Toefl Vocabulary
Toefl Vocabulary
Toefl Vocabulary
C2/Proficient Level
1. The telemarketer's sales ___ was too pushy, so I 9. The Olympian was ___ in his interview. He said
hung up the phone. that he won because he was lucky.
a) sketch c) pitch a) idealistic c) stubborn
b) treaty d) venture b) intimidating d) humble
2. The directions my friend gave us were ___ , so 10. The menu was written in wild writing that was
we were able to find his house easily. barely ___ .
a) coordinated c) essential a) portable c) legible
b) novel d) straightforward b) feasible d) edible
3. The flight attendant caught a ___ of cigarette 11. I heard a ___ outside so I went to the window. I
smoke, so she checked the washrooms to see if saw four men in the street arguing.
someone was smoking. a) burial c) commotion
a) whiff c) glitch b) ritual d) coincidence
b) bout d) mite
12. Jenny is a heavy smoker. After the 10-hour flight,
4. Mick's interest in skateboarding began to ___ as she was really ___ a cigarette.
he got older and the activity became harder on a) craving c) preserving
his body. b) plunging d) scrambling
a) bloat c) tweak
b) wane d) instil 13. The previous tenants were ___ for not paying
rent on time. The landlord is now searching for
5. The chef received many ___ from his guests new people to move in.
about the delicious dinner he made. a) sentenced c) evicted
a) curses c) pardons b) assessed d) forfeited
b) compliments d) excuses
14. The Olympic committee released a statement
6. The pizzeria tried to ___ by using a cheaper saying it does not ___ the use of drugs to
cheese in their pizzas. However, customers enhance athletic performance.
noticed and sales dropped as a result. a) expunge c) condone
a) learn the ropes c) call the shots b) refute d) insulate
b) cut corners d) talk shop
15. Earth's resources are limited. Environmentalists
7. During the economic boom of the 1970s, many fear the planet cannot ___ current rates of
families had ___ income to spend. consumption much longer.
a) inflatable c) disposable a) procure c) redeem
b) distorted d) insolvent b) actualize d) sustain