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Lecture - 0903 - Introduction To Computer Vision

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Foundations of Computer Vision

EECS 598-08 Fall 2014!
Instructor: Jason Corso!

Materials on these slides have come from many sources in addition to myself; I am infinitely grateful to these, especially Greg Hager and Silvio Savarese.!

Source: http://www.ted.com/talks/sebastian_thrun_google_s_driverless_car? !

Your turn!
•  Form groups of 4.!
•  You are a new “Google Computer
Vision Design Team”!!
•  Select one of the three tasks.!
•  Design a model / algorithm for the
task using the knowledge you
currently have about computer vision,
if any.!
•  Discuss for 5 minutes.! Lane Following!

Pedestrian Avoidance! Stoplight Detection!


What is Computer Vision?

•  Ballard and Brown (1982)!
–  The construction of explicit, meaningful description of physical
objects from images.!
•  Trucco and Verri (1998)!
–  computing properties of the 3D world from one or more digital
•  Stockman and Shapiro (2001)!
–  To make useful decisions about real physical objects and
scenes based on sensed images.!
•  Forsyth and Ponce (2003)!
–  ...extracting descriptions of the world from pictures or
sequences of pictures.!
•  Extraction of information from visual content.!

Some related terms

•  Image Processing: the study of the properties of operators
that produce images from other images!
–  we will touch on image filtering and related operators from image

•  Machine Vision: a somewhat outdated term which now tends

to refer to industrial vision applications where (usually) a single
camera is used to solve a structured inspection task!
–  the “reverse CAD” model!

•  Pattern Recognition: typically refers to the recognition of

structures in 2D images (usually without reference to any
underlying 3D information).!

•  Photogrammetry: the science of measurement though non-

contact sensing, e.g. terrain maps from satellite images.
Usually is more focused on accuracy issues than interpretation.!

Source: G.D. Hager Slides.!


What information is in images?

Source: GD Hager slides.!


Five classes of information to be extracted

1.  Early Processes!
–  extracting basic features, edges, contours, and segmentation.!
2.  Motion Tracking!
–  extracting movement, optical flow, tracking, and filtering.!
3.  Shape!
–  extracting 3D structure, epipolar geometry, stereo, SFM,
shape from X.!
4.  Objects!
–  extracting objects, detection, recognition, and matching.!
5.  Actions!
–  extracting actions, space-time localization, detection !

Extracting that information is harder than you think


Sensors and image formation

•  Basic image sensing process:!
–  photons hit a detector!
–  the detector becomes charged!
–  the charge is read out as

•  Sensor types:!
–  CCD (charge-coupled device)!
most common!
high sensitivity!
high power!

cannot be individually addressed!

–  CMOS!
•  simple to fabricate (cheap)!
•  lower sensitivity, lower power!
•  can be individually addressed!

Source: G.D. Hager Slides.!


Sensors and image formation

Each pixel is a measure of the brightness (intensity of light)!

that falls on an area of an sensor (typically a CCD chip)!

Sensors and image formation

•  Getting the light to the sensor.!

•  Add a barrier to block most of the light rays: aperture.!

Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!


The pinhole camera

•  Camera obscura!
–  First camera; known to Aristotle.!
–  Aperture size impacts image.!

Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!


The pinhole camera

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=m5VVl0EhoJY!

Adding a lens
•  A lens focuses the light onto the film/CCD.!
•  Rays passing through the center are not deviated.!
•  All parallel rays converge to one point on a plane located at the
focal length f.!

focal point

focal point
optical center
(Center Of Projection)
Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!

Pinhole vs. lens

Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!


Thin lens equation

•  How to relate distance of object from optical center ( ) to

the distance at which it will be in focus ( ), given focal
length ?!

Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!


Thin lens equation

•  How to relate distance of object from optical center ( ) to

the distance at which it will be in focus ( ), given focal
length ?!

Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!


Thin lens equation

•  How to relate distance of object from optical center ( ) to

the distance at which it will be in focus ( ), given focal
length ?!

Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!


Thin lens equation

•  Any object point satisfying this equation is in focus!

Source: GD Hager and S Seitz slides.!


And we have our image…


Human vision: our benchmark

•  Is a human eye just that much better than a CCD camera?!

Structure of the eye

The iris is roughly equivalent to the diaphragm in a camera, the

cornea and the lens are both lens-like objects, and the retina is
where the image is recorded, similar to a CCD sensor or film.!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Structure of the eye: Iris

•  The iris is similar to the

diaphragm/aperture in a camera!

•  Your iris widens in dim light and

narrows in bright light!

•  The f-number of your eye varies

from f/2 (large opening) to f/8
(small opening)!

•  Compare this to the range of an

average camera lens, which
may have f-numbers from f/2.8
to f/22.!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Structure of the eye: iris

•  With a range of only f/2 – f/8, your

iris can only reduce the light coming
into your eye by a factor of 20. !

•  The range of intensities that your

eye can respond to is a factor of

•  The main function of the iris is not

to control the intensity of light
coming into your eye!

•  Main functions of iris!

–  Reduce aberrations, sharpen image!
–  Increase depth of field!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Structure of the eye: cornea and lens


•  There are two lenses in your eye, the cornea and the eyelens.!
•  The cornea, the front surface of the eye, does most of the
focusing in your eye.!
•  The eyelens (crystalline lens) provides adjustable fine-tuning of
the focus.!
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

How a camera lens focuses

•  A camera is focused by changing the distance, ,from the
lens to the image at the back on the CCD as the distance to
the object, , changes.!

Focal length (fixed)!

Object distance !

Image distance!
(changes to satisfy equation
when changes)!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

How a human eye focuses

•  The eyelens is a fixed distance, , from the retina at the
back of the eyeball where the image is created.!

Focal length (changes

to satisfy the equation)!
Object distance !

Image distance (fixed)!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Eyelens: focusing and accommodation

•  The eyelens changes its focal length by changing its shape.
Ligaments pull on the lens to change the amount of “bulge”.!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Eyelens: focusing and accommodation

Muscles contract,
ligaments relax, more
bulge, more bending
power, shorter focal
Ligaments !
Eyelens !
Muscles relax,
ligaments contract, less
bulge, less bending
power, longer focal
Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Eyelens: focusing and accommodation

•  Your eyelens has a small depth of field !
–  You can't see something close and far with both objects in
focus at the same time.!
•  Hold out your thumb about a foot away from your eye!
–  Then, alternately focus on thumb and me (right above your
•  Note that you cannot see both me and your thumb sharply
(in focus) at the same time!
–  You focus on one or the other by changing the bulge of your

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Eyelens: focusing and accommodation  

thumb  is  out  of  focus  

less  bulgy,  longer  f  

professor  is  in  focus    

thumb  is  in  focus  

more  bulgy,  shorter  f  

professor  is  out  of  focus  

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Concept questions on focusing

You can't see me and your thumb clearly at the same time!
a)  because your pupil is too small!
b)  because your iris can't change fast enough!
c)  because your eye cannot accommodate !
d)  because your eye does not have enough depth of field!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Concept questions on focusing

When you see someone out-of-focus!
a)  There is no image anywhere!
b)  There is an in-focus image on your fovea!
c)  There is an in-focus image on your retina!
d)  There is an image in-focus either in front or in back of your

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Concept questions on focusing

In order to focus on close objects!
a)  your eyelens needs to bulge!
b)  your eyelens needs to flatten!
c)  your cornea needs to bulge!
d)  your cornea needs to flatten!
e)  the distance (xi) between your eyelens and retina needs to

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Structure of the eye: retina

•  The retina is the sensor or film of your eye.!

•  Its layers do three things!

–  Provide blood and nutrients (choroid)!
–  Absorb light and convert to an electrical signal
–  Transfer the signal to the brain (nerve cells)! Light!

Plexiform  layer  (nerve  cells)  

Rods  and  Cones  (photoreceptors)  

Choroid  (blood  vessels)  

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Structure of the retina


!← Nerve cells!
← Photoreceptors!

← Choroid!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Photoreceptors: rods and cones

•  Light is detected and rod  

converted to an electrical
signal by the
photoreceptors in the retina.
There are two main kinds of
receptors, rods and cones.!

•  This is a false color image,

rods and cones are not
actually different colors.!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Photoreceptors: cones

•  Cones are responsible for our

fine detailed and color vision!

•  Cones are clustered near the

center of your retina, called the

•  There are 5 million cones in the

average retina!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Photoreceptors: rods

•  Rods  are  responsible  for  low  light  

and  peripheral  vision  

•  They  are  present  everywhere  in  the  

re-na  except  the  fovea  

•  There  are  125  million  rods  in  the  

average  re-na  

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Rods and cones

•  Because of their different functions, rods and cones are
present in varying densities in the retina. The blind spot is
due to the connection of the optic nerve!

Source: Dr. Ellen Keister, Physics 1230, U Colorado Fall 2012 slides and Seeing the Light by Falk, Brill and Stork (Wiley, 1986).!

Human vision: our benchmark

•  Is a human eye just that much better than a CCD camera?!

Human vision: our benchmark

•  Is a human eye just that much better than a CCD camera?!

•  Then how do humans see so well?!


Human vision: our benchmark

Source: G.D. Hager Slides.!


Illusions: what do they tell us?

Source: G.D. Hager Slides.!


Illusions: what do they tell us?

Source: G.D. Hager Slides.!


Why is computer vision hard?

Source: G.D. Hager Slides.!


Why is computer vision hard?

Source: G.D. Hager Slides.!


Why is computer vision hard?

•  “Context” counts for as much as appearance.!

•  Huge amounts of prior knowledge (learned and innate).!

•  AI complete (hard to solve a cleanly defined “simple”

problem without invoking unrealistic assumptions).!

•  Lack of a clear metric for success (indeed, we are often

completely wrong as you’ve seen).!

•  The diversity of the natural world.!

Source: G.D. Hager Slides.!


Challenges: viewpoint variation


Challenges: illumination

Source: Saverese slides; Koenderink image.!


Challenges: scale

Source: Saverese, Fei-Fei, Fergus, and Torralba.!


Challenges: deformation

Source: Saverese slides.!


Challenges: occlusion

Source: Magrit 1957; Saverese, Fei-Fei, Fergus, and Torralba.!


Challenges: background clutter

Source: Kilmeny Niland 1995; Saverese slides.!


Challenges: intra-class variation

Source: Saverese, Fei-Fei, Fergus, and Torralba slides.!


Challenges: class variation

Source: Saverese slides.!


Computer Vision is everywhere

From D. Gavrila.

Applications of Computer Vision

•  Link to Prof. Savarese application slides (roughly 16-40).!
–  http://cvgl.stanford.edu/teaching/cs231a_winter1314/lectures/

Course Information
•  EECS 598-08 Foundations of Computer Vision!
–  Essentially an introduction to computer vision targeted to
graduate student explicitly rather than undergrad/grad mix.!
•  Syllabus!
–  Contains all necessary information for course structure and
–  Piazza for all Q&A (except when privacy is a concern).!

Coming up in Week 2
•  No class on Monday 9/8 as I will be in Zurich at ECCV.!
–  This is the only planned cancellation of the term.!
•  Wednesday 9/10 we begin with image formation and
representation, covering in more detail the geometry of
image formation. Read FP Ch. 1 and I will add
supplemental materials.!

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