Icewind Magic - New Spells For All Classes

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Icewind Magic
New Spells for All Classes

Table of Contents
Credits 2
Introduction 3
Spell List 3
Spell Descriptions 4
Tempest Domain Option Sidebar 5

Writer and Designer: Josh Essex (@GameMasterJosh)
Art: DM’s Guild Creator Resources

The following D&D books provided material and inspiration:

Costa, Thomas M. “Prayers of the Frostmaiden: The Spells of Auril.” Dragon #312.
Crawford, Jeremy. Player’s Handbook. 2014.
Crawford, Jeremy. Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. 2017.
Crawford, Jeremy, James Wyatt, Keith Baker. Eberron: Rising from the Last War. 2019.
Logan Bonner, Eytan Bernstein, Peter Lee. Arcane Power. 2009.
Reid, Thomas M. Shining South. 2004.

The following Dungeon Masters Guild Community Content provided material and

Essex, Josh. Cosmic Sorcery. 2020.

Essex, Josh. Fedrav’s Book of Spells & Arcane Observations. 2020.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all
other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under
the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Joshua Essex and published under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 


Introduction 6th Level

Heat leach (necromancy)
The peoples of the Icewind Dale have had to
adapt to their harsh environment. Part of this
Druid Spells
arctic adaptation has been in the form of
various spells that are well suited for their
1st Level
surroundings, lifestyle, and beliefs. While
Camouflage (illusion)
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
provides some new spells geared towards 2nd Level
wizards, this supplement includes spells for Auril’s flowers (transmutation)
all casting classes meant to aid in survival. Easy trail (abjuration, ritual)
Fedrav’s warm blanket (abjuration, ritual)
Spell List 3rd Level
These lists show which spells can be cast by Corona of cold (evocation)
characters of each class and are organized
by spell level. A spell’s school of magic is Paladin Spells
noted in parentheses. If a spell can be cast
as a ritual, then the ritual tag also appears in 3rd Level
the parentheses. Corona of cold (evocation)

Artificer Spells Ranger Spells

1st Level 1st Level
Firemetal shot (evocation) Camouflage (illusion)
Snowshoes (transmutation, ritual) Firemetal shot (evocation)
Snowshoes (transmutation, ritual)
2nd Level
Fedrav’s warm blanket (abjuration, ritual) 2nd Level
Snow weapon (transmutation, ritual) Auril’s flowers (transmutation)
Easy trail (abjuration, ritual)
Bard Spells Fedrav’s warm blanket (abjuration, ritual)
Snow weapon (transmutation, ritual)
1st Level
Camouflage (illusion) Sorcerer Spells
2nd Level 1st Level
Booming voice (evocation) Camouflage (illusion)
Firemetal shot (evocation)
5th Level
Moonstruck (enchantment) 2nd Level
Fedrav’s warm blanket (abjuration, ritual)
Cleric Spells
3rd Level
1st Level Corona of cold (evocation)
Firemetal shot (evocation)
5th Level
2nd Level Moonstruck (enchantment)
Auril’s flowers (transmutation)

6th Level damage on a failed save and half as much on

Heat leach (necromancy) a successful one.
Due to the violent nature of the eruption, the
Warlock Spells ground in the effected area becomes difficult
terrain, as rubble from the eruption is spread
1st Level about.
Firemetal shot (evocation) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
2nd Level amount of cold damage increases by 1d6 for
Delban’s deadly attention (necromancy) every spell slot level above 2nd.
5th Level Booming Voice
Moonstruck (enchantment)
2nd-level evocation
6th Level Casting Time: 1 action
Heat leach (necromancy) Range: Self
Components: V, S
Wizard Spells Duration: Instantaneous
You infuse your voice with thunderous power.
1st Level
You can shout a message up of to 15 words
Snowshoes (transmutation, ritual)
and be heard up to a mile away by any
2nd Level creature who is not deafened.
Booming voice (evocation) All creatures within 15 feet of you when you
Fedrav’s warm blanket (abjuration, ritual) shout these words must make a Constitution
Snow weapon (transmutation, ritual) saving throw. On a failed save, they take 2d6
thunder damage and are deafened until the
3rd Level end of your next turn.
Corona of cold (evocation)
6th Level 1st-level illusion
Heat leach (necromancy) Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Spell Descriptions Components: V, S
The spells are presented in alphabetical Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You touch a willing creature and create an
illusory effect around them that allows them
Auril’s Flowers to more easily blend in to their environment.
2nd-level transmutation For the duration, the target has advantage on
Casting Time: 1 action all Stealth checks they make while taking the
Range: 90 feet Hide action, so long as they use no
Components: V, S movement on their turn.
Duration: Instantaneous
Corona of Cold
Moisture under the earth rises to the surface,
3rd-level evocation
freezes, and bursts forth violently. Choose a
point on the ground that you can see within Casting Time: 1 action
range. All creatures in a 20-foot radius of that Range: Self
point must make a Dexterity saving throw, Components: V, S
taking 2d6 piercing damage and 2d6 cold Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You surround yourself in a protective aura of You radiate energy that gently pushes
cold. For the duration, you are resistant to fire obstacles out of your way, then pulls them
damage. back to where they were once you pass. Any
While the spell is active, any creature that plants, snow, rubble, or similar obstacles that
starts their turn within 10 feet of you, or would make the ground difficult terrain are
moves within 10 feet of you for the first time gently pushed away when you come within
on their turn, must make a Constitution 20 feet. These obstacles are then pulled back
saving throw. On a failed save, they take 2d6 to where they were when you are more than
cold damage and they begin uncontrollably 20 feet away, obscuring any evidence of your
shivering, giving them disadvantage on all having passed. This spell cannot push
attack rolls as well as Strength and Dexterity creatures of any kind.
saving throws until the beginning of their next
turn. On a successful save, they take half the Fedrav’s Warm Blanket
cold damage. 2nd-level abjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Tempest Domain Option Range: Self
If a cleric’s deity, who grants them powers of the Components: V, S, M (fine jet lignite
storm, is a deity of the cold (such as Auril), they gemstone worth at least 200 gp)
have the option to replace call lightning on the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Tempest Domain Spells list with corona of cold.
You generate a protective field of warmth
around yourself and up to 8 creatures of your
Delban’s Deadly Attention choice while they are within 30 feet of you.
2nd-level necromancy For the duration, every creature affected by
the spell does not suffer from the ill effects of
Casting Time: 1 action extreme cold environments.
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (a frozen finger or Firemetal Shot
eye) 1st-level evocation
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
You draw the gaze of the frozen star of hate Range: Self
as a bolt of frigid starlight shines down, Components: V, S, M (a projectile that deals
bathing your foe in a beam of agony. One piercing damage, such as an arrow or bolt)
creature you can see within range must make Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
they take 2d8 necrotic damage and, for the You infuse your shot with intense heat. When
duration, take a -1d4 penalty to all the you hit with the projectile you infuse, using a
damage dealt by their melee weapon attacks. normal attack action with a bow or crossbow,
On a successful save they take half the it deal an extra 1d4 fire damage to the target
damage and suffer no damage penalty. as the projectile imbeds itself into the target
creature’s flesh. For the duration, whenever
Easy Trail the target takes damage from a creature
other than yourself, you can use your
2nd-level abjuration (ritual)
reaction to have the embedded projectile
Casting Time: 1 action flare again, dealing 1d4 fire damage.
Range: Self The target can use an action on its turn to
Components: V, S attempt to remove the projectile, making a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Wisdom (Medicine) check against your spell
save DC.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell to rouse them. The paralyzed condition ends
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the on them after a successful saving throw.
damage dealt by this spell increases by 1d4
for every spell slot level above 1st. Snowshoes
1st-level transmutation (ritual)
Heat Leach
Casting Time: 1 action
6th-level necromancy
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action Components: S
Range: Self (15-foot cone) Duration: 1 hour
Components: V, S
You touch a willing creature and grant them
Duration: Instantaneous
the ability to move swiftly through the ice and
The heat is drained from all living creatures in snow. For the duration, they are not affected
the affected area, empowering you. Any by difficult terrain caused by snow or ice. In
creature that is not undead or a construct in addition, they do not leave a trail behind
range must make a Constitution saving when traveling through snow or ice.
throw. They take 8d4 necrotic damage on a
failed save or half as much on a successful Snow Weapon
save. Additionally, each creature that failed 2nd-level transmutation (ritual)
its saving throw is vulnerable to cold damage
until the start of your next turn. Casting Time: 1 action
You gain 5 temporary hit points for each Range: Touch
affected creature that failed its saving throw. Components: V, S, M (snow of equal size to
the weapon you are creating)
Moonstruck Duration: 4 hours
5th-level enchantment You mold available snow into the form of any
simple melee weapon of your choice. Held
Casting Time: 1 action
together by your spell, this snow weapon
Range: 60 feet
deals the same damage a normal weapon of
Components: V, S, M (a silvered mirror
this type would deal. You are proficient with
worth at least 100 gp)
this weapon while you are wielding it, though
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
any creature may use the weapon for its
Your foes are captivated by an entrancing duration.
vision of the moon: cold and enduring. The When you make an attack with this weapon,
image clings to their minds, leaving them it deals an additional 1d4 cold damage to the
paralyzed. All creatures in a 15-foot-radius target on a hit, or half as much on a miss.
sphere from a point you can see within range The spell ends when the weapon has dealt a
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a total of 15 points of cold damage.
failed save, they take 2d6 cold damage plus At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
2d6 psychic damage, and are paralyzed for using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
the duration. On a successful save, they take total amount of cold damage the weapon can
half the damage and are not paralyzed. deal before the spell ends increases by 10
While paralyzed in this way, a creature points for every spell slot level above 2nd.
takes an additional 2d4 cold damage at the
beginning of each of their turns. A creature
may repeat the saving throw at the end of For More From This Author
each of their turns, as well as if they take Check out Cosmic Sorcery on the DM’s Guild for
damage from a source besides this spell or if even more original spells (and the Cosmic Sorcerous
another creature uses their action to attempt Origin) and follow @GameMasterJosh on Twitter for
updates on future releases!

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