Lecture - 0903 - Introduction To Computer Vision
Lecture - 0903 - Introduction To Computer Vision
Lecture - 0903 - Introduction To Computer Vision
EECS 598-08 Fall 2014!
Instructor: Jason Corso!
Materials on these slides have come from many sources in addition to myself; I am infinitely grateful to these, especially Greg Hager and Silvio Savarese.!
Source: http://www.ted.com/talks/sebastian_thrun_google_s_driverless_car? !
Your turn!
• Form groups of 4.!
• You are a new “Google Computer
Vision Design Team”!!
• Select one of the three tasks.!
• Design a model / algorithm for the
task using the knowledge you
currently have about computer vision,
if any.!
• Discuss for 5 minutes.! Lane Following!
• Sensor types:!
– CCD (charge-coupled device)!
most common!
high sensitivity!
high power!
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=m5VVl0EhoJY!
Adding a lens
• A lens focuses the light onto the film/CCD.!
• Rays passing through the center are not deviated.!
• All parallel rays converge to one point on a plane located at the
focal length f.!
focal point
focal point
optical center
(Center Of Projection)
Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
• There are two lenses in your eye, the cornea and the eyelens.!
• The cornea, the front surface of the eye, does most of the
focusing in your eye.!
• The eyelens (crystalline lens) provides adjustable fine-tuning of
the focus.!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Image distance!
(changes to satisfy equation
when changes)!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Muscles contract,
ligaments relax, more
bulge, more bending
power, shorter focal
Ligaments !
Eyelens !
Muscles relax,
ligaments contract, less
bulge, less bending
power, longer focal
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
!← Nerve cells!
← Photoreceptors!
← Choroid!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Photoreceptors: cones
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Photoreceptors: rods
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!
Challenges: illumination
Challenges: scale
Challenges: deformation
Challenges: occlusion
From D. Gavrila.
Course Information
• EECS 598-08 Foundations of Computer Vision!
– Essentially an introduction to computer vision targeted to
graduate student explicitly rather than undergrad/grad mix.!
• Syllabus!
– Contains all necessary information for course structure and
– Piazza for all Q&A (except when privacy is a concern).!
Coming up in Week 2
• No class on Monday 9/8 as I will be in Zurich at ECCV.!
– This is the only planned cancellation of the term.!
• Wednesday 9/10 we begin with image formation and
representation, covering in more detail the geometry of
image formation. Read FP Ch. 1 and I will add
supplemental materials.!