Business Strategy - Course Guide 2021-22
Business Strategy - Course Guide 2021-22
Business Strategy - Course Guide 2021-22
Email: declan.bannon@afg-abdn,
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Course Guide
QB50S3 (2021-22): Business Strategy
Course Coordinator: Dr Declan P Bannon
Dr Declan P Bannon is Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Business & Management at
the University of Aberdeen - Qatar. A Chartered Marketer with over thirty years’ experience in
Universities, senior management and marketing roles as a teacher, executive director, board
member and business consultant. As an academic professor in Higher Education, his
specialities are Marketing and Strategy lecturing for Universities in the UK & Ireland, Europe,
Middle East, Asia, and Africa.
Declan holds degrees from the University of Ulster, an MBA from Edinburgh University and a
PhD Doctorate in Marketing from the University of the West of Scotland.
As a researcher and writer, he is widely published in national and international journals, books
and business publications. Consultancy experience has covered a multitude of organisations,
blue chip, SME and start-ups in industrial, service sector, public sector, retailing, voluntary and
third sector.
Formerly, he has worked in the international pharmaceutical industry and held positions of
Dean of Business School, Executive MBA Director and International Marketing Programme
Leader at various Universities.
Currently, he is Programme Leader & Senior Lecturer in Business & Management, business
writer and Visiting Professor at a variety of academic institutions internationally and Multi-
National Companies in Europe.
Pre-requisite(s): None
Co-requisite(s): None
Note(s): None
1. To equip you with the knowledge to understand what strategy is, how it is formulated
and implemented in organisations and what kind of tools and models you can use to
support your strategic decision making
2.To provide you with a holistic understanding of the different aspects involved in strategic
(1) Group Presentation 30% of the total marks for the course.
The materials you will use for the group presentation are based on the case assigned to your
group as detailed in MyAberdeen. Whilst working in your group you will need to
demonstrate that you can lead the discussion and analysis of the case assigned to your
group. There will be opportunities for you to get formative feedback on your group during
this time. The summative assessment requires your group to record a 5 mins presentation
using “record a slide show with narration feature” in PowerPoint. More details on how
to use this PowerPoint feature can be found on the following link
(2) Multiple Choice test 30% of the total marks for the course
The Multiple-Choice Test will cover the four chapters of the textbook “Foundations of
(3) Individual Briefing Note contributing 40% of the total marks for the course.
For this piece you will choose one of the 6 topics listed below, research the topic thoroughly
to reflect and attempt to apply parts of the strategy literature to construct either a 6-page
Briefing Note (using double space and one-inch margins) or a short 5-minute video. This
assignment is designed to give you the opportunity to show your capacity to learn on your
own; you will need to read and understand one of the topics listed below, which are not
necessarily explicitly covered in the course. Your task is to write a reflective piece on them.
Reflective means that you not only need to describe the concepts but also and more
importantly, you need to be critical about them and comment on their applicability to
current and future organisational effectiveness. This exercise builds on the skills developed
through the Tasks from prep week. The topics to choose are the following:
1) Agile Methodologies
2) Business Model Innovation
3) Scenario Planning
4) Balance Scorecard
5) Blue Ocean Strategy
6) Managing Across Borders
Details of the submission requirements for all assessments are posted in MyAberdeen.
This course is delivered in the block mod. This will involve you in an intensive series of
interactions over the delivery period for the module. There will be time allocated to preparation
for the course, which will consist primarily of your own, self-allocated learning effort. This will
typically involve you in a minimum of 40 hrs. of directed and self-study over the preparation
a) Timetabled teaching hours – for this course will involve 20 hours of face-to-face sessions
during the intensive delivery week. In addition to this there will be a preparation week
workshop of 1.5 hrs and an assessment workshop, also of 1.5 hours.
b) Time an average student would be expected to devote to private study, including
preparation and assignment preparation should be an additional 87 hours.
c) Notional student effort required to complete the course should be 150 hours for a 15 credit
course or 300 hours for a 30 credit course.
Summative Assessment
1st attempt
As shown above in sections 1, 2 and 3.
Students who are awarded a grade point of 5 or lower for any of the individual
components of assessment will have to take an alternative assessment. Normally, for resit
calculation purposes, resit pass grades (RP) are capped at D3.
Students who score below D3 overall will be required to submit assessment element three
the Individual Briefing Note. The grade awarded will normally be capped at D3.
For further information and the answers to frequently asked questions go to:
Formative Assessment
Formative feedback will constitute a very important part of the delivery philosophy for this
module and all participants are encouraged to adopt an active, questioning approach to their
studies and seek feedback on any aspect of their work, including ensuring understanding of the
requirements for the various assignment briefs. There will be many opportunities during the
lectures, seminars, and workshops where formative feedback will be available.
The evaluation of the assignments will follow the guidelines shown below:
Groupwork: The Teamwork will be evaluated using the following broad guidelines:
• Demonstrates understanding the task and of key issues facing the chosen industry?
• Understanding of the impact of the wider global environment on the industry and
strategy of the organisation or organisations?
• The extent to which key concepts, ideas and approaches discussed in the course are
used in supporting the analysis and whether there is evidence of wider reading and use
of triangulation.
• Report structure and focus. Use of argument, level of critical analysis, discussion and
This multiple-choice test will cover the four chapters of the textbook “Foundations of Strategy”.
Critical Reflection:
• Does the report demonstrate a good use of relevant literature covered in the course
and from wider reading?
• To what extent does the work demonstrate an understanding and use of a
triangulation between differing opinions and approaches.
• Does the report demonstrate a clear understanding of the relevance of the reflection to
Business Strategy?
• To what extent is the discussion consistent in the views expressed and are the claims
well supported with relevant evidence.
At the University of Aberdeen Business School, we care about what you think and encourage you
to provide feedback. On MyAberdeen you can read the minutes of Staff Student Liaison
Committees and how the School responded to issues raised (You Said, We Did). Find out more
and how to get involved at:
External Examiners
AACSB Accreditation
Academically Excellent
This course will provide you with the knowledge that will enable you to apply the theories
behind strategic management.
Active Citizens
This course will raise your awareness about the role of strategy in addressing the problems
and challenges faced by organisations operating in today’s global economy.
Course Coordinator
Dr Declan P Bannon.
Attendance Policy
Lateness Policy
Medical Certification Policy
Academic Integrity Policy
Common Assessment Scale
Resit Policy
Undergraduate Progression Policy
Honours Entry Policy
Postgraduate Progression Policy
Undergraduate Degree Classification Policy
Postgraduate Degree Classification Policy
Class Representation Policy
Co-Curriculum Policy
Appeals Policy
Support for Disabled Students
Feedback Policy
Proofreading Policy
Conversion Scales
These are available on the relevant Business School organisation pages within MyAberdeen –
Undergraduate Postgraduate.
Students are asked to make themselves familiar with the information on key institutional
policies which have been made available within MyAberdeen. These policies are relevant to all
students and will be useful to you throughout your studies. They contain important
information and address issues such as what to do if you are absent, how to raise an appeal or
a complaint and how seriously the University takes your feedback. These institutional policies
should be read in conjunction with this programme and/or course handbook, in which School-
specific policies are detailed. Further information can be found on the University’s Infohub
webpage or by visiting the Infohub. The information includes the following:
Academic Appeals & Complaints
Assessment (Common Grading Scale)
Codes of Practice on Student Discipline (Academic and Non-Academic)
Class Certificates
Recording of Lectures
Exam Results
Aberdeen Graduate Attributes
The Co-Curriculum
Avoiding Plagiarism:
Failure to submit to SafeAssign or Turnitin will result in your grade being given G3 (zero), as
per the School’s policy on the Lateness Policy.
Course Texts
Strategic Management has been established as a discipline for over 40 years. However,
despite the much-established treatment of the topic, the definitive answer to the question
‘What is a good strategy?’ remains an enigma. This lack of consensus means that there is no
shortage of textbooks, monographs and journal articles on organizational strategy and
management in the business literature. These vary from the abstract analytical to the
popularly prescriptive. As in any other important sub-disciplines in business management
there is much debate and disagreement surrounding the field of study. We suggest the
following textbook as a starting point for introducing this topic:
Grant, R.M. & Jordan, J. Foundations of Strategy, Wiley, Chichester (this is an introductory
text, suitable for students without substantial prior formal education in management).
Purchasing a copy of this book also provides you with access to an ebook containing the
same material.
There are copies in the library but given the situation we're facing, the book can be
downloaded in pdf for free in the following link. It can also be purchased in online format
from for around £16 -
We strongly recommend that you make use of the extensive online resources that are
available for students with the purchase of the book. Further recommended readings for this
course include:
Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne, R. (2005) Blue Ocean Strategy. Harvard Business Press, Boston
Nohria, N., William, J. & Robertson, B. (2003) What Really Works, Harvard Business Review,
81, 7
Prahalad C. K. and Hamel G. (1990) ‘The Core Competence of the Corporation’ Harvard
Business Review 3 79-91.
Lecture Programme
The delivery of pre-recorded, face-to-face and online sessions are detailed in MyAberdeen
The delivery of all face-to-face and/or online sessions are detailed in MyAberdeen
The delivery of all face-to-face and/or online sessions are detailed in MyAberdeen
Attendance Rule
All students registered for a course must attend and engage with that course by
signing up for and attending compulsory teaching sessions and submitting in-course
assessments. Failure to meet these requirements will attract penalty points. If you
attract one penalty point you are liable to be deemed “at risk” (denoted by C6 on
your student record). If you attract two penalty points you are liable to have your
class certificate removed (denoted by C7 on your student record) meaning you will
not be eligible to sit the examination and are effectively removed from the course.
QB55S3 (2020-21): Business Strategy