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Case: 1.1 Question:1.

Identify the controllable and uncontrollable factors that s AOLs encountered in entering the Brazilian market There are some uncontrollable and controllable elements in Brazilian market. Those are given below :

Controllable elements:

In Brazil AOL provides the CD-room in start up. The price of the AOL service is high then its competitor. Europe and Latin Ameri cas in some area the competitors of AOL the UOL Company provide free web service but the AOL provide it with fees.
Uncontrollable elements:

When AOL entered in to the Latin America or Brazil. Then it faces some uncontrollable elements.Which was not possible to controlled by them. AOL uncontrollable factor is foreign market. Foreign markets are critical to AOL growth.There were so many competition that thay faced it was really uncontrollable to them.Because the strategy that the competitor followed was really good and unique.So it also create problem for AOL.

Question:2.Describe how the problem encountered may have been avoided or compensated for had the element been recognize in the planning stage.
The planning stage of AOL is encountered with some pro blems in the Brazilian market. These problems may be avoidable. The customer found the first problems in the CD -ROMs. Their CD is not qualityful and the software was not upgraded .

There were also some problems encountered are following: y y y y y y Growth of subscriber is problem. Cultural missteps. Dominant position only united state competitors was the main problem. Difference Management style. Inability to change the service.

In there planning stage they planed to avoided the problem. They try to solve this problem. AOL planning is B 2 B e commerce to conduct business with publishers & advertisers y y y Have to refocus on its advertising strategy. The leverage internal & external platform Have to refocus on its online customer services.

3. Identify other problems the firm may encounter in the future and discuss

potential solutions Ans: The problems the firm may meet in the future. Those are given below:

1.AOL can face in the future is the competition . 2. service charge is high so it may decrease customer. 3. Sell of share
4.Joint venture 5.Competitive service

y Its potential solution: The firm must redesign their marketing strategies and
cerate product differentiation. AOL must lower his service charge because is so high. If the company does so they cant face this problem in future. by allowing a flat rate for online access they can attact customer. AOL can make new campaign.


Case : 4.2 1.Evaluate the wisdom of Tambrands becoming part of Procter & gamble. Ans: Tambrands mentioned that the company could not co ntinue to be profitable if its major market was the U.S and that to launch a global marketing program was too dangerous to do alone so they approached P & G about a buyout & the two declared a deal s & G decides to sell Tamp as a compliment to its existing feminine products. The company mentions that becomings a part of P& G will accelerats the global growth of Tampax & enable the brand to achieve its full potential.They did not have the basic utilities to tap into growthin the developing countries where as P & G did.P & G said that it would use its strong research for promoting the Tamp products,Tambrands also said that P & G has the world wide distribution that tampax desperately requires.

2.The company indicated that the goal of the global advertising p lan was to ``market to each cluster in a similar way .Diccuss this goal.Should P & G continue with the stated goal?Why ?Why not? Ans:Out of 1.7 billion women,only 100 million currently uses tampors. In planning for expansion into a global market, Tambrand s divided the world into three clusters based on how resistant women are to using tampors.The goal is to market to each cluster in a different ways. Most women in cluster one already use tampons & may feel they know all they need to know about the product. In cluster two 50% women use tampons & some co ncerns about virginity remains as tampors are often considered as unnatural products which block the flow .Hence Tambrands enlists gyracologists endorsements to stress scientific research on pompons. Whereas cluster 3 ,Tambrands along with tacking virginity issues also tell women how to use it without making them feel uneasy.P & G should continue with there sated goal & should also take interviews from women who uses tampons & ask as there opinion .People nowadays believes in real life examples. More as it would give them the confidence of using tampons.

3.For each of the three cluster identified by Tambrands, identify the cultural resistance that must be overcome. Suggest possible approaches to overcoming the resistance you identify. Ans:The virginity issue scams to bother people most than any other cultural issues. Women have this idea that using tampons would lead them to lose their virginity which absolutely incorrect.Some also considers tampons to be an unnatural product that would black the flow. In these cases, Tambrands enlists gynaecologists endorsements to stress scientific research on tampons which would clinically determine that whether this product is culturally acceptable or not.

4. In reference to the approach es you identified in Question 3, is there an approach that can be used to reach the goal of marketing to each cluster in a similar way ? Ans: Yes ,Tampons have been clinically tested & have been proved that the product is culturally acceptable and it has nothing to do wi th women s virginity.This approach can be used to reach the goal of marketing to each cluster in a similar way.

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