Application of Synthetic Rock Mass Modeling
Application of Synthetic Rock Mass Modeling
Application of Synthetic Rock Mass Modeling
International Journal of
Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences
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Article history: Rock masses of the primary copper ore at the El Teniente mine fail mainly through the infill of preexisting
Received 15 July 2014 veins during the caving processes, especially through those composed of less than 35% hard minerals
Received in revised form (quartz and pyrite). In this study, the Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) approach is used to reproduce the
29 October 2015
results of ten uniaxial compression tests on veined core-size samples of El Teniente Mafic Complex
Accepted 6 November 2015
(CMET) lithology, from El Teniente mine, Codelco-Chile. At the scale of the tested samples it is observed
Available online 21 November 2015
that veins composed mostly of quartz dominate the failure process. The developed methodology con-
Keywords: siders generating a deterministic Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) based on the veins mapped at the
Synthetic Rock Mass surface of each core sample. Then, the micro-parameters of the Bonded Particle Model (BPM) are cali-
Numerical modeling
brated to represent the macro-parameters of the average block of intact rock within all samples. Next, the
Veined rock
micro-parameters of the Smooth-Joint Contact Model (SJCM), which represent the mechanical properties
Laboratory samples
of veins, are calibrated to reproduce the stress–strain curves and the failure modes of the veined core-
size samples measured during the laboratory tests. Results show that the SRM approach is able to re-
produce the behavior of the veined rock samples under uniaxial loading conditions. The strength and
stiffness of veins, as well as the vein network, have an important impact on the deformability and global
strength of the synthetic samples. Contrary to what was observed in the laboratory tests, synthetic
samples failed mainly through weak veins. This result is expected in the modeling given that anhydrite
veins are considered weaker than quartz veins. Further research is required to completely understand
the impact of veins on the behavior of rock masses.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1365-1609/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
48 J.A. Vallejos et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 81 (2016) 47–61
Table 1
Summary of the main characteristics of each veined core-size sample.
Total – – – 36 9 100
Min. 49.7 101.3 554.5 2 0 6
Max. 52.3 109.4 681.7 5 2 12
Mean 50.1 105.0 584.6 3.6 0.9 10.0
s.d. 0.8 2.1 35.2 1.1 0.9 2.1
( Bpb_all=true). Also, a moment contribution factor ( β ̅ =0) is in- (CMET) and hosts 80% of the copper mineralization.1 Two different
cluded. A more detailed explanation of both BPM can be found in sectors are distinguished, because they have different alteration
Refs. 30 and 36. zones and structural domains,5 the west part is called the hanging
The geometric and mechanical characteristics of joints have an wall (HW) and the east part is called the footwall (FW). The main
influence on the anisotropy and scale effect presented by some difference of this rock mass from the other ones is the miner-
rock mass properties. DFN modeling is based on a representation alogical infill of the veins, which agrees with the definition of the
of the discontinuity network within a geotechnical domain using orebody’s hydrothermal alteration zones.4 The infill observed in
statistical distributions to describe the orientation, persistence, veins within rock masses at the El Teniente mine can be studied by
and spatial location. In the case of El Teniente rock mass, veins a quantitative estimation using the percentage of hard infilling
instead of discontinuities have to be modeled. Even though DFN is represented by quartz or pyrite. For example, the average vein
a valuable tool, models are limited by the uncertain fracture sys- within units like CMET HW or dacite has more than 60% hard in-
tem geometry and, in general, can only be approximately esti- filling, while an average vein within units like CMET FW or diorite
mated. The model has some shortcomings based on basic as- had more than 30% hard infilling only. Different mineralogical
sumptions. As veins are considered as planar and circular discs, compositions should show different rock samples behavior after
parameters such as the thickness, roughness and heterogeneities being tested.
of the discontinuities, and intact rock bridges are not explicitly The following section includes a summary of the geological
considered. However, they are implicitly accounted for in the ca- characterization of the veins visible at the surface of the samples
libration process by matching laboratory test results. from the CMET HW lithology tested in the laboratory, and the
Interfaces can be represented in PFC3D by assigning new micro- parameters from the El Teniente mine database describing the
parameters to the bonds through a predefined plane39 or by using intact rock and veins properties at laboratory scale.
the SJCM.31 The SJCM simulates the behavior of a frictional or
bonded joint at all contacts between particles at opposite sides of 3.1. Uniaxial compression test
the joint. However, the SJCM have the following limitations:
(1) reduces the influence of the roughness and does not consider Ten cylindrical rock samples were prepared according to the
the geometric variation explicitly,40 (2) considers that the normal standard ASTM D4543-08,44 and then tested under uniaxial
stiffness is the same in tension and compression stress paths, compressive conditions using the standards included in ASTM
(3) does not consider the dependence of normal and shear stiff- D7012-0445 at the Rock Mechanics laboratory of the University of
ness with confinement, and (4) generates interlocking when the Chile, Santiago, Chile. All samples were mapped in detail before
shear displacement is greater than the minimum diameter of the and after testing, but only veins with thicknesses greater than
particles.41 A more realistic model may include the roughness 0.3 mm were described by their orientation, thickness, spatial
profile,42,43 The micro-parameters of the SJCM are the normal and position, length, roughness, and mineralogy 46. In addition, veins
shear stiffness per unit area ( k ̅n and ks̅ ), radius multiplier ( λ ̅ ), are classified considering the most abundant mineral in their
friction coefficient ( μ ), dilation angle (Ψ ), bond mode (non-bonded composition.
or bonded), tensile strength ( σc ), cohesion ( cb ), and bond friction Table 1 presents the dimensions, weight and number of veins
angle ( ϕb ). A more detailed explanation of the SJCM can be found per type in the surface for each tested sample. The average sample
in Refs. 10,31. has an aspect ratio (H/D) of 2.1 and a density of 2.82 [g/cm3].
Quartz veins are dominant in all samples representing the 69% of
the total number of veins, while anhydrite and chalcopyrite only
3. Data represent the 25% and 6%, respectively. The distribution of hard
infilling is presented in Fig. 3. An average vein is composed by
The main rock types at the El Teniente mine are described as more than 58% of hard infilling, which reflect the high content of
mafic intrusive complex (andesite), felsic intrusive rocks (dacite quartz in the veins. This is consistent with the fact that most of all
and diorite), and hydrothermal breccia (Braden breccia). The most of the veins in the samples from CMET HW are composed by hard
abundant rock is denominated as the El Teniente Mafic Complex infilling.
50 J.A. Vallejos et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 81 (2016) 47–61
Cumulative frequency
Fig. 4 and Table 2 present the stress–strain curves and the average
macro-parameters, respectively. These results will be used to ca-
15 60%
librate and verify the performance of the SRM approach for re-
presenting the behavior of veined core-size samples.
10 40% In the laboratory samples, quartz veins dominates the failure
process contrary to field observations of the caving progress,3
5 20% where the rock mass of the primary copper ore fails mainly
through pre-existing thick veins composed by less than 35% of
0 0% hard minerals. At the laboratory scale, the most common mineral
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 composition of the infill of failed veins was quartz, followed by
anhydrite.46 Fig. 5 presents five samples after testing. Eight of the
Proportion of hard infill within veins [%] samples showed a mixed mode of failure, sample NNM21-4 failed
Fig. 3. Distribution of hard infilling observed within the veins of the samples. through the intact rock, and sample NNM9-4 failed along a single
vein composed mainly of anhydrite (460%).
120 Sample: 3.2. Intact rock parameters
Axial Stress, σa [MPa]
90 NNM-7-4 The influence of the stockwork has changed the concept of the
NNM-9-1 intact rock at the El Teniente mine, being described as a rock
sample with veins of thickness less than 1 mm.47 This has also an
60 impact on the definition of failure of samples at the laboratory.
NNM-16-1 Intact rock failure has been considered to represent not only
NNM-21-1 samples failing by intact rock but also those samples that fail by
30 NNM-21-3 both intact rock and veins.48 Fig. 6 presents the scaling law of
NNM-21-4 CMET samples obtained from UCS laboratory tests, considering
only samples that failed by intact rock, and the adjusted re-
0 lationship proposed in Ref. 49.
NNM-22-2 The macro-parameters of intact rock samples are adjusted
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
using a database of 173 laboratory tests, standardizing values to
Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%] 50-mm-diameter samples and considering an aspect ratio of H/D
Fig. 4. Stress–strain curves measured in laboratory tests under uniaxial compres- ¼2.50 They are presented in Table 3.
sion conditions on veined samples of CMET.
3.3. Veins parameters
Table 2
Macro-parameters for the CMET lithology from laboratory tests. Veins are very competent as a result of the occurrence of ce-
mented infilling.24 The composition of the infilling can be a unique
type of mineral, or a mix of two or more predominant minerals
Young’s modulus, E [GPa] 35.27 5.4 such as anhydrite, bornite, chalcopyrite, quartz, molybdenite,
Poisson’s ratio, ν 0.22 7 0.04 biotite, chlorite, and pyrite. The contact between the infilling and
Crack initiation threshold, σci [MPa] 39.8 7 4.9
Crack damage threshold, σcd [MPa] 74.0 7 11.2
the rock defines an interface, which is frequently the weakest link
Uniaxial compressive strength, UCS [MPa] 92.5 7 14.0 of the system though which the vein fails. Veins can also have
heterogeneities, which may reduce the strength.
Fig. 5. Samples after being tested. Sample NNM09-4 failed though a single vein, sample NNM21-4 failed though intact rock, and samples NNM04-1, NNM16-1, and NNM22-2
failed through both veins and intact rock.
J.A. Vallejos et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 81 (2016) 47–61 51
2.0 Table 4
Strength ratio (UCSde/UCS58[mm])
Summary of direct tensile test results. All samples are from CMET lithology and fail
through veins. 22, 54
Table 5
Normal and shear stiffness of veins with thickness between 1.5 and 5.5 mm as a
function of predominant minerals. Parameters are obtained from direct shear tests
0.0 with confinements between 5 and 10 MPa.22,54
0 1 2 3 4
Length ratio (de/58[mm]) Type of vein (Texture) Tests Normal stiffness, kn Shear stiffness, ks
[MPa] [MPa]
Fig. 6. UCS scale effect in samples of CMET unit.
Quartz (Granular) 7 20.5–65.8 17.0–116.2
In order to study the mechanical behavior of veins, a number of Anhydrite (Granular) 2 31.4–35.9 47.1–52.6
Chalcopyrite (Massive) 13 8.02–73.0 26.6–129.1
direct tension and direct shear tests were performed on samples
containing isolated weak veins (both thin and thick) at the SP la-
boratory in Borås, Sweden.22,51,52 Tables 4 and 5 present a summary Table 6
of the direct tensile tests and the direct shear tests that failed Shear strength parameters as a function of mineral composition of veins with
through veins, respectively. From the direct shear tests, the normal thickness less than 2 mm. Parameters are obtained from triaxial tests with con-
( k n ) and shear stiffness ( ks ) are estimated, considering veins char- finements between 20 and 110 MPa.22
acterized by thickness between 1.5 and 5.5 mm, and normal stresses Mineral composition Tests Cohesion, c Friction angle, Φ UCS
between 5 and 10 MPa. These results indicate that k n < ks . This re- (%) [MPa] [deg] [MPa]
lationship is the opposite to that expected for open joints53 or
veins24, and may be attributed to the testing equipment at SP, which Qz (40%)4Anh 5 42 34 158
Anh (70%)4Cpy (20%) 37 34 31 120
may not be properly controlled during the loading–unloading cycles.
Anh (70%)4Qz (20%) 15 26 39 109
The shear behavior of veins is a combination of different phe- Cpy (70%)4Anh (30%) 26 19 38 78
nomena and interactions such as roughness, wall strength, friction, Residual 12 0 40 –
and cohesion of the infill. The shear strength is essentially con-
trolled by the roughness profile and the mineralogical content, in
cases where the ratio between the thickness of the veins and DFN, BPM, and SJCM, in order to represent the mechanical beha-
amplitude of the roughness is lower than one. This is the condition vior of core-size samples from the CMET HW lithology. The cali-
of the primary mineralization rock mass at the El Teniente mine.54 bration of the SJCM and DFN is simplified to match just three types
Table 6 presents the Mohr–Coulomb shear strength parameters of of veins: anhydrite, chalcopyrite, and quartz. Quartz veins re-
veins obtained from triaxial tests where the failure plane is clearly present hard infilling, while chalcopyrite and anhydrite represent
defined through only one vein.22 The tested veins are character- intermediate hard infilling. The major challenge of the calibration
ized by a thickness between 0.1 and 2 mm, and lengths between of the SRM model is to properly determine the values of the micro-
70 and 120 mm, and were tested under confinements between 20 parameters in order to be consistent with laboratory tests.
and 110 [MPa]. The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of veins is Fig. 7 summarizes the main steps used in the numerical mod-
estimated using the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion: eling. The first step is to generate a deterministic DFN representing
⎛ 2 cos φ ⎞ explicitly the veins within each sample (Fig. 7a). Next, the cali-
UCS=c ⎜ ⎟ bration involves the selection of the micro-parameters by using an
⎝ 1−sin φ ⎠ (1) iterative process to reproduce the observed behavior of intact rock
The UCS of veins, which are composed mostly of quartz and and veins at the laboratory scale. Initial micro-parameters are
anhydrite, is as high as the UCS of the intact rock. obtained by direct calibration of the behavior of the intact rock
and veins observed in laboratory tests using samples of 50-mm
diameter (initial simulations in Fig. 7b). Then, the micro-para-
4. Methodology meters are modified to improve the representation of the stress–
strain curves and failure mode obtained from the uniaxial com-
The methodology applied in this study consists on the cali- pressive tests for two samples (final calibration in Fig. 7b). General
bration and assembly of the three components of the SRM model: procedures for calibrating the enhanced BPM and the SJCM are
Table 3
Macro-parameters for CMET HW lithology normalized to 50-mm diameter.
Young’s modulus, E Poisson’s ratio, ν UCS [MPa] Indirect tension, Ti Direct tension, Td Cohesion, c [MPa] Friction angle, φ mi σc [MPa]
[GPa] [MPa] [MPa] [deg]
presented and used as the base for calibrating the SRM sample. extrapolated, which is the same problem in both deterministic and
Finally, the calibration is verified by testing eight samples under stochastic realizations. Given that each vein has a different geo-
the same loading conditions (Fig. 7c). metry and spatial location, each one has a different effect on the
system. In a mine-scale model it is impossible to have the same
4.1. Generation of a deterministic vein network (DFN) level of detail than in a core-size sample, and consequently a large
number of veins end up being neglected. But in case of samples
The vein network is constructed deterministically in order to with diameters of 50 mm, it is possible to capture most of the
represent explicitly the veins within the sample using vein ex- veins with reasonable certainty.
posures on the surface of the core-size sample. The deterministic Joint hierarchy affects the order of insertion of veins.14 The first
DFN construction involves the use of a CAD software to transform family of veins inserted is continuous, while subsequent veins
mapped veins from 2-D to 3-D. Fig. 8 shows the traces of veins on intersecting the first set are discontinuous, having asperities in the
the surface of the sample NNM4-1 in 2D and 3D, and the resulting shared contacts at the intersections. Given that there is no clear
planes representing each vein. Veins in the model are simplified evidence of joint hierarchy in the laboratory samples, the order of
and represented as discs characterized by their orientation, posi- insertion is assumed to be from the higher to the lower stiffness of
tion, radius, and mechanical properties. Internal veins can only be veins as was observed from the results of laboratory tests (Table 5).
J.A. Vallejos et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 81 (2016) 47–61 53
Fig. 8. DFN configuration based on: (a) the veins on the surface of sample NNM4-1, (b) sample veins traces in 2D, and (c) complete DFN in 3D with two sets of properties
differentiated by color.
The implication is that, first the quartz veins are inserted in the average particle with a diameter of 2 mm is used. This resolution
synthetic sample, then the chalcopyrite veins, and finally the an- generates intact rock blocks of 402 and 30,603 particles for cali-
hydrite veins. bration samples with an equivalent diameter of 10.7 and 50 mm,
The following assumptions are considered during the calibra-
4.2. Calibration of the BPM
tion of the BPM: (1) modeling does not include p-bricks, (2) sam-
ples are created using the same seed number and the parallel-
To start the calibration of the BPM it is necessary to define the
bond refinement to match the macro-parameters of hard rock,36
scale of the problem. The options are to calibrate the parameters of
(3) the friction coefficient of the balls (μ) is 2.5, and (4) the radius
the model to a scale of 50 mm or to the average intact rock block
multiplier is set equal to 1.0. The effect of the size distribution,
size. The average intact rock block is defined by the equivalent
defined by the ratio between maximum and minimum particle
diameter ( de ) as a function of the veins frequency ( P10 ) in three
diameter (Dmax /Dmin ), is fixed at 1.66.30
orthogonal directions from the generated DFNs using the follow-
Many researchers have studied the calibration procedure for
ing expression:
PFC applications and tried to establish the relationship between
1 1 1 microscopic and macroscopic parameters using different optimi-
de = x y z zation methods and stochastic techniques. Most of the studies are
P10 P10 P10 (2)
in PFC2D56,57 because of its simplicity, while works in PFC3D are
Table 7 presents a summary of the average intact rock block limited.58–60 Based on these studies, the methodology used to
and the total number of veins within each generated DFN. The calibrate the BPM is described in the following paragraphs.
equivalent diameter of the average block of intact rock is 10.7 mm. The first step of the calibration procedure is to match the de-
Samples are generated following the procedure outlined in Ref. formability parameters. Poisson’s ratio is only controlled by the
30. Given the variability generated by the packing of particles ratio between the normal and shear stiffness of parallel bonds ( k̅ s ),
when the synthetic samples are created, the calibration procedure which is assumed to be equal to the ratio between the normal and
has to match the average response of 20 synthetic samples to the n
shear stiffness of the contacts ( k s ). Fig. 9a presents simulated
required macroscopic behavior. In order to minimize resolution n n
k̅ k̅
effects and simulation times, the particle size is such that ap- stress–strain curves as a function of s
. For values of s
higher than
k̅ k̅
proximately four particles are contained in the average block di- 2 the stress–strain curve presents a pre-peak softening behavior.
mension. Four particles is the minimum resolution allowed to By using the enhanced BPM it is not possible to properly re-
correctly represent the rock mass behavior.55 Therefore, an produce simultaneously a brittle behavior and a consistent Pois-
son’s ratio value. In this study, it is assumed that the Poisson’s ratio
Table 7 value is more influenced by the movement along veins than by the
Average intact rock block of each sample. kn k̅
behavior of intact rock blocks. Therefore, the ratios and s
ks k̅
Sample Total number of veins Average block of intact rock, de [mm] fixed equal to 1.4. This value is considered to be the optimum for
obtaining a brittle behavior in uniaxial compressive tests, but re-
NNM-04–1 16 7.8 sults in a low Poisson’s ratio in comparison to the Poisson’s ratio of
NNM-07–4 13 10.9
NNM-09–1 14 8.9
the laboratory samples.
NNM-09–4 18 15.1 The macroscopic Young’s modulus is controlled by the parallel
NNM-16–1 17 12.5 k̅
bond Young’s modulus ( Ec̅ ) and the ratio s
. In order to better
NNM-21–1 14 12.1 k̅
NNM-21–3 11 16.1 reproduce a brittle behavior, the value of the Young’s modulus of
NNM-21–4 13 12.5 the particles ( Ec ) has to be similar to Ec̅ (Fig. 9b). The optimum
NNM-22–1 11 4.8 value is set equal to Ec =1.5Ec̅ .
NNM-22–2 18 5.8 The next step is to calibrate the strength parameters. The ten-
sile strength of the parallel bonds (σc̅ ) is calibrated by matching the
Min. 11 4.8 peak strength obtained from direct tensile tests. Next, the cohe-
Max. 18 16.1 sion ( c ̅ ) is calibrated by matching the peak strength of a uniaxial
Mean 14.5 10.7
s.d. 2.6 3.8
compressive test. Note that the standard deviations of the cohe-
sion and normal bond strength are considered to be equal to 20%
54 J.A. Vallejos et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 81 (2016) 47–61
60 60 60 0°
1 0.1 10°
2 20°
30 3 30 30 30°
4 2 40°
5 10 50°
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Axial Strain, εa [%] Axial Strain, εa [%] Axial Strain, εa [%]
Fig. 9. Influence of different micro-parameters on the stress–strain curve, (a) the ratio between normal and shear stiffness, (b) Young’s modulus of the particles, and
(c) friction angle of parallel bonds.
of their mean values.27 parameters are presented in Table 3). At the same time, the SJCM is
To calibrate the friction angle of the parallel bonds ( ϕ̅ ) it is calibrated to directly represent direct shear and direct tension
necessary to simulate triaxial tests, which are not performed in the tests conducted on specimens containing infilled veins (target
present study. As the friction angle of the parallel bonds increases, macro-parameters are presented in Tables 4–6). The micro-para-
the uniaxial compressive strength increases and the post-peak meters calibrated using the methodology explained in Sections
behavior changes from brittle to ductile (Fig. 9c). Therefore, the 4.2 and 4.3 are presented in Tables 8 and 9.
friction angle is set equal to 0°. Fig. 10 presents the comparison between the macro-parameters
obtained from laboratory and the synthetic tests. The Young’s
4.3. Calibration of the SJCM modulus, strength, and damage macro-parameters from simula-
tions are lower than the expected values from the laboratory. Only
For the calibration of the SJCM the peak and residual friction Poisson’s ratio shows acceptable values. These results can be ex-
angles are considered equal to 40°.22 Adding vein dilation has plained by the fact that a complete microscopic modeling of the
shown to produce excessive rock dilation.61 Therefore, the dilation intact rock must consider the impact of flaws such as veins, healed
angle is set equal to 0°. It is assumed that most of the rock mass joints, microscopic fractures, and pores, and none of them is ex-
dilation comes from blocks rotation and from the particles of re- plicitly represented in PFC3D, which is not able to reproduce the
latively larger size. scale effect of an intact rock sample or discontinuity.30 These
To relate the micro-parameters of the SJCM with laboratory preliminary results suggest that the micro-parameters of the en-
macro-parameters the smooth joint area ratio ( Areal /Ath ) is hanced BPM and SJCM need to be adjusted to reproduce in a better
considered.61 Vein planes are formed by numerous smooth-joint manner the macroscopic behavior of the veined samples. There-
contacts in PFC3D, which areas overlap each other. Therefore, the fore, the micro-parameters are modified.
real discontinuity area ( Areal ) is larger than the theoretical one given
by the geometry ( Ath ). Macro-parameters such as stiffness, cohe- 4.4.2. Final calibration
sion, and tensile strength are estimated as the micro-parameter The micro-parameters of the BPM in the SRM sample are se-
multiplied by the ratio Areal /Ath . The estimation of macro-para- lected to match the behavior of scaled macro-parameters that
meters such as friction and dilation angles can be considered to be represent the average intact rock block size.14 Despite the absence
equal to the micro-parameters. Using this approach the error rate of experimental tests for smaller diameters, scaling laws are used
for estimate elastic macro-parameters is very low. However, for to obtain an estimate. When the scaling law presented in Fig. 6 is
non-elastic macro-parameters the error can reach 10% in the esti- applied for the average 10.7-mm-diameter equivalent block, the
mation due to the complexity of the brittle behavior of the rock.
scaled uniaxial compressive strength is almost the twice of the
The dependency of the smooth joint area ratio ( Areal /Ath ) on the
value of the 50-mm-diameter sample. Young’s modulus and the
particle generation seed number and vein resolution was studied.61
Poisson’s ratio are relatively scale-independent; therefore, no scale
The resolution is defined as the number of particles along the vein
length. After several simulations the following exponential fit was
Table 8
established between the ratio and vein resolution: Micro-parameters calibrated for the enhanced BPM to a scale of 50 mm.
Areal x
Aratio = = − 1. 122*e− 4.184 +2. 134 Enhanced BPM micro-parameters
Ath (3)
Balls Young’s modulus, Ec [GPa] 133.5
where x is the vein resolution. kn 1.4
Table 9 Table 10
Micro-parameters calibrated for SJCM to a scale of 50 mm. Micro-parameters calibrated for the enhanced BPM to a scale of 10.7 mm.
Normal stiffness, kn̅ [GPa/m] 286 714 659 Balls Young’s modulus, Ec [GPa] 132.5
29 71 66 kn 1.4
Shear stiffness, ks̅ [GPa/m]
Cohesion, c [MPa] 15 7 20 Parallel bonds 88.3
Young’s modulus, Ec̅ [GPa]
Tensile strength, σt [MPa] 7 3 9 n
k̅ 1.4
49,62 Cohesion, c̄ [MPa] 233.57 46.7
effect is considered for them. The calibrated BPM micro- Tensile strength, σc̅ [MPa] 27.2 7 5.4
parameters are presented in Table 10, and are obtained using the
methodology presented in Section 4.2. The resulting macro-para-
meters are presented in Table 11, which are estimated with a Table 11
Results of simulations for tensile and uniaxial tests of intact rock samples of 10.7-
maximum error of 0.23%.
mm diameter.
Before start the calibration of the SJCM, the influence of the
stiffness micro-parameters on the deformability macro-para- Macro-parameters
meters is studied, using the sample NNM 7-4 and considering the
Young’s modulus, E [GPa] 54.9 7 5.2
same micro-parameters for all type of veins. Results are presented
Poisson’s ratio, ν 0.09 7 0.02
in Fig. 11. Large values of the strength micro-parameters of the Crack initiation threshold, σci [MPa] 70.47 16.6
SJCM are considered to obtain a better approximation. It is found Crack damage threshold, σcd [MPa] 198.2 7 29.9
that an increment of the shear stiffness ( ks̅ ) increases Young’s Uniaxial compressive strength, UCS [MPa] 234.2 7 34.1
Tensile strength, σt [MPa] 14.17 1.2
modulus and decreases Poisson’s ratio for a given value of normal
stiffness ( k n̅ ), while an increment of k n̅ increases both elastic
parameters. Similar trends in both macro-parameters (E, ν ) are following relationship among the values of shear stiffness of the
obtained using other DFNs. These relationships are used to esti- veins is considered: ks (Qz) > ks (Cpy) > ks (Anh).
mate Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio as a function of k n̅ and The next step to calibrate the micro-parameters considers
ks̅ . choosing the strength macro-parameters to reproduce the global
The calibration of the SJCM considers the use of two samples: strength of both samples. For this purpose, it is considered the
NNM7-4 and NNM16-1. The first step to adjust the deformability calibration of the strength parameters of the smooth-joints, which
micro-parameters is to choose the stiffness micro-parameters ( k ̅n are set to a large value, and then are reduced until reach the global
and ks̅ ) of quartz and anhydrite veins in order to match Young’s strength of samples NNM 7-4 and NNM 16-1. From field studies, it
modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the sample NNM 7-4. Then, chal- was concluded that the failure mode of veins forming blocks
copyrite micro-parameters k n̅ and ks̅ are chosen to match the during caving at the El Teniente mine 3 is approximately 60 and
elastic response of the sample NNM 16-1. From laboratory tests the 35% of shear and tension, respectively. This empirical evidence is
90 90 90
60 60 60
30 30 30
y = 0.33x y = 0.33x y = 0.13x
0 0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 0 30 60 90 120 150 0 30 60 90 120 150
Measured UCS [MPa] Measured σcd [MPa] Measured σci [MPa]
50 0.5
y = 1.26x
40 0.4
Estimated E [GPa]
Estimated ν
30 0.3
20 0.2
10 0.1
y = 0.18x
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Measured E [GPa] Measured ν
Fig. 10. Comparison of the macro-parameters obtained from the preliminary simulations using the SRM modeling and laboratory tests. Parameters are calibrated to re-
present UCS tests with no scale effect.
56 J.A. Vallejos et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 81 (2016) 47–61
50 0.4
40 0.3
Young Modulus, E [GPa]
Poisson ratio, υ
30 0.2
kn [GPa/m]:
20 1000 0.1
10 15000 0
0 -0.1
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Shear stiffness, ks [GPa/m] Shear stiffness, ks [GPa/m]
Fig. 11. Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio as a function of the shear stiffness of the SJCM. Results are obtained for sample NNM7-4, considering that all veins have the
same composition.
used to complement the failure mode of the smooth-joints. For to be higher than the respective micro-parameters of the SJCM. In
each type of vein, the ratio between the cohesion ( cb ) and tensile particular, the cohesion micro-parameter of the enhanced BPM
strength ( σt ) is chosen to reproduce a fixed ratio between the results to be one order of magnitude higher than the cohesion
number of smooth-joints contacts that have failed by shear and by micro-parameters of the SJCM. On the contrary, the resulting
tension as observed in the field. Finally, the cohesion of each type tensile strength micro-parameters of the SJCM are higher than the
of vein ( cb ) is chosen to reproduce the peak strength of the tensile strength micro-parameters of the BPM. If the tensile
samples. strength of quartz veins is decreased, the tensile strength of an-
hydrite and chalcopyrite becomes higher than that of quartz veins.
Moreover, reducing the tensile strength of quartz veins to match
5. Results and discussions the failure mode observed in laboratory tests in a better manner
also resulted in a higher number of smooth-joint contacts that
Samples NNM7-4 and NNM16-1 are used to calibrate the micro- failed by tension, which is not representative of the laboratory
parameters necessary to define a SRM sample. The calibrated mi- tests.
cro-parameters for the enhanced BPM and SJCM, which reproduce The same comparison can be made with the macro-parameters
in a better manner a brittle post-peak behavior and capture the of the intact rock presented in Table 11 and macro-parameters of
peak strength as well as the failure mode for both samples, are veins. As simulations of veined samples involve long simulation
presented in Tables 10 and 12, respectively. The micro-parameters times, the equivalent macro-parameters of the veins are estimated
of the BPM and SJCM can be directly compared. The only exception using the procedure presented in Section 4.3. Table 13 presents the
is the stiffness micro-parameters of the BPM and SJCM, because the results, considering as a reference a vein resolution of 22.6 parti-
stiffness micro-parameters of the BPM are not explicitly defined. cles across a 50-mm-diameter sample and the Mohr–Coulomb
The normal stiffness micro-parameters of the BPM can be estimated criterion to estimate the UCS of each type of vein. This analysis has
as a function of the parallel bond moduli ( Ec̅ ) and the radii of the two implications. The first one is that the strengths of both an-
particles A and B sharing the bond ( R(A) and R(B)) by Eq. (4).,30 The hydrite and quartz veins are higher than that of the intact rock,
shear stiffness micro-parameters can be estimated by the relation- which is consistent with the experimental results (Table 6). Also, a
s n high tensile strength is obtained for all types of veins given that
ship k ̅ =k ̅ /1. 4 as was previously defined during the calibration of
the ratio between the number of failed smooth-joint contacts by
the enhanced BPM. The radii of the particles are considered to be
shear and tension is fixed and equal to field observations. If a
equal to the average radius of the particles. Therefore, the following
higher UCS / σt ratio is imposed for the micro-parameters, smooth-
values are obtained k ̅ =44, 012 ⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ and k ̅ =31, 437 ⎡⎣ ⎤⎦.
n GPa s GPa
m m joint contacts fail only by tension.26 The second implication is that
n E̅ the macro-parameters of veins are three orders of magnitude
k ̅ = (A) c (B)
R +R (4) higher than those obtained in laboratory tests. This can be caused
150 150
NNM 7-4 NNM 16-1
90 90
60 60
30 30 SRMLab
0 0
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%] Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%]
Fig. 12. Comparison between stress–strain curves from laboratory tests and SRM modeling (samples NNM7-4 and NNM16-1).
by an effect of the type of model used to represent veins like a only partial failure by shear in two quartz veins. This situation is
smooth plane. Veins in the massive rock mass of the primary expected in the modeling given that anhydrite veins are weaker
copper ore at El Teniente mine are extremely locked by the than quartz veins. On the other hand, in the laboratory test the
roughness profile,54 which is implicitly considered by the current sample NNM16-1 failed mainly through a chalcopyrite vein (dip
SJCM but is not considered in the laboratory tests used as initial 52°) and a quartz vein (dip 89°). After numerical modeling, the
step of the calibration. principal failure of this sample was through the same chalcopyrite
Figs. 12 and 13 present the comparison between laboratory
vein that failed in the laboratory test and does not present relevant
tests and SRM modeling for the stress–strain curves and failed
failure in quartz veins.
veins mapped after testing the samples, respectively. Simulation of
It is considered that the calibration is satisfactory as it re-
sample NNM7-4 matched in a better manner the Young’s modulus,
produces the macroscopic behavior of the samples and matches the
Poisson’s ratio, and UCS, compared to simulation of sample
NNM16-1. Both samples represent the post-peak behavior char- principal failure modes observed in laboratory tests. All macro-
acteristic of a brittle rock. After being tested in the laboratory, the parameters are constantly verified after each step until the cali-
sample NNM7-4 presents a principal failure though a quartz vein bration is accepted. To completely test the model not only the ca-
(dip 83°) and partial failure though two veins, one composed libration is important. Therefore, the following subsections present
mainly by quartz and the other one by anhydrite. However, the the results of the verification simulations that represent eight
model reproduces a principal failure though an anhydrite vein and samples from the same lithology.
Fig. 13. Comparison between failed veins in laboratory tests and SRM modeling (quartz veins in blue, anhydrite veins in green, and chalcopyrite veins in red). (For inter-
pretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
58 J.A. Vallejos et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 81 (2016) 47–61
150 150
NNM 4-1 NNM 9-1
90 90
60 60
30 30
Lab Lab
0 0
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%] Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%]
150 150
NNM 9-4 NNM 21-1
Axial Stress, σa [MPa]
90 90
60 60
30 30
Lab Lab
0 0
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%] Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%]
150 150
NNM 21-3 NNM 21-4
Axial Stress, σa [MPa]
120 120
90 90
60 60
30 30
Lab Lab
0 0
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%] Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%]
150 150
NNM 22-1 NNM 22-2
Axial Stress, σa [MPa]
Axial Stress, σa [MPa]
120 120
90 90
60 60
30 30
Lab Lab
0 0
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%] Axial/Lateral Strain, εa/ εl [%]
Fig. 14. Comparison between stress–strain curves from laboratory tests and SRM modeling (samples NNM4-1, NNM9-1, NNM9-4, NNM21-1, NNM21-3, NNM21-4, NNM22-1,
and NNM22-2).
J.A. Vallejos et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 81 (2016) 47–61 59
60 60 60
30 30 30
y = 0.54x
0 0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 0 30 60 90 120 150 0 30 60 90 120 150
Measured UCS [MPa] Measured σcd [MPa] Measured σci [MPa]
50 0.5
y = 1.01x
40 0.4
Estimated E [GPa]
Estimated ν
30 0.3
20 0.2
10 0.1 Verification
y = 0.75x Calibration
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Measured E [GPa] Measured ν
Fig. 15. Comparison of the calibrated macro-parameters obtained from the SRM modeling and laboratory tests.
5.1. Stress–strain curves and macro-parameters number of simulations performed during the verification stage.
The MAD errors of UCS, E, and ν are 22 MPa, 10 GPa, and 0.04,
Figs. 14 and 15 present the comparison between the laboratory respectively, while the MAPEs are 25%, 27% and 17%, respectively.
and synthetic tests for the stress–strain curves and the macro- This amount of error is within the acceptable range of conven-
parameters, respectively. In general, the curves have an acceptable tional laboratory tests.
pre and post-peak behavior. None of simulated samples present a
pre-peak softening behavior as the synthetic samples without 5.2. Failure mode
veins do (Fig. 9). The conclusion is that the synthetic sample with
veins is able to adequately reproduce lateral strains while keeping Synthetic samples failed mainly through the weakest veins,
a brittle post-peak behavior, contrary to samples without veins. which are represented by anhydrite and chalcopyrite; contrary to
The best estimation is for the Poisson’s ratio. The average simu- what was observed in laboratory tests, where quartz veins domi-
lation underestimates the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and nated the failure. Failure though quartz veins can be explained by
the crack damage threshold ( σcd ), and overestimates Young’s heterogeneities, which could reduce their strength. Moreover, an-
modulus (E) and the crack initiation threshold ( σci ). It can be ob- hydrite and chalcopyrite veins within the sample may be locked-in,
served that these results represent in a better manner the la- generating high strength intact rock bridges and increasing the
boratory tests compared with the previous simulations presented apparent strength of those veins. The model assumes that all quartz
in Fig. 10. The final calibration considers three sets of veins instead veins have the same characteristics, and the only difference among
of one, which is reflected in a higher variability of the macro- them is their orientation within the sample. If the micro-parameters
parameters. had included heterogeneities or any other assumption based on
The Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and the Mean Absolute mapping, the consideration of only quartz veins could have implied
Percentage Error (MAPE) are used to calculate the global error of that 100 sets of micro-parameters would need to be defined instead
the estimated macro-parameters in comparison to laboratory tests of just one. The calibration of more than three sets of veins would
using the following expressions: mean a large number of iterations in order to calibrate all the
n parameters. This means that the problem will become impossible to
∑1 x SRM − xLab
Mean absolute deviation (MAD) = solve, given that all veins should have been characterized in detail
n (5) in order to be able to differentiate each of them.
healed joints. With the use of a deterministic DFN it is possible to describing both intact rock and vein behavior considering different
represent explicitly the vein network in a core-size sample. After mineral compositions and scales, and implement the scale effect in
simulating ten veined core-size samples of CMET lithology under PFC3D. Further studies need to be performed to improve the esti-
uniaxial compressive conditions, it can be concluded that the SRM mation of macro-parameters in order to establish scaling guide-
approach acceptably reproduces the peak strength, elastic para- lines to be used as input data.
meters, and failure mode of the samples. In order to achieve the
best combination of micro-parameters, the stress–strain curves
and failure modes of the contacts in the model need to be checked. Acknowledgments
Otherwise, multiple combinations of micro-parameters could re-
produce similar stress–strain curves with completely different The authors acknowledge the El Teniente Division of Codelco
failure modes 26. Chile for giving permission to publish the data and for supporting
In the El Teniente rock mass, the global rock mass strength is this work, as well as Itasca Chile for providing the PFC3D licenses
affected not only by the geometrical characteristics of the vein that were used in this work. The authors would also like to ac-
network but also by the strength of veins. In jointed rock masses, knowledge Mr Diego Diaz for mapping the samples included in
the geometrical characteristics affecting the rock mass strength this article.
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(P32).62 In order to simplify the problem, only three types of veins itiation into Research Grant no. 11110187.
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