Cheadle & Grimesto 2010 To Fault or Not To Fault
Cheadle & Grimesto 2010 To Fault or Not To Fault
Cheadle & Grimesto 2010 To Fault or Not To Fault
can arise in part from the interpretation coast of Venezuela, where circulation with deposition under an anoxic, sulphate-
of different geochemical proxies used to the open ocean is restricted by physical poor system11, but we know they were
reconstruct redox conditions, from genuine barriers, resulting in localized reducing deposited in well-oxygenated, sulphate-rich
physiographic separations between different conditions at depth. Spatial redox variability marine waters. In this instance, the proxies
ocean basins around the globe, or as the can also arise in the open ocean in the form instead reflect the continued reworking of
result of secondary alteration of the original of oxygen minimum zones10. There, bursts these sediments as they migrate along the
geochemical signals8. of biological productivity in the upper ocean coast of South America. As this example
One way to wring order from this chaos lead to localized depletion of oxygen at demonstrates, a detailed understanding
is to use several adjacent locations to intermediate depths, as the sinking biomass of the depositional context is essential
reconstruct a three-dimensional framework is eventually degraded and respired. Oxygen for building robust interpretations of
of redox variability over time. Recently, this minimum zones often occur where nutrient- geochemical data.
approach was applied to the Ediacaran- rich waters from the deep ocean upwell to Poulton and colleagues4 have provided
aged Nanhua Basin in China, which led the surface, such as off the western coast intriguing evidence for early spatial
to suggestions that Ediacaran oceans may of Chile. variability in redox structure, which will
have been doubly redox-stratified, with Thus there are modern physical undoubtedly spur renewed efforts to model
a wedge of sulphidic waters separating mechanisms that could plausibly be invoked early ocean chemistry. However, much work
deep ferruginous waters from oxic to generate spatial gradients in redox integrating geochemical and stratigraphic
surface waters7. conditions in the ancient ocean, in addition data sets remains ahead of us before we can
Poulton and colleagues4 have used to any conditions perhaps unique to such have a true sense of the three-dimensional
a similar approach to investigate redox ancient biogeochemical cycling 4,8. However, redox structure in the oceans, and how this
conditions more than one billion years the expected duration of these oceanic has varied through time. ❐
earlier, examining several stratigraphic redox gradients remains an open question.
sections in the 1.8 billion-year-old Animikie Presumably the conditions would have David Fike is in the Department of Earth and
basin of North America to look for spatial needed to persist for millions of years to be Planetary Sciences, Washington University, St.
variation associated with the transition preserved in the Animikie sediments, but Louis, Missouri 63130, USA.
to sulphidic conditions. The distribution transient conditions lasting for short periods e-mail:
of redox-sensitive phases of iron clearly cannot necessarily be ruled out.
indicates a stratified redox structure, with The apparent spatial variability found in references
a near-shore wedge of sulphidic waters redox signals at such critical biogeochemical 1. Canfield, D. E. Nature 396, 450–453 (1998).
intruding between overlying oxic surface junctures in Earth history may put many 2. Poulton, S. W., Fralick, P. W. & Canfield, D. E. Nature
waters and deeper ferruginous waters. These ill at ease. It is difficult to tell whether these 431, 173–177 (2004).
3. Brocks, J. J. et al. Nature 437, 866–870 (2005).
results imply the coexistence of ferruginous reports reflect spatially varying conditions
4. Poulton, S. W., Fralick, P. W. & Canfield, D. E. Nature Geosci.
and sulphidic conditions in spatially in the ancient ocean itself or from some 3, 486–490 (2010).
distinct zones, similar to those found in the other means, such as chemical alteration 5. Canfield, D. E. & Teske, A. Nature 382, 127–132 (1996).
Ediacaran oceans (Fig. 1). of the signal during or after deposition7. 6. Canfield, D. E. et al. Science 321, 949–952 (2008).
In both cases, it remains unclear exactly A note of caution comes from the analysis 7. Li, C. et al. Science 328, 80–83 (2010).
what physical (and biological) conditions are of many of our most trusted redox proxies 8. Kaufman, A. J., Hayes, J. M., Knoll, A. H. & Germs, G. J. B.
Precambrian Res. 49, 301–327 (1991).
necessary to support these redox gradients (iron speciation, sulphur isotopes and
9. Lyons, T. W., Werne, J. P., Hollander, D. J. & Murray, R. W.
in the water column, and how long such carbon/sulphur ratios) in samples from Chem. Geol. 195, 131–157 (2003).
stratified conditions are likely to remain the mobile mud belts of the Amazon River 10. Paulmier, A. & Ruiz-Pino, D. Prog. Oceanogr. 80, 113 (2009).
stable. For this we can look to modern ocean delta11. Taken at face value, the geochemical 11. Aller, R. C., Madrid, V., Chistoserdov, A., Aller, J. Y. & Heilbrun, C.
settings such as the Cariaco Basin9 off the redox indicators of these sediments suggest Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.05.008 (2010).
Structural geology
id-ocean ridges are the locations However, in 1983, large faults that expose in May 2010, geoscientists and biologists
where the Earth’s crust is renewed. rocks from deep below the mid-ocean ridge concluded these oceanic fault systems
Here, the tectonic plates that form were discovered at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge2. should be recognized as a fundamentally
the sea floor spread apart and new oceanic These structures have since been identified distinct mode of seafloor spreading.
crust is generated from upwelling magma. in most ocean basins. At the American Conventionally, oceanic crust is thought
Studies of ancient oceanic crust have led Geophysical Union Chapman Conference3 to have a relatively constant thickness of
to the idea that it forms in simple layers1. on ‘Detachments in oceanic lithosphere’ 6–7 km and a simple layered structure. The
years without breaking up9. Plate separation The Chapman conference3 raised as many references
could more easily be accommodated by questions as answers. Whatever the details 1. Penrose Field Conference Participants Geotimes 17, 24–25 (1972).
several smaller, successive faults, whose surrounding the origin and development 2. Karson, J. A. & Dick, H. J. B. Mar. Geophys. Res. 6, 51–98 (1983).
3. Chapman Conf. Detachments in Oceanic Lithosphere (AGU,
combined displacement equals that of the of detachment faults, they do not fit our Cyprus, 2010);
slip on one larger fault. It seems that for textbook model of crustal formation at 4. Cannat, M. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 4163–4172 (1993).
large detachment faults to slip, a particular mid-ocean ridges. A consensus emerged 5. Dick, H. J. B., Lin, J. & Schouten, H. Nature 426, 405–412 (2003).
set of thermal conditions and volume of at the meeting that oceanic detachment 6. Escartin, J. et al. J. Geophys. Res. 104, 10421–10437 (1999).
magma input may be required10. Those faults and oceanic core complexes should be 7. Smith, D. K., Cann, J. R. & Escartin, J. Nature
areas with very low magma injection rates considered a distinct and fundamental mode 442, 440–443 (2006).
8. Escartin, J. et al. Nature 455, 790–794 (2008).
form smaller detachment faults, similar of seafloor spreading. ❐ 9. Ohara, Y., Yoshida, T., Kato, Y. & Kasuga, S. Mar. Geophys. Res.
to those observed at the slow-spreading 22, 47–61 (2001).
Gakkel Ridge in the northern Atlantic and Michael Cheadle is in the Department of Geology 10. Tucholke, B. E., Behn, M. D., Buck, W. R. & Lin, J. Geology
the far eastern Southwest Indian Ridge. and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 36, 455–458 (2008).
In contrast, large detachment faults are Wyoming 82071-3006, USA. Craig Grimes is in
formed at spreading ridges with moderate the Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State acknowledgements
Citations relating to the Chapman conference indicate
magma supply, such as the structures seen University, Mississippi State, Mississippi those speakers who were invited to give overview talks.
at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (M. Cannat, 39762-5448, USA. The ideas discussed here therefore represent a summary of
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). e-mail: ideas from various workers.
econoMic geology
Volatile destruction
Direct evidence for the role of volatiles in magmatic ore formation has been elusive. Magma degassing at Merapi
volcano in Indonesia is found to be directly linked to the selective leaching of metals from sulphide melts that
ultimately form ore deposits.
Bruno Scaillet
ulphur carried by magmas plays with an immiscible sulphide melt that the density difference and accelerating
a pivotal role in many geological hosts numerous economically interesting the settling out of sulphides. Yet, hydrous
processes. A great chemical affinity elements, such as copper, nickel, gold and magmas are not observed to produce layers
exists between sulphur and metals that is the platinum-group elements5. According to of accumulated sulphides. Instead, field
important for ore formation. Thus many ore the classic mechanism of magmatic sulphide evidence shows that sulphur-bearing rocks
deposits of economic interest are intimately ore formation6, sulphide melts readily settle related to arc magmas accumulate above
associated with magmatic activity. The out of the main molten body of magma the main silicate–magma intrusion, and not
sulphur and metals merge together at the because they are much denser than the in it, forming the so-called hydrothermal
magmatic stage to yield immiscible sulphide surrounding silicate melt. They accumulate ore deposits. One of the reasons for this
melts. At some stage during magma at the base of the magma chamber or observation lies in the degassing processes
evolution, the ore-forming elements are intrusion (Fig. 1a). This mechanism works at work in such settings, in particular
removed or concentrated, but the reasons well for dry iron- or magnesium-rich (mafic) the loss of water by the magma. During
for this, particularly in subduction-zone magma, which is typical for magmatic their ascent to the surface, magmas lose
settings, remain obscure. The volatile activity at intraplate or extensional rift- their volatiles continuously because water
content of the magma has long been related settings. These tectonic settings are solubility in silicate melts decreases with
thought to play an important role in the associated with many metallic deposits of decreasing pressure1. The escaping gas rises
separation process1, but direct evidence has huge economic interest, such as at Norilsk towards the upper reaches of the magma
been lacking. Writing in Nature Geoscience, in Siberia7. There, some 250 million years plumbing system. As the volatiles percolate
Nadeau et al.2 report observations from ago profuse intraplate volcanism created the through the magma they scavenge elements
Merapi volcano, Indonesia, that indicate largest nickle–copper–palladium deposits in and essentially destroy the sulphide melt
that present-day arc magmas, produced the world. (Fig. 1b). The volatiles thus provide a
during the subduction of water-rich The abundance of water in arc magmas, mechanism for the removal and transport
oceanic crust, owe their ore potential to the however, adds an intriguing complexity of metal elements, depositing them either
abundance of volatiles associated with this to this scenario. As far as we know, water above the main magma intrusion or
tectonic setting. does not significantly affect the solubility of carrying them into the atmosphere as a
After water and carbon dioxide, sulphur sulphur in silicate melts8,9, at low pressures gaseous emission.
is the third most abundant dissolved volatile at least. Therefore, hydrous magmas, such as Nadeau et al.2 present detailed
in magmas. Concentrations of sulphur range those formed in arc settings, should follow petrological analyses of rocks ejected during
from a few hundred to a few thousand parts the same pattern of sulphide removal as that an explosive event at Merapi volcano in
per million3,4. When placed in the upper of dry magmas. In fact, water should lower 2006. They provide a comparison between
crust, the majority of magmas soon saturate the density of silicate liquids, amplifying some preserved sulphide melt, the main