Keynote - Pre-Intermediate - TB Answer Key and Audioscripts
Keynote - Pre-Intermediate - TB Answer Key and Audioscripts
Keynote - Pre-Intermediate - TB Answer Key and Audioscripts
Brendan: Q
uokkas are similar to kangaroos, I think. They’re
To score each test as a percentage, take the total mark (e.g. the same type of mammal and they can both
60), divide by 80 (e.g. 0.75) and multiply by 100 = 75%. jump. Quokkas can be dangerous though; their
claws are quite sharp and they could really hurt
you with them.
Test 1 (Units 1–3) Chia: Yeah, I can imagine. What do they eat?
Brendan: T
hey’re plant-eaters, but nowadays the tourists
VOCABULARY give them all kinds of things to eat: bread, French
1 fries – you name it.
1 A 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 C Chia: Oh, that can’t be very good for them.
2 Brendan: No, it isn’t. It can really harm them.
11 A 12 C 13 A 14 B 15 B 16 C 17 A 18 B Chia: That’s a shame.
19 C 20 C
Brendan: I know, but they still look happy, so I suppose it’s
not too bad.
GRAMMAR Chia: I’m going to travel to Australia one day. It’d be
3 great to go next summer when I finish my course.
21 B 22 B 23 B 24 B 25 A 26 C 27 C Brendan: Y
eah. Just remember though that when it’s
28 A 29 B 30 B summer here, it’s winter there.
4 Chia: Oh, yes. I forgot about that.
31 that 32 ’m having 33 ’m driving 34 who 35 where
36 aren’t 37 ’m 38 ’m doing 39 ’m going to do 40 ’m
going to ask ap
Put students in pairs to ask and answer questions about
READING a novel. Give them one minute to read the information and
45 About 46 Dinner 47 three/3 48 band their English and award marks up to ten according to the
49 live 50 Katrina criteria in the table below. Give two marks if the student
at all.
51 B 52 A 53 C 54 C 55 A 56 B 57 C 58 C Did the student ...? Marks
59 B 60 C
complete the task, i.e. ask or answer all of the
Brendan: A
quokka. Quokkas are small mammals that
know when to listen to their partner and when
mainly live on Rottnest Island in Australia and
to speak?
they’re really cute.
use language presented in the units for talking
Chia: That’s true. That smile on the quokka – it’s
about books?
practically human!
Total marks out of 10
Brendan: I know. They’re not afraid of humans, so they hop
over to see what they’re doing.
Chia: That’s marvellous. My cousin went to Australia
last year, but she didn’t go to that island. She saw
a lot of kangaroos though.
two reasons why spending time with family is Lukas: O
K. Well, that’s not necessarily a problem. What
important? we’re looking for is bright, lively people who can
encouragement to their friend to get in touch use their talent for music to help our patients
with his/her family? feel comfortable, relaxed and just let go of their
accurate use of language for presenting problems while they’re with us.
Mandy: Yes. That’s the kind of thing I’d love to do.
accurate use of vocabulary for family and Lukas: G
reat! So it says here that you play the violin – is
relationships? that right?
Total marks out of 10 Mandy: Yes, I mainly play classical violin, but I was also in a
band that played country music a few years ago.
Lukas: G
ood question. We have a few main types of
VOCABULARY patients and they’re people who have problems
10 vibrant
Mandy: I see. So we need to support them.
Lukas: E
rm, it’s not really supporting them exactly, it’s more
21 E 22 C 23 G 24 A 25 K 26 I 27 H 28 D Mandy: OK, I’m definitely still interested. It would be
29 B 30 F marvellous to help people with my music, even if
31 any 32 few 33 lot of 34 told 35 said 36 a Lukas: Great. Let’s go on with the interview then.
37 many 38 at 39 knew 40 know
5 Put students in pairs to ask and answer questions about the
41 T 42 F 43 NG 44 F 45 NG 46 F 47 T rooms in Buckingham Palace. Give them one minute to read
48 F 49 F 50 F the information and prepare their questions and answers.
Then have them ask and answer the questions. As they are
speaking, monitor their English and award marks up to ten
according to the criteria in the table below. Give two marks
6 if the student meets each criterion well, one mark if their
51 C 52 A 53 C 54 B 55 A 56 C 57 B performance is satisfactory, and no marks if they do not
58 B 59 A 60 C meet the criterion at all.
about design? 6
51 B 52 C 53 B 54 C 55 B 56 C 57 C
Total marks out of 10
58 B 59 C 60 A
WRITING Transcript T.3
Jemma: So, do you know who you’re going to vote for yet,
Use the following table to award ten marks. Give two marks
if the student’s writing meets each criterion well, one mark if Frank: I don’t know. I wanted to vote for Greenwood, but
their writing is satisfactory, and no marks if they do not meet I don’t think she’ll win.
the criterion at all. Jemma: Yeah, Greenwood seems to really care about
an explanation of the effect the musician or money to spend on events and advertisements,
band has had on the student? and all that kind of thing, as Satari does. His
adverts are on TV 24/7.
accurate use of language for explanations and of Greenwood’s fundraising events at a hotel near
recommendations? the riverfront and there was hardly anyone there.
accurate use of vocabulary for music and Just a few people hanging out at the bar.
Total marks out of 10 Jemma: She doesn’t really seem to be making an impact
on people around here.
Frank: Well, I’m not very happy about it, but it looks like
Satari will win.
Test 3 (Units 7–9) Jemma: I don’t know. I’m convinced the newspapers will
5 goods 6 residential 7 flea market 8 natural disaster Jemma: Me neither. It’s strange. A lot of women don’t like
9 historic centre 10 volunteer Satari though. If he can get more women to vote
2 for him, he’ll definitely win.
11 peaceful 12 bustling 13 required Frank: Yeah, I think the way women vote will be really
14 care about 15 impact 16 training programme important this time.
17 dozens of 18 hang 19 24/7 20 range Jemma: I can’t believe there’s still another two months to
go until the election.
GRAMMAR Frank: I know what you mean. I’ve already had enough of
3 hearing about it all the time.
21 B 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 A 26 C 27 A 28 B
29 C 30 A
Then have them ask and answer the questions. As they are
speaking, monitor their English and award marks up to ten GRAMMAR
according to the criteria in the table below. Give two marks 3
if the student meets each criterion well, one mark if their 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 C 25 A 26 B 27 C 28 B
performance is satisfactory, and no marks if they do not 29 A 30 A
meet the criterion at all.
Did the student ...? Marks 31 fortunately 32 was 33 I’ve 34 hopefully
35 every 36 in 37 constantly 38 I 39 definitely
complete the task, i.e. ask or answer all of the
40 hard
say the questions and answers intelligibly?
use correct grammar and vocabulary most of 5 ap
the time? 41 archaeologist 42 dig 43 ruins 44 registering
know when to listen to their partner and when 45 artefacts 46 5/Five 47 museum 48 Host
8 Jonathan: C
an you remember what you dreamed about last
Use the following table to award ten marks. Give two marks night?
Did the text include ...? Marks interesting dream that you can remember?
I need one to interpret for my psychology
Rachel: N
o, I didn’t. Fortunately, I kept my balance a description of the student’s earliest
and climbed over the rocks like a professional memory?
climber. an explanation of why the student can
Jonathan: Right. I’ll see if I can find what that means. remember this and why it’s important to him/
Rachel: It means I like going to the Alps, that’s all!
a suggestion for what people’s earliest
Jonathan: I don’t know. It sounds like you were overcoming
memories tell us about them?
an obstacle in your life.
accurate use of language for explanation and
Rachel: here aren’t any obstacles in my life. I’m
really not sure I believe in all of this dream
accurate use of vocabulary for the brain?
stuff, Jonathan. I don’t understand why your
psychology teacher is making you learn it. Total marks out of 10
Jonathan: It’s a science, Rachel. It helps us to get inside
the human brain and understand what’s going
on in there. Just give me one more dream to ap
interpret and I’ll show you what I mean.
two marks if the student meets each criterion well, one mark
if their performance is satisfactory, and no marks if they do