content in nitrides.
C04B 2235/723
Oxygen content
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic product being free of undesired oxygen compounds or having a low content in undesired
oxygen compounds, while possibly containing a desired oxygen compound, for instance a silicon
carbide, containing yttria (Y2O3) sintering aid, being characterised by the fact that it does not contain
any further oxygen than the oxygen present in the yttria.
C04B 2235/724
Halogenide content
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic product characterised by the fact it contains a low amount of undesired halogenide
compounds, while possibly containing also one or more desired halogenide compounds, e.g. an
alumina ceramic containing less than 1% fluoride.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures characterised by the C04B 2111/1062 and
absence or the very low content of a specific material: halogen free or subgroups
very low halogen-content materials
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
halogenide fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/725
Metal content
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic being characterised by the fact that it contains a low amount or even no metal phase, e.g.
a sintered diamond compact that is free of cobalt metal, or a sintered tungsten carbide compact being
free of nickel binder.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A ceramic being characterised by the fact that it contains a low amount of C04B 2235/72
metal oxide, metal carbide, metal nitride, metal boride or metal silicide.
C04B 2235/726
Sulfur content
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic containing a low amount of sulphur compounds or low amount of elemental sulphur, e.g.
2- 2- 2-
less than 1% sulphate (SO4 ), sulphite (SO3 ), sulphide (S )
C04B 2235/727
Phosphorus or phosphorus compound content
Definition statement
This place covers:
A ceramic containing a low amount of phosphor compounds or low amount of elemental phosphor,
e.g. less than 1% phosphate, phosphide, phosphor
C04B 2235/728
Silicon content
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having a low content in unbound silicon, e.g. a silicon carbide made by reaction sintering of
carbon and silicon, containing less than 1% residual unreacted silicon.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A ceramic having a low silica (SiO2) content C04B 2235/72
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/74
Physical characteristics
Definition statement
This place covers:
Characteristics such as the crystal structure, density, microstructure of the sintered product.
C04B 2235/75
Products with a concentration gradient
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics products that have a gradient in the composition of the product of at least one of the
components, for instance an alumina-zirconia ceramic that on one side has 20% alumina and 80%
zirconia, and on the other side of the product 80% alumina and 20% zirconia, while in between there is
a gradient from one side to the other.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics products with a gradient in the density C04B 2235/775
Ceramic products with a gradient in the composition, where this gradient C04B 2237/58 and
results from joining ceramic layers that have different compositions subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures with a gradually C04B 2111/00405
increasing or decreasing concentration of ingredients or property from
one layer to another
C04B 2235/76
Crystal structural characteristics, e.g. symmetry
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ceramic product having a specific lattice system, e.g. triclinic, monoclinic, orthorombic or
rhomohedral, or a specific crystal system such as trigonal (see below for the relation between lattice
system and crystal system), or a specific crystal structure, e.g. perovskite, garnet, spinel
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Three-dimensional structures of inorganic powders C01P 2002/20
C04B 2235/76 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/761
Unit-cell parameters, e.g. lattice constants
Definition statement
This place covers:
At least one of the lattice constants of the ceramic material is defined. The lattice constant [or lattice
parameter] refers to the constant distance between unit cells in a crystal lattice. Lattices in three
dimensions generally have three lattice constants, referred to as a, b, and c. However, in the special
case of cubic crystal structures, all of the constants are equal and we only refer to a. Similarly, in
hexagonal crystal structures, the a and b constants are equal, and we only refer to the a and c
constants. A group of lattice constants could be referred to as lattice parameters. However, the full set
of lattice parameters consist of the three lattice constants and the three angles between them.
For example the lattice constant for a common carbon diamond is a = 3.57Å at 300 K. The structure is
equilateral although its actual shape cannot be determined from only the lattice constant. Furthermore,
in real applications, typically the average lattice constant is given. As lattice constants have the
dimension of length, their SI unit is the meter. Lattice constants are typically on the order of several
angstroms (i.e. tenths of a nanometre). Lattice constants can be determined using techniques such as
X-ray diffraction or with an atomic force microscope.
C04B 2235/761 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Inorganic powders defined by unit-cell parameters, atom positions or C01P 2002/77
structure diagrams
Semiconductor bodies characterised by their crystalline structure, e.g. H01L 29/04 and
polycrystalline, cubic, particular orientation of crystalline planes subgroups
C04B 2235/762
Cubic symmetry, e.g. beta-SiC
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having a cubic lattice or crystal system. In crystallography, the cubic (or isometric) crystal
system is a crystal system where the unit cell is in the shape of a cube. This is one of the most
common and simplest shapes found in crystals and minerals.
There are three main varieties of these crystals, called simple cubic (sc), body-centered cubic (bcc),
and face-centered cubic (fcc, also known as cubic close-packed or ccp), plus a number of other
variants listed below. Note that although the unit cell in these crystals is conventionally taken to be a
cube, the primitive unit cell often is not. This is related to the fact that in most cubic crystal systems,
there is more than one atom per cubic unit cell.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Cubic boron nitride ceramics C04B 35/5831
C04B 2235/762 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Special rules of classification
If a ceramic material has beta-SiC as the main phase, C04B 2235/762 is given to indicate that the
silicon carbide is in the beta form.
C04B 2235/763
Spinel structure AB2O4
Definition statement
This place covers:
2+ 3+ 2-
The spinels are any of a class of minerals of general formulation A B2 O4 which crystallise in the
cubic (isometric) crystal system, with the oxide anions arranged in a cubic close-packed lattice and
the cations A and B occupying some or all of the octahedral and tetrahedral sites in the lattice. A and
B can be divalent, trivalent, or quadrivalent cations, including magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese,
aluminium, chromium, titanium, and silicon. Although the anion is normally oxide, the analogous
thiospinel structure includes the rest of the chalcogenides. A and B can also be the same metal
2+ 3+ 2-
under different charges, such as the case in Fe3O4 (as Fe Fe2 O4 ). The main groups of spinels are
aluminate spinels, ferrite spinels and chromite spinels.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Magnesium aluminate spinel ceramics C04B 35/443
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Magnesium aluminate spinel ceramics C04B 35/443
Coating or impregnating ceramic substrates with spinels C04B 41/5046
Spinel catalysts B01J 21/005,
C07C 2521/00/,
B01J 23/005,
B01D 2255/405
Oxide powders with spinel symmetry C01P 2002/32
Single crystals of complex oxides with formula BMe2O4, wherein B is Mg, C30B 29/26
Ni, Co, Al, Zn, or Cd and Me is Fe, Ga, Sc, Cr, Co, or Al
C04B 2235/764
Garnet structure A3B2(CO4)3
Definition statement
This place covers:
The crystallographic structure of garnets has been expanded from the silicon containing prototype to
include chemicals with the general formula A3B2(CO4)3. Besides silicon, a large number of elements
have been put on the C site, including Ge, Ga, Al, V and Fe. Yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG),
Y3Al2(AlO4)3, is used for synthetic gemstones. When doped with neodymium (Nd ), these YAl-garnets
C04B 2235/764 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
may be used as the lasing medium in lasers. In yttrium iron garnet (YIG), Y3Fe2(FeO4)3, the five
iron(III) ions occupy two octahedral and three tetrahedral sites, with the yttrium(III) ions coordinated
by eight oxygen ions in an irregular cube. The iron ions in the two coordination sites exhibit different
spins, resulting in magnetic behaviour. YIG is a ferrimagnetic material having a Curie temperature of
550 K. All garnets have cubic symmetry.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Other ferrites containing rare earth metals, e.g. rare earth ferrite garnets C04B 35/2675
Single crystals of complex oxides with formula A3Me5O12 wherein A is a C30B 29/28
rare earth metal and Me is Fe, Ga, Sc, Cr, Co or Al, e.g. garnets
Soft magnetic material, e.g. ferrite garnets H01F 1/346
Thin magnetic films, e.g. of one-domain structure made of garnet ferrites H01F 10/24 and
C04B 2235/765
Tetragonal symmetry
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having a cubic lattice or crystal system. In crystallography, the tetragonal crystal system is
one of the 7 lattice point groups. Tetragonal crystal lattices result from stretching a cubic lattice along
one of its lattice vectors, so that the cube becomes a rectangular prism with a square base (a by a)
and height (c, which is different from a).
There are two tetragonal Bravais lattices: the simple tetragonal (from stretching the simple-cubic
lattice) and the centered tetragonal (from stretching either the face-centered or the body-centered
cubic lattice).
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/766
Trigonal symmetry, e.g. alpha-Si3N4 or alpha-Sialon
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having a trigonal crystal system. In crystallography, the trigonal crystal system is one of
the seven crystal systems, and the rhombohedral lattice system is one of the seven lattice systems.
They are often confused with each other: crystals in the rhombohedral lattice system are always in
the trigonal crystal system, but some crystals such as quartz are in the trigonal crystal system but not
in the rhombohedral lattice system. The rhombohedral lattice system consists of the rhombohedral
lattice, while the trigonal crystal system consists of the five point groups of the seven space groups
with a rhombohedral lattice. There are 25 space groups whose point groups are one of the five in the
trigonal crystal system, consisting of the seven space groups associated with the rhombohedral lattice
system together with 18 of the 45 space groups associated with the hexagonal lattice system.
The trigonal crystal system is the only crystal system whose point groups have more than one lattice
system associated with their space groups: the hexagonal and rhombohedral lattices both appear.
C04B 2235/766 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Definition statement
C04B 2235/767
Hexagonal symmetry, e.g. beta-Si3N4, beta-Sialon, alpha-SiC or hexa-ferrites
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramics having a tetragonal lattice or crystal system. In crystallography, the hexagonal crystal
system is one of the 7 crystal systems, the hexagonal lattice system is one of the 7 lattice systems,
and the hexagonal crystal family is one of the 6 crystal families. They are closely related and often
confused with each other, but they are not the same. The hexagonal lattice system consists of just one
Bravais lattice type: the hexagonal one. The hexagonal crystal system consists of the 7 point groups
such that all their space groups have the hexagonal lattice as underlying lattice. The hexagonal crystal
family consists of the 12 point groups such that at least one of their space groups has the hexagonal
lattice as underlying lattice, and is the union of the hexagonal crystal system and the trigonal crystal
system. Graphite is an example of a crystal that crystallizes in the hexagonal crystal system.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Soft magnetic material, e.g. Hexaferrites with decreased hardness or H01F 1/348
anisotropy, i.e. with increased permeability in the microwave (GHz) range
Thin magnetic films, e.g. of one-domain structure made of hexagonal H01F 10/205
LaMgAl11O19 (LNA, Lanthanum Magnesium Hexaluminate) used for H01S 3/1635
C04B 2235/767 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/768
Perovskite structure ABO3
Definition statement
This place covers:
A perovskite structure is any material with the same type of crystal structure as calcium titanium
oxide (CaTiO3), known as the perovskite structure, or XIIA2+VIB4+X2−3 with the oxygen in the face
centers. The general chemical formula for perovskite compounds is ABX3, where 'A' and 'B' are two
cations of very different sizes, and X is an anion that bonds to both. The 'A' atoms are larger than
the 'B' atoms. The ideal cubic-symmetry structure has the B cation in 6-fold coordination, surrounded
by an octahedron of anions, and the A cation in 12-fold cuboctahedral coordination. The perovskite
structure is adopted by many oxides that have the chemical formula ABO3. The perovskite can be
either cubic, orthorombic or tetragonal.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics based on barium titanate perovskite C04B 35/4682 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Catalysts comprising metals or metal oxides or hydroxides: Mixed oxides B01J 23/002
other than spinels, e.g. perovskite
Oxide powders with perovskite symmetry C01P 2002/36
Single crystals of complex oxides with formula AMeO3, wherein A is a C30B 29/24
rare earth metal and Me is Fe, Ga, Sc, Cr, Co or Al, e.g. orthoferrites
If the perovskite is cubic or tetragonal, C04B 2235/762 or C04B 2235/765 are given, respectively. If
the perovskite is orthorombic, C04B 2235/76 is given.
C04B 2235/77
Definition statement
This place covers:
The density of the pre-sintered, sintered or melted ceramic is indicated, either as the theoretical
density, e.g. 99% dense, or as the absolute density, e.g. 5.0 g/cm3.
C04B 2235/77 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics characterised by the porosity C04B 38/0067
Density of green ceramic C04B 2235/608
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Density of cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone C04B 2201/20
Solid density of inorganic powders per se C01P 2006/10
C04B 2235/775
Products showing a density-gradient
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ceramic product has a gradient in the theoretical density, one side has a higher density than the
other, e.g. one side is 95% dense, the other side 90%.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramics products with a gradient in the composition C04B 2235/75
Forming a gradient in composition or in properties across the laminate or C04B 2237/58 and
the joined articles by joining layers or articles of the same composition but subgroups
having different densities
C04B 2235/78
Grain sizes and shapes, product microstructures, e.g. acicular grains, equiaxed
grains, platelet-structures
Definition statement
This place covers:
The sintered (or melted) ceramic has a specific microstructure, a certain grain, certain grain shapes,
C04B 2235/78 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Constituents or additives for ceramic mixtures characterised by their C04B 2235/52 and
shapes subgroups
C04B 2235/781
Nanograined materials, i.e. having grain sizes below 100 nm
Definition statement
This place covers:
The average grain size of the sintered (or melted) ceramic is below 100 nanometers.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Particles or aggregates of a component of the ceramic starting mixture C04B 2235/5454
have an average particle size of below 100 nanometers
C04B 2235/782
Grain size distributions
Definition statement
This place covers:
Information is give on how the grain size is distributed. This relates to particles of the same type only.
It is mentioned how many grains of different size ranges for the same type of grain are present.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Particle size distribution of an individual component (of the same C04B 2235/5463
material) of the starting mixture for making a ceramic
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/783
Bimodal, multi-modal or multi-fractional
Definition statement
This place covers:
The grains of the sintered (or melted) ceramic do not have a uniform grain size distribution, there is at
least one type of grains with a smaller size and one type of grains with a larger size.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay powders consisting of a mixture of materials with different sizes, e.g. C04B 33/025
multi-fraction powder
Particle size distribution of an individual component (of the same C04B 2235/5472
material) of the starting mixture for making a ceramic being bimodal,
multi-modal or multi-fraction
C04B 2235/784
Definition statement
This place covers:
The grains of the sintered (or melted) ceramic have a uniform grain size distribution, at least as so far
the grains belong to the same phase.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Particle size distribution of an individual component (of the same C04B 2235/5481
material) of the starting mixture for making a ceramic being monomodal.
C04B 2235/785
Submicron sized grains, i.e. from 0,1 to 1 micron
Definition statement
This place covers:
The average grain size of the sintered (or melted) ceramic is in the range of 0.1-1 microns.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Particles or aggregates of a component of the ceramic starting mixture C04B 2235/5445
have an average particle size of 0.1-1 micron
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/786
Micrometer sized grains, i.e. from 1 to 100 micron
Definition statement
This place covers:
The average grain size of the sintered (or melted) ceramic is in the range of 1-100 microns.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on magnesia, the ceramic having a grain size below 100 C04B 35/053
microns (fine ceramic)
Ceramics based on alumina, the ceramic having a grain size below 100 C04B 35/111 and
microns (fine ceramic) subgroups
Ceramics based on zirconia, the ceramic having a grain size below 100 C04B 35/486 and
microns (fine ceramic) subgroups
Ceramics based on silicon nitride, the ceramic having a grain size below C04B 35/587
100 microns (fine ceramic)
Particles or aggregates of a component of the ceramic starting mixture C04B 2235/5436
have an average particle size of 1-100 micron
C04B 2235/787
Oriented grains
Definition statement
This place covers:
The grains of the sintered (or melted) ceramic are to a certain extent aligned along a certain axis, e.g.
it has elongated grains that are aligned in a certain direction, or it has grains whose magnetic moment
has been aligned. This is often the case for dielectric or piezoelectric films.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures containing oriented C04B 2111/0037
fillers or elements
C04B 2235/788
Aspect ratio of the grains
Definition statement
This place covers:
The grains are elongated and the average width divided by the average length has been measured.
The aspect ratio of spherical grains can also be mentioned.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/79
Non-stoichiometric products, e.g. perovskites (ABO3) with an A/B-ratio other
than 1
Definition statement
This place covers:
Materials having a stoichiometry that deviates from what is normal for that specific material, e.g.
bismuth sodium titanate normally is (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3, (Bi0.48Na0.52)TiO3 therefore has a deviating
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
The use of sub-stoichiometric titanium oxides for making ceramics C04B 2235/3237
The use of sub-stoichiometric niobium oxides for making ceramics C04B 2235/3253
Sintered ferrites that contain ferrous iron, iron with an oxidation state of C04B 2235/83
C04B 2235/80
Phases present in the sintered or melt-cast ceramic products other than the
main phase
Definition statement
This place covers:
All sintered ceramics that contain at least one secondary phase, where this secondary phase is not
a grain boundary phase, e.g. a titanate ceramic containing a secondary niobate phase, or a silicate
ceramic containing a main silicate phase and a secondary silicate phase.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Reinforced clay wares C04B 33/36
Magnesia based refractories from grain sized mixtures containing C04B 35/0435
refractory metal compounds other than chromium oxide or chrome ore
Magnesia based refractories from grain sized mixtures containing C04B 35/047 and
chromium oxide or chrome ore subgroups
Magnesia based refractories obtained by fusion casting containing C04B 35/051
chromium oxide or chrome ore
Alumina based refractories from grain sized mixtures containing C04B 35/1015
refractory metal compounds other than those covered by C04B 35/103 -
C04B 35/106
Alumina based refractories from grain sized mixtures containing non- C04B 35/103
oxide refractory materials, e.g. carbon
Alumina based refractories from grain sized mixtures containing C04B 35/105 and
chromium oxide or chrome ore subgroups
C04B 2235/80 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics containing a grain boundary phase C04B 2235/85
All secondary phases are indicated with symbols from the scheme C04B 2235/32-C04B 2235/428.
C04B 2235/81
Materials characterised by the absence of phases other than the main phase,
i.e. single phase materials
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sintered ceramics that, with the exception of a grain boundary phase, contain only one phase, e.g.
single phase barium titanate or single phase translucent alumina.
C04B 2235/83
Ferrites containing Fe2+
Definition statement
This place covers:
Sintered ferrites that contain ferrous iron, iron with an oxidation state of +2.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/85
Intergranular or grain boundary phases
Definition statement
This place covers:
The sintered ceramic contains an intergranular or grain boundary phase, e.g. glassy grain pockets or
an amorphous phase along the grain boundaries. The brain boundary phase can also be crystalline.
C04B 2235/87
Grain boundary phases intentionally being absent
Definition statement
This place covers:
It is specifically mentioned or it is clear from SEM- or TEM-pictures that the sintered ceramic does not
contain grain boundary phases. The ceramic can contain secondary phases, though, by no means it
has to be single phase.
C04B 2235/94
Products characterised by their shape
Definition statement
This place covers:
The sintered ceramic has a specific shape, e.g. is a disc, tube, hollow core, radome, etc.
Working stone or stone-like materials, e.g. brick, concrete or glass , not provided for elsewhere;
machines, devices, tools therefore B28D
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Free standing ceramic films or tapes C04B 35/62218,
C04B 2235/6025
Ceramic coating C04B 35/62222,
C04B 41/00 and
Ceramic fibers C04B 35/62227
and subgroups,
C04B 2235/5216 and
C04B 2235/94 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Slip casting of clay wares C04B 33/28
making the green bodies or pre-forms by moulding C04B 2235/602 and
pressing at non-sintering temperatures to make green bodies or pre- C04B 2235/604 and
forms subgroups
Forming ceramic laminates or joined ceramic articles comprising at least C04B 2237/76 and
one member in the form other than a sheet or disc, e.g. two tubes or a subgroups
tube and a sheet or disc
C04B 2235/945
Products containing grooves, cuts, recesses or protusions
Definition statement
This place covers:
The shaped sintered ceramic containing macro-sized unevenness at the surface
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Forming ceramic laminates or joined ceramic articles comprising grooves C04B 2237/64
or cuts
Apparatus or processes for reshaping the surface of ceramic objects, e.g. B28B 11/08 and
smoothing, roughening, corrugating, making screw-threads subgroups
Methods or apparatus for grooving or corrugating ceramic tubes B28B 21/965
C04B 2235/95
Products characterised by their size, e.g. microceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
ceramics of which the size is specified, the ceramic being either unusually large or unusually small, or
just one dimension having a specific size, e.g. the ceramic being very long
C04B 2235/96
Properties of ceramic products, e.g. mechanical properties such as strength,
toughness, wear resistance
Definition statement
This place covers:
Ceramic products having specific mechanical properties, such as hardness, toughness, strength, wear
resistance, elasticity
C04B 2235/96 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Strengthening clay wares through the addition of reinforcing additives C04B 33/36
Strengthening ceramics through the addition of reinforcing additives C04B 35/71 and
Properties and uses of cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone C04B 2111/00 and
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone characterised by specific C04B 2201/50 and
physical values for the mechanical strength subgroups
Mechanical properties of the green compact C04B 2235/608
Mechanical properties of membranes, e.g. strength B01D 2325/24
Mechanical properties of the layers of laminates B32B 2307/50 and
Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes C01B 2202/26
C04B 2235/9607
Thermal properties, e.g. thermal expansion coefficient
Definition statement
This place covers:
Properties such as the thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, melting point, heat
capacity, thermal shock resistance
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone characterised by specific C04B 2201/30 and
physical values for heat transfer properties such as thermal insulation subgroups
values, e.g. R-values
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/9615
Linear firing shrinkage
Definition statement
This place covers:
The shrinkage of the green body or pre-sintered body during sintering, normally indicated in
percentage, e.g. a linear firing shrinkage of -20%, meaning that the ceramic shrinks 20% during
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Shrinkage during curing C04B 35/6269
Shrinkage during drying of green compact C04B 2235/606
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Burning methods for clay-wares C04B 33/32 and
Sintering of ceramics C04B 35/64 and
Aspects relating to heat treatment of ceramic bodies such as green C04B 2235/65 and
ceramics or pre-sintered ceramics, e.g. burning, sintering or melting subgroups
Mechanical aspects of sintering clay or ceramic objects B28B 11/243
C04B 2235/9623
Ceramic setters properties
Definition statement
This place covers:
The use of substrates, supports, jigs during heating steps, mainly the sintering step, that have the
function of giving mechanical support to the ceramic that is being sintered.
C04B 2235/9623 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Using sacrificial powder or objects to influence the atmosphere during a C04B 2235/6587
heating step
Using constraining layers before or during sintering of ceramic laminates C04B 2237/56 and
or ceramic substrates that are joined with other substrates subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Burning methods for clay-wares C04B 33/32 and
Sintering of ceramics C04B 35/64 and
Aspects relating to heat treatment of ceramic bodies such as green C04B 2235/65 and
ceramics or pre-sintered ceramics, e.g. burning, sintering or melting subgroups
Mechanical aspects of sintering clay or ceramic objects B28B 11/243
C04B 2235/963
Surface properties, e.g. surface roughness
Definition statement
This place covers:
Properties that are surface related, e.g. the surface roughness
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Applying of coatings to the surface of a ceramic C04B 41/00 and
Oxidising the surface of a ceramic as preparation for joining the ceramic C04B 2237/54
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Pre-treatment of the joining surfaces of a substrate that is joined with a C04B 2237/52 and
ceramic substrate, e.g. cleaning, machining subgroups
Apparatus or processes for smoothing the surface of ceramic objects B28B 11/0845
Methods or apparatus for smoothing, roughening, corrugating or for B28B 21/96
removing burr from ceramic tubes
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2235/9638
Tolerance; Dimensional accuracy
Definition statement
This place covers:
An individual ceramic that is defined by having very accurate dimensions, or a series of ceramic
objects that have all the same dimensions within a certain narrow range (the tolerance).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Forming ceramic laminates or joined ceramic articles showing high C04B 2237/64
dimensional accuracy, e.g. indicated by the warpage
C04B 2235/9646
Optical properties
Definition statement
This place covers:
Properties such as IR or UV absorption, light scattering or reflection
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Luminescent, e.g. electroluminescent, chemiluminescent materials C09K 11/00 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures characterised by the C04B 2111/80 and
optical properties, e.g. transparency or reflexibility subgroups
Optical properties of inorganic powders per se C01P 2006/60 and
C04B 2235/9653
Translucent or transparent ceramics other than alumina
Definition statement
This place covers:
Transparent or translucent ceramics, such as aluminate (YAG or spinel), AlON, zirconia, yttria
C04B 2235/9653 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Transparent or translucent alumina ceramics C04B 35/115
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures characterised by the C04B 2111/805
C04B 2235/9661
Definition statement
This place covers:
All ceramic materials that are defined by their colour, including black and white, or whose colour is
influenced by the addition of colouring additives
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coloured clay ceramics C04B 33/14
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures characterised by a C04B 2111/802
white colour
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures characterised by the C04B 2111/82
C04B 2235/9669
Resistance against chemicals, e.g. against molten glass or molten salts
Definition statement
This place covers:
The chemical resistance of ceramics against oxidation, reduction, reaction.
C04B 2235/9669 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures characterised by the C04B 2111/20 and
resistance against chemical, physical or biological attack subgroups
C04B 2235/9676
against molten metals such as steel or aluminium
Definition statement
This place covers:
The resistance of ceramic materials, e.g. refractory linings used in converters, ladles, tundishes, etc.,
against molten metals such as steel, aluminium
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Hot tops from refractory material for ingot moulds B22D 7/102
Linings for casting melt-holding vessels, e.g. ladles, tundishes, cups or B22D 41/02 and
the like subgroups
Blast furnaces with special refractories, e.g. linings C21B 7/04 and subgroups
Refractory linings for carbon-steel converters C21C 5/44 and
Refractory coated lances; Immersion lances for carbon-steel converters C21C 5/4613
C04B 2235/9684
Oxidation resistance
Definition statement
This place covers:
The resistance against oxidation, e.g. when heating non-oxides such as silicon carbide in an oxygen
containing atmosphere
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Directional oxidation or solidification, e.g. Lanxide process C04B 35/652
oxidative annealing for making a coating layer C04B 41/45 and
Atmosphere during the heat treatment enriched in oxygen content to C04B 2235/6585
above the level normal in air
Oxidative annealing of shaped ceramics C04B 2235/663
C04B 2235/9684 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Oxidising the surface of a substrate that is joined with a ceramic substrate C04B 2237/54
before joining
C04B 2235/9692
Acid, alkali or halogen resistance
Definition statement
This place covers:
The resistance against alkalis such as cryolite, molten glass
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Resistance against alkali-aggregate reaction of mortars, concrete or C04B 2111/2023
artificial stone
Acid resistance, e.g. against acid air or rain of mortars, concrete or C04B 2111/23
artificial stone
C04B 2237/00
Aspects relating to ceramic laminates or to joining of ceramic articles with
other articles by heating
Definition statement
This place covers:
Secondary aspects of making ceramic laminates (B32B 18/00) and of joining ceramic articles with
other articles through heating (C04B 37/00 and sub-classes), e.g. the composition of the layers
or articles that are laminated or joined, the composition of the interlayers that are used for joining,
processing aspects such as surface treatments to the layers-to-be-joined and also the geometrical
configuration of the articles that are joined, e.g. joining both layers on their small side or one layer on
the largest surface with one layer on the shortest surface.
Coatings applied to the outside of the metallic substrate, thus the side of the substrate that is not
bonded with another substrate C23C
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Layered products essentially comprising metal B32B 15/00 and
C04B 2237/00 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay-wares C04B 33/00 and
Ceramic materials C04B 35/00 and
joining of a ceramic layer to another layer C04B 37/00 and
porous ceramic products C04B 38/00
Honeycomb structures assembled from subunits C04B 38/0016
Aspects relating to ceramic starting mixtures or sintered ceramic products C04B 2235/00 and s
Application of procedures in order to connect objects or parts, e.g. B21D 39/00 and
coating with sheet metal otherwise than by plating subgroups
Friction heat forging B21J 5/063
Riveting B21J 15/00 and
Uniting components to form integral members, e.g. turbine wheels and B21K 25/00 and
shafts, caulks with inserts, with or without shaping of the components subgroups
Connecting metal parts or objects by metal-working techniques, not B23P 11/00 and
covered wholly by either B21J or B23K subgroups
Joining or sealing of preformed parts, e.g. welding of plastics materials; B29C 65/00 and
Apparatus therefore subgroups
Layered products essentially comprising ceramics , e.g. refractory B32B 18/00
Uniting glass pieces by fusing without substantial reshaping C03B 23/20
Joining pieces of glass to pieces of other inorganic material; Joining glass C03C 27/00 and
to glass other than by fusing subgroups
Connecting constructional elements or machine parts by sticking or F16B 11/00 and
pressing them together, e.g. cold pressure welding subgroups
Seals between parts of vessels of electric discharge tubes or discharge H01J 5/20
C04B 2237/02
Aspects relating to interlayers, e.g. used to join ceramic articles with other
articles by heating
Definition statement
This place covers:
An interlayer is a layer that is applied in-situ on a substrate, e.g. by a coating a substrate, or by laying
a sheet or foil upon a substrate, or by chemically treating the surface of a substrate to such an extent
that a separate layer is formed at the surface, e.g. by oxidising a metal or non-oxide substrate. The
function of the interlayer has to be to bond two layers or two objects to each other. Any coating that
is applied on a substrate at the side of the substrate that is bonded is regarded as interlayer and
is indicated with a symbol from the range C04B 2237/02-C04B 2237/16. Any material that is not
classified in any of the sub-classes is classified in this class, such as boron interlayers.
C04B 2237/02 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Coatings applied to the outside of the ceramic substrate, thus the side of C04B 41/00 and
the substrate that is not bonded with another substrate subgroups
Interlayers between two metallic substrates, two glass substrates or C03C 27/04 (Joining
between a glass and metallic substrate glass to metal by means
of an interlayer )
Electrodes or electrode layers that are inside multilayer ceramics, H01G 4/30 (stacked
e.g. multilayer ceramic capacitors (unless it is mentioned that these capacitors)
electrodes are used specifically for joining)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Honeycomb structures assembled from subunits characterised by the C04B 38/0019
material used for joining separate subunits
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures used as glue or C04B 2111/00637
binder for uniting building or structural materials
Thickness of the interlayer C04B 2237/708
Chemical nature of materials in mouldable or extrudable form for sealing C09K 2200/0239
or packing joints or covers: Oxides, hydroxides, carbonates
Chemical nature of materials in mouldable or extrudable form for sealing C09K 2200/0243 and
or packing joints or covers: Silica-rich compounds, e.g. silicates, cement, subgroups
Chemical nature of materials in mouldable or extrudable form for sealing C09K 2200/0269
or packing joints or covers: ceramics
Seals between parts of vessels of electric discharge tubes or discharge H01J 5/20
C04B 2237/04
Ceramic interlayers
Definition statement
This place covers:
All interlayers consisting mainly out of a ceramic material, the ceramic materials being the materials
that are classified in C04B 33/00 (clay materials), C04B 35/00-C04B 35/597 (ceramic materials),
C04B 35/62204 (ceramic materials made out of waste material), C04B 35/62227( ceramic fibers),
C04B 35/628 (coated ceramic powders or coated ceramic fibers), C04B 35/6303 (inorganic additives),
C04B 35/66 (refractories and refractory mortars) and C04B 35/71-C04B 35/83 (ceramic materials
containing macroscopic reinforcing agents), where consisting mainly means that the ceramic materials
at least have to form the largest fraction.
C04B 2237/04 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Interlayers that are glass-ceramic material C04B 2237/10
Joining glass to metal by means of an interlayer consisting of glass, C03C 27/044
glass-ceramic or ceramic material only
C04B 2237/06
Oxidic interlayers
Definition statement
This place covers:
All oxide materials that are normally, as a ceramic material, are classified in the groups C04B 35/01-
C04B 35/51, thus also phosphate materials.
C04B 2237/062
based on silica or silicates
Definition statement
This place covers:
All materials mainly comprising silica and silicates, e.g. lanthanum silicate (LaSiO3), all alumino-
silicates, such as clays
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
zircon (ZrSiO4) C04B 2237/068
C04B 2237/064
based on alumina or aluminates
Definition statement
This place covers:
all aluminates, e.g. spinel (MgAl2O4), lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3), all alumina materials such
gamma-alumina, boehmite, corundum, gibbsite, etc.
C04B 2237/064 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
alumino-silicates C04B 2237/062
C04B 2237/066
based on rare earth oxides
Definition statement
This place covers:
all rare earth oxides not present in a chemical compound with oxides other than rare earth oxides, e.g.
Y2O3, Ce2O3, CeO2, La2O3, LaCeO3, YLaO3
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
rare earth ferrite interlayer C04B 2237/06
rare earth cuprate interlayer C04B 2237/06
rare earth phosphate interlayer C04B 2237/06
rare earth silicate interlayer C04B 2237/062
rare earth aluminate interlayer C04B 2237/064
rare earth titanate interlayer C04B 2237/068
rare earth zirconate interlayer C04B 2237/068
rare earth niobate interlayer C04B 2237/068
rare earth chromite interlayer C04B 2237/068
C04B 2237/068
based on refractory oxides, e.g. zirconia
Definition statement
This place covers:
materials based on the oxides of the nine refractory oxides, e.g. all titanates, such as barium titanate
(BaTiO3), aluminium titanate (Al2TiO5), bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12) and all titania based material; all
materials consisting mainly of zirconates and hafnates, such as zircon (ZrSiO4), calcium zirconate
(Ca2ZrO4), lead hafnate (PbHfO3), zirconate-titanates such as PZT (lead zirconate-titanate), for all
values for the relation Ti/Zr; all zirconia based materials such as yttria-stabilised-zirconia (YSZ),
unstabilised zirconia, cubic zirconia, etc.; all niobates such as alkaline earth niobates (Na0.5K0.5NbO3)
C04B 2237/068 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
other refractory oxide materials such as alumina,or magnesia C04B 2237/064,
C04B 2237/06
refractory non-oxide materials such as silicon carbide C04B 2237/083
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory metal oxides titanium oxide, vanadium oxide, chromium oxide, zirconium oxide,
niobium oxide, molybdenum oxide, hafnium oxide, tantalum oxide,
tungsten oxide
C04B 2237/08
Non-oxidic interlayers
Definition statement
This place covers:
Materials based on all non-oxide materials that are classified in the groups C04B 35/515-
C04B 35/597, e.g. nitrides such as silicon nitride (Si3N4), aluminium nitride (AlN) or boron nitride (BN),
carbonitrides, borides such as magnesium boride (MgB2) or titanium boride (TiB2), silicides such as
molybdenum silicide (MoSi2), fluorides such as aluminium fluoride (AlF3), sulfides, selenides. It also
covers non-oxide layers that are formed in-situ during bonding, e.g. a silicon nitride layer that is formed
during bonding, due to the reaction of the Si interlayer with a nitrogen-containing substrate
C04B 2237/083
Carbide interlayers, e.g. silicon carbide interlayers
Definition statement
This place covers:
all carbide interlayers, whether they are present before bonding or whether they are formed in-situ
during bonding, e.g. a Ti-layer reacts during bonding to form a TiC-interlayer
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
carbonitrides, e.g. SiCN, or oxycarbonitrides, e.g. AlCON C04B 2237/08
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/086
Carbon interlayers
Definition statement
This place covers:
All interlayers based on inorganic carbon, e.g. graphite, diamond, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes,
carbon black, glassy carbon
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
interlayers based on organic carbon, e.g. pitch, tar, polymers C04B 37/008,
C04B 37/028,
C04B 37/047
C04B 2237/09
wherein the active component for bonding is not the largest fraction of the
Definition statement
This place covers:
An interlayer that for the largest part contains ceramic components, where the component responsible
for the bonding with the substrate is not the component present as the largest fraction.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Glass is the minority and ceramic phases the majority, but the glass C04B 2237/10
forms a continuous phase as a binding phase
cermet interlayers, interlayers containing a majority of ceramic material C04B 2237/126 and s
with a metallic binder subgroups
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/095
The active component for bonding being silicon
Definition statement
This place covers:
An interlayer that for the largest part contains ceramic components, where the component responsible
for the bonding with the substrate is not the component present as the largest fraction, but is Si
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
cermet interlayers, interlayers containing a majority of ceramic material C04B 2237/126
with a metallic binder
C04B 2237/10
Glass interlayers, e.g. frit or flux
Definition statement
This place covers:
Glass and glass-ceramic interlayers. Also when glass is the minority and ceramic phases the majority,
but the glass forms a continuous phase as a binding phase, this symbol is given. When a frit or flux is
melted to form an interlayer, this symbol is used as well.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Joining glass to metal by means of an interlayer consisting of glass, C03C 27/044
glass-ceramic or ceramic material only
Joining metals with the aid of glass C03C 29/00
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
glass-ceramic a crystallised glass or a mixture of glass particles and ceramic
particles, in which the glass forms a continuous matrix phase
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/12
Metallic interlayers
Definition statement
This place covers:
metallic interlayers, cermet interlayer in which the metal is the bonding material, e.g. zinc or a mixture ,
also metallic layers that react during bonding to form a ceramic layer, e.g. Ti-layer that reacts to form
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Joining glass to metal by means of an interlayer consisting of metals, C03C 27/046
metal oxides or metal salts only
Joining glass to glass by means of an interlayer with the aid of intervening C03C 27/08
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, B23K 35/001 and
or cutting: Interlayers, transition pieces for metallurgical bonding of subgroups
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper B23K 35/24 and
Electrode and electrodes layers that are inserted between ceramic substrate layers are normally not
seen as interlayer, since they normally do not have the function of joining the two ceramic substrates.
They therefore are not classified with a C04B 2237/12 symbol. Only if it is clear that the electrode does
have a joining effect, it is regarded as interlayer, and C04B 2237/12 or a symbol of its subgroups is
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
cermet a mixture of a ceramic phase and a metal phase, in which the
metal phase forms a continuous matrix
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/121
based on aluminium
Definition statement
This place covers:
alloys in which aluminium has the largest weight fraction and all aluminides or aluminide alloys, e.g.
titanium aluminide (TiAl), nickel aluminide (Ni3Al)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, B23K 35/001 and
or cutting: Interlayers, transition pieces for metallurgical bonding of subgroups
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/286
constituent melting at less than 950 degrees C: Al as the principal
C04B 2237/122
based on refractory metals
Definition statement
This place covers:
Interlayers having as the largest fraction alloys in which the nine refractory metals together have
the largest weight fraction. For instance, if the interlayer has the composition Cu50Ti25Zr25, both
C04B 2237/122 and C04B 2237/124 are given, since copper and refractory metals are present in
equal amount. If the interlayer has the composition Fe40Ti30V15Ag15, only C04B 2237/122 is given.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/32
constituent melting at more than 1550 degrees C
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/325
constituent melting at more than 1550 degrees C; Ti as the principal
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory metal titanium , vanadium , chromium , zirconium , niobium ,
molybdenum , hafnium , tantalum , tungsten
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/123
based on iron group metals, e.g. steel
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alloys in which the three iron group metals together have the largest weight fraction. If the interlayer
has the composition Ti40Fe30Ni12Ag18, only C04B 2237/123 is given, since Fe and Ni together are the
largest fraction.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/3033 and
constituent melting at less than 1550 degrees C: Ni as the principal subgroups
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/3046
constituent melting at less than 1550 degrees C: Co as the principal
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/3053 and
constituent melting at less than 1550 degrees C: Fe as the principal subgroups
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
iron group metals Fe, Co, Ni
C04B 2237/124
based on copper
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alloys in which copper has the largest weight fraction.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/302
constituent melting at less than 1550 degrees C: Cu as the principal
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/125
based on noble metals, e.g. silver
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alloys in which the eight noble metals together have the largest weight fraction. If the interlayer has
the composition Fe45Pd20Pt20Ag10Ti5, only C04B 2237/125 is given, since Pd, Pt and Ag together are
the largest fraction.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/3006
constituent melting at less than 1550 degrees C: Ag as the principal
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/3013
constituent melting at less than 1550 degrees C: Au as the principal
Selection of soldering or welding materials proper with the principal B23K 35/322
constituent melting at more than 1550 degrees C; a Pt-group metal as
principal constituent
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
noble metals ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), silver (Ag), Osmium
(Os), iridium (Ir), Platinum (Pt), gold (Au)
C04B 2237/126
wherein the active component for bonding is not the largest fraction of the
Definition statement
This place covers:
An interlayer that has a metallic nature, where the component responsible for the bonding with the
substrate is not the component present as the largest fraction. The interlayer can either be a cermet,
where ceramic material form the majority but the bonding component is a metal, or the interlayer
can be a metallic alloy, having at least two different metals. You can have more than one active
component per joining composition. The amount of active component can be very low, lower even
than 1 wt% or 1 mole%.
C04B 2237/126 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/127
The active component for bonding being a refractory metal
Definition statement
This place covers:
An interlayer that has a metallic nature, where the component responsible for the bonding with
the substrate is not the component present as the largest fraction, this active component being a
refractory metal. The interlayer can either be a cermet, where ceramic material form the majority but
the bonding component is a refractory metal, or the interlayer can be a metallic alloy, containing the
refractory metal as a minor component.
C04B 2237/128
The active component for bonding being silicon
Definition statement
This place covers:
An interlayer that has a metallic nature, where the component responsible for the bonding with the
substrate is not the component present as the largest fraction, this active component being silicon.
The interlayer can either be a cermet, where ceramic material form the majority but the bonding
component is a metal, where silicon is also present, or the interlayer can be a metallic alloy, containing
silicon as a minor component.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/16
Silicon interlayers
Definition statement
This place covers:
Alloys in which Si has the largest weight fraction, but has not reacted to form a silicide compound. If
the starting material of the bonding layer is Si and the Si reacts during bonding to something else, e.g.
SiC, then both the Si starting layer and SiC final layer are coded.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
silica interlayers C04B 2237/062
silicate interlayers C04B 2237/062
silicon nitride (Si3N4) interlayers C04B 2237/08
silicide interlayers, e.g. MoSi2 C04B 2237/08
silicon carbide interlayers C04B 2237/083
C04B 2237/30
Composition of layers of ceramic laminates or of ceramic or metallic articles to
be joined by heating, e.g. Si substrates
Definition statement
This place covers:
all individual layers of a ceramic laminate classified in B32B 18/00; all objects that are joined, either
directly or by use of an interlayer, and are classified in C04B 37/00 and subgroups, this can be a layer
but also tubes, fiber forms, etc. Substrates that are neither ceramic nor metallic will be classified also
with the symbol C04B 2237/30. These are half-metals such as Si polymers, single crystals
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
the composition of interlayers, the layers that are used for the joining C04B 2237/02-
C04B 2237/16
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
substrate the object that is joined or is part of the laminate
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/32
Definition statement
This place covers:
All layers/objects consisting mainly out of a ceramic material, the ceramic materials being the
materials that are classified in C04B 33/00 and subgroups (clay materials), C04B 35/00-C04B 35/597
(ceramic materials), C04B 35/62204 (ceramic materials made out of waste material), C04B 35/66
(refractories and refractory mortars) and C04B 35/71-C04B 35/83 (ceramic materials containing
macroscopic reinforcing agents), where consisting mainly means that the ceramic materials at least
have to form the largest fraction.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
layers/objects that are glass-ceramic material C04B 37/04 and
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramic substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/00 and
Thickness of the ceramic substrate C04B 2237/706
Laminates containing only one ceramic layer B32B 9/005 and
C04B 2237/34
Definition statement
This place covers:
All oxide materials that are normally, as a ceramic material, are classified in the groups C04B 35/01-
C04B 35/51, thus also phosphate materials.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramic oxide based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/01 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/341
Silica or silicates
Definition statement
This place covers:
All materials mainly comprising silica and silicates, e.g. lanthanum silicate (LaSiO3), all alumino-
silicates, such as clays, silicates such as mullite, cordierite, spodumene, forsterite, wollastonite
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
zircon (ZrSiO4) C04B 2237/348
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 33/00 and
Silica based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/14
Silicate based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/16 and s
C04B 2237/343
Alumina or aluminates
Definition statement
This place covers:
all aluminates, e.g. spinel (MgAl2O4), lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3), all alumina materials such
gamma-alumina, boehmite, corundum, gibbsite, etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
alumino-silicates C04B 2237/341
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alumina based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/10 and s
Aluminate based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/44 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/345
Refractory metal oxides
Definition statement
This place covers:
materials based mainly on the oxides of the nine refractory oxides, e.g. all niobates such as alkaline
earth niobates (Na0.5K0.5NbO3)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
other refractory oxide materials such as alumina,or magnesia C04B 2237/343,
C04B 2237/34
refractory non-oxide materials such as silicon carbide C04B 2237/365 (SiC)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Chromium oxide based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/12
Chromite based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/42
Vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum or tungsten oxide, or C04B 35/495 and
vanadate, niobate, tantalate, molybdate or tungstate based substrate/ subgroups
layer characterised by its composition
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory oxides titanium oxide, vanadium oxide, chromium oxide, zirconium oxide,
niobium oxide, molybdenum oxide, hafnium oxide, tantalum oxide,
tungsten oxide
C04B 2237/346
Titania or titanates
Definition statement
This place covers:
All titanates, e.g. barium titanate (BaTiO3), aluminium titanate (Al2TiO5), bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12)
and all titania based material
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
niobate-titanate containing more niobium than titanium C04B 2237/345
C04B 2237/346 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
zirconate-titanates such as PZT (lead zirconate-titanate), for all values for C04B 2237/348
the relation Ti/Zr
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Titania or titanate based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/46 and
C04B 2237/348
Zirconia, hafnia, zirconates or hafnates
Definition statement
This place covers:
all materials consisting mainly of zirconates and hafnates, such as zircon (ZrSiO4), calcium zirconate
(Ca2ZrO4), lead hafnate (PbHfO3), zirconate-titanates such as PZT (lead zirconate-titanate), for
all values for the relation Ti/Zr; all zirconia based materials such as yttria-stabilised-zirconia (YSZ),
unstabilised zirconia, cubic zirconia, etc.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Zirconia, hafnia, hafnate or zirconate based substrate/layer characterised C04B 35/48 and
by its composition subgroups
Fuel cells with solid electrolyte, where the electrolyte contains zirconia H01M 8/1253
C04B 2237/36
Definition statement
This place covers:
Materials based on all non-oxide materials that are classified in the groups C04B 35/515-
C04B 35/597, e.g. carbides such as boron carbide (B4C), nitrides such as titanium nitride (TiN),
carbonitrides such as silicon carbonitride (SiCN), borides such as magnesium boride (MgB2) or
titanium boride (TiB2), silicides such as molybdenum silicide (MoSi2), fluorides such as aluminium
fluoride (AlF3), sulfides, selenides.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Non-oxide based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/515 and
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/361
Boron nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
layers/objects based on boron nitride, carbo boron nitride, boron oxynitride, materials that would be
classified in the groups C04B 35/583 and C04B 35/5831
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Boron nitride based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/583 and
C04B 2237/363
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects made of material that consists for the largest fraction of carbon or carbon-like materials,
materials that would be classified in the groups C04B 35/52 - C04B 35/536, thus graphite, diamond,
glassy carbon, expanded graphite, etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
carbide based layers/objects C04B 2237/365 (SiC)
or C04B 2237/36 (other
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Carbon based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/52 and
C04B 2237/365
Silicon carbide
Definition statement
This place covers:
layers/objects based on silicon carbide (SiC), silicon boron carbide (SiBC), silicon oxy-carbide (SiOC),
silicon carbide reinforced with (any kind of) fibers, materials that would be classified in the groups
C04B 35/565 - C04B 35/5755
C04B 2237/365 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
silicon carbonitride (SiCN) C04B 2237/368 (silicon
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Silicon carbide based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/565 and
C04B 2237/366
Aluminium nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
layers/objects based on aluminium nitride (AlN), aluminium oxynitride (AlON), aluminium carbonitride
(AlCN), aluminium boronitride (AlBN), materials that would be classified in the group C04B 35/581
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
layers or objects based on sialon C04B 2237/368 (silicon
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Aluminum nitride based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/581
C04B 2237/368
Silicon nitride
Definition statement
This place covers:
layers/objects based on silicon nitride (Si3N4), silicon oxynitride (SiON), silicon aluminium oxynitride
(Sialon), silicon carbonitride (SiCN), silicon boronitride (SiBN), silicon nitride reinforced with (any kind
of) fibers, materials that would be classified in the groups C04B 35/584 - C04B 35/597
C04B 2237/368 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Silicon nitride based substrate/layer characterised by its composition C04B 35/584 and
C04B 2237/38
Fiber or whisker reinforced
Definition statement
This place covers:
all ceramic layers/objects containing fibers, whiskers, nanotubes, nanowires and similar elongated
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Clay ware based substrate/layer containing fibers or whiskers C04B 33/36
characterised by its composition
Ceramic substrate/layer containing metallic fibers or whiskers C04B 35/76
characterised by its composition
Ceramic substrate/layer containing non-metallic fibers or whiskers C04B 35/80 and
characterised by its composition subgroups
C04B 2237/385
Carbon or carbon composite
Definition statement
This place covers:
Materials based on with carbon fibers reinforced carbon materials, which would be classified in
C04B 35/83
C04B 2237/385 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Materials based on a carbide matrix reinforced with carbon fibers C04B 2237/38 and
C04B 2237/365 (silicon
carbide matrix) or
C04B 2237/38 (matrix
made of other carbide
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Carbon substrate/layer containing carbon fibers or whiskers characterised C04B 35/83
by its composition
C04B 2237/40
Definition statement
This place covers:
All layers/objects based on metallic phases as well as ceramic layers/objects having a metallic binder
(cermets). If the layer/object has a continuous metallic phase, it is regarded as metallic, even if the
amount of metal is as low as for instance 5 wt%.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Silicon layers/articles joined with a ceramic layer/article C04B 2237/30
A second metal layer/object that is joined to a first metal layer/object, B32B 15/00 and
which itself is joined to a ceramic layer/object. subgroups (Layered
products essentially
comprising metal)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Thickness of the metallic substrate C04B 2237/706
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder characterised B22F 3/00 and subgroups
by the manner of compacting or sintering; Apparatus specially adapted
therefore; Presses and furnaces
Manufacture of workpieces or articles from metallic powder characterised B22F 5/00 and subgroups
by the special shape of the product
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/401
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects containing a mixture of at least one ceramic material and one metallic material)
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cermet substrate/layer containing carbon fibers or whiskers characterised C22C 29/00 and
by its composition subgroups
C04B 2237/402
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects containing as the largest fraction alloys in which aluminium has the largest weight
fraction, as well as all aluminides or aluminide alloys, e.g. titanium aluminide (TiAl), nickel aluminide
C04B 2237/403
Refractory metals
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects containing as the largest fraction alloys in which the nine refractory metals together
have the largest weight fraction, e.g. Mn40Ti25Nb25Ag10 will be classified in C04B 2237/403,
not C04B 2237/404 for the 40Mn, since Ti and Nb together have 50. Also a mixture of 95 wt%
ceramic and 5 wt% Mn40Ti25Nb25Ag10 binder will be classified in C04B 2237/403 (together with
C04B 2237/401).
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, B23K 35/005
or cutting: Interlayers, transition pieces for metallurgical bonding of
workpieces at least one of the workpieces being of a refractory metal
C04B 2237/403 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory metal titanium , vanadium , chromium , zirconium , niobium ,
molybdenum , hafnium , tantalum , tungsten
C04B 2237/404
Manganese or rhenium
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects containing as the largest fraction alloys in which manganese and rhenium refractory
metals together have the largest weight fraction, e.g. Mn40Ti25Nb25Ag10 will be classified in
C04B 2237/403, not C04B 2237/404 for the 40Mn, since Ti and Nb together have 50. Also a mixture of
95 wt% ceramic and 5 wt% Mn40Ti25Nb25Ag10 binder will be classified in C04B 2237/403 (together with
C04B 2237/401).
C04B 2237/405
Iron metal group, e.g. Co or Ni
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects containing as the largest fraction alloys in which the iron group metals together have
the largest weight fraction, e.g. Cr49Fe20Co20Ni10Ag1 will get C04B 2237/405, not C04B 2237/403 for
the 49 Cr, since Fe, Co and Ni together have 50.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, B23K 35/004
or cutting: Interlayers, transition pieces for metallurgical bonding of
workpieces at least one of the workpieces being of a metal of the iron
C04B 2237/406
Iron, e.g. steel
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects containing as the largest fraction alloys in which iron has the largest weight fraction,
e.g. Cr49Fe50Ag1 will be classified in C04B 2237/406, while Cr49Fe48Ni2Ag1 will be classified in
C04B 2237/405
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/407
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects containing as the largest fraction alloys in which copper has the largest weight fraction
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, B23K 35/007
or cutting: Interlayers, transition pieces for metallurgical bonding of
workpieces at least one of the workpieces being of copper or another
noble metal
C04B 2237/408
Noble metals, e.g. palladium, platina or silver
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers/objects containing as the largest fraction alloys in which the eight noble metals together have
the largest weight fraction, e.g. Mn20Re20Pd10Pt10Rh10Ru11Ni19 will be classified in C04B 2237/408, not
C04B 2237/404 for the 40 Mn and Rh, since the noble metals together have 41.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, B23K 35/007
or cutting: Interlayers, transition pieces for metallurgical bonding of
workpieces at least one of the workpieces being of copper or another
noble metal
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
noble metals ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), silver (Ag), Osmium
(Os), iridium (Ir), Platinum (Pt), gold (Au)
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/50
Processing aspects relating to ceramic laminates or to the joining of ceramic
articles with other articles by heating
Definition statement
This place covers:
The processes used in joining ceramic articles with other articles or making ceramic laminates
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Details of heat treatments used in the joining or laminating process C04B 2235/65-
C04B 2235/668
C04B 2237/52
Pre-treatment of the joining surfaces, e.g. cleaning, machining
Definition statement
This place covers:
Cleaning of the surfaces to-be-joined with solvents or with acids that etch the surface, vacuum
cleaning, wiping, scraping, machining the surface-to-be-treated etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
treatment of a ceramic surface that is not to be joined involving the C04B 41/53 and
removal of at least part of the materials of the treated article subgroups
cleaning of ceramic objects in general B28B 11/22
cutting of ceramic B28D 1/22 , B28B 11/14,
B23K 26/55 (with laser
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Surface roughness of a ceramic substrate C04B 2235/963
Adhesive processes involving pre-treatment of the surfaces to be joined C09J 5/02
etching, surface-brightening or pickling compositions C09K 13/00 and
C04B 2237/52 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/525
by heating
Definition statement
This place covers:
Heat treatment of the surface which does not lead to bonding or to the creation of a bonding layer, but
is directed at removing things from the surface that prevent bonding
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Oxidising a surface before joining C04B 2237/54
Pre-heat treatment of a substrate other than oxidation treatment in order C04B 2237/55
to form an active joining layer
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cleaning the surface of a ceramic substrate by burning C04B 41/5392
Details of heat treatments used in the joining or laminating process C04B 2235/65-
C04B 2235/668
C04B 2237/54
Oxidising the surface before joining
Definition statement
This place covers:
Any oxidation treatment before bonding of a surface that is later joined to another surface
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Oxidation of pore formers C04B 38/00 and
Heat treatment of the surface which does not lead to bonding or to the C04B 2237/525
creation of a bonding layer, but is directed at removing things from the
surface that prevent bonding
C04B 2237/54 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Coating or impregnating involving the chemical conversion of an already C04B 41/4558 and s
applied layer, e.g. obtaining an oxide layer by oxidising an applied metal subgroups
Oxidative annealing of shaped ceramics C04B 2235/663
Pre-heat treatment of a substrate other than oxidation treatment in order C04B 2237/55
to form an active joining layer
C04B 2237/55
Pre-treatments of a coated or not coated substrate other than oxidation
treatment in order to form an active joining layer
Definition statement
This place covers:
For instance heating a substrate already coated with a joining layer to activate/pre-react the joining
layer, before joining with the other substrate
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Heat treatments done while coating a substrate with a joining interlayer C04B 2235/65-
C04B 2235/668
Heat treatment of the surface which does not lead to bonding or to the C04B 2237/525
creation of a bonding layer, but is directed at removing things from the
surface that prevent bonding
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Oxidising a surface before joining C04B 2237/54
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/555
on a substrate not containing an interlayer coating, leading to the formation of
an interlayer coating
Definition statement
This place covers:
For instance a reduction treatment to form a reduced surface layer, e.g. heating a Si3N4 substrate in a
reducing atmosphere to form a Si-layer at the surface
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Heat treatments done while coating a substrate with a joining interlayer C04B 2235/65-
C04B 2235/668
Heat treatment of the surface which does not lead to bonding or to the C04B 2237/525
creation of a bonding layer, but is directed at removing things from the
surface that prevent bonding
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reduction treatment for making a ceramic C04B 2235/652
Reductive annealing of shaped ceramics C04B 2235/664
Oxidising a surface before joining C04B 2237/54
C04B 2237/56
Using constraining layers before or during sintering
Definition statement
This place covers:
Layers or objects that are temporarily attached or put next to other layers/objects with the aim
of hindering any movement of the other layers/objects, e.g. hindering shrinkage during the heat
treatment due to the fact that the constraining layer has a higher sintering temperature
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Pressure sintering of clay ceramics C04B 33/326
Pressure sintering of ceramics C04B 35/645 and
C04B 2237/56 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Using setters during sintering C04B 2235/9623
Thickness of the constraining layer C04B 2237/702
C04B 2237/561
Constraining layers not covering the whole surface of the layers to be sintered,
e.g. constraining layers with holes
Definition statement
This place covers:
A constraining layer that for instance is shorter than the layer it is covering
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Forming laminates or joined articles comprising holes, channels or other C04B 2237/62
types of openings
Thickness of the constraining layer C04B 2237/702
Joining the largest surface of one substrate with a smaller surface of the C04B 2237/80
other substrate, e.g. butt joining or forming a T-joint
Both substrates not completely covering the other substrate, e.g. two C04B 2237/82
plates in a staggered position
Joining of two substrates at their largest surfaces, one surface being C04B 2237/86
complete joined and covered, the other surface not, e.g. a small plate
joined at its largest surface on top of a larger plate
C04B 2237/562
made of alumina or aluminates
Definition statement
This place covers:
constraining layers made of aluminates, e.g. spinel (MgAl2O4), lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3), or
alumina materials such gamma-alumina, boehmite, corundum, gibbsite, etc.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
alumino-silicate constraining layers C04B 2237/56
C04B 2237/562 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Alumina or aluminate substrate joined with another substrate or being C04B 2237/343
part of a ceramic laminate
C04B 2237/564
made of glass
Definition statement
This place covers:
glass and glass-ceramic constraining layers
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Glass substrate joined with a ceramic substrate C04B 37/04 and sub-
C04B 2237/565
made of refractory metal oxides, e.g. zirconia
Definition statement
This place covers:
constraining layers made of materials based on the oxides of the nine refractory oxides, e.g. all
titanates, such as barium titanate (BaTiO3), aluminium titanate (Al2TiO5), bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12)
and all titania based material; all materials consisting mainly of zirconates and hafnates, such as
zircon (ZrSiO4), calcium zirconate (Ca2ZrO4), lead hafnate (PbHfO3), zirconate-titanates such as PZT
(lead zirconate-titanate), for all values for the relation Ti/Zr; all zirconia based materials such as yttria-
stabilised-zirconia (YSZ), unstabilised zirconia, cubic zirconia, etc.; all niobates such as alkaline earth
niobates (Na0.5K0.5NbO3).
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
other refractory oxide materials such as alumina, or magnesia C04B 2237/562;
C04B 2237/56
refractory non-oxide materials such as silicon carbide C04B 2237/568
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Refractory metal oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being C04B 2237/345
part of a ceramic laminate
C04B 2237/565 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Glossary of terms
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:
refractory oxides titanium oxide, vanadium oxide, chromium oxide, zirconium oxide,
niobium oxide, molybdenum oxide, hafnium oxide, tantalum oxide,
tungsten oxide
C04B 2237/567
made of metal
Definition statement
This place covers:
constraining layers/objects based on metallic phases as well as ceramic layers/objects having a
metallic binder (cermets). If the layer/object has a continuous metallic phase, it is regarded as metallic,
even if the amount of metal is as low as for instance 5 wt%.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Metal substrate joined with a ceramic substrate C04B 37/02 and
subgroups, C04B 2237/40
and subgroups
C04B 2237/568
made of non-oxide ceramics
Definition statement
This place covers:
constraining layers based on all non-oxide materials that are classified in the groups C04B 35/515
-C04B 35/597, e.g. nitrides such as silicon nitride (Si3N4), aluminium nitride (AlN) or boron nitride
(BN), carbonitrides, borides such as magnesium boride (MgB2) or titanium boride (TiB2), silicides
such as molybdenum silicide (MoSi2), carbides such as silicon carbide (SiC) or boron carbide (B4C),
fluorides such as aluminium fluoride (AlF3), sulfides, selenides, carbon or carbon-like materials such
as graphite, diamond, glassy carbon, expanded graphite, etc.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Non-oxide substrate joined with another substrate or being part of a C04B 2237/36 and
ceramic laminate subgroups
Carbon fiber reinforced carbon substrate joined with another substrate or C04B 2237/385
being part of a ceramic laminate
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/58
Forming a gradient in composition or in properties across the laminate or the
joined articles
Definition statement
This place covers:
At least two adjacent layers/objects are similar but have a small difference in composition or
properties, e.g. one ZTA-layer (zirconia-toughened alumina, zirconia with a minority of alumina) next to
an ATZ-layer (alumina-toughened zirconia, alumina with a minority of zirconia)
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Ceramic products with a gradient within one layer or monolithic object C04B 2235/75
Two adjacent layers that have a completely different composition, e.g. B32B 18/00, C04B 37/00
one alumina layer next to a zirconia layer and subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Cement, concrete, mortar or artificial stone mixtures with a gradually C04B 2111/00405
increasing or decreasing concentration of ingredients or property from
one layer to another
C04B 2237/582
by joining layers or articles of the same composition but having different
Definition statement
This place covers:
At least two adjacent layers/articles have the same main component, being the component present in
the largest amount, but one or more different minor components
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Adjacent layers/articles that have differing main components B32B 18/00, C04B 37/00
and s subgroups
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/584
the different additives being fibers or whiskers
Definition statement
This place covers:
At least two adjacent layers/objects contain fibers or whiskers, but the fibers or whiskers have a
different composition, length, width or spatial orientation
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
A ceramic layer/article containing fibers of the same material but with C04B 2235/5272
different dimensions
C04B 2237/586
by joining layers or articles of the same composition but having different
Definition statement
This place covers:
Two adjacent layers/objects have a similar composition but a different relative density/porosity, e.g.
one alumina layer with 50% porosity adjacent to an alumina layer with 70% porosity
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
One ceramic layer or article having a gradient in the density within that C04B 2235/775
layer or article
Two adjacent layers/articles having different absolute densities due to B32B 18/00, C04B 37/00
differing compositions and subgroups
C04B 2237/588
by joining layers or articles of the same composition but having different
particle or grain sizes
Definition statement
This place covers:
For instance one alumina layer has an average grain of 1 micron, while an adjacent alumina layer
has an average grain size of 2 microns, due for instance to a small difference in the composition or to
different pre-treatments
C04B 2237/588 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Two adjacent layers/articles having different grain sizes due to the fact B32B 18/00, C04B 37/00
that the compositions are very different and subgroups
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Grain sizes and shapes of sintered or melt-casted ceramics C04B 2235/78 and
C04B 2237/59
Aspects relating to the structure of the interlayer
Definition statement
This place covers:
Aspects not relating to the composition of the interlayer, but the continuity and porosity of the
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
the composition of the interlayer C04B 2237/02 and s
reaction phases at the interlayer-substrate joining area C04B 2237/60
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
thickness of the interlayer C04B 2237/708
Two interlayers next to each other C04B 2237/72
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/592
whereby the interlayer is not continuous, e.g. not the whole surface of the
smallest substrate is covered by the interlayer
Definition statement
This place covers:
The interlayer is interrupted, while the substrates or other interlayers on both sides continue, e.g. a
printed or patterned interlayer is normally not continuous
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
An interruption of the interlayer due to openings/holes in at least one C04B 2237/62
of the two substrates, e.g. an interruption of the interlayer due to the
presence of an opening in the substrate as in C04B 2237/62
Printed or patterned non-bonding electrodes not covering the whole B32B 18/00 or
ceramic substrate C04B 37/00 and
C04B 2237/595
whereby the interlayer is continuous, but heterogeneous on macro-scale,
e.g. one part of the interlayer being a joining material, another part being an
electrode material
Definition statement
This place covers:
The interlayer is not interrupted, while the substrates or other interlayers on both sides continue. In a
horizontal interlayer the different materials are encountered in a lateral direction.
C04B 2237/595 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
An interlayer containing different materials that are homogeneously C04B 2237/06 and
mixed, e.g. oxide powder mixed with fibers subgroups
Interlayers being on a macro-scale heterogeneous, where one of the C04B 2237/62
macro-parts is void, where the void continuous in the substrate
Interlayers being on a macro-scale heterogeneous, where one of the M04B237/62B
macro-parts is void, where the void is restricted to the interlayer
C04B 2237/597
whereby the interlayer is continuous but porous, e.g. containing hollow or
porous particles, macro- or micropores or cracks
Definition statement
This place covers:
The interlayer is continuous, while the substrates on both sides continue
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
An interruption of the interlayer due to openings/holes in at least one C04B 2237/62
of the two substrates, e.g. an interruption of the interlayer due to the
presence of an opening in the substrate as in C04B 2237/62
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Hollow or porous granular material used as fillers for mortars, concrete or C04B 20/002 and sub-
artificial stone classes
Porous or hollow ceramic granular materials, e.g. microballoons C04B 38/009
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/60
Forming at the joining interface or in the joining layer specific reaction phases
or zones, e.g. diffusion of reactive species from the interlayer to the substrate
or from a substrate to the joining interface, carbide forming at the joining
Definition statement
This place covers:
For instance a reaction between Si from the interlayer with C from the substrate in order to form SiC at
the interphase between interlayer and substrate, or diffusion of Ti from a titanium alloy interlayer into a
metallic substrate
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
reaction between two adjacent substrates, possibly resulting in the C04B 37/001 (direct
formation of an interlayer ceramic-ceramic junction)
or C04B 37/021 (direct
ceramic-metal junction)
and C04B 2237/02-
C04B 2237/16 for the in-
situ formed interlayer
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Reaction sintering of free metal or free silicon containing compositions C04B 35/65 and sub-
C04B 2237/61
Joining two substrates of which at least one is porous by infiltrating the
porous substrate with a liquid, such as a molten metal, causing bonding of the
two substrates, e.g. joining two porous carbon substrates by infiltrating with
molten silicon
Definition statement
This place covers:
Infiltrating a porous ceramic with metal or silicon to join the resulting cermet or ceramic with a metal or
ceramic substrate.
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics based on carbon, made by impregnation of a carbon product C04B 35/521
with carbonisable material
C04B 2237/61 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Informative references
Making silicon carbide ceramic by reaction sintering, e.g. infiltrating a C04B 35/573
porous carbon body with Si and let them react to form SiC
Reaction sintering of free metal or free silicon containing compositions C04B 35/65 and
Porous ceramics in general C04B 38/00 and
Non-superficial impregnation or infiltration of a ceramic substrate C04B 41/457
Liquid infiltration of green bodies or pre-forms C04B 2235/616
C04B 2237/62
Forming laminates or joined articles comprising holes, channels or other types
of openings
Definition statement
This place covers:
Laminates or joined articles having openings, for instance for electrodes and/or conductors. The
openings normally should pass fully through at least one substrate layer. The openings normally are
filled in the end-product with electrodes/conductors, but at least an intermediate product contains the
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Porous mortars, concrete, artificial stone or ceramic ware, containing C04B 38/0003
continuous channels, e.g. of the "dead-end" type or obtained by pushing
bars in the green ceramic product
Porosity in honeycomb structures C04B 38/0006 and
Laminates or joined articles having superficial holes, not penetrating the C04B 2237/64
whole substrate layer
Joined articles of which at least one article is a tube, at least one article C04B 2237/765
being ceramic
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Making a ceramic by shaping around a core that is later removed C04B 2235/6028
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/64
Forming laminates or joined articles comprising grooves or cuts
Definition statement
This place covers:
Openings/holes are at the surface of at least one of the substrates, but do not penetrate the whole
substrate. The grooves can have the function of providing a mechanical bonding force at the joining
surface, e.g. as saw-tooth on both substrate surfaces that are joined
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Openings/holes that penetrate a whole substrate C04B 2237/62
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramic articles per se containing grooves or cuts C04B 2235/945
A ceramic surface having a certain surface roughness C04B 2235/963
C04B 2237/66
Forming laminates or joined articles showing high dimensional accuracy, e.g.
indicated by the warpage
Definition statement
This place covers:
Laminates/joined articles that should have very specific dimensions
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Laminates/joined articles of which the dimensions are mentioned but no C04B 37/00 and
indication is given on the desirability of having those dimensions subgroups or B32B 18/00
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramics in general characterised by having a high dimensional C04B 2235/9638
accuracy, indicated e.g. by the tolerance
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/68
Forming laminates or joining articles wherein at least one substrate contains
at least two different parts of macro-size, e.g. one ceramic substrate layer
containing an embedded conductor or electrode
Definition statement
This place covers:
The two different parts can be of the same material and of different material. It can be for instance a
layer with a checkerboard pattern, containing blocks of two kinds of different material.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Substrates that contain two different materials mixed on a small C04B 2237/30 and
scale, e.g. smaller than 1 mm, for instance a substrate containing a subgroups
homogeneous mixture of ceramic and metallic material
C04B 2237/70
Forming laminates or joined articles comprising layers of a specific, unusual
Definition statement
This place covers:
The whole laminate/joined article having a certain specific thickness, and also the glass layer of a
glass-ceramic joint having a certain specific thickness
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Ceramic objects in general characterised by their dimensions, e.g. having C04B 2235/95
a specific size
C04B 2237/702
of one or more of the constraining layers
Definition statement
This place covers:
The constraining layer having a certain specific thickness
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/704
of one or more of the ceramic layers or articles
Definition statement
This place covers:
The ceramic substrate having a certain specific thickness
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
ceramic interlayers having a specific thickness C04B 2237/708
C04B 2237/706
of one or more of the metallic layers or articles
Definition statement
This place covers:
The metallic substrate having a certain specific thickness
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
metallic interlayers having a specific thickness C04B 2237/708
C04B 2237/708
of one or more of the interlayers
Definition statement
This place covers:
all interlayers, whether ceramic, metallic, glass, silicon, adhesive resin, having a specific thickness
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/72
Forming laminates or joined articles comprising at least two interlayers directly
next to each other
Definition statement
This place covers:
Two substrates are joined by at least two interlayers. Non-bonding electrode layers do not count as
Informative references
Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:
Rods, electrodes, materials, or media, for use in soldering, welding, or B23K 35/0238
cutting: layered sheets or foils for use in soldering or brazing
Adhesive processes involving separate application of adhesive C09J 5/04
ingredients to the different surfaces to be joined
C04B 2237/74
Forming laminates or joined articles comprising at least two different
interlayers separated by a substrate
Definition statement
This place covers:
A sandwich that has at least 3 substrates, substrate 1, substrate 2 and substrate 3. The interlayer 1
between substrate 1 and 2 is different from the second interlayer, interlayer 2, between substrate 2
and substrate 3.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/76
Forming laminates or joined articles comprising at least one member in the
form other than a sheet or disc, e.g. two tubes or a tube and a sheet or disc
Definition statement
This place covers:
Joining irregular shapes. Plates and discs are considered as regular shapes. A shaft or cylinder is
considered as a regular shape as well.
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
joining of the blocks of a honeycomb C04B 37/005
Sheets that are not joined at their longest side, but at one of the short C04B 2237/68
C04B 2237/765
at least one member being a tube
Definition statement
This place covers:
Joining two substrates of which at least one is a tube, either ceramic or metallic
C04B 2237/78
Side-way connecting, e.g. connecting two plates through their sides
Definition statement
This place covers:
Connecting substrates both at the sides that do not have the largest surface, e.g. two cylinders at the
curved side, not at the end
C04B 2237/78 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Connecting one plate with its long side at another plate with its short side C04B 2237/80
C04B 2237/80
Joining the largest surface of one substrate with a smaller surface of the other
substrate, e.g. butt joining or forming a T-joint
Definition statement
This place covers:
Joining the side surface of a plate with the largest surface of another plate
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Joining the end of a cylinder with the largest surface of a plate C04B 2237/765
Sheets that are joined at both their shortest side C04B 2237/78
C04B 2237/82
Two substrates not completely covering each other, e.g. two plates in a
staggered position
Definition statement
This place covers:
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2237/84
Joining of a first substrate with a second substrate at least partially inside the
first substrate, where the bonding area is at the inside of the first substrate,
e.g. one tube inside another tube
Definition statement
This place covers:
The joining surface is for instance the inside of the outer tube and the outside of the inner tube. Or
joining something to the inside of a vessel or to the inside of a box.
C04B 2237/86
Joining of two substrates at their largest surfaces, one surface being complete
joined and covered, the other surface not, e.g. a small plate joined at it's
largest surface on top of a larger plate
Definition statement
This place covers:
C04B 2237/86 (continued) CPC - C04B - 2023.02
Limiting references
This place does not cover:
Two plates that are joined at their largest surfaces with parts of both C04B 2237/82
sheet remaining uncovered
C04B 2237/88
Joining of two substrates, where a substantial part of the joining material is
present outside of the joint, leading to an outside joining of the joint
Definition statement
This place covers:
See for instance document US2010231129.
CPC - C04B - 2023.02
C04B 2290/00
Organisational aspects of production methods, equipment or plants