Spills in Labs
Spills in Labs
Spills in Labs
Key Responsibilities
1 Local managers and supervisors must ensure that where hazardous biological spills can occur, staff and students
are aware of the risks, are familiar with spill management procedures and have access to the appropriate equipment.
2 Spilled blood and body fluids/substances and infective agents may be encountered in many situations in the
laboratory. Spills involving Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are to be dealt with by registered office of the
gene technology regulator (OGTR) trained personnel according to procedures documented with project licence
application. Management of these spills may require specialised procedures and is outside the scope of this
document. All biohazard spills must be attended to immediately.
3 The basic principles of spills management are:
• standard precautions apply, including use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as applicable
• cleaning up and disinfection after work with human blood and other body fluids should be conscientiously
• generation of aerosols from spilled material should be avoided.
• hot water will make blood stick to the surface it is on. For this reason, cold or warm water should always be
used for the first contact with blood or blood stained articles.
• after clean up dry area so that it is not slippery.
• disinfectants must not be mixed with detergents as this can render them ineffective, use these agents
• disinfectants can be deactivated by reacting with organic material such as blood, so if there is a lot of infective
material present you will need a lot of disinfectant or you will need to reduce the load of organic material
present by first carefully wiping up and removing the bulk of the organic material then deactivate all contact
areas with an appropriate disinfectant. Always try to contain the spill, don’t spread it, wipe material towards the
centre and take care to remove any sharp objects with forceps before attempting wipe up
• spills involving genetically modified infectious agents (GMO’s) must be decontaminated as per guidelines and
procedures laid out in training and documentation supplied by area management to laboratory users.
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• spills involving infectious agents may require special treatment in addition to these guidelines, in these cases
area management will need to be consulted before the spill area is returned to general use.
6 All major spills must be reported immediately to the laboratory manager or supervisor. A major spill is one in which:
• a hazardous material contacts skin, eyes, etc.
• a break in the skin occurs
• the spill splashes over an area larger than 30 cm in diameter
• the extent of the spill is undetermined, or
• the spill involves an agent transmitted by aerosol
• the spill involves genetically modified organisms (GMO’s)
Protective Clothing
7 Workers involved in cleaning must wear protective clothing. The minimum requirement is disposable gloves. If a
spillage covers a large area, goggles/face shield, a waterproof apron (or gown) and overshoes will also be needed to
prevent contamination of clothing.
8 Procedures for managing blood and other infective agent spills are dependent on the nature and size of the spill, as
well as the location. Management of spills involving GMO’s in beyond the scope of this document and dealt with in
OGTR risk management procedures developed for the specific project involved.
9 Liquid spills generally have three components:
• the bulk liquid that puddles on the surface
• small splashes of liquid that are distributed around the spill area
• even smaller droplets that form airborne particles (aerosols)
10 Think about where these components may have landed and make sure you clean all potential areas of
11 Spot Cleaning Blood and body fluids on non-skin contactable areas:
• Wear disposable gloves
• Wipe up spot immediately with a damp cloth, tissue or absorbent paper towel.
• Then clean with warm (not hot) water and detergent
• Discard contaminated materials (tissue, paper toweling) as biological waste
• Take off and dispose of gloves with biological waste
• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water
15 Spills on carpet:
• For blood spills clean with a neutral detergent and arrange through Property Services Division for the carpet to
be shampooed with an industrial carpet cleaner as soon as possible.
• For infectious cultures consult with laboratory manager or supervisor for appropriate disinfection solution.
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19 Commercial source of Virkon Tablets and powders is Halson Enterprises Pty Ltd, PO Box 205, Rosanna, 3084,
phone: 9458 3390 (tablets come in packets of 20 and come with an expiry 1-2 years.)
Spills kits
20 In the biological laboratory and in medical settings standard cleaning equipment, including a mop and cleaning
bucket plus cleaning agents, should be readily available for spills management and should be stored in an area
known to all workers.
21 A supply of tablet or powder Virkon® should be available in the kit. Expiry date of the Virkon® needs to be recorded
container. A scraper and pan should be used to remove the absorbed material.
22 All re-useable cleaning equipment should be thoroughly cleaned after use and stored dry.
23 For larger spills and spills in field situations, it may be advisable to have a spills kit prepared. This could be in the
form of:
• large (10 litre) re-usable plastic container or bucket with fitted lid, containing materials such as:
• two large (10 litre) impermeable sealable plastic waste disposal bags
• disposable impermeable rubber gloves suitable for cleaning
• a disposable, sturdy cardboard scraper and pan (similar to a 'pooper scooper')
• Virkon® disinfectant either powder or tablet form with expiry date noted on the container
• disposable rubber gloves that are suitable for cleaning
• eye protection (disposable or reusable)
• plastic apron
• a mask (for protection against aerosols from high-risk spills that may be generated during the cleaning
• pair of forceps for picking up contaminated materials if necessary
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24 With all spills management protocols, it is essential that the affected area is left clean and dry. Disposable items in
the spills kit should be replaced after each use of the kit.
25 The person in charge (Laboratory Manager) shall ensure that blood spill kits are available whenever blood or blood
containing materials are handled.
26 Some commonly used disinfectants and their properties are listed in Chapter 7 of Infection control guidelines for the
prevention of transmission of infectious diseases in the health care setting. Also the Australian Standard
2243.3:2002, has good information in Appendix E about chemical disinfectants.
27 Virkon® is recommended in preference to hypochlorite solutions because of its ease of use and stability.
28 Hypochlorite solution is a very effective disinfectant however it is dangerous to use, corrosive and tends to bleach
surfaces. It is difficult under normal working conditions to determine the concentration of active chlorine in stored
solutions. (See for shelf life of 5% hypochlorite solution: http://www.forp.usp.br/restauradora/soda/sodaingl.html)
29 The effectiveness of disinfectants depends on appropriate concentration/dilution and contact time with organisms
and the concentration of other proteins encountered in the particular situation. Always check manufacturers' labels
and Material Safety Data Sheets for instructions before use.
Removal of Gloves.
30 The following procedure is recommended when removing gloves
• Grasp the back of one glove and pull it forward thus turning the glove inside out. Scrunch up the removed glove
in your remaining gloved hand.
• Carefully insert the thumb of the ungloved hand under the cuff of the remaining glove ensuring that the clean
hand does not come into contact with the outside contaminated surface of the glove.
• Pull the glove forwards until it inverts itself over the other glove. Then grasping the clean interior of the glove
complete removal and dispose of two inverted gloves into a Biohazard bag.
• Australian Standard 2243.3: Safety in Laboratories – Microbiology
• Victorian Government, Department of Human Services: Blue book - Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases
Revised edition 2005
Appendix 3: Standard and additional precautions
Appendix 5: Procedure for managing spills of blood and body fluids/substances
Appendix 6: Cleaning and waste disposal procedures
• Victorian Government, Department of Human Services - Procedure for dealing with spills of blood and body fluids